ScanBalt Forum 2012 in Tampere - Programme

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Contents Programme

Tuesday, 20 November Wednesday, 21 November Thursday, 22 November Friday, 23 November

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Workshop descriptions ScanBalt Health Region workshop 1: BSR HealthPort The Baltic Sea Region as an Open Health Care Innovation Market


ScanBalt Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Days


Baltic Amber workshop: Diagnostics and Innovations in MRO Management


BioLifeScience cluster collaboration with Russia


Cross-sectoral Cooperation For Hospital Innovation – A Joint Workshop Between BSHR HealthPort and SBR Eco4Life


BSR StarDust “Active for Life” workshop: Promoting business for companies and the quality of life of the retiring population for the Baltic Sea Region


HealthPort Regional Hearing Finland “How to foster healthcare innovations in Finland”


Submariner workshop: Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources



Tuesday, 20 November 2012

15:00 - 18:00 Registration 15:00 - 16:30 ScanBalt Annual Meeting of General Assembly (members only) (Room: Opus 3) 16:30 - 18:00 ScanBalt ExCo Meeting (members only) (Room: Opus 3) 19:00 – 20:30 Reception by the City of Tampere, The Old City Hall of Tampere (Keskustori 10, 33210 Tampere)


Wednesday, 21 November 2012 08:00 -


10:00 - 10:45 Opening Session (Room: Studio) -

Mr Timo P. Nieminen, Mayor, The City of Tampere Dr Wolfgang Blank, ScanBalt Chairman, CEO, BioCon Valley Prof. Martti Kauranen, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Environmental Engineering, Tampere University of Technology Mr Esa Kokkonen, Director, The Baltic Institute of Finland

10:45 - 12:00 Plenary Session: “The New EU Programming Period 2014-2020 – Opportunities for the Baltic Sea Region and BioLifeScience Cluster Collaboration with Russia” (Room: Studio) -

Dr Vladimir Zholobov, First Deputy Chairman, Committee for Healthcare, St Petersburg Government, “Healthcare in St Petersburg” Mr Zakhar Golant, Chairman, Non-commercial Partnership (NCP) Medical and pharmaceutical projects. XXI century, “BioLifeScience activities in St Petersburg” Prof. Edvin Zvartau, Vice-Rector, St Petersburg Medical University, “Pavlov Medical University international collaboration: present and future” Prof. Harri Melin, Vice-Rector, University of Tampere, “University of Tampere: International Collaboration” Mr Frank Graage, Head of Steinbeis Research Center Technology-ManagementNortheast, “The New EU Programming Period 2014-2020 and SME support for the Baltic Sea Region”

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (Restaurant Fuuga, Tampere Hall)


13:00 - 14:30 Parallel Workshops -

ScanBalt Health Region workshop 1: “The Baltic Sea Region as an Open Health Care Innovation Market” chaired by Thomas Karopka, HealthPort and BioCon Valley (Room: Studio) • • • •


Ms Johanna Reiman, Executive Director, Baltic Region Healthy Cities Association WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Cities and Urban Health in the Baltic Region, "Innovation as Driver for Healthy Cities" Assoc. Prof. Boo Edgar, Gothenburg University, “Education as a driver of innovation in BSR Health Care” Mr Kjeld Lisby, Innovation Manager, Idea Klinik, Aalborg University Hospital, “Internationalization of regional health care innovation hubs” Dr Wolfgang Blank, Chairman of ScanBalt, “The BSR as an open innovation market: The need of a BSR Health Care Innovation Agenda”

ScanBalt Biomaterials Days workshop 1 (Room: Sopraano) • • • • • • •

Dr Leena Hupa, Associate Professor, Åbo Akademi University, "Bioactive Glass, Quo Vadis?” Dr Juho Väisänen, BioMediTech Prof. Seppo Parkkila, BioMediTech and School of Medicine, University of Tampere, “Characterization and functional genomics of secretory carbonic anhydrase (CA-VI) - An enzyme linked to dental caries” Dr R. Detsch, Institute of Biomaterials, University of Erlangen, “Advances in bone tissue engineering with bioactive glasses and cell printing approaches” Ms Susanne Fagerlund, Åbo Akademi University, “Understanding the dissolution rate of glasses with respect to future clinical applications” Ms Leena Varila, Åbo Akademi University, “Bioactive glasses in dense poly lactic acid composites” Mr Ashkan Bonabi, BioMediTech, "Influnce of microscaffold architecture and porosity on fluid characters in cell seeding into biomaterial scaffold"



Baltic Amber Workshop: “Diagnostics and Innovations in MRO Management” (Room: Opus 4) • • • • •

Prof. Rainer Bader, Department of Orthopaedics, University Medicine Rostock, Germany, “Implant-related infections and innovative treatment methods” Dr Ulrik Kähler Olesen, Rigshospitalet, Denmark, “Resistance aspects in reconstructive orthopedic surgery, bone regeneration and soft tissue replacement” Prof. Roman Kozlov, Smolensk State Medical Academy, Russia, “Resistance to antimicrobials: past, present and future situation” Dr Katrin Kühn, University Medicine Greifswald, Germany, “At the approach of ESBL-producing enterobacteriaceae” Dr Janne Koskinen, ArcDia, Finland, “Perspectives for rapid screening systems for MRSA strain typing”

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee Break 15:00 - 16:00 Autumn Meeting of the Finnish Society for Biomaterials (Room: Sopraano) 15:00 - 17:00 HealthPort Advisory Board Meeting (Room: Opus 4) 15:00 - 17.00 “BioLifeScience cluster collaboration with Russia”, workshop hosted by the Baltic Institute of Finland and Medical & Pharma Projects – XXI Century NCP, St. Petersburg, Russia (Room: Studio) • •

Dr Kari Kankaala, Director, Economic and Urban Development at the City of Tampere, Finland, “Innovation and Cluster Development in Tampere: Prospects for the Tampere–St. Petersburg Collaboration ” Dr Maksim Meiksin, Deputy Chairman, and Dr Aleksandr Berezhnoy, Head of the Department, Medical and Pharma programs and international collaboration, Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade, St Petersburg Government, “St. Petersburg: BioLifeScience Cluster Development”


• • • • • •

Mr Zakhar Golant, Chairman, XXI Century Medical and Pharmaceutical Projects, “Medical and Pharmaceutical Projects: condition and prospects” Mr Matti Eskola, CEO FinnMedi, “Added value from cross-border collaboration” Prof. Aleksandr Nedoshivin, Scientific Secretary, Almazov Centre, Chairman of the Russian Society of Cardiology, “Almazov Centre: opportunities for the collaboration” Ms Razijat Akhlakova, Commission for Industrial Clusters, Public Council at the Governor of St. Petersburg, “Promotion of Medical Cluster Initiatives in Northwest Russia” Ms Ljubov Karpushenko, Polysan Pharma Company, St Petersburg Mr Reijo Itkonen, Business Development Director, and Mr Marco Roth, Programs Development Director, FinnMed Ltd, “Collaborative initiatives for business development”

17:00 - 19:00 Parallel Partner Meetings -

HealthPort Partner Meeting (Room: Studio) Eco4Life Partner Meeting (Room: Sopraano) BalticSupply Partner Meeting, hosted by the Baltic Institute of Finland (Room: Opus 4)


20:00 - 22:30 Conference Dinner starting with the Award Ceremony of the HealthPort Innovation Competition 2012 Venue: Museum Centre Vapriikki Alaverstaanraitti 5 33101 Tampere Located on the banks of the Tammerkoski rapids, Vapriikki is a museum centre that offers things to see and do for everyone. With about a dozen exhibitions each year with varied themes including history, technology and natural sciences, Vapriikki is also the destination of Friday’s cultural programming.


Thursday, 22 November 2012 09:00 - 10:30 Plenary Session: “Finnish BioLifeScience Cluster – Best Practices” (Room: Studio) -

Mr Tero Piispanen, ScanBalt Vice Chairman, Programme Director, The Finnish HealthBio Cluster Dr Hannu Hanhijärvi, Director, BioMediTech – Institute of Biosciences and Medical Technology, a joint institute of University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology Dr Howard Jacobs, Professor, FinMIT, Institute of Biomedical Technology, University of Tampere Mr Matti Eskola, CEO, FinnMedi Ltd Mr Jyrki Liljeroos, CEO, Santen Ltd

10:30 - 12:00 Parallel Workshops -

Cross-sectoral cooperation for hospital innovation A joint workshop between BSHR HealthPort and SBR Eco4Life (Room: Studio) •

Setting the stage o Prof. Roger Ulrich, Center for Healthcare Building Research at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, “Key challenges in future hospital design” Competence and knowledge from the private sector o Mr Ole Klinkby, NNE Pharmaplan, “Applying industry solutions to the hospital sector” o Mr Thorsten Ruwoldt & Mr André Hundt, Inros-Lackner AG, Germany, “Completion of the sustainable Master plan for the University Hospital Rostock” Cooperation seen from the public side o Ms Suzan Ikävalko, Project Manager, Culminatum, “Collaboration on the future hospital seen from the public sector”



Clusters as stage for hospital innovation o Mr Daniel Eriksson, TEM, Sweden, “Sustainable healthcare cluster in South Sweden” o Mr Hans Henrik Lomholt, Head of Section, Centre for Strategic Research and Growth / Division for Innovation Policy, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, “Opportunities for Baltic Sea clusters”

EU BSR Stardust project “Active for Life” workshop: “Promoting business for companies and the quality of life of the retiring population for the Baltic Sea Region” hosted by Culminatum Innovation Ltd and FinnMedi Ltd, moderated by Hugo Goncalves (Room: Sopraano) • • • • •

Ms Carola Wictorsson, Project Manager, EU BSR StarDust Mr Hugo Goncalves, Project Manager, BSR Active for Life pilot Mr Frank Ryhänen, Programme Director, Helsinki Region, Health and Wellbeing Centre of Expertise Mr Esa Kokkonen, Director, The Baltic Institute of Finland Mr Matti Eskola, CEO, FinnMedi Ltd

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (Restaurant Fuuga, Tampere Hall) 13:00 - 14:30 Parallel Workshops -

ScanBalt Health Region workshop 2: BSR HealthPort regional hearings, “How to foster healthcare innovations in Finland” – How to transfer clinical ideas into products and sercives moderated by Tero Piispanen (Room: Studio) • • •

Mr Tero Piispanen, Program Director, HealthBIO Centre of Expertise, Welcoming words Mr Kjeld Lisby, Innovation Manager, Idea Klinik, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark, “Best practice case examples” Roundtable discussion



ScanBalt Biomaterials Days, workshop 2: Tissue Engineering and Imaging (Room: Sopraano)

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Dr Antti Aula, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, “X-ray microtomography in tissue engineering” Ms Iina Vainio, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, “Computational modeling of retinal pigment epithelium” Ms Heidi Halonen, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, “High magnitude and high frequency vibration loading as a mechanical cell stimulus: A cell deformation study” Ms Maria Persson, University of Oulu “Three dimensional textile structures for bone tissue engineering" Mr Necati Harmankaya, Department of Biomaterials, Institute of Clinical Sciences Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, "Titanium oxide enhancement of early integration with bone"

Submariner workshop: Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources, moderated by Ms Joanna Przedrzymirska (Room: Opus 4) • • •

Ms Joanna Przedrzymirska, The Maritime Institute in Gdansk, “A future road for sustainable uses of marine resources in the Baltic Sea Region” Dr Jukka Seppälä, Finnish Environment Institute – SYKE, “Challenges in micro- and macroalgae cultivation in the Baltic Sea Region” Dr Thomas Frahm, Norgenta North German Life Science Agency, “A regional development strategy for Blue Biotechnology in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany”

14.30 - 15:00 Coffee Break 15:00 - 16:00 Closing Plenary (Room: Studio) -

Dr Wolfgang Blank, Chairman, ScanBalt Closing by hosts Welcome to ScanBalt 2013, Prof. Ewa Lojkowska, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, Gdansk


Friday, 23 November 2012 10:00 - 12:00 Cultural Programme Museum Centre Vapriikki: Innovations exhibit Tampere has good reason to be proud of its technological prowess: it is the city where many technical devices have first entered use, and it has also been quick to adopt many technologies developed elsewhere. Innovations is an exhibition and research project by Museum Centre Vapriikki, focusing on the past and present of local technical know-how. Sign up for the Vapriikki visit at the Registrations desk at Tampere Hall.


Workshop programmes


ScanBalt Health Region workshop 1: BSR HealthPort The Baltic Sea Region as an Open Health Care Innovation Market Wednesday 21 November, 13.00 – 14.30 (Room: Studio) Chair: Thomas Karopka, HealthPort and BioCon Valley •

Innovation as Driver for Healthy Cities Ms Johanna Reiman, Executive Director, Baltic Region Healthy Cities Association – WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Cities and Urban Health in the Baltic Region

Education as a driver of innovation in BSR Health Care Assoc. Prof. Boo Edgar, Gothenburg University

Internationalization of regional health care innovation hubs Mr Kjeld Lisby, Ideklinikken, Aalborg

The BSR as an open innovation market: The need of a BSR Health Care Innovation Agenda Dr Wolfgang Blank, Chairman of ScanBalt


ScanBalt Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Days Wednesday 21 November 13.00 – 14.30

Thursday 22 November 13.00 – 14.30

Dear all, In 2007, the first ScanBalt Biomaterials Days were held in Turku. Since then, the Days have been organized as separate sessions within the annual ScanBalt Forum and the venue has been circulated within the ScanBalt countries. This year the organisation committee welcomes you to Tampere, Finland to participate in the ScanBalt Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Days 2012. The aim of the Days is to strengthen the cooperation in the field of Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Biomedical Technology research among the ScanBalt countries. In order to enhance the networking both from the academic and industrial point of view, the knowledge in the different regions are reported and discussed. The focus of this conference is on academic research and possible industrial applications in the future. Heimo Ylänen Professor Ph.D. (Chem.), FBSE Department of Biomedical Engineering, BME Tampere University of Technology and Institute of Biosciences and Medical Technology, BioMediTech


Wednesday 21 November Biomaterials Workshop, 13.00 – 14.30 (Room: Sopraano) •

Bioactive Glass, Quo Vadis? Assoc. Prof. Leena Hupa, Åbo Akademi University

Dr Juho Väisänen, BioMediTech

Characterization and functional genomics of secretory carbonic anhydrase (CA-VI) - An enzyme linked to dental caries Prof. Seppo Parkkila, BioMediTech and School of Medicine, University of Tampere

Advances in bone tissue engineering with bioactive glasses and cell printing approaches Dr R. Detsch, Institute of Biomaterials, University of Erlangen

Understanding the dissolution rate of glasses with respect to future clinical applications Ms Susanne Fagerlund, Åbo Akademi University

Bioactive glasses in dense poly lactic acid composites Ms Leena Varila, Åbo Akademi University

Influence of microscaffold architecture and porosity on fluid characters in cell seeding into biomaterial scaffold Mr Ashkan Bonabi, BioMediTech

Autumn Meeting of the Finnish Society for Biomaterials, 15.00 – 16.00 (Room: Sopraano)


Thursday 22 November Tissue Engineering and Imaging, 13.00 – 14.30 (Room: Sopraano) •

X-ray microtomography in tissue engineering Dr Antti Aula, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Computational modeling of retinal pigment epithelium Ms Iina Vainio, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering

High magnitude and high frequency vibration loading as a mechanical cell stimulus: A cell deformation study Ms Heidi Halonen, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Three dimensional textile structures for bone tissue engineering Ms Maria Persson, University of Oulu

Titanium oxide – enhancement of early integration with bone Mr Necati Harmankaya, Department of Biomaterials, Institute of Clinical Sciences Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg


Baltic Amber Workshop: Diagnostics and Innovations in MRO Management Wednesday 21 November, 13.00 – 14.30 (Room: Opus 4) Multi-resistant bacteria do not stop at country borders. In fact, they pose an increasing threat to health care systems around the world. Against this background the project „Baltic Alliance against Multi-Resistant Bacteria - Baltic Amber“ aims at combatting multi-resistant organisms (MRO) with the help of transnational cooperation. Initial point for Baltic Amber is the regional German project “HICARE – Health Region Baltic Sea Coast”, that was launched January 2011 in order to establish a model region showing how an alliance can be formed and implemented against the ever growing problem of multi-resistant organisms (MRO). The continuous spread of MRO and the increasing number of antibiotic resistant strains call for a differentiated approach to MRO management. With our workshop “Diagnostics and Innovations in MRO Management” we want to widen the scope by looking at developments and potential in diagnostics and implant medicine. We want to examine best practice examples from various countries and institutions. Besides comprehensive issues like choice of antibiotics for this field of application, choice of diagnostics tools, patient preparation, specific risk factors, we want to discuss specific issues such as the potentials of antibiotic coatings for implants (e.g. orthopedic and cardiological) and the demands and requirements for fast diagnostics. Workshop goal will be to spur trans-national cooperation by a memorandum of understanding. The workshop plans lay the grounds for concrete projects and work groups. •

Implant-related infections and innovative treatment methods Prof. Rainer Bader, Department of Orthopaedics, University Medicine Rostock, Germany

Resistance aspects in reconstructive orthopedic surgery, bone regeneration and soft tissue replacement Dr Ulrik Kähler Olesen, Rigshospitalet, Denmark

Resistance to antimicrobials: past, present and future situation Prof. Roman Kozlov, Smolensk State Medical Academy, Russia

At the approach of ESBL-producing enterobateriaceae Dr Katrin Kühn, University Medicine Greifswald, Germany

Perspectives for rapid screening systems for MRSA strain Dr Janne Koskinen, ArcDia International Oy Ltd, Finland


BioLifeScience Cluster Collaboration With Russia Wednesday 21 November, 15.00 – 17.00 (Room: Studio) The Russian life science and biotechnology field presents tremendous potential for development and innovation. A fast-growing market, the life science industry in Russia is now turning its attention increasingly towards Europe and the Baltic Sea Region, which promises to introduce a wealth of new mutually beneficial opportunities in terms of both business and research. The current state and future prospects of collaboration constitute the basis for discussion in this workshop with speakers representing leaders in Russian life science and in Russia collaboration. •

Innovation and Cluster Development in Tampere: Prospects for the Tampere – St. Petersburg Collaboration Dr Kari Kankaala, Director, Economic and Urban Development at the City of Tampere, Finland

St. Petersburg: BioLifeScience Cluster Development Dr Maksim Meiksin, Deputy Chairman, and Dr Aleksandr Berezhnoy, Head of the Department, Medical and Pharma programs and international collaboration, Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade, St Petersburg Government

Medical and Pharmaceutical Projects: condition and prospects Mr Zakhar Golant, Chairman, XXI Century Medical and Pharmaceutical Projects

Added value from cross-border collaboration Mr Matti Eskola, CEO, FinnMedi

Almazov Centre: opportunities for the collaboration Prof. Aleksandr Nedoshivin, Scientific Secretary, Almazov Centre, Chairman of the Russian Society of Cardiology

Promotion of Medical Cluster Initiatives in Northwest Russia Ms Razijat Akhlakova, Commission for Industrial Clusters, Public Council at the Governor of St. Petersburg

Ms Ljubov Karpushenko, Polysan Pharma Company, St Petersburg

Collaborative initiatives for business development Mr Reijo Itkonen, Business Development Director, and Mr Marco Roth, Programs Development Director, FinnMedi


Cross-sectoral Cooperation For Hospital Innovation – A Joint Workshop Between BSHR HealthPort and SBR Eco4Life Thursday 22 November, 10.30 – 12.00 (Room: Studio) Setting the Stage o Key challenges in future hospital design Prof. Roger Ulrich, Center for Healthcare Building Research at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Competence and Knowledge From the Private Sector o Applying industry solutions to the hospital sector Mr Ole Klinkby, NNE Pharmaplan o Completion of the sustainable Master plan for the University Hospital Rostock Mr Thorsten Ruwoldt & Mr André Hundt, Inros-Lackner AG, Germany Cooperation Seen From the Public Side o Collaboration on the future hospital seen from the public sector Ms Suzan Ikävalko, Project Manager, Culminatum Clusters As Stage For Hospital Innovation o Sustainable healthcare cluster in South Sweden Mr Daniel Eriksson, TEM, Sweden o Opportunities for Baltic Sea clusters Mr Hans Henrik Lomholt, Head of Section, Centre for Strategic Research and Growth / Division for Innovation Policy, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation


BSR StarDust Project “Active for Life” Workshop: Promoting Business For Companies and the Quality of Life of the Retiring Population For the Baltic Sea Region Thursday 22 November, 10.30 – 12.00 (Room: Sopraano) Active for Life pilot creates business opportunities for companies from the Baltic Sea region by supporting the development of new innovative service solutions, based on real user needs that promote the wellbeing and healthy lifestyles of people entering retirement age. Active for Life long term goal is to transform the Baltic Sea region into a global wellbeing business hub, acting as a springboard for accessing global markets and attracting foreign investment, expertise and industry. Currently the Active for Life pilot involves the active participation of five countries, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Lithuania. After 2013 the pilot will be open up in order to include the participation of other Baltic nations. This workshop is meant to present the BSR StarDust project and Active for Life pilot context, focus and goals in order to empower interested stakeholders into action. The workshop discusses the following topics: EU BSR flagship project StarDust BSR and Finnish Active for Life pilot Health vs Wellbeing Service design and user driven innovation BSR as a home market Taking BSR local business global – BSR companies partnering


Each topic will be addressed by a key note speaker. After the keynotes we will have a moderated panel discussion where we also seek active participation from the workshop attendees. • • • • •

Ms Carola Wictorsson, Project Manager, EU BSR StarDust Mr Hugo Gonvalces, Project Manager, BSR Active for Life pilot Mr Frank Ryhänen, Programme Director, Helsinki Region, Health and Wellbeing Centre of Expertise Mr Esa Kokkonen, Director, The Baltic Institute of Finland Mr Matti Eskola, CEO, FinnMedi Oy


HealthPort Regional Hearing Finland “How to foster healthcare innovations in Finland” Thursday 22 November, 13.00 – 14.30 (Room: Studio) Innovation is a key driver for value improvement in any industry and especially in the health care. The long term innovation policy in Finland has been very successful till now and it has resulted in strong national competitiveness. However the today’s challenges such as aging population, the increase of chronic diseases and the constantly growing public expenses for healthcare request better utilization of innovations in the field. Finland has well developed healthcare infrastructure, scientific and technological knowhow and number of life science research personnel. By using these resources more efficiently Finland can boost its innovation environment and launch a system which can move forward concrete ideas from people working in the healthcare into the market. As the main health care providers hospitals could take the leading role in fostering innovations. We would like to invite you discuss and share with us your knowledge and expertise in the field. Best practices of clinical innovations and commercialization process from Denmark and Sweden will be presented to stimulate the discussion.

Main topic: How to transfer clinical ideas into products and services. Programme: 13.00 Welcome Tero Piispanen, Program Director, HealthBIO Center of Expertise 13.05 Best practice cases examples Kjeld Lisby, Innovation Manager, Idea Klinik, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark 13.40 Round table discussions Facilitated by the moderator Tero Piispanen 14.30 End of the event The seminar is organized by Culminatum Innovation Oy Ltd and Turku Science Park Oy as part of the BSHR HealthPort project, co-financed by the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013. HealthPort focuses on the interactions between Health Service providers and SMEs with the aim of enhancing innovation, reducing health care costs and promoting SME access to the BSR Health Care market


Submariner Workshop: Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources Thursday 22 November, 13.00 – 14.30 (Room: Opus 4) The SUBMARINER project is building the road for furthering environmentally friendly and economically appealing innovative marine uses within the Baltic Sea Region. Together, the project partners are describing current and potential future marine uses, testing new uses in real conditions, recommending necessary policy steps to promote beneficial uses as well as brining together relevant players. SUBMARINER was approved under the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007–2013 and is led by the Maritime Institute in Gda sk. The SUBMARINER workshop at this year’s ScanBalt Forum will include the following presentations: •

A future road for sustainable uses of marine resources in the Baltic Sea Region Joanna Przedrzymirska, The Maritime Institute in Gdansk

Challenges in micro- and macroalgae cultivation in the Baltic Sea Region Jukka Seppälä, Finnish Environment Institute – SYKE

A regional development strategy for Blue Biotechnology in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Dr Thomas Frahm, Norgenta North German Life Science Agency


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