Telemedia-month Newsletter April

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Issue 18 • April 2011

Media groups line up to talk digital interaction at Telemedia360 in Leeds leading media groups and the telemedia industry are poised to come together on 11 May at the Loft in Leeds to talk through creating and monetising an interactive eco-system that welds together premium rate services, social media, digital devices and m-commerce. With speakers from Telegraph Media Group, Fremantle Media, IPC,, Flirtomatic joining the likes of OpenMarket, MGt, AIME, Txtnation, and many many others to debate how the evolving digital media landscape is changing how broadcasters, print media and brands engage with consumers. Whether you are a media company, broadcaster, retailer or a brand, the new landscape for media delivery also affects how you market your services and how consumers interact with you. And while the media landscape may be crowded with new devices and business models, consumers still love the same services – they just want them delivered in different ways. And this is the core of what Telemedia360 has to offer. The bringing together of tried and tested services that have worked for years on the telephone into the more rounded digital environment is offering broadcasters, media companies and brands unprecedented new ways to engage with their customers continued page 2 – and generate new revenue streams. All good news in the

Core Telecom sponsors T360 Leeds on 11 May, 24 Seven buys the drinks CORE TELECOM HAS been unveiled as the lead sponsor of Telemedia360 (T360), which is taking place in Leeds on 10 and 11 May 2011, while Leeds based telecoms network, 24 Seven Communications is sponsoring evening drinks at the show bewteen 18:00 to 19:00 11th May. Telemedia360 offers a short sharp focus on how the latest telecom and billing solutions can help media, marketing and brands monetise consumer interaction, content and “eyeballs”. Jarvis Todd, Director of T360 said: “Core

Telecom is the ideal partner for T360. Not only are they based in Leeds but are also one of the rising stars in the telemedia industry thanks to their growing reputation for service excellence. We are absolutely delighted to be working with them”. Meanwhile, David Samuel, 24seven’s MD, says: “It really is a great opportunity for resellers and end-users alike to meet members of our specialist team and find out how we can help with their business’ telephony requirements and future projects – in a relaxed and informal setting”



The latest news from the industry, along with analysis of what that news means, including: • Only 25% of UK consumers want mobile payments 2 • NatMags and MIG deliver interactive magazines 4 • PRA rebrands as Action4 and relaunches at Telemedia360 Leeds 5 • News Apps the big success story on mobile 6 • Phone Love up a third as flirts splash out on virtual gifts 7 • Whatser uses social and location to help local businesses grow 8 • Republic signs Facebook deal with One iota 9 • 500m people to use mobiile for ticketing by 2015 9

Analysis Editorial Rules of engangement PPP’s new code comes into force an the PRA rebrands – it’s all going on in PRS regulation 10 M2M Telemedia360 Leeds Show Preview What’s coming up at the leading m-commerce event for media companies, brands and agencies has to offer on 11 May in Leeds 11

Car lot on your phone Paul Skeldon takes a look at how a US company is selling cars using a mobile app –and how its heading to Europe any day now 16 M-Payments Michael Norton looks at how mobile will be the way to pay in the 2010s – even if today consumers don’t think so 18

Directory The leading industry directory of services 20


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NEWS Only 25% of consumers want mobile billing, and most of those don’t trust operators to get it right Only a quarter of consumers actually want to use their mobile phones to pay for things in shops – and of these just 16% want to use operator billing for that purpose, finds a study by Vanson Bourne for apps creator Kony. In a damning verdict on lack of trust for operator billing, the vast majority of those that would use their mobile to pay for things want it linked to a credit or debit card or a bank, as they trust these brands with money, finds the study. Kony suggests that the low number of potenial users for mobile payments is simply down to a lack of education, but the lack of trust in operators to handle billing is a much more worrying trend. Of those that do want to use mobile to pay for things, consumers cite convenience (59%) as the reason for using mobile payments. Security concerns (39%) remain a key reason why consumers say they don’t want to pay with mobile, suggesting a real opportunity for retailers to significantly increase interest in mobile payments by addressing these concerns and this lack of education since NFC provides significantly security advantages.
 The study also finds that the majority of retailers believe mobile will impact shopping in the next two years, yet just 16% have a mobile strategy in place – despite 42% of retailers already seeing mobile impacting how they run their bricks and

Telemedia360 Leeds

mortar businesses. Of those that are doing mobile, 45% see apps as the most important mobile business channel, while 40% see m-web. SMS, once the dominant mobile comms channel for businesses, is now waning in its impact, being cited by just 10% of retailers surveyed as being important, find the study of 110 IT and marketing managers in UK retailers and 1000 UK consumers. In line with the initial findings that retailers are not as prepared for mobile as consumers would perhaps like them to be, the study also found that the vast majority (74%) of retailers were developing their mobile strategy around the iPhone, with a surprising 52% pushing BlackBerry into the number two spot for mobile retail platforms, ahead of Nokia (31%), Android (29%) and Windows Mobile (21%). The research also demonstrated how the rapid fragmentation of the mobile market is leading to increasingly varied consumer preferences and demands. The consumers surveyed expressed a clear preference for mobile during the decision making process, with 60% claiming to use mobile internet to make decisions in a store or while shopping online. Similarly, 40% use mobile applications to make shopping decisions and 37% use a mixture of the two.

From Page 1

hard trading environment we are currently clawing our way out of. The full line up is now confirmed (See page 14 of this issue for the conference programme) and the debate promises to be fast and furious as the focussed micro-seminar format aims to get to the core of the issues with the minimum amount of flannel. Around this the full event – sponsored by Core Telecom (see below) – features a range of boutique exhibition and networking opportunities with a roster of exhibitors from across the industries doing business in a convivial environment of one of Leed’s top bars. There is also a raft of networking opportunities, such as the Golf day on 10 May –half the proceeds of which go to charity – and then on the evening of the 11 May a dinner which will also be raising money for charity.


The survey also explored the development of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, consumer attitudes towards mobile payments, and how retailers plan to implement the technology within their stores. It found that, 57% of retailers surveyed are considering the technology as part of their overall mobile strategy, citing competitive pressures and customer demand as key drivers for this decision. “The discrepancy between what retailers know they should do and what they are actually doing demonstrates how difficult it is to deliver mobile applications across the wide variety of phones, tablets, and browsers,” says David Eads, head of product marketing at Kony. “Companies need a partner to manage the mobile chaos so they can focus on growing their business. Retailers are limiting themselves by only serving customers in a few channels. If retailers don’t serve their customers, they will go somewhere else. The data clearly shows some retailers are investing significantly in this channel to win those customers. They will attract those customers. The only way to leapfrog the competition and ensure the success of any mobile strategy is to provide customers with a comprehensive offering with those must-have mobile features and functions.”

Trading Day, Seminars & Networking 11 May 2011, The Loft, LEEDS

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“AND ON THE 11th DAY T360 CREATED BUSINESS” BUSINESS NETWORKING – IN CREATIVE FORMATS Designed for the way service providers, media groups and content owners prefer to do business BUSINESS TALK – IN CREATIVE SEMINARS How to promote, deliver and bill compelling propositions to your “eyeballs and earlobes” BUSINESS “LEEDS” – IN A CREATIVE CAPITAL Showcasing innovative solutions that generate interactive revenue for creative sectors. TRADING SPONSORS




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NEWS NatMags teams with MIG to offer interactive mobile sites with rich mobile advertising natmags and mig have formed a partnership which sees the design, development and build of the publisher’s first ever mobile internet sites for Company and Men’s Health magazines, with more brands to follow. Natmag will also be working with MIG’s mobile advertising agency 4th Screen Advertising to monetise content through the delivery of highly targeted ‘rich media’ mobile advertising. All mobile advertising will be powered by 4th Screen Advertising ad serving platform, Mpression. Driving brand engagement, encouraging interaction and data collection is key to the new mobile internet sites for both Company and Men’s Health. Users will be able to enter competitions; sign up for newsletters; order subscriptions with ‘click to call’ payment functionality and access content for free on sites optimised for smartphone, feature and traditional mobile handsets. The Company mobile internet site

launched earlier this month and the site for Men’s Health is expected to launch in early May. Other brands in NatMag’s extensive portfolio of magazines and websites will follow over the coming months. Sharon Douglas, Group Circulation and Marketing Director, the National Magazine Company says, “Following a significant increase in traffic numbers to our websites via mobile devices, we identified a need to develop our internet sites so that they were not only optimised for mobile, but that our customers were getting the best service and experience possible. We are delighted to be partnering with Mobile Interactive Group (MIG) on this project, which is part of NatMag’s overall business plan to develop branded content across multiple platforms.” Rob Weisz, Commercial Director, Mobile Interactive Group commented “Over the past few months we’ve been helping Natmag with its mobile strategy, optimising its core offering for mobile,

which encompasses the design, development and build of mobile internet sites and apps. It is important that mobile dovetails into and compliments their existing digital strategy. The new sites for Company and Men’s Health take content feeds directly from Natmag CMS ensuring an up to date, engaging customer experience, specifically designed for mobile.” Tina Taylor, Commercial Director, 4th Screen Advertising commented, “It’s great to be working with the teams at Natmag to sell premium mobile advertising across a mix of titles, tailored specifically to cater for both male and female audiences. The Natmag portfolio offers consumers a broad range of lifestyle sites, all of which have the capability to support targeted, rich media mobile advertising that engages readers, whilst also providing a great environment that encourages new advertisers into the mobile space.”

NEWS PRA rebrands as Action4 and launches itself at Telemedia360 in Leeds on 11 May following the growth in PRS activity over 2010 and with the remit of how PRS is used changing with PPP’s new code of practice, telemedia industry body The Premium Rate Association (PRA) is restructuring, rebranding and relaunching at Telemedia360 in Leeds on 11 May. Renamed and rebranded as Action4, the trade body will look to represent the needs of the traditional fixed line PRS industry, while also doing more to draw in PRS users from broadcasters, media companies and the mobile world. Action4 has become part of the CBI to help it deliver the voice and needs of its members to a wider audience and to make sure that telemedia is represented in wider and bigger debates about the digital marketplace and the evolution of personal and business telecommunications. Action4 will also be working closely with up to 150 other industry bodies to promote the positive attributes of PRS

and to develop best practice goals and aspirations. “I am delighted to launch Action4 as a dynamic, nimble organisation that is willing to protect the interests of its members and, working with other bodies as appropriate, help to create a premium rate market that is trusted by consumers,” says CEO Suzanne Gillies. “There is a need in the industry for a trade association that can respond quickly to its members’ needs, offering advice, support and guidance on how to operate effectively and compliantly in a fast moving industry,” she continues. “Additionally Action4 will take its members views into account when dealing with Ofcom and PPP. Action4 can offer members the benefits of having in-house regulatory and compliance advice at a fraction of the cost of employing staff. “ Action4 will be concentrating on developing the role it has already carved

out for itself over the years as the PRA, while looking to specific industry issues that effect PRS operators. Chief among these is looking into how PPP case reviews are costed and whether or not price is proving to be a hindrance to PRS companies seeking any redress against PPP sanctions. Gillies and her team will also be looking at how to work with the IWF on how illegal online charged for content and services are set up and charged for with a view to helping protect consumers and PRS operators against such services. There are also plans to look at how charity shortcodes and charity donation services can be made more streamlined and effective, as well as assessing the needs of the charity sector and how PRS services can help up donations. The new look organisation has been soft launched and gets its official launch at Telemedia360 in Leeds on 11 May.

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NEWS News apps come out on top in app usability study, with Sky Sports garnering the top spot news and media apps have topped the first ever App benchmark study from eDigitalResearch, assessing the usability and customer journey across almost 50 of the most popular mobile Apps across a variety of categories. The Sky Sports News App rated highest overall with a top score of 89.9%. Feedback shows that users found the app simple and easy to use with clearly presented menus and navigational links. They particularly liked the range of additional features, including direct links to live television and radio streams. Derek Eccelston, Research Director at eDigitalResearch, explains: “As the apps market continues to grow at an alarming pace, it is essential that companies and brands understand what users expect from such applications before investing time and money. Our results show that apps must offer an element of added usability to consumers, or enhance the

user experience as a whole. Apps which rated lowest with shoppers were those that simply used the app as a portal to mobile sites, social networking pages or standard websites, missing a huge opportunity to connect with users and build long-lasting relationships”. The study, which looked exclusively at the functionality of apps available on the Apple platform, found that apps must have a purpose and clear function, and not simply used as a ‘must have accessory’ by brands. Results indicate that users are more satisfied with apps that had an apparent advantage of accessing information through a smart device by integrating mobile features, such as location based services. Home service apps, such as British Gas and O2 also performed particularly well in the study, providing useful features such as meter readings, account information and search facilities, as well as a clearly thought-out design and layout.

Retailers Amazon and Debenhams also made it into the top tier of the table, offering users the ability to buy from a full range of products, as well as extra benefits, such as Amazon’s integrated barcode scanner. In comparison, ‘directories and guides’ was the lowest performing category as users became increasingly frustrated with slow to load pages and very limited capabilities. Flight apps did not perform well, often being criticised for not providing pricing information or booking functions, and generally offering less features than standard web pages. “The continued development of smart devices is facilitating a major change in consumer habits and expectations,” says Eccelston. Our previous benchmarking results have shown that consumers nowadays expect the same brand experience, regardless of the channel they are using; whether that is online, in-store, or on their mobile. “


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T360 OPENING RECEPTION | TUESDAY 10th MAY at Norman Bar, Leeds. Sponsored by Core Telecom T360 has reputation for supporting the “social sell” and so we’re delighted that our lead sponsors, Core Telecom, are opening the Leeds T360 event with a party at one of the city’s most renowned night spots!


Core Telecom is hosting this exclusive ONE off party! Expect cool music, a chilled out atmosphere and a little extra glamour and major party spirit from Core’s shot girls.

36 Call Lane, Leeds LS1 6DT |

NEWS Phone love up by a third, as mobile flirts splash out on virtual gifts as royal wedding fever hots up, romance is calling for a new generation of romantics who flirt by mobile phone. Spending on flirt and dating services charged to mobile phones increased by 36% in 2010, a recent report shows. The Current and Emerging Trends in the UK Premium Rate Services report, published by the UK premium rate telephone services (PRS) regulator, PhonepayPlus, shows spending on flirt and chat services was up by 36%, from £25.5 million in 2009 to £34.7 million in 2010. The report highlights the attraction for the mobile generation of ‘flirting-onthe-go’, fuelled by virtual gifts for phone flirts’ romantic interests. For example, one mobile and online flirting service reported ‘explosive sales’ of virtual gifts over Christmas 2009, selling 28,000 gifts – such as virtual Christmas stockings – in the five days between Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve, equating to 233 gifts an hour.

Men are far more likely to phone flirt, with 63.2% of users being male compared to 36.7% female users. 18-34 year olds are the highest users of mobile flirting and dating, with 11.8% of 18-24 year olds and 14.4% of 25-34 year olds using a flirt, chat or dating PRS in the last six months, compared with an average across all adults of 5.6%. Paul Whiteing, PhonepayPlus’ Chief Executive, commented: “As a regulator, we welcome innovation in the market and very much want consumers to enjoy fun new services with the reassurance that there is a regulator working with industry to prevent consumer harm. “All romantics, Royal or not, can be reassured that if they choose to mobile flirt using PRS as a micropayment. PhonepayPlus and the PRS industry are working together to give them the best protection. Every consumer, whatever service they use and whatever micropayment mechanism they pay by, deserves such protection.”

Mobile marketing platform uses social to connect local businesses with their customers seeking to combine recommendation, location based services, social networking and mobile, Dutch company Whatser has rolled out an app that lets local businesses and global brands gather and reward loyal customers based on where they are. And fashion brand G-Star Raw has become the first global brand to tap into the new tech. The location-based app is a mobile marketing platform that lets users ‘collect’ their favourite spots – typically shops, venues, cafes, restaurants and bars – and then share their collections with friends and discover new places to go based on their location and the recommendations of friends they trust. When a user adds a spot to their collection, they receive relevant offers, promotions and updates from that business. For businesses, Whatser offers a meaningful way to communicate with and reward regular customers to build loyalty, drive foot traffic and increase sales. The merchants pay Whatser €8.33

per month and this gives them access to a simple dashboard that lets them message their fans about deals, offers, events and more. The first global brand to sign up to use the platform is G-Star RAW. Shubhankar Ray, brand director for the fashion retailer explains: “Mobile marketing has evolved beyond coupons. We want to connect to our regular shoppers in a relevant way and keep them updated when new styles arrive and when we have special events in our stores. Whatser provides us with the ability to communicate with our customers in a way that is meaningful and creates value, which helps us build stronger relationships with them.” Businesses that claim their spot on Whatser can immediately begin communicating with customers. They will also have access to Whatser’s advanced monitoring dashboard for tracking message history and user activity on their spot’s detail page.

NEWS Republic signs ‘Facebook Deal’ with One iota for web and mobile fashion retailer Republic has joined the likes of Debenhams and Argos to launch a new Facebook Deals service. Implemented and managed by One iota, the mobile and Facebook commerce provider, Republic will give shoppers access to exclusive offers and promotions. Deals will be activated when users ‘check-in’ on their mobile phone through Facebook to Republic stores in Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Leeds and London. Republic has recently embarked on a period of rapid expansion. In 2010, the retailer launched a social media strategy that has already clocked up over 43,000 Facebook fans. Using Facebook Deals, Republic hopes to drive local retail footfall through Facebook and tap into the growing number of mobile users who are using their phones to source products, compare prices and seek out the best deals on the high street. One iota’s CEO, Damian Hanson, who worked closely with Republic on the

launch, commented: “Facebook Deals provides bricks and mortar retail stores with a huge opportunity to create new customers and drive loyalty. The ability to attract custom through ‘local Facebook commerce’ is something that can’t be ignored. Facebook Deals is destined to become a key component in the multi-channel strategy, fuelled by the growth in social media consumption through mobile devices.” Natalie Primus, head of social media at Republic, said: “We wanted to drive increased and repeat footfall by rewarding and incentivising our customers – Facebook Deals allows us to do this quickly and efficiently. One iota’s expertise and knowledge of the Facebook platform has been invaluable in supporting our goals.” The initial campaign will provide customers with discounts of up to 20 per cent. Users simply have to ‘check-in’ to receive their Republic Facebook Deal, which can then be redeemed in store at the point of payment.

500 million people worldwide to use their mobiles as metro and bus tickets by 2015 half a billion people worldwide will use their mobile devices as travel tickets on metros, subways and buses by 2015, according to new forecasts from Juniper Research. This is over five times the number generated last year but crucially Juniper is expecting usage to spread widely from the current concentration in Japan and several European countries. Outside Japan, systems in operation typically use SMS or bar codes. While SMS ticketing has been in operation for several years in large cities in Scandinavia and Central & Eastern Europe such as Stockholm and Prague, Juniper believes that recent momentum in Near Field Communications (NFC) will only add to market growth. As metro authorities begin the transition to open contactless payment systems, NFC ticket usage is forecast to grow significantly beginning in 2013. According to Mobile Ticketing for Trans-

port Markets report author Howard Wilcox: “Whether by expansion of SMS and bar code delivery or by NFC, at Juniper we see convenience and choice for users as key advantages of mobile ticketing. It will be 2013 before large numbers of NFC enabled devices are in peoples’ pockets and our new report forecasts the impact on transaction volumes. “ Furthermore, mobile ticketing also has potential across train and air travel, the latter driven by mobile delivered bar coded boarding passes. Juniper’s new report contains comprehensive and detailed five year forecasting for all the key market parameters including users, transactions and values for airline, rail and metro/bus ticketing. Additionally the report highlights the conclusions from Juniper’s analysis of 23 vendors addressing the market, which culminates in a new Transport Mobile Ticketing vendor strategy positioning matrix.


Rules of engagement PPP’s new code comes into force and the PRA rebrands. Now really is the time to be in telemedia says Paul Skeldon as phonepay plus (PPP) introduces its much vaunted new Code of Practice and the attendant registration scheme, all eyes are again turning to how premium rate services have a strong roll to play in the digital interaction and entertainment marketplace. The explosion in new devices has transformed how consumers view (literally and figuratively) the world of entertainment. Social networking meanwhile has transformed how the same consumers interact with each other and with brands, entertainment and the world in general. And this convergence of how consumers use social media and how new devices enable them to do this has changed forever how premium rate works. So does the PPP code and its registration scheme make what the regulator seeks to do in this new world of interaction any more successful? Well yes, it should do. While there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth over PPP moving into regulating what is essentially not premium rate services, but digital interaction, the move should be welcomed. We operate in a very different world these days and someone has to police it: it may as well be PPP. But should PPP’s remit take it into the digital engagement environment? Well, I think that yes it should. I don’t think PPP is ideally suited to doing this, but I think it has the experience and contacts, industry knowledge and structure to do it better than anyone else could. What it needs to be careful of, however, is over reaching its remit and trying to police things that it can’t – because it has no authority to – or things that others do regulate. Against this backdrop of PPP essentially becoming the digital interaction regulator (my words, not their’s you understand), the telemedia trade association world is also seeing some changes. AIME has long been shifting its remit to be the voice of the digital interaction marketplace (its even its in name) and it could be argued that, as a result, traditional PRS purveyors have been sort of sidelined (although AIME does do a lot of work in this area). However, the former Premium Rate Association (PRA), which has been dormant pretty much for a couple of years, is back with a new name and a new remit. Relaunching at our own Telemedia360 event in Leeds on 11 May, the PRA is setting itself up as Action4 and is seeking to get premium rate services back on the agenda – and to join forces with the CBI and 150 other trade associations to make sure that premium rate gets a bigger voice out there in regulation (and promotions) land. This is good news for the industry. While the onus if what PPP shifts not so much away from PRS, but to broaden its reach, and as AIME seeks to keep pace with this engorgement of what PPP does, the premium rate industry – which let’s face it is still worth nearly £800million and is growing thanks to virtual currencies, flirting, chat, dating and all the rest of it in the real and social media worlds – needs someone to look after just it. Perhaps this is the role for Action4 and where it fits into the complex regulatory and industry body world. Either way, as the UK starts to crawl its way out of recession, we can expect more growth in the PRS industry and the wider digital engagement market and regulation verses industry best interests will likewise grow in in importance. All this and more will of course be debated at Telemedia360 in Leeds on 11 May. Editorial Editor Paul Skeldon | Sales & Marketing | Production Director Annika Micheli | Publisher Jarvis Todd To subscribe, please go to What we’ve been listening to Sun Arise, Rolf Harris | What we’ve been amused by TwentyTwelve | Who we’ve been following mGambling Group | What we’ve been reading about The Anarchist Movement| Q2 2011 will bring... mobile payments to the masses

Trading Day, Seminars & Networking 11 May 2011 The Loft, Leeds

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T360 Show Preview Navigating the digital landscape

PRS in the UK is in recovery mode, with the sector recording some modest growth in 2010 and with more to follow in the coming year. The growth has been driven largely by media interaction, where PRS calls to vote are starting to make a huge impact, along with social media on mobile seeing a rise in people using PSMS based services. But it is the growth in the purchase of virtual goods that really tickles my telemedia taste buds. Up 400% on the same period the previous year, it has become a market worth in the UK alone £8.1million in 2010. Virtual goods include virtual currency to spend in games on social networking sites, ‘virtual gifts’ such as virtual birthday cakes and, more recently, virtual charity badges with a donation going towards the consumer’s good cause of choice. According to figures from Analysis Mason, 8.5% of consumers have bought a virtual gift or object related to a social networking site using a phone-paid mechanism, while 19.4% of 25-34 year olds and 16.5% of 18-24 year olds have bought a virtual gift using PRS in the past six months. The average micropayment per transaction for virtual goods is £2.41. This is all great news for the telemedia industry as it shows that, while more traditional areas of revenue generation are plateauing or even tailing off, social media is starting to offer some real openings for new business. Another element of this that is encouraging is that consumers are once again trusting phone-bill based micro-payment tools. Complaints to PPP fell to unprecedented levels in 2010, with just 3% of people saying that lack of trust in phone paid services stopped them using them. While the general economy may be in turmoil – I would cry “up the workers” at this point, but I don’t want to get hurt as the health service won’t be able to look after me – the PRS sector is again bucking the trend. The old adage that these services always do well in a recession as people seek some cheap comfort and joy was ringing a tad hollow. But social networking, smartphones and a general embracing of a new way of interacting with each other and brands, has seen consumers resurrect the PRS sector and offer some rays of hope. This is why the timing of Telemedia360 in Leeds on 11 May couldn’t be better. Featuring a line up of media, service provider and operator speakers, the sessions all look at how the digital ‘media’ landscape is shifting and how media companies, brands, telcos and service providers need to think in new and agile ways about how to engage consumers and offer them the kinds of services that they will pay for. Some of it centres on new things and new ways of thinking, but a lot will really just involve putting well understood practices onto a new platform: the social media platform. To learn more about getting involved sign up at

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For the latest information about the event and how to sign up

Trading Day, Seminars & Networking

11 May 2011 The Loft, Leeds

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In association with

Conference In conjunction with our overall event sponsors Core Telecom, our in depth, panel led conference is designed to provide the ideal learning environment for mobile and interaction professionals from the media, brand, marketing, advertising and retail sectors. It uses experts and specialists – led by an expert team of moderators – to get to the very bottom of how the changing digital landscape of new devices, new user behaviours and social media are there to generate revenues from all the eyeballs and earlobes focussed on interacting with you

9.00 – 9.15

Mobile users and the digital society A statistical overview of the digital society and what opportunities lie out there for brands, media companies and the telemedia sector. Darren Mark Noyce MMRS MCIM Founder & Managing Director, Skopos

today we operate in a very different media world. Our panels and presenters explain how Telemedia services can continue to add huge value to media, brands, broadcasters and retailers • What services are the best fit for what devices • Mixing interaction and monetisation • Working with the new platforms players – getting Facebook, Twitter and the myriad of app stores working for your content • What value social media • M-web, apps or both – what works best for media • Increasing importance of loyalty and CRM Mark Challinor, Head of Mobile, Telegraph Media Group Miles Ross, Head of Mobile, IPC Carl Costa, Songhi Matt Baskerville, Shortlist

9.30 – 10.15

Opening Keynote: Telemedia’s role in the new interactive landscape With TV interaction turning to social media and apps, and with publishers embracing online and digital publishing with alacrity, our panel sets the scene for the day exploring how the telemedia industry can lead the chase for eyeballs and earlobes. Ed Boddington, Chairman, AIME

9.15 – 9.25

The new digitized media landscape New devices, new operating systems, apps stores, m-web and social media:

10.15 – 11.00

Engaging and interacting in a multi screen digital world Whether you are a media company,

WORKSHOP SESSION PPP 12th Code workshop


broadcaster, retailer or a brand, the new landscape for media delivery also affects how you market your services and how consumers interact with you. Our panel and presenters show you best of breed solutions to win in these battles • How social media, apps and new channels are affecting the interaction paradigm • It’s a wifi world – so you need to change your business models • What solutions are there for broadcasters, media companies, brands and marketers to generate incremental new revenues? • The role of telemedia in this new landscape Todd Green, FreMantle Media Stephen Petheram, MD, MGt Sebastian Garel-Jones, Admoda Speaker TBC, CSO, GText

11.00 – 11.30

networking with tea and coffee

11.30 – 12.30

Traditional Telemedia service update SPONSORED BY COM&TEL

PhonepayPlus’ new Code & Registration – Are you in?

On 1 September 2011, a new Code of Practice and industry-wide Registration Scheme will come into force for premium rate services (PRS). • The new Code contains rules that apply across the whole PRS value-chain. Information/content providers will be responsible for consumer protection for the first time. • The Registration Scheme is mandatory for ALL providers in the PRS value-chain. You will not be able to do business in the UK market unless you are registered. PhonepayPlus’ session at Telemedia 360 in Leeds on 11 May will ensure you’re clear on what the new Code and Registration Scheme mean for you.

While the media landscape may be crowded with new devices and business models, consumers still love the same services – they just want them delivered in different ways. Our panel and presenters take a look at how the telemedia basics are shaping up • Latest developments, products and services in Psychic, horoscope, life

For the latest information about the event and how to sign up

Trading Day, Seminars & Networking

11 May 2011 The Loft, Leeds

Sponsored by

coaching, chat and dating • Issues affecting the market, including regulatory updates • Creating effective services for brand and media clients • The impact of new devices, new delivery channels and new media • Exploiting SMS, MMS, Video and social networking • Monetising through add ons Kevin Parker, Danielle Morgan, Sales & Marketing Manager, Flirtomatic James McNab, Sprint Taya Bose, Com&Tel

12.30 – 13.00

CASE STUDY Where traditional services meet new media and brands FMCG brands are using Horoscopes/ Psychic for PR, CRM, editorial content and incremental revenue. We find out how brands, including Asda, are using bingo, dating, horoscopes rather than the traditional “in print” models. Kevin Parker,

13.00 – 14.00 lunch

14.00 – 15.00

M-Commerce – so more than just retail SPONSORED BY NET MOBILE

Colin McCaffrey, 2Ergo Speaker TBC, Netsize

15.00 – 15.45

Billing & payments – the options to consider SPONSORED BY OPENMARKET

In association with

• Collecting and re-using data through new channels – how do apps, m-web, social media and wifi change the data game? Stephen Upstone, Velti Kate Atkin, mLaw

16.17 – 17.45

Making all interactive and m-commerce services work relies of collecting money and extending that to allow for payment through device in stores and online. But the billing and payment landscape has changed radically in the past two years. • In-app billing • The rise of Apple, Boku, Zong and the others • The role operator billing might yet fulfill • How 90% payout transactional SMS billing is becoming reality • What NFC and other mobile payment tools bring to the party • Refunding to phones and accounts – a new opportunity? Stephen Petheram, MD, MGt Danny Marino, txtNation Speaker from OpenMarket

Telemedia and Live events With the Olympics just around the corner and sports clubs all getting on the mobile bandwagon, we wrap up the Leeds show with a lively debate about how best to put all that we have learned today into practice around live events. • Opportunities for telemedia in live events • Opportunities for media, brands and retailers around live events • Cementing the two with mobile, kiosks and more • Challenges of making it work • From marketing on page to ticket on phone – the complete journey for the modern event • Case studies and demos from around the world. Luc Jacobs, TeamBlogger James McNab, Sprint

15.45 – 16.15

network with tea and buns

16.15 – 17.00

Mobile is the ideal sales tool, offering a channel and billing – as well as today total broadband web connectivity. So what are the main games in town for m-commerce? • What is being bought on mobile – real, virtual or both? • What can we teach tangible goods retailers about mobile commerce? • Turning mobile marketing into mobile commerce • Drop charges, telemedia billing and the new world of retail Justin Richardson, MD, Net-Mobile Damian Hanson, One iota Michael Ord, Frooly

Telemedia CRM & DATA – the marketing department’s dream come true Both fixed line and mobile services generate extraordinary amounts of detailed data about the consumers’ behavior interacting with your brand. But how do you harness and monetize this data from marketing and commercial perspectives? • Creating data and using it as a marketing tool • CRM best practice & Data Protection Act main points to watch • Comparative studies of how well CRM generates repeat calls and up sell across media types • CRM, data and Age Verification – protecting consumers and your business • The role of delivery through SMS, MMS, Apps and M-web

*Correct at time of going to press, subject to change on the day – for most up to date information, see or the show guide at the event

For the latest information about the event and how to sign up

Trading Day, Seminars & Networking

11 May 2011 The Loft, Leeds

Sponsored by

In association with

Charity begins at Telemedia360 As well as providing an excellent networking and business environment, Telemedia360 has gained something of a reputation as a charity raising event and the show in Leeds on 11 May is no exception. This time out the Telemedia360 Golf Day on 10th will be raising money, and the event dinner at the end of the business day on 11 May will also be raising fund through silent auctions and a number of other special events at dinner – to be revealed on the day. This time out the event is support three key cancer charities: • Candlelighter’s aspx - this is a local hospice for kids that are suffering from the disease. • Her Breast Friends - to help create a positive environment providing encouragement and friendship for breast cancer sufferers • Breast Cancer Care If that wasn’t enough, telemedia industry stalwart Lee Campion from OBIT is also on the charity raising path, with plans to do the Coast to Coast bike ride at the end of May in support of both Candlelighters, and HER Breast Friends. Campion will be joining David Campion, the British Squash Team Coach and James Willstrop, the current World number 4, Commonwealth Silver Medallist with loads more Squash Titles. Campion is, in his own words, “the fittest fat bloke I know”, so we are all hoping he completes the 145 trip. So give generously both at the show and, if you can’t attend, you can donate here

GOLF & SPA DAY – Oulton Hall, Leeds

One of the great benefits of moving T360 to the wonderful month of May is that we’re guaranteed some fantastic summer weather! What better way to prepare for 24hrs of grueling networking than by enjoying a very friendly round of golf and a relaxing spa day at one of the regions best country retreats? SPA – For the non golfers and spectators Spectators and early networkers are welcome to join us for the day and enjoy full use of the leisure club facilities whilst the golfers are hunting for their balls! The Oulton Club is a truly world-class leisure facility, so whether you’re in need of some time-out to unwind, or fancy some high-octane activities to get the adrenaline pumping, you’ll find all you need and more.

OPENING RECEPTION Norman Bar sponsored by Core Telecom T360 has reputation for supporting the “social sell” and so we’re delighted to be hosting the opening party at one of the city’s most renowned night spots!

Hospitality lounge the Loft sponsored by Oxygen8 Oxygen8 have a reputation for providing first class hospitality at these industry events. Make sure you visit their deluxe suite on the show floor and keep an eye out for the “treats” they’ll be serving up throughout the day!

EVENING DRINKS the Loft sponsored by 24 Seven We close the formal part of the day with a drinks party in The Loft Bar. This is a great opportunity to for attendees to meet all our speakers and sponsors in an informal setting whilst preparing for a great night out in Leeds.

DINNER & SILENT AUCTION – WITH “LOTS 4 CHARITY” T360 feeds minds and bodies throughout the day and well into the night. The T360 Dinner brings together 150 of our delegates, promoters, sponsors and panellists to enjoy the very finest cuisine from the subcontinent. Still only in its first year, A.M. Kitchen & Bar has already built a reputation for delivering amazing food in a sophisticated setting.

For the latest information about the event and how to sign up

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Car lot on your phone Paul Skeldon takes a look at how an automotive car buying app from the US has been so successful that its creators are now bringing ti to Europe to start a car buying – and m-commerce –revolution Advanced mobile solutions Cars2Go app has reached a milestone with its 500th auto dealer signing on to use the service. 26% of smart phone users plan to buy a new or used car in the next year and most will be using their mobile devices in the research and decision making process of buying that new or used car. One auto dealer is reaching the smart phone market through its Cars2Go mobile dealer app and other mobile marketing tools. Advanced Mobile Solutions’ is pleased to announce that its Cars2Go mobile marketing application has now exceeded the milestone of 500 auto dealer sales. Cars2Go provides auto dealers with its Triple Play of mobile marketing tools including an auto dealer app, mobile web site, and a text message marketing tool. Auto dealers have found that upscale consumers that use the Triple Play suite of mobile marketing products are highly motivated buyers of new and previously owned vehicles. “There is a lot of window shopping activity that occurs on an auto dealer’s lot after hours and on Sundays,” said Bob Bentz, Director of Marketing at Advanced Mobile Solutions. “With Cars2Go, consumers can access an auto dealer’s inventory while walking the lot on a Sunday or while eating lunch at a restaurant.” Jim Stutzman Chevrolet-Cadillac is one auto dealer that is investing in the power of mobile marketing for its auto dealership. The Winchester, Virginia GM auto dealer uses the Cars2Go auto dealer app to allow consumers to gain real time access to its current auto inventory on his lot. Consumers can also schedule service appointments via the mobile phone app. If Stutzman wishes to contact his customers or prospects, he can do so via the send notification of the Cars2Go app or through the company’s text message marketing product. The service also gen-

erates trade in leads via its Cell Ur Car feature. By 2013, more Americans will access the internet through their mobile device than through the internet. That’s why Jim Stutzman ChevroletCadillac has invested in a mobile web site so that users can use its Click to Call feature to contact the dealership. Jim Stutzman Chevrolet-Cadillac knows that its mobile marketing tool will drive more car sales to his dealership so that’s why he’s made the investment in it. More than a quarter of smart phone users plan to purchase a new or used car in the next year. And, a whopping 78% of those new buyers will use their mobile device as part of the decision making process, according to an article in Media Post. The findings come from a new study of 851 mobile users over a three month period ending February 15, 2011. According to the survey, 15.6% of mobile users plan to buy a new car in the next year and 10.4% will purchase a previously owned vehicle. That figure bodes well for an auto industry that is clearly on the rebound after several lackluster years. Clearly, there is a distinct correlation between the higher income users of smart phones and the typical US adult

population. While only 5.5% of adult Americans plan on buying a new car in the next year, 15.6% of smart phone users are making such plans. That’s why targeting smart phone users is such an important strategy for auto dealers. Car buying plans are being made more and more on the mobile phone. The study found that 48% of smart phone users planning to buy a car this year are using their mobile phones to conduct initial research on a new car. 44% are using their mobile devices to comparison shop right on the auto dealer’s lot. 32% are even using their smart phones to locate an auto dealer. “Everything is moving to the mobile phone,” said Stutzman, “so why should car buying be any different?” Cars2Go is a service of Advanced Mobile Solutions of Wayne, Pennsylvania. Advanced Mobile Solutions is owned in part by Advanced Telecom Services which has been supplying interactive telephone services to advertisers since 1989.


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The 2010s’ way to pay Michael Norton, Managing Director of looks ahead at the payment methods that we’ll be becoming more familiar with over the next decade as well as the new sales channels that will be available to retailers originally e-commerce was just about establishing a website and subsequently driving traffic to it. Many companies, like Amazon and ASOS, have built successful businesses off the back of this approach and have become recognised household names. However, the circumstances are changing again. This time, the disruptive forces are mobile devices and social networks. Spending via mobile phones is expected to top £275m in the next few years, while selling via the likes of Facebook could reach $30 billion by 2015 . While still representing only a fraction of UK retail spend, these phenomena offer clues as to how we may be paying in the next decade and will shape interactions between consumers and retailers. However, the big issue for retailers is how they will manage the new risks associated with taking payments via these new channels as fraudsters also look to exploit them. As the number of consumers owning smartphones grows, so does the demand for accessing services such as online shopping through handsets. In 2010, UK mobile sites experienced an average increase in traffic of 300% over the Christmas weekend alone. Brands looking to exploit this new avenue should be aware that there are three different options to consider when it comes to mobile commerce: • Optimising your existing website for viewing on a mobile device. This approach costs the least and gives customers access to the entire retail site • In addition,, apps can be used to drive sales. For the most part, this means ‘footfall driver’ apps, which are more for browsing and encourage traffic to be driven either to the e-commerce site or the physical store. This has been developed well by H&M in an

app which gives the user offers and discounts when the handset is shaken. However some retailers such as Oasis have developed an offering which allows for payment via the app. • Lastly, location-based marketing can be used by some brands, such as Starbucks, via an app. This means companies can locate users via their smartphone, offering discounts and also a means to pay Apps are not the be all and end all, in most cases they are better placed to push information on products and to encourage spending via another channel – either in the physical store or via the e-commerce website. For many retailers looking to drive ‘passing trade’ through the mobile channel, a mobile optimised site with a ‘one click’ pre-registration system for customers may be the most cost-effective way forward. Apps and mobile commerce sites can be costly to develop so brands do need to ensure that the demand is there before making any investment. In the app rich future, to be a success a retail app will have to be as easy and intuitive to use as existing channels such as shopping on an online site through a computer. Retailers also need to consider the risk factors associated with mobile commerce. Mobile fraud is as yet poorly understood, and risk management is more complex than conventional e-commerce, with tools such as IP tracking and IP geolocation less accurate or meaningful. Either way, retailers with mobile offerings need to prepare themselves to field considerably more fraud chargeback requests than they may be used to. Additional security controls like 3DSecure are not properly tailored for the mobile payment experience, and Merchants may therefore choose not

to use them, increasing the balance of riskier transactions to legitimate ones. Indeed, Gartner research has described adequate mobile fraud management strategies as ‘imperative’ for any retailers making serious in-roads into mCommerce. Social networking sites, offer a different type of opportunity – the ability to build conversations with customers, and develop these into lucrative relationships. The average time spent on Facebook now stands at 55 minutes a day , representing a huge opportunity for brands who play their cards right. Facebook itself is responding having launched its own system of credits for consumers, a virtual currency that enables people to purchase items via the Facebook Platform. fCommerce seems to be the next logical step. While the majority of Facebook shops exist only in the US, the phenomenon is crossing the pond, with fashion brands taking the lead and trading via this platform. Recently, ASOS and French Connection announced their intentions to set up some of the first Facebook shops in the UK. It is a reasonable assumption that as social media and retail become more aligned and consumers want to access these services through mobile devices, payments via mobile billing could well become a natural step. It is at this point that mobile phone operators will have the opportunity to become more involved in the payments process; potentially limiting payment methods and charging higher commissions. With a number of different mobile phone networks, this could become costly for retailers as they seek to do business in this way and these types of payments create more siloes of money coming into the business. It will be essential for retailers to have a real time


view of the payments coming in or out of their business across all of the new avenues that can sit in one place. Although by nature retailers are risk averse so it is unlikely mCommerce and fCommerce will be widely used until both customers and retailers feel comfortable with the security behind them. In fact research found that 73 percent of people wouldn’t buy physical items through social media sites because of concerns about security and privacy . For this reason, paying in cash for goods purchased online, as old as money itself, could become increasingly popular. While retailers must opt-in to such schemes, they bring with them zero risk of fraud or repudiation:’s

own PayCash scheme uses the PayPoint network of payment terminals to process cash payments for ecommerce retailers – all the customer needs to provide is a confirmation code, the cash and the purchase is dispatched to the customer. Whichever options brands decide to offer in terms of payment the one thing they need to keep an eye on is where the money is coming in. It is clear that the growth of online shopping is showing no signs of slowing

down and brands need to keep up. Consumers now expect to be able to interact with a brand via different channels and to be offered a route straight to payment. However, brands need to balance the return on investment with mCommerce and fCommerce while minimising the risks to be successful. If they get the balance right they have every chance of being a success with the 2010s consumer.

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