Foods which are bad for fertility

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Foods which are bad for fertility

Does food really affects fertility • If you’re thinking about starting a baby making campaign (or you’re already waging one), you’re probably wondering which are fertility fact…and which, fertility fiction. • The truth is, you can get pregnant no matter what you eat — and no matter what you don’t eat. But there is some fascinating, if preliminary, research showing that your fertility may be what you eat — and that filling your belly with certain foods (and avoiding others) may just help you fill your belly with a baby faster.

Foods which affects fertility • TRANS FATS : Consuming a mere 4 grams of trans fat a day – one donut or a small order of fast food fries – doubled the risk of ovulatory infertility. Moreover, each additional 2% increase of trans fat consumption translated into an additional 73% greater chance of infertility. While cutting trans fats from your diet alone increases your odds of conceiving, replacing them with healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts and seeds, actually boosts reproductive chances even more!

Foods which affects fertility • RED MEAT : Study shows that, those with the highest intake of red meat were 39% more likely to have ovulation problems versus those with the lowest, while those with the highest intake of plant protein were significantly less likely to have ovulatory infertility than those with the lowest intake of plant protein. An abundance of protein from fruit, vegetables, nuts and beans, however, actually offered some protection from ovulatory infertility.

Foods which affects fertility • LOW-FAT DAIRY : The nurse’s study found that the higher the intake of low- or nofat dairy products, the greater the difficulty conceiving. However, it also appeared that the higher the intake of full-fat dairy, the lesser the problems one had conceiving. One might think they are safe if they consume organic milk, but BST, or bovine growth hormone aside, most of the hormones come from the cows themselves.

Foods which affects fertility • SOFT DRINKS : The consumption of 2 or more soft drinks a day translated into a 50% greater chance of ovulatory infertility. The researchers attribute this to blood sugar spikes (the average soda contains 9-11 tablespoons of sugar!) and to overweight as a result of consuming too many empty calories such as those in soft drinks. Staying hydrated is very important to overall health as well as reproductive health. The best source for this? Good, pure H20! There are medicines which are available for infertility. Buy Bravelle one of the best medicine for infertility.

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• Phone : 1-866-477-2289 , 1-866-ISRA-BUY Or 1-877-247-4717 • Email : SALES@IsraMeds.Com • Address : IsraMeds.Com Online Pharmacy PO Box 5029 Yavne, Israel 80500 • Fax : 1-888-477-2365

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