Higher Self Mindset Coaching for Social Workers & Care Professionals

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Specialising in __________________ __________________

Emotional Intelligence Communication Resilience Empowerment One to One Coaching 6 SessionWorkshops Presentations Empowering Personal Potential by raising levels of Confidence & Well Being to increase Positive Self Regard for purposeful, powerful decsion making

Anne-Marie Wickham

B.A Hons. Adv/Dip Hyp

Essex-Hypnotherapist.com Clinical Hypnotherapy Emotional Intelliegnec Life Coach UltimateFlow.org - Life Achievement Programmes AnneMarieWickham.com - Public Speaker Services


Having worked in Senior roles in Nursery management, teaching, social care outreach, probation and a number of caring related roles, I observed many employees were not emotionally equipped to effectively manage the care and development of others due to their own unresolved personal issues, which had a direct impact on delivery, overall productivity and financial end of year profit. Anne-Marie Wickham

Who is caring for the 'carers' ?


A recent study reveals Social Workers and industry related professionals in the 'spotlight' can suffer crippling fear of inadequacy and feelings of 'shame' at being exposed for underachievement Social workers, teachers and care practitioners operate within a complex environment where the combined circumstances of 'being on the frontline' and or failure to live up to expectations can lead to negative self judgements or negative judgements from others, a sense of inadequacy and not feeling ‘good enough’. The importance of 'caring professionals’ stepping into service with a strong foundation, free of limiting beliefs, and resolved negative childhood experiences cannot be underestimated In 2014 The Health Care and Social Board undertook research to explore the effects of coaching and mentoring for social workers. Thirty relevant studies were identified for the systematic review of the Literature on the use of mentoring in social work. The conclusive findings suggested that social workers and those in related professions desire and value coaching and mentoring, and that both can have beneficial effects for mentors and organisations. The findings concluded that both coaching and mentoring have positive implications for social workers, related professionals and the organisations within which they work.

Anne-Marie Wickham | Essex-hypnotherapist.com | UltimateFlow.org | annemariewickham.com

What is Higher Self Mindset Coaching?

Higher Self Mindset Coaching is a proven successful formula that brings together the best of therapy and coaching. The powerful combined therapeutic technique works directly to find creative solutions from your conscious mind, to reprogramme your 'habitual subconscious mind away from ingrained habits and behaviours towards a positive empowered mindset.

Who is this Programme for?

What will you achieve?

This programme is for social workers,

The 6 step programme –

teachers and care professionals or any

Higher Self Mind-set Coaching, offers a

person with a high level of accountability

solution focused strategy that will empower

for young people in their role, who have

coachees to:

experienced any of the following feelings or behaviours at any time which remain unresolved. Incompetence (not feeling good enough) Impaired Self definition & Identity (poor resilience, and inconsistent boundary setting)


Emotional saboteurs (rescuer, people pleaser, hyper achiever etc) Burnout (Increased levels of stress, Lack of self and personal care) Vulnerability (worried about being called out or public exposure)

Undertake a deep self-reflection analysis of current challenges versus personal resources to align with personal beliefs and values to maximise skill-set and productivity. Declutter excessive thoughts allowing for clarity and a clear vision to prioritise and compartmentalise workload. Expose and neutralise past limiting beliefs for an empowered and confident persona, enhancing social status and sociability Overcome procrastination through empowered decision making.

Fear of Public speaking (anxiety or fear of delivering presentations to teams, managers, colleagues and company related meetings)

Reveal personal values, beliefs and drivers to reinforce personal values and integrity for social confidence and competence.

Over analytical (procrastination, poor time management and overwhelm)

Take back control of your mind-set, Reinstate a ‘can do’ attitude with strategies, breathing techniques and tools to continuously manage wellbeing and mental wealth beyond the programme, and beyond the realms of the workplace by instilling and embedding new empowered behaviours for holistic fulfilment.

Anne-Marie Wickham | Essex-hypnotherapist.com | UltimateFlow.org | annemariewickham.com

What is Higher Self Mindset Coaching? Higher Self Mindset Coaching is a proven successful formula that brings together the best of therapy and coaching. The powerful combined therapeutic technique works directly to find creative solutions from your conscious mind, to reprogramme your 'habitual subconscious mind away from ingrained habits and behaviours towards a positive empowered mindset.

Why should you care? Many Social Care practitioners struggle to recognise and admit to their most deepseated fears, or realise exactly how those fears affect their role and decision making, through fear of 'judgement' from others. This programme focuses on reinforcing your internal strength, core values, beliefs and integrity to empower your external representation Anne-Marie is an experienced and insightful coach who creates a non-judgemental and empathetic space to allow executives to talk about their deep and uncontrolled private fears which can spur defensive behaviours that undermine how they and their colleagues set and execute company strategy.

Anne-Marie is highly skilled at exploring the most deep routed issues that can, if not tended to become: Crippling and intrusive thoughts, resulting in burgeoning anxiety behaviours often leading to panic attacks. Limited decision making, which can be overcompensated with rash impulsive inconsiderate decision making and inability to see ‘the bigger picture’ The farthest scale of these behaviours, if unchallenged and unchecked can and does lead to social alcoholism and other addictive behaviours compunded by social anxiety leading to reclusiveness and inability to make simple decisions. Such crippling behaviours can eventually end with the mind and body 'shutting down' leading to illness, mental distress and breakdowns.


Workplace stress is the biggest cause of long-term sickness absence in the UK public sector (i.e. that which lasts longer than 4 weeks) and the second biggest cause of short term sickness absence behind illnesses such as colds and flu. It is widely agreed that social work may be one of the most stressful occupations in the country Dr Jermaine M Ravalier - Bath Spa University


Anne-Marie Wickham | Essex-hypnotherapist.com | UltimateFlow.org | annemariewickham.com




Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable


POLICIESING speaker, successful best selling

development, provide access to justice for all and build

author, and Director of Essex Hypnotherapy Centre.

effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all lev

Her unique workshops, personal development programmes, self development tools and mind-set strategies, help high achieving International & Global Managers develop laser focus vision to create innovative, engaged teams that drive measurable results.

Anne-Marie has worked with Global Business owners, Financial Directors and International managers taking them to Global readiness through breakthough executive coaching, eliminating personal blocks personal mind-set development, and team workshops. Clients include Blue Chip Managers, Editors, Financial Directors and European Sales Directors. Having worked in both the statutory and voluntary sectors for many years, Anne-Marie has great clarity and insight and recognises the fears and anxieties experienced by employees individually and as an organisation that can hurt short and long term successful productivity. Anne-Marie is an experienced and insightful coach who creates a non-


Everybody has a story. How you choose to focus on that story will be the difference between your success or your failiure. The good news is you can 'Change your mind' whenever you choose.


Anne-Marie Wickham

judgemental and empathetic space to allow employees to talk explore and resolve their deep and uncontrolled private fears which can spur defensive behaviours that undermine how they and their colleagues set and execute organisational strategy.

3 Anne-Marie Wickham | Essex-hypnotherapist.com | UltimateFlow.org | annemariewickham.com

Anne-Marie Wickham

Essex-Hypnotherapist.com Clinical Hypnotherapy Emotional Intelliegnece Life Coach Life Achievement Programmes AnneMarieWickham.com - Public Speaker Services




Book today. For more information or how to book your programme please visit www.Essex-Hypnotherapist.com or email: speaker@annemariewickham.com

This programme gets you unstuck, and enhances your creative mind to see the bigger picture with clear laser focused vision to achieve more. Anyone working with or accountable for people should consider this programme, and anyone else should just for themselves. Personal Investment is a vital necessity and long term asset for present an future life/work fulfillment.

Anne-Marie Wickham

Therapist, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Anne-Marie Wickham | Essex-hypnotherapist.com | UltimateFlow.org | annemariewickham.com

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