Annique Product Training Manual

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Training Manual 2014

Product Training Manual CONTENTS

Rooibos & Herbs DermaLIFT I and DermaLIFT II Galvanic ion technology Forever Young Youth Restoring range of anti-ageing products Essense The solution for every skin care concern Lucid Daily skin care range for dry, dehydrated and mature skin Hydrafine Daily skin care range for normal and combination skin types Synergy Daily skin care range for oily skin Face Facts Daily facial skin care for probelm and younger skin 180째 Skin Elements for Men The Spa Daily Body Care Range Baby For delicate baby skin Resque For any skin care emergency BodyXpert Body Care Range Sun Care Your complete sun care solution Forever Healthy The optimum balance between science and nature Colour Caress Hot Annique Stories

The Rooibos Story Discovering Rooibos’ miracles Generations of South Africans have been enjoying the natural sweet and revitalising taste of Rooibos since its discovery by botanists in 1772. Little did they realise the powerful and natural healing properties of this rare and unique plant from the cold, windy, south-western tip of Africa.

1968 – an amazing discovery Dr. Annique Theron discovered the natural healing powers of Rooibos when, one sunny April morning in 1968, she warmed her allergic baby’s bottle with warm Rooibos tea. She was amazed at the instant calming, soothing and healing effect it had on her fourteen month old baby daughter, Lorinda. She set out to investigate this tea’s healing properties and found she stood alone in her discovery of its anti-allergic qualities. However, she soon found hundreds of mothers with children who suffered from similar problems varying from food allergies to eczema, insomnia and hyperactivity in their babies and young children. In 1974 Annique Theron published her findings about allergies in children and adults in her book: “Allergies: An Amazing Discovery”.

Help for adults and babies Rooibos tea has been a trusted remedy for the last five decades among South African mothers. Now Rooibos’ miraculous properties – to cure and soothe, are backed not only by scientific research and international recognition, but also by forty years of mothers’ hands-on experience. If your little one suffers from colic, insomnia, food allergies, stomach cramps or eczema, Annique’s Rooibos tea is the perfect answer to your problems. It is simple to use; simply substitute the water of baby’s bottle feed with Rooibos tea. Rooibos tea will benefit the digestive system, calm your child and ensure untroubled sleeping patterns. Annique only sells Super Export Grade Rooibos tea which contains at least 80% Rooibos leaves. Some of the Rooibos tea found on Supermarket shelves contain less than 20% leaves. This is critical since the active ingredients in Rooibos are essentially found in the leaves not the sticks! Annique receives two gold medals for the formulation of Annique Rooibos products and is the winner of the World Intellectual Property Association (WIPO), International Woman Inventor of 1997 award in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dr Annique Theron with daughter Lorinda in 1968

Dr Theron and Lorinda in 1991

Revealing research In the 1980’s Japanese and American scientists found a powerful and stable antioxidant called super-oxide dismutase in Rooibos tea. In 1995 Infruitec, a South African research company, as well as Dr Charlene Marais of the University of the Free State, found and verified that Rooibos tea did indeed have the following properties: • Anti-allergic; • Antioxidant; • Anti-bacterial; • Anti-inflammatory; and • Anti-viral; • No caffeine and very • Anti-spasmodic; low tannin from pure • Anti-ageing; Rooibos leaves. Rooibos tea is enjoying increasing popularity around the world.

Nutrition from Mother Nature Because Rooibos tea is low in tannin, it won’t deplete baby’s natural iron reserves during pregnancy or feeding while the protein absorption and metabolism remain undisturbed. It also contains calcium to ensure normal development of teeth, bones and the nervous system, as well as magnesium and zinc for healthy skin and hair. Because Annique’s Rooibos tea has a natural sweet taste there is no need to add sugar or honey to baby bottles. Parents love it too.


Rooibos: A multi-wonder It is well known that the benefits of Rooibos tea extend far beyond the seams of the actual teabag. Worldwide scientific research was done on this indigenous South African herb, Rooibos, over the past 20 years.

Other benefits of Rooibos include:

The Rooibos plant in full bloom in October

Asset for Physically Active

Preventing Cancer

Rooibos is believed to quickly replace sodium chloride lost through sweating. The tea has also become a respectable alternative to cold refreshments for sportsmen, manual workers or other people who labour under high physical strain, due to the proportion of mineral nutrients and micro nutrients in Rooibos.

Flavonoids in Rooibos work as antioxidants – a major protagonist in preventing cancer – as well as in slowing down its progress. Research found that, as a major cause of cancer is damage of the genetic material, the rising level of glutathione associated with Rooibos tea could prevent genetic damages from happening. Due to a polyphenic-rich extract in Rooibos, this indicates potential for use in cosmeceuticals for sun protection and as part of a strategy for preventing non-melanoma skin cancers in humans.

Boosts Immune System Scientists believe that antioxidants in Rooibos significantly elevate antioxidant levels in blood, boosting the body’s internal defence system against disease. Antioxidants protect the living body from the deleterious effects of free radicals.

relieving spasms.

Slowing Ageing Process Laboratory studies and studies done with animals show that the tea could possibly slow the ageing process, including the progression of dementia.

Soothes Skin Irritations and Acne Rooibos helps to soothe skin irritations and is also excellent for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. It helps to soothe nappy rash and improves acne. Rooibos tea contains no harmful chemicals or preservatives, which may produce allergic reactions or further skin damage.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease Researchers also found that biomarkers associated with cardio-vascular disease are significantly reduced by drinking Rooibos tea. May Control Diabetes A study in Japan found that aspalathin in Rooibos tea helped to improve the glucose uptake of muscle cells in Type 2 diabetes, thus helping to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Fights Allergies Rooibos can help fight allergies by boosting the production of cytochrome P450, an important enzyme that helps to metabolise allergens. Japanese researchers found that when Rooibos is consumed regularly as a beverage, it helps to improve the allergy status as a result of the increased levels of this enzyme in the body. Soothing Stomach Cramps and Colic Anecdotal evidence also suggests that Rooibos acts as a digestive aid and anti-spasmodic, thereby relieving stomach cramps and colic in babies, as well as symptoms associated with pancreatic sufferers. Rooibos is also used to relieve nervous tension and stomach and bowel irritation, easing the painful symptoms of urinary system diseases such as prostitis and cystitis. Lowering Blood Pressure Chrysoeriol in Rooibos acts affectively as a bronchodilator, with an associated effect on lowering blood pressure and

Replacing Hormones Plant-derived oestrogen, Phytoestrogen, has the potential as an alternative for oestrogens in hormone replacement therapy.

Rooibos contains zinc, which is essential to the skin’s metabolism, as well as its own natural alphahydroxy acid, which is believed to smooth and refine fine lines and wrinkles. Pumping Iron Rooibos has a low tannin content (only 1 - 4%), which means that it doesn’t inhibit the absorption of iron (something that black tea does). Protecting the Liver Researchers in Spain found evidence that Rooibos protects the liver against the accumulation of fat and can help to prevent metabolic disease. It also helps to reduce cholesterol, tryglycerides and free fatty acids. Heartburn Rooibos tea can possibly aid in the relief of heartburn, as it has antispasmodic properties which have been known to calm heartburn. Help for Insomnia Rooibos tea is frequently used as a natural home remedy to help insomnia. 100% Good To conclude: Researchers know of no side effects associated with the use of Rooibos tea, so it can be consumed freely. It is also safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women and young children.


Stretching from the shores of Africa to the hustle and bustle of Hollywood, Rooibos is as famous as some of the celebrities drinking it. It was served at the wedding of celebrity couple Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones. So we are in really good company. This statement is further enhanced with scientific research recently done on this wonderful tea, especially regarding antioxidants. It was confirmed that Rooibos tea is the only source for aspalathin, that is exceptionally beneficial and a rare antioxidant. The combination of antioxidants in the tea has the ability to measurably elevate the antioxidants in the body to a peak within one hour of drinking 400 - 500 ml. What this means is that your internal defence system against diseases gets a significant boost.



With the spike in unhealthy living, high stress and high blood pressure and related illnesses, it is necessary to look at all avenues to prevent or treat these, mostly lifestyle diseases. Another antioxidant found in Rooibos tea in limited quantities is chrysoeriol which prevents and treats vascular diseases. These are life-threatening diseases we are aware of as ‘my arteries are blocked’, or ‘I have high blood pressure problems’ to even ‘my arteries have hardened’.

These don’t sound very problematic, but they are. More than what most of us think until it is almost too late. Another research study found that an enzyme found in Rooibos can In summary, the following scientific research was done on Rooibos with exceptional results: • Rooibos is very high in antioxidants, especially green Rooibos, which means the levels of antioxidants are higher than black, green or honeybush tea. • Rooibos can prevent and treat vascular diseases • Rooibos can promote a healthy heart • Rooibos can treat high blood pressure • Rooibos can increase hair growth • Rooibos has anti-cancer properties • Rooibos is beneficial in treatment of acne • Rooibos contains no caffeine • Rooibos is low in tannin

actually promote a healthy heart. After drinking Rooibos tea, this angiotensin-converting enzyme is significantly decreased and inhibited. And as the research has show, it is this exact enzyme that is believed to be directly involved with the development of cardiovascular disease. The inhibitors of this enzyme are used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease.

Dear consultants, let us take a lesson home with us from the beautiful Catherine Zeta Jones and start getting our husbands, fathers and sons, ourselves, and our families to drink Rooibos tea.

• Rooibos helps with nervous tension, allergies and digestive problems • Rooibos alleviates baby colic, allergies, asthma and skin problems • Rinsing with Rooibos can protect your skin against infections and fungus • Rinsing your skin with Rooibos can prevent and alleviate acne and skin irritations • There is an extract of Rooibos used for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes • New research is being done to investigate the plant-derived estrogens in Rooibos for their potential as an alternative to estrogens in hormone replacement therapy … so this is one to really ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 4

keep an eye on … • Acts as “chemopreventors” in skin cancer as external application could possibly suppress tumour growth • Further research into Rooibos has shown it suppresses mutations and as such potentially prevents cancer • Rooibos has a calming effect on the digestive system • Further research is being done on Rooibos as a bronchodilator which goes with lowering blood pressure and relieving spasms • The Japanese found an immuneboosting ingredient • Rooibos has huge anti-ageing effects • And lastly, no negative or adverse effects …

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Research into


properties of Rooibos promising There has been a major increase in recent research into the ability of the Rooibos plant to restore and reverse the effects of ageing and local scientists have found the theory of Rooibos being beneficial in countering the ageing process not as far-fetched as some may think.


his is according to the South African Rooibos Council, who say the most accepted theory of ageing is the free-radical hypothesis, where organisms age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time. Rooibos is rich in antioxidants, which bind and neutralise free-radicals and prevent them from damaging cells. Professor Maryna van de Venter, of the department of biochemistry and microbiology at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, explains that one of the characteristics associated with ageing is the progressive redistribution of body fat. She says there is less body fat in the places where it should be and more in the places it shouldn’t be, which can result in substantial clinical consequences. “A decrease in the fat layer under the skin leads to cosmetic changes such as wrinkles, sunken eyes and skin folds and an expansion in abdominal fat can be associated with increased risk of age-related diseases, including insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease,” says Prof van de Venter.

According to her, preadipocytes, the cells where fat cells develop from, represent between 15% and 50% of the cells in fat tissue and are likely to have a significant influence on the growth and function of fat cells. Studies show that over time preadipocytes lose their ability to multiply and develop into mature fat cells. “Scientists are not yet sure why this happens, but they believe inflammation of the fatty tissue, oxidative stress and the introduction of factors which prevent the cells from dividing may contribute to this,” she says. Prof Van de Venter’s research is currently investigating the potential influence the antioxidants contained in Rooibos may have on these mechanisms thought to cause preadipocyte dysfunction. Preventing this may slow or even reverse age-related adipose redistribution and associated cosmetic changes and health risks.

According to David Philips, a contributing author at Present Health, a website providing natural health answers, Japanese scientists already performed studies in the 1960s discovering Rooibos contained powerful antioxidants similar to Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) which is thought to retard ageing. He says Rooibos is also found to contain aspalathin which counteracts the processes that result in heart disease so the Japanese promote Rooibos Tea as an anti-ageing tea and import large quantities of the tea. The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries have been searching a long time to restore and reverse the effects of ageing. This increase in research by prominent researchers at South African universities and science councils, collaborating with experts around the world, contributes to better understanding of the benefits of Rooibos and will provide scientific evidence to substantiate its antiageing properties, beyond what is already known about its antioxidant capacity.


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A recent study by the Diabetes Discovery Platform and the InfruitecNietvoorbij Institute has found promising capabilities of the Rooibos plant to lower blood sugar levels which is good news for all Diabetics. team of South African researchers released results in October 2012 of a Diabetes study showing the beneficial effect of Rooibos on blood sugar levels. The study found that an Aspalathin-enriched extract of Green Rooibos is able to lower, raised glucose levels in the blood. According to the South African Rooibos Council, when Aspalathin (Aspalathus Linearis), an antioxidant found only in the Rooibos plant is combined with Rutin, another key ingredient in Rooibos Tea, the two ingredients together, succeed in lowering the blood glucose levels monitored over a six hour period. This could have the same effect as drugs that are currently available on the market to counter Diabetes. The study was conducted by the Diabetes Discovery Platform from South Africa’s Medical Research Council (MRC) and the South African Agricultural Research Council’s (ARC) Infruitec-Nietvoorbij Institute. It was carried out with extracts of Green Rooibos prepared by Prof Lizette Joubert of the ARC, analysed by the MRC and the results were published in the online version of the Phytomedicine Journal. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Diabetes will affect 439 million people around the world by 2030. Currently 6.5 million South Africans have Diabetes, although experts feel that number may be under-reported. The disease develops when the body does not produce enough insulin, a hormone that enables cells to absorb glucose from the blood and convert it into energy. Dr Johan Louw, of the MRC and team leader of the study, says their team of researchers are the first in the world to discover this effect with Rooibos extract and their work confirms the constituents present in Rooibos could prove beneficial in the fight against Diabetes.

“Rooibos has many compounds with different effects at different concentrations. On its own Rutin has no effect while Aspalathin has a slight effect, but when they are combined the results are remarkable. We believe Rooibos can provide a basis to develop a standardised anti-Diabetic product. In a country like South Africa. Where a large section of the population relies on herbal medicines, such a product could be of huge value,” he says. “Our focus as scientists is the promotion of healthy lifestyles and a healthier population, not just in South Africa but all over the world, so don’t hesitate to drink that cup of Rooibos as part of a good diet,” he says. Prof Joubert of ARC says their Rooibos research to date, focused mostly on the antioxidant activity of Rooibos, but this evidence of its ability to lower blood glucose levels opens up new and exciting possibilities for this unique South African herb. “We now need to dig deeper to determine the optimal combination and ratio of the active compounds such as Aspalathin and Rutin in controlling blood glucose levels, and also understand the exact mechanisms involved,” she says.


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Rooibos Herbal Infusion Green Rooibos Tea • More antioxidants than normal Rooibos tea • More aspalathin – the anti-allergic flavonoid • Anti–spasmodic • Eases digestive upset • Lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure • Relieves stomach pains and heartburn • Soothes diarrhoea • Slows down the ageing process • Boosts immune system • Anti-inflammatory

Rooibos - Stomach Tea • Contains mint (Mentha Longifolia) • Helps to soothe headaches and pain: bronchial infections, fever, colds, stomach disorders, worms in the intestines, infections and colic. • Helps to induce perspiration and to improve menstrual flow. • Mint has antiseptic qualities • Helps with digestion • Soothes a sore throat • Anti-inflammatory

Rooibos - Bladder & Kidney Tea • Contains Mountain Buchu • Bladder infections, digestive problems, colds and flu • Aromatic and antiseptic. Helps to soothe sinus, fever, diabetes and water retention • Helps to get rid of excess fluid by producing more urine • Buchu helps to remove excess gasses from the intestines, a urinary antiseptic • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use Buchu Recommended for: • Prostate problems • Stomachaches • Heartburn • Antiseptic – use to treat wounds • Inflammation of the colon • Inflammation of gums

Rooibos - Night Rest Tea • Contains Melissa leaves • Promotes a good night’s rest • Anti-spasmodic and calming, anti-depressant effect • Treats hysteria and insomnia • Uplifting and soothing in times of grief, trauma and depression • Helps to relieve cramps, fever, headaches, migraine, toothache, spasms, asthma and indigestion • Soothes the nerves


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Rooibos Herbal Infusion Rooibos - Relax Tea • Contains Wild Jasmine • Promotes relaxation • Enhances immune system • Improves energy levels • Improves concentration levels • Lowers stress levels

Rooibos - Colon Cleanse Tea • Contains Senna, a cleansing herb • Helps to treat constipation • Pregnant women may use senna only under the supervision of a medical doctor. • Helps to ease irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) • Assists in treating acne and intestinal parasites • Use in conjunction with Detox, Green Rooibos and Metabolism Tea to assist in effective weightloss

Rooibos - Detox Tea • Contains ginger root • Assists with digestion, detox, nausea and motion sickness • Treats ulcers • Possesses anti-inflammatory properties that could relieve symptoms of arthritis • Fights off and alleviates symptoms of colds and flu • Weightloss - increases metabolism and improves fat digestion • An immune booster and antioxidant • Boosts and improves circulation • Removes toxins from organs

Rooibos - Metabolism Tea

• Contains Fennel Benefits of fennel:

• Helps to stimulate metabolism • Helps to suppress appetite and desire for sweet foods • Helps to improve eyesight • Helps to relax the intestines • Helps to reduce bloating caused by digestive disorders • An effective diuretic • Helps to treat hypertension • Only effective for weightloss in conjunction with an energy controlled diet, and increase in physical activity and exercise • Pregnant and breastfeeding women – should consult a medical doctor before using Metabolism Tea


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Rooibos Herbal Infusion Rooibos - Balance Tea • Contains Cinnamon Health benefits of cinnamon • Helps to balance blood sugar • Just ½ teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower cholesterol • Beneficial for people with Type 2 Diabetes • Anti-clotting effect on the blood • When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative • Boosts cognitive function and memory • Great source of manganese, fibre, iron and calcium • For relief of arthritis pains: Drink Balance Tea with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast • Cinnamon helps to fight colds, flatulence, nausea, diarrhoea and painful menstrual periods • Improves energy, vitality and circulation • Useful for people who tend to feel hot in their upper body but have cold feet • Helps to improve the digestion of fruit, milk and other dairy products • Has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties • If you suffer from diabetes or elevated cholesterol or already take diabetes medication, you should consult your health care practitioner before using cinnamon in large quantities. • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their health care practitioner before using Balance Tea.

Rooibos Tea Combinations • Rooibos Relax and Rooibos Stomach before labour and during labour pains Also for normal pain relief (e.g. arthritis) Anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory • Rooibos Stomach for bloating and cramps • Rooibos Stomach and Detox for vomiting • Rooibos Night Rest and Rooibos Stomach for cardiac problems • Rooibos Night Rest and Rooibos Relax for milk secretion • Rooibos Detox and Rooibos Stomach for nausea, cramps, bloating • Rooibos Detox and Rooibos Night Rest for a good night’s rest and to support the digestive system

• Rooibos Detox, Rooibos Colon Cleanse and Rooibos Stomach for constipation • Rooibos Detox, Rooibos Relax and Rooibos Night Rest for peaceful sleep • Rooibos Detox, Green Rooibos and Metabolism enhances metabolism and fat burning • Rooibos Bladder & Kidney, Green Rooibos, Colon Cleanse, Detox and Stomach for digestion and detox • Rooibos Relax and Rooibos Night Rest for stress related conditions and nightmares


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Lifestyle: Tea Therapy Rooibos Tea

Annique’s Export Grade Rooibos Tea is a caffeine free drink from the mountains of the Cape of Good Hope. This product is all-natural, free of any preservatives or artificial colourants and hygienically treated for your health’s sake.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one bag of tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the tea in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea. As part of your Annique skin care routine, it is advised to rinse your face in the mornings with Rooibos tea.

Rooibos is good for everybody and is never harmful. If thirsty, it quenches; if exercising, it strengthens; if sleepless, it induces sound sleep. Excellent for babies when combined with their bottlefeed. All-in-all the world’s most superb health drink: Annique’s Rooibos tea. Rooibos tea also boasts the following benefits: • Rooibos Tea is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. The effect of free radicals (a by-product of abnormal cell function) in the process of ageing and declining of the immune system is limited by the antioxidants in Rooibos tea. • Rooibos Tea is completely pure and natural, as it contains no additives, preservatives or colourants. It is a soothing drink for people on a calorie-restricted diet, without adding kilojoules. • Rooibos Tea is also strongly recommended for people suffering from irritability, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension. Rooibos Tea contains no caffeine and therefore has a soothing effect on the central nervous system. Rooibos Tea is also low in tannin and therefore does not have a negative effect on the absorption of iron and proteins by the body. • Rooibos Tea has anti-spasmodic properties, thus relieving stomach cramps and colic in infants. Rooibos tea can also help to relieve stomach and digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ulcers and constipation. • Rooibos Tea also supplements the daily amounts of calcium, manganese and especially fluoride, needed for the development of strong teeth and bones. It contains zinc and alpha-hydroxy acid, which promotes healthy skin and magnesium which is necessary for a healthy nervous system. • Rooibos Tea has a soothing effect on the skin, relieving itching and certain skin irritations like eczema, nappy rash and acne when directly applied to the affected area.

Bladder & Kidney Tea Annique’s Bladder & Kidney Tea contains Barosma Betulina, better known as Mountain Buchu, which has been used in medicinal applications over the centuries. Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the tea in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.

These applications include the treatment of kidney problems, bladder infections, digestive problems, colds and flu. It is an antiseptic and can be used to treat wounds. Antioxidants found in Rooibos tea can help protect you against damage caused by free radicals, including premature ageing. Annique’s Bladder & Kidney Tea is caffeine free, low in tannin, rich in minerals and boasts a high volume of antioxidants. This aromatic, antiseptic herb that counteracts sinusitus, relieves fever, regulates blood-sugar fluctuations and reduces water retention, can also help to improve symptoms of: • kidney and bladder infections • prostate problems • problems with the bladder • colds and flu

• stomachaches • fluid retention • heartburn • inflammation of the colon • rheumatism • inflammation of the gums

Bladder & Kidney Tea with buchu is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.


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Stomach Tea Stomach Tea contains Mentha Longifolia – a powerful antiseptic useful in helping to soothe headaches and stomach pains. It can be used for bronchial infections, fever, colds, and soothes general stomach problems like indigestion. Antioxidants found in Rooibos tea can help protect you against damage caused by free radicals, including premature ageing. Herbal remedies made from mint are said to have antiseptic qualities. Annique’s Stomach Tea is used to help with digestion, fever, and headaches and is a strong source of antioxidants, which can help fight damage caused by free radicals. Mentha Longifolia can be used against flatulence and colic in the stomach. It can also help against sore throat and bad breath, due to its antibacterial properties. Stomach Tea can be used for headaches and fevers, but it is not advisable to take it in large doses if pregnant. It is a good remedy for diarrhoea, as it can help to relieve spasms.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Stomach Tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave over, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.

Relax Tea Rooibos with jasmine (Jasminum Officinale) is excellent for relaxation. For an acne prone skin, spray directly onto the skin. The Relax Herbal Tea helps to replenish bodily systems with health-enhancing antioxidants, which reduces inflammatory conditions.

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Colon Cleanse Tea In Annique’s Colon Cleanse Tea, the senna leaf is combined with Rooibos to help bring relief from constipation.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Colon Cleanse Tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave over, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.

Senna also helps in treating haemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As an anti-bacterial herb, senna can help inhibit bacteria like staphylococcus aureus, salmonella typhi and escherichia coli. Antioxidants found in Rooibos tea can help protect against damage caused by free radicals, including premature ageing. Annique’s Colon Cleanse Tea is caffeine free, low in tannin, rich in minerals and boasts a high volume of antioxidants. Colon Cleanse Tea is also useful for treating acne and intestinal parasites. Combined with Annique’s Detox Tea and the Green Rooibos Tea, it can also assist in effective weightloss. Pregnant women should only use senna after consulting their health care practitioner.

It also boasts benefits like: • An enhanced immune system • An improved level of energy • A pronounced ability to lose weight and burn fat • Better concentration • A much lower level of stress • A reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer • Fewer allergies • Lower cholesterol • Less chance of colds and flu • Less joint and back pain • Fewer muscle aches and spasms

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Relax Tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.


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Night Rest Tea

Green Rooibos Tea Green Rooibos is unfermented and supplies much more antioxidants, flavonoids, and aspalathin than normal Rooibos tea. These properties play an essential role in rejuvenation. Green Rooibos Tea is believed to have antispasmodic properties, calms intestinal spasms and eases digestive upsets. People who experience nausea, stomach ulcers or heartburn may benefit from drinking this tea. Due to its high content of flavonoids, Green Rooibos Tea is commonly used to treat respiratory disorders, as the flavonoids have selective bronchodilator effects and help to reduce inflammation. As a source of polyphenolic antioxidants, Green Rooibos Tea can help to protect against disease by helping counteract the damage caused by free radicals. Green Rooibos Tea can also: • Help to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. • Relieve stomach pains, heartburn and general indigestion. • Help with slowing down the ageing process as it is said to destroy free radicals that are so harmful to the body. • Help to boost the immune system. • Assist in stabilising blood sugar levels which aids diabetic patients.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Green Rooibos Tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea. You can also rinse or spray the body with the Annique Green Rooibos Tea to help bring relief to sensitive and/or problem skin.

Melissa leaves (Melissae Folium), better known as lemon balm, promotes restful sleep. It is known for its antiseptic properties, calming and anti-depressant effects. Melissa leaves have been used to promote sleep and prevent insomnia. The Night Rest provides a calming, relaxing effect that helps to reduce anxiety or agitation and soothe the nerves. Melissa leaves may help in treating indigestion. It can also help to relax muscle spasms, numbs tissue and destroys bacteria. It also boasts anti-histamine properties and helps with allergies. Antioxidants found in Rooibos Tea can help protect your cells against damage caused by free radicals, leading to premature ageing. Annique’s Night Rest Tea is caffeine free, low in tannin, rich in minerals and boasts a high volume of antioxidants. Mix Night Rest and Relax Tea for a perfect calming effect.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Night Rest Tea and let it steep for 2-5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2-5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.

Detox Tea The benefits of ginger root are well known. It improves circulation and removes toxins from organs. Ginger also promotes digestion and is ideal for weightloss. Combine with Colon Cleanse and Green Tea to perfect the weightloss support programme. Antioxidants found in Rooibos Tea can help protect you against damage caused by free radicals, leading to premature ageing. Annique’s Detox Tea is caffeine free, low in tannin, rich in minerals and boasts a high volume of antioxidants.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one Tea bag of Detox Tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.


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M U L T I - W O N D E R

Metabolism Tea Annique’s Metabolism Herbal Tea with fennel helps to stimulate your metabolism and may suppress your appetite and the desire for sweet food. Metabolism Tea is only effective for weightloss when used in conjunction with an energy controlled diet, like Annique’s Lifestyle Programme, and an increase in physical activity and exercise. Fennel can help to relax the intestines and reduce bloating caused by digestive disorders. In the Indian subcontinent, fennel seeds are also eaten

raw, sometimes with some sweetener, as it is said to improve eyesight. Ancient Romans regarded fennel as the herb of sight. Root extracts were often used in tonics to clear cloudy eyes. Fennel is an effective diuretic and a potential herb for treatment of hypertension. Antioxidants found in Rooibos Tea can help to protect against damage caused by free radicals, including premature ageing. The tea is caffeine free, low in tannin, rich in minerals and boasts a high volume of antioxidants.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Metabolism Tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.

Balance Tea Annique’s Balance Rooibos Herbal Tea with

cinnamon helps to balance blood sugar levels. Antioxidants found in Rooibos Tea can help protect against damage caused by free radicals, including premature ageing. Annique’s Balance Tea is caffeine free, low in tannin, rich in minerals and boasts a high volume of antioxidants. Health benefits of cinnamon: • Just ½ teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower cholesterol. • It may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 Diabetes. • Cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections. • It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood. • When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative. • Cinnamon can boost cognitive function and memory. • It is a great source of manganese, fibre, iron, and calcium. • In a study patients given ½ a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of

honey every morning before breakfast, experienced a significant relief in arthritis pain. Cinnamon can help to fight colds, flatulence, nausea, diarrhoea, and painful menstrual periods. It is believed to improve energy, vitality, and circulation and be particularly useful for people who tend to feel hot in their upper body but have cold feet. Cinnamon is a common ingredient in chai tea, and it is believed to improve the digestion of fruit, milk and other dairy products. Cinnamon may have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It’s active against Candida albicans, the fungus that causes yeast infections and thrush, and the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers.

If you suffer from diabetes or elevated cholesterol or already take diabetes medication, you should consult your health care practitioner before using cinnamon in large quantities. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their health care practitioner before using Balance Tea.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Balance Tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.


R O O I B O S :


M U L T I - W O N D E R

Happy Tea Annique’s Happy Rooibos Herbal Tea is a natural relaxant, which has a lovely texture in the mouth and a rich finish. Happy Tea can elevate your mood and provide a general feeling of wellbeing. The mood-elevating action of sceletium is created by a number of alkaloids, including mesembrine, mesembrenol and tortuosum, which interact with the brain’s receptors. Research results have shown that sceletium has a remarkable ability to effectively treat the symptoms of anxiety. In addition to sceletium’s common use for stress and mental fatigue, it has been used as a natural supplement against anxiety, stress and tension and for energy enhancement. Sceletium has traditionally been used as an appetite suppressant, as it helps to curb food cravings, yet is not habit forming. Sceletium is also known to reduce addictive cravings particularly with regard to nicotine, and lessens the withdrawal effects of alcohol.


Sceletium tortuosum is a small groundcover plant native to Southern Africa. For hundreds of years the Khoi of Southern Africa used Sceletium tortuosum as a mood enhancer, relaxant and empathogen. It is also known as Kanna or Kauwgoed, Kougoed and Canna. Historically Sceletium tortuosum was chewed, smoked or used as snuff producing euphoria and alertness which gently fade into relaxation. If chewed in sufficient quantity Sceletium has a mild anaesthetic effect in the mouth, much like kava, and is used by the San tribes if you are about to have a tooth extracted or in minute doses for children with colic.

Directions: Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Happy Tea and let it steep for 2 - 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 - 5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.



T H E K E Y T O H E A LT H Y S K I N Food containing free radical fighting antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, and flavonoids (which is particularly high in Rooibos Tea), are vital for the battle against conditions such as cancer, cardio-vascular disease and ageing. The antioxidants and mineral content in Rooibos Tea have a major beneficial effect on general health. Drinking Rooibos daily may: o help fight the free radicals that contribute to chronic diseases such as arteriosclerosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer; o help decrease cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthen veins and lymph vessels, and help relieve tired legs, muscle cramps and various circulatory disorders; o help protect the liver; o maintain healthy bones and teeth; o help improve memory; o counteract anxiety and aid restful sleep; o soothe stomach cramps and colic in infants; o improve appetite; o regulate bowel movements; o enhance metabolism; o help fight allergies; o support healthy skin and ease numerous skin diseases

Sports people are always on the lookout for products that will boost their performance and Rooibos Tea seems to be the new buzz word. One of the first things a sportsman will grab is an energy drink, but Rooibos has been proven to be an even better thirst quencher and a potent source of health protective flavonoids. Most energy- and sports drinks are made with liquid sugars (glucose and fructose), artificial colouring chemicals, citric acid and emulsifiers like brominated vegetable oil – interestingly they are mostly not healthful, wholesome ingredients. In addition to the fact that Rooibos contains no caffeine, it's loaded with phytonutrients such as Aspalathin, Quercetin and Luteolin. These plant-based nutrients (which are not found in the mainstream energy and sports drinks) explain why Rooibos is such a powerful thirst quencher.

A human study with 15 healthy volunteers proved that the antioxidants in Rooibos are potent enough to significantly elevate the antioxidant levels in blood, thereby boosting the body’s internal defense systems against disease. According to a recent survey carried out by an American market researcher, cosmetics tagged with the word ‘antioxidant’ are favoured by the consumer. The survey revealed that 44% of women buy skin care or cosmetic products that promote their antioxidant content. “Although innumerable personal care and cosmetic products contain antioxidant ingredients, we estimate products tagged with the word ‘antioxidant’ appealed more to the consumer,” states the report. Hair and skin products containing Rooibos Tea, cocoa, Green Tea, and pomegranate are mainstays in the antioxidant market, according to the market researcher. Moreover, they found that formulators are increasingly incorporating the antioxidant power of Red Tea/Rooibos in personal care products whilst becoming more creative at mixing antioxidants, giving consumers the benefit of more antioxidant ‘power’, and of cutting edge formulations.

Rooibos makes a great thirst - quencher and sports drink, because of its mineral content of iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, and sodium, which restores the body's equilibrium after strenuous exercise.

Other reasons why Rooibos is an excellent health drink for sports people Rooibos is naturally free of caffeine and has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. Rooibos aids your body's natural schedule, stimulating you in the daytime and relaxing you at night. Rooibos contains iron and, unlike other teas, Rooibos actually helps to increase the absorption of iron in the body (due to its low tannin content).


DeTOXing with

It’s time to invigorate yourself. In other words: It’s time to detox - to pep up the body’s organ systems and to clear out the metabolic debris that has gathered in your body over the past few months. We live in a toxic world – whether you live next to an oil refinery, on a pristine mountain top or in the country – you carry environmental toxins in your tissues. These toxins affect all bodily systems and have been linked to the development of endocrine, immune, reproductive, metabolic, cardiovascular, cognitive, and behavioural disorders. The nervous system is especially vulnerable to toxic exposure. A number of neurodegenerative ailments have been linked to toxin exposure, including Parkinson’s disease, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), learning disabilities, conduct disorders, and certain dementias. Many neurological symptoms of toxic exposure are common and not linked to a specific disease, including headaches, fatigue, impaired concentration, poor memory, and insomnia. Those are sobering facts, but there are ways to protect yourself:

It’s time to shed the darkness and slower pace. Start preparing your body and mind.

 Minimise exposure and absorption of

products with toxins in the first place.

 Develop a routine to detoxify your body on a regular basis.

 Engage in regular vigorous exercise. Increased respiration, circulation, and perspiration all support healthy detoxification.

 Hop in the sauna frequently. Perspiring is one of your body’s best ways of releasing toxins.

If you are trying to lose weight, make sure to engage in the detoxification practices described above. As you shed fat, toxins stored in fat cells are released. It is essential to cleanse those toxins from your body, rather than reabsorb them, which can cause illness. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 16

Detox does not have to be difficult or confusing. Just follow these simple guidelines in using our Annique products, and get yourself ready for healthier days ahead.

Annique product recommended for detoxification



Detox Herbal Tea

Drink black with no sugar Ginger helps to improve and stimulate circulation or milk, throughout the day. to assist in the removal of toxins through the kidneys.

Green Rooibos Tea

Drink black with no sugar Green Rooibos contains more antioxidants than or milk, throughout the day. normal Rooibos Tea and more aspalathin, the unique flavonoid found in Rooibos.

Bladder & Kidney Tea

Drink black with no sugar Its diuretic properties helps the body to get rid of or milk, throughout the day. excess fluid by producing more urine. Buchu removes excess gasses from the intestines and works as a urinary antiseptic.

Colon Cleanse Tea

Drink black with no sugar Colon Cleanse contains Senna (Cassia acutifolia, Cassia or milk, throughout the day. senna), which is combined with Rooibos to help treat constipation. It acts as a cleansing herb, due to its purification properties.

Body Wonder Sponge

Use daily in upward strokes from your legs towards your heart, the same as dry body brushing.

The sponge helps to improve lymph drainage, ensuring faster removal of toxins and more effective supply of nutrients to skin (and a reduction in swelling). A healthier skin can rejuvenate cells and remove toxic fatty deposits.

2 Capsules daily with a glass of water.

Adsorbs toxins, nitrates and heavy metals, which: • Normalises organ metabolism • Restores normal organ function • Assists the body in repairing cellular damage by means of reduced toxin exposure.

16 Drops per day under your tongue or in bottled water.

Faster and more thorough detoxification from both inside the cells (cellular toxins) and from the extracellular tissue in order to reduce the primary cause of ageing and degenerative conditions.

1 to 2 Capsules a day with water.

Provides all the benefits of Rooibos Tea in one capsule. Rooibos has been scientifically proven to help prevent cancer and heart disease. It also has rejuvenating properties and is rich in antioxidants.


2 Capsules per day

Optimum bowel health’s best friends are the probiotics. They provide the necessary counterbalance to the growth of unwanted yeast and bacteria in the gut.

ActiCleanse capsules

2 Capsules per day.

ActiCleanse supports your liver in the cleansing process. A clean liver has better/more effective fat digesting abilities to reduce weight and cellulite, and aids in the detoxification process of your body.

OptiClear capsules


Super Rooibos capsules



plays a part in reducing stress levels


uring 2012 researchers at the biochemistry department for Stellenbosch University discovered that Rooibos is able to reduce the production of Cortisol, a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal gland also known as a stress hormone, which may prevent a number of stress-related diseases.

Professor Amanda Swart and her team of researchers from the university, found that Rooibos contains components that can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Rooibos extracts and compounds were tested in the laboratory on adrenal cells that were stimulated to mimic a stress response similar to that which occurs in humans. It was found that Rooibos lowers the production of Cortisol in the cells.

Aspalathin and Nothofagin, two rare components in Rooibos, were identified as contributing to the stress-lowering effect. By lowering Cortisol levels, the effect of the body’s response to stress is also lowered. The findings were published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology during 2012.

According to Swart, Cortisol is a significant part of the human metabolism and plays an important role in the way humans respond to stress. Swart says Cortisol helps regulate fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Studies of the consumption of Rooibos in humans have shown the beverage was able to lower the production of the stress hormone. However, she emphasises that the steroid hormone can be overproduced due to a stressful lifestyle which is linked to a number of diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and Diabetes Type 2. She says keeping Cortisol at normal levels in the blood stream is key to a healthy lifestyle. According to Marina Joubert, science communicator of the South African Rooibos Council, Rooibos contains antioxidants that fight against lifestyle diseases and protect the body from oxidated stress. She says research over the last 10 years has proven the herb can assist in preventing cancer, protect the liver against disease, boost immune systems, delay ageing, relieve allergies and treat digestive disorders. Joubert is however adamant that despite all benefits of the herb, Rooibos should not be seen as a substitute for medicine and should not be positioned as a medicine but rather, with its preventative and curative properties as part of a healthy lifestyle. Researchers recommend that six cups of tea should be consumed throughout the day for Rooibos to be effective. Joubert admits not everyone is able to drink six cups a day, and says alternative ways of consuming it include having it in meat dishes, in potjiekos, as a marinade and in fruit juice.

Keeping children hydrated and healthy on a daily basis is often a serious challenge for Moms nationwide. Iced Rooibos tea has been proven by researchers to be a natural, delicious thirst quencher, providing sustained health for consumers of the beverage.

Children kept healthily hydrated and healthy by drinking

Rooibos tea

Mothers across the country are often concerned as to whether their children are receiving enough of the right kind of liquids to ensure they are hydrated throughout the school day. Correct hydration is just as important as ensuring children receive healthy nutrition since even mild dehydration can lead to sleepiness, fatigue, headaches and dizziness. These symptoms can make it difficult for children to pay attention in class and in more severe cases result in delirium or even unconsciousness. According to Professor Jeanine Marnewick of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Rooibos is a natural thirst quencher and drinking the equivalent of six cups a day, whether hot or cold, will provide a sustained health benefit. Although many people tend to think of Rooibos as only a hot drink, it is an exceptional flavour enhancer and is naturally sweet, which makes it a favourite ingredient for iced teas, fruit shakes, smoothies, iced lollies and many other tasty treats. It contains no caffeine, fats or carbohydrates and proven health benefits include boosting the immune system, relieving allergies and preventing heart disease and cancer. Researchers are also investigating the link between Rooibos and stress relief. Mothers can make a litre of Rooibos tea using four to six teabags and sweeten the tea with honey, leaving it in the fridge to cool overnight. The tea can be kept in

the fridge for up to two weeks. Moms can experiment by adding mint, lemon, orange, granadilla, mango, apple or a combination of juices to the tea until they find one that their children enjoy. Try mixing 25ml fruit juice with 125ml Rooibos Tea as a start. By pouring some iced tea into popsicle containers or ice-cube trays and freezing it, children will also have fun, refreshing, healthy after school or sports treats.


More scientific evidence shows the anti-diabetic potential of


A study by the South African Medical Research Council, Agricultural Research Council’s research institute and the Universities of Zululand and Stellenbosch indicate that Green Rooibos extract can assist in the prevention of Diabetes Type 2.

A team of South African researchers has found additional evidence suggesting Rooibos may be beneficial in countering Diabetes. According to findings published in the July 2013 edition of Phytomedicine, Rooibos can counteract insulin resistance in muscle cells. Dr Johan Louw, of the South African Medical Research Council (MRC), says the researchers found that an aspalathin-enriched Green Rooibos extract increased glucose uptake in these cells, made insulinresistant through treatment with a saturated free fatty acid (palmitate). He says an excess of saturated free fatty acids in the bloodstream is associated with insulin resistance, a major risk factor in the development of Diabetes Type 2. “In a normal individual, the insulin hormone controls the entry of glucose into muscle and other cells to provide them with energy. In type 2 diabetics, the cells become numb, or resistant to insulin. Glucose would then remain in the bloodstream, leading to high blood glucose levels that could potentially cause organ damage,” says Dr Louw. The World Health Organisation estimates that 439 million people will have diabetes by 2030, with the major increase occurring in developing countries. Research carried out at the South African MRC, with researchers from the Agricultural Research Council’s Infruitec-Nietvoorbij research institute, the University of Zululand and the University of Stellenbosch, demonstrated that extracts prepared from Rooibos decreased palmitate-induced insulin resistance in muscle cells. Dr Christo Muller, of the MRC, says glucose uptake by the insulin resistant-cells increased from 2.3% to 6.2% after three hours of exposure to a Green Rooibos extract. This extract was enriched with aspalathin, the major antioxidant found in Rooibos. He says with the added Green Rooibos extract, the glucose uptake of the insulin resistant cells was comparable to that of normal cells that were not exposed to palmitate. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 19

“Furthermore, when the researchers stimulated the cells with both insulin and Green Rooibos, glucose uptake increased from about 2% to 9%. An extract produced from fermented Rooibos also increased glucose uptake, but it was less effective than the Green Rooibos extract,” he says. Dr Muller adds that it is important to remember these results do not prove that a cup of Rooibos is a cure for Diabetes Type 2. They are referring only to improving insulin sensitivity and the beneficial effects that Rooibos extracts have on regulating glucose levels. “At this stage, the scientific evidence only suggests Rooibos might have anti-diabetic potential. To understand how Rooibos decreases insulin resistance in the cell line, scientists measure various proteins involved in glucose uptake and metabolism. The experiments indicate that Rooibos extracts may work by ultimately causing a protein known as glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) to become more abundant in the cell,” he says.


DERMALIFT GALVANIC-IO N T R E AT M E N T • Annique’s new DermaLIFT Galvanic-Ion device will help smooth wrinkles and fine lines and revitalise your skin when used in conjunction with your Annique skin care products.

• Annique’s DermaLIFT is a galvanic handheld device with low level galvanic current, massage, ion and infrared treatment programmes. It helps to transport essential nutrients to the skin, draws impurities out of the skin, and will improve the working of your Annique products and therefore visibly improve your skin. With DermaLIFT your skin becomes clearer, younger and healthier.

• Galvanic current technology has been used for many years in skin care treatments, mostly in professional spas and salons. Galvanic massage is now accessible to everyone with Annique’s Treatments DermaLift Galvanic-Ion treatment • Galvanic device. • High frequency • Infrared light • Ions – attack bacteria in the • Massage and toning skin, strengthens cellular resistance and brightens skin • Infrared – improves circulation and speeds up skin’s metabolism • Micro-massage – strengthens skin’s elasticity, producing better tone and texture • Low-level galvanic current – reduces wrinkles, lines and clears skin of pigmentation, and refines pores.

16 minutes a day promotes youthful skin!

PHASE 1: Cleansing Cleanses deeply, removing dirt, restoring pH, improving quality of all skin types. Functions: Negative ions, infrared rays and micro-massage. Products: Treat skin with Skin Detox or Lucid Silky Skin Replenisher throughout treatment. Gently wipe with Rooibos water after treatment.

Benefits • Reduce wrinkles • Improve skin-tone • Improve skin elasticity • Clear complexion (acne)

Treatment Programmes with


• DermaLIFT can provide solutions for dry, mature, dehydrated, oily, problem, aged, pigmented and sensitive skin • Normal, dry and aged skin can be treated daily, sensitive and problem skin every 3-4 days. Very sensitive skin should be treated once a week • Use the DermaLIFT with rotating, gentle movements without lingering too long on a single area or sensitive areas like the eye contour and mouth. • After a complete month of treatments, repeat treatments only once or twice a week. PHASE 2: Massage Improves elasticity, tones skin, prepares skin for phase 3. Functions: Negative and positive ions, infrared rays and micro-massage. Products: Treat skin with second application of Skin Detox and Miracle Tissue Oil or Intense Repair Serum. Leave on after phase is completed.

PHASE 3: Nutrition Lifting, firming and rejuvenating action. Ensures penetration of nutrients. Functions: Positive ions, infrared rays and micromassage. Products: Apply nourishing and rejuvenating skin care like Revitalising Cream, Q10 Therapy, Youth Boost and Intense Repair Serum.


PHASE 4: Lifting Reduces muscle tension, reducing tension lines, improves skin colour, restores collagen structure - ideal for upper arm and leg firming. Products: Massage and treat face with RetiniQ, Youth Boost, Lifting Essence and Derma Bright. Circulex Cellulite Treatment and Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème for upper arms, neck and bust.

DERMALIFT The answer to a range of skin problems DermaLIFT is a galvanic handheld device with galvanic current, massage, high frequency and infrared treatment programmes.

FOR FACE… Do you have 16 minutes for a DermaFaceLIFT?

FOR BODY… Give your body a boost with DermaLIFT

The DermaLIFT is the perfect solution for body concerns, especially if you are prone to cellulite. Besides improving circulation, DermaLIFT also: • Tightens. • Firms. • Removes toxins. • Improves the appearance of dimpled skin. • Accelerates blood circulation and speeds up metabolism to boost cell activity and reduce and prevent wrinkles. • Transports beneficial nutrients from Annique products deep into the dermis. • Carries excessive fluid away, which is ideal in the case of cellulite treatment. • Firms skin in conjunction with Annique’s Advanced Body Care products (BodyXpert).

DermaLIFT does wonders for tired-looking skin, including: • Firming. • Rejuvenating. • Your skin will become revitalised, clearer and healthier. • Promotes younger looking skin. • Improves elasticity. • It promotes skin cell regeneration. • Beneficial nutrients from Annique products are transported deep into the skin. • Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles. • Sagging eyes and dark circles should be reduced. • It tightens facial muscles. • It should reduce the depth of a double chin.


DermaLIFT does wonders for problematic and acne-prone skin. It also: • Removes toxins. • Ensures nutrient absorption. • Improves skin tone. • Contributes towards a more clear complexion • It can draw impurities out of the skin. • It prevents blackheads and pimples by removing any waste matter from the pores. NB: Acne skin may become worse at first, then start to clear up with the continued use of DermaLIFT.

FOR PIGMENTATON… The even tone and clear skin miracle worker

The DermaLIFT, in combination with Annique’s skin care products, does wonders on skin plagued by pigmentation. Besides that, it also: • Clears the complexion of marks, spots and pimples. • Reduces freckles. The ultrasonic waves of the DermaLIFT promotes melanin oxidation and causes marks and spots to fade. Ultrasonic vibration and heat action promotes the elimination of excess melanin in skin cells deep in the dermis, to keep skin light and beautiful. • Increases metabolism for faster cell renewal. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 3


The DermaLIFT can help melt away areas of cellulite and stubborn deposits of fatty tissue, partly by enhancing the effects of anti-cellulite products, like Circulex Cellulite Treatment and Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème, in removing toxins from the body. The treatment should also improve general skin condition, stimulate blood circulation and encourage lymph circulation and drainage.


Annique consultant, LINDIE JARDIM uses the following steps when treating cellulite with the DermaLIFT:





Dry brush with the Body Wonder Sponge, then apply Circulex Cellulite Treatment and a little Miracle Tissue Oil, as it will assist in the lightening of nasty stretchmarks. Then use the DermaLIFT on the first setting for the first 4 minutes. Do not wipe off any products. Apply Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème and Correxion Repairing Body Cream, with some Liquid Skin Nutrition to boost the skin with nutrients. You can also use Miracle Tissue Oil.





Immediately start the next cycle and repeat the process. You can apply more Miracle Tissue Oil and D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment for the stomach area at this stage. For the last step you could keep all the products on your skin and complete the last 4 minutes.

Lindie’s clients experienced a visible loss of cellulite within the first two treatments and lost about 5cm’s within the first three weeks by following this routine. I started treating a muscle spasm in my injured arm with DermaLIFT and ZeroAche+. I was blown away. Soon there was no pain and no knotted muscles - Hannatjie


Lindie stated that when she treats acne skin, she always gives the person different options and advice, especially when it comes to the DermaLIFT machine. Teenagers mostly suffer from acne prone skin but are often too lazy to follow a proper routine. She recommends that they come to her for regular appointments, or their parents can use the DermaLIFT on them for home treatments. “Use the DermaLIFT machine every third or fourth day for the first month, as the skin is extremely sensitive and inflamed. After that, a weekly follow-up session on the DermaLIFT machine would be sufficient to keep the skin clear and healthy,” she says.


Apply the Skin Detox to clean, dry skin, followed by the Normalising Cleansing Milk. With damp fingers on the two silver plates on either side of the machine, slide the machine over the skin in circular movements for the first 4 minutes. Remove the product from your skin with a mixture of Rooibos tea/Relax tea/Green Rooibos tea. According to Lindie best results are achieved with the Relax tea.




I spend 16 minutes of pure bliss with my DermaLIFT – a good book, a cosy bed and a facelift…all in one! – Angelique du Toit


Apply another layer of Skin Detox to assist in detoxifying the skin and to prepare the skin for the next step. Then apply Sensi Crème for very sensitive acne skin. This will keep the skin hydrated and assist the treatment products to be better absorbed. Mix with Miracle Tissue Oil to start the healing process of scars and to hydrate the skin and provide lubrication.

Do not wipe off any products. Apply Liquid Skin Nutrition to boost the skin with nutrients. You can also use Miracle Tissue Oil.

Keep everything on the skin for the night and in the morning rinse the skin with a mixture of Rooibos tea/Relax tea/Green Rooibos tea. Because acne skin gets very inflamed and sensitive, Lindie does not recommend following this routine every day. “For severe acne it might first get worse before improving and following this routine every third or fourth evening would be sufficient,” she adds. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 4




For the last step you could keep all the products on your skin and complete the last 4 minutes.

Once a week between DermaLIFT treatments on acne skin, you should exfoliate with the Face Facts Smooth Over Scrub to remove dead skin cells and assist in clearing pores. People with acne skin should use the Calm Down Masque for very sensitive and inflamed skin, or Antioxidant Radiance Masque to help remove blackheads and whiteheads.

DERMALIFT your sales


Heidi Claassens

The DermaLIFT is not only a product with which to enhance your skin, it is also a wonderful opportunity for you to introduce your business to the rest of the world. Heidi Claassens of Bothaville in the Free State who won the Motivator Award at the 2011 Jubilee, attributes a huge portion of her success to hosting regular DermaLIFT Parties.

“When I market to clients I use the following Annique products with the DermaLIFT:

• • • •

Programme 1: Skin Detox Programme 2: Miracle Tissue Oil Programme 3: Revitalising Cream Programme 4: Q10 Therapy and then the Hydrafine Absolute Balancing Freshener

Heidi recalls that her first DermaLIFT Party started when their women’s movement decided to have a ‘mom’s night out’ evening. “I decided on a DermaLIFT party. I saw it as an ideal opportunity to market the DermaLIFT, as almost 100 women could experience the effect of the DermaLIFT and other Annique products on their skin,” she says.

Heidi continues, “With the regular treatments, you could see that the DermaLIFT visibly improved the skin’s texture and look, and that within a mere 1½ to 2 hours. We emphasise to the ladies that they need ‘time out’ to treat themselves… and what better way to do that than with a DermaLIFT?” she asks.

She adds that, after this particular DermaLIFT evening, they decided to make the DermaLIFT demonstration part of their regular Annique Pamper Parties. She says it makes sense, as you can demonstrate the whole Annique range on their skin, and add the effect of the DermaLIFT as a bonus.

Heidi is adamant that success is possible in any place, even a relatively small farming community like Bothaville. “All you have to do is to grab every opportunity with passion and to not be afraid to take chances. Every woman on earth wants to look good and with Annique, its products and the wonderful DermaLIFT this is possible. It is thus not surprising to me that so many clients are regular DermaLIFT Party attendees,” she concludes.

“This proved to be a huge success, as the women get a salon treatment in the comfort of their own home – and the best part is: at a fraction of the price!” she adds. Heidi hosts her DermaLIFT Parties in two ways: 1. She follows the normal Annique skin care routine on the whole face and then each attendee gets a DermaLIFT treatment with Miracle Tissue Oil for 1 minute on each of the four programmes. She usually does this over tea time, because the ladies can drink tea and chat while awaiting their turn. 2. She first follows programme 1 with the Hydrafine Normalising Cleansing Milk or the Lucid Calming Cleansing Crème for 2 minutes. She then switches to programme 2 and uses the Miracle Tissue Oil for 2 minutes, as well as 2 minutes on programme 3. She concludes the routine on programme 4, with Sensi Crème, whereafter she applies the Hydrafine Absolute Balancing Freshener. “Each attendee will first be treated to, for instance, programme 1, before we proceed to programme 2. It works wonderfully if you have more than one DermaLIFT as the women can try the DermaLIFT on each other,” she explains.

SIX WEEKS To test the No DermaLIFT effectiveness of the DermaLIFT, Lizette Labuschagne of Alberton used it on one side of her face for six weeks, with her normal skin care routine. In the first week she used it every day and thereafter twice weekly. Look at the amazing results after only six weeks!


With DermaLIFT

DERMALIFT Q: I have fillings, can I use DermaLIFT? A: Yes, you can. Just make sure you keep your mouth open and do not clench your teeth during the treatment.

Q: I have a pacemaker, can I use DermaLIFT? Q: What does the DermaLIFT machine do? A: In short, DermaLIFT improves cleansing function and the absorption of your Annique skincare products – improving the results of the active ingredients.

Q: How does DermaLIFT work? A: You can set your age and the intensity level on the device before you start. Select each phase starting with cleansing, massage, nutrition and ending with lifting. The machine automatically switches off after every phase. You should also use specific/selected Annique products with each phase.

Q: Can I use the DermaLIFT without Annique

products? A: No, DermaLIFT was designed to complement and enhance the working of Annique’s skincare and body care products. You will not see good results without using Annique’s skincare products with DermaLIFT.

Q: How does DermaLIFT compare to other

galvanic machines currently on the market? A: (1) DermaLIFT is a 4-in-1 machine combining galvanic current, massage, high frequency and infrared treatment actions. Other popular galvanic machines only provide galvanic current. (2) Annique’s DermaLIFT has four phases, namely cleansing, massage, nutrition and lifting, each addressing specific skin care needs. Other machines only have two phases (pre-treatment and treatment). (3) You can set DermaLIFT according to your own age and the intensity level required. (4) DermaLIFT is affordable – less than half the price of some galvanic machines with three additional and beneficial actions included! You can just use your normal Annique products with Annique’s DermaLIFT.

Q: Can I only use one phase and not go through all

A: No, DermaLIFT should not be used with any implanted device that uses a frequency.

Q: I have epilepsy, can I use DermaLIFT? A: Consult your health care practitioner if you have epilepsy before using DermaLIFT.

Q: Can I use DermaLIFT if I have had facial surgery or skin cancer? A: DermaLIFT is safe to use after one has undergone facial surgery. Do not use DermaLIFT on skin cancer areas, but if the cancer has been removed and the wound has healed, DermaLIFT may be used to improve the appearance of the scar.

Q: Can I use DermaLIFT on varicose veins? A: No, it is not recommended that you use DermaLIFT directly on varicose veins. Rather use Annique’s Circulex Cellulite Treatment for this problem.

Q: Can I use DermaLIFT for body treatments? A: Yes, especially cellulite and sagging skin on the body improves very well with DermaLIFT. You can even use it on your scalp.

Q: How often should I use DermaLIFT? A: Once a day for the first month and then once or twice a week thereafter.

Q: Why do I need to touch both metal plates on

the side of DermaLIFT while I am using the device? A: DermaLIFT uses galvanic current. Negative and positively charged current draw impurities out of the skin and deliver nutrients deeper into the skin. For the current to work effectively, it needs to have a closed circuit or loop. It is advisable to dampen your hand with water before treatment with DermaLIFT.

Q: When can I expect to see results with

DermaLIFT? A: You can expect to see results after the first use.

four phases every day? A: No, for optimal results it is recommended that you use all four phases with every treatment. Each phase prepares the skin for the phase that follows.

Q: How do I clean my DermaLIFT?

Q: I am pregnant, can I use DermaLIFT?

Q: From what age can you start using DermaLIFT?

A: Pregnant women should avoid using DermaLIFT.

A: DermaLIFT can be used from the age of 15 years.

A: You can wipe DermaLIFT with a damp cloth and a normal disinfectant. Do not immerse DermaLIFT in water.


DERMALIFT What products do you recommend I use with DermaLIFT? You need to make sure the skin is lubricated for DermaLIFT to glide over the skin. You don’t want to stretch your skin while moving the machine over the skin.

Cleansing Skin Detox + Annique cleanser for your skin type or Lucid Silky Skin Replenisher Wipe face or rinse with Rooibos Water after treatment.

Massage Skin Detox Intense Repair Serum Miracle Tissue Oil

Nutrition and Lifting

Apply nourishing skincare products according to your skin’s needs: Aged or dull skin: Revitalising Cream and RetiniQ Dry/dehydrated skin: Miracle Tissue Oil and Revitalising Cream, Moisture Serum, Intense Repair Serum, Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin Oily skin: Miracle Tissue Oil, Derma Bright, Even Skin Moisturiser Fine lines and wrinkles: Skin Detox and RetiniQ Lost tone and elasticity: Revitalising Cream, RetiniQ


and Youth Boost Sensitive skin: Resque Crème and Sensi Crème Acne concerns: Derma Bright, Skin Detox and Resque Crème Pigmentation and skin discolouration from the use of skin bleaching products or UV-damage: Derma Bright and Intense Repair Serum Cellulite: Circulex Cellulite Treatment Saggy arms, neck and bust: Correxion Repairing Body Cream, Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème, D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment and Miracle Tissue Oil




Now you can have the benefits of a salon professional treatment IN YOUR OWN HOME!




After 3 days treatment!




January 2012

April 2012


• Lizette



• Sandra Busch started using the Annique DermaLIFT Galvanic Ion Machine in January 2012, using the recommended Annique products with stunning results.


I recently gave one of my clients a series of DermaLIFT treatments. On these photographs the amazing results after only five treatments, over 9 weeks, are clearly visible. Her family can’t believe the astonishing results and the healthy look and feel of her skin. • Petro Venter

Before DermaLIFT treatments, 9 September 2011

DermaLIFT Galvanic Ion Machine

My skin was life less, loose a nd wrinkle d

After 5 DermaLIFT treatments, 4 November 2011

Annique user, Sandra Conradie’s remarkable results with DermaLIFT, after suffering from damage to her facial muscles. The result: her ‘skew’ mouth and a slightly ‘dropped’ appearance on the right side of her face disappeared.

RESULTS After my second treatment the results were already clear. As early as the first month of treatment clients asked me what I had done to my skin – they re suspected Botox! My reply was: fo the DermaLIFT Galvanic Ion e B Machine. I sold 9 Galvanic Ion Machines in one month; the machine actually marketed itself, I just needed to answer questions about it. It is wonderful to use the machine. My clients, who don’t own one as yet, cannot wait for the next promotion TO OWN A DERMALIFT GALVANIC ION MACHINE. r

• Daleen le Roux

te Af



At her sister, Leslie (Grobler’s) birthday


Sandra buys DermaLIFT

2011 After using DermaLIFT

DERMALIFT GUIDELINES Area where problem Combine DermaLIFT with the might appear following product/s:

Additional Product recommendations:


Thighs Buttocks Stomach

• Circulex Cellulite Treatment • Miracle Tissue Oil

Forever Slim capsules Annique Lifestyle Programme Body Wonder Sponge Correxion Repairing Body Crème

Rough or dry skin

Anywhere on the body

• Resque Crème • Liquid Skin Nutrition • Miracle Tissue Oil • Moisture Serum

OptiDerm Lucid Perfecting Cream Exfoliator

Sagging and/or loose skin

Neck and bust Upper arms (“wings”) Above the knees

• Lifting Essence for neck and bust and Youth Boost • Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème • Miracle Tissue Oil • Correxion Repairing Body Cream

OptiAgeing Forever Slim capsules

Scars and stretchmarks

Anywhere on the body

• Revitalising Cream • Miracle Tissue Oil • Intense Repair Serum

OptiEnergy OptiDerm

Wrinkles and/or deep lines

Neck and bust

• Lifting Essence • Bo-Serum • Miracle Tissue Oil • Intense Repair Serum

OptiAgeing OptiDerm

Bumps and/or pimples

Chest Back

• Liquid Skin Nutrition • Miracle Tissue Oil • Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème

Body Wonder Sponge

Overweight/ slimming

Stomach Thighs and hips Upper arms

• D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment • Miracle Tissue Oil • Correxion Repairing Body Cream

Annique Lifestyle Programme Circulex Cellulite Treatment


DermaLIFT for fast pain relief! Dear Annique I had an accident and my arm was badly hurt. It was bruised and punctured and the colour was between maroon, yellow and green. I treated it with the Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil, which was amazing and it healed faster than I thought it would. I was able to hide my arm under my long sleeves but the pain stayed. My muscle was hard and in a knot and the only way I could get relief was to put on some ZeroAche+ every now and then. It helped a lot and I could function, but as night fell and the temperature dropped, the pain was more noticeable. So last night I thought since my skin is not broken any more, why not do the treatment up

to my elbow and treat this painful hard muscle with the DermaLIFT machine. The next morning I was blown away again!! No pain – no hard knotted muscle – a little skin scab (white) lifted up from where the holes were and the colour was NORMAL with light pink where the skin was broken, even though my arm was tender on the spot when I put pressure, it is pain FREE!! AMAZING!! Thank you Annique for this wonderful DermaLIFT and I’m sure I will have amazing results after a week and lots and lots of sales. Ever Grateful Hannatjie


DermaLIFT Numerous benefits | Four technologies | One device



Annique is proud to announce the arrival of the DermaLIFT II, a state-of-theart machine with cuttingedge phototherapy, galvanic ion and microcurrent technologies, to fight ageing of the face and body. The three larger interchangeable heads and its user-friendly functionality will ensure your face and body remain vibrant and youthful.

Since the DermaLIFT device hit the Annique market in 2009, it has been flying off shelves at top speed, with Consultants and clients across the country impressed with its numerous age-defying benefits, recognising the value of this miracle working machine. Annique is now proud to announce the arrival of DermaLIFT II, the next generation, state-of-the-art machine with cutting-edge technology, produced by experts working around the clock, to create a machine that will knock the socks off your youth-craving face and body. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 11

The dynamic DermaLIFT II has so much to offer

The DermaLIFT II is a unique device which treats the body and face using three interchangeable heads, which include the galvanic ion head, a blue phototherapy head and a red phototherapy head. The galvanic ion head has three phases which include CLEANSE, NOURISH and LIFT, while the red and blue phototherapy heads have a sole main function. Each phase or function is recommended to be done for a period of four minutes at a time.

DermaLIFT II fights ageing

When the galvanic ion head is attached and the device is set to the CLEANSE phase, impurities are removed from the skin, the pH balance of the skin is restored, the quality of problem skin is improved and deep cleansing takes place. When the device is set to the NOURISH phase, the elasticity and tone of the skin is improved and the skin is prepared for the LIFT phase. When the device is set to the LIFT phase, the skin is lifted, becomes firm, muscle tension and frown lines are reduced, skin colour is improved and the collagen structure is restored. Following treatment with the galvanic head, the red or blue phototherapy heads can be attached for a more specialised treatment for the body. When the red phototherapy head is attached to the device, collagen production is activated and pain relief is triggered, and when the blue phototherapy head is attached, bacteria is broken down, blemishes are cleared, and acne is healed.



Reduces wrinkles and fine lines Lifts sagging skin Counters dullness Improves rough skin texture Tightens tissue and muscle, to help tone and lift facial and body features


a day

Restores a clear complexion Improves hydration in dry and dehydrated skin Minimises enlarged pores Improves skin’s elasticity through increased collagen production Minimises double chin

Phenomenal phototherapy has proven benefits

Clinical Studies show that red LED light energy, which is cell activating and healing, improves blood circulation and triggers collagen production and tissue growth at an increased rate. Once the red light penetrates the skin, it is absorbed and light energy is converted to cellular energy, stimulating the body’s natural processes on a cellular level. There is an increase in blood flow, which allows treated body parts to receive oxygen and nutrients to function more effectively. This results in the rapid improvement of elasticity, firming, healing and pain relief of the skin by warming the area exposed to the rays creating a therapeutic effect. Clinical studies show that blue LED light energy, which is anti-bacterial and cleansing, omits a specific wavelength causing bacteria on the skin to self-destruct. This light energy facilitates fast, natural clearing of blemishes and healing of acne.

Using the three phases of the galvanic ion head Using the This is a step-by-step description on how to use the various phases of the galvanic ion head. phototherapy function of the red and blue Nourish Phase Lift Phase Cleanse Phase (Four minutes) (Four minutes) (Four minutes) light heads



Ensure the galvanic ion head is fitted to the device and your skin has been cleansed with an Annique cleanser best suited to your skin type. Apply Essense Skin Detox for enhanced results. Press the PHASE button once until the CLEANSE light is set. Choose a low, medium or high intensity treatment. Press the device onto your skin and move it in rotating movements over the facial and décolleté area. When holding the DermaLIFT II, ensure that your hand is touching the conductive metal plate, while completing each treatment. Should the four minute cycle end and an additional treatment is required, choose your intensity of treatment again and press the device onto your skin moving in rotating movements over the facial and décolleté. Rinse the skin with Rooibos infused water or Green Rooibos Tea and gently pat the skin dry with a clean towel.

Ensure that the galvanic ion head is fitted to the device. Apply Essense Skin Detox, Moisture Serum and Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil or Intense Repair Serum, together with any other Annique product suitable for your specific skin care concern. Press the PHASE button twice until the NOURISH light is set. Choose a low, medium or high intensity treatment. Press the device onto your skin and move in circular movements over the facial and décolleté area. When holding the DermaLIFT II, ensure that your hand is touching the conductive metal plate, while completing each treatment. Should the four minute cycle end and an additional treatment is required, choose your intensity of treatment again and press the device onto your skin moving in rotating movements over the facial and décolleté.


Ensure that the galvanic ion head is fitted to the device. When using the device on the face, apply Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil or one of the Annique Serums to the skin. When using the device on your body, use any BodyXpert product specific to your area of concern. Press the PHASE button twice until the LIFT light is set. Choose a low, medium or high intensity treatment. Press the device onto your skin and move in circular movements over the facial and décolleté area. If you are performing a body treatment, apply it to the area of concern. When holding the DermaLIFT II, ensure that your hand is touching the conductive metal plate, while completing each treatment. Should the four minute cycle end and an additional treatment is required, choose your intensity of treatment again and press the device onto your skin moving in rotating movements over the facial and décolleté.


(Four minutes)

After using the galvanic ion head, you can fit either the red or blue phototherapy head to the device and gently press it onto the face, neck, décolleté or any other area of concern to start treatment. When the red phototherapy head is attached to the device, collagen production is activated and when the blue phototherapy head is attached, bacteria is broken down, blemishes are cleared, acne is healed and pain relief is triggered. Do not move the device while the treatment is being completed. The red light will automatically switch off after four minutes. Move onto another area if additional treatment is required. The red and blue lights only appear once contact is made with the skin. For your own safety, do not shine red or blue light directly into your eyes. Close your eyes if treatment is done near the eye area. Avoid applying the galvanic ion head or phototherapy heads directly onto eyes.

Cordless, handheld device Rechargeable Contains three interchangeable treatment heads: o Pure titanium galvanic ion treatment head o Red phototherapy lights are beneficial for anti-ageing and for pain relief o Blue phototherapy lights have anti-bacterial properties to fight acne

DermaLIFT II is uniquely different to DermaLIFT The main difference between the DermaLIFT and the DermaLIFT II is that while the DermaLIFT is only intended for use on the face and uses a galvanic ion head (galvanic and microcurrent technologies), the DermaLIFT II is intended for the face and body and introduces additional phototherapy heads (red and blue light technology), along with the galvanic ion head. Phototherapy is a non-invasive light therapy treatment, where light energy emitted by the red or blue light head, improves blood circulation, triggers collagen production, tissue growth, self-destruction of bacteria, and clears blemishes and heals acne. Galvanic ion and microcurrent technologies use positive and negatively charged currents emitted by the galvanic head of the device to stimulate blood circulation and metabolism of skin cells, promoting toning and micro-lifting the face. Essential nutrients are transported to the skin, impurities are drawn out of the skin and the effective results of Annique products applied to the skin is improved. Other major differences between the two machines are that the DermaLIFT II has a titanium plate, while the DermaLIFT has a stainless steel plate, allowing the plate to last longer due to its extreme strength as well as facilitating a better transfer rate of microcurrents. The galvanic ion and phototherapy heads of the DermaLIFT II cover a larger surface area than the DermaLIFT, which means they are specifically designed to best target the larger surface area of the arms, buttocks, abdomen and thighs and suit the contours of the body. The DermaLIFT II also has individual buttons for every phase of the device making it more user-friendly.

Affordable alternative to spa treatments Easy to use, portable, handheld device Convenient – use it anywhere, anytime Maximises absorption of key nourishing ingredients in Annique products Phototherapy adds anti-ageing and acne fighting benefits Larger, ergonomic galvanic treatment head, makes the device ideal for body concerns like cellulite and flabby skin Helps to tighten and tone the skin for a more contoured body Helps to rapidly remove toxins Improves the appearance of dimpled skin and cellulite Helps to accelerate blood circulation and metabolism to boost cell activity, reducing and preventing sagging, flabby skin Helps to transport beneficial nutrients and actives from Annique products deeper into the skin, resulting in faster active release and faster results Helps to remove excessive fluid and supports lymph drainage, enhancing cellulite treatment The phototherapy technology clears the skin of marks, blemishes and spots, to deliver a smoother, even-toned look and feel Safe and hypo-allergenic titanium plate


Fabulous Features of the dynamic DermaLIFT II:

Use the red phototherapy head to manage pain

Apply Resque ZeroAche+ to the affected area and fit the red Phototherapy Treatment Head to the device. Gently press the device onto the affected area. Do not move the device while treatment is being completed. The light will automatically switch off in four minutes after a beep is heard. Move onto another area if additional treatment is required.

RED LIGHT THERAPY Anti-Ageing Treatment Pain Relief

Healing and Repair

• For fine lines and wrinkles • Collagen production • Treatment for and and prevention of hair loss

• • • • • •

• • • • •

Arthritis Rheumatism Chronic pain Muscle pain Joint pain

• • • • •

Eczema Psoriasis Rosacia Stretchmarks Shingles

Use the blue phototherapy head to treat acne BLUE LIGHT THERAPY Anti-Bacterial


Bed sores Burns Wounds Cuts and scrapes Cold sores (healing) Acne

• Kills acne causing bacteria and bacteria associated with skin infections. • Heals skin affected by bacterial infection. • Helps prevent acne.


It is essential to prepare your body for any treatment you perform on it and it is recommended that you perform dry body brushing with the Body Xpert Body Wonder Sponge before using the DermaLIFT II. Dry brushing is a method of exfoliating the body to allow maximum absorption and working of Annique products while using the device. The effective sponge stimulates blood flow and sloughs off dead skin cells that negatively affect absorption of a product and prevents the effective operation of the galvanic current of the device. How to use the Body Wonder Sponge and DermaLIFT II The Body Xpert Wonder Sponge is for the body only and not the face. Dry brush the targeted area with the sponge

Cleanse the affected area with your recommended Annique cleanser (use Synergy or Face Facts Cleanser) and dry with a clean towel. Rinse the skin with Rooibos infused water or Green Rooibos Tea and gently pat skin dry with a clean towel. Fit the blue phototherapy head to the device. Follow the instructions on the Cleanse phase of the galvanic ion head. Gently hold the device on the affected area without massaging. The light will automatically switch off in four minutes or after a beep is heard. This step may be repeated if a longer treatment is desired. Apply Face Facts Spotless Treatment to the affected area. Continue with the rest of your product regimen, including your serum, moisturiser, sunscreen and freshener. Blue light is an effective acne treatment, but not a quick fix. Continual treatment with this device will ultimately result in a clear complexion.

before a shower or bath on dry skin only. Stroke upward in one movement towards the heart. Adjust the pressure to your level of comfort for the different parts of your body and work from the left to the right side of the body. A slight reddening of the skin is normal, it is the blood circulation responding to the skin being brushed. Apply Body Xpert products onto the areas of concern (see the guide to the zones below). Apply Essense Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil to assist the machine to glide easily over the treatment surface area. Never brush over active inflammation or during an active cancer state or over enlarged lymph nodes. Do not brush on sunburnt skin, avoid the breasts and genital area and if pregnant, seek your doctor’s advice first before dry brushing. If an allergic reaction is evident, stop brushing. Regularly wash your Body Xpert Wonder Sponge to remove dead skin.



questions and answers -How does the DermaLIFT II compare to other galvanic machines currently on the market? The DermaLIFT II is a four-in-one machine, which combines galvanic ion, microcurrent and advanced red and blue phototherapy technologies in three interchangeable heads. Other devices only provide galvanic current. The DermaLIFT II has three phases that CLEANSE, NOURISH and LIFT, each addressing specific skin care needs, while most other machines only have two phases of Pre-treatment and Treatment. The device costs less than half the price of other galvanic devices and has added beneficial actions. You also need to use specific products with other devices at an additional cost per treatment, however with DermaLIFT II, you can use your Annique products. Other phototherapy devices only provide either a red phototherapy head or a blue phototherapy head and retail for more than R4000 (excluding galvanic current functions).

Anti-age while relaxing with DermaLIFT II

-I have epilepsy, can I use DermaLIFT II? Consult your health care practitioner if you have epilepsy before using the DermaLIFT or DermaLIFT II. -Can I use DermaLIFT II if I have had facial surgery or skin cancer? The DermaLIFT II is safe to use after one has undergone facial surgery. Do not use the device on skin cancer areas, but if the cancer has been removed and the wound has healed, DermaLIFT II may be used to improve the appearance of the scar. -Can I use DermaLIFT II on varicose veins? No, it is not recommended that you use DermaLIFT II directly on varicose veins, rather use Resque Circulation for this problem.

-How often should I use DermaLIFT II? Normal, oily and dry skin types: Once a day for the first month and then once or twice a week thereafter. Sensitive and problem skin: Every three to four days for the first month and then once a week thereafter. Problem skin types are likely to experience a detox breakout within the first two week of use. Don’t be discouraged, this is normal and the skin will improve after four to five -What if you only want to use the phototherapy with days. red or blue phototherapy heads? -Can you use DermaLIFT II once a day on the face Only phototherapy can be used, however galvanic ion and then again on your body as well? therapy assists with effective product absorption and Yes, you can use DermaLIFT II once a day for facial stimulates cell regeneration including muscle tissue treatment and then again that same day for a body stimulation. Combining the two has greater benefit for treatment. Don’t apply to the same area more than once the skin’s healing function. a day. -If the Annique product you enjoy using is not listed -Why do I need to touch the metal plate on the back or mentioned in the guide below, can you use it when you perform the CLEANSE, NOURISH or LIFT Phases? of DermaLIFT II while I am using the device? Yes, provided you have used it with the original Dermalift DermaLIFT II uses galvanic current (negative and before and had successful results. Let us know about your positively charged current draws impurities out of the skin and delivers nutrients deeper into the skin). For success with other Annique products. the current to work effectively, it needs to have a closed -Can you use the DermaLIFT II without Annique circuit or loop. It is advised that you dampen your hand products? with water before using the DermaLIFT II. No, because the DermaLIFT II compliments and -Can I use DermaLIFT II in a facial treatment when I enhances the working of Annique products and you won’t do home treatments for my customers? see results if you don’t use Annique products. Yes, you can use it as part of a facial treatment for -Can you only use one phase and not go through all customers, you just need to make sure that you hold your customer’s hand while using the DermaLIFT II to close three phases every day? the galvanic circuit. The device is not recommended for No, for optimal results it is recommended you use all beauty salon use, it is a hand held device to be used at three phases with every treatment. Each phase prepares home. the skin for the phase that follows. -I am pregnant, can I use DermaLIFT II? Pregnant women should consult a doctor before using the DermaLIFT II.

-How do I clean my DermaLIFT II? You can wipe the DermaLIFT II with a damp cloth and a normal disinfectant. Do not immerse the device in water.

-I have fillings, can I use DermaLIFT II? Yes, you can just make sure you keep your mouth open and don’t clench your teeth during the treatment.

-From what age can you start using DermaLIFT II? You can use the device from the age of 15 years. The blue phototherapy head may however be used on young teenagers from age 12.

-I have a pacemaker, can I use DermaLIFT II? No, the DermaLIFT or DermaLIFT II should not be used with any implanted device that uses a frequency. Consult your doctor if you are unsure.

-Can I use DermaLIFT II on my eye area? Yes, but not on top of the eyes. You can use DermaLIFT II around the eye on the bone area and on the eyebrow. Do not use directly on eye lids.

SKIN CARE CONCERN Aged skin Damaged skin Dark circles and puffy eyes Deep wrinkles and frown lines Dry and dehydrated skin Fine lines Fine lines around the eyes Neck and bust Pigmentation For a smoother complexion

RECOMMENDED PRODUCT Revitalising Cream and Skin Detox Intense Repair Serum Energising Eye Gel Bo-Serum Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin and Moisture Serum RetiniQ Eye Therapy Lifting Essence Neck and Bust Cream Derma Bright and Intense Repair Serum Intense Repair Serum

SKIN CARE CONCERN Coarse skin Acne, blackheads and whiteheads Sagging skin Sensitive skin Uneven skin tone Bulging stomach and fat around the waist area Flabby arms and legs Cellulite and orange peel Oily Skin


As a raving fan of the original Annique DermaLIFT, I was eager to experiment with the new DermaLIFT II, especially when I discovered that the galvanic head of the DermaLIFT II is larger covering more area of skin in one movement, and is more practical to use on the body. The head is excellent for maximum absorption of product by the skin and is large enough to use on the flabby arms, buttocks and thigh area. My favourite is the red photo-facial light which is anti-ageing. It is warm on the skin and gives me a sense of healing on my face as it regenerates cell growth. I spend 20 minutes using the DermaLIFT II daily while reading a book, watching news or listening to a podcast. One night I use Skin Detox and Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil or Intense Repair Serum for the entire duration of the treatment, and the next night I use Bo-Serum and Miracle Tissue Oil or Intense Repair Serum. I am able to relax while anti-ageing. Choose an area, work on it daily and see the difference for yourself.

Angelique du Toit,


DermaLIFT II is the perfect ‘Me Time’ I tested the DermaLIFT II over a four week period. I used it on my face with the Hydrafine Moisturiser and Forever Young Products (Q10 Eye Therapy and Revitalising Cream and Hydrafine Nurturing Night Cream) and on my hips (for cellulite) with the Body Xpert Circulex Cellulite Treatment. There was a definite improvement in the texture of my skin on my face and body. The products were absorbed into my skin better than before and cellulite appearance improved. I used the red light for the pigmentation on my face and on my hips and the marks are less noticeable. The DermaLIFT II is perfect for ‘me time’, or while watching TV or reading. It’s easy to use and is the luxury your skin deserves.

Heidi Cook,

Personal Assistant at Annique

RECOMMENDED PRODUCT Q10 Therapy Skin Detox Youth Boost Sensi Crème Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil and Intense Repair Serum Body Xpert D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment Body Xpert LipoSculpt Body Contouring Crème Body Xpert Circulex Cellulite Treatment Synergy Even Skin Moisturiser

Annique’s Youth Restoring range of anti-ageing products

Revitalising Cream The Revitalising Cream, Annique’s bestselling anti-ageing cream, helps to restore, renew and rejuvenate skin.

Application: • Younger than 25: 3 Times per week • From ages 23 - 35: once daily • Persons 35+: twice daily





It is ideal for the maintenance of a youthful skin and for restoration and rejuvenation of aged skin. Revitalising Cream restores the cells’ ability to retain moisture and stimulates the cells’ own production of collagen and elastin for a faster cell replacement cycle.



The Revitalising Cream is unique. A revolutionary formula for the restoration, renewal and rejuvenation of skin.


Collagen is vital for the creation of new cells, but only the body’s own collagen is effective for the production of new cells. The principal aim of the Revitalising Cream therefore, is to restore the cell’s ability to produce its own collagen and to help it retain moisture, as though it is a younger skin. The Revitalising Cream is recommended for any skin type and age and should never be used without an Annique moisturiser. Combine with the Moisture Serum for aged and dehydrated skins. The Revitalising Cream is a tonic that enhances the functions of the other products, and is effectively supported by other products from Annique. It contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos for its hypo-allergenic and antioxidant qualities. Scientific tests have demonstrated that the new plant based active ingredient VNA10+ is far superior to any active in its class. Dermatological tests have shown that its anti-allergenic, nonirritating formula is suitable for even the most sensitive skins. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 2

Application: Apply Revitalising Cream after Skin Detox morning and evening followed by your moisturiser. Spread a small amount (about a quarter of a teaspoon) over palms and press onto the whole face, neck (front and back) and breast area. Press remaining cream onto top of hands.

Eye Therapy Annique’s revolutionary Eye Therapy is a world first with the use of the active revitalising ingredient, Ampsyncol IIITM, to help reduce wrinkles and fine lines around the eye zone. Eye Therapy also nourishes and repairs the delicate eye area. This active ingredient provides an effective and rejuvenating agent to restore the skin’s natural beauty by stimulating collagen type III production, thus doubling the synthesis of collagen type III. This will help your skin to become smooth, soft and retain its normal elasticity. The Eye Therapy also contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos for its hypoallergenic and antioxidant qualities. Eye Therapy will prevent ageing around the eye and mouth area and will help the skin to retain normal elasticity.

Crème de Nuit

Application: Tap the Eye Therapy with one finger once or twice a day on the bone area around the eye. Press cream onto skin and lightly pat until the cream has been absorbed. Also dab Eye Therapy around the lip area.

Crème de Nuit is a rich, nutritious night crème with an increased moisturising ability that can be used by all skin types, ideal for even the most sensitive skin. It is richer in nourishment and moisture than the normal night cream to provide the extra requirements of the aged skin.

Crème de Nuit is applied after the Revitalising Cream to ensure optimal penetration and ultra-moisturising. In combination with the Revitalising Cream, Moisturiser and Miracle Tissue Oil, it creates a balanced “diet” for the skin. It also provides sufficient nourishment to the younger skin that does not yet need to use the Revitalising Cream.

Crème de Nuit contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, which boasts hypo-allergenic and antioxidant qualities. It also contains VNA 10+ a biotechnological plant extract, which is known for its anti-allergenic and non-irritating properties. It can help to fight skin ageing, improves the skin’s elasticity and massively increases the skin’s moisture content.

Application: Press gently onto face, neck and dècolletage ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 3


Bo-Serum is the first skin care product in South Africa to contain the wrinkle removing BoNT-L Peptide. It is a safe, non-invasive alternative to surgery or injections and our consultants simply love this fantastic product!

Amazing Results!

Annique has received wonderful feedback from people who have used Bo-Serum. Just look at these visible results in the improvement of deep wrinkles and expression lines.

Recommended for: • Reducing lines and wrinkles from repeated facial expressions


• Preventing wrinkles

With BoNT-L Peptide and ROOIBOS. See your wrinkles diminish with every application of this potent serum! Bo-Serum is a non-invasive, non-toxic skin relaxing, anti-wrinkle serum that helps your skin de-stress. You will be able to see immediate firming and instant smoothness, as if lifted. Wrinkles will look visibly reduced and skin contours appear more defined. The botanical extract from cogon grass has a high anti-wrinkle impact and long-lasting moisturising effect on the skin. The extract is also high in potassium to help skin transfer and retain moisture more effectively. Your skin needs to be moisturised, relaxed and de-stressed to stay looking young. Bo-Serum contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos for its hypoallergenic and antioxidant qualities. It is a facelift in a bottle…and it even works for men! ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 4

Application: Apply after Skin Detox in the mornings, and before applying Derma Bright, Revitalising Cream or moisturiser.


Feedback from Bo-Serum users:

“This is such a fantastic product, I will recommend it to everyone.”

“My skin feels so smooth and soft.”

“Bo-Serum has visibly improved the deep vertical thinker’s wrinkle between my eyes, as well as the crow’s feet wrinkles around my eyes.”

“Granny, you are getting younger every single day.” “Everyone is so excited about my younger skin!”


A: RetiniQ reverses the signs of


Q: HOW DOES BO-SERUM COMPARE TO BOTOX? A: Botox is a medical substance and can only be administered

through injection at a medical practitioner’s surgery! Annique products do not and will not ever contain this substance. Our new Bo-Serum contains PEPTIDES that simulates the results of Botox, but without the toxicity and/or loss of muscle control. Bo-Serum is (1) non-toxic, (2) not dangerous and (3) contains peptides, not toxins, that relax the skin. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 5

ageing/historical damage - it removes UV damage, restores elasticity, helps boost collagen production in the skin. It does not remove deep lines and furrows. Bo-Serum prevents signs of ageing and reduces wrinkles drastically - it relaxes the skin so the “memory” of the wrinkle is “lost” and skin remains smoother for longer - use from 15 years of age to prevent ageing.





a: The Revitalising Cream nourishes your skin,

it is preventative and restorative. It repairs damage, stimulates new cell production and prevents free radical damage. Bo-Serum tackles wrinkles and prevents wrinkles forming as a consequence of facial expressions (laughing, crying, frowning etc).



You can see an improvement after 24 hours - lines, furrows and dryness will improve. Some people’s skin responds quicker than other’s. After 28 days you will see a marked improvement in lines, wrinkles and dry skin. After 3 months use, results are optimum. Now the skin will be visibly smoother and more moisturised.






Bo-Serum relaxes the skin and should thus be applied first after Skin Detox so that other products that follow can function at their best. Bo-Serum’s cogon grass ensures that the skin stays moisturised for longer. That’s also why wrinkles stay relaxed for longer - the skin retains moisture better.



For optimum results, Bo-Serum should be applied twice a day.



Bo-Serum may be used from 15 years of age. Bo-Serum can be used to prevent deep lines and wrinkles. If you frequently form facial expressions, like frowning, you can use BoSerum to prevent wrinkles from forming later in life. Look at your parents and siblings to see what hereditary lines may form on your face later in your life to see where you need to apply your Bo-Serum.



Yes, if you stop using Bo-Serum the skin and muscles will “relearn” furrows and fine lines as you form your facial expressions. The timing of this depends on individual skin types and circumstances.

Q: WHO SHOULD AVOID USING BO-SERUM? a: No one. Anyone can use Bo-Serum. People with sensitive skin should use the Annique Sensi Crème for 14 days to desensitise the skin before using Bo-Serum.




Bo-Serum can be used for zone treatment, e.g. specific wrinkles like frown lines, etc. Bo-Serum may also be applied on the whole face, neck and bust to improve moisture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.



Q10 Therapy: Boosting your skin Useful Tip: Remember to apply your Q10 Therapy after your Annique moisturiser, night and day, and even throughout the day when you reapply your moisturiser. It makes your foundation last longer.

Vitamin Q or Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a substance that’s found naturally in almost every cell in the body. It plays a vital role in the delivery of cellular energy and it also has potent antioxidant benefits.

Q10 Therapy is a real miracle worker, containing natural ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which forms an essential part of the connective tissue between cells. Co-enzyme Q10 boosts cell energy to help tighten and refine skin. “Your skin’s Red Bull” Annique Q10 Therapy delivers visible results that you could never dream possible. It is like an energy drink for your skin!

Application: Press the Q10 Therapy onto your skin in the morning and evening, after your Annique moisturiser. Apply around the eyes, neck and hands. For quick results, apply throughout the day onto areas with pigmentation marks and wrinkles.

Energy is the key to natural skin rejuvenation – helping skin metabolism to go into fast forward to restructure collagen fibres (tightens skin), produce new skin cells, Coenzyme Q10 assists in oxygen utilisation and energy production improve blood circulation and in cells and is a super-powerful antioxidant. Coenzymes work with distribute nutrients, which enzymes in their various functions in the body. protect and restore the skin. This miracle product contains natural ingredients like: The Q10 Therapy contains • Evening Primrose Oil which retains skin moisture, rejuvenates, coenzyme Q10, that forms re-energises cell metabolism and restores skin elasticity. a link in the energy chain of • Vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant that removes free cell metabolism. Q10 also radicals. It provides essential protection against sunburn, strengthens cells’ resistance to dehydration and ageing and can penetrate to the capillary layer ageing and disease. of the skin and, therefore, has a healing effect on scars, pimples It is ideal for: and acne. • dull skin, • Coenzyme Q10 which strengthens the cells and enhances cell immunity and collagen biosynthesis. • adult skin problems, • Herbal extracts like hops, rosemary, horsetail and lemon • dry and oily skin balance, which stimulate the biosynthesis and activate microcirculation to • pigmentation repair cells’ elasticity and connective tissue. • enlarged pores, and • Other herbal extracts like chamomile, cornflower, lime, • reproduction of youthful calendula and St. John’s Wort which makes the product new cells effective for sensitive skin and reduces inflammation and irritations and removes impurities from cells. • The Annique Q10 Therapy also contains Rooibos extract that provides a powerful antioxidant and superoxide dismutase (SOD) to remove free radicals from the skin cells. The Rooibos extract “My foundation and not only prevents premature ageing but can in fact, reduce the make-up last much fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration already forming part of the longer since I started skin’s appearance. • Hyaluronic acid protects the skin against loss of moisture and using the Q10 Therapy prevents harmful components from entering the skin. every day.” • Glycosome is a liposome that disperses ingredients to restore Keira de Wet intercellular lipid layers of the skin. The moisturising lipids in the liposomes help the upper layers of skin retain moisture and a “After using Annique youthful glow. products for eight • Lipogard is the most important ingredient. Lipogard in Q10 years, I suddenly started Therapy provides the critical ingredient coenzyme Q10, forming getting compliments the essential link in the skin cells’ energy chain. This ingredient also strengthens the skin’s natural immunity. about my skin after I Unfortunately, as we age the production of coenzyme Q10 added the Q10 Therapy diminishes. As a result, cells lose their efficiency (energy production) to my daily skin care and protecting capacity (antioxidant power) which are important routine.” requirements for healthy, young skin. Make sure you supplement Ronel van Heerden your body and your skin with coenzyme Q10, so you can look and feel younger for longer.



nd a t c a r d Ext ology e e S o n Tomat onge Tech sp Micro

RetiniQ RetiniQ is a unique silky skin treatment in a lightweight gel base that combines the effectiveness of stable Retinol, Vitamin C, natural Vitamin E with Tomato Seed extract. The active ingredients in these vitamins helps revive the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and environmental damage caused by sun exposure. Your skin will appear more radiant and smooth with continual use of the product.

What makes this product unique?

• Retinol – an effective age-reducer, leads to more youthful, healthier skin. • Tomato seed extract – Lycopene provides antioxidant protection from environmental damage, shielding skin from premature aging. It has the capability to improve cellular functions that are essential to keeping skin looking young. Lycopene strengthens skin by enhancing its ability to produce collagen and reduce the DNA damage that leads to wrinkles. • Microsponge technology – a patented, sustained release method to entrap active ingredients more efficiently and enhance efficacy and stability of formulation. • Vitamin C – An antioxidant to help improve skin radiance and firmness. • Natural Vitamin E – An antioxidant that has a synergistic effect in combination with Vitamin C and Retinol.

RetiniQ has the added benefit of Tomato Seed Extract (Solanum Lycopersicum) and natural Vitamin E contained in microsponge technology. This fabulous technologically advanced product is available in a golden pearl ampoule. How to use: Must be applied on a cleansed skin before your Revitalising Cream around the eye area, between eyebrows and around the mouth and nose. It can also be applied on the neck and other facial areas where fine lines appear. The RetiniQ must only be applied at NIGHT and you must apply a sunblock in the morning like the Essense DermaBlock.

Stimulates the renewal process of epidermal cells and enhances skin smoothness ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 8

Forever Young

Youth Boost with Meta-Resveratrol 30ml

As you age, your skin becomes more prone to reflect the ravages of gravity and ageing. As it starts to sag, it becomes more noticeable. The most common cause of sagging skin is ageing as a result of the loss of collagen and elastin, the skin’s supportive connective tissue. Add to this the fact that facial muscles tend to weaken with age, the impact of unprotected sun exposure and the sagging caused by weight gain and weightloss and soon your skin no longer appears plump, soft or youthful!

Youth Boost with MetaResveratrol will help lift, firm and restore your skin to appear youthful and full of vitality!

Youth Boost is made with a unique fusion technology concept, combining the synergistic amalgamation of nutritional, cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical elements, to form an advanced formula that achieves non-surgical micro-lifting and improves DEJ (Dermal Epidermal Junction) for antiageing benefits from a plant derived source.

Application: Use as an overnight treatment or once or twice a day on cleansed skin after Skin Detox. Do not rinse off. Apply Revitalising Cream and your Annique night cream and moisturiser best suited to your skin.

What is Youth Boost?

A booster treatment with Meta-Resveratrol, an active ingredient from grapes, specifically focused on micro-ageing that helps promote natural skin healing, reducing the appearance of ageing by lifting, firming and restoring the skin’s vitality and glow.

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is an all natural antioxidant found in the skins of red grapes, mulberries, peanuts and knotweed. Plants make resveratrol to defend themselves against invaders caused by environmental stress, extreme weather conditions, pests and disease. It is considered by many to be the anti-ageing breakthrough of the decade, both in skincare and supplementation.

What is MetaResveratrol?

Bio-actives and Resveratrol, known for its antioxidant benefits, are metabolised to form Meta-Resveratrol, which unlocks the ultimate anti-ageing benefits. The antiageing benefits and results of this new superior active ingredient far exceed the application of these two components separately.

Where is the Resveratrol derived from?

It is obtained from mainly the skins of red grapes and the root of the Japanese Knotweed which contains potent doses of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that works by stimulating blood circulation, reducing inflammation and removing toxins.

What are the main benefits of MetaResveratrol?

• •

What does Youth Boost with Meta-Resveratrol replace in the Forever Young regimen?

Improves skin hydration levels, thus restoring vitality and glow Increases cellular longevity by targeting inflammation, one of the main causes of ageing. Promotes synthesis of Type 4 collagen.

It does not replace any of the Forever Young products as it focuses on lifting and firming, as well as fighting inflammation. This is an add-on product since these benefits are not currently offered by other Forever Young products.


Forever Young

Youth Boost Take a look at the incredible results achieved after only 28 days: Before


Crème de Nuit Anti-ageing night cream.

Eye Therapy Improve fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

Revitalising Cream Nourishes, repairs and restores aged skin. Bo-Serum Irons out deep and existing wrinkles (Skin Relaxer)

Q10 Therapy Energises skin.

Note: dramatic lifting in the chin, mouth and eye areas

RetiniQ REFINES and UNCLOGS PORES Improves skin texture. Diminishes fine lines.

Before Youth Boost Lifts, firms and restores skin’s vitality and glow, specifically for sagging skin.


Youth Boost penetrates deeper into the skin (layer) than any other Forever Young product.

Resveratrol and the link to the “FRENCH PARADOX”: The “French Paradox”, is a term that refers to the French living longer and suffering less from heart disease, despite drinking red wine and eating a diet high in fat. This theory may support the cardiovascular anti-ageing benefits of resveratrol found in grape skins. Resveratrol is produced by plants when they respond to stress in their environments such as dehydration, nutrient deprivation and attacks by other organisms.

“I am completely bowled over by the massive buzz in the beauty industry about Resveratrol’s anti-ageing benefits. I am absolutely convinced that Annique, in staying at the cutting edge of research and technology, have made yet another breakthrough with new Meta-Resveratrol. This ingredient, that uses fusion technology to bind Resveratrol with bio-actives, hugely surpasses the benefits of these two ingredients on their own. What an exciting milestone in anti-ageing technology.” Ernest du Toit, Annique CEO








Food for your skin

Reverse the signs of ageing

Energy drink for your skin

• Nourishes, repairs and restores aged skin. • Plumps up skin. • Stimulates collagen production. • Improves skin’s elasticity. • Increases skin’s moisture content. • Maintains youthful skin.

• Helps activate the skin to fight against the signs of ageing, revives skin and refines skin texture. • Helps reduce appearance of fine lines and reverses environmental damage caused by the sun and ageing. • Improves skin texture. • Restores skin radiance.

• Evens out skin tone. • Refines and recharges skin. • Assists in enhancing the effectiveness of other Annique skin care products. • Boosts cell energy. • Boosts skin metabolism. • Produces new skin cells

Food for your delicate eye area

Iron out wrinkles

Lifts and Firms sagging skin


















Anti-ageing night cream





• Nourishes and repairs delicate eye area. • Amplifies collagen III production. • Prevents ageing around eye and mouth area and helps skin to retain normal elasticity.




• Irons out deep and existing wrinkles. • Draws moisture to wrinkle area. • Skin relaxer. • Assists skin to de-stress.

“Face-lift in a bottle”

• Combats microageing and inflammation. • Lifts, firms and restores skin’s vitality and glow. • Promotes natural skin healing. • Helps to build Type IV collagen, responsible for maintaining and improving the structural integrity of the skin.


• A rich nutritious night crème to assist skin with retaining its natural radiance and youthfulness. • Ultra-moisturing. • Improves skin’s elasticity.




RECOMMENDED FOR • Dull, lifeless skin. • Aged skin. • Prevent premature ageing.

• Prevention of premature ageing. • Sun damaged skin. • Fine lines on face. • Improved skin texture.

• Repairing uneven skin tone. • Dull skin. • Enlarged pores. • Tighten and refine skin. • Adult skin problems.

• Anti-ageing • Lines and treatment aimed wrinkles from at improving repeated facial fine lines and expressions. wrinkles around • Prevent the eyes by wrinkles. stimulating collagen III production.

• Sagging, ageing skin all over face and neck area.

• All skin types and ages to assist wih prevention of premature ageing.

• MetaResveratrol. • Rooibos extract.

• VNA10+. • Rooibos extract.

Use everyday or as an overnight treatment all over face and neck area.

Press gently onto face, neck and décolletage.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS • VNA . • Rooibos extract. 10+

• Retinol. • Vitamin C with Microsponge technology. • Natural Vitamin E. • Tomato Seed extract (Solanum Lycopersicum).

• Co-Enzyme Q10. • Hyaluronic Acid. • Rooibos extract.

• Ampsyncoll III™. • Rooibos extract.

• BoNT-L peptide. • Cogon grass extract. • Potassium. • Rooibos extract.

A R E A O F A P P L I C AT I O N Press gently onto face, neck and décolletage.

Dab onto problem areas and/or press onto face and neck.

Press onto face and neck area.

Dab around the eye and lip areas.

Dab onto wrinkle zones on face and neck, and /or dab onto whole face, neck and bust.



“Have you had some work done?” I am 54-years old and have been a body boarder for the last ten years – which means that I spend at least an hour a day in the sun (the result is a skin that looks like crimplene). I started using Annique two years ago and I love the ‘feel’ of the products. Every two months I visit the doctor for my chronic medication. One particular Saturday, my doctor, leant towards me and whispered, ”Violet, have you had some work done on your face?” I gaped at him and said, ”Nope, I just use Annique products and Rooibos tea for my skin.” “Are you sure you did not have a mini facelift?” he asked. I forgot to take the script, danced out of the surgery and immediately phoned my children and my friends – who use Annique. My friends confirmed that my skin has improved amazingly and my kids well, they thought the doctor might want a favour from me! Violet van Zyl

What does the claim “dermatologically tested” mean? Dermatologically tested implies that a new product has undergone strict tests and has passed the critical standards set by the relevant laboratory as well as the company involved. These tests can only be performed by dermatologists and scientists working in a designated laboratory. Some important Annique products are tested scientifically for any allergic reaction in a laboratory. These tests are performed only on human skin, to establish whether the active ingredients in the product cause any reactions. When no reaction has been observed, only then do the Annique products meet the strict standards determined by the dermatologists and scientists. The products tested have been subjected to this strict testing process and we are therefore proud to say that Annique’s products have been successfully dermatologically tested. That is why we can market our product as suitable for all skin types, a unique and powerful brand in its own right.

Annique fighting cancer? I am an Annique consultant and read the most recent newsletter article about skin cancer, which convinced me that Annique products prevent cancer. Three weeks ago a doctor removed ten different types of skin cancer lesions on my legs, arms and chest. He mentioned that it struck him as strange that these lesions did not also appear on my face – usually this kind of skin cancer is found on the skin of the face (where I have been using Annique products for the past 30 years) but my face was totally free of any sign of skin cancer. I have had suspicious-looking lesions on my arms, chest and legs for years. A biopsy done on my leg was diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma, a less dangerous form of skin cancer. But if it is not

treated it can cause problems later on. I found it so strange when the doctor showed me photos of Hester Alb erts, Preto ria patients who had similar kinds of problems on their faces. Quite by chance I read in this months’ A-news about the Huisgenoot article about prevention of skin cancer. The only logical deduction I could make was that the Annique products I had been using for so many years, helped to prevent the cancer appearing on my skin.



Bo-Serum a miracle working product I must congratulate Annique on the Bo-Serum product. It is the most stunning, miracle-working product I have ever used. I am so impressed with Bo-Serum and I never want to be without it again as my face has improved so radically - the deep lines around my mouth and the frown lines between my eyes and at the corners of my eyes are almost totally gone after only two weeks of use. My skin also glows. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work.

Kim Sharon Fouché

Choosing between the best of the best


Here are a few quick guidelines to help you decide when to use Intense Repair Serum, RetiniQ, Youth Boost and DermaBright

Intense Repair Serum


Youth Boost






Annique Range

Oil Serum




Type of Formulation

• Contains Rooibos infused oil, Vitamin E and nine other Botanical Oils

• New improved formula with Vitamins A, C and E

• Contains Meta Resveratrol, proven to reduce inflammation and help build collagen

• Microsponge technology contains time-release Vitamin C • Stable forms of Vitamins as a result of the protected ampoule format • Silky smooth feeling leaves skin soft and nourished

• Stable forms of Vitamins as a result of the protected ampoule format • Silky smooth feeling leaves skin soft and nourished


• Nourishes and repairs visible signs of damage, ageing and dullness • Improves skin tone, scarring blemishes and elasticity • Renews and rejuvenates cell membranes

• Improves skin clarity, evens skin tone and smoothes fine wrinkles around eyes and mouth • Reduces appearance of fine lines • Reverses skin damage • Improves skin texture • Restores skin radiance

• Increases cellular longevity by targeting inflammation, one of the main causes of ageing • Contains potent antioxidants from Meta-Resveratrol • Lifts, firms and restores skin’s vitality and glow • Targets micro-ageing • Builds Type IV collagen, resulting in firmer skin

• Skin brightening treatment • Lightens pigmentation marks and uneven skin tone

Main concern Important

• Environmental damage such as pollution and sun damage

• Fine lines and skin texture

• Sagging skin all over face and neck

• Pigmentation


• Botanical Oils including Baobab, Calendula, Wheat Germ, Vitamin E, Apricot, Kernel, Rosehip, Blackcurrent, Avocado, Sweet Almond, Soya Bean and Rooibos infused oil.

• • • • •

• Meta-Resveratrol • Rooibos Extract

• Vitamin C • Liquorice Extract • Rooibos Extract

Retinol (Vitamin A) Tomato Seed Extract Vitamin E Vitamin C Rooibos Extract


Your ideal

Facial Skin Care Routine

MORNING ROUTINE 1 Rinse with Annique Rooibos Tea, 2 ESSENSE Skin Detox, 3 FOREVER YOUNG Bo-Serum, 4 FOREVER YOUNG Youth Boost, 5 FOREVER YOUNG Revitalising Cream, 6 ESSENSE Intense Repair Serum, 7 FOREVER YOUNG Eye Therapy, 8 ESSENSE Moisture Serum, 9 LUCID Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin, 10 FOREVER YOUNG Q10 Therapy, 11 ESSENSE Lifting Essence, 12 ESSENSE Derma Block, 13 LUCID HydraRestore Freshener, 14 Colour Caress Foundation.

EVENING ROUTINE 1 Lucid Calming Cleansing Crème, 2 ESSENSE Skin Detox, 3 ESSENSE Intense Repair Serum, 4 ESSENSE Derma Bright, 5 FOREVER YOUNG RetiniQ, 6 FOREVER YOUNG Bo-Serum, 7 FOREVER YOUNG Youth Boost, 8 FOREVER YOUNG Revitalising Cream, 9 FOREVER YOUNG Eye Therapy, 10 ESSENSE Moisture Serum, 11 LUCID Optimal Night Renewal/Forever Young Crème de Nuit, 12 LUCID Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin, 13 ESSENSE Miracle Tissue Oil, 14 ESSENSE Lifting Essence, 15 LUCID HydraRestore Freshener.

BI-WEEKLY ROUTINE 1 LUCID Perfecting Cream Exfoliator or HydraFine Complete Smoothing Scrub, 2 LUCID Silky Skin Replenisher (Masque) or Hydrafine Purifying & Rebalancing Masque, 3 ESSENSE Intense Repair Serum. For extra treatment: Antioxidant Radiance Masque applied over FOREVER YOUNG Revitalising Cream, FOREVER YOUNG Youth Boost, LUCID Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin and ESSENSE Intense Repair Serum over ESSENSE Skin Detox. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 14










Quick Guide to a



Nourishes, repairs and restores skin Plumps up skin and stimulates collagen production Recommended for: • Dull, lifeless skin • Aged skin • Preventing premature ageing

Active ingredients: • VNA10+ • Rooibos extract

Application: • Press onto face and neck area FRAGRANCE


Activates energy in skin Evens out skin tone; Refines and recharges skin (assists in enhancing other products); Energy drink for skin Recommended for: • Uneven skin tone • Dull skin • Enlarged pores • Tightening and refining • Adult skin problems

Active ingredients: • Co-enzyme Q10 • Hyaluronic Acid • Rooibos extract

Application: • Press onto face and neck area


Switch on the energy in your skin

Nourishes and repairs delicate eye area Amplifies collagen production Recommended for: • Crows feet around eyes • Lines around the mouth • Preventing ageing around eye area • Stimulates Collagen III production

Active ingredients: • Ampsyncoll III™ • Rooibos extract

Application: • Dab around the eye and lip area FRAGRANCE

Recommended for: • Lines and wrinkles from repeated facial expressions • Preventing wrinkles • Skin relaxer • Assisting skin to de-stress

Active ingredients:

• • • •

BoNT-L peptide Cogon grass extract Potassium Rooibos extract

Reverses environmental damage caused by the sun and ageing Generates new skin cells; Refines pores; Fine lines and wrinkles Recommended for: • Premature ageing • Sun damaged skin • Improving skin texture • Fine lines on face

Food for your delicate eye area


Irons out deep and existing wrinkles Draws moisture to wrinkle area; Face-lift in a bottle


Food for your skin

Active ingredients: • Vitamin C • Retinol • Natural Vitamin E • Tomato Seed Extract • Microsponge Technology

Application: • Dab onto wrinkle zones on face and neck AND/OR • Dab onto whole face, neck and bust



Iron out wrinkles


F R E E Application: • Dab onto problem areas AND/OR • Press onto face, neck and bust

Reverse the signs of ageing


Lifts and firms sagging skin and helps build collagen Recommended for: • Sagging skin • Increasing cellular longevity by targeting inflammation, one of the main causes of ageing • Contains potent antioxidants from Meta-Resveratrol • Lifting, firming and restoring skin’s vitality and glow • Targeting micro-ageing • Building type IV collagen, resulting in firmer skin

Active ingredients: • Meta-Resveratrol • Rooibos extract


Application: • Dab on face, neck and decolletage as well as other problem areas

Reverse sagging skin

Night creams should be an integral part of your skin care regimen, especially if you are over 30. Night creams are special formulations that are designed to nourish and improve your skin while you sleep. They contain a range of powerful moisturising and nourishing ingredients that help diminish the appearance of ageing signs and enhance the overall skin quality.

Why at night? The skin’s ability to absorb active ingredients is the highest during the night. Night time is also when the skin loses the maximum amount of essential moisture.

The difference between day creams and night creams The difference between day creams and night creams are due to the different kind of ingredients they contain. Day creams have a lighter texture and contain ingredients that moisturise the skin and protect it against the harmful environment and moisture loss. Night creams on the other hand are richer formulations. They contain more nourishing and anti-ageing ingredients that stimulate the cell renewal process and promote the production of collagen and elastin fibers. They help to enhance the skin’s elasticity and reduce the visible signs of ageing, like wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.

Do you have to use your day moisturiser with your night cream? South Africa’s harsh climatic conditions take a toll on our skins. Annique’s moisturisers and night creams are unique and different in that they have been formulated with this, challenge in mind. Annique’s philosophy is also unique and different, in that we believe the most important aspect of our skin care routine is

to add enough moisture throughout the day to our skins. Annique’s night creams can also be categorised as treatment products, due to the active ingredients they contain and the specific skin concerns they address. The skin is also far more susceptible to healing and absorbing nutrients from Annique skincare products as we sleep. Therefore to ensure that you receive the full benefit from your night cream, it is strongly recommended that you use your moisturiser each day with your preferred night cream each night.

Benefits of night cream Night creams provide the skin with a plethora of benefits. Here are some of the potential advantages of using a night cream... • It nourishes and revitalises the skin. • It supplies moisture to the skin that is lost during the night. • It evens out skin tone and enhances skin texture. • It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibres. • It improves blood circulation. • It diminishes the appearance of ageing signs like wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. • It prevents sagging of the skin. • It accelerates the cell renewal process. • It promotes the skin’s natural ability to recover.

Different Night Creams Crème de Nuit

Lucid Optimal Night Renewal

Hydrafine Nurturing Night Cream

Skin Care Range

Forever Young



Skin Type

Mature skin

Dry and dehydrated skin

Normal and Combination skin

Unique Active Ingredient

VNA10+ biotechnical plant extract Rooibos extract

Aquavital is a 100% natural, plant derived ingredient Rooibos extract Macadamia Nut Oil

Multivitamins Rooibos extract


• Anti-allergenic • Non-irritating • Fights skin’s ageing • Improves skin’s elasticity • Massively increases the skin’s moisture content

• Ultra-moisturising • Advanced moisture regulator that acts as a moisture reservoir • Binds amino acids in skin and moisturises skin for longer • Promotes radiant and bright skin

• Natural antioxidant properties • Restores moisture • Refines and nourishes the skin • Provides the perfect balance of • moisture


More advanced night cream formula targeting anti-ageing

Hydrates and restores suppleness to dry, mature and sensitive skin without causing irritation. Leaves skin moisturised and nourished

Nourishes and hydrates normal and combination skin


The Skin

All moisturisers, revitalising products, etc, are absorbed into the dermis of the skin All serums are absorbed into the dermis like Essense Moisture Serum, Intense Repair Serum and Bo-Serum

Subcutaneous tissue The Forever Young Youth Boost is absorbed into the Subcutaneous Dermis of the skin


A moisturiser is absorbed ONLY in the EPIDERMIS of the skin

Epidermis Melanocytes Nerve Dermis Sweat gland Hair follicle



Blood vessel

Epidermis Melanocytes Nerve Dermis Sweat gland Hair follicle

A serum is absorbed DEEPER into the DERMIS of the skin

Blood vessel



The solution for every skin care concern

Lifting Essence UPLIFTING NEWS FOR YOUR NECK AND BUST! Your neck and bust area often reveal your age before your face does. Lifting Essence lifts and firms your neck and bust area, whilst repairing damaged skin and reducing uneven skin tone. Annique’s Lifting Essence for Neck and Bust contains an exclusive

complex of naturally derived ingredients to help tighten, lift and firm your skin. The neck and bust are highly exposed, vulnerable areas that often betray a woman’s age sooner than any other part of her body. The skin on the neck and bust area also have different needs than that of your face and the rest of the body. Lifting Essence helps even skin tone, promote a smoother complexion and assists the skin in recovering its elasticity and firmness. The effect is lifting and firming where the cream has been applied.

Lifting Essence does the following: • Firm and tighten your neck and bust area while reducing uneven tone, replenish natural moisture to heal and repair for beautiful, smooth skin. • Firm and strengthen tissue and skin. • Improve elasticity and hydration.

Lifting Essence contains:

• Fenugreek seeds to improve appearance and rejuvenate skin. • Humulus lupulus (hops extract), known as an effective revitalising ingredient. • Horsetail, used in skin care products to prevent dehydration and wrinkles. • Boswelia corterii birdus, added for the stimulating and antiseptic action distinctive of this cream.

Remember your Annique secret weapon and always apply a broad

spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 15 daily to combat ageing.

TIP: NEVER apply your fine fragrance to your neck area during the day. Sun exposure to this area will cause pigmentation problems and ageing.

Frequently Asked Questions: How does Lifting Essence work to firm the bust area? Lifting Essence contains unique plant derived ingredients to help provide firming and toning benefits to the bust and neck area. It also contains a blend of ingredients which removes dead skin cells and stimulates cell renewal. Does Lifting Essence have a fragrance? Yes, it contains a fresh watery floral fragrance and is suitable for sensitive skin. Can I use Lifting Essence if I am pregnant or breast feeding? Pregnant or breast feeding women should consult their health care practitioner before using Lifting Essence. What are the benefits of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA)? Increased exfoliation by loosening the “glue” that holds skin cells together. In doing so dead skin cells are removed, oil is controlled, the look of fine lines is reduced, skin colouring is improved and the tone is evened out. Skin becomes all glowy and smooth. If I stop using the product will the results disappear? For continuous results, use Lifting Essence as part of your daily regimen. What AHA’s can be found in Lifting Essence? Glycolic acid – removes dead skin cells and improves skin colouring and tone is evened out. Lactic Acid – retexturises the skin surface and stimulates cell renewal to moisturise, firm and plump up the skin. Citric Acid – stimulates collagen growth, brightens the skin beautifully and helps to reduce age spots and pigmentation. Active Fruit Complex – increases the rate of cell renewal.


Press onto neck and chest area and massage in large circular movements into skin of the upper body and breasts in the mornings and evenings.


Miracle Tissue Oil IMPROVES • • • • • • • •

Scars Wrinkles Dry skin Uneven skin tone Stretchmarks Dry cuticles and nails Aged skin Pigmentation


Annique Miracle Tissue Oil has been formulated with Rooibos-infused oil to help calm and revive your skin. A special manufacturing process allows Rooibos oil to be included in this treatment which helps to improve the appearance of scars, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and stretchmarks. The unique combination of nourishing plant oils like sweet almond, rosehip and baobab combined with Rooibos oil makes it highly effective for numerous skin concerns, including aged, damaged and dehydrated skin.


• Rooibos-infused oil - Annique uses a unique technique (never used before) to infuse an oil with Rooibos extract. This oil contains Rooibos’ nourishing, soothing and rejuvenating properties. It is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids (the rarest known supplement). • Sweet almond oil contains glucosides, minerals and vitamins and is rich in protein. Good for all skin types, relieves dryness, itching and inflammation. • Rosehip oil is a versatile oil, ideal for skin repair, rejuvenation, scar healing and moisturising. • Soya bean oil is high in vitamin E and its 60% linoleic acid content makes it valuable for helping many skin problems. • Baobab oil is a superb moisturiser for skin and hair with essential fatty acids to improve elasticity, cell regeneration and skin restructuring. • Vitamin E is nature’s optimal skin rejuvenator and healer.

Application after

Apply generously to scars, stretchmarks, wrinkles and dry skin as often as possible. The Miracle Tissue Oil is a skin treatment oil with moisturising properties. Apply a moisturiser after application if skin is prone to dryness.


Miracle Tissue Oil after




• For an intense moisturising treatment for very dry or dehydrated skin. Apply to face and neck before the Annique moisturiser for your skin type. • To help prevent dry brittle nails. Massage the nails with Essense Miracle Tissue Oil as often as possible. • To help reduce stretchmarks: Apply Essense Miracle Tissue Oil to stretchmarks and areas where stretchmarks might appear, like stomach, breasts and thighs as often as possible, followed by your moisturising body lotion. • For uneven skin tone: Apply Essense Miracle Tissue Oil daily, followed by your normal Annique skin care products and sunscreen. • For an effective hair treatment: Massage Essense Miracle Tissue Oil into your hair using your fingertips once or twice a week. Work your way from the roots to the ends of the hair strand, massaging the oil into your hair and scalp. Brush the oil through from roots to ends.


Rinse and wash your hair as normal. For really damaged hair, cover your hair with a shower cap after massaging the Miracle Tissue Oil in. Leave the oil on overnight, allowing your body heat to help nourish the hair through the night. For an effective rejuvenating facial treatment: Apply Essense Miracle Tissue Oil to your face and neck, before you apply any Annique facial masque, leave on for 15 minutes and remove. Then apply your normal Annique skin care products and sunscreen. For dry or cracked elbows, knees, hands and feet: Apply Essense Miracle Tissue Oil to help soothe dry, cracked skin. For a moisturising, nourishing hair treatment: Apply Essense Miracle Tissue Oil to dry hair and scalp, wet a towel with hot water, and wrap it around your head. Leave on for 15 minutes and shampoo and dry hair as normal. Ideal to use with DermaLIFT galvanic ion machine.


ANTIOXIDANT RADIANCE MASQUE with Rooibos Extract and Mineral Clay TREAT with Rooibos and CLAY and LOVE your skin again

Pigmentation and skin discolouration is one of the biggest skin care concerns today. These problems are mainly caused by sun exposure, hormonal changes, general neglect of the skin and environmental damage.

How does the masque differ from the other Annique masques?

Although pigmentation cannot be removed completely, there are many effective skin care products that can improve the condition. Free radicals are the main cause of disease, ageing and degeneration of living cells. One of the best defences against free radicals is antioxidants. Antioxidants help to neutralise and remove free radicals from cells, thereby aiding in the prevention and restoration of cell damage. Rooibos has been scientifically proven to be one of the most potent suppliers of antioxidants known to man. The Essense Antioxidant Radiance Masque combines a high percentage of Rooibos extract for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties with mineral clay. This advanced treatment masque is ideal for skin concerns like pigmentation, dull, lifeless and stressed skin and uneven skin texture. Treatment with this creamy masque will leave the skin noticeably soft and smooth, while it aids in refining skin’s texture and improving uneven skin ESSENSE FACE FACTS tone, problem skin, Antioxidant Radiance Calm Down enlarged pores and Masque Masque dehydration. • Improves



Purifying and Rebalancing Masque

Silky Skin Replenisher


Purifies and detoxes skin

Bombards moisture into the skin


Creamy Masque

Creamy Masque

Clay Masque

Clay Masque







All, except for sensitive skin


All, including acne

Sensitive or problem skin

stressed and dull skin • Evens out skin tone • Pigmentation, dull, lifeless and stressed skin

Calms red, irritated and inflamed skin

Apply a thin layer over cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. For an intense treatment, apply over Annique




products like Miracle

Over Miracle Tissue Oil, moisturisers and Skin Detox

Leave on overnight for an intense moisture treatment

Vitamins E, C, B3 and B6 Mushroom extract for pore size reduction

AquaVital and extra soothing moisture ingredients

Kaolin/Mineral clay

Normal Skin Care Range

Dry, Mature and Dehydrated Skin Care Range

Essense Treatment Range

Once or twice weekly over Annique products

Once or twice per week

Tissue Oil, Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin, Revitalising Cream,


Intense Repair Serum and Skin Detox. Leave on for 15 minutes or until dry,

Face Facts Range


and then rinse thoroughly with warm Rooibos water.



Taking MOISTURE and the HEALING of your skin to a deeper level Definition of a serum

Serums are highly concentrated booster treatment products designed to treat specific skin concerns. The ingredients in serums are more concentrated than those in moisturisers. Serums penetrate deeper into the skin (the dermis layer of the skin) than regular skin care products and as a result, work faster and better.

How to use a serum • Between 20 and 30 • 30+ • 40+

: Every second day : Every day : Up to twice a day

If your client has a damaged, dull or very dry skin she can use a serum up to twice a day, regardless of her age.

Skin Care Routine

• Use a serum before your moisturiser. Wait at least a minute before applying your moisturiser. • Pour two or more drops into the palms of your hands and then press onto skin. • Absorption will be improved with regular use of a scrub.

What is the difference between any Annique moisturiser and the Annique Moisture Serum? Moisturiser


Cream or lotion.


Blend of Rooibos, oil, plant extracts and active ingredients.

Contains very potent concentrated plant ingredients.

Consists of larger molecules.

Consists of smaller molecules.

Penetrates the top layer of the skin, the epidermis.

Penetrates the top and lower layer of the skin, up to the dermis.

I have an oily skin – can I use a Absorbs quicker, almost serum? Oily skins also show evidence immediately into the skin. of dullness, ageing etc. Because Delivers moisture and Delivers added nutrients, intense moisture serums contain less hydration to the top layer vitamins and antioxidants into oil than a moisturiser, this serum is perfect for oily skin. The of your skin. deeper layers of your skin. Intense Repair Serum will help to improve damage and Protects the skin against free irritation and as a result, help the skin to produce less oil. radicals. Must I choose between using THE ANNIQUE SERUMS a serum or moisturiser? A serum cannot replace your moisturiser and your moisturiser • Skin relaxer • Restores moisture cannot replace a serum. • Anti-wrinkle treatment • Optimises moisture levels If I use Miracle Tissue Oil do • Repairs damaged • Revitalising ingredients • Prevents skin from losing moisture I still need to use a serum? and dull skin • Ingredients: • Ingredients: • Ingredients: Definitely. Miracle Tissue Oil o BoNT-L-peptide o Inca seed omega oil – o 11 Botanical oils only reaches the epidermis o Rooibos extract Omega 3, 6 and 9 including: layer of your skin. Serums o Potassium o Hyaluronic acid o Rooibos infused oil penetrate into the dermis. o Cogon grass o Vitamin E


Intense Repair Moisture Serum Serum

o Vitamin E


o Rooibos

What is Inca seed omega oil?

Moisture Serum (24ml)

With Rooibos and Inca Omega Oil for optimal hydration

Essense Moisture Serum combines potent hydrating ingredients to help restore and moisturise dry, dehydrated and sensitive skin, whilst optimising moisture levels. Inca seed omega oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9), that have antioxidant properties and help to prevent transepidermal water loss. Hyaluronic acid helps to intensely rehydrate and improve elasticity and suppleness of the skin. Rooibos infused oil and vitamin E helps to leave skin noticeably soft and smooth.

Intense Repair Serum (24ml) With Rooibos and 10 botanical oils - Clarifying Concentrate Essense Intense Repair Serum helps to repair visible signs of damage, ageing and dullness, to reveal more radiant skin. Formulated with 10 botanical oils and a combination of vitamins and Rooibos infused oil, this intense serum helps to nourish and condition skin, helping to improve skin tone, scarring, blemishes and elasticity. Botanical oils include baobab, calendula, wheat germ, vitamin E, apricot kernel, rosehip, black currant, avocado, sweet almond, soya bean and Rooibos infused oil.


Press two or more drops onto skin, after applying your Annique Skin Detox, in the morning and evening. Wait a few minutes before applying all other Annique skin care products, including a sunscreen and the Annique moisturiser best suited to your skin. May be applied throughout the day, even over make-up.

The eleven botanical oils in the Intense Repair Serum have the following intended functions: Baobab: Baobab oil is highly moisturising and soothing, and contains vitamins A, D, E and F. Vitamins A and F (which are polyunsaturated fatty acids) are actively involved in the rejuvenation and renewal of cell membranes, while vitamin E is a superior antioxidant, which helps to fight ageing. Calendula oil: Calendula oil has great antiinflammatory properties. This oil is great to help treat, inflamed and itchy skin conditions, and also burns and eczema. Wheat germ oil: This oil is very high in vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant. It helps to promote the formation of new cells, improve circulation, and helps repair sun damage to the skin.

Inca seed omega oil is exceptionally high in Omega 3 fatty acids which makes it the richest of all known natural omega sources. It helps to decrease redness caused by UVB, maintains skin elasticity and hydration, helps to stimulate skin healing and helps to maintain skin hydration.


Press one or more drops before applying your Annique Moisturiser, in the morning and evening. Wait a minute before applying all other Annique skin care products. May be applied throughout the day, even over make-up.

Vitamin E oil: Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and prevents the formation of free radicals in the skin cells. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can thus help to treat skin ageing, dry skin, sunburn, scars and stretch marks. Apricot kernel oil: This moisturising and nourishing oil is particularly helpful for dehydrated, delicate, mature and sensitive skin, and it helps to soothe inflammation. Rosehip oil: Rosehip oil helps to reduce the signs of ageing, especially fine lines around the eyes and lines around the mouth, the drying effects of the sun and climate, as well as assisting with reducing the appearance of both accident and surgical scars. It helps the skin heal and regenerate and prevents the formation of ugly scar tissue. Black currant oil: The oil helps to normalise skin problems such as dry, flaky patches. Avocado oil: is often used for clients with dry or mature skins, or people suffering from eczema or psoriasis, and is very useful when treating sun or climate damaged skin that is dehydrated and undernourished, as it is said to help with regenerating the skin and softening skin tissue. Sweet almond oil: This oil helps the skin to balance moisture loss and aids with the absorption of moisture. It is a great moisturiser, which is suitable for all skin types, helps relieve irritation, inflammation and itching, and is greatly lubricating. Not only does almond oil help protect the surface of the skin. It also acts as a skin soother and softener while conditioning the skin and promoting a clear and young looking complexion. Soya bean oil: Soya bean oil is an extremely nutritious oil, which can do wonders to improve the quality of the skin. Soya bean oil helps in restoring the luster and imparts a glow to the skin. It helps in healing the damage that is done to the skin by pollution and sun exposure. The oil contains specific effective antioxidants which helps to maintain skin health and gives a special glow to the face. Antioxidants such as Vitamin E and Vitamin B complex, prevent the development of wrinkles. Rooibos infused oil: This oil calms and moisturises your skin, and helps improve the appearance of scars, uneven skin tone and stretchmarks. The antioxidants and flavonoids in Rooibos have anti-ageing and anti-allergenic effects.


Energising Eye Gel The eye area is one of the most delicate skin areas on your body and it’s the first place to show visible signs of ageing, fatigue and damage. The skin around eye area is unique for a number of reasons:

1 2

It contains very little subcutaneous fat tissue, thus it easily becomes less plump with age.

The eye area is surrounded by several muscles and is very sensitive to stress from facial movements such as laughing and squinting, which contributes to wrinkle development. Choosing the correct eye treatment is an essential step in protecting this fragile area.

Essense Energising Eye Gel is a light, quick absorbing,

non-oily eye gel, formulated with Haloxyl which promotes firmness and helps to improve dark circles and minimise localised inflammation. Also contains Eyeliss , with peptide technology, which aids in the reduction of puffiness and improvement of circulation, firmness, tone and elasticity. Contains Rooibos extract for its antioxidant properties. TM



What are the active ingredients in Energising Eye Gel? 1. Eyeliss™ | Peptide technology which aids in the reduction of puffiness and improves circulation, firmness, tone and elasticity in the eye area. 2. Haloxyl™ | Helps improve the appearance of dark circles and minimize localized inflammation 3. Rooibos extract | For its antioxidant properties How do I use Energising Eye Gel? Gently dab on area around the eye after cleansing, without pulling or stretching the skin. Best if applied to clean skin, but may be applied any

time of the day, even over make-up. For an intensive treatment, dab a generous layer around and under the eye area in the evening and leave on overnight. What are dark circles and what causes them? Dark circles are blood vessels seen through the skin and occur due to fatigue, chronic medication, ageing and hereditary factors. What is the difference between Energising Eye Gel and Eye Therapy? Energising Eye Gel is a specialised treatment specifically for reducing puffiness and dark circles in a gel

formula. Eye Therapy is an antiageing treatment aimed at improving fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production in a cream formulation. Can I use both products? Yes, definitely. First use the Eye Gel on clean skin after cleansing. The Eye Therapy can be used as part of the rest of your Skin Care Routine. Can I use the Eye Gel in the morning and evening? Yes you can. Can I use the Eye Gel with my DermaLift machine? Yes, suggested phase: Nutrient. Don’t use the Derma Lift on the eye area, just around the eye.


Essense: Energising Eye Gel

² Anti-ageing product

² Specialised treatment for puffy eyes and dark circles under eyes

² For crows feet, wrinkles around the eye area

² Reduces puffiness

² Nourishes and repairs delicate eye area

² Improves dark circles

² Amplifies collagen (III) production

² Minimizes localised inflammation

² Prevents ageing around eye and mouth

² Improves circulation, firmness, tone and elasticity

² Contains Rooibos for its antioxidant properties

² Contains Rooibos for its antioxidant properties

² Fragrance free

² Fragrance free

² 15ml cream

² 15 ml non-oily eye gel ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 8

Miracle Tissue Oil Lip Therapy WITH ROOIBOS INFUSED OIL and VITAMIN E The Miracle Tissue Oil Lip Therapy is a velvety textured lip balm that is blended with Rooibos infused oil, mango and shea butter and nourishes and soothes dry and chapped lips. Antioxidants, which are found in the Rooibos infused oil and Vitamin E, fights skin cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are molecules in the body that may harm cellular processes, and their presence in the skin is most often a result of exposure to pollution and ultraviolet rays. Because it works against free radicals, which is one of the causes of premature ageing, Vitamin E may thus help you maintain the soft, youthful texture of your lips and skin.


Shea butter is an extract from the nut of the African Shea Tree and penetrates deep into the skin to help restore elasticity. Shea butter protects, moisturises, revitalises, refreshes and maintains skin moisture. Shea butter also ensures an even skin tone and is naturally rich in vitamins A, E and F, which are needed for good skin condition.

Dry and cracked lips can be the result of: • CLIMATE CHANGE: Extremes in weather can cause your lips to dry out (cold weather) or become dehydrated (hot weather). • SUN DAMAGE: Just as the rest of your skin can be damaged by the sun, so can your lips. Yes, you can have sunburned lips, which can be painful. • WIND EXPOSURE: Leaving your lips unprotected in a strong wind can cause skin damage. • DEHYDRATION: Probably the leading cause of most dry or cracked lips is simple dehydration. If the body does not have enough water, the extremities, including the lips, will show it.

• SMOKING OR CHEWING: Anything you regularly put in contact with your lips can affect their condition. • VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES: Certain vitamins are critical to maintaining healthy skin and lips. These include Vitamins A, B, C, B2 (Riboflavin deficiency) and E. • ALLERGIC REACTIONS: Many cracked and dry lips are the result of negative reactions to cosmetics and skin care products. • ILL-FITTING DENTURES: Badly placed dentures can also cause lip cracks. • SPICY FOOD: Very hot foods cause dry lips in some people. • SIDE EFFECTS OF MEDICATIONS: Certain medications cause dry or cracked lips as a side effect. • SKIN DISORDER. Any history of a skin disorder can be related to dry or cracked lips.


The solution for every skin care concern

Derma Bright


Derma Bright is an effective skin brightening treatment serum, which enhances dull skin with pigmentation spots in only 28 days. It also visibly refines the skin’s texture. Enriched with two forms of pure vitamin C in a time-release microsponge and liquorice extract, which is a powerful active ingredient targeting tyrosinase, it improves the appearance of brown spots, clarifies and restores radiant luminosity to the complexion and visibly refines the skin texture. The concept of Derma Bright centres around a day treatment that combines an immediate visual effect with the benefit of pure vitamin C, in combination with slow release technology of Microsponge© Vitamin C. • Pure Vitamin C starts to act immediately on application and helps to improve skin radiance and firmness, as it is an antioxidant. • Microsponge© Vitamin C gives slow release effect over 8 hours. • Vitamin E is an antioxidant and moisturiser and it has a synergistic effect, in combination with vitamin C. • A light-diffusing pigment provides reduction of fine lines and wrinkles and a smoother appearance of the skin surface.

Skin Detox


Apply in the evenings, after cleansing with the Annique cleanser of choice and applying Skin Detox to optimally prepare skin for Derma Bright. Always combine with Annique’s Derma Block, if used for treating pigmentation and scarring.


Your skin has a chance to look and feel its best by combining the Essense Skin Detox treatment with your daily skin care routine.

Optimum hydration is essential to ensure skin stays clear and protected from harsh external elements that cause acne, dryness, flaking and scarring, like sun, wind and heat. Transepidermal water loss is commonly known to cause dehydration, itchy and flaking skin. The rich, moisturising benefits of macadamia nut oil is vital in keeping skin smooth and supple and prolonging its youthful appearance. Macadamia nut oil is known to have healing properties and is absorbed quickly into the skin, leaving a light, velvety, protective barrier on the skin. It is naturally high in vitamin A and vitamin E, two vitamins that are known for their ability PRODUCT FEATURES AND UNIQUE to heal and SELLING POINTS regenerate • Ideal skin detoxing function and the skin. nourishing pre-treatment. Eliminates free Vitamin A radical damage and purifies the skin. is known to help the skin rebuild tissue and is also • UVA and UVB filters. an essential vitamin when it comes to healing cuts, • Macadamia Nut Oil. scratches, wounds and other • Enhances the skin’s ability to fight free damage to the skin through radicals, which are caused by pollution, regulating cellular growth. medication and stress. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 10

PRODUCT BENEFITS/CLAIMS • Acts as a free radical scavenger. • Replaces essential fatty acids in the skin and supports transepidermal water retention. • Reduces acne, pimples, pigmentation marks and symptoms of ageing and dullness.

Benefits of Vitamin A:

• Reduction of both wrinkles and fine lines • Increases collagen production • Smoothes skin texture • Increases skin thickness • Improves elasticity • Diminishes acne • Improves overall skin tone • Diminishes pigmentation • Increases skin hydration • Stimulates skin repair Vitamin E is perhaps the most well-known vitamin that is essential for healthy skin as it is an effective antioxidant that helps fight free radical damage. Providing the skin with vitamins has a positive effect in the reduction of eurythmia (swelling) and skin sensitivity after UV exposure or sunburn.

Essense Skin Detox is ideal for:

• Purifying the skin • Healing damaged acne skin • Healing and repairing pimples and breakouts • Daily maintenance of skin prone to break-outs • Reduces smokers’ lines • Pigmentation and scar repair • Ideal for dull skin • Ideal for severely dry and flaking skin • Prepares skin for other anti-ageing, treatments and daily skin care products to follow • Reduces the dry and taut feeling of skin after cleansing • Replaces essential fatty acids in the skin

Benefits of Vitamin E: • Healing • Protects skin against UV radiation • Repairs damaged tissue • Reduces the size of scars • It is a powerful antioxidant whose effects are amplified when it works together with other antioxidants such as Rooibos extract



Annique’s unique skin tonic!


YOUR NUMBER ONE SOLUTION FOR SENSITIVE AND ALLERGIC SKIN PROBLEMS Your skin might be sensitive due to hereditary factors, pollutants, free radicals, harsh skin care methods, medication, diet or the environment you live in. The Sensi Crème treatment can be used to recondition and coach your skin to accept and respond positively to Annique’s skin care ranges to include moisturising, cleansing, nourishing and revitalising products.

Formulated to provide essential fatty acids to help nourish, soothe and moisturise even the most sensitive skins. Octinoxa provides rich antioxidants and helps to absorb UV rays, further protecting the skin against environmental damage and exposure to the elements. Rooibos extract is hypoallergenic and non-irritating and helps to calm and soothe red, irritated, inflamed and the most sensitive skin types.

Follow our easy guidelines with Sensi Crème’s skin remedies: PROBLEM


Shaving rash/irritated skin

Rinse the area with Rooibos water and apply your Sensi Crème directly after you have shaved.

For a professional facial treatment and at your Pamper Parties

Apply a thick layer of Sensi Crème underneath your masque and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm Rooibos water and follow with Annique skin care routine.

Hormonal skin changes

Stop using your other Annique products and replace your cleanser, moisturiser and night cream with Sensi Crème for 10 to 14 days.

Recommendation to a new customer with a sensitive skin.

Recommend that they only use the Sensi Crème 10 to 14 days before you add one more Annique Skin Care product to their routine every 14 days. (refer to p74 of your Annique Success Guide for more information)

Skin reactions due to wind/sun damage

Apply a thick layer of the Sensi Crème and use it as a leave-on masque. It can also be reapplied during the day/night.

Dry or irritated, itchy scalp

Mix Sensi Crème with Annique’s Miracle Tissue Oil for a leave-on treatment and follow up with the Annique Hair Nutrition Tonic

For damaged, dry hair

Apply your Sensi Crème to split ends for a non-greasy moisturising/repair treatment.

Your STEP BY STEP GUIDE to treating sensitive skin with Annique’s After another 10 to 14 days you can add the Annique See your Annique Sensi Crème Revitalising Cream if Success Guide for HOW TO RECONDITION a detailed Step-byStep Guide YOUR SENSITIVE SKIN WITH ANNIQUE Replace the Sensi Crème in SENSI CRÈME: Use the Sensi Crème as a cleanser in the evenings, a moisturiser (throughout the day or at night time), a masque (twice a week) for 10 to 14 days (30 days or more if needed). Rinse your face in Rooibos tea in the evenings and mornings.

your skin care routine every 10 to 14 days (30 days or more if needed) with ONE other Annique product. Start with the Lucid Calming Cleansing Crème or Hydrafine Normalising Cleansing Milk or Synergy Oil Control Cleanser and still use the Sensi Crème during the day and night time as a moisturiser and night cream with the Skin Detox and Hydrafine Absolute Balance Freshener or Lucid Hydra Restore Freshener or Lucid Hydra Restore Freshener.

Step 1 Step 2

rejuvenation is required or the night cream suitable for your skin type, which is needed for nourishing. It is still recommended that you use the Sensi Crème for a moisturiser and throughout the day for as long as needed. Keep doing this until the Sensi Crème has been replaced by a normal Annique Skin Care range. Advise your customer to keep her Sensi Crème handy for when her skin starts to itch or react as a result of exposure to the elements, hormonal changes, seasons and anything that might cause a sensitive reaction.

Step 3


“After gettin g up after a long st ay in my sickbed, Se nsi Crème did w onders for my tired, dull looking skin!” Marie

Derma Block SPF 30 Finally a 3-way sunblock without the skin irritation Annique’s Derma Block SPF 30 is a highly effective, oil-free, water-resistant sun screen for protection against the harmful UVA (ageing) and UVB-rays (burning) of the sun. Annique developed an effective UVA/UVB protection filter complex, combined with the unique biological protection of Rooibos antioxidants. Rooibos helps reduce suninduced damage. With our 3-dimensional protection system of physical, chemical and antioxidant protection, the health of your skin is prolonged.

Benefits of Derma Block SPF 30: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

High (UVA/UVB) protection Non greasy texture Water resistant Non-shiny skin tone Protects skin against sun-induced skin ageing and pigment spots Skin compatibility even in acne skin Suitable for sensitive skin

Historically, sunscreens have been used to prevent sunburns. These sunscreens were formulated primarily to protect the skin from UVB rays which cause burns. We’re aware now, that UVA rays, in addition to UVB rays are problematic. UVA rays can cause cellular damage under the dermis. This damage can lead to wrinkles, skin sagging, age spots and some types of skin cancers.

Annique’s Derma Block SPF 30: • Blocks UVA + UVB1 + UVB2 sun rays • Absorbs, scatters and reflects sun rays • Is photostable – UV rays don’t break the sunscreen down • Provides Rooibos antioxidants for youth restoring

Tinosorb Provides Stabilisation Tinosorb is a organic, water soluble ingredient that is added to Derma Block SPF 30 to provide additional UV absorption. This ingredient can absorb both UVA and UVB rays. It also stabilises other sunscreen compounds that absorb UV rays and uses a unique blend of particulates to offer three powerful actions. By absorbing, reflecting and scattering the sun’s UV rays, Tinosorb provides high-level broad spectrum coverage of UVA and UVB rays. It is also naturally stable and not susceptible to significant photodegradation (degradation upon exposure to sunlight). Therefore it provides triple-action qualities of absorbing, scattering and reflecting UVA and UVB rays.

Application: Avoid intensive midday sun and extensive sun exposure. Apply generously before sun exposure. Reapply frequently, especially after swimming. Avoid contact with the eyes. Avoid contact with clothing until sun protection has been absorbed by the skin. The Rooibos Derma Block 30 forms part of your daily skin care programme to prevent ageing and skin problems like cancer and pigmentation. Sun-sensitive skin – repeat application after 60 -120 minutes.

Derma Block SPF 30 uses three methods to protect your skin from sun damage:

1 2

Sponge: it absorbs sun rays.

Knife: it scatters or ‘cuts up’ sun rays so that it doesn’t penetrate the skin.


Mirror: it reflects sun rays away from the skin.


Derma Block SPF 30 has been formulated with a special ingredient, Tinosorb, to provide substantial broad spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays. It absorbs, scatters and reflects the sun’s UV rays and prevents degradation from exposure to sunlight.

Derma Block SPF 30 frequently asked questions

Q: Is Derma Block SPF 30 suitable to use on my face? A: Yes, Derma Block SPF 30 is even suitable for sensitive and acne prone skin. Q: Does Annique’s Sun Safety SPF 30 aerosol, Safein-the-Sun SPF 30 and Be Wise SPF 50 also block UVA, UVB1 & UVB2 rays? A: Yes Q: Is Annique’s Sun Safety SPF 30 aerosol, Safe-inthe-Sun SPF 30 and Be Wise SPF 50 also water resistant? A: Sun Safety SPF 30 aerosol is also water resistant, together with Derma Block SPF 30. Q: Is Annique’s Sun Safety SPF 30 aerosol, Safein-the-Sun SPF 30 and Be Wise SPF 50 also photostable? A: Be Wise SPF 50 is also photostable, so UV rays won’t break the sunscreen down.

Q: We say Derma Block absorbs, scatters and reflects sun rays. How does the other sunblocks in Annique’s range protect the skin? A: Sun Safety SPF 30 aerosol absorbs and scatters sun rays. Safe-in-the-Sun SPF 30 with DN-Age and Be Wise SPF 50 absorbs, scatters and reflects just like Derma Block. Q: What is the difference between Derma Block SPF 30 and Safe-in-the-Sun SPF 30 with DN-Age? A: Safe-in-the-Sun SPF 30 with DN-Age contains DN-Age that protects DNA from sun damage that may later causes wrinkles, sun spots and skin diseases. Derma Block SPF 30 contains Tinosorb that prevents the product from degradation as a result of exposure to sunlight. Q: Can I use Derma Block SPF 30 on my baby’s skin? A: Yes

Annique Derma Block SPF 30

Cuts up sun rays like a knife

Absorbs sun rays like a sponge Reflects sun rays like a mirror



Miracle Tissue Oil and Resque Crème

Burn victim praises Magda Kruger’s client, Suzette Coetzer, sustained serious burns after a bottle of spirits exploded in her face on 11 June 2011. For the first week Suzette used lotions provided by doctors. Magda visited Suzette in hospital on 19 June bringing her Annique’s Resque Crème and Miracle Tissue Oil to use. Her e blisters remained soft and for e did not form scabs. After B using the products for only two weeks (photo taken on 27 June), you could see a remarkable difference. Adding to this, Suzette says the condition of her skin is remarkably better than before the burn. 11 June 2011

16 days!

Special COMBO fights WRINKLES Sensi Crème and Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil: Stalwarts of Annique


e for

Petro Venter



ri Du





27 June 2011

20 August 2011

One of our top Annique leaders, Celeste van der Walt of Port Elizabeth, wanted to do do her own experiment with five of her team leaders. She gave each consultant a bottle of Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil and Sensi Crème to apply mornings and evenings and evaluate the results. Her conclusion: you could see a remarkable difference between the leaders that only used the Miracle Tissue Oil on its own and those who used it in conjunction with Sensi Crème. Petro Venter was one of the leaders that took part. See the difference on her skin, especially around the eye area!

Miracle Tissue Oil – the wonder formula for healing of wounds



December 2011

March 2012

Annique Consultant, Charmaine Saaijman sent us these photo’s of her client, Marisna van Coller, using Miracle Tissue Oil on her neck wound.

Miracle Tissue Oil; Resque Crème and Liquid Skin Nutrition...



Suzette Blignaught, Annique Consultant from PE, recently completed radiation treatment for skin cancer on her nose. The oncologist was astonished with the condition of her skin throughout the treatment. Her skin did not blister and they could treat her every week. This is extraordinary, especially for a woman, as their facial skin tends to be rather sensitive. In response to his remark she told him about Annique’s wonderful products. During the treatment she was not allowed to use ANY cream on her nose, but the rest of her face was protected only by Annique’s Resque Crème and Miracle Tissue Oil. The staff members at the Oncology Department were so amazed that they are now changing to Annique’s range.

Dear Annique During the holidays I gathered the courage to have my moles removed (23 December 2009). There were seven cuts on my face and all together 25 stitches! Shortly after the “operation” (I started applying Miracle Tissue Oil, Resque Crème and Liquid Skin Nutrition three times per day. The before photo was taken on the 25 December 2009 and the after photo was taken seven days later! Just look at the amazing recovery in only seven days! All thanks to these three amazing products! lIrma Viljoen


25 December 2009

28 December 2009

Skin Detox


1 January 2010

I need to share my life-changing story with the world! I suffer from eczema – yes still at the age of 36. I used to dread summertime… sun, sweat and, in some cases, even the use of a SPF, all of which cause me to have eczema flare-ups. People suffering from this skin condition know that by applying anything to fix it, sometimes makes the condition worse. But, I am convinced, after I have tested EVERYTHING on the market, that I have discovered an instant relief for this skin condition. In desperation I grabbed the Skin Detox from the Annique cupboard at lPetro Beauvais home. One I saved as a bonus for one of my consultants. Thanks Georgina! (I owe you). After applying it for only three days (morning and evening) I am Miracle Tissue Oil stunned and very very blessed. The My father recently underwent 25 sessions of radiation to his neck. I itchiness and redness is gone, allowing suggested the application of Miracle Tissue Oil and Resque Crème after the special combination of moisture and the treatment, to heal and restore the skin. We confirmed the procedure macadamia oil to do the healing. with his oncologist and he was in favour of it. For doctors it is important I am truly convinced of the healing to use natural products. Radiation has an effect on the skin which is properties of my Annique Skin Detox. I similar to sunburn. A week after starting the treatment, the results are now have this as part of my make-up bag phenomenal. The peeling and sores are completely healed and the skin is everywhere I go! And just the relief of wonderfully supple. Continued application of the products is also helping knowing there is something that works to calm down the red ‘burning effect’ which the radiation caused and it is eases my mind, preventing anxiety and restoring the skin to its former healthy condition. any further flare-ups. lRiëtte Visser lPetro Morkel ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 16

Face before treatment

Miracle Tissue Oil – Miraculous Mainstay It happened more or less 5-6 weeks ago. It was a Sunday, and once again there was a power cut in Paarl. After we enjoyed tasty take-aways, my friends went home. It was suddenly dark, so I lit candles. The power was supposed to be on again at 18:00, but that didn’t happen. I realised my candles would not last, so I took out a gas lamp. The cylinder was empty so I put in a new one. I took the candles along to the kitchen so that I could see what I was doing. When I screwed on the new cylinder, there was an emission of gas which swept towards the flame and caused it to flare up dramatically. I was standing with the cylinder in my hand when it exploded. The flames were all over the kitchen.

Face after treatment

I knew immediately that I had been burnt, because the flames covered my neck and face and reached right up to my hair. I turned away from the flame, but it was too late. I could not see the extent of damage to my skin, as the power only came on again after 22:00. I kept splashing my face and hands with water, but the damage was done. I looked like someone who had spent an entire day in the sun. My face and my right arm and hand were blood red! I had “burnshield” in the fridge which I applied to the damaged skin, I bandaged my hands,

Moisture Serum My skin is oily in summer and dry in winter. As a rule, I use the Herbal Moisturiser in summer and Ultra Hydrating Moisture Lotion in winter. In winter I also have to apply a moisture masque twice a week. My cheeks are inclined to glow on winter afternoons and to counteract the burning sensation, I had to always apply

took 5 Panados and tried to sleep. Next morning the pain was almost gone, but my face was covered in blisters. My lips were scorched and my eyebrows, eyelashes and fringe were completely burnt away. I saw a skin specialist who diagnosed third degree burns. I began applying Gelo gauze bandages. After two weeks my face was better but still very tender and red, almost transparent, but my arms were still raw and the bandages stuck to the skin. My friend, Marina Siebritz, saw me and she was visibly upset about what had happened. She convinced me to visit her so that she could treat me with Annique products – which I am sincerely grateful for. She went all out and pampered me by giving me a facial treatment; I still recall how wonderful my skin felt afterwards. I left with a bottle of Miracle Tissue Oil which I applied to my face and arms daily. After using it for two weeks all the scars on my face have disappeared and my skin looks better than before the burning episode. God’s angels encircled me that night, of that I am certain! lHetty Human

Absolute Balancing Freshener. A month ago, I bought Moisture Serum which I used for the first three weeks, mornings and evenings, with Skin Detox (two drops of Moisture Serum, mornings and evenings) – and now my skin is wonderfully moist! My cheeks also don’t have that uncomfortable glow in the afternoon. From now on, Moisture Serum will be an integral part of my skin care routine! lYolande van Niekerk

The Fighting Angel – Pippie Kruger The beautiful little Isabella “Pippie” Kruger, got a brand new skin for her third birthday after she suffered third-degree burn wounds to nearly 80% of her body in a freak accident at her home in Ellisras in January 2012. This precious little body has already undergone 45 operations since the accident. She can truly be called a little fighter as she proved the doctors wrong who said to her parents that Pippie would only survive for three days. Pippie has been under the amazing care of Dr Ridwan Mia, the plastic surgeon with “wonder” hands, for the past six months in the paediatric ICU unit of Netcare Garden City Hospital, Johannesburg. Pippie made local history when her burnt skin was layered with sheets of cloned skin grown from her own cells in a United States laboratory. The revolutionary procedure has transformed the third-degree burn wounds to Pippie’s body. This little fighting angel has shown a remarkable

recovery and the doctors were extremely pleased with the results. Dr Ridwan Mia said more than 90% of the cloned skin has attached successfully! She is now getting stronger each day with the help of several therapists at the Netcare rehabilitation centre in Auckland Park. She will receive intense physio, speech and occupational therapy for the next six months until she can walk and talk normally again. Annique can proudly say that we are a part of this miracle! Dr Ridwan Mia said the Annique Miracle Tissue Oil with its remarkable healing properties is the only Tissue Oil which will be allowed on little Pippie’s sensitive skin. Pippie is also using other fabulous Annique products to support her in her time of healing, such as the Lifestyle Shake. We also decided to spoil Pippie’s mother, Anice, with Annique products and she says that a huge difference in her skin is already noticeable! ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 17

ABOVE: Mother love! Mommy Anice with Pippie after the successful operation LEFT: The doctor with the miracle hands – Dr Ridwan Mia BELOW: Annique Exco with Mom, Anice Kruger


The solution to every skin care concern DERMA BRIGHT CAPSULES





FUNCTION • Lightens pigmentation • Prevents acne marks, • Prevents UV marks, circles around sun pigmentation, and damage. the eyes and evens stretchmarks by ensuring • Prevents ageing and skin problems out skin-tone (not on your skin receives the like cancer and the eyes). proper nourishment to pigmentation. repair itself. • Repairs visible signs of damage, ageing and dullness, to reveal more radiant skin. • Improves skin-tone. • Nourishes and conditions skin. • Works on the dermis layer of the skin. FRAGRANCE


• Firms and tightens your neck and bust area while reducing uneven tone, replenishes natural moisture to heal and repair.

• Improves the appearance of scars, wrinkles, uneven skin-tone and stretchmarks. • Repairing of damaged skin. • Aids in skin healing.



RECOMMENDED FOR • Improves uneven skin-tone. • Improves dull skin. • Improves the appearance of brown spots. • Visibly refines the skin texture.

• Damaged, aged and scarred skin – to recover and restore. • Elasticity. • Blemishes.

• For all skin types. • Protection against UVA and UVB rays.

• Improves uneven skin-tone. • Damaged, aged, dehydrated neck and bust.

• Aged, damaged and dehydrated skin. • Scars. • Uneven skin-tone. • Dull hair. • Brittle nails.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS • Pure Vitamin C • Microsponge® • Vitamin E • Liquorice extracts

11 Botanical oils including: • Rooibos infused oil • Vitamin E

• UVA AND UVB screens • Rooibos extract

• Fenugreek, Humulus • Lupulus, Horsetail • Boswelia Corterii • Birdus, Active Fruit Complex • Rooibos extract

Plant oils like sweet almond, rosehip and baobab combined with Rooibos infused oil

A R E A O F A P P L I C AT I O N Press onto face and neck area.

Press onto face and neck area.

Press onto face and neck. For sun sensitive skin re-apply every 60 to 120 minutes.

Press onto face and neck area.


Press onto face and neck area.






FUNCTION Enhances the skin’s ability to fight free radicals, which are caused by pollution, medication and stress, amongst other causes.



• Evens out skin-tone. • Optimal hydration. • Promotes a smoother • Restores and complexion. moisturises dry, • Replenishes moisture. dehydrated and • Refines skin’s texture sensitive skin. • Reduces pores. • Optimises moisture levels. • Prevents skin from losing moisture. • Works on the dermis layer of the skin. FRAGRANCE




• Minimises localised inflammation. • Improves circulation, firmness, tone and elasticity.



• Skin tonic for all sensitive skin types. • Helps to soothe and normalise the most sensitive skin.



RECOMMENDED FOR • Acne and pimples. • Pigmentation marks. • Dry and aged skin. • Prevent black and whiteheads.

• Dull, lifeless and stressed skin. • Pigmentation. • Strengthening of tissue in skin. • Cell renewal. • Uneven skin texture.

• Very dry and dehydrated skin. • Improving skin’s elasticity. • Decreasing redness. • Stimulates skin healing.

• Reduces puffiness. • Improves dark circles.

• Sensitive skin. • Eczema. • Skin reactions. • Skin allergies. • Any skin problem.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS • Vitamins A and E • UVA and UVB filters • Macadamia nut oil • Rooibos extract

• Rooibos extract • Mineral clay • Kaolin

• Inca seed omega oils - Omega 3, 6 and 9 • Vitamin E • Rooibos extract

• HyloxylTM • EyelissTM • Rooibos extract

• Octinoxa • Macadamia Nut Oil • Rooibos extract

A R E A O F A P P L I C AT I O N Press onto face and neck area.

Press onto face and neck area.

Press onto face and neck area.

Dab on area around the eye.


Apply on whole face.

Lucid is the daily skin care range for dry, dehydrated and mature skin types

Drench your skin with moisture! Lucid

Pronunciation: Loo-sid Adjective Shining - bright - beaming - gleaming - radiant - crystalline - pure


Innovative active ingredients Lucid includes an innovative and sophisticated active ingredient, named AquaVital. This ingredient is suitable even for the most sensitive skin types and is 100% natural and is plant derived. It has been scientifically formulated as an advanced moisture regulator that acts as a moisture reservoir in the skin.


Lucid means shining, bright, beaming, gleaming, radiant, crystalline and pure. Annique’s Lucid range of daily skin care products for dry and mature skin will ensure just that. Your skin will become beaming, radiant and bright. Dry, dehydrated and mature skin requires extra care to restore and retain the skin’s moisture content. In the natural ageing process, the skin dramatically loses its moisture content and elasticity. Unfortunately our skin is also exposed to harmful elements that degrade and damage the skin further, which leads to even greater moisture loss. Some of the negative elements include artificial heating, air conditioning, exposure to chemicals, medication, harsh weather conditions, sun exposure and pollution.

AquaVital: A “Moisture Reservoir”

Aq u a fi aVita film ne m l for on oist ms you ure r sk in.

AquaVital essentially acts as a “moisture reservoir” in the skin. Due to this it has a highly effective ability to intensify moisture retention in the skin. It also has the extraordinary ability to function effectively, even in dry, low humidity environments. Because of AquaVital’s unique ability to bind to amino acids in the skin, it can moisturise the skin for longer periods, and the “moisture reservoir” benefits increase with regular use. Scientific and dermatological tests have proven AquaVital’s efficacy as a superior moisturising ingredient and now adds even more moisturising benefits to the various tried and trusted Annique Lucid formulations, immensely improving their efficacy.

amazing formulas Lucid consists of 7 products, which all include the ground-breaking active ingredient AquaVital and are FRAGRANCE FREE in six out of seven formulas. The Lucid range consists of the following products:

Lucid Calming 1 Cleansing Crème 150ml FRAGRANCE

F R E E Lucid Calming Cleansing Crème is a gentle non-irritating cream cleanser that effectively removes impurities. Enriched, with AquaVital to regulate and retain your skin’s moisture balance to prevent skin dehydration whilst cleansing. Ideal for dry, sensitive or mature skin types. Contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, a potent natural antioxidant.

Application: Apply in gentle circular movements then rinse with lukewarm Rooibos infused water. Press dry with a clean face towel. Cleanse only once a day, preferably in the evenings. After cleansing, apply the Essense Skin Detox, then the Forever Young Revitalising Cream and Moisturiser suited to your skin, followed by the HydraRestore Freshener.


Lucid Perfecting Cream Exfoliator 50ml

Lucid Perfecting Cream Exfoliator is ideal for the removal of dead skin cells and impurities. Perfecting Cream Exfoliator is enriched with AquaVital to regulate and retain your skin’s moisture balance to prevent dehydration whilst exfoliating. This cream type formulation is ideal for dry and mature skins. Pliable granules, moisturisers and other ingredients help to reveal smoother, more youthful looking skin.

Application: Gently roll

granules over the skin - do not press too hard. Remove with lukewarm Rooibos infused water. Sensitive skin: Use once per week. Other skins: Use twice a week. Contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos an extremely powerful natural antioxidant.



Lucid Silky Skin Replenisher Masque 50ml FRAGRANCE

F R E E Lucid Silky Skin Replenisher (Masque) is an intensely moisturising and nourishing, overnight or emergency treatment masque to optimally moisturise dry, sensitive and mature skin. Contains AquaVital, scientifically proven to regulate, accumulate and retain moisture in the skin, resulting in the formation of a moisture reservoir in your skin cells. Your skin is left feeling soothed, hydrated and relaxed. Contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, a potent natural antioxidant.

Application: Apply over face and neck (avoid eye area) once or

twice a week. Remove with a damp face sponge or cloth and Rooibos infused water, after 10 - 15 minutes. Or leave on face overnight for an intense moisturising treatment. For best results, follow the treatment regimen with Essense Skin Detox, Forever Young Revitalising Cream and Lucid Optimal Night Renewal, for a higher degree of intense moisture and suppleness.


Lucid Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin 50ml

Lucid Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin is formulated especially for the dry and dehydrated skin, making allowance for the harsh South African climatic conditions. It provides a deep moisturising action, causing the skin to have a higher degree of intense moisture and suppleness. AquaVital helps to regulate, accumulate and retain moisture, creating a moisture reservoir in the skin. Contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, a potent natural antioxidant.

Application: Press gently onto skin regularly throughout

the day. During the day, the moisturiser may be applied over your foundation. For best results, use in conjunction with Essense Skin Detox and Forever Young Revitalising Cream for a higher degree of intense moisture and suppleness. Lucid Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin 50ml has been dermatologically tested and approved through clinical trials.



Lucid Ultra Hydrating Moisture Lotion is a nonirritating, fast absorbing, instant hydration replenishing moisturiser specifically for dry skins. Enriched with AquaVital to assist in restoring and maintaining moisture and hydration levels for up to 24 hours. This light cream is ideal to help relieve skin tightness. Contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, a potent natural antioxidant.

Application: Press gently onto skin regularly

throughout the day. For best results, use in conjunction with Essense Skin Detox and Forever Young Revitalising Cream. Lucid Ultra Hydrating Moisture Lotion 50ml has been dermatologically tested and approved through clinical trials.




Lucid Ultra Hydrating Moisture Lotion 50ml FRAGRANCE





Lucid Optimal Night Renewal 50ml FRAGRANCE



Lucid HydraRestore Freshener is an innovative, hydrating antioxidant freshener for dry skin, and has been enriched with anti-ageing Inca Omega Oil and AquaVital. Inca Omega Oil is exceptionally high in Omega 3 fatty acids which makes it the richest of all known natural omega sources. It helps to decrease redness and inflammation caused by UVB, maintains skin elasticity and hydration, helps to stimulate skin healing and helps to maintain skin hydration. This product also assists with balancing the skin’s pH, and improving skin texture and appearance. Contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, a potent natural antioxidant.

Lucid Optimal Night Renewal is a rich, nourishing crème to help hydrate and restore suppleness to dry, mature, sensitive skin without causing irritation. Contains AquaVital and nourishing oils to regulate moisture and help replenish your skin, leaving the skin comfortably moisturised and nourished. Also contains macadamia nut oil for its moisturising properties and Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, a potent natural antioxidant.

Application: Apply after cleansing with the

Annique cleanser most suited for your skin, by gently pressing onto dry cleansed skin. For best results, use with Essense Skin Detox, Forever Young Revitalising Cream and the moisturiser best suited for your skin, for a higher degree of intense moisture and suppleness. Lucid Optimal Night Renewal 50ml has been dermatologically tested and approved through clinical trials.


Lucid HydraRestore Freshener 100ml

Application: Spray over face and neck,

mornings and evenings after applying all your other Annique skin treatment products. For especially dehydrated, aged and dry skin – use as often as possible, by spraying over face and neck when tightness or discomfort is noticed.

Difference between:



Lucid Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin

Lucid Ultra Hydrating Moisture Lotion

• For very dry and dehydrated skin • Thick and rich formula • Adds shine and lustre to the skin • Deep moisturising action • AquaVital helps to regulate, accumulate and retain moisture

• Dehydrated and dry skin • Lighter formula • Gives moisture with a less shiny finish • AquaVital and other active ingredients help keep skin moisturised for up to 24 hours • AquaVital helps to regulate, accumulate and retain moisture

This moisturiser is suitable for clients that prefer a richer formula and enjoy a healthy glow.

This moisturiser is suitable for a more “matt” look for clients who prefer a lighter formula BUT still have a dry skin. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 4

Q u ick Gu id e to Lucid LUCID PRODUCT Calming Cleansing Crème FRAGRANCE

F R E E Perfecting Cream Exfoliator

Silky Skin Replenisher Masque FRAGRANCE

F R E E Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin FRAGRANCE

F R E E Ultra Hydrating Moisture Lotion FRAGRANCE

F R E E Optimal Night Renewal FRAGRANCE

F R E E HydraRestore Freshener FRAGRANCE


BENEFITS • • • •

Non-irritating cream cleanser Removes impurities Prevents skin dehydration whilst cleansing Contains AquaVital and Rooibos

• Regulate and retain your skin’s moisture balance to prevent skin dehydration whilst exfoliating • Contains fine exfoliating beads to ensure a gentle exfoliation action • Enriched with AquaVital and Rooibos • Use over Skin Detox, Revitalising Cream and Optimal Night Renewal for a higher degree of intense moisture and suppleness • Intensely moisturise and nourish overnight • Also use as an emergency treatment masque to optimally moisturise dry, sensitive and mature skin • Contains AquaVital and Rooibos • • • • •

Formulated for harsh South African climate conditions For dry, dehydrated skin Provides deep moisturising action Restoring and maintaining moisture for up to 24 hours Contains AquaVital and Rooibos

• • • • • •

Non-irritating Fast absorbing More matt moisturiser Suitable for sensitive skins This moisturiser is not as thick or viscous as Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin Contains AquaVital and Rooibos

• Nourishing oils help to hydrate, restore and replenish dry, mature and sensitive skins at night • Contains macadamia nut oil for it’s moisturising properties • Contains AquaVital and Rooibos • Antioxidant Freshener • Enriched with Inca Omega Oil that assists in decreasing inflammation and redness of skin. • Balances the skin’s pH • Improves skin texture • Maintains skin’s elasticity and hydration • Stimulates skin healing • Contains AquaVital and Rooibos

What does the claim “dermatologically tested” mean? Dermatologically tested implies that a product has undergone strict tests and has passed the critical standards set by the relevant laboratory as well as the company involved. These tests can only be performed by dermatologists and scientists working in a designated laboratory. Some important Annique products are tested scientifically for any allergic reaction in a laboratory. These tests are performed only on human skin, to establish whether the active ingredients in the product

cause any reactions. When no reaction has been observed, only then do the Annique products meet the strict standards determined by the dermatologists and scientists. The products tested have been subjected to this strict testing process and therefore we are proud to say that Annique’s products have been successfully dermatologically tested. That is why we can market our product as suitable for all skin types, a unique and powerful brand in its own right.


Keep your skin in “Perfect Balance� Hydrafine is the daily facial skin care range for normal and combination skin types.

Annique’s daily facial skin care products have become firm favourites amongst consultants and their customers for more than 40 years. The effectiveness of these superior products have been proven time and again, and the visible and lasting results are amazing.

Hydrafine provides

the perfect balance of moisture for normal and combination skins, and will leave your skin refined and beautiful. The word “hydra” has its origin in the word “hydration” and it means to restore moisture, to water or to drench your skin. The word “fine” when linked to the word “refine”, means to go back to its beautiful or delicate state. Hydrafine embodies delicate and fine texture.

6 1

Balancing Formulas

Normal and Combination Skin Normal skin has a good oil/water balance. It can fluctuate and sometimes will be a little more dry or oily, depending on seasonal changes, lifestyle and other factors. Maintenance of the skin’s moisture and pH, as well as preventative care is the aim for this type of skin. Combination skin can be both oily and dry at the same time. The T-zone through the middle of the face on the forehead, nose, and chin tends to be oilier than the outer areas of the face, which can be dry and even appear flaky. Combination skin needs to be balanced by readjusting moisture content, and requires more care than normal skin. Hydrafine, Annique’s skin care range for normal and combination skin, will ensure that your skin is kept in perfect balance. It will keep your skin effortlessly hydrated and ensure a delicate and fine texture. Hydrafine contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, that helps to calm and soothe irritated and hot skin, is rich in antioxidants and provides revitalising qualities and anti-allergic benefits.

Hydrafine consists of 6 amazing products.

Hydrafine Normalising Cleansing Milk 150ml FRAGRANCE


Unique Selling Points: • Gentle, non-irritating formula. • Milk cleanser. • Ideal for cleansing of normal, combination and sensitive skin at night with no risk of drying out the skin. • Glides on smoothly, without stretching the skin. • Contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, a powerful antioxidant. Application: Apply in gentle circular movements to face and neck then rinse with lukewarm Rooibos infused water. Press dry with a clean face towel. Cleanse once a day preferably in the evening. After cleansing apply Essense Skin Detox, Forever Young Revitalising Cream and Ideal Herbal Moisturiser, followed by an Annique sunscreen and the Absolute Balancing Freshener.


Hydrafine Complete Smoothing Scrub 50ml

Unique Selling Points: • Rich, non-sensitising exfoliator. • Gentle micro-beads help to refine skin texture and brighten skin tone. • Contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Rooibos, a powerful antioxidant.

Application: Apply the Complete Smoothing Scrub to cleansed damp skin. Working in gentle circular motions exfoliate your skin – do not press too hard. Rinse with lukewarm Rooibos infused water. Sensitive skin: Use once per week. Normal skin: Use twice a week.



Hydrafine Purifying & Rebalancing Masque 50ml

Unique Selling Points: • A rich creamy masque with vitamins E, C, B3, B5 and B6 leaves your skin nourished. • The vitamins contribute to evening-out skin tone, moisturising and soothing the skin. • Mushroom extract helps to reduce pore size. • Helps to reduce sebum flow, therefore contributes to pore refinement

Application: Apply evenly after cleansing, once or twice a week. Remove after 5 – 10 minutes by rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm Rooibos infused water. Pat skin dry and complete your skin care routine with your Annique skin treatment products.



Application: Apply Ideal Herbal Moisturiser by gently pressing onto the skin. For best results apply after Forever Young Revitalising cream, and Essense Skin Detox, followed by an Annique sunscreen. Complete your regimen with the Absolute Balancing Freshener.


Hydrafine Nurturing Night Cream 50ml

Unique Selling Points: • A non-greasy, hypo-allergenic moisturiser, that leaves the skin moist without an oily feel. • A delightful, cooling, soft moisturising formula. • Contains botanical complex with the following extracts: o Arnica Montana Flower Extract o Elder Flower Extract o Mallow Flower Extract o Ivy Extract o Pellitory Extract o Cucumber Extract • The Ideal Herbal Moisturiser is perfect for the inbetween season, in-between skin and in-between age.


Hydrafine Absolute Balancing Freshener 100ml

Unique Selling Points: FRAGRANCE • Especially formulated for evening F R E E use, with deep penetrating action. • Rich in vitamins (A, C and E) and minerals to help nourish skin cells. • Skin feels dewy, moist and smooth the next morning, without any residue on the skin. • Why use a night cream? At night, the skin’s cell division, as well as the metabolism of the cells close to the surface of the skin, accelerates. Toxic substances (including free radicals) are cleared out of the cells and the cells are provided with added moisture and nourishment. This is why night creams are so important: they provide for the extra needs of the skin at night – hence the term beauty sleep! Application: Gently press onto cleansed skin. For best results, apply after Essense Skin Detox and Forever Young Revitalising Cream. Complete your regimen with the Ideal Herbal Moisturiser and the Absolute Balancing Freshener.

Hydrafine Ideal Herbal Moisturiser 50ml

Unique Selling Points: • Gentle and soothing. • Rooibos not only calms and soothes irritated or hot skin, it also has antioxidant properties, revitalising qualities and anti-allergic benefits • Cools, calms and soothes skin while controlling dryness and oiliness to help prevent irritation and breakouts. • Contains a blend of herbal extracts. • Helps to balance the pH of the skin after cleansing and assists in better absorption of other Annique products.

Application: Spray over face and neck mornings and evenings, after applying all your Annique skin treatment products and an Annique sunscreen. Can be used throughout the day to balance, hydrate and control oiliness.


Quick Guide to

Hydrafine Product


Normalising Cleansing Milk

• Milk cleanser • Gentle, non-irritating formula • Glides on smoothly, without stretching the skin • Will not cause skin tightness/dry out the skin



Complete Smoothing Scrub

• Contains fine exfoliating beads to ensure a gentle exfoliation action • Helps refine skin texture

Purifying and Rebalancing Masque

• Contains purifying ingredients to help balance skin and refine pores • Mushroom extract for pore size reduction • Contains Vitamin E, C, B3, B5 and B6 • Evening-out skin tone

Ideal Herbal Moisturiser

• Non-greasy and hypo-allergenic • Leaves skin moist without an oily feeling • Contains botanical complex extracts


F R E E Nurturing Night Cream FRAGRANCE


Absolute Balancing Freshener

• Rich in Vitamins A, C, E and minerals • Skin feels dewy, moist and smooth the next morning • Leaves no residue on skin • Helps balance skin pH • Cools, calms and soothes skin • Controls dryness and oilyness • Prevents irritation and breakouts • Contains a blend of herbal extracts with revitalising qualities and anti-allergenic benefits ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 4

Daily facial skin care range for oily skin

Annique’s daily skin care products have become firm favourites amongst consultants and their customers for more than 40 years. The effectiveness of these superior products has been proven over and over again, and even more amazing are the visible results achieved.

SYNERGY contains GREEN ROOIBOS extract

Definition of


Synergy means interaction, collaboration and working together. Synergy is a modern, ground breaking range that intertwines science and nature to bring you an effective daily skin care range that will transform oily and problem skin to healthy, beautiful skin.

What is the characteristics of an oily skin? People with oily skin often have a shiny, greasy looking skin with enlarged pores. This skin type appears thicker and coarser than other skin types and can be prone to blackheads, whiteheads and acne. The reason for this is oily skin produces excess sebum (oil), a natural oil substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. These glands are all over our bodies but are more concentrated on the facial area, chest, shoulders and upper back. Ethnic skins tend to look oilier, because of more sebaceous and sweat glands found in the skin. When the skin produces too much sebum, a state called Hyperseborrhea is caused which clogs pores.

Who is Synergy aimed at? The Synergy user is typically someone with an excessively oily skin in any age group. The affordability of the Synergy range will allow it to be well received by all users.

What are the key active ingredients in the Synergy range? The range contains three key ingredients: Green Rooibos extract for its powerful anti-inflammatory and natural antioxidants, Witch Hazel for its calming and astringent properties, and Tea Tree Oil for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.


How do you care for an oily skin? Because of the excess sebum on the skin, many people make the mistake of trying to dry out the skin. This is not a good idea as all you are doing is stripping the good oils from the skin, which your skin needs to function normally. Many times attempts at hampering oil production in the skin actually leads to more oil being produced, making the problem even worse. Ideally, what you want is a balance of just the right amount of sebum on the skin to help keep the skin healthy. This can be difficult as many products strip the skin of moisture with the result that the skin overcompensates and produces more sebum to combat the dryness, which is counter active. It is a myth that people that have an oily skin should not use a moisturiser. A moisturiser specifically developed for an oily skin should be used in a daily skin care routine. Moisture will help nourish, balance and subdue oil production and keep the skin healthy.




Higher levels of natural antioxidants

Anti-inflammatory properties


• Antiinflammatory • Antioxidant • Soothes redness • Sensitive skin

• Controls oil production • Reduces skin blemishes • Tones and tightens pores


• Antiseptic/ germicidal • Antibacterial • Anti-fungal properties • Antioxidant

• Controls oil production • Unclogs pores • Soothing



The products included in the range have been specifically developed to meet the needs of people with oily skins. SYNERGY will soothe, hydrate and regulate the oil production on the skin to ultimately give the user a clean and clear complexion, without drying out the skin. In our quest to bring the best to our customers, Annique endeavours to keep Synergy’s selling prices lower than Lucid (for dry skin) and Hydrafine (for normal skin) to make the range accessible to all users.

SYNERGY Even Skin Moisturiser 50ml A light, oil-free moisturiser that helps to soothe, nourish and hydrate oily and problem skin without clogging pores. Contains Vitamin C to help even out skin-tone. Together with a special blend of antibacterial Tea Tree Oil and skin calming Witch Hazel, Synergy Even Skin Moisturiser helps regulate sebum production and prevents future breakouts. This product contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Green Rooibos, a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural antioxidant. Dermatologically tested: It has been dermatologically approved through clinical trials. It is suitable for sensitive skins and will not irritate or aggravate the skin.

SYNERGY Oil Control Cleanser 150ml A gentle, yet effective foaming, cleansing gel suitable for oily and problem skin. It contains antibacterial Tea Tree Oil and skin calming Witch Hazel to cleanse skin of oil and other impurities, allowing it to look and feel cleansed and refreshed, without drying the skin. It also contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Green Rooibos, a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural antioxidant.

SYNERGY Cleansing Soap Bar 125g A glycerine-rich facial bar. For gentle, yet effective cleansing, suitable for oily and problem skin. It removes excess oil and rinses clean without leaving residue that may clog pores and will not dry out the skin. Contains antibacterial Tea Tree Oil and skin calming Witch Hazel to help cleanse skin of oil and impurities, allowing it to look and feel refreshed. It contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Green Rooibos, a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural antioxidant. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 3

SYNERGY Clean and Calm 2-in-1 Scrub & Masque 50ml Formulated to deliver multiple benefits. Enriched with Kaolin Clay, antibacterial Tea Tree Oil and skin calming Witch Hazel to help purify the skin, eliminate impurities and mattify the surface of the skin. AS A SCRUB: It is a gentle, yet effective formula that helps remove impurities and stimulate the skin’s rate of cell renewal, leaving the skin feeling smooth and healthy. Apply the scrub to cleansed, damp skin in gentle circular motions to exfoliate your skin - do not press too hard. Rinse with lukewarm Rooibos-infused water. Use once per week. AS A MASQUE: It purifies the skin by reducing sebum and mattifying the skin. This product contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Green Rooibos, a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural antioxidant. APPLICATION: Apply evenly after cleansing once or twice a week, avoiding the eye area. Remove after 10 minutes by rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm Rooibosinfused water.

SYNERGY Clear Complexion Freshener 100ml


A refreshing and effective oil balancing freshener. It contains antibacterial Tea Tree Oil and calming Witch Hazel to control oil and shine, while helping to clarify problem and oily skin, refine pores and prevent future breakouts. It contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Green Rooibos, a powerful antiinflammatory and a natural antioxidant.

SYNERGY, clear = control

Quick Guide to SYNERGY Range SYNERGY Product

SYNERGY Formula Benefits

Oil Control Cleanser 150ml

A gel cleanser formula that assists in removing excess oil on the surface of the skin without drying the skin.

Cleansing Soap Bar 125g

A glycerine-rich soap bar that removes excess oil and rinses clean without leaving a residue that will clog the pores. Will not dry out the skin.

Clean and Calm 2-in-1 Scrub & Masque 50ml

A formula that contains multiple benefits of a masque and a scrub in one product. Product can be used both as a masque and/or a scrub.

Even Skin Moisturiser 50ml

A moisturiser that nourishes, prevents breakouts, mattifies and won’t clog pores.

Clear Complexion Freshener 100ml

It controls shine, normalises oil secretions, prevents and clears breakouts, refines pores


Spot the difference

Daily facial skin care for problem and younger skin

Range Many teenagers and young adults struggle with acne and other skin care concerns due to changing hormones, lifestyles or incorrect skincare routines. Annique’s Face Facts range is ideal for all skin types especially sensitive, oily and blemish-prone skin. It will help your skin look and feel absolutely gorgeous! The result is beautifully clean, soft, smooth and confident skin. Make use of this

amazing range to bring out your skin’s natural radiance. The range cleans without stripping, moisturises and hydrates skin without clogging pores. Natural antibacterials help keep skin clear and free from blemishes. Formulated with our unique organic Green Rooibos extract to heal and protect your skin, you can now follow the simple steps to beautiful skin.

skin formulations for younger skin Which Generation Annique developed a complete skin care range for the young generation. facefacts is a serious skin care range for the younger skin including teenage [14-18] skin types.

only prevent problems today but ensure beautiful skin in the future. facefacts presents the best skin care ingredients that has to offer for a new generation. With a natural, plant-based focus on ingredients, facefacts is a unique combination skin care product for male and female skin. All formulations include Annique’s unique green Rooibos extract with proven antioxidant results for skin.

Expect Results Being young doesn’t mean your skin is perfectly healthy and clear. You can expect a great improvement with facefacts in your skin’s condition, smoothness, health, and elasticity, no matter the current state. Following a good, logical and natural skin care routine will not

minimum nutrients These are the minimum daily requirements for young skin: Girls 12-18 : 2x OptiVite and 1x OptiSolve Boys 12-18 : 2x OptiVite and 1x OptiDerm and 1x OptiSolve ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 2

Girls 18+ : 2x OptiVite during menstrual cycle and 1x OptiSolve Boys 18+ : 2x OptiVite, 1x OptiDerm and 1x OptiSolve

frequent pimples First check the following with your client: • GIRLS: Are their make-up accessories clean [brushes and sponges]? Bacteria and pollutants are the greatest risk when using make-up accessories. Always combine a Colour Caress Foundation and Lip Colour with your FaceFacts routine. • Are their hair products free of irritating oils and chemicals? Oily hair, hair gel, hair mousse and

waxes can cause allergic reactions on the finer skin of your face. Try the Resque Hair Nutrition+ for super clean and shiny hair. Avoid silicone hair products for a while – this is a known skin allergen. • Have they completed the Annique Health Analysis to assess their vitamin and mineral requirements? NB: Add the Annique OptiSolve to your minimum daily requirement for minerals. • Are they following the Annique [R]evolutionary Diet philosophy? Read more in the Annique Lifestyle Book on food choices for a healthier skin. SKIN ROUTINE: Follow the facefacts face routine but apply facefacts Spotless on problem areas when trouble seems to loom. Add products like the facefacts Calm Down Masque and Annique Green Rooibos tea.

freckles sun damage Freckles are part of your genetic make-up and cannot be “removed” or lightened without

and active ingredients provides an immediate and prolonged moisturising effect, elasticity and protection from free radicals. To recharge skin also add Forever Young Q10 Therapy and Essense Skin Detox.

severely altering [damaging] the DNA of cells. Freckled skin is usually also sun sensitive and using the facefacts Moisture Shield SPF 8 could prevent damage from daily exposure to UV-rays. If skin is already sun-damaged with pigmentation marks [not freckles] the Essense Skin Detox, Essense Derma Bright and Forever Young Revitalising Cream should be added to help restore and repair cells. This will also minimise your risk of premature discolouration and wrinkles.

clogged pores TIP: To refine skin and reduce pore size – rinse skin with Annique Green Rooibos Tea. To unclog pores – cleanse with the facefacts Smooth Over scrub, then apply the facefacts Calm Down Masque for 20 minutes. Rinse with Annique Green Rooibos Tea. Remember to moisturise as often as possible with the facefacts Moisture Shield. NUTRITION: Clogged pores could be the result of a diet lacking essential fatty acids – omega 3 [from flax seed]; omega 6 [from fish oil] and omega 9. Take the minimum Forever Healthy nutrients PLUS add the OptiMega and OptiDerm.

first wrinkles Skin moisture depends on the balance between the transfer of water from the dermis to epidermis and the loss of moisture due to evaporation. Damage of the protective coating makes the skin dry, coarse, inflexible and this is why first wrinkles appear. facefacts Moisture Shield with added vitamins, nourishing oils



Skin Routine


TWICE A DAY Forever Young Revitalising Cream, facefacts Moisture Shield SPF 8, rinse with Green Rooibos tea and facefacts Spotless on inflamed areas NIGHT TIME Cleanse with facefacts Crystal Clear Cleanser TWICE A WEEK


facefacts Calm Down Masque Nutrition: 2x OptiVite and 1x OptiSolve capsules per day ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 3



The acne skin treatment with FOREVER HEALTHY RANGE ACNE (an inflammatory skin disorder characterised by pimples, blackheads and whiteheads)

Factors contributing to acne include: • Oily skin • Hormonal imbalance, female menstrual cycles • Allergies • Stress • Use of drugs (e.g. steriods, the “PILL”) • Nutritional deficiences due to poor food choices • Diets high in saturated/hydrogenated fats • Body pH too acid or alkaline • Poor digestion including constipation


SOLUTION Eat fresh, unprocessed foods to keep the skin healthy. Fibre (grains, beans, vegetables, fruit): to cleanse the colon of toxins Fruit and vegetables: have a high water and micronutrient content, maintain an optimum acid/alkaline balance Eggs, onions, garlic: sulphur-rich foods Shellfish, whole grains, seeds, nuts: zinc-rich foods Water: 6 - 8 glasses per day (and at least six cups of Rooibos Tea each day) Natural Yoghurt: to maintain healthy intenstinal flora Annique Detox and Colon Cleanse teas: to prevent constipation and aid detoxification

AVOID Sugar, high-fat foods, transfats (margarine), processed

Daily supplementation


foods, dairy (if allergic), iodized salt, alcohol

2 capsules • Essential fatty acids keep skin soft and smooth, dissolve fatty deposits that block pores, aid healing • Chromium aids in reducing skin infections • B Vitamins - anti-stress and for healthy skin tone • Vitamins D and E - healing and tissue repair • Selenium - for tissue elasticity and a powerful antioxidant

What you eat today, you wear tomorrow!


Possible side effects of allopathic treatments for acne:

2 capsules • Vitamin C - reduces inflammation, aids in collagen production and repair of the skin


1 capsule • Zinc - aids in healing of tissue and prevents scarring • Vitamin A - strengthens the skin


1 capsule • L-cysteine - a sulphur containing amino acid which aids skin formation and helps the detoxification of the skin • DL-methionine - neutralises free radicals


1 capsule for extra stress management, and


2 capsules per day for removal of toxins/heavy metals can be included in the above regimen.

LIMIT Cheese, chocolate, spicy foods, wheat, carbonated drinks

CONTRACEPTIVE PILL “It is well-known that girls taking the pill between the ages of 13 and 18 can increase their risk of getting breast cancer by 60%. This is because undeveloped breasts contain more stem cells, which are vulnerable to the known cancer-promoting effects of hormones in the pill.” (Patrick Holford - eminent nutritionist). This pill increases the need for Vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and zinc. Even with modern lower-dose pills, women taking them have a higher chance of blood clots. ROACCUTANE (ISOTRETINOIN) This drug, a synthetic relative of Vitamin A which, while reducing acne in about 90 percent of its users, can cause side effects like dry skin, heightened susceptibility to sunlight, nosebleeds, headaches, and joint muscle pain. The most dangerous side effect of isotretinoin is that it can cause serious birth defects if taken during pregnancy. There have also been cases of depression reported in users of this drug.


for treating

using One of the biggest mistakes teenagers make when trying to make acne breakouts disappear, is to dry the skin out and remove all natural oils by using soaps, scrubs and masques; according to Cornè Wiid, one of Annique’s Top 50 consultants from Kimberley. “Teenagers often feel a moisturiser worsens the problem and I actually used this routine of drying out my skin, before I started using Annique at the age of 20. The Annique products that worked for me were Lucid Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin, Forever Young Revitalising Cream and Forever Healthy capsules,” she says. When explaining problem skin to clients, Cornè says she divides the skin into six different categories. “Clients are usually unsure what oiliness, dryness and dehydration means in teenage or younger skin, about how it looks and what the causes and cures are for acne skin. Acne skin almost always goes hand in hand with dehydration and sensitivity,” she says. According to Cornè, moisturiser is critically important in calming down and nourishing the skin and the skin needs to be protected and kept clean as often as possible. “It is critical that the skin is not overstimulated, usually through over-exfoliating. Knowing the pH balance of an acne skin is important as the pH can make the acne better or worse,” she advises.

Corné Wiid, a consultant from Kimberley, suffered with problem skin until her early 20s when she discovered the solution in the Annique product range. Cornè shares her secrets with us on how best to treat acne, using Annique.

Super Annique solutions for problem skin Lifestyle Recommended Product

Skin Appearance

Possible Cause

Recommended Product

Blocked Pores

Excess oil secretion as a result of drying out the skin.

Synergy Clean and Calm 2-in-1 Scrub & Masque used as a scrub on a daily basis with Face Facts Moisture Shield, Hydrafine Ideal Herbal Moisturiser, or Synergy Even Skin Moisturiser

OptiMega OptiDerm OptiFlora OptiSolve

White heads Hard bumps especially on forehead, temples and jawline without infection

Impurities due to not taking proper care of the skin-cleansing. Oil solidifies in pores, which can be a result of too much scrubbing daily.

Evening: Lucid Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin, Resque Crème, Essense Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil, Essense Skin Detox, Hydrafine Ideal Moisturiser and Liquid Skin Nutrition

OptiDerm OptiFlora Detox Tea OptiSolve

Small yellow pimples

Infection caused by disturbance of the PH balance

Face Facts Spotless Pimple Treatment (twice daily) and Hydrafine Absolute Balancing Freshener (throughout the day)

OptiFlora OptiToniQ+ Balance Tea OptiSolve

Infection in blocked pores

Touching the face and squeezing of blocked pores IBS Spastic colon PMS Diet

Face Facts Calm Down Masque applied on top of Resque Crème and Forever Young RetiniQ (twice per week).

OptiClear OptiFlora OptiDerm OptiSolve

Oily skin

Excessive oil secretion

Face Facts Moisture Shield, Hydrafine Ideal Herbal Moisturiser and Synergy Even Skin Moisturiser

Balance Tea Green Rooibos Tea OptiToniQ+ OptiFlora OptiSolve

Orange peel

Little or no moisture Over stimulation by washing and scrubbing causes excess oil

Evening: Sleep with Lucid Silky Skin Replenisher (every night)

OptiFlora OptiMega Green Rooibos Tea

Black heads Blocked pores

Combination of excess oil and bacteria that gets locked in the already enlarged pore

Face Facts Calm Down Masque (once to twice per week) Within two weeks skin will calm down. Essense Sensi Crème as a moisturiser or masque and Face Facts Liquid Skin Nutrition throughout the day

OptiFlora OptiDerm OptiClear OptiSolve

*Can occur over the entire face

*Can occur over entire skin especially T-Zone

Essense Skin Detox


Additional treatments to assist acne skin Lifestyle Recommended Product

Skin Appearance

Possible Cause

Recommended Product

Skin looks red, inflamed and dehydrated.

Diet Sport Hormones

Essense Skin Detox and OptiFlora Sensi Crème Rooibos Lifestyle Face Facts Calm Down Masque Shake Balance Tea Relax Tea OptiToniQ+

Big red or purple, inflamed pimples or cysts underneath the skin. Especially on jawline, neck, bust and back.

Hormones Stress

Face Facts Spotless Pimple Treatment, Face Facts Calm Down Masque with Lucid Skin Replenisher Essense Skin Detox and Forever Healthy Micro Nutrients (very important) Forever Young Q10 Therapy

OptiSolve OptiFlora Rooibos Lifestyle Shake Balance Tea Relax Tea Opti Calm OptiC OptiToniQ+

Open wounds Scabs

Scratching Squeezing

Essense Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil to remove and treat scars

OptiFlora OptiC OptiDerm

Resque Crème, Hydrafine Ideal Herbal Moisturiser, Essense Sensi Crème and Essense Derma Block

OptiFlora OptiDerm Green Rooibos Tea

Secondary inflammation

Acne marks

Handling of the skin

Forever Young RetiniQ, OptiFlora Essense Derma Bright, Essense OptiDerm Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil and Essense Intense Repair Serum

Enlarged pores Purple marks Pigmentation marks Scars

Squeezing and scratching Sun damage Neglecting acne

Essense Skin Detox, Forever Young Revitalising Cream with Hydrafine Ideal Herbal Moisturiser and Essense Derma Block

OptiFlora Green Rooibos Tea OptiDerm OptiC

Redness, itching (severe sensitivity)

Due to overexposure to harsh products

Essense Sensi Crème (throughout day and night), Resque Crème (use as a masque), Essense Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil and Face Facts Liquid Skin Nutrition

OptiFlora Green Rooibos Tea OptiClear OptiToniQ+

Over stimulation due to too much scrubbing.


OTHER EXCELLENT IDEAS • Mix Relax Tea and Green Rooibos Tea and spray it over the face throughout the day or rinse the face with it. This will help calm down acne and the antioxidants will treat and help heal the skin. • Drink the Detox Tea and Green Rooibos Tea mix to help cleanse out the system and eliminate acne problems. • Take Forever Healthy capsules including OptiSolve, OptiVite, OptiDerm and OptiClear.

Calm Down Masque Crystal Clear Cleanser Unique Selling Points • Fresh and delicate herbal cleanser that helps to wipe away dirt, remove oiliness and leave the skin refreshingly clean. • Suitable for all skin types. • Fresh dual therapeutic fragrance, which helps control oiliness and acne-forming bacteria. • Contains organic Green Rooibos extract, which is a super antioxidant, which detoxifies, has anti-inflammatory properties and regenerates skin cells. • Contains alpha hydroxy acids (a unique blend of billberry, sugarcane, sugar maple, orange and lemon extract) that promotes a smoother skin by increasing the rate of cell renewal. Application: Use in the evenings. Rinse your face with Rooibos tea and apply Crystal Clear with light circular movements onto your face and neck. Wipe away dirt and pollutants with a damp facial sponge or cloth and rinse with Rooibos water. Apply Moisture Moisture Shield SPF 8.

Unique Selling Points • Ideal masque to calm red, irritated and inflamed skin. This cooling camphor masque brings instant relief for sensitive, problem and normal skin. • Cleanses deeply and massages the muscles of the skin to improve blood circulation. • Refines enlarged pores and aids in the removal of blackheads and whiteheads, while combating bacteria. TIP: It calms and soothes irritated, problem, acne and oily skin types, but is also beneficial for dry skin when applied over a moisturiser. • Rooibos extract, an antioxidant, and has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory benefits that regenerates skin cells. • Camphor known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Instant relief for sensitive, problem and normal skin. • Witch hazel extract rejuvenates and renews skin and is specifically used for oily skin and skin with dilated pores.


• Zinc and kaolin absorbs oiliness on the skin.

• It removes dirt, dust, loose and dead skin cells, microorganisms, sebum, sweat residues and make-up.

Application: Apply the Calm Down Masque onto clean skin and leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a facial cloth and lukewarm Rooibos water. Rooibos extract is a super antioxidant. It detoxifies, has antiinflammatory properties and regenerates skin cells.

• Purifies the skin deeply from impurities, yet mild enough not to cause irritation. • Thoroughly eliminates and prevents skin impurities which can lead to acne forming. • Effectively removes excess oils, but still maintains moisture and leaves a matt appearance. • It lathers into a soft, gentle foam giving your skin a pleasant sensation.

BENEFITS: • Calms inflamed skin down. • Reduces swelling from skin problems. • Improves blood circulation to the skin that brings nutrients to the skin’s surface and eliminates toxins.


Smooth Over Scrub Unique Selling Points • Gentle exfoliator that removes dead cells from the skin’s surface. • Helps prevent clogging of pores and speeds up the growth of new cells. • Gentle exfoliating action stimulates blood circulation to remove free radicals and increases nourishment to cells, for a clearer skin. Smooth Over Scrub contains: • Green Rooibos extract which is an antioxidant and has detoxifying and antiinflammatory benefits that regenerates skin cells. • Rice exfoliator for gentle, natural exfoliation that softens, moisturises and nourishes the skin. A fresh dual action, therapeutic fragrance to help inhibit oiliness and acne forming bacteria. TIPS: Scrubbing the skin is an essential part of skin care, as a scrub removes dead skin cells and impurities from the skin’s surface, leaving the skin clear. Gently scrubbing of the skin allows it to get a more even texture and enables it to retain moisture better. Scrubbing the skin before applying treatment products also allows the skin to absorb necessary ingredients, by improving the blood circulation to the skin and also removing toxins. Application: Use Smooth Over Scrub on your face and neck, after cleansing. Rinse with Green Rooibos Tea, then apply Moisture Shield SPF 8 and spray with Liquid Skin Nutrition.

Spotless Pimple Treatment Unique Selling Points • Herbal formulation recommended for pimples, skin blemishes and other sensitive skin conditions. • Contains antioxidants like vitamins, minerals and Annique’s patented Rooibos extract, which has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory benefits that helps to regenerate skin cells. It also contains: • Myrrh extract known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and antiseptic properties. • Cinnamon oil for its antiseptic properties. • Tea Tree Oil is known for its anti-microbial, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. These ingredients will accelerate the healing process, while calming irritated skin. Application: Apply Spotless sparingly to a dry and clean skin. Use on affected areas as well as pimple-prone areas like the face, neck, chest and back.


Liquid Skin Nutrition Spray Liquid Skin Nutrition is an effective and convenient skin spray formulated to help eliminate skin impurities that may cause spots, pimples, blemishes, blackheads and white heads. Liquid Skin Nutrition aids skin cells to utilise nutrients better, cleanses pores deep down and promotes a clearer, spot free appearance.

Application: Shake well. Spray onto skin as often as eight times per day. Use after all other Annique skin care products have been applied. Spray at least five times per day in cases of skin itchiness.

It contains a sophisticated formula of essential nutrients (including BeauPlex™ a special compound of vitamins B3, B5, B6, C, and E) that support the skin in its own natural healing and regeneration process. Use the Liquid Skin Nutrition for any skin types with any range. It also includes:



Vitamin A

• • • • • •

Vitamin B1

• Stimulates blood circulation • Nourishes skin • Needed for energy production in cells

Vitamin B3

• • • •

Necessary for cell metabolism Helps to form hormones and proteins Improves blood circulation Helps treat skin ailments

Vitamin B5

• • • •

Maintains moisture levels Helps to regenerate broken skin Stimulates cell growth and tissue regeneration Stops inflammation

Vitamin B6

• Essential element for normal cell functioning • Acts especially in the metabolism of amino-acids

Vitamin B7

• Used in cell growth • Strengthens skin • For healthy skin

Vitamin B9

• Ensures healthy cell division and DNA synthesis

Vitamin C

• Aids in collagen (structural protein that helps support cell shape) and elastin (a protein that gives skin the ability to bounce back) synthesis • Provides antibacterial properties • Is essential in many biochemical processes in the body

Vitamin E

• Provides protection to cell structure from free radical attack that may lead to tissue damage • Is moisturising, revitalising and provides anti-inflammatory effects

Amino acids

• Are natural components of the epidermis • Are the building blocks for all kinds of proteins

Green Rooibos extract

• Provides a revitalising, antioxidant function that protects against free radical attack • Anti-ageing • Aids in regenerating skin cells

Marula essential oil

• Natural antiseptic • Helps prevent dryness, thereby improving suppleness of the skin


• Improves micro-circulation • Limits inflammatory reactions

Antioxidant Neutralises harmful elements on skin Helps resist infection Keeps skin youthful For healthy skin Prevents wrinkles


Liquid Skin Nutrition

Annique’s facefacts Liquid Skin Nutrition has received lots of attention since its launch in March 2008. This product is completely unique in the Annique and facefacts range and here are some frequently asked questions answered.

Q: What is Liquid Skin Nutrition (LSN)?

Q: Can I replace my Lucid, Hydrafine or Synergy Freshener with LSN?

A: A vitamin and mineral enriched spray for

your skin. It helps skin cells to utilise nutrients better and cleanses pores deep down to prevent spots, pimples, blemishes, blackheads and white heads.

A: No. The Fresheners are used to balance the pH of the skin after cleansing and to close the pores after all products have been applied. You can apply the LSN after your normal Annique creams, just before the Freshener.

Q: What results can I expect from using LSN?

Q: What is the difference between the a normal Freshener and LSN?

Q: Why is the LSN in a spray formula?

skin. Fresheners regulate the skin’s pH that keeps the skin’s immune system intact. This prevents skin problems, ageing and other skin ailments.

A: A clear, healthy, beautiful skin. LSN will help clear up problem skin and bring new life to normal and dry skin types. A: Spraying it onto the face and other areas is quick, easy and convenient. It also allows you to apply it over your make-up throughout the day.

Q: Why do I need to use LSN?

A: To preserve your beautiful young skin, to

improve the general health of your skin and to help clear up problem skin.

Q: I take essential vitamins and mineral capsules daily. Why do I still need to apply LSN on my skin? A: The skin is the biggest organ of the body.

It receives vitamins and minerals last after all the other organs have received their share. This means that if your other organs need these vitamins and minerals, the skin might not receive enough to support its functions. Spraying vitamins and minerals directly onto the skin allows it to get these directly.

Q: I use the normal Annique skin care range. Can I use the LSN in conjunction with this range?

A: Absolutely! The LSN will add boosting vitamins and minerals that your normal Annique skincare products won’t. These nutrients will improve the working of your other Annique products.

A: LSN is spray vitamins and minerals for your

Q: Why is there no pH balancing product in the Face Facts range?

A: All the products in the Face Facts range are pH balanced and will not disturb the delicate pH of the skin.

Q: Does LSN replace any product in my normal skin care routine?

A: No. LSN is a completely new and different product to any other products in the Annique and Face Facts ranges. It will enhance the working of all your other nourishing and revitalising creams.

Q: Why is LSN also beneficial for mature skin?

A: As the skin matures, it loses its ability to

function optimally. The skin also becomes thinner, damages easier and its ability to heal itself diminishes. The vitamins and minerals in LSN will be absorbed by mature skin and allow the skin cell to function better, creating an improved appearance in the skin.


How is ACNE formed?

Sebaceous gland

Spot the difference


The Modern Man and Skin care Annique products can play a crucial role in your man’s life. We have the perfect solutions to his every day skin care concerns. Skincare routines used to be exclusively available to women. In the past, cleansing, moisturising and exfoliating was associated with a beauty routine and was mainly part of the female skin care routine. On the contrary, men were associated with toughness, strength and intelligence, not really paying as much attention to their daily “maintenance routine”. However, things have changed dramatically. Today, men view skincare and grooming differently. Their aim is also to look their best at all times and use products that can help them maintain a clean, oil-free and blemish-free complexion. Basic skin problems such as blackheads, spots and acne have a negative psychological impact and often lead to a loss of self-esteem and confidence. Men are continuously seeking a solution which will not only improve their appearance, but will also improve their confidence.

The good news is that Annique has just the product for your man’s skin concerns!


The Men’s Skin Care Market 180° Skin Elements for Men delivers functional, multipurpose, sensible skin care products for men. The range’s approach to skin care is no mess, no fuss for the man who chooses his own direction and navigates by plotting his own course. He is not bound by traditional rules and defies conformity. He is intelligent, masculine and resourceful and he uses skin care products that suits his lifestyle. 180° provides all the essential elements of necessary daily skin care for men, while protecting the skin against the elements.

Global trends in skin care are showing huge growth in the men’s market. In 2004, the men’s products represented only 1% of the total skin care market. Over the past year (2012), men’s skin care has been one of the fastest growing segments in personal care, growing by as much as 16% last year, compared to only 5% for all other skin care product lines. The use of male grooming products rose from a value of $26,3 billion to $29,7 billion between 2005 and 2006, revealing the importance of these products currently in the cosmetic industry. Most sales were made up of moisturisers and shaving creams. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 2

180° Skin Elements for Men

180° Skin Elements for Men

180° Skin Elements for Men

Moisture Balm

Night Recovery

Shave Gel

with Q10, SPF 15 and Green Rooibos

with Acticell Green Rooibos

with Q10, Vitamin E and Green Rooibos

The 180° Skin Elements for Men Moisture Balm is a 3-in-1 product that moisturises, energises and protects the skin. It contains Coenzyme Q10, known for its skin energising and revitalising properties and provides 24 hour moisturisation, with added protection against ageing and the elements through an SPF 15 protection factor, to protect the skin against environmental damage. Sun damage is one of the major causes of skin ageing and the daily prevention of overexposure to the sun helps to keep skin looking great. 180° Moisture Balm also contains vitamin E, Green Rooibos extract and grape seed oil for its antioxidant and nourishing properties.

The 180° Skin Elements for Men Night Recovery with ActiCell is a high performance restorative cream that helps skin to recover after shaving, aids in increased resilience in extreme weather conditions, and provides a heavy duty moisturising effect. It contains RegenerX, a bio-active that helps to reconstruct the skin and ASR Complex that helps to protect and provide defence against harsh environmental factors such as sunlight, free radicals and exposure to the elements. Also contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Green Rooibos, a powerful natural antioxidant together with Grape Seed Oil that strengthens the skin, aiding in improved elasticity and promoting quick recovery of dry and chapped skin.

The 180° Skin Elements for Men Shave Gel is a light foamy gel that applies easily, ensuring a close shave. Guar Gum ensures ease of application and enables your razorblade to glide during shaving. This gel contains multifunctional ingredients that increase moisturisation, leaving your skin soft and smooth. Contains Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E, Green Rooibos extract and Grape Seed Oil that provides energising and antioxidant properties to help prevent premature ageing and protects the skin from environmental damage.

180° Skin Elements for Men

Cleansing Soap on a Rope The 180° Skin Elements for Men Cleansing Soap on a Rope is a gentle cleansing glycerine soap, containing extracts of Rooibos. Indulge in the spirit of freedom while leaving your skin fresh, clean and moisturised. Glycerine not only locks moisture in the skin by acting as a barrier stabiliser, it also provides superior hydration to the skin. Rooibos adds antioxidants.

“My irritated, burning, itching skin with ingrown hairs caused by shaving is a thing of the past, since I started using the 180° degrees Shave Gel.” Danie Josling

180o Skin Elements for Men ingredients Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is a natural antioxidant known for its ability to help the body produce energy. It also helps to combat damage from free radicals that contribute to ageing. Ironically, as we age, the levels of Coenzyme Q10 start to drop in the body, leading to a decrease in the ability of cells to withstand stress and regenerate. Vitamin E helps skin to look younger by

reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Free radicals are also believed to play an important role in skin ageing and therefore the antioxidant activity is quite valuable to resolve this skin problem. The antioxidant content in Green Rooibos is likely to help protect against free radical damage that can lead to premature ageing. Green ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 3

Rooibos, the unfermented version of Rooibos, has a higher percentage of polyphenols than traditional fermented Rooibos and generally displays higher antioxidant potential than regular Rooibos. Grape Seed Oil is a preferred cosmetic ingredient for control of skin moisturisation. This light and easily absorbed oil does not leave an oily residue and is ideal for shaving.

The Modern Man and Skin care Basic Annique Skincare products made easy for your MAN PROBLEM



180° Skin Elements for Men Shave Gel

180° Shave Gel with Q10, Vitamin E and Green Rooibos

Essense Sensi Crème or Resque Crème

Apply after shaving.

Forever Young Bo-Serum

Apply to problem areas daily.

Want to look ten years younger?

Forever Young Revitalising Cream and Forever Young Q10 Therapy

This is your anti-ageing cream for daily use on your whole face.

TLC treatment for neglected and dry skin?

Essense Miracle Tissue Oil and Essense Intense Repair Serum

This product can be applied daily or as needed for a smoother, softer appearance.

Rough and dry appearance?

Lucid Perfecting Cream Exfoliator or Hydrafine Complete Soothing Scrub

Apply twice a week to remove dead skin cells.

Essense Skin Detox

Skin Detox treats environmental damage and pollution, helps to eliminate break-outs.

Derma Block SPF 30 and Essense Intense Repair Serum

The sun block will prevent sun damage that can cause premature ageing and dark spots.

Hydrafine Restore Freshener 180° Skin Elements for Men Moisture Balm

Keep your skin’s pH level normal to prevent disease and ageing.

Lucid Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin

You will never need another daily moisturiser ever again.

Worked too late with no sleep last night? Looking a little dull and tired?

Face Facts Liquid Skin Nutrition and Forever Young Q10 Therapy

Spray on your face as much as required and see your skin revived.

Want more from your soap than just cleansing?

180° Cleaning Soap on a Rope

Your better alternative for skin and body care than harsh soaps. It contains the wonderful Green Rooibos extract to help against reactions/irritated skin.

Battling with a severe skin reaction and/or allergies?

Resque Crème or Essense Sensi Crème

These SOS skin creams can be used for any skin reaction at any time.

Resque Hair Nutrition+

Spray daily on scalp after shampoo and conditioner to nourish hair and scalp and prevent oily hair.

180° Skin Elements for Men Night Recovery

Use at night to restore skin functions.

Resque Hair Nutrition+

Apply after towel-dry hair to hair and scalp.

Cannot find a proper shave gel? Shaving rash? Frown lines?

Pimples/teenage acne? Sun damage? Itchy skin? Severe dry skin?

Losing hair or is your hair thinning? For an active night treatment? Hair Loss

HairNutrition+ Increase Hair Growth

In a study commissioned by a professor for use in cosmetic applications, and carried out by an independent laboratory in France, Rooibos was perceived to positively affect the hair and hair growth. In a 90-day trial, the action of a lotion containing a broad-spectrum Rooibos extract was compared with a placebo lotion without Rooibos. The trial participants were healthy men and women experiencing hair loss. At trial-end using a video-trichogramme that measures hair density and hair growth speed, the laboratory noted that a significant increase in the speed of hair growth had occurred in the participants using the Rooibos lotion.


SKIN ELEMENTS FOR MEN delivers functional, multipurpose, sensible skin care products for men. The range’s approach to skin care is no mess, no fuss, for the man who chooses his own direction and navigates by plotting his own course. He is not bound by traditional rules and defies conformity. He is intelligent, masculine and resourceful and uses skin care products that suit his lifestyle. SKIN ELEMENTS FOR MEN provides all the essential elements of necessary daily skin care for men, while protecting the skin against the elements.

Why a night cream? Exposure to the elements like UV rays, pollution and wind, damages and strains the skin. Repeated exposure causes dryness, pigmentation and ageing. The optimum time for the body to repair itself is between 23:00 and 03:00. When you go to bed, your skin’s oxygen consumption and blood flow increases. This allows it to change into repair mode and reverse any damage sustained during the day. Applying a nutritious product designed to improve damage, like SKIN ELEMENTS FOR MEN Night Recovery, before you go to bed, allows the skin to utilise the active ingredients for eight hours while you sleep. You’ll wake up looking great, ready to kickstart the day.

180° Skin Elements for Men Night Recovery with ActiCell and Green Rooibos 50ml The SKIN ELEMENTS FOR MEN Night Recovery with ActiCell is a high performance restorative cream that helps skin to recover after shaving, aids in increased resilience in extreme weather conditions, and provides a heavy duty moisturising effect. It contains RegenerX, a bioactive that helps to reconstruct the skin and ASR Complex that helps to protect and provide defence against harsh environmental factors such as sunlight, free radicals and exposure to the elements. It also contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Green Rooibos, a powerful natural antioxidant together with Grape Seed Oil that strengthens the skin, aiding in improved elasticity and promoting quick recovery of dry and chapped skin.

CONTAINS: 1. Shea butter is used for its properties in reducing fine lines (ageing), to reduce marks and stretchmarks and also certain skin irritations such as psorias, eczema and to handle and improve sunburn. 2. Acanthopanax senticosus (eleuthero) root extract, also known as the Siberian Ginseng. It is used mostly in medicines or natural forms of medicine such as seasonings. In products it has an inflammatory reduction effect.

SUGGESTED MENS SKIN CARE ROUTINES DAY ROUTINE Shaving Gel when he shaves Essense Skin Detox Moisture Balm with SPF 15 and Q10 Absolute Balancing Freshener


NIGHT ROUTINE Shaving Gel when he shaves Essense Skin Detox Night Recovery (new product) Sensi Crème Absolute Balancing Freshener For an extra anti-ageing treatment, add Essense Intense Repair Serum and/or Revitalising Cream

Your everyday indulgence Feel pampered and indulged every day with Annique’s luxurious “The Spa” daily body care range. The Spa fulfils your every desire in body care. Rich, moisturising and nourishing formulas containing Annique’s famous Rooibos infused oil, bring a spa experience to your home, every day. This striking range’s benefits are that it provides a fountain of moisture to soothe and replenish dry skin. It also includes lavish sized products like a 400ml body lotion and 200ml shower oil at affordable, value for money price points, bringing you the best of both worlds. The fragrance is beautiful and memorable, yet it will not interfere with your favourite fine fragrance. The colours of the range are rich, warm gold and brown hues that appropriately depict the magnificence of The Spa.

Enjoy a little luxury and make everyday a spa experience.

Delectable Body Lotion (400ml)

The Delectable Body Lotion is a light, non-oily body lotion that is quickly absorbed. This range is perfect for normal skin types, yet dryer skin types can use this formula in summer when the need for deep moisturisation is not so intense. The unique spa complex in this formulation includes Rooibos extract and other ingredients to lock in moisture, prevent moisture loss and protect the skin, blended with Rooibos infused oil for added antioxidant benefits. It leaves your skin soft, smooth and beautiful.


Application: For glowing skin, smooth over the entire body after a shower or bath.

Luxurious Body Cream (200ml)

The Luxurious Body Cream is a rich and luxurious, intensely moisturising body cream. This cream is thick and extremely hydrating and formulated specifically for soothing very dry skin. It drenches, soothes and nourishes the skin, while locking in moisture. The unique spa complex contains shea butter for its natural skin moisturising ability, and is rich in vitamins A, E and F. Shea butter also moisturises the skin and provides it with all the essential elements it needs for balance and moisture. This body cream also contains Rooibos infused oil and provides the ultimate nourishment for dry skin. Application: For glowing skin, smooth over entire body after a shower or bath.

Extreme Moisture Hand Cream (50ml)

The Extreme Moisture Hand Cream is a light, non-greasy hand cream that is quickly absorbed and provides instant moisture. It helps to restore hands, leaving them soft, hydrated and more youthful. The unique spa complex contains cocoa butter, a natural skin softener that has a velvety texture and soothes and prevents dry, itchy skin. Sweet almond oil helps to protect the skin against dryness and itching and Rooibos extract blended together with Rooibos infused oil, helps to nourish and moisturise hands and nails. Applicaton: For healthy looking hands, massage thoroughly around your nails and cuticles and into your hands as required.

Blissful Glycerine Soap (120g)

The Blissful Glycerine Soap cleanses gently, while moisturising and nourishing your skin. It contains a blend of palm kernel oil that provides a beautiful smooth application and Rooibos extract for its antioxidant properties that will leave you feeling clean and fresh and ready to take on the day. Application: For a glowing cleansing experience, massage generously on moist skin, lather and rinse off. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 2

Indulgent Oil Body Wash (200ml)

The Indulgent Oil Wash is an ultra-rich and hydrating cleansing oil that gently cleanses, soothes and moisturises your skin. It leaves the skin silky soft and intensely moisturised. Feel how this slightly foaming oil provides your skin with the ultimate cleansing and moisturising treatment. This formula contains a high percentage of sweet almond oil and sunflower oil blended together with Rooibos infused oil, which is perfect for every shower or bath. It is also ideal for shaving and to use as a bath soak. Application: For a glowing cleansing experience, apply generously to moist skin, lather and rinse off.

Soothing AntiPerspirant Roll-on (50ml)

The Soothing Anti-Perspirant Roll-on helps to soothe and protect your underarms while keeping you dry throughout the day. It is a gel based formulation with a low level of alcohol, to make sure it doesn’t irritate the skin. Application: Apply to underarms daily after a bath or shower.

Annique Baby Care Range Your baby and young children’s skin is a very delicate matter. Naturally, you want what is best for your little ones and with Annique’s unique Baby Range, you can now have peace of mind regarding which products come in contact with your precious child’s skin. A baby’s skin is very soft and can be sensitive at times, especially when skin conditions such as dry skin, eczema or diaper rash appear. You will want the mildest, safest, purest baby care products and be assured that all your baby care essentials have been carefully evaluated to ensure they are made from only the safest ingredients. This amazing range was formulated and launched in 1990 and through the years we have changed the lives of mothers everywhere. Made with our legendary Rooibos extract which is high in antioxidants, this range offers the best in protection for your child’s skin.

Rooibos Baby Fabric Softener and Detergent

Baby Fabric Softener Caring for your baby’s clothes is as important as it is to care for your baby’s skin.

Baby Fabric Detergent

Sometimes the restlessness and irritation of children and babies are due to an allergic reaction to the softeners and detergents used to wash the bed linen or baby clothes. Annique’s Baby Fabric Softener infuses the bed linen and other washing with the hypoallergenic qualities of the Annique Rooibos extract. Your washing will be remarkably clean and freshly fragrant, plus you’ll have the added assurance that your baby’s skin is protected against irritation. The Fabric Softener will ensure that your baby’s clothing is hygienically clean, downy-soft and sweet smelling. It contains no colourants or enzymes and only a subtle perfume. This unique product is the natural choice of discerning and caring mothers. It is also ideal to use for delicate underwear and adults who suffer from skin allergies.

A delicate fabric detergent with Rooibos extract which is delicate on baby’s clothes. Also ideal for adults who suffer from itchy and allergic skin conditions.

Baby Moist Silky Soap A soft, hypo-allergenic soap for a sensitive skin. The Annique Moist Silky Soap is a silky soft gelatinbased soap, which is ideal for your baby’s skin. Its hypo-allergenic qualities, combined with the Annique Rooibos extract, provide a safe and fragrant body soap for your baby, as well as for yourself. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 2

Baby Rooibos Tea Best for Baby The Annique Baby Rooibos tea is suitable for babies, right from birth. You are advised to replace juice or water with the Rooibos Baby tea, for an anti-allergic and nutritional supplementary drink. The Rooibos Baby tea may also be added to a normal bottle feed, but does not replace bottle-feeds or breastfeeding. To prepare: Add one tea bag to boiling water in a tea pot. Simmer for 5 to 15 minutes to activate the anti-allergic enzymes. Then add it to your baby’s milk or cool down and add to fruit juice, for a healthy, suitable baby drink. Annique Rooibos Baby tea has a natural sweet and fruity flavour and does not need not be sweetened with honey or sugar. The Annique Rooibos story started in 1968, when Dr. Annique Theron, a South African mother, discovered its ability to soothe and calm her baby daughter, relieving the infant of colic and insomnia. Amazed by its natural healing potential, Dr Theron went on to investigate and document its healthpromoting properties as a caffeine-free, low-in-tannin tea, which is not just suitable for babies, but for a wide spectrum of age groups, helping to improve allergies and ailments.

Baby Body Lotion The Annique Baby Lotion helps to prevent dryness, itching and relieves restlessness from the chafing and scratching of clothes and blankets

Annique’s Baby Rooibos tea is organic and has been hygienically treated. Moms can mix their formula with Annique’s Baby Rooibos tea – that boasts anti-allergenic, antiviral, anti-spasmodic and antioxidant properties - instead of using water. Babies can also be bathed in the Baby Rooibos tea to treat and prevent skin rashes and sensitivity.

The Rooibos Baby Lotion can be used on the baby’s body and face and may be used from birth. The gentle moisturising action cools and calms the skin while the Rooibos extract prevents further irritation from heat, handling and other irritants.

Give your baby the best start with the Annique’s Rooibos Baby Tea. Use the Rooibos tea as a nutritional supplement to limit the occurrence of milk and other food allergies. Replace or mix juices (e.g. apple juice) with the Rooibos Baby tea for an antiallergenic and nutritional supplementary drink.

Baby Shampoo Gentle and effective for any sensitive scalp. The Annique Baby Shampoo is an all-time bath time great! It may be used as a shampoo, bubble bath and body wash. This makes it the ideal travelling companion. Annique’s patented Rooibos extract is included to relieve skin irritations and dryness. The Shampoo can also be used on adults with sensitive skins, and is safe for use on pets too.

Baby Bath The Baby Bath is a fun non-drying product that is gentle on the baby’s hair and skin, as it won’t irritate the skin or burn the eyes. The delicate no-tears formula contains Annique’s extract of Rooibos to ensure soft, clean hair without the tears! It makes the ideal two-in-one travel companion for your baby and yourself.












The Annique Baby Sunscreen SPF 20 offers gentle sun protection, with UVA and UVB filters, and is formulated for a sensitive skin. Rooibos extract, together with a unique blend of oils, provide calming properties to the skin.

How to apply sunscreen

The Annique Baby Sunscreen SPF 20 with UVA and UVB filters has been specifically developed to protect baby’s sensitive skin from the harmful rays of the sun. CANSA and dermatologists recommend that a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 20 be used on both children and adults. It is a well-known fact that babies’ skins are much thinner and more delicate than those of adults. This is why babies and young children, in particular, require sunscreen to be applied frequently. The Annique Baby Sunscreen SPF 20 can be applied to babies and children over 6 months of age. It is safe to apply small amounts of Annique Baby Sunscreen to the skin of newborns when outdoors. Newborns should have small amounts of sunscreen applied to small areas, such as on their face, backs of hands and feet as well as their ears, and neck. This is because newborn babies’ skin is still very thin. However it is still advisable that newborns remain completely out of the sun, until the age of 6 months. Baby Sunscreen should be applied regularly to babies and children’s skin, especially, when outdoors or travelling by car and when their skin cannot be entirely protected by shade and clothing. When your children are outdoors, ensure that they are protected. UV rays reflect off water, sand and any other light-coloured surface, like concrete. UV rays can also reach below the water’s surface. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight between the hours of 10:00 and 15:00 should be avoided.

Most children get 50% to 80% of their lifetime sun exposure before the age of 18, so it’s important that parents and caregivers teach them how to use sunscreen safely. With the right precautions, you can help reduce your child’s chance of developing skin cancer later in life.


• Baby Sunscreen should be applied to the skin and at least 15 - 20 minutes prior to going outdoors to allow the sunscreen sufficient time to be absorbed. • Enough sunscreen should be applied to ensure that the areas of the baby’s body that are or will be exposed to the sun are covered. Areas of the baby’s body which should especially be concentrated on are areas such as, baby’s face, nose, ears, feet hands and back of the knees. • Sunscreen should be reapplied regularly, especially when playing in water. • Sunscreen should be applied even when travelling in a car or when your baby is playing in a sunny room. The sun’s rays can still reach the skin through the windows and it often reflects off other surfaces. Being outdoors with your baby is essential, but protecting your baby from harmful UV rays can sometimes be a difficult task. Many of us lather ourselves and our babies with chemical filled sunscreens which may be more harmful to your health than the sun.

Herbal Teas perfect for baby and child Rooibos Tea is rich in minerals and antioxidants and is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic. It can be strongly recommended for headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, light depression and hypertension because it is caffeine-free and has a soothing effect on the central nervous system. Rooibos Tea soothes digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ulcers and constipation. It also has a soothing effect on the skin and relieves skin irritations like eczema and acne when applied directly to affected areas. With the infusion of herbs, Rooibos is even more beneficial to your health. Annique introduces nine herbal infusion teas that each address a different ailment. We have had amazing testimonials on our Herbal Teas that have helped change the lives of many children.

Safe from Birth GREEN ROOIBOS TEA Guidelines on how to use: Mix milk formula together with the Green Rooibos Tea and the Baby Rooibos Tea. No sugar or milk are necessary. Also wonderful to bath your baby in Rooibos Tea to relieve a rash, eczema or any other skin concern.

Safe from six months old DETOX ROOIBOS & HERBS RELAX ROOIBOS & HERBS NIGHT REST ROOIBOS & HERBS COLON CLEANSE ROOIBOS & HERBS Guidelines on how to use: Can be given mixed with Baby Rooibos Tea or mixed with formula preferably at night time. No sugar or milk needed.

Safe from two years of age BALANCE ROOIBOS & HERBS METABOLISM ROOIBOS & HERBS STOMACH ROOIBOS & HERBS BLADDER AND KIDNEY ROOIBOS & HERBS HAPPY ROOIBOS & HERBS Guidelines on how to use: Can be given mixed with Baby Rooibos Tea or on its own throughout the day. Hot or cold, preferably black without sugar or milk.


Perfect preparation of tea for babies and young children Make sure you boil the Rooibos Tea on the stove for maximum benefits, never microwave it. Let the tea draw for two to three minutes. Ensure that you keep the tea in the fridge for no longer than 48 hours.

Healthy and tantalising Rooibos Ice Tea ideas There are many ways to prepare Rooibos Ice Tea. Mix Green Tea, Relax Tea and Night Rest Tea for a tasty and novel ice tea treat for your child. Keep the tea cool in the fridge and serve to toddlers or young children as a night time refreshment. Add grapefruit juice or cranberry juice to iced Colon Cleanse Tea or iced Detox Tea for an enjoyable fruity taste. For an alternative combination, mix Green Rooibos Tea with any Herbal Tea and serve hot or cold. You can also add a dash of honey or lemon to the tea of toddlers and young children. 1. Annique Herbal Teas are strongly recommended for headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, light depression and hypertension. 2. Annique Herbal Teas are caffeine-free and have a soothing effect on the central nervous system.

Chronic ailments and allergies can be annoying and debilitating with accidents happening quickly and unpredictably. Health care is also often expensive and minor emergencies can be costly. The good news is for those not lucky enough to have a doctor’s advice on hand, there are products on the market that provide fantastic recovery and relief, without costing an arm or a leg! Annique’s Resque range has provided alleviation and restoration for many years. This range was originally developed in the 1990’s, after the first product, Resque Crème, hugely improved the lives of countless people suffering from eczema, rashes, insect bites, sunburn and many other skin ailments. It expanded in later years with the addition of two more products, Resque Mist and Resque Essence, aimed at helping people recover from everyday ailments, allergies and respiratory problems. This trusted range has now been given the look and positioning it deserves. Annique has harnessed the true values of the Resque range, offering relief from skin emergencies, pain and respiratory conditions. Resque boasts a clean and clinical design, bearing a reassuring red cross and reveals its soothing properties with its new updated, modern design. The range merges science with traditional remedies that have been used for many years. Ingredients include Rooibos, wintergreen, camphor, eucalyptus, cayenne, lavender and many more. Your emergency kit is now complete with Resque, a product range that has built its legacy on effective relief from skin emergencies, allergies and pain and discomfort.

Essence is a miracle worker

for neck and muscle pain, headaches, sinus and hayfever and a mood lifter during stressful times. It comes in a roller container for daily use, to bring instant relief from spring-time allergies and associated conditions. It is also effective for insect bites, pimples and preventing breakouts. The formulation contains wintergreen, eucalyptus, peppermint oil, camphor and menthol. Roll content on temples, back of neck, under the nose or anywhere the skin, body and mind could benefit. Apply directly onto skin irritations and rashes. For headaches, apply on the forehead and temples. For sinus or hayfever apply around the nose area.


Crème Mist relieves everyday

s k i n c a r e c o n d i t i o n s contains multi-functional soothing properties Resque Mist also a finalist at major awards Resque Mist was awarded fourth place in the Fair Lady Best of Beauty awards for the category Best South African Product 2012.

30ml Annique has harnessed the soothing power of Rooibos Resque Crème, to help provide relief from many everyday skin ailments. This product is a ‘must’ for skin emergencies, bringing relief from many everyday skin conditions. Resque Crème contains a high percentage of Annique’s Rooibos extract, an extremely powerful natural antioxidant, to help calm, soothe and restore skin to normal. It is ideal for bringing relief to itchy skin resulting from allergies, dryness, insect bites, sunburn, heat rash and chafing and is gentle enough for the most sensitive skins, including babies and children. It can also help relieve symptoms of eczema, cuts and grass burns and pimples. Resque Crème contains no perfume and is safe for even the most sensitive skin. This one-of-a-kind formulation is a musthave for every emergency kit in the home, handbag or car.

Resque Mist is a multi-functional product that reduces the symptoms of colds, flu, sinusitis and bronchitis. Resque Mist is excellent for neck and muscle pain, headaches, sinus and hayfever and is also a great mood-lifter during stressful moments when you need to be calm. It brings instant relief from insect bites and skin irritation or rashes. This product is formulated with wintergreen, eucalyptus, peppermint oil, camphor and menthol to help provide relief from neck and muscular pain, headaches, sinus, hayfever and to assist with blood circulation. Resque Mist helps to relieve migraine symptoms and prevent insomnia. It also reduces symptoms associated with colds, flu and bronchitis. It contains Annique’s exclusive extract of Green Rooibos, an extremely powerful natural antioxidant. For neck and muscular pain, spray Resque Mist directly onto affected areas and rub in. This product can also be sprayed onto pillows or bedding to provide relief from nasal congestion.

Resque Crème was awarded second place in the Fair Lady Best of Beauty Awards for the category Best South African Product 2011/2012. Resque Crème was one of 364 entries! ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 2



Miracle Resque

Annique Magic Resque Mist Since I started using Annique 33 years ago as a group leader the sun has never stopped shining on our MAGIC product ANNIQUE. I have never stopped using it and never stopped introducing it to all who have crossed or will cross my path... Annique speaks for itself…like a painting speaks a thousand words. A friend suffering from ‘scabies’ had nearly given up on life. Doctors, chemists, advice – nothing wanted to work. Her agony was increased when it started spreading… until she discovered Resque Mist – a must in every household. I can be credited for suggesting it to her, but it was the products that did the work. A mere 15 minutes after application, she experienced relief. Annique’s products never lets you down. My friend can sleep again and smile again - and tells the whole world about our magical product. I wish more doctors and pharmacists knew about this magic little bottle and its rightful name. By the way, most of my clients of 25 to 30 years, especially in Mpumalanga Nelspruit and White River are still using Annique – and they look STUNNING!!!! I always tell the women: Annique is like a life policy - what you put in now, is what you will benefit later... and these women certainly have. • Estelle Hartley

Resque Crème was selected as the runner-up in the Fair Lady Best of Beauty Awards: Best SA Product. Resque was one of 364 entries! Resque Mist was also

a finalist (Top 10) of this prestigious award. We thus had two products in the Top 5 out of a total of 364 products submitted. Well done Annique!

I did a skin analysis on a client recently. She has a beautiful, naturally tanned skin tone. I couldn’t find any serious problem areas. Her skin is normal, but she did mention her one side tends to feel dry sometimes. I decided to apply the Moisture Masque, now Lucid Silky Skin Replenesher. Within minutes the right side of her face absorbed the masque. After asking questions, I realised that the dry side is as a result of driving with an open window every day. Her car doesn’t have airconditioning and she drives a long distance to work and back. The rest of her skin is normal. She uses the Ideal Herbal Moisturiser more regularly now, together with Moisture Masque and Resque Crème. • Madel van der Walt ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 3

I would just like to thank Annique for their wonderful products that worked miracles on my sun damaged skin. I went to a braai where there was no shade or shelter. Needless to say, I didn’t put on sunscreen (which will never happen again). I went to the doctor, who diagnosed me with first degree burns, and prescribed pain killers, anti-inflammatories and cortisone cream. He told me my skin would blister and peel. I decided to bath in Rooibos tea and, after bathing, I used only a little drop of cortisone cream mixed with my Resque Crème and Annique Moisturiser for Dry Skin. Only four days later, my skin was perfect again. No redness, no peeling and no blisters! Annique makes a perfect product and I would like to say a big thank you. I now recommend Annique to everybody I know. • Lorenza Heyns

Annique to the

Resque! What a remarkable change occurred in this young man`s life after only a month of religiously following Marlene`s fantastic Annique recipe. At the age of 20 he is now confident and ready to take the world by storm. Mandla has nothing to feel embarrassed about any more.

As a young teenager, Mandla Gaba struggled with severe acne. His acute self-consciousness about the condition of his skin affected his personality. He felt shy and embarrassed, which had a negative effect on his daily programme and his social life. But Mandla’s life changed dramatically when Annique consultant Marlene Noortman recently introduced Annique products to him to try out on his skin. Marlene suggested the following unique “recipe” of Annique products for Mandla to follow daily: 1. He washed his face with Annique Green Rooibos tea morning and night; 2. He drank the Annique Green Rooibos tea daily; 3. Applied Resque Crème three times a day; 4. When his skin began to show an improvement, Marlene mixed Sensi Crème with Miracle Tissue Oil, and Mandla applied this mixture daily to the affected areas.

A work colleague told me about his daughter who was diagnosed with Steven Johnson Syndrome after a regional doctor made the wrong diagnosis, and treated her with the wrong medication. The next day he brought photos of his daughter, I was so shocked, and it was the first time I saw something like that. My first thought was that I should help this girl, and I thought of Resque Crème and OptiClear. I contacted Bev Tonkin for her advice. She also recommended Vitamin B supplement (now OptiCalm), OptiEnergy and Vitamin A (now OptiDerm) supplement. An improvement was noticeable within the first week that she used the Annique recommended products. The OptiClear removed all the toxins, which was caused by the wrong medication, from her kidneys. The Vitamin B (OptiCalm) relieved the dryness of her skin; she applied the Resque Crème at night to her hands and feet and covered her feet with socks. The photos illustrate how the condition manifested in her hands, her feet were also so infected that she couldn’t walk on grass. The bridge of her foot healed nicely. The photos illustrate how her hands healed completely. Resque Crème and OptiClear are truly amongst our crown products! • Catharina Voster Annique Consultant, Ladysmith June 2008

OptiClear and Resque Crème







Burn Wounds Healed by Miracle Tissue Oil and Resque Crème The son of one of my regular customers suffered severe burn wounds last year due to an accident with hot oil. His face, hands and arms were seriously burnt. After hospitalisation and completing his doctor’s treatment, his mother appealed to me for help. At that moment a friend of mine visited and without hesitation she said, “Apply Resque Crème immediately!” Shortly after that an article appeared in Replique about a woman who had also suffered severe burn wounds. On the strength of this the injured son’s mother purchased Miracle Tissue Oil and Resque Crème. The results after the first month of use was amazing and all the son’s friends commented on how unbelievable his skin looked; they all wanted to know about the products! All this happened in November. When I saw him again on 23 March I was astonished to see that there were no more visible scars on his face; only a few blemishes remained on his one hand. Resque Crème delivers more impressive results: An 81 year old customer, who had been suffering from infected pores (pig’s skin) on his neck for many years (a condition which persisted despite treatment by skin specialists) began applying Resque Crème. I advised him to also use the Crystal Clear Cleanser and Face Facts Liquid Skin Nutrition. The condition began improving almost immediately and a couple of months later my customer proudly showed me his neck and the great improvement! Henriette Mans

Resque Mist for my Dog!

Resque Crème and Miracle Tissue Oil Two weeks ago I poured boiling water straight from the kettle onto my hand (wrist area and arm). I burnt terribly and my skin was red. I applied ice immediately and then Burnshield. Nothing took the pain away. I then took my Resque Crème, rubbed it in gently and then added a thick layer over that and just left it. I experienced pain relief immediately. Then I started using the Resque Crème and Miracle Tissue Oil together. Once the skin broke I just used the Resque Crème until it dried and now I am using Miracle Tissue Oil for the scar. Two weeks later the scar was hardly visible. Continuing with the Miracle Tissue Oil as new skin formed – each day saw an improvement. I am so impressed and so excited about the healing. Denise Mills

Recently, one morning, my large Boerboel was unable to walk without pain. His paw was swollen due to an abscess in between his toes. He sat and whined all the time. I realised I had no medication at hand for a sick dog, so I took Resque Mist and whilst saying a prayer, I sprayed it under his paw, onto the abscess and in between the toes. He sneezed a couple of times (his sinuses were probably opened in the process!) and then fell asleep. When he awoke, he got up and walked quite normally. To this day his paw is totally healed. Tersia van der Schyff

Sunburn Resque 911 December is the time most of us enjoy the summer and holidays. Spending time outside in South Africa’s beautiful, sunny climate often leads to sunburn. The most important thing to remember is to cover up during the hottest time of the day, when the sun’s rays are most damaging, from 11 to 3 o’clock. Apply sunblock regularly, especially after swimming and/ or sweating.


If you do get sunburn, here are some tried and tested Annique remedies: • Bath in a lukewarm bath – add 2 cups of strong Rooibos tea • Pat skin dry and apply Resque Crème liberally • Spray Liquid Skin Nutrition to cool down and nourish damaged skin

BEFORE - December 2011

AFTER - January 2012

AFTER - January 2012

to the resque My grandchild, who has just turned one, has suffered from eczema since she was a few of months old. This had become a nightmare with her constant scratching and the open, weepy sores on her skin was heartbreaking to see. We had to keep her in long sleeves and pants day and night and at night Sarah (my daughter-in-law) had to put ‘Scratch Sleeves’ on her to stop her from tearing at her skin while she slept. Whenever her skin was exposed, she would scratch, so that even nappy changes became a problem and she hated having the awful thick greasy creams put on her. As none of the prescribed creams had worked, we were at our wits end to find a remedy for her skin. I recently came across the Annique skin care range and thought we had nothing to lose by trying it out, which we did, and quite frankly were amazed at the results! In just two weeks her skin was practically clear and she no longer scratched at all! We started off by giving her Rooibos baths, which is simply Rooibos teabags brewed and added to the bath water. Then we used the Annique Resque Crème in conjunction with the Annique Baby Lotion. As her skin started to improve, we continued with just the Baby Lotion. Ashleigh’s skin is now beautifully soft and silky - as a babies skin should be! Sarah tells me she loves the baby smell of the lotion on her skin, which is something she has never been able to enjoy before as all of the prescribed creams were generally fragrance free. Ashleigh herself absolutely loves the cream being massaged into her body, which she obviously finds incredibly soothing! Janet Knight, Kommetjie & South Peninsula Area



Resque Application Resque HairNutrition+ Resque Essence Apply to temples for relief from headaches, migraine and allergies.

Resque Essence Apply to sinus areas above eyes and along nose to relieve sinus problems and headaches.

Resque Crème and Resque Essence Apply often during the day to prevent pimples.

Resque Essence and ZeroAche+ Apply around ears when aching and blocked.

Resque Essence and Resque Mist Apply to back of neck for relief of muscle spasm, headaches and fibromyalgia.

Resque Essence and Resque Mist Apply under nose for allergies, hay fever and blocked nose. Stops SNORING.

Resque Mist and ZeroAche+ Apply to throat for pain, swelling and coughs.

Resque Essence and Resque Mist Relief from swollen glands and sore throat when applied to neck glands.



Increase Hair Growth In a study commissioned by a professor for use in cosmetic applications, and carried out by an independent laboratory in France, Rooibos was perceived to positively affect the hair and hair growth. In a 90-day trial, the action of a lotion containing a broad-spectrum Rooibos extract was compared with a placebo lotion without Rooibos. The trial participants were healthy men and women experiencing hair loss. At trial-end using a videotrichogramme that measures hair density and hair growth speed, the laboratory noted that a significant increase in the speed of hair growth had occurred in the participants using the Rooibos lotion. Hair Nutrition is a leave-in nutritional vitamin hair treatment complex to help improve oily, lifeless and thinning hair. It helps to protect hair and scalp from premature ageing and supply nutrients required for healthy growth patterns, shine and bounce. +


• Hair Nutrition+ contains Rooibos extract, which is a powerful antioxidant protection and, in combination with the vitamin complex, stabilises hair colour and protects hair from UV-damage. • It also contains bioactive signalling molecules derived from milk, which revitalises the cells of the scalp and stimulates protein synthesis for healthy hair. Hair Nutrition+ also contains amino acids that help to counteract oiliness in the scalp thus preventing the formation of dandruff and oily hair. • A special vitamin complex (vitamins B, C and E) helps to stabilise and protect hair colour from UV damage, prevents split ends and brittle hair, revitalises and nourishes for strength and shine, and contributes to the moisture retention of the hair.

The formulation protects against split ends, brittle hair, and hair loss and improves shine, growth and moisture retention. The ingredient Folicusan™ is designed as preventative care for scalp and hair to prevent hair loss. Benefits of using Hair Nutrition+:

• Improved hair growth • Prevention of hair loss • Repair after harsh treatments like bleaching, blow drying and exposure to the elements • Reduced oiliness • Relief from allergies and skin conditions on the scalp • Treatment and prevention of dry scalp and dandruff • Longer lasting hair colour for colour treated hair • Shiny, healthy hair and scalp • Prevention of split ends and brittle hair

You can benefit from using Hair Nutrition+ if you: • Regularly treat your hair with chemicals that colour, relax, or perm hair • Have dry, brittle or lifeless hair • Are often exposed to direct sunlight • Have dry, itchy scalp • Blow dry your hair frequently • Use styling products frequently • Have oily hair • Suffer from hair loss

Miracle Tissue Oil Hair Treatment

Massage Miracle Tissue Oil into your hair using your fingertips once or twice a week. Work your way from the roots to the ends of the hair strand, massaging oil into your hair and scalp. Brush the oil through from roots to ends. For really damaged hair, cover your hair with a shower cap after massaging the Miracle Tissue Oil in. Leave the oil on overnight, allowing your body heat to help nourish the hair through the night.


Towel-dry hair after shampoo and conditioning. Apply the HairNutrition+ to hair and scalp. Massage the liquid into the scalp and hair. Do not rinse hair again – style as usual. To help relieve eczema, dryness, dandruff, lifeless hair and hair growth the HairNutrition+ should be applied on a daily basis until the condition improves. Suitable for men and women. • Suitable for men and women • Safe for hair extensions







ZeroAche+ has been formulated with natural ingredients and Rooibos extract to help provide relief from muscle aches, stiffness, sprains, bruises, strains and rheumatism. It also helps soothe headaches and migraine symptoms, insomnia and other stress related conditions.

ZeroAche+ is ideal for people: • who prefer not to take pain medication • who have sore muscles • who experience a lot of stress – chronic shoulder and neck pain • who suffer from Arthritis • who take part in sport or those who exercise hard and experience sore muscles afterwards • with sprained fingers, ankles, knees, wrists, etc. • with corns • with ‘phantom pains’ from amputated limbs. The nerve endings that lead to the brain sometimes cause false pains after limbs are amputated • who suffer from backpain • who suffer from menstrual pains



Rooibos (Aspalatus linearas)

It provides antioxidants that helps to fight the damaging effect of free radicals.

Arnica (Arnica Montana)

It remedies bruises, swelling and sprains.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Globulus)

It soothes muscle aches, pains and spasms and improves poor circulation.


It is a local anaesthetic that soothes, gives a cooling sensation to the skin and relieves mild muscle aches.

It has natural sedative properties, relieves Lavender pain, eases and relaxes spasms and helps (Lavendula Augusti folia) prevent tissue deterioration. Marjoram (Origanum Majorana)

It relieves muscle ache, spasms, sprains, bruises and stiff joints. It also relaxes tired muscles and has a calming effect.

Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum Frutescense)

It aids in the effective relief of pain, increased blood flow to the affected area to speed up recovery, gives a warming feeling to the skin and boasts antiinflammatory properties.


People with sensitive skin may want to test ZeroAche+ on a small patch of skin first. Skin can turn red, warm-cold and sometimes itchy, which is normal. Ingredients are not harmful. Annique submitted product information about ZeroAche+ to the Medicines Control Council in South Africa. The MCC does not endorce products officially, but prefers that companies submit information about products to them, so that they are aware of the existence of these products. The MCC has stamped the information submitted on ZeroAche+ and has no objections about the claims Annique makes about ZeroAche+ on the container, that the products will aid to relieve certain ailments. ZeroAche+ is not suitable for pregnant women.



SMS: “The ZeroAche+ is very good because I had a knot for about four or five months at the back of my neck, which was very painful. Two days after using ZeroAche+ for the first time I didn’t have any pain. I hope it’s here to stay. Love, Pam.”


Dalena Stulting from Florida Hills shared at the Leaders’ meeting in Pretoria in April 2008 on how ZeroAche+ helped her and her family. Her brother complained about phantom pains in his leg that was amputated due to illness. He experienced this pain because the nerve endings in the leg were still active. He applied ZeroAche+ and immediately had relief from these phantom pains. Dalena herself also fell at her house and had a few minor injuries. She said Annique’s ZeroAche+ helped her recover with much more comfort from this fall.

“My husband hurt his knee in 2006 on a trip to Antarctica. During the year 2006 and 2007 his knee would hurt on and off for no reason or when walking long distances or while horseriding. In 2007 we again travelled to Antarctica on a three week expedition and his knee was giving him problems when walking on the continent or while carry heavy equipment. I had a trial batch of the Annique ZeroAche+ with me and recommended he try it. Two applications over two days and the pain was gone. The pain hasn’t returned since December 2007!” Suzette, May 2008.

APPLICATION Apply generously to affected areas like muscles and joints for general aches and to the back of the neck and temples for headaches. Do not apply on broken skin or open woulds. Wash hands thoroughly after use. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.

Leslie Grobler from Bloemfontein gave ZeroAche+ to two of her friends. One had a chest injury and the other a permanent pain in the arm. Their feedback on ZeroAche+ was that it brought almost immediate relief and the effect lasted for hours. Both suffer from chronic muscle pain and were very impressed with the relief ZeroAche+ brought. They recommend others try ZeroAche+.


FOR MOSQUITO BITES I would just like to express how excellent ZeroAche+ is for mosquito bites. I’m allergic to the little devils, once bitten I can easily itch for the next 3 months every now and again. At the age of 59 years I have tried anything and everything you can think about for the itch. Along came Annique’s ZeroAche+. What a wonderful cream this is. I applied it twice to a few mosquito bites and the itch disappeared completely. We will never be without it in our medicine chest. Dee Schropfer ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 12



herbal pain cream: relieves muscular pain ZeroAche+ could bring relief for: Burning and painful feet Corns Sprains and ankle swelling Bruises, sore and stiff muscles Arthritis Joint pains

Tennis Elbow

Tense neck and shoulders Shoulder spasm - repeated application Headaches Lower back ache ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 13

Resque Essence


Resque Mist

Known to alleviate rheumatic symptoms, headache, fever, sore throat and various Wintergreen aches and pains. It is antiseptic, deodorising and decongesting. It has insect repellent properties and is an active ingredient in Eucalyptus some commercial mosquito repellents. The menthol in peppermint oil helps to clear the respiratory tract. The oil of peppermint acts as an expectorant and provides relief during a regular bout of cold and flu, and Peppermint the more serious sinusitis, asthma, and Oil bronchitis. Camphor has been used medicinally for centuries to help treat many skin conditions, such as itching, irritation and pain. Helps to Camphor relieve skin itching, irritation and pain. Menthol is commonly added to cough drops and cough medicines to help relieve sore throats, coughs, and mouth and throat infections. It helps to relieve muscle aches and cramps, sprains, skin irritations and headaches. Menthol helps relieve nasal and chest congestion for people who have colds. Helps to relieve sunburn because it helps Menthol cool and refresh the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties makes it a great herb for arthritis, diabetes, psoriasis and herpes-related nerve damage. It is used all over the world to treat a range of health problems, including chronic pain, poor blood circulation, sore throats and Cayenne headaches. It increases blood flow faster Pepper than any other herb. Anti-inflammatory properties are among the most important benefits of marjoram, that is why this medicinal herb can be used to relieve the pains and aches in muscles, joints, including arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis pains, toothache, sprains, etc. It also helps to soothe and relieve itchy skin, rash, cuts and bruises. Marjoram is a known remedy to stimulate toxin removal and Marjoram prevent water retention. It is known to be antiseptic, analgesic, antidepressant, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-bacterial, carminative, decongestant, deodorant and Lavender diuretic. Rooibos Extremely powerful natural antioxidant Extract Green Unfermented Rooibos, contains a higher Rooibos percentage antioxidant value than normal Extract Rooibos.



Hair Nutrition+

Resque Creme

Reclaim your curves

S H A P E • C O N T O U R • R E PA I R • T R E AT Body Xpert superior range of innovative formulations target specific areas of concern with advanced, ultra-effective ingredients, specifically selected to help reduce flabbiness on hips, abdomen and thighs, treat and prevent cellulite and improve and prevent the appearance of stretchmarks and sagging due to skin ageing and fluctuating weight.

With Body Xpert, you and your customers will experience the benefits of a firmer, more toned body and return time and again for more. You can offer this range with confidence knowing that Annique did the research allowing you to reap the benefits. Now let’s take a closer look at the range.

Correxion Repairing Body Cream 150ml Circulex Cellulite Treatment 150ml

D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment 150ml

Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème 150ml




The Body Xpert range is the end result of intensive market analysis and rigorous research and testing to ensure Annique offers you an innovative, state-of-the-art advanced body care range that delivers the best shaping, contouring, treating and repairing solutions in the market.

The skin on your body is very different from the skin on your face – the epidermis is less protected against dehydration, repeated weight fluctuations due to pregnancies and/ or dieting as well as the effects of hormonal changes, lack of exercise and general neglect add up, resulting in a less supple and toned appearance over time.





REPAIR & TREAT Target ageing and stretchmarks


• An intensive repairing, ultranourishing cream • Prevent, transform and improve stretchmarks and restore your body’s youthful, supple, firm appearance. • Anti-ageing peptide and ACE Complex to help stimulate cellular regeneration, promote cellular renewal and restore skin elasticity.

What is a stretchmark?

Pink, reddish or purplish indented streaks and marks appear on the skin as a result of damage to the collagen network and rupture of the dermal elastin fibres.

What causes stretchmarks?

The most common causes are pregnancy, rapid weight gain and loss as well as chronic use of oral corticosteroids. Women are most prone to suffer from stretchmark damage.

How can I improve the appearance of my stretchmarks and sagging skin?

Use the Body Wonder Sponge, then apply a rich repairing body cream to boost skin elasticity to prevent further damage as well as help repair scar tissue – Body Xpert Correxion Repairing Body Cream is perfect as it contains an anti-ageing peptide as well as ACE Complex in a rich nourishing cream.




SHAPE & CONTOUR Tighten and tone your tummy


• An advanced revolutionary formula that targets abdominal specific firming and toning for a slimmer waistline. • Dual action actives, Ab-Redux and B-Slim Complex, help inhibit lipid storage unique to the tummy area and assists with stimulating, firming and slimming as well as improving the skin texture in the abdominal area to appear more toned, smoothed and plumped.

What are the different stages of fat storage?


Pre-adipocyte Fat storage: 0


Young adipocyte Fat storage: +


Mature adipocyte Fat storage: +++

1. Pre-fat cell with zero fat storage 2. Young fat cell with increased fat storage ability 3. Adult fat cell with ever expanding fat storage ability and more stubborn to remove The actives in the Body Xpert range helps to stop the adult fat cell from forming and helps reduce the size of the young fat cell – thus leading to centimetre loss and firmer appearance! What is the difference between D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment and Lipo-Sculpt Body contour Crème?

D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment is specifically developed to focus on the reduction of centimetres in the abdominal belt area with its visceral fat reserves that are more resistant to fat metabolism. Lipo-sculpt Body Contouring Crème’s formula focuses on subcutaneous fat storage on hip, thigh, arm and buttock areas.

How can I have a flatter tummy?

• Eliminate carbohydrate intake such as potatoes, bread, pasta and rice • Replace fizzy drinks with Annique’s Detox and Metabolism teas to boost your metabolism and reduce bloatedness • Use D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment to help tone and tighten your tummy! • Do regular AB exercises.


S H A P E • C O N T O U R • R E PA I R • T R E AT

Feedback from our test panel D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment

Circulex Cellulite Treatment Angelique: I loved the smell and quick absorption of the product Anna-Marie: Using this product, together with the Body Wonder Sponge did wonders for me. My centimeter loss was very good.

Lappies: I never thought it would be possible, but sure enough I lost cm’s around both my waist and hips. I scrubbed regularly with the Body Wonder Sponge.

Irma: The best ever! We can now market this with confidence as a winner, without having to kill yourself with a diet.

Lizette: Fabulous cream. Leaves a comforting, warm feeling on the stomach. I cannot believe the loss of cm’s! I did no extra exercise.

Annelize: You are able to feel and see that it works, and you can wear short sleeve shirts without having a red skin.

Lynn: These products definitely work - I am very impressed! I can feel the difference in how my pants fit.

Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème

Correxion Repairing Body Cream

Annelize: I have enlarged pores on my legs due to years of waxing. There is now a definite change in the texture of my skin. I lost 3cm around my arms and 4cm around my midriff.

Angelique: Rich and moisturising - really the best I have ever experienced! Saw drastic skin texture improvement. Lizette: Wonderful cream that is quicly absorbed into the skin.

Body Xpert Product Routine Step 1 DETOX


Step 3 TREAT


In the morning before a bath or shower: Dry brush your body vigorously with Body Wonder Sponge working towards your heart.

Apply Circulex Cellulite Treatment after your bath or shower. Tip: To intensify the circulation effect use after exercising.

Apply D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment to your abdominal area.

Massage Correxion Repairing Body Cream into areas with stretchmarks as well as areas in need of rich nourishment.

Apply Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème to hip, thigh and arm areas Note: These 2 products can be applied twice a day for an intensified result.


Note: Apply Correxion Repairing Body Cream more often to accelerate results.









REPAIR & TREAT Minimise your cellulite


• Triple action cellulite treatment. • Eliminate cellulite more effectively. • Assists in the breakdown of cellulite. • Stops fat cells from enlarging. • Caffeine assists with improving the appearance of cellulite.Green Rooibos extract, a powerful antioxidant, helps prevent premature ageing.

What Is Cellulite?

• The term ‘cellulite’ refers to an altered blood and lymph circulation state, accumulation of adipose cells and modification of surrounding tissue resulting in an “orange peel’ effect. • Majority of women (90%) have some degree of cellulite that ranges from mild when the skin is pinched, to extensive bulging visible all the time. • Cellulite begins to form during puberty, although it isn’t always noticeable on younger women.

What Causes Cellulite?

Sedentary life style i.e. lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, too much caffeine and alcohol. In short: a toxin overloaded lymphatic system!

3 Steps to improving the appearance of cellulite

• DETOX: eliminate caffeine and alcohol, drink more water and Rooibos tea and limit carbohydrates in your diet. • BOOST CIRCULATION: Get up and start doing some exercise. Dry body brushing using the Annique’s Body Wonder Sponge. • RESTORE: Use Body Xpert products to accelerate your results!




SHAPE & CONTOUR Firm & Shape up your curves


• A revolutionary gel crème. • Boost circulation. • Sculp, tone and improve. appearance of sagging skin. • Experience possible centimetre loss. • Breakdown of localised fat cells. • Unique Vitamin E micro-beads help to nourish, protect and make your skin feel silky-soft. • Green Rooibos extract.

Are there different Yes there are two main types of fat: • Subcutaneous fat i.e. fat directly types of fat? underneath the skin which may cause dimpling and cellulite. • Visceral fat on the other hand is located in the abdomen and surrounding vital organs. It is linked to everything from bad cholesterol and hypertension to diabetes, heart disease and stroke. What is lipolysis?

• It is the dissolving of fat pockets under the skin without surgery.

What is an adipocyte?

• Adipose tissue is a specialised connective tissue that functions as a major storage site for fat.

What is the function of adipose (fat) tissue?

• Creates insulating layer to reduce heat loss, protects vital organs, energy storage for future usage.

3 steps to improving the appearance of fat storage areas on hips (so-called muffin top), flabby arms and thighs

• DETOX: Adjust your diet by limiting carbohydrates and increasing protein intake. • BOOST CIRCULATION: Dry body brushing using the Annique’s Body Wonder Sponge and do cardio exercises. • RESTORE: Use Body Xpert products to accelerate your results!






• Helps metabolise large lipid (fat) cells

Circulex Cellulite Treatment

• Facilitates lipolysis (fat burning) by inhibiting fat storage in skin cells.

Heat Sense Complex

• A non-irritating sensorial heating and thermogenic active accelerates blood circulation. The length of the heating process varies by individual.

Circulex Cellulite Treatment Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment

B-Slim Complex

• Helps breakdown localised fat cells and assists with inhibiting storage of fat cells on problem areas.

D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment


• A bio-responsive ingredient with a cooling action that boosts circulation.

Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème

ACE Complex

• Helps stimulate cellular regeneration and renewal. • Helps restore skin elasticity.

Correxion Repairing Body Cream


• Enhances micro-circulation thus improving the appearance of cellulite.

Circulex Cellulite Treatment

Vitamin E microbeads

• A unique dissolving bead to help nourish and protect skin and keep it silky soft.

Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème


• Helps inhibit lipid (fat) storage unique to the tummy area.

D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment

Anti-ageing peptide

• Visibly transforms your skin to look more supple, aids prevention and improvement of the appearance of stretchmarks.

Correxion Repairing Body Cream

Green Rooibos Extract

• A powerful antioxidant to help prevent premature ageing.

Circulex Cellulite Treatment Lipo-Sculpt Body Contour Crème D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment Correxion Repairing Body Cream

For better results use your BodyXpert products with your DermaLIFT machine: Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Circulex Cellulite Treatment

D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment

Correxion Repairing Body Cream

Lipo-sculpt Body Contouring Crème




Circulex Cellulite Treatment

Firming, Shaping and Sculpting

Lipo-Sculpt Body Contouring Crème

Abdominal firmness

D-Minish Tummy Toning Treatment

Stretchmarks and anti-ageing

Correxion Repairing Body Cream


Lipo-Sculpt & Circulex Cellulite Treatment

Skin preparation and improvement of circulation

Body Wonder Sponge







In only 6 weeks

... applying twice a day





In only 6 weeks

... applying twice a day before




In only 6 weeks

... applying twice a day ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 7





Cellulite Treatment 150ml

Tummy Toning Treatment 150ml

Body Contouring Crème 150ml

Repairing Body Cream 150ml

Minimise your cellulite!

Tighten and tone your tummy!

Shape up your curves!

Target ageing and stretchmarks!

KEY BENEFITS • Cellsothin: Burns fats and inhibits fat storage • Heat Sense Complex: A thermogenic active that accelerates blood flow • Caffeine: Helps improve micro-circulation thus improving the appearance of cellulite

• AbRedux: Targets and breaks down fat cells around the waist area • Heat Sense Complex: A thermogenic active that accelerates blood flow • B-Slim Complex: Breaks down fat cells

• Specifically for problem areas: Hips, thighs and arms • B-Slim Complex: Breaks down fat cells • Sensocool: Cooling action stimulates circulation • Cellsothin: Burns fats and inhibits fat storage • Vitamin E Micro Beads: Nourishes and protects

• ACE Complex: Restores skin elasticity and stimulates cell renewal and regeneration • Unique Anti-ageing Peptide: Prevents and improves the appearance of stretchmarks


• Ab-Redux

• B-Slim Complex

• Anti-ageing Peptides and ACE Complex

A R E A O F A P P L I C AT I O N • Thighs and buttocks

• Stomach area

• Hips, arms and thighs

• Areas with stretchmarks or anti-ageing

Q U I C K Q U I R K Y W AY S T O R E M E M B E R W H AT T H E S E P R O D U C T S D O Circulex is a cellulite treatment so if you remember the letter ‘c’ in Circulex sounds like the the letter ‘c’ in cellulite, you will remember this product removes cellulite.

D-Minish is a tummy toning treatment, so to remember the functions of this product, take note that the word diminish means to make something less and in this case it is the tummy area.

Lipo-Sculpt is a body contouring crème. Think of a sculpture artist forming the hands, legs and hips of his/her sculpture, smoothing them out and in the same way you will remember this cream smoothes out these body areas.


Correxion is a repairing body cream. Think of Tipp-Ex and how you use it to make correction. This way you will remember that this product ‘corrects’ stretchmarks.

Your complete sun care solution


One of the six differences between Annique and other beauty houses is that we believe sun care forms part of our daily skin care routine and we thus regard our sun protection products as cardinally important.

Sun protection is important as skin damage from sunlight builds up with continued exposure, whether sunburn occurs or not. In addition to skin cancer and sunburn, wrinkles and premature ageing are also caused by sun exposure. Annique’s Sun Care range provides broad spectrum protection, helps to prevent the signs of ageing associated with sun exposure and contains Rooibos extract for its powerful antioxidant properties.

Sun Safety Aerosol SPF 30 is a convenient sun protection spray, with added benefits of Green Rooibos.

Sun Safety Aerosol SPF 30

No more sticky hands or sand in your sun cream with this water-resistant sun protection aerosol for sport lovers – nonstick and quick spray-on application on any area like the scalp, hands and face. The unique Green Rooibos extract protects skin against free radical damage from UVrays and is suitable for the whole family. Now with a new fresh fragrance.

Safe-in-the-Sun SPF 30 with DN-Age Want to feel safe in the sun, while enjoying your vacation? DN-Age in this sun block helps to protect DNA in skin cells and to prevent sun damage to these cells. This optimal UV-protection in a nonallergenic formulation contains: • DN-Age© to neutralise free radicals and protect cells from DNA damage caused by the sun. • Green Rooibos – anti-allergic, powerful natural antioxidant, prevents premature ageing. SPF 30 provides 30 times the skin’s own natural defence against sun burn. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 2

Directions: Apply Safe in the Sun daily to face, neck, shoulders, ears and nose – remember sensitive areas like the top of feet and back of hands. People with sensitive skin must repeat application after 60 – 120 minutes. The Green Rooibos Safe in the Sun SPF 30 forms part of your daily skin care program to prevent ageing and skin problems like cancer and pigmentation, which is one of the six differences between Annique and other beauty houses.

Be Wise SPF 50 with DN-Age© Millions of people flock to beaches and holiday resorts across the world and spend hours in the sun. Regardless of many warnings and previous bad experiences with severe sunburn, many people still use no or insufficient sun protection products. In the winter months people are prone to think the sun doesn’t damage their skin, because the sun’s rays don’t burn as hot as in summer. People have to realise that sun rays can damage their skin all year round, even when it is overcast. Harmful rays reach any sunny spot in the house and reflects off water and other surfaces. Especially in South Africa, it is essential to apply sunblock every single day. People in dryer areas and in areas higher above sea level have a greater risk of sun exposure. UV levels are up to 50% more dangerous at 10 000 feet above sea level. UV-damage also lowers the skin’s immunity against cancer and harmful diseases. Even though we are bombarded with warnings against the harmful effects of the sun, it seems that most people still don’t view this matter in a serious light. The daily use of a sun block considerably lowers the risk of getting wrinkles, pigmentation and skin cancer. Be Wise SPF 50 has been formulated with the latest technology to provide broad spectrum protection against UVA rays (that can cause ageing) and UVB rays (that can cause sunburn). This light, non-irritating cream can be used to prevent premature ageing, as sun exposure is one of the main causes of skin damage and ageing. DN-Age is an ingredient that is included to help to protect the skin from DNA. DNA damage can cause premature ageing and skin disease. Be Wise contains a light fragrance.

Be wise about sun exposure

How does an SPF (sun protection factor) work?

Avoid the sun between 10:00 and 15:00, wear a hat and apply a sunblock every day. Choose a sunblock that provides broad spectrum protection, like Annique’s Be Wise SPF 50, that filters UVA and UVB rays. Remember to also apply sunblock to your neck and hands. These areas are often neglected, but are also exposed to the sun.

Sunblock is an excellent way to protect your skin against sun damage. When a sunblock contains an SPF of 50, it means you can spend 50 times longer in the sun, without damaging your skin. In other words, if it takes 10 minutes for you to burn in the sun without any sun protection, you will be able to spend 500 minutes or a little bit more than eight hours (= 50 (SPF) x ten minutes) in the sun without damaging your skin, when you apply an SPF of 50 or more. After eight+ hours you need to apply sun block again. SPF tests are conducted under controlled circumstances and don’t take individual skin types, sweating and rubbing of clothes and towels against the skin and watersport into account. Therefore, you need to apply sunblock more frequently than the SPF suggests.



Why do we need to take vitamins and minerals? When you have a cold, the first thing most people tell you is to take Vitamin C. Feeling a bit blah? Another person assures you that you need B vitamins for stress, B12 for energy metabolism and Vitamin E against cancer and heart disease... Have you ever wondered why we really need to take supplements, even if we do have a healthy lifestyle or diet?

Here are some compelling reasons:

• Even slight nutritional deficiencies, over long periods of time, may play a significant part in the development of serious health problems, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis. • A forty-year study done in the USA reveals that, since the 1950s, there has been a major decline in the nutrient value of fruit and vegetables. This is due to the steady depletion of soil nutrients, coupled with the effects of prolonged crop storage, plus temperature and hormonal manipulation. • Over-processing seriously depletes food of nutrients. • Much fresh produce has been genetically modified to look colourful and visually enticing, and the sugar content of fruit may have been augmented to satisfy export market tastes. It seems that marketing dictates have become more important than nutritional value. • Our bodies are being subjected to increasingly hectic lifestyles. Medicines and pharmaceutical drugs, from over-the-counter pain killers to prescription medication, are leeching our bodies of stored nutrients required for the maintenance of optimal health. An unhealthy diet, alcoholism, anxiety and stress and pollution, which forms part of everybody’s lives, also plays a role.

vitamins directly from edible plants and animals. Minerals are essential for the effective absorption of vitamins.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS: Polyunsaturated fats/oils are essential for optimum health, because they cannot be manufactured by the body. They reduce the risk of many diseases, including cancer, heart disease, allergies, depression and others. Two of the most important are Omega 3 (from flax and fish oils) and Omega 6 (from seed oils). Modern food choices are often deficient in Omega 3 and to a lesser extent Omega 6. Current research indicates that supplementation of Omega 3 and, to a lesser extent, Omega 6 is necessary for brain functioning and general body health.

What micronutrients are most crucial to your health? VITAMINS: These are organic substances necessary for life. Most cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from food and dietary supplements. Vitamins regulate metabolism through enzyme systems. Deficiencies can endanger the whole body.

MINERALS: 4% of the body is made from minerals. They are used to regulate and balance body chemistry. Macro-minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium are needed in large quantities by the body whilst trace-minerals, such as chromium, iodine, manganese and selenium are needed in much smaller quantities. Animals eat plants which, in turn, absorb minerals from the soil. People then obtain minerals and ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 2

Did you know?

Higher intakes of Vitamin C, betacarotene and Vitamin E may lower your risk of lung cancer by 68%.

What are dietary supplements?

They are specific formulations intended to supplement the human diet with vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional elements, which are essential for the proper functioning of the human body.

ROOIBOS EXTRACT: Aspalathus linearis is a herbal plant found only on the slopes of the Cedarberg Mountains in the Western Cape (South Africa). It has powerful anti-allergic and antioxidant properties. It contains the calming quercetin and luteolin and a unique flavonoid, aspalathin that supports cell stabilisation. The naturally occurring enzymes in Rooibos enhance the absorption of other active ingredients, giving better results.

Supplements need to be taken with adequate amounts of water. The body consists of about 80% water and can lose about 1.5 litres a day through the skin, lungs, gut and via the kidneys as urine, thereby enabling toxic substances to be eliminated. Water is necessary for the maintenance of optimum health and the efficiency of all the body’s systems.

Some important pointers about water and other fluids: • DRINK 30ml of pure water per kg of body mass (For example, a 50kg person should drink 50 x 30ml per day = 1.5 litres). • MINIMISE the intake of alcohol, coffee and normal tea. (Alcohol acts as a diuretic and thus dehydrates the body). Diluted fruit juices, herbal teas and especially Rooibos are preferable to alcohol, tea or coffee. • THIRST is a late indicator of the need to drink – we should therefore drink throughout the day and not just when we feel thirsty! • TYPES OF WATER: Tap water – may contain chemical additives for purification. If possible, avoid it or use a recommended filter. Distilled water – is pure but contains no minerals as they were left behind in the distillation process. Mineral water – is good, but only if correctly bottled at source and without the introduction of contaminants and bacterial overload. Check the label for mineral content.

Statistics on use of dietary supplements

• Americans are spending about $20 billion per year on dietary supplements. • About 50% of adults take a daily multivitamin. • According to the American Department of Agriculture, 28% of us fall short on the recommended daily intake of vitamin B1. • Almost 86% of people don’t get enough Vitamin E in their diet. • The American Department of Health Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report showed that more than half the adult population doesn’t meet its recommended daily requirement. 76% of smokers are below par in terms of their daily requirement and only 7% of Americans meet the estimated average requirement of Vitamin E. • Although information on zinc deficiency in South Africa is lacking, a study carried out by the Nutritional Intervention Research Unit (NIRU) of the Medical Research Council (MRC) showed that 27% of preschool children and 34% of primary school children in a rural community in KwaZuluNatal are zinc deficient. • NIRU also found that 33% (1.8 million) of children under six years of age suffer from subclinical vitamin A deficiency, while 21% (1.2 million) are anaemic. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 3

MICRONUTRIENTS Unique Selling Points of Forever Healthy


Formulated to meet specific South African needs (soil, water, food, lifestyles)


High quality softgel encapsulation for easy ingestion and maximum absorption

Optimum balance between science and nature


Excludes salt, starch, arificial colourants and flavourants


Laboratory facility approved by the MCC for using Good Manufacturing Practice


The range is designed to prevent disease and enhance optimum health

Rooibos for its superior antioxidant and anti-allergic anti-spasmodic properties, which aid digestion and absorption and Green Rooibos for extra antioxidant properties Effective, integrated range of micronutrients Very affordable, cost competitive range Ensures ingredients are suitable for all ages, genders, genotypes, health concerns Reduces body toxicity from heavy metals and nitrates

Antioxidants for immune system support

Halaal certified Your best choice of supplements for great health!

Annique’s Forever Healthy range contains: Green Rooibos extract has much more antioxidants than normal Rooibos. Linseed Oil is rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, zinc and B vitamins. Many nutritionists recommend a daily intake of Linseed Oil to help reduce the risk of arthritis, cancer, heart disease and strokes.

Composition of fats in Linseed Oil: Omega 3 58%, Omega 6 - 18%, Omega 9 - 17%, Saturated fat - 7%. It is low in calories and contains no cholestrol. Several studies have shown that it can reduce the pain, inflammation and swelling associated with arthritis.



The Rooibos Platform Rooibos: A multi-wonder

Over the past 20 years worldwide scienfific research on the indigenous South African herb, Aspalathus linearis (Rooibos), has shown that it has amazing properties that are highly beneficial. The benefits of Rooibos include:


Aids in the relief of heartburn Slows the ageing process Protects the liver Assists in restful sleep Lowers risk of heart disease Anti-spasmodic Tannin content very low Has the unique flavonoid, aspalathin


Lowers risk of cancer Immune system booster Natural antioxidant Enjoyable to drink Anti-allergenic Reduces oxidative stress Includes polyphenols Soothes skin irritations

Uptake of Rooibos to control diabetes Soothes stomach cramps and colic

100% Good!

Researchers have found no side effects associated with the use of Rooibos tea. It is safe for everyone, including pregnant and breastfeeding women and young children. Its benefits extend far beyond the seams of the actual tea bag! ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 5

Annique’s Forever Healthy range of vitamin and mineral supplements has been created by nutritional experts to provide the optimum balance between science and nature. Advanced, complex scientific formulas, combined with the best nature has to offer, has produced a range that will help to improve and preserve your health and wellbeing. The range was compiled to be easy to use, simple to understand and to make the choice of supplements most beneficial to your individual needs, straight forward. If you have ever stood overwhelmed and paralysed in the vitamin aisle, you will know that there are hundreds of products available today to increase health and wellbeing. But how do you choose from all of these? It seems like a near impossible task. Annique has scrutinised all the research and latest findings on health supplementation, to bring you a simple, yet effective range that is synergistically formulated to enhance your health.

10 Benefits of using

1. Easy to use. 2. Affordable. 3. Produced in a facility that is approved by the Medicines Control Council (MCC) and uses Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). 4. Rooibos extract adds antioxidant, antiallergic, anti-carcinogenic properties and enzymes enhance absorption. 5. Complex formulas provide the optimum balance between science and nature. 6. Most products are encapsulated in high quality soft gel gelatine, making it easy to use and ingest. Ingredients are absorbed quicker and easier than in tablets, making these available to the body faster. 7. Less stomach distress as a result of the soft gel encapsulation. 8. Capsules are distinguishable from other supplements. 9. Halaal certified. 10. Optimum health and wellbeing.

The Forever Healthy range of supplements includes elements critical to improving your health and wellbeing, namely vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids; and the most important of all: Rooibos extract. Annique has included Rooibos extract in the Forever Healthy Range, because of the amazing health promoting properties of this unique indigenous herb. Recent scientific research has proven what South Africans have known for decades: Rooibos has unbelievable health properties. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 6

10Reasons why we have included Rooibos extract in Forever Healthy

1. It is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. 2. Helps to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides that can lead to heart disease. 3. Anti-allergenic. 4. Anti-spasmodic. 5. Has anti-ageing benefits. 6. Helps to fight cancer. 7. Contains anti-viral and antibacterial properties. 8. Helps to alleviate stress.

9. Helps to balance blood sugar levels – it is likely to prevent and alleviate diabetes. 10. Contains enzymes to improve nutrient absorption.



Forever Healthy consists of 4 major categories that synergistically work together for improved health and wellbeing by offering you the best of both worlds: a scientific approach, balanced by the finest nature has to offer.

The Antioxidant Approach

Annique has included a superior extract of Rooibos in all Forever Healthy capsules. This extract provides as much as 96% more Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value per gram and 77% more polyphenols, in comparison to other commercially available Rooibos extracts.

Boost your Basics

Choose your essential basics, this will form the foundation of your supplementation, and then add extras as seasons change, if and when the need or occasion arises. Your Forever Healthy supplementation recommendations have been constructed using a colour coded wheel, to make the composition of the range easy to understand.

Category 1: Core Nutrition Category 2: Baseline Nutrition Category 3: Insurance Nutrition Category 4: Specific Indication Nutrition ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 7


CORE NUTRITION Core Nutrition forms the nucleus of Forever Healthy. Great health starts in the body’s digestive system, where nutrients from food and supplements are broken down, absorbed and distributed to the rest of the body. An unhealthy or damaged digestive tract and diseased organs will starve the rest of the body of essential nutrients and allow toxins into the bloodstream.


Probiotic for digestive support

Most people have less than optimal digestive systems, leading to poor absorption of nutrients. The digestive system contains flora and enzymes that break down and absorb nutrients from food. Taking probiotics will ensure that the maximum nutrition is extracted from food and supplements and allows the digestive system to heal itself. Probiotic means ‘for life’ in Greek. These friendly micro organisms, when taken in adequate amounts, form the core of nutritional supplements, as their use positively influences the whole body and your overall health. OptiFlora contains probiotic species, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, Rooibos extract and fructo-oligosaccharides, for the good bacteria in the formula to feed off, promoting rapid multiplication of healthy flora and enzymes.


More reasons to take OptiFlora daily

• Improves bowel function and digestion. • Promotes the absorption of nutrients. • Boosts your immune system by helping to control and destroy potentially disease causing organisms. • Our modern eating habits lead to a deficiency in good bacteria in the gut. • Essential for overall health and wellbeing.


Ailments improved by taking OptiFlora Impact of food poisoning. Food allergies. Lactose intolerance – it helps to break down lactose from milk. Infections like sore throat, candida and bladder infections. Prolonged times of stress. After surgery or a course of antibiotics. Constipation or any bowel problem like: IBS Bloating Belching Indigestion Diarrhoea Cramps Thrush

DOSAGE: 1 capsule per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 8

PS: It may be necessary to supplement up to 3 times the normal dose of 1 capsule per day when taken after a course of antibiotics or to fight off an infection.


BASELINE NUTRITION Forever Healthy’s Core and Baseline Nutrition categories make up the foundation of your daily supplementation. Supplements in these categories should be taken daily.

OptiVite Essential daily vitamins and minerals Supplementing with a multivitamin is crucial for sustained optimum health, energy and a consistent mood. It is nearly impossible to get the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need daily from our diet. Supplementation is easy, convenient and allows us to fill the nutritional gaps created by our Ace your Base Probiotics in OptiFlora is the nucleus of your modern lifestyles and diets. OptiVite contains 12 essential vitamins and 9 minerals with added salmon oil for its omega 3 benefits and Rooibos extract - the perfect daily vitamin combination to improve your health.

supplementation program, followed closely by three critical supplements that form the Baseline Nutrition of Forever Healthy to support, improve and maintain optimum health: a multivitamin (OptiVite), omega 3 and 6 essential oils (OptiMega) and necessary minerals calcium and magnesium (OptiCalMag).

The ideal daily dose



to take OptiVite

You cannot get the required nutrition your body needs from food only. Modern lifestyles with stress, exercise, pollution, toxic overload, etc. deplete nutrients. It is convenient and value for money. To help the body in optimising its functions. Prevention of disease, tissue and organ deterioration and ageing. DOSAGE:

1-2 capsules per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.


OptiMega For heart and brain support

OptiMega contains omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) to support the two most critical organs in the body, the heart and the brain. Apart from this, EFAs have many more health promoting benefits.

Get Heart Smart

The Eskimo diet contains the highest amount of cholesterol in the world, yet they suffer the least heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. Why? Their diets consist almost solely of fish and raw seal meat, so they get enough omega 3 and 6 oils through their diets to keep them healthy. Heart disease is the biggest modern day illness facing human kind, yet it can easily be prevented.

5 Conditions


that OptiMega can help to alleviate Cholesterol and heart disease. Arthritis. Inflammation. Skin conditions like Dermatitis, acne, eczema and dry skin. Lacking mental performance, memory and mood swings and increased aggression.




in which OptiMega supports the brain

Improves neurotransmitter balance and receptivity. Helps to relieve hyperactivity. Boosts memory and mood. Relieves depression. Improves sleep.

Boost your Brain Power OptiMega can help to boost your intelligence, and improve mood and memory. The brain consists of about 60% fat. The modern diet is highly deficient in Omega 3, and to a lesser extent Omega 6, and therefore these crucial nutrients need to be supplemented daily.

Ways to lower blood pressure

Take OptiMega – Omega 3 oils can reduce the risk of heart disease by helping to thin the blood taken together with vitamin E. Take OptiC – Vitamin C is vital in the production of collagen, the glue between cells that keeps skin, tissue and arteries supple. Hardened arteries can lead to high blood pressure. Balance the body’s pH, by taking OptiToniQ+. Increase Vitamin E (contained in most capsules in Forever Healthy).


1 - 2 capsules per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.


OptiCalMag For bone, heart and arterial system support

More than just Building Better Bones Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body, and it is also the most abundant. Most people know calcium and magnesium to build strong teeth and bones, but it also plays a crucial role in muscle and blood vessel function, functioning of the nervous system and it helps the heart muscle to function properly. Because calcium is so important, the body will OptiCalMag do everything in its power to obtain it. If you are not getting enough calcium from contains your diet, the body will extract it from your teeth and bones. The body’s ability to Calcium Cit rate absorb calcium also declines as we age. This means our bones begin to weaken for better and can lead to osteoporosis. This is why supplementation becomes even more absorption critical – especially for women. It is also critical to understand acidity, when taking calcium supplements. Most foods are acid forming and the body needs an alkaline environment to perform optimally. If the body is too acidic, you will not be able to optimally absorb the nutrients from food and supplementation. Here Annique’s Opti ToniQ+ enables the body to maintain an alkaline environment. There are different forms of calcium and magnesium used in supplements, of which the quality and body’s ability to absorb these vary dramatically. It is important to look for a quality calcium supplement that is more bioavailable, rather than for quantity of calcium contained. OptiCalMag contains calcium citrate which is combined with citric acid and doesn’t need stomach acid to be absorbed. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer. It counteracts the effects of calcium, a muscle contractor, and it is therefore critical to take a supplement of 3 parts of magnesium to 4 parts of calcium.

It’s all about Absorption When choosing a calcium supplement, it is important to look for ingredients that enhance calcium absorption, as this is one of the major challenges the body faces. South Africans do not get adequate amounts of calcium through their diets, and therefore need supplements to aid in the supply and optimal absorption of this calcium. Our diets are also shown to be lacking in magnesium, so a calcium supplement with more magnesium compensates for this deficiency. It is also critical to understand acidity, when taking calcium supplements. Most foods are acid forming and the body needs an alkaline environment to perform optimally. If the body is too acidic, you will not be able to optimally absorb the nutrients from food and supplementation. Here Annique’s OptiToniQ+ enables the body to maintain an alkaline environment. Did you know that Vitamin D3 is the only vitamin that the body is able to manufacture? Vitamin D3, gained from sunlight is absorbed into the body. Unfortunately due to the high risk of skin cancer from sun exposure, most people avoid the sun, thereby reducing their Vitamin D3 intake, which is crucial for calcium absorption and bone growth.


Quality vs. Quantity There are different forms of calcium and magnesium used in supplements, of which the quality and body’s ability to absorb these vary dramatically. It is important to look for a quality calcium supplement that is more bioavailable, rather than for the quantity of calcium contained. The most common forms of calcium used in supplements is calcium carbonate and to a lesser extent calcium citrate. Calcium carbonate is combined with carbonic acid to form calcium carbonate. This form of calcium needs adequate amounts of stomach acid to be absorbed. Calcium citrate is combined with citric acid and doesn’t need stomach acid to be absorbed. Many people battle with the correct amount and quality of stomach acid to properly digest and absorb food. This occurs as a result of our modern day diets, illness, medication and as we age, our stomach’s ability to produce acid declines, which leads to poor absorption of nutrients. OptiFlora aids in healing the stomach and digestive tract, enhancing the absorption of vitamins and minerals. The amount of calcium and magnesium you get from a supplement depends on the elemental value of the mineral. Calcium carbonate contains 40% elemental calcium, and citrate contains 21%. At a glance, it may seem that the carbonate form is a better option, but the absorption benefits when taking the citrate form massively outweighs that of the carbonate form. People can easily overdose on calcium carbonate that can again lead to calcification of arteries and other health problems.


Things that

negatively impact bone density

• Coffee • Alcohol • Lack of exercise • Acid forming foods, like carbohydrates, sugar and meat

System support: • Heart and arterial system • Skeleton and joints • Weight loss

DOSAGE: 2 - 4 capsules per day for women and 1 capsule per day for men, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.


Important note: Impact exercise like running, jogging and swimming is critical for the building and maintenance of strong bones.

Ingredients per capsule Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Linseed Oil providing ALA Calcium Citrate Magnesium Citrate Green Rooibos Extract



Your Safety Net Insurance nutrition provides a means to proactively manage your potential health risks, by providing the necessary nutrients to maintain health and prevent disease and illness. These supplements provide essential protection and should also be taken daily for optimum results.


For antioxidant support Vitamin C is one of the safest, most effective and well known vitamins. The human body cannot produce this crucial vitamin, so if you don’t supplement it, your health is at risk. Vitamin C has amazing health properties, from supporting the cardiovascular and immune systems to lowering the risk of cancer and building collagen and tissue for a beautiful skin, yet most of us don’t get anywhere near these benefits because we don’t get enough Vitamin C.


Why we don’t get enough vitamin C


to supplement with OptiC

• Our modern diets do not contain enough raw fruit and vegetables. • The NRV (nutritional reference value previously known as RDA (recommended daily allowance) is set too low.

• • • •

It is packed with potent antioxidants. Fights infections, boosting your immune system. Helps to protect against heart disease and cancer. It is essential to build collagen – the glue that keeps cells together, builds tissue for great skin, for strong and healthy bones, joints, tendons, arteries and skin. • Natural detox aid.



that increase the need for antioxidants

• Smoking. • Stress. • Increased sugar consumption. • Surgery or injury. • Trauma. • Regular drinking. • Pollution exposure. • Infections. • Exercise.

DOSAGE: 1 capsule per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 13


Age Defence Solution OptiToniQ+ will: • Improve hydration • Restore the body’s mineral balance • Ensure transport of nutrients and oxygen directly into the cells • Enable faster detoxification • Remove waste products

OptiToniQ+ is 100% pure, natural and organically balanced water concentrate with Himalayan crystal salt, containing 84 minerals and trace elements which are identical to and essential for the human body. It helps to balance your body’s pH, rendering it uninhabitable for viruses, bacteria, fungus, cancer, etc. and it optimally provides 84 essential minerals needed for every cell function. OptiToniQ+ will improve hydration and restore the body’s mineral balance, ensure transport of nutrients and oxygen directly into the cells and enable faster detoxification and removal of waste products. This will prevent illness; enable the body to deal with current health concerns and rejuvenate cells and the body as a whole.

Q&A WHAT IS OptiToniQ+?

OptiToniQ+ is 100% pure, natural and organic balanced water concentrate with Himalayan crystal salt, containing 84 minerals and trace elements which are identical to and essential for the human body.



OptiToniQ+ contributes to a healthier lifestyle by stimulating our body‘s unique ability to regenerate itself. OptiToniQ+ is: • pH Balancing – It makes the body slightly alkaline, rendering it uninhabitable to viruses, bacteria and fungi. • Anti-ageing – replacing essential micro-minerals ensures cells are regenerated to their original design. It helps your body regenerate healthier, younger, energetic and normal cells for improved skin, hair, nails, organ function and brain health.

Himalayan crystal salt, is salt in its native form, that helps promote a healthy balance in your body. It contains all of the trace elements and minerals that are found in the body and can be immediately absorbed. Himalayan crystal salt comes from the Himalayan mountain range, where millions of years ago, a vast ocean covered that area. It is pure, unpolluted, mineral rich salt that has been crystallised in the earth over millions of years. It does not burden the body as other salts do. Himalayan crystal salt regulates the water content of the body, and can be considered a food.

CAN I ADD HIMALAYAN SALTS TO ORDINARY WATER AND EXPECT THE SAME HEALTH BENEFITS AS ONE WOULD EXPECT FROM OptiToniQ+? No. Himalayan salts provides the 84 minerals needed by the human body, but OptiToniQ+ is re-energised water – purified water that has regained light, gravity, oxygen and movement energy – saturated with Himalayan salts. This solution is identical to cell fluid, and can therefore be absorbed immediately into cells, without burdening the body. WHAT DOES OptiToniQ+ DO? OptiToniQ+ Age Defence Solution will balance your body’s pH, making it impossible for viruses, bacteria and cancer to survive, and it provides the 84 minerals the body needs to balance itself and function at optimum levels. Your body identifies OptiToniQ+ immediately. It hydrates, detoxes and feeds cells with 84 minerals. It is the basis of all nutrition. All the cells in the body start to function properly.



Living water refers to how water was constituted millions of years ago, before man’s interference with Mother Nature. Living water contains a specific balance of energy and minerals. It heals, nourishes and revitalises cells. Living water resonates with energy from the sun, reveals exquisite crystalline structures, reflecting its vitality. It is saturated with oxygen and contains a wide variety of minerals and trace elements.

WHY SHOULD I TAKE OptiToniQ+? OptiToniQ+ feeds your body’s cells. OptiToniQ+ seeks to restore your body’s balance. It hydrates, oxygenates, nourishes and detoxifies the cells. OptiToniQ+ can help the body prevent illness, disease and ageing.

CAN I TAKE OptiToniQ+ WHEN I‘VE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? Yes, contrary to common table salt (sodium chloride), OptiToniQ+ can be used by those with high blood pressure. In fact, the OptiToniQ+ will lower the blood pressure. Those with low blood pressure can also consume OptiToniQ+ and their blood pressure will rise. This means that OptiToniQ+ is not only a blood pressure lowering remedy. OptiToniQ+‘s fundamental attribute is to restore the body’s balance.

CAN I TAKE OptiToniQ+ WHILE I‘M PREGNANT OR BREAST FEEDING? We recommend that a pregnant woman should always consult a health practitioner first, before taking OptiToniQ+ during pregnancy or breast feeding. Pregnant women often suffer from numerous nutritional deficiencies, because the developing foetus is constantly drawing nutrients from its mother. This is why many pregnant women crave certain types of food during pregnancy. Their bodies need additional nutrients. OptiToniQ+ is a natural and well-balanced saltwater solution containing organic colloidal minerals and trace elements, of which the human body is comprised. OptiToniQ+ can therefore complement and improve the intake of (healthy) food and nutritional supplements prescribed by the health practitioner.

WILL OptiToniQ+ INFLUENCE MY HORMONE MEDICATION? No, it can’t interfere with the action of medication. It will help your body cope better with the treatment. It is microsupplementation.

IS OptiToniQ+ A MEDICINE? No, OptiToniQ is a lifestyle product and classified as revitalised structured cell water with balancing and energising effects at a cellular level, when drinking it in diluted form. OptiToniQ+ is part of a holistic healing approach by stimulating our body‘s innate regulatory abilities to restore energy balance. +

HOW OFTEN DO I HAVE TO TAKE THE OptiToniQ+? OptiToniQ+ is a lifestyle product, and for maximum benefits, should be taken on a daily basis. When you start taking OptiToniQ+ you will most likely not suddenly be healed or feel and look younger. You will most probably experience subtle changes in your health and only after a few months will you realise the results. It fits in perfectly with Annique’s Lifestyle philosophy and thus it should form part of your lifestyle.

WILL I FEEL A DIFFERENCE WHEN USING OptiToniQ+? The response after taking OptiToniQ+ varies from person to person. In the first period of taking OptiToniQ+ one can experience certain side-effects because of the detoxification or healing crisis that the body goes through. One of the results of taking OptiToniQ+ is the removal of toxins from the body. These symptoms may include headaches, nausea, frequent urination, diarrhoea, extreme tiredness and lower back pain. These detoxifying symptoms normally last between 1 to 7 days. We have not heard of anyone experiencing it for longer than 2 weeks. The severity and the duration of this detoxifying is experienced, is however, completely unique to each individual taking the product and is proportional in its intensity to the condition of the person‘s body taking it at time. A normal result of taking OptiToniQ+ is a thirst for water.

WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON‘T FEEL ANY DIFFERENCE WHEN TAKING THE OptiToniQ+? Results vary per person. Sometimes a person is unaware of the work that OptiToniQ+ is facilitating at deep cellular levels. A person does not literally have to feel a difference. OptiToniQ+ is designed to raise the frequency of all organs, making them more resistant to the lower frequencies of viruses, bacteria and parasites. The strengthening of the immune system enables the body to become more capable of fighting micro-organisms that could be harmful to the general health.

CAN I TAKE OptiToniQ+ WHEN I AM ALREADY TAKING NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS? Yes, OptiToniQ+ can be used in conjunction with nutritional supplements because its increases the bio-availability of these other substances, enabling the body to more effectively utilise them. OptiToniQ+ provides 84 minerals that increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals in micro nutrients. OptiToniQ+ must be taken together with multivitamin supplements (like Annique OptiVite and OptiC). It is safe to use with OptiClear and all other Annique Forever Healthy and Forever Slim supplements. Please consult your medical practitioner before using OptiToniQ+ if you are pregnant or under medical care.

AM I CHEATING IF I USE OptiToniQ+ DURING SPORTS COMPETITIONS? No, OptiToniQ+ is 100% pure, natural and organic and contains no alcohol, glucose or ingredients that can be associated with any form of enhancing performance drug.

WHAT IS THE EXPIRY DATE OF OptiToniQ+? We have a one year expiry after date of manufacture. Once opened, use the OptiToniQ+ within 90 days. Always store the OptiToniQ+ in a cool, odourless place, away from direct sunlight.

WHY CAN’T I DILUTE OptiToniQ+ IN TAP WATER? The chlorine in tap water will destroy the delicate mineral and other properties in the OptiToniQ+ solution. Use filtered, distilled, ionised, or purified water (achieved through reverse osmosis).

CAN I USE BOILED WATER TO DILUTE OptiToniQ+? No. Boiling water will not remove the chlorine,


and will therefore destroy the health and revitalising properties of OptiToniQ+.

CAN I TAKE OptiToniQ+ UNDILUTED? Yes. It is however strongly advised to drink a glass of chlorine free water after taking OptiToniQ+ in undiluted form. You can even add OptiToniQ+ to your food as seasoning. The best way to take OptiToniQ+ is to add it to water – add a few drops to an empty glass and top up with chlorine free water. This ensures maximum dispersion of the minerals in the water.

I CAN’T ALWAYS BUY BOTTLED WATER AND ALSO DO NOT HAVE A WATER PURIFYING SYSTEM IN MY HOME OR OFFICE. HOW CAN I TAKE OptiToniQ+? There are different ways you can take your OptiToniQ+. The best way is with chlorine free water, but if you do not have access to chlorine free water, you can take OptiToniQ+ as follows: • In milk or Annique Lifestyle Shake (made with milk or chlorine free water) • Rooibos tea (made with chlorine free water) • Sprinkle over your food • Take drops undiluted

12Ailments that can be improved by taking OptiToniQ+ • Blood pressure problems (high or low) • Bone density problems • High cholesterol • Cancer • Eczema • Allergies • Acne • Hyperacidity • Rheumatic illnesses like gout and arthritis • Gall and kidney stones • Insomnia • Hormonal imbalances DOSAGE: How much and how often you take OptiToniQ+ throughout the day depends on one‘s personal preference of drinking water throughout the day. We recommend the following: • Add 2 drops of OptiToniQ+ Water to a clean glass and then top up with pure, chlorine free water (not tap water), assuming that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of 250ml each throughout the day (equals the recommended 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day). Based on this intake, one bottle of 30ml OptiToniQ+ Water will make approximately 60 litres of revitalised structured cell water OR • Add 16 drops of OptiToniQ+ Water at once to a clean glass and then top up with pure, chlorine free water and take this preferable on an empty stomach in the morning. Based on this intake, one bottle of 30ml OptiToniQ+ Water will make 30 glasses of 250ml revitalised structured cell water using it as a booster in the early morning. You can also put 16 drops under your tongue.

OptiRooibos is your natural health insurance for you and your family! The Annique Rooibos story started in 1968, when Dr. Annique Theron discovered Rooibos’ ability to soothe and calm her baby daughter, relieving the infant of colic and insomnia. Amazed by its natural healing potential, Dr. Annique went on to investigate and document its health promoting abilities, including its antioxidant, antiallergenic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. She founded Annique Rooibos Health and Beauty in 1971 and went on to develop the first Rooibos skincare and health range in the world.

Why do we need ANTIOXIDANTS? Antioxidants destroy free radicals. Free radicals are rogue oxygen molecules, that have lost an electron. That loss makes them unstable (in chemical terms, reactive), causing them to ‘steal’ neighbouring molecules’ electrons, causing them to operate like terrorists in the body. The damage caused by free radicals is called oxidation. Examples of oxidation are bananas turning brown when left unpeeled or the rusting of iron.


Studies at the Medical Research Council (MRC)’s PROMEC unit, completed by Dr Janine Marnewick, Excess free radicals in the body contribute to the development of oxidative stress, which shows that 6 cups of Rooibos a day plays a major role in the development of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. can help to prevent cancer. It reduces cancer-associated changes in cells by Free radicals attack healthy cells, leading to dysfunction, mutation and cancer. Free protecting it against DNA damage, radicals can also disrupt or mutagenesis. Cancer develops in normal cell activities, or cell several steps and mutagenesis is one membranes, producing a of the first steps. During mutagenesis chain reaction of destruction. the genetic material (or DNA) of a Such membrane damage in cell is changed because of excessive the cells that line our blood • Normal bodily functions • Exercise exposure to mutagens (physical or vessels can lead to hardening • Pollution • Cigarette smoke chemical agents that can change the and thickening of the arteries • Processed foods • Chemicals DNA in the cell, found in cigarette and eventually to heart • Medication • Stress smoke, sunlight, chemical substances, attacks and strokes. Free • Sun damage etc). This change in the DNA is known radical attacks on collagen Less than 10% of South Africans are consuming the to be a major cause of cancer. can cause cross-linking of appropriate foods to obtain enough antioxidants protein molecules, resulting in that their bodies need to fight off the damaging stiffness in the tissue. effects of free radicals.

Free radicals are caused by:


Antioxidants are molecules that help to eradicate free radicals. Some antioxidants are called polyphenols. These are most commonly found in plants and are the type of antioxidants found in Rooibos, specifically a polyphenol called Asphalathin. An antioxidant is an organic molecule that can counteract the damaging effects of free radicals in tissues, or molecules that protect the body from free radical damage. The presence of antioxidants in the body can “mop up” free radicals before they damage essential cells.

How are ANTIOXIDANTS measured? ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) is a scale that measures the antioxidant capacity of foods and supplements. The antioxidants in any type of food are measured by their capacity to absorb free radicals. It is generally accepted that an intake of 3000 to 5000 ORAC per day, is required to support the body. However, recent studies have suggested that people have a vast variety of lifestyles and that necessitates needs that require higher levels of antioxidants – up to 21 000 a day. It is important to note that antioxidants should be acquired from a variety of foods and supplements, for optimal benefits. Other antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 16

ROOIBOS CAN PROTECT AGAINST HEART DISEASE Dr Marnewick’s studies also shows the potential of 6 cups of Rooibos tea which, if consumed daily, help protect against oxidative stress and inflammation associated with the development of heart disease. Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants, in favour of oxidants. An excess of these oxidants can damage important cellular components such as lipids, proteins and DNA, resulting in the development of several major degenerative diseases. Safety during pregnancy and breast feeding has not been established, so these women should consult their health practitioner before taking OptiRooibos.

The convenient health solution to take OptiRooibos ! 1. Prevent cancer and heart disease 2. Anti-ageing 3. Anti spasmodic: soothes digestive system 4. Anti allergic: calms allergies 5. Anti viral and anti bacterial, fights bacterial and viral infections 6. Antioxidant: prevents damage from free radicals that can cause ageing and disease 7. Anti-inflammatory: fights inflammation

Is Stress Getting to You? Stress is one of the most impactful modern day ailments that affect people. Stress leads to secondary health problems and influences our health and wellbeing, but you can counter your stress levels naturally. Researchers at the Stellenbosch University have found that Rooibos extracts can help us deal with the negative effects of stress. Amanda Swart, senior lecturer and researcher at the Biochemistry Department says “Rooibos extract inhibits the biosynthesis of the stress hormone, cortisol”. She also says “this is good news as the stress we experience on a daily basis leads to abnormally high cortisol levels, which are associated with increased anxiety, high blood pressure, suppressed immunity and diabetes.” Annique has known for years that Rooibos tea calms and relaxes and now this research underlines the fact that Rooibos has essential health and wellness properties. Try Annique’s Rooibos tea, suitable for all ages or Annique’s Herbal Teas. Specifically Relax with wild Jasmine, for a soothing and relaxing antidote to every day stress. Or, take OptiRooibos with the equivalent of six cups of Rooibos tea per capsule.


Annique’s OptiRooibos contains potent antioxidants and provides 400mg of green Rooibos extract, with a minimum of 2200 ORAC per capsule, with a polyphenolic value of 30%. Rooibos has an amazing array of health benefits, including that: 1. It contains powerful antioxidants, which help to prevent damage from free radicals that can cause ageing and disease 2. It helps to prevent heart disease 3. It aids in preventing cancer 4. It promotes anti-ageing 5. It has anti-spasmodic benefits: helps to soothe digestive system problems. 6. It has anti-allergic properties: aids in relieving allergies. 7. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which: helps to fight viral and bacterial infections. 8. It helps the body to better cope with stress 9. It helps to prevent inflammation – one of the major causes of ageing and disease.


Multi-functional Annique comes out on top!

of Rooibos tea’s health benefits = 1 capsule of OptiRooibos

I always took Osteo Eeze and Moducare for my aching wrists. It helped, until I found something even more effective and besides that, something which is multifunctional! I began drinking OptiRooibos to improve my memory. After a while I stopped drinking the initial pills and found to my delight that my Rooibos pills helped not only for memory, but also for my sore wrists! Thank you Rooibos and Annique! Nellie Potgieter ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 17



Tailor Made Solutions Specific Indication Nutrition offers an array of solutions for people with specific health conditions and concerns. These supplements should be used in addition to the Core, Baseline and Insurance Nutrition categories, when the need arises.

OptiClear Aids in removing heavy toxins and heavy metals

Why use OptiClear?

• If you have problems losing weight – a good course of 2 months can result in effortless weightloss for the first time! • Turn back the effects of free radicals and, therefore, ageing. OptiClear restores organ equilibrium which enables the body to do its own repairing work. • Want to see allergies disappear? A toxic liver or body is the main cause of allergic responses in the body. • Medical research has shown great relief and benefit for: ¡ porphyria ¡ migraine ¡ chemo-patients ¡ irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) ¡ spastic colon ¡ gastro-intestinal problems [heartburn and ulcers] • Cigarette craving declined in some users. • Sugar craving declined in most users. • PMS symptoms declined in most users. • Energy levels improved in all users.


Zero Tolerance OptiClear contains AbsorbatoxTM that adsorbs heavy metals, toxins and nitrates. Heavy metal toxicity can have detrimental effects on your health. OptiClear is FDA certified, helps to restore organ equilibrium and is safe to use (it doesn’t get absorbed into the blood stream, but stays in the gastro-intestinal tract) even in severe cases. Absorbatox™ adsorbs toxins, changing its molecular structure and rendering it harmless, after which the body removes it naturally. OptiClear acts as a sponge in the stomach and adsorbs the toxins produced in much the same way as a sponge soaks up water. In addition, it removes any foreign substances in the body. Assume, for instance, that a beer drinker has consumed 5 beers in 45 minutes. By the time possibly 2 beers would have been absorbed into the bloodstream, with the remaining 3 beers waiting in the stomach for absorbsion into the bloodstream. Ingesting OptiClear capsules will sponge up the three beers in the stomach, effectively keeping the alcohol in the stomach until it has passed through the digestive system and out of the body.

Ailments OptiClear can help sort

• Toxic overload. • Heavy metal toxicity. • Cancer (especially chemo patients – take 2 hours before or after treatments). • Migraine and headaches. • Depression.

• Arthritis. • Allergies. • Weightloss. • Alcohol overindulgence (take 4). • Heart burn. • IBS. • Diarrhoea (take 4).

DOSAGE: 1 - 2 capsules per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.



clear-out heavy metals and toxins. Prevent premature ageing of neurons and improve brain function. “A clear body ensures a clear mind”

improves nutrient absorption and effectiveness of chronic medication. Avoid medication side-effects.



a clear liver can control appetite, energy and release fatty deposits.


reduces unexplained aches and pains. Frees your body to enable it to restore cellular memory through attaining organ equilibrium.


brings relief for indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon.


The Absorbatox in OptiClear is not absorbed by the body, it removes toxins while moving through the gastro-intestinal tract.

OptiClear – takes the “ugly” out of drinking!

Holiday indulgence relief

When is it best to use it?

OptiClear is an entirely natural product, and has been validated as absolutely safe for human consumption by many leading authorities. The product has been refined with the addition of antioxidants and multivitamins.

The ideal situation is to take OptiClear after 2 drinks, however taking it before, during or after will still have a very strong result. You may also choose to take 3 OptiClear capsules at the end of the evening before retiring. If one has been drinking moderately but feels slightly tipsy then it is also advisable to take OptiClear.

How does it work? OptiClear acts as an sponge in the stomach and adsorbs the toxins produced from alcohol consumption, much the same way as a sponge soaks up water. In addition it removes any foreign substances in the body that should not be there. Assume for instance that a beer drinker has consumed 5 beers in 45 minutes. By that time possibly 2 beers would have been absorbed into the bloodstream, with the remaining 3 beers waiting in the stomach for absorption into the bloodstream. Ingesting OptiClear capsules will have the effect of sponging up the 3 beers in the stomach, effectively keeping the alcohol in the stomach until it is passed through the digestive system, and out of the body. It is important to understand that OptiClear is unique in its pharmacological action as opposed to other products on the market. A heavy bout of over-indulgence may possibly deplete these vital elements, causing under-performance by the liver. However, OptiClear remains primarily inside the gastro intestinal tract giving the liver the time to replenish these vital elements naturally, and cope with its purification role.

Is OptiClear safe? Extensive tests have been carried out into the possible side effects of OptiClear. There are no known side effects and is completely safe to ingest. OptiClear can be taken daily as a natural health supplement, or can be consumed before, during or after drinking.

Is there medical accreditation? Yes, there have been various studies showing OptiClear’s efficacy, its non-toxicity and safety. This makes OptiClear unique as a product!

Are there any limitations? Again other factors such as metabolism, stress and fatigue may affect the consumer of OptiClear in slightly different ways on different occasions.

Never drink and drive! OptiClear can be used as a hangover cure as well if you did not take it while drinking the night before. 3 capsules will quickly dispel the painful effects of over-indulgence and soon leave you feeling invigorated and ready to face the new day. Some people drink OptiClear simply as a health supplement, even though they have not had any alcohol.


PURIFY with OptiClear

by Bev Tonkin

Here are some notes on the detoxification process so you can be prepared for them when you start taking OptiClear. You will see that the 4th, 7th or 15th day can be the worst for detox symptoms. However, I always recommend that my clients start taking one OptiClear capsule at night with a full glass of water, starting on a Friday night when the weekend ahead is fairly clear of engagements and you can rest. If the detox symptoms are uncomfortable, then miss a night and take one capsule the following evening to slow the process down. Continue in this manner until you no longer feel any adverse symptoms. You can then up the dosage to one capsule in the morning and one in the evening. Please ensure that you take the OptiClear two hours before or after any medication. n The reactions can start occurring within hours of starting the OptiClear. It is very important to drinks lots of water to facilitate the detox process (8 glasses per day while on OptiClear). n As soon as the healing crisis occurs (4th, 7th, 15th day) you will start feeling the beneficial effects of the diminishing toxicity in your body. n In my experience, every client has shown a different detox pattern but usually after the 4th day there is a great improvement and my clients have coped very well with their working lives.

DETOXIFICATION Detoxification occurs when the variety and quantity of foods introduced into the body is restricted. This allows the body to eliminate toxins that have built up over time as a result of incorrect eating. The body will know how much and what kind of toxic matter should be eliminated. The mode of elimination is called the healing crisis. In other words, when the food intake is reduced, the body will immediately try to get rid of excess matter. Signs that toxins are being eliminated can occur within hours or days. These could be evidenced in headaches, dizziness, weakness, and a queasy feeling in the stomach. The healing crisis often occurs in one of five forms:

n Obviously we are dealing with the body, which is a complex organism that cannot be programmed, so the results in each person will be different. From my own personal experience the OptiClear removed 10 heavy metals from my body and I am very impressed with this product. The testimonials that are being fed back to us from our many clients are very encouraging. n This product has been screened and approved by the Medicines Control Council. Detox symptoms will also occur when you use the Lifestyle Shake to replace carbohydrate-rich meals; when taking Detox tea; and Body Clear capsules.

n nosebleed, n vomiting, n excessive urination, n perspiration, or n diarrhoea. The crises may occur at any time, but usually follows a pattern of four, seven, or fifteen days, depending upon the type of substances to be eliminated. The type of healing crisis can be known ahead of time: n Nosebleed will be preceded by dull sense of hearing, ringing in the ears, tears, nose itching, and beating of the veins in the temples. n Vomiting signs are asthma, change in rhythm of breathing, bitter taste in mouth, cardiac pain, stomach convulsions, lower pulse rate, and trembling of lower lip. n Excessive Urination signs are heaviness of the bladder, thickness and excess urine, bright colour of urine on the fourth day of detoxification and the crisis on the seventh day. n Perspiration signs are lightheadedness, itching, and alternating chills and fever. n Diarrhoea signs are intestinal pain and cramping, heaviness of body, stomach gas, backache, coloured faeces, and grumbling intestines. The correction of the body occurs from top to bottom. Thus the first sign is usually headache, the last diarrhoea. Detoxification is not dangerous to people who have no serious disease but those suffering from any degenerative disease or who are taking medication should do so with the agreement and support of their doctor. Pregnant or nursing women should not undergo detoxification.



Stories on

OptiClear I could halve my headache medication after only two weeks on OptiClear.  Kay-Helene Joubert My eczema simply disappeared in less than 10 days on OptiClear.  Andries I am very allergic to anything containing dairy. The last two weeks have been wonderful, I only had to take a single half dose of antihistamine in a week. Before OptiClear, I had to take at least one full dose per day!  Celeste van der Walt On August 11, I went to a B.E.S.T. Practitioner for an assessment, especially with regards to my levels of heavy metal toxicity. On November 6, I returned for a follow-up assessment after I had taken two OptiClear capsules a day since October 31, 2006. RESULT: there was a complete removal of ten heavy metals in just six days. Metals removed were mercury, molybdenum, nickel, bismuth, vanadium, calcium.  Bev Tonkin A client of mine was retaining water in his brain. It used to run down into his spine. He experienced a lot of migraines, stomach pains and severe back pains. He used to go to the doctors every Saturday to drain the water from his spine. His back was so sore that you couldn‘t even

touch him. On 5 August I put him on OptiClear and kept in touch with him to see how he was doing. On 12 August he came home and this was the result: ever since he‘s been on OptiClear the migraines have stopped, he no longer gets any stomach pains and his back feels so much better that he cancelled his doctors’ appointment that Saturday. He looks so much better and he feels much better too. His OptiClear is with him everywhere he goes, and he thanks me every day for saving his life. It makes me feel so good to know that I was able to help another person.  Pam I am not too sure if this has been mentioned in previous testimonials, but my mother-in law uses OptiClear for her menopause/hot flushes. It works like a bomb and she can’t go without it. (My father-in-law hasn’t stopped thanking me!)  Hilton Elliot Congratulations to Annique on this product. My experience with OptiClear: My husband developed a fat gland in his neck in 1999 which the doctor had to remove. It left an ugly scar and took ages to heal because he is a diabetic. He had constant infection in the neck hairs especially after a hair cut. The wounds left scarring after removing the infection. It took a very long time to heal. Last year another gland formed in his neck. After the launch of OptiClear in October, he started taking one OptiClear capsule per day. By the beginning of December we noticed a big improvement. The gland’s size was reduced and the neck hairs were

I am currently using OptiClear; a week ago I started with my second container. Since I started using it, I could feel that something is happening, but I didn’t know exactly what. My doctor has been battling for a few months to stabilise my blood pressure, which suddenly hit the ceiling 230/130. My blood pressure has been an issue since 1985. I also have other aches and pains, arthritis, low back pain, etc. at the age of 59. I started feeling light-headed three weeks ago; I tested my blood pressure, 190/130. The dizzy feeling became worse and I had my blood pressure tested again, 150/90. At this moment I was on four different tablets to stabilise my high blood pressure condition. I had my blood pressure taken yesterday, a result of 130/70 – NORMAL! I use Warfarin to control the composition of my blood, as my blood has the tendency to be too thick which has serious health risks. I had to stop the Warfarin because I had a wisdom tooth removed. After the procedure the dentist told me that there was no blood during the extraction. And my tooth hasn’t bled since. Everybody knows the procedure of removing wisdom teeth entails pain, swelling and discomfort. I had no swelling and

free of all infection. Again, thank you Annique for a wonderful product.  Elsabé I would like to express my healthfelt gratitude to the Annique consultant, Pam, for recommending OptiClear to me. My 60-year old uncle was very ill recently. He suffered from fluid retention in his lungs which affected his breathing, energy levels and caused swelling between his knees and feet. He could not walk a metre without stopping to catch his breath. It was very difficult for him to sleep, due to the underperformance of his lungs. As a result, his heart worked overtime, which lead to the weakening of his heart and poor blood circulation. It has been a month since he started using OptiClear and his health has improved tremendously. He now has more energy to walk around and interact with the family. The swelling of his legs has come down. Most importantly, he is able to sleep peacefully and rest, as he was advised by doctors. His illness has not been properly diagnosed but OptiClear has worked wonders by helping to alleviate some of the symptoms that has caused him so much discomfort in the past few months. It is my understanding that some products are met with scepticism and I have to admit that I was sceptical about OptiClear. After seeing what it has done for my uncle, I would gladly recommend the product to anyone.  Rebecca Chellan

experienced no pain. Eight o’clock that evening the wound healed completely which is very unusual, according to the dentist it could take up to four days for the wound to heal. With my next visit, I took my bottle of OptiClear with and placed it in front of the dentist. I asked him to look at my wound, it was almost completely healed, there was just a small cavity, because the tissue had to heal from inside. But I healed so well that you wouldn’t even think that I had a wisdom tooth removed, and my blood pressure was normal. The most wonderful thing for me is that the fine lines on my face were less prominent. It looks as if I have had a facelift, even the skin on my hands are more firm and nourished. Whatever the formula of these capsules, to me it is an absolute miracle, it really works for me. I feel healthy, I am relieved from the wooziness in my head, my body feels more streamlined and I am slowly losing weight without being on a diet. I am recommending this product to everybody; my conditions are a real example of something that really works. I am very excited and I would like to thank you! – Petra



Testimonials to the miracles this product can deliver

Our Annique Miracle - by Piroska Seute I’m writing this letter in the hope to reach as many people as possible who live disillusioned, helpless and restricted lives due to poor health and illness. At the age of 39 I developed excruciating pain in all my joints and muscles, especially in my spine and hip bones, debilitating migraines, constant attacks of diarrhoea and vomiting and problems with my vision. My hair fell out and my skin was covered in angry red blotches. Although I went to innumerable doctors and tried every remedy advertised, my condition deteriorated to such an extent that I could no longer feed or bathe myself. In brief, I became totally dependent on others. At this time I became deeply depressed and well meaning professionals prescribed antidepressants which, together with lack of exercise, changed my dress size of 32 to 38. Towards the end of 2002, I was referred to a specialist rheumatologist who diagnosed me with a genetic and degenerative disease called spondiloarthropathy.

Pam Simeon A client of mine was suffering with water in his lungs and with swollen legs from the knee down. He could not sleep or walk without pain. He had to sleep sitting up and was coughing a lot. So with the permission of the family, I put him on OptiClear and in one week his condition improved, the swelling has gone down, he is sleeping much better, he is walking up and down the stairs and is moving around more freely and without pain. Thanks to OptiClear he is feeling much better.

On the 29/01/2007 Pam Simeon

did an experiment on her husband who is a renal patient and is currently on CAPD home dialysis. The reason for this experiment was the results of his blood test on that day which was very high. He was unable to walk without pain, unable to do anything with his family, and slept all the time because of the pain he was in. So two days after the OptiClear launch she decided to put him on the OptiClear capsules, one capsule at night and after just two days he saw results in himself, he was more mobile and not in so much pain. That evening when he got back from work, he kept going on about how good the capsules were and how much they With physiotherapy I regained some mobility but could not helped him. So she decided to put sit, drive or walk for longer than 30 minutes as my body would him to the test, that weekend she go into spasm. It was during this time that my children and took him to Gateway and we walked most of the friends I’ve known all my life decided to leave from the car park at Checkers S.A. I became desperate to find something that would occupy Hyper all the way to the rocks at my time and keep my loneliness and gloomy thoughts at bay the end of Gateway, which is about – something that I could do at home. I was in this frame of 1km, without any pain. Now he mind, when, during another attack of strong spasms I landed goes everywhere with us. Before up in bed for a week again. It was during that week that I first going on OptiClear on the 29th watched the Annique Lifestyle program on TV and together the doctors told him that his heart with my husband’s moral support, I decided to join Annique was weakening but two months on and learn to become a consultant. Little did I know that this OptiClear and the doctors say that decision would change my life so dramatically. Studying their he’s heart is as good as someone literature my husband who is in training, in other words a and I adopted Annique’s perfect heart and his blood results – Mrs. Pillay had a kidney infection so the hospital Primitive Lifestyle diet, have dropped. He is now pain free put a dye into her system to see what the problem took Annique’s microand feeling much better. was. The dye had caused an infection on the other nutrient products and – “OptiClear with Resque Crème”, organs and she was in a lot pain and could not move their powerful OptiClear my husband had picked up some around, she had to be in bed all the time and she capsules. kind of skin disorder which the was not eating, so I put her on OptiClear with her After a decade of illness doctors did not recognise and I tried daughter’s permission. In just one week she is feeling and only one month all sorts of creams for him but it did much better, she is walking around now and she is on this regimen, my not help. It was a kind of rash that eating again. Thanks to OptiClear. tummy problems and was raised 1cm above his normal My husband, who’s 67 this year, had been suffering migraines had stopped. skin on his ankle, 3 days’ use of from arthritis himself. The strong pain pills he took Now, 3 months later, my OptiClear with Resque Crème and eventually had no effect. His condition was aggravated joint and muscle pains the swelling has gone down and the by multiple injuries he sustained in a horrific car crash have eased so much skin is back to normal. including injuries to his spine. He was pain free after that I have been able to I think with results like this two weeks on the OptiClear capsules. resume my aromatherapy EVERYONE who wants to live practice I’m also back to Although I’m turning 50 this year, my husband and I a healthy life should be taking a size 34 and I feel more look forward to our future. A future with Annique. OptiClear. It is a little miracle worker energetic and a wonderful product. each day. This disease encompasses ankylosing spondilitis (spondylitis means inflammation in the joints of the spine and arthropathy means disease of a joint), reactive arthritis which is aggravated by constant gastrointestinal infections (the symptoms are nearly the same as food-poisoning), inflammatory bowel disease, i.e. ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease which can lead to colon cancer if untreated, psoriatic arthropathy (the red, itching patches on my skin), chronic fatigue and conjunctivitis of the eyes – inflammation of the thin membrane which covers the eyeball and inside surfaces of the eyelids. This wonderful doctor who tried to help me to cope with this condition prescribed appropriate medication to subdue these symptoms and, while it helped me tremendously initially, I had to stop taking these medications as they caused other complications. As far as I was concerned my life was over.


OptiEnergy For energy support

Supercharge your Body OptiEnergy is a potent antioxidant formula that naturally revives body and mind. The combination of CoEnzyme Q10 and L-Carnitine supports the production of energy in the body. L-Carnitine delivers the fuel (from food and vitamin supplementation) and Q10 helps your body to make use of it. Q10 and L-Carnitine occurs naturally in What does Opti-Energy do? most cells in the body, but as we age • Increases energy the production of these two substances • Improves brain function and alertness decreases and deficiencies may occur. • Supports heart and artery system Q10 is also often destroyed by cooking (prevention of heart problems) and processing and cholesterol • Helps to lower blood pressure lowering medication. The heart uses • Improves the body’s protection against and constantly needs energy, which illness and disease explains why Q10 is found to be highly concentrated in the heart muscles. Q10 is a nutrient necessary for the functioning of every cell in our bodies. Co-Enzymes, like Q10, work with enzymes in their various functions in the body. Q10 supplementation has a preventative impact on a lack of oxygen, poor vitamin and mineral availability, and heart problems. Vitamin C cannot be produced by the body and needs to be supplemented every day. Vitamin C and E are both potent antioxidants that fight the effect of ageing free radicals.



that can be improved with OptiEnergy

• Alzheimer’s • Heart Disease • Asthma • Diabetes – helps to stabilise blood sugar • High blood pressure • Parkinson’s Disease • Statin (cholesterol lowering medication) users • Sports men and women

System support:

• Heart and arterial system • Skin • Brain and nervous system • Energy • Immune system

Ingredients per capsule Linseed Oil providing ALA Vitamin C

DOSAGE: 1 - 2 capsules per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.

Vitamin E L-Carnitine Co-enzyme Q10 Green Rooibos Extract ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 23

OptiAgeing For anti-ageing support One of the major causes of ageing is exposure to harmful free radicals from the environment, pollution and normal bodily functions. This leads to ageing and disease over time. The body also changes as we age, with most functions slowing down. Ageing is an exceptionally complex process which is influenced and controlled by multiple factors, like lifestyle, diet, genes, disease, stress, etc. Generally, it is defined as the gradual deterioration of our body cells. As we enter our mid to late thirties, our bodies undergo severe changes in terms of body fat, skin structure and moisture content, bone density, fertility, energy and immune system support.

System support: • Heart and arterial system • Brain and nervous system • Skeleton and joints • Immune system • Digestive system • Skin • Stress antidote • Detox

Ingredients per capsule Vitamin E Linseed Oil providing ALA L-Carnitine L-Lysine L-Methionine L-Ornithine HCL Grape Seed Resveratrol Green Rooibos Extract

A recent study by Dr Janine Marnewick, at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology shows the potential of six cups of Rooibos tea a day to protect against oxidative stress and inflammation associated with the development of heart disease. “We have found that Rooibos is particularly effective at reducing oxidative damage to lipids (fats), thereby helping to prevent or slow down arteriosclerosis, or the hardening of arteries” she says. DOSAGE: 1 capsule per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.

Turn Back the Clock

OptiAgeing contains potent antioxidants of Green Rooibos, Resveratrol and Grape Seed extract, combined with much needed amino acids. This unique formula works synergistically to help protect the body from free radical damage. The result: a more youthful appearance and healthier, better functioning organs. Included in this formula is 200mg of Green Rooibos extract for its potent heart protecting, anti-cholesterol, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-ageing benefits. Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant commonly found in red grape skins, peanuts, mulberries, Japanese knot weed and red wine. Resveratrol helps plants to ward off disease at stressful times. It is considered by many scientists to be the antiageing breakthrough of the decade. Studies have shown the amazing health promoting properties of Resveratrol, against cancer, as well as protecting the heart and brain from damage, and reducing age-related diseases such as inflammation. It is even thought to help prevent and treat diabetes, aids in weight loss and prolongs longevity. Antioxidant loaded grape seed extract is made from the grape seed (or pip) and is rich in procyanidins, a special class of water-soluble bioflavonoids which are excellent free radical scavengers. Grape seed extract has proven to be beneficial for prevention of heart disease, diabetes, allergies, joint stiffness and eye health. Amino acids are the “building blocks” of proteins and are essential in many of the body’s vital functions. They are needed to form, repair and maintain muscle, tissue, bones, nails and hair. L-Lysine, for instance helps to build and maintain collagen that is important for healthy skin and tissue in the body. L-Ornithine helps to fight the effects of ageing, L-Methionine is a protein building block, as well as an antioxidant. L-Carnitine aids in preventing and treating heart disease and diabetes, and can enhance brain function, protect the heart and liver and reduce fatigue.


OptiBoost OptiBoost provides a complex formula of nutrients to help boost the immune system. The body’s ability to deal with invaders quickly and effectively will help you overcome illness, infection and disease. Vitamins A and C are combined with zinc, bioflavanoids and natural herbal extracts of African potato, Sutherlandia and olive leaf extract for a more natural solution than medication to pack the punch. African Potato has been used for generations by traditional healers as a ‘muti’ for the treatment of a variety of ailments from tuberculosis (TB) to viral infections and sexually transmitted diseases. It is a natural extract containing sterols and sterolins which regulate and strengthen the immune system, with no harmful side effects.



of immune deficiency

• Frequent colds, flu and coughing • Recurrent swollen glands, sore throats, aches and pains • Allergies • Fatigue • Hyper-acidity • Headaches • Foggy brain


Immune System Support When tested on lung cancer patients it was found to improve their immune systems. Bioflavanoids are super antioxidants found in natural foods. They protect vitamin C from damage, thereby allowing the body to get optimum benefits from this vital vitamin. Sutherlandia, also known as Cancer Bush is a highly effective indigenous medicinal plant known for its powerful immune boosting properties. Traditionally used to fight flu, TB, asthma and bronchitis, is also found to have stress relieving properties. Olive leaf extract, also known as nature’s antibiotic, is an antiseptic that helps fight viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungal infections.

Timing is Crucial

Timing is crucial when dealing with infections. The quicker you react, the better you can recover! Listen to your body, after all, you have known it all your life!


to fight an infection

• Up your OptiFlora intake from 1 to 2 times a day • Take 2 - 3 OptiBoost per day • Take one OptiC every 2 hours • Take 16 drops of OptiToniQ+ per day • If your throat is sore, gargle with OptiToniQ+ 2 - 3 times a day • Get some rest • Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates completely

DOSAGE: 1 capsule per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 25

OptiCalm For stress, memory and mood support 60 Softgel capsules

Contains Green Rooibos Extract for extra powerful antioxidants


is one of the biggest challenges humans are facing today. South Africans suffer from high stress levels because of our modern lifestyles, exposure to constant tension, high work ethic and stressful living conditions. Stress can lead to anxiety, memory problems, fatigue, insomnia and agitation. In times of stress, the body prepares by heightening its state of alertness for the “fight or flight” reaction. It also produces the ageing hormone, cortisol which creates toxins in the body and wreaks havoc on neurotransmitters and other hormones. Prolonged exposure to stress eventually depletes the body of vital vitamins and can cause burn-out and other major diseases. OptiCalm contains essential B vitamins and phospholipids to help calm and relax the body, while it aids in improving memory, mood and your ability to cope.

Reasons to use OptiCalm:

• Reduces stress • Improves: ¡ Memory ¡ Mood ¡ Mental clarity ¡ Concentration ¡ Alertness Cont a ¡ Focus B1, B ins 2, B3 ,

Stress depletes the B vitamins in the body and this is why supplementation is crucial. Each of the B vitamins has its own specific role in the body, yet the entire group of nutrients is necessary for maintaining a healthy nervous system. Taking a supplement, like OptiVite and OptiCalm with a complex of B vitamins is most beneficial, as they often work in synergy with one another.

Phospholipids are essential molecules that are found in cellular membranes. Two important phospholipids, phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl serine are crucial for every cell in the human body to function normally. Like Omega 3 fatty acids, phospholipids are important for optimal brain health. They help brain cells communicate and influence how well receptors Dosage: function. These phospholipids are 2 capsules per day, or as essential for improving memory and recommended by your mood, mental clarity, concentration, health care practitioner. alertness and focus. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 26

B5, B

6 and B12

BENEFITS OF: Vitamin B12: • Boosts energy levels • Speeds up your metabolism B1: • Provides energy • Helps prevent Alzheimers B2: • Adds moisture to your skin B3: • Blood pressure regulator B5: • Encourages glowing skin B6: • Soothes and calms

OptiDerm For skin, hair and nail support

OptiDerm is a complex formulation containing vitamins, minerals and herbs to assist with improving and keeping your skin, hair and nails healthy. Skin, hair and nails are very sensitive to nutritional deficiencies and tend to show a lack of nutrition in the body first. Any sudden change in skin, hair and nail condition could be a result of a lack of vitamins and minerals, and can easily be addressed by the correct supplement. Vitamins in OptiDerm that are essential to keep skin, hair and nails healthy include B12, B2 and (Biotin). Ingredients per capsule

Hello Gorgeous!

Vitamin A

OptiDerm can help improve dry, acne prone and neglected skin and brittle, slow growing nails. It is also ideal to improve thinning hair as well as hair growth, lustre and condition.

Beta-Carotene Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Biotin Folic Acid




Vitamin C Vitamin E Salmon Oil Black Currant Seed Oil providing GLA Linseed Oil providing ALA Calcium Citrate Kelp Iron Magnesium Selenium M.S.M. Zinc L-Cysteine L-Methionine Silicon

DOSAGE: 1 capsule per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.


OptiFemme Specially formulated to support the female body Women can benefit from a variety of vitamins, minerals and herbs during their lifetime. The female body undergoes many changes from puberty through to menopause and old age, and supplementation specifically for women can assist the body in achieving better health.

Foods thought to trigger PMS symptoms: • Coffee • Chocolate • Milk • Sugar

OptiFemme is formulated to support the female body as it functions through its normal cycles and hormonal changes, especially in dealing with PMS. Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a combination of physical and mental changes that women experience throughout the two weeks before menstruation. There are many symptoms of PMS including irritability, mood swings, cravings, bloatedness, backache, nausea and fatigue.

Ingredients per capsule Vitamin B6

Quantity 15





Vitamin C



Vitamin E

25 16.8

Black Currant Seed Oil


Providing GLA


OptiFemme includes herbs, to support the body: • Black Cohosh – especially useful for menopausal symptoms

• Fennel – a natural diuretic that can help relieve bloating and the reduction of water retention. It also helps to ease and normalise menstruation by regulating hormonal functions in the body. mg α-TE • Red Clover – considered one of the best sources of isoflavones mg (water-soluble chemicals that act like oestrogens and are found mg in many plants). It is used to soothe hot flushes in menopausal mg women and aid in relieving PMS symptoms. It is also likely to help promote bone density and slow bone loss in menopausal mg women.


Linseed Oil


Providing ALA


Calcium Citrate








Magnesium Citrate









Black Cohosh Extract



Fennel Extract



Red Clover Extract



Don Quai Extract



Siberian Ginseng Extract



Chasteberry Extract



Gingko Biloba Extract



Green Rooibos Extract




*NRV not established (NRV = Nutrient Reference Values for individuals 4 years and older)

• Dong Quai – a popular herb used in China helps to soothe painful menstruation in combination with other herbs. • Siberian Ginseng – boosts the body’s ability to deal with stress and may be helpful for menopausal and menstrual problems. • Chasteberry – encourages progesterone production, helps to soothe PMS and promote regular ovulation. • Gingko Biloba – one of the oldest surviving tree species on earth and known as the ‘brain herb’, an extract of this plant may help relieve PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and mood swings. • This product is free of dairy products, flavourants and preservatives. • Keep out of reach of children and store below 25°C. • OptiFemme is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. DOSAGE:

One capsule per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.


OptiSolve aids in preventing acne and soothing other skin conditions OptiSolve is most commonly known for assisting with improving acne, however it has a wide variety of other healing functions for anybody even if you do not suffer from acne, including detoxing the body, wound healing, reducing inflammation of muscles, as well as improving eczema and redness of the skin. Most teenagers are affected by unsightly acne at some point during their teenage years. Some suffer from a few pimples, while other are affected severely with unsightly pimples, whiteheads and blackheads.

OptiSolve helps prevent acne in teenagers and young adults in two ways:

Teen acne occurs mostly on the face and neck, but can also affect the chest, back and arms. It is caused by hormonal changes during puberty (from 11 to 14 years of age) and can occur for most of the teen years.

• Helps to balance hormones that cause acne. • Aids in strengthening the skin. This simple, yet effective supplement will help the body in preventing and clearing up acne, from the inside out.

Important ingredients include: • Vitamin A – well known for its skin benefits, vitamin A is a potent antioxidant that aids in new cell growth and repair. It enables the body to fight infections more effectively and aids in controlling sebum production and therefore helps prevent pimples. Sebum is often overproduced when hormonal changes occur in the body, such as puberty. • Vitamin C – a well-known antioxidant that aids in strengthening and healing of the skin. It aids in building collagen – the connective tissue in the skin and is helpful when inflammation and redness appears on the skin. It also helps to protect vitamin E. • Vitamin E – aids in skin repair and wound healing and is necessary for the proper functioning of vitamin A in the body. • Zinc – helps to boost the immune system, aids in tissue healing and has anti-inflammatory properties. Zinc deficiency can trigger acne and many youngsters may have a zinc deficiency without even knowing about it. Extended supplementation of zinc may lower copper in the body which is why OptiSolve also contains copper to prevent this. • Dandelion – helps to cleanse the

It is crucial to consider diet and supplementation when seeking to prevent and clear acne. Our diets are often deficient in the necessary vitamins and minerals we need and even more so for teenagers who often don’t make the healthiest food choices to support their growing and changing bodies.

liver and blood, and as a result promotes clear skin. When dealing with acne (and any other ailment or health concern), it is important to note that no supplement can substitute a healthy diet. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods to keep the skin (and body) healthy! • Fibre from whole grains (limited), vegetables and fruit helps to clear out toxins). • Fruit and vegetables have high water and micronutrient contents and help to maintain the optimum acid/alkaline balance in the body. • Shellfish, seeds and nuts are zincrich foods that promote clear skin. • Water hydrates (drink 6 to 8 glasses a day). Avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates, trans-fats (margarine), processed foods, dairy (if allergic or intolerant), iodized salt and alcohol. Limit cheese, chocolate, spicy foods and carbonated drinks. Annique’s Face Facts range, Resque and MiracleTissue Oil is ideal for dealing with problem skin. It is also important to note that, contrary to popular belief, problem skin needs moisture and nourishment from a good moisturiser, like Moisture Shield SPF 8. A moisturiser is critically important together with calming down and nourishment of the acne skin.

Ingredients per capsule


Vitamin A

200 60

mg µg RE

Vitamin C



Vitamin E




mg α-TE

Linseed Oil



Providing ALA









Dandelion Extract



Green Rooibos Extract



*NRV not established (NRV = Nutrient Reference Values for individuals 4 years and older)

• This product is free of sugar, yeast, dairy, flavourants and preservatives. • Keep out of reach of children and store below 25°C.


One capsule per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.


OptiLibido enables men to say bye-bye to a low libido Men of all ages may suffer from a loss of libido at any point in their life due to various factors ranging from insomnia to illness. OptiLibido, the Annique natural supplement, will help normalise testosterone levels in men to improve their virility and energy, naturally. OptiLibido contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbal ingredients to aid in optimising male vitality and libido and is specifically suited to men only. This product is free of yeast, sugar, dairy, flavourants and preservatives and taking two capsules per day or the recommended amount stipulated by a health care practitioner will ensure an enhancement in the individual’s libido. It is important to remember that a variety of other factors are also integral to improving male health and libido and all play a role in optimising positive results in the improvement of the male libido. This includes getting eight hours sleep a day, eating at least five portions of vegetables and fruit per day, exercising moderately and reducing stress levels.

The winning ingredients in OptiLibido

Ingredients per capsule

• Vitamin C is important for the synthesis of hormones involved in your sexuality, fertility and aiding libido. It also strengthens the immune system, and protects against day-to-day stress. • Zinc is required for the production of testosterone and the production of sperm. Healthy testosterone levels are important for a healthy sex drive and Zinc aids in prostrate health. • Amino acids are the ‘building blocks’ of proteins and are essential in many vital functions of the body. They are needed to form, repair and maintain muscle, tissue, bones, nails and hair. • L-Arginine, L-Taurine and L-Tyrosinee are antioxidants which enhance arterial blood flow. L-Tyrosine is one of the most important amino acids as it aids in the production of

Vitamin C



Vitamin E




mg α-TE

























Panax Ginseng



Pumpkin Seed Oil



Green Rooibos Extract



neurotransmitters, which is important for brain health and sharpening memory. It is an essential building block of a few hormones and is beneficial in many vital functions in the body. L-Glutamine helps stimulate mental alertness and the ability to learn and is known as brain fuel. Maca is a vegetable native to Peru that is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and energiser. Tribulus terrestris is a herbal supplement commonly used to increase testosterone levels and boost sex drive. Panax Ginseng is known for its anti-fatigue benefits and has been used in traditional medicine for more than 4000 years. Its benefits are broad, from supporting the body during illness to protecting organs against infection. It is also renowned for its aphrodisiac properties and positive effects on libido.


*Do not use if you suffer from high blood pressure or a heart condition.



Two capsules per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.

Difference between... OptiToniQ+ OptiClear


• Balance your pH • 84 minerals • Alkaline body

• Tonic for body • Ensures absorption of all nutrients • Ensures the optimal utilisation of what we eat • Remove toxins from the body • Antioxidant


• Blood pressure • Bone density • Eczema • Allergies • Acne • Hyperacidity • Gout • Arthritis • Gall and kidney stones • Insomnia • Hormonal imbalances

• Removes heavy toxins, metals and nitrates • Restores organ equilibrium • Does not get absorbed into bloodstream • Adsorbs toxins


• Toxic overload • Migraine / headaches • Depression • Weightloss • Alcohol overindulgence • Heart burn • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) • Diarrhoea • Cancer – chemo patients



• Dried unpolished rice • Soya powder • Seed kernels • Citrus juice • Sesame and soya oil • Powdered wheat germ • Extracts of vegetables and fruit • Rooibos extract


• Contains rejuvenating properties • Retards the ageing process of skin and body • Prevents loss of hair and promotes healthy hair growth • Relief of tension, stress, depression and insomnia • Rich source of energy

BioHarmony BioHarmony is a supereffective supplement and tonic addressing various illnesses like stress, allergies, sleeplessness, obesity and depression. It helps and supports the body in functioning normally and ensures optimal absorption of nutrients, leading to a boost in energy levels and an improved immune system during stressful periods. The main function of BioHarmony is the same as a tonic that ensures the absorption of nutrients, as well as the proper functioning thereof. The Rooibos extract in BioHarmony

contains an enzyme (Superoxide dismutase) that is crucial to the digestive tract, helping the body to improve its normal functioning. This can lead to increased energy levels, health and vitality. Advantages of using BioHarmony include: n BioHarmony contains antioxidants and anti-ageing properties that slow the ageing process.

n BioHarmony can prevent hair loss, and can contribute to shinier hair with more body. n BioHarmony can limit the damage caused by the sun’s UV-rays, in conjunction with an adequate sun block.

How to use BioHarmony Depending on the health and age of the person, 1-5 (or more) sachets can be taken daily. Children older than two years may be given one sachet daily or half a sachet twice daily. The granules can be consumed as is or can be

swallowed with a cold liquid like orange juice. Do not consume with hot liquids like coffee. For children, BioHarmony can be added to cereal, rice, vegetables, fruit puree and scrambled eggs. For adults, it can also be mixed with yoghurt.


BioHarmony Description: A neatly packaged product. It is imported from Japan and is available in one packaging, namely 30 sachets. The contents of every vacuum-packed sachet is granular and tasteless. It is easily swallowed with a bit of water or another appropriate liquid. BioHarmony mainly consists of a high concentration of an extract of Rooibos, in combination with other extracts of mainly vegetable and fruit origin. All ingredients are natural; there are no synthetic additives.

Size: 30 sachets Instructions for use: Depending on the health and age of the customer, one to five (or more) sachets may be taken daily. Children older than two years may be given one sachet daily, or half a sachet twice daily. The sealed sachet is cut open with a pair of scissors; the opening is formed into a spout; the granules are poured onto the tongue and swallowed with some liquid. For children BioHarmony may be added to cereal, rice, vegetables, fruit puree and scrambled eggs. Do not pour into hot soup or boiling water, since this destroys the enzymes in the product; by the same token, do not heat Rooibos in a microwave oven since radiation may destroy the essential enzyme it contains.

The function and background of BioHarmony:


BioHarmony is not a medicine and should not be regarded as such. It aids the body in improving its normal functioning in order to be more energetic and healthy. Since BioHarmony is not a medicine, it may be safely used by all our customers – even children of only two years old. The main function of BioHarmony is the same as a tonic that ensures the absorption of nutrients as well as the proper functioning thereof. BioHarmony is more effective when combined with Annique’s health care range. This makes sense: if no vitamins, minerals and other nutrients were available for utilisation, the body could not function properly. BioHarmony, therefore, ensures the optimal utilisation of whatever we eat, no matter how little.

How does the Rooibos enzyme function?

Annique Theron has been propagating her discovery of the anti-allergic qualities of Rooibos since 1968. Her one-woman campaign bore fruit – not only locally, but also abroad. After she launched Rooibos in Japan, Japanese scientists did pioneer work in research on Rooibos, verifying her conclusions. Her book, “Allergies: An Amazing Discovery©” generated interest on a wide front in Japan. Her findings were also translated into Japanese. Her visit to Japan in 1985 and a good mutual relationship resulted in her company obtaining the exclusive rights to market BioHarmony in South Africa. Although BioHarmony serves as a nutritional supplement and tonic, it also combats our modern ailments such as stress, allergies, insomnia, obesity, depression, and various other vague maladies you’re at your wit’s end with.

Rooibos contains a certain vital enzyme essential for normal digestion and metabolism. As such, it plays a leading role in the maintenance of one’s health and appearance. Nature provides the human body with two protective mechanisms to guard against the penetration of foreign substances. The majority of the activities occur in the leucocytes (white blood cells). When BioHarmony was researched in Japan, this was the area they concentrated on. The environment we live in has a detrimental effect on the body's health and youthfulness. Intrusion by foreign substances from the environment may occur in various ways. These include preservatives, alcohol, smoking, medication, air pollution and solar radiation. Air pollution is detrimental to the extent that all the pregnant women in a certain town in America began to have miscarriages. The cause was traced to the polluted air they breathed. When bacteria or some other detrimental particles penetrate the body - mainly through eating, breathing or because an internal contusion is being attacked by bacteria inside the body - they are immediately isolated and neutralised by the body’s protective mechanism in the leucocytes. cont...


cont... ominous results. Genetic deviations such as allergies The leucocytes surround the bacteria and in the may further add to the overproduction of SOs and chemical process that follows, Super oxides (SOs) the insufficient production of the Rooibos enzyme are secreted to kill the bacteria. These super oxides (SOD) vital to the body’s general health. constitute the body’s protective mechanism. Diseases and premature ageing are the direct As soon as the super oxides have completed this result of the increased concentration of SOs in the task, they are dumped in the blood stream as waste blood. This is why heart failure, cancer and strokes to be excreted. But it appears the SOs undergo a mostly occur after 40 years of age. When it does metamorphosis or "change in attitude" in the blood occur in young people, as is happening increasingly stream. more often, it is caused by allergies, pollution, stress, Research has shown the SOs floating in the blood wrong eating habits, etc. stream may attack tissue and may do a lot of harm to Where an imbalance develops because of the organs. It is certainly surprising the body’s own illness or stress, so that too much SOs are secreted protective mechanism may become its biggest enemy! and the body cannot produce enough enzymes, a Super oxides have been identified as one of counterattack in the war between SOs and enzymes the instigators of cancer. It is mainly the excessive must be launched by orally supplementing the secretion of SOs that can do a lot of damage to the enzymes (SOD). This is where BioHarmony plays a body. This excessive secretion particularly occurs when vital role. the body is exposed to regular detrimental influences, Enzymes can easily be destroyed by, inter alia, be it through eating, breathing or disease. the acidity of the stomach, heat and exposure to air. An excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood, BioHarmony has been developed in such a way the combined with an equally excessive amount of SOs, Rooibos enzyme will not be destroyed in the body. may be fatal. The cholesterol links up with the SOs This special formula ensures the body absorbs it and is chemically altered, releasing a detrimental bynormally. It also aids the body’s effective absorption product known as lipoid peroxide, which attacks the of vitamins and minerals from the food we eat. walls of blood-vessels, causing it to become thin and BioHarmony food supplement consists mainly of vulnerable. dried, unpolished rice, soya powder, seed kernels, This often results in a heart attack. It may also cause citric juice, sesame and soya oil, powdered germ of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Fortunately, wheat and the extract of Rooibos. nature’s aim is survival. There is a second option. The body has a second protective mechanism that attacks, breaks down and destroys SOs. This second ally is the enzyme found in Rooibos. SOs are properly hunted down by the Rooibos enzymes in order to destroy or neutralise the Apart from the major health benefits the use of BioHarmony offers SOs before they can harm the body the consumer, it is also of vast importance to the beauty world internally or externally. because it contains rejuvenating properties and retards the ageing The body usually provides this process, as was scientifically verified. enzyme - Super Oxide Dismutase BioHarmony prevents loss of hair and provides the hair with (SOD) - as preventive measure as soon shine and volume. It promotes healthy growth of hair. as the secretion of SOs increases. It is closely monitored by the vital systems BioHarmony may also, to a certain extent, limit the damage of the body. caused by the UV rays of the sun. It is prudent, however, never to expose the skin to the sun without the essential external However, over long periods of protection provided by the Annique Sun Care range. stress or disease, the secretion of SOs is increased abnormally. Since the BioHarmony has been tested and found to be effective for the body is weighed down by disease and relief of tension, stress, depression and insomnia, as well as for stress, it is unable in its weakened state other diseases that may spring from these. It is a rich source of to produce enough enzymes to break energy, especially for those older than 40 years. down and neutralise the SOs. The production of enzymes also slows down as the years go by. Consequently, from about 40 years of • Annique is the sole distributor of BioHarmony in age, the body no longer has enough South Africa. armament in the form of enzymes to • An illness may only be diagnosed by a medical practitioner. stave off the attacks by the damaging • BioHarmony is not a medicine. and destructive SOs. This results in a • Claims about the action of BioHarmony is supported by gradually higher concentration of SOs clinical and laboratory tests in Japan. in the blood stream, with increasingly

Benefits of BioHarmony:

Very Important:




A House filled with BioHarmony,

Lifestyle Shake and Hope

IN AUGUST 2010 my husband was in hospital for two weeks with heart failure. After being discharged he lost his balance at home and fell with his back against the armrest of a stinkwood riempies-couch. It appeared that nothing was broken, but his physical and mental state deteriorated by the day. During a next appointment with the heart specialist, the doctor examined him, but as no ribs were broken, he did not think it necessary to have x-rays taken. HOWEVER, MY HUSBAND’S condition deteriorated even further. Swelling started again and after two weeks he was admitted to hospital once more for acute heart failure. The original specialist who had been treating him was on holiday and another doctor

took over, who found that my husband’s lungs were water logged. After ten days it was decided to drain the water by inserting a small pipe through his ribs. To everyone’s great surprise blood drained from his lungs. HE WAS IMMEDIATELY transferred to the intensive care unit. By that time he had lost 10kg, so I began feeding him at every visit with a mixture of jelly for diabetes (he suffers from type 2 diabetes), 2 desert spoons Annique Lifestyle Shake, 1 BioHarmony sachet and a small jar of plain Bulgarian yoghurt. He ate this with enthusiasm and in no time his condition improved. ON THE MONDAY after my children arrived from Australia, my son and I went to speak to the doctor in charge. He was not positive and was of the opinion that my husband ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 35

would most likely never go home again. I CONTINUED FEEDING him the mix mentioned previously, and soon he began becoming conscious of his surroundings and he started recognising his visitors. After a week he was transferred to a general ward. The doctors were amazed by his recovery and the nursing sisters said that the ‘muti’ I fed him, was a magic potion. WITH THE LORD’S GRACE my husband’s condition improved to such an extent that he was discharged and able to go home after a week. Needless to say, in my house there is always BioHarmony, Lifestyle Shake and loads of hope and trust!

Leentjie Vos

One of Annique’s top consultants, Dalene Richter,

was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2008, after she discovered a lump in her left breast. She had a mastectomy of her left breast in September 2008, followed by eight chemotherapy treatments every three weeks. She also had six weeks of radiation. In November 2009 she had her right breast removed as well. Dalene, who strongly believes in the health benefits of Rooibos tea, used the following Annique products during her treatment to boost her wellbeing and immune system. “My hair did not fall out completely and I was able to carry on with my work – I only had to take off a few days after my treatment. I believe Rooibos tea and Annique crossed my path to help me through my cancer treatment,” she says.



“In 1987 my 87-year old mother fell and broke her hip. She was in traction for 10 days, whereafter she was operated on to insert a plate into her hip. She came home after a month, but with pressure sores. The superintendent of the hospital and the surgeon were not very positive about her prospects and told me she would never walk again and that I must find her a place in the frail care unit of an old age home. I knew that this would speed up her death and made a plan. I started giving my mother three sachets of BioHarmony each day and, with the help of a physiotherapist, made her sit up regularly to ensure that she remained supple. At the end of the first week the nurse we contracted to look after my mother was surprised at the improvement in her condition as she had never seen pressure sores heal at such a rate before. After about a month, my mother visited my sister and one day she phoned me telling me my mother had just walked into the room. She took my mother to an orthopaedic surgeon who was surprised by her recovery, especially at such an advanced age. Later on I reduced the BioHarmony to two and then one sachet per day and I believe it was due to Bioharmony that my mother lived another three years and she was mobile until her death at almost 91.” Leentjie Vos



2 capsules per day and if necessary, during lunch

OptiVite helps to increase energy levels, cell growth and repair.

Lifestyle Shake

Meal supplements

Boosts your health, with added essential vitamins and minerals.

Annique Herbal Tea (Detox)

During the day as much as possible

Detox Tea has healing properties, improves circulation and removes toxins from organs. Ginger promotes digestion and helps with nausea, especially after chemotherapy treatments.


2 to 4 sachets per day (or as much as your budget can allow)

Bioharmony is a tonic that ensures absorption of all nutrients, removes toxins from the body and relieves the body from any tension, stress, depression and insomnia. Bioharmony also prevents hair loss. It supports your immune system during chemotherapy treatment.


2 capsules in the morning and again during the night, 2 hours before medication, excluding the night before and after your chemotherapy sessions

OptiClear absorbs heavy metals, toxins and nitrates to make you feel healthy and revitalised. It supports your liver throughout your chemotherapy treatment.


1 to 3 capsules per day

ActiCleanse supports and protects your liver by removing toxins, which is crucial when taking high dosages of medication.


5 capsules per day (not all at once)

OptiC is crucial for collagen production, protecting your immune system and providing energy. It fights infections, supports your adrenal gland and helps the body to detoxify.


1 to 2 capsules per day

OptiMega is important for your nervous system and to maintain hormonal balance, as well as proper brain function. It will improve your immune function and reduce any inflammation.


1 capsule per day for the first week, 2 capules per day for the second week and 3 capsules per day for the third week

OptiRooibos contains Green Rooibos extract, which offers you the concentrated health benefit of six cups of Rooibos tea.


Know the difference between hunger and cravings. The latter will only be satisfied by eating a specific food, while hunger is satisfied by eating enough of any food.


A sweet tooth is caused by a lack of chromium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B3 and all of these are depleted by consuming anything sweet. This depletion causes unstable insulin levels, which in turn will result in fluctuating blood sugar levels. Solve this craving within 3 days by following 3 simple steps: • NO SUGAR OR STARCH • Supplement the necessary vitamins and minerals • Supplement 1000mg Omega-3 (in OptiMega and OptiVite). This will decrease the resistance of the cells to insulin. REMEMBER: A PORTION OF PASTA IS EQUAL TO TWO CUPS OF SUGAR!

4 Ice

2 Starch

An abnormal need for ice is associated with an iron deficiency. Cold drinks and/or ice will prevent the absorption of iron. • Take an iron supplement TOGETHER WITH OptiVite for one month. A liquid iron supplement is better. Then continue with OptiVite only. • Monitor iron deficiency by noting the colour of your urine after eating beetroot. The more intense the red colour, the lower your iron levels. If the deficiency returns or persists go to your doctor and ask for a Full Blood Count AND iron studies.

A craving for starch is associated with depression. Starch mimics tryptophan which transports serotonin to the brain. This is why we always feel better after pasta or a sandwich. However, the result is an insulin imbalance and you are back to square one!! To combat, implement the following: • Exclude starch from the diet or limit as far as possible. • Replace starch with nuts, especially almonds. They are rich in tryptophan. • Take lunch-time walks in sunlight to increase serotonin production. • Supplement tryptophan with magnesium and vitamin B6. • Supplement omega-3 DHA and EPA (in OptiMega and OptiVite), calcium and magnesium (OptiCalMag) as well as a multivitamin (OptiVite) and a pro-biotic (OptiFlora). Craving salt is associated with a lack of Essential Fatty Acids, ie. Omega-3+6. Include: • Supplement 3000mg fish oil (in OptiMega and OptiVite). Take 1000mg morning, noon and night for one month. Decrease to morning and night and later to night only. • Balance your diet by including flaxseed oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocado as well as sardines in your diet. These will ensure enough omega-6. Remember to also cut down on salt intake. • Take your last OptiMega omega-3 capsule at night with your OptiCalMag calcium/magnesium capsule.

3 Salt


This is all sorts of peculiar cravings during pregnancy and is usually associated with a lack of minerals e.g. calcium and magnesium, chromium and zinc. A balanced diet, as well as OptiVite, OptiCalMag and OptiMega, is very important.

5 Pica


Cheese and/ or other dairy This is due to a lack of calcium and magnesium and these are even more depleted by dairy products. • Supplement 600mg calcium and 400mg magnesium (in OptiCalMag) with omega-3 (in OptiMega and OptiVite) at night.


Better Health 1. DRY/NO EAR WAX


• Lack of omega-3 (in OptiMega and OptiVite)

2. BLOATING/FLATULANCE • Lack of pro-biotics/digestive enzymes (in OptiFlora)

3. 4.

DRY FLAKY SKIN • Omega-3 (in OptiMega and OptiVite), Q10 (OptiEnergy) and water. CLOTTING TENDENCY • Folic acid (sub-lingual), Vit B12, Omega-3 (in OptiMega and OptiVite), Vit E (OptiDerm).

5. ANOREXIA AND/OR ACNE • 20mg Zinc (1 x OptiSolve or 2 x OptiDerm) at night for a month in addition to OptiVite. Then 10mg OptiVite daily.

6. CONSTIPATION The reason for this is a lack of normal digestive tract bacteria. The chicory fibre in the Shake acts as a pre-biotic. • 2 OptiFlora on an empty stomach in the morning with 650ml warm water.

FLUFFY TEETH/PLAQUE/BAD BREATH • This is caused by a poor digestion. To correct, take OptiFlora pro-biotics, digestive enzymes and B-vitamins (in OptiVite and OptiCalm). Remember, deposits on the teeth are also associated with deposits in the arteries. Control the visible symptom and you control the hidden one as well.


SYMPTOMS DUE TO LACK OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM The combination of omega-3 (in OptiMega and OptiVite) with calcium, and magnesium (in OptiCalMag) is natures’ sleeping tablet. The best time to take is on an empty stomach before bedtime. • Abnormal sweating of the scalp • Craving for cheese • Splitting/peeling of nails • Difficulty in falling asleep • Thinning of hair. • Cramping of toes and calves • Menstrual cramping (NB for teenagers) • Heart palpitations • Anxiety attacks


Breast Cancer


I was diagnosed some time ago with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy of my left breast. My treatment entailed 15 months of chemotherapy. I was shocked. How would my body cope with so much toxicity? A friend and colleague of mine who sold Annique products showed me Dalene Richter’s article – he decided this was the answer for me.

warm. I did not replace my meals with the Lifestyle Shake, but I used it as a supplement. My body was in need of the nutrients. It is awful to feel hungry and sick – the shake satisfied my hunger and boosted my health.

I purchased the following Annique products:

1. OptiEnergy Capsules:

I had a chemo treatment every three weeks. During chemo, one’s white blood cell count is very important. It has to be more than 4 for one to be allowed to have a next chemo session. White blood cells protect against infection and determine your immunity against disease. At the time of my second chemo treatment my white blood cell count reached a count of just above 4. I bought OptiEnergy Capsules. I put them to the test: my blood count was very low but as soon as I began drinking OptiEnergy my count reached the required target; throughout my chemo treatment I was always in a position to receive a next session.

4. OptiClear Capsules:

A wonderful product! Only someone who has experienced chemo will know how ill one feels. It is a sick, horrible feeling that no one can describe in words. One is tired, lifeless and emotionally drained. But I found that approximately 15 minutes after taking a sachet of BioHarmony I began to feel an improvement. I had the energy to get up and do something. At those times I could cook for my family and do the laundry. And I could dry my tears, because I felt so much better. Of course not only due to BioHarmony – also because of His Grace!

3. Lifestyle Shake:

This product got me through those dreadful times when I could not eat due to mouth sores and nausea. I don’t usually like milkshakes, but I could mix the shake in fruit juice or yoghurt and in the cold months I could make it with Café Latte, wonderfully

Do you know what it is like to have a metal taste in your mouth? This is one of the side effects of chemo – due to the treatment which affects one’s liver and kidneys. But I took OptiClear and ActiCleanse capsules which brought a measure of relief from this awful taste.

5. Annique Rooibos Tea:

2. BioHarmony:

Annique Products

I was unable to drink water because of the metal taste in my mouth. So I made lots of Annique Rooibos Tea Bladder & Kidney Tea, and mixed it with iced tea. I suffered from diarrhoea after every chemo session and this helped me not to dehydrate.

6. Miracle Tissue Oil:

Chemo dehydrates the skin severely. I looked like a snake – especially my legs and feet. But I used bottles and bottles of Annique Miracle Tissue Oil to help nourish my skin.

To sum up: I wholeheartedly recommend Annique products during chemotherapy. I thank Him that I could afford the products. I was one of several women who were treated in the same room at the same time, and I can say without hesitation that Annique helped me to weather the treatments better than most. • Johanna Malan



Winter’s Bodyguard Step 1: OptiFlora Winter makes many of us reach for Vitamin C to prevent and assist our bodies from nasty colds and flu, but there is more you can do to prevent illness during the cold winter months. You might have considered a multivitamin supplement but wondered what all the minerals and vitamins actually do. Each plays an important role in strengthening the immune system, boosting energy levels, improving your complexion and restoring vitality. Annique’s Forever Healthy range of supplements provide an easy five step plan that will support your body in the colder season, allowing you to enjoy warm apparel, winter sports and hot drinks at the fireplace.

OptiFlora provides the necessary counterbalance to the growth of unwanted yeast and bacteria in the body and produces molecules critical to our molecular defence system – thus, boosting the immune system. These beneficial probiotic flora colonise or multiply in the digestive tract, further increasing their effectiveness, even helping to produce vitamins in the body.

Step 2: OptiVite

Supplementing with a multivitamin is crucial for sustained optimum health, energy and consistent mood. It is nearly impossible to get the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need daily from our diet. Supplementation is easy, convenient and allows us to fill the nutritional gaps created by our modern lifestyles and diets. OptiVite contains 12 essential vitamins and 9 minerals with added salmon oil for its omega 3 benefits and Rooibos extract - the perfect daily vitamin combination to enhance your health.

Step 3: OptiC

Vitamin C is one of the safest, most effective and well known vitamins. The human body cannot produce this crucial vitamin, so if you don’t supplement it, your health is at risk. Vitamin C has amazing health properties, from supporting the cardiovascular and immune systems and producing collagen that is critical to new tissue formulation, to lowering the risk of cancer and building collagen and tissue for a more beautiful skin, yet most of us don’t get anywhere near these benefits because we don’t get enough Vitamin C.

Step 4: OptiBoost

OptiBoost provides a complex formula of nutrients to help boost the immune system. The body’s ability to deal with invaders quickly and effectively will help you overcome illness, infection and disease. Vitamins A and C are combined with zinc, bioflavanoids and natural herbal extracts of African potato, Sutherlandia and Olive leaf extract for a more natural solution than medication to pack the punch. Timing is crucial when dealing with infections. The quicker you react, the better you can recover! Listen to your body; after all you have known it all your life!

Step 5: OptiToniQ+

Most people don’t know that many foods are acid forming. The body has a naturally alkaline environment, but when too much acid forming food is consumed, it can interfere with the body’s pH balance, making it susceptible to illness and disease.

Win the Cold War Seven strategies to fight an infection

Supplementation aids in prevention of illness in the first place, but when infection does set in, try the following:

1 Up your OptiFlora intake from one to two

capsules per day 2 Take two to three OptiBoost capsules per day 3 Take one OptiC capsule every two hours when infection is first detected (sore throat, swollen glands, sneezing) 4 Take 16 drops of OptiToniQ+ per day 5 If your throat is sore, gargle with OptiToniQ+ two to three times a day 6 Get lots of rest 7 Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates completely ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 40

Every woman has true beauty. Discover your natural beauty with the classical and elegant Colour Caress range from Annique. Colour Caress offers an accessible, classic colour palette that has appeal over a whole spectrum of age groups. It complements the clean and confident simplicity of the modern woman and enhances her already beautiful features by keeping her looking flawless. The Colour Caress range consists of a wardrobe of classic colours for eyes, lips and face, offering you the opportunity to easily select what suits your skin tone, age and occasion. The Annique Colour Caress range consists of: Cashmere Eye Shadow Singles Cashmere Eye Shadow Duos Satin Finish Crème Blusher Moisturising Lipstick with Chronomoist+ Feels like Silk Foundation Velvet Touch Foundation Moisture cover - tinted moisturiser Concealers Retractable Liners LashXtreme Mascara Gentle Make-up Remover with Bulgarian Rosewater

our ’s Col ns e u q i Ann latio formu ith s s e r w Ca riched s are en ingredient d r e c u advan ensure yo d p l a e t n to h adian . r s y a t skin s ger looking u yo n

COLOUR CARESS FOUNDATIONS Velvet Touch Natural Finish SPF 15 The Velvet Touch foundation is a soft foundation that imparts a velvet touch to the skin. It has remarkable spreading ability, coverage and is transfer resistant, leaving your skin moisturised and protected. This fragrance-free foundation contains Green Rooibos extract with antioxidants to protect the skin against environmental damage. Other ingredients include silicones that aid in spreadability and ensure the skin’s velvet soft appearance. The foundation also contains emollients that prevents moisture loss and leaves a light moisturised feeling on the skin, as well as sun protection to prevent premature ageing. Annique considers their foundation part of their daily skin care and have thus developed advanced formulations to offer excellent coverage, as well as skin care benefits. Silicones aid spreadability and ensures skin appears velvety soft.


Natural Beige

Silky Ivory

Caramel Silk

Golden Satin

Cream Beige




Feels Like Silk moisturising foundation SPF 15

The foundation contains:

The Feels Like Silk Foundation, is a premium, rich, silklike foundation offering ‘pro-youth’ ingredients to help you create the perfect complexion whilst retaining the skin’s natural moisture. Feels Like Silk is fragrance-free and has an SPF 15.

• Chronomoist+, which consists of encapsulated hyaluronic acid, well-known for its moisture • Retention ability. • Chronomoist+ is actively released over time, resulting in healthier, youthful looking skin. • Silicones: Aids blending and ensures ‘soft look’ finish. FRAGRANCE

• Unique plant extracts: Mimic movements of the skin, ensuring comfortable wear that is nonChronomoist+ will stimulate the tightening. growth of new cells in your skin, provide added moisture and • Sun protection: Preventing enhance the overall vitality and premature ageing. F R E E

radiance of your skin.

• Green Rooibos extract: Antioxidant to protect skin against environmental damage.








Feels Like Silk Foundation offers a luxurious, even coverage for a younger looking complexion. It is longwearing and transfer resistant. Its anti-ageing properties helps to lift and moisturise, ensuring a flawless, healthy looking complexion. Unique plant extracts prevent moisture loss and ensure skin comfort.



TIP: The best way to test

the correct colour on your client is in natural light.


Unique selling points of Annique foundations

At Annique, we believe foundation should be part of your every day skin care routine. Many women underestimate the importance of applying the correct foundation during their make-up routine. The right foundation does more than simply even out skin tone and conceal blemishes, it helps skin appear stronger, healthier and protects it from harmful elements. When it comes to choosing a foundation, you won’t go wrong if you choose Annique. Not only does Annique foundation cover flaws and even out skin tone, it provides environmental protection and creates a barrier between yourself and pollutants faced in day-to-day life. As temperatures rise and pollution increases, the threat to our skin becomes greater, causing free radical damage and premature ageing. This is exacerbated by humidity, which also increases during spring and summer months. Those who wear make-up are more likely to be protected from these harmful elements because their bare skin is not exposed to the environment. The pigments in foundation create a physical barrier shielding you from harmful UV rays. When it comes to choosing a foundation, it is important to pick a colour closest to your natural skin tone as possible. Never try to darken your complexion with a foundation as it will look very obvious to others. Do consider choosing two shades of foundation: One for summer when skin is naturally darker and one for winter when skin is lighter. During the in-between months, the two foundations can be mixed together. Annique foundations all contain the very unique Green Rooibos Extract with antioxidants which protect the skin. ANCE


FRAGR Feels Like Silk E FRE Moisturising Foundation SPF 15 Contains Green Rooibos Extract

FRAGR Velvet Touch E FRE Natural Finish Foundation SPF 15 Contains Green Rooibos Extract

For normal to dry skin types Anti-ageing with rich silk-like texture Selling points: • Chronomoist+: Consists of encapsulated hyaluronic acid and is well-known for its moisture retention ability. • Aids blending and ensures a ‘soft look’ finish. • Unique Plant Extracts: Mimics movements of the skin, ensuring comfortable wear that is non-tightening. • Sun Protection: Prevents premature ageing.

For normal, combination and oily skin types Natural look with buildable coverage Selling points: • Aids in spreadability, coverage and ensures velvet soft appearance of the skin. • Prevents moisture loss and leaves a light moisturised feeling on the skin. • Sun Protection: Prevents premature ageing.



VELVET TOUCH NATURAL FINISH SPF 15 with Green Rooibos Extract


• Luxurious, even coverage for younger looking complexions

• Natural coverage for a flawless complexion


• Dry or combination skin types

• Normal, combination, oily skin types


• Long-wearing and transfer resistant • Anti-ageing, lifting and moisture protection properties • Flawless, healthy looking complexion • Unique plant extracts prevent moisture loss and ensures skin comfort • Sun protection SPF15

• Transfer resistant • Moisture-balancing formula • Buildable coverage • Flawless, even complexion • Sun protection SPF 15

SHADE PALETTE: To assist you with recommending the correct shade to your client, please look at the table below indicating the colours retained from our previous foundation ranges: Hydromat and Colour Finish. (Please note - this is not the complete colour palette). FEELS LIKE SILK MOISTURSING FOUNDATION SPF 15 with Chronomoist+



DON’T Use too much concealer, as it will appear unnatural and look ‘caked on’.






VELVET TOUCH NATURAL FINISH SPF 15 with Green Rooibos Extract Yes

Natural Beige


Silky Ivory


Golden Satin



Apply your concealer after your foundation to ensure better coverage.

DON’T Apply foundation immediately after moisturising – your foundation will not last. Wait 10 to15 minutes or until moisturiser is absorbed.


Caramel Silk

Use a professional foundation brush when applying.

Wear the correct shade – in Summer your skin might be slightly darker than winter and this necessitates a shade change.

DON’T Stop application on jawline – remember to blend well under jawline into neck area.

perfect canvas make-up

Creating the for your

When it comes to applying make-up, it is extremely important to start with the perfect canvas of Moisture Cover concealer and foundation so you achieve the best result in your final make-up. Here are a few guidelines on how to apply these two important products essential in your daily make-up routine.

One can’t overemphasise the importance of ensuring you start with the right colour foundation suitable to your skin’s needs At Annique, we believe foundation is part of our skin care routine. When applying your make-up, it is vital you give yourself enough time to apply your foundation. If you rush your foundation application, it will be applied incorrectly and none of your other make-up will look any good.

Applying concealer perfectly Concealer is designed to provide extra cover to specific areas of the face and diminish dark circles under the eye area, hiding blemishes, broken capillaries and discolouration on the face. Use a small amount of concealer (a little goes a long way) and apply a tiny dab precisely onto the blemish, using either a concealer brush or your ring finger as this finger applies the ideal amount of pressure. Blend the concealer by tapping and spreading it with your finger or brush. While concealing under-eye circles, use a light touch because the skin in this area is delicate and prone to stretching and wrinkling. For better coverage, reapply throughout the day.

Applying fabulous foundation Getting the best appearance with your Moisture Cover Foundation is used to create an even concealer and foundation all-over facial tone all over, covering imperfections and giving the illusion of a smoother skin texture. It also ensures your make-up stays on longer. For an even better healthy complexion, make sure you always apply your favourite Annique moisturiser beforehand. Foundation application is one of the most important steps to flawless make-up application. It is important not to use too much or too little and choose the correct colour. Use just enough to create a uniform appearance by applying a thin layer to the skin. To choose the best colour for your skin tone, swipe and blend in a small amount of foundation on your jawline. When the foundation disappears into the skin, it’s the correct one for you. It must almost be impossible to see any lines of application of the foundation.

For a more natural appearance, make sure foundation is well blended. Latex sponges and foundation brushes are fabulous tools for blending foundations. It’s best to blend the colour just underneath the chin and jawline and into the hairline to avoid makeup lines. Most professional artists prefer to first apply foundation with their hands by dabbing a little bit on your forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. Spread it evenly with your ring finger. Use a latex sponge or brush when applying foundation to achieve a smoother application and also a better coverage. Do not smear the foundation onto your face. Gently press the foundation on to create that smooth, even look. Dabbing the sponge on specific areas to ensure more coverage where needed. You can also reapply a small amount of foundation on areas needing more coverage.

We do not believe in applying any loose powder to your skin, due to the drying and ageing effects it will have on your skin.

Annique product tips from customers on

how to get the best out of your foundation • “By applying my Forever Young Bo-Serum underneath my foundation my makeup lasts longer.” - Melandri Josling • “I have always had a problem with my foundation that lies in my wrinkles, until I got the wonderful advice on using Forever Young Bo-Serum just before I apply my foundation.” - Petra Oosthuizen • “The Forever Young Q10 Therapy underneath my foundation makes such a huge difference on the longevity of my foundation.” - Celeste vom Hagen • “Spray the Lucid Hydra Restore Freshener and/or Face Facts Liquid Skin Nutrition on top of your foundation throughout the day for a refreshing look and feel.” – Ronel van Heerden • “Finally a foundation that works with my Lucid Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin, I can now reapply my moisturiser throughout the day even on top of my foundation” – Ronel van Heerden ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 6

Moisture Cover

is a must-have SPF 15 tinted moisturiser The moisture cover acts as a protective barrier against pollution and is a three-in-one skin care wonder, providing light moisturising sheer coverage with added broad spectrum sun protection. It is the perfect light-weight sun protector for every day wear and creates an ideal base for foundation and makeup making it last longer.

Annique Moisture Cover protects the skin in four ways:

Application: • For light, natural cover: Apply the moisture cover after your Annique skin care routine (including your moisturiser). • For medium cover: Apply moisture cover after your Annique skin care routine (including your moisturiser) and leave to settle for a few minutes. Then apply your foundation and the rest of your make-up. • For optimal cover: Apply moisture cover after your Annique skin care routine (including your moisturiser) and leave to settle for a few minutes. Then apply your foundation and make-up. Re-apply the moisture cover and foundation as often as needed during the day.


Light to medium pigment gives protection from sun damage by creating a physical barrier between the skin and sun.


The sun protection factor of 15 protects the skin from sun damage.


Hyaluronic acid protects the skin from dehydration of air conditioners, pollution and dry and windy conditions.


Rooibos Extract protects against allergies and premature ageing.

Repeat application regularly if you are spending time in the sun. By applying this before your foundation you will definitely have better coverage, a more even colour and much longer lasting foundation. Acts as a protective barrier against pollution for your skin. BEFORE ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 7



with anti-ageing peptide complex Annique’s liquid concealer is a fragrance free, creamy, transfer resistant, high coverage liquid concealer enriched with a peptide complex to help conceal fine lines and imperfections.



It contains a peptide complex, with anti-ageing benefits and line-reduction action. Silicones improve spreadability and coverage and ensure a soft touch finish. The Green Rooibos extract contains antioxidants to protect the skin against environmental damage. Concealers are make-up bag must haves! It not only conceals blemishes, dark circles and veins, but it can also create a wonderful base for your eyeshadow and therefore acts like a primer so you will have longer lasting colour. Concealer hides the discolouration around the eye area to make eyes look more awake and younger. Make-up artists always apply concealer, as it is the key to achieving a professional finish.

STEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN APPLYING CONCEALER 1. Moisturising your skin prior to applying your concealer is essential for the radiant, flawless look we want to accomplish, and therefore a very important part of applying your make-up. 2. Hydrate the skin by rinsing it with Rooibos tea in the morning, followed by your Annique skin care products, and your Annique moisturiser. 3. You can also apply the Moisture Cover, which will provide extra coverage. 4. Choose a concealer as close as possible to your natural skin colour. Test the concealer in natural sunlight, on your jaw line, or the area where you would want to apply it. Don’t use a colour that is more than one shade lighter than your foundation or you will end up with ‘panda’ eyes. 5. Apply your Annique foundation. 6. Dot small drops of concealer on the inside on the inner-top lid and below the eye, where shadows and dark circles occur. 7. Gently press it on to create an even appearance.


F R E E Eliminating dark circles Do not ever set your concealer with loose powder, as this will only accentuate lines around the eye area and cause severe dryness. Annique does not believe in applying loose powder, because it only encourages the ageing process. Use a synthetic concealer brush, like in the Annique Colour Caress Brush Set, to apply the concealer and then press into the skin with the fingertips. Freckles and pigmentation Freckles should not be covered, as they are not blemishes and if the skin is clear, they look very attractive. A heavy layer of concealer or foundation can look far worse. For covering pigmented areas, select a colour that is one shade lighter than your foundation colour. Ensure skin is well-moisturised and apply a concealer to the areas that require coverage. Use Derma Bright to target pigmentation and brown spots. Tackling pimples Ensure spots have healed and are dry before applying any make-up. Use a pointed brush so you can target your application of concealer to the spot. Then lightly press around the edges with fingers. Don’t use a colour that is lighter than your skin tone or it will emphasise the pimple.


GENTLE MOISTURISING MAKE-UP REMOVER This light, moisturising two-phase formulation that gently removes makeup and impurities, contains natural extract from Rooibos to soothe the skin as it cleanses, as well as Bulgarian Rosewater, makes for a superior cleanser known for its mildness, soothing and refreshing properties. Due to the addition of Rooibos extract, the make-up remover is rich in antioxidants, renowned for its anti-ageing benefits. The make-up remover will leave your skin feeling clean, soft and refreshed. It contains non-oily emollients for use around the eyes which, with the Rooibos extract, are especially mild on the eyes and skin. This make-up remover is suitable for the removal of all makeup, even waterproof mascara, and has moisturising and skin rejuvenation benefits. Since this is a two-phase product, it makes it even more effective.

Bulgarian Rose Water

Shake gently before use to activate the two-phase formulation. A slight foam may appear. Add a few drops to damp cotton wool or a facial wipe and gently remove make-up. Do not stretch or pull skin. Cleanse skin as normal and apply other Annique skin care products.

Bulgarian Rose Water boasts gentle cleansing and toning properties for all skin types. Rose water is also known to have hydrating and antiinflammatory properties, as well as being anti-viral, antiseptic, and a disinfectant. Rose water maintains the pH balance of your skin, stimulates regeneration processes and it has a calming effect on acne and sunburn.

Make-up removal is an essential part of your skin care routine, if you want to have healthy and beautiful skin. Make-up tends to clog pores and, if you forego your regular make-up removal ritual, it can lead to skin problems. When using a make-up remover, use it as follows:

LIPS: Start from the lip corners to the middle,

gently removing lipstick, without stretching the lip.

EYES: Apply a few drops of make-up remover

on a damp cotton ball and then lightly press one of the cotton balls to your lid and lashes. Keep it there for a minute, so it can work its way through the layers of make-up. Gently wipe the cotton ball, from the bridge of your nose, towards the outer corners, gently swipe your eye in a downward direction to ensure all the make-up is off. Open your eye and clean any residual make-up under your lashes. Clean residual make-up under your lashes, but be careful not to stretch the skin. Remember that eye skin is very sensitive that is why it requires a gentle make-up remover, like the Colour Caress Gentle Moisturising Make-up Remover, for a delicate skin. Tip: Do not use the same cotton ball for both eyes - if you have an infection in one eye it will quickly pass onto the other. Also, cotton rounds work much better than cotton balls because of their circular shape. You can remove the make-up from the entire area with one flat section.


When your lip and eye make-up is removed, you can cleanse your face, from your nose towards the temples, with an Annique cleanser of your choice. Rinse with Rooibos water. Thereafter, follow your normal Annique skin care routine and do not forget to apply Eye Therapy to firm the skin around your eyes. REMEMBER: A make-up remover is not a cleanser. After removing your make-up you still need to cleanse your skin with an Annique cleanser of choice.



Colour Caress Gentle Makeup remover on your eyes

Step 1:

Shake the Colour Caress Gentle Make up Remover to activate the water and oil two-phase formula.

Step 2:

Always use a damp cotton ball / pad to remove your make-up from your eyes. Dab the Colour Caress Gentle Make-up Remover onto the cotton ball / pad after shaking and gently apply it to your closed eyes, moving from the inner corners of the eye to the outer corners of the eye.

Step 3:

Should there still be eye liner left on your eyes, you can use a Q-tip / Cotton Bud dipped in Colour Caress Gentle Make-up Remover to gently remove it. Once you are done, rinse your eye area with Rooibos tea or water to get rid of any remaining eye make-up remover.

Tips:  To remove waterproof mascara keep the moist cotton pad on your lashes for a few seconds longer, as this type of mascara requires more contact with the makeup remover before effective removal occurs.  Should the Colour Caress Gentle Make-up Remover get in your eyes, rinse your eyes thoroughly with Rooibos tea or warm water.  To avoid irritation don’t soak the cotton pad in makeup remover, as the excess product will run into your eyes with the make-up and burn. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 10

Lashes to the Xtreme Applying LashXtreme mascara tips: • Ensure that the mascara covers your lashes from root to tip.


Mascara is an essential feature in your make-up bag. A swish of the mascara wand can do wonders for you – it can open up your eyes and make them appear bright and beautiful. Use mascara to thicken and darken as well as lengthen your lashes.

• Wipe off excess mascara from the wand with a tissue before application. This prevents blobs of mascara on your lashes.

• Hold the mascara wand vertically when applying to the lower lashes. • Apply mascara after eye shadow and eyeliner. • Use a cotton bud and wet it with luke warm water to wipe over your lashes to remove clumps and re-apply.


• You can choose to apply mascara only on your upper lashes.

• To make lashes look longer and avoid clumps, apply mascara from the roots of the lashes to the tips, using a zig-zag movement. • For a sophisticated finish, use mascara on the lower lashes as well, placing a piece of tissue underneath them to avoid smudging.


• Avoid blinking for a couple of seconds after applying your mascara, to dry your lashes.


The Colour Caress range reflects classical elegance with timeless appeal over a wide spectrum of age groups, to help enhance your natural beauty.

EYES The Colour Caress Cashmere Eyeshadow with Moisture Plus offers a classic shade palette of four singles and four duo combinations that are interchangeable to create different effects. The Cashmere Eyeshadow formulation offers a premium quality powder enriched

with Moisture Plus, derived from olive oil, it helps bond the powder pigments whilst assisting with moisturising the eyelid area. Maximise the impact of the windows to your soul by using Cashmere Eyeshadows with Moisture Plus.


What is it?

Key Ingredients

Cashmere Eyeshadow with Moisture Plus

A silky, cashmere-soft, amplified colour impact eyeshadow. Enriched with Moisture Plus for comfortable application, that looks great and wears like a dream.

Moisture Plus – derived from olive oil to help bond powder pigments and helps to moisturise eye area

Retractable Eye Liner

A long-lasting, smudge-proof, water-repellent formula offering precision application in a convenient wind-up pencil format to define and accentuate your eye shape.

Soft and smooth, highly pigmented formula that offers good colour pay-off. Wax-based, mineral oil free formula.

LashXtreme Mascara

The LashXtreme Mascara separates lashes into dark, long, beautiful curls for maximum effect.

Contains silk amino acids that can penetrate the hair and assist in offering exceptional moisturising benefits. This silk derivative, paired with pro vitamin B5, makes for an exceptional combination of ingredients that will help to condition and strengthen the eyelashes helping to prevent damage and breakage, keeping the eyelashes looking in tip top condition.


Consider your eyeshape when applying eyeshadow.

DON’T Match the eyeshadow powder colour with your eye colour.


Remember to blend – eyeshadow should appear smooth not streaky.

DON’T Overpluck your eyebrows – thin eyebrows are ageing. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 12


Select your area of accentuation: Eyes or lips.

DON’T Use too much gloss as your lipstick will bleed into fine lines and not last very long.

Under Brow Crease / Socket Lid Outer Edge Inner Edge


Look in the mirror and consider the size of each area of your eye, as well as positioning of the eyes in relation to each other. The diagram indicates the various areas referred to in the make-up tips.

Corner of Nose




Eyes are set deep into the socket with a small eyelid. The brow bone appears more noticeable

Apply light colour onto the mobile eyelid. Then add a darker colour on and just above the socket line. Blend up and out.


Your eyes are less than one eye-width apart

Use light colours on the inner corners and extend the outer corners using darker colours. Use liner and mascara on outer corners


Your eyes are more than one eye-width apart

Apply lighter base colour from lashline to brow. Apply darker shade along lashline and into crease also add accent to inner corner. Line upper lashes from corner to corner. Apply mascara.


The natural crease in your eyelid is not noticeable

Apply lighter base colour from lashline to brow adding a little more at inside corner. Apply darker shade onto lid from corner to corner extending slightly above the crease and under lower lashes. Hooded eyes really benefit from well-defined upper and lower lashlines. Line upper lashes from corner to corner and lower lashes from outside corner to inside of iris. Apply mascara.


This eye type has a bulge from the socket to the large area i.e. large eye lid area

Apply lighter base colour from lashline to brow. Apply darker shade along lashline and into crease also add accent to inner corner. Line upper lashes from corner to corner. Apply mascara.


The Colour Caress Satin Finish Crème Blusher is available in two delicate shades, to add a kiss of blush to your cheeks. This sensational formula glides on like a cream and transforms to a natural finish. It includes soothing green Rooibos extract.



What is it?

Key Ingredients

Satin Finish Crème Blusher

A light mousse formula, creme blusher to add radiance to your cheeks in a luxurious, sheer, satiny smooth formulation.

Flexible silicone polymers which help prevent caking, and assist with blending.

Applied with your fingertips this very soft, silky formulation glides on effortlessly.


Choose a blusher colour that will co-ordinate with your total make-up look – especially your lipstick shade.

DON’T Use a frosted blusher shade as it tends to be rather ageing.

Green Rooibos extract offers anti-irritant properties.

BENEFITS OF CRÈME BLUSHER • Anti-ageing • Non-drying • Suitable for sensitive skin


Consider your face shape when applying blusher.

DON’T Apply blush to forehead, nose or chin – it makes the skin look flushed and unnatural.



Apply blush last, after all other makeup.

HOW TO APPLY CRÈME BLUSHER PERFECTLY? 1. Dab a few dots of blusher on the ‘apples’, or fullest part of your cheeks, directly below the centre of your eyes. 2. Blend in well with your fingertips in upward/outward motion. 3. Your face shape influences your blusher application. FACE SHAPE

Oval Face

Square Face

Round Face

Long Face

APPLICATION TIPS This face type typically does not need any contouring at all since the natural slope of the face already provides a perfect plane to apply blusher. For a natural look, apply blush onto the apples of your cheeks for a flushed, healthy glow. If you are going out for a night on the town, add slightly more blush to the bridge of your nose for extra color. Soften the angles of cheeks by concentrating the brighter color of the blusher on the apples of the cheeks, then sweep the color straight out towards your temples. This will give your face a natural lift. If you want to round the corners of your jawline, lightly dust some blush from your chin to just below your ears. Start applying blush to the area just above the apples of your cheeks and slightly blend forward to thin the face. Make sure not to get blusher too close to your nose; otherwise, the extra color will highlight the rounded area of the cheeks. Next, dust the contour shade just below the cheekbone down to the jawline and blend the color so it looks natural.

To create the illusion of width on a long-shaped face, apply blusher to the apples of the cheeks and extend the color outward towards your ears. Next, sweep your blush across the middle of your forehead and along your chin line.



Moisturising Lipstick with Chronomoist+ Chronomoist+ uses entrapment technology that releases moisture over time, ensuring beautifully soft, moisturied lips Three essential products are needed for fabulous lips: Moisturising lipstick with Chronomoist+, Retractable Lip Liner and Liquid Lips.

Maximize your pout appeal with a great spectrum of colour that will appeal to all ages. Product

What is it?

Key Ingredients

Moistursing Lipstick with Chronomoist+

Rich, colour-intense, moisturising lipstick with exceptional shine. Enriched with Chronomoist+ for continuous moisture release – keeping your lips colourful and comfortable.

Chronomoist+ contained in chromospheres, give continuous release of hyaluronic acid, known for its excellent moisturising ability.

Available in Colour Caress

Rooibos extract for its antioxidant properties

Retractable Lip Liner Available in 3 shades Liquid Lips

Available in 10 super glossy shades

A high precision, high quality liner in a convenient wind-up pencil format for easy application to give your lipstick shade depth and staying power.

Highly pigmented formula offers good colour pay-off and coverage that glides on easily.

A superior combination of colour, gloss and moisturisation. Enriched with moisturising Jojoba oil, it gives long lasting colour with an exceptional gloss finish. Apply over your favourite Moisturising Lipstick with Chronomoist+ or on its own, for long lasting, glossy colour.

Jojoba oil is known to have exceptional moisturising and healing properties. It helps to maintain youthful and healthy lips.

Wax-based, mineral oil free formula.




Prior to application use a warm, wet face cloth to gently massage your lips to improve lipshape Rush lip liner application – if not done perfectly it looks messy and awkward




2 3

Ensure lasting lip colour by lining and colouring you entire lip with your liner, before applying Moisturising Lipstick with Chronomoist+ or Liquid Lips.

Always start to outline in the middle of the cupid’s bow and line each side individually.

Next draw a line on bottom lip centre. Then outline natural outer edges of your lips.


2 3

Wear a dark lip liner with a paler lipstick – it is ageing and looks unnatural



Tips: • If your lipshape is asymmetrical, subtly correct the outline, just outside your normal lipline and blend in well before applying lipstick. • The easiest way to balance the appearance of your lips, is by dividing the lip into sections when applying liner. • If your lip liner is not exactly the same colour as your lipstick, use a lip brush or cotton bud to smudge the liner inwards towards the centre of the lip to ensure better blending.


Prevent bleeding and feathering lipstick by using your finger to dot a bit of liquid foundation sparingly over your lip and blend in well prior to liner and lipstick application. Use too much gloss as your lipstick will bleed into fine lines and not last very long

• If you have thin lips and want to create larger lips, draw the line just outside the natural lip line. • If your lips are too full, draw the line just inside the natural lip line to slim them down a touch. • Shimmery, frosty shades make lips look full and lush. • Darker shades make lips look thinner and lighter shades make lips look bigger. • Apply lip gloss to the centre of your lips to enhance attractive full lips. • Use Liquid Lips to add shine to Moisturising Lipstick with Chronomoist+.


What you say about Annique Lifestyle slimming programme creates a brand new Noelien I began following the Annique Lifestyle Slimming Programme to lose weight in June 2012 and lost 16.6 kgs after just five months. I used to weigh 96.6 kg and went down to 80.5 kgs (and lost 127cm) between June and November 2012. I went from a size 40 pants to a size 36. I tried thousands of rands of competitor products including pills, diets, shakes and nothing worked. I cannot believe the centimetres I lost around my waist, upper arms and other areas of my body. If it wasn’t for Annique, I would not have been able to achieve this. I love the new me After and I am planning to lose 80.5kg another 10kgs! • Noelien Kock, Brakpan

Skin Detox stops eczema

Before 96.6kg

Itchy scalp disappears with Annique Baby Shampoo

I suffered with eczema until the age of 36. I used to dread summertime – sun and sweat. After testing everything on the market, I discovered an instant relief for this condition – Annique Skin Detox. Out of desperation one day I grabbed Skin Detox from the cupboard at home. (One I saved as a bonus for one of my consultants - thanks Georgina, I owe you!). After applying it for three days, I was stunned as the itchiness and redness was instantly gone. I am convinced of the healing properties of Annique! • Petro Morkel, Pretoria

My five year old daughter struggled terribly with an itchy, dry, irritated scalp after a lice crisis at school in January 2012 and especially during season changes. I began to realise that using the ordinary chemical shampoos just irritated and damaged her scalp further. I decided to try Annique Baby Shampoo on her hair because I had used it on her hair when she was a baby. After the third wash all itching and scratching stopped, the scalp was not irritated anymore and she was a carefree child once again! • Dorette Pienaar, Malmesbury

Annique products moisturise dry skin and balance blood pressure I had a very dry skin and used Ultimate Moisturiser for Dry Skin, Crème de Nuit and the Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil. I also had low blood pressure and after using the Lifestyle Shake, Green Rooibos Tea and OptiToniQ+ my health is now good! • Mimi Matlali, Lesotho

Annique products may prevent cancer

ZeroAche+ assists with back injury

I am an Annique consultant and I read the article on skin cancer in one of the latest newsletters. I am convinced that Annique products can prevent skin cancer. Three weeks ago a doctor removed 10 skin cancer spots on my arms, legs and chest. He expressed his surprise, remarking that in actual fact this kind of skin cancer usually appears on facial skin, and there was no sign of it on my face. Perhaps this is because I have been using Annique on my face and neck area for 30 years. • Hester Alberts, Pretoria

I used Resque ZeroAche+ and it is excellent! I have a bulging disk – S1, L5 and with that injury the surrounding muscles go into a spasm and pinch the nerves. Over and above the medication that I have been using, I use this product on the affected area and I can honestly tell you it is fantastic! Actually I need to order more as I have run out - I recommend ZeroAche+ highly! • Jenny, Secunda


What you say about Bladder & Kidney Tea stops bladder infection and sinusitis In February 2012, my elder sister who had suffered from bladder infection for several years, decided to try Bladder & Kidney Tea to see if it would help with her infection. When winter arrived, she expected to experience her usual symptoms of sinusitis, but nothing happened. Thanks to this product she is now not only free from the chronic bladder infection, but also from sinusitis! • Martholi Thatho, Lesotho

Moisturising Foundation perfect I grew up with Annique products as my grandmother was also a consultant, so it is not easy for me to single out one product I love best. I would however, like to focus on the Feels Like Silk Moisturising Foundation. All other competitor foundations I used before looked as if they ‘melted’ on my skin and some looked as if there was no foundation on my face by the end of the day. Feels Like Silk Foundation stays on all day and appears fresh, looking good from morning until night. Every Annique product is perfect! • Mirisca Ambrose, Vanderbijlpark

Amazing results with Moisture Serum I have been using Essense Moisture Serum for five days only and the results are amazing for my extremely dry skin! I began using the product in September 2012 after trying competitor products which didn’t work. I love the way it soaks into my skin and can see and feel a big difference! I have never seen a faster improvement on the appearance of my skin than I did using this product. Moisture Serum has made my skin so much better and I will never leave it out of my beauty routine again. • Antoinette Beukes, Meerensee

Miracle Tissue Oil Lip Therapy helps heal cold sores Recently I had a large cold sore on the outer corner of my mouth and decided to use Essense Miracle Tissue Oil Lip Therapy to see if could help heal my cold sore. After I began using it, the cold sore didn’t make a hard scab which would burst each time I opened my mouth, which had happened in the past. While using Miracle Tissue Oil Lip Therapy the cold sore stayed moist and the skin wasn’t sore. The sore soon disappeared quickly, with no discomfort at all! • Grace Farrell, Pretoria

Annique teenage skin care range takes away acne

My teenage son struggled with acne so I took him to a dermatologist and after three months of using antibiotics and skin treatments recommended by the dermatologist, which burnt his skin, there was still no improvement. The dermatologist wanted to put him on stronger medication but I was hesitant. I bought the teenage range of Annique skin care including the Face Facts Smooth Over Scrub and Spotless Pimple Treatment for him, which he began using and has never looked back! He also uses the DermaLift machine once a week to improve his skin. Thank you Annique, it is wonderful to use a product that works and which I can believe in! • Liezl Meyer, Durbanville ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 3

What you Jacqueline loses 56 kilograms drinking Lifestyle Shakes and teas


Jacqueline Biddulph, a 31 year old friend of mine, began using Annique products during June 2010 and lost 56 kilograms! Losing weight was always a problem for her because she has an under-active thyroid and no competitor products worked for her. She drank the Annique Rooibos Lifestyle Shakes for breakfast and lunch and the Metabolism, Detox and Colon Cleanse Teas throughout the day each day. Now that Jacqueline has lost so much weight she is really motivated and encourages her friends to drink the Lifestyle Shakes. Jacqueline also recently found out she is pregnant and now uses the Lifestyle Shakes as a vitamin booster. Hendrien van der Schyff, Brackenfell


Herman’s Ambition increases sales In May 2012, the Ambition Eau de Toilette for men was on special and I ordered one for my husband, Herman, as a Father’s Day gift. I was too excited to wait until June to give it to him and gave it to him immediately. He was crazy about Ambition and took it to work to market it for Father’s Day. The orders came rushing in and Herman ended up selling 70 Ambition Eau de Toilettes giving us a turnover of R14 000 for May! Thank you Annique for such wonderful special offers! Marietjie Dempers, Pretoria

Gentle Make-up Remover is super soft The Gentle Make-up Remover is a super soft make-up remover which cleans thoroughly without irritating the eyes or the skin. It never burns my eyes, which is truly miraculous on account of blue eyes being very sensitive. It is easy to use and because you don’t have to drench the cotton wool in the product, it is also cost-effective. Melissa van der Walt, Potchefstroom

Resque Mist stops coughs and Resque Crème relieves burns Whenever I start coughing, my children immediately give me Resque Mist which I spray three times onto a tissue and breathe in deeply. Within seconds my cough disappears. My mother, Ansie, stopped using her asthma pump and only uses Resque Mist because she found that it worked quicker and better than her asthma pump. she sprays it on her pillow before she goes to bed at night or uses a handkerchief to wipe it on her neck at night. It instantly stops sneezing fits. Resque Mist also works on wet red wine stains which disappear in seconds after it is applied - amazing! Another wonderful product is Resque Crème. My friends’ daughter stepped barefoot onto burning embers and applied Resque Crème that evening. The following day her daughter had no blisters and was running around with only white marks on her feet! Lana Hoffman, Limpopo

Skin Detox solves skin problems I have been using Skin Detox for eight years. Last year I made a mistake with my order which meant that I had no Skin Detox for just over a month. I used my last Skin Detox just before my menstruation began. My skin broke out in pimples. My skin did not improve. But as soon as I began using Skin Detox again, within two days, my skin began improving and after one week all the pimples were gone. Mandie Kruger, Potchefstroom

Chapped hands disappear with Revitalising Cream and Injoi Body Lotion I have to share this - Every winter my hands are chapped and bleed and no hand cream has ever helped. But this winter all that changed. Out of sheer desperation I mixed equal parts of Revitalising Cream and Injoi Body Lotion to use on my hands. Every evening I massaged this mixture into my hands bit by bit until my skin was saturated and no more cream would absorb into my skin. My hands are now soft and smooth. Daleen Janse van Rensburg, Hammanskraal ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 4

say about No more red, dry skin with Moisture Serum and Bo-Serum I have dry, sensitive cheeks that turn red in the sun when I drink wine and in the dry winter climate of the Free State. I tried Moisture Serum and was amazed at the wonderful results! It was absorbed into the skin quickly leaving a soft, moist feeling. The dry feeling on my cheeks was gone! I also tested Bo-Serum and could see the difference. I asked a friend to test it for a month and take a before and after photo for clients to see. The difference in the lines around her mouth and neck are amazing! Annemarie Cronje, Bloemfontein

Resque Crème cures severe baby acne One of my clients had a baby less than a year old. He had severe eczema and she visited her doctor on a weekly basis. I gathered my courage and asked her what she was using for the condition. She replied that she was at her wits end because the doctor kept on prescribing cortisone, which didn’t help. I immediately advised her to try Resque Crème. It helped instantly and she is still my client to this day. Christel Stowman, Potchefstroom

Hair Nutrition+ and Baby Shampoo heals Cradle Cap Toekie Muir, one of my 78 year old clients, had Cradle Cap! I recommended Baby Shampoo and Hair Nutrition+ and advised he rinse his scalp with Rooibos Tea. He was sceptical as he had consulted with numerous doctors and chemists for 50 years and still had the unsightly itchy problem. Full of confidence in Annique, I assured him his problem would be cleared in 10 days. In 10 days he was back with peaches and chocolates for me and a huge smile on his face! After struggling for 50 years his scalp is healed! Theresa Meyer, L’Agulhas

Relax Tea relieves pain and Resque Mist soothes shingles One of my clients suffered from a constant pain on the right side of her body for a long time. I told her it could be her colon and may be stress related and she confirmed she experienced stress. I gave her two cups of Relax Tea to drink (made with one teabag). After half an hour the pain was gone. Another product which worked was Resque Mist. I suffered a shingles attack and sprayed Resque Mist on the skin three times a day. The relief was instant and itchiness disappeared immediately. A rash was left which I healed with Resque Crème. Minnie Mostert, Mossel Bay

Moisture Serum, Revitalising Cream and Bo-Serum keeps me young I use Moisture Serum on only one hand. The skin of this hand is shiny and moist while the skin on the poor other hand is dry and dull. It is great for advertising – whenever I want someone to experience the difference that Annique makes, I show them my hands. I also recently began applying Revitalising Cream and Bo-Serum to my husband’s face. He loves it and already looks years younger! I of course, don’t look a day older then the day I began using Annique products. Erina du Preez, Secunda

Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil most appreciated My ultimate favourite Annique product has to be Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil because it’s versatility is unsurpassed! This product has no age-limit and is a vital in any skincare routine enhancing the beauty of ladies using the Colour Caress range. It raises the moisture content of the skin and contains Rooibos extract full of antioxidants. It has a remarkable effect on scarring, pigmentation, uneven skin tone, stretch marks and acne scars. I believe it is the most appreciated product in Annique’s extensive range. Valerie Cooper, Parys


products reduce scars and ease Paul’s injured legs


Paul Louw, who was in a motor accident 13 years ago injuring his legs, has tried numerous medical treatments to reduce the scars without success. After two weeks of using Annique products he is now seeing results. BEFORE

A phenomenal improvement was seen in the scars on Paul’s legs after just a few weeks of using Annique products


Thirteen years ago I was injured in a motor accident where the lower part of my left leg was seriously broken and my right leg and muscles were damaged. I had an external fixator placed on my left leg which doctors found not to be working, meaning the blood flowed to my lower leg but not back up again. I developed venus ulcers and blood clots in both legs and was treated by various doctors and specialists at various hospitals. The blockages in the veins were removed and I had three skin grafts done, but none of the treatments helped. All ended unsuccessfully due to the oozing of the wounds that caused the skin not to be able to attach properly on the wounds. In November 2012, Marie du Plessis and Chris Pohl came to talk to me about my legs and show me what Annique products can do for my problem. I was very sceptical because nothing medical could help my legs. They had so much trust in these products that they said they will sponsor me for a month with products to see if there would be an improvement. The products they gave me included Relax Tea, Detox Tea, Night Rest Tea, BodyXpert Correxion Repairing Body Cream, OptiC and Resque Crème. After two weeks of using the products, I could recommend them to anyone as I can feel a difference in my legs. The wound on the left leg stayed the same length but shrunk in width and the wound on the inside of the right leg was really deep, but there was an improvement as the flesh grew back. The depth of this wound is now gone and is almost healed. It appears as if the skin is growing on the inner leg. I can’t see the wound on the right side of the right leg properly, but I believe there is an improvement. The healing over the last few weeks has been absolutely unbelievable and at this rate I believe I will be able to walk around in shorts in the next six months. Previously I was taking 10 to 15 Grandpa powders per day for the pain and discomfort, but now I only drink one to two per day at most when necessary. In November 2012 I also cut my right index finger and thumb with a chain saw. I put Resque Crème on both fingers and three days later my finger was healed, 10 days later my thumb was healed. I am sincerely grateful to Marie and Chris and can with the greatest ease recommend Annique products. It’s now five months since I started treatment and Paul Louw, Pretoria the improvement is remarkable.

Marie du Plessis presents Paul Louw with a hamper of Annique Products to assist his healing.

Teas and capsules assist Pinkie’s Diabetic mom

I joined Annique because I wanted to buy my mom who is diabetic, Annique products. After my mom drank Balance Tea, Green Rooibos Tea and took Super Rooibos6 Capsules, she stopped taking her chronic treatment that she used to receive from the government clinic because her sugar level was normal. It didn’t stop there, the nurse who helped check my mom’s sugar level also joined Annique and she is doing very well with her business so far. PINKY FIGLAN


Results with skin care products in just two weeks

I started using Annique because I had similar issues with my skin as a friend of mine, who suffered from pigmentation and breakouts. After a month of using Annique products, her skin was clearer and more beautiful. Just two weeks after using the products including Derma Bright, Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil, Crystal Clear Cleanser, Absolute Balancing Freshener and the Smooth Over Scrub, I started receiving compliments that I was glowing. I am very happy with the results of Annique and feel as if I need to spread the word to my people, the black African people and telling them about Annique products. NOXOLO QUMANA


A few months ago I was diagnosed with rosacea on my nose. It was extremely irritating and unattractive, and so of course I was downhearted. The dermatologist prescribed two ointments, which helped to a degree, but the irritation as well as a rough texture on my nose persisted.

On a recent visit to my home, my cousin arrived with swollen lips and he could not talk properly. The reason for the swelling was that he had had a flu injection the previous day which he had reacted to. I sprayed his lips with Resque Mist and as soon as it was dry, I applied Resque Crème. By the time he left two hours later, the swelling was totally gone and he could speak properly - with a big smile! Punkah Mdaka, Berea

I started applying Intense Repair Serum at night, which quickly relieved the 28 February 2013 irritation. I have also been BEFORE using Youth Boost and OptiAgeing capsules for the past month. The irritation has completely disappeared and there is only a tiny rough spot on my nose, almost the size of a very short strand of hair, which I am sure will soon be gone. Marietha Bester, Parow A client of mine, Narisa Coetzee, had a bacterial infection on her face which spread whenever she touched it. She had consulted a doctor who prescribed cortisone cream. But before she began using the cortisone cream she enquired from my consultant whether Annique did not have a solution for her. My consultant made contact with me instantly. We mentioned to Narisa that we were not in a position to replace the doctor’s medication, but suggested she give Annique a try before commencing with the cortisone treatment. Narisa agreed and started the following routine on a Friday night:

1 March 2013

I came home on the 3 March and applied Revitalising Cream and Miracle Tissue Oil. After only two applications the rash and marks had completely cleared. 4 March 2013 AFTER

At night, wash with Sensi Crème and apply Resque Crème and Miracle Tissue Oil afterwards. In the morning, rinse the face with Rooibos Tea, followed by Resque Crème and Miracle Tissue Oil. Apply Resque Crème up to five times a day. After only two weeks there was an excellent visible improvement – without use of the cortisone ointment! Thanks to Annique for such outstanding products which deliver such extraordinary results. Clarissa van Loggerenberg, Pretoria



On 1 March, while in Zanzibar, I had an itchy rash from the malaria tablets I was taking. Apparently it is one of the known side-effects. I immediately applied Resque Crème and the itching subsided. I continued with Resque Crème and OptiClear, and the swelling and itching were greatly relieved.

Celeste van der Walt gave me this tip and I have used it often; a true miracle! As always Annique is the best. Chrizel Strauss, Pretoria

My son often gets terrible coughs when he eats anything cold, be it yoghurt or juice. One Sunday morning I had gone out and his Dad allowed him to have yoghurt directly from the fridge. When I got home I realised he had started coughing, it was around 15:30. I went to a pharmacy to get him some medication just to calm him until Monday. It was either that or we had to take him to hospital; the only medicine that helps him in that condition is the Singular Sprinkles which you can’t get without a doctor’s prescription - and he had to be nebulised as well. But that day, while I was giving him the cough mixture, my eye fell on the OptiToniQ+ which I was using in the cupboard. I gave him two drops under the tongue and carried on doing my things around the house, while my husband was complaining that I try everything out on them. To my amazement he was the one who noticed that the coughing had stopped and that my son’s wheezing chest had stopped making that awful sound! I now can’t stop talking about our miraculous OptiToniQ+ experience. Beatrice Mbongwa, Nelspruit


Rika’s innovative Teen Pamper Parties a winner

After running out of ideas of what to do for her daughter’s birthday in May last year, Rika Stander, consultant from Port Elizabeth, came up with the innovative idea of holding Annique Teen Pamper Parties, which not only solved her problem but also added to her business income. Coming up with unique and exciting ideas for a children’s birthday party during the winter months can be quite difficult for moms, leaving them to use the same tried and tested recipe of taking the children to movies or a restaurant with their friends. However Rika Stander, consultant from Port Elizabeth, identified this gap in the market and used it to extend her Annique business further, by introducing the Annique Teen Pamper Party as a birthday party option for moms to treat their children. “The thought of Annique Teen Pamper Parties only started when I battled to find fresh ideas for my then five year old daughter’s birthday party in May 2012. I was searching the Internet for party venues, when the idea of introducing skin care to young girls came to mind. I could not find anything related to Pamper Parties for teenagers in the Port Elizabeth area,” says Rika. She decided to advertise her Annique Teen Pamper Parties on a website offering child-related products and services from newborn to 12 years olds, as a party theme option for mommies to introduce skin care to their daughters in a fun way. The results were amazing! At the parties, Rika introduces the Face Facts range to the children and allows the girls to do their own facials. The birthday girl is the most important guest and she uses her as her model to demonstrate how to do Annique facials, allowing each of the birthday girl’s friends to apply the products step by step. “The entire session is interactive and I begin with an activity where the children blow into a balloon all sad emotions, anger, hatred and stressed feelings. They then sit on the balloon until it bursts. This is one way to get rid of unhealthy emotions, as well as creating a lot of laughter. I also play musical chairs which gets a lot of interaction going. I then do some theory with the girls on how the skin looks under the epidermis, why skin care is important, and the reasons for acne and how to prevent it,” says Rika. She explains to the girls why they should cleanse and the effects of the Annique products on the skin and does a quiz with them after the facials where they can win giveaways, to ensure every girl has learnt something about skin care. Every girl at the party receives an Annique gift too. “I am serious about helping others and find myself in an organisation like Annique who is dedicated to doing just that. If we teach our young children to look after their skin and take the necessary steps to protect it from the elements, we are giving them a life-changing opportunity and we are doing this having absolutely awesome fun!” says Rika. ANNIQUE PRODUCT TRAINING MANUAL | 8

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