Perclot zagreb

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Anna Sucharska, Zagreb 08.07.2013

What is PerClot? • Powder hemostat based on plant polisacharyde (no thrombine or any other animal or human based component) • Mechanism of acction: Dehydrates blood – Concentrating blood solids (platelets, RBCs, proteins) – Accelerating the clotting cascade – Additional charge of the particles ensures strong hydrogene bondings with the liquid – This forms a gelled matrix, which provides a mechanical barrier to prevent further bleeding

Fastest and Largest Fluid Absorption by Hydrogen Bonding 1g will absorb 19ml of fluid 3g will absorb 57ml of fluid 5g will absorb 95ml of fluid

Where to use PerClot? Craniotomy Paradectomy Sternum Ventricular Aneurysm Repair LVAD CABG Valve Replacement Cholecystectomy Liver Resection Transplant Cystectomy Femoral Bypass

Transphenoidal Carotid Endarterectomy Pacemaker Pockets Dissection Aneurysm Repair Valve Repair Splenectomy AAA Spine Partial Nephrectomy Prostatectomy Peripheral Bypass


PerClot is safe • PerClot is absorbed within 48 hours post-op – Enzymatic reaction of circulating amylase – Aprooved for all indications including neurosurgery and pediatric surgery

No reported Clinical Complications till today

PerClot is easy to use • Simple storage – Room tempetature

• Simple preparation – Apply the tip

• Simple application

Application technique • Two-handed technique – Dry field with gauze then instant application of powder – Do not be afraid with amount of powder applied • • • •

Non toxic Non pyrogenic Fast absorbtion Controlled swelling

• Identify true source of bleeding – Re-apply if necessary

Application technique • Put pressure – If its possible use DRY GAUZE and pressure the wound. Flush the gauze with saline before taking away (avoid clot destroy)

• Avoid applicator contact with blood – Cut off clotted section of extender

• Rinse excess PC with saline – Especially important in NEU

PerClot Delivery Systems Available in 3 volumes: 1g, 3g, 5g Standard







Thank You



For a nurse meeting What kind of haemostats are used? Who is using the most? What are the quantities? What procedures are performing/ to which are using haemostats? Hom many procedures a week? • For a junior/assistant dr meeting What kind of haemostats are using? Which procedures are performing? To which are using haemostats? Hom many procedures a year are porforming? • For a prof/chief meeting What kind of haemostats are using? What kind of problems with them are facing? How many procedures a year.

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