STUDIO AIR Sem1, 2017, Lindy Hayter Anni Wei
2.0 Part B: Criteria design
2.0 Part B: Criteria design B.1 Research Field Strip/folding B.2 Case study 1.0 Biothing- Seroussi Pavilion B.3 Case study 2.0 Voussair Cloud B.4 Technique : Development B.5 Technique : Prototype B.6 Technique : Proposal B.7 Learning Objectives and outcomes B.8 Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches
B.1 Research Field
Strips/Floding Design Implication Strips/folding is a technique that would usually emerges for those structure using simple geometry , by repeating and bending the elements, to transfer a two dimensional component to a three dimensional volumetric structure. Opportunities Strips/folding could be an advanced computer-based design method that help produced new possibilities on the performance of lightweight structure such as timber structure. Flexible, complex, various structure could be created by simply changing the basic variation, including the basic geometry and the spacing of each repeated component. Also, the approach of constructing structure using this technique could indicate how to save material in supporting framework. Fabrication concern By bending component to a pre-stress condition, a stiff structure without too many heavy structural members while in this case could result in a more lightweight structure. However, in terms of the bending, the elasticity is critical that people have to find out what radii the plywood sheeting could be bent, and what stresses this gave rise to. Moreover, a geometry that would allow the potential of the material to be exploited in an optimal manner should also be researched and tested.
Precedent Study RESEARCH PAVILION ICD/ITKE UNIVERSITY OF STUTTGART, 2010 By: The ICD and the ITKE of the Stuttgart University This pavilion is a temporary timber pavilion that act as a point of intersection between research and science. The intention of the design is to explore the architectural and structural possibilities based on the elastic properties of timber, by using the computer-based technique: strip, folding. [1]This technique is laying emphasis on how a structure could perform interactively. It can be revealed in this case that the gap between the folding strips is an interaction with air to ensure the pavilion is not a solid heavy structure but with interaction with the site itself.
[1]â&#x20AC;&#x153;Teaching By Doing: A Research Pavilion In Stuttgartâ&#x20AC;?, Detail.De, 2017 <> [accessed 1 May 2017]. [2]Fgure 1 : 2017 <(> [accessed 1 May 2017]. [3]Figure 2: 2017 <(> [accessed 1 May 2017].
B.2 Case Study 1.0 Seroussi Pavilion, Paris,2007 Grown out of self-modifying patterns of vectors, based on electro-magnetic fields, Seoussi Pavillion by Biothing is the final act of computational design. The trajectories were computed in plan, via logics of attraction, further lifted through a series of structural micro-arching sections. Additional feature built into script allows for local adaptation to the site.[4] The unique profile of each cell that offering various view shading are generated by the sine-wave functions which drives parametric differentiation of angle, orientation and the size of the aperture, relationship of metal and glass components within each cell.[5]
Imbedded algorithm and parametric in this design allows for a higher adaptivity to different site condition, as it allows for modified by simply adjusting the algorithm differentiation of component features. In this case, the Sine-wave function is used to generate various cell among the whole pavilion. Technique can be further explored from the case study - Field - Graph map ( different function)
In terms of the internal fabric, it is generated by double charged trajectories and system of veils builds up continuous yet highly differentiated interlaced field[6]
[4] ”Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing - Arch2o.Com”, Arch2o.Com, 2017 < seroussi-pavilion-biothing/> [accessed 1 May 2017]. [5] ”Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing - Arch2o.Com”, Arch2o.Com, 2017 < seroussi-pavilion-biothing/> [accessed 1 May 2017]. [6] ”Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing - Arch2o.Com”, Arch2o.Com, 2017 < seroussi-pavilion-biothing/> [accessed 1 May 2017]. [7]Figure:<> [accessed 1 May 2017]. [8]Figure: <> [accessed 1 May 2017].
Basic parametrics
Point charge(Decay)
original (Top)
Decay 3-100
Divide curve 5-35
Decay 3-1
circle curve 25-35
Decay 3-0.5
circle curve 25-5
Decay 3-(-1)
Fline step 100 to 50
Decay 3-(-10)
Field exploring
Offset distance
Graph map curve profie
Spin Force
original (perspective)
Curve profile 1
Vector Force
Offset B = -0.5
Curve profile 2
Combine linecharge 1
Offset B = -10
Combine linecharge 2
Offset B=2
Offset B=6
Curve profile 3
Curve profile 4
Curve profile 5
Graph map (different type)
Graph map (different type)
Sin Summation
Square root
Selection Criteria Aesthetic
concerned with the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty
able to adjust itself to different conditions, for example, it might be a temperate or permanent structure according to the condition. Therefore, GOOD adaptability referring to a design could suit into different context. Innovation
Constructability :
the extent to which the design of the building facilitates ease of construction, subject to the overall requirements for the completed building
Justify whether or not the design is new enough for the certain field
Best outcomes: Field exploring: Spin Force By using a spin force, the structure indeed spins and turned into a new form which is massively different with the original one. And its appearance is unique and has the intention to involve the user with the sense of beauty.
Aesthetic: Adaptability: Constructability : Innovation: Offset distance: B = 2 Change the offset distance to create a more dome-liked structure with a visible interior characteristic. This could be a pavilion with lightweight structural material such as timber, to create a sense of lively. Also it would be flexible to suit any context and could be constructed or removed easily.
Aesthetic: Adaptability: Constructability : Innovation:
Graph map: Sin C Exploring different types of graph map to change the profile of the dome-liked shape pavilion, in this case, I used a Sin C graph to create a geometry that more like a landscape context rather than an architectural building. It could be adjusted to any site and could be used in various ways , such as people sitting on it. Aesthetic: Adaptability: Constructability : Innovation: Graph map: Cinear In this case, I keep exploring with different type of graph, Cinear creates many cone-liked structure and it could act as various small partition that each person would occupy one of them.
Aesthetic: Adaptability: Constructability : Innovation:
Case Study 2.0: Voussoir Cloud This project is designed for the Southern California Institute of Architecture gallery in Los Angeles in 2008. Structural concept Inspired by the idea how wedge shape masonry block that make up an arch, the project is a vault system that fill in the gallery, which enable people to be experienced from within and from above. Material Strategy The 3 dimensional petals are formed by folding thin wood laminate along curved seams. The curve produces an inflected and dished form that relies on the internal surface tension of the wood and folded geometry of the flange to hold its shape. There are 4 types in Voussoir cloud with zero, one, two, or three curved edges. Each cell behave a slightly different manner based on its size, edge conditions, and positions relative to the overall form.
Relate to Project: CERES
This project inspired me for the design of the pavilion in CERES, in terms of : 1. A system of Vaults: enable users to experience both from within and from above. 2. Materiality : lightweight material is used to create a certain atmosphere and sensorial effects 3. Tessellation: incorporated light and air, in comparison to a solid sturcutre
Geometric and computational strategy A computational script was developed for the rhino model that managed the petal edge plan curvature as a function of tangent offset. Voussoir cloud attempts to defamiliarise both structure and the wood material to create conflict reading of normative architectural typologies. It is a light, porous, surface made of compressive elements that create atmosphere with these luminous wood pieces, and uses this to gain sensorial effects. [9] [9] ”VOUSSOIR CLOUD - Iwamotoscott”, Iwamotoscott.Com, 2017 <http://www.iwamotoscott. com/VOUSSOIR-CLOUD> [accessed 1 May 2017]. [10]Figure: ”VOUSSOIR CLOUD - Iwamotoscott”, Iwamotoscott.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 1 May 2017]. [11]Figure: ”VOUSSOIR CLOUD - Iwamotoscott”, Iwamotoscott.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 1 May 2017].
Reverse -engineer
1.Voroni In this case, a voroni should be created at the firsr as a basic geometric of the pavilion, and intersection is achieved by 6 random points and a polyline.
2.Scale and move Use the voroni as the basic geometric shape, I scale it and move it uisng z vector to create the stand of the vault system, as the design is meant to be involve user within and above.
The size of scale and how much it moves in terms of z unit would in result influence the geometric of the pavilion
3.Graft and loft Use graft tree before lofting to avoid the mess. Lofting process create surface around the bottom to the top
Equitation could not be used here, as there might be a tolerance. Instead, a command for negotiating points is relatively closest to the curve is used, in this case, ‘ the smaller than’ command
4.Mesh refine and find the point While kangaroo runs for simulation, there should not be any duplication , otherwise it won’t work. Also, the anchor point are needed for running the kangaroo physic. Using the technique of closest point curve and cull patternto find thouse points.
5.Kangaroo works Spring force is used to tension the mesh being created in the previous steps, and U Force could be act as a gravity to indicate the direction of the force.
The setting of Kangaroo , inckuding ness, rest length could be adjusted create different forms
The value of Z could impact on the U force and eventually affects the geometry.
6.Triangulation Before this step, the mesh is composed of quadrangle, which does not have as interesting impact a tessellation. Therefore, I used triangulation to transform the quadrangle to triangle.
g stiffd to
7.offset Offset the frame and it will get extra space to join each pieces, which is intended to achieve its constructability.
Similarities: My reverse model shares the similar vaulted system as the Voussoir cloud, and they also perform similarly in structural system. Difference: However, the tessellation pattern in the Voussoir cloud is quite complex that there are 4 type in total, with zero, one, two, or three curved edges. In this way, each cell would behave different and should be placed in different positon to perform. While in my model, I am only able to simplify the step and did triangulation to the mesh, which in result would achieve a pattern that is composed of merely triangle.
During the reverse process, what could be changed to achieve different variation ( which could be used in the next practice of 50 iterations)? 1. The geometry of the Voroni 2. Change where would the structure pinned to, (in the case study, is the wall), in terms of algorithm, I used cull pattern. (Then cull pattern could be changed in this way) 3. The resolution of the Vault ( by changing kangaroo variation )
B.4 Technique : Development
Basic parametrics
Cull pattern
Cull patt T-F
RL = 2
RL = 5
Fix upper points
Fix botto points
Mesh relax 1
Mesh rela 2
Cull Pattern
Kangaroo (stiffness/Uforce)
Rest length
Anchor Points
Mesh edit (Relax, tangent,contour)
Unit z = -1
Unit z = -5
Cull pattern F-T
Cull pattern F-T-T
RL = Lenth x 1.1
connect to anchor pt in different order
Reciprocal (Kangaroo)
RL = Lenth x 0.2
disconnect anchor point
Cull pattern T-F-F
RL = 0.8
Rl change with last step
Post edit mesh
Weaver bird: Stellate( S) Mesh window(MW) S: distance=0.5
S: distance=2
P: distance=2
P: distance=5
Sc (default)
MT: Distance = 2
Weaver bird: picture fram(P) Offset(O)
Weaver bird: sierpinski carpet(sc) Mesh Thicken(MT)
P: distance=50
P: distance=100
MT: Distance = 10
MT: Distance = 1
MT: Distance =5
B.5 Technique : Prototype
Design intention & how prototype respond to it
Our design is meant to be a sturcutre with a rigid steel frame and then attached with a tensile membrane. This is why we pick steel bar to act as the frame and use the fabric to represnt the membrane in an abstract way.
Connection system: As we are not familiar with membrane structure, we tend to research on the internet about how a membrane would be attached to the framework. We negotiated 4 types of connection and we test 2 of it in our prototype.
Tube in cable pocket Used for PVC- coated fabric. Forces travel perpendicularly to the tube and movement prevented along the length of the tube (hard to achieve by hand-made model)
Moment resisting mast base plate The lowest cost method, but all converging forces must be absolutely accurate and fabrication must meet high tolerances, ultimately a trade-off in cost.
Fabric pocket with cable Used with PVC â&#x20AC;&#x201C;coated polyester fabric or PTFE-coated fiberglass fabric( must be restricted by the length of the fabric stream) (More seamless in this case, and achieve what we want)
Edge cable with clamps Used mainly for PTFE- coated fiberglass fabric, but also for PVC-coated polyester fabric when edge spans are longer than 20m
Re-consideration of prototype Instead of focusing on how to attach membrane to framework, I tend to rethink of the case study 2.0( Voussoir cloud) that there are fragments and then joint together to support themselves, which in a result create a more seamless of the structural system. And it would be less imposing on our site, in comparison to a heavy steel framework.
To achieve this, firstly, I took one of the pattern plane and deconstruct it into small fragments
Secondly, laying the small pieces from a 3-dimensional to a 2-dimensional feature, which would help us to achieve the fabrication.
However, I found that it is really hard to flat such complicated 3-dimesnional shape to a grid system then fabricate it. Therefore, I simplify it and merely abstractly show the idea of how could we achieve a better result, by fabricating in the way I showed in following photos.
B.6 Technique : Proposal
Clients: CERES Community
CERES is a unique, non-profit center for education and research in environmental strategies. We are a not-for-loss community business.[12] Through activities including extensive environmental education programs, urban agriculture projects, green technology demonstrations are running in the community, it creates a place that engage people to live in a sustainable way. It is indicated that there are over 400,000 visitors per year in CERES, which enable CERES to raise awareness of public for sustainability.
[12]â&#x20AC;&#x153;Homeâ&#x20AC;?, CERES Community Environment Park, 2017 <> [accessed 1 May 2017].
Interpretation of the brief
Our interpretation of the brief is to create a pavilion to host events and gatherings at the CERES Environmental Park, whilst incorporating David Mainwaringâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s glo-material. We wanted to cooperate with the values of the site, thus we took inspiration from nature in the design of our pavilion.
Site Analysis
The site of our proposed pavilion is in the playspace of the Village Precinct. It is the space visitors will come to explore the site and stay for a rest or something to eat. There is a lot of movement in this space, with children running around and playing in the area. With these factors in mind, we wanted to create something the patrons could engage with, as well as providing a resting space in the shade. With a high number of visitors every year, we wanted to expand the space’s usability and functionality, providing an extra space of shelter without affecting the traffic of the site. We wanted to provide users of CERES access to a shaded area that gives people somewhere to rest without inhibiting the circulation of the space, as well as providing visitors with a new perspective on how something can draw from the natural environment even though it is not a natural form or natural materials. This is something most would not have seen or thought of before. Parametric modelling is a good way to show this because it provides a new way of thinking; most people who frequent the site probably don’t know what it is; we can build something that doesn’t look completely out of place in the site and still be in tune with the CERES’s values.
Activities( Distribution of people at sie)
After This image shows the current distribution of people on the site according to our site visits. Thus, we decided to put an interactive structure that provides shading and an interactive play space for children.After we have a pavilion on the site, the nagative space is being activated
Sunpath diagram (Previous)
3pm These images show what the resulting shade is during different times of the day from the existing buildings and vegetation. This affects the circulation of people on the site and where they tend to gather and stay.
Sunpath diagram (After pavilion is built)
3pm According to the site analysis, we found that the shading indeed as a result affects the circulation and activity of the users, for example, less people are gathering on our chosen spot, as there is no vegetation or other infrastructure to provide shading there.
Design process
Firstly, created this curve that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t touch vegetation and rocks
used Anemone to generate the sequence of lines of where the glow material will be. Surprisingly, the lines generated by the computer look almost the same as the leave veins
Use the point ch study 1 Varying heights date children a
Cell iteration trate through t rather than a b on the site. used cull patte
harge from case
s to accommoand adults
We want dappled sunlight to penethe pavilion to create a softer effect, block structure to be less imposing
ern to randomise the pattern.
Loft curves to create surface
Used Kangaroo Physics to smoothen the mesh to look more organic
Day use & form finding the design itself it has the intention of asking people to experience within it and above it . Which means users could use the space in an intereacitve way within it while other users at the site ,especially those at higher level due to the topography can also has sensor the unique atmosphere created by this design
Night use & form finding
Beautiful darkenss It could be used as a space for holding night event including night market, gig show, or it could be act as a camp site for star observation. Moreover, there are some glow sculptures that would be great to show at night, therefore itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good to hold a glow sculptures exhibition at site, with an open outdoor natural context, to have a unique atmosphere to see these masterpieces.
B.7 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Before touching on Part B, I was still confused how computer could indeed generate a design, while sometimes we still keep regarding it as a documentation tool, rather than a form-generating tool. After doing the research of case study and precedent, I noticed that how computer-based design work in reality and to a large extent how it enhances the development of architecture. Taking the research pavilion by ICD/ITKE UNIVERSITY OF STUTTGART as an example, it is a design that driven by a computer script whilst the script help improved the constructability and adaptability of the design. Also, by using algorithm such as Sine function to generate particular shape, it could create extra unique, innovative geometric that could never achieve by hand-drawn. Another advantage of parametric design is that exploring and progressing is happening at the same time. What I intend to lay emphasis on is that when I am asked to do the iteration, I am not only exploring the algorithm behind the design but also progress in my design process. There are serval outcomes that could be selected as better outcomes to act as my precedent or trigger for my final design.
Regarding the reverse engineering, I understand that the logic of the original design should be far more complicated than what I did for mine. And this reminds of the complexity of design could be much easier to achieved through parametric design. However, I am still confronting with a critical condition that it is still a challenge for me to produce a design with adequate complexity by using parametric design, as I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understood how the logic would work and achieve deeply. Yet I believed that throughout the whole semester, the issue could be overcome and I could progress more complex design by using algorithm in the coming future
B.8 Appendix - Algorithm Sketches
“Home”, CERES Community Environment Park, 2017 <> [accessed 1 May 2017]. “Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing - Arch2o.Com”, Arch2o.Com, 2017 <http://www.arch2o. com/seroussi-pavilion-biothing/> [accessed 1 May 2017] “Teaching By Doing: A Research Pavilion In Stuttgart”, Detail.De, 2017 <http://www.> [accessed 1 May 2017] “VOUSSOIR CLOUD - Iwamotoscott”, Iwamotoscott.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 1 May 2017]