Portfolio of Annisa Rizky Nursanti - Content Creator, Social Media, Public Relations

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portfolio Public Relations


Social Media


Content Creator

Annisa Rizky Nursanti Sociology


Brawijaya University

Hey there!

I am Annisa Rizky Nursanti. A keen detail-oriented person who always seeks out new challenges. Several experiences in public relations tasks, content creation for marketing purposes (providing content materials, market research, content research, content planning), social media management (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook), and customer handling. Able to communicate in English (written/verbal). Proficient in using Microsoft Office (Ms. Word, Ms. PowerPoint), Google Workspace, Canva, and other editing tools. Take your time to check my resume! See my skills and my experience, and if you are interested, don't hesitate to send me a message!

EDUCATION Universitas Brawijaya, 2014 Sociology - with GPA of 3,35



Indonesian (Native) English (Intermediate - Advanced) German (Elementary)


Content creation Social Media Management Public Relation tasks (support internal and external communication activities, such as internal/external meeting, media relations, and photo documentation) Microsoft Office (Ms. Word, Ms. PowerPoint), Google Docs, Google Drive, Canva English-Indonesian Language Translating Organizational Skills (Note-taking, multitasking, teamwork, time management)

WORK EXPERIENCE Freelance Translator Providing some services of translation works in the academic field and job application, such as paper, undergraduate thesis, journal, CV, and motivation letter (Indonesian - English and vice versa)

One Third Consulting & Abroad (Jan 2021 - April 2021) Digital Content Planner & Reporting Content weekly planning, content daily report. Content creator Content materials for marketing plan, market and content research, social media handling, customer handling.

Fadila Tour and Travel (CV. Fadila Jaya Sentosa) (Sept 2018 - March 2019) Social Media Admin Freelancer Market research, Instagram and Facebook Advertisement, and customer handling.


Badan Pusat Statisik RI Public Relation Intern Monthly scale press conference, updated stakeholder's database and sent email invitation to join Sensus Penduduk Lanjutan 2016, and supported internal/external communication activities.


Scholarship Fair 2015 by BEM FISIP UB

Publication, Decoration, and Documentation Staff Social media handling, media partner (radio show, social media ads), logo and banner design.

Goresan Pena Sosial National Writing Competition

General Treasurer Budgeting, documentation tracking, payment bookkeeping, final financial report.








Social Media Admin

As a social media admin, I was given the duty to manage the company's social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook). Here, I was responsible to publish any content related to our company and help to write the caption for some posts. I was also responsible to respond to any comments or questions left on our page on time in an appropriate manner.

Advertisement & Web Traffic

One of my tasks as a social media admin was to advertisements using Facebook ads. Before, I and my team had to specify the marketing targets including the ads budget, gender, region, etc. This feature allows me to raise our brand awareness and reach a wider audience. Because this business engaged in the tourism sector, I chose Bandung and Malang area as our main promo targets.

Media Tabulation

This process allows me to analyze each category which posts achieved the most like, share, or audience. The final tabulation later became the evaluation material of what topics and what time the readers most frequently accessed to read articles that have been published on our social media.


Better quality, better future.

Caption: Buying furniture is one of the most reliable decisions when seen as a longterm investment. Furniture shapes your future – with high quality, it gives you a health friendliness and the inner structure of the material can hold a heavy pressure for a longer period. Purpose: A campaign to persuade people to buy furniture not just from the way it looks/aesthetic it seems, but to emphasize the quality that lasts longer. If you calculate the cost of replacing low-quality furniture every five years instead of every 8-10 years, it will cost more, so people won’t invest any wrong pieces of it.

Create, don't search.

Caption: Limited space often leads people to search for a new place. Did you know that we can do something better from what we already have? We can create a place beautiful instead of searching for the new one! Purpose: This campaign persuades people who are striving for more spaces with limited size. With the help of the interior designer, they can redecorate their rooms and choosing the right furniture, right color, or right position to make a space looks bigger with the same size.


I had the opportunity to help my friend’s small business of shoe cleanser (Instagram: @vlaktocleanser) to create their brand slogan, packaging, and write captions for some of their posts.


As someone who has a keen interest in journalism, I joined a campus press organization called LPM Perspektif. Here, I played my role as Research and Development Staff. My duty was to provide some topics which urgently published on our social media by research. I was also on duty as a reporter in turns with other members regarding campus events. My sample articles: 1.) http://lpmperspektif.blogspot.com/2015/10/radio-fest-se7enline-radio-ajakkaum.html#more 2.) http://lpmperspektif.blogspot.com/2015/11/talk-sociology-talk-hearing-dan-sharing.html


In the third year of college, I had a chance to do an internship and placed in Public Relations division, where I learn to maintain good relations with various stakeholders. This internship took 30 working days long. My responsibility includes event documentation activities, such as writing event meeting minutes, preparing presentation material, writing transcripts, and photo documentation.

These are the following of my sample work (audio transcript material, event meeting minutes). I used clean grammar and punctuation so it resulted a good readability.

Full version sample 1. Event meeting minutes https://drive.google.com/file/d/14G2pMTSfbrIy1MC3VFXp_DU5eYmFcOXa/view? usp=sharing 2. Audio transcript https://drive.google.com/file/d/1onoimYUq4aTKH1wlm-hNFD3Hg6x0fE9M/view? usp=sharing

PHOTOGRAPHY Instagram: @annisarzk_

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Contact Information 081213085874 annisa.rizky20@gmail.com Annisa Rizky Nursanti @annisarzk_

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