Innovators in Cleaning
About Novadan Novadan is one of the largest players of cleaning agents in Scandinavia and expanding and growing in international markets. Novadan develops and produces detergents, disinfectants and personal hygiene products. Novadan provides B-t-B cleaning solutions to a wide range of industries
The company
Cleaning and disinfection Novadan is an innovative production- and service company, established in 1980. The company has own laboratory and production facilities where a broad range of high quality cleaning agents and disinfectatnts are developed and manufactured. Novadan is a competent partner and supplier of “best-in-class” cleaning solutions targeted btb companies which prioritize quality cleaning. Solutions and products are sold primarily through distributors who are continuously educated and trained in Novadan’s optimization solutions. In development and quality departments, a strong team of engineers and laboratory technicians constantly work on researching and developing products, applications and working environment. Furthermore, follow up and implementation of regulation from the authorities, new legislation for products and environment as well as specific demands from industries and customers. As an international supplier of cleaning- and hygiene solutions, Novadan focus on delivering high quality to our customers and - at the same time - be responsible for the environment. Certifikat
Dette certifikat bekræfter, at miljøledelsessystemet hos
Novadan ApS
Today, Novadan is certified according to the standards DS/ISO 9001 (quality) and DS/ISO 14001 (environment).
indgår som en del af certifikat nr. 1427181-01 Hovedkontor: Platinvej 21, 23, 27 og 29a, 6000 Kolding, Danmark CVR-nr.: 63129216
er gransket af Intertek og fundet i overensstemmelse med kravene i
ISO 14001:2015 Miljøledelsessystemet er gældende for: Udvikling, produktion og salg af rengøringsmidler, desinfektion og hygiejneprodukter til det professionelle marked: Føde-/drikkevarer, køkken/hotel, transport, agro, tøjvask og traditionel rengøring.
Certifikatnummer: Certifikatets opr. udstedelsesdato: Certifikatets udstedelsesdato: Certifikatets udløbsdato:
1427181-01/A 3. november 2008 28. april 2017 24. maj 2020
Thomas Andersson, VD Intertek Certification AB P.O. Box 1103, 164 22 Kista, Sverige Ved udstedelse af dette certifikat, er Intertek ikke ansvarlig overfor andre end kunden og her også kun i det omfang som er dækket af certificeringsaftalen. Certifikatets gyldighed er afhængig af, at virksomheden vedligeholder deres system i henhold til Interteks krav for systemcertificering. Gyldigheden kan bekræftes via e-mail på eller ved at scanne koden til højre med en smartphone. Dette certifikat tilhører Intertek, hvortil det skal returneres ved forlangende.
Dette certifikat bekræfter, at kvalitetledelsessystemet hos
Novadan ApS
indgår som en del af certifikat nr. 0045021-01 Hovedkontor: Platinvej 21, 23, 27 og 29a, 6000 Kolding, Danmark CVR-nr.: 63129216
The high quality standards ensure that the products fulfill customer expectations. Novadan has defined a policy that meets the requirements of certification which constantly is met by the company. Environment responsibility is of high priority and is underlined by the fact that Novadan was among the first in Denmark with eco-labelling.
er gransket af Intertek og fundet i overensstemmelse med kravene i
ISO 9001:2015 Kvalitetledelsessystemet er gældende for: Udvikling, produktion og salg af rengøringsmidler, desinfektion og hygiejneprodukter til det professionelle marked: Føde-/drikkevarer, køkken/hotel, transport, agro, tøjvask og traditionel rengøring
Certifikatnummer: Certifikatets opr. udstedelsesdato: Certifikatets udstedelsesdato: Certifikatets udløbsdato:
0045021-01/A 14. juli 2010 28. april 2017 24. maj 2020
Thomas Andersson, VD Intertek Certification AB P.O. Box 1103, 164 22 Kista, Sverige
Ved udstedelse af dette certifikat, er Intertek ikke ansvarlig overfor andre end kunden og her også kun i det omfang som er dækket af certificeringsaftalen. Certifikatets gyldighed er afhængig af, at virksomheden vedligeholder deres system i henhold til Interteks krav for systemcertificering. Gyldigheden kan bekræftes via e-mail på eller ved at scanne koden til højre med en smartphone. Dette certifikat tilhører Intertek, hvortil det skal returneres ved forlangende.
Today, the company has no less than 50 products in the market. And furthermore, we have NSF certified products.
Facts Novadan’s sales force covers most of Europe, Middle East, CIS and Africa. Novadan manufactures appr. 32,000 ton yearly. Export to 35 different countries Novadan is owned by the US-owned group: ITW (Illinois Tool Work Inc.). ITW is a Fortune 200 company with 50.000 employees in 57 countries
Target groups FOOD
”Best-in-class” cleaning solutions ensure a high level of hygiene for food processing companies . Hands on competence sharing and a high service level create in cooperation with the customer unique optimization solutions.
Development of competences through cooperation, dialogue and education Savings – time, energy, water Fact-finding and customer tailored solutions
On site optimized cleaning solutions for dairy membrane plants.
Specialist knowledge about hygiene and use of a wide and innovative product range, which easily and practically ensure high yield and improved milk quality for farmers.
Specialist knowledge solves the customers challenges Bacteriological results that matches requirements Bottom line improved through healthy animals
Achieve a high cleaning level in the professional cleaning industry. Partnership and extensive technical competences. Cost optimized dosage systems for laundry, dish washing and traditional cleaning.
Environment – eco-labelled product range Savings – time, energy, water Clear guidelines for optimal cleanng
Extensive technical know-how and practical holistic understanding of the individual plant’s processes.
Prolonged membrane life Developed and trained membrane team Extended production capacity and reduced costs
The Biocidal Products Regulation Novadan’s biocidal products fullfill the requirements
Novadan is registrered on ECHA’s Article 95-list for substances: Peracetic acid Iodine & PVP-Iodine
About Biocidal Products Reg.:
Novadan and biocides:
The Biocidal Products Regulation aims to improve the functioning of the biocidal products market in the EU, while ensuring a high level of protection for humans and the environment.
Biocides (disinfectants) are an important part of Novadan’s product range for ensuring high hygiejne standards in companies. Novadan ensures that the disinfectants fulfill the requirements according to the Biocial Products Regulation, and thereby can be sold in the EU in the future.
All biocidal products require an authorisation before they can be placed on the market, and the active substances contained in that biocidal product must be previously approved.
Thereby Novadan continues to be able to ensure customers high quality disinfectants across markets.
Optimization and savings The best solution for: optimization of the cleaning process quality and food safety production efficiency optimization of plant environmental care technical support quality products education
Novadan ApS - Platinvej 21 - DK-6000 Kolding - Denmark - Tel.: +45 76 34 84 00 - ITW Novadan - Holenderska - 05-152 Czosnรณw - Poland - Tel.: +48 22 785 10 02 -