Manresa memos issue 6 may 2 2014 final webversion

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May / June 2014 Issue #6

Our Mission is to help men and women grow spiritually through prayer, reflection, guidance and teaching according to the Ignatian tradition.

June 1st Picnic Set as Farewell Event for Fr. Hyde, SJ

In his inaugural message at the Spirit of Manresa Gala in September of 2008, Fr. Greg set the agenda for his administration by reminding us we were all a part of a significant community of prayerful people through 80 years of history. He called us to “ other fires…” for the Lord through prayer, teaching and participation in the holy work of the community at Manresa. It hit home. Our lives have been richer because of his leadership. Plan to attend the picnic on June 1st beginning at 2:00 PM with a Mass presided by Fr. Hyde. Stop by to thank him and wish him well in his next assignment...and have a hot dog or two! I hope you join us.

Fr. Hyde Burse Established to Support McGrail Fund

What’s Inside!

Upcoming Events

Manresa Memos


1390 Quarton Road Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 248.644.4933

Manresa’s family picnic traditionally held on the first Sunday in June will be the setting for our community’s farewell to our beloved Executive Director, Fr. Greg Hyde, SJ. Fr. Greg arrived six years ago amid significant change at the retreat house. Declining attendance and the financial crisis brought uncertainty and concern.

As Fr. Hyde departs to take up his assignment in Minnesota, there are many of us who have appreciated his wisdom and spirituality through the course of his tenure, and we want to say thank you. Usually, our gratitude is expressed in greetings and with gifts of appreciation. The Hyde Burse has been established at Fr. Greg’s request to address the latter expression. A Burse is a specific gift that supports the McGrail Fund, our endowment. We use the funds from McGrail to support the ministry throughout the year and it is governed by the Board of Directors. (Continued on page 2)

Picnic Farewell for Fr. Hyde

Page 1

New Burse for McGrail Fund

Page 1

Master’s Garden—5/31/2014

Page 2

Summer Individually Directed Retreat Session Schedule

Page 3

Christian Yoga

Page 3

Woman to Woman: Come as You Are Schedule through August

Page 3

Auction Gala Information

Page 4

Manresa Golf Outing—Openings

Page 4

Lay Retreatant League Seeks New Back Cover Conference Retreat Schedule

Back Cover

Fr. Hyde Burse (Continued from page 1) Fr. Hyde’s desire is to leave a legacy here at Manresa through the Burse rather than accumulating “more stuff, as nice as it is.” He devoted his energy to widening Manresa’s reach to many more constituents, especially various ethnic groups across SE Michigan. He would like to see that work continue within the Manresa ministerial structure and a designated burse is a way to do it. If you would like to contribute, you can use the form below, go on line to our website or simply come to the picnic. A table will be set up under one of the tents for this purpose. We owe much to this wonderful man who really sacrificed for Mail the coupon and your donation to Manresa Jesuit Retreat House, Hyde Burse, 1390 Quarton Road, the Mission of Manresa. Watch our website for further news. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304

I would like to add my (our) name(s) to the list of those who have supported the work of Manresa and recognize Fr. Hyde’s contribution to the Mission by adding to the Hyde Burse. Name ____________________________________________________

Checks should be payable to “Manresa Jesuit Retreat House” Donation Amount: $ _________________ Credit Card Number:

Address __________________________________________________

___________________________________ Exp. Date: ____________ Cd. _________


Please check:

Phone Number ______________________________________________ Cash 2



INDIVIDUALLY DIRECTED RETREATS SUMMER SESSIONS Each summer we set certain dates aside in June, July, and August for individually directed retreats. We invite experienced men and women, Jesuits and others, to form a team so that amid this variety of directors each retreatant may have some compatible person to walk with them through the Spiritual Exercises. The dates are selected to allow for eight-day retreats; those who wish to make shorter retreats should select dates within this time frame (from 7:30 PM on the first date to 10 AM on the last). We ask individuals to limit themselves in the summer to those days because of the closures of our kitchen and the occasional unavailability of staff, although from September to May individuals may generally chose any dates they wish. Last year, each of the sessions filled early, so we recommend you register now to secure a place.

For the Mind, Body and Spirit” Manresa Jesuit Retreat House 1390 Quarton Rd. – Bloomfield Hills Dates: Monday Evenings – 5:30 pm thru 6:45 pm Spring: May 5 and 19; June 2, 9 and 23 Summer: July 21 and 28; August 4 and 18 Registration: Registration is recommended. Cost: Spring Session is $60 paid in advance. Summer and Drop-in is $12 per class. Payments may be made by cash or check at the class.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

Manresa's special gift is prayerful solitude and peaceful 5631 N. Adams Rd. – Bloomfield Hills openness to the Spirit. Our thirty-nine wooded and landscaped acres with stream, nature trail, and three Dates: Thursday Evenings – 4:30 pm thru 5:45 pm “cottages” separate from the main house add to the Spring: May 1, 15, 22 and 29 prayerful atmosphere June 5, 12, 19 and 26 Summer: July 17, 24 and 31 Registration: Registration is recommended Note: Summer Sessions for Retreat begin at 7:30 on Available through the evening of the first day (one may arrive before or or call 248-4333-1049. after the 6 PM dinner) and end after breakfast of the last Cost: Suggested cost is $10 per class. Payments may be day. made by cash or check at the class.

Facilitator: Grace Seroka -- Graduate of the Ignatian Spirituality Program and a certified yoga instructor

Please bring your exercise mat and yoga block. Therapeutic bands are available for purchase at the class.


“Come As You Are” is our theme as we gather to break open Scripture and to share our journey as sisters in Christ. We begin with coffee and me to socialize, and then gather for prayer and faith sharing. We come away refreshed, renewed, heard, affirmed, supported, and spiritually nourished. Life is challenging, and we all need to re-energize . . . come, plug in!


When: May 12, June 23, August 18

Where: Manresa Library


9:30 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship

Facilitator: Diane Neville

10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Prayer and Faith Sharing

Cost: Dona ons to Manresa are graciously accepted


2014 MANRESA Jesuit Raffle Tickets Now on Sale!

The Seller Incentive Program Sell 10 Manresa Jesuit Raffle Tickets and receive 1 chance in the Seller Rewards Drawing for a $1,500 Cash Award. Sell 20 tickets and receive 2 chances; 30 tickets and receive 3 chances … and so forth … This is your chance to reward yourself by helping Manresa. We only have

Drawing to be held at 5:00 PM during the Manresa 350 tickets to sell … so the maximum number of people in this special drawing will be 35 or less. The name of the Rewarded Seller will also be Family Picnic on June 1, 2014 drawn on June 1, 2014 following the Grand Prize Drawing of the


Manresa Jesuit Raffle. Here are some things you can do to more quickly sell our Manresa

Jesuit Raffle Tickets, which sell for $100 each:

Raffle Ticket Cost is $100

$ 10,000 GRAND PRIZE $ 3,000 -- 2ND PRIZE

Remind buyers that the odds of winning a prize in the Manresa Jesuit Raffle are 2 chances in 350 … not 1 in 1500 as you would normally expect for a raffle.

Have several individuals pool their money to buy a single Manresa Jesuit Raffle Ticket … for instance have 4 people each contribute $25 to buy a chance on winning a quarter share in the possible prizes.

Form a sales team that collectively sells 10 Manresa Jesuit Raffle Tickets and submit your collective name as the seller for a chance in our Rewards Drawing.


2014 MANRESA JESUIT RAFFLE –ORDER FORM Yes, I would like to purchase Manresa Jesuit Raffle Tickets for the $10,000 cash grand prize and the $3,000 second prize. Please send me ______ raffle ticket(s). Raffle


cost is $100 each.

Yes, I would like to HELP Manresa sell Manresa Jesuit Raffle Tickets and participate in Manresa’s Sales Incentive Program and be eligible for the Sales Reward Drawing for a $1,500 cash award. Please send me ______ raffle ticket(s). Raffle ticket cost is $100 each.







Day Phone Number:


State: ________

Zip: __________

To order Manresa Jesuit Raffle Tickets: Please complete and mail this Order Form to Manresa with your check. Alternatively visit the Manresa Website ( or call the Manresa Office (248.644.4933). Your tickets will be mailed to you. Amount Enclosed : $_________________________

The winning tickets will be drawn during the Manresa Family Picnic on June 1, 2014. Join us for Mass at 2:00 PM. Manresa will be supplying hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks and some of your favorite ice cream. You also have a chance to say goodbye to Fr. Hyde...see you then 5

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1390 Quarton Road Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304

Detroit, MI Permit No. 3042

Phone: 248.644.4933 E-mail:

Retreats and Other Days of Reflection

Conference Retreats 5/8-5/11

Women's V (4 day midweek)



Women's IV Mother's Day



St. Mary Magdalen-St. Conrad, Gesu, Detroit, Mt. Pleasant, Detroit Men Police & Fire Fighters, Men of Manresa, Br. Rice High Alumni


AA Women Spring


Hispanic Retreat


Sisters 6 Day Retreat


Women's VI

Almost 90 years ago a group of men decided to form an organization to build and support retreats near Detroit. Thanks to their vision and commitment, Manresa was built and expanded so that now 2,000 people attend a conference retreat or individually directed retreat annually.

Inspired by their effort, a Lay Retreatants League Women was established in 2012 to follow their example. Formed to pray for those on retreat and invite others to discover what a retreat can mean to one’s spiritual development, enrollment has reached 160 Both members. If you have attended a retreat at Manresa in the last five years, think about joining the Religious League. Dues run from $15 to $30 depending on age and the number of retreats you have attended Women (more of either is definitely a better deal).

For more information about retreats and the schedule of events at Manresa or to register for any of them, see our website: 6

Lay Retreatant League Seeks Members

To find out more, call Hugh Buchanan at 248.644.4933, Ext. 11.

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