Vegan meal plan for you, your friends & family - for inspirational use

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Vegan meal plan A guide with some quick, easy, healthy and delicious recipes!

Foreword You might, or might not, have some vegan knowledge. As any other lifestyle it is something you will have to look into. Your parents taught you a lifestyle when you were young, but what is the lifestyle that makes you, you? The bases of a vegan diet are fruits and vegetables. Then grains; preferably whole grains. Those are rice, potatoes, quinoa, oats, bread, pasta etc. together with beans, tofu, seitan and other soy products. Fact: soy is not bad for the environment if humans only eat it. Cattle get fed soy products. There is a huge and growing amount of cattle, and so more deforestation. At the top of the pyramid are high fat whole foods, like nuts, seeds and oils. For any vegan questions please go to:

Made for friends as explanation and inspiration for a vegan lifestyle. Show respect for each other and move on, no one is telling anyone how to eat. These are individual choices. This meal plan is made for fun and to help some of my friends that asked, with some easy vegan food choices. And for those friends who thought I was eating paper and boring salads ;p

But why vegan and not vegetarian? For a good explanation why I went vegan, go to: No meat is okay but no diary goes to far? Here are some facts, educate yourself and let’s have respect for each others opinion and actions Yes a lot of documentaries are on Netflix, like Cowspiracy (the best), Game changers, Forks over Knives. However that they are American doesn’t mean that they don’t contain the facts, they are real. They are just made in a certain style to keep people interested and keep it low-profile to watch. No netflix? Watch some here if you are curious:

I am not saying the diary industry has to disappear. Balance has to be restored and some (policy) adaptations made, but for such a discussion I prefer to speak in person with a beer or tea

Enjoy reading to some of the most easy but nutritious, protein rich meals. There is a lot more out there on the Internet including loads of snacks, smoothies (bowls) for breakfast, dessert and vegan alternatives for meat like burgers and fish, cheese etc. In Holland is the brand mostly known as Violife. You can always add your twist to the recipes. Avocado is not included (more expensive, not always available) but can be added, just as all different spices you like.

Below is a selection of the most easy food combinations that are doable in big families, people on a budget or for students: barely any dishes! S OME










D ON ’ T


Table of content Recipes




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For any other recipes Google is your best friend. There are easy 3 ingredient (no-)baking recipes out there or more luxe/easy main recipes.



Maple/agave syrup




1 teaspoon (tsp)

5 ml

1 tablespoon (tbsp)

15 ml

1/4 cup

60 ml

1/3 cup

80 ml

1/2 cup

120 ml

2/3 cup

160 ml

3/4 cup

180 ml

1 cup

240 ml

0.5 oz.

14 grams

1 oz.

28 grams

1/4 pound (lb)

113 grams

1/3 pound (lb)

151 grams

1/2 pound (lb)

227 grams

1 pound (lb)

454 grams

1 tablespoon

14.175 grams

1 cup

226 grams

1 cup of raw sugar

250 grams

1 cup of brown sugar

220 grams

1 tablespoon

21.25 grams

1/4 cup

85 grams

1 cup

340 grams

1 cup all-purpose flour

125 grams

The table above is for information. But you can also look at the ratio (verhoudingen). Example: 1-cup rice and 2 cups water can be seen as 1:2 or 1 tablespoon rice and 2 tablespoons of water. The difference between the mentioned syrups can be found here: Agave syrup, Maple syrup (Esdoorn siroop) and Honey (not vegan):

Breakfast Level: Easy 1. Quinoa porridge




5. 6.


a. Put in a pan: 1 cup of quinoa, 2 cups of water. Depending on your choice and taste buds add apple or strawberries, some maple syrup (vegan alternative for honey) or raisins Alpro Soy Yoghurt a. Toss together: b. Alpro yoghurt c. Seeds d. Fruit e. Granola / oats Oats a. Boil them in water b. Add vegan butter + cinnamon + bit of sugar c. Fruits/seeds/nuts Oats choco a. Add oats in a pan b. Add 1 chopped banana, a bit cocoa powder, 1 ½ cup water and cook until ready c. Put in a bowl d. Add 3 tsp of peanut butter and some strawberries Overnight chia pudding a. Combine Chia seeds and Almond milk, leave overnight. b. Add fruit/hemp seeds/your things Roggebrood with tofu a. Slice and maybe bake some tofu b. Put it on roggebrood (rye bread) c. Add some corn, a carrot or pickle on the side American Pancakes a. Mix flour with soymilk to a batter, it should be the ‘drinkyoghurt’ consistency. For a harty pancake add some salt, for a sweet one add some vanilla sugar. For a fluffier pancake add baking powder in the end and directly bake. Medium heat

Level: Luxe 1. Scramble with toast

a. Toast your bread or roggebrood (ryebread) b. Scramble tofu into the pan c. Add garlic d. Add mushrooms, paprika, spinach, union e. Add turmeric (kurkuma), salt, pepper 2. Pancakes a. Mix 100gr flower, 1 tsp baking powder (bakpoeder) b. Add 200 ml plant milk, 2 tbsp oil, cinnamon (kaneel) and optional some syrup or vanilla sugar and bake them c. Top with: frozen fruit, seeds, nuts, jam, cheese etc

1. Granola bars

Self baking

a. Combine: 1 cup natural peanut butter, 1 cup maple syrup, 2 tbsp coconut oil. Put 30 sec. in microwave b. Combine: 2 cups puffed brown rice, 1 cup oats, ½ cup: pumpkin, hemp and chia seeds + bit of salt. Mixe it up c. Combine the 2 mixes, spread it in a baking pan about 2/3 cm high. Put in the fridge for 1 hour and cut into bars.

Lunch Level: Easy 1. Peanut butter jelly

a. No jam? Microwave red fruit b. Brood (bread)/roggebrood (rye bread) c. Peanut butter 2. Peanut butter banana cracker/roggebrood with a side of kiwi/oranges 3. Bean sandwich a. Mash some beans b. Add: tomato paste (salsa sauce), cumin, paprika c. On bread: baby spinach raw, bean mixture en chives (bieslook)/tomato/Fatty source like avocado and some hot sauce + pepper. Side: cucumber (komkommer) 4. Sandwich a. Bread with Hummus b. Add Tomatoes, red union, cucumber c. Salt&peper d. Optional: Chilli pepper, Lemon 5. Burrito bowl a. Add Rice with garlic powder b. Add Beans c. Add Veggies maybe some seeds/nuts d. Add Hummus (or other sauce from the sauce list) e. Add corn f. Add Dressing (blended nuts and spices?) with lemon/vegan mayo/avocado (or other sauce from the sauce list) 6. Sweet potato bowl a. Microwave sweet potatoes (cooks faster and is easier) b. Add beans c. Add veggies d. Add sauce e. Add corn 7. Noodle bowl a. Cook noodles and aubergine/veggies b. Bake a vegan burger and cut it up c. Add peanut butter mixed with almond milk for easy peanut sauce 8. Cabbage salad a. Cabbage with tahini dressing, tofu/tempeh/sweet potato and tomato or something like that 9. Fruit salad! With peanut butter dressing 10. Potato salad a. Potato (leave them in big chunks)

b. Paprika/red union/broccoli/spinach all combinations possible (spinach red union and paprika is nice) c. Dressing (nut butter/tahini with lime, garlic powder, pepper, salt) 11. Roasted salad a. Some potatoes baked or roasted with spices b. Red beats (rode bieten) c. Cabbage

Level: Luxe 1. Choco shake

a. Blend: Banana b. Peanut butter c. Chocolate powder/cacao nibs d. Almond milk 2. Roasted tofu a. Mix tofu pieces with paprika and some peanut butter and sweet chilli salt and pepper. Roast in the oven 15-20 min b. Mix some veggies and a potato and add your roast 3. Chickpea pasta a. Roast paprika, chickpeas (kikkererwten) met cinnamon, salt, pepper, cumin (komijn), garlic powder (knoflook poeder) and a bit of oil, place 15-20 min in the oven b. Boil (Chickpea) pasta with some veggies (or just make a side salad) and mix with a mixture of hummus & lemon c. Mix it all up 4. Alfredo pasta a. Make the alfredo sauce (see sauce list) b. Boil pasta c. Cook spinach, (sun dried) tomato, mushrooms, red union, paprika and other veggies.

Self baking 1. Cauliflower sandwich

a. Mix: flour, union powder (uienpoeder), garlic powder, pepper, hot sauce (hete saus/hot chilli saus/chilli flakes/cayenne peper), and water to make a batter. b. Cut the cauliflower in thick slices, coat it in the batter and put it in the oven until baked c. Make some veggies d. Make a range dressing, buy one or use a sauce from the list. Put it over the baked cauliflower and back in the oven for 2 minutes to caramelize

Dinner Level: Easy 1. Fries (Patat)







a. Put potatoes in the air fryer/(hetelucht)oven cut in a frie-form or wedges(patat vorm of partjes) with garlic powder (knoflookpoeder) salt & pepper b. Put some fresh spinache on the plate, the potatoes on top of them and drizzle with sweet mustard dressing Indian Dal a. 2 cups (red) lentils (rode) linzen), 6 cups water, 1 paprika, 1 union, 1 tsp ginger (gember), 3 minced garlic cloves, ½ lemon (halve citroen) juice, 1 tsp turmeric (kurkuma), 1 tsp curry powder (kerriepoeder of curry poeder) 1 tsp cumin and a bit of cayenne pepper. Cook in 30 minutes b. Meanwhile Cook some (brown) rice c. Serve with cilantro (koriander) BBQ dish a. Mushrooms (preferably biiiiggg ones) 10 minutes in the oven smothered in: BBQ sauce with cinnamon sugar and some syrup b. Quinoa with spices c. Some veggies Beetroot (rode biet) sweet potato (zoete aardappel) soup a. Cut the sweet potato in cubes. Bake with union and garlic in a pan. b. Add water and ginger, celery and carrot. Add pepper, garlic, beetroot (if it is the already cooked one, otherwise cook it as first step), veggie stock (groentebuillon of water met een blokje groente buillon) and when it is all combined and soft, add some red wine vinegar (rode wijn azijn). Vegan nuggets a. Bake Vegan nuggets b. Bake/boil Veggies c. Bake/boil Potatoes Sticky tofu a. Cut tofu in cubes, toss in a (bbq or soy+sugar) sauce, in the oven for 20 minutes b. Toss broccoli in olive oil and add to the oven after the 20 minutes for 15 minutes c. Boil rice d. Toss the tofu and broccoli in more spicy sauce, top it off with sesame seeds and rice next to it Wrap a. Make the wrap, see snacks below or buy one b. Add Tempeh (bake and marinate first if you want) c. Add Walnuts

d. Add Seasoning (garlic, cumin, chilli, soy sauce or a sauce from the sauce list) e. Add Unions (raw or baked) f. Add sauerkraut (Zuurkool) g. Add tomato (Tomaat) h. Optional: Avocado or hummus, vegan minced meat (vegan gehakt) 8. Tofu (egg) scramble a. Crumble Tofu in a pan (kruimel tofu in de pan) b. Add Turmeric, cilantro (Koriander), paprika, garlic, nutritional yeast (gives a cheesy flavour, in Dutch: edelgistvlokken) c. Add your veggies Spinach broccoli union lemon d. Add on the side some beans, lettuce and tomato sauce 9. Burger a. Bake vegan (bean) burger b. Bun c. Ketchup/mustard d. Unions e. Veggies as side dish (Brussels sprouts (spruitjes) with salt pepper and mustard) 10. Sweet potato salad a. Dice and cook one sweet potato about 10 minutes b. Dressing: puree 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp apple vinegar, 1 cup cilantro, 1 tbsp sunflower seeds and some salt and pepper c. Sauté 1 red union d. Wash and drain the spinach e. Mix it all together/arrange it on the plate! 11. Pizza a. Vegan pizza b. Hot sauce c. Veggies on the side

12. Buffalo cauliflower (bloemkool)

a. Chop some cauliflower in bite size pieces b. Smother in a batter of: flour (bloem), garlic powder, union powder, pepper, water to make it a batter c. Toss them in and pop ‘m in the oven for 35 minutes (bedek met beslag en doe ze 35 minuten in de oven) d. Make a buffalo sauce you like (siracha with some syrup or something like a bbq sauce) and toss ‘m in and put them back into the oven for a few more minutes e. Boil some potatoes with hummus dip 13. Noodles a. Cook pasta/spaghetti b. Add garlic in a pan. Sauté. Mix tahini with a lot of water and add in the pan. Add sesame seeds and any veggie. Add the cooked pasta. Put some chilli flakes on top

14. Wild rice soup

a. SautĂŠ union and garlic. Add chopped potato and kale (boerenkool), 1 cup rice (mixed wild rice), Italian seasoning (italiaanse kruiden) and water. Extra: add cashew sauce 15. Bean stew a. Beans b. Tomato/pasta sauce c. Veggies d. Cajun spices + garlic powder e. Add it all to a pan with water and boil until soft. For more creamier taste add some coconut milk, or mash a bit together 16. Filled potatoes a. Pick holes in the potatoes, put them in the oven b. Steam up edamames (een soort bonen), peas (doperwten), green beans (sperziebonen) or something similar and rinse them with ice cold water to stop the cooking process c. Mix with avocado/hummus, lime juice, salt, pepper and some maple syrup d. Cut the potatoes in half, fill it up with the bean mixture and add veggies on the side. Optional: top with hemp seeds (hennepzaad), tahini and hot sauce e. Corn is nice also with this 17. Roast a. Sweet potatoes b. Tempeh c. Broccoli 18. Rice a. Rice b. Tofu c. Union, paprika, broccoli 19. Soup a. Cook (red) union and garlic b. Add veggie broth and a bit of almond milk c. Add veggies d. Add quick cooking rice or potato/tofu/tempeh e. Season with Cajun, salt, pepper f. Cook until soft. If made with potato: you can puree it 20. Burrito bowl a. Cut potatoes put them in the air fryer 360 degrees 20 minutes (or oven on hot air (hetelucht)) b. Bake Tofu with some tahini and veggies to choice c. Add Sesame seeds, fresh herbs d. Add Whole grain rice e. Add Beans 21. Spanish rice

a. Sauté garlic and unions. Add in: 1 cup water, diced tomatoes, brown rice 1 cup, 1 paprika, half a union, cumin, chilli powder, smoked paprika, salt b. Boil/roast some veggies/lettuce of choice and add beans c. Sauce or hummus to choice 22. Garden potato soup a. Sauté 1 union and 3 cloves garlic. Add 3tbsp tamari/soy sauce, 2 carrots, 3 celery sticks (bleekselderij). Saute 5 min. and add 5 potatoes (cut) and small amount of water, boil for 15 minutes. When done add fresh herbs and spinach leaves, nutritional yeast as optional 23.Lentil Curry a. Sauté 4 cloves garlic and 1 union. Add 2 cups lentils(linzen)/beans, 2 cups water, 2 cups cauliflower (bloemkool), 2 cups sweet potato, spices (curry powder, salt), full fat coconut milk. At the end add some spinach leaves b. Serve with rice or steamed veggies 24. Asian style quinoa a. Add 1 cup quinoa, 2 cups water, 1 minced garlic clove, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp vinegar (azijn), 1 tsp sugar (or ginger syrup/ of gembersiroop), some grated ginger (fijne gember) and veggies (broccoli, paprika, edamame, green beans/sperziebonen) to a pan. Let it boil until cooked. b. Top with soy sauce and sesame seeds 25. Fiesta salad (or add in nachos, tacos) a. Combine: black beans (zwarte bonen), kidneybeans, white beans (witte bonen), 1 paprika, corn (mais), 1 red union and some cilantro(koriander). b. Combine: ½ cup red wine vinegar (rode wijn azijn), 1 lime juice (sap van 1 limoen), 2tbsp maple syrup, ½ tsp salt, 1 garlic clove (teentje knoflook), 1 tbsp cumin powder (komijnpoeder), ½ tbsp. red pepper (rode peper), ½ tsp chilli powder. c. Combine it all and let it sit for at leas 30 minutes to marinate 26. Burrito a. Bake union and corn and beans in a pan b. Add the following powders: garlic, shoarma, turmeric (kurkuma), ginger, cayenne and paprika. When all golden brown add in the pan with the frozen veggies c. Add in another pan some frozen veggies and tomato sauce with Italian seasoning d. Boil rice and when cooked add lemon juice salt and pepper e. Roll in a wrap the bean/veggie mixture and place some rice. Roll and put in an oven proof pan/oven dish. Smother the marinade over the burrito’s (marinade: olive oil, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, Italian seasoning, ginger) and put in the oven for 10 minutes. Optional: vegan cheese, vegan minced meat

27. Cold pea soup

a. Bake 1 union and 3 garlic cloves in a pan b. Add 1 fine chopped sweet potato c. Add 700 ml veggie stock and after a few minutes add 400 grams of peas d. Blend/puree and add lemon juice to taste

1. Pasta cashew stew







Level: Luxe

a. Blend soaked cashews (geweekte cashewnoten) (let them sit in water overnight to soften, or use a food processor), mustard, paprika, union powder, garlic powder, water b. Pour that in a pan with pasta (that’s a bit cooked already), spinach, union, sun dried tomatoes. c. The heat thickens the sauce. Add in Cajun seasoning and some pepper Potato dish a. Slice in some potatoes but not all the way through, like Hassel back style. Coat with olive oil salt and pepper, bake for 1 hour in the oven b. Bake some veggies nice and crispy c. Use/make a sauce from the sauce list (optional) Pasta a. Sauce see sauce topic b. Beans/tofu/tempeh/seitan/vegan burger c. Paprika/peas/mushrooms/tomatoes or anything else Self made burger a. Chop up edamame/beans, union, garlic, cilantro (koriander), mixed veggies, very fine. Add flour, 1 tbsp coconut oil. Mix, form patties and bake in a pan b. Serve with potatoes/noodles/rice and veggies/orange Tempeh bacon wraps a. Slice tempeh very thin b. Marinate 30 min in: soy sauce, liquid smoke, maple syrup, garlic powder and put in the oven/airfryer 20 minutes. c. Bake some veggies d. Put in a wrap with hummus/violife feta cheese, add the tempeh and veggies. e. Cut oblique (schuin) in half for a luxe look Black bean soup a. Add union, celery, carrot and garlic for sautÊ. Add veggie broth, black beans, cumin, chilli powder and paprika. Let it boil and blend it creamy. Top with cilantro or avocado Family shepherds pie a. Bring a small amount of water to a boil. Add 1,5 kilo potatoes and boil until falling apart when cutting with a fork.

b. While the potatoes are cooking, add 3 cloves minced garlic, 1 diced onion and 1 cup mushrooms into a pan over medium heat. Add 3 cups veggie stock (or water with some bouillon powder),1 ½ cup lentils (linzen) and seasonings and bring to a boil. Once it starts boiling cover, reduce heat to low and cook for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes add in 500 gr frozen mixed veggies and kale (boerenkool) and cook another 5 minutes c. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Take your potatoes and mash them with 1/2 cup soy milk, ½ lemon juice, salt and garlic powder. Once the lentil mix is done add it into a pie dish (taartvorm). Top with mashed potatoes and cook in the oven for 15 minutes until the top is browned. 8. Orange chik’n a. Mix 1 cup flower (bloem), 2 tbsp orange (sinaasappel) zest, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp salt. Add slowly 1 cup soymilk until ‘drinkyoghurt’ consistency b. Dip a califlaur head in the batter and then in breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Add sauce ingredients in the bowl (3 tbsp orange juice, 1 tbsp orange zest, 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds (gebroken lijnzaad), ¼ cup hoisin saus, 1tbsp maple syrup, garlic powder, ginger) c. Remove the califlower from the oven, dip in the marinade and bake for another 5-8 minutes. Serve with sesame seeds, green union, red chili flakes d. Serve with rice/beans/potatoe 9. Tuna salad a. Crush 1 can of drained chikpeas a bit with a fork. Add 1 hand of sunflowerseeds, some mustard, some sweet stuf (a syrup), fishspices mix, dille, lemon juice, black pepper, salt, paprika powder in a bowl and mix b. Cook some peas (doperwten) and potato c. Add in your bowl the potato (cut in chunks), peas, some olives and your tuna (optional: sesame seeds) 10. Smoked Salmon a. Cook the 3 carrots fork tender but not mushy, they need to hold their shape. Put them in an ice bath to stop them from cooking and let them dry b. Mix in a bowl ¾ cup hot water, 1 tsp nori granules or 1 crushed nori sheet, 3tbsp caper brine (kappertjes water, of vervang door iets anders fris, peperig, zout/zuur en pikant), 2tbsp rice vinegar, 1 tbsp white miso paste (or substitute (vervangen) for soy sauce/strong veggie bouillon), 3tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp garlic powder, ¼ cup olive oil and 1tsp lemon juice. c. Slice the carrots carefully with a sharp knife or a cheese slicer (kaasschaaf), depending how you like your salmon. Thicker pieces marinate longer. Put in the marinade and set in the fridge overnight. Serve the day after.

11. Bacon

a. Whisk together in a bowl 4tbsp nutritional yeast (edelgistvlokken), 1tbsp garlic powder, 4tbsp olive oil, 6tbsp soy sauce, ½ tsp liquid smoke (or 1tbsp bbq sauce) 1tbsp maple syrup,1/2 tsp black pepper ½ tsp paprika. b. Place two rice sheets (rijstvellen) over each other. Dip it into a bowl of water to soften slightly. Cut with sharp scissors into bacon like strips. Dip it into the marinade and place on a baking sheet. Repeat with as many rice sheets as you want. Bake for 7-8 minutes, until crisp. Watch them, they burn easily.

Dessert Level: Luxe 1. White chocolate crème with red fruit, 2 persons

a. Put red fruit in a pan and let it cook until jam-like b. Chop some cookies (preferably amaretti/bastogne) until crumbs and divide in 2 glasses c. Melt 60 gram white chocolate au bain marie d. Blend 150 gram tofu, 2 tbsp maple syrup en 1,5 tbsp orange juice smooth. Add the melted chocolate in the end e. Add the mixture on top of the crumbs in the class and top with the red fruit. Garnish with chocolate/almonds (amandelen)

Self baking 1. Ice cream

a. 1 ½ cup coconut milk (thick, from a can), 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, some peanuts or a bit of peanut butter. Whisk it together, set aside. This is your ice sauce/topping b. Blend 2 frozen bananas and 1 tsp vanilla. c. Pour into a bowl and whisk in your ‘ice sauce’ 2. Brownies a. Mix 1tsp ground flaxseeds (gebroken lijnzaad) and 3 tsp water (this is your egg substitute/dit is je eivervanger) b. Blend 1 can black beans, 10 dates (dadels), ½ cup cacao powder, 1 tsp vanilla extract, ¼ cup water. Blend until smooth. c. Add in the flax egg (de eivervanger) and 1 ½ tsp baking powder (bakpoeder). Blend. Put in a baking form and in the oven for 25 minutes (Doe in een ingevette bakvorm en 25 minuten in de oven) 3. Choco truffels a. Put 30 pitted dates (preferably medjool dates) in a foodprocessor. Add in 3 tbsp cacao powder, 1-2 tbsp water, 1 tsp pepermint extract. Blend b. Dust cacao powder on a plate/table. Make small balls of the mixture and roll them through the cacao. 4. Apple cake a. Mix: 250 gram of flour, 1 tbsp baking powder, ½ tsp cinnamon, some salt. Mix in another bowl 250 ml soymilk, 50 ml sunflower oil, 120 grams of sugar and 1 tbsp vanilla extract or 1 package of vanilla sugar. Mix the dry ingredients in the wet ingredients. b. Cut 1 ½ apple into small cubes and mix it trough the dough. Cut the other ½ apple in slices. Put the mixture in a fatty cakeform (ingevette cakevorm) and top with apple slices. Bake 40 minutes on 180 degrees

Pre-packaged vegan food A lot of food is already vegan. Some chocolate pastes (chocolade pasta (niet duo penotti, zit vaak melk in)), nut and peanut butters, jams, marmite, lots of snacks (see below) and a lot of food is veganized and you can easily do your groceries online. You pay more for these processed vegan foods so they are not named in this document but can easily be googled in your country. A lot of supermarkets do have vegan alternatives but do not promote them. The Dutch Jumbo has cheaper vegan American fillet (tastes like the real thing according to meat eaters), ham, cheese and all other goodies. Vegan brands in Holland are: Violife (big variety, meat replaces, cheeses, milk), Vegetarische Slager (vegan fried food and others), Alpro (more yoghurt and milk replaced), Nakd (varies, lots of energy bars too), Oatly (mostly milk replacers), Wilmersburger, Innocent (varies, mostly smoothies), Vivera (mostly meat replaces for dinner), SoFine, Garden Gourmet (best in BBQ foods), Quorn, GoodBite, Jumbo Veggie Chef, Beyond Meat (known of the Beyond Meat burger, but is expensive) and to give you some easy ideas: 1. Pancakes 2. Pizza 3. Soups (most tomato, beans and pumpkin soups)

Snacks 1. Orange trail

a. Orange, peanuts & raisins, dried figs 2. Chocolate trail a. 99% pure chocolate fruit, few nuts 3. Oreo Classic 4. Tony Choco lonely pure 5. Salted popcorn & Skittles 6. RedBand strawberries 7. Lays naturel chips 8. Candy veggies (mini tomato) 9. Pringles Naturel, Texas BBQ, Paprika 10. Crocky Bolognese Chips 11. Snelle Jelle ontbijtkoek 12. Apfelstrudel AH 13. Most biscuits/crackers

14. 15. 16. 17.

Rice cakes Muesli Cornflakes (without honey) Pure chocolate sprinkles (hagelslag) 18. Jam + appelstroop 19. Tortilla chips 20. Sorbet ice cream 21. Most Granola Bars 22. Liga evergreen raisins 23. Snack a Jacks Caramel 24. Dutchies: kip/shoarma/bitterballen/frik andelbroodjes, kroketten, bamischijven, kaas en borrelhapjes, BBQ assortiment 25. Most noodles + cup-a-soups 26. Chocolate chip cookies

Self baking 1. Wraps

a. Mash 1 sweet potato, 1 cup corn meal/normal flour. Make 2 balls. b. Roll out on parchment paper and flip in the pan. Then remove parchment paper. Let sit until darker brown then flip 2. Cinnamon oat muffin a. Preheat oven. Mash 4 super ripe bananas and 1 cup soy milk smooth. b. In another bowl add 2 cups flour, ½ cup rolled oats, ¼ vanilla sugar, 4 tsp baking powder and some cinnamon c. Mix it all together. Add in 12 muffincups and top with cinnamon and oats. Bake 45 minutes

Extra side dishes Can be salads with vegan cheese or something with pickles (augurken), aspergus, carrots, olives

1. Veggie balls a. Cook/sauté ½ paprika, 2 cups kale, ½ red union. b. Add to a food processor: 1 can chickpeas (kikkererwten), the cooked veggies, ½ peas, ½ corn, ½ oats, garlic powder, oregano, basil, salt, black pepper. Too watery? Add more oats c. Roll in balls and place in a pre-heated oven about 25-35 minutes

2. Rostis a. Shred 2 potatoes b. Toss them in union powder, garlic powder, paprika powder and salt c. 10 minutes in the oven, flip and then again 10 minutes

Sauces 1. Batter for frying


3. 4.




a. Mix: flour, garlic powder, union powder, pepper and add water to make it a batter. Optional: hot sauce, bbq sauce, mustard etc. Cauliflower sauce a. Steam cauliflower and blend it b. Add pepper, salt, garlic powder, nutritional yeast, plant milk (preferably soy or cashew milk, it is creamier), basilicum and oregano Mac&cheese (What? Oh hell yes.) a. 1 boiled potato, 4 spoons nutritional yeast, ¼ paprika (grilled paprika is better), garlic + union powder, ¼ cup water, blend it. Nacho cheese sauce (it’s getting crazy) a. Blend: 250 grams of silken tofu, 120 ml cooked carrots peeled, 3 tbsp japaleno, 1tbsp lemon juice, 1tsp apple vinegar, 1tsp garlic powder, 1tsp union powder, 1 tbsp nutritional yeast, ½ tsp smoked paprika and ½ teaspoon sea salt (Rice/pasta) cashew sauce a. Add in a blender: cashews (best if they soak overnight to soften them), miso paste (or strong bouillon paste), nutritional yeast, garlic powder, apple cider vinegar and water (depends on how thick you want your sauce). Alfredo sauce a. Cook 2 cups cauliflower soft. Put into a blender. Add 2 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp hemp seeds, 2 tbsp nutritional yeast, half a lemon for juice, ¼ tsp salt ¼ cup water. Blend Fat free potato cheese sauce (low ckal) a. Boil 2 cups of water b. Add 2 small potatoes chopped, 1 carrot, ¼ ui, 2 garlic cloves. Cook 10 minutes until it is soft. c. Blend in a blender with: 2 tbsp miso paste (or soy sauce/strong veggie bouillon) juice of 1/2 lemon 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp smoked paprika 1/4 tsp cayenne (optional) 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp onion powder 1/2 cup nutritional yeast 2 cups water

8. Just hummus!

a. Can be mixed with water and some spices/chilli to brighten it up 9. Oil free non processed hummus: a. (Dutch below) Chickpeas with a bit of their liquid, 3 garlic cloves, 3tbsp tahini, juice of 1 lemon, pinch of salt, pinch of paprika powder, pinch of cumin and blend b. Kikkererwten met een klein betje vocht, 3 knofloookteentjes, 3tbsp tahini, 1 sap citroen, snufje zout snufje paprika, snufje komijn en blend alles in blender 10. Mustard dille sauce a. ¼ cup spicy brown mustard, ¼ cup apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp maple syrup, 2 cloves garlic, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tsp mustard powder, 2 tsp dille some white beans, 6 ounces firm silken tofu, ½ tsp black pepper. Blend. 11. Lite salad goddess dressing a. Blend: 6 ounces firm silken tofu, ¼ cup water, 1 ½ tbsp. cider vinegar, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tsp soy sauce, ½ tsp salt, ¼ tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp tahini, 2 green unions (only their green part), 1 tbsp fresh parsley, 1 large clove garlic. 12. Peanut sauce a. Blend: ½ cup natural creamy peanut butter, 1/3 cup firm silken tofu, 3 tbsp brown sugar, 2 tbsp lime juice, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 garlic clove. 13. Own vegan mayo a. Blend 120 grams silken tofu, 1tsp dijon mustard. Whisk together 40 ml olive oil, 50 ml vegetable oil and add slowly in the blender. Add 1 tbsp lemon juice (or more to taste), ¼ tsp sea salt flakes (or more to taste). 14. Some salad dressings: a. Basics: Add fat (oil) acid (vinegar) sweets (syrup) spices (garlic) b. Tamari vinaigrette: whisk ¼ cup tamari (or soy sauce), ¼ cup balsamic or red wine vinegar, 2 tsp Dijon mustard c. 1001 islands: blend/puree/whisk 6 tbsp silken tofu, 3tbsp ground mustard, 3 tbsp ketchup, 1tsp lemon juice, salt, pepper d. Agave mustard: blend/puree/whisk ¼ cup ground mustard, ¼ cup silken tofu, 3 tbsp agave syrup, salt, pepper e. Strawberry vinaigrette: blend 4 large strawberries, 1 tbsp red wine vinegar, 2 tbsp agave syrup, some pepper f. Creamy Italian: 6 tbsp soft silken tofu, 4 tbsp water, 2 tsp lemon juice, ½ tsp garlic powder, union powder, oregano flakes, rosemary flakes, basil flakes and salt, add some black pepper 15. BBQ vegan sauce 16. Balsamic 17. Soy sauce 18. Vegan mayo 19. Sweet chilli sauce 20. Tahini

Fastfood Can be bought at a lot of stores! Google is your best friend.

1. Mac&cheese

a. Boil 2 cups of macaroni and some broccoli b. Make the Mac&cheese sauce (sauces description) c. Add salt 2. Cheesy veggies a. Cook and then blend potato, union, carrot, garlic (optional, nutritional yeast) and put some veggies in the oven b. Throw the sauce over your veggies and place back in the oven 3. Nacho’s a. Nachos b. Grilled Beans, corn, pepper, avocado c. Fat free potato sauce

In your house It is always good to have some stuff that lasts long in your house and on hand. Below some of the most common products. Not mentioned but key: All spices!

Seeds + nuts (Ground) flaxseeds (gebroken lijnzaad), Chia seeds, Hemp seeds (hennepzaad), pumpkin seeds (pompoenpitten), sesame seeds, nutritional yeast (edelgistvlokken) Cashew nuts, walnuts (walnoten), almonds (amandelen), pecan nuts (pecanoten), peanut butter, nut butter, tahini, hazelnuts, pistache

Beans Chickpeas (kikkererwten), edamame, peas (doperwten), black beans (zwarte bonen), kidney beans, lentils (linzen) and all other beans. The more colour and diversity the better!

Grains Oats (havermout), whole-grain rice (rijst, liefst volkoren), couscous, Quinoa, pasta’s

Fruit and veggies All sorts of frozen fruits and veggies, lasts longer and often cheaper. Furthermore all colours and types of fruits and veggies are welcome!

Baking Flower (bloem), baking powder (bakpoeder), vanilla sugar (vanilla suiker), different extracts like almond, vanilla, peppermint.

Granola Home made is the best: a) Mix 4 cups oats, 1 cup nuts/pecans chopped ¼ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup sunflowerseeds ¼ pumpkinseeds b) In another bowl: ¼ cup veggie oil, ¼ cup maple syrup, pinch of salt. Pour over the dry ingredients and mix c) Preheat the oven at180 degrees for 40 minutes, stir every 15 minutes d) Optional: adding chiaseeds and raisins

Egg substitutes 1. Flaxseed (gebroken lijnzaad)

a. 1 tbsp flaxseed + 3 tbsp water

2. Chia seeds

a. 1 tbsp chia seeds + 3 tbsp water 3. Banana a. ¼ cup 4. Apple sauce a. 1 tbsp

Guide for Plant based milk

Supplements No, you don’t need ‘super foods’ like spirulina powder and goij berries to be vegan! That’s mostly for the rich people; just like some ‘normal/traditional’ products like Ferrero Rochers chocolate are for the richer people. If you feel safe with it or have an immense muscled body for MMA games, you can add protein powder to your dishes. Make sure they include all 26 amino acids and BCAA’s. If you do it, do it right. Vitamin B12 now and then is good just as iron and zinc, but that depends how you eat. If you eat fast-food or processed foods on a traditional diet with milk, you will need those too. To put your mind at ease, see below a nice overview.

Where is my ‌. At? And to shop cheap: shop bulk + markets, make your own nutbutters, make your own plant milks, make your own cheeses

More easy recipes and then filter on vegan recipes Pick Up Limes The happy pear High Carb Hannah The minimalist bakers

Having a Vegan for dinner? I am sure they don’t mind eating burrito’s, or just potatoes with veggies and a (vegan) plant burger. Happy eating!



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