Chinas desulfurization and denitrification market share, size, growth & analysis report 2015 2020

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Chinas Desulfurization and Denitrification Market Share, Size, Growth & Analysis Report 2015-2020: Radiant Insights, Inc Research and Development Forecast of China's Desulfurization and Denitrification Industry, 2015-2020, mainly analyzes the status quo of domestic market, supply and demand, competition pattern of Desulfurization and Denitrification industry and operation of key enterprises in China, also provides suggestions and decision-making references for enterprise planning to understand this industry or invest in this field. Read Complete Report with TOC @ In respect of market operation, according to plan, by 2015, the amount of thermal power generation will hit 5.12 trillion Kwh, assume that the generation loads of denitrification units that have been operated equal other ones, the units newly-built and renovated for denitrification can achieve 40% of load operation for the year and can generate in full load next year, by which we can calculate the total power generation of denitrification units will be about 12.78 trillion kwh during “the 12th five-year, in which, the power generation of the units renovated will be 8.21 trillion kwh and the units newly-built will be 4.58 trillion kwh. The operation cost of stock denitrification units issued by State Electricity Regulation Commission is about CNY 1.33 cent/kwh and the newly built units is CNY 1.13 cent/kwh, calculated by which, the market scale in overall will be CNY 160.88 billion, in which, the market scale of stock denitrification units will be CNY 109.13 billion and the newly built units will be CNY 51.75 billion. With the completion of denitrification work during “the 12th five-year” period, the operated denitrification units will usher the peak of operation market, it is predicted that the market scale will hit CNY 84.92 billion by 2020 and the total market volume will hit CNY 375.7 billion during the 13th five-year period. Excerpt 5. Application Fields and Supply and Demand Analysis 5.1 Supply Analysis 5.1.1 Flue Gas Desulphurization in Thermal Power Plant The capacity of flue gas desulphurization units put into operation In 2013 in thermal power plant was 36 million Kw; by the end of 2013, The capacity of flue gas desulphurization units that have been put into operation in thermal power plant had been about CNY 720 million Kw, accounting for 91.6% of the capacity of active coal-fired units in China.

S/N Desulphurization enterprises Capacity put into operation in 2013 (MW) Desulphurization method and proportion (%) 1 CPI Yuanda Environment-protection Engineering Co., Ltd 4694 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100

2 China Huadian Engineering Co., Ltd. 4560 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 3 Beijing Guodian Longyuan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd 4123 Limestone-gypsum wet process 85.45 Organic amine process 14.55 4 Zhejiang Tiandi Environment-protection Engineering Co., Ltd 1920 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 5 Zhejiang Tianlan Environment-protection Technology Co., Ltd 1420 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 6 Zhejiang Feida Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd. 1108 Limestone-gypsum wet process 58.48 Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 41.52 Read Complete Report with TOC @ 7 Tongfang environment Co., Ltd 750 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 8 Zhejiang Lantian Qiushi Environment-protection Co., Ltd 700 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 9 Beijing Boqi Electric Power Science & Technology Co,, Ltd 660 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 10 Shangdong Sanrong Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd 600 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 11 Fujian Longking Co., Ltd. 300 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 12 Sinosteel Tiancheng Environmental Protection Science & Technology Co., Ltd. 220 Limestonegypsum wet process 100 13 Jiangsu Xinzhong Environmental Protection Co., Ltd 125 Limestone-gypsum wet process 60.00 Magnesia process 40.00 Source: China Electricity Council

S/N Desulphurization enterprises Cumulative Capacity put into operation ďźˆMW Desulphurization method and proportion (%) 1 Beijing Guodian Longyuan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd 99930 Limestone-gypsum wet process 88.32

Seawater process 10.69 Organic amine process 0.60 Ammonia Process 0.27 Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 0.12 2 Beijing Boqi Electric Power Science & Technology Co,, Ltd 52446 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 3 Fujian Longking Co., Ltd. 50784 Limestone-gypsum wet process 81.90 Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 18.10 4 CPI Yuanda Environment-protection Engineering Co., Ltd 46388 Limestone-gypsum wet process 97.63 Dry process1.38 Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 0.99 5 Wuhan Kaidi Electric Power Environmental Co., Ltd. 43970 Limestone-gypsum wet process 90.36 Read Complete Report with TOC @ Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 7.76 Ammonia Process 0.94 Semi-dry process 0.94 6 Zhejiang Zheda Wangxin Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd 40345 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 7 China Huadian Engineering Co., Ltd. 36152 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 8 Shangdong Sanrong Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd 27450 Limestone-gypsum wet process 96.56 Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 3.44 9 Zhejiang Tiandi Environment-protection Engineering Co., Ltd 25010 Limestone-gypsum wet process 99.35 Seawater process 0.65 10 Tongfang environment Co., Ltd 24227 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 11 Zhonghuan (China) Engineering Co., Ltd 17155 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100

12 Datang Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd 17060 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 13 Beijing SPC Environment Protection Tech Co., Ltd. 13330 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 14 Zhejiang Feida Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd. 9498 Limestone-gypsum wet process 71.62 Semi-dry process 28.38 15 Zhejiang Lantian Qiushi Environment-protection Co., Ltd 7905 Limestone-gypsum wet process 85.82 Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 14.18 16 Hunan Tonker Environmental Protection Co., Ltd 7485 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 17 Guangzhou Tiancisanhe Environment-protection Engineering Co., Ltd 5228 Limestone-gypsum wet process 47.93 Dual Alkali 26.40 Read Complete Report with TOC @ Spray drying process 22.36 Magnesia process 3.31 18 Guodian Environmental Protection Institute 4100 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 19 Lan-Tian Environmental Co.,Ltd 3102 Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 67.69 Semi-dry process 26.94 Limestone-gypsum wet process 5.37 20 Jiangsu New Century Jiangnan Environment-protection Co., Ltd 2776 Ammonia Process 100 21 Energy China GEDI 2670 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 22 Hunan Lunan Desulfurization & Denitration Tech Co., Ltd 1966 Limestone-gypsum wet process 93.51 Dual Alkali 6.49 23 Guangzhou Yueshou Industry Co., Ltd 1602 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 24 Zhejiang Tianlan Environment-protection Technology Co., Ltd 1420 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 25 Sinosteel Tiancheng Environmental Protection Science & Technology Co., Ltd. 1270 Limestonegypsum wet process 100

26 Centrol Environmental Technologies, Ltd. 980 Limestone-gypsum wet process 100 27 Jiangsu Xinzhong Environmental Protection Co., Ltd 994 Limestone-gypsum wet process 77.67 Flue gas circulating fluidized bed 12.48 Magnesia process 9.85 Source: China Electricity Council In respect of market operation, according to plan, by 2015, the amount of thermal power generation will hit 5.12 trillion Kwh, assume that the generation loads of denitrification units that have been operated equal other ones, the units newly-built and renovated for denitrification can achieve 40% of load operation for the year and can generate in full load next year, by which we can calculate the total power generation of denitrification units will be about 12.78 trillion kwh during “the 12th five-year, in which, the power generation of the units renovated will be 8.21 trillion kwh and the units newly-built will be 4.58 trillion kwh. The operation cost of stock denitrification units issued by State Electricity Regulation Commission is about CNY 1.33 cent/kwh and the newly built units is CNY 1.13 cent/kwh, calculated by which, the market scale in overall will be CNY 160.88 billion, in which, the market scale of stock denitrification units will be CNY 109.13 billion and the newly built units will be CNY 51.75 billion. With the completion of denitrification work during “the 12th five-year” period, the operated denitrification units will usher the peak of operation market, it is predicted that the market scale will hit CNY 84.92 billion by 2020 and the total market volume will hit CNY 375.7 billion during the 13th five-year period. Read Complete Report with TOC @ Table Of Content 1. Overview of Desulfurization and Denitrification Industry in China 1.1 Definition of Desulfurization and Denitrification 1.2 Industry Cycle Analysis 1.2.1 Industry Development Cycle 1.2.2 Maturity of the Industry Segments

2. Overview of Overseas Desulfurization and Denitrification Market 2.1 Global Desulfurization and Denitrification Market 2.2 Market Overview in Major Asian Countries 2.3 Market Overview in Major European Countries

2.4 Market Overview in Major American Countries

3. Desulfurization and Denitrification Development Environment in China 3.1 Economic Environment 3.1.1 Economic Development Status 3.1.2 Overall Economy Operates in Reasonable Range 3.1.3 History Change Track of Fixed Asset Investment 3.1.4 Total Import and Export Amount and Growth Rate 3.1.5 Consumer Prices are Stable Overall 3.1.6 Resident Income Grows Steadily Read Complete Report with TOC @ 3.1.7 Five Changes in Economy Transformation and Structure Adjustment 3.2 Related Industry Policies and Standards 3.3 Technological Environment in China 3.3.1 Desulfurization Environment 3.3.2 Denitrification Environment

4. Market Status Quo of Desulfurization and Denitrification in China 4.1 Industry Development History 4.2 Market Status Quo and Characteristics 4.3 Existing Problems and Countermeasures

5. Application Fields and Supply and Demand Analysis 5.1 Supply Analysis 5.1.1 Flue Gas Desulphurization in Thermal Power Plant

5.1.2 Flue Gas Denitrification in Thermal Power Plant 5.1.3 Franchise Operating of Desulfurization and Denitrification in Thermal Power Plant 5.1.4 Flue Gas Denitrification Catalyst 5.1.5 Electrical & Baghose Composite Precipitation Industry 5.2 Demand Analysis 5.3 Industry Operating Mode Read Complete Report with TOC @ 6. Import and Export of Equipment Related to Desulfurization and Denitrification in China 6.1 Import Data Analysis (Overall Data) 6.1.1 Desulfurization Units 6.1.2 Denitrification Units 6.2 Import Data Analysis (by countries) 6.2.1 Desulfurization Units (by countries) 6.2.2 Denitrification Units (by countries) 6.3 Export Data Analysis (Overall Data) 6.3.1 Desulfurization Units 6.3.2 Denitrification Units 6.4 Export Data Analysis (by countries) 6.4.1 Desulfurization Units (by countries) 6.4.2 Denitrification Units (by countries)

7. Industry Competition Pattern in China 7.1 Market Competition Pattern 7.2Industry Competition Status Quo 7.3 Competition Trend

8. Key Desulfurization and Denitrification Enterprises in Chinab 8.1 Longking Co., Ltd. 8.1.1 Company Profile 8.1.2 Products and Advantage 8.1.3 Business Performance 8.1.4 Core Competitiveness 8.2 Jiulong Electric Power 8.2.1 Company Profile 8.2.2 Products and Advantage Read Complete Report with TOC @ 8.2.3 Business Performance 8.2.4 Core Competitiveness 8.3 Yantai Longyuan Power Technology Co., Ltd 8.3.1 Company Profile 8.3.2 Products and Advantage 8.3.3 Business Performance 8.3.4 Core Competitiveness 8.4 Xuzhou Combustion Control Technology Co., Ltd 8.4.1 Company Profile 8.4.2 Products and Advantage 8.4.3 Business Performance 8.4.4 Core Competitiveness

9. Investment Analysis and Suggestions 9.1 Investment Environment

9.2 Investment Opportunities 9.3 Investment Risks 9.4 Investment Suggestions

10. Development Forecast on Desulfurization and Denitrification Industry in China 10.1 Development Trend 10.1.1 Analysis on Development of Industry 10.1.2 Technology Development Orientation 10.2 Market Forecast 10.2.1 Desulfurization Market Forecast during “13th Five-Year� Read Complete Report with TOC @ About Radiant Insights Radiant Insights is a platform for companies looking to meet their market research and business intelligence requirements. We assist and facilitate organizations and individuals procure market research reports, helping them in the decision making process. We have a comprehensive collection of reports, covering over 40 key industries and a host of micro markets. In addition to over extensive database of reports, our experienced research coordinators also offer a host of ancillary services such as, research partnerships/ tie-ups and customized research solutions. For More Information, Visit Radiant Insights Contact: Michelle Thoras Corporate Sales Specialist, USA Radiant Insights, Inc Phone: 1-415-349-0054 Toll Free: 1-888-202-9519 Email: Blog URL:

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