2018 Anne's Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO 2009 - 2018

Ergonomics & Interaction Design LAB Graduate School of Industrial Design National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Research Interests Industrial Design / CMF Design / User-Centered Design / Human Factors

Specialty 3D Modeling: Pro E / Solidworks Visual Design: Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign

Experience & Achievement 2017/02 - 2018/08 CLEVO CMF Designer 2016/02 - 2017/01 IGLUliving Designer 2015 AHFE International Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA 2013 Taiwan Young Designer's Award - Award for Excellent 2012 The One - Design Intern Design Workshop with Beijing Institute of Technology 2011 Miaoli County Government " 生活三稜 " Creative Product Design Contest - Finalist Creative Innovation Entrepreneurship - Tainan City Culture Workshop NCKU Souvenir Design Contest - Award for Excellent NCKU Dancing Club - Advertisement Section Staff NCKU Dancing Club - Annual Dance Showcase 2010 Metal Crafts Design Workshop in Shu-Te University Wood Crafts Design Workshop 2009 NCKU Photoclub - Member

Design Projects IGLULiving Branding & Design NB Design Projects

Design for Future XSports Flying Camera

Design for Emotion Blue Bird Moonlight

Design for Culture The Original of Mat Rush

Design for Society Caring Rescue

Design for Interest Graphic Design


Design Projects


Branding & Design A series of lamp design to present IGLU spirit.

STEEPX Trend Research XTrend Opportunity

Brand Soul : Smart / Original / Simple / Contemporary

Consumer Archetype & Adoption Curve Competitive Brand Survey Cluster Analysis Target : Let smart lightings fit into the future life of public. Humble & Desirable.

Brand Expression

Product Form / CMF Definition

Ch01. Research & Discovery

1.1 STEEPX Trend Research

Social 1. 慢活 2. 新興中產階級族群

Opportunities 1. 舒壓療癒商品 / 簡約 2. 針對新興中產階級族群規劃商品

Economical 1. Fuzzynomics : 製造商與消費者 / 品牌與顧客之間的界 線將持續模糊

Opportunities 1. 目標客群參與規劃商品

Political 1. 美國總統大選川普勝選 , 影響中美關 係緊張

Opportunities 1. 在地生產 , 在地消費 ( 環保 )

XTrend Opportunities 簡約 / 智能化 / 天然質地 / 當代

Technological 1. 更小 / 更智能 / 更便宜 2. 過度追求物質文明 , 科技快速發展 , 忽略內在心靈層面

Opportunities 1. 智能化商品 2. 舒壓療癒商品 / 簡約

Environmental 1. 極端氣候 2. 永續生活

Opportunities 1. 環保訴求商品 2. 天然材質 / 質地商品

Market 1. 傳統家庭電器走向智能化 , 為未來 5G 智慧物聯家庭拉開序幕

Opportunities 1. 物聯網 , 智能化

Ch02. Consumer Insight / Achretypes / Adoption Curve

2.1 Product Adoption Curve







Technology Enthusiasts

Modern Creative


Adventurous Wanderer

The Everyman

*Technology Enthusiast

*Modern Creative


★ ★

*Adventurous Wanderer

*The Everyman

2.1 Technology Enthusiats Age: 25-40

Living: urban city Income: 80-140K Education: Master Degree Work: Electronic Engineer Preference: Trying out new technology, geek, online dating, know a gadegt from inside out, specialize in a major.

Willing to try new tech / Geek / Specialized / Isolated

2.2 Modern Creative Age: 25-30 Living: Hometown and currently living in urban city Income: 90-110K Education: College Work: Strategy manager, Innovator Preference: Trying out new technology, love weekend jogging or weekday street running at night, art & design events, concerts, intrested-in-people.

Willing to try new tech / Creative / Unique Taste / Active / OpenMinded

2.3 Bourgeois Bohemian (BOBOs) Age: 30-35 Living: urban city or suburb Income: 120-150K Education: Institute Work: Lawyer, Architect Preference: petty perfectionism, original texture, mix & match interior, spiritual freedom, spend a lot of money on what used to be cheap, love traveling and adventure.

Petty Perfectionism / Original Texture / Mix & Match / Dual Character

2.4 Adventurous Wanderer Age: 28-35 Living: Hometown Hong Kong, now Taipei Income: 50-70K Education: Business strategy Work: digital advertising, writer, event-planner(creative industry) Brief: She's a creative worker with a sophiscated state of mind. She's a woman with a unique point of view, sympathetic mind and curious eyes. She travels a lot, traveling is her meditation. She is adaptable as water. She can be passionately hot as July sunshine and sophiscately calm as an October lake. Preference: People, nature, travel, yoga, surfing, meditation, vintage interior, exotic textiles, art events

Artistic / Independent / Spirited / Adaptable / Compassionate "It feels good to stretch, flex, and just breathe."

2.5 The Everyman Age: 40-55 Income: 80-110K Education: Bachelor of economics Work: HR manager Brief: They tend to blend into society as ‘everybody” and don’t like to stand out in the crowd. They’re friendly and easy to talk without being overly funny or overly rude or overly loud. They lend their trust easily though they fear being rejected. They are relatively positive and strive to fit into the group. They tend to have a liking for most things without being overly passionate about one. The Everyman can be quite liked but can also be easily forgotten. Preference: diligent worker, cautious decision maker, enjoy time with family, comfort style clothes.

Family-Oriented / Comfort / Cautious / Belongings

Ch03. Competitive Brand Survey / Cluster Analysis

3.1 Competitive Brands Survey

Creative / Smart / Playful 美國品牌

Young / Popular / Leisure 荷蘭品牌


Classic / Simple / Modern

Bold / Humor / Poetic 義大利品牌

Consumer Archetype & Adoption Curve Competitive Brand Survey Cluster Analysis 高科技


Technology Enthusiast


Consumer Majority



Modern Creative

Adventurous Wanderer



Home Men/Women




Target : Let smart lightings fit into the future life of public. Humble & Desirable.


Ch04. Brand Expression

4-1 Brand Expression How "IGLU" works with other brands? It looks "Smart, Original, Simple & Contemporary".

XTrend Opportunities 簡約 / 智能化 / 天然質地 / 當代






Matte or rough

Mix & Match


Style Contemporary


Metal & Glass

Fewer Elements

Achromatc Color / Pure, Saturated Tone

Minimize Duplication


Easy to Use

Ch05. Product Design

5.1 Form & Function Definition

[Uri] - Regular but Dynamic - Hand-Feeling - IOT

[PLYGON] - Geometric - Playful - IOT

[OVALO] - Minimal - Classic - IOT

5.2 CMF Mood Board [Brushed Brass] - Time-sensitive - Classic

[Semi-Transparent White Plastic] - Modern - Live

[Natural Fiber] - Warm - Hand-Feeling

[Metal + Marble] - A sense of weight & growth - Natural

[Metal + Glass] - Modern - High-Class


Portable and Rechargeable LED Dimmer Lamp. Giving traditional portable oil lamp a modern soul.


Modernist-Minimal Lamp Design

[ PAY RESPECT TO TOM DIXOM ] Tom Dixon advocated anti-fashion design, so we rarely see useless decoration in his products. Tom Dixon's design pays more attention to the simple overall form and the delicate use of material & finishing. Ovalo LED lamps comes in white, aged pewter and antique brass; different colors, materials and finishes according you lifestyle. [ ANTIQUE BRASS + MARBLE + GLASS ] Brass is a favorite material for Tom Dixon, including the lamp beat series, which is found in various fine dining restaurants. Marbles are also used in Tom Dixon's products in high frequency, including lamps, kitchen tables, and other small objects around them. As Tom Dixon said, each piece of marble material is so unique, none of them is the same. By making good use of this material's sense of weight, designer could form a perfect work with a simple form and fine details. A variety of metallic colors matched with glass adds to a modern sense of quality, which can't be fully present by single material like glass. Ovalo LED table lamp is dressing with a modernist-minimal appeal. Eye-catching antique brass finish, it features a pure marble base that's overlooked by a handmade glass shade.


Structure & material exploration to present an imagination of lighting DNA.

Adventurous Wanderers Artistic / Independent / Spirited / Adaptable / Compassionate

BOBOs Petty Perfectionism/ Original Texture/ Mix & Match / Dual Character

Smart / Original / Simple / Modern Let smart lightings fit into the future life of public. Humble & Desirable.

Bluetooth Lighting App An manipulation app for smart lighting, which is clear and easy to use in any scenario at home.

Design Process - Visual Style

How "IGLU" works with other brands? It looks "Smart, Original, Simple & Modern".





Color Selection

Light comes from the sky and cosmos, that's the reason I chose a series of blue derived from sky and cosmos.

IGLU lamp 1


Bluetooth Lighting App Using Process





"Workday" "+"


The icon of "MENU"

Hold 2 seconds on each of the lamps



The icon of "TIME SETTINGS"

Design for User Interface

Scenario 01 - Connect. App Control

BT Connection



Connecting and adding lamps

Scenario 02 - Turn on & off.

Successfully dumped ! Choose templates

Touch the "bin"


Single Lamp Control (Only 1 Lamp Added)

Bluetooth Lighting App




Touch the circle icon of each lamp


Multiple "ADD"

The icon of "MENU"




Design for User Interface


Single Lamp Control (Only 1 Lamp Added)

Scenario 03 - Color & dimmer control. App Control

BT Connection

IGLU Lamps

IGLU lamp 1


Color temp & Dimmer Control Bar


A variety of lamp status


Multiple Lamps Control (More than 1 Lamp Added)

Bluetooth Lighting App

Touch each of the groups

Choose 2 of the lamps

Touch the icon of one of the lamps




Design for User Interface


Multiple Lamps Control (More than 1 Lamp Added)

NB Design Projects

Design Projects

Thin Bezel NB Design Colorplan

NB Design Projects

CJScope Z530 Revision - Colorplan Design Process

這次為喜杰獅筆電改版所做的色彩計畫 , 主要的需求有 3: 一般消費型筆電 , 主打輕薄 , 以及亞太年輕族群市場 .

VIVID 首先針對近兩年內亞太市場筆電用色我們做了市調 , 發現大致分布在中性色系 , 多彩色系 , 以及豔色系 .

第二步 , 我們發想筆電理想的形象 , 由於外型設計簡約 , 用色意象的發想更為自由 . 也由於主打的是年輕亞太族群 , 我們以象徵自由前衛牛仔精神的牛仔褲 , 沉著高貴的紳士著裝 , 浪漫華美的櫻花 , 華麗高雅 的煙燻妝 , 具能量活力的火山熔岩為主題 . 作為後續選色的靈感來源 .

Design Projects

有了意象的大致輪廓 , 接著要開始填色 , 選色以先前市調的現有筆電用色在孟賽爾十二色相環做展開 , 可以發現除了筆電應 用中較不討喜的黃綠色系 . 紫紅色系之外 , 皆有分布 . 可以說是具有相當的活潑與自由度 . 因此結合意象的常用色調查我們 挑選了 4 個色系做延伸發展 , 分別為 : 紅 , 橙 , 藍 , 靛 .

我們知道色彩是光子 , 具有能量 . 時間 . 無重量的體積三個要素 . 因此可以把所有色彩在能量軸與時間軸所架構出來的 2D 平 面上展開 . 在這個座標平面上 , 日本色彩大師小林重順已經經由縝密的調研為每個色彩填上了對應的形象形容詞 , 讓我們能像 使用語言一樣精確地使用色彩 . 在這邊我們已經可以經由先前定義出的筆電形象與 4 個色相 , 在座標裡找到更為精準的色調 .

NB Design Projects

除了選色之外 , 色彩的面積與位置搭配也會影響給人的印象 . 配色不外乎兩大原則 : 協調與對比 . 在色彩搭配上 , 我們以 一致 性 , 纖薄感 , 變化性 , 吸睛度 4 大訴求延伸出一系列筆電配色 , 提供客群更為多樣的喜好選擇 .

最終筆電用色包含 5 個 : 牛仔單寧藍 . 紳士藍 . 櫻花粉 . 煙燻棕 . 熔岩橘 . 牛仔單寧藍 象徵自由前衛的牛仔精神 , 同時就像我們每天穿的牛仔褲一樣 , 是性別與種族跨度很大的一種顏色 . 這款顏色就像 年輕人冷得穩重的感覺一樣是相當時髦的 . 紳士藍 則是更為深沉的一種藍 , 穩重且低調 , 金色在小部件的點綴帶出他低調奢華的韻味 . 櫻花粉 主打柔美的女性客群 , 因為他具有極其淡雅的格調 , 因此不與強色調相融合或搭配 . 給予整機單色配色主打柔和協調的 感受 . 煙燻棕 主打中性偏女性市場 . 偏紫的棕色調同時閃爍著洗鍊冷靜的金屬光 . 就像亞洲女性愛用的大地色彩妝 . 熔岩橘 為橘色與黑色的大面積融合 , 帶有強調高效能電競感的意味 , 同時這樣的配色也表現出力動感 . 富有野性的形象 .

Design Projects

Mechanical Keyboard Competitive Product Suvey - Keycap

Common Features on These Design 強調 Gaming,將空白鍵放大與方向鍵下拉,縮短使用者手指的反應時間與移動距離,厚度增加 ( 加底 3.1mm) 是為了搭配 內部所使用的機構,特別也增加 marco key 的區域,以符合使用者在遊戲中的使用需求。

Concept 1 此款鍵帽設計主要參考市調中我們所整理一些底部為弧線的鍵帽設 計,此款概念主要以簡單俐落的弧線與較小的 R 角來搭配,在公司 Gaming 筆電常使用的銳利直線的切面外,以這樣俐落弧線的鍵盤搭 配可增加整體筆電的豐富度。

Concept 2 此款概念從遊戲中的盾牌造型出發,在鍵帽下方兩角做切削,從使 用者的角度觀看,能夠看到更多稜面的變化。例如:BLOODY、 Madcatz Strike 7 外接機械鍵盤的鍵帽設計。

NB Design Projects

Competitive Product Suvey - Font

Common Features on These Design 本次機械鍵盤所使用的為日本的 ALPS 軸,他的特色是 LED 燈置於軸心,更能達到均光效果,所以這次所提出的三款設計 我們都將主要字母置中。

Competitive Product Suvey - Font

Concept 1 / 這一款主要以粗體搭配在 Gaming 筆電上,視覺上給人感覺結構較飽滿、剛硬穩重,使筆電整體更有王者風範,但跳脫 方方正正的粗體,設計些微的傾斜角度與較窄高的巧思,使字體不至於太笨重,給予 Gaming 筆電較活潑、速度感與變化性。 / 在合適的字母當中加入右上方切角設計,以乾淨俐落的切角達到整體字型的一致性,也區分與別的字體的辨識度。 / 字體尺寸比例較大,更凸顯 Gaming 筆電的霸氣與強悍,也達到易讀性。 / 在上下左右鍵設計了箭頭內也有小箭頭的概念,使其增添層次感,也更有速度變化,像是遊戲中常常以漸變與重複性的 箭頭象徵移動、轉彎的概念。

Design Projects

Concept 3 此款特色在部分字體做切削角。為了達到俐落、簡潔、細緻的目標,字母線條相較於第二款細緻。 箭頭部分以細線與尖角做出極速感,上下左右鍵則是類似遊戲中快進的樣式,數字鍵盤部分箭頭則是與字體風格互相呼應。

Final Design

NB Design Projects

Metallic Rubber Coating

Soft Touch

Soft Touch

霧面黑 ?

+ 金屬感

皮革漆應用在筆電上 , 多數人心裡可能都會第一個想到 : soft-touch 手感 , 霧面黑的視覺效果 . 但真的只能有霧面黑的效果嗎 ? 假如 Soft touch 手感 , 加上現在筆電流行的金屬視覺 ? 會是甚麼樣子呢 ? 大家想像一下 .

是不是很像天鵝絨 ? 有著舒適觸感的同時 , 又帶給人奢華的視覺感受 .

今年我們就與塗料廠合作嘗試打樣 , 以皮革漆模擬天鵝絨的面 感, 大家待會休息時間 , 可以來前面展版這邊 , 近距離感受一下 , 這 種既舒適親和又高貴奢華的噴漆效果 .

Design Projects

這些效果 , 是怎麼製作出來的呢 ? 傳統的做法 , 會先噴上一層鋁粉反射層 , 用來襯出接下來幾層的金屬感 . 第二層是著色層 , 會上一層高透明度的色料 . 最後 才是全透明的皮革漆層 , 附著在最表面帶來柔軟的觸感 . 那這次我們的做法 , 嘗試藉由減少塗層的方式 , 降低成本同時達到近似三塗的效果 . 底塗用有色 / 高閃度鋁粉混合色料 , 面漆一樣需要噴上全透明的皮革漆層 , 來帶出手感 .

這種仿天鵝絨面感效果 , 與造型面的設計也是相輔相成 , 弧面 . 稜面 . 咬花面的設計 , 都能增加這個效果的金屬感 . 因此我們也因應常用的造型面變化做打樣 , 提供將來應用方向的實際參考 .

NB Design Projects

針對皮革漆應用限制 , 我們做了調查 . 以下分為手感 , 視覺 , 紋理 3 個方面跟大家來做介紹 . 首先 , 皮革漆又細分為軟感明顯與不明顯的種類 , 實際應用時 能依據不同程度的軟感要求 , 來選擇不同的皮革漆 . 同種的皮革漆膜 厚越高 , 軟感也就越明顯 , 膜厚條件一般不低於 40um. 視覺限制上 , 淺色較易顯髒,實際應用上色系多暗色與艷色 . 光澤一般不高於 10 度 , 否則容易有烘烤不乾的問題 . 假如要達到表面紋理的效果 , 需要靠素材本身的咬花來達到 . 搭配膜厚有一定以上咬花深度要求 .

手感漆 除了我們這次主題使用的 PU 皮革漆 , 後續也發展出 UV 皮革漆 , 嘗試以 UV 系統達到 soft touch 效果 , 但受限於 UV 系統的限制 , 手感還是較硬的 . 越硬的手感 , 一般也越滑順 . 也就越不容易附著髒汙 , 所以 UV 系統的手感漆 , 近年發展是越來越朝向爽滑手感 , 及耐髒汙的方向發展 . 價格也是較高一些 . 假如要求相對低成本 , 同時要求 soft touch 效果 . PU 皮革漆是一個選擇 .

Design Projects

NB Texture

紋理表現 2018 紋理應用現況 髮絲紋

ASUS / VivoBook Pro 15(2017)


Lenovo / Legion Y520 (2017)



HP / OMEN 4710MQ (2015)


HP / OMEN 17 (2017)

ASUS / ROG GL752VL (2016)

近幾年常見的筆電紋理應用 , 可分為這 5 種樣式類型 , 髮絲紋 , 是很早就出現的特殊花紋 , 一直到近年仍不退流行 . 規則幾何型 , 低調中帶有變化性 . HP 的 電競機近年也出現這類型紋理的應用 . 不規則幾何 , 能帶給筆電更強烈的辨識度 , 華碩 ROG 電競機種就經常使用 . 仿真實材質的紋理 , 像是 仿 carbon 紋 , 在 電競筆電常能看到他的應用 . 最後 結合 2 種以上紋理的 複合紋理 , 在各家筆電 , 橫跨電競 與一般筆電都已開始使用 , 在今年的應用又更為廣泛 .

B件 窄邊框下緣




 蝕刻咬花

 壓紋 IMR

 雷射咬花

 雷射咬花 + IMR

複合紋理在今年 有 2 大應用重點 : 首先在 B 框 因應近年窄邊框趨勢 , 3 邊窄邊框 , 下緣出現很多雙咬花設計 , 視覺上感覺變窄 . 更能接近 4 邊窄邊框的外觀效果 . A/C 件 , IMR 複合紋理 , 在今年 Computex 我們也看到更多筆電使用 . 甚麼是雙咬花 ? 又甚麼是 IMR 複合紋理 ? 雙咬花 指的是結合兩種的咬花紋理 在同一件上呈現 , 製程常見以 模具蝕刻 及 模具 3D 雷雕 2 種方式 . IMR 複合紋理 , 常見為以下兩種 : 由 壓紋 IMR 製程帶出紋理 , 或者 用素材咬花帶出紋理 再覆上 IMR 表層 .

NB Design Projects

紋理工法介紹 紋理工法介紹

模具蝕刻咬花 模具蝕刻咬花 利用抗腐蝕的油墨製作紋路 利用抗腐蝕的油墨製作紋路

模具雷射咬花 模具雷射咬花 模具雷射咬花 模具雷射咬花

提供圖檔或實體物品 提供圖檔或實體物品

0% 0%

50% 50%

紋理轉檔與生成 紋理轉檔與生成

100% 100%

去除耐腐蝕層 去除耐腐蝕層

藥水腐蝕→使模具產生紋路 藥水腐蝕→使模具產生紋路


紋理確認與細節微調 紋理確認與細節微調



雷雕於模具 雷雕於模具

5050 20 20 5 5

分層加工示意圖 分層加工示意圖

在模具上會利用精確的 3D 雷射 , 雕刻出細緻的咬花紋理變化 . 加工方式如同我們所熟知的雷雕工藝 , 以分層的方式加工。雕刻的深度和層數造就紋理精度。 相同深度下,層次越多,加工精度也越高。 ASUS / GL504 (2018)


在今年 Computex 展出的電競筆電 GL504 就使用 模具雷射咬花 製作, 在 3 邊窄邊框 B 框部分 , 使用兩種差異化的咬花 , 下緣看起來變窄 . 更能接近 4 邊窄邊框的外觀效果 . ASUS / Vivobook S14 (2018)


窄邊框已成趨勢 , 除電競筆電外 , 一般筆電在 也一樣使用到雙咬花來做到 B 框視覺瘦身 . 像這台 Vivobook S14, 使用的是 圓點亮面咬花 與較霧面的顆粒咬花做搭配 .

Design Projects

紋理工法介紹-印刷問題 雷射咬花




介紹完了以上兩種咬花製程 , 我們接下來看在做複合紋理的效果上會有甚麼差異 ? 雷射咬花 在特殊花紋的表現上 , 比蝕刻咬花 紋理能更細膩 . 立體 , 兩種花紋的界線也能做到更好的平整銜 接效果 . 光澤表現上 , 一般雷射咬花會稍霧一些 , 但可以使用特殊噴砂來提高光澤 . 因為環保 . 以及外觀表現上的優勢 , 雷射咬花 在未來會是咬花工法的新趨勢 .

印刷NG 問題點 咬花較立體



30µm以上無法印製凹陷處 45µm

無法均勻印製 20µm


印刷OK 特點 紋理較細膩





NB Design Projects

印刷問題 設計建議 單元間距



• 蝕刻咬花深度30µm以下

• 間距0.1-0.2mm

• 雷射咬花配合平緩造型可深至60µm


項目 質感 表現 限制

雙咬花 蝕刻咬花


• 凹凸紋路變化

• 可做有斜度的紋路 • 圖樣精緻多變

• 紋路接合處易有缺陷

• 無限制 (筆電產業)

• 轉折處易有缺陷 15” B件 - 雙咬花

加工 成本

3500~3800 USD (永達)

4600~5000 USD (永達)

Design Projects


最後去除 (成型完成後)

壓紋層 (立體紋理)

壓紋 IMR

印刷層 (圖案)

模具雷射咬花 + IMR


塑膠成型 (雷射咬花模具)

除了雙咬花製程 , 複合紋理 也能使用壓紋 IMR 呈現 , IMR 的製程上 , 可以分為兩大階段 , 薄膜加工階段 , 以及 塑膠成型階段 , 加工完成的薄膜包含很多層 , 經由塑膠成型 , 會被披覆在塑膠表面 . 再將最表面的薄膜去除之後 , 留下 UV coating 的紋理層 , 以及底下 的圖案印刷層 . 相疊加之後呈現我們所看到的 IMR 效果 . 最後一個我們要介紹的複合紋理工法 , 是結合前面提到的雷射咬花及 IMR 製程 , 在 IMR 薄膜加工完成之後 , 以雷射咬花的模具接著做塑膠成型 . 這種方式 , 是透過咬花達到紋理凹凸 , 其他諸如顏色 . 金屬感等的視覺 呈現 , 得靠 IMR 的涂層表現 .

壓紋 IMR

今年的中低階消費型筆電 , 出現許多 AC 面複合紋理應用 , 比如這台 X407, 就使用了壓紋 IMR 製程 . 來達到 極為細膩的複合紋理呈現 .

模具雷射咬花 + IMR

中低價位電競筆電也出現這樣的工法應用 , 這台 TUF Gaming FX504, 塑膠版本 在 AC 件都使用了雷射咬花 , 以及 IMR 印刷做搭配 , 可以看到右邊這張圖 , 雙向髮絲紋的接合處 , 與造型的轉折處 , 都有細緻的呈現 .

NB Design Projects

模具雷射咬花 + IMR

這種做法今年在中低價位的筆電機種使用多 , 橫跨 一般筆電與電競筆電 . 以 Computex 展出的這台 Vivobook S14 一般型筆電為例 , C 面就使用上直髮絲雷射咬花 搭配 IMR 印刷層上的圓點 pattern. 3D 紋理與 2D pattern 的搭配 , 在這台玩出了錯視的效果 , 右邊這張圖 有沒有看到菱格紋 ? 明明是直髮絲紋 與 2D 圓點 pattern, 交疊後 產生的錯視效果 , 讓人感覺到 設計上的新意 .


質感 表現


IMR 複合紋理 壓紋 IMR

雷射咬花 + IMR

• 色彩、圖紋豐富

• 色彩、圖紋豐富

• 可製作淺紋理

• 同模具多款外觀

• 同模具多款外觀 • 無法貼合大角度轉折

• 無法貼合大角度轉折

• 對位精準度有限

• 對位精準度有限

15” A/C件 (MOQ 6000 pcs) – IMR成本 成本

平均一片 3.93 USD

平均一片 2 USD

(版費約5100 USD+單片薄膜3 USD ) (版費約2500 USD+單片薄膜1.5 USD )

Design Projects




CLEVO 塑膠大件應用

2018 紋理應用現況

公司未來 參考方向

這些製程用來做筆電複合紋理 , 在今年 有應用比例上的提升 , 先前我們已經為大家簡單介紹今年複合紋理應用狀況 , 接下來將要結合 公司近年的應用狀況 , 提出未來應用方向的參考 .







噴漆 / 髮絲+噴漆





CLEVO 塑膠大件應用







噴漆 / 髮絲+噴漆




以 ABCD 四大件來劃分公司近 2 年最常用的工法 , AC 件為噴漆 / 及 塑膠髮絲紋蝕刻咬花再噴漆 , BD 件 則都為單一紋理蝕刻咬花 . 接下來我們要提出給公司的未來應用參考 .

NB Design Projects

未來應用方向參考 – B框 雙咬花紋理



3邊窄邊框下緣做雙咬花設計,可呈現4邊窄邊框效果。 公司機種諸如 N150, PB50, 今年皆已開始採用窄邊框設計 , 4 邊窄邊框設計當然是最為理想, 而如果採用的是 3 邊窄邊框設計時 , B 件下 緣做雙咬花紋裡,也能達到相近的視覺顯窄效果。 以下提出 2 點具體應用參考 , 第 1, 以紋理差別 達到視覺分化 第 2, 以紋理樣式與亮霧同時做出差異 , 這也是今年市面最為常見的應用方式 ,

未來應用方向參考 – A/C面 IMR複合紋理




A/C塑膠件複合紋理可應用IMR,達到多層次紋理效果。 IMR 做為未來可能取代噴漆的環保方案 , 可以應用在公司中低階機種 比如 N 系列 的 AC 件 , 搭配紋理效果來呈現 . 具體應用建議如下 : 首先 , AC 面做上 複合特殊紋理的效果 . 能與 B 框上的特殊花紋相搭配 . 選用雷射咬花搭 IMR, 更能同時兼顧降低成本 與外觀上的紋理表現 . 另外 , 因應公司目前機種方向 , 使用噴砂 / 拉絲金屬感效果居多 , 也在這邊提供較為傳統的外觀方案 以 IMR 模擬 金屬噴砂 / 拉絲效果

紋理表現 小結  2018年筆電,複合紋理應用比例增加。  因應窄邊框趨勢,3邊窄邊框下緣可以透過雙咬花設計,邊框看起來更窄。  中低階筆電,多 IMR工藝應用變化在AC件。

Design Projects

紋理表現 - IMR膜內漾印






工 法

IMR 薄膜刷紋

紋理表現 – 模具蝕刻咬花 紋理效果




蝕刻咬花 + IMR

蝕刻咬花 +一般漆 工法

蝕刻咬花 +UV漆

蝕刻咬花 +皮革漆

紋理表現 – 模具雷射咬花 紋理效果

複合紋理 雷射咬花 + IMR

雷射咬花 +一般漆 工法

雷射咬花 +UV漆

雷射咬花 +皮革漆



02 Technology and human beings.

Design for


XSports Flying Camera

The XSports Flying Camera A flying camera allows you to take a large-scene selfie while xsporting. An XSports Flying Camera is an xs-size flying camera, which can be held in just one hand, and takes off from/lands on your hand while xsporting. The size is sufficiently small to put into your pocket to charge anytime while xsporting. You can control it by an intuitive hand gesture without a controller or an app, and there is a face recognition mode and an automatic motive tracking mode to help take a photo while moving. You can also share your selfie or live video by touching a button in the app. In addition, it matches with a series of holders, and so there is no need to worry about the situation and no need to let the camera fly. The reason why I designed this Xsports Flying Camera is that the existing camera did not take the XSports enthusiasts' needs into consideration, which is taking a large-scene selfie while xsporting. Therefore, a flying camera focusing on XSports will exactly meet the need.

XSports Flying Camera Design Process

Define the Target User Drone enthusiasts Travel enthusiasts

Potential user

Photography enthusiasts

Experts XSports enthusiasts

Complicated operation

Technology early adopters

Drone enthusiasts

Photography enthusiasts

Beginners Low -frequency -interaction

Amateurs (complated operation)

Travel enthusiasts

Technology early adopters

High -frequency -interaction

XSports enthusiasts

Amateurs (simple operation)

Simple operation

The products for taking a selfie

Smartphone's camera

Selfie stick


Flying camera

Few number of people

Big scene selfie Drone

Toy Drone

Flying Camera

Design for Future


Mark Clinton Background: Male 35 years old An executive in the technology industry An XSports enthusiast Description: Mark Clinton is an executive in the technology industry. He is not an otaku staying in the house all day long. Instead, he loves to go wave surfing, rock climbing, and other outdoor activities with other XSports enthusiasts. He also cultivated an interest in photography due to the need of taking a photo for other XSports enthusiasts. In addition, he loves to share his photos and live videos with his Facebook friends. The adaptation to product features

His role's goal and motivation

Tech He works in a technology company, so he is willing to try novel high-tech products. He learns how to use products quickly and with a great adaptation. Social He is outgoing and loves to make friends with others. He usually uses Facebook to share his daily life with his friends. Mobile device Manipulating an app to control a product is a bit hard for him, he likes simple operation. Motivation Mark is worried about how to take a large-scene selfie while xsporting without the need of asking help from others. Goal Taking a large-scene selfie while xsporting and sharing it with friends.

01 Define the Target User

Competitive Products

A Simple Version Lily Camera

High-Level Version The Most Portable Zerotech Dobby Airselfie

High Collocability Zmer One

Features: - small - easily portable - no controller -waterproof Weaknesses: - a need to set an automatic tacking mode by an app beforehand every time before using it. - no instant sharing function.

Features: - small - easily portable - a short battery life - control by app - an automatic mode Weaknesss: - a short battery life - controlling by app is not intuitive to manipulation.

Features: - the need to accompany with a drone - the target users are XSports enthusiasts - easy to share photos or live videos - its basic function is for sport use (like waterproof) -could accompany other assistive products like a tripod. Weakness: - easy to forget to bring the fragmented products

Features: - the smallest - the most portable (accompanies your smartphone.) - easy to charge (by the phone case) Weaknesses: - no specified target user; is there really a need to buy an expensive flying camera for daily use? - no function for specified use (like waterproof)

02 Conpetitive Product Analysis

XSports Flying Camera

Establish Assumptions from the Pain Points & Persona

User's Needs

Arise from

The Product's Type & Goal Type: High-Level version, portability Goal: The intuitive operation of a medium-level complexity of functioning and easy to carry for outdoor use.




Establish Assumptions




Product Assumption

Market Assumption

1. The battery life is short, so it is troublesome to charge frequently. And it is hard to charge during motion.

It is cheap to ask others to take photos for us while xsporting. So, what is the reason for a customer to buy an expensive XSport Flying Camera?

2. There is no work while the user’s back is to the camera. 3.Constrainted size of one's palm is a must.

Customer Assumption The friends of XSport enthusiasts are potential customers. Therefore, the design should take novice photographers into account.

Design for Future

The Simulation of Interaction between Product & Target User

Turn on the flying camera

Bind with smartphone

It cannot work while the user’s back is to the camera.

Take off from the palm of the hand of the user

(Instant) sharing the photo or live video pain

Control the flying motion and take shots by gesture recognition pain


Land onto the palm of the hand by gesture recognition pain

Pack it up

Carry while in motion



Is there any way to share it faster?

Save the photo and video

Charge pain


The palm may be too small to land on.

It is hard to charge during motion.


Find Out the Pain Point during Using Process & Establish Product Assumption

XSports Flying Camera

How to test the Assumptions? Interview

User test


What Is the Outcome of Testing? Product Assumption

Market Assumption

Customer Assumption

1. The battery life is short, so it is troublesome to charge frequently. And it is hard to charge during motion.

It is cheap to ask others to take photos for us while xsporting. So, what is the reason for a customer to buy an expensive XSport Flying Camera?

The friends of XSport enthusiasts are potential customers. Therefore, the design should take novice photographers into account.

2. There is no work while the user’s back is to the camera. 3.Constrainted size of one's palm is a must.

Assumptions Testing Outcomes 1. Actually there' is no need for most of the users to take pictures for a long time while xsporting, so a convenient charging method could solve this problem and the product could remind the user of low power. 2. A motion tracking mode could solve this problem.

According to the investigation outcome, most of the XSports enthusiasts do not like asking others to help them to take a photo; it is inconvenient for them. It is more mobile when we use a flying camera, and we can also control the scene and the angle of a photo by ourselves in a better way than asking others to do so.

The product should take novice photographers into account, so there would be intuitive and easy manipulations.

3.Constrainted size of one's palm is a must for landing.

Pocket WIFI

Concept Modeling


Flying camera Charge



Press (Instant) sharing / save

Switch Turn on

Flying camera

Turn off Take off from


palm of the hand of the user


Bind with

Smartphone By

Gesture Recognition shots / video

the flying motion



Gesture Recognition palm of the hand of the user

Gesture Recognition Flying camera while

user in motion

Land on

Design for Future

User's 7 Main Needs & Possible Solutions NEEDS



A Constrainted Size

In the palm of the hand (It could be held in one hand, and take off from the palm) In a pocket (It can be put into a pocket anytime when you are xsporting)

High-Level AAutomatic Mode

No controller (such as face recognition, gesture recognition, and motion tracking) An ultrasound system (Take off and avoid the barriers when there is no GPS) Use the kinect tech if it is controlled by a smartphone.

A Medium-HighLevel Function for Photography

A motion-tracking mode, an anti-shake system, a panoramic video or picture, a live video (with sound)

Use for a MediumLong Period of Time

Charge any time after putting it into a WiFi pocket


Waterproof, anti-mist, etc.

Instant Sharing

Share with one touch, a live video.


Could accompany a variety of holders.


Assumption Testing & Outcome : User Research

Final Design

The whole body of this product exactly fits in the palm of the hand, and there is only one 1.5 cm diameter button on the top of it (the button size is just wide enough to press with a finger, according to ergonomics.) After pressing the button, the power will turn on, and the four propellers will flip out from inside the body. In contrast, they will flip into the body after pressing the button once again. The edges of the product are with luminous green silicon buffers to protect it from a collision. There are also vents in the arrangement of streamline on the lateral side of the body.


Ideation & Form Development

XSports Flying Camera


Proportion : Friendly (Square + Round)


Mass & Line : Hard / Aggressive / Regular

Design for Future


Modify & Detail

Hard / Aggressive / Regular

Soft / Dynamic / Free


Ideation & Form Development

XSports Flying Camera

Design Concept

1 Push the switch button to turn it on.

2 The propellers will flip out.

A shockproof silicon edge (illuminous) Made of plastic material

3 Take it off from the palm of your hand.

Design for Future

Fly it into the sky.


5 Control the Flying Camera by gestures. Take a shot !

Have it land on the palm of your hand.

Put it into your pocket and charge it with


Push the switch button to turn it off.




03 Evocative Design

Design for


Bring happiness to your family !

Blue Bird

Blue Bird Parent and child work together to hold the juicer with their four hands. The innovative usage method increases the stability while using the juicer. The modified details take security, efficiency, and cleaning into account. Besides security and details convenient for cleaning, this redesigned juicer focuses on enhancing the interaction between parents and children.

Blue Bird Design Process - 01 Conpetitive Product Analysis

[TYPE 01] Design for Lazybones No need to clean-up, and it helps you buy cold-press juices delivered to your home, with one simple button.

[TYPE 02] Design for Taste A simple and elegant shape, but not that convenient to use.

[TYPE 03] Design for Small Space Use the edge of the kitchen table to make juice. There is no need to store the juicer in another place after use.

[TYPE 04] Design for Portability Make juice anywhere. No need to pour the juice into a cup; the bottle under the filter is the cup.


A Design for Parent-Child Interaction Enhance the interaction between parents and children, and in the meantime, develop the willingness of children to help doing housework. Feature Assumption: - Safety - Fun - Parent-child interaction - Efficiency - Easy to clean

Design for Emotion Design Process - 02 Define Target User

Design for fast High-function-demanded

Business use

Busy office worker

Design for convenient

The elderly The disabled


High-emotion-demanded Children

Design for special needs


People desiring to show great taste

Design for emotion

Persona Charlie Bush Background: An 11-year-old boy studies in the fifth grade in the elementary school and lives in the USA with his family, his parents and his13-year-old sister.

Description: Charlie is a lively and outgoing boy. His parents are professors in a university and greatly value the family's health and closeness, so they make juice for their children almost every day. Lately, they want to train the children to help with the housework.

Blue Bird Design Process - 03 Disassemble the Physical Product


The squeezer can be assembled and disassembled repeatedly.

filter plate

The filter plate can be assembled repeatedly.

base The motor is fixed into the bottom of the juicer (For the sake of security, it is not to be repeatedly assembled).

The appearance of the existing kid's juicer.

Design for Emotion Design Process - 04 Sketching

Handle Design The handle should expandable so as to fit both the hand sizes of adults and children. There were three developed forms: abduction, flat drop, and a 90-degree angle. I chose the “flat drop” because the mockup showed that it is more suitable in the position of holding the juicer. In addition, it makes ”Blue bird” more like a bird.

Other Details In a lateral view, the cup should be at the same height, rather than slanted, to accommodate more liquid. The motor inside the base is abducted into the cup to reduce the height and to lower the center of gravity.

Blue Bird Design Concept

Usage The parent assists a child with holding a Blue Bird. It is safer and adds to the development of a parent-child interaction.

For Parent

For Child

The child holds the handle by one hand and holds the cup by another.

Hold the waist of the cup behind the child's back to assist in the holding.

Design for Emotion

Product Details

Safety switch - Press to connect the circuit while using it.

The ears of the squeezer - Push the slag to the periphery of the filter plate. - Stir to speed up the filtering.

Wider filter plate - Adds to the accommodation of the juice. - Prevents slashing.

Open handle - For both the parent’s and the child’s use.

Fatten and wider the juicer in the same volume, and hide the base into the cup

- Lowers the center of gravity, adding stability.

5 embosses on the bottom

- Shockproof during using - Adapts to the bumpy surfaces.

The wire storage hole - Stores the wire after using. - Prevents the exposed wire from touching someone or leaking.


For Child



For Parent Interaction + Safety

The child holds the handle by one hand and holds the cup by another.

Hold the waist of the cup behind the child's back to assist in the holding.


The cup is designed to be flat, letting the center of gravity be lower, so the juicer would be more stable and safe during use.


The wire storage hole: 1. Stores the wire. 2. Separates the cup from the motor while cleaning the cup.

Efficiency Extend the width of the filter plate to prevent splashing and accommodate more slag.



To clean it more easily, extend the filter plate to let the hand go deeper into the cup.

There are five rubber embosses designed on the bottom surface to adapt to a slightly bumpy table surface.


EMOTION The waist of the cup requires the parent and the child hold it with four hands. This adds to the interaction between the parent and the child and to the safer use in the meantime.


SAFETY Products related to children should take safety into account: This juicer's shape is flat, so the stability is good. In addition, it is possible to separate the electrical devices from the cup while cleaning. The wire storage hole could be also used to store the wire while not using it to prevent contact. Press the squeezer, and the power will turn on; it is intuitive and could prevent someone from touching the switch inadvertently. There are five rubber embosses on the bottom surface to prevent its falling from a bumpy table or slipping from a wet surface.


EFFICIENCY The filter plate is designed to be wide to accomodate more slag and reduce splashing. The ears attached to the squeezer is able to stir the juice in the filter plate, speeding up the falling of the juice and pushing the slag to the corner of the filter plate.


CLEANING The cup is designed to be wide enough for the user's hand to go into the cup for cleaning.

Moonlight A paper lamp burned with fire to present moonlight looming between the clouds in the dark night. - Image presentation - Test of various paper materials

Design Process 01 - Test the effect and light transmission of various papers. 02 - Present the image of moonlight with 2D paper 03 - Image selection 04 - Test the burning effects of the paper 05 - Material selection 06 - Bond the papers into a lamp shape and burn it. 07 - Assemble the lightbulb. 08 - Finish

"The sudden impact of moon looming between the clouds."



Cloud Paper




"When the clouds fade, a moon lights."

- Details

04 Every detailed local things.

Design for


TRI-Origin A series of styling pencils reminds us of the original appearance of mat rush in Taiwan Miaoli. There are many craft uses of mat rush, such as hats and mats woven from it. However, few people know the native shape and the changes in color during the growth of mat rush, and they may even not know that the original place of mat rush is Miaoli. “Tri-Origin� is a series of simple styling pencils designed to remind us of the most primitive appearance of mat rush in the land of Taiwan Miaoli.


Mat rush is rich in Miaoli County, and it is one of the traditional craft industries in Miaoli. It has been a highly-useful native material due to its softness, tenacity, strong water absorption, dehumidification and deodorant function, and the ability to be woven into a variety of daily necessities.

The Original of Mat Rush

Design Process

A designer went to Miaoli to investigate the history, appearance, and crafts of mat rush, bringing back the stem of the mat rush to produce the product.

01 Color Selection during a Lifetime of Mat Rush

02 Select colors and cut the pencil into a triangle

03 Paste the mat rush onto the pencil surface

05 Handmade package is done

06 Package the pencils

04 Design the package

Design for Culture

Design Features

Do you know that the mat rush is originally triangle-shaped ? Mat rush has long been presented in the form of weaving to produce products. This time, I tried to present it in the form of its native appearance: The pencils were triangular from their head to bottom, showing the original shape of native mat rush. The six pencil colors were picked from the different stages in the whole lifetime of mat rush.

The native triangle shape of the mat rush stem exactly fits the most comfortable and stable position when we hold a pencil. I transformed the stem of the mat rush into the body of a pencil and picked a set of colors that are similar to the colors observed during the growth of mat rush. I tried to revive the local memory in Miaoli, by reminding people of the native appearance of mat rush growing on the land of Miaoli.

Presenting a local memory with a simple modern design. When we use the pencil, it is just like squeezing out the juice in the mat rush to paint on the paper.


A series of greenery color during a lifetime of mat rush.


The original triangle form of the mat rush stem.


The native material of the mat rush skin attached to the product surface.


01 Caring Design

Design for


Design for Society

安輕搬 Evacuation Strethcer With the incoming of an ageing society, the rate of the respiratory therapy patients in Taiwan grows increasingly. These patients cannot move by themselves and also cannot be moved easily, so they often die in the fire during an escape. Compared with the evacuation equipment available, Caring Rescue is a product that is able to transport patients more safely and quickly, and reduce the burden in evacuation. We hope that the safety concern of respiratory therapy patients is well-solved and is no longer ignored through this design.


Aluminum, Canvas, Plastic Steel

Caring Rescue



At 3:30 am in the morning, October 23, 2012, a fire broke out at the branch of the North Gate Hospital resulting in the death of 12 chronic bedridden patients. This is the biggest fire in Taiwan’s medical history, indicating the lack of stress awareness in medical institutions. From then on, many hospitals have begun holding largescale fire drills. A fire emergency occurs within an instant; the smoke and flames increase rapidly and so evacuation equipment is very important. The government reported that disadvantaged groups (those without mobility, children, etc.) represent 46.4% of the total number of the deaths from fires. Three types of intubated (breathing tube, nasogastric tube, and catheter) patients are quite difficult to move. There are more than 50% patients in the hospitals that are disabled, including patients totally without mobility (in need of assistance). These patients escape slowly and knowing how to move them safely and rapidly is very important.

Respiratory therapy patient A “respiratory therapy patient” means that a patient cannot breathe on his own and needs artificial treatment to help him/her to breathe. In general, their physical limitations are as follows: 1.Relies on artificial a continuous oxygen supply. 2.Is a quadriplegic and is unable to move autonomously. 3.Is bedridden with stiff limbs, which cannot be bent in a large angle.

Respiratory care center A “respiratory care center” is generally located above the third floor in local hospitals. The total number of beds is below 20, which are equipped with several types of medical equipments, such as physiological monitors, a sputum suction machine, and a central oxygen system. This kind of center is specialized in treating long-term-ventilator-dependent patients.

Design for Society



Head Nurses of Respiratory care center

Directors of Hospital

We visited the fire station several times to ask about what kind of stretcher positions firefighters would use in an ambulance. They said that Taiwan is a small but densely-populated country, so the stretcher on which the patient can be made to sit or lie down is the best. They also mentioned that it is important for nurses to rescue patients prior to the firefighters’ arrival. In addition, bedridden patients’ limbs are stiff, so they can only be carried in a lying posture. Existing equipment is not appropriate in this situation, so the nurses often move the patients directly by lifting them.

We have much information about the dayto-day care of respiratory therapy patients and emergency moving from the head nurse. The existing way to move the respiratory therapy patients is by means of a mattress: Use the magnetic buckle belt to tie the mattress up, then drag the mattress directly, and transport the patient vertically. During the whole moving process, we need to press the ambu-bag to maintain the patient’s breathing. During moving upstairs or downstairs, friction of the mattress with the ground may cause bumping of the patient’s spine or head, so the nurses must pay attention to the patient’s safety and respiratory status while moving, while pressing the ambu-bag simultaneously.

Because of requirements such as oxygen supply, respiratory therapy patients are the hardest to evacuate from the hospital. The existing way is to push them horizontally to a safe area with a bed sheet. According to the building legislation, the existing evacuation equipments still have many security concerns. The administrators in the hospital are aware of fire prevention and have experiences in related drills; however, no two fires occur due to the same reason, so these equipments and facilities are still very challenging in real use. Eventually, we will come up with a design for respiratory therapy patients’ evacuation, multi-functional escaping equipment, which let the patients have more of a possibility to survive.

Existing Management during Fire Bed

Horizontal Transport


Vertical Transport

Temporary Placement

Caring Rescue Competitive Product Analysis

01 For Outdoor Terrain : Rugged MX-Pro Stretcher Features: - A one-hand release breakaway - Oversize wheels with maximum mobility on all types of terrain Weaknesses: - No upstairs/downstairs mobility - Could not fit on the narrow stairs in the small hospital in

02 The Most Portable : Double Fold Nato Stretcher Features: - Easy to carry - Lightweight Weaknesses: - Cannot securely place the patient, so there is a danger while upstairs/downstairs - Too long to fit on the narrow stairs in the small hospital in Taiwan.

03 Upstair/Downstair in narrow spaces : Evac Chair Features: - Upstairs/Downstairs mobility in narrow spaces - Lightweight Weakness: - Not suitable for bedridden patients with stiff limbs

04 Only One Person Needed while on the Plain Feature: - Only one person needed while on the plain Weakness: - Cannot go upstairs/downstairs

Adapt to all terrain


02 Laborious

04 Adapt to few terrain


Suitable to the scenenario


Design for Society Ideation

There are 2 main directions during ideation : 01 Soft structure 02 Linkages structure

01 A soft structure:

Lightweight, but more dangerous and cumbersome during transporting.

02 A linkage structure:

It could be folded up and stretched out easily. It is more labor-saving during transporting because of the wheels and track structure. .

Caring Rescue

CONCEPT & FEATURES Before the fire brigade and the ambulance arrive at the hospital, medical personnel need to carry out the initial fire extinguishing and move various types of patients to a safe area. Besides moving the patients outdoors, another way is taking patients to a relatively safe area to wait for a rescue. These two ways need to face the problem about “patient carrying,� especially the bedridden patients, because they are weak and have stiff limbs. It is more difficult to care for these kinds of patients, because they need to continuously rely on an oxygen-generating machine to survive at all times. We focus on their safety and reducing delay during the escape process. We hope that the following ways may increase chances of their successful rescue.


4 1 3




Design for Society




A Lying Posture

Safety wrapping

Thicken of the Support

Move the patient in a lying position directly from the bed to the “Caring Rescue� with a bed sheet.

Wrap the patient completely from the head, shoulder, and pelvis to the legs.

Thickening of the support can avoid a collision and bumping.



Press, fix the Ambu Bag

A Small Space

The cart-like transporting lets the controller have a free hand to press the ambu-bag. The joint section with the Ambu-Bag can avoid its falling out during the process.

Transform to the chair mode to move in a small space like a stairwell.






fold- up- dragging

Using the track to move downstairs can highly increase the possibility of escaping.

A 3-wheeled-group in the back supports for moving upstairs in addition to an unpredictable situation in a fire.

Folding up the stretcher and the 3-wheeled-group can help moving upstairs, downstairs, and horizontally, whether we have to move it next to the bed or back to the fire.



A Labor-saving Strap

Aluminum alloy

To reduce the burden of the controller and to make the patient more secure.

Made by Aluminum alloy to make it lighter to carry.



Caring Rescue

Using Process 1. Once an emergency occurs, nurses should take out the “Caring Rescue” and put it in a lying position. Then place it by the bed.

2. Remove the intubation tube from the patient’s body, and drag the patient onto the “Caring Rescue.”

3. Cover the patients’ major parts rapidly. From top to bottom are: the head (prevent the head from falling down and obstructing the airway), the shoulders (tied together with the “ambu-bag”), the pelvis, and the legs.

Design for Society

4. Horizontal moving needs only one person to push (press the “ambu-bag” at any time according to the patient’s condition). The other person can assist in turning.

5. Downstairs The front-end carrier mainly controls the direction, and the back-end carrier is responsible for pressing the “ambu-bag” and sharing parts of the force to control the rate of moving.

*The joints of a bedridden “respiratory therapy patients” are stiff, so our design is mainly used in a lying position. A sitting position can also be used in a small space (e.g.,., an apartment stairwell in Taiwan).

6. Upstairs Keep the “four-wheeled-group” on the ground to assist in climbing stairs. Hang an “oblique shoulder strap” on the frontend handler’s shoulder, and on the back-end handler, hang the belt at the elbow according to the “human lever principle.” This will significantly reduce the burden on the controllers.

Caring Rescue

7. When arriving outside, we will arrange the

patient in a lying posture, avoiding placing the patient on the ground.

8. After the ambulance comes, put the upper

stretcher onto the inclined plane of the ambulance; one person raises the stretcher and puts it forward into the ambulance, and the other person assists in the car. The front wheel will then slide forward, moving the patient into the ambulance.

9. If there is no need to put them down tem-

porarily, or to arrange the patients outdoor (7), or to move them into the ambulance (8), since we can take the patient out of the stretcher, and re-fold the stretcher. After the “Caring Rescue” is well-folded, we can drag it upstairs to rescue others while the “four-wheeled-group” remains on the ground.

Design for Society



Design Interests

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

CIS Design - Mizunetto Bathroom Equipment Company

I extract the elements of bathroom equipments -- clean and light, and combine them with the graphics. I try to present a variety of graphic style in the range of simplicity and clear.


Design for Interest

Final Logo Design

It's inspired from the image that when we are taking a bath, water vapor condensed on tiles and mirrors, and we may draw a trace on them with our fingers. I think this image is evocative and symbolic. And if we watch rhis logo from a distance or reduce the size of the logo, the entire logo is like a condensed water droplet.

Name Card Design



Envelope Design

Xin Yu Lin

mail: noinojoan@hotmail.com mobile: 0910307726 adress: 41st Road, New York 11355 U.S.A.

Graphic Design

DM Design - Moonlight Lamp

"Moonlight" is one of my works when I was a college freshman. It's a lamp made with burned paper. When I was designing this DM, I tried to capture the scenario of moonlight, and presented it in a poster atmosphere. Size / A4 Material / 200 pounds of Dandika

烈 火 燒 灼, 層 層 退 卻。

留下書頁間, 月光的段落 仍還亮著, 等待下一次焦黑。

撥 When

雲 the


見 f a d e,


月 moon

l i g h t s.

Light s


A Mo n

燒 地址:台北市萬華區中華路二段666-12號12樓之1 TEL:(02) 2332-1606

Amoonlights Lighting Art Co., Ltd.


見 月 │藝 術 家 居 壁 燈│ 描圖紙‧尺寸 20 x 17cm


為兼具裝飾與照明功能之壁燈。 重疊紙材增加光線層次, 再以小火燒製不規則邊緣, 表現隨雲層幻變的月色。


製程說明 8磅描圖紙手工捲成數個小圓錐, 以保麗龍膠黏著成半球體, 再以小火燻燒。 碎紙混合白膠敷於氣球上, 待完全乾透撕起為一半球體, 內置燈泡。

A Mo n

Light s

Design for Interest


A photoshop design work.

Anne Lin Email : xinyulin1990@gmail.com Mobile : +886-910307726

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