Way Home Foundation Annual Report 2017

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ODESA - 2018

Introduction Way Home Foundation was established 22 years ago. All of these years it was time of unusual experiments and adventures! We had been reinventing wheels and creating new technologies. Then we were refusing the approaches, which had already become outdated and were searching for the paths in the forest, “social sphere” by name.

We were witnesses of how Ukrainian society was changing: from confused, frightened by the collapse of the USSR, mass of people in the 90s till appearance and selforganization of the civil society. When we started, there were only five of us - enthusiasts, and we couldn’t even imagine that a small creative bunch of friends would grow into a regional organization with numerous centers, areas of work and more than 150 staff members and that volunteers that have been joining us during these years would become empathic professionals, able to solve the most complicated tasks – from the first aid for homeless people and street kids to taking part in reforming key components of social life. Today Way Home is the hotbed of civil society. The characterizing features of such society for us include aspiration to cooperation, openness and transparency. Following this belief, we demonstrate to the community how we manage the received resources, the kinds of services we have to offer to our inmates, how we deal with problems and challenges of nowadays and who are our partners in this work. And, of course, this report for our own selves is the mirror, in which we clearly see ourselves in the past 2017. We confidently enter 2018 with the new Strategy for Foundation’s Development and with great expectations that the level of social responsibility and culture of charity in Odessa community and in Ukrainian society will grow. Our little inmates and beneficiaries, who have to deal with hardship in their life, will appreciate any kind of your help! The President of the Foundation Serhiy Kostin


TABLE OF CONTENTS About the Foundation


Not just numbers


Results of our work:


1. Assistance for families and children in vulnerable situations


2. Assistance for internally displaced persons


3. Services and assistance for risk groups


4. Advocacy for sustainable HIV-services


5. Other work


Financial indicators for 2017


Thank you to all who are helping us


Contacts and requisites of the Foundation


Summary of Annual Report



About Way Home Foundation Mission of the Foundation: helping a person, first of all a child, in vulnerable situation on his/her way to independent overcoming of troubles and to receiving vision of own opportunities in the society. Way Home Foundation is the leader in the market of social services in Odessa and Odessa region for 20 years already. The structure of Foundation's activities includes two main areas of work, which proper Departments take care of:  Services and assistance for the groups at risk of socially dangerous infectious diseases and for the infected persons.  Services and assistance for children, families and young people in vulnerable situations, including internally displaced persons. Foundation’s services: • Meeting the basic needs of people in vulnerable situations • Social support for groups at risk of socially dangerous diseases: prevention, diagnosing, support • Social and educational development, care, support for children at risk • Psychological, educational support for parents in vulnerable situations.

Foundation is a nominee and laureate of Ukrainian and foreign prizes and awards for its social work:  Life Ball 2010 Award for those, who are working with HIV-infected street teens  Klaus Schwab Foundation Award for working in social entrepreneurship  “Charitable Odessa Region 2014” prize  Foundation’s activities were acknowledged by UNAIDS in its “Right to Health” report in 2017  Street football national team of people in vulnerable situations, which has been coordinated by the Foundation, became the European Champion in 2009 and in 2012.  The Foundation is the developer of the mechanism for registering of homeless citizens and street children, which became the basis for the Law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of the Social Protection of Homeless Citizens and Children” (2005).

The Foundation’s team never stops on what has already been achieved and always searches for new challenges, helping people in need to find their way home! 4

Not just numbers During 2017 788 children and teenagers received access

16 856 individuals from vulnerable groups

to different services provided by the Foundation

received access to diagnosing and prevention of HIV/AIDS and other infections

• Social assistance to families and children: 1 820 items of clothes, 470 pairs of shoes 643 food kits, 572 hygienic kits

• Health screening for the representatives of risk groups (drug users, their partners, commercial sex workers and others) 14 887 clients were tested for HIV with help of rapid tests 9 162 clients were tested for Hepatitis C with help of rapid tests 120 clients were tested for Hepatitis B with help of rapid tests 320 screenings and tests on sexually transmitted diseases 8 223 clients got screened for Tuberculosis with help of interviewing 514 clients were laboratory tested for tuberculosis and/or x-ray tested 2 752 visits of vulnerable groups’ representatives to Foundation’s mobile outpatient clinics

530 children received presents for the New Year • Psychological assistance: 2 544 consultations for children and teenagers 301 consultations for parents and teachers 274 consultations for parents and children together • Lawyer’s assistance: 78 primary consultations for teenagers 390 primary consultations for parents 58 children sent to schooling institutions • Educational services: 324 children and teenagers attend classes, held by teachers, on regular bases, so their school progress has improved by 24% • Medical assistance: 273 children were tested by a pediatrician after they were forwarded by the Foundation 24 children were registered at specialized medical institutions 21 children and teenagers were diagnosed with socially dangerous diseases • Recreation assistance: 30 children improved their health condition at the summer camp 16 underwent physical rehabilitation 47 attended soccer practices

• Case management 948 clients received social support

322 clients with HIV were prescribed with anti-retroviral therapy • Preventive work 406 000 condoms were distributed among the main risk groups 31 929 informational and educational materials were distributed

In general 46 117 187 UAH were involved for implementation of projects and on-going activities of the Foundation during 2017 5

Results of our work 1. Assistance families and children in vulnerable situations Foundation’s Children Department

• Mobile family support service

Implements a complex of activities for rehabilitation and social adaptation for street children, children and teenagers from crisis and poor families, for children from IDP families. At Large Family Center children from such families get temporary place to stay and meals at social dormitory, children are returned to schools; developing and sports activities, cultural events are organized for children here. 44 children aged between 8 and 18 became the inmates of the Center in 2017. Preschool children from vulnerable families are attending centers for children development and creativity “Smile”, “Sunrise”, “Shining”, “Sprout”, where there are day care units for children aged between 2 and 7. In 2017 services of these centers covered 235 children. There are psychologists, social workers, art-therapists, teachers and lawyers working with children at these centers.

The program of complex support for crisis and adverse families, which don’t have access to information, medical and legal services – directly at places of their residence. • Social entrepreneurship The Foundation has established the farm in the suburbs of Odessa, where there vegetables and fruits are being grown, which later are used for cooking for children at Large Family Center, for cooking at a social café or for sale. Profit from selling fruits and vegetables and from café operation is used for the needs of Foundation’s inmates. Children, attending the farm, are recreating in the open air and are learning how to work. • Parenting School Parents, who don’t have positive experience of living in a family, during the classes at this school receive skills of positive interaction with own children.


Results of our work 1. Assistance for families and children in vulnerable situations Children Department services are aimed at improvement of health condition, at ensuring additional education, at normal social adaptation in the society for children and adolescents from social risk families. For 2-7 years old children: education and health Education techniques are aimed at individual education and interests. 5 areas of child’s development includes the following aspects: physical, social, emotional, speech and cognitive: • group and individual education classes • speech therapist assistance • medical support • humanitarian aid • physical rehabilitation

For 7-18 years old children Education: • Additional classes on school subjects • Classes with elements of art-therapy (pottery studio, applied arts, jewelry shop, school of journalism). • Education related to healthy life style • Sports teams (cycling team, soccer team, dance and drama club)

Health: • Group and individual psychological counseling • Psychological and pedagogical support for children, who are staying at skin and venereal diseases hospital for treatment without their

parents ( Be Healthy Center) • Physical rehabilitation for disabled children • Testing on socially dangerous diseases with further accompaniment to proper clinics • Recreation for children in summer camp in the Black Sea Shore every summer • Ensuring access to integrated medical services • Medical support. Lawyer's assistance: • Lawyer’s counseling and assistance. Both our inmates and guests can take part in our hobby groups and sports teams – our doors are opened for everyone!


Results of our work 2. Assistance for internally displaced persons The Foundation involves children from IDP families into its rehabilitation and education programs. “Sprout” and “Shining” Centers were established at places where displaced persons live. The centers are helping children, young people and adults to overcome the stress of forced relocation, to socially adapt, to find jobs, to return children to schooling institutions and to receive the entire spectrum of medical and lawyer's services. Teenagers are involved in the programs of Day Care Center “Opened Doors” and Education and Leisure Center “Bridge to the Future”. Children are sent to schools, at Foundation they attend choreography, art-therapy, pottery clubs and soccer practices.

OCF “Way Home” also provides assistance to internally displaced adults. They are provided with social, lawyer's, psychological and pedagogical services, with social support. During trainings within the frameworks of “Women to Women” project, IDP women, who are now staying in Odessa, have learnt the methods and skills for distinguishing, preventing and counteracting to domestic violence, have learnt about the legal provisions. Mutual help group of IDP women was established for prevention and counteraction to violence. The work for overcoming the consequences of violence, anxiety, psychological traumas or depression, for prevention of negative consequences of violence, ensuring legal protection of victims’ interests is being implemented. The collaboration of proper local services has been adjusted in order to ensure complex solution of the problem of women abuse in Odessa. 8

Results of our work 3. Services and assistance for risk groups Civil Health Department

Opened Doors Center

Develops and implements programs for counteraction to spreading of HIV/AIDS and for medical and social support for injecting drug users and their partners, commercial sex workers, other at-risk groups; the programs are based on the philosophy of Harm Reduction Strategy. Activities of the programs also implement prevention of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and tuberculosis. Outreach visits, medical and social support, lawyer’s assistance are arranged. Community center, static and mobile needle exchange centers, are operating for the injecting drug users, mobile clinics implement HIV, hepatitis and tuberculosis diagnosing in the streets with rapid tests. Foundation’s subdivisions working with representatives of groups at risk of getting infected with mentioned diseases are operating in Odessa region district centers: Chornomorsk, Izmail and BilhorodDnistrovsky.

There are all conditions for comfortable children’s stay, who lead street way of life and use drugs. Here, situation with child’s family, reasons for child’s stay in the streets are being clarified, the strategy for providing help is being developed. Classes aimed at prevention, at health care, prevention of violence, art-therapy sessions are held for children; kids learn about danger and consequences of using drugs and alcohol.

“My doctor said, that Foundation’s staff saved my life. If I postponed the HIV test, it would be really bad for me,” – Dmytro, the client of HIV-service programs at the Foundation, says.

Doctors carry out screening, prescribe additional medical check-ups; social workers accompany children for testing and further take them to proper medical institutions. Children can get lawyer's counseling at the Center. They can wash themselves, wash their clothes and have a meal here. Objective is to encourage children to return into the society and to stop behaving risky, which would decrease the level of criminalization in this environment.

294 children became the clients of the Center in 2017.

The Foundation covers more than 13 500 of injecting drug users and their partners, and it ensures their access to more than 30 kinds of services for overcoming risky behavior. 9

Results of our work 3. Services and assistance for risk groups Community Center “Trust” for injecting drug users Center ‘s objective is to replace risky injecting and sexual behavior of clients with less dangerous one, to preserve clients’ health and provide them with medical and social services. The Center was established with support of OCF “Alliance for Public Health”. Services at the Center: • Distribution and exchange of needles, distribution of condoms and alcohol (antiseptic) wipes; • Testing for HIV/AIDS, STD and viral Hepatitis with help of rapid tests; • Forwarding for non-medical care and support within the framework of the program, substitution therapy, antiretroviral therapy; • Forwarding for diagnosing and screening at medical institutions; • Counseling on the topics of less risky and vulnerable behavior;

• Improving access to rehabilitation and resocialization programs; • Providing first medical aid; • Informational support: booklets, newspapers, magazines, reference books on the topics of less dangerous behavior, prevention and treatment of infections; • Lawyer, psychologist and other experts’ counseling; • “Peer to peer” counseling on the topics of less risky and vulnerable behavior; • Counseling for partners of addicts on the topics of less risky behavior; • Library, video library; • Teaching how to use computers; • Development of volunteerism; • Different leisure activities; • Self help groups for IDU spouses and coaddicts; • Educational events (trainings, master classes, focus groups, seminars). More than 1,5 million of disposable syringes and 500 thousand of needles for syringes were given to injecting drug users in 2017 at Foundation’s service delivery stations.

“I used to be on hard drugs during 30 years. At one of the most difficult moments in my life I came to “Trust” Center at Way Home Foundation, where I got helped. My life changed dramatically afterwards. I quit using drugs, now I am on substitution therapy. I was offered to work for the Foundation ; so now I am helping people, who found themselves in the situations, similar to mine,” – Yulia, HIV-activist, staff member of “Trust” Center. 10

Results of our work 4. Advocacy for sustainable HIV-services Since now, inhabitants of BilhorodDnistrovsky and its district are able to take HIV tests and receive family doctor’s counseling at initial level. Each patient receives the results of HIV test within 10 minutes. In case the result is positive, the patient is forwarded for timely treatment right away. Nowadays in the city and its suburbs there is a sustainable system for providing vitally necessary HIV-services for the most vulnerable to the infection groups and for people, who live with HIV. Bilhorod-Dnistrovksy district administration adopted “District Targeted Social Program for Counteraction to HIV-infection and other socially dangerous diseases in 20172020”; thorough analysis of HIV epidemics and other socially dangerous diseases was

implemented, medical staff got trained for implementation of HIV testing, testing stations were established and were equipped with everything needed. Such changes became possible in the framework of the pilot project of the Foundation “Sustainable HIV services”, which is being implemented with the support of USAID Project “Reform of HIV Services in Action” and in cooperation with the local authorities. In 2018 the project continues its activities in the city of Odessa, in the framework of cooperation between the Foundation and Odessa City Council. Introduction of counseling and testing on HIV with help of rapid tests at all local first aid medical centers will become its outcome.


Results of our work 5. Other work Soccer

Summer camp for children in vulnerable situations Every summer Way Home Foundation implements summer recreation camp in the Black Sea shore for children and teenagers aged between 6 and 17 from poor and crisis families, who are staying at Large Family Center. These families don’t have opportunities to send their children for recreation and to pay for the costs of resorts.

Soccer develops respect and trust, team spirit, self-confidence and aspiration for victory. It is one of the best tools for social rehabilitation of people in vulnerable situations. Way Home Foundation established children soccer team; such boys and girls practice for free in “Spartak� stadium. Soccer practices helped children to adapt to the society, to improve their health condition, and the most important - they were happy with own victories.

Summer camp is an integral and efficient part of rehabilitation program for children, the majority of which have dealt with neglect and street life, domestic violence, hardship, social maladjustment. While being at the camp, teachers and mentors involve inmates into team games, developing and sports activities. It helps children to overcome stress, start living fulfilling life, get new skills, improve their health and to prepare to the new school year.

The Foundation involves adults, who are in crisis situations, into Ukrainian National Street Soccer Team for People in Crisis. Every year the national team takes part in Homeless World Cup and Homeless Euro Cup. Ukrainian National Team became Euro Champion in 2009 and in 2012.


Financial indicators for 2017 In 2017 the Foundation received grants and donations for a total of UAH 46 117


SUPPORTED PROJECTS: Influence on HIV/TB epidemics in Odessa region Harm reduction services for adolescent drug users Influence on HIV epidemics through implementation of quality gender-sensitive harm reduction interventions Providing HIV counseling and testing services for sexual partners of IDU Strengthen the capacity to identify the cases of HIVinfection among at-risk groups Innovative approach to motivate organizations to implement scientifically confirmed HIV-preventive interventions among IDU Capacity development aimed at implementation of gender-sensitive harm reduction interventions Social support with case management elements for clients, risk groups in the framework of program for viral Hepatitis C treatment Piloting the sustainable model for ensuring vitally necessary services for groups of population, who live with HIV, in Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky region Development of technical and institutional capabilities of HIV-service organizations Development of the model for successful support for children in vulnerable situations Happy mother – Happy Child Early development center for children from socially vulnerable families in depressed districts of Odessa Women to Women Services and support for IDP families, which relocated to Odessa region Humanitarian aid provided by ICF “Alliance for Public Health” Valuables without payment Charitable donations

• • • • • • • • • • • •

OUR PROJECTS ARE SUPPORTED BY: UNICEF USAID Pact Inc. Caritas Germany RESPOND Convictus Ursula Zindel-Hilti-Foundation World Childhood Foundation US National Institute of Health (NIH) ICF “Alliance for Public Health” ANTIAIDS Foundation ISAR Ednannia


Thank you to all who are helping us!  “Arena Marine” Ltd  “BIIR Ukraine” Ltd  National Police of Ukraine Management in Odessa region  “Dumska TV” TV-channel  “Dumskaya.net” Information agency  “PAPASHON” Events Center  “My City” Crowd- funding platform  “Hillel” IT school  Staff of “Infopuls Ukraine” company  “Family House” Constructing company  Pharmacological company “InterChim”  Charity Foundation named after Olexandr Korobchinsky  Exemplary choreography ensemble “Carnival”  Reproductive health clinic “Lada”  Manufacturing company “Odessa loaf”  “Odessit.ua” press-center  Manufacturing commercial company “Agromarine”

 Internet store “Toys 7”  Initiative group “We love children!”  Odessa Regional Lawyers Council  Odessa teaching and educational complex “Gymnasium #7”  Art-school “Campus Odessa”  Sandoz Company  “Shiko” café  Akzo Nobel Holding Україна  Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days  Mark Van Schaick Marine Services  Klevenberg Shipping Center BV  Yuriy Kushnerev  Olexiy Kumskov  Iryna Valah  Arkadiusz Gronowski  Karolina Cowling  Pascal Kapusta  Ralph Bridle  Vissam Alkhatib


Contacts and requisites OCF “Way Home” head office: 10, Sofievska Street, Odessa , phone (048) 777 20 76, http://wayhome.org.ua

Children Department

Public Health Department

Preventive, social, psychological and medical services are offered to children, who are in vulnerable situations or who are under negative influence of people around; children are also offered with services for social adaptation and rehabilitation, prevention of risky behavior and drug abuse:

Counteraction to spreading HIV, Hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis among at-risk group. Screening, diagnosing, outreach routes, medical and social support, lawyer's assistance. • Department Administration: 10, Sofievska Street, Odessa , phone (048) 777 20 76 • Community Center “Trust”: 10/1, Shevchenka Street, Odessa, phone (0482) 32-54-11. • Needle exchange station, 40, Knyazivska Street, Odessa. • Center for women – injecting drug users 17, Kanatna Street, Odessa, phone (050) 337-39-03. • OCF “Way Home” Center in Chornomorsk, 19, Carl Marx Street, phone (063) 277-92-99, (093) 793-57-13. • OCF “Way Home” Center in Ismail, 57/59 Tulchinova Street, phone (098) 943-4916. • OCF “Way Home” Center in BilhorodDnistrovsky, 9, Dzerzhinskoho Street, phone (063) 204 40 21.

• Social Adaptation Center for children and teenagers “Large Family”, • Education and Health Center “Bridge to the Future”, • Children Development and Creativity Center “Smile” for children aged between 2 and 8 from crisis and poor families: • 10, Sofievska Street, Odessa , phone (048) 777 20 76. • Day Care Center for children, teenagers and youth in vulnerable situations “Opened Doors”: 46, Myasoyedovskaya Street, Odessa, phone (048) 711 18 18. • Children Development and Creativity Center “Sunrise”, 76, Lazareva Street, Odessa. • Children Development and Creativity Center “Sprout”, 11, Krasnaya Street, Odessa.

• Children Development and Creativity Center “Shining” for IDP children, 4, Uspenskaya Street, Odessa. • Medical and Social Center at Skin and Venereal Diseases Hospital “Be Healthy”, 60, Vavilova Street, Odessa.

FOR DONATIONS: Recipient: Odessa Charity Foundation “The Way Home” Odessa Bank account: 26002000031201 Bank name: JSC "The State ExportImport Bank of Ukraine", Kiev, Ukraine, for the Odessa Branch, Swift: EXBSUAUX Intermediary: account # 949876710 Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main Swift: DEUTDEFF 15

Annual Report summary The Foundation exists for more than 20 years in the market of services for children and families in vulnerable situations and to risk groups.

Our Mission: “Helping a person in complicated circumstances, especially a child, on his/her way to overcoming his/her problems and to receiving the vision of own opportunities in the society”. The main areas of activities: •

Social provision of basic everyday needs of people in vulnerable situations

Care and patronage for children and young people in vulnerable situations

Complex of services for children and young people in vulnerable situations: social and educational development

Psychological and educational support for parents in vulnerable situations

Social patronage for people, who are in socially dangerous diseases risk groups: prevention, diagnostics, care and support.

Foundation’s Children Department implements the complex of works on rehabilitation and social adaptation for street children, children and teenagers from poor and crisis families and from IDP families from the East of Ukraine.

English class, additional classes on humanities and science and a lot of others. 788 children and adolescents have access to the services of the Foundation.

Foundation’s Civil Health Department activities, based on Harm Reduction Strategy, are aimed at counteraction to harm caused to health and social phenomenon related to illegal drug use, especially the risk of HIV infection, tuberculosis, hepatitis В and С, based on philosophy of Harm Reduction Strategy. There were established: Community Centre for injecting drug users, static and mobile needles exchange centre, mobile laboratory for expresstesting on HIV, hepatitis and TB in the streets. Starting with 1999 and to 2017, Department reached coverage of more than 13 500 injecting drug users and their partners, ensured access to more than 30 kinds of services, which significantly influents the changing of risk behaviour. 14 887 clients were tested for HIV using rapid tests, 9 162 clients tested for hepatitis C using rapid tests, 8 223 clients were screened for tuberculosis with help of questionnaires. The Department provides: •

Access to hard-to-reach risk groups and efficient change of their behavior, prevention of socially dangerous diseases and struggle for civil health;

The total coverage of clients by the Department is about 600 children and teenagers annually.

Provision of important HIV, TB services to the communities of Odessa region;

Psychologists, social workers, art-therapists, teachers, lawyers and other experts work at all centres of the Foundation with children and teenagers depending on their needs.

For children and young people with addictions, who are tending to vagrancy, who are diseased or suffered street way of life - preventive, social, psychological and medical services with help of activities of the Centres: day care Centre for children, teenagers and youth “Opened Doors”, medical and social Centre at Skin and Venereology Hospital “Be Healthy”.

At "Large Family" shelter children from crisis and poor families are provided with temporary place to stay and meals at social dormitory. It is welcoming more than 60 children. Pre-school children from 2 to 8 are sent to Children Development and Creativity Centres "Smile", "Sunrise" and "Sprout". After-school activities for children at Fund are ensured by a great number of hobby classes: dancing and drama class, football club, jewellery studio, sewing course, repair and carpentry shop, pottery studio, art therapy, journalism school,

Subdivisions of Department were established in Odessa and in Odessa region: Chornomorsk, Izmail and Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky. In 2017 the Foundation received grants and donations for a total of UAH 46 117 187. 16

Odessa Charity Foundation “The Way Home” Sofievskaya str., 10, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082 FOR CHARITY DONATIONS Odessa Bank account: 26002000031201 Bank name: JSC "The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine", Kiev, Ukraine, for the Odessa Branch Swift code: EXBSUAUX Intermediary: account # 949876710 Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main Swift code: DEUTDEFF


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