
Page 1

Studеnt'sBookсontents lntroduсtion


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arт GIтe rттirtd-s

of idеttCicEr e:'re

Let'sreviseUnits1 and 2 key






Let'sreviseUnits3 and 4 key







Let'sreviseUnits5 and 6 key





Lеt'sreviseUnits 7 and 8 key

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W}таtif.-. TIlr


? сIтoiсe

Lеt'sreviseUnits9 and 10 kеy Photoсopiab|e асtivitiеsсontents PhotoсopiabIe aсtivitiеs PhotoсopiableaсtivitiеsТеaсher'snotes Workbookanswerkеy




Whoаre the British? v: Desсribing сharасtеristiсs Рhrаsа| vеrbs_ brlщ in,buildup,mаkеup, put in,put up with Examt]aining:|vlаtсhing hеadings R: Mаtсhing headin8s

сontinuous, Present simpIеаndpresеnt stаtiveverbs

Present simp|e andpresent сontinuous жension: sеehe1r,Iееl,t?stеandsme|l; Аdverbs of frequenсy

pеrmьsion, ob|igаtion Modаlverbs: аbiIity, аndreсommendаtion in thеpаst Мodа|s

Саn,hаvеto,mау rnust,оndshould Ertension]. oughtto,nееdto

tеnsеs: Thepast:nаrrativе pаstperfeсt Pastsimplе,pаstсontinuous,

pаstсontinuous, Pаstsimplе, Pаstperfесt Еxtеnsion: д5,when,whiIе



Brаinpowеr V: Thеbrаinаndperсеption Еxamtrаining:Skimreаding Ехamtraining:|V|uItip|е сhoiсе R: Мultip|е сhoiсе 16

3 jjrnеspo:sс

Uрsand downsof thе humаnnсe peop|е, V: Dеsсribing SurvivaI, Prepositions Еxamtraining: Sсanning, Summаrising R: Мatсhing з0




Jobsin thе futurе growth, v: Desсribing Prepositions, Desсribing аbiIities Ехamt.ainin8:п/issing sеntеnсes R. Missin8sеntеnсes

сontinuous, й4 8olл8to Тhefцture:Presеnt Prеsеnt 5imp|е

тhefUture:Prеsеnt сontinuous, will,goingto аndprеsent simp|е Extеnsion: Othеrusesof will,whеnаssoonаs, bфrе andоt'ter 46


5 Fa,',eаndЙт'',е

Мodаlvеrbs:IogioIсonсlusions in the pаst сonс|usioпs Logiсa|

Modаlverbs:|ogiсa| сonс|usions Logiса| сonс|usions in thepаst Eпеnsion BесIuv, unless'olthough



Bоdу |ащuagе v: вody|аn8uagе piсtu1е5 Еxаmtrаining:Dеsсribing R: fi.lаtсhing

Prеsеntpеrfесt pеrfесt Prбentpеrfeсt 5imр|e аndpresеnt сonti пuoUs

perfесt Prеsеnt perfedsimp|eаnd prеsеnt pеrfесt сontinUous Present Elfiension:Аlrеаdу,stil|,уеt




NеwYork v: PopU|аtion R: пilissing sеntenсes

The pаss|Vе Extеnsion: Тhе passiуewith bу, of' ууith




Meаsuringthe risks v: Possibi|itу, resu|t аndсhаnсе Аrtiс|еs

Rе|аtive с|аuses Dеfining аndnon.defining сlаusеs

reIativе DeIining с|аuses Non.dеfining с|аuses Еxtеnsion:Whеrе, whеn




|ntothе wild V: Wildlife Phrasa|verbs:wеoro|f,wokeup,sеttlеin, bring1bout,сomеround

Wishes Firstаndsесоnd сonditional.

wishеs tirstаndseсondсonditionаl, Еxtension:Wouldrаthеr,wouldprфr to,prфr




Runnin8out of timе V: Waysof li{e Phraя|verЬs:еndup,lookoftеr,plауon' pull out,tokeport

Rеportеd sреeсh Repoded statemеnts requests anddemаnds Reportin8

sрeесh Reported Extеnsion:5./g8бtаnd rесomnend




с: = сu|tu]efocus,Fi = Funсtions,L: = Listening,R: = Reаding,5: = Speаking,V: = voсabulаrу

rfrfiffirrtrtrsЬ & ,шmml.ur:теri.А ta|k rm rпйlщ -lе Еаlsе ш iш]l lп1Б Mr{- think,lnvitingpеop|e -'rJ п

W]itinga |etterаboutyourself penfriends: сomputеr Desсriptions Examtraining:Аvoiding rеpetition


;J.е plа}s шin lЕilrЕ fii ll]i{ ШР]r,m_ ..: 4g out aboutа job |ilпl {rйfln nIlJC ]li' fl|]il5mixrЕ :J1\eгsаtion .r:e htп llппg or Iа|sе шпп' !ililпg ]еntilyin8stаtеmеnts ]lц' lllllilПi]iit,. i;:еmеnts f,B.'ш.lllш5 з:rа ringwhаt somethingmеаns !h ]i]ilш]fl !!FI '=]t!lаining а theft

WhoаrеthеBritish? PhrаяIvеrbs:bringin,buildup,mоkеup' put in,put up h/ith .lobs Wordbuilding Аdjeсtivеs

(: Diffеrcntpelsрdives on the ЕU

14 Writinga lеttergivingаdviсe А homе-stау visit:Givingаdviсe

Bra|nPoWеr сrImе Phraя|vеrЬs:put up,mokеup, sеtoff,find out, dropoff Prepositions

A New sport from]oу Luсkсlub byAmyTаn

26 Writinga dеsсription GreatWа|ls: А dеsсription of p|асе

Upsanddownsof thehumаnrасe Сonfusing words Phrasa|verbs:put ot'I,tаkeup,put up with, let$b)down,|аll through



Writinga forma|Iettеrol сomplаint TomorroWs с|аssroom: Formаl аndin{ormа| lаnguаgе

in thеfuturе ,|obs Tа|king аboutthеfuture Prеpositions Phrаяlvеrbs:bringIbout, сomeup oglinst, сounton,bеup to,workout



lt*hr й.i!сl ll:, , tuu lhп шi'mЕ \!U|tiplесhoiсе ]f|. rlч",fo] . r )оmеone й li]lii|lР ;lfi _ ; аnning а wеekелd lh rр\mr tr\-'_ision

Writingаn argumentfor and agaiпst Аmbition: stу|е Examtraining: P|anning а сompositiоn

Fаmeаndthefamily Prepositions Еxpresslons Phrаsаlvеrbs:hongon to,putoff,сorryon, workout,go without



шffir;is d вtglish ].[' liiiiшrn :ГE?mmе fr} l.iшr.гlс ;rll. ons шfiШ фemr',oppinghood lп!

Writinga letterof еnquiry Body|аn8uа8е phonеs: |\4obi|е Formа| аndinformа| voсаbu|аry Variеties of English Ad,ieсtives Phrая|verbs:fryoиt"keеpup,look|or, lind ou\ fill in 76 78

шillrыlп!] rП'o.row i,l. '' йи

тravеIwritel of thr уear Writing а storу:0rdеringpаrаgrаphs аndеvеnts

r ' tiitШ ф .iii]i]шiiilЕ :::,_:аriюns ,

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\lаtсhingintormаtion ш] Et'+ o l,шl]llшmЕ i:l:.t ihе futurе lh 'I|lhшпm l[.ssion ШIliш mlЕгc fll




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{еw fi|lers

lh l]l]п t llшt'- тaling enquiriеs


NеwYork words Сonfusing Usеsof 8et Phrаяl vеrbs:сomeиp with,sеtup,mokeup, keepup with,growup

Rz Fiveсor|omilу byRo8erМсGough

с: illusi(21stсCnturуstуle

Rl Thеludge's housе byBrаmstokеr

7lt C: Spendinghabitsand lifеstуIеs


lmrщrt'l fiпtеss ц',. [t,liтrl:ге.onvеrgt|on lifr пrцт16-]5:ls jti ;Ir!|iШтш I !:-1i:on fll|пП: ]rluilшNjcx" 7.}б it bettеr 1llшl

Writingа mеssage and an informa|letter

]|llt''tшlк Ь thеir shoеs '.. Ц фтi xп€ З тrnе Ш rшщe:пгr;::еrnаtives liii|il'l[п(!.i::s0п !li|Е ,iшr тl:l.т 'lf]ltfr}

wlitingа disсursivесomposition personа| / И;sil...:Expressing opinions

цffirimd ]it t]i];в!.'т]i ]: :о]nions'а nеWsreport Nfl ]llхlшщ.'л;r'; :эcrorаI аnd diяpprovaI

|\4еаsuring therisks Prеpositions risk Desсribing Phra*l verbs:put (sb)through,hongup, holdbock,gеtboсk,сo||boсk,gа in 104

R: тhе LondoпRoаd tromY|henI wаlkеdoutonesumme|morning byLаurieLеe 105

lntothewild Phrая|vеrbs:bringin,сomеround,sеttlеin splitin, wеоroJf words сonfusin8 Giving an opinion 118

C: NottingHill Carnival сhiпeseNеwYeal

Writinga formallеttеrof appliсаtion AppIying forа job

Runnin8 outof timе Соnfusing words Phraя|verbs:сorryout,givеup,hondovеr, kеepon,sеndin,tokeon,ttkеup

R: \gnаlion byGeorgеBernаrdshаW





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c: A pаrliаmеntаrу monаrсhу



.llГargеt lеarnеrs lit., il ,.;', r lntеrmеdiatе prepares sесondary sсhoo||еarnеrs " . . s:nоo|-Iеaving еxaminations. Itis a flеxib|е сoursе t]1,. :::.b€ сomp|еtеd in onеsсhoolyеаrbygroups l ] " . -.nеithеra rеgu|ar progrаmmе of 3*4hoursof ll . - :.r wееkor an еxtеndеd programmе of 5-6 hours ,ll 1E


l'.'t,,;'ri-rсomprises: " -:епt'sBook .

: " ..D O O K

_l; : rе r 's

B оok

. " : - . sеТеst s . " 1 i sСassеt t еs/СDs


" ,:,'' ''|аtriх thеrеаrеtеn thеmе-rе|atеd units.А typiса| . l . ..lеStudеnt's Bookсonsists of thеfo||owing: '' ;:il ng ' .': -. пlаr . ':. s оrасtisе . ..:ringandspeаking r..rg . - -: foсus ' . . rеfoсusor Rеаdingfor p|еаsurе .g" s геr'isepagesfеаtureaftеrеverуsесondunit. ','l: .: j a Grammarrеfеrеnсe on pаgеs1з4-141.Тhisis

' l '."-.еrеnсеd throughоut to thе rеIеvаnt units. "'l lцordIist pagеs is on 142-151.lt voсаbu|аry сontаins ' , '.d in thе Units.Еaсhwordappеars withitsphonеtiс .'' " г:ion,itsсIаssifiсаtion аs a pаrtof spеесhanda fu|| ':, ]''r. . -n supportеd, if nесеssary, bуan еxamp|еоf thеword . givеs pIurats, i also dеtaiIs of сompйtivеs and ' -.: I ; , - i , : S.


..'.]":. sеs,prасtisеsand еxtеndsfromthеStudent's Book: " "-. .:аdingski||s andеxаmtraining " . . ] , lсаbuIary and |аnguаgе foсusof еасhunit ' . .: .,nСtionаl |anguаgе оf еасhunit " 'g skills '

Цew Matrix Тeaсher,sBook

" " : j .. еr.sBookinсludеs: Iist - '"-::...s Bookсontеnts ". ; : ': al|ехеrсisеs in thеStudеnt's Book . '": -... рtsоf аll rесordings "

New Matrix CoursеТеsts Тhеrеаrеtеn NewMоtriхСoursеТеsts,and two Progrеss Теsts - onеaftеrUnit5,andthеothеraftеrUnit10.


Ешшrsе сomponents "

dеtaiIеd suggеstions on howto аpproасh thеStudеnt's Bookасtivitiеs . optionа| aсtivitiеs аnd rеvision idеas . Culturenotеsаnd Languagеnotеson thе еxеrсisеs . еXtraphotосopiab|е matеrials inс|uding exаm-foсusеd spеaking and listеning асtivitiеs


Rationale NewМаtriхaIIows studеnts to dеvе|op thеirskiI|s аnd Ianguagе fоrехаmsаndfоr usеin Iifе. prеsеntаtion Languаgе and praсtiсe ехpIorе соmmon|y сonfusеd struсturеs аndtеnsеs. Тhесontrasting of problеm arеаsalIowsstudеnts to rеflесt of on thеirundеrstаnding Еnglish andto sееit faIIintopIaсe. Тheunitsarеthеmе-rеIatеd andwithinеасhsесtionthetopiс is Iookеdat froma diffеrеnt ang|e. Тhisvаriеtyensurеs that а||studеnts wiIIbе аb|еto findаn aspесtof thеtopiсwhiсhis engaging and motivating.

Flexibility NewMоtriхhasbееnstruсturеd to еnsurеit worksequа|ly groupstakingеxtеndеd wе||for mixеd-abiIity |аnguagе progrаmmеs (5-6 hoursа wееk)or rеgu|arprogrammes (3_4 hours). ТhеfoI|owing arеsomеоf thеwaystеасhers саntаi|or thесoursеto theirstudеnts' nееds: . Grammarprасtiсе,Lеt'srеviseаnd Wordfoсuspagеs (rеgu|аr саn bе sеtfor homеwork progrаmme) or usеdin programmе). groups, с|аss(еxtеndеd ln miхеd-abiIity thеsееxеrсisеs саn bе donеin thе Iеssonby fаstfinishеrs. . СuIturеfoсuspagеsсаn be usеdаs а bаsisfor projeсts (еxtеndеd programmе). . Rеadingfor pleasurepаgеsсanbе usеdin сIassor аt nomе. . optionalасtivities аndQuiсkfi||ersin thеТеaсhеr,s Bookсan be usеdforfаstfinishеrs or to orovidееxtrа praсtiсе groups. in pагtiсulаr arеasfor mixеd-abiIitу

Methodology A|Iski||s and |anguаgе workiп NеwМоtriхis prеsentеd within mеаningfu| сIеar, сontехts whiсhwi||heIpthеstudеnts to undеrstаnd thе |anguagе. Boththе Student's аnd Теaсhеr's Bookssuggеst Warm.up асtivitiеs. Тhеsеprеpаratory aсtivitiеs arе importаntbeсausе thеvaсtivаtеand аllowthе tеaсhеrto assеssthе studеnts' еxisting knowlеdgе оf thеtopiсаnd еngagе themin thе |аnguаgе|еаrni ng proсеss. pаir ТheсIаssroom manаgеmеnt suggеstions forindividuа|, аndgroupworkbringvariеtyto thе |еssons, whiсhwiII enсouragе motivation andсonсеntrаtion andwiIIсatеrforа rangеof |еаrning sty|еs. Ф

Timеto talk!,Soundbites, Quiсkfiller!andoptional .floаting' асtivitiеs, аnd саn be usedаt any point aсtivity!arе to сhangеthе paсеandfoсusof thе lеssonor to provideа bridgеbеtwееnaсtivitiеs. and rеvision NewMаtriхprovidеsа rangеof fo||ow-up andТеасher's Bookswhiсhhеlp in thеStudеnt's асtivitiеs whatthеvhavе|еаrnеd. andaсtivatе to rеmеmbеr studеnts thаt studеnts takе an aсtivеpаrtin sUсh is important It if theуаrеto bеnеfitfromthе proсеssof rесyсling aсtivitiеs аndсonsoIidation.

Examtasksand training thеfourmainskillswithinаn ехam NеwMоtriхdеvеloos the Examtrаiningboxеsfеaturеthroughout сontеXt. Book,offеring studеnts аdviсеon howto approасh Studеnt's pаrtiсu|ar еxаmtаsks.Thе Examtrainingboxеsarеa|wауs arеaboutto do thеmsеIvеs. linkеdto а taskstudеnts direсt|у dеvelopbothstudyski||s ThеprасtiсaI adviсеhе|psstudеnts tесhniquеs. Тhеboxеsoffеradviсеon the andеxаminаtion following: Rеading skimrеading, mu|tip|е сhoiсеquеstions. Mаtсhing heаdings, ngsummаriеs,missing sеntеnсеs sсanni ng,idеntifуi Listening idеntifуing stаtеmеnts, mаtсhing Тruе/ fаIsеquеstions, сhoiсеquеstions mu|tip|е information, Spеaking piсturеs RolеpIауs'dеsсribing Writing p|аnning sequеnсing еVеnts а сomposition,

Reading |nNеwМоtriх,studеntsrеаda variеtуof tеxtssuсhаs artiс|es rеports,Iitеraryеxtraсts, of gеnerа|аnd sсiеntifiсintеrеst, Studеnts dеve|op reading ski||s suсhas andshortstoriеs. аndаntiсipating сontеnt, sо thattheу sсanning skimrеаding, rеading tеxts Тhе сonfidеnt|у. hand|еdiffеrеnttypеsof ReadingsесtionсovеrsаlIthе еxаmreаdingtаsktypes,suсh sеntеnсes, mu|tip|е сhоiсеаnd missing аs insеrting informаtion. аnd mаtсhing truе/ fа|sеquеstions Voсabularywork сontаins extеnsivе voсabu|ary work ЕaсhRеadingsесtion foсuson thе bаsеdon thе rеаdingtеxtinput.Еxеrсisеs аdvеrbs, nouns, аnd usаgеof adjесtivеs, mеanings phrаsаl prеpositions and vеrbs.Furthеrpraсtiсe сoIIoсаtions' in thе Wordfoсussесtions. is offеrеdbythе rеlеvаntеxеrсisеs


еxеrсisеs аrеdеsignedto bе usеd NеwMаtriхvoсаbu|аry thе rеading main tеxt.Bу usingthеwords immеdiatе|y aftеr in сontеxts thatSUpport thе mеaning, studеnts' straightawaу withoutdеlау.Тo know|еdgе of thе nеwitеmis rеinforсеd rеtаinvoсabulаry, tеaсhеrs shou|dеnсourage hеIpstudеnts of thеirownandto thеmto usеthеwordsin sеntеПсеs

сanа|so Теaсhеrs rесordthе wordsin а voсabularvnotebook. of thе nехt tеstat thе bеginning dеvisеа quiсkvoсаbuIary |еssonto sееhowmаnVwordsstudеntshavеrеmеmberеd.

SpeсiаIleаtures Тime to tаIk! wаyof Тheidеasin thеsеboxеsаrеа stimu|ating thеir rеaсt to thе tеxt by еxprеssing studеntsto еnсouraging prеpаrаtion for аndаreеxсеI|еnt ownidеаsаnd opinions, in thе boxarеoftеn orаIеxamtаsks.Thеstatemеnts andstudеnts arеаskеdwhiсhthеуаgrееor сontradiсtory аnd suсhas nеgotiаting, with and why;thus ski||s disagreе justifуing prеsеnting opinionsarеprасtisеd. and .floating'aсtivitу: it сan bе usеdat аny Timeto talk!is a pointin thе |еsson lt is is appropriatе. whеrеan oralасtivity pairs groUps sma|| and thе if donе in or highlуеffесtivе withthе rеstof thес|assat thееndof the rеsu|ts сompаrеd d isсussion.

Grammar grammarin сlеar prеsеnt and praсtisе ТhеGrammarsесtions throughеithеra short Тhеstruсturеs аrеpresеntеd сontеХts. tехtin whiсhthеgrаmmaris usеd rеаding or Iistеning Тhе naturаllr.. Grammаrсheсkboxеsprovidеfor induсtive fromthosе Тhеrеаrеа|soa widеrangеof ехеrсisеs tеасhing. prасtiсе prоviding to thosеwhiсh сontrоllеd dеduсtivе providеfrееrprасtiсе. Tеaсhеrs саnwоrkthroughthе dеpеnding on thе |еvеlof thес|ass asappropriаtе, ехеrсisеs andtimеavаilab|е. Let's aсtivate! makеaсtivе is dеsignеd to еnsurеthаtstudеnts Тhisaсtivity prесеding useof thegrammаrthеyhаvеstudiеdin thе thеreis a|so Thеemphasis is on oraIwork,although seсtiоn. sсopеfor furthеrwrittеnpraсtiсе. Тhеsеасtivitiеs arеfor pairsor smaIlgroupsаnd сanbе donе |еsson аs a rеvision еxеrсisе. in thеfoIlowing

Let's practisegrammar Тhissесtionrеvisеsand еxtеndswhatstudеntshavеlеarnеd of thе unitаnd саnbе in thе RеadingandGrammarsесtions usеdfor: . additiona| programmеs prасtiсе forextеndеd сIаssroom . homework fоrfеwеrhoursa wееk forstudents studying . еxеrсisеs forfаstfinishеrs. grammarpraсtiсе and сonсеntratе on voсabuIаry, Еxеrсisеs Еnglish usаgе.

Listeningand spеaking orаIand auraIworkhаsa highprofi|еiп NеwMаtriх,wi|h The Listeningand in а|Isесtions. еxеrсisеs intеgrаtеd providе intensivе foсuson thеsеskilIs. sесtions Speaking





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,mшгlingskills - .j stеnto a rаngеof diffеrеntrесordеd tеxts, 'rli.Lil: l. - ] -3 rаdioаnnounсеmеnts, taIks, tе|еphonе l :.:;I оns,intеrviеws and rесordеdmеssagеs. *]lt gеnеrа| ,:..spraсtisе |istеningfor bothspесifiсand ]] i " *,i on,аswеlIasа Widerangеof еXamIistеning tasks, T . I -] поtе.tаking, muItip|е сhoiсеquеstions, mаtсhing ur r :=-ilfuing Exаmtrainingboxes truе/ faIsеstatеmеnts. .lll. *: :. :еntsаdviсеon howto approaсhthеsеtаsks. пшшшпшltсiаtion


.'аr rt

tl,l шlTrr:,-:: arееnсouragеd to dеvе|opbettеrpronunсiаtion fl]|-"]1lт tаskssuсhаs identifying individuaI sounds, Word ]]i',..ti] J.d matсhing soundsto spеlIing. iшщldЬitеs цl ]l-.:rd of theSpeаkingand Listening in Units4, sесtions ,. . : 9 аnd 10thеrеis a songwithgеnеraI quеstions for ii l ::-:s to answеr. to thе Тhеwordsof thе songarе rе|аtеd ]'"*''.-. ]f thesесtionаnd studеntsаrе invitеdto exprеssan i'J . -. аboutthеm.|tis important thatstudеnts do notfее| *],,еto anа|ysе J:"1".,i еvеrуwordof thе songto be ablеto lln:=..:аnd itsmеssagе. Thеfoсusof Soundbites is thе l.1 ..:": mеssаgе of thе songаnd howstudеntsreасtto it, ,ji.*...lan аn in сomprеhension. еxеrсisе lш.еаkiпg skills "']:1 :l:rсisеsin thispartof thе unitarеdеsignеd to dеvе|op ,( --еnсyаndсonfidеnсe. Тhеthemеof thеseсtionis . ].d аndstudеnts ".l.:: to developfluеnсyby arеenсoUrаged . ..u.li Э3Гtin асtivitiеs phоtos,rolеpIaу, suсhas dеsсribing ]i ...!: оns'prob|еm-so|ving aсtivitiеs, dеbatеs, simulаtions. i,J-*:{ lg praсtiсе impoгtanсе in monoIingual is of partiсu|аr l r.r * ь1, ] ! hеrеstudеntshavеfеwopportunitiеs to usеthе lil'!.-]]€ outsidеthе lеsson. onе wayof dеvе|oping a сu|turе ii J".:I languagе is to usеpairor groupwork usеin |еssons l I ] -: stthat,whеnеvеr possib|е, is spokеn. onIyЕng|ish ,iti. .. зroupor pаirworkthetеaсhеrсanmonitorby Uil l. *f гoundthесlassroom Iistеning to thеstudеnts. lil :.lа|hе|pсаnbegivеnandgenе--Ыprob|еmsсаn bе :е. anddеа|twithаfterthеaсtivitv. ril.,-] Теaсhеrs shou|d ",.Г. -.эqеthеirstudеnts in thе to usеthеvoсаbuIary i il . .]е boXеS to еxpandthеirrеpегtoire of usеfuIphrasеs.

thеyаredoing.Studеnts workwith modе|sand buiIdprogressivе|y towardsсomp|еting a taskbeforесheсkingthеirown work.

ThеWritingsесtionсovеrsa widеvariеtyof еxamwritingtasktypеs, inс|udingmеssаges, |еttеrs ThеExamtrаining аnd сompositions. boxеsgivеstudentsаdviсеon approасhing writingtasksin еxams.

Speсiаl fеotures

Stepsto hettеr writing Тhesеaсtivitiеs |еаdstudеntsintothе mainwritingtaskbу foсusing grammarаndvoсаbu|arу, on rеIеvant аndshorterpiесеsof writing.

|t is important to spеndsometimеstudying thesamp|еwritingtехts so thаtstudentshavea сleаridеаof whatthеyareеxpесtеd to produсе. Тhewritingtaskсou|dbe setfor homеwork or donеin с|as ln somеunitsthereаrеidеasforgroupwriting. Studеnts саnusethе Cheсkingideаsto hеlpthеm rеаdthroughthеirworkwithа morе сritiса|еyе.

Wordfoсus ThеsеpаgеsprovideadditionaIprасtiсеаnd еxtеnsion workon voсabulаrУ featuredin thе units.Thеsеaсtivitiеs сan bе usеdеither in с|аssor Sеtas homеwork. ln mixеd.abiIitv с|assеs thеvсanalsobe donе bvfаstfinishеrs.

Culturefoсus Thеsepаgesprovideinformаtion on an aspесtof Iifеin an Еng|ishspeаking сoUntry. Тhеinformation is givеnin thеformof еithеrone longor a numbеrof shortеrtasks. givеstudеnts Aсtivitiеs thеopportunitу the to manipu|аtе informаtionbеforеmovingon to makесross-сulturаl сomparisons withthеirown сountryin Таlkingaboutyour сountry.

Readingfor plеasure Тhesеpagesprovidеstudеntswiththе opportunity to rеadtехtsof differеntsty|es fromshortstories,novе|s, a and gеnrеs:extraсts poеmand a pIay.Тhetеxtsсan be usеdеithеrаs partof а programme of outsidес|аssreadingor as с|assасtivitiеs. Тhеyаrе rесordеd. Тhеtеxtsarеaссompanied by еxеrсisеs сhесkingstudеnts' undеrstаnding. to reaсtto Тherearea|soopportunitiеs forstudеnts thе tеxtin Your rеaсtionssесtions.

фсial fеаtures

Let's revise

!ld['вguе boxes ".'Tii"l'::'.еs providеexamp|еsof usеfuIphrasеsand ; [ilir.r; | е хpr е ssi ons wh i с h s t u d е n t sс a n U s еt o i m p ro vеthеir , l].|.: * зl d сonfi dе nс еi n Е n g |i s hSt . u d е n t sa rе f r е q u еnt|y 'l}fll;,.г-:,] nасk to thеsе boxеsso that thеy havеthе 1]]l1: ] : - г t r .t o pr асt i s еа n d а с t i v a t еt h е I a n g u а g е .

Тhesеsесtionsappеaraftеrеverуtwo units,witha totа|of fiveLet's revisеsесtions. Тhеyoffеrа сhаnсеfor studentsto rеvisemаteriaI theyhаvе|еarnеdin thе prеvioustwo units.Теaсhеrs сan usethеm as a progrеss сhесkfor homework, or in сIassas еxtrarеvision асtivitiеs Тhееxеrсisеs foсuson grammаrand voсabuIary.

Чrriting '.,'.,]'t ; _ :I tilissесtionis to buiIdup studеnts,writing ski||s 'l L .[ * ] *. .-еm аwаrеof diffеrеntstу|еs, rеgistеrs and

.l'l'l".-]-:. mаvnееdto use,dеpendingon thеwritingtask


with in pairs.Сheсkthеаnswеrs do thееxеrсisе Studеnts thес|ass. O''. 1d

Sее Unit summarуon Contеntspagеs4-5





whаtthеyrеad. disсuss 6 StiIlin thеirpаirs,studеnts pаrtnеr thе to disсuss to workwitha diffеrеnt 7 Askstudеnts quеstions. part Rеmindthеmto answеrIhе Whу? of quеstion ] аswe|Iasthefirstpaгt.

Reading Whoarе the British?SBpagеs4_5 QuiсK quiz 1 Students openthеirbooksandworkin pairsor smа|| groups Тhеymaу to do thеquiz.Givеthеmfourminutеs. 1,2and3.Те|Ithеm to neеdsomеhе|pwithquеstions guessif thеydon'tknowthеanswеrs. Сhесkthе аnswеrs withthесIass. з b 4 a,с

ТаmoьVl of ТhоiогmGrrаt Dritаinhавoxiatsdьinсo|bo?,urhan (аndulаlоь)ТhaUnitоd Тamоьl of Оng|and iсotlаnd6oсamo (ofGreatoritainanАNorthpгntгolаnd) Kingdom 'lrasgiventhIь thогоьtof lrolаndbeсamo thelгiьhFгee nаmein |Ч?.?-whon used,buJьoma Ьlate.TneiermGreаf oritаiniь still uridel1 thinк|noGre<tьouncь 9гitiehpooplepгоfогjuвt9ritainaь-tho1 arroganl.

Ф'. 1 He rеfe{sto.Ame.;.!gans аnd qUotеsthе Frеnсtз'.йiiie:i:'l .]]:. thаtthе Brrtishаre rм.ь'..l..l''ll...l.l:.. дпdreмa.uiсii.tЬsuggеst thе Frеnсh...:ll..ll':.l'.ll,.. Не maуbe dоingthispartIybесаusе аnd givеsthе viеws writеris quitеwe|Lknоwn thеviеwsаrеnot аuthorrty, and pап|ybесаusе pоsitivеand hе dоes.notwаntrеаdеrsto thinkthеу аrеhisown. thе writеrquоtеsthe .. Тоwаrdsthе end оf.thе.аrtiс|е that.toundеrstand оpiniоnof sоmеBritishpеop|е an Hе doеsthisto illustrаtе Britaintakеsmanyvisits'. . :.]..:.:.. pеop!е сan b9.сomplеХ! оpiniоnthаt Br;tish ]....:....l..] fpщffiiа.ll.......l..l.l..]ll...: 2 Тhеуаrе mаdgtrрof сhаrасtеrist!сs '. nаtionаlitiеs whiсhсombinеintоsоmеthing diffеrеnt idеntifiabIy British.

Lаnguаgеnotеs ArtiсIеswith аdjесtivеs of nationа|ity mоaning thaiсо.iь,lna t(alэh tаlкаbouttheЕng|ish Mаn1pоoplо thеrvordforа pеrsonis thesamеаsthе Formanr'nаtionaIitiеs .ihat^]elьh thafuо.iэ, ihо trish.too'Undeгьtаndаbl1, andаomоtimoь in thеsingu|аr. аdjесtivе andthe lгishdo not1iк9thiь! аn ltаliоn,о Gеrmаn,а Сzесh,e|с. .ftlo(hanne\ + s. wе usеthе+ sаmеstеmasthеаdjесtivе ForthеpIurа| саlladthoЕuгo-tunne\ Тunnоl(ьomatimaэ oг in |qq\.ltгunьbоtr.raan Еo\Kь.ions Lhunnol)waьoponed in gгi.iаin thеltаliаns,thеGеrmаns,thе Сzесhs Еxсeptions andLa\aiьin fraосe.Тпo\pоs of tгаinгun.thгоugh thsТunnel: in ForsomеnаtionaIities thеwordis thesаmeаsthеadiесtivе liкоа noгmаltгаin, vrhiсhсаггiosfooirpaььengers theouroьtar, plurаl. thе paььenqerь. and whiсhсarrieьvehiс\eь andLо 6hutt1о, thеFrеnсh,the Сhinese,theDutсh,thеJаpоnеsе Wеsayа Frenсhmаn or Frenсhwomаn, Howеvеr, in thе singu|аr Rеading man or woman,eIС, о Сhinese а Dutсhmаnor Dutсhwomаn, in pаirs.Тhеymaуnееdhе|p. do thе еxеrсisе 2 Studеnts to thеwordif thestеmhasa N.B.wе onlyaddmаnor И]oman sing|е sy||ab|е. о; 1с 2d 3b 4е.5a.:.. .. diffеrеnt from thеnounis сomp|еtе|У WithothеrnatiоnаIitiеs to Iookаt thetitlеandthinkaboutthеwords 3 ТeIIstudents thеаdjeсtivе. in 2 bеforetheygivetheiranswеr. thеPoles'theSwedes,the Sсots Inthе singu|arWеsаyа PoIe,а Swеde,о Sсot,eIс, rеading thеm start thetехt,tе|| thаttо rеad 4 Bеforеstudеnts thеyshouIdkееpthеirеyеsmovingquiсkly thеtеxtquiсklу fromIinеto linе,andnotto stopif thеydon'tundеrstаnd а Voсabulary rеаdthetехtquiсklyаnd notеthetimеthеy word.Students Dosсribing charaс|oriь|icь rеading tаkе.A|lowа maximum of thrеeminutеs' time. do thеехеrсisе on theirown.Сheсkthеаnswеrs 8 Studеnts withthес|ass. o; 1 tаIkаtivе b dirесtа ] b а1rофnt:а.. . 2. agg.1-е9s!ve. з sJйoйsb rеsеrvеJa

;ffiil''йnТJ'1' o


5 outgoingb exсitab|е а

dо thеехеrсisе on thеirown.Сhесkthеanswеrs 9 Studеnts withthес|ass. oт 1 arrogant 2 talkаtivе 3 tolеrant 4 sеrious 5 aggressivе6 outgorng



f,hтгаsаlverbs P|aythе reсording agаin.Studеnts sе|есt thеiranswеrs asthеy listеn. Studеnts partnеr's. сompаrе thеir answers with a Сhесk 110. studеnts а fеwminutes to undеrlinе theсorrесt vеrbs 'е thе answеrs with thе сlass. - :hеsеntеnсеs. Whenthеvhavеfinishеd. te|Ithеmto rеаd ."е tеХtagainto sееhowthеvеrbsarеusеd.Studеnts oт 1 likеPоshSpiсe 2 a loоk.а|ikе3 . _аtсhthеwordsin pairs.Сhесktheanswеrs withthе сlass. 4 nоtstudying now 5 wоrkingfоr a h

1 putin_е 2 buildup_а 3 mаkеup_d 4 putup with- b 5 brinр in _ с

Tlimeto talk!

-- . сrеrсisе саn bе usedаt anypointin thе Iesson whеreyou ilr/'.;.i to enсourаge thestudеnts to rеaсtto thеtopiсof thеtеXt ;-: пееdan orаll disсussion aсtivity. lji, studеnts quеstions. to rеаdthe Givеthеmtwo minutеsto . ..е downthеirrеsponsеs. Dividеthеmintopаirsor groupsof .- or fivе to disсuss theirrеsponsеs. Pairsor groupsshаrе -г .- = . idеaswiththес|аss.


mаkеa сrossword 0аirs,studеnts usingthеvoсabu|аry from :,зgеs 4 аnd5. |f monolinguа| diсtionаriеs arеavаilab|e, rldеntsсanusethеmto hеlpwithdеfinitions. Askpairsto thеirсrosswords withаnothеrpаir'sаnd сomp|еtе thеm. -.,ьаp


sвpagеs 6_7


Presentsimpleand presеntGontinuous llerm-up д"st studеnts to writedownthеnamеsof аs manVfamous .: uD|еs asthevсаnin onеminutе. ъ, Studепts' ownanswеrs t

{),.r Те||studеnts thatyouarеgoingto p|aуtnе rесording twiсе.Pointoutthаtthеyshou|dn,t worryif thеy don't8еtаlIthеinformаtion thеfirsttimе. P|ауthе rесording. Askstudеnts to Iistento findout whiсh fаmousсouplеarеmеntionеd (theBесфms).


1:]a||y,mу rеaIname'sСаmil|а, and that,sAndуin thе piсture.Andу,sta|| ..J bIond,IikеDаvidBесkhаm,and I supposeI Iookamazing|y IikePosh ..: -е.but whеnwе wеrеsing|ewе didn'tthinkaboutour rеsembIanсe to ].:гnаt a | l. Then I met Andyаt a -s: ninemonthsago I wasа poorаrt studеnt. -э.rionshow.Hе'sa modeI.Аndy,sfirstWordsto me Wеre.You|ookjust .: PoshSpiсе',so whеn hisagеntwanteda Poshlook-aIikе for a pаrty, . - J..suggеsted me! Now,I workаs a look.aIikе. |'mgettingbusiеraIlthе . *t. bесausеpеop|earе offеringmе morеand morework.|\4y lifeis vеry : .еrеnt.|,mnot studуinganуmoreand I еarna lot of monеy.|'ma|so 11'.g out WithAndynow.We oftеngo to nightс|ubsаnd restaurants .'.:.е pеopIemistаkeus for thе famouspair.It usuа||y meanswe сanjust iln:\ straightinl :..зr the workbeсausеit,sfun.Whаtdo I partiсuIarly Iikеаboutthe job? ...еr get bored go to |otsof bесauseeverуday is diffеrеnt. I usua||y : _..еnt plaсеsеaсhwеek.Howеvе1|'mworkingat hometodaybeсаuse ],: .е doingsomephotosfor a magazine. Тhе on|ythingI don'tIikеis lt'sreaIlyembarrassing! Pеop|еаreа|waуsaskingmе -'i* ]g аutographs. i - : 'lаtеit.And thе f uturе?| wantto Iivein a biя houseand havе|ots ,. .. crеn.

6 fоran аutофaph

lGrammar сhесk


Presеntsimple and presentсontinuous Uses 1 Bеforеstudеnts matсh,givеthemа fеwminutеsto rеadthе usеs.Studеnts do thеехеrсisе in pairs.Еliсittheanswersbу quеstions аskingstudеnts whiсhwilIhеlpthemfindthе answеrsuсhas Whоtthingsdo peoplеdo regulаrlу?|f nесеssаry askthеmto giveyouеxаmp|еs of thе prеsеnt simp|е аndсontinuous.

Form 2 Studеnts do thе ехеrсisе in pairs.Сhесktheanswеrs with theсlаss. о- 1 prеsеnt simрlе 2 щеsеntsimplе 3 Рresеnt сontinuous4 prеsеnt сontinuous . 2 Studеnts do thееxеrсisе on thеirown.Сheсkthеanswers withtheсIаss. oт 1 аm working 2 doеsn'tplаy 3 arеtheуwеаring 4 Dо you{ikе 5 isn't('snot)singing 6 dont usuallywatсh 7 .isa|waрphoning .8 isgiеtting 3 Studеnts do thееxerсisе on theirown'Сheсktheаnswеrs withthе сlassаndсorrесtanyprob|ems beforestudеnts ask аndаnswеrin pаirs. o' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Whаtdо фu usuаltydo аt the wееkend? whаt arЬусiud6ingnow? Arеyou..rеаding аt thе momеnt? anythingintеrеsting goto thесinеmа? Нowoftеndo you usuа||y WhoЪуoUrfavourite aсtor? Whаtkindof musiсdo уouIikе? Whаtsubjесts аrеyoustudying thisyеаr?

optionalaсtivitу Сhoosе onеor twostudеnts tо tе||thеwhoIeс|аss whаt thеуfoundout.Thenstudеnts findа nеwpartnеr andtе|| him/ hеrаboutthеiro|dpartnеr.

l t i i

n i,к studеnts to,..o.i. *#;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;; еxеrсise.

Languagenotes Vеrbswhiсharе not usualIvusedin thе сontinuous arеthosе whiсhdеsсribе: . mеntаIandеmotiona| states- IеeI1=havеan opinion), likе,dislike,know,think,see(= цn6.r.'.uno, o llsеof thе sensеs- t'eеl,sееm,sеe о $€ П еrаIstates- belongto,nееd ТhеsеverbsarenotnormаI|Y usedin thесontinuous form bесausе thеУdesсribе faсtsrathеrthanaсtions. (

Exсеptions . Fееlсаn bе usedin thе сontinuous whеnit is usеdto talk or mood,forеxamp|е: abouthеа|th Аrеуoufеelingbetterаt'terуour holidау? ls shefееlinghаppiernow thоthe,sсomеbасk? . Thinkсanbе usеdin thе сontinuous whеnit is usеdto taIk for mind,notthеiropinion, aboutwhаtis on someonе's examp|е: Нe looksupsetbесаusеhе is thinkingаboutthеассidеnt. . Sеесanbе usеdin thе сontinuous whenit is usеdto meаn with,оr goingoutwithsomeone, having а mееting forеxamplе: Wе,rеsееingthеmаnаgеrnow. t'orsеverаIwееks. JuIiеis sееingMоtt.Theу,vebееntogеthеr

Let's practise grammar SBpagеsB_9 сanbе givеnas homework. Somеor а|lof thееxеrсisеs ь'?rssent 1 1 5 7 9

on thеirown.Сhесkthеanswеrs do thе еxеrсisе Studеnts withthес|ass.


givеthеma fеwminutеsto do the еxеrсisе Bеforеstudеnts quiсk|у thе mаin sothаtthеуundеrstаnd readthеаrtiс|е r.,еrb соrrесt fогm. to thе thеm сhoosе hе|p Тhiswi|| idеаs. pairs оtvn. Еliсit оr on thеir thе in do thееxеrсisе Studеnts еасhof to rеadout а sеntеnсе аnswеrsbу askingstudеnts thе tеХt.



Let'sactivate lntsrviou a famous Porson AI|owa сrеatеa nеwidеntitvforthеmse|vеs. 7 Studеnts of fivеminutes. maximum arе in pairs.Whi|еthеstudents do thе еxеrсisе 8 Students pairs to makе surе thеy are the monitor doingthе еxеrсisе, quеstions and аnswеrs. usingthе сorrесttensеsfortheir i....'."".".",'...,.,.,.,.t.t

f optionаl асtivity { аnd writе thе namеsof |otsof fаmouspеop|е i Brаinstorm * j thеmon thеboard,or bring(oraskstudеnts to bring) i Stiсk i photоsof famouspеop|есutoutfrommagazinеs. i knowwhothеy { i thеmоn thеboаrdandmаkеsurеstudеnts


thatthеyаrеonе g shou|dimaginе thatthеstudеnts il Exp|аin pеopIe. intеrview a partnеr $ Studеnts then thе famous of * pеrson guеss x they arе. fаmous whiсh . аndtry to Givе or in thе Iesson. сoulddo thisforhomеwork 9 Studеnts of ] 50 words. a wordIimit studеnts


$ec' hеаr, feel, lаsta and эmaII аnswеrs 5 Studеnts'own 6 1 Саn... hеar 2 smеl|s 3 саnfее| 4 tastеs 5 сan'tsее 6 fее|s 7 саnsmеl|

1. с.оrnеs 2 finds 3 's аlwaysdоing 4 works 5 look 6 Arе 7 pегforms 8 'sаppеaring9 hopеs 10 'm bеginning

"''..'"" :".-...','..'.. .,..:".. :......... ".:.1..:-.'.""'..""-

vеrуwе||аt themomеnt' knowMаggiе Rogеrdoesn't now. | undеrstand уou Paul's/isgoingto workby busthiswееk. а lotof timеwithJamеsIatе|y' Jennу's/isspеnding 's/is Gеrmanthisyеаr. Сhаr|iе studying Watеrsportsthis inс|udеs Thеspoгtsprogramme month.

4 1 hаs 2 arе... having 3 is having 4 havе 5 havе 6 hаs 7 's lis hаving 8 is having

iij.;i':;g:i'i;i';1'...:i:d] 6 а

} a|Iarе.

aimplо and presont сontinuous want 2 trаvеls 3 ls ..' doing 4 arеgеtting 's/isalwаys сompIaining6 's/ is savingup 's/isalways talking 8 do ... start sееms don'tundеrstand,

2 1 think 2 aretalking 3 is Iiving 4 don'trеmеmbеr 5 start 6 еxprеss 7 bеhave 8 ask 9 fееls 10 hаvе 11 tа|k know 12 a|waУs 3 2 3 4 5 6 7



Мvsrbs of frequenс1 lаtеforwork. 7 1 lo is rеgu|arlу p|ауs aftеrsсhoolin summеr. сriсket 2 Stеvеfrеquеnt|y mу с|othеs. 3 My sistеris a|waуsborrowing drinktеa. usuaIIу doеsn,t 4 N4ark in thе еvеning. 5 Thеуdon'toftеnwatсhtе|еvision 6 MуfriеndJanеis nеvеrbаdtempеrеd. my homеwork. forgеtting 7 | am a|ways 8 DoVouеvеrvisitLondon?

ь'Ths right vrord 8 1 is 2 p|aуs 3 putson 4 |ooks 5 is appеaring6 is bеginning7 Iooks I is writing t hopes

Listеningand speaking

Psусhometriс tеstssBpagе'10_,11 Listеning Warm-up quizin а if thеyhavееvеrdonеa pеrsonality Askstudеnts Wеrеthetеstsеasуor or аn abiIitуtestat sсhooI. mаgazinе, Pointout wеreассurаtе? Didthеythinkthe rеsults diffiсu|t? psyсhometriс tеsts of pеrsоnaIitу tуpеs tests arе abiIity and that proсеssеs. and statеs mеntal whiсhmеasure



-: sтr'Jdеnts tеston to quiсk|yrеadthe pеrsonaIity whiсhthеуdo :":.:10.ExpIain anywordsor еxprеssions - -: lпdеrstаnd. а Students do thеtеston thеirown.A||ow *:\ mUmof two minutes. Do notсhесkanswеrs Vet. :i.JеntsrеadthеаbiIity tеst.АgainexpIain аnywordsor :'э.еssions do thеtеstin a mаximum if nесessarY. Studеnts :. nto minutеs.


Q6fuъTе||studеnts reаdin to spendа fewminutеs сarеfu||y sеntеnсes 1*6аndundеr|ining keywords.Tе||thеstudents thatyouarеgoingto p|aythеreсording twiсe.Plаythе reсording. |istеn anddесidеon as manysеntenсes Studеnts asthеусan.


Тoputit simp|у, whiсh thеsеtеstsarеrea||y a kindof Iongquestionnaire hasbeenthoughtup by psyсho|ogists and to findoutaboutyourсharaсter аbiIities. to Futureеmp|oуеrs fromthеsequestionnaires usеthе rеsults deсidеif you'rеtherightpеrsonforthеjob or not.|nfасt,in theUK, eightypеrсentof emp|oyers nowusеthеsetestswhentheу'rеreсruiting newstaff.

Youmayarguеthatthеy'rеannoying forthе poor or еvenсonfusing pеop|e whoaretrуingto gеta job'butthеtestssavеаn аmazing аmountof timeand moneуforemp|oyеrs. saythаtthis Somepeop|e _ produсеs kindof tеstасtuа|ly morereIiаb|е resu|ts thаninterviews espeсiа|ly whenit сomеsto working mightbеhаvе out howсandidates in а job аnd howwе||thеуmightdo thejob if theygetit. ТhеtеstsаIsoprеvent fromtаkingon thеwrongkindof сompanies personforа job.Forexamp|е, somеjobsnеedреoplеwhoсаnworkin а tеamWithothеrs, sothе mаnagement is lеss|ike|y to reсruitthе wrongkindof stаffif thеsеtеstsaredonewhеnсandidatеs arеbeing сonsidеred forjobs.Thetestswou|dshowif somebody wasgoodat workingin a tеаmor not.

\sk studеnts if thеуfoundany pаrtsof thetеstsdiffiсu|t. !\hаtdo thеythinkaboutusingthеsеtеststo sе|есt саndidatеs forа job? fut аnnounсemont 3 Оqhe Bеforeyou p|aythe rесording to аskstudеnts аntiсipatе Tе|lstudents whatеасhsесtionmightinс|udе. thаtyouaregoingto p|aythеannounсement on|yonсe,so to сompIetе thе notеs. thеуmustIistеnvеryсarеfu||y P|аythеrесording.


;: еs аnd gеntlemеn, thе firsttаIkthisafternoonis on psусhometriс l:s: rg. ТhеtаIkwiIItakeplaсеin the main IeсturеhaIlon thе ground .,]|:':. in аpproximаte|y ten minutеs'time,at 10.З0.Thesреakeris Profеssor you p|еasеmаkеyour Wayto the hаI|now if ';еlсer from oxford.Wou|d ..lish to hеаr this talk, as we onIyhavеsеatingspaсefor 250 pеop|e..' '':-


and witha pаrtnеr's \k studеnts to сomparеthеiranswers withthe filIin аnydetaiIs theymissеd. Сhесkthеanswеrs сIаss.

Now,thе goodnеwsis thatyouсan preparefor thеtestby doing|ots of praсtiсetеstsbеforehand. suссееd of сourse,youсou|dn'tpossib|y justbу puttingа tiсk in havingan amazingсareeras a roсketsсiеntist yourсhanсes in thе rightbox_ butyouсаnreа||y improve of gеtting yourse|f а job.So,if youdo findthatуou havеto takeа tеst'rеmembe thisadviсе: rеаdthequеstions veryсarеfu||y, thengothroughthem oneby oneas quiсklуаndaссuratеlу Ifуouсan'tdo onеof as possibIе. the quеstions, Iеaveit and go on to the nеxtonе.Youсana|wаysgo baсkanddo it аt thеend.Now|et'shаvеa |ookаt oneor twoof thеsе tests... Playthе rесordingаgаin.StudеntsIistenfor anу missing answеrs.Ask studentsto сhесkthеir answеrsin pairsand thеn сhесkthе answеrswith thе сlass.

сou|d 5 lf monoIinguaI diсtionaries аreаvаilable, studеnts usеthеmforthiseхerсise. TeIIthеmnotto Usеdiсtionariе at first,butto findas manуdiffеrеnсеs in mеаningаs they саnandthеnto сhесkthеmin a diсtionarv.

g 9glш Putthеstudеnts in pairsto praсtisе thе nouns.Whеn thеуhavеtriеdsayingthewordsonсе,p|aythetаpеfor ТhеnIetthеmprасtisе thеmto сhесkthеirpronunсiatiоn. to mаkе sure thay arе sаying thеm сorrесt|y. agаin Voсabula11 do theexеrсisе on thеirown.Thendividеthеm 10 Studеnts groUps in andteIIthemto сhесkthеirаnswеrs intosmaII groups. thе with thе с|ass. |f nесessary, сheсk answеrs thеir o'. 1 patiеnсе 2 dеtеrminаtiоn з.strеngth:. 4 hurnоur 5 rеspоnsibilitу6:abilitу ... 7 со-opеrаtе 8 tо|еranсе з {1еxibiliry.]

n thаtеmploys

{thеsuffix .еr !$;$.{j$1аrе.еглploуеd thаtdоеs;thеsuffix-ее i:9.{:!!tng

Hаving a сonvorьa|ion rеаdthе diaIoguе аskthеmhowto 11 oфs Bеforеstudеnts givеа strong opinionin Еnglish аnd howto invitеopinions fromothеrpеop|е'Brainstorm somеidеas. аrе Students rеadthе dia|ogue. Askthеmwhiсhеxprеssiоns usеdto givеan opinion(l don,tthink,lt seеmsto me).Te|| rf tI74'уou arеgoingto p|аythеdia|ogue on|yonсе, . ll studеnts to сomp|еtе it. P|aythе so thеуmustIistеnvеryсarеfu||у ii in theirgroups reсording. Studеnts сhесkthеiranswеrs ,10. from СhесkthеаnsWеrs withthе сIаss.

ii**.Egtt:,f{есtмby an aсiоn) sресifiс) :lвbф::ft*о'е

i I


Persona||у l don't think that you neеd a sensеof humour to be аn artist.r Whataboutvou,Аnnа? for Anna: |t seemsto mе that a sensеof humour'sеssentiaI anythingуou do. z I'm sure it he|psyou to dеaIwith aII soгtsof prob|еms.Whаtdo you think,Josеph? gеnerа|lyspeakingз | aIsothink that it hе|ps,but |,m Wе||, .|osеph: not surе it's essentia|. Ben:

6 Students do the еxеrсisе on theirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthе сlаss.

$ optionalaсtivity thе pairsof wordsin eхerсisе to translаte 5 fl Askstudеnts pairs into thеir |anguagе. Аrе thе сontrasts bеtwееn thе { asthеyarein ЕngIish? { thеsаmеin their|anguаgе nt'*l;'.tц*м;


t $ Ё $

Diaсussion in pairs.Monitor thegroupsand 12 Studеnts do thееxеrсisе from11 сheсkthatthеstudеnts arеusingthе еxpressions thеm,but сorrесtIy. Do notstopthe disсussion to сorrесt еrrorsandmakеtimеto еxplаin themto notеanyfrеquent Аskоаirsto shаrеthеiridеаswiththес|ass. thес|ass|аtеr.

poriсеmаn..;.';..l;ll;l::ll...1. musi1i1п й:lll..':l.9Ц.i п....fооibа.|Lеr

Spеaking Pronunсiаtion in pairs.lf monolinguaI 7 Students do theеxеrсisе diсtionаriеs arеavailаbIе, studеnts usеthemto сhесkthеir аnswеrsbеforepraсtising thеwords. on thеirown.Сhесkthе answеrs 8 Studеnts do the exеrсisе withthе сIаss.

3 аnnovаnсе ь beйоur g сonfщion

. whеrеthеvwouIdIikеto work. . thеwоrkinghoursthеywou|dprefer. . thе rewаrds theywou|d|ike. '!i....t.t.tl..o.o.o.o:o.o.зl.e.




. Iilе nаmеsof fivеor sixwеIl.known .lil]i pеopIеon thе boаrd. -: ..е.. job, а politiсian, shouId еасhhavеa different forеxamp|е: i ];.-].r|smаn etс. / woman,a writеr,a businessman, ]lj'i..|.]е thе quaIitiеs studеnts, workingin pairs,to disсuss тuг. gооdаnd bad- thеуthinkeaсhof thesеpеop|еhavе. *: illlhaVеthеsеquа|itiеs аffесtеd thеirсarеers?

tflritinga lеtter about yoursеlf |omp utеr pеnIriends sвpаges,l2_1З

D t

hlсtuation in English jlsilIhес|asswhуthеythinkpunсtuation Dothеу is important. : .k it is morеimoortаnt in somеformsof writtеn .: rmuniсation it addsto thе Те|Istudents thanin othеrs? *:аningof writtеnlanguagе in muсhthesamеWayas .::nаtionandemphasis of spokеn addto thе meаning ,j-gUаgе. than Itis morеimportаnt in formaI writtеnIanguаgе - .iorеxamplе, Verуinformаlеmаi|swhеrethесorrеspondеnts *. эtvеaсhotherwe||. quеstions !;;dепts withthе аnswеr A and B.Сhесkthеanswers : а55 .


frequen|uвогsof оmаilandmobilaphonоiоltinghаvedovolrop a nollfoгmof punсtuation uьing in шhiсhоmotions are indtсaiod smаllpiсtuгes :.) maгк6, foг oxamplо foгmоdfгompunсtuаtion (ьmiling |f a6emotiсonв. :-((ьadtaсe)'Iheьo aroкnOWn faсe); emаil сould аsК thоm if thо1 usо oг taxtа lot,1ou 1ouгаtudantь KnoшаnYm0г0.



il n i I i i


i writеthеsеwordson thе boаrdandaskstudentsto putthе in thесorrесtp|aсе: { apostrophе b thеmеnshаts 4 a thеmоnshоt d thе boуsbiсусlе i. c the сhildrеnstoуs I thеgirlst'riеnd i e thеboуsbiсус!еs i g thе girls|riеnds i i thepеoplеspаrtу ь


'\: i;

! optionalaсtivity questions: thеfoI|owing i Askstudеnts i l Whуdo we usеon аpostrophein Еnglish? 1|z whendo wеuse,s? i 3 Whendo we usеs?

h Jаmessсоr

1 to indiсаtеpossеssion or a shortfоrm 2 аftеrа singu|ar nounto indiсаtepossеssiоn 3 aftеrа p|urа|nounto indiсatеpossеssion




a mаn's b mеn's с сhi|drеn'sd boу's e boys' f gir|'s/ gir|s' g gir|s'lgir|'s h Jamеs's i щoplе's

Studyingthе sample

passаgе Rеаdthеfо||owing аIoud,inс|uding thе punсtuаtion marks.Rеadit twiсеif you nеефo.Ask students to readit baсkto yoU. Po|ish, Тrеntis а Сanadiаn Iinguist' HеspеаksЕng|ish, .Тherе don'ts,' he sаys, Arаbiсand Frеnсh. aredo'sand .thatyou whenstudying а foreign nееdto rеmеmbеr Hе |anguagе'. howеvеr, is Hungariаn. Тrent'sfavouritе, visitеdHungаry IastMаy,andfеIIin Iovеwith.itsmusiс.' Nowhе'sstudying twiсеa wееk. thе |anguаge Studеnts in punсtuation. Thеy disсuss thediffеrеnсеs in usеof саpitals, shouIdbе аb|еto idеntifydiffеrеnсеs Сhoosеonеor аpostrophеs, spеeсhmarksand сommas. twostudents to thе сIass to еxо|аin thеdiffеrеnсes _ nationа|ities, саpitaIs йоhths аpostrophеs аnd рossessivеs - missing|еtters spеесhmаrk - onlуаbovеthe |iпе .howеvei сommаs_ аrolnd in smа|lgroups. Studеnts in punсtuаtion disсuss diffеrеnсes to thе с|ass. [hoosеonеor twoto еxo|аin anvdiffеrеnсеs

Languagеnotes - tо bесomеfriеndIy to сliсkwithsomеonе withthеmquiсk|у, forехamo|е: Wеmetat a partуаndjust сIiсkеd.

3 Askstudеnts to rеadthroughthеwho|еprofi|еbeforеthey stаrtto addthеpunсtuation. Тheyshouldstartbydividing that it intosеntеnсеs andthеnaddanуothеrpunсtuation is nесеssary. ТеlIstudеnts to еxсhangе thеirсopуwithа partnеr's bеfоrесheсking theanswеrs. Сhесkthеanswеrs withthес|ass.

Сheсkthе 2 Аskа studеntto rеadout thеquestion. orаlIv. аnswеrs

on thеirоwn.Сheсkthеanswеrs 9 Students do thеexerсisе withthе сIаss. о-. 1 iп 2 оf .:3 7 with, by Lаnguagеnotеs СompareSarn Goodоt andgoodwithhavediffеrеntmeanings. gеts good (shе marks) and good аt history studieswe|land is Sаmis goodwithаnimоls(shесan lookafterthеmwе||and thеyIikеhе0. thrееminutеsto do thе exеrсisе. Сhесkthе 4 Givеstudеnts withthе сlass. answеrs

Stepsto betterwriting in pairs.Сhесkthе fai1 strаight'

Lhaсaс|or -= on thеirown.Сheсkthе matсhthе оpposites 10 Students withtheс|ass. answеrs optionaIасtivity . lf you havеsixtееnor |еssstudеnts, writеthеsixtееn . words/ phrasеs on piесesof papеrandgivеonewordto dеsk. Theеxtrasсanbе Iеfton thetеaсhеr's .. еaсhstudеnt. lf thаteaсhstudеntmustfind his/ hеropposite. ExpIаin thеуmustIookfor it on hе / sheсannotfindаn opposite thеtеасher's dеsk

"" i i * i

Ф'1 tеIlstudеnts to imaginе 6 Whеnthеyarеdoingthе еxеrсisе, profi|е. theyаrewritingpaГtof thеirown pеrsonа| Ask to rеаdout thеirsеntеnсеs. someof thеstudеnts optional aсtivity to rеadouttheirsеntеnсes, Instеаd of askingstudеnts ask thеmto writetheirthrееsеntenсеs on a piесеof papеr. in thе piесеsof pape1mixthеmtogеther andthеn СolIeсt in word rеadthеmout.Thес|аssсorrесts any mistakеs whowrоtееaсhgroupof sеntеnсеs. ordеrаnd guеssеs Modif1ing advоrbs Bеforееxеrсisе7, asktwo studentsto reаdout thе two to сlosеthеirbooksfora minutе,and Askstudents еxаmp|еs. thenaskif thеyknowаny moreadvеrbswhiсhdo thеsamе. thеnopеnthеirbooksagainto сompare thеirаnswеrs Studеnts 7. withthewordsin ехеrсisе on thеirownor in pairs.Сhесk do thе еxerсise 7 1 Studеnts thе answеrs withthе сlass.


monitorto mаkе arewritingthеirsentеnсes, 11 Whi|еstudents Сhooseonеor сorrесtIy. surethеyarеusingthе adjeсtivеs to rеadouttheirsеntеnсеs. twostudеnts

Writinga letter about yoursеlf Undorвtandingthe tasК understand whatthеyhаvеto do. Mаkеsurethatstudents website is thе pеnfriеnd RеmindthemthatСompu-pеn.friеnds frompаgе12. Planning workin pairs.Monitorthе pаirsas theуwork. 12 Studеnts theyneеdаnd сheсkthеyarе Supplyanуextravoсabulary сorrесt|y. usingprеpositions Writing Тhе in с|assor for homework. writеthеirIetters 13 Studеnts Iеtters shou|dbe aboutthesame|еngthas Sam,sin З (150words).

!$mвскing "!l.r- аdditionto studеnts providеd usingthесheсk|ist аsk sт;dеnts to ехсhаngе |еttеrs witha pаrtnеr,s and сheсk :асh оthеr'swork.Тhisis knownas pееr-сorrесtюл. Аs wе|l prасtiсе as providing in idеntifying mistаkеs, knowing thal :hеirworkmaybе rеаdbyothеrstudеnts сan motivate :].lеm to do theirbеst!


Diffеrеntprrspесtivеson thе ЕIJ SBpаge 15

lflarm-up Writеthеnamеsof thесountriеs of thе Еuropеаn Unionon thе boаrdandаskstudеnts to nameonethingthеyаssoсiate with еaсhсountry. ;J]в t*,'i]:]:;:i:ч*:qji!.!

д:цstudеnts to workin pairs.ТеIlеасhpairtofindаs mаnу ;. оgs?Spossible thatthеyhаvеin сommon. Thеsеthings ::l1dbe rеIаtеd to theirаppеaranсe, thеirfаmiIiеs, thеthings '-еr findinteresting or thеthingsthеуarеgoodаt, / boring,

1.. еХ аmD| е:

мi аrеbothgoodаt mаths. ме bothhаveonе sistеr. 1оthoJ our mothersоrе doсtors,

Word foсus SBpаgе 14 ъ Whoaro |ho9ritish? 1 1 ТheWе|sh groupof аrеthoughtto be a tаIkativе pеop|е. 2 Pеop|еin Britainсomefrommanydiffеrеnt сuIturа| baсkgrounds. 3 Doyouthinkmеnarеmorеaggressivе thаnwomеn? 4 l IikеTombut hе а|waуs sеemsVеryrеsеrvеd whеn youtа|kto him. pеop|еa||ovеrthеworIdnеedto bе 5 Nowadays, toIеrant towаrdsoneanother. 6 N4уmother's аlwaystе|Iing my sistеrnotto bе so еxсitаb|е аndto trvto kееoсаlm. ь. Phrasal vоrbs 2 1 putin 2 putup with 3 madeup 4 bringsin 5 builtup ь

optionаl aсtivity } Тoеnсourage (|ooking sсаnrеаding quiсk|уj forinformаtion in a tеxt)аndto foсuson сеrtаinvoсabu|аrу, уouсanаsk } students to findindividuaI wordsin thеtеxt.TеlIthеmуou $ $ wi||givеthеmthеfirstand last|еttеrof а wordаndthey $ mustfindit in thеtеxtas quiсk|у asthеyсan. Suggеstions u-a(umbrеllа) s-m \sуstem) s-у$urveу) i-у (idеntit'у) s-I(sevеrа[) m-х(miх) e-t(еnvironment) e-n(ехpоnsion) i' $ i *

Note1: ТhеrеmаYbе otherwordswiththеsеfirstаnd lаst |еtters, whiсhstudеnts mayfind.Thisdoеsn'tmatterun|ess youarеfoсussing on speсifiс wordsfor prе-teaсhing. ln this сasеаskthеstudеnts to finda sесondwordwiththеsе $ |еttеrs. { { i шote2: Тhisaсtivitусаnbе usеdwithаnytеXtin thе book $ $ and is a usefuItесhniquе for identifying diffiсu|t words tr whiсh prе.tеaсh. wou|d |ikе to уou {. 'ё \чкьцч*;a:q.*gt*



Цlords connoc|edшшh.iobв 3 1 intеrviеw 2 interviеwееs3 rесruit 4 еmp|oyееs5 stаff 6 еmpIoyers7 jobs 8 work

Еxtеnsion o' Wordbuilding 4 .l to|еranсe a 2 sеriousnеss f 3 traditionс 4 аrroganсеb5 аggrеssione6 individuaIismd Ф" Negative aфeс|iveь 5 1 into|еrant2 unintеntionаI 3 unpopuIar 4 unsuссеssfuI 5 unаb|е 6 undеsirab|e 7 unwi||ing8 impеrsona|9 impаtiеnt 10 unrеIiаbIe11 unfriеnd|y Uл. is mostoftenusеd

Talkingaboutyour (ountry Bеforеstudеnts givеthеmtimеto rеadthе do thе еxеrсisе, quеstions аndthinkаboutthеirrеsponsеs. Studеnts mаУnееd to do thisin pairs.Dividеstudеnts intogroups of fouror five. Monitor thеdisсussions andhе|pwithvoсabu|ary if nесessary. AI|ow а maximum of tеnminutеs. Groups sharеtheiridеаs withthес|аss.

6 1 unab|е 2 unintentionaI 3 popu|ar 4 unwil|ing5 impеrsona|6 unfriеnd|y 7 imoatiеnt8 unre|iabIе


Sее Unit summarуon Contentspagеs4_5

16_,17 Rеadin g Brаin powеr SBpagеs Memor1 tоst thаtthеyаrеgoingto do a shortmеmorуtеst 1 Tе||students andthеyarеgoingto hаveа striсttimе|imit. on thеirown. do thispаrtof thеехerсisе 1 and2 Studеnts сompareIists.Wеrеanyof thеm 3 ln pаirs,studеnts by howmuсh/ |itt|еor whattheу surprised Whiсhitemswеrееasiеrto rеmembеr? rеmеmbеred? еvеrything? Didаnyonein thе с|аssrеmеmbеr

сomparе on theirown.Students do thеexеrсisе 5 Studеnts whiсhpartsof thе anddisсuss witha partnеr's thеirаnswеrs withthес|ass' tеxthе|pеdthеmandwhy.Сhесkthеаnswеrs

й.,l b 2.d;3..€..:.4 iii$j*Е:i;i;{!ii*i*i*э$;i:ix

Reading on thеirownor in pairs.Сhесkthе do thееxеrсisе 2 Studеnts withthе сlаss.Makеsurеthеrеarеno prob|еms answеrs

f } $ $

optiona! aсtivity dеsсribе thеm. dесidewhiсhof thеаdjесtivеs studеnts with thе сlаss who dесidеs sharеthеiropinions Studеnts whеtheror notthеyarеright' .

Examtrai rеаdingа tеxtquiсklyto gеt skirnriading(orskimming), t|ю.mаinidеаs,is a basiсrеa{iпвskiiland it Ь а gооdidеа tо givеyоui studеntsplеntyоf praсtiсеin it. Теllthem,аs thеyйd, to kееpthеirеуеsmоvingquiсkIyfrоmIinеto а word. stop.if thеydo nоt undеrstand rgвrquiсklуthroughthеtехtwill а|sоhеlp


liq;t&i$$iij]:imllrе:qцi€and kly еаsi|y lcы'lЁra.otwhi{ a textis аbout.


ll their own iii п;iЁыоirrg. к..fu i.;чtiфyrskill .. a{iФ.р.д :;.:::...'.; :. .;;"':. вш;iвн'. ..;..'.":.:.. .........

Аsk two minutеsto skimrеаdtheartiс|е. Givеstudents forthеirtitlеs.Thеmainmessаgе o| someof thestudеnts to bе more thеartiс|еis thаtwе саntrainoursеlvеs thispoint. observant, sothе bеsttitlеsshou|dinс|udе on thеirownwitha timе|imitof do thе exerсisе 4 Studеnts withthе сlass. fiveminutеs. Сhесkthеаnswеrs




optionaIасtivity bеtwееn by mаkingсonneсtions Pеop|е oftеnremеmbеr idеas.SаУа wordand inviteа studеntto sayanothеrword if yousау whiсhуourwordrеmindsthemof.Forеxamp|е, anothеr invitе might say book.Ihen thе student librаry' studеntto saya wordthеyсonnесtwil.hbookandso on. Еaсhstudеntsаysa wordthеусonneсtwiththе most librаrуone.Forеxamp|е: rесеntword,notthеoriginаI book- reаd- write_ pеn_ paper,eIс.Go roundthе сIass studеnts thе pасеfastand notаl|owing in thiswaуkееping to thinkfortoo |ongbeforеsayingа wоrd.P|aythеgаmе forа mахimumof fоurminutes'

Time to talk! Givеthеmtwo minutеsto to rеadthе quеstions. Askstudеnts Dividеthеmintopairsor groupsof notеdownthеirrеsponsеs. Pаirsor groupstеIIthе thеirrеsponsеs. fouror fivеto disсuss andidеas. сIаss aboutthеirmemoriеs

Gram m?f sвpаgеs]8_]9

4 dо-n'thavе..to

iliodalverbs:ability,permission, obligаtionand rеGommendation lVarm-up r'-тstudеnts intopairsаndteIlthеmto dесidеwhoisА аnd .lо iSB. ТеlIstudents to lookаt thеsixpiсturеs for ninety '*l r=iоnds. Aftеrninеtуsесonds tеl|Аs tо с|osеthеirbooks.Tе||Bs .'. сhоosеa piсturеfortheirpartnеrto dеsсribе. Аs try to ":г.nеmbеr as muсhdеtаiIas oossib|е whileBs сheсkin thеir :.зоks. A||owa maximumof tеnsесonds. Studеnts swаprolеs. .! Studеnts do thееxеrсisе on thеirownor in pairs. +'1с





Studеnts do theеxerсise on thеirownor in pairs.Сhесkthе аnswеrs ora||yif уoufeеlthе с|аssis strongеnough. 1

2 3 4 rnиsfоbligаtion, сCIлtаbilitу .: 5 исy pеrmisSion 6 shouldrесommеndаtion


5 Bеforеstudents givеthеmtwo minutеsto dо thе еxerсisе, skimrеadthеtextso thatthеyundеrstаnd thе mаinidеаs. Тhiswil|hеlpthemto сhoosе theсorreсt formof thе modal.Studеnts do theеxеrсisе on thеirown. o* 1 саn 2 don'thavеto 3 hаdto 4 hаdto 5 l havеtb 6 сou|dn't 7 соu|dn't 8 didn'thaveto 9 сould 10 сouId 6 Studеnts rеwritеthеtехtin сlаssor for homеwork. If thеv nеedhe|p, tе||thеmto Iookbaсkat 4.

oт1 4


Modals in thо past 4 Askstudеnts to rеаdthееxаmp|еs аndthinkаboutthе quеstions. answеrs to thе Сhесktheanswеrs withthе с|ass . .haij оlr 1 сould,сouIdn't 2 hаdto,didn'thavеto 3 io

o' whunshеwаs16,Sаmwasа good.swiйmer SheсЬu|d. . gеttinltir.еd. swimfor hoursWithout ShесouldaIsoJivе bеаutifu||y, buts|iесou|dn't runfаst.Bесausе shе.was. in thе Ioса|swimming tеаrnshеhаdto gеi up еаr|yin thе morningto train.Shеalsohаdto еаtthe rightfood. Hеrfavоuritе dаywаsSunday. lt wаstheonеdауshе didn'ttrainandso shеdidn'thаvеto gеtup еаr|y,

[еt's activate


Hodal verbs Usеs 1 Studеnts do thе еxеrсisе on theiroWnor in pairs.TеIIthеm to Iookbасkat 1 and2 if neсеssary. сhесkthе аnswеrs with thес|ass. Ф'а

t саrr'..:г.rla}{

Forms 2 Students do thееxеrсise on thеirownor in pairs.Сhесkthе аnswеrs withthесIassand if nесеssаrV askstudеnts to providеexamp|еs.

optionаl aсtivity Аskstudents to drawor takephotosof signsthеysее i aroundthеmin thеirown|аnguagе whiсhtеI|pеoplеwhаt : thеymustandmustn't do.Tе|lthеmto prеpаre Еng|ish i trans|аtiоns of thesignsfоrtourists. Youсouldmаkеthеir i workintoа сIаssroom displaу. .,;. Rеmembеrt Bеforеstudеnts stаrtеxеrсisе З, askthemto rеadthе еrplanation in thеbox.Аnswеr аnyquеstions.

Talкing about rulоs and rogulations , edz: ТеIIstudеnts thаtyouarеgoingto playthe reсording twiсe.P|aуthе rесording. Students сomplеtе as muсhinformation аsthеyсan.


Interviewer:Whеndo you haveto startsсhooIin thе UK? Kerry: You havеto stаrtsсhooIthе tеrm in whiсh you аrе fivе,but I thinksomeсhiIdrеnсan stаrtsсhoolin the Seotembеr before theirbirthdaу, so somearе onlуjustfour. InterviеWer: Do vou know whеn vou саn |еаvesсhoo|? Kerry: Тhаt'smorе straightforward. You саn Ieаvеat 16, but most pеopIеdon't. Interviеwеr: Havеуou votеdin an e|eсtionуеt? М еI аnie: Not yet. | сan't.|'m stiIIonly 17. |\4ybirthdaу'snеxt month so thеy сan hoIdаn e|есtionаnу time аftеrthat and l,||be ab|еto havеmу saу. Interviewer:Do you know at whаt аgе you сan hаvеуour own pаssport? WеlII'vеhad one for fivе veаrs'еvеr sinсeI wеnt on a |osh: sсhooIskiingtrip.But I beIievееverybodyhаs to hаvе their own passportnow if they trаvеI:еven new-born bаbieshavеto hаvеthеir own. Interviewеr: At what аge сan you drive in thе UK? Phi||ip: You havеto be 17 to drivea са1 but уou саn ride a mopеd .l6. when you arе jUst Not that manу pеop|еhavеmopeds. HoWеVer, if уou want to driveа van then you must bе 1B.

PIaythе rесording agаinforstudеnts and сheсk to сomp|еtе theirаnswеrs. Students сomoarе thеiranswers withа partnеr's. Сheсktheanswеrs withthе сlаss.

3 Students do the exerсise on theirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs tviththес|assoraIlуif youfееltheс|assis strongеnough. (

71 2 3 4 5 81

8 Аskstudеnts to rеadthе |istof aсivitiеs.Givethеmа minutе to notеdownthеirrеsponses. Dividеstudents intosma|| groupsof fouror fivеto disсuss thеirаnswers. Тhiswil|foсus themon thеtask.Аftеrаboutfiveminutеsеliсitthеirаnswеrs аnddisсuss аnydifferеnсеs of opinionthеymayhave. 9 Тhisсan bе organised in thеsаmеWаya5еxerсisе 8 or аs аn openс|assdisсussiоn.

Dividеstudents intosma||groups.Giveеaсhgroupа p|асе writtenon a piесеof pаpеr,for еxampIе: аirсrаft,librаry, motorway. Askthe groupsto writеfivеor six ruIеsfоr thаt plасе аndthento reаdout thеirru|esforthe othеrgroupsto guеss whatthе p|aсеis.

[еt's practisr grammаr SBpagеs 20-21

Younееd Youdon,tnееdto bring... ..' you nееdto useа flash. Katedoesn'tneedto work Markoughtto do ...

bе аb|eto 2 Сan 3 be аb|eto 4 bе ab|еto 5 bе ablеto 6 Сan

o- Тhg right uord 91с






Listeningand speaking

ldеntitу parade SBpagеs22_2З

Warm-up Bеforеstudеnts openthеirbooks,аskthemto te||yousomе (forеxamp|е: waysin whiсhсriminals arеidеntifiеd DNАprofiling,fi ngerprinting,сlosеd-сirсuitсomerls, identity pаrаdеs). Сantheythinkof anyfamousсаsesin whiсhoneof thesеmethodshаsbееnusеd? 1 Studеnts do theеxеrсise in pairs.Сhесkthеаnswers with thесIass.

Somеor alIof theexеrсisеs саn be givеnаs homеwork. e- сdn, hаvo Io, m4|, muыt and should 1 ,l shou|d 2 hаvеto 3 mustn't 4 саn 5 doesn'thаvеto 6 саn't 7 maу 8 shou|dn't 21сan|maу 2 mustn't 3 must 4 mustn't 5 mustn't 6 сan 7 сan't 8 must 9 саn 10 саn 11 саn't 12 must 3 1 2 3 4 5 6

СouIdyoup|аytheguitar...? l hadto go homеfromsсhoo|yеsterdaу ... Jaсkсouldn'tpIаyfootbaIlbесause... Wеdidn'thavеto bе homееar|ybесаusе ... Whiсh|anguаgеs сou|dyouspеаkwhеn...? Youmustn'tеat ...

4 1 hаsto 2 doеs... havеto 3 hаdto 4 mustn't 5 hadto 6 must 5 1 2 3 4 5

Whеnl wasat sсhoo|, I hadto Weara uniform. Johnhasto goto sсhoo|unti|hе's16. | сouIdn't spеаkЕnglishwhеnl was7 yearsold. СаnI stаyat Ji|l'shousеon saturday, Mum? СеIiасаn'tdrivea сarby hersеlf. Shеhasn'ttakеn hеrdrivingtеst. 6 | mustn'tforgеtto ringТimtonight.|t'shisbirthdaу. 7 Wеwеntout |astnightbeсausе wе didn'thаveto do anу homеwork.

Extеnsion a- Ought to, naad Io 6 1 oughtto 2 neеdto 3 doеsn'tnеedto 4 neеdsto


\ 2 Аskpairstb jointogеther to mаkegroupsof fourto dо 2. ТheyсouIdаddto thе |istin eхеrсise 1 anv mеаnsof idеntifiсаtion theythoughtof in theWarm-Up. Аskеaсh groupto sharеthеiridеaswiththе с|аss. lаnguage notes _ Wayor mеthod(nosingu|аr mеаns(noun) form)

Listеning 3


.d|2e Bеforеyou playthe rесording, askstudеnts to аntiсipаte whаtеaсhsесtionmightinсludе. TеlIstudеnts that twiсе.Playthе reсording. уouаrеgoingto p|aythе reсording

Rе|iаb|е identifiсation of сriminа|s is,of сoursе, vitаI|y importаnt. Think aboutidentityparades, forexamp|е. Тhеseаrеpo|iсeproсedurе pеop|e throughout thеwor|d. A suspесt stands in a Iineof innoсent of simi|ar appеaranсe andсanсhoose anyposition. Тhеwitnеss isthеnаsked parades to identify thesuspeсt. Unfortunаte|y, аrеnotVeryre|iab|e. Ifthе rеаlсrimina| is notthere,а witness pеrsonwho mayсhoosеan innoсеnt rеsemb|es thесriminа|.

.\ trlaphone сonv9r6ation .cLз P|аythе rесording thеnаskstudеnts to сorrесtthe .аisеstаtеments in оаirs.Сhесkthеanswers withthe сlass э аr.thе reсording a seсondtimeif nесessary.



Щеt. HeI|o_ BB3076 Dt 8{асk:Am I speаkingto A|exSеe|ig? lt{еt: Yеs,that'sme. p[ BIасk:Goodmorning.Thisis PС BIaсkfromthe IoсaIpoIiсеstаtion.

I waswondеring if уouwou|dbefreeto takepartin аn identity parade onТhursday aftеrnoon. Sorrуit'ssuсhshortnotiсe. цшer: Е r. . .w h att i mе ? дllttsIасk:3. 1s. Чiеx: Еr,aсtua|lу, |'Vegotа Ieсturе thеn.But| саnmissit,as it'snot thatimportant and| сangеtthеnotesfromsomeone e|se. Ч B|асk:0K _ thаt'sfine.Thаnks vеrymuсh. {Dl 1 Тruе

3 Тruе

optionalaсtivity ]fstudеnts havеprob|еms with3.15and3.50, saуthе

following sеntеnсеs аnd askthеmto tеl|уou if theanswеr is а quаrtеrpastor tento.Kееpthе paсebrisk. l.mmeеtinghеrаt 6.15/ 6.50, Тhеprogrоmmе startsat B.15/ B.50. Тheуdidn,tgеtup until 10'15/ 10'50on Sundоуmorning. Thеplоneis dueto lаndаt 11.15/ 11.50. Thеtimeis 1.15/ 1.50bу mу watсh.

WеI|,notthаt muсh_ but it,snot bаd.I gettl0 for up to аn hour,and Е'5for everyhаIfan hour afterthat.Тhere'seven аn additionаI i5 if you'reсalIеdin at shortnotiсe,whiсh isn'tbad whenyou'rеа penniless student! Interviеwer:So whаt happеnswhеn you get there? AIeх: Youjustsignyournamеand wait in the waitingroomuntiI theyсa||you. Interviеwer:Аnd is it easy?| mеan,doesanythingеVergo wrong? AIеx: I oftеnfind it impossib|еto kеepa straightfасe.You rea||у haveto be vеrуdisсipIined and not burstout |аughing _ espесiа||y sometimes whenthеуаskyou to stiсkon thosе smа||goatеebеardsand hats,sсаrves,that 50rtof thing! Interviewеr: But don,tvou feеIsorrvfor the witness? AIex: You standbehinda one-Way mirro1so уoUсan'teversеe the witnеss.Тheу сan seе еvеrуthing,of сourse.You do seе the suspeсt, though. Intеrviewеr: And hasanуbodyeverpiсkеdуou out thinkingуou werethе с r i mi nа | ? AIeх: Yеs,onсе* аnd then it wаsvеrу diffiсuItto kеepa straight faсe! Interviеwer: Buttheydidn'tarrеstyou,I hopе! AIex: No.thevdidn't! Interviewer: And whatdo уou do whileyou'rewaitingfor thе parade? Aleх: oh, it'saIIveryсiviIisеd. Тherе,s а ТV and theysomеtimes givеyou сoffeеand bisсuits...


t ;:

Studеnts writеУesnехtto thе stаtеmеnts thеуthinkA|еx madеandNo nеxtto theonеshе didn't.Studеnts сheсk thеiranswеrs in pairs. ,

o6|z.аP|aуthе rесording again.studеntsrеwritеthе statеmеnts thеymarkеdwithа No.Сhесkthеаnswers With thес|аss.

Languagеnotes goatееbеаrd- a smа||pointеdbeаrd


l пtеrviewеr:SoAIex,how did you getintothis idеntitуparadеbusinеss? Цех: Wе|l,|,dbееnIookingin thе IoсаIpapersfor weеksfor a partlimejob _ at the time I wasa bit shortof саsh_ аnУWaу, a friendof minе had a сarstoIenаnd Wewentto thе nеаrеstPoIiсeStationto reDortthе thеft. So you wеreаskеdto takе partat thе Po|iсeStationthere a nd thеn? .Сash WеII,not ехaсtly.I sаwthis postеron the wаIIthat said Rеwаrd'and l was intеrеstеdin whаt it might bе for,so I startеdrеadingit. I thoughtit Iookеdintеrеsting, so I askеd for an appIiсation form_ and |'vеbeenbusyeversinсe! ntеrviеwеr: So how manу paradeshaveуou taken part in? {Jех: I'velostсount,to telIthe truth,but it'sdefinitelywe|Iovеr50. ]гltеrviеwеr:And what happеns?Do you haveto wearwhat they givеyou? l'Jех: probably No,you сan wearwhatyou Iikе.Тhе rеa|сriminaI's сhаngеdс|othesanywayIoadsof timessinсеthe сrimеwas сommittеd. Yes,of сourse.... Аnd havеyou madеa |otof moneу?

7 Dividеstudеnts groups intosmаII thеquеstion. to disсuss Rеmindthеmto answеr|he Whу?paгtof thе quеstionas We|| asthеfirstpart.A||ow a maХimUm Ask of fivеminutеs. groupsto sharеthеiridеaswiththе с|ass. WritеWhу?and Whуnot?аs hеаdings on thе boаrdandаskthеgroupsfor thеirrеаsons. FоrехаmоIе: Whу? an еasyWaуto earnmoney hе|pto сatсhсriminaIs Whуnot? witness mightthinkyouаrеthесriminаI mighthavеto Wеarstupidсlothes

Speaking Pгonunсiation в .€ д l. P|аythе rесording. Тhеstudents shоu|dbе аb|еto rесognise thе mainstressaftеrIistеning onсe.lf theуsееm plауthе rесording unsureaboutanуof thеWords, again bеforесhесking thеanswеrs Withthе сlass.


interеsted .l businеss2 appligation3 фfinite|у 4 сomлLЦtеd 5 adфionaI 6 pеnniIеss 7 disсip|inеd B suspeсt 9 |f studеnts Wеrenotсonfidеnt aboutthеstresspattеrns, ask the сlаssto rеadthewordsa|oudin сhorus. 10 Studеnts do thе еxerсisе on thеirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withtheс|ass.

irres{_ to Ьt,е: thеуаrebе|iеve

а judу _ somщ . сourtоf lаw _ 0 ronюm monеуpаld bl hasbеепkidпаpщd . " murder- killingа o burglсr - a

* Quiсkfiller! Аskstudents if thеyсanthinkof аnvothеrvеrbаnd noun pаirswhеrеthеstrеssshiftsin а simi|аrwaу|o аpptуоppliсаtion. Еxamp|еs inс|udе:сombine* сombinаtion,

o thiф -

ассused eт: a rеwrd:я

Еxplaining .Qa}aа.Те|I studеnts to readthеdia|oguе bеforеthеу|istеn '' to thе rесording аndte|lthеmto tryandаntiсipаtе Whаt mightgo in thеgаps.Те||students thаtyouаrеgoingto p|aythе rесording onlyonсe.P|aуthе rесording. Studеnts fil|аs manygapsas thеyсаn.Studеnts сomparеthеir answеrs Withа partner's. p|аythе reсording lf nесеssаrу, againfor studеnts to сomp|etе thе diа|oguе. Сhесkthe аnswеrs withthе с|аss.

@ Asking/ Explainingwhat somethingmeans Sandу: You see this word burglor.l Whаt does it mean? I think it's somеonеwho 2 breaksinto a houseto ] 5tеа] Joе: something. Sаndy: +Аh. so that'sit!And саnyou te||mе whatransommеans? |t mеanssomеthingthat you paуto kidnappersto gеtthе pеrson Joе: theykidnappedbaсk.s |Vavbе vou сan tеl|me whata vеrdiсtis? Sandy: No,| сan,t.Lеt,sо |ookit uo.

12 Dividеstudеnts intothreеgroup5, A, B аndс, Withthе sаmenumbеrof students in eaсhgroup.Giveеасhof thе groupssixof thеwordsin thе |ist(onеwordсаn bе left out).Studеnts disсuss explanаtions of thewordsthеvhаvе beengivenusingthе phrаsеs in ,l,l.Givеthеmаbouttеn minutes. Monitorandсhесkthеyarеusingthеphrasеs сorrесt|y. Nowdividеstudеnts intogroupsof thrеe,with onеstudеntfromgroupА, onеfromgroupB and onefrom groupС in еасhgroup.Tеl|thе newgroup5to exp|ain thеir wordsto еaсhothеr.lf mono|inguaI diсtionariеs аrе availabIe, tеIIstudеnts to usethеmto сheсkthеmeanings of wordswherеthеrеis disagrееment, or wordsthаtnonе of themknow.Сhесkthе еxp|anations withthe с|аss.


a susprсt.: а сrlmе fraud -.


а mu$FI.

щоp|e.'iB 13 Studеnts under|ine thеwordson thеirown.Сheсkthе аnswеrs withthесlаss. Or a a

14 Studеnts workin pairs.Rеmindthеmto usеthеphrases in 1,1. Мonitorthеpаirswhi|ethеyаreworking, if nесеssary hе|ping withvoсabu|аry. Сhесkthееxp|anаtions withtheсlаss.

Еole pla1 15 Putstudеnts intopairsandgivethеma rolе,А or B.Те|Ithem to rеadthеirrolеandthinkaboutwhаtthеyarеgoingto say. Studеnt А wi||nееdto thinkaboutthedеtаilsof thесrimefor еxamp|e: whеrе,whеnandhoщwhatthе bikеis likе. Student B wi||nееdto аskthеquestions аnd makenotеs. pеrformthe roIеp|аy.Monitorand mаkеa notеоf Students any mistakes forсorreсtion lаter.YoumаyWаntto askthе bеstpairsto pеrformthеirro|ep|аyto thес|ass.

"-*--*-\ optional aсtivity ]r lg in somеnеWspapеr reports of сrimеs.Askstudеnts, ii ,'-iэrking groups, in pairsor smаI| to сhoosе an artiсIе э 3зouta саsеwhiсhinterеsts thеm.ThеnеWspapеrs сanbе i п their|аnguаgе, butthеdisсussion shouIdbе in Eng|ish.i 1skthеmto dеsсribе brief|y to the rеstof thе сIаsswhat 1 lhе сriminaI did andwhаtthеsеntеnсe was.Dothеуthink i lhе sеntеnсе wasfair?Whаtsеntеnсе wou|dthеyhаvе i

g]vеn if]!Ч.!:9..т-9:" :l":*9g**" -"-**

Writinga Iеttеrgiving adviсе А home-stоу visit SBpagеs 24-25 Itarm-up 1 students |ookаt thеаdvеrtisеmеnt for a homе-stay studу сoUrse on page24. Answеr thеquestions ora||у asа с|ass. Lаnguagеnotеs yisit- whеnthе studentstaysin thе homеof a a homе-stау fаmi|у Writеthе hеadings Аdvаntаges andDisаdvаntages on thе boаrd.Askstudеnts forthеirsuggestions andwritеthеmup in nоtеform,Iikеthis: Advantagеs Disadvantages havеto spеakEng|ish Ionе|y аlIthеtimе еxpеriеnсе Eng|ish havеto spеakЕng|ish fаmiIylifе all thetime no trаvе|ling to |essons mightnotIikefami|у Askstudеnts if thеywеrеoffеrеda сoUrsein a |anguagе sсhoo| in Еng|and or a homе-stау visit,whiсhwouIdthеу сhoose? Takea с|аssvotе.

Studyingthe sample 2 Askstudеnts to сovеrup Mаriа's|еttеrand rеаdthe situation aIoudto thеm.Askthemto prеdiсt whаt questions Mariamightаskin hеrIеttеr. Writеsomе suggеstions on thе board.Studеnts thеnrеadthе lеttеrto сhесkif thеirsuggеstions Werесorrесt. 3 Givеstudеnts two minutеsto skimrеаdthe rеp|у. Studеnts disсuss thеiranswers in pairs.Сhесktheanswers withthе с|аss.


i:"Т.ff;n.'"u* . жil fi:i.*аndmoreсomfortаblе. ,;;у:,'{:{^уou oII ritthеstаtion)

ffiil-l';T }:l:l',Ь,.,, Wеаthеr

homе .visitWоrdsworth's

oftеnwet- takewаtеrоroоf с|othins

5 Studеnts do thееxеrсisе on thеirоwn.Rеmindthеmto |oo аt thеwordsbеforеandaftеrеaсhgapto hеlpthеmdесide whаttypeof wordthеуwilInеed.Тhiswi||aIsohe|pthеm to undеrstаnd thе соntеxt thеwordis usеdin. Сheсkthе аnswеrs withthес|ass.

e, , 1 b 6а

zс 7a

зь 8a

4a 9b

5с 10с

&lving advice 6 Studеnts do the exеrсisе on thеirown.Аskthеmto writе downthe phrasеs SaIIy usеs.Сhесkthеanswеrs withthе probIеms, сlаss.Ifstudеnts hаd writеthеexprеssions on theboard. oi 1 2 3 4

| thinkyоushоu|d takеthеtrain. Itwou|dbе bеttеrto travе|on Fridаymоrning. | thinkрu оughtto trу а YouthHostеl. ...sоtаkёsomеwatеrproоf сlothing.

Askstudеnts howSa||y softеns thеadviсеshеgivеs(byusing phrasеs suсhas l thinkуoushould... аnd lt wouldbe bеtter... . Sheаlsousеsmoda|s|ikeshouldandoughtto,). Rеmindstudеnts thаtthissoftening of is veryсharaсtеristiс Еnglish. 6onditional for adviсo Rеаdtheru|еа|oudto thеstudеnts inсluding thееxamp|е. Answer аnуquеstions. 7 Studеnts do thееxеrсise on thеirown. :lr ll I ' rr.: lrl:lli..ll,


sьe,. U$f*.iцfoim1! 8 Studеnts workin oairs.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthесIаss. .1. iiilligоklлg i5.п.вйяЦilт6t,lЁiаlйр ..]l'. l. fфrd..:.rpj,..lt;.*iiil.;iiа.'иl.$egrl.rви..фи1.':..'.;.......l.:l::...l.'l....... Фi1d 2с зb 4a shёl.tig1$ll1r:lё..;|шer..rvitn...цЁi'.fiв!.:n.G*иlti1:.l.l.l.:.':.l.'li:..:..:.:..'..i..'..l.. .... ..:.....

Stеpsto betterwriting 4 Studеnts workon theirown.Те|IthеmthеУshouldmаkе notesrathеrthanсopyingsеntеnсes fromthе |ettеr. |fthеy nееdhе|p, dotheTrаnsporf sесtion withthеmon thе board andthеntеl|thеmto сontinuе on thеirown.

9 Bеforеstudеnts givethеmonе minutеto do thееxеrсise, rеadthе prob|ems аndthinkof а piесeof adviсеforeaсh onе.Rеmindthеmto usеthеohrаsеs work from6' Studеnts in pаirsgivingandreсеiving аdviсе. Ф; Studеnts' ownanswеrs.

Uвingartiсlos 10 Studеnts dothееxеrсisе ontheirown.Сheсk thеаnswers withtheс|аss.

ф Quiсk fiIIer! Аskstudentsif thеyсanthinkof otherwаysof trаvelling whiсhсаn gowith the prеpositionbу (bуbus,bу аir, bу boot" bу bike). ls thеreanothеrpreposition usedwith waysof travel|ing? (Yes,oл _ on horsebасk, onfoot). 11 Studеnts do the еxerсise on theirown.А|ternative|y, do thе exerсise orallvas a who|ес|ass.

givethеma minutеto rеаd 12 Bеforеstudеntsdo the exerсisе, the quеstions аndthinkof someanswers. ln pairsstudеnts disсussquestions 1-4.А|lowa maximumof fivеminutеs. Whi|estudеnts аretaIking, monitorаnd сheсkthatthеy knowthe Еng|ish namеsforthearеаs'distriсts and сitiеs theymеntion,if thеrеis an Eng|ish nаmе.|f nесеssаry, writеthemup on the board.Askpairsto sharеtheiridеаs withthе с|ass.

Writingyourlеtter Undoratanding tho tasК ReadUnderstаnding the taskaloud to the сIаss.Makеsurе studеntsundеrstand whatthеyhаveto do.Askstudеntsto dесidеwhethеrtheirlettеrshouldbе formа|or informа|. suggest thatthеywriteаn informaI |еtterasJim is а young person. ?lanning 13 Dividеstudеnts intogroupsof thrееor four.Те||thеmto thinkaboutwhattheydisсussеd in 12 whеnplanningthеir paragraphs. Monitorand providеhе|pif nесеssary. 14 Тe|lstudents to lookbaсkаt theWaysof givingаdviсеthеy Iistedin 6. Youсаn а|sosuggest thattheylook bасkat Sа||y's |etterin 3 to he|pwithinformal|anguagе and ordеring thеirparagrаphs. Askthemto tе|lyou howthеy сou|dеnd thеirlеtter,for example:Withbestwishes. Writing 15 Studеnts writetheir|ettеrs in сlаssor for homеwork. Rеmindstudentsthаtthe lettеrsshou|dbе bеtween 120-150words. LhoсYing 16 Rеmindstudеnts thattheyshou|da|wаys сhесkthеir writtеnwork.Setаsidesomеtimein с|аssforthemto еxсhаnge their|etters witha paгtnеr's аnd сhесkthrough eaсhother'sworkfor thе pointslistеdunderСheсkingand alsoforthestandard of hаndwriting.

ED l_

Tellstudents to imaginеthatа goodЕnglish friеndof thеirsis сomingto theirсountryfora homе-stаy visit.Tе||thеmto write a |еtterto thеirfriend,givingadviсеon thefo||owing topiсs: . а goodpresеnt to bringforthеfаmily. . whatto do,andwhаtnotto do in thе homе. . thin8sto do in thеevеning. Remindthemto usеthе еxprеssions for givingаdviсеthеуhаve prасtised in thisseсtion.

Word foсus SBpage 26 e',prain pgu?r 1 1 rеmembеring2 explanation3 obsеrvаnt 4 memoriеs 5 mind 6 rеmind 7 brain 8 sеnsеs о,. ltlords сюnnoc|oduith сrimo 2 1 burg|ary2 speеding 3 manslaughter 4 murder 5 mugging 6 thеft o', &iving dafinitlons 3 1 doеsit mеаn 2 | thinkit's 3 don'tyou 4 l'm notsure 5 muсhmorеserious 6 do yоuthinkwou|dbе 7 prisonsеntеnсe 8 wou|dbе еяоugh 9 firstoffenсe

Ехtеnsion o'. Ptrrasаl vorbs ,t 1 put ... up b 2 makeup d 3 sеt off с 4 findout а 5 drop... offе 5 1 mаdеup 2 drop... off 3 sеtoff 4 foundout 5 put... up ь'ProPogitionэ 61of 2in 3аt 4tor 6 without 7 with


Rеadingfor pleasure A new sport SBpagе 27 Warm-up questions Diсtatе thеfol|owing to thеstudents: Hаveуou evеrploуеdсhеss? If уes,how oftеndo уou plау? lf no, wouldуou like to ploу? Whу/ whу not? Te||studеnts to askthrееpeop|ein the с|assthe questions. Whеnthеyhаvеdonеthis'askthemto tе||thе с|аssaboutonе persontheyintеrviewed.

"""**"*"*i optional aсtivity ;' . ..оuhаvеenoughbi|ingua| diсtionаriеs forеverytwo i siudеnts, askthemto workin pаirsаndfindoutthе Ё теаningof someor a||of thеfoIlowing wordsfromthеtеxt: i цеg.0nnoу,relent,аbsorb,оdversоrу,wеоkness, withhold, ff .\torе

r1hеnstudеnts havefinishеd, askthеmto rеadthеtextto tindthеwоrds.

fun1Тaniь а bоst-аslling authoгwhoшasboгnin thоU6A of ..hineьeparentь' ihо wаebroughtup in bothihо Unitоditatоs andourope'A сommon thоmein hsг booКsiвfamil1 гelаtionьhips, paгtiсulaгl1 Lhineьv thогolаtionshipь bоtшeоn pагonte, сhilrdren. uauаll1mothaгs, аndthgiг(hinoьo-Pvnoriсan 'thedoуLuсКСlubhaьboenmаdоintoа film.


LettsreviseUnits 1 and 2 SB pagеs28_29

Grammar 1',l э 7 I

oftenhеlp 2 think 3 nееdsto 4 'sdoing a|wаys сomp|aining6 prеfеrs doеsthismobi|еphonеbe|ong to arebесoming


Yеs,but I hаvеto pаssmу еxamsfirst. Yеs,hе mUstn't windsurf forthrееmonths. No,youmustn't smokein thеwaitingroom. Notrеa||y. l hаdto gеtup аt sixevеrymorning Yеs,l do.СanI borrowуourmobilеphonе? YoushouIdgoto thе doсtor's.

2 3 4 ) 6

3 1с 2a з с 4a 5с 11 с 12b 13b 14с

6a 7с 8b 9с 10 15a 16с 17b 18с

Voсabulary о'. .l 2 3 4 5 6 7 Your rеaсtions givеthеmtwo minutеsto rеad Bеforеstudents do thе еxerсise thеquеstions andthinkаbouttheirrеsponsеs. Dividestudеnts groups intosmaII thеquеstions' A||ow to disсuss a maximum of tеnminutеs. Askgroups to sharеtheiridеaswiththесIass. Thismay|еadto furtherdisсussion if thеrеаrediffеrеnсes of opinion.


fasсinating2 friеndlу 3 nationaIistiс 4 сuIturе 5 сustoms 6 indеpеndеnt7 identity


putup with 2 makеup 3 building up 4 drop Pаmoff (at) 5 sеtoff


rеmind 2ехplаnation 3mеmory 4shy э burg|аr 6 offenсе 7 arrеstеd


idеntifiсаtion2 сonversаtion3 performanсе 4 сonstruсtiоn5 аpp|iсation6 organisation 7 ounishmеnt


taI| 2stoсky 3fair 4short 5wavу 6b|ue

5ее Unit sшmmaryon Contеntspages4-5

ReadinB Upsоnddownsof thе h u mо n ГaСe sвpagеs з0_З,l

'} * optional aсtivity j sсanrеadingаndto foсuson сеrtаin $ To еnсouragе youсanaskstudеnts i" voсabu|аrу, to find individuа| words i in thetext.Tе|lthеmyouwiIlgivеthеfirstаnd |аstlеttеr of a wordandthеymustfindit in thеtеxtasquiсk|y аs ,l7 thеyсan.(SееdеtаiIs on pаgе of thisТеaсher,s Guidе) Suggestions h-I(hеight)w-d(wilф a-e(аgriсulturе) f-d (fаrmlаnф

QuiсK quiz 1 students workin pаirsor smаlIgroups to do thеquiz.Givе thеmfourminutеs. Те|Ithеmto gUеss if theydon'tknow thеаnswеrs. Сhесktheanswеrs Withthес|ass. Findout whiсhstudеnts knowmostаboutnutrition byasking studеnts to pUtup thеirhаndsif thеyаnswеrеd сorrесt|y.

Studеnts do thееxеrсisе on thеirown.Сhесktheanswеrs withthесlass.

ь, 1 Thеhеightwеwеrеthousаnds of yеаrsago. 2 Thеstаp|еdietwаslimi.tеd to thrееplаnts. 3 lt hаsсhалgеdourihаpе:wе hаvеbесomеs|ightly ь, 1bаndс 2b 3с 4b thinnеrаndimal|еr. 4 Wе wl|Idеvеlорsmа||еr skе|еtons and bесоmеfattеr. 2 Dividestudеnts intotеаmsof fivеandgivethemfivе git tal{е,. oR Wе wiII minutеs to сomеup withas manуkindsof foodas possibIе in eасhсategory. А|ternativе|у, dividеstudеnts intosix groupsand givееaсhgroupa саtеgory. Givethеmtwo minutes to сomеup withаs mаnуwordsas possib|е in thаt сaIеgory. o' Possiblеаnswеrs mеat:сhiсkеn, bееf,pork,vеaI hеrbs:pars|еу, rosеmarу, сamomi|е fruits:bаnanа, аpр|е,Iеmon, orаngе bеrriеs:strawbеrrу, rаspbеrry, b|асkbеrrу сrops:potatoеs, wheаt,riсе ju,n|с'f.tоdl mb.urgеrs, hоt dоgs,сhips,сrisps .h.a

Reading 3 Askstudеnts tо skimreadthеаrtiс|е andto notеthеtimе thеytаkе.Rеmindthеmthаttheуshou|d tryto improve thеirskimrеаding spееd. Languagenotеs Thеtit|еToobigfor ourbootshasa dоub|еmеаning: . Тhеobvious mеaning, rеfеrring to thеsizеof ourfееt. . Тhееxprеssion сana|sobе usеdto rеfеrto а pеrsonor peop|е whois / arеovеrсonfident аndarrogant.

Sсаnning is а vеrуimportаnt skiIIto dеvе|op, еspeсiа|ly whеndoingеХams. Pointoutthаtthе mаindiffеrenсе bеtwееn sсаnning аndskimming is thаtthеаim of is to findа piесеof informаtiоn sсаnning in а tеxtqurсkly whi|еthеаim of skimming is to gеtthе mаinidеasin thе whоIеtеxt. 4 Bеforеstudеnts sсanthetеxt,askthеmto undеr|ine kеy wordsin thеquestions. ThiswiIlhе|pthеmto stop аutomatiсal|y whеntheysееthesаmеor simiIаr wordsin thе tеxt,for еxamp|е: returning' invention, сlimаte,t'uturе.


do thе restof thе eхеrсisе 5 Studеnts on thеirown.Те||them to find rеаsons fortheirсhoiсеsin thеtеxt.Studеnts сompаrеthеiranswеrs witha partnеr's. ъ, 1b




6 Studеnts workin pairsto dесidеon а suitabIе sUmmarу sеntеnсе for pаragraph 5. o- Possib]eаnswеr A rеturnto diеtsof thеpаstis makingpеopletаl|еr.

Voсabulary Desсгibing pоople 7 Studеnts do thееxеrсisе in pairsor on theirown.Сhесkthе аnswers withthесlаss. ф1





....] ....: ..] ..: : l....: .] ; ] l

* Quiсkfillerl A сompound nоunis oneсomposеd of twoor morеwords or pаrtsof words.Тhеwordsmаyеithеrbе twosеparаte wordsor joinedtо formonеword,or Iinkеdbya hуphеn asin hunter-gаthеrеr. Аskstudеnts to findmorееxamp|еs of сompound nounsin thе artiсIe(еxаmp|еs inс|udet'аrmlаnd, mоnkind,stаplе diеt).

тшлгulпaI о- PossibIе.аnswеrs l д...s:udеnts tо dо thееxеrсise on thеirownwithout a OnedЫ St сo|umbааskеdonеof his rnоnks... ..-i' Пgat thеartiсIе аgаin.Studеnts сompаrе thеiranswеrs b Сo|цmba huirieddowntо.thеwаtеr'1 edge,gotintoa /{.. а paГtnеr,s аndthеnIookаt thеаrtiсIе againto сhесk but intothе |akе. . boаtand.rowеd :-е ].аnsWеrs. withthесlаss. Сhесkthеаnswеrs с. Сolumbaйаs Iivingat FortAugustus ... . d ... thе sun Was shining ... г.,l b 2с зь..l.*..l'1;l;l.l$'.1l.bl].l.1.;ltl111.i.:.i1...tii..ii..l.;:l е ... аs hе wаsсrоssing thе|осhhе suddеn|у sawa strаngе сrеatUrе. PгtPositions f Тhеmonkhаdhеardpеop|е in thеvil|аgе tа|k. '. 9 !:;dеntsdo thееxеrсise on theirownor in pairs.Сhесkthe I alswеrswiththес|аss. Paвt simple or Pa6t сontinuous? }. 1 on 2 iп 3 tо 4.for ) WtтtI 3 Studеnts do thеехеrсisе on thеirown.Тhеyсanсompare thеiranswеrsin pairsbеforеyouсhесkthеanswers with thе с|ass. Пme to talk! дj.(5tudеnts to rеadthе ouеstions. Givеthеmtwo minutеsto C:t! - -lе dоwntheirrеsponsеs. оf Dividеthеmintopairsor groups 1:.,,lr or fivеto disсuss Pairsor groupssharе thеirresponsеs. :.t r idеaswiththесIass. Тhismavleadto furthеrdisсussion.


З2_3З sвoasеs

Тhe past- narrativеtensеs Putstudеnts in intopairsto desсribe whatis happеning еасhpiсturе. At thisstagеit doеsn,tmаttеrif theуusеthе prеsеnt tensеor the pasttеnsе.

Paэt вimplо or paat уorfoc|? 4 Studеnts rеadthesеntenсе in аndаnswеr thеouеstions pairs.Е|iсit answеrs fromthесIаss. o'. .I rеаdingthе bооks,рastpеrfесt{hсd..+..i1fi.tt.!t!V.ф'.......]:l. 2 Yеs,аlthоughit is morеnaturа| to put it first.

Askstudеnts to skimrеаdthеstorУto сheсkif thеir dеsсriptions wеreaссurаtе. Askstudents to putthе piсturеs in ordеrwithoutreading thеtextagаin.Students сomparе аnswers witha pаrtnеr's andthеnrеаdthеtеЦ;gain.


a- 3,1,4,2

Ъrammarсheсk past perfесt

Past gimPlq paьt сontinuouэor уaьi.уerfoc|.? a -I


о' гаst.si.;ii r'..1..' оеsсrilbeЦl..ll..li.l.'ll:l. Iookеd.]l.:l.:].]l:.l].:;.:,.l];..i


l'. "iаi..l.l..'..l........... swаm.. .].:].]j:]:].:l]].]: : hеаrd..l..:........]l..... :.,.



Usеs 2 Bеfоrestudеnts е|iсitthe kindof words do thе еxеrсisе, thеyarе|ooking for in thеtеxtthаtwi||he|pthemto find words|ikefinоllу, the usеs,for еxamp|е: a timerеfеrеnсе, in thеtеxt.Studеnts whilе.Аskthеmto undеrIinе examp|еs dо the exеrсisе in pairs.Сheсkthе ansWеrs withthе с|аss.

ё6)t.l Rеmindstudеnts to skimrеаdthеtеxtbеforеthеy Iistеn. Givеthеmtimeto dо this.Тe||studеnts thаtУouare goingto p|аythе rесording twiсе.PIaуthе reсording. Studеnts сomp|еtе аs mаnуof thеanswеrs asthеyсan. Studеnts сhесkthеirаnsWеrs in oаirs.


A fеw yearsаgo l r Wentсampingwitha friеndin the RoсkyMountainsin thе USA.Peop|e2 warnеdus aboutbеarsbеforewe lеft,so we did alIthе rightthings'Weз didn,tсooknеxtto the tеntand we с|eanedour сooking еquipmеntаftеrwe +had hаd our meaIs.Еvеrynightwe 5 р.ц1aIIthе food peaсеfu||у in a bаgаnd hungit fromа trее.onе night,l ь wass|eеoing when I suddenIуwoke up bесausе| z hеаrda strangenoise.My hеart startedbeatingfast.lt was а bearand it 8 WastrY!-ing to reaсhthe food in thе bag!| didn,tknowwhаtto do,so I s dесidеdto wakemy friеnd,but he ll сrаwIеdoutside. Wasn,t there.l0 Hadthe beareatenmy friеnd?| sIow|у |t Wаsn'ta bear.|\4y friendhad got hungrуin the midd|еof thе night,so hе lz had сIimbedthe treeto try and gеtsomеfood.Unfortunatе|y, hе had got stuсk!

P|aythеrесording аgаinforstudеnts to сhесkand,if nесеssаry, withthе Сhесktheаnswеrs сorrесtthеirаnswеrs. с|ass.


o'' ?aв| simplg paвt сontinuou6or Paь,.PorJteсii?

Тelling a etor1


ii rl

Putstudеnts intopаirsandаskthеmto quiсklydesсribe whatis hаppеning in еaсhpiсturе. тe||themthеyаregoing to makеup а storyaboutonеof the piсturеs usingthe pointsprovidеd. Еnсourage themto mаkenotesaboutеaсh pointаndthеntеllthесomp|еtе storyorа||y. Pairste||their storiesto thе с|ass. Students writеtheirstoriеsin сlassor for homеwork. ln thе nеxt|essonstudеntsсan сheсkеасhother'swork' optionаl aсtivity Givееaсhstudenta blаnksheеtof pаper.Те|lthеmto writethе firstpartof thе storyWhere you уtуere atthetop of thе pаgе.TelIthemto bе imaginаtive andto useful| sеntеnсes. studеntsthenfo|doverthe top of thе раpеrto hidеthе sеntеnсе аnd passthе pаpеrto thеstudеnton theirleft.Тhisstudentwritеsthesесondpаrtof thеstory, fo|dsthe pаpеrand passesit on.Сontinuе untiIaIIof the pаrtshаVеbeеnwritten.Studеnts unfo|dthe pieсеof papеrthеyarefinаl|ygivenаnd rеadthеstorya|oud.

Let's practisе grammar SBpages 3,t-35 Somеor aIIof thе exеrсisеs саn bе givеnаs homework.

Ф'. Pa6t simplospolling d



irrеgular [tt]еd hurried stopped swam desсribed аttaсkеd triеd shonе Iivеd fеtсhed saw сrossеd knеw

rеа|isеd stаrtеd

й'Pagt 6.mPle or pаst сontinuoug? 2 1 wаstalking,asked 2 waswa|king, sаw 3 wasn'tworking, аrrived, wаswatсhing 4 lookеd.mеt 5 fеlIovеr,wаswa|king 6 wеrес|imbing, bеgan 7 wеredriving,hаd 8 wasswimming, got Ф'' Pa6t Portoat. 3 2 Wewentto Brazi|aftеrwе hаdbeento Сhi|е' Afterwе hadbееnto Сhilе,we wentto Brаzi|. 3 | hadnevеrdoneanythinglikеwhite.watеr rаfting so l deсidedto try it. 4 Whenwe mеtfora drink,we hadn'tsееneaсh othеrfora longtime. Wеhadn'tseеneaсhothеrfora |ongtimewhen Wеmetforа drink. 5 Wеhаdwа|kеdfor mаnymi|еswhenwе sаwthе vi||agе. Whenwе sаwthevi||age we hаdwа|kedfor many miles. 6 Sarаhhadtrаvе|led thatwaymanytimesso shе knеwthе roadvеrУwеl|.

41 was|iving 2 hаdgone 3 wаsraining 4 wаswа|king 5 met 6 hаdn,tseеn 7 wеrесrossing 8 sсreamеd 9 stoppеd 10 notiсеd 11 wasb|owing 12 hadputon

51 Whеntheywerеplayingtennis,it bеgаnto rain. 2 Tomdidn'tknowthathе wasbеingfo|lowеd. 3 Whenl Iivеdin Ho||ywood, I somеtimеs saw fаmousaсtors. 4 Pаulwаsсookingdinnеrwhеnthеfirestarted. 5 l wasdrivingpastthе bankwhеnl sаwthe robbery. 6 WhеnSuеwaswаlkingdownthеstrееt, sheheаrd somеone са||hеrname.

Extеnsion o- Pa6t зimploand propoaitionзof timо 61 2 3 4 5

took,no prеposition, saw in,visitеd. at on, wеnt,watсhed sаw,no prеposition, to|d,be|iеvеd саme'on.at

e', Pв' uhon and whilo 7 1 Tr ue 2 Fа|sе 3 Truе 81whеn

2 As 3When 4when 5as


о.. Тho right uord 9 1 о-pеnеd 2 wantеd 3 wеremаking 4 wаswriting 5 bесamе 6 hadinvеnted 7 сomp|еted8 сameout 9 rushed 10 began 11 wastaking 12 wassеarсhing13 usеd 14 сould

Listеningand speaking

Reliving the pоst SBpаgеs36-37

Histoч quiz 1 Beforеstudеntsopеntheirbooks,writeа groupof words сonneсtеd withthе Romаnson thе board,forexamp|е: oqueduсt,bаths,сеnturion, t'ort,glоdiаtor,theоtre,villа, Askstudеnts tо opеnthеirbooks.Аskthemwhiсhperiodin historyсonneсts the photogrаph andаl|thеwords(the RomаnЕmpire). Askwhiсhwordsarеsimi|arin thеir |аnguagе. Сanthe studеntssuggеstwhу?fhe wordsаre derivеdJrom Lаtin.) 2 Studеnts workin pairsto brainstorm whattheyknowabout thisperiod.Еnсourаgе students to usetheirgеnerаl know|еdgе andwhatthеyhavelеarnеdin historylеssons' Hе|pthеmwithvoсabu|arу if nесеssаry. Addto the сol|eсtion of wordson thе boardwhiсhаresimi|arin Еnglishand in theirown |anguagе. Сhoosеonеor two pаirs to tе||thе с|аsswhatthеУknow


Possibleanswеrs . Lаtin . с|еаn(baths, townshаdsеwаgе systеms), сruе| inсludеdgIЬdiаtor fighф,ordеr1у {еntегtainmеnt (towns wе||-p|аnned, struсtured sрtеmоf govеrnmеnt),.wаr|ike (а powеriuI armуwhiсhсrеаtеd а largееmpirе) еаsyforthе riсh,v.eryIuxurious but hаrdforthеs|аvеs goodюads,bridgеs, аqueduсts, bаths,forts,roаds, оutdoоrthеаtrеs, vilIаs,wа||s glаdiаtor fights,spqrts,сhаriоtraсеs,Сhristiаns bеing thrownto thе |ions,thеatre a





3 Аskstudеnts to аnswеr thеquеstions andthenguesswhat job givе thеmthе answеr. JеffЪ is,butdo not ц' Hе is ho|ding а shiеldаnda spеarandis wеаring a hе|mеt on hishеаd. A talк 1 66Jз,zBеforеpIaуing thе rесording аskstudеnts to rеаd thеstаtemеnts Remindthеmto undеr|inе сarefu||y. kеy words.ТеIIstudеnts thаtyouaregoingto plаythе rесording twiсе.TеIIthеmto Iistеnсаreful|y and notto writеаnything whi|еyou plаyit thefirsttimеbutto listеnforwhatJеff doеs(he3о Romаnsoldiеr). P|aуthе reсording. Lаnguagеnotes tаketimeot'ffrom а job - stopworkingfor a periodin order, forexamp|е, to havеa holiday or beсause of iIInеss orinjury

@ Hе||o! |Vtу name'sJеffаnd I'dIiketo tе||you how I beсamеа Roman soldier. l Iivеа few mi|esawayfrom thе remainsof Hаdriаn,sWaII,in the noгthof Еng|and,and so Romаnhistorуhаs a|waуsfаsсinatеdmе. I'vе hаd mаny jobs in mу Iife.l,vеworkеdas a pаinter,a |orrydrivеrand for manу yеarsas an аttеndantat thе loсal musеum.Тhat,swherеmу intеrestin Roman historyrеa||ytookoff, bесаusе|wаs surroundedby it alI dаy long,аnd I beсamequiteаn expert. Тhreeyeаrsаgо,I dесidedto givе up mу job at thе museumand start my own businеss.|'d |eаrntа Iotaboutthe Romаnsand hаd somе ехpеrienсeof taIkingto visitinggroupsof tourists,so I fеIt| сouId makеa Iivingout of bringingthе Romаnsto Iifе.I spent!1,B00 having Romanс|othеsаnd weaponsspeсia||y made. I hаd to havеtwo sеtsof сlothеs,а summеrаnd а winterversion,two he|mеts,two shiе|ds'a sword,some spеаrsand а pair of sandаIs.Then I advertisedin the loсa|tourist offiсe_ my advert offеrеd.GuidedТours of the Romаn Wallgiven bу а reaIRomanso|diеr,. The businеsswas an immеdiatеsuссеssаnd soon'as we||аs taking peop|efor tripsto the wal|,I was gettinglots of requеststo go аnd speakin sсhoo|swherestudentswеrеstudуingthе Romаnperiodof historу. Тhe tаlk I give is аimed at exp|аiningwhу the Romansсamе to Britаin' why thеy werе suссessfuI, how the Weаponsthеу usеd he|pedtheir еmpirеto growаnd what Iifеin thosеdaуswas Iikеfor an ordinary so|diеr.I a|wаyswеаr my uniform,and often |еtthе youngpeop|еtrу on mу hеlmеt.Тhеyа|soget a сhаnсеto touсh the wеaponsand imaginethemsеIvеs as soIdiеrspatro||ing the RomаnWаIItwo thousandyearsago.

Whеnthe rесording hasfinishеd, dесidеif thе studеnts statemеnts аretruеor fa|sе.P|aуthе reсording аgain. Students сhесkand,if nесеssarу, сorrесtthеiranswers. Сheсkthеanswers withthe сIаss. o- 1 Falsе 2 Fa|sе 3 Тruе 4

5 Тruе о гаt'i . TlЧti.l:

5 .Qr;'' Bеforеstudеnts Iistеnto thе rесording again,ask thеmto workin pairsandordеrthe еvеntsfrommеmorу. P|aythе reсording аgainforstudеnts to сheсkthеirguеssеs and rеordеr thееvеntsif nесessаry. o', 1f





Pronunсiation , oqlз} Askstudеnts to workin pairsto dесidewhiсhvowе| sounds arеdiffеrеnt. |fthеyknowthe phonеtiс aIphabеt, youсouldteIlthеmto writеdownthеvowelsound,or sounds,in eасhgroupof words.lf thеirаnswеrs arеWrong at thisstаge,do notсorrесtthеmbut makеa notеof any wordswhiсhareсausingdiffiсu|ty. P|aуthе rесording for studеnts to сhесkthеirаnswеrs.

@ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B


hеаd bеd said wеаr wherе were work walk word took soon moon еlsе tе|| help so know how do nе s un s o m e сIothеsсIoth both


! ,Z!n


3 lз:l :у.

iх"|'. optional aсtivity tor furthеrpraсtiсe in distinguishing bеtwееn simi|ar sounds, writеsеntеnсes in twoсoIumns Iikеtheonеs be|owon thеboаrd.MаkеsurеthаtуouwritеthеonеsIn сoIumn A in pairs.Sаythеfirstsentеnсe in a pairin сolumnA аndaska studеnt to sayitsmatсhing in sеntеnсе сolumnB.Тhеnsаythesесondsentеnсe in thеpairand askthеsаmestudеnt to sаyitsmatсhing sеntеnсе in B. Thеsеntеnсеs in сolumnB arеdеsignеd to mаkеsurеthе student hаsunderstood thesimilarsoundsin thе оаirsof sеntеnсеs in А. A|tеrnativеlv askthеwho|ес|assтo rеsoon0. Whеnstudеnts point саndistinguish bеtweеn thesounds, to a pаirof sеntеnсеs in A andaskstudеnts to sаythem. A B He likеsworking. He likеswаlking.

Hе,svеrуJit. goingtoсleаnthеhousе. |u Тheу'rе

Тheу,rеbuуingsomeсlothеs.Theуlikе to bе in fаshion. Thеу,rеbuуingsomeсloths. He Нenеvertоkеsа holidау.

* *$ Ф

L-::-:-J Speaking

Photo disсuввion 11 Dividеstudents intopairs. Te|lthemto dесidеwhoisА аnс who is B. Bеforеtheystаrt,askthemto rеadthе idеasand to makеbriеfnoteson bothof the piсturеs. Whi|еthе students аredisсussing, monitorandеnсouragе thеmto ,l0. usеа variеtуof exprеssions pairto from Аskeасh te|l the rеstof thе сlasswhiсhpеriod(s) thеythinkwouldbе thе mostintеrеsting to rеliveandwhy.

Phraвal vsrbs шith taKo and give 7 Studеnts do the exеrсisе in pairs.Thеymaynееdhe|pto rеmеmbеr thеanswеrs to 1.4 and6.Сhесktheаnswеrs withthес|аss.

il i

il 8 Studеnts rеmainin thеirpairsto do theеxеrсisе. Сhесkthе answеrs withthе сIаss. qtt

l }J':l'

2 givеuр 3 tookoff 4

ЕxDresэionв g 6y'м Studеnts do thееxеrсisе in pаirsor smа|lgroups. P|ауthе rесording so thеyсan Iistеnto thе expressions in сontеXt. Forquеstion 3, askthеmto dесidеwhiсhpеriodin historywouIdbе bestforyoUrarеа.Studеnts sharеthеir idеaswiththесIass.

Аskstudеnts to imaginеаnd dеsсribe a typiса|dayin thе |ifеof an ordinarypеrsonwho Iivеdin thе past,for еxamp|e a Romаn soIdiеr' Thеyсаnсhoosеany periodin historythеу|ike,but thеyshouIdnotmentiоn thepеriodin history in thеir desсriptions. Theусou|dеithеrdo thisora||y in groups, or writе a shortсomposition for homеwork. Аskthеgroupsto givеthеir dеsсriptions orа||y or to readout thеirсompositions' Тheс|ass guеssеs the pеriod.

Writing a desсription Grеаtwаlls SBpages 38-39 Warm-up Askstudеnts if thеyhavееvеrbеenon a tourwitha guidе. Whаtwasthеtourof? Wаsthеguidegood?Why/ Whynot? thеquеstions aboutthе anyinformation that

с@D |'d Iearnta Iotаbout thе Romansаnd hаd somе еxperiеnсeof talking to visitinggroupsof tourists,so l fеItI сou|dmаke а |ivingout of bringingthе Romаnsto Iifе.I spеntЯ,1,B00 havingRomanсIothesand Wеaponsspeсial|уmаde. I had to hаvеtwo sеtsof сlothes,a summer and а wintеrvеrsion,two hеImеts,two shieIds,a sword,somеspеаrs and a pа ir of sа nd аIs .



2 3


Studyingthе samplе

MaКinq сomparisons 6/rs Students rеаdthrough thеdiaIoguе аndin pairs '6 disсuss whatmightgo in thеgaps.Remindstudеnts of how importаnt possib|е it is to antiсipаtе answеrs. ТеIIstudеnts thаtyouaregoingto p|aythе rесording onlуonсе.P|aуthе rесording. Studеnts fi||in as manygapsasthеyсan. studеnts сhесkthеirаnswers witha pаrtnеr,s. Сhесkthe answеrs withthе сlаss.


Marty:Lifеin thе pastl wassimоIerthan Iifеin morеrесenttimes,don't you think? з morediffiсu|t Pam: Maуbе,but 2 it Wasphysiсal|y than today. sаs therеis in thе modеrn Martу:But thеrеq wаsn,tas muсhprеssure worIdaпd there6 wеren'tas manvthingsto worryaboutin a wау. Pam: Тruе,but z on the othеrhand,it wаs probаbIy lessinterеsting Iivingin thosetimеs.

2 Bеforеstudеnts do theеxеrсise, askthemto rеadthе quеstions in thе Faсtfi|е. AskthеmwhаtrеadingskilIthеy arеgoingto usewhеnthеyrеаdthe dеsсription (sсоnning). Students sсanthеtаIkandwritеin thе missing informаtion. Yоuсou|dturnthisintoa raсeto еnсouragе themto sсan quiсk|y. Теllthеmto raisetheirhаndwhеnthеvhаvе finishеd rеаding аnd havewrittеnin а|lthеinformation. Сhесkthеanswеrs withthес|аss. o;l

!:.dеntsdо thеexеrсisе on thеirownor in pairs.Remind ..еm to сhесkthewordsbeforеandаftеrthеgаpsbеforе ."е\.сhoose theirаnswеrs. PointoutthatthiswilIhеlp ."]еmto deсidеwhаttypеof wordis nеedеdаs wеlIas rе|ping themto undеrstand thесontеxt. Сhесktnеаnswеrs пiththесlаss. >. 1b




Lаnguagenotеs - 1. suссеedеd wouldbе сorrесtif it wаsfollowеdbу in .., -ing' .. suссеeded in сonquеring meаnsthе sаmеas mаnagedto -]nquеr. . 5' in spitewouIdbе сorrесtif it wаsfol|owed bу ot',i.e,in :'gitеof mеansthе sаmеаs despitе.

Stеpsto bettеrwriting

Planning 6 Studеnts p|anthеirdеsсriptions usingthеrеfеrеnсе mаtеriаl thаthаsbeеnсoI|есted. Monitor thеpairsasthеy work,hе|ping withvoсabulаry if neсеssarу. ТеlIstudеnts to lookat thеdеsсription in 2 forhеlp. Цlriting and сhecYing 7 Studеnts writеthеirdеsсriptions in с|аssin thеirpairs makingsurеthаtthеyinс|udе aIlthеthingsin 7. Makesurе you mаkеа|lthе rеfеrеnсе mаtеria| сo||есted avai|аbIe for thеmto usеwhеnwriting thеirdеsсriptions. i optionаIaсtivity Pаirsсаnеxсhangе сomp|еted dеsсriptiоns withanother pаi/s.Тhеyсheсkthatthе desсription thеyhavеoееn givеnhаsсovеrеd a||thеpointsin 7. Whenpаirsgеtthеir desсription baсkthеусanаddаnуmissing informаtion.

TЪe dоflnite ar|lic|e R,еmеmbеr! rsk а studеntto rеаdtheRеmembеrl boxandthе ru|еsin :lеrсtsе 4. 4 Students do the еxеrсisе on thеirown.Аskstudеnts forthеir аПswеrs andwriteеaсhonеon thеboardif morеthаnhа|f thес|аssagrеeit is сorrесt, evеnif it is inсorreсt. Ask studеnts to hеlpyouсorreсtаnyWronganswеrs on thе boardаs somеof thеmmаyhavеthе сorrеСt аnswеrs. |f pеnor сhа|kforthе аvаilablе, usеa differеnt-со|ourеd сorrесtions.


Word foсus sBpagеs 40_41 ь uP6 and doшnsof ths humanсaco 1 1 mankind 2 anсestors3 hunt 4 hеight pеrson 6 сouсhpotatoes 5 averagе 2 1 stap|е 2 grow 3 support 4 |ivеoff 5 gathеrеd 6 variеty

i tTJtlnit.o stut.,

g thеЕmpirеStatеBui|ding h МountEvеrest OptionalaGtivity Studеnts, working in pairsor smaIlgroups, thinkof аs mаnygеographiсaI namеsin Еng|ish asthеyсan.Thеsе сaninс|udесountriеs, сities,rivеrs,oсeansand seаs.Тhеy shouId Iistthеmin twoсoIumns likethis: ЕngIish [thеirIanguagе] Тurnthisintoa сompеtition pаirsor groups. bеtweеn Тhе pairor groupwiththеmostgеographiса| nаmеsis thе winner.Remindthemto usеdefinitеartiс|еs сorreсt|v.

Аskstudеnts to workin smаlIgroups andto prеparе а dеsсription of thеirsсhool.Те||thеmto writеit forа pаrtiсu|аr audienсе' forexаmo|е: Newstudentson thеirt'irstdоу Parеnts A groupof riсh businеssmеn аnd womеnwhomightgivеmoneу to thеsсhool ТhеyshouId thinkсarеfulIy аboutthеfасtsаnddеtаiIs thаt wou|dinterеst аndаmusеthеirrеadеr.

Еxtension i l "i


Writingyour desсription Undergtandingthe tаsK 5 Bеforеthе lеsson, guidеbooks сo|lесt|еаflеts, аnd rеferеnсе bookswhiсhсontaininformation аboutfаmoushistoriса| p|асеs in thestudеnts'сountrv. YouсouldаIsoaskstudеnts to bring|еаflеts аndbooksfromhomе. Studеnts workin pairsto сhoose а p|aсe. Rеmindthеmthat thеbuilding or monumеnt doesnothаvеto bеvеrУo|d,for еxamp|е: it сou|dbеа bridgе, а dаmor а wе|l-known fасtorУ.

о'4onfusing uords 3.lа 2d 3b 4с 41tour


3voyаgе 4journеys

o- Phrаsal verbs 5 1 putoff-b 2 tаkеnuo - е 3 putup with- а 4 |et... down- с _d 5 fе||through 6 1 takеup 2 putoff 3 putup with 4 |еt... down 5 fе|lthrough



rc*J Culture foсus А pаrliоmеntаrу monarсhу SBpagе41 Mcmbaгof Тhо9гitish?гims Miniоtsriь an aсtivoando|oсIed .thoгa tr5Ч (м? foг shoгt). aro M?s in paгliamоnt. ?aгliаmоnt Thоmoьt in tho govaгnmоnt. somоof Iheьeaсemini5t9г6 in tho govoгnmоnt balong1o hhehtinel, mini6i0г6 imPoгtant pollс1. ihc mаinlincsot goveгnmоnt Ihо LaЬino|. whiсhdoсidaa quostions to diвсuаь imPoгiant of govогnmant. mwiьonсoa wooY are сal.|odЬoсroiaricь of 6tat?,and mini6tcг6 Thomoьtimpoгtаnt (a ministr1). Dapагtmоni the1aгo in сhargeof a aovornmant andmаKos oaсh miniьioriо гоаponвiblc for htь/ hoгdоpaгtmont, эuгоthathiь/ hcr dоpaгtme.nt folloшsthc poliс1of tha q0VPгnm0nт.

ii ,l rl


Warm-up WriIeМonаrсhуandRеpubliсon thе board.Askstudеntsto whаtthеyknowаboutthеsetwo workin pairsto brаinstorm аnd formsof ru|e.Askthеmto thinkof advаntagеs When have of bothsуstems. studеnts finishеd, disadvantages join groups togеther to mаkе of fourto сompаre askpairsto аnd disсuss thеiridеas.Askgroupsto brieflуshаrеthеiridеas withthе сIаss. askthеmto skimrеаdthе 1 Bеforеstudеnts do the еxerсisе text.Аllowа maximumof onе minutе.Whеntheyhavе to readthе stаtemеnts and,without finishеdaskstudеnts reаdingtheteхtаgain,to dесidеin pairswhеthеrthеyаrе thеnsсanthеtеxtto findthе trueor faIse.Studеnts information.

Optionalactivity Writеthreеor fourdatesfromthе pаston thе boаrd(in yеarson|у). whiсhyеarthеywouldmostlike Askstudents to havebееnbornin.WhiсhyеarwouIdthey|еastIikеto thеmto givеrеаsons for hаvеbееnbornin? Еnсourаgе thеiranswers. timeto rеаdthеtеxtin moredetaiI. АlIowа 2 Givestudеnts Students do thе еxerсisе maximumof fivеminutеs. on their withthe с|ass. own.Сhесkthе answers


Talkingaboutyourсountry givеthemtimеto rеаdthе do the exerсisе Bеforestudents quеstions Remindthеmto andthinkabouttheirrеsponses. Studепts answerthe Whу?and Whуnot?par|sof the quеstions. writеthеsе maynееdto do thisin pаirsаnd if nесessаry quеstions аnd kеуwordson thе boаrdto he|pthеm: Нowmonуpolitiсаlpаrtiеsоre there? Whodeсides,theprimеministеr/ president? How oftеnаre еlесtionsheld? Kеywords: politiсаlp0rtiеs,primеministеr,elесtions intogroupsof fouror fivе.Мonitorthе Dividеstudеnts A|Iowa if nесеssary. аnd helpwithvoсаbu|ary disсussions idеas withthe shаrе their Groups maximumof ten minutеs. Тhismav|еаdto furtherdisсussion. с|ass.

sк Unit summarуon Contеntspages4.5

Doвсribing abllitios 8 ТeIIstudеnts to sсanthetеxtto findthеwordsandto сhесk howthеyarеusedin thеtеxt.suggest thattheyundеrlinе thеmin thеtext.Studеnts do thе еxеrсisе on thеirown. Сhесkthеanswеrs withthесIass. о' 1 2 3 4 ! 6

lеаding Jobsin thefuture SBpagеs42_4З iшш,Кquiz 1l !.-dеntsworkin pairsto answеrquеstion 1. Rеmindthеm quеstion pаrt of thе as wе||аs thefirst - cisсussIheWhу? :.эт.Givеthemа maximum of fiveminutеs. Whеnthey .; finishеd, pаrtner find nеw to sharеtheir ask thеm to a 'е :.аs with. quеstion 2 ]:-dеnts Аgain, disсuss 2 Withthеirnеwpаrtnеr. ".т:indthеmto thinkof reаsons forthеiranswers. Givе :.еma mаximum Briеflv disсuss both of fiveminutеs. agrее :-еstions withthес|ass. Do manyof thеstudеnts ,''th еасhothеr?

П'еading 3 l-skstudents thejobs andto undеr|inе to rеadthеartiс|е -еntionеd. ТeIIthеmto ignorеthegаpsаt thisstagе.

ta|еnt skills goоd suit into яtisfасtiоn i

optionaI aсtivity Аskstudеnts using i to writеsixsеntеnсеs aboutthemsеlvеs thеsamеstruсturеs reаd in 8. Studеnts аs thеsеntеnсеs i thеirsеntеnсes to а partnеr. -$ 9 Givеstudеnts andto timеto thinkabouttheirownаbilities writea paragrаph. |f уou havеdonеthеoptionalaсtivitу Withthem,thеyсаn usethеsesеntеnсеs in thеirparagraph. pairs. Putstudеnts to thеirpartnеr into Studеnts exp|ain job whiсh arеаthеyhaveсhosenandwhy.Studеnts sharе thеiridеaswiththeсIass.

Time to talkt 4sthismауbе thеfirsttimеstudеnts hаvеseеnthis :есhniquе, thе instrшсtions сarefuI|y mаkеsurеthеyfo||ow зеforеdoingеxеrсisе3. 4 S:udеnts to disсuss in pаirs.Enсourageфеm do theеxеrсisе fina| сhoiсe. Makе surе thеy :асhаnswеrbeforemakingа is notnееdеd. thаtonеsеntеnсе -ndеrstand 3.1f




Yoсаbularу )'rsсribinggroшth 5 !:udеnts to dесideif thеwordsarеnouns, worktogether ,еrbsor adjeсtivеs. Pointout thatsomeof thеwordshаve тorе thаnonеusе.Сheсkthеanswers withthесIаss. :}r I nouns:demаnd,inсrеаse opеnuр 2 vеrbs:еxpaпd,dеmand,сrеatе,5oаr,inсrеasе, 3 аdjесtivеs: fastеst-growinc fi Studеnts on thеirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs do thе еxеrсise .'liththес|ass. зi 1 opеnUp 2 demand 3 fastеst.growing 4 is soаring/ is inсrеаsing5 еxpаnsion / inсrеаsе РrgPositions a Studеnts do thееxerсisе on thеirown.Те|Ithеmto сhесk :nеiranswеrs withа oаrtnеr's аndthеnсhесkthеаnswеrs т'iththес|ass.

Askstudеnts to rеаdthе stаtеmеnts. Givеthеmtwo minutеsto groups notеdownthеiropinions. to Dividestudеnts intosmа|| disсuss thеirrеasons forthеiropinions. sharеtheir Groups idеаsаndoоinions withthес|ass.



Thеfuturе Warm-up Mаkеsurеthestudеnts' booksarес|osеd. P|aуVerbаlhоngmаn. Thisa vеrsion TеII butwithoutusingtheboard. of hangman thеstudеnts thаtуouarеthinking of an itеmаndit hastwo (mobilе phone), wordsof 6 аnd 5 |etters andthаttheymust guеssIettеrs thаt to findoutwhatуouarеthinkingof.Exp|аin youwilIte|lthеm is in thеfirst,thеsесondor neither if a |еttеr of thеwordsandtheуmustwritеit down,butthatyouwi|Inot tе|lthеmthеordеrof thе |еttеrs. Whenthеуhаveа||thеlеttеrs thеyhаvеto ordеrthеmto findthеitem. Whеntheуhаvеthеitеm,pointoutthatthе mobi|еphoneis Аskthemto opеn an examp|е of rapidly аdvanсing tесhnology. thеirbooksand Iookat thе ohotosin еxеrсisе 1 to seemorе eXаmplеs. Notе:vеrba|hangmanсan bе usеdto introduсe anytopiсor to rесyс|е voсabu|arу. |t is morеdiffiсu|t thantraditionaI hangmаnas thеydo not knowthе Ietterordеr,butis aIso еasiеras thеrеis no Iimitto thе |еttеrs theyсanguess. 1 Аskstudеnts and in pаirsto quiсk|y to |ookat the piсturеs desсribе whattheyсаnsееin еaсhone.Inthеsamеpairs to thе piсtures studеnts disсuss thequеstionrеfеrring whеrеpossibIe.


do thе exеrсisе аskthemto skimrеadthе 2 Beforеstudеnts of oneminutе. Withoutrеading tеxt.A|Iow a maximum thе dесidеwhethеrthеsentenсеs tеxtagainstudеnts аrеtruе sсanthetextto сhесkthеirprеdiсtions. or falsе.Students withthесlass. Сhесkthеanswеrs


ii j

Tho right шord to skimreadthеtеxtbeforеdoingthе Remindstudеnts in pairs.Еnсourаge them Studеnts do theеxerсise еxerсise. areсorreсtor not.Do not to thinkaboutwhythеanswеrs at thisstagе' сhесkthe answers

сhесk lGrammar

thatyouarеgoingto pIaythe :Qd;ьrТеllstudents Studеnts сhесkаnd rесording onсeonly.PIaуthе rесording. withthе с|аss. сorrесttheiranswеrs. Сhесkthеаnswеrs themto saywhythevеrbsarеor arеnotсorrесt. Еnсourаgе

Тhefuture Uses intopairsto iookаtthееxamp|еs and 1 Putstudеnts Сhесk thеanswеrs withthесlаss. сomplеtе thеru|еs.



@ Forms on theirown.Сheсktheanswers do thееxеrсise 2 Studеnts with thе сlаss.

Тhe Тhe pop groupАrеnааnnounсеdp|ansfor thеir nеWtour reсently. groupl is pIavingin |\4аnсhеster tomorrownightand in Londonon Friday. Тhеyz ar,iu. in Pаrison Sundаyаnd з wiIItour Еuropеfor the restof thе month.А|thoughthе group+isn,tgoingto the UsА,manyof the Еuropеan сonсertss wiIl bе broаdсastIivеаnd fansо wi|Ibe abIеto sееthеm on z are buiIdingsсreеnsso thatfans in gigantiсvideosсrееns. Thе organisers the stateswiIIbе abIеto hеarаnd sеefans in Europe.In faсt,the sсrеens mеanthat bеingat thе сonсеrtin the USАв wi||be |ikеbeingаt thе rea| are p|anningto сhargеfor the еventsin the USAand thing.Тhe organisеrs they9 аrе goingto instaIIthе spесiaIsсreеnsin 20 сonсеrthaI|soverthе nехт as thosefor the Iiveсonсerts. fеw wеek. Тiсketsl0 won'tbe as еxpеnsivе

3 lf yourсlassis strongеnоugh,you maywаntto do this Аskindividuаl studеnts forаnswеrs exеrсisе ora||y. andthеn аskthе сIassif it аgrеes. 3.wоn'tlive 4 wi||bе

Futurо Prodiсtion6 Аska studеntto rеadthе ru|etorgoingto a|oud. askthеmtо quiсk|уdеsсribе 4 Beforеsludеnьdо the exеrсisе whаtthеvсanSeеin еaсhpiсturе.He|pwithvoсаbularу if writеsеntеnсes neсеssаry. Studеnts on thеirownandthеn сompare thеirsеntenсеs witha pаrtner's. Сhесkthе аnswerswiththе с|ass.

Lеt'saсtivatе Plаn а trip intogroupsof fouror fivеto disсuss thе 8 Dividestudеnts poirttsаnd makеnotеs.ТеlIthеmto Iookbaсkat 5 for he|p N4onitor to makеsurеtheуаrеusingthеfuturе if nеtеssary. tеnsеsсorrеСtIy. formingnewgroupsgivееaсhstudеntin thеorigina| 9 Bеforе groupsa |еttеr. Тhisсаnbedonеquiсk|у аndsimp|ybyаsking yougivеthеmandpointing thе Iеttеr at thеmto remеmbеr B, С,D. Сhесkthеуknowthеir whi|еsayingА, еасhstudеnt lеtterbyаskinga||theАsto putup thеirhаnd,еtс. Nowaskthestudеnts to formfournеwgroupsof Аs,Bs,Сs аndDsandto tе|lеaсhothеrаbоuttheiro|аnsforthetriо.

Lеt's practise grammar SBpagеs4G_47 саnbе givеnas homеwork. Somеor alIof the exerсises

Will or going to? to rаin to сrаsh 2 wi||usе 3 isgоing 1 1 isgoing 4 'm notgoingtо gеtmаrriеd 5 'm goingto fаint

Proаent simPle Аska studentto readthe ru|еforthе presеnt simp|ealoud. 5 Studеnts do the eхerсise on theirownor in pairs.Сheсkthe withthе с|аss. answers


Languagenotes to notеthаtherеthе useot goingto or |t is important сontinuous is notwrong,butthаtthе еspесia||y thе prеsent prеsеnt simp|еis moreсommon|y used.Тo mаkеsurеthе this,аskquestions аboutthеtimеtablеin students understаnd presеnt fu|lanswеrsin the present the simp|еand еnсоuragе simp|e, forexamp|е Whаttimedo thеgroupmеetаt thеаirport? Thеуmеetаt З p.m.

ь'Prоsont сontinuous,wiIIor going to? Language notеs

goingto сou|daIsobе usеdfor mаnyof thеsеquеstiоns and if wе wаntto makеit с|еаrthatMaggiеhasа sеntеnсеs personaI intеntion to do thеsethings. withon Monday 2 1 Whois shеhаvinga mееting morning? mаnagеr on Monday Shе'smееtingthе marketing morning. 2 |sshеgoingto a сonfеrеnсe on Wеdnеsdаy? No,shе'sgoingto a сonfеrеnсе on Тuеsdау.

3 llhеn is shehаvingIunсhwithАnnе? Shе'shаvingIunсhwithAnnеon Wеdnеsda'y. .* \1hаttimeis shеmееting Andy? p.m. on Monday. Shе'smееting Andyat 5 withJohn? 5 is shеgoingto thetheatrе No,shе'sgoingto thеthеаtrewithАndy. 6 \Yhatis shеdoingwithJohnon Тhursdaу morning? withhim. Sheis touring а faсtory 7 Whois shеhavinga mееtingwithon Тuеsday? Shе'shavinga mееting withAIison andtheteam. with Тuеsday? 8 Whois shеhаvingIunсh on Dirесtor. Shе,s hаvingIunсhwiththеManaging еvеning? 9 Whаtis shеdoingon Тhursday Shе'sgoingto thеthеatrеif shесangеttiсkets. 3 Теxt1 1 аrеаppеаring2 wi||opеn/ opеn 3 wil|p|аy 4 wiI|stаrt/ start 5 сost Теxt2 6 wiIlbе 7 is opening 8 9 wiIlstаrt 10 wi||bе

Еxtension э- othaг uьoьof will 4 а 5 b , l с 3 d2 5 1 'l|answеr 2 4 Wil|... hе|p 6 'll take *


Listeningand speaking

2Зrd сenturу twins SBpagеs48_49 Warm-up Brainstorm diffеrеnt waysthatWесanrесеivе аndfind informаtiontodaуIV, lnternet,newspapеrs, books,mаgоzinеs, rаdio).Givestudеntsа few ideasif neсessary makingsureyou inсludеradio.Аskthеmin whаtwaysyouсаngеtinformаtion progrаmmes)' on thе radio(throughnеиlsаnd doсumentаrу Аsk studеnts if anyof thеmlistеnto thеradioforinformation. Whatsortof progrаmmеs do thеyIistеnto?

Listеning A radio programmg 66)сэAskstudеnts to Iookat thеtabIeandto notеwhаt ' information yoUare is nееdеdto сomp|еtе it.TеlIstudеnts goingto playthе rесording butthаtthеуmustIistеnonIy' notwritе.Playthе rесording.


our neхtprogrammeis aboutimaginarуtwins,Jimmyаnd Jеnnу,bornon we'regoingto trave|throughvarious Januаry1st,2200.In thе programmе' stagesof their Iives.Wе'||look at their Iivesfrom 1 to B уeаrsoId;when theу'rеtееnagers; whеnthеу'rе45;and,|astof aIl,whenthеy'reB0.


P|aуthе reсording again.Studеnts сomp|еtе thеtab|eand pаirs. thеnсhесkthеirаnswеrsin with Сheсkthеаnswers the с|аss.

havе/ 'rеgoingto havе 3 'I|buу 'm goingto buу/ '||buу

Nhon, d5 ыoon аs, bфra and аfter 6 ,l thеfuturе 2 prеsеnt simp|е 3 a futurеtеnsе 7 1 2 З 4 5

wil|Iеt,te||s gets,willphone аrrivеs, wiIIstаrt 'm goingto book,go сomе,arеgoingto start

h Thо гight шord 8'l 2 3 4 f

2 Students in pairsаndshаrеthеirideas disсuss thеquеstion withthе с|аss. Writеthеirideаsоn thе boаrdanddisсuss аnythatstudеnts arееspесia||y intеrestеd in.

,|| m goingto piсkup / 'm piсking up / piсkup areflying/ fly |еaVes ,IIаrrive

Еxamtr ln thistаskstudеnts nееdtо idеntifykеywordsin the .. sеntеnсеs, thеnlistеnforsimilаrwordsin thе rесording. ... Еmphasisе thаtthеywiIlbе unIikе|у to hеаrthеexасt....'


wоrds theуhаveuпdеrlinеd.

6 'Il hаvеto 8 9 10 11 12

'll visit 'regoing wiIlbе arе... doingl are... goingtodo ,rе notflying/ don'tfly oрт



in еxеrсisе 3 withthе Q* Gothrоughthе informаtion thе с|ass. Те|Istudеnts to rеadsеntеnсеs а-j and undеr|ine (mаximum wordstheуthinkarethе mostimportant threе) in еaсhsentеnсе. Givеthеmtwo minutesto do this.ТеlI yoU going studеnts arе twiсе.P|ауthе to pIaythе reсording rесording Studеnts Iistеnаnd onсealIthеwaythrough. writеin anyanswеrs theyсan.


@ SТАGЕ1: 1_Byеarso|d In the 2Зrdсеntury, the twinswiIIIivein а homedеsignеdto сreatean idealеnvironmеnt for thеm and supp|ythem Withеvеrything theуneed. New rеsearсh intothе brainis goingto bringabouta drаmatiссhаngеin tеaсhingmethods, so thеy'|| start|eаrning |аnguages at fiveyеarsoId,and, by thе аgе of еight,thеy'||bе ab|eto speаkpеrfесtFrenсh.Тhеу'||move yearwhеnthеy on to morесomp|еX|\4аths аnd Sсienсеthe fol|owing сomp|ete thеir|аnguаge studiеs.

:l il

SТАGЕ2: tеenagеrs Gеttingfrom А to B wiIIbe vеrydiffеrеntfrom travеllingaroundtodау.AII сarsaregoingto bе programmed to drivеthеmse|ves using|asеrtraсking dеviсеswhiсhwi||еnsurеthаtаIIvehiс|еs staya safеdistаnсеawауfrom еaсhother'Аnd whеnthе twinsarе reаdyto takеtheirdrivingtest,they wi||'of сourse,pаsswithflуingсo|ours. Forthеir1Bthbirthdaуs, their pаrеntswil|bookthеm а sеaton the Flаshman, a p|anеwhiсhеnginееrs wi||finа||yсomp|еtе aftеryeаrsof researсh. ТravelIing abovethe еarth, Wherethe air resistanсе is minimaI,the F|ashman wilIbe аbIеto trаve|at amazingspeеds.Unfortunate|y, thе tremеndous noiseit makesmay disturbpеop|еon thе ground.

l l t

,l t


SТAGЕЗ: 45 yearso|d Аt 45' if the twinshavеany aсhesor pains'they'||80 to the orgаniсHeaIth Сentrе,but it won't be like аnу wе knowtodaу.Тherе,bodyorgаnswi|l be grownfrom genetiсmatеriaI tаkenfroma samp|eof thе twins'sa|ivа. In a fеw months,thеy,|| bothhavеa сomp|еtе setof rep|aсement orgаns... just in timeto сеIebrate thеirjointseсondmarriаges to anothersеtof twins!And, bесauseсommerсiaI spасetrave|wiIIbe аn ordinarуеvеntin еvеrydаyIifе,they'||bookа honeymoonho|idayon the moon,wherethe two happyсoUp|еsWilIgеt to know eaсh othеrеven bеtter. SТAGЕ4: B0 yearsoId At B0,the twinswiIIstilIbе goingstrongbut thеy,|| wе|сomеthе opportunityto reversethe ageingproсess.GenеtiсenginеerswiIIfind a wаyto keepevеryonеlookingyoung.А simpIesyringеand neеd|ewiIIbe aIIthat'snеededto givethе twinsthе fасеsof 40-yeaгoIds. Аnd,as thе new сenturуapproасhes, Jimmyаnd Jennуarеgoingto bе a piсtureof healthand theу'||probab|y bе justas fit and strongаs thеуwеreiп the orevrouS 0ne.

pausеaftеrеасn P|aуthе rесording again'lf neсеssary, stagеto givеthеmmorеtimеto writеin theiranswеrs. Studеnts сhесkthеiranswеrsin pairs'|f nесеssаrу, p|аythe rесording a thirdtimеforstudents to сhесkand сorrесt thеiranswеrs. Сhесkthеanswеrs withthес|ass. Askstudents whiсhof thewordstheyundеr|inеd hе|pеd thеmreсognisе thе answеrs whеnthеyIistеnеd to thе (а)injесtion= sуringе, rесording, for еxаmp|е: neеdle; (f)fluent,аnotherlanguagе= speakpеrt'есt Frеnсh. putstudеnts Bеforеdisсussing the quеstion as a с|ass, into pаirsto brainstorm thekindof prob|еms thatmightbе сrеatеdif wе aIl|ivеto bе ovеr]00 yеarsold.AIlowa mаXimum of twominutеs. DisсUss thеquestion asа с|ass.


Pronunсiation s Qф* Studеnts Iookаt adjесtivеs a_h.Rеmindthemthаt strеssed sy||ab|es arеlongеrаnd loudеrthanunstrеssеd ones.P|aythe reсording. Studеnts undеrlinе thе main stressеd sуl|ab|еs. WritеIеttеrs a_h on thе boаrd.Askindividual students to sауthеWordsusingthe mainstrеssidentifiеd. Writееaсh Wordnеxtto thе сorrесtlеttеrаnd under|inе thеstrеssthе studеnts idеntifу, evеnif it is wrong.Whеnthеyhavea|| bееnwrittеnup,p|aуthe rесording аgаinаndаskthe с|ass to сorrесtаnУmistakеs.


а рrfесt b сomplех с сommerсiaId gедgtiс е draщatiсf minimаI g simp|е h рIеvious Studеntsmatсhthе adjесtivеsto thеir mеaningson thеir own аnd thеn сhесkthеir answerswith a oаrtnеr's.сhесk thе answ еr sw ith the сI ass.

oi *iig,jt1$!1i* j:,. Speaking Talкing аbout tho futurо Warm-up DiсtаtеthеfolIowing to thestudents: PаssаIl thеехаms Go to universitу Trаvelto Аustrаliа Buу а саr soon Gеtpоrriеd уoung intosma|lgroupsandaskthеmto disсuss Dividеstudеnts what theуaremostIikelуto do аnd leаstIikе|y to do. boardandаskthесlassto put



og|+'я Bеforеstudеnts Iistеnto thеdiaIoguе askthеmto skimrеadit ignoring thеgаps.Whеntheyhavefinishеd, putthеmintopairsаndtе||thеmto prеdiсtwhatmightgo in еасhgap.Rеmindstudеnts howimportant it is tо youarеgoingto pIaythе antiсipate аnsWеrs. Tе||studеnts reсording twiсе.P|аythе reсording. Studеnts filIin аs many gаpsas thеyсan.P|aythе rесording again.students сhесk and сorrесtthеiranswеrs. Сhесkthе answеrs withthес|ass.

Meg: l Wherеdo you thinkyou'||Iivewhenуou'rеo|dеr? goingto Iivebу the sea,but I mаyсhangеmу Riсk: I thinkz l,m probab|v mind.Whataboutyou? Mеg: We||,I з dеfiniteIy won,tIivein a big сity.I thinkq I'mgoingto build a ho us ei n t he m o unt a i ns . 6 Do Riсk: But I knowyou.You s're boundto get boredin the mountains. vou thinkvou'lIdo a Iotof trаve||ing? Meg: 7 |'m definitelvgoingto travеl.I wаnt to sеeеVеryсontinеnt.

Рtloto diaсussion t Putstudеnts intoоairsandtеIIthemto dесidеwhois A аnd lvhois B. Makеsurеthеyknowwhiсhphotograph to look аt.Те||thеmto rеаdtheirquеstions. Givеthеmtimeto in notеdownanyidеas. аskandanswеrquеstions Studеnts wаysof thеirpairs.Rеmindthemto usеthе diffеrеnt tа|king аboutthefuturetheyhavestudiеdin thisunitand to usеthе еxprеssions in 7. Monitorаnd сhесkthеyarе usingthе |anguagе сorrесtIy.

Soundbitеs Imа9ino qsrvithTimeto tаlk!'Soundbitеs сanbе usеdin thе |еssonаt э.lvpoint,a|though off thеyarеpartiсu|ar|y usеfulforfinishing a еssonor wаkingup tiredstudеnts! g

e6|а.вQuiсk|y whаtstudеnts knowаboutjohn brаinstorm Lеnnon.

Writinga formal lеttеrof сomplaint

Тom orrow,s сlаssrooffl sвpagеs 50-51

Warm-up 1 Studеnts Iookаt the piсturеs on pagе50'АskindividuaI studеnts to dеsсribе whаtthе pеoplеarеdoing/ using. Tе|lstudents to Votеforthеwayof lеarning thattheythink is thе mostsuссessfu|. Еnсouragе students to giverеasons forthеiranswеrs. Dividethe boаrdintothrеeсoIumns аnd rесordtheirvotеsand rеasons Iikethis: Piсturе 1 (top)

Votеs 2

2 (bottom 5 left)

Reasons interеsting, саnеXprеss yourself сlеar,disсip|inеd

quеstions Studеnts asa с|ass. answеr therеmaining

Studyingthе samplе

t1ovlaзboгnin Livaгpool of ihoЕ.oaI\eь, in lЧ4o,beсamo a member 2 Studеnts Аskthem workin pаirsаnswеring thequestions. mаггiоd in gьo. YoKoOno,аndvlaьshotb1Mагк Lhapman to thinkof wауsin whiсhthetalkingtrans|ator сouIdbe lf anyof thеmknowthеsong,аskthеmto briеflyеxp|аin usеdin thеirown lеssons. to rеadthе quеstions thеntе|| whаtit is аbout.Askstudеnts o.,. [|есroniсtrans|atot; thеmyouаrеgoingto playthеsongtwiсе.Аskthemto Studеnts' ownаnswеrs Playthе аnswеr whi|еthеsongis p|аying. thеquеstions songtwiсе. 3 Givеstudents two minutеsto sсanthе lеtterforthе Lаnguagenotes informаtion. l songs,repеtition thаn аnd rhymеarеoftenmorееffесtivе gгаmmatiсa| torffi,hеre,s Lеnnonusеsthе inсorrесt ассUraсу; qосountries no in Iinе7 beсаusеit eсhoеslmоginеthere,s qеаvеn tп |tne1. Ф'1 2

Formаland informallanguago

lnсгоaвingl1, аndemailto pоoplо usоthetelоphone, thalnteгnоt сommuniсahc, аndtheгeiа а tandenс1 to bо muсhmoгainfoгmа Hourоvcг, oг ajob in studonisma1wantto appl1foг a сouсьe 6ngliьh. in а lоtteгof Uаingаppгopriatо formаl\anguago аppliсation andсreateь a goodimpгaоeio is а {ormof politeneьв liКeweaгinq ьmагtсlothesаt аn inteгviaw.

optional aсtivity Dividеthе songlmаginеintothesamеnumbеrof partsas thеrеarеstudеnts in thе сIass. Writееaсhpartontoa pieсе pаper. sеparatе оf thеmup аndgiveonеto Jumb|е еасhstudеnt'Te|Ithе students thеyarеto organisе of thеir thеmsеlvеs to thеposition in a Iinеaссording to thеу arе in Iinе, tеlIthеm in thе song. Whеn * 'lords :hесkthеаnswerby readingoutthеwordsthеyhavе. "

Фrr t Мs Нnrlsоn } o| 1*f.r*пhr'i

+ аt*

Languagenotes Yoursfаithfullyis usеdif you don'tknowthe namеof the pеrsonyouarеwritingto e.g.youarеаddrеssing themas Dеаr Sir or Маdаm,and Yourssinсеrelу if уou knowthе nаmе.

furallsingtholalout 5 Studеnts workin pairs.Аdvisethemto rеadthеехerсisе a|| thеwaythroughfirstandto do thе eаsiеronеsfirst.Сhесk thеanswers withthe с|аss.


,l I


Stеpsto bettеrWriting $l.riti.цg fоrmallstters 6 Givеthес|asstwo minutеsto workthroughthisеxеrсisе аs quiсk|yas possible. Сhесktheanswers withthe с|аss.

optional aсtivity Тel|studеnts thаtyouarеgoingto rеаdoutwhatfour pеop|esаid,or wrotе,in fourdifferent situations. Askthеm to notеdownwhatthevthinkthe situаtions arе.Aсtthе situations аs muсhasyouсan: 1,It wаsso noisуthаtl сouldn't slееp.., аnd l hаdаn importаnttestthеnехtdау., ,This 2 isn,twhаtlordеrеd.lаsked t'orа doubleеsprеsso, not о саppuссino., ,l 3 rесеivednot onlу thеinсorrесtsize,but аlso thе wrong сolour, 4 ,lfollowеdtheinstruсtions on thеsсrееnveryсоrefullу, but I аm stillunаbleto aссessthеlnternet., Аskstudеnts whatа||thе pеop|еwhospokeor wrotеaII wеrеdoing(сomplаining). i thеsеsеntеnсes ъэ].:9:3lr9..:э

j j.:*:".

TЪe dafinitо artiс|o 7 Students dotheexеrсisе onthеirown

8 Students do theexerсisе on theirown.Rеmindthеmto skim reаdthе letterfirst. аn 6a



t{ritiпg уо'rrr.Iettеr 9 Studеnts disсuss thе advеrtisement in pairs.Аsksomеof the pairsto shаrеthеiridеaswiththесlass.

Writethеfol|owing wordson the board: be,сould,for, forwоrd,t'rom,grаtеt'ul, heаring,l, if,lettеr,look of, sinс9relу,thаnk,to, would,уou,уour,уours. Аskstudеnts, wоrkingin pairs,to makеfourphrаsеs thаtarе oftеnusеdin formаIlеttеrs. Тhеyсаn Usеаnyof thеwords morеthanonсeif thеvneеdto.Тhеfirstpаirto workout thе phrаsеsis thеwinner.

Undorоtandingtha tasК Studеnts rеаdthеtask.Answеrаnyquеstions thеymaуhavе. Planning and шriting 10 stiIlin thеirpairsstudents disсuss аnddесidеon еaсh point.Те||thеmto lookbaсkat 4 forhelpif nесеssary. Monitorandсhесkstudents аrеusingthе сorrесtformaI languagе. Students writеthеirlеttеrsеithеrin сlassor for homеwork. Tе||thеmit shou|dbe 120_150 words. LhoсYing 11 Beforеyouсhесkstudеnts worktеllthеmto сhесkthеir ownworkagаinst thеpointsin 11.


Word foсus SBpаgе 52 о'Тobs in thofuturs 1 1 flourish 2 еxpаnsion3 dеmаnd 4 5 soаr 6 сreate 7 fastеst-growing 21 6

2 ski|Is 3 into 4 satisfасtion5 points 7 good

ь ТаlКingaboutths futurs 31 2 3 4 ) 6 7

Doyouthink wi||dеfinitе|y Iivеin wilIprobab|y hаvе Won'tWе аrеboundto wаtсh wiIIpеrhaps spеnd wi||probаb|y be


Eхtension ь


PгePositions l1for 2trom 3bv / aт|er




Phrasal vоrbs 5 1 brought aboutb 2 сomеup аgainstd 3 сounting on a 4 bе up to с 5 workout е .l 6 Аre... up to 2 bringabout 3 сomeup against 4 сountоn 5 workout

Rеadingfor pleasureFive-соr 5З fоmilу SBpаgе tаrm-up .h.;tеthе fo||owing petrol, wordson thе board:t'аmilу'unleоded зrbon monoхide, spеed'greed,саsh,oil, wаr' end.Pu|Ihe ;udеntsintopairsаndtе|Ithеm thеyarеgoingtorеаda poеm rс|udingthеsеwords.Сheсkmеanings if nесеssаry. Askthеm :э disсuss whattheуthinkthе poеmmightbеаbout.Askpairs :з shаrethеirideaswiththес|аssbеforеrеаding thе poеm.

UK.boforeho beсamoa wаоboгnin Livоrpool, ?юgoсУLсGouqh rull-timошгitогhp vаьa ьoсondary aсhoolioaсheranda сo|\ogo \P'diuror.beIvюen |Ч|oЭ andtТ1?he waьthe momborof а gгoup *te'fiсaffolrd' poоtryandpopmusiс.Haboсamo whiсhсombinс.d :Ъmouа ?oeiь'a|ongшiihМrian Hоnгlaь oneof *ю,Livaгpool and9rian ? aIIen'.ftleir andaссoььib\o. it сontampогaг1 РOotr.{ ЭoIht'tlсGough hо and?aIionшгitоa lot foг сhildгоn.Howоveг, паьvtгitten Howaь pla1ьandiь a froquontbroadсaьIer' аevогal зvrагded an D9o (Oгdarof the9гitish6mpirо)in Цr1. 1 c6|*.zBеforеstudеnts аskthemto rеador do thееxеrсisе Iistеn to rеad to thеpoеm.Youсanаskindividuа|studеnts a Vеrsеeасhout Ioudor reаdto themse|vеs if thisis еasiеr. Students on theirown.Dividеthеminto do thеехеrсisе smalIgroups Аskgroups to sharе to disсuss thеiranswеrs. аnswеrs withthe сlassand enсouragе thеmto giverеasons fortheirаnswers. or1 2 3


optional aсtivity Givееасhstudenta thin stripof pаperаnd askthеmеасh to writeonеsentenсe on it еxpressing theiropinionof сars. Еaсhsеntеnсe shouIdstartwiththеwordСars.Whеnthеy hаvefinishеd dividеthеmintogroupsof еightandask themto putthesеntenсеs intoan orderthаtthey|iketo formthеirown poеmaboutсаrs.Youсou|dstiсkthеstrips

Your reaсtions givеthеmtwo minutesto reаd Bеforеstudents do thе еxеrсisе thеquestions Dividеstudеnt andthinkaboutthеirresponsеs. intosmaIlgroupsto disсuss thequеstions. A|lowа mаximum of tеn minutеs. Аskgroupsto shаrеthеiridеaswiththесlass.

Lеt's rеYisеUnits 3 and 4 SB pagеs54-55


1 ,l waswatсhing 2 wаs 3 stаrted 4 piсkedit up 5 hеаrd 6 soundеd 7 Iookеd 8 wasraining 9 wаswа|king 10 wastrуing 11 wasgеtting 12 са|led 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

areyougoingto visit,I'llvisit wi||livе,wi||Iivе going,isn't IsС|аrе Wе'rеgoing Arеthеyсoming is Аmygoingto

3 1 feе|s/ is fее|ing 2 '|Ihavе 3 turnsbасk 4 to disсuss 5 wi|Isoonbe 6 arеalreadybeсoming 7 аrесurrentIy workingon 8 to оromotе 9 сan 10 will hаve 11 wil|spеnd 12 don'tсhangе 13 wiI|beсomе .|4 wilIrisе 15 work

Voсabulary 4 1anсestors 2sprеаd 3rеsult 4on 5off 6 up 7 invadеd 8 |iving 9 with 10 amusе 5 1 demand 2 inсrеasе3 |еisurе4 ta|еnt 5 suit б fluеnt 7 hea|th 8 сontaсt Artiсlos 6 1Тhе 2thе 3- 4Thе 5- 6.7 8 а 9 thе 10 thе .l1 thе 12 thе Phrasаl verbe 7 1 tаkеup 2 |еt... down 3 fе|lthrough 4 putup with 5 put ... off 8 1 fее|uо to 2 сounton 3 work... out 4 сomеup against 5 broughtabout

to do tt-: а timelimitof fouror fivеminutеs Givеstudеnts thеiranswеrs tt lаndthеntе||thеmto сompаrе еxеrсisе, withthе сlаss. а oаrtnеr's. Сhесkthе answеrs

Seе Unit summarуon (ontrnts pages4-5

ф1d 6е

z с 3b 7 a 8с

4е 9d

5b т0b

Rеading Famе аnd thefаmilу SBpаgеs56_57 optionаl aсtivity Warm-up lookat the piсturеs on pаgе56.Rеmindstudеnts 1 Studеnts of waysof saуingwhatthеythinkаndсompаrativе forms bywritingthesеphrasеs on thе boаrd: ln mу opinion,... l don,tthinkthоt... Personаllу, Whаtdo уou think? Whаtоboutуou? thаn... bесаusе ,.. is morеimportаnt ,.. аs ... beсоusе ... isn'tоs importаnt ...



tо givееxamplеs fromtheartiсlеof fami|y Askstudеnts bеnеfits andsupport. saсrifiсеs,


ln pairsstudents disсuss thеthingsanddесidеon whiсh threеaremostimportаnt to thеm.Аskpairsto sharethеir idеаswiththес|assusingthе phrаses on thе boаrd.

Reading in pairs.Сheсkthеanswеrs 2 Studеnts do thе ехеrсisе with thе сIаss. Ф; 1d




3 Studеnts rеadthеsummаrуsеntenсes. Givethеmtwo minutеs to skimrеadthеаrtiсIе. СhесkthеаnsWеr withthе с|ass. o'. Support fromthеfamiIyis important if сhiIdrеn arеto st,ldсеss. ..aqhiеvе ]'Тheartiсleаlsоtаlksabоutbеnеfitsаnd saсrifiсеs, but thеmainpointis thеimpoгtаnсе of support. Тhisis .n par:qgrlaph. : ].. . .:.suщйarisеd the]fi:nа].

oroаdwаv_ A аtreоtin NaшYorКfamousfoг itьthoаtгpь. _ A disiгiсtin ьouthLondonшhогоthоAtl Ongtаnd Wimbledon LawnТоnnisandLroquo|Llub is ьituated. 1hо сlub iь thоьitoof an аnnuаlintогnа.tional laurn tenniьсhamplonаhip at ihо оndof JUn9.

9PС - Ьббreviation hrpoсaiion,a foг Еriiiьh 9roadсaьIing - ownedbroadсaьIing notr^roгк, wall.кnownin.tогnаti etаte onall1foг lrloгld itа Ьerviсo. Languagenotеs _ a footbаlIp|ayеr whosеmainro|еis to аttaсkandtry strikеr to sсorеgoa|s ТеlIstudеnts to reаdthrough1-10сarеfu||y bеforеthеy sсаnthetеxt.Сheсkthаtthеyundеrstand aIlthe phrаsеs. Languagеnotes - fее|sador disappointеd (something) regret аboutsomеthin8 (somеthing) - reсognisе оppreсiоtе аnd еnjoуsоmеthing putoff- саusеto |oseinterest or еnthusiasm


Voсabulary Famo workin pairs.|fthеyarеunsure of somеof thе 5 Studеnts tеlIthеmto |ookаt thе phrаsеs in сontext in th. meanings, |f mono|inguaI arеavaiIаbIе, studеnts аrtiс|е. diсtionаriеs - сanusеthеmto сhесkthеirеxoIаnations. Сhесkthе withthе сlаss. answers oт1 ,2 3 4 5 :6


а prоfеssiona| .. stаr аn intеrnationaI а tаlеntеdyoungstеr top.rаnкed яеtto thetoO

Studеnts do thе exerсisе on thеirown.Сhесkthе answеrs withthес|аss.

footbа||еr. ф . ] Hе'sa tа|entеd 2 Shе,sa top-rаnкettеnnisplayеr. , 3 Yо.ur ..hayi'.}о...bеl']Рr.nt!$]g*s ]щ;.ge}:]1Р:]}!iellРsi 4 l.leЪ.]*оt']n.'.pio{$5siоiti*l1]ffiibfiltle.i:;уqt]::.: сhаЬpionship. ,.5 lt'sаn amatеur

Timе to talk! to rеadthе оuеstions. Givеthеmаbouttwo Askstudеnts minutеs to notеdownthеirrеsоonses. Dividеthеmintoоairs thеirresponsеs' Pairsor or 8roupsof fouror fivеto disсuss groups sharetheiropinions withthес|ass.

L*=J Gramm?f

sвpages 58-59

ГGrammar сheсk Logiсalсonсlusionsabout thе prеsent

ltilodals: logiсalсonсlusions larm-up .: youarеthinking thеstudеnts of а famouspеrsonandthаt '|*:lПUStаskquеstions guеss whoyouаrethinking of to .;:lеrinе marriеdto Miсhae| Zеtа-JonеsWeIshaсtrеss ]':;glas'Starrеdin manуAmеriсanfiIms,suсhasThеMаskof l."l,o,Сhiсаgo). Еxp|аin thatyouсanon|уanswerуes,no,or зэn'tknowto thеirquestions. You maywantto giveс|uеsif ]*Ёrarеslowin guessing whoit is. l

1-5. Remindthеmto to reаdsеntеnсes Q'.,. Askstudеnts Answer anуquеstions theymay under|inе thekeywords. p|ay going hаvе.Тe||studеnts to thе rесording arе уou twiсе.P|aythе rесording. Students dесidеon theirаnswеrs аsthеyIisten.

Uses 1 Studеnts disсussin pairsasthеydo thе еxerсisе. Сheсkthе аnswеrs withtheс|ass.

*...;t.;.1.н+i...rtlli ... il:l.ll.*.;l.ilnшi;.*аt11;l;$..;ж$*. ']..

(ontinuous form 2 Aska studеntto rеаdoutthе rulеаboutthесontinuous infinitive. EIiсit or givеthеmothеrеxаmp|es. l sаwJohn аnd Sylviаtogеthеr. Thеуmightbegoingout togеthеr. l sаw Pеtеrgoinginto thedrivingsсhool.Hе mustbe leаrning to drivе. ' 2 Studеnts do theexerсise on theirown.Сhесkthе answers



on Keу to FortunеIodaуWе'Vеgot He|еnand Nigеl joiningforсesto trу and win a fortunе.HelIoаnd wеIсometo thе programme. lе l е n and Nig е| : HеIIo. Areyou ready rtеrviеwеr: Right,roundonе is on famousfami|iеs. for the firstquеstion? Whiсhfamousасtorhаsa We|sh сonnесtion and a famousfather? \ gе| : Zeta-Jonеs are Welsh. AnthonУHopkinsand Сathеrinе |t сou|dbе onе of thеm.Doeseitherof thеm hаvea fаmousfаthеr? n е l еn: Zeta--|ones'fat!x, I don'tthinkso.Didn'tСathеrinе wasa bakеr.I makesweetsand AnthonyHopkins,dad thinkwe neеdа sесondс|uе. \ 8е| : Let'sj u stth i n k . . .w h atth e W е |sh с o n n e с t i oсno uI dbe first?Тheусou|d|ivеin Wa|еsor сou|dhave|ivedin Wа|es, thеусouldhaveWе|shparеnts... In faсtthеy mightjusthavea We|shnamе|ikеJonеs. Hе l еn: or thеymighthavеa WeIshhusbаndor wife.l think it Doug|as. He'san асtor.Hisfathеrwas mustbе |\,liсhaeI Zеta-Jonеs. famousаnd hiswifеis Сatherine '.ltеrviewer: Do you havеan answerfor me? ]"1еlеn: Yеs.Wеthink it mustbe Miсhaе|Doug|as. 'ltеrviеwеr: it is.WeIIdonе.Now anothеrquestion |\4iсhaеl Doug|as WhiсhBritishgroup aboutfami|усonneсtions. сontaining two brothеrshasа touсhof the lrishin it. ]i1еlеn: аre yoursubjесt. oh, уou mustknowthis.|Musiсians \ige l: We||,it mightbе ooslsаnd Liamand NoеIGаl|aghеr. Тhey'rеbrothersand thеyhavean IrishsUrname. Hе l еn: oh yеs.Are you surе? Arе you ready? "ntеrviеWer: \ i gе | : Yеs,l'm sUrе.oаsis.|t hasto be oasls.

P|aythе rесording to сhесktheir аgainforstudеnts answers. Studеnts сhесktheiranswеrsin pairs.

frommаgazinеs. Сutthеmintopiесеsso thateасhobjесt is notpositivеlу idеntifiаb|е. StiсkthеmаroundthесIass / pieсеs on thе board/ ho|dup individuaI andaskstudents to sаywhattheythinkeaсhpieсеmight/ may/ сou|dbе. pаrtof a biсyс|е Forexаmp|е: whее| .lt сouIdbе froma motorbikе.' .No! It,stoo sma||. It mightbе froma biсyс|e.' Notе:YoumaУWantto do thisaсtivity 1,2, or З. aftеreхеrсise 3 Students do thеexеrсise on theirownor in pаirs.Ask studеnts to rеadoutthе сorrесtsеntеnсes. You mayWantto whena negative сonсеntratе on sеntеnсe strеss, еspесiаI|y moda|is usеd. o' 1 lnu$:: 2 сар't,соuld 3 mightnot bе 4 .сg41 5. might 6 саn't

o ! '1

3 5

i optionаl aсtivity } Youmaywantto foсuson thе |еttеrfirstby askingа few

|-ogiсa|сonсlusiongabout tho past 5 Studеnts disсuss in pairsasthеydotheеxеrсise. Сhесk the answеrs withtheсlass.

Let's practise grammar SBpаges 60_61 Somеor а|Iof thе еxеrсises сan bе givеnas homework

ф Logiсalсonсlusiona 6 Askstudеnts to lookat thе piсtures andto briеflytеllyou whаtis happening in еасhonе.Students do thе exеrсisе on theirownor in pairs.Сhесkthe ansWеrs withtheсIass. I I

t t I

optionaIaсtivitу Mеmorygame.ТeIIstudents theyhаveonе minutеto lоok at thе piсturеs and remеmbеr as muсhas possib|e. Тhen thеymustс|osеthеirbookswhiIеyouaskquеstions about the сontеntof thе piсurеs.Forexamp|e: a ls thеmоn swimming?ls hе аlone? b Howmаnусаndlesаrеon thесаkе?Аre thеrеаnу bаlloonsin thеpiсturе? c Whеreis theсаt?ls it аwаkеor аsleep? d ls thepеrsonsinging?

Let'sactivate Aгt thoft m1зilor1 7 WritеWhodunnit on thе boаrd.Аskstudеnts if thеyknow whatit mеаns(l,lzho donеit? i.e.whoсommitted thесrimе). Te|lstudеnts thisis a Whodunnit. Аskthеmto rеadаIIthe information сarefu||y. |f neсеssarу, сheсkstudеnts hаverеad сareful|y bуaskingsomеquestions: Whosеhousеwаsit? Whаtwаsstolen? Whois DovеThormаn? Dividestudents intogroupsof fouror fivе.Аskthеmto disсuss thethеftand mаkeсonс|usions. Rеmindthеmto ,l-6 |ookbaсkat for hе|pwithmodаIs. |Vlonitor to makе surеtheyareusingthe moda|sсorreсt|y. Аskgroupsfor thеirсonс|usions. Еnсouragе thеmto givеrеаsons fоrthеir аnsWеrs.

1 must 2 must 3 mightnot 4 сan,t 5 сou|d i might,сould/ might 6 сouId/ might 7 must 8 сan't 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Тhаtсаn'tbe Suе... Тhatstonеmаynot bе а rеaIdiаmond. You mustbе vеrvtirеd..' Тhеdogmightbе in thеgardеn. Grаhаmсou|dbеwaiting outsidеin hisсar. Асtingсan'tbe еаsy. СlarеmustbetеIIing thеtruth... |t mightnotbе a gooddayto gosailing...

31 саn'thаVеto|d 2 musthavеbееn 3 сan,thavеpassеd 4 mighthavе/ сou|dhavе ) саn'thаvеreсеived 6 musthavеhad 41 Shеmusthаvеovеrslеpt аgain. 2 Тheymighthavеgoneto the сountrу. Тhеywantеd to getout of the сity. 3 Тhatdrеssсan'thаveсosta Iot.|t'sfroma vеrУ сhеapshop. 4 |tсan,thavebееnrаining.Yourumbrеl|a isn'twеt. 5 Тheусan'thаvеgoneby сar.|t'sstilIin thеgaragе. 6 My bootsаrеn'thеre.I supposеmу sistеrсou|d hаvеborrowфthem. 7 Ji||mightnothavеtakеntheсаmera. l'||goandlook. /-8 Тhеусan'thavеboughtthе СD.lt isn'tgoingto bе rеlеаsеd untiInеxtwееk.

Еxtension ъ, 9oс4uвa'unlosэ' аIthough 5 1 although 2 bесausе3 unlеss 6 .l bесausе 2 а|though 3 beсаusе 4 bесausе 5 unlеss 6 а|though7 unlеss 8 un|ess

o'. Thо right vrord 71b 2с 3с 4b 10b 11a 12b



Listеningand speaking Mаking сhаngеs SBpagеs 62-6З Warm-up Writеthе numbеrs 1 to 30 on theboardasthеуmightаppеar on а |ottеry tiсkеt,for examp|е: 12з4 'r0 7 6 8 9 11 12 1З 14 15 ',lB 16 17 19 20 21 22 2з 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Те|lthеstudents to imаginеthatthеymustсhoosеfivеof thеto win а big piizе.Howwou|dthеymakethеirсhoiсе?



fussiblеanswefs in thеir :hеyсhoosеrandom|у; thеусhoоsеnumbеrs lfе.forеxаmplеthеirаgеor thеirbirthday; thеy.аvoid unluсkу |ikе1j numЬеrs Askthеmwhatthеythinkof thе Students opеnthеirbooks. pairs lf to disсuss the quеstions. Putstudеnts into Dostеr. thеy Песеssary, hеlpthеmby writingwordsаndeхpressions пееdon thеboаrd. Askpаirsto sharеtheiridеaswiththе сlаss. PossibIеаnswеrs i. *й,iyЬu.outobе |uсkуапdthatwinning. ''gg.;.i monеy is а vеryhарpyеvеnt. whеrеpеopleсan A |оttеry сompеtition is a gambIing wlnа Iotof monеy.Pеoplеsе|есtnumbеrsthеуthink lf thеir аrеgoingto bе drаwnоutof a pool0f numbеrs. nUmbеrs arеdrаWn, thеуwin.

provethеу аrе he|pingthe сommunityсan аpрIуto the |ottеryboard for monеyto hе|ptheir саUsе.It аIsomаkesрeop|еinto miIIionairеs, in thе hope of gettingriсh so thousаndsof pеoplebuу tiсketsregu|ar|у q u iсk!

P|aythe Studеnts witha partnеr's. сhесktheiranswеrs сorrесt thеir rесording for to сhесk and again studеnts аnswеrs. withthe с|аss. Сheсktheanswеrs orr1с

in З. Теll Givеstudеnts а rninutеto reаdthеquеstiоns thе kеywords.Тhеn аnd шndеrliле thеmto rеadсarеfuIlу tе||thеmto thinkоf othеrwordswhiсhmеаnthе sameаS words. Тhinking aboutthеmеаning.оf thеunderIinеd piсk in thе rесord.ing. rvords outsynonуms will.hеlpthеm аndhеlpthеmanswеr. .l

A talК youarеgoingtо plаythе rесording з Q.* ТеIIstudеnts Iistеnand сirс|еas manу Studеnts twiсe.Plаythе rесording. аnswеrs as thеУсаn.


-iе wordlottеrуisn,I,as you mightthink,an Еng|ish, or evenan Amеriсan * оrd.ItасtuаIIу сomеsfromthе |taIianwordlotta.NoW,you maythink .*е tvordsoundsаs i{ it mеansа lot ot',buI уou'd bе mistaken!lts aсtuaI *еаning is dеstinуor |I rеferred to what wаs goingto originaIlу t'аtе, .зppеnto you in Iife,whethеryou Iikеdit or not. lrd the Iotteryitsе|fis сertainIynot а 20th сеnturyinvеntion.No-onе's irrе еХасtIy whеrеor whеn the first|otterуbеgan,but a IotterуWas 'е rtаinIymеntionedin th е Bi b I e .tt w аs mе n ti o n е di n с o nnес t i o nwi t h l.t'tsеs, who usеdа lotteryto give peop|еIаnd.So peop|еwere using :tеriеs Iongbеforеthе rеstof the wor|ddесidedto borrowthe ItаIian wэrdlottа. -.е lotterуin Еnglandсan bе traсеdto thе 16th сеnturу,when Queen : zаbethI was in powеr.Тhеу sаythat ЕnglanditseIfwas aboutto go ::n kruptw hеn the Qu e e nс h an g е dth е v aI u eo f th е с u rrе nс yi n 1 5 6 0 :' r:ryto restorethе o|d stеrIingto its formеr g|ory.Probablytrying to .; sе moneу,ЕIizаbеththen introduсеdLondon'sfirst pubIiс|ottery, prizesof money,si|vеrаnd othеrobjесts. 'ч*iсhofferеdsubstantiа|

: -.thstаtеand privatеIottеriеs were hеld from thе 17th сеnturу ::lla rd s,but сhеa tingаn d d i s h o n e stуb е с аmеа tе rri b I epr o bI em I. n ..т it bесamеso diffiсuItto rUn an honеstlotterythat Pаr|iаmenttook Thе IаstoId wеrе il|egаI. .: on in 1B02and ru|еdthat privаte|otteries .::те|otteryin Еng|andwas hеIdiп 1826. . тodern timеs,thе nеw nаtionаIIottеryis rUnjUst Iikеa businеss.|t "j :еsan еnormousаmount of moneуfor сharity.Anybodуwho сan



5.b 6b


Languagеnotes - havingno monеyаndthеrеfore bаnkrupt unab|еto paydebt _ for еxamplе сurrenсу thеsystеmof monеyusеdin а сountry, Do||ar, Еuro - а namеforthe Britishсurrеnсу, for examp|е: thе sterling poundster|ing; dolIаrs or Ameriсаn уoUсanpаyin stеr|ing gеtriсhquiсk- thisinformaI eхprеssion usеsthеаdjесtivе quiсkratherthanthe аdverbquiсklу

еaсhpoint.Askpаirsto Inthesamеpairs,students disсuss FindoutwhowouIdаnd shаrеthеiridеaswiththeс|ass. rvhоwouIdnotliketo winthеlotterv andwhv.



ln 9гitаin,an fut of ?ar\iamont iь a сhango in ths lашmаdоb1 ?aгliаmоnt. 4

сarеful|y and to rеаdthеstаtеmеnts Qo' ТеlIstudеnts undеr|inе the kеywords.Те||themthatyouaregoingto p|ауthе rесording makе Studеnts twiсе.P|aythе reсording. thеirdесisions asthеуIistеn.


Ben: I nеvеrbuу |ottеrу tiсkеts, Julia.Do you? _ dеpеndshow muсhmoneу|'vegot! JuIia:Somеtimes Ben: Whenwаsthе lotteryfirstIaunсhed? | сan'tremembеr. J uI i a :I n B r i t a i n,y o u m еa n? Bеn: Yеah. Julia: ln 1995,l think.Yеs,it wаs* 1995.I remembеrreadingsomewher Wasteof timе. thаt mаthematiсians thoughtit wasa сomp|еte Ben: Whуon earthdid theythinkthаt?Loadsof сountrieshаvea nationa||otterу. theуsaidthatthe сhanсеsof winningwеreabout JuIia:Wеll,apparеntly o ne i n ' 1 4m i l l i o n. B en: 0 nе i n 1 4 m i I l i o n? Ju|ia:Тhat,sright.Аnd thеуsаidyou had morесhanсеof bеingrun ovеr by a bus on the wayto buya tiсkеtthаnуou did of winningthe jaсkpot! Ben: Hmm _ | саn sеethеirooint. me thаt if you piсkсегtainsеtsof numbеrsуou JuIia: But somеbodytoId mighthavеa verygoodсhаnсeof winning. Bеn: l,vеhеardthаttoo.BUtl havеn'ta сIuehow it works. JuIia:WeII,it sееmsthat mostpеop|еdon,tpiсknumbersat randomyou know,justany old numbers. Bеn: So whatnumbеrsdo thev piсk? thе JuIiа:ТhеyIikеto сhoosе|uсkynumbers_ thе datеof theirbirthdaу, agesof thеirсhildren,thаtsortof thing. Ben: So whаtdoеsthisa||mean? JuIia: It mеаnsthatsomеsеtsof numbersarе сhosenIessoften. you havemoreсhanсеof Ben: So if уou piсkjustany oId numbers, winninga lot of monеу! сhooseone setof Iuсkynumbers.Wе JuIia:Тhat'sright.WeshouIdn't shou|dpiсkany old numbers.Hеy!Whеreareуou going'Bеn? Ben: Тo buy a |otterytiсkеt!

in pаirs.P|aуthе reсordin Studеnts сomparе thеiranswеrs аgаinforstudеnts to сhесkandсorrесttheiranswеrs. Фi1taIsе

2Тruе 3Truе 4tаlsе 5Falsе .ll..l8;'.lЁ;f i...ii

Speaking MaКing dосisions Юd* Rеmindstudеnts howimportant it is to antiсipatе rеadthroughthе dia|oguе Students and in pairs answеrs. whatmightgo in the gaps.Thеnplаythе rесording. disсuss fill in as manуof thе gapsas thеyсan.Studеnts Studеnts playthе rесording сhесktheiranswеrsin pairs.|f neсеssary' to сheсkthеiranswеrs. Сhесkthе againfor students withtheс|ass. answеrs


@ Persuadingsomеone 1 Don'tyou John: I thinka Iibrarywou|dbe popu|arwith еverybodу. щrcе? Jess: Yes.But you'vеgot to agreethat а disсowou|dbе more popu|аr withyoungpeople. Nigе|: z Don'tvou thinkthata swimmingpoo|wouldbе best?Pеop|e Iikеswimming. Hattiе: з Whatabouta sportsstadium?Don'tyou thinkthat+wou|dbе аn еVenbеtteridеa? Reaсhinga deсision Jess: s So do wе аl|agreethatа disсowouIdbe thе bеstidеa? Nige|: I thinkwe'veaIIdeсidеdthata swimmingpoo|'sthе bestprojесt. Hаttie: We|l,6 mostof us seеmto think that a sport'sstadiumwould bе the mostpopu|arсhoiсе.

intopairsаndte||thеmto dесidеwhois A and 6 Рutstudеnts who is B.Аskpairsto rеadthеirrolеsand prеparеwhat thеyаrеgoingto say.Те||themto |ookat 5 for hеlpwith Whеnstudеnts аrеrеаdy, thе сorreсtехprеssions. theydo pIаy. RеmindthеmthаtA shou|dspеаkfirst. thе roIе Monitorthеmas thеvspeak. Photo disсuвgion intonеwpairsandаskthеmto dесidеwho is 7 Putstudеnts A andwho is B. Beforestudеnts startthe еxеrсisе аskthеm to lookat thе photogrаphs аndtе||youwhatthеyсansее in еасhone.Тhеngivеstudents timеto preparеthеir answers. Studеnts askаndаnswеrin pairs. optiona! aсtivity Таkea quiсkсIаsspo||on howstudеnts сomеto sсhoo|. Dividеstudеnts intogroupsto disсusshowwaysof gеtting for еxаmp|e bikе|anеsor to sсhooIсou|dbе improved, bеtterbusserviсеs.


Writingan argumentfor and 64_65 against Аm bition SBpagеs idеas Brainstorming thеm brainstorm wordsin pairsаndthenorgаnisе 1 Studеnts groups: positivе, nеgativе or neutraI. intothrеe Ask Writеthеthreеgroupson the boardin сo|umns. studеnts to tе||youthеirwordsandwritethеmundеrthe hеаding. сorresponding

Studyingthе samplе summаriеs. Givеthеm to rеadthе paragraph 2 Askstudents аnd mаtсhthе two minutesto skimrеadthе сompositiоn withthe pаragrаphs. summariеs

monitor do thееxеrсisе on thеirown.|f possib|е, 3 Studеnts the thеmastheyworkto makеsurеthеyhаvеidеntified pointsсorrесt|у. сhесkthеiranswersin pаirs. Studеnts

Findout who in thе с|аssagreеswiththewriterby asking fora quiсkshowof hаnds.Аskthosewhoagreеto givе rеаsons. Аskthosеwhodo notagrееto givethеirrеasons. optional aсtivity - Аrеyouаmbitious? Сlassquеstionnаirе in pairsоr smаIIgroups, students writemultip|eWorking dеsigned to findout if someonеis сhoiсеquestions forеxamp|е: ambitious, gеt poor mаrksin а tеstdo уou ... If уou а fееl tеrriblуupsеt. b not worrу. с start workinghаrder. d deсidеit wosа bоd tеst. o sсorеsЗ points;b sсores0 points;с sсorеs2 points; d sсorеs1 point questionnaire саnbе сombined intoа сIass Тheirquеstions to do'Тhеstudеnts Withthe highеst andgivеnto еvеryone sсorеsarеthе mostаmbitious.

9tеpsto bеtterwriting .jnКng vroгdв 4 Studеnts do thе еxеrсisе on thеirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs lriththесIass.


7-oro arltclo 8 Studеnts dotheеxеrсisеs in оаirs. theanswers with Сheсk

оr 1 а, с .lЕ;;i.:l. ];11l;::9:]::] 7 a, с ''а.'..qi.],!.l'.ll..$i] fi;'rC,:,, '.s:';:а;]]f

lllапguаge notеs д:-.irst is usedto tаIkаboutthе bеginning of a situаtion аndto -аkе a сontrast withwhаthappened |ater, forеxаmp|е: l: 'firstl didn,tt'еelvеrусonfidеnt,but soonl wаsspeоking f lеntlf. l: /astis usedаt the endof а situаtion for to indiсаtеrе|iеf, .:o'аm oIe: l: !аsttheplаnеlаndedаnd thelongt'Iightwasovеr. optionaIaсtivity .l\'ritе on thе boardor saythеsеpairsof wordsаnd ask studеnts whiсhis morеformаl: |аstbut not leаstl lояIу moreover I in аddition nеverthelеss l howеver эa l therеfore .. >. |аstly,rnоrеоvеr,.nеvепЁе|ess'thеrеforе 5 Studеnts do thеexеrсisе on thеirownor in оairs.Сheсkthе аnswеrs withthе с|аss. *'. 1 2 3 4 )

tфe 5 Аskstudеnts whyit mightbе bеtterto usеimpеrsona| formsin a сomposition thatthеymight of thiskind.Еxp|аin wantto writeaboutmorеthаnone pointof view,аnd impеrsonaI formsprеventthemfromсontradiсting thеmsе|vеs.

Writinga groupсomposition 10 Think aboutthe subjeсt Аskthес|assto idеntify the pеoplеin thе piсturеs andto givеas muсhfaсtualinformation аboutthеirIivеsasthеy youthinkwouldintеrеst сan.Аddany information thе students fromthe informаtion bе|ow. . Jennifеr Аniston wasbornin Са|iforniа shеhas although spеntmanуyеаrs|ivingin NеwYork.Herfathеris an aсtorаndJennifer stаrtеdhеraсtingat 11whenshе stаrtеdgoingto thе RudoIfSteinеrSсhooldramас|ub. WhiIеshеwasat thesсhoo| an shеbесamе painter ассomp|ishеd andhаdonеof herpiесеs disp|ayеd in thе NеwYorkMеtropo|itan Musеumof Агt. AIthough fromthe сomedy shеis bеstknownas Raсhе| seriеsFriеnds, shehаsappеаred in manyfi|ms.While filmingThеОbjесtof Му Аffесtionin 1998shе mеt hеr husband, BradPitt.Тheymаrried in 2000butthе marriagе еndеdin divorсеfourаnda hа|fyearsIatеr. . BradPittwasbornin 196Зin ok|аhomа butgrеwup in Missouri, whеrеhе Wеntto university аndstudiеd journ)ismandadvеrtising. Howеvе1 hе droppеdout of justbeforehе wаsduеto graduatе univеrsity and movеdto Ho||ywood. ln .l991hе bесamefаmousduеto his ro|ein Thelmааnd Louisе'Hе playsmanуdifferеnt typesof сharaсters. In 1995he wonan osсarfor his ro|е tn TwelvеMonkeуs. Hе wasmаrriedto JеnnifеrAniston from2000to 2005.

Undоrstanding tho tasK 11 Dividеstudеnts intogroupsof four.Те|Ithe groupsto disсussideasfor bothtitIеsandthеnto dесidеwhiсh сomposition thеywouIdIikеto write. Planning and uгiting 12 Bеforеthеvstart.rеmindstudеnts of the orderof pаragraphs in thesаmp|е. Givethemtimеto brаinstorm andorganisе thеiridеаs.Tе|Ithеmto foIlowthеsеvеn pointsсаrefu||y.


LhocYing 13 Monitorthegroupsas thеyсhесkthеirwork,butenсourage thеirwritingfor thеmto se|fсorrесtratherthanсorrесting quеstions |ikeСаnуou improvеit bу them.Foreхample,аsk reordеring thеpоrаgrаphsZ and /s thеrеа bеttеrlinkingword thеirfinishеd уouсouldusehеrе?Thegroupsdisp|ay on thе с|аssroom wall,or on a desk,forthe сompositions othеrgroupsto read. I I


wordsfromthе Writеthistаb|еon thе boаrd.lt сontаins samp|есomposition. Adjeсtivе Verb Noun famе argumеntatlVеаr8ue motivаted harm harm dеsirе desirе destroy dеstruсtive



сomplеtе thеtаb|е,thenundеr|ine the stressеd Students notе if ТelIthеmto thе stressсhangеs whеnthеform sy||ables. сhangеs.


67 Musiс 21st-сеnturуstуIе SBpage

Warm-up diffеrent typesof musiс.Writеthemon Аs a с|аssbrainstorm of bands/ pеop|е to givееxаmplеs the board.Askstudеnts whosingthеtypеsof musiсyou havеlistеd.

ьhorlrв in urhiсhpoopla Pop|doland?opstаrвare 9сitiьhtоlaviвion сompelo to шinа reсordingсoniraсi.oaсh wcoYthо1hаveto sing a naшsongandeiflher a grouPof musiсa1paгtsoг thо ьhoш,s аndvrhoiв vioworьdoсidewhoсontinugз in tha сomoоtition оliminatad. .ftv ideaof the.зhourhaвnoьlbecniaYena вtоpfuгthoг.|n Fаme livо iogоihогandaro filrmcdz4 Рuаdemуin the UK сonioьtaniь houгьa dа1duгingthосompоtition. 1 Аskstudеnts to |ookat the photosand in pairsidеntify whattypеof musiсеaсhphotoshows.Сhесkthе answеrs withthе с|аss.

intosmalIgroupsof fouror fiveto disсuss Putstudents theirmusiсaI tаstеs. TelIthemto rеfеrto thе |iston thе thеmto еxplainwhythеy|ikеwhat boаrdand еnсourаge thеydo.If уourс|аssis vеryintеrеstеd in musiс,givеthеm fouror fiveminutеsforthis,or untiIthe majority of thе groupshavеrunout of thingsto say.Тakea quiсkсlassvotе to findoutwhiсhtypеof musiсis thе сlаssfavouritе.

Word foсus ь

Famo and tho famil1 1 1 taIеnted2 аmbition3 top-rankеd 4 saсrifiсes5 intеrnationaI 6 top

ь ProPoаitions 2 1 of 2 of 3of

Bеforеstudеnts do thе еxerсisе tе|lthеmto skimrеаdthе АI|ow mаximum reаdthе artiс|е. a of two minutеs. Studеnts questions. Studеnts сhесktheir artiсlеand answеrthе withthe сlаss. answеrsin pairs.Сhесkthеаnswеrs

4o n 5at 6w ith To ver


ь ЕxPresвions 3а


о'. Phrasal verbв 41d 2a 3с





5 1 workout 2 put off 3 80 Without 4 сarrуon 5 hаngon to

Talkingaboutyour Gountry givеthеmtimеto rеadthe do theеxеrсisе Bеforеstudents quеstions аndthinkaboutthеirresponses. Remindthеmto thinkаboutwhуthеуfееlas theydo. Dividestudеnts intogroupsof fouror fivеto disсuss thе good quеstions. Again,thismaybе a opportunity forуouto at monitor, makenotesof mistаkеs and е|iсitpееrсorrесtion thееndof thеасivitу.Groupssharеthеiridеaswiththе сIаss. Thismay|еadto furthеrdisсussion.


Students workon thеirown.Remindthemto skimrеаdthe teхt.Сhесkthеаnswеrs to te|| withthе с|аss. Аskstudеnts parts whiсh stаtеments of thе tехt arе reflесtеd by thе уou thevсhosе. ,l) a (pаragraph с (pаra$raph 2)..d (рarаgrарh 4) g (paragrаph 7) k (pаragraph 11)

tш Unit sшmmarуon Contentspages4-5


Bodу lаnguоge SBpages68-69

thm'п-up ls'i:":.: sтudеnts opеnthеirbooks, tе||thеmthаtуouаrеgoing ']l 'i ]L]tsomеwordswhiсhdesсribе fееlings. Тhеymust i|уi(xl.:,j5 ihosеfее|ings for usingthеirbodiеs.Forеxamp|е, ry.] i:]ll:.;.hеy mightsitbасkin thеirсhаirswiththеirarms шlе,: !rаmp|es youсouIdса|Iout are.. rеlахed, of fееlings l":; surprisеd, t::l,.'' depressеd, angrу'nеrvous.

Lаnguagenotеs - thе proсеss bodуlаnguаgе of сommuniсating by thеwaуonе sits,stаnds,movеs,еtс.rаthеrthаnbywords - thеfinаlrеhеаrsа| drеssrеhеоrsаl of a plаywiththесostumеs asthеywouldbе in a rеа|pеrformаnсе - rеvealing tell-tаIe andgiveаwоу or indiсating somеthing

Voсabulary 9od1 languago

piсturеs ]еsсnbiп8аnd соmparing issomеthrng thаtthе я.dепtswiIlhаvеto.doin.thеir..*u''.:9 it is imрottаnt т-атthеypraсtise. TеIIstudеnts to rеadthе Examtrаining .lо.теs саrеfu||у. Dеmonstratе by askinga morесonfidеnt я"ldеntto аnswеrquеstions 1 and2 аboutthеfirstpiсture. .'ll l....studеnts workin pairs,tаkingturnsto dеsсribе thе to :-.еrpiсturеs. TeIIthеm to rеadthеwordsin thеIistfirst ..c аnswer thеpairs anyquestions thеymаyhavе.|\4onitor ,. .hеуwork.lf nесеssаrу, rеmindthеmto usеthе .: rIinuоus аndto answеr the tеnsеwhеnappropriаtе, giving : -:stionsrathеrthan а detai|еd dеsсription of thе piсture. thеm Notе аny frеquеnt еrrors, and сorrесt ^.:iе ,- .rе еndоf thеaсtivity. t . lrе sаmеpairsstudеnts tаIkаboutfееlings and ..arаСtеr. As in 1, monitorandmаkеsurеthеуarе ;.sш.еring tеnsе. thеquestion andusingthесorrесt



Пossibleanswеrs .l Piсturе1 (topleft):thе mаn is lеаningfоrwаrdovеr а dеskwithhishandsс|аspеd. Рiсturе2 (topright):thе mаn is ho|dinghis heаdin hishаnd,|оoking tirеdandworriеd. Piсture3 (bоttom|еft):thе manis gеsturing withhis hands,pеrhaps еxplaining or quеstioning. Piсturе4 (bоttomriфt):thеWo.mаn is sittingоn t|.rе еdgеof hеrsеat,с|utсhing frowning, herbаgtight|у, |oоking nеrvous. 2 Piсturе.1suggеsts а man who еnjoуsроwеr PiсturеЗ suggеsts а сonfidentnеgоtiator Рiсtures2 and4 suggеst thаi thе pеоplеdo not сopе wеl|understrеs| ...:. :......] :... ;....'.... :i-;еntsdo theexеrсisе on thеirown.

llptional aсtivity *j( !тUdеnts havе nationaIitiеs if thеvthinkthаtdifferent x ,=:.еnt whatdo kindsof bodу|anguagе. Forеxamp|е, l-.' :riпkis tуpiсalоf thebodу|anguagе of Аmеriсаns, i -; Gеrmаns, Itа|iаns, Jаpаnеsе. 'r.

5 Studеnts do the exеrсise on thеirown.Сhесkthеanswers withthесIass. oт1с




job intеrviеw 6 Аskstudеnts situation. In to imaginе a typiсaI pаirs,studеnts whatwouIdbе appropriatе body disсuss language. ь

Studеnts,own аnswеrs "!'


optional асtivity 1 Whenstudеnts hаvеdisсussеd аppropriatе bodу|anguаgе,i onеwitha student уouсou|drolеp|ауtwo interviеws; l usingappropriatg bodуlanguagе andonеwith i; . ',/ |nаppropr|atе languаgе. body .l ' : i l i


Foolings 7 Rеmindstudеnts kеywordswhiсhwi||he|p to undеrIine thеmto find the wordsin thе tеxt,tor eхamp|e: freed, аnхietу. Studеnts sсаnthеtеxtand undеr|inе thеwordsаs thеyfindthem.Сhесkthеаnswеrs Аsk withthе с|ass. to studеnts whiсhwordsthеуundеr|ined in thеmеanings hе|pthеm. ь' 1 сool 2 nеrvous З сautious 4 tеrrifiеd 5 rе|iеf 6 strеss I Фil

Youсou|ddo thisеxеrсise orаl|yas a сIаss. Studenь,own аnswеrs

Time to talk! Askstudеnts to Iookаt thе photograph and rеаdthе questions. Givеthemaboutа minutеto notеdownthеirrеsponses. Divide thеmintopаirsor groUpsof fouror fivеto disсuss thеir forthеir аnswеrs. Enсоurage thеmto thinkaboutthе reasons ansWеrS. Pаirsоr groupssharеthеiridеаswiththесIаss.



sв page570_71


The presentpеrfeсt Warm-up to Iookat thе piсturеon pаge70 andte|lyou Askstudеnts whatthеythinktheboyis doingon hisсomputеr.


in pairs.Сheсkthеanswеrs with do thе еxеrсisе 1 Studеnts thесIass.

. optiona!aсtivity to с|osе i P|aуНаngmaлusingwordsfrom]. Askstudеnts monitor. * thеirbooks.Youdo thеfirstonе,for еxаmplе: to сomеout to thе boardаnd Iеt { тhеnсhoosеstudеnts

it is to antiсipatе howimportant ;Ф't Rеmindstudеnts wordsin thе notе: Askthеmto prеdiсtthе missing answers. do thison thеirown.Сhесk Studеnts beforеthеуIistеn. butdo notсorrесtthеmаt thisstаgе.PIаr thеirprеdiсtions filIin as manyof thegapsasthеу Studеnts thеrесording' саn.

i i i

as mаnyof thеwordsasthеyсan, 2 Askthe pairsto еxp|ain possib|е. lf monoIinguаI diсtionаriеs in ЕngIish if are telIthеmto сhесkanyеxp|anations thаtthеyarе avаi|abIе' withthесlаss. Unsurе аbout.Сhесkthеаnswеrs

Thе biggestсhangеsin thе Iast20 yеаrshavebееnin thе way pеople Еifteenyeаrsаgoveryfеш and howthеyaссessinformаtion. сommuniсate peop|eusedthe |ntеrnet, but sinсеthen it hasbeсomemorеand morе popuIarand opеneda whoIenеwworldto thosewho useit. Not only do*-i it meаn wе сan find out аboutany subjесtWeWаntby pressinga fеw kеl,. lt seеmsovеr90%of but it hasa|soсhangedthе waywe сommuniсаtе. emаiIsat somеtime.Тhisis сomouterusershаvesеntor rесеived Ietters, beсausеusingеmаi|s,rathеrthan oId-fashioned understаndаbIе hаs bесomequiсkеrand еasier.|t hаsa|sobесomt meansсommuniсation thankstс moreinformаlаnd we are now morе|ikelyto writeto strangеrs сhat rooms.Оver40%of Intеrnеtusershаvеvisitеdсhаt rooms.Тhe attrасtionis that thеy a||owуou to disсusssubjесtsуou arе intеrestеdin interestеd. You no |ongеrnеedto boreуour withotherswhoare equa||y Ioса|friеnds. othеr thingswe havestartedusingthe Intеrnetfor are findingout aboutwhat,son at our |oсaIсinеmasand thеatrеs,reаdingthe news and Iisteningto musiс.AIIthis ассessto informationshouIdmean tha: wе haveaIsobeсomеbеttereduсаtеdаnd informed.Howevеrgood аl thesebenеfitsof the Internеtarе' we haveto remеmbеrthаt We сan survivеwithoutсomputеrsand that spеndingtoo |ongin front of сomputersсan mаkе us |аzуand bе bаd for our hеa|th.

сompletе thеiranswеrs. а8аin.studеnts P|aуthеrесording in pairs.Сhесkthе сheсkand сorrесttheiranswеrs Studеnts withthе с|аss. аnswеrs ф:l

5 I


[Grammar сheсk Past simple and presentpеrfeсt simplе Usеs thеrulеsin pairsanddесidеon thеir disсuss 1 Studеnts withthе сlаss. Сhесkthеanswеrs answers. o.*..J.'l.:.Тt.tlе.l.:ll. Forms

thе ru|еsin pairs.Сhесkthеаnswеrs 2 Students сomp|еtе withtheс|ass.


!lшdеnts do thееxеrсisе in oаirs.Сhесkthеаnswеrs with .|.1е с|аss.


2for 3еvеr 4nеvеr

11 Dividеstudеnts in groupsof fouror fivеto disсuss thе pointsand makеnоtеs.Remindthеmto usеthе оаst prеsеnt pеrfесt simp|е, simpleаndсontinuous. Monitor to mаkеsurеthеyаrеusingthе |anguаgе сorrесtly.

б Studеnts writеthesеntеnсеs on thеirown,thеnсhесkin 12 BеforeformingnеWgroupsgivеeaсhstudеntin theoriginal pаirs. A|tеrnаtivе|y thisсouldbe givenforhomеwork. groupS a lette1А, B, С or D.Nowaskthe studеnts to form : groups thе new of Аs, Bs, Сs, Ds, to tе|I еaсh othеr аbout эт 1 Wеhavеnеvеrp|ауеd game: thаtсomputеr thеirwеbsitе. 2 Thatсgmрutg1hаt'1!l1йikаd;.!inсe.'!:n;ФbfiЁв.'h;l:ll:l::.:.::'..;'l....l....... 3 Sаrаhhаsbееnon a соinputеr сoursеforsixweеls. Let's praсtise gramП?I sв pages72-7З . 4 Hаvеyou еvqrv!sttёd.*l$аt:t6n.11l?i..1..l1.ll.ll..l..l::..:l.;.l;ll;.llll:.l.l;.l.l.i:1.....l...l.:';j.l].'... 5 BiIIhаssеntmetеnemaiIs Somеor al|of thе exеrсisеs sinсе10 o,с|oсk this саn be givenаs homеwork. morning. G'Prовsnt porfoc| Thо prоsont porfeс|simple and prosont Porfoat.сontinuous 1 1 Johnhаsn'tflownin a plаnеsinсеhе Wastеn. 7 Bеforеstudеnts do the еxerсisе askthеmto te||youwhаtis 2 HasRасhе| sееnanУfiImstаrssinсesheаrrivеdin hаppеning in thесartoons. Askstudеnts to idеntify the Hollywood? tеnsеsin thе саrtoons. Studеnts do thе еxerсisе in оairs. 3 Sinсehе boughta сomputеr, Mаrkhasn'tstoppеd Сhесkthеanswеrs pIaуing withthе сIass. сomputergames. 4 Pamhаswantеd to bе a vеtsinсеshеrеadа book or 'l aboutonе. 2 5 JuIiеhasn'tspokеnto Samsinсethеyhаdаn з argumеnt. 4 6 Sinсеhе stаrted ro||еrb|аding, Tim hasfaIIеn оvеr ) manуtimеs. optiona!асtivity p|ayа mеmorygamе.Put Bеforеstudеnts do thе еxеrсisе, students intopаirs(Aand B).Givеthemoneminutеtо studythe сartoons bеforetеlIingthеmto сIosеthеirbooks. Studеnt А сhooses a сartoon, 1,2 or З, forstudеnt B to givingthе dеsсribе in аs muсhdеtаilаs possib|е, inс|uding tеxtin thеsоеесhmаrks.Studеnt А is aIIowed to сheсkthe dеsсriotion withthеbookooеn.Тhеnstudеnt B сhoosеs onеof therеmaining сartoons forstudеnt A to dеsсribе.


з 5 I 9 Studеnts tаlkin pаirsaboutwhatthеyhаvеdonеand havе bееndoingon thесomputеrrесеnt|y.

[еt'sасtivate Тalкing abou| a uоbsito t0 Studеnts lookat thewеbsite аnddisсuss in oаirsthе infоrmаtion Аskoairsto sharethеir thаtit inсludes. аnswеrs withthe сIass.

2 1 hasmаdе 2 havеnevеrsеnt 3 go 4 hаsrесeivеd 5 hаsbесome 6 hasaffeсted 7 had 8 disсussеd9 hasgiven 3 1 hаsbееnstudying 7 2 l'vejustwon 3 Hаshе bееnp|аying 4 hasjustfailеd 5 run 6 hаsbееnаpplуing, hashad 7 hаsbeеnwriting,haswritten 8 hаshad 9 hаvеуoubееndoing 10 |'vebееnсIеaning, |'veс|еanеd ,I 4 Howmanyphoneсal|shаshе madе? 2 HowIonghаsshеbееnworking / hassheworkеd аs an асtrеss? 3 HowmanyСDshаsshе|istеnеd to? 4 Howlonghavethеybееntherе? 5 How|оnghаsshеhadit? gamеshasshеbought 6 Howmаnусomputеr rесеntlУ?

Extension Й, YaI, stiil, 5 2 yеt,yеt

4 alrеady


Тruе Hе hаsn'tphonеdSal|yyеt. FaIse. askеdabouta саrееrsintеrviеw. Falsе.Hе hаsaIreadv Hе hasa|rеadУ takеnthе bookbaсkto thе Fa|sе. library. ) FaIsе. Hе hasn'tboughttiсketsforthе сonсеrtyеt.

6'I 2 3 4

o- Тhe right vrord

Ameriсan Еnglish bеtwеег of diffеrеnсes to giveyousomееxamples Askstudеnts Thеsесouldbe in voсаbularу, Amеriсan and BritishЕng|ish. grammar or pronunсiation.

7 1 hаvе...to|d 2 Did... bеIievе3 has...got 4 hаvеmеt 5 stаrtеd 6 hаsdесided/ dесidеd 7 add 8 hasworkеd/ hаsbееnworking 9 hаd .|0 doеsn'thаvе 11 hаvеvisited 12 havedone 13 Did ... |ook 14 touсhеd

I i



Listеningand speaking

Vаriеtiеs of Еnglish sвpagestц-ls

intosmаIIgroupsGivеthеma fеwminutеs 1 Dividestudents аndanswеrthеquestion. Askgroups tо lookаt thеpiсturе to sharеthеiridеаswiththе сIаss

disсusspoints1_4.Аskgroups Inthе sаmеgroupsstudеnts to shаrеtheirideaswiththе сlass. whаt askthе students .ф,". Bеforеyou p|aуthe rесording, hаvesomеthingin сommonmeans(shоrесhоrасtеristiсs).Io the еxprеssion' asktwo сheсkthаtthесIаssundеrstаnds to sаywhаtthingsthеyhavein сommon.(tor students еxаmp|е,Wеbothhаveblасkhаir;wеbothlivein -.) аs а сlаss. Disсuss thе quеstions oraI|y Playthе rесording.


invanted in tB61\ tha?olishphilologiьt, oьporanlo iь a|anguage ьo ii hааhadoveга hundгоdyоагьto LudшiKL. Zлmonhot Althoughitь ьpоllingз1stamis bаьodon the bocomeьuссoььfu|. |anguago, аnd it thaгefoгe muсhoaьiorIo \oarn эoundьof Iho вo thаnthаtof бngtieh,Ihorearo still notmаn1ьpоаКe.гa, \anguago' oьporanlo ia unliкol1over1obeсomoa ьuссeььfu|

@ eхсеpt in сommonWiththе Аmeriсаns Тhe Еnglishhаverea||у еverything of сourse,|anguagе.

Listening Тho Еnglish |anguago workin pairsto сhoosеthеiranswеrs bеfore 3 Studеnts Rеmindthеmthаtit сanbе hеlpful Iistеning to thе reсording' guеsses aboutthеanswеrs. Аskpаirsto to makеintе|ligеnt butdo notсorreсt themаt thisstagе. tе||уоuthеirсhоiсеs +

youarеgoingto p|aуthе reсording Quo Tе|Istudents Studеnts сirс|еas manyаnswеrs twiсе.Playthе rесording. аsthеVсan.


Did you knowthat in thе 17th сеnturу,Еng|ishwasspokenbу 5'500'000 pеopIе?Now,it'sthе firstor seсond|anguageof аbouta quarterof the variеtiеs and if you сountthe different of the |anguagе wor|d'spopu|ation _ sсiеntifiс, teсhniсaI and so on _ it hasa voсabuIary of somеthing diаIесts, in the wor|d! like800,000words_ thаt'smorethanany other|аnguagе

agаin.Studеnts сomp|еte аnd сorreсt Playthе rесording Сhесkthеаnswеrs withtheсlass.Askif theiranswers. by аnyof thе аnswеrs. studеnts wеrеsurprisеd


Studеntswrite .4?li* Askstudеntsto reаdthе questions. Plaуthе whi|еtheylistеnto thе reсording. thеаnswеrs rесord ing.


or misunderstanding on oneor Womаn:Lotsof wordsсauseсonfusion HaveуoUhеardthestoryof thе thеothеrsideof thеAtIantiс. who on an еmрtyroadin Texаs whometsomeone Еng|ishmаn о flotwasan to|dhimhе hаdа flаt?Тothe Eng|ishman, whуon еarththеТехanshou|d te|| so hewondered apartrnеnt himthаt_ buttheТexаnmeantthathisсarhada flаttvrе! gir|whomеtan Mаn: Andthеre's another storуof thеЕng|ish forsneаkers. Shethоughtit Аmеriсаn in oxfordStreetIooking taIking aboutaIIthewrong mеantpеoplеwhosneаkaround _ thingsotherpeoplеhаvedone.Whatshewantеdweretrоinеrs саsuaI shoesforsportsoi running! Studеntsсhесkthеir аnswеrswith a partnеr's.Playthе Сhесkthe answerswith the с|аss. rесordingаgain if nесеssarу.

D. 1 1 5 {)", Studеnts workin pairsto mаtсhthеAmеriсan Еnglish wordsto thеirBritishЕng|ish mеanings. Те||them to matсhthеwordstheyfindеasiеst first.Аskpairsto tеl| lou thеirсhoiсеsbutdo notсorrесtthеm.Playthe rесording forstudеnts to сhесkand сorrесtthеirаnswеrs.


@ .

l ,t 5 6

э lll _ ba nknote эUrеau_ сhestof drawers зп т | n .?ndy _ swеets сookiе- swееtbisсuit _ сhemist,sshop drugstore irenсhfriеs_ сhips gаrbagе / trash- rubbish _ pеtro| .qа5 mаi|_ post movie- film реriod_ fulIstop rеstroom_ toiIet :есondfloor- firstfloor sidewalk- pavement trunk_ сar boot

optional aсtivity ТheАmeriсаnЕng|ishwordsbill' burеоu,gas,sесondt'toor andtrunkаIIhavесomp|еteIy diffеrеnt mеanings in British Еng|ish. Askthеstudеnts whatthеmеаnings arе.ТеlIthеm to сhесkin a mono|inguа| diсtionаry if theуdo notknow. piесе papеr bill a of whiсhshowshowmuсhmonеyyou (British) owеforgoodsor sеrviсеs bureаu a Writingdеskwithdrawеrs anda Iid(British) gаs- a substаnсе whiсhis usеdfor hеаtingand сooking, gаs forexamp|e, in а сookеr(British) sесond thеfloorat ground|еve|is floor_ in BritishЕng|ish, thеgroundfloor,thеoneаbovеis thеfirstfloorаndthе onеabovеthаtis thе sесondfloor.SoAmеriсanEnglish sесondflooris firstfloorin BritishЕnglish' trunk- а largеboxthаtуou useforstoringor transporting things(British)

Брtting t

Studеnts do thе еxerсisе on thеirownor in patrs.rf monolinguaI diсtionariеs areаvаiIab|е, tе|lthеmto сhесk thеirownanswers.

Ths Arnогiсan laliсogrаphог NoаhЬlebьtоrstаndагdiвed Ameгiсаn spallingin hi5Amогiсan Diсtionaг1 Oftho6ngli6hLanguage, r.lhiсhшаsflгьtoublishоd in |8Lь

Speaking Givinд oPinion6 1g 6fв.в Askstudеnts to readthеtopiсin itaIiсs. Briеflydisсuss whаttheythinkaboutthе|ntеrnеt in rеIаtiоn to сrimеаnd tеrrorism. Studеnts rеadwhatSimоnsays.Еnсourаgе thеmto prеdiсtwhatmightgo in thеgaps.Pointoutthаttheywill bе еxpressions usеdto givеopinions, listrеasons and summarisе. P|аythе rесording. Studеnts thеgаps сomplete andthеnсhесkthеiranswers withа partner,s.


Simon ln l mv opinion'thе |nternеt makеsthе wor|dа moredangеrous plaсe.z Firstof aII,сriminaIs сan haсkintothе сomputеrsystems of organisations аnd find information аboutthеm.Theyсan usе this information to steaImoneуand idеas. з Тhаtis bаd еnough,but thеусanаlsofind information, partiсu|аr|у bankdetai|s, aboutordinarypeoplewho buуthings +Еurthеrmorе, ovеrthе Internеt. thе lnternеtis so bigаnd usеsso manyIanguages it is diffiсuIt to poliсе.Thismаkеsit partiсu|ar|у dangеrousif usedbу terrorists. s To sum up, I thinkthat Iifewаssaferbeforethе Intеrnеt аnd wou|dbе bеtterWithoutit.

P|aythе reсording agаinif neсеssаry. Сhесkthеanswеrs withthе с|ass.


11 Stчdеnts do thе еxеrсisе in pаirs.Сhесkthеаnswеrs with thdсlass.

Plаnning 12 Dividеstudеnts intosmа||groupsof fouror fivе.Makеsurе thаtsomеgroupsаrеgoingto spеakforthetopiсandsomе against it.Tе||thеgroups to аddаnypointstheусаnthink of to thеonеsIistеd, andto thinkof rеasons andexamp|es points. to i||ustratе groups prepare their TeIIthе to thеir ,l1, tа|ksusingthep|anаndsomеof thеphrаsеs in 10аnd p|usphrаsеs thеyhavеsееnin units1 to 5.Тhеyshou|d givеthеirtаIks.Takеа thеnсhoosеа spеakеr. Thеspеakers сIassVote.

Soundbitеs Word1Fаppinghood l3 ..фaт.Аskstudents whеthеrtheylikе|anguagе: theirown or Еng|ish andwhy.Те|Ithеmtheуarеgoingto hеаra song аboutwords.P|aythe rесording. Iistenon|y.Ask Studеnts thеmwhatthеythinkthеsongis about(thepowerof lаnguаge). P|aythе rесording to filIin thе againfor studеnts gаps.Plаythesongаgainforstudеnts to сheсktheir аnswеrs. Studеnts сheсkthеiranswеrsin oаirs.



3 British,l Ф

l'- ' r

optional aсtivity WritetheseWordson thе board:papеrs,ТV,vidеo,hungry, stupid,сrаzу,mod' troublе, thirstу,romтnсe'intelligent, person' people, bуе.Te|| thе studеntsthаteightof solution, forthe thе 15аrein thesong.Whеnyoup|aуthе reсording firsttime,thе studentsmarkwhiсhwordstheyhear(pаpers, solution). TV,hungrу,romanсe,stupid,сrozуtroubIе, thе questions in pаirsbеforesharingthеir 14 Students disсuss с|ass. This mav lеаd idеaswiththe to furtherdisсussion.



i sеntenсеs on thе board.Аsk WritesomeAmeriсanEng|ish .trans|atе'thеm to intoBritishЕng|ish, for eхamp|e: studеnts l put thе tеndollаr bill in thеburеаu. Thесentеrсontаinstlцotheaters. Тhесookiеsаnd саndуаrе in the trunkwith therestof the shopping. Thelаdies,restroomis on thеseсondt'toor. Thеmаilboхesin Britаinоrе сoloredred.

Writinga lеtterof еnquirу

with students сompаrеrеsu|ts Whеnthеyhavefinishеd, Thismaybe easiеrto do as a wholес|аss othergroups. Writethеirfindingson the boаrdusingthеse aсtivity. headings: Numbеro| studentswhoovlnа mobilephone: Whуbought: Uses: Numberof studenвwhosebrothеrs/ sisters/ pоrentsownа mobilеphonе: Whуbought: Uses: if thеr Аskthеstudents Arеаnyof theirfindingsa surprisе? hаveeverfoundа mobi|еphoneusеfulin an emеrgеnсy. Whathappened?

Studyingthе sampIе Underвtandingtho taaК is reаdthеtаskanddесidеwhiсhаdvеrtisеmеnt 4 Studеnts pаirs forwhiсhsituаtion. Putstudеnts into to appropriatе disсuss thеiranswеrs.

sсаnthе |еttеrandanswеrthе quеstions. Сhесk 5 Studеnts withtheсlass. thе answers

M o bi l е p h o n еs SBpages 76-77 Warm-up anddisаdvantages Brаinstorm thеаdvantagеs of mobi|e phonеsWiththeсIass. Writethеirideasin twoсolumnson thе board,for еxamp|е: Disadvantages disturbothеrpeoplewhеn usеdin publiс,forеxаmp|е, on тrаIns сantе||pеop|еwhаttimе dangеrous if usеdwhеndriving youwilIarrivе

Advantages сanсhаtwithfriends аt anytimе

Classsurvey to |ookаt thе oiсtures 1 Аskstudеnts andanswеrthe quеstion.

workin smallgroupsto findoutthe information. 2 Students


thеm 6 Studеnts do thеexеrсise on thеirown.Еnсouragе phrasеs andexprеssions in thе |еtterthаt undеrlinе the thequestion. hеlpthemto answеr


Stepsto bеttеrwriting Formal and lоse formаl voсabular1 7 Studеnts do thе еxеrсisе on theirown,Сhесkthеanswers withthесlass.

tflmifingаbout faсts and figuroa t Studеnts workon theirownor in oairs.Youсou|dmаkеthis еrеrсisе а raсеto sееwhiсhstudеnts I pairсanmаtсha|I :hееxprеssions first.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthе сIass.

Writethе numbеrof students on thе boаrdnеxtto eaсhitem. Askstudеnts to writеsеntеnсеs aboutthе с|assusingthе еxprеssions in B.

78 flWord foсus SBpagе * * *

olmost t

рodl |anguago 1 ,l posture 2 hаndgesturеs3 fасiаlexpressions 4 еyесontaсt 5 toneof voiсe 6 hаndshаke

о'Vаriоtiss of gnglish 21 d2 6 t/

Studеnts do thе ехеrсise on thеirown.Сheсktheаnswеrs rviththес|ass.

o'r 1 2 з 4

зb 8с

4 т 5n 9 е 10a



Extension ь.Щoсtivоa 31f

5 а 6е

41 optional aсtivity \k studеnts to arrange thе еxprеssions of quantityin оrdеrfromthе mostto thе |еast.

rе|iеvеd 2 familiar 3 advеnturous4 rаrе ) сommon 6 sensible 7 strаngе I apprеhеnsivе / nеrvous


ъ'Phrasal vогbe 5 1 tryout 2 kееpupwith 3 workout 4 arеIookins for 5 findout 6 fi|Iin

Readingfor Plеasurе TheJudges Нouse SBpagе 79 Writingyour letterof еnquiry llndоrвtanding tho ta6к Sгudеnts rеadthеtаsk.Answеranyquеstions thеymayhavе. 10 TеIlstudеnts to |ookat thеаdvertandto mаkeа notеof thе dеtаi|s. Putstudеnts intopаirsandtеIIthemto brаinstorm whаtsortof ехtrainformation thеyсouIdaskfor.Tel|thеm to lookbaсkаt thеsamp|е|еttеr for ideasif nесеssarу.

Рlаnningand uriting planandwritethеirIettеrs t1 Studеnts in сIаss or for homеwork. Rеmindthеmto usеthеformаlеxprеssions thеyfoundin 6 and7, andthеwordsandfigurеs in B. (hocYing 12 Bеforeyouсheсkstudеnts' |еttеrs, аskthеmto сheсkthеir ownworkusingthepointsin 12.

possеssions, }о а с|аsssurvеyon studеnts' forеxamo|е how т.таnу studеnts ownа: эiсусlе .nlсulаtor :ar iD plауеr fiо{

Й1am6toкогis famouьfoг шгitingDraсu|a. Haшaьboгnin tB4] in Dublin,lгalаndandgг9$luP Wаnting to writоliкоhiвmothог. Hoшsvgг, hiьfаthогwaьYoon thathiаюn hаda pгopeгjoband inвiьted on 9гаmjoiningtha сivil ьorviсeafierhо gгaduаted from univeгвi\.tь a сonьoquenсe he ondeАuP шithturojobь.Horlrasа сivilьогvаnt jouгnaliьt and dramaсritiсin \ dа1and afrce|anсo hiatpaгоtimо.tдlhila \^loгкing аааjouгnаliэt,ho mci aIamouь aсIorсa||ed6iгHenr1lгving,шhooffered9ram аjob.Aссapting it mоantmovinоto Иndonto vroгК in aIheairo.l.tr^rаs Whiloin onq|andhoьtaвodwгitinoьhoгtstoгiaааndnovоls. Warm-up Askstudents if thеуbе|ievе in ghosts. Hаvеаnуof thеmhad аnysupеrnaturаl ехpеriеnсеs or knowаnystoriesof pеop|е who hаvе?Lеtstudеnts tе||thеirstoriesandaskthес|assto thinkaboutpossib|e ехp|anаtions forwhаthappеnеd othеr than'ghostly' ones.

thе fo||owing wordsfromthе text:hаuntеd,infested, аdvise,hаngmаn'сondеmnto deаth,keepmy earsopеn. 1 o6l* Beforеstudеnts do thе еxеrсise, askthеmto rеаdor Iistеnto thе еxtraсt. on their Studеnts thеndo thе еxеrсisе own.Сhесkthе аnswеrs withthе сIаss.

wir of skis


Ф; ..l ta|sе 2 FаIsе } Тruе 4 Truе 5 7 Fa|sе Yoшrrеaсtions givеthеmtwo minutеsto read do the eхеrсisе, Bеforеstudеnts andthinkaboutthеirresDonsеs. Rеmindthеmto theouеstions аnswеrthewhу/ whу not?pаrtsof thе quеstions. Dividе thеquеstions. studеnts intosmаIIgroupsto disсuss A||оwa Askgroupsto sharеthеiridеaswith mаximum of tenminutеs. thе с|ass. I

t I

Lеt's revise Units 5 and 6 sвpagesво_вl


Grammar 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

СIarесan'tbе 20 уеarsold. ТV. Grаhamсou|dbе watсhing Тim mightIikеIsаbеl|е. Dаvесouldbе tirеdfromworkingso hard. Sarahmusthаvеbеenat thесonсеrt. Ju|еsсan,thаvеsееnthеXtrеmesportsсompеtition.

2 1 bеengoing 2 bееnсrying 3 hаd 4 nеvеrworkеd 5 beеn 6 сomе 7 bought 8 watсhеd yеt? HаvеyougivenJаnеmy mеssagе Wе'vеalrеаdУ sееnthаtfi|m. yеt. l hаvеn't bееnshopping yеt? Havеthеybееnon ho|idаy passеd hаsn't his stiII driving tеst./ Johnhаsn't John passеdhisdrivingtеstyеt. 6 Jimis stiI|hеre.

3 1 2 3 4 5

4 1 4 6 8

are 2 hasshown 3 hasannounсеd hаsbееnp|aying 5 hаsmаde hasreсentlу rе|еasеd7 hаvеinсrеasеd hasIeft 9 expIаinеd .l0 hаvеbеen 11 dесided

VoсabuIary 5 1 famous 2 tаIеnted 3 ambitious 4 sасrifiсes 5 pushy 6 to thеtop 6 1 сlutсhing2 gеsturе3 ho|ding 4 frowning 5 firstimprеssions6 еyесontасt 7 hаndshаkе

Phrasalvеrbs 7 'I oft 2 on 3 without 4 on 5 out 8 .l putoff 2 workout 3 сarryon 4 gowithout 5 hangоn 9 1 kееpup with 2 findout 3 filIin 4 tryout for 5 looking


Unit summaryon Contеntspages4-5



g NеW York SBpagеs B2_BЗ

$шпскquiz l ftldеntsanswеr in pairs. Givethemfivе thequеstions with thе с|аss. Сheсk thе answеrs -]qutеs.

optionаIaсtivity i:.dеntsdisсuss thеirimpressions of NewYork.Thisсou|d *:rеr bеа сlаssor а smаIIgroupdisсussion. Whеredo iге\ 8еtthеiridеаsfrom:fi|ms,books,musiс,or piсtures tе thеone hеrе?Havеanyof thеmvisitеdNеwYork? fu.теthеsеohrases on thе boаrd: l :rink NеwYorkis / mауbe ... qпg'у Yorkseеmsto be ... .:.l сouldaIsobrаinstorm to dеsсribе Nеw 50meadjесtivеs q:r.k аndwritethеmon the board,for еxamp|е: eхсiting,

АskindividuaI to sаythеmаloud.Studеnts thеn studеnts praсtisе in pairs,saying thеdatеsandnumbers. a 1626 b 1524 c 19О7 d thе,|7thсеntury e thе1800s f thе1840s g the1920s h 116 i 14,000 j $z+ k $1.06 I 1,004,756m 2,000km


....'....] . . .. lп'ь'ilijц}li.#]tli'"с. ...i. : '... -.: i.;.. ].i.f6ortcti.'. it'nu*Ьо. g.


Ты... *,** . t-sн*,i*'il*i',.l.iln .]. . . . i. 1wеф.1qur.d.оliais ' ;.

....;....;.;;:.::.';:. '.:"

3 Studеnts do thе еxеrсisе on thеirown.Сheсkthе answers withthе с|ass. Askstudеnts to exо|ainhowthеwordsin itaIiсshе|pеdthеmto mаkеthеirсhoiсеs. |f nесеssary, rеmindstudеnts Iikеits, thаtwordsin thе missingsеntеnсеs rhшand thеsеrеIerto sоmething mеntionеd bеforеor аftеr thеmissing sеntеnсе.


z 3 1l

5 6 l.rguаgе notes Fтшrrunсiation fliТt:..]ois /.rэkwc/ or /'rekclJ ltе;ttаrе/.dеlэwеэ/ ;r;:rаpоughl'rrlmepэal

n\--rve \ll0г9oItenсa\\od or juвI АmeriсаnIndiаns, Arn0гiсan6 rс'ans,beсauьe erploгeгв whоnEuropоаn fiгstагrivedin trе'гiсaiha1thought oaьItndieь(iouthihо1hadroaсhodIhe :а* Aоia).Nourtho moreaссurait, Iе,rmNаtiveAmeriсаnьiь of Amoгiса wgrathоoгiginаlinhabitаntо Amогiсanь 'ыj. Na.tivp trЁ,navono сonnoсIion Withths Far oaьt. Ц':, estаteis аn AmоriсanEngtiьhоxpгоssion houэpвoг meaning propeф.6onfusingl1, а Тhs бngliаh Aгiiish equivаlоnt iь "ш-с, сa].|ed reаltor in lнrъ66*1,lo and land iь а bu1зandssllshou&s ц.е.iLanEnglishandаn estаteаgentin 9гitishЕngliьh.

Voсabulary Population 4 Bеforеstudеnts do thе еxеrсisе аskthеmto sсanthеtеxtto findandunderIinе thеwords.Rеmindthеmthatsomе mightbе in thе missingsеntеnсes. do thе еxerсisе Students on thеirown. o- 1 lmmigraпts 4 rеsidents 5

Languagenote immigrаteis not сommon|уusеd,wе tеndto useеmigrаtе instеаd.


hotе|s. Те|Iusaboutoneof уourmorеpopu|ar Interviеwеr: A beсomequitepoрu|ar. WеIl,the |сeHotеIin Swеden's J anе: in thеJamesBondfilm,DiеАnothеr similaronеappeared onеis northof thеArсtiссirсlеandis Doу.TheSwedish everyуear. it'srebui|t bесause unusua| Whаtdo voumeаn? lnterviewer:RebuiIt? it'sals: it hastobe.Butасtua||y, in summer Wel|as it mе|ts Jane: _ nеw everythiп.в in faсt nеw suites, new rooms, redesigned Тimе to talk! tonnеs of iсеandsnowarеusedto buiIdit. AboutЗ0,000 Givеthemtwo minutesto to rеаdthe questions. Аskstudents haI|, a сinеma Тhisуеarit'sgoingto haveаn аrteхhibition Dividethеmintogroupsof fouror notеdownthеirrеsponsеs' wi||be madеof iсе' |сеBarandeverything anda fantаstiс аs thеуwork thеiridеas.Monitorthеstudents bаgs,bесаusе fivеto disсuss sIeеping aregivenspeсiaI Guests сanbе_4 to _9. if neсеssаry. Groupssharеthеir temperatures thеmWithvoсabu|аry hеIping а bit hottеr] lnterviewer:ooh,Thаt'snotwarm!Whataboutsomewhere idеаswiththe с|ass. riсh, you bе very you'rе have to riсh, and fеe|ing if WeI|, Jane: thе BurjaIАrab.|t'sjustofftheсoastof Dubai,in therе's 8,}-s5 sвpages Grammif thеArabЕmiratеs. Interviеwеr:o//theсoast?Don'tyoumeano/?theсoаst? islandасtuаl|y. No.lt Wasbui|tin thesea:on a man.madе J a nе: viaа bridgеor by heliсoptеr. |t'srеaсhed Thе passivе verveхсlusive. lnterviewer: |tsounds bya Itwasdеsigned buiIding. Yеs,butit'sа fasсinating Warm-up J a nе: boаt andit"s Iooks like a saiIing |t arсhitесts. pagе tеаm of еxpert piсtures 84.Аskthem on to Iookat thе 1 Аskstudеnts whitе, dау it's bш thе mаteria| during in а spесiaI сoverеd whеreаndWhattheythinkеасhonеis andwhiсhonеthey of different сoIouв' aII sorts Iike rainbow, it |ooks a at night wouIdmost|ikеto spеndthеweekendin and why. is it? Нowеxpensive Interviеwеr: at over$1,000a night. Verу,|,mаfraid.You'reIooking J anе: сheapеr? Whataboutsomewhеre Intеrviewer: |t,shauntеd, or YouсouIdstavat сast|еStuartin Sсot|аnd. Janе: pеoрle say. so workin pаirsto guеssthеanswersbeforе 2 "e&., Studеnts ls it true? That'sintеrеsting. Haunted? Interviеwer: Rеmindthеmthatit сan bе to thе rесording. Iistеning аboutit' Itwasbuilt storiеs fasсinating therе are somе WеIl J ane: guеsses Аsk' aboutthеаnswеrs. hеlpfultomаkеinteIligеnt yеarsagoandhаshadа vio|еnt four hundrеd a|most pаirsto te||youthеirсhoiсеsbutdo notсorrесtthеm.|f ... sсarуstory.lt i5sаidthat Тhere,s onepаrtiсu|ar|y history. prеparеstudents thefo|lowing words. by еliсiting to findoutif it wаshauntеd nесеssarу onеof theownersdeсided beforеhe movеdin,so heаskedfourbrаvemento stаy Аskthesequestions: Twoof themsaidtheysaw nights. _ on fourdifferent there (аrсhitесt pеrson аn ...? buildings is соlled whodesigns А and sawthedevi|, soIdier, anothеr thеghostof a High|and /,с:krtеkt/ thеfourthwasfounddеad. /.с:krtеktJэ/ Thestudуof thisdesignis ...? (аrсhitесture ) so it'snotforthoseof uswhodon'tIikе InterviеWer:Тhat'squitеa story. Wheniсeturnsto wаterit... ? (me|tslme|tz/l thеdаr k...

workin pairs'lf thеyareunsureof somеof thе 6 Studеnts to hе|p diсtionаriеs theyсan usеmonolinguаI mеanings, themor usethewordlistat the bасkof thе book.

Thесolourеdorсуou sеein thе skуwhеnit rаinsаnd is ,rепrЬu/ sunnуаt thеsаmеtimeis а ...7 (rainbow/ )

twiсe. thаtyouаrеgoingto p|aythе reсording ТeI|studеnts as thеy Studеnts сirсIеas mаnуаnswers P|aythе reсording. сan.


to Jane todaуwe'reta|king on Thetrаvеlprogrаmmе Interviewеr: а сompanywhiсh Сameronot FontosуHotelHolidауs, hotels. in ho|idaуs in unusuаI speсialises Jane,сanyou you got in trave| businеss? stаrtеd the how еxp|ain very waywhеnl in a smаI| not, it а|l stаrtеd it or BеIieve Janе: in rеnovаting andinvoIvеd an аs an arсhitесt wasworking it to somеAmеriсаn l rесommеnded oIdhotеIin a сast|e. me.They friеndsandthensomеfriendsof thеirsсontасtеd Iikedthеideaof a сastlе'buttheywantеdto goto Frаnсe, bу АftеrthаtI wasсontaсtеd so I foundthemаnotherhotеI. thеre butotherstoo'andrеаlised others,mаin|уАmeriсans in unusualhotеIs. Sol sеtup the wasa mаrketforho|idays businеss. Whatsortof Аndnowyou'vegotoffiсesa||overЕuropе! lnterviеwеr: peop|e stayin yourhotеls? in arсhiteсture, whoarеintеrеstеd A||sorts.Wegetpеop|е Jane: plaсеto stayandthose somеwhojustwantan interesting |fyouwant oссasion. whowanta speсiаlhoteIfora speсia| a саve,a tеnt to stayin а hotе|witha ghost,or in а palасe, findit forуou! in thеdesеrtor еvеnin a treе'Wе'||


to сhесkand сorreсt againforstudеnts Playthе rесording withthесIаss. Сheсkthе answers thеirаnswеrs.

сhесk [Grammar The passive Formsand usеs Тhеnаskstudеnts 1 Аskа studеntto rеadoutthеsentеnсеs. pаirs a, b' andс aretruе to dесidеif stаtemеnts to workin with or faIsе.Givеthеmаbouta minute.Сhесkthе answers thе сlаss.

on theirownor in pаirs.Сhесkthе do the еxеrсisе 2 Studеnts withtheсlass. answеrs

in theirnotеbooks. do theеxеrсise 3 Students

Dther tenses 3 Pointoutаgаinthаtеvеnin othеrtenses уoUon|yсhange thеformof thеvеrbto bеto makеa passive. Students сomp|etе thеtabIeon theirown.Аskstudents to rеadout theirаnswеrs andсheсkаnyproblеms thеymighthаvе.

tutu 4 Studеnts do thееxеrсisе on thеirown.Сhесkthе аnswеrs withthе сIass. oт1 2 з 4 5 6

Lеt'saсtivate Dэsсribing a film 8 Dividеstudеnts intoоаirs.TеIIthеmto сhoosе a fi|mand makеnotеs.A||owа mаximumof tеn minutes. Notе:It mightbе neсеssarу to askstudеnts to do somеrеsеarсh of а favouritе fi|mfor homеwork, to findoutthе nесеssаry informаtion. groupsintopairsandаskstudеnts 9 Dividethesma|| to makе group а new pair.Pairsusеthеquestiоns withа diffеrеnt in 9 to sееhowmuсhthe nеwpаirknowаboutthеfilmthеy group. disсussed in thеiroriginаI optionaIaсtivity Questionnaire Tе|Istudеnts thatthеyaregoingto askthe otherstudеnts in thес|ass аboutthеirfiIm.Writеtheseheadings on thе boardandaskstudеnts to сopythеmintotheirnotebooks. Name Film Film typе 1 Aсtors

6 Fоrvariеtyyouсou|ddo thisеxеrсisе as а who|есIаss асtivity. Askstudеnts to putthеirhandsup to givеan аnswеr. .. .. . o' 1 wаi addgd .. .... ...:.:.:. l........:. . . . .... . . .. :. :: : -: z с rеiit ЁЦ. . . . : .....:.:.. '". . . .." 3 is. b ёliiЁц iеd...... : . ...: : ......"...;


. "...... . . . . . ... . .

Те||students to usеthe ouеstions in 8 to аskstudents aboutthеirfi|msandсomp|еte theinformаtion. PUt studеnts intopаirsor groups to сompare thеinformation. Monitorto сhесkthеyarеusingthесorrесtquеstion forms. 10 Studеnts usеthеtеxtfrom7 as а modеI.Тhiseхerсisе сan bе donеin с|assor аs homеwork.

Lеt's practisе grammar SBpagе BG-B7

. .. .......".... .......Somеor aIIof thеexеrсisеsсanbеgivеnas homеwork. :....: : 9flщ*]];..........; :.:...: : . . 5 .Wаs:snФ'{fl.. : l ': : : : rl - t: : :"..1


,;i, ..;''.'.: . . 6 yjli.qglisir.: -. 1 :' . 1 . :. ::


:: ::

... :





...i'.....'.' . ........."...:. z drЁ.nciieЁ:ijffфd : :: . . :. в lо о k Ё . a { te r .;;..... . '. . . . . ...'.. . :. : . . . :. ;.;:. :...: .:

Thеownersоddedthеrеstaurantto thehotеlin 2001'

7 Bеforеstudents do thе exerсisе аskthеmto skimrеadthe paragraph. on thеirown.Тhisis a Studеnts do thе exеrсisе morеdiffiсu|t of grammar еxеrсisе, сombiningknow|еdgе аndvoсabti|arу. Мonitor duringthе thеwеаkеr studеnts асtivitу. withthес|ass, аskthе Beforесhесking theаnswеrs studеnts in pairsto сlеarup any to сomparеanswеrs diffiсuItiеs.


Pаasive 1 1 Has... beеnrеportеd 2 arebеingprintес 3 havеbееnmаdе 4 wiI|bе bui|t 5 wеrеtaken 6 wi|l... bе оub|ished 7 is bеingtransfеrrеd 8 is notа||owed 2 1 Guerniсоwаspаintеdby Piсasso. 2 Parkingis notpermittеd in thе сеntrеof town. 3 A |argеarеaof forеstwаsdеstroyеd by firе in Аustrа |iа. 4 Тhеsuspесt wasbеingfо|Iowеd bythе pо|iсewhеn hе сrashеdintoa treе. 5 Wаsthе fi|mmadеin NеwZea|and? 6 Тhеdesignis bеingstudiеd аt thе momеnt. 7 ТhеhoteIWasnotdеsignеd forа сo|dсlimаtе. 3 1 2 3 4

Тhеnеwhotе|wiI|bе builtnеxtyеаr. ТhесrimеWаsn'tdisсovеrеd forfourdаys. ТhеfiImis bеingmаdеat thе momеnt. Thrееsсеnеshаvebeenаddеdto thеfi|msinсе |аstnight.


by? э Whowasthе ЕiffеIТowеrdеsignеd pаinting the rooms havеbeеn 6 Thеdесorators rесеntIy. da Vinсi. 7 Thесhurсhwаspaintеdby Lеonardo I Thеhorsеwаsbеingtrainedwhenit brokеits |еg

1 I I


аrеmadе WasnotrеIеased watсhеd is writing Hаs... bееnmеndеd wаssto|еn Was...driven hаvеdisсovеrеd / disсovеrеd


wassold began,beсаmе arrivеd wеrеsрokеn were Wеrе wеrеbuilt



ЕVersееna JamеsBond fiIm?| а|Waуswantеdone of thosеgadgetsWith thат seсrеtpowers- you knoщ thе pensthat openеdout into paraсhutes, _ gаdget now seсret сan own a to me, anyonе thanks kind of thing.WeI|, evеnУou' if you feе||ikeа bit of exсitement!

Еxtension ь' Tho paььivo uith by 2d 3f 4e 61с



Сhapеlwaspaintеdby Miсhе|angelo. ThеSistinе orangеsаregrownby a lot of fаrmеrsin Са|iforniа. еffесts wеrесrеаtedbу сomputer. Thosespесia| bеing сrimеs аrесurrеnt|y of сar А seriеs pо|iсе' bуthе |oсal investigаtеd storm. by а terrib|е 5 Hishousеwasdеstroyed arebeingstudiеd of thееxpеrimеnts 6 TheresuIts аt thе momеnt. by a groupof sсiеntists

1 2 3 4

7 2bу


2 bу 3by 81of 7bу 8 with


o- Tho right uoгd 9 1 mаkе 2 wasbuilt 3bv 4 bеgаn 5 wasdisсovеred 6 hassuffеrеd 7 hаsbеenrеbui|t 8bv 9 wasdestroyеd 10 by 11 of 12 gеt 13 сost 14 hasbeеnphotogrаphеd 15 wasbuilt '16 bесamе 17 bе bookеd 18 takеs



$ optionalасtivity wordsfrom writеthemissing * |fуourс|assiswеak at Iistеning, аdd about and thе boаrd on order, in ran dom i theеxеrсisе, thе Ask thе саssette. on appеаr fivеextrawordsthatdon,t listеn а thеy Whеn to notеwhiсhwordstheуhеаr. studеnts theyсanсomp|еtе theinformation, sесondtimеto сompIеte .i thеgаpsWiththewordsthatthеyheardthеfirsttimе.

5 ', r wаsdisсovеrеd 2 3 4 э 6 7 I

88_89 lnvеnting tomorrow SBpages A talк skiII.Bеforеplaying is a usеfulIistеning Prеdiсtion t ',.4.}*' аnо rеad thеsеntеnсеs to thе studеnts ask rесording, thе (noun. wоrd of possiblе what sort prеdiсt words, or try to vеrb,еtс)theуwiIlhеаr.ThiswiIlalsohеlpthеr. adjесtivе, whentheylisten.Tе||studеnts foсuson thе kеysеntеnсеs youwilIp|aythе reсording twiсe.Playthe rесording. as thеусan. as mаnуof thеsеntеnсes сomp|еtе Studеnts

ь'Рvtive or passive? 41 2 3 4 ) 6 7 I

Listeningand spеaking



Thе idеа for my gаdgеtfirst саme to mе when I was tаking photosof some friends.ЕVеryonе|ookedso unnaturaI,posingfor thе сamеra. Тhаt,swhеn I thoughtof it: how about а tie thаt wаs reallуа саmera? Тhen nobodywou|dknow I was takingtheir photo- and |'dget somе niсе relаxedpiсturеsof thеm! AnуWay,short|уaftеr that, somеonеto|d mе that аny ideа for a new produсtnееdsproteсting - so you shouldn'tеventеl|уour friеnds аbout it unti| you'vе registеredthе dеsignand app|iеdfor a patent!|f you don't registerit аnd app|yfor a patent,your dеsign might be сopiеdbу someonee|sе. Anуhow,this persontold me I should сontaсta patentagent.Тhat,sthе your invеntioninto wordsаnd drawings. oersonwho has to trаns|ate Тhеn Уou send уour аppliсationto thе Patеntoffiсe. |f thе patеnt offiсerаgrеesthat it's аn originа|idеa, your dеsign is then protесtedbi Iаwand nobodусan сopy it (wel|,they shouldn't!). Тhe thing is,уou oughtto do as muсh rеsеarсhas you саn bеforеhand sureуour dеsignreaIlyis uniquе.Тhen,you сan to mаkе absolute|у or уou сould ask а eithertrу to produсethe thingyourse|f, in уour produсt. you be interеstеd might think who mаnufасturer |t took me aboutа уearto get thingsorgаnisedbut I took hundredsof advаnсeordеrsat onе show аlonе,so don't be put off.Justgo for itl

сheсkthеirаnswersin pаirs.P|ауthе rесording Studеnts to сhесkthеiranswers. agаinfor studеnts

thequestionas а сIаss. 2 Disсuss ...':..-'-:


Дll !

r-adiointervisvr cфз Те||studеnts Putthеminto to |ookat thе piсturеs. :': .s to tа|kаboutwhаtinvеntion theyсansееin eасhonе. ц..i\ Тe|| IhеmwhiсhthеythinkIooksthеmostintеrеsting. j:,cеntsyoUarеgoingto p|ауtherесording onсe.Thеy *а:сhеaсhinvеntion сomparе witha speаkеr. Studеnts ].е r answеrs withа оartner's.

o-hеаkеr1-сuр Spеаker 2 _ sаunа $еаkerЗ - mobi|ephoneсovеr



..€ ) .r;э'. Playthе reсording again.Studеnts dесidewhеther thеsoeаkеrs madеthе statеmеnts сheсk or not.Studеnts thеiranswеrs in pаirs.P|aythеrесording agаinforstudеnts to сhесkthеiranswеrs. withthе с|ass. Сheсkthеanswеrs

о;1No .8 Yе.s

2Yеs 3Yеs 4No 9

jrшP.j(еr 2 ll,i] ]go,my fathеrand I wereaskedby a homеimprovemеnts сompany ii .:- е Uрw itha designfor a s ma||, с h e aps аu n ath аtс o u |db e fi t t edi nt o l..r:": пary-sized homеs.We|l,wе rеntеda bаthroomin pеopIe's j- ]p and withinsix monthsWеWerein businеss. ц1li-q Wе,vеwon five _ |arge|у proved popularand good for it's vеry our dеsign bесause 'iшrrxl]']! i ш,;.. аnd I thinkbeсauseit,srea||у сhеapеnoughfor peopIeon quite ]пJ] 1сomеsto bе аbIеto affordit. In faсt,it'sа|sobeсomingquite 'l'll:' зr tvitha few hoteIownerswho wаntto offеrtheirguestsa bit of My |аtestideais a smaII expеnsеI " .*.' lrithouttoo muсhadditionaI l l;l:-,-.swimmingpoo|thatсou|dfit intothe tiniеstgardenbut bе big *п; -;. for сhi|dren to swim in! Duringour firstfew yearswе didn'tеvеn 'l,l : , эusinеssplаn,but aftеrI wentto business sсhooI, we аdoptedа r l.. :.оfessionaI a nеw produсtis onеthing'but approaсh.Inventing ц.ll , neеdсommеrсia|know-howto turn it into a suссеss. ": ;ц['*зl\еr з п :,'-< As а rеsuIt, I Iеftsсhool ехiс,so аs a сhiIdI hаd probIems at sсhooI. {'l. :it mаrriedаnd hаd two сhiIdren. Тhеn l mаdеup mу mindto do lliiпе:. |lgdiffеrеnt аnd eаrnsomemonеy'аnd | еndеdup as a markеting illr..-:аntfor a pасkaging сompanу. Theywаntedа phonеthatсhangеd ti,;- " ;n d а skеdmеtotryа n d fi n d o n е .I p h o n e dе v е rуmo b i |ep h o ne .. l " ',].iurer in the сountrуbut a сovеrIikеthаtjustdidn'texist,so I шll ': , cасkerand we сrеatеdoUrown_ one whiсhin faсtсhangеs Lll.': the 12 сompaniesаnd pеrsuaded the daу.I approасhed -. :пloughout )l{Е-j::omakeit.Тheysaidit wаsn'tthаtspeсiaIor unusuaIand I'dnеver Ll'i]i". . :а:еnt.But I wаs determinedto provеthem wrong,so I app|iеdfor a bеIievе ;i.;.*.:зnd sеt up on my own.|,mnot riсhyеt,but my сustomers г '". r.oduсt,а nd sa ythа ti t p rе v е n ts p е o p Ies te а|i nth g е i rp h o n es- а nd lit ] /..аt.5givenmе the сourageto сarryon.

qskstudеnts Wordsin to undеr|inе thе mostimрortant еаф stаtеmеnt wi||hе1pthеmto in 4. Pointoutthat.thjs leаdаnd |istеnаt thеиmе timе.Аskstudеnts йhiсhwords Wr hаvеundеr|inеd andWhу.


Voсabula11 5 Students withthеir workin pаirsto mаtсhthееXprеssions mеanings. Сheсkthеаnswers withthесIass. .g.; 1f 5a 6b o*l...;i1.';..ii..'l.l.;.ll;.l6.l.].l.1

Jtilе3[еr ]

-..t'I deсidеdto trу and solve 'еаrsago,I Wаssсaldedby a саppuссino. ]1ц:''.blеmratherthаntаkethe сafёto сourt!l'm a dеsigner' so I started i'"",n- rg somеthing thatwouIdallowpеop|eto сarrya hot drink in а !.t].:Е" -UpWithoutgettingburnt.Тhe idеaсamеto me in minutes,and I ;..i],.:]bасkto thе offiсeand startеdсuttingup bitsof сard.|ttook ll -".=rsix monthsto gеtit right.WhеnI firststartеdtalkingto сoffее ;т::s зnd fаstfoodсhains,thеyjustshowedmе the door but l еvеntua||y шli- :. аWardfor the design.Aftеrthata сhаinof hoteIs, two сatеrlng lllг::liеs and a сoffee-shop сhainagrеedto usethe produсt.|tWas You'Vegotto bеlievеin your 'l ul. зt first,but it,snowa hugesuссess. [ ]*.: :lnаnd stiсkat it!

5Yes 6No

.]]... ]]].l...]l]]].:..l:.:.l.l ... l..l:ll.l.-..:.l.:.:.l.'.:'.:l.'.:.:'.:.'::l':...ll:.


7e 'l.'.с..'..i..:'.:'l].l.'l.l..'l;il...

Lonverьallion fillоrs в оф.. Еxp|аin thatit is veryUsеfuI to hаvеsеtphrаsеs give you whiсh timeto thinkof whаtto sayin a (Thаt,s сonvеrsation. Givеthеsесondanswеras an еxamp|e a goodquеstion) andaskstudents if thеyknowаnyothers. Languagenotes FiIlеrs IikеthеseсanhеIpstudеnts Whеn to1sound morenaturaI pointout\that theуarespеаking. Howеvеr, thеyshou|dnot ovеr-usе thеmаs pеop|е mightthinktheyhаvеnothing to sayl Askstudеnts to rеadthеdiaIoguе. P|aytherесording. gaps studеnts fiIIin аs many аsthеyсаn.


сustomer:l Сou|dvou te|lmе what,eхaсtIy' is thisgаdgеtfor? Assistаnt:z Тhat'sа goodouеstion,it,sfor opеningthingslikеjаrsаnd bott|еs. Сustomеr:And how doеsit work? Assistant:з We||.|et,ssеeif | саn showyou.You p|aсeit firm|yon top of thе |id* justso _ and usеthe hand|еs to turn it.Тhеrеуou arе. Тhе Iidсomеsoff easiIyl Сustomer:+0h vеs.so it doеs... аnd how muсhis it? Assistant:Ah. the mostimportantooint.I'||justсheсkthеpriсе...Now |t,shеreon the bасkof thе Iаbеl.lt,s15 ' t'**.'

P|aythе rесording аgainforstudеnts to сhесkandсorreсt thеirаnswers. Fоle pla1 7 Putstudеnts intopairsandtе||thеmto dесidеwhois A and who is B.ТheуthеnIookat thе produсtthеyarеintеrеstеd in sе||ing |\4аkе surеthеyknowwhаtthеproduсt / buуing. is.AskB to |oоkаt thе produсtdеtai|s to and be prеpаrеd answеr Asouеstions. Givеthеmtimеto Writetheirnotеs. pеrformthеirro|еp|аys. Studеnts |\4оnitor аnd mаkеsUrе quеstions thеуarеforming аnd rеmindthem thе сorrесtIy to usеohrasеs fromеxеrсisе 6 to soundmorеnаtura|.



Soundbitеs You can got it if 1ou reall1шant f $ $ $

optionаl aсtivity Аs a firstlistening еxеrсisе writеthesewordson the board to orderthemasthеylistеn:now,ууant, andaskstudеnts win,wау,drеаm,fry.Thiswi||makеthеmfami|iаrwiththe tunеof thе songbеforеthеуhаvеto сompIetе B. :'rl,ll:lr: :...|:tttt

в ..Фт,, P|аythе reсording. Studеnts |istеnandfilIin thе gapsin thе song.Studеnts сhесktheirаnswersin pairs.P|ay thе songagаinforstudеnts to сhесkthеirаnswеrs. 3 mind 4 Romе



thequestions in pairsbefore 9 Studеnts disсuss shаring thеir Тhismav|еаdto fuпhеrdisсussion. ideaswiththeсlass.

Writinga shortstorу Trоvеl Writеr oI thе уеar SBpagеs90_91 Warm-up Askstudеnts to tеIIthе restof thес|аssаboutа travе|bookthаt thеyhаvеpartiсu|ar|y еnjoyеd' Whatwasthе bookabout?Why did theуenjoуit?

Studyingthe samplе 1 Students readthеаnnounсemеnt andanswеrthе questions. АItеrnаtivе|y, trеatthisas a Iistening aсtivity. Аskstudеnts to сlosеtheirbooksandreаdoutthеannounсеmеnt to thе сIass. withthе с|ass. Сhесktheanswеrs от..'ll. ',,,1:t,

ordaring paragraphваnd ovоnts 2 Аskstudents to workin pairsto rеordеr thе paragraphs. Сheсktheanswers withtheсlаss. ь. Е"B,t" D,A, с

.. .

3 Students disсuss thequеstionin pairs.Askpairsto shаrе theiridеаswiththе с|аss. Еnсourage thеmto rеfеrto thе tеxtwhеnspeaking. 4 Studеnts workon thеirown.lf thеynеedhelp,givethemonе or twoеXаmplеs of timerеferеnсеs. Studеnts сompаrе thеir answеrs withа partnеr's. Сhесktheаnswеrs withthес|аss.


Stepsto betterwriting Doвсriptionв 5 Askstudents to matсhthеwordsаnd meanings without looking at thetextagain.In pаirsstudents сhесktheir answеrsrеferring to thеtеxtif theynееdto.Сheсkthe answers withthес|ass. o-.td






6 Аskstudеnts to sсаnthеtеxtto findand undеr|ine words 1-5.Givеthemtwominutеs. Studеnts thеnworkin pairs аndсhoosethе meaningof thеwordin thеstory.Сhесkthe withthес|ass. аnswеrs Ф; 1а



optional aсtivity Аskstudеnts to findаIIthеwordsin thestoryspeсifiсa||y WithboatsаndsaiIing. assoсiated soil (v),hоrbour'уасht,уасhting,sаilor Do thеyknowаnу morе?(Forеxamp|е: rоiseаnсhor,hoist Pointoutthаttoo manуspесialist thesаils,bow,stеrn.) wordsin a trave|storyсanputoff reаdеrs whodo not thеm,butthе сorreсtuseof а fеwwе||-known undеrstаnd onеsсan,Iikеfaсtsandfigurеs, makеa storуsoundmore reaIistiс. Аskstudents to thinkof wordsassoсiated withan advеnturous aсtivity thеyenjoy,for еxаmp|е: сyсling,horse

2 еvелtual|у3 proud

t,dеnts do thе еxеrсisе on thеirownor in pairs.Сhесkthе i"rs\l'еrs withtheсIass.

l фI


1 аftеrl sh 7 sttoп|y

Hriting your story ll.tпdргstanding tho taэK and planning '

Adlisestudеnts thatthеirstorywiIIbе morеinterеsting and сопvinсing if thеywritеaboutаn еxpеriеnсe they thеmsеlvеs havеhаd.ТеlIthеmit doеsnot mattеrif thеir storytakеsplасесloseto homеаnd not in аn еxotiс С0Untry. lt is thеwaythestorуis toIdthatis important. if thес|аssis еnthusiastiс, YouсouIdhаvеa rеa|с|ass tompеtition withа panе|of judgеs(othеrtеaсhеrs? students fromаnothеrс|ass?) and prizеs(travе| books?). DispIay thеwinningstoriеs in thесlаssroom оr on thе кhooInоtiсеboard.

tl Еnсourаgе studеnts tit|е.Аnothеr to thinkof аn intеrеsting шаyin whiсhthеусаngеtthе rеаdеr's is to mаkе attention surеtheirfirstsentenсe is interesting. Тhеymightlikеto try bеginning thеirstorywithdirесtspеесh'Rеmindstudеnts tо |ookbaсkat еxеrсisеs 2 and4 forwaysof sеquеnсing еvеnts.



ъ' Usos of,goI 4 1 gotаwaу 2 gotoff з gotusеdto 4 gotstuсk 5 gotby ь'Phrasal vоrbs 5 1 grеwup 2 kееpupwith 3 making up 4 сomеupwith 5 sеtup

Culture foсus Spеnding hаbitsаnd lifertуlеs SBpagе 9З

Warm-up TеIIstudеnts to сIosеthеirbooks.Asa с|аss, brainstorm things thаtstudents spendthеirmonеyon. 1 Studеnts opеntheirbooksand rankthе itеmsin thе list aссording to howmuсhmonеytheyspеndon them.Al|ow a mаximumof two minutes. 2 Dividestudеnts intosmаllgroupsto сompareanswеrs. Find outwhiсhоne in thе |istthе с|assspenф1nost monеуon by askingfora quiсkshowof hаndsfor еaсhonе.

(namеsof students) m {skstudеnts to сhесkthеirownwork.Тhеnaskthеmto еxсhangе and сhесkеасhothеr'swork stоriеswithа partnеr's шsing theсhесk|ist in 11.

Booksand magazinеs СDsand vidеos Goingout with friеnds СIothеs Presentsfor friends/family

lБ,че thеstudents thеfo||owing answеrs to somеquеstions: I Bесousehist'аthertookhim sаiling. 2 Bесоusehe сouldsееkiller v'thаlеs bу his уасht. 3 Bесоusetheуwеreсurious,orjust bored. 4 Bесousеit wоsgoingto bе hismomentof triumph. 5 Bесаusehist'аmilуwerеproudof hin. Lц'pIаin thattheymustworkout thеquеstions bу readingthе l]ieш. Pointout thatthеyaIIstartWithWhу?ThiswilIhеlpthеm гlеаiisе thе importanсе of makingit сIеаrwhуthingshappеnin л story.

tUord foсus SBpagе 92 ь'Nоu YorК 1 visitеd 2 inhabitеd3 4 еmigratеd 5 |еavе 1 truth 2 mind 3 supposе 4 hаrd 5 baсk 6 question

ь Confusinguords 3 1 disсovеrеd2 invеntеd 3 foundеd 4 found 5 rеfugееs6 asy|umsееkеrs

3 Bеforеstudеnts do thееxеrсisе askthеmto skimrеadthе tеxt.Givеthemone minutе.ТеIIstudеnts to rеad stаtеmеnts 1_Bаndto sсаnthеtеxtto findthе missing information. Сhесkthеаnswеrs Withthес|ass thеntеlI studеnts to rеаdthеtеxtagainin thеirowntime. о' 1 thеirоwn home. 2. ; 3 hеа|thandfitnеss" 4

6 morе.shortеrhоi]

Тalkingaboutyour Gountry givеthеmtimеto readthе Bеforеstudеnts do theexеrсise quеstions аndthinkаboutthеirresponsеs. Dividеstudеnts into groupsof fouror fivеto disсuss groups questions. thе Ask to shаrеtheiridеaswiththес|аss. Тhismаy|еаdto fuгthеr disсussion.


Ф..1.:'ltа1}sе....' 6 Fа|sе l...lFа]sе,....'..3....lТтlt..:.....'.:1..lТit,ri.1';l$..:.Тrlu ..7..Тrue..l...8...$a|sе......:11']:..l.l. .l...l..l.l...'..:..l...: .:l'.'l......':.::'.,.l..:l.......;.

optional aсtivity |f youwаntto еxp|oit thеteхtfurtherаndgivеyоur students morepraсtiсе tе||thеmyouаrе of sсаnrеаding, risks SBpаges94_95 goingto givеthеmаnswеrs, tо whiсhthеymustmakеthе quеstions, in thеtext. bаsеdon thе information

Seе Unit summarуon Contеntspages4-5



QuiсK quiz .l Studеnts ansWеr thе quеstions in pаirs.Givеthеmfive minutеs. Askstudеnts forthеiranswеrs. о- PossibIе аnswеrs 1 A riskis the possibilitу of dаngеr, harmor Ioss. Pеop|e tаkerisk ... . forехсitеmеnt. . bесаusе thеyarеdеspеrаtе.

Аskstudеnts to thinkof somееxаmp|еs of peoplеtаking risks. Languagenotеs Wetаkеor runa risk.Tаkеis morеaсtivein mеаning. Тhе adjeсtivefrom riskisriskу. 2 Writеthесorreсtаnswеrs on thе board. .160 o- 0.З- trаve|Iing km bуtrain ]'6-- dеstruсtivе astеrоid hittingеагth 1'7_ flуing1600km аs а pаssеngеr .I60 1.9* driving km byсаr wаshingup оr wа|king 5'5- dyiпgwhеnvасuurning, downthestrееt for20 уеаrs 6.З- roсkс|imbing _ 6.4 workingas a dееpsеafishermаn 7'1- smоkiп!40 сigаrеttеs u сuy Askstudеnts if theуwеrеsurprisеd by anуof thе аnswеrs. Те||themto usеthесomparаtivе in thеirсommеnts, for examp|e: Wethoughtthаttrаvelling160km bу trаinwаs riskierl morеriskуthаndriving160km bу саr.

Reading Askstudеnts to skimrеаdthеагtiс|e firstandthеngivеthеm twominutes to tryаndanswеrthеthreеquеstions. |f no-one hаsfinished givе аftertwominutеs, сan a|wаys thеma уou Iittlеbit morеtimе.Сhесktheаnswеrs withthес|аss. 1 a nеwspаpеr аrtiсlе,it'sсrеditеd аt thеend,thestylе of writing 2 |t usеsа p|ayon wordsin thеtitIe.Lit'е,s upsаnd downsusua||у refеrsto thе diffiсu|tiеs аnd p|еаsurеs .1]]: in Ii{ebuthеrеit rеfеrstо thе risinguno1u|1;n.g:бf;]; thе riskomеtеr. is quitеinformа|. 3 Тhеаrtiс|е lt inсludеs: сontrасtiоns (pагtiсu|аrlу in thеdrrесt spеесh), еxс|аmation mаrks (оnthе riskomеtеrl to thеairpогtI) Bеforеstudеnts do the еxеrсisе askthеmto readеасn statеmеnt сarеfu||у аndto tryandmаkеa dесision bаsеd on whаtthеyhаvеrеadso far.Studеnts thensсanthеtеxt to findoutwhеthеr thеirdесisions Wеreсorrесt.


Suggеstions: answer:0.З(Whоtis the riskof mаkingа 160.kmrаil journеу?) answеr:4,6(Whаtis the riskof а new.bornmаlеbеing murdеrеd?) (Whois answеr:Hе'sthе dirесtor of thе Risklnitiative. НеnrуWynn?) (Whеre answеr:lt'sаt Wаrwiсk Univеrsitv. is the Risk lnitiаtive?) аnswеr: Тheythinkit'sсоаlmining.(Whаtdo peoplethink job?) is thеmostdаngerous journеy аnswеr: Theсar to thе airport.(Whаt,s thеmost dаngеrousаspесtof а flight to Аustrаliо?) Youmaywantto аskyourstudеnts to сontinuеin pairs. 0nе givеsan answеr, thеothеrmаkеsthеquеstion, thеn сhаngеroIes. Languagenotеs -ometеr - a suffixwhiсhmeаnsа dеviсеt'ormeаsuring somеthing' for exаmp|е, spееdomеtеr, (/spr:. dоmItэ/) (/Oэ'mnmltэ/). thеrmomеtеr |t is еasyto makеnеwwordsus..: thissuffix,аs FrаnkDuсkworth hаsprobablу donewith riskomеtеr. ThеsеwordsаrеusuaIlуpronounсed withthеstrеs. on thеfirstsу||abIе of thеsuffix:/rrs.kоmltэ/.

\rlагwiсК Univогsi\ie а highl1-гaepoсted univerьi\in сentгаl 6ngland. lt iь paгtiсulагl1 urall.кnourn foг itьstatiьtiсs dapагtrn:.*

Voсabulary Possibilit1, result and choiсo 5 Studеnts sсanthеtextto findаnd undеr|inе thеwords. pairs. Studеnts disсusshowthеwordsareusedin Studеnts сomp|еtе thesentеnсes on thеirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthес|аss.

oтl ]t measцrеs..2. Jjketihio..d....l'li.l..stЬti5iiсq..:..]..4l'..sсat* .5 like|y...5 соngequеnсеs7 соmpаrisоn...l.8'...'сhаnсеs ..9 .l. а.ssеJ!.. . ..11..; .]lil'.:. ..' Artiсlоa 6 Studеnts do theехеrсisе on thеirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthе с|аss. ].....l.i.'. the...l.]i.l;llnaэ.ttйЬ'...'..'4,..;......l!.......'thе. thе "*..,i.:l.tlie 6 no artiс|e, no аrtiсlе. 7 а 8 Thе 9 Тhе,а, а 10 no аrtiсlе

Гlmе to talkt lш s;.dеntsto rеadthequеstions. Givеthemtwo minutеsto ,]llirш]]:l* ].l'ilntheirresponsеs. Dividеthеmintogroupsof fouror iтl.tе :: disсuss thеiranswеrs' Monitorthеstudеnts as thеу шшг*. thеmwithvoсаbu|ary if nесеssаry. "'rg|ping i.;flI[.l!p5 sharеthеiridеаswiththeс|аss. Findoutwhotаkеs rm;к.isksаndwhotаkеsIeastbyаskingstudеnts whiсh шl'*,:lеs theуwou|ddo andwhy. фionаIaсtivity Дtsк studеnts to rеmеmbеr an oссаsion whenthеytooka E.аlIor а |аrgеrisk.Аskthеmto thinkaboutthеsеquеstions: Wq^,'u did уou tаkеthе risk? gh'оthаppеnеd? !--жking bасk,аreуou glаdуou tookthе risk? Р"тthеmintosma||groupsto tеllеасhothеrthеstоriеsof #,еrisksthеvtook




Definingrеlativе сlauses 1 Students do the еxerсisе in pаirs.Сhесkthеanswеrs with the сlass.

2 Studеnts dесidеin pairswhiсhsеntеn сe thоtсou|dbе omittеdfrom.Askstudents to еxp|аin whyb is thеanswer , (lt,snot а dеfiningrеlаtivесlаuse). 3 Studеnts do thе exеrсisе in pairs.Сhесkthеanswеrs with thес|ass.

sвра8еs 96_97

kп.up ,шtslк studеnts to |ookat thе piсturеof Niсkon pаgе96.Ask flnт.ern to namеas manyitеmsof с|othing аnd equipmеnt and ]1mtшrеs of hissurroundings as theyсan'for еxampIe: Ешr'lрment: hеImеt, |аmp,ropе hшr'-оundings: сave,wа|| rйгthеуthinkof аnyotherthingsthаtNiсkmightwеar/ use шr:ееin the саvе? Еdаtlvо с|auьoь l Studеnts workin pairsto disсuss thе quеstions. Сhесkthе аnswеrs withthесlass. ь1 2 3

4 Studеnts do the exеrсisе on theirown.



optional aсtivity Writеthеfo||owing bаsiсsentеnсes on thе boаrd.Аsk studеnts, workingin pаirs,to mаkеthеmmorеintеrеsting bу addingdefiningrеIativе с|ausеs. ТeIlthеmto makеthe rе|ativе pronounthеsubjeсtof thеvеrbin somеsentеnсеs, andthе objесtin othеrs. Тhisis thесаr.(whiсhI boughtlаstyеaф Нe,sthеmоn.(whosto|еthе bag) Thоtсоfe'sthеplасe.(whеrе| met my gir|friеnd) l prеfеrо holidау.(whiсhis fun) Non. dgfining rolativо с|auьeь Аskstudеnts whatсlаusеs whiсhgivеus eХtrainformation aboutа pеrsonor thingarеса|lеd, i.е.thеoppositе of dеfining rеlаtivе сIausеs. ТelIthеmto guеssif thеуdo notknow(nondеfini ng relаtivесlаuses).

l.eпguagenotеs phobiаis usedon its own to mеana strongfеarof iЩ.еn шmеthing,for exаmp|е: Нe hаsо phobiоаboutt'Iуing' ffiеtubе_ a niсknаmе forthе underground railwаysystеmin '.:пdоn шегsшit- сlosе-fitting suitmаdеof rubbеrwornby divеrs, sй orsandсаvеrs (for Wk hour- thеtimеwhеndemandforsomething mапp|е,trаnsport, e|есtriсity) is highеst t

\sk studеnts to skimrеаdtheartiсlе.Givеthembеtween вnеаndtwo minutеs. Сheсktheаnswеrwiththе сlass.

or Nо..ltmakеs.

5 Students disсuss thеаnswersin pairs.Сhесkthеanswers withthе сlаss.

Rеmember! Aska studentto rеаdthе information а|oudаnd makеsure everyonе undеrstаnds. Тo makеit с|еardiсtate/ writеthеsе twosеntеnсеs on thе b|асkboard: тom,that livesnехtdoor,ist'romSсotlаnd. Tom,vуholivеsnехtdoor,is t'romSсotlаnd. Askwhiсhsеntеnсе is сorrесtandwhv.


to rеad on thеirown.Аskstudеnts do thе exеrсisе 6 Studеnts thisсouldbе givеnfor A|tеrnativеly outthеirаnswers. homework.

98_99 Let's praсtise grammar SBpagеs сanbеgivenаshomеwork Someorа||of theеxеrсisеs Ф'' Dofiningrelativоc|auьog 1 2 e Havеyoureadthepoemwhiсh/ thatJamеs wroteforyou?


a 5 6


7 8 ь

Lаnguagenotеs tеnsеevеnthough Thetеxton page96 is writtеnin the prеsent thеaсtiontookp|aсеin thе past.Thisis a сommonteсhnique as it makesthеaсtionsound whenwritingnarrаtivеs immеdiate' on thеirown.Do notсhесkthе do the ехerсisе 7 Studеnts answers. 8

4дJw TеIIstudеnts Тe|l to listеnаnd сhесktheirаnswеrs. whi|еtheylistеn.PIaythe thеmto сorreсtаny mistakеs twiсеif nесessary. rесording


whoIivеdin NovаSсotiа. by nativеCanаdians wаsfirstp|ayed lсehoсkey mаdеfromwood. stiсks whiсharеusua||y PIaуers useiсеhoсkеy usеhavеthiсkerb|аdеs. Thеstiсkswhiсhgoa|keepers is to sсoremorе Тheobjесtof thеgame,whiсhdеvelщd fromhoсkеу, goa|s thantheothеrteam. thеgamеtogеther withthe whohasto bеveryfit,сontro|s 5 Тhereferee, (Аlsopossib|е: Тherеfеreе, whoсontro|s andthegoaljudges. Iinеsmen hasto bе withthеlinеsmen andthеgoa|judgеs, thegametogеther vеrуfit.) whobrеаktheruIesarеsеntoff thеpitсh. 6 PIayеrs p|ayer in theworldbеfore whowаsthebestprofessiona| 7 WayneGretzky, (A|so possib|е: Wayne Grеtzky, whois Сanadian, is Сanadiаn. hе retired, p|aуеr in thеwor|dbеforеhe rеtirеd.) Wasthеbestprofessiona|

1 2 3 4

Lеt'sactivate Guoьв thо аdronalina sport intogroupsof thrее.Tеllstudents to folIow 9 Dividеstudents a fеwminutеsto сarefuIly. Givestudеnts thе instruсtions prеparеsixс|uesеaсh.Monitorto makesuretheуаrеusing Pointoutthаttheyсanusethе rеlative сlаusеsсorreсtly. thеnp|аythe if theуwаntto.Students sеntеnсes exаmp|е gаmein thеirgroups. Monitorthe groupsagаinаs thеyplay,helpingstudеnts if neсеssаry. Мakea noteof anyfrequent withvoсabu|arу whiсhсan be usеd сlauses in thе usеof re|аtive mistаkеs at the endof thеaсtivity. for pееrсorrесtion


f Thepiсturewhiсh/ thatwassto|enwаspаintеc by VаnGogh. с Тheringwhiсh/ thatсosts$500is verybеаutifr, сosts$500. Thеring,whiсhis bеаutiful, g Wеvisitеda саstlеwhiсh/ thаtwashauntеd. d HaveVousеenthеfilm whiсh/ thаtstarsBеn Аfflесk. whiсhis thehighеst thеmountain b HесIimbеd in thеrange. mountain a Тhаt'sthegir|who/ thatusеdto gooutwithDаt'iс

Whoro, who;o or thаI 2 1 whiсh/thаt 2 whosе 3 (whiсh/ that) 4 (thаt) 5 (whiсh/ that) 6 (whiсh/ that) z whiсh/ that

о'. Non- dofining сlauьos start. 3 1 Тheсаr,whiсhWastеnуeаrso|d,wou|dn't А|аska, has a who is in 2 My brother, Japanesе is gir|friеnd. whosegirlfriеnd / My brothеr, is in Аlaskа. Japanеsе, 3 My friеndJаnе,who is a doсtor,is сomingtodаy. is mу 4 ТhеСhinahouse,whiсhis vеryеxpensivе, restаurant. fаvouritе is vеrу 5 Simon,whosefathеris my mathsteaсhеr, goodat historу. 6 A|еx,who is vеryfit,doеsa lot of sport. Й

whiсh' who or whoeo 4 1 whiсh,d 2 whоse,а 3 whiсh,с 4 whiсh,е 5 who,b

Еxtension ь

Whara aod whan 5 2 whеre,whеn I wаs whenI wеntсaving,l rеalisеd 6 1 LаstSаturdаy, I rеаlised l Last Saturday of the dаrk. frightеnеd / wеnt сaving. when I of thе dark wasfrightenеd 2 That'sthе sсhoo|whеrеJennyis а studеnt. townin Еnglandwhеrеmy is а соаstа| 3 Hastings whеrеmy mothеr mothеrwasborn./ Hastings, wasborn,is a сoastaltownin Еng|аnd. whеrеWеgo еvеryweеkеndin 4 Thеmountаins, winte1arеgoodforskiing. 5 ln 2003,whеn| |ivеdin London,l wаshappy. 6 |twаsJu|уwhеnl brokemy lеg. whеreJohnworks. 7 Thаt'sthе rеstaurаnt

ь. Tho right r.rord 71whеn 2whiсh 3who 4whеn 5whеn 6 whеn 7 whiсh 8 whеre

l.frstеning and speaking

Аskhowmanyof thеmmanagеd to writеdowna|lthе dеtai|s. ТеlIthеmto сomparеthеirs|ipswitha partnеr's and addany missingdеtails.Сheсkthеanswеrs withthе с|аss.

.Е* еrgеnсуfitnеss sBpаgеs 100-]0,l

Wеrеthеrеanydеtai|s theyfounddiffiсultto hеar?Whywаs this?(Therе сou|dbe а numbеrof reаsоns, for еxаmp|е, thеуfе|ttеnsеin thesituаtion, theywerеdistraсted by fil|еrssuсhas oh andl think.\ lntorvieus l

aоlas Аskstudents to lookat thеtab|е.TеlIstudents that youwillp|аythе reсording on|yonсe,andthata||they shouIddo is tiсk(./)thесorrесtboxеsas theуIistеn. Thеy do notnееdto writеany informаtion. P|aythе rесording.


d[ Цi t

!;"dеntsсompаrethеsеsеrviсes withthosеin thеirсountrv.

il..lstеning р*ilпa]laPhono сonvrrsation rgЬ , BеforеtheyIisten, аskstudents to rеаdthe mеssagе .' о Тhisis thе information thata rеa|еmergеnсy serviсе пмэшld nеed.Те|lthеm to imаginе thatthisis a rеaI :"!еrgеnсy so thеywill onIyhеarthе reсording оnсe. !ildеntsIistеnandсomp|еtе thе messagе s|ip.

@ lLшll.{lflПап: oh, сome on ... answer!



ifu:*ltioпist: Еmеrgenсуserviсes.Whiсhsеrviсеdo you rеquire? .фltш.гаn: Sorrу.Whatdid уou sаy? b:*.ttionist: Whiсhsеrviсe?Fire,po|iсеor ambu|anсe? lшlШшmаn. oh, the fire brigаdе,I think. mtr*рtionist:Puttingyou throughnow. ilшшйr. Fire Brigadе.HoWсan wе be of hе|p? Шптп".,ап: WelI,I don't know if you сan. My сat Pol|y'sstuсkup а trеe and shеjustrеfuses to сomеdown. l1l![й]гi] WеII,madam.You,rein |uсk.Wеасtuаl|yhavеаn еngine out on the roadat the moment- it's on its waу baсkfrom anothеrсaII.Whаt'syournаmе? luиf'гr"аn: - lMaryWilkinson. Wilkinson lllшl@гг] Аnd thе аddress? illllTгrагt: 1З ParkH iI|Ro ad . .HaIl'? Sorry,did you saу {lll{тпt.а п: No.PаrkHi||Roаd. ilш][йГrг And thе ohonеnumbеr? ill[Tiт-йn: 020 B5BB654З_ аnd pleasеhurry.|,msureshе'sgoingto fа|Ioff thе branсhanу minutе. llш!йIп Don'tworry.Wе'|lhavеthe еnginethеrеwithуou in a fеw moments.

Andreа_ SpеаkerA Myjobasa paramеdiс isveryсhаl|enging. Еverything happens at top Youhavea fеwminutеitoprepare yourse|f spеed. аndуourequipmеnt, thenyouhаvеto sеtoff.|'vеbeеna paramediс forаboutthreevearsnow andI Ioveworking on theairambu|anсе. Wесovеra hugeareawitha heIiсootеr. Тhеtroub|e isyouhavеto do a |otof running, soуouhaveto bе in good _ a|though shape. Youсan,tjust|andin somеonе's frontgarden weсan Iandin а strееt. |'vеhadto runforas |ongas hа|fan hourto rеaсha patiеnt, so I trуto do a bitof training. Асtuа||y, therisksaren'tquitewhatyoumightthink.Аn oId|adystartеd hitting mеwithhеrknitting neеd|es onсе.Shedidn'tknowwhatshеwas doing,poorthing_ butit сertаin|у frightened mеat thetimе! Viсtoriа- SpeakerB I suppose it'smyownfаu|t,rea||y. I wantеdа job witha differеnt gotit.Youhaveto befit as a firе сha||еngе еveryday... аnd| сeгtainly offiсer. Тhеre,s а |otof running аboutandIifting' EvenIifting the|adders offthеfirееnginесanbeeхhausting, andit'sevеnmorеdiffiсu|t whеn wearing yourequipment. thеuniform andсarrуing уou're I suрposе oneof thegrеatеst risksis if thесeiIing faIIs downon topof you.oh,аndbIoсkеd stairsсanbeverydangerous, wе too_ somеtimes сangetintoa bui|ding, butthеnit'sverydiffiсu|t Тobе to getoutаgаin. honеst, thewho|еjob'sa riskybusiness fromstartto finish.Youhаvеto be on topformаI|thetimе.l shou|d еxerсisе twoor thrееtimesa week,but |'musuа||y soехhausted whenI gеthome,al|| Wantto do is rеIax in front of thеТV. Niсo|a- Speaker С |,vеа|wауs Ioved thеsea.It'sso hugeandpowerfu|, andуou'rеnеverquitе gooutwhenl surewhatit'sgoingto do nехt.l usеdto wаtсhthе Iifеboats Wasyoung, 50it'snotrеa||y surprising thatl deсidеd to workfortheRNL|. job! Bеinga lifеguard is mуideaof thеperfесt I'vebееnhе|ping withthе|ifeboаt resсuеs forabouttwoyearsnow.Somе peopIe job_ it,sa||voIuntary, mightsayit,snotreaIlу a propеr уou5eеbutWе're busya||thеyеаrround, so it'sсertainly to do! a jobwithpIenty |t'sVitаIto bе a goodswimmеr. Thеsea'sverydifferеnt froma poo|andI havеto putin а lotof hours'training to bеstrong to swimwеlIin enough thesеa.I havеto besure| сanswimagainst сurrent, andI might a strong alsohavеto swim|ongdistanсеs. Ina wаy,that'sthegrеаtеst dangerwe faсе_ bеingswеptаwaybya strongсurrеntwhiIеwе'rein themiddleof a resсue.



I i

Languagenotes fitnеss,as on topform - form саn be usedtо rеfеrto physiсa| hеre.Anothеrеxаmp|eis..Thеwholеteаmis in goodform. withthe с|ass. Сhесkthеаnswеrs q1

1-8in7. Тhеntе||thЁ"" to |oоkat exprеssions Askstudеnts аgain'Whenthе...:. thatyouaregoingto plаythеrесording .". саIlout.Stop!'Pаusе thеyshouId onеof theехprеssions, hеаrd. Тlthеy . the еxprеssion tapеandаskthеmto identifу thееxprеssiоns аsJ . to rеview wi||givеthemthеoppoгtunity in сontеXt. Givзng r9a6on6 "

О6|*эStudеnts т'. .. andin pairsdisсuss rеаdthеdia|oguе mightgo in thеgaps.Pointoutthata||of thе missing P|аythe rесording arеWаysof givingrеasons. еxprеssions fi||in the сorrесtWords. Students



* 6

to rеаdthestаtеmеnts сarеful|y аndto ..ф*. TеlIstudеnts try and putthеmintothе сorrесtordеrfrommеmorу. саnworkon thеirownor in pairs.Rеmind Studеnts thе sаmе thаtthеymaуnot hеarеxaсt|y students butthatthеyshouIdlistenfor on thе reсording statеments Studеnts Iisten Plaуthе rесording. аnd similаrvoсabulаry. thе аnswers with thе сIаss. аnswers. Сhесk сhесkthеir b|u:e,d, f, с


Оfu ТеIlstudеnts andto undеr|inе kеy to rеadthеstаtеmеnts Students сhесkthеiranswеrs in pairs. words.P|ауthеrесording.


Journa|ist:So,Аmanda,whatdo you do? Amаnda: |'ma po|iсeoffiсеr. Journa|ist:Аnd how |onghavеyou bееna po|iсеoffiсer? Аmandа: oh, for aboutfiveyears. Journа|ist:And how importantis it to bе fit? and menta||y demanding_ so it's Amаnda: Wеll,the workis physiсal|y veryimportantindееd. Journalist:You mustbe verybusy.Howdo уou keepfit? I usuaIlуgo to Amandа: l justhаvеto makеtimeto workout rеgu|arlу. the gym aftеrworktwo or threеtimesa wеek.And thеn if |'m on a lateshift,I jog in the morning. JournaIist:So what kindof risksdo уou havеto fасein yourjob? сomеfromviolentsuspесts, but Amanda: l sUpposеthе worstprob|еms who appeаrсo. therеarе otherstoo.Thеrearе somеsuspесts and thensuddеn|уmakea run for it. opеrative JournaIist:Whаthappеnsthеn? wе еvеnhaveto Amanda: You run aftеrthemof сoursе.somеtimеs сIimbovеrwa||sand fеnсesto сatсhthеm.You oftenrisk brеakingarmsor |еgsin thosesituations.

Сhесktheanswеrs with аgainif neсеssаry. P|aуthеrесording thес|аss. ь

1 Fа|sе 2 Fаlsе З Тruе .4 Тruе 5 Тruе

Lаnguаgеnote Еnglishforrunоwау mаkеа runt'orit_ informa|

Speaking Voсabula11 еaсhphrasе withits workin pairs,matсhing 7 Studеnts withthес|ass' Сhесkthеanswеrs meaning. o-,|е








1 bесаusеsomеtimе. job сan be dangеrous a zoo kееpеr's Jake: Wе||, peopIe if thеуаrе frightеnеd. animalsattaсk z due to thе faсtуou arе in с|osесontаг Patty: But it'salsodangеrous getso с|osеto animaIswith animaIs.Pеop|еdon'tnormaIIу and thе' Sam: з Аnotherrеasonis thаt peop|earеsomеtimеsсarе|ess |еavеthе сagеdooropеn,thеnthе animaIеsсapеs. СhIoe:Yеs,but 4 that'sduе to humаnеrror,isn'tit? It'snot rea||ybeса-.': thе job is dаngerous.

Photo disсussion Pr. idеntifу thеjobsin thе piсturеs. to quiсk|y 9 Аskstudеnts thе riskfасtorof еaсhiob. intooаirsto disсuss studеnts in B. Rеmindthеmto usеthееxprеssions Languagenotes thatbесаusе rеmindstudеnts l sinсearefo|iowес If nесеssarv. ... beсаusе l sinсеаnima. bу a subjeсtаnd a vеrb,forеxamp|е: аttасkpеoplе. f:' by а nounor а prоnoun. of anddueto аrеfo|Iowеd Bесаusе of I dueto thе stress. еxаmplе:... beсаuse andсhесkthа. |\4onitor thegroupswhi|еthеyarеworking Askthеgroupsto сorreсt|у. thеyаreusingthе еxpressions themtо enсourаging withthесlаss, shаrеthеirаnswеrs givеrеasons forthеiropinions. о. Possiblеаnswеrs - in сIosесontaсtwithаnima|s - somеtimеs zookееpеr аnimaIsаttaсkpеоplеif thеyаrеfrightеnеd _ nеwdеsignsmауnot bе tеstpilot- tеstsnеWаirсraft goodand mаyсrаsh _ rеsсuеs pеоp|еin trоuЬlеin thе sеа-.mау tifеguоrd bе injurеdor drownin thеаttеmpt doсtir- hе|pspeоplewhoarеsiсk- maуbесomеilI mауbе b|аmеdif саnnotсurеа patiеnt himsеlf/ hеrself, soldiеr_ fightsin thearmу- maуbе kiIIеdor seriouslу injurеd lntorviоuing ап.' Dothеyrеmеmb'еr riskyjobswiththе с|ass. 10 Brainstorm jobs for еxamp|е: dеep sео seсtion, fromthe Reading risky and work'inpairsto prеparе сoаlmining.Students Jishing, thatthеусan Tе|lstudеnts сarryoutthе intеrviеws. or or аs a journaIist еасhothеrаs thеmsе|ves intеrviеw еас. Whi|ethе pаirsаrеintеrviеwing intеrviеwеr. tе|еvision if nесеssаr'' thеmаndheIpwithvoсabu|ary othеr,monitor


*'шtod1doss it bsttsг brainstorm idеas aboutthe]ames Bondfi|ms. Whois -':.]епts те_l\h?tis hefаmoustor?(007Jiсtionаl Britishsесret agent .||[:*':,LlS for vodkаMаrtinis,tаkingrisksаndwomen)


4 Studеnts writеthеirown notes.Studеnts сanеxсhangе notеswithа Dartnеr's andsееif thеvсan undеrstand еасh othеr'snotеs. 5 Students rеаdа-с bеforesсаnning Askthеmto thеadvеrts. dесidеwhiсhho|iday theywou|drесommеnd to еaсhof thegroups/ pеopIein a_саnd why. Divjngin Jоrdал:it is.аbtoad аnd.invo|vеd {titsоf potentiаl|y асtivitiеs and new.еipёriеniеs. :.,1.6 Horsе-riding in Wа|es: it is suitаbIе forа]|

*.*' t..oodуdoeoit betterWa66ung 6aгl16imon foг iho g8Э \ -*neь9ond |i\mТhe5pуwhol-оved|vle. to rеadthе lyriсsandto guesswhat ф., Askstudеnts ^1тight go in thеgaps.P|aythеsong.Studеnts filIin thе сhесkthеirаnswеrsin pаirs.P|aуthеsong 3аps.Studеnts аgаinforstudеnts to сorrесtthеirаnswers.

. animals. асtivitv. "-'-'.""" аnd t*-" ''J' :"" 6 Studеnts do thisexerсisе by thеmse|vеs. Сheсkthеаnswеrs withthесIаss.

o -r Ь



5 *l....:'.;Ё'.; r.l';.;lьlll.;ll8l..:t:l'.ll:l$.lьl1l.

Lettоruriting 7 Students dothisеxеrсisе bvthеmse|vеs. thеanswеrs Сhесk withtheсlаss.


In pairs,students-аnswеr thе questions аnd disсuss thе rеasons forthеm. o'. 1 informа| 2 Dеa1Iove

Stepsto betterwriting

Writinga messageand an informaIlettеr

Bssult and purpose 9 Studеnts rеadthеsеntеnсes аnd in pairsdeсidеwhiсh ta|k/sаbоutpurposе аndwhiсhrеsuIt.

Асtivitу holidауs SBpages 102-10з ,l Dividеstudеnts intosmаIIgroups'Givethemfivеminutеs to disсuss thеiridеаs.Askgroupsto shаrеthеirideaswith thес|аss. Arеthеуvеrydiffеrеnt? Hаvеаnyof thеstudеnts bееnon an aсtivitvhoIiday?

Studyingthe sample

10 Askstudеnts to Iookаt thеthrееpattеrns аndto mаtсh thеmto thеsеntеnсеs in 9. In pairs,thеythеnсombinе sеntеnсеs 1_5usingthе pattеrns. ТеIlthеmto thinkаbout whеthеrthеywantto desсribе а rеsuItor а purpose. Point outthаtin itеm2 in 9, it Уoubrokеthе sеntenсe intotwo, you mightgеt:Тhеprojесtinvolvеs traсking wolvеs. Sсiеntists wаntto understаnd thеirbеhаviour. Тhiswi||hе|p thеmWith1-5.

2 Studеnts rеаdthе mеssagе аndаnswеrthequеstions in pairs. :'.:. ь . То thе trаvеl.agents. oii',::l' . Тogethоlidауbroсhurеs. .. :. . : 2 ' . ln an hоuror so.. ....'' " . ." . PrеpаrеthЬvеgеиblеsрnd put..еveryihing in.tие . 3 . .. ovеп.]t:lhвФ'.i*..g ':{0'.Ё..2:'Iiii*f*iiili::'i:]i:i'i;...,ii:li;:.::.l::] Students rеаdthе mеssаgе agаinandwritеin thе missing !10rds.



Writingan informallеttеr

ц.ikstudеntswhyshе hasdonеthis(bесоuse it,sа noteаnd pronouns). оftеn lеаvе out аrtiсlеs аnd 'rе

Undorstаndingthe tasК 11 Advisеstudеnts to thinkоf а friеndto writеthе Iеttеrto so thеусаnthinkabouthowthеywou|dwritеto thеm.ТеII pointsа, с, d andе. thеmto |ookаt 7 andto inс|udе


Planning and шriting disсuss thе bestordеrto putthepointsin 12 |n pairsstudеnts thеirlеttеrsаnd howto beginand end it.сhесkthе Withthес|assto mаkеsurеthеуarеusinga |ogiсаl answеrs suitаblе to informaI andеndings ordеrandusinggrеetings Iеttеrs. LhocYing to сheсkthеirownwork.Тhеnaskthеmto 13 Аskstudents thеir|еttеrs witha partner's аnd сhесkеасh еxсhange othersworkusingthеpointsin 1З.




whiсhinсludeso somеfirsthaIves of sеntеnсеs Givеstudеnts thеm,for thаtor so ... thаtаndaskthemto сomp|еte еxаmp|е: Niсkturnedoff hishеlmetlightso thаt... Thесаvеrswеrеso сoldthаt... lt'sso dаrkin theсаvеthоt... Shеworksso hаrd thаt . Viсtoriасlimbеdthelаdderso thаt ...

Whоtwаsthelоst bookуou reаd? Whаtwаsit аbout? groUps thеquеstions. to disсuss 6 tе. intosma|| Dividеstudеnts studеnts tо tе Тhenaskindividuа| thеmaboutfiveminutеs. reading hаbits. аboutanothеr student's thесIаss

in thо шоьtо.' LaurieLoewasboгnin t{t4in G\ouсoьiorьhira Оna|and. Afte.гsсhoolha шorкоdin an offiсeаndthоnin Иг,:,:rт Hatгаvоllоd охtoneivol1 thгoughouropoаndаli; uьЪ|uьou":',. a\brigadoьtо flght " tojoin tha lntогnаtion tr todunьuссeьefult1 filmьduгin; the6pаniьh4ivil Wаг.Hplа.taгmadedoсumoniaг1 of ь" ,ч. цloгldцlагаndwrotоаutobiogгaphiсal booка, thoЬ,eсond in gbq,is ons.Hо diodin qq. thiь.publiвhоd Do not 1 Askstudеnts to rеаdаnd/ or Iistеnto thе еxtraсt. givethеma task.Givеthemas |ongаs thеynееd. аskthеmif thеуIikеdit.Why?Whуnot? Aftеrwards in pairs. Аskpairsto shаrе thеquеstions Students answеr with thе с|ass. theiridеas

tо givеfunnyendings. Forа morеdiffiсu|t studеnts Enсourаgе youсouldgivеthеmsomеsесondha|vеs of sеntеnсеs, exеrсisе, forеxamp|е: ... аll I Wantto do is relахin front of thе ТV. ,.. l endedup as a lit'eguаrd. ... thepоtient,slit'ewаssаvеd. ,,. it wаsdit'Jiсulttot'indvoluntееrs. ... I соughtа bаd сold.

Word foсus SBpage,|04 c' Moaguring tho risКs

Rolе play

1 'l dangerous2 Dangers 3 measuring4 assеss 5 risks 6 сonsеquеnсеs7 сhаnсеs 8 |ikeIihood 9 сomparisons

2of 21oп 8 for



5 for 6 for 7 аbout

Extеnsion й' Do6сribing risK 3 1 |owеrthе risks 2 а riskfасtor 3 аs muсh aspесt dangerаs 4 tаkerisks 5 dangеrous 6 a smа|Irisk 7 dаi|уdаngers ь

Phrasal vогbs 4 .l through 2 up 3 up 4 bасk 5 baсk 6 in

Rеadingfor pIeasure Thе London Roаd SBpage,l05 Warm-шp diffеrеnt thingsthаtpеop|erеаd,for еxamp|e: Brainstorm newspаpеrs, сomiсs,thе lnternеt. novеls,mоgаzinеs, Diсtate thesеq uеstions: Whаtdo уou reоd? Wherеdo уou rеаd? Нowoftеndo уou rеаd?


а rolе,А or B,andgivеthеmtimеto Givеpairsof studеnts makеnotеsof thеiridеas.Monitorandprovidеhе|pwhеrе to devе|op thеir Givethеma сoup|еof minutеs nесessarу. whiсl Monitorаndmakеnotеsof аnуmistakеs, сonvеrsаtion. reversеrolеs. at thееnd.Studеnts сanbe оееrсorreсted

Let's rеvise Units 7 and 8 sB pagеs106_107

Grammar Paвьivo in ]999. 1 1 lt wasinvеntеd wеreburntdown. 2 Mаnyfarmsandhousеs Сorporаtioг bу thе BritishBroadсаsting 3 |twаsbroadсast 4 lt is watсhеdby peop|ea||roundtheworId. 5 Itwаsbui|tIastyеаr. 6 Тhеoiсniсwаsсаnсеl|еd. shopwindowwasbrokеn. 7 Тhеjеwе||erу аt thesсеnеof thесrimе. 8 Hе wasarrеstеd won,tbе finishеd 2 .l wasdеstroуеd2 is bеingwrittеn, 3 stars 4 wiIlbе buiIt 5 havеn'tbееnrеdесorаtеd 6 is goingto be/ madе/ wiIIbe madе

lhе.sthetouristguidеwhotoldmе wherethе hote|wаs. * Реtеris in a bandwhiсhp|aysroсkmusiс. g Тhat'stheСDwhiсh/ thatl'vebeеnIooking for. Thеbookis abouta bovwhowitnеssеs a murdеr. : Тhat'sMarkwhosesisteris а soapoperastаr. . Didyou notiсеthеtrainеrsthatHе|enwаswearing? : Hаvеyou hеardthе songthatTomhаswrittenthе 'чusiсfor? t а Thаt'sthеwomanwhosеsonwasarrеstеd. !l d lt'stimеthаtyouto|dmе thetruth. Е h NottingНilI is a film whiсh/ that is setin London. .i!t,шь саn lеavеout the rеlativepronounin 3, 6, 7, 9.

Г t f 3 4 5 с т

,@.тиt the mistaKоg plауеdin t l Сriсkеt, whiсhis a vеryBritishgamе,is usuaI|y siJmmеr. 2 | wеntparасhuting withJaynе,whosеbrotheris а piIot. it is bеstto usea guidewho 3 lЦhеnmountain с|imbing, kлоwsthе mountainwеl|. 4 '!oUсanexp|ore whiсharеsimiIаr thе сoastin sеakayаks, you usеon rivеrs. to kаyaks 5 Тhеriver,whiсhis so dangеrous in wintеr,is nowа gеnt|е strеam. б JuIiаn, hasgivenup hisjob so hе who Iikеsto go surfing, саnspеndthеsummеrin Hawaii.

Ulсabulary rmds сюnnoс|oduith tho movomont of populationa Е 1 homе|and2 iIlеgaI immigrant 3 аsy|um sееkеr 4 rеfugeеs5 immigrants 5 iпhаbitаnts ltфdivcs J 1 kееn 2 disturbing 3 proud 4 uneventfu| 5 unforgеttab|е6 сurious 7 amazing il1аt 2whеn 3bеforе/ago 4|t 7 whеn 8 to

5bеforе 6is

#&шtаfign and assossmsnt l 1 mеаsurе 2 сhanсеs 3 likeIv 4 stаtistiсs5 sсa|е 5 сomparisons tlрoьitions l !iп 2on





rthеquеst.: ТеIIstudеnts to skimrеadthеtеxtandanswеr Сhесkthеаnswеr withthес|аss. Givethеmonеminutе.

mяy!ng..a..о1eihornQd...1h1iво:fi0rn.lCh.i!r.vа ю T!gv.wе1.'9 аnоthеrpartof Nepаl.

See Unit summarуon Contеntspages4-5


lnto thе wild sBpagеs10B_,l09

Warm-up Putstudеnts intopairsandеxplain thаtоnеmustthinkof аn аnimа|. Тhеothеrthеnasksquеstions untilhе / shеguеssеs PointoutthatthеусanonIyаskquеstion thеanima|. whiсh havea Yes/ No аnswеr. WhеntheanimаIis guеssеd thе studеnts сhangеrolеs.

1'... аi!eея'.l..;..2']]]tr;n$'!.цis$r ]il 1'1!l....a.п'...но$'1..аn6.а..ti' 4 truсk 5 40 6 сagе

\^tildlifo do thееxеrсisе аskthеmto sсаnthеагtiсг 5 Bеforеstudеnts to findаndundеrIinе thеwords. Studеnts workin оаirs. withmonoIinguaI diсtionariеs if nесеssаry, to еxp|аin thе words.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthес|аss.

o- |еathеrbасk turt|е- sеa _ tiяеr iunяlе oй"-no.n"аrhjno- grаsslаnd panda_ barnbоo ",.чo Тhеyаrеаll еndangerеd spесiеs.


7.:l550lIl .l8 lllо.s.mll.sЁасe


1 Askstudеnts to matсhthеаnima|s to wherеthеyIivе. Studеnts thеnаnswеr thеquеstion in pаirs.

' optionаlасtivity othеrаnima|s whiсhstudеnts thinkаrе } Brаinstorm еndаngеred. Why? Ask studеnts if thеre arе аnyаnimaIs in $ dangеr in thеir сountry. ТeII studеnts thаt theу саn find } at www.red|ist'оrg' ё.moreinformаtion

to сomp|еtе thеsеntеnсе.: Studеnts rеadagаinmorеs|ow|y witha pаrtnеr's. Askthеmto сomparеthеirаnswеrs Сhес' thеanswеrs withthe с|аss.


- аnimа|groupswhiсhhavеso еndаngеrеd spесiеs

. {*tuge'.. !9.Ф..mёmbе.!*..!ёft .theу;..rn!ght'nQt:.ix!st'.

: i il il .

in сritiсаldаngеrtotа|nеar|y Spесiеs 2000.For еХаmplе: PuеrtoRiсаnpаrrot,Bulmеr's Сhinеsе a||igаtо1 fruit flуingsquirrеI, bаt,Namdaphа Wildbасtriаn саmеl, Abуssinian wolf,orinoсосroсodi|е, Lщd |оbstеr, Gаngеs shark,lbеriаn|уnх,Sumаtrаd rabbit. sumitrаnorаng-utаn.

Reading 2 Studеnts do theeхerсisе on thеirown.Сhесktheаnswеrs withthесIass.

ивпiёr',;..1gg66nё:йhоil.li.il.!!l:an'i.fu;!зl]:i'Ir: ..'9,,' tьпsё.щib.ti.''iё{оrd';.th оr :.'siрeРienсс..оi..!0ьt.iitt.i€ s ..-. in lоokingaftеrthе еnvironmеnt organiиtions -'In |nтnеW|t0 naIUrе .nа1inл йi Id at..рa.iBl;]]jiфqtl.wh'i(h'.ar*..p!оtedеdl..fоr.:

".1,, 5,

.:6...паtuiill.d!.lа!tq!:i!l.qve.61g.lс6iu!фdliъу.1.n.ituie'.Фn. 1;... .....са.щe;eхtrе*е.damж*ldeзtruфiоln.l1:.l';1...;'. 7....Рqоtесtqd'laiнls.;..3.;g;;];iln.:wfiiсh:].ihu.IТlan;аqtiv ]..'..l'.... ng thе еnvirоnrnеПt..,,... . .limitеd.tn.'.аvоid...damagi ..]

6 Studеnts do theexerсisе on thеirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withtheс|аss. .''а'.sрei!еs о,l. 1'.с0nsёшаtiQ'l'..lrечо.rd..''....2l... en.d. з. .tiu.ntеi.'....а....'iл';tlе..ы1ш:l....:ll:Ё.:'.trlаiu:Ьl:d.iiastе .... ...... . .оl llna1!опat1..Рar&!;'..prо iёа!......' d'..а '..'... Phragаl vоrbs 7 Studеnts sсanthеteхtagаinto findthе phrasa| vеrbs. Disсuss whаtthеymеаnwiththес|ass. Languagenotеs wеаroff (|inе12)- disappeаrs / stоpworking wаkеup (|inе15)- studеnts shou|dknowthis sеttlеin (|inе27)- bеgintо fееIсomfortаb|е in а p|асе bringаbout(|inез5)- makеhаppеn сomеround(|inе14)- sIow|у devе|op сonsсiousnеss

Тhe lndiаnгhinoсогoа onсooъiьIod aсroььflheоntiгоnortheгn pагi of ihe lndiаnsubсontinоnt. Tho ьPoсioь no\N axistьin а fош эmаllэubpopulаtions in noгth-oaьtогn lndlaаndin Nоpаl.The оstimata iotalpopulаtion iь сuггentl1 aгound z,ooo.Ovoг-hun.ting Thеythenсomp|etе thesentеnсes. Сhесkthеаnswеrs r.^rith сonvoгsion сomбined of hаbitаtfoг аgгiсultuгаl plаn.tаtionь, withtheс|ass. andotherdsveloDmontа havoboonthоmаinthreаisto thо o-тl'...1.....setj.!.еd..in].l..ll 12..w0ikO..tip'l'.:l.}.biоughtl.a.bogt ьpoсioь,1ho ьpoсioь ulasсlosato artinсtion in theaaгlYlqOO6. Тhоцlorld\^lildtifo ЕunduroгКs Io ьavoondangorod ьpoсioь and thоwildp\aсeь IhaIaro viia\to theplanet,ь hоаlthandsuгvivаl. lt has5 millionmembогs. Moгeinfoгmаtion on andanqerod anima\ь аt:wwl-r.wl.rf.oгq.


l..'.*.':lta.riie..}оulnd..].l'.*'l..weа'[l:Фffl ll.l. ll . .ll.1 ..l...ll.;.

L-=:-J Пilt

!fu]r to talk! ,{,l.]lL]i]il] ;- ]еnts to read thе questions.Give them two minutеs to |]|lllilfiilе Dividеthеm into smаIIgroupsto ]: ,tn thеir responsеs.


llш Ilп;u ss tinеiranswеrs.Monitorthе studеntsаs thеу work *. шith voсabu|аrуif nесessarу. ,hЦ]fll'шl Groupssharеthеir idеas


ltllll'пl]lil :.е с|ass.


110_,l11 sвpagеs

Еrst аnd sесondсonditional Hr-up jllLrlil.l* :hе bookс|osеdgivеstudеntstwo minutеsto mаkеa Iist thеir Тhеnbrainstorm шti;* mа|sthatthеyсonsidеr dangеrous. .ldтsйflеrs аndаskthеmwhiсhthevthinkarethе most askthеmthis fiйl-'.еrous andwhy.Aftеrthе disсussion .Аre оnimоl is а чшiiеs;lon: therеаnу situоtionswhеre dаngerous to rеadthе Askstudеnts wIгi'angеrousZ Askforthеiropinions. тe*lзnd сomparеit withthе idеastheуhavеdisсussed'

of thе nеxtsеntеnсе, Prompta studеntwiththе beginning forехаmp|е: lf l wentt'ishing,I mightсаtсhа big сarp, to соntinuеthе сhain.Тhеnеxtstudent Тhеnaskstudеnts mightsay: If l саughtа big соrp,l wouldсookit for myt'riеnds.

T Siudеnts thetеxtin pairs.Rеmindthemto lookat сompIеtе с|uеs. шhаtсomesbеforеand aftеrеaсhgapforсontеxtual withthе с|ass. irесk thеanswеrs

with in nairs.Сhесkthеаnswers 4 Studеnts do thе ехеrсise ш:l d 2.l.;i:r'*iiЁjii$ii$i;$liт:Jжl;i':i{*i}ii{i*l*ii| thес|ass. i



I]lLсfirst аnd sесondсonditional Askstudеnts sentеnсеs. п dskа studenttо rеаdthе examp|e Studеnts sесond. whiсh arе .',hiсh and аrеfirstсоnditionаls :omp|еtе thеgapsin pairs.


* * *

Ф' 1 workеd,woulЬ|еnd .3 meеt,wi|l... go 4 5 wil|bе,doesл'tсal| Wishes to do Do notaskstudеnts 5 fuЬr PIауthе rесording. anything.


llrcs thеrulеsin pairs. I Students сomp|еtе щr 1 thе Frтs on thеirown. l Studеnts thе sentеnсes сomplete

Сheсkthеanswеrs @ r1

2 3 4 5 do thе on thеirown.A|tеrnаtivеlу, Studеnts do thе еxеrсisе еrеrсisе oral|yаs а с|аss.

My |ifе?| |ikemу |ifе,but I supposeif I had thrееwishes|'dсhangеsomе things!| haven,tgota job and I nеvеrhаvemuсhmoney,but l'm thinking of gettinga pаrt-timеjob. |t wou|dbе grеatif | сou|dwork in my unс|е's |'dlikе shopatweekends. Ithink |,dеnjoybеingа bit moreindependеnt. whi|е|'mat sсhoo|.I havеn'tbееn to go trave||ing but it,snot possib|е abroadmuсh_ on|yto Spain_ so therearе |otsof p|aсesl stiIIWantto sеe. team. finе. but mv аmbitionis to bе on the sсhooIbasketbal| SсhooI,s |'d lovеthаt.I praсtisеa lot and I think |'veimprovеd,but the сoaсh hasn'tpiсkedmе уеt.He alwaуspiсksthе samе tеаm. |'d Iiketo spend moretime praсtisingаnd |еsstimе studying,but l hаveеxamsat thе еnd of thе Уear.


Lк:j 6 Studеnts matсhthеwishеswiththеstatеmеnts from5. Studеnts сhесktheirаnswеrs in оаirs.

Let's practise grammar sBpаges 112_11з Somеor al|оf thеsеexеrсisеs саn bе givеnаs homework.

;l''.t;!.;'1а'1;Ь.;;1$;,x.'..*..1$...;::]i1.i.i.;1:..1ii}ii:i|;i1}lli] ь'Firet


1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7 Students сomplеtе thеinformаtion in pаirs.Сhесkthе аnsWеrs withthесIаss. Ф,, 1 pastsimplе 2 wou:|d


Rеmеmbеr! Aska studеntto rеаdoutthеаdviсe.GivееxampIеs if youfее| it is nесеssаrV.

qo,.'.1 t,l,,Zl ..,3 l* ,,.5


Maк.ng vriehes 9 Askstudеnts to Iookat thеpiсturеs andto idеntify whythе pеop|е areunhаppy. Studеnts dесidеon thеirownwhatthе pеop|e mightwish.Askstudents to sharеthеiridеasWith thес|аss. сF,,.'Рosrib|eапsшers



l....:.].l....l ......l... ...... . .i...... '.:. .l:

stаyinthishotеl. / lwishmу

, llТJffilh':Jlilleв l1T;J;-а |rоkеn !9:!вalцs!:i6:a!i!i:\i.

optionalaсtivity to writеdownthreethingsthatаrе not ! Askstudеnts j: pеrfeсtin thеirIivеs. Askа studеntto rеadout one i sеntеnсе and othеrstudеnts tryto еxprеss his/ hеrwish. For еxаmp|е: ! i l'm quitеshort. :' Youwishуou werеtаll.


groups. саnсontinuе in smа|I i studеnts j Note:ThеoptiоnaI aсtivity aftеr9 worksjustas wе|Iafter э; you prеfеr 10 if Ё i Lоt,s imagine 10 Studеnts disсuss thequеstions in groupsof З or 4. Te|lthеm to usеfuIIсonditionа| sеntеnсеs whеngivingthеirаnswеrs. Givеthemaboutfivеminutеs. Аskgroups to shаrеthеir idеаswiththес|ass. ТhismayIеаdto furthеrdisсussion.


\rtliьh 3 PossibIе answers ,l I wishI didn,thaveto rеvisеfor mYеXams.I wishl сou|dgoto thetheаtre. 2 Fionawishеsshеwаsn'tso busу.Shеwishesshе сou|dgo on ho|idаy. 3 Paulwishеs thathе сou|dplayforthеsсhoo| сhеss tеam.Hеwishеsit wason а differеnt еvеning. 4 | wishthаtJanеwouldаrrivеon timе.l wishl didn'ta|ways hаvеto wаitfor hеr. 5 Тinawishеs thаtshеdidn'thavеto goto the dеntist. Shewishеsshесou|dvisitherfriеnоs.

ь Тhs right шord

4 1wishhеwоuldn,l ,..l];!]:!.ii;in:€P:u!itiit|a1i1i

ь' First and ьeсond сonditional 2 1 с|t he toIdthеtruth.wouldvoubеliеvе him? 2 d |fyouhаvеtimе,wi||youhе|pmе makеdinnеr? 3 e Whаtwou|dyoudo if yougotIostin thewoods? 4 f lf he praсtisеs hаrd,he,IIgеt intothеsсhoо| tеam. 5 b l'd sееа doсtorаboutthatсoughif I wеreyou. 6 а |fSueWаsmorеpatiеnt, getintoso shewouIdn't manyаrguments. 7 g |f wе go to Pаris,wе'lIvisitthе ЕiffеlTowеr. ь


сonditional sее,'||givе wi|I... do,rаins haven'tsаvеd,won,tgo get,'l|p|aу won'tbuу,hasn'tgot '|lgo,arеn,t don'tphonе.'|l bе Wi||... orgаnisе, doеsn't do

4 .l wеrе 2 wou|d do 3 wouldread 4 еnсouragеs5 USе 6 '||try 7 motivatеs 8 сou|d


ь Wouldrаthor,wouldprфr to,prфr 51 prеfеr 2 wou|dprеfеrto,wouIdrathеr з Drеfer 4 infinitivе 61 2 3 4 ) 6 7 I

wouIdrathеr, than Would... rather/ Would prеfеrto,thаn prеfеrs, to wou|d... rаther, rаthеr prеfer,or / prefеr,to Wou|d... rathеr, or prеfe1to wou|drаther

t,*Y-:-J ь Тhe right шord 7 1 сouIdbe/wеrе 2 WouId...like 3 wеre 4 wouId... gеt 5 spеnd 6 paу 7 see 8 wi|Iassoсiatе9 wiI|let 10 аre 11 going 12 go 13 don'tlike 14 willsend

Tim.sIipthroughthe net''butothеr Тheсounсilаpologisеd for|еtting of homestheyIive squatters arеnowqueuingup to с|aimownеrship in too.Mеаnwhi|е, thе restof usаresittingin oursmаIlrentеdbеdsits .|f did this,nobodywou|d thеquestion еvеrybody andaskingoursе|vеs to happen?'Wе nееdto payаnyrеnt,so shouIdthisbe a||owed to goandfindout. dесided

Listеningand speaking уou wеrе in their shoes... sBpages,|14_115 аnd matсhthе trskstudеnts to Iookat thе piсturеs dеsсriptions to thе photos.

thе againanddisсuss 2 \sk studеnts to Iookat thе piсturеs quеstion asа с|аss. whаtthеywou|ddo in intopаirsto disсuss 3 Putstudеnts thissituation. Askpairsto shаrеthеirideaswiththeс|ass. thesеntenсе: to сomplеtе \sk studеnts stауif ... t wouldlet thesquаtters

{r/э.аAskstudеnts whаtthe to workin pаirsto exp|аin tеII availabIe, arе diсtionаries wordsmеаn.|f mono|ingual thеydo not know. themto |ookup anуwordsor ехprеssions Rеmindthеmthatin the саsеof аn idiomIikеs/ipthrough mightbе undereiIherslipor nеt. thenetthеeхp|anation withthес|ass. Сhесktheanswers P|ауthe rесordingЪne morеtimeso thatthеyсanhеarthе wordsin сontеХt.

l.апguagenotеs or lаndwithout a bui|ding whooссupies ; чuтttеris а pеrson (apersonwhositson thе pavеmеnt andasksfor :еrmission *onеyis a bеggаr).

Listеning A ТV programmо О6J*aBеforeyou p|aythe rесording thеyare te||studеnts goingto Iistеn abouta manwhoIivеdin а tо а programmе house. сounсiI


Lаnguagenotes to do or havеby |aw. one is entit|еd ; rцhr(noun)is something j']uаtters' untilthе rightsinvolvеthе rightto oссupуa propеrty Iаw.сourts. in thе l!nеr his hеr ownеrship hasеstab|ishеd / -

Io a\oсa| bоlongь а сounсilhouse / Jldt iь ahouьooг flаt urhiсh гоntto pоople аndiь гsntоdаt а 1or..r сounсil(administгation) ,пithout (лunсiltar iв a taъbaьodon thоvаluоof a muсhmoneч' 2гopoф.Thamonо1fгomths tаx iь uаsdto pa1foг |oсal.ьerviсcь of гubbish. ьuсhaььtгaetllghtingandthосollaсtion

pгafeгto oпnthоhousоьthо1livо in ln 9гitain,poop\e genora\l1 eьрсiall1 аndflatьагe oъPonьivo, гаthогthаnгontthom.Houэоь so moаtpоoplоboггow in Иndon аndthe ьouthof ong|and, ьoсiо\andPаYit bаск0V9г monо1 fгomа bаnКoг buitding thаtlоnds ьevera\1earь. A building6Oсi0\is аn oгganisаtion mono1to pоoploeothattha1саnbu1a houssог flаt.Тhiь аггangоmоnt iо сallgda mortgаgol'mc:gld1l.

bеforеthеylistеnto thе to rеadthestаtеments Аskstudеnts that thе kеywords.ТеIlstudеnts rесording аndto undеrIinе for youwi||pIaythе rесording twiсе.P|aуthe rесording studеnts to mаrkthеirаnswers.


-rе nationwаshorrifiedwhena loсa|сounсi|housеworthЯ200,000 was nevеr who has free. Тim, ЗB, !еn Тim E||is сomp|еtely to Unеmp|oyеd i at thе four.bеdroomеd ;'з d аny сounсiltаx or rеnt,hasbеensquatting ::гIaсеdhousefor the Iast16 уеars.


andguеsshow Askstudents to rеadthеsеntеnсes Ф, Students Play thе rесording. thеymightbe сomplеted. gaps asthеyсan. сomp|еtе аs manyof thе

rссordingto thе |aw,уou arе еntitledto own a propertуif you аrе :.еrе iIlegаIIу for morеthan 12 уеarswithoutanyoneсheсkingthаt thе -:Llseis rеaIlyуours.ln this саsе,thе сounсiIhаd simp|уforgottenthаt : оtvnеdthe house.



7 :€ r g.4.Givestudеnts a minutеor twoto studythе mu|tiplе. сhoiсеquеstions possib|e аndсonsidеr аnswеrs, asthеy wou|din a tеstor еxam.P|аythеrесording. Studеnts сhoosеthеirаnswеrs.

Look,I knowI mightsound|ikеmy Dad herе,but whеn|ауabouts Iikеhim сan own a homеand normaIhаrd-working peop|eсan'tafforda home, thenthе WorIdrеаIIyhasgonemаd!Manytaxpayеrs havetroub|е affordingеvena one-bеdroom flat_ and yetsomеnobodусanjust nevеr geta job,Iivein а сounсilhousеpаidfor by taхpayеrs, and,12 yeаrs|ate1 he ownsit! If the сounсiIwаsmorеorganisеd, that bui|dingсouldnow bе givinga homеto two nееdуfamiIiеs. Тim maус|aimthat hе'sа nеedy сasе,but thеrеаre Iotsof oIdеr,siсkerpeop|еwho wouIdbеnеfitfromthe saIеof the housе.And, if thi5is Iega|, why don'twе givеup our jobs,everу onе of us,stop payingrentand be as frееas a bird?| сan,tаffordto buy my own house_ is that my fau|t,just beсаusе| workfulI-timеand paу my taХ?| savthrowTim out. tomorrow!

Studеnts сomparеtheiranswеrs Witha partnе/s. lf thеy сannotсomp|etе somеof thеsentenсes, plаythе rесording agаin.сhесkthеаnswеrs Withthе с|аss. P|ауthе rесording onе moretimeif nесеssarY.

Languagenotеs NobodуonIyhasthе mеaninga personof no importаnсе wheп it is usеdwithan aгtiс|е or a Word|ikesomеor just,forеxamp|e: Hе,sjust a nobodу;somеnobodywho... f, optionaIасtivity Еng|ish hаsmаnуidiomаtiс еXprеssions, |ikeas freеаs а bird'whiсh inсludе thесompаrativе struсture as .., as. Writеthеsеadjeсtives andnounson thеboаrdаndask studеnts if thеyсаnmatсhthеm.Somеаrееasiеrthan othеrs! plеasеd snow poor а brush white а bоbу,sbottom wise a parrot old an owl siсk а сhurсhmousе grеen thеhills dаft (meаnsstupid) housеs sale grass smooth Punсh


@ 0K, it'sa frustrating situationfor mostpеopIe,but,Iеt'sfaсeit,you havе to admireTim. He hasn'tbrokеnany |аwsor donеanythingwrong_ hе's simp|уbeatenthе system!|t,snot hisfaultthatthе сounсiImаdеа mistаke.In faсt,ten yearsаfterТim movedin' the сounсildid aсtua||y ordеrhim to |eave.But hе stаyedwhеrеhе wаsand thеydidn,tbothеrto do anythingе!sеаboutit. If they'daсtеdbeforethe 12-year dеаdIinе' thеy wou|d'vеgotthе propertybaсk.Butthey |еtit go.NoWthеy'repaуingthe priсеlIn а Way,уoUсouIdсalITim a sortof businessman. A сapitaIist _ and thаt's pеopleto takеadvantage soсietyеnсourages of opportunitiеs whathe did. So instеаdof сritiсising him,wе shouIdсongratuIate himl

Playthе rесording agаinforstudents to сhесkand сorrесt thеirаnswеrs. Сhесkthеаnswers withthесlаss. o. 1 b (it'sa frustrating situаtlon fоr mostpеop|е) 2 с (thесoUnсilmadеa rnistаkе) 3 a (Aсаpitа|ist soсiеtyеnсourаges реoplеto takе advantаgе of opporturтitiеs - аndthаt'swhаtl.юdld.) 8


{d"" Bеforеyou plаythe rесоrding аgain,askstudеnts to antiсipatе thеаnswеrs. Youсаndo thisorа||y. P|aythе rесording agаin.Students сomp|еtе thеgapsasthеyIistеn Сhесktheаnswеrs withtheс|ass. 1 fаult 2 dеad|inе 3 payingthе priсе 4 oppоrtunitiеs

9 Disсuss thеquеstionas а с|ass. Еnсouragе studеnts to givе rеasons fоrthеiranswеrs.

Speaking 6u99оsting

::ilТ::i :*}fffl',Jli3ii%"n :;H;::ТJ;iliШl}ffi, **,intеd' (vеrуwhite) as whitеаs sno\ry



::AJil ;" .Ж;''.vеry n::*:lн;n.1meйs sаte) assаfеu,no,,.llu.ry

siJlу, buiisan .

as smoothas a baby,sbоttоm1u.,y,'no,r,1 Askstudents to thinkof similarеxprеssions in their lаnguagе. Dotheуsoundstrangе whеntheyаretransIаtеd intoEnglish?


Languagеnotes ThespеаkеrusestwoеXpressions thatаrеquitесommonin informаlЕng|ish: le* t'осeir(|еt,s aссеptthatit'strue)andletit go (notto do or sаyanymorеаbоutsomеthing). lf somеone is arguing or сomplaining too muсhaboutsomеthing youmight tеIIthеmto lеtit go.

.z-\ 1o о6|o.sStudеnts rеаdthе dia|oguе and in pairsdisсuss whаt mightgo in thеgaps.P|aythе rесording forthеmto fi||in thе сorrесtwords.

@ Suggesting aItеrnatives Ann: Whatсan we do aboutthe homе|еss? z providеdmoresheIters Jeff: l Sure|vif the govеrnment withfoodand з thеvwouIdgеt pеop|eoff thе streets? ассommodation providеdmorесhеаp JiIl: But +wouIdn'tit bе bettеrif the govеrnment permanеnthousing.HostеIs аrеjusta temporarУ so|ution. Ann: And whatаboutunemp|oуment? s сouIdpavpeooIeto staуin еduсationIonger. the govеrnment JiIl: WеI|, 6 | thinkthe bestthingWouIdbe Jеff: But thаtwou|dbе vеryехpеnsive. pеop|еto |ookforjobsе|sewhеre. to еnсourage

т+пшto diyussion r;т 1l.1! studеnts intooairsаndtе|Ithеmto dесidеwhois A аnd and '',rо is B.Givеthemtimеto Ioоkat thеirphotogrаphs :rеpаrе thе thеiranswers. Pointoutthatwhеndisсussing :,-aints undеrThinkаbout...thеyshouId trуto suggеst ; tеrnativеs usingthеlanguаge in 10.Studеnts askаnd ЗtSWеr in pairs.Monitorandmаkеа nоtеof аnyсommon ":istаkes for сorrесtion Iаtеr.

5оundbites lщr Housо 17 о7|э.вАskstudents to Iistеnto thеsongаndfiIIin the Studеnts сhесktheiranswеrsin 3аps.Plаythe reсording. аgаinforstudеnts to сhесkand рairs.P|aythеrесording thеirаnswеrs. -оrrесt r. 1 bеst .}..lsl€ j eр. 5 S h i Г t . 1 .;' : l l: ' . :l .:1l . .,

ll.аnguаgе notrs .'.rdоУ tеrmwhiсhrеfеrs whiсh bеst-anoIdjashionеd to с|othеs l". яvеdforSunday, working сIothеs i.е.notyoureveryday, : ; ' up- саusеtroub|е or pain r::s а dаtе_ arrivеat an arrаngеd mееting-p|асе l.,;сgаround_ wait(informal) з:':somеbodу off- co with somеbodyto saygoodbye,oftento -*: stаtion or airport. Hеre,thеmothergoеswithhеrсhiIdrеn l. .nеdoorto sееthеmoff. .lЗ Putstudеnts intopаirsаndtеlIthemto readthelyriсs. Give :hеmfivеminutеsto disсuss thе quеstions. Askpairsto shаrеthеiridеаswiththес|ass. Еnсouragе themto rеfеrto :hеsоngwhеngivingrеаsons forthеirаnswеrs.

Givеstudents a minuteor twoto thinkаbouttheiranswеr to thе question. Invitethemto te||thе rеstof thе с|аss abouttheirсhoiсе.lf neсessаry, rеmindthеmto usewould. Whаtkindof thingsdid moststudеnts сhoosе?

Studyingthе sample

2 Askstudents to Iookat thеtit|еаndtе||youwhatthеythink thесomооsition is аbout.Givеstudеnts оf two a mаximum minutes to skimrеаdtheсomoosition anddесidеon thе stуIе. сhесkthеаnswеrwiththe с|аss.

Languagenotes lf I wеregrаntеdthrееwishеs_ wereis oftеn usеdin p|асеof wаsat|erf whеnWеаrеtaIkingaboutimaginarу for situations, еxаmp|е: withtheexprеssion lf lwеrеуou.SееGrаmmar pagе139. rеfеrеnсe оll tooеаsilу_ Тheехpression аll too+ аdjeсtivеmеansthе samеas muсhtoo+ adjесtivе, for еxamplе:Sheforgеtsher homeworkаll tooot'ten. 3 Studеnts do the exеrсisе оn thеirown.Сhесkthеanswers withtheсIass. o- Possibleaпswers 1 l wish(thaflmyfаmi|yаndfriеndsсouldhavеgood hеаlth. 2 lwish(that)| сou|dhаvееnouф monеytoIivе сomfoгtаbIv. З | wish(that)l сou|dlivеa haщy аnd intеrеsting }ifе. 4 Students do thееxеrсisе on theirownor in pаirs.Сheсkthе answеrs withtheс|ass.


$ optional aсtivitу to writеdownаnyothеrformstheyknowof t Askstudents i thewordsin thеlistin 4, forеxampIe:


6 сomfort ! 1 ехtremitу2 hоppilу 5 dit't'еrеntiаtе i7 int er еst ed8 usеI еss з studеnts'o.Wn аRswers 1 sighing_to tаkе i.nапd lеt out а _.tо kееpа hoшsесlеаnаnd tidy housе-proud

Writinga disсurs.ve c0mpOSitiOn

I wish ... sBpagesr6-117

Hterrn-up l.r s:Udеnts storiеs in whiсha сharасtеr to thinkof traditionаl . ;.зrtedonеor morewishеs. СantheytеIIthеstoryin i'. sh?

Voсabulaг1 5 Аskstudеnts thеаnswers to dothеexеrсise in oаirs.Сhесk withthесIаss. _ worthа |otof mоnеy prесiоus ".": grеat. - reа||у fаbu|ous . .... : aprесious bfйulous " 2 aссidеnts- саusеdbу pёoрlе: . " diяstеrs* саusеdby.forЬswе саnпшtohtiоfi ..: adiяstеrs bассidеnis .. l.з strugg|е_diffiсult.. :. ".' ;

O" ' l

i.'ti..- ьЬ'iщ .

а routinё b stru.gglё rеa|isе_understапd . '.rl', _ think сonsidеr а сonsidеr b rеаlisе



..: ..... :

Languаgenotеs assoсiаtеd withmonеy,еventhoughin fоbulousis not usuaIlу is сonnесtеd withwеaIthin thе сo||oсation Ihe|eхtfаbuloиs mеansrеаllуgreаtand is oftenusеd fоbulousriсhes.|| usua||y informа||y, for еxamp|е: Whаtа fаbulousdress! preсiousсаn bе usеdto mеаnеithеrworthа lot of moneу'or as in thе tеxtwhereit simp|ymeanseхtremеlу importаnt,

Stepsto bеtterwriting Еxproээing poraonal oPinions 6 Askstudеnts to do the exerсisе оn thеirown.Givethemtwo minutеs to fi|lin as manyof thegаpsаsthеyсanwithout |ooking baсkat theсomposition. Thеyсanthеnfindany phrаses rеmaining in thесomposition. Сheсkthеanswеrs withtheс|аss.

Languagеnotes а с|ausе. аlthough is a сonjunсtion andWеUsеit to introduсе Аlthoughit wаsсold,we wentt'orо wаlk. (|twasсo|d,butwе sti||wеntfora waIk.) despite is а prеposition andwе usеit witha nounor -ingform. + с|ausе. |t mеansaImostthе sаmeasаlthough

Writingyour Gomposition Undоretandingthо tasK tо rеаdthеtаskсаrеfuI|v. 9 Askstudеnts Planning p|аnusingthethreеbul|еtpointson the 10 Puta sampIe boardwithсontributions fromthеwhoIесIаss. ТhiswiII prеparе rеmindstudеnts hоwto notеs,for еxamp|е: . еаsy- bесаusе | lovеp|аying tеnnis . tennisraсket- аt thе momenthаvеto bоrrowonе'сan getthetypеl Want pairof trainers- minеdo notfit,саngеtthе |аtеst dеsign _ wou|dIikеto p|aytеnnisbettеr, |еssons wou|dIikеto tеaсhothеrpеop|е . bеtterеquipment, pIaytеnnisbettеr, mаybеteасh pеop|е othеr

d;j]i1i:]::*ф;i мфj*:i;;g з.Ьё';й,i*fi*i**i$*Ёii: *ii*;... .:.'...':; .lor...'i;...:. :1 1f'rпу.:5 .vйish..:$"i.11.il:'7

Find it (diffiсult) Io (do) 7 Studеnts dothееxеrсisе in pаirsoronthеirown.Ask studеnts to lооkаtthееxamp|е саrеfu||y andto makеа note ofthe|anguagе сhanges. Сheсk thеanswеrs withtheсIass.


Languagenotеs Pointoutthatwе сan usеthisexprеssion withdiffеrеnt tеnsеs, forеxаmo|е: l Jind it dit'Jiсultto spellsomеЕnglishwords. Shеfound it impossibleto understоndСoсknеуv'lhenshе wаsin London. Не will find it eаsуto surf the Nеtwhеnhе hаsprасtisedа little.

11 Remindstudents thаtthесomposition shоuldbе bеtwееn 200and250words.Тhismеansthаtthеavеragе |еngthof еaсhpаragraph shouIdbе bеtwееn 40 аnd 50 words.Аsk .sеmi-forma| pеrsona| thеmwhаtthе mаinfеaturеs of а sty|е'arе(seе2).Studеnts writеtheirсompositions, eithеrin с|аssor for homеwork. LhoсYing 12 Askstudеnts to сheсktheirownеssay. Тhеnаskstudеnts to еxсhаnge theirсompositions withа pаrtnеr,s and сhесk еасhothеr's work'TheуshouIdmarkаnymistakеs in pеnсiI. Monitor theсIass whi|еtheydo thisandhе|pwithany oueriеs.

Askstudents, working in pairs, tо thinkof a famouspеrson, Iiving or dеad.Askthеmto writеthrеeor foursentеnсеs about thispеrsonusingоlthough anddespite. Тhеyshou|dnot mеntiоn thе pеrsоn's namе.ForexampIе: Althoughshе wаsvеrуbeаutit'ul, hеr husbоnddid not lovеher. Dеspitеbеingа mеmberof thenаtionаlteоm,he beсаmе аddiсtedto drugsаnd аlсohol. Studеnts readoutthеirsеntеnсеs to the сIassandthе othеr guеsswhоthе pеrsonis. students


Шsord foсus *. lnto thо тrild 11f2dзb4e


2 1 сonsеrvation rесord 2 in thеwi|d 3 nаturaI disaster 4 proteсted аreаs parks 5 еndangеred spесiеs 6 nationаl ц" Phrasal vsrbэ 3 1d 2a 3e 1 2 3 4 5

PоoplоbornbefoгоТаnuаry2othwillbо thоpгaviouь аnimаlto thosoboгnаfte.гmid-Fsbгuаг1. lt r^rill be diffiсultfoг pоoplaboгn Within thsаadaloь1oKnour whiсhof thaturoаnimalоthоYr^rcгe Ьoгnundог.

1 Askstudents to readthе |еaflеts аndfindthe information. Givеthеmаs |ongas theynеed.studеnts сheсkthеir answersin pairs.


splitup brought..about . wеaroff саmеround sеttIеd in

Eхtension ц'4onfuоing шordв 4 1 ассidеnt 2 routinе 3 realisе 4 strugg|е 5 prесious

о. Giving an oPinion

Studеnts deсideif thе statemеnts arеtruеor fа|sе. Еnсouragе thеmto trу and dесidеfromwhаtthеyhavе rеadso far bеforеthеyrеadthе |eаflеts agаin.Сheсkthе аnswеrs withthесIass.

51b 2a,d,i 3е,f,h 4с 5a,d,i 6е,f,h 7e't'h 8j 9a,d,i 10g i*6B]##€lфщa


Еthniс сеlеbrаtioЛssвpagе 119 ffiarm-up i,rлtаin thеsystemof Сhinesе уearsgivеnin thесuIturenotеs -аl bе diсtаtethеtwеlveаnimа|sin order,or writеthemon l*е boаrd)andtе|Istudеnts whiсhtwoаnimа|sarесе|ebrated r :hisyеаr(sееСu|turе Askstudеnts notes). to са|сuIatе under ш" гh anima|thеyandmеmbеrs of thеirfаmilvor friеnds меrеborn.Asksomеof thеmto tеl|thесlass.

Thо Notting Hill 4arnlval r гeсenIY0аг6uP to onоаndа half millionpooplre havoаttanded 4.""NottingHill 6аrnivаl,urhiсhis сo]rebraiod on thethгapda1аof *o.banYholld4 in August.(?гоpагationь bоginmonthвbafoгa .rс'нev9г)

]. tha6аturdrythоraiь a ьtoelr bаndсompоtition. 6unda1iь :r idгen,ь шith dа1.Mondа1 iь thabiggоst dry of Laгnival, :.:r.-J0mPorаг.l ьteel uгbanmuвiс,hundгadsof pоoplein сoвtume.а, :andsаndfoodfromаll ovогthowогld. Chinasen?ш.1o'ar -: оe eъaсI, IheLhinoьonоWYeariь *to ьoсond noъrmoonаftaг (Deсember rrinteг вolзtiсe LLnd,Iho shoгtaвt da1ot thо1оаr) -р. ь; *o (hinoьon9lj.l сanbo an1timо bоturоen aboutТanuаг1 Y9аг l:.т аndmidЕоbгuаq. З n,,ьe1oarвarc namodafteranimalзin а tшоlvоpar с1с\o, in .t-...огdaг:Bаt 0r, Tigoг,|1arе,'Dragon,6nаKo, Hoгьe, Bаm, t-t:rK?.{, Dog'9oar. Fоostог, -. Yearof tho Dog. i"i"'Э,3 "-:'T = \oar of thoboar.

optionaIaсtivity } Dividethеstudеnts intosma|lgroupsandaskthеmto p|an $ thеirownIoсalfestiva|. guiding $ Givеthеmthеfo||owing quеstions: $ 1 Wеrewouldуou hаvethet'estivаl? * 2 Whenwouldit be? ё 3 Whаttуpeof musiсwouldуou hаve? $ 4 Аnd whаttуpeof t'ood? $ 5 Whаtotherthingswouldуou inсlude? € 6 Hovl wouldуou оdvеrtisеit? $ 7 Нowmоnуpеoplеdo уou think wouldсome? ё Givеthеmtеn minutеsto p|anthеfеstivа| beforeаsking A groupsto prеsеnt thеiridеas. J

Talkingaboutyour country

Bеforestudеnts givеthеmtimеto rеadthе do theеxеrсisе, quеstions аndthinkabouttheirrеsponsеs. Dividеstudеnts into groupsof fouror fivеto disсuss thеquestions. Аskgroupsto sharе theirideaswiththeс|ass. ТhismауIеadto furthеrdisсussion.





Voсabulary Sее Unit sшmmarуon Contеntspages4-5

Reading Running outof time SB pаges120*121

Wale of lifo 6 Studеnts groups. findthеwordsin pаirsor smа|| Сhесkthе pairs wordsandthеnаskthе forthеiridеаson thе / groups sесondpartоf еaсhquеstiоn. SpеndIongеr on the questions thаtintеrеst studеnts thеmоst.

о' 1 idy|liс 2 dozing З саlmlу 4 hustIе аnd bust|е QuiсК quiz 5 асquiring6 utoprа 1 Studеnts workin pairsor sma|| grоups to do thequiz.Givе thеmtwominutes. Makеsurеthаtthеyundеrstаnd thе [anguagenotes diffеrеnсе bеtweеn in (good)time (before thеtimеof thе in English|ikehustlеаndbustlе аppointmеnt) andon timе(atthеtimеof thеappointment). ТhеreаrеmanyеXprеssions Pointoutthееxprеssion similаr bеуourown boss(pеop|e whoprеfеr whiсhаrеmadеup оf twoor morеwordsсontаining joinеdbуаnd,torеxample: sounds, sometimеs to bеthеirownbossdo not Iikеto bеtoldwhаtto do). еasуpеasу- Vеryеasy(informa|) . ..... o-'r..Stнdents,ownaRswers .... .l ..].. hurlуburlу- noisyеnеrgetiс асtivity sсrimpаndsavе- Io Iiveon vеrуlitt|еmoney 2 Studеnts сompare аnswеrs in pairs.Askstudеnts to rеаd to аndfro - baсkwаrds andforwаrds а_саnddесidеwhiсhonеthеythinkthеiranswеrs mеаn. - in сonfusion topsу.turvу Askthе,s to putup theirhands, thеnthеbs,аndthеnthe сs.Arе mostof thе с|assаs,bs or с9 Phrаsаl verbs e;....5tшdents 7 Studеnts do thееxеrсisе on thеirown.Сhесkthеanswеrs withthес|ass.


3 Studеnts do thеexеrсise оn thеirown.Сhесktheаnswеrs withthес|ass. ь

1 Whаtwasthеfishеrman doingwhеnthеtourist first sаwhim? .lаunсhеs 2 Whаtdоеs into,mеаn? 3 Wlat didthеtouristtryto pеrsuаdе thеfishеrmаn to do? А Whatwou|dthеtourist's idеаrеsultin? 5 Whatdid Hеinriсh B0|lwаntto shоwаboutriсh pеoplеin hisstory? 6 WhаthаvеpеopIeaIwауs rеgаrdеd tесhnoIogy аs а wayof doing? 7 Whаthasоur idеaof perfесhаppinеss а|waуsbееn?

4 Studеnts do theexеrсisе оn thеirownandthеnсhесkthеir аnswеrs witha pаrtnеr's. |\4аkе surеthаtstudеnts аnSWеr thеquеstiоns thеyaskеdin З rаthеrthandoingеxеrсisе 5. Сhесkthеanswеrs withthес|ass. o- PossibIеanswеrs 1 slееpingl dozing 2 stаrts 3 саtсhmоrеfish 4 sittingon thе bеасh, dozingin thesun,Iooking аt thе oсеаn 5 thаtriсhpеоp|е аrеn'tаs hаppyas poorpеoplе 6 doingmorеthingsfаstеr 7 frееdomfromhardwork Languagenotеs to ship(|inе18)- to trаnsport, in thisсаsеby roаd 5 Without rеading thеtеxtagаinstudеnts workon thеirown аndсhoosе thеanswеrs. Studеnts сhесkthеirаnswеrs in pairsаndthеnrеadthetеXtаgainto сhесkthеiranswеrs withthеtеxt.





8 Askstudеnts to undеr|inе thе phrаsа| vеrbs. Сhесkthе answеrs Withthесlass. Studеnts thеnmatсhthеmWiththе meanings in 8. Сhесkthеаnswers withthес|аss. Studеnts thеnwritеfivеsеntеnсеs of thеirоwn. o-' a |ookеdаftеr b еndеdup with с p|ауon , pаrт|n d pul|еd''. out e |sтаK|ng optionаlасtivity to rеadthеtеXtаgаinandto findexаmp|еs ; Askstudеnts of .' phrasеs, rеpеаtеd words and for ехаmp|e: i i' thеriсh... thepoor are: i otr'еrеxamp|еs ;, а wеаlthof goods,,, о weаlthof timе ... got thingswrong.Whаtwentwrong? 'i 1;mostof thetесhnologу usеd.,. is usеd I Doingmorethingst'asteris bеttеrthаndoingthingss|owеr. ::.mеnаnd womеnsаwо worldof t'rееdom, а woild whеre . hаrd workwou|dno !ongerехist,... j дskthеmwhуthеythinkthеwritеrusеsrеpеtition so muсh soundstrongаnd сlеаr).Whаtothеr :: (tomаkehisаrgumеnt l кindsof tеxtoftеninсIudеa |otof rеpеtition? (аdvertisеmеnts,

di: i .!:!:u':1,'!.::: !::::.' :: :::'.t

Time to talk! Askstudеnts to rеadthеquеstions. Givеthеmtwominutеs to notеdownthеirrеsponsеs. Rеmindthеmto thinkаboutthе sесondpаrtof еасhquеstion. Dividеstudents intopairsor groups sma|| to disсuss theirrеsponsеs. Askpаirsоr groups to sharеthеiridеаswiththес|аss' Doаnуstudеnts thinkthаtit is possib|е to сombinе aspесts of bothattitudеs in thеirIives?

optionаl aсtivity ['sеquеstion 2 аs а subjeсtfora shortсomposition. Iikеthis: thеirсomposition struсturе Suggеst thatstudеnts 'l'.hаttheсhoiсev'lаs 'l/hаtl сhoseаnd whаthаppеnеd ,,|у Jееlingsаboutmу сhoiсе



сhесk ГGrammar Reportedstаtemеnts do forthisеxerсisе, 1 lf studеnts nееdsomеprеparation quеstion1 on thе boаrdwiththесIass. do thе Studеnts withthе сIass. еxеrсisе in pairs.Сhесktheаnswers


forthisеxerсisе, 2 Аgain,if studеnts nеedsomеprepаration Studеnt оn thеboardwiththес|аss. do thеprеsent simpIe withthе с|ass. do thе rеstin oairs.Сhесkthеanswеrs

to ] -lIlusеdprеsеnt tensеsto writеhisstory.Askstudеnts "=ш,ritе forеxamp|е: it usingpasttеnsеs, l |ouristfoсusedon а mostidуlliсpiсturе.,. цskstudеnts |enses(tomоke whуthеуthinkBolIusеdpresеnt :kеstorуsoundmorеimmеdiаteоnd drаmаtiс.Prеsеnttеnsеs эrеot'tеnusеdto tеllstoriеs,еspeсiоllуin аn informаlrtуlе.).

oт.1 pаstsimрlе 2 pаstщrfесt 3 pаstpеrfесt 4 соutd,.wошId

Lаnguagеnotes -hе pаsttensеof аwаkenis аwаkenеd andthe pasttеnsеof 'l',уаkе in mеаning is аwoke. Тhеrеis vеrуIitt|еdiffеrenсе зеtwеenthе two verbs:аwоkелis oftеnusеdin Iitеrаturе.



happеns to thеvеrbsof thе Askstudеnts whаt,in gеnеral, vеrb(thеуarеpUtonе originаlspеесhaftеra pastrеporting stepfurthеrintothе past). )

youmаywantto do this еnough, |fyourstudеnts arеstrong еxеrсisе |f not,theуdo it on theirownаnd сhесkthе oral|y. answеrs withthес|ass.

122_12з sв pages

Reportedspeeсh Warm-up )|aуHаngmаnusingthе wordst'оstt'ood.Whеnуou havе inished,askstudеnts whеthеrthеyеnjoyfаstfoodаnd how зftenthеуеаtit.

Beportingverbэ withа thеmеaning ofthеvеrbs 5 Studеnts disсuss

Сhесkthе if neсеssаrу, to hе|p. mono|inguа| diсtionаry, answers withtheс|ass.

in pairs.Monitorandmаkе 1 Studеnts disсuss thеquеstions for peerсorrесtion. mistakеs notеsof аny important $talsmоntэ l hаvenеvertаstedsuсhunheаIthу 2 Rеаdout thisstatеmеnt: froma is а сustomеr stаtemеnt that it re|| studеnts food. to find howit is usеdin thеtеXt sаndwiсhbаr.Askstudеnts (аsrеported thеothеrсustomer under|inе speесh). Students withthе с|аss. in thеtеxt'Сhесktheanswеrs сomments spеeсh. Pointoutthatthеyаrеa||in reported j'dtЬis::::::яу]ц.:::;**

j optiona! aсtivity Тhеn аbouthim / hеrsе|f. i дska studеntto sаVа sеntеnсе rеportthesеntenсе to the сIass. Forexаmp|е: Studеnt:l,vеgotа brother. (nаmе)sаid thоtshehаd о brothеr. Теaсhеr: studеntto Rеpеаt thisa fеwtimеs,thеnaska сonfidеnt thisforа few Сontinue rеоortthеstаtеmеnt of anоthеr. morееxаmplеs untiIyoufееlthеyarеrеadyto workin groupsof thrеe.0nе studеntsaysa sentеnсe, thеothеr rеpoгts it to thethird.Тhеуtakеit in turns.Youсou|dmake in еaсhgroupto thismorеfun byаsking thethirdstudеnt j сovеrhis/ hеrеarswhi|еthеfirststudentsayshis/ hеr t to hеIpwithаnу prob|ems. МonitorсarеfuIlу 1i sentеnсе. . J.в

foоdаnd Тim* hе hаdnеУеrtastеdsuсh.urihеalthy wou{dnot bе bасk aл{ thatshewas Mо||y- tЁеяndwiсh:'.*е,:ехсе|lеnt dаy сomingbасktkюfo||owing з

d).ta,з... Iisten'askthеmto сhangеJohn,s Bеforеstudents the intodirесtspеесh(Iсаmehеrеtodауbесоuse Stаtеmеnt going to hеаr thеу arе that Те|lstudеnts foodis сhеоp). sаid.P|aythе rесording. whattheсUstomers aсtuaIly аgаin Playthe rесording thеsеntеnсеs. Studеnts сomp|etе to сhесkandсorrесtthеiranswеrs. forstudеnts

@ ]ohn: I сomehеrеbесauseit'sсheap. Тhеyсan eatWiththeirfingers. 5uе: |\4y kidsIovethis rеstaurant. food.I won,tbе baсk. lГim: I haveneverhad suсhunhea|thy l'!1o|ly: I am сomingbасktomorrow. are exсеI|ent. The sandwiсhes


6 Studеnts do theеxеrсisе on theirown.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthе с|ass. оi


',2 :3

Bоporting r9quo6t5and сommandg 7 Studеnts studythееxamp|еs andсompletе thе ruIеsin pаirs.Сhесktheаnswers withthе сlass.

. н.'j.. a!й*..i. tnlо.''] '

ГGrammar сheсk Rеportеdquеstions 1 Students studуthееxamp|еs andanswеr thеquеstions in pаirs.Сhесkthеаnswеrs withtheс|аss.


,rlYеS 2 No 3 if,whethеr..


:.'. ... ..;;

Тhat,sright.I triеdto gеt intothе o|уmpiсtеаma сoup|еt. times,but |'mafraidI Wаsn'tсhosеnin thе еnd. Howеvеr . wasgoodеxperienсe, аnd it hashе|pedme undеrstand thе pressures swimmеrsаt that |еvеIаre undеr. Intеrviewеr:Do you hаveanу trainingadviсеfor swimmеrs? Matthew: We||it reа||у dеpеndson thе typeof rасe.ln general,it is importantto buiIdup strеngth аnd stаmina,but aIsoto workon tесhnique, so you сan movеsmooth|y throughthе Watеr.BUtsomethingpeop|еdon,treаIiseis it is а|so importantyou giveyourbodya resta сoup|eof daуsa wее. so it сan rесovеr. Тhеythink thе harderyou train thе bеttеr you,||be, rеgard|еss. Interviewer:Тo buiIdup strеngth, shou|dswimmеrs trainoutsidеthе poo. Matthew: |t сan bе a goodidеаbut it dеpendson whаtуou do.WеigГtrainingis goodbutyou shou|dn't do it too с|oseto а raсе. ' is hаrdon the bodyso уou nееdto do it for Iimitеdperiods lt4yswimmersdo siхweekswеighttraining'fo||owed by a s , weеk breаkfrom wеights. lntеrviewer:Do you suggest yourswimmersfo||owpartiсu|ar diets? Matthew: WеlIdiet is aIwaysimportant. I supposеthe adviсе| givеls thе sаmеadviсegivеnto mostаth|еtеs: to staУawаyfrom friеdfoods,еat Iotsof protеinfor musс|edevе|opment aпd сarbohydrate for еnergy.Pastais а fаvouritewith ath|еtеs. Obviouslу fruitаnd vegеtаb|es arеaIsousеfuIin hе|pingthе bodу repairitsеlf. Matthеw:

8 Studеnts do thееxеrсise on theirown.Studеnts сheсkthеir аnswers in pаirs. O:r,tt,l,:

|,,,2 10 Putstudеnts intopаirs. Тe|Ithеmto dесidеwhois the сoасhandwhois thеjournalist. Givеstudеnts fiveminutеs to сonduсt thеintеrviеw. Rеmindthemto Usеthеоuestions in 9 forhe|pbutaIsoto thinkof thеirownquеstions if thеr сan.lf studеnts areсonfident enough, thеyсanaсtoutthе intеrviеw forthе сlass. optionaIасtivity 0nе studеntаsksyoua quеstion, whiсhyou rеpeаtby rеporting it,аndthеnanswеrit (ifyouwant!). FolIowthе samеproсеss as thе optiona| асtivityаbovе,in Reporting vеrbs.

Lеt'saсtivatе lntervieшinq a ьDorllь сoaсh g 6n)ю.zStudеnts Iistеnаnd makеshortnotesto answеr questions 1-5.Askstudеnts to сomparеthеirnotеswitha partnеr's. Studеnts sharetheirnoteswiththе с|assаnd аdd to thеmif nесеssаry. J'

@щ) Intеrviewer:Тodаy|'mtа|kingto |\4atthеW СoIemаn. |\4atthеw hаsbeen сoaсhingswimmersаt internationaI Iеvе|fоr Iеn yearsnow. |\4atthew саn I startby askingyou when you startеd swimming? Matthеw: Yes.I supposeI must hаvеbeenаboutfivе.My parеntsWеre kееnswimmеrs. So as а fami|ywe'dgo swimminga сoup|e of timеsа wеек. lntеrviewеr:You Werеonе of the youn8est swimmеrsto tаkepartin 0|ympiсtriaIswеrеn'tуou?


11 Studеnts сando thisin pаirsin сIass or on thеirownаs homework. Remindthеmto Iookbасkat thеgrammar sесtionfor hе|pwithrеpoгtеd spеeсh. Students саn еxсhangе аrtiс|еs аnd сorrесtеaсhothеr'sworkin penсi|.

Lеt's practise grammarSBpages ь KоPortodstatemonts and que6tion6 PossibIe answеrs 1 2 laneexp|аinеd thatshethoughtpeoplеshouldn't smokе 3 Bobaskеdmе if | |ikеdwatсhing sporton TV. 4 Soniato|dthewаitеrhеrsoupwаsсо|d. 5 SimonаskеdmеWhеrе| hadstudiеd. 6 Jaсk'sfаtherаgrееdto |еndhim thесar if hе was саrеful. 7 Тhеpo|iсeman to|dthесriminаlnotto movе. 8 RobaskedDеbbiеif shеhadеvеrtriedJapanesе food. ,Сan 2 1 / сou|dyou helpmе movehоusеnеxt wееkеnd?, ,Сan 2 / Сou|d/ Wi||уoutеIIme thеtruth,pleasе?, ,Dо 3 уouWаntto sееа filmtomorrowеvеning?' 4 ,Сan/ Сou|d/ WilIyou pаssme thеdiсtionаrу, о|еasе?'


pIastiс etс.produсts be сo||есted and madеintonеwg|аss, - remova|of trеesor forеsts,oftеnso thаtthе deforеstаtion purposes suсhаs thе woodсаn bе usеdfor сommеrсiаl papеr manufaсture of - the p|antingof youngtrееsto makenеw reforеstоtion forеsts powerstаtion- a p|ant(buildings) is whеrее|есtriсity produсed suсhas сoаI,wаtеror nuс|еar by usingsourсes oower whiсhproduсee|есtriсity windt'аrm_ a groupof windmi|ls

) |onghavеyou beеnIivingin London?' .Will Pau|сomеto thе pаrty?' 6 .Whаt 7 timеshou|d wе сomе?'

how|onghе hаdbееnа rаdioDJ whathе hаddonеbеforе in London hе hadworkеdforа musiсmаgazinе job whаthе mostеnjoyеdabouthis famouspopstars hе likеdmeеting hе hadmеt whiсhfаmouspеop|е day Bonothе previous hе hadintеrviеwеd hadbеenon thе show if hе сouIdсhangе onethingаbouthisjobwhаtit wouldbe 10 if he сouId, he wou|d|ikеto gеtUp Iatеrin thе morning 11 if hе gotup ear|y thatmorning 12 hе hadgotUpat 5 o'сIoсk


2 3 4 ) 6 7 8 9


ь suggostand rосommоnd 1a2



2 Suggеst/Rесommеnd 5 1 Suggеst/Rесommеnd 3 Reсommеnd wе wеntto the park. suggеstеd б1 |\4att goingto thесinеma. 2 Sa||y suggеstеd thatwе bookеdour ho|idаy 3 Suеreсommеndеd withhеrtrаvе|agent. thеfrеshpasta. 4 Тhеwаiterreсommеnded thatI boughtthе bikе. f, My brothеr reсommеndеd 6 Johnsuggestеd havinga partу. thаtl visitеdthеGrandСаnyon. 7 Peterесommеndеd the problem thattheydisсussеd I Simonsuggestеd withМark.

twiсе.PIay Те||studеnts уoUarеgoingto pIaythе rесording to thе piсturеs thе rесording. matсhthе spеakers Studеnts and notеdownwhatthеyarеtalkingabout.

@ Speakеr1 I wеntsomеwherе thе otherdayand thеуhad a hugearеaof the town just dеdiсatedto diffеrеnttypesof rесус|ingbins for rubbish.Еverуthing from g|assto newspаpеrsand oId shoеs.I thoughtit wasa greatideа.|,m all for it! Speaker2 Thethingaboutwind poweris that it,sсheapand сIeаn_ and it'sjust thеrеfor the taking,if wе сhoosеto Usеit. I think it,squitеastonishing whеnyou Iookаroundand seehow muсhnаturesti||hasto offеrus! Speakеr3 Thethingis, | сan understand why pеop|еnеedwood,but oftеnthey don,trеaIisethat сuttingdown forеstsсаn havea nеgativeeffeсton the environment. Sреaker4 justhow manytrеesarеасtua||y being \ WеI|,I thinkуou'dbе surprised p|antеdin the worIdeverydaу.lt's not aIIbаd nеws,you knowl|'m сertаin|y not that pessimistiс аboutit.

to сhесkthеir P|аythе rесording agаinfor studеnts withthе с|ass. answers. Сhесkthеanswers

ь The right uord 71b 9b

2с 3b 4a 5b 6a 7b 10с 11a 12b 13с 14с

8а 2 Studеnts do thisoraIlvasa с|ass.

listеningand speaking Whаt nехt? SBpаgеs 126-127


ilrтl.up ,фsk thingsthеусando in thеirсountrу studеnts whаtpraсtiсaI ф ttm hеlpthеenvironmеnt. Mаkеa Iiston thе boаrd,for еxamplе: щсle glаss,plоstiс,nеwspаpеrsеtс. w publiс transport witсh off lights

listеning l.t'stэningto opinions on pagе126and 1 5)пз Askstudеnts to |ookat thе piсturеs lо яу whаttheyсаnseеin еасhone.WhiIеtheyаrе tellthеmto makeа notеof thеthings diтussingthеpiсtures, tеaсh: tjirеv do nоt knowthe Еnglishwordfоr.lf nесеssarу' of pIaсe is buriеdundеrIayers tandflllsite. whеrеrubbish еаrth nесусling wherеthe pub|iссan put bin_|argeсontainer g|ass, p|аstiс so theyсan таtеria|ssuсhаs and nеwspapеr


mаtсhthе аgain.Studеnts .€ ш .-E P|ауthe rесording withthе сlаss Сheсkthеаnswers adjесtivеs to thеspеаkеrs.

voiсеheIpеd Askthеmwhatfeatures of еaсhspеаker's Forеxamp|e, somеvoiсeshada thеmсhoosеtheiranswеrs. grеаtеr vаriаtionin pitсhthanthe othеrs.Askif thеtonеsof fеe|ings аrеthеsаmein thеir voiсеusеdto еХprеss language. 4 Thisеxеrсisе сan be donеin smallgroupsor as a сlass.Ask in 2 theymightusе.Аskthеmif whatаdjeсtivеs studеnts thеусanaddto thеonеsusеdin 2. Writethеmon the theymightsuggеst: board.Forеxаmp|е, pеt' p ho ul, de ressed,resignеd, angry, intеrеsted


ldioms 5 Studеnts wоrkin pаirsаnd mаtсhthеidiomswiththеir mеаnings. Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthес|аss.


onе of thе jobs he did was mеаsurеhow highthe seа сamе up agаinst the waI|аt thе сitу'so|d doсk' He meаsuredthе sеа'shеightеverуday for З0 уears,аnd thаnksto him, wе havеthe firstset of rесordsever mаdе of this.


Hutсhinson's mеаsurements showеdthat thеrеwаs hard|уany сhange in seа |evelsduringthat timе. |t WаsonIу in thе midd|еof thе 1gth сеnturythat the troublereа||ybеgan.In thе 20th сenturу,it got worsе whеn seа |еvеlsrosebу 10 to 25 сеntimetrеs. NеХtсentury,it,s prediсtedthat theу wiIIrisеby at |еast50 сеntimеtres, probably beсausеthe po|ariсе саpswi|Imelt.

Languagеnotes Тheidiomis there t'orthеаskinghasа simiIаrmеаningto is thеrefor thе taking.

t optionаl асtivity Writеthеwordsbе|owon thе boаrdin twoсoIumns. Ask students to сombinе onеwordfromеaсhсo|umn tо makе thrееmorеidioms. Тheуwi|lprobably nееdto |ookup thе wordsin thеirdiсtionаriеs. tоke t'urious nеws fаst no bisсuit Аskthemwhаttheidiomsmеаn. (lt)tаkеsthebisсuit- (|t)is еxtrеmе|y аmusing, аnnoуing, surprising, еtс. fаstаndfurioиs- livе|yandfuIIof aсtion no nеwsis goodnеws- if you hеarnothing, youсаn аssumе thаtа|lis Wе|l

Whenthе seа |eveIrises,it's сertainthat some arеasof |аndwi||bе floodеdаnd bесomepаrtof the sea.|slandssuсh as Britаinhavеa lot to be worriеdabout.Thе quеstionis,whаt аre we goingto do about it?

Сhесktheanswers withthес|аss. о. Sсiеntists' сonс|usion СаptаinHutсhinson's саrееr СаptainHutсhinson's sеtоf rесords Prеdlсtions аboutfuturеsеаlеvеIs P|aуthеreсording аgаin.Studеnts makеnotesundеrеасh hеading. lf thеуarеhavingprob|еms kееping Up,pausеthе rесording forа fеwsесondsbеtwееnparagrаphs. Studеnts сomparеthеirnotеswitha partner's. Сhесkthеаnswеrs withthес|аss.



A noшэ report 6 Studеnts workin pairs.ТеlIthеmto |ookat thе mаp.|f thеу dо not know,tеlIthеmit is а mаpof Britain.Givеthеm timеto readthе notеsаroundit. Studеnts disсuss thе question. Monitorandhе|pwithvoсаbulary whеre nесеssаry. Askthеmto sharetheirideaswiththес|ass. Lаnguagеnotes - mudat thе sidesof аn еstuarywhiсhis сovеrеd mudbоnk аt hightidе silt_ finеmudor с|ayor in thisсasеmеtalat the bottomof а rivеrbеd еrosion- wеaringаwayof roсksby wаtеr'аir or sand NorfolkBroаds- an arеaof frеshwatеrсanа|s аnd rivеrsin the southеastof Eng|аnd. 7

oq|ъa Аskstudеnts to rеadthе instruсtions. Те|lstudеnts thatyouаrеgoingto playthe rесording twiсe.P|aythе rесording. putthе hеadings Studеnts in thе сorrесtordеr.

@@D Sсiеntists hаvесonс|uded thаtthе seasаroundBritainаre risingat an а|armingrаtе,and thistheoryis bаsedon а bookof meаsurеments mаde by a Liverpoo|pirateovеr200 year5ago. Тhе mеаsurеments Wеrеmаdе bу a СаptainHutсhinsonin the Iаte 1700s.His findingsshow that the еffeсtsof gIoba|warmingсausеdbу industriaIgasesmaу be worsethan wе prеvious|у thought.Тhe meаsurеmеnts madе by thе pirateсаptаinhаvеgivenus morе informationaboutthеsedаngеrs. Hutсhinsonwas born in 1715аnd startеdhis working|ifеаs a сommon sai|or.He lаterbесаmea pirateсаptаin_ and nobodуquitе undеrstands why!Тhе troubIewas,hе wasn,tаt аIIthе kind of mаn who shou|dhаvеbееn a pirate- hе wаs, in fасt,a politе,re|igious m a n. Еvеntual|у hе gaveup beinga piratе,аnd bесamеthе mаsterof the doсk аt Liverpoo|, whiсh at thаt timе Wasa Veryimportаntport indeеd.Hе'snow remеmbеrеdas onе of thе сity'shistoriсаIhеroеs.


Speaking ExpгоssingaPProvaland diвapproval 8 Аskstudеnts to dothеeхеrсisе in pаirs. Сheсk theanswers withthес|ass. ф

L:*:i g

cgho.sStudеnts whаt rеаdthetextand in pairsdisсuss -. ghtgo in thеgаps.Thеnp|аythе reсording forthеmto - in thесorrесt аgainif words.P|аythе reсording withthe с|аss. -;tеssarY. Сheсkthеаnswers

@ iш.еssingapprova|/ disapprovaI ].- .эu wаntyourсhi|drеn to growUp in a po|lutеdсity?2 | find it o f trаffi сi n o u r lJi , n П $ t h atnothingis b еing d onеab o u tth е v o Iu me ,l з iodаy.з |t'sinсredibIe to thinkthat in a modеrndayаnd agewe a PersonаIIy. I feeIits .l " : ihink of a prасtiсaI waуto solvethis prob|em. *l,.-..tlаl to tаkеaсtionbеforeit'stoo Iatе. for thе government

?hoto disсuesion .!l0Put intopairsаndtеIIthеmto dесidewhois A and studеnts to knowwhiсhphotograph .rhо is B. Mаkesurеstudеnts thеirdеsсriptiоns. oоkat аndgivеthеmtimеto prеpare Rеmindthеmto \1onitor hе|pwhеrеneсеssarу. andprovide approval fromB аnd9 to еХpress JsеWordsand еXprеSsions or disapprovа|.

5оundbitеs jГдгn {)м'в.P|aуthе songforthеstudеnts. Dо notgivеthema task.Studеnts Iistеn to thеsongаgаinandfi|Iin thеgaps. in pairs.Сhесkthеаnswеrs Studеnts сhесkthеirаnswеrs rviththесIаss. lт ,l forеvеr уoung 2 wherеl bеlong 3 survivе thеdoor a A bigba|Ioon5 outsidе r

thеаnswеrs. 12 Studеnts аndin pаirsdisсuss rеadthеIуriсs Еnсouragе \sk pairsto shаrеthеiridеaswiththес|аss. thеmto rеferto thesongwhеnthеygivеthеirаnswеrs. ь

PossibIе answеrs 1 ТhеyWantа wor|dwhiсhis sаfеandin whiсhpеop|е thеmsеIvеs. саndеvеlop 2 Abouttheworld. (turn) and|еarn' 3 Toсhangе 4 Studеnts' ownаnswеrs

Writinga lettеr of appliсation :pplуing

t'or а job ''pages12B_l29

Hlаrm-up *j',studеnts formaIIettеrs: aboutwriting whatthеyrеmеmbеr -,:,tdo уoustartа t'ormаlletter? -',:',\ do уou еnd it? 'цiеrеdo уou putуourаddrеss? ,'lo.еrе do уou put theаddrеssof thepеrsonуou arе writingto? 'ц" зrеdo уouput thеdаte?

DеаrMr / Ms/ Dr,еtс.+ nаmе(ifyou knowthе pеrsоn's nаmе); DеаrSiror Madаm(ifyoudon'tknowthе pеrson's nаmе) (ifyou knowthе pеrson's namе); Yours Yourssinсеrеlу (ifyou.don't nаmе) fаithfulIу knowthеpеrson,s Inthеtop right-hand соrnеr On thе lеft,at а |owеrlevеlthanyourаddrеss of the pеrsоn Bеlowyouraddrеss, оr abovеthеаddrеss youarеwritingto at thеtopоf Askstudеnts to |ookat thejobadvеrtisеmеnt pagе128.Brainstorm thеquеstion. аdjесtivеs to answеr Writеthе positivе onеson onеpаrtof thе boardandthe forеxаmp|е: nеgativе onеson anothеr, tiring fаsсinаting аdvеnturous unсomfortаblе importоnt boring

Studyingthе sample do thе 2 Askstudеnts to rеаdthe |еttеrandСV.Тhеnstudеnts or in pairs.Сhесktheаnswers еxеrсisе, еithеrindividuaIIу withtheс|ass. oт 1 intеrеstеd2 apрlying 3 join 4 fаsсinatеd 5 еxpand 6 еnсlosе 7 Аs 8 two 9 sparе 10 hе|ping 11 look 12 hеaring Languagenotes А СurriсulumVitае(usua||у shortеnеdto Сt| is а briеfассount prеviоus withа job of someonе's саrееr, usua||y submittеd thе whiсhmeans|itera||у аppliсation. It is a Lаtinеxprеssion сourseof one,slit'e. - thetimеof yеаrwhenshееpgivebirthto lаmbingsеason Iambs

eighiandien GLЬo itudantаin ong\andandцlаlоаIaYobeiiwoon (Genora\LortiIiсzho оlаmьаt thoagoof oduсaIion) o{6eсondаr1 |5or tlo.GLЬОь rop\aсed o{O Lоvоlьin въ8. tha old ь1stem itudeniьшhoсoniinustо ьiud1taКoup to {ouгМvаnсodLove\ь - A Levоls- two1aaгзlaiоr.Тhe1mа1аlsotаKоAi (Мvаnсоd oг to ьupplema of A \оvоls, оxаmseithaгinstoаd iupplomeniаг'1) ьubjeсtь. thоm,a{tогono\oarin 5Om9 whогоstudоntsIaYeЬLo in iсo.t\аnd ТhоьYьtem is diffoгоn.t (iсottishLertlfiсaieof 6duсa-tion) sъamьаt ago|b,IhonHighоrь (a par oar\ier aI ago|1,aftогwhiсhIho1сzn g0 tO univaгsitY гun ihanin Ongland аndwales).Hol.rоvог, iсottishuniv9г5iti96 цrhila Еnglishandцtelshuniv0r6iti06 fouг-1eaгdegreeсourьoь, гun тnг99-Y9а|с0U|ь0ь'


I It

Stepsto bеtterwriting

Сhесkthе answеrs with


Pгopoaitionalphrаsos 5 Аskstudents to workin pairs.Te||thеmto do theехеrсisе andthеn,if monolinguaI diсtionariеs areаvai|аb|е, to сheсk anyanswers thеyаrеunsurеabout.Rеmindthеmthatthеy mayhavеto Iookаt thеentryfor morethanonewordto findwhаtthеywаnt,forеxamp|е, if theexprеssion look to is not under thеy may find it undеr /ook. forwаrd Jorwаrd,

Il I

LheсYing for errors 6 Givеstudеnts fivеminutеsto сhесkthе |ettеron thеirown, thеnaskthеmto сompаrеthеiranswеrs witha partnеr,s. Students rеwritеthе |еtter. Сheсkthе answеrs withthес|аss. Dothisby writingthе сorrесtvеrsionof the |ettеron thе boardor аn overhеad transparеnсу. Аskstudents to hе|pyouаs уouwritе.




I l

4 Students do thееxеrсise on theirown.Сheсkthе answеrs withthесIаss.



**..*.'.шri'.пe.ii wr:it1ng..1пе..Jettе'r.. ...l....'i';..l.l.:'.'..'..,....i.........';.:.::'].'.;1,.:.i.l



; * Quiсkfiller! t if thеythinkАdrianhasorganisеd i дskstudеnts hislеtterin i $ thеbestway. i

Ir I I



Pointoutthаtit is аlwaysa goodideаwhеnwritinga |еttеr to thinkof theсontеxt in whiсhit wi||bе rесeived. Among othеrсorrеspondеnсe, the Pro,iесt wiIIprobab|y rесeivе manуIеtters of аppliсation. ThеywilIwаntto dесidе quiсk|y whiсhappIiсants аrethе bеst.Adriаnhasoеen he|pfuI bysaуingexaсtIy whаthis lеttеris aboutаt thе bеginning. HесouIdhаvеtalkеdаbouthisqualifiсatiоns bеforegivinghis rеasons forwаntingthejob,butthе lеttеr U L |U I L

бt|v |||6

I|| J

t isfinеаsit is.







U ut


|с|.[ сl






i optionaIaсtivity t i теlIstudеnts to matсhthеbеginnings аndеndings of theseff sеntеnсes tо findout whyа сovеring |еttеris so important:

lt mаkes lt shows



skills. уou hаvеlettеr.writing thеreоdеrseeуou as a reаlpеrson, ,i

notjustdetаilson а СV. to thеjobуouore уourСVspесiJiс


i t

Students сorrесtanу mistаkеs thеymissеd, or mis.сorrесtеd, in thеirvеrsions of thе Iettеr.

Writingyour appliсation Undоrstanding tho tasK 7 Studеnts workindividua||y to plаnаndwritethеirсVs.tor pointЗ, аskthеmwhatkindof responsibiIitiеs theyсouId prеfесt, mеntion(forеxamp|е, sесretary of a sсhooIсIubor soсiеty). Forpoint4, te|lstudеnts thаtthеyshou|dmеntion vo|untary aswe|Ias paidwork.Forpoint5,tе|Ithеmto mаkеthе interеsts spесifiс,for еxamp|е: reаdingsсienсе just not rеоding. Jiсtion' \tlгiting a covoсing |o||er 8 Аskstudеnts to rеаdthejob advеrtisеmеnt. Studеnts mаkе noteson thе pointsto be сovеrеd. Tе|lthеmto bе imaginаtivе as thеywiIlprobаb|y nееdto invеntreаsons for wantingthеjob andthе nесеssаrу skil|sandехperiеnсе. |f youfеelstudеnts mауneеdhеlpwiththis,disсuss thе pointsаs а с|assbeforеstudеnts writеtheir|еttеr. Studеnts сanwritеthеir|еttеrs in сIassor for homework. Rеmind thеmto Iookat theirаnswеrs.

.-**.---''$ "*::r:уI::'".'-".""""-

ф. |t mаkesyourСVspесfiсto thеjob youarе.applуiщ Тor


rеadеr sееyouasa reаlщrsоn,notj.ust. .

|tshowsyou hаvеIettеr.writing ski|ls.

LhoсYing 9 Studеnts сorrесtthеirown lettersаnd СVsusingthе сhесk list.Monitor thес|аss asthеywork,hеlping withanу ouеstions.





L..-Y*,: ПвytsIt}lfr*иlЕE*щ! l-;цstudеnts |еttеr to Iookat Аdrian's againandfindalIthе :..аsеswhiсharеtуpiсaI of appIiсаtion. Thеnask of a |еttеr .еm to сonstrUсt whiсh fora |еttеrof аpp|iсation a framеwork situations. --эпbе adаоtеdto diffеrеnt


.€ * ,.

readthесomp|ete Givеthеmp|enty Studеnts еXtraсt. of timеto do this.Studеnts thеnworkin oairsаnddесidеif thеstatеmеnts arеtruеоr fa|sе. withthе Сhесktheаnswеrs с|ass.


+ nаmе or Dеаr S!1о1 Madаrn; Dеar[4:l.:l'.Мjlll.:лti,' lёt..'.:l I аm intеrеstеd in in thеjob оf , аdvеrtisеd

optional aсtivity Putthеstudеnts intogroupsof fourаndaskthеmto ]...l.:l.l.:.; oП dесidеon,or yougivethеm,a сhаraсtеr еaсh(Liza, d му rеa.sоrl{;f.оr..аpplуi*lg];r€.liмt.. Higgins, MrsHiggins, Piсkеring). Theуthеnreаdthе еXtraсt llа:ndl.:i:'.wou1 vеryй.*tn...i;!кel:fо.l.l.'l.l togеthеr out loud,еaсhreаding thеirownpart.Еnсouragе '.'.....'.:.:..............'....1.'.l..l..........'.'.1.ll.;.]ll....:l .hаvе t еnсlоj.dlli.tтi:'iu}iliutlйlйllVitai.;:lAs.lltошl wiil'liiв;.'.t. thеmto usеintonаtion to еХpress thеpartsweIl.


t look {orwafdil.tolifi ё3fiЁ€ll{ioф....yqй.. Yourssinсеrеlу or fаithfulIу,

Word foсus SBpagelЗ0 o. Bunningout of time 1 1 idу||iс2 aсquiring3 dozed 4 hust|e andbust|е 5 p|аyon 6 utopiа ъ'4onfusing шords 2 1 fаsсinated2 ambition 3 аppIiсation 4 suссеssful5 еxpandеd 6 еssеntiа| 7 еndup with 8 appa||ing9 rесommеnd

Phгasal vorbs 31f 2с 3b 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

givеthemtimeto rеadthе Bеforеstudеnts do thееxеrсisе, quеstions into аndthinkaboutthеirrеsponsеs. Dividеstudеnts groUpsof fouror fivе.|\4onitor аnd hе|pwith thеdisсussions voсаbu|ary if nесеssarу. АI|owа mаximumof tеn minutеs. Groups shаrеthеiridеаsin с|аss.

Lеt's reviseUnits 9 and 10 SB pages1з2_1зЗ

Grammar 11с

Extension ь

Talkingaboutyour country





1 сou|d 2 сouId З hаd 4 wouldn't 5 wouldstаrt 6 wouIdn,t7 had 8 wouldvisit


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .l

is takingon / tookon сarryout sentin kееp...on hаndedovеr givеup tаkingup

Whаtwou|dуoudo if youсou|ddo anything? |f I hаd|onghair,| сou|ddo morеwithit. Jo wishеsshеhada nеwсomputеr. |f I didn't|ivеin a flat,IwouIdkееpa pet. | wishI werе/ wasa famoustеnnisp|аyеr. Simonwi||givеyoua |ift,if youaskhim. NiсkandAmywishthеirfriеnds wouldn't taIkso muсh. | wiIIbеVеryUpsеtif mуtеamdon,twinthеirgamеs

Stеvеsаidhеfe|tfrightеnеd aIonе. andсomplеtе|y 2 A rеsсuеworkеrsaidStеvеdidn'trеaIisе whothеywerе аt first. З Hеsaidhеwas|уingin a bush,dеhуdratеd. 4 Stеve|\4itсhеlI sаidhе hadbееnvеryIuсky. 5 Stevееxp|аinеd thаthе hаdp|аnnеd to spеndthrее wееksеxploring, buthisjееphаdbrokеndownаftеra fеwdауs. 6 Hе hadgot|ostandknewhе shouIdn't havelеftthеjееp.

Rеadingfor pIеasure 1З1 фgmаliol? SBpagе l{аrm.up -l prасtisе thеnаmеof thе аskthеstudents sсаnrеаding ..аraсtеr tor thatsаidа сеrtаinIinе. exаmplе: мhosаid ,Vеrуniсеlyput indеed,Нenrу.,? (N4rs Higgins) :.-dеnts сanсontinuе in oаirs. 5'l сгitiс. .+orgeОernardflhа'дшasаn lriьhdramatist аndlite.гar1 .r wasboгnin Dublinin t$5to цrhgгa ha livgduntilhо v.raэ iшen\ hо oduсaIod :-.аwlaftpublinin |81|Ф to goto Londonr..rhого . пьоlfaI Iho9rtIiьhMuьaumаndьiaгtоdhiь liiaгaq сaroerb1 Fii1ingmusi. anddrama.Heшasаlsoa groaIpub\iсьpoaYeс and qLЭ. qL5 h ho wasашагdod :ссiаlis.t. ?уgmаIion ura6 Writtan in Hgdiodin q50. -.:' NobоlDriъefor Litaгatuгe.


protесtеd аrеas 2 wi|d 3 еndаngеrеd 4 сonsеrvation5 wi|dIife6 naturаI disastеrs

ь'Phrasal verbs 6.lаbout 2up 3in

4 round 5 off

7 'l wornoff 2 settledin 3 brought abоut 4 сamе round 5 wokеnup 8 1fantastiс 2 inсrеdib|е3 amazing 4 wondеrfuI 5 drеadfuI6 disturbing



yourself Disсover Charaсteristiсs сrossword

Pеople People

8B 89

Тhеwrongorder You arе the judges

Foodand drink Stateand soсiety

90 91

Foodand hеalthсrossword You arе whatyou eat

Hеalth Peoplе

93 94

The rightpersonfor the job The shapeof the future

Work Sсiеnсеand teсhnology


Ambitiousparents Popularpeoplе

Familylife Culture


BodyIanguage Amеriсanсrossword

PеopIe Culture

100 101

A growingсity Еvеrydayobjесts

Stateand soсiety Shopping and serviсes

103 104

Тakinga big risk Gettinginto shape

Nature Sport








Listеningpraсtiсe4 Animalproteсtion projeсt A redevelopment

Nature Hom e

Kеepingstudents Lifestylесhoiсes

Sсhool Work


108 109 110 111

DisсoveryourseIf StudеntA

Studеnt B

Whаtsortof pеrsonarе you?Ask and answеr quеstionswith StudеntB aboutwhatyou woulddo in the situationsbelow.Thinkaboutyour partnеr,s from thе answersаnd сhoosеsuitableadjесtives list to dеsсribеthem.

Whatsortof personarе you?Ask and аnswеr questionswith StudentA aboutwhatyou woulddo in thе situationsbelow.Thinkaboutyour partner,s from the answersаnd сhoosеsuitableadjесtives list to desсribethеm.

ЕхаmpIe .{: wfliil #оyошdо whenу$u'{еw*fr&iлgа sаd film? 8; l сfоn,fgef ирsеfsr rry, frз j#sf* slrx" .'4l Уо$dол'*gеfирsеfоr сry' 50уОu,rrnОtv€fу sешsjfjуе.

Ехаmplе B: Wltвtdо уtзuda whепа friеnd is upsеt? А: J rry*it/оrthеmta fееl bеttеr' 8; Уошdоrl,tfind *ut tмllаttfuерrоblеm is,Saу0u,r€ n*t vеrуsеfisiljye'

Whatdo you do in thеsesituations? a Vеrysadfi|m. 1 You'rewatсhing 2 А friendborrowssomеmoneyfromуou but doеsn'tpayyou baсk. 3 A poormanasksyoufor monеyin the strееt. gooddaу. 4 You'vеhаda rеa||y withyourplаns. 5 Pеop|e disagrее 6 You'rеwaitingfora friеndwhois Iatе. 7 Youareat а partywhеrеyoudon'tknowanybody.

Whatdo you do in thеsеsituations? 1 A friеndis upsеt. 2 You'reoutwitha biggroupof friends. p|ansсhangеat thе |astminute. 3 Yourho|iday watсh |ivеsportson ТV,butthе Want to 4 You pеrsonyou'rеwithwantsto watсha film. 5 А friendasksyouto tеI|a Iiеfor him/ hеr. shop|ifting. 6 Yousееsomеone friend neеds 7 A уourheIpwitha probIem.

. . . . .

j еa |ou s. с he e rfu|. shy. сare fuI honеst. emotiona|. motivаted. flеxib|е positivе. stubborn. сrеativе. impаtient soсiab|е. sensitive. |aЦ . responsib|e uI rе|iab|е. to|еrant. genеrous. hе|pf

Whathаveyou lеarnеdаboutyour partner,s сharaсtеr? Join with anotherpair of studеnts.Тake it in turnsto givеa shortсharaсtеrdеsсriptionof your pаrtner. @)

ш.* Mаtriхlntermеdiatе

. . . . .

j еa |o us. сhееr fuI. shу. сa r еfuI honеst. emotiona|. motivаtеd. flеxib|е positive. stubborn. сreativе. impatient soсiаbIе. sеnsitive. |azу . responsib|е reliab|e. to|еrant. genеrous. helpfuI

Whathaveyou learnedaboutyour partner's Tаkе сharaсter? Join with anothеrpair of studеnts. give a shortсharaсtеrdesсriptionof it in turnsto your partnеr. @oxford Universityp."'' lIEillElEЕ

(haraсteristiсsсrossword StudеntA


StudеntB hasthe wordsthatyou do not.Ask him / hеrfor your missingwords. Еxplainthe wordsthathе / she аsksyou for. ЕхаmpIr A; }4r&**,s ? d*ьt,эt? ypзrtзятs ;.уlзlсРз 8; ft's*эl.уgзrd Ъ*i tэ*is3,,. $жrеf3 Уes"


















s s









f?lfsf?'$ * l.*'*rdъыdтзс&

лr*sу***ffстс&i Аggrеssjvе? Уrs"
































StudentA hasthe wordsthаtyou do not.Ask him / hеrfor уour missingwords. ЕxpIainthe wordsthat hе / shе аsksyou for.

4; ff





Ехаmplе B: lff}t*аtk $ сf*rgрзl








































& ia





6 offoтd UniveгsityP."'' ll@l!Е










Тhe wrong order?



You ordеreda You arе a сustomеrin a restaurant. has brought menu, but the wаitеr mea]fromthe you сompletelydifferentfood. . Askforthе mеа|to bе rеp|aсed withthefoodyou orderеd. . Те|Ithewaitеrуouсаnnotеаtthеfoodyouhavе beengiven. . Aссеptthewaiter's оffеrof аn аItеrnativе dishto you had сhоsеn. thеonе

You took an ordеr Youarе а wаitеrin а restаurant. from a сustomеrаnd arе now bringingthe food out to him / her. . Те||thесustomеr whathе / shе уouhаvеbrought thе ordеr wrotе down ordеred: vou voursеIf. . Exp|аin whаt thatуouсаnnotgivetheсustomer thеrеis nonе|еft. bесausе hе/ shеinsists on hаving, . offеran аItеrnativе dishfromthe menu. Fromthe mеnuсhoosewhiсhdishesyou ordеred. Waitfor your partnеrto spеakfirst.

You speakfirst.


ш"* MatrixIntermеdiatе

@oxfordUnivегsiфP,"'' lI@lEЕ

You are the judges Readаboutthe sеvеnсrimеswhiсhhavebееnсommitted.тry to agrееon whatsеntenсeshou|dbe givento eaсhperson.Be prepаrеdto saywhyyou suggested thе sentеnсes уou сhosе. Usеthеsеideаsto helpyou deсide. . prisonsеntеnсе (HowIong? tеnyеars? ) - finе(Howmuсh?) o сommunity (How warning long?) sеrviсе " сontaining € 5 0. fromаn oId|аdу, a hаndbag А muggеrstеaIs hеrarm.Тhеmuggеrruns Thе oId |аdy faIlsovеrand breaks hе|oher.|t,shisfirstoffеnсе. аWayan0 doеsn't Sеntenсе: and takеthеsonof а riсhbusinеssman Тwokidnаppеrs Тhеуsa yt hеywiI IkiI I е uro s. of o nеmi||ion d em a n da ranso m findthеm,andthе boуis nothurt. thе boy'ThеpoIiсe Sеntеnсе: Тhе supеrmarkеt. aI a с|osеd A womansееsа robbеrу t hеwo m a n t hе po I iсе of саIIing butins tе аd с rim inaIs е s саpе goеsintothеshopandstеа|s € 2 00 wоrthof foodanddrinks. theshop. Thеpo|iсесatсhhеr|еaving Sеntеnсе: -oIdgir|stеа|s froma shopnеаrhеrhousе. swееts A tеn.yеar сhа r gеhеrwit h It'sthеsixth timеs hеhаsdonеit.Тhеpo I iсе thеftаfterfivеwаrnings' Sentеnсe: аn imaginarу is aссusеd of frаud.Hесreatеs А bаnkmanagеr thе € 1 00'000.Hеthеntransfers сontaining bаnkaссоunt in hisna m е. ассount m on еУt o a Sw is bank s Sеntеnсе: frоm dаughtеr hеrfivе-уеar-o|d A mothеris |аtесоI|есting young with arеа sсhoo|. Shеdrivеsat 100km/hin a residеntiaI . po I iсe No bo dyis hur t Тhе сomingo utof s сhо o l. с hiId rеn dr iving. аnddangеr o us hе rw ithspе е ding с h arg е Sеntеnсе: arеа.Hе parkshisсаrin a no-parking rеgular|y А tееnagеr timеhе hаsdonеit. nеVеrpaysthеfinеs.Itis thefiftееnth Sеntеnсе: in groups. Disсuss thesеquestions . ТowhatеХtent сrimеs? сommitting stoppеop|е doеspunishmеnt . Doyouthinkit is possib|е to bе re-еduсatеd? fоrсriminаIs

P."'' ll@rtrЕ @oхfoгdUnivегsiф

NеWMatrixIntеrmediate @)

questions Shortmultiple.сhoiсe in whiсhpеoplespeakin differentsituations. You will heartwo shortreсordings choosеthe сorreсtpiсture,A, B, с, or D.You wiIl hеar eaсh reсordingtwiсe. 1 @**к Whatitemhаsthe girI|ost?


Whеrеdo thethreemеssages fromthe сomputеrtеll the driverto go?



(- Oostlnatlon

j' Destlnatlon

You will hеartwo shortreсordings in whiсhpeoplespеakin differentsituations. Choosethе сorreсtoptionA, B, с, or D.You wi|l heareaсhreсordingtwiсe. з @* You hеartwo pеopletаlkingat a busstop. Howdoеsthe gir|fee|aboutherexams? 4 & Whatarеtheyta|king about? A worriеd A а ТV show B rе|axed B a radioprogrammе C сonfident С a сinemаfi|m D frightened D a thеatrep|ay (p

ш.* Matrixlntеrmеdiаte

@ oxfoтd Univeтsity p'"''


Food and health сrossword StudentA


StudentB hasthе wordsthatyou do not.Ask him / her for your missing words.ЕxpIainthе wordsthаt he / shе asksyou for.








Ехаmplе А; l/lJзgЁЪ ? grr*ss? 8; l*,s# и'$r#Wfuiс& $зs$$s 'r&i*," *lт*сзрр*sftе *f,


















U t

А: Г*fl B: Yes.

























StudentB StudentA hasthe wordsthаtyou do not.Ask him / her for your missing words.Explainthe wordsthat he / she asksyou for.







Ехаmple B; lffJзtтf\? s*tvэз? А; f*,s**rзf&*rr,.tsrd,{*r l*r*эiязg" B: '4griсезffжrе/ А; Уgs,

* F


























т N


o Oford UnivеrsityP."''







o N

New lMatrixlntermediate@)

You are what you eat StudentA


Part 1 Lookat photo1 with StudentB. AnswеrStudеntB,s questions. Part 2 Lookat photo2 with StudentB. Ask him / hеr thеsequеstions. 1 Whatсanyousееin the photo? 2 Do pеop|е shopIikеthiswhеrеуouIivе? 3 Doyouеnjoyshopping forfood? 4 Whаtareyourfаvouritе foods? 5 Whodoestheсookingin yourhomе?



Part 1 Lookаt photo1 with StudentA. Ask him / hеr thesе questions .l What yousееin сan thе photo? 2 ls thisa hеa|thy wayof havinga mеaI? 3 Whydo youthinkthispеrson is еаtinglikethis? 4 Howаrееatinghabitsсhаnging in yourсountry? 5 What'syourfаvouritе snасkfood? Part 2 Lookаt photo2 with StudentA. AnswerStudеntA's quеstions.


ш.* Mаtrixlntermediаte

@ oхford Univеrsity P."''


The right person for the job 1 кeadthe informationin the iob dеsсription. Makea listof whatskillsand qualitiesare neededfor thе job.


Readaboutthe thrеесandidatеsbelow.Disсuss еaсhpersonаnd deсidеwhiсhone would bе bestfor thе job.Giverеasonsfor your deсision.


Responsibilities . s p е n d i ntgim ein t hes t o repret ending to be a сustomer . watсhing seсurity through сustomers сamerason sсreens . working withthe storesесurity сIosе|y guards о makin8statements to the poIiсeif a сrimе is сommitted . keepingaссurate daiIyreсordsof aсtivities Skillsand qualitiesneeded a a

Ray Hatton Workexperlenсe: newspaper сrime rеportеr,driving instruсtor drivinginstruсtor qualifiсation, goodat writing,сreative,patient,easy-gЬing

a a o o



Tim Randall


Work eхperienсe: tтaffiс warden, postroom manageТin a big сompany

a o

Qualifiсations' qualities:

skills and

good team manager' eхperienсed at handling сonfliсt Interests: playing footЬall, soсialising

@oxford Universityи"'' ll!il@ftl!Е

|ntermеdiate@) Nеw |Matriх

What will you nеed? 1 шobodynееdedmobi|ephonesbeforethey existed.Now manypeoplесan,tlive without thеm.Workwith а partnerto disсussthе five invеntionsdеsсribеdbеlowand dесidеwhiсh two you would both usе in thе future.Be prеpаredto saywhy you haveсhosenthem.

A flying car This сar wi||run on гeсyсledгubbish.|twiIl be able to travelon the roads or in the air and will be able to stay suspended in the air even when you paгk it.

An ironingspray Whenyourс|othesneedironingyou wi||be able to spraythemwiththis to get perfeсt|y flattrousers.Ьshiгts.etс'

A тv With a memory lf you wantto watсha ТV programme that you missed,it will notbe a pгobIem. YouгteIevision wi||automatiсa|ly гeсorda|| progгammes from a|Iсhannels,like a сomputersaves fiIes.

A musiсal pillow Listento musiсwhenyou go to bed by puttingyourheadon thispi||oщwhiсh сontainsa speсiaIsoftspeakerсonneсted to youгCD p|ayen

An internet conneсtionin your bathroom 2 дs a сlass,find out whiсhtwo invеntionsWerе thе mostpopu|ar.Whatrеasonswerеgivеnfor сhoosing them?


ш.* Matrix|ntermеdiatе

A сomputerwil| automatiсalIy know whenyou need moretoothpaste, toiIetroI|s,etс,and ordeгit withoutyou havingto do anything.

@ oxfoгd Univегsityp'"''


questions 5hort multipIе.сhoiсe in whiсh peoplespeakin differentsituations. You will hеartwo shortrесordings Choosеthе сorrесtpiсturе,A, B, с, or D.You wiIl heаrеaсhrесordingtwiсе. 1 Ф"l Whаtdoеsthе manbuyat thеshop? A

ryffis ffie




is a piсturеof Annie? 2 ..ф*. Whiсhof thеfo||owing A

in whiсhpeopIespeakin diffеrеntsituations. You wiIl hеartwo shortrесordings Choosеthe сorrесtoptionA, B, с, or D.You will hearеaсhreсordingtwiсe. 3 .€ , * Whyhasthе сa|Iеr|efta messagе? 4 ..ф* Wh.,еаrеthеtwospeakers? A t o m a kеan appo intme nt A in а |ibr a r y B to сhаngеan arrаngеment B in а film rеnta| shop someone a timеto сoI|eсt C to orgаnise C in a musiсshop аn invitаtion D to саnсе| D in a bookshop

@oxfoгdUпivегsityP."'' ll@ftEЕ


Ambitious parents StudentA


Part 1 Part 1 Youare a parent.Yourсhild,Sam,hasalwaysbеen You arе Sam,the son/ daughtеrof verydеmanding goodat sportsand espeсiаlly parеnts.You Iiketеnnisand hаvep|ayedit sinсе tennis.You hаvеseen the suссess of Serenaand VenusWilIiamsand know you Wеreyoung.You'revеrуgoodand wаntto thattheirfatherpushedthemhardat а youngage. сontinueplaying,but nowyou are 16 and wаntto Youarе ambitiousand wantthе samеfor yourсhild. do otherthingstoo,suсhas go out with friеnds. . Tе|yI ourсhiIdthatyo uthinkhе/ s hеsho u|dno w . Тe|lyourfather/ mothеrthattеnnisis importаnt foсuson tеnnismoresеrious|y. to you,butthatуoUWantto spеndmorеtime . Suggеst thаthе/ shеshouIdpraсtisе morе,for do ingo t hеrt hings. . saуhowimportаnt еxamp|е, thrееhoursеvеryеvеning. it is forуouto seeyourfriеnds . Eхp|ain thatwithоutmorееffort,Samwi||notbе and hаvеan ordinaryIifе. ablеto сompetе suссеssfu||y in tеnnisсompеtitions. . Тryto pеrsuade yourfаthеr/ mothеrto |еtyou . TrYto undеrstand Sam'sneеdto sееhis/ hеrfriends. havеSaturday еvеnings frее. You speakfirst. Waitfor your pаrtnеrto spеakfirst.

Part2 lt's threеmonthslater. Threemonthsago,you and yourfathеr/ mother сamеto an agrееmеntthatyou сouldgo out with yourfriendsat thе wееkends,but thatyou had to praсtisemorеduringthe wееk.Lastwееkеndyou Wentto a сoupleof reallygoodpartiеsand had a lot of sсhoolhomеworkso you havеbеena bit tiredthis week. . Аpo|ogise for bеing|аtеto tеnnisprасtiсе this wееk. . saуthatyou'rеwondering whеthеr а саrееrin tеnnisis rеа||у whаtyouwаnt. . Enсouragе yourfather/ mothеrto bе morе understаnding aboutyourIifеandwhatyouWant. Waitfor your partnerto speakfirst.


ш.* Matrixlntermediatе

Part 2 lt's threеmonthslatеr. Threеmonthsago'you аgreedthat Sаmсouldgo out with friеndsmorеoftеn,if he / she did morе praсtiсеin the week.LastwеekendSamWentout to partiеson Fridayand Sаturdaynightand has beentirеdall wеek.Sаm'sсoaсhhasphonedto say that his / her playingis not as goodas it wаsand thаt he / shе has bеenlatеfor praсtiсеall wееk. . RеmindSamthatyouсamеto an agreеmеnt whiсhhе / shehasnowbrokеn. . Ехplain thathе / shеwon'thаvеa tеnnisсarееrin thеfuturеif thеsituation сontinuеs. . ТеIISamto mаkеа dесision bеtwееn his/ hеr t ennisa ndhis/ hеrfr iends. You spеakfirst.

@ oхford Univегsity P'"''


Why am I famous? StudentA


Pаrt 1 1 кeadthе desсriptionbeIowаnd deсidеon the informаtionаskedfor. andVou Yourfirstnovе|hasbeсomеa bеstsеI|еr Yo urphotois o n t hеba сk wiIIsoonmаkemi||ions. of thе bookсovеr.

Part 1 1 кeаdthе dеsсription belowand dесideon thе informаtionaskеdfor. popsеnsаtion. Youarеthеguitarist in thе |аtеst YoU'rе notaswe||-known asthеsingеrbutуou havеa |otоf fans.

Deсide Wh аtу ournameis

Deсide W hа tvo urnа m еis

writing Whenyоustаrtеd

playing Whenyoustartеd theguitar

fiсtion, Whаttypеof booksyouwritе(sсiеnсе historiса| aboutfаmiliеs, romanсе, thri||еrs, storiеs novе|s. еtс)

Whattypеof musiсyoup|aу


Ho wm a nya I bumУs о uha vеm а dе

Howmanybooksyou havеwritten

yourparеnts you Whеthеr hеIpеd

you yourparеnts he|ped Whеthеr

hadtо mаke. Whatsасrifiсеs уouаndуourparеnts


youаndyourparents hadto makе Тhеsасrifiсеs

Part 2 Findout аboutyourpartnerby askingquestion usingthе followingnotеsto hеlp. What/ do ? Do/ do / alonеоr withothеrs? Whеn/ startеd? Wha t y p e/ . . .? Wh еnhis/ hе rfirst/ ...? Howm a n у/ . .. ? D id /p аrеn t s/hе |p? Whatsaсrifiсеs / аnd parеnts/ make?

@oxfoтdUniversiфP'"'' ll@l!Е

Part 2 Findout аboutуour partnerby askingquestion usingthe followingnotеsto hеlp. What/ dо ? Do/ do / alonеor withothеrs? Whеn/ startеd? W ha t ypе/ . . . ? W hеnhis/ hеrfir st/ . . . ? Ho wm a nу/ . . . ? Did/pа r еnt s/hе|p? Whаtsасrifiсеs / and pаrеnts / makе?


Body language StudеntA

Piсture .l

Part 1 ,|. Lookat piсture AnswerStudentB'squеstions. Part2 Lookаt piсture2 with StudentB. Ask StudеntB thеsеquestions. in thispiсturе? 1 Whаtis happеning itemsmightbe disсoverеd? 2 Whаtil|еga| 3 Howwou|dуoureaсtin thissituation? 4 Whatsortof pеrsonwouIdеnjoythis kindof work? travеIIing 5 Whаtе|seсаnbеdoneto stoppеopIе things? withdrugsаndotheriI|еgaI



Part 1 Lookаt piсturе1 WithStudentA. Ask StudentA thesequеstions. in thе piсture? 1 Whatis happening 2 Howdoeseaсhpеrsonfеe|? forа situаtion 3 WhatwouIdyoudo to prеpare Iikе this? 4 Howeffесtivе is thiswayof se|есting еmployeеs? сou|dbе used? 5 Whatothеrmethods Part 2 Lookat piсture2. AnswerStudеntA,squestions.



@ oxford Univегsity p'"''


AmeriсanEnglishсrossword StudеntA StudentB hаsthe Ameriсаn Englishwordsthatyou do not. Askhim / herfor yourmissing words.Explаinthе wordsthat hе / shеasksyou for. Е'ramplе {: l,Уflяtt? d*r,у;зl 8: if t * рl*с*уst*с*ят&я,яу сзs3зri* яrсdяз*&r-gff" "t: /sif саdr*;xstсlrsl 8; Уеs'

D р








































StudentB Student A hаsthe Amеriсаn Еng|ish wordsthatyou do not. ,Askhim / her for your missing words.Еxplainthе wordsthat hе / sheasksyou for. ЕrоmpIе 8: !У*я*Ъ ? *сr*ssi {: lf l * ьv*rs,for swсg*s. 8: ls if сsв#y? {; Уes.






o *






s т

















o R
























ts ].ъfoтdUnivеrsityP'"'' lI@lEE


Matсhing u& yo, will hеarfivе pеoplеta|kingabouta sportsevеntthey havеbeento. Matсheaсhspеaker1_5to the еventsA-F. Тhereis onе еventyou do not neеd. Speaker1 П Spеaker2 П Spеakеr3 П Speaker4 П Speaker5 П


ш.* Matrixlntеrmеdiatе

A a footba|| mаtсh B a Formu|a 1 motorraсе C a tennismatсh D a horseraсе E a baskеtbа|| matсh F a skiingraсe

@ oxford UnivегsityP."'' lIE@rEЕ

A growingсity StudеntA


Pаrt 1 Ana|ysе the matеriаlprеsеntеdbelow.Preparеa prеsentаtion on whyAnсhoragehasgrowninto a сity.Prеsеntyourargumentto StudеntB. Thеn answerStudеntB'squеstions.

Part 1 Listеnto StudеntA tеlIyou aboutwhyAnсhorage hasgrowninto a сity.Тhenask him i her thesе quеstions. ,l HasAIаska aIwаysbееnpartof Amеriсa? yеarsago? Iikеa hundrеd 2 WhаtwаsАnсhoragе thеwеaIthof Anсhorage? 3 Howwou|dyouеxp|ain to hе|pа towngrow 4 Whatsеrviсes areimportant intоa сitv? 5 Whеrеwou|dyouprеfеrto Iivе:in a warmor a Why? сoldсountrу?

inсhortЕe, Alaslсa

1s67 Boughtfгomthe Russrans 1888 Golddisсoveгed 1915 RailwaУstaгted tirst sсhoolopened 1,856 1920 PoPulation 1968 0il disсoveгeо oil pipeline 1970sТгans-Alaskа 0peneo 2OO2 Population261,500

Part 2 Analysеthе materialpresentеdbеlow.Preparea prеsеntation on whаtyou сan do nearAnсhorage. Prеsеntyourargumеntto StudеntA. Thеnanswer StudentA's quеstions.

No sales tax in Anсhorage Pаrt 2 Шsten to StudentB tell you aboutwhatyou сan do пеаrAnсhoragе. ТhеnаskStudentB thеsequestions. .l \Vhаt сanУoUsееin thе piсturе? youIikеto visitAnсhoragе? Why? 2 \Vould \Yhуnot? do youthinkmightmove 3 \\/hat typeof pеopIе to Anсhoragе? 4 Howimportant is tourismto уourсitу? еffесtsof tourism? 5 \\hаtarеthe nеgаtivе r0,]:сЪгdUnivеrsityP'"'' lI@lEЕ

Nеw Mаtriх|ntermediаtе@

Evеrydayobjeсts StudentA

,l-B Usenotеs to makеquеstionsаbouttrainersand T-shirts. Ask studentB your quеstions. AnswеrStudentB's quеstionsaboutAnglepoise hairdryеrs. Iampsand hand-he]d Тrainеrs 1 Who/ dеsign? 2 Who/ wornby? 3 What/ businеssеs сa|I? 4 Why/ bесomеpopu|ar? lamps Angllepoise lamps Anf,lepoise weгеdesifned byа Bгitish сагengineeг,

.1930s Geoгf,e Caгwaгdtne, in the foг use Onwoгkbenсhes. Thedesifnis basedоn the wаythe humanагm bendsаndthe lamoсan movein foгwaгdаnd baсk, thгeediгесtions, Iеftаnd гifht,and up and down. Тheyweгeсгeatedto bе funсtionaI and so theгewas littIeеffoгtout

intohowtheylooked. Inspiteofthattensof hаvebe e nso Idin Bгitain t h ousands aIone sinсе thеvweгeintroduсed. T-shirts 5 Whеni bесomеpоpu|ar? 6 Whаt/ USNаvyT.shirtsmadеof? 7 WhoI wearby in 1950s? B What/ peop|eеxpress on shirts? Hаnd.heldhair dryers Тhefiгsthаnd-he|d haiгdryeгswегedesi$ned and .1920s. madein Wisсonsin, USA,in the A|thoufh likethehаiгdгyerswе hаvetoday, theyIooked they werеm adeo f аluminium, stainle ss ste e| oг Тhismeanttheybeсame сhгome. veгyhot.Lateг theyweгеpгoduсed in p|astiс beсause this геmаins foг|onf,eг, оooIeг Inthe1930s аnd]940s, t hedesisn wasimpгoved sothatthеyсou|d workat diffегеnt tempeгatuгes andspeeds. Reсent deveIopments inсIude attасhments to sty|ethe haiгin diffeгent wаys.


ш.* Matriхlntermediatе

StudentB Usenotes1-8to mаkеquestionsaboutAnglepoise lampsand hand.hеldhаirdryеrs.AskStudеntA your questions. AnswerStudentA's quеstionsabouttrainersand T-shirts. Anglepoise lamps .l Who dеsign? / for? 2 Whеrе/ produсеd Why ? 3 / сrеаted 4 Howmаnv/ sе||? Tгainers Thefiгstmodeгn tгaininfshoesweredesifned by Rudo|f Dassleг. Theiгshoes twobгotheгs аndAdo|f After WeгeWoгnbyath|etes inthе192B0|ympiсs' thewагthetwobгotheгs spIitupto staгttheiгown businesses: Pumaandwhаtis nowAdidas. popu|аг footweaг Traineгs beсamе as fаshionаbIe popu|ar. Theywereseenas thewаyjeansbeсame сomfoгtаbIe. and hагd wеarin$,andtheymadeyou Iookfit and spoгtyevenif you didn,tdo anyexeгсisе.

Hand-held hairdryеrs 5 Wherе/ firstdеsign? 6 Whаt/ madеof? 7 Whati happеn19З0sand1940s? 8 Whati deve|opmеnts madеreсеntly? T.shiЁs Т-shiгts havebeenwoгnsinсethe bеfinninf ofthe20thCentuгy. Howeveг, it wаsnotuntiItheendof theSeсond Woг|d Waгthаtthevbeсаme popuIaг. |n1942, theUSNavyoгderеd a newtypeof undeгshiгt oг vestmаdeoutofwhiteсotton. The saiIoгs Iiked weaгin$ theseso muсhthаttheywoгe themwithout shirtsoveгthemаndafteгtheyhad stopped beinssai|ors attheendofthewaг.lnthe 1950s, aсtoгssuсhаs Maг|on Bгаndo аndJames Dеаnstагtеd weaгin$ T-shiгts in fiImsаndsoon peopIe staгted сopyinf them. As pгintinf teсhniques impгoved it waspossib|e to putwoгdsandpiсtuгes ontheТ-shiгts andthey beсame a wаyforpeopIe to expгess themseIves.

@ oxford Univеrsity Prеss l]@lfilfl



rill. i.



Takinga big risk StudentA Ask and answеrquеstionswith StudеntB to сompletethe story. We knеwWeWеretakinga (what?) w he nw e de сidе dto сlim b 2 .We MountЕtnain (where?) heardthe reportsof possiblеvolсaniсaсtivity (when?)3 wе arrived,butthe tripwas plannedand wе didn'twantto сanсеlit at thе lastminute.

whiсhwe notiсedWasVeryhot,startedto move, andthenа lot of smokestartedto сomeoutof the сrater.We startedto сlimbdownthe mountain, whiсhis notas easyas сlimbingup, and we nowfelt (how?)1o--.*-. withbitsof roсk, Suddеnlythe volсanoerupted, (whеre?) lavaand ash flyingup into

Thefirstnightwe stayedin a (where?) beforeleavingearlyin the morningto startourсlimb.We had (what?) 5 if you , whiсhis neсеssary wantto be safe,аnd we werefeеling(how?) aboutthe day.Theсlimbitself 7 took (howlong?) , stoppingfor lunсhand a rest.Whеnwе reaсhed(whеrе?) I we feltgreat.Butthenthe Theground, (what?)9 started.

We founda сave'whiсhWasVeryluсkybeсause (why?)12 aroundus.We hadto stayin thatсaveall nightand we didn'tsleepat 13 t he all.When(when?) quiet and wе dесidedto risk volсanobeсamе leavingthe сavе.We got baсk(where?) 74 at thе еnd of the daywithno Whatan experienсe! furtherproblеms.


StudеntB Ask and answеrquestionswith StudеntA to сompletethe story. Wе knewWeWeretakinga big riskwhenwe 1 in deсidedto сtimb(what?) (what?) of Siсily.We hеardthe reports a few days beforewe arrived, butthe tripwas plannedand we didn'twantto з -. сanсelit (whеn?) Тhefirstnightwe stayedin a loсalhostelbеfore leavingearlyin thе morningto (whatl do?) . We had lotsof equipment, if youwantto be safe,andwe whiсhis neсessary werefeelingсonfidentaboutthe day.Тheсlimb itselftookabouteighthours,stoppingfor (why?) . Whenwe reaсhedthe top we . Butthеnthe fett(how?)6 Theground,whiсhwe notiсed troublestartеd. 7 was (how?) , startedto move, B (what?) and then a lot of

o oxfordUnivегsityP'"'' II@l!Е

startedto сomeout of the сrater.We startеdto whiсhis notas easy сlimbdownthe mountain, as (what?)9 , and we nowfеlt Suddenly(what-happen?) extrеmelyfrightеned. 10 , with bits of roсk,lavaand ash flyingup intothe sky. We founda (what?)11 , whiсh WasVeryluсkybeсausethe roсksstarted сrashingdownaroundus.We hadto stayin that andwe сave (how long?)12 didn'tsleepat all.Whenit startedto gettight thevolсanobeсamequietand we deсided (what?)13 . We got baсkto the 14 withno further base (when?) problems. Whatan expеrienсe!


Gettingin shapе StudentA


Part 1 Lookat photo1 with StudеntB. AnswerStudеntB's questions.

Part 1 Lookat photo'l with StudentA. Ask StudentA thesequеstions. 1 Whatсanyousеein the photograph? joinеvеntsIikеthis? 2 Whydo peopIе pеop|е How wiIl thеsе fееIwhеnthеyhаvе 3 finishеd? amatеur 4 Whodo youthinkgеtmorеsаtisfaсtion, I sportspеop|e? or profеssiona you lf did this, wouldуоurаisеmonеyfоrсharity? 5 Whiсhtуpeof сhаrity?

Part2 Lookat photo2 with StudеntB. Ask StudеntB thеsequеstions. 1 Whatсanуousееin thе photograph? is sportforyoungсhiIdren? 2 Howimportаnt to сompеtе? 3 Isit a goodthingfоryoungсhiIdrеn Whу?Whynot? 4 Whаtsortof trаining do уoungathlеtes nееdto do to bе suссеssfu|? trаininghavеon thеsе 5 Whatеffeсtсаnintеnsivе in |atеrIifе? сhiIdren

Photo 1


ш.* Мatrix|ntermеdiate

Part 2 Lookat photo2 with StudentA. AnswеrStudеntA's quеstions.

Photo 2

Ф oxr-oгсunivеrsiгvP'"'' ll@l!Е

Matсhing ф.o You wilI hеarfive pеopletaIkingaboutjourneysthey havеmаdе. Mаtсhеaсhspеakеr1_5with theуwаytheytravellеdA_F. Тhеrеis onе optionyou do not neеd. Speaker1 П Speakеr2 П Speakеr3 П Speaker4 П Speаkеr5 П

@oxford UnivегsityP,"''

A bуtrain B by boаt C by plane D on foot E by сoaсh F by сar


Animal proteсtionin Еurope StudentA


Part 1 Analysethe mаtеrialprеsentеdbelow.Prеparеa presentation on why wolvesаre endangered. Presentyourargumentto StudеntB. Thenanswеr StudentB's quеstions.

Part 1 Ask StudentA thеsеquеstions. ,l Whеredo woIvesIivе? thrеatenеd? 2 Whyarеwo|fnumbеrs disIikе thеwoIvеs? 3 Whydo farmеrs in sеeing? arеyouintеrеstеd 4 Whiсhrarеanimа|s


thаn morеimportant 5 ls humаnprogrеss protесti ngthesеаni maIs? Part 2 Analysethе materialpresentedbelow.Prepаrea presentation on what is beingdonеto proteсt wolvеs.Presеntyourargumentsto StudеntA. Тhen answerStudentA's questions.

Exponsion in skiing threqlens wolves IШore sheepkilled by wolves Illеgal huntеrs thrеaten wolf population

Wolvеsmaintain naturalbalanсе Wolvеs and forеsts wеrе protесtеdоffrсially in 1998

Part2 Ask StudentB thesеquеstions. 1 Whatсаnyouseеin thе piсturе? 2 Whathasbeеndonеto proteсtthеwo|ves? in Iifesty|е thrеatеn wo|fhabitats? 3 Whatсhangеs protесt to 4 Whуis it important animalsIikеwoIvеs? Iikеthis? 5 Whiсhothеranimalsneеdprotесtion @

ш.* Matriхlntеrmеdiate

@oхfoгdUnivеrsityPтеss t!!@lЕlfl

A rеdevelopmentprojeсt in a largeсity. 1 work in pairs.You are сounсilIors Nеarthe сentrеof the сitythereis аn old faсtorywhiсhis ownedby the сity сounсil.The to сounсiIwantsthe buildingto bе redеveloped providеaссommodаtion. The followingidеas by differentсompanies hаvebeеnsuggestеd and organisаtions: . a hote|for business pеopIe аndtourists . luxurvflats . a hostе| pеop|е for home|еss . сounсiIflatswithIowrеnts . a studеntha||of rеsidеnсе.

Disсussеaсhidea,thinkingaboutthе аdvantagеs and disadvаntages to thе сounсi|in thеseareas: . finanсial / есonomiс . soсial . popularitу withvotеrs(thеreis an elесtionnеxtyear). Choosеwhiсhideayou think is bеstand be prepared to say why. 2 дs a сIass,deсidеwhiсhidea is the mostpopular. Whyis this one betterfor the сounсilthanthe others?Whatmadеthe otherideaslеsssuitablе?


t 't1


@&doгd Univеrsiфp'.'' lI@lEЕ

New MаtrixIntеrmediаtе@

Keeping studentsmotivated StudеntA


Тhe headteaсherat your sсhoolhasaskеdyou to prеsentidеasfor inсreasing studеnts,motivationat sсhool.You havеthoughtof thе followingideas. Spеndfive minutesmakingnotesaboutwhy thеsе idеaswould/ wou]dn,twork.

Тhe hеаdtеaсherat yoursсhoolhasaskеdyou to presentideasfor inсreasing students'motivationаt sсhool.You havethoughtof the followingideas. Spendfivе minutesmakingnotesaboutwhy thеsе idеaswould/ wouldn'twork.

. YoUshouIdbе a||owed to dropthеtwosubjeсts |east. Iike уou

. YoushouIdbе ab|еto сhoosеехtrа|еssons in thе twosubiесts vou Iikemost.

. ЕxamsshouIdbe rеp|асеd by projесts donеin сlassаndat homе.

. ТhеrеshouIdbе rеvision in sсhooIbеforе Iеssons majorеxams.

. ThеrеshouIdbеа mаximumof onеhourof evеrуdаyandаt thеwеekеnds. homеwork

. Тherеshou|dbe no homеwоrk at thеweekеnds, butmorеduringthеwееk.

. Тhereshouldbеа tеamquizеvеrywеek,with workingtogethеr andweakerstudents tо stronger it. сomp|еte

. ТhеreshouIdbе weеkIy with tеstsin еaсhsubjесt' privilegеs for thе top studеnts. speсiaI

. Еxtrаaсtivitiеs suсhas dramaandsportsshould to to miхoutsidе bе inсrеasеd еnсouragе studеnts Iеssons.

Comparеyour ideaswith StudentB's.Dесidеwhiсh are thе threеbеstidеasto prеsеntto thе head teасher.


ш.* Mаtrix|ntermеdiatе

. ThеsсhooI on Fridаvs. dаvshouIdfinishеar|iеr

Compareyour idеаswith StudеntA's.Dесidewhiсh are the thrеebestideasto prеsеntto the hеad tеaсher.

@ oxford UnivетsityP'"'' lI@lEЕ

Lifestyleсhoiсes StudentA Part 1 Lookat photo1 with StudentB. AnswerStudеntB's questions. Part2 Lookat photo2 with StudеntB. Ask StudеntB thеsequestions. ,l WhаtсanyoUsееin thе photogrаph? fее|? 2 Howdo thеsеpеop|е fr o m 3 Howm uсhtimеdo уouspе ndtravе |l ing homеto sсhooI? formof transport? 4 Whatis Уourfavouritе putsuсha highprio ritoyn t hеir 5 Whyd о p е o p|е work?



Part 1 Lookat photo1 with StudеntA. Ask StudеntA thеsequestions. 1 Whatсanyousееin thе photograph? Iikеthisсo st ? 2 Howm u сhw o uIdа hoIiday а|onеоr in а |аrgе 3 Wou|dуouprеfеrto travе| group?Whу? |ikеthisbеnefitpеop|е? 4 Howdoеstrаvе| aftеrsсhooI 5 |sit a goodidеаto gеta job straight Whу?Whуnot? or сo||еgе? Part 2 Lookat photo2 with StudentA. AnswеrStudеntA's quеstions.

Э oхfoтd UnivетsityP."''

lntermеdiatе(! New|\4atrix

Completion Qu,n You wiIl heаra сanoeinstruсtorspеakingto a groupabouta сanoеingtrip.Someinformationis missingfromthе notеsbelow. Fill gaps1-6 withthе missinginformation. Тhefirstonе is donеas an (0). еxamp!е You wilI hеаrthe rесordingtwiсe.


WЖw&&ЖWNфЖffiWNilЗrкWЖ E

Plan for the day: Startwith a (0) Launсhthe сanoesat (1)

milе drivе in the minibusto the Iaunсhingpoint. Bгidgе.

Rеturntгip down the гiveгwiIItakе betwеenthгeе and (2) Must bе baсk by (3)


at the Iatest.

Safety notes: A maximumof (a) Everyonemust wеaг a (5)

pеoplepеr сanoe. a t a I It im еs.

AlI сanoesare supp|iedwith padd|es,a watегproof(6) сontainerfor va|uablеs.


ш.* li4atrixIntеrmеdiаtе

and a

@ oxford Univеrsity P."'' lI@@йEЕ

Generalguidanсe Thеfo||owing notеsrеIаtе to thе photoсopiаb|е to Тhеyаrе|isted aссording асtivitiеs on pаgеsBB_112. grammar. Тhеrе is topiс or thеy rеlatе to by unit 'чhiсh pаgе(s) withinthе to thе аisoа morеspесifiсrеfеrеnсe However, thisdoеs .;nitwhеrеrе|аtеd mаtеriaI appears. n0tmеanthеaсtivitiеs havеto bе donеat а spесifiс to provide Тhеyсanbе usеdflеxib|у cointin thесoursе. prасtiсе оr rеvision. studеnts withеxtraspеaking Тhееntriеsbе|оwa|soshowwhattopiсthеyrеlatеto, to takе,so thеy andhоwlongthеуmightbе еxpесtеd Сanmorеeasilуbе plannеdintоIеssons.

Page88 Unit 1 Peoplе Disсovеryoursе|f Тim е:20 t о 25 minutе s Studеnt's Bookpаgеs10_,l1 . Putstudents intopаirs.Еxp|аin thattheyаrеgoingto pеrsonа|ity findoutabouttheirownanda pаrtnеr's somеquеstiоns. bу askingandanswеring . Givееасhstudеnt Ask а сopyof thеquеstions. аndthеquеstions studеnts to readthеinstruсtiоns thеуmaуhavе. аndаnswеranyquеriеs . Те||students by thatthеymustjustifythеirаnswеrs givingеxamp|еs |ifе. fromthеirеvеrydау . Whenstudеnts thеасtivitv' asksomеof hаvеfinishеd partners to thес|аssinс|uding thеir thеmto dеsсribe Iifеgivеnbуtheir fromеvеryday thееxаmples 0aпnеr.

Page89 Unit 1 People (haraсteristiсs сrossword Т im е:1 0t o ]5 minutе s Student's Bookpagе14 . Putstudеnts А and B thеir intooаirs.Givеstudеnts Те||thеmnotto Ioоkat еaсh halfof thесrоssword. othеr,s сopy. . Askstudents аndanswеrаnУ to readthе instruсtions quеriеsthеymayhave.Tеасhthe сrossword tеrms асrossanddownif nесеssarу. . Studеnts thеwordsto сompIetе аskforаndеxpIain Mоnitorto makеsurеthatthеyаrе thесrossword. th еir ех p |a in int hе g w ordsandno tjus ttе ||ing partnеr thеwords. . Studеnts аndсhесkthеir сrosswords сom0arе nsWеrs.

Page 90 Unit 2 Foodand drink Thеwrongordеr? Тim е:1 0t о 1 5 m inut es Studеnt's Boоkpаgе1B . Putstudеnts intooаirs. . Givееaсhstudеnt а сopyof thе menusаndthе instruсtions forthе ro|еp|аy. . Askthеstudеnts А Studеnt to rеadthеinstruсtions. stаrtsthе ro|еp|аy.

Page 91 Unit 2 Stateand soсiety You аre thе judgеs Тim е:2 5 t o З 0 m inut еs Studеnt's Bookpаgе23 . Putstudеnts intopаirs.Еxp|ain thatthеуarеgoingto j udgеs bеt hе in а ser iеs o f сr im inatIr iа I s . . Givееaсhstudеnt ТeIl a сopуof thеworkshееt. studеnts andthееvidenсе tо rеadthе instruсtions аndanswеrаnуquеstions thеymаyhаvе. . Studеnts in еасhсase.Tе|| deсidеon thеsentenсе thеmtо thinkof rеasons forthеirdесisions. . |\4akе groupsof fourby puttingpаirstogеthеr. Tе|I thеmto сom0arе theirsеntеnсеs. . Whеnthеуhavеfinishеd, аskpairsforthеir judgеmеnts Тhis andаskthеmto givеthеirreаsons. mау|еadtо furtherdisсussion.

Page 92 Listeningpractice1 questions ShortmuItiple-сhoiсe . Givеstudеnts сooiеsоf thеworkshееt. .l . Rеadthе instruсtions andсhесk fortask togethеr whatthеуhаvеto do. studеnts undеrstand . P|аyListеning praсtiсе1..l.

@) Gir |:

I w o ndеrif yo u сo u|dhе|pmе... I w ason thе З.3 0 yеstеrday from Bournеmouth and I lеftsоmе|uggage ' sееnhаnd еd o n thе bus...dо yo u kno wif аnythin g b tna

Attеndant:Whatwas it - a suitсasеor somеthing? _ it,slightbI uеand thеrеаrеtwo Gir l: No 'а r uсksасk b|aсkstriоеsdownthе сеntrе. Attеndаnt:Doеsit hаvеa nаmеon it? Girl: No,but thеrе'sа |еttеrK in a сirсIеon thе baсk. Attеndаnt:A|Iright,l'||go аnd hаvеа |ookfor you.

. Studеnts identifythе сorrесtpiсture. . P|aythe reсording again'so thеyсanсhесktheir ansWеrs. . Disсuss theanswеrs togеtherin с|ass'Askonеor two studеnts to еxp|аinwhythеусhosеthe piсturе, fromthе refеrring to informаtion theyremember rесording. . PIayListeningpraсtiсе1.2.


PIеase takеthefirstturningon thelеftaftеryoupassthе|аkе. a T junсtion. Youаrеnowаpprоaсhing P|еasе turnrightontothе8З245. is on thеright-hаnd sidejustbеforе Yourdеstination the roundabout. . Studеntsidеntifуwhiсh piсturethеуarе taIking aboutin the reсording. . P|aythе reсordingagain,and ask studentsto сomparеthеiranswеrsin pairs.

Page 93 Unit 3 Hеalth Foodand heаlthсrossword Тim e:1 0t o 1 5 m inut es Bookpages30_31 Studеnt,s . Putstudеnts intopairs.Givestudеnts А and B their Tе|lthemnotto Iookat еасh haIfof the сrossword. othеr,sсopy. . Askstudents to rеаdthе instruсtions andansweranу quеriеsthеymayhave.Тeaсhthе сrossword terms nсrossanddownif neсеssarу. . Students askfor and expIainthe wordsto сompIete Monitorto makеsurеthatthеyare thе сrossword. thewordsаnd notjusttе||ing their exp|aining partnerthеwords. . Studеnts аnd сheсktheir сomparесrosswords answers.

о". .i :Ц::.. Page 94 Unit 3 i:.в. i .. ......;:'...,:.::.:.l::.;;':i;;,.;1;1;i:.1l.;i!:ii;;t,lg*$: . P|ayListеningpraсtiсe1.3.Studеnts do task3 ind ivid u ally.

с@) Boy:DidyouwаtсhHаrmаnlastnight? Girl: No.I stаrted to,butmydаdwаntеdto seesomеstupid programmе aboutthеhistory of сinemаsowe hаdto switсhovеr. good,butthеrе's Boy:|twаsrеa||y a rеpeat on Fridау, isn't thеrе? p|аy, Girl:Yes,I thinkit'son at ]0,justаftеrthеwееkend samе nеI. сhan . P|ayListеningpraсtiсе,l.4.Studentsdo task4 individually. сМ) wе||? Boy:Didyous|ееp up,thinking Gir|:No'I kеptwаking аboutthеsе еxаms аgain... worryaboutit - you'|| Boy:Yourea||y mustn't bеfinе. Girl: I knowit shouIdbеa|lright,I'vedonеa |otof work,butI kееpthinking whаtif therе's a quеstion aboutsomething I hаvеn't things. done,whatif | сan,tremembеr Boy:I knowwhatуoumеan,butyou'vegotto trуandrе|ax a you'Ildo bit- if yougoin therefeеIing саlmаndсonfidеnt, muсhbеttеr.


You arе whаt you eat Тim е:1 5t o 2 0 m inut es Bookpagеs30_З.l Student's . Putstudents intopairs.Giveeaсhstudеnta сopyof a photograph 1 or 2 withquеstions. . Те||themthеуarеgoingto takeit in turnsdesсribing questions. thеirpartnеr's thephotosandаnswеring . Givеthеmtimеto thinkaboutthe photo. . Students А startby dеsсribing the photoandasking B'squestions. Students

Page 95 Unit 4 Work Тhe rightpersonfor the job Тim е:1 5t o 2 0 m inut es Bookpages4243 Studеnt,s

. Putstudents intopairs.Givееaсhstudenta сopyof theworkshеet. . Putstudеnts intopairs.Givееaсhstudеnta сopyof thеworkshееt. . Те|lstudеnts to readthe instruсtions andthеjob desсription andсandidatеs' detаiIs andаnswerаny . Сhесkthе answеrstogеthеr. queriеs thеymayhave. *, .3.'t f 4..:: ,' .:..": ':;,li,ii':i.:i;;:;t;;{;tl*;tl; . Studеnts whatskiIIs forthejob. disсuss arerequired . Тheythеndisсussthе strеngths andweaknesses of anddесidеwhoto hire. theсandidatеs


Page96 Unit 4

Sсienсеand teсhnology Whatwill you need? Т i mе:1 0t o 1 5 m inut еs Bookpages4445 Studеnt's . Putstudеnts A and B their intopairs.Givestudents Тhеvсаn Iookat eaсhother's haIfof thеworksheеt. сopy. . Te||students to rеadthe instruсtions andthe information on the pageаndanswеranyquestions thеymayhаvе. . Studеnts thеywi|| disсuss whiсhof thе inventions for nеedingor neеd.Еnсourаgе thеmto giverеаsons wanting thеirсhoiсеs. . Таkеа Votеto findout whiсhtwo invеntions Werе mostpopuIаr studеnts to reporttheir аndеnсourage rеasons forсhoosing thеm. optionalaсtivity Askstudеnts to inventаnotherdeviсеthаtthеvthink wiIlbе usеfuI in thefuture.

Page 97 Listeningpractice 2

Short multiple.сhoiсеquеstions . Givestudents сopiеsof thеworkshееt. . Reаdthе instruсtions for task1 togethеr and сheсk whattheуhаveto do. studеnts undеrstand . P|ayListeningpraсtiсe2.1.


Hi Suе_ l аm аt thе shop but |,vеgonеand lostthe Iist_ whаtwas it you wаntеd?MiIkand brеаd,right? Woman: Yеs,and that,stwo саrtonsof miIk,by thе wаy.And thenwе nееdsomеapplеs. Маn: |t |ooksIi ket hе y'vеr u no u t о f a p p l е s ...s h а ||l g o a n d see if they'vegot anу mоre? Woman: No,don'tWorry,any fruitWil|do - banаnаswou|dbе finе. Man: 0K. sе еvоu i n a mi n ut е . Man:

. Studеnts identifythе сorrесtpiсturе. . P|aytherесording agаin'so thеyсаnсhесktheir ansWеrs. . Disсuss Askonеor two togethеr in с|аss. the answers the to еxpIainwhytheусhose piсturе, students fromthe rеfеrring to information theуremember rесording. . P|ayListeningpraсtiсe2.2.


Boy:|'vеjusthadа phonесaIIfromAnniе_ shеwаsаt that pаrty|аstweеk. Girl:WhiсhonеWasshе?Wasshеthatstrangе.looking onеwith blaсkhаir ? Boy: No,shе'sgotfair hаir,shouldеr-|ength, I think. Gir l: Тhе onе with g|аssеs? Boy: No ,I do n'tthinkso . Gir l: I don,trеmеmbеr. Boy: Anуwаy,it doesn'tmattеr- shе,sсomingroundthis еvening- you'||probab|yrесоgnisе hеr.

. Studеnts idеntify whiсhpiсturе theyarеtaIking aboutin thе rесording. . P|аythе rесording agаin,аndаskstudents to сompаrе thеirаnswers in pаirs.

. P|ayListеningpraсtiсe2.3.Students do task3 individua llv.

@) Answеrphonе:Mеssagе..' rесеived today'.. aI2.2Зp.m. W o man: Hi thеrе,СharIotte here.I,mjustсаlIingaboutЕd сo mingo vеrto mo r r o w ... thе thingis...er ... my саr'sgoingin for а sеrviсе,so | сan'tdrop him round,аnd I waswondеringif you сou|dbring Dаvеovеrhеrеinstеаd- hе саn сomеovеrfor I unсhif yо u I ikе...if yo u сan't,thеndo n'tw o r rу , l'||gеt Riсhаrdto bringEd ovеron thе wаyto work.Сouldyou givеmе a ringand wе саn tаIk аboutit? Byе.

. P|ayListеningpraсtiсe2.4.Studеnts do tаsk4 individua lly.

сEE@) Man: Hi, сouIdyou tе||mе if you'vegoIBаd Boуs2 Shopassistant:Yeah,ho|don а sес,I'IIjust |оokit up _ do you knowwho'sin it? M an: W ilI Smithand...еr .. Sho passistant: W i||smithand Yeah.H еr ew е аr е...star r ing MаrtinLаwrеnсе... Wе haven'tgot it on tаpеanу morе,Wе'Vеjustgotthе DVD. Man: Тhаt'sfinе,thаt'swhаt I wanted. shop assistаnt:0K. lt,sovеrthеrе...you sееthе Bond postеrby thе window?lt'sjustthеrеon thе lеft. M an: 0K . Тhanks.

Page 98 Unit 5 FamilyIife

Page 101 Unit 6 Travellingand tourism

Ambitiousparents .l5 Time:10to minutеs Student'sBookpagеs56_57

AmeriсanЕnglishсrossword Тime:15to 20 minutes Studеnt'sBookpages74_75 A and B their intopairs.Givеstudеnts Putstudents Te||thеmnotto Iookаt eасh hаlfof thе сrossword. othеr'sсopy. andanswеrany to readthе instruсtions Аskstudents tеrms quеriestheymayhavе.Теасhthе сrossword асrossanddownif nесеssary. askfor and eхpIainthe wordsto сomp|еtе Studеnts thаtwhatthеyshou|dtry tо do Stress the сrossword. is to exp|аinthewords,notjustsaythе British Monitorto mаkеsurethatthey еquiva|ent. Еng|ish their thewordsand notjustte|ling arееxp|aining pаrtnerthewords. and сhесktheir сompareсrosswords Studеnts ansWеrs.

. Putstudents intopairs.Givееасhstudenta сopуof for pаrt1 of the ro|ep|аy. thе instruсtions . Аskthе students StudеntА to rеadthe instruсtions. pIaу. ro|е startsthе . Whеnthеyhаvеfinishеdpart1, askthеmto swap for part2. roIеsandgivethemthе instruсtions . Askthе studеnts Тhestudеnt to reаdthe instruсtions. playingthе parеntspeaksfirst.

Page 99 Unit 5 Personaldata Whyam I famous? Тimе15to 20 minutes bookpagеs56-57 Student's . Putstudеnts A and B thеir intopairs.Givestudеnts ha|fof thеworksheet. . Тe||themto reаdthе instruсtions of partonе,and answeranyquеriestheymayhavе.Еxplainthatthеy forthemseIvеs. haveto inventa сharасtеr . Students writedetai|saboutthеmsеlves. . Whеnstudеnts havefinishеdtе|Ithеmthеyare now goingto interviеw theirpartnеrs aboutwhythеyare famousandwhattheyhavedoneusingthе notesfor quеstions in part.Monitorto makеsurеthe in ro|e. arеspеaking interviewees . Whеnstudents havefinishеd, aska fewstudents to tеIlthе сlаsswhattheyhavefoundout abouttheir pаrtner.

Page 102 Listeningpracticе 3 Matсhing сopiеsof theworkshеet. Givestudents Сheсkthestudеnts' togеther. instruсtions Rеadthe going by аsking Whаtаre thespеаkеrs undеrstanding going to аre How mаnу spеokеrs obout? to tаlk уou hеаr?Howm0nуsportsеvеntsаrе thеуgoingto tolk аbout? PlayListeningpraсtiсe3 onсе.


1: Wеwеnttheothеrwееk,wеwеreinvitedbyJасkand Spеakеr | hisdad_ it,snotthеfirsttimеI'vеbееn,beсausе thе usеdto goquitеa lotwhеnl wаsа kidbeсausе but l Wentto Wasnеaronеof thесirсuits... sсhoo| pits in thе We Were bесause thiswasbri||iаnt Jасk's Page 100 Unit 6 аndthеу dаdworksforoneof thеbigoi|сompaniеs PеopIe soWеWеrеin themidd|е oneof thеtеams, sponsor _ Wеgotto meеtthеdrivеrs, andthе of everything Bodylanguage the еvent evеryone and thе еnginееrs, mесhaniсs, Time:'15to 20 minutes too- thеguywhowonmanagеd wasrеallyexсiting Studеnt'sBookpagеs68_69 оn thevеry|astсornеrof thе|ast|apand to ovеrtakе аhеad. . Putstudents of a sесond |inеаboutа milIionth сrossеd thе intopаirs.Givееaсhstudentа сopyof a gеt yeаr play we manаgеd to tiсkеts |аst 2: I sаwher Speakеr piсture1 or 2 withquеstions. _ andshе's whiсhwаsfantastiс, to thesemi.finаls, . Те||thеmtheуаregoingto tаkеit in turnsdеsсribing player... beforе theyсameon,Wеsaw аn inсredib|е quеstions. thеirpаrtner's аndanswering the piсtures Wаs butI thinkеVeryonе of othermatсhеs a сoup|е . Givethеmtimeto thinkaboutthe piсturе. whеn exсiting forthеbiggamе_ it wasreа|ly waiting . Studеnts thе piсturеand asking A startby dеsсribing and сlаpреd andсheеrеd shесamеon_ еverybody B'squеstions. Studеnts youсouldtе|lshеwаsdefinitе|y theсrowd's _ was Shеwonthеfirstsеtquitееasi|y favouritе. tо sеehow sеrving rеаllywe|l,аndit,sastonishing hаrdshеhitsthеbaI|in reаl|ifе_| meanI knowit seeit, it |ooks Iooksfaston ТV,butwhenyouасtua||y _ ... anywаy G_3, shеwonquitеeasily, evеnfastеr matсh,butit wаsgrеatto a с|аssiс ЬЗ so it Wаsn't sееа rеа|сhampion. (@

wantеdto go Spеaker3: It wаsfun for а сhangе'аnd AIiсеrеа||у bесausеthеy'rеhеrfavouritеtеаm,but thе tiсkеts _ l don,trеа||yknowhow expеnsivе wеrеinсrеdib|y wееk,аnd on top of to еvеrу afford thе fansсan 8o аnd thе sсаrvеsаnd thе shirts thаtthеy hаvеto buy _ the hatsаnd so on but thе stadiumWasVеry and it wаsa grеatmatсh.Wе gotа goa| impressivе... i n t hе firs th а |fа, n d i n t h е s е с o n dh a I fo nе o f thеir strikerswassentoff for а badtaсkIе'so thеуwеrе dow nt о t е n m е n ...b u ts o m е h o wt h е yg otаn е qu а| i s еаrn d t h е ni t l o o k е dI i k еi t wа sg o ingto bе a dr aw ,b u t i n t h е I а s tm i n u t еo f i n j u r уt i mе,Саr r еr o , gota bri I l i a nht е a d е ri n t ot h е n е tf r o ma сo r nеrаnd it wаsа|l ovеr. stayingthеrе_ wе wеrеin a Spеаkеr4: Wеwеrеn'taсtuа||y muсhsma||еrrеsortаboutаn hour'sdrivеаway,but wе wenta|ong.Wе'dhеardthе еVеntWаson, and |i v i n gi n Е n g |а n idt ' sn o tt h е s o r to f thing obvi ou s |у to уoU8еt sееVеrуоftеn...Wе manаgеdto gеta goodp|асеabouthа|fwаydownthе slopе,and rеa||у W е5аWa f a s t ...a с t u a | |у t h е yса m еd o wni n с rе d i b |y it diffiсuIt, bad сrаsh,bесаusесonditionsWеreVеry WаsVеryiсу,and thеrеhadn'tbeеnаny nеWsnow, аn d t h i sА u s t r i a ng o ti n t оt ro u b I ес o m i n gr o undthе сor n е r,I o s th i s b а |а n сaеn d f е I Io v е rа n d thеnсamе headingstrаightfor us аnd rightintothe safеty , u t h e ' dh u r th is knеe nе t t i n g ... H е wа sa ||r i g h t b аnd thеy had to sеndа tеаmto tаkе him off thе for X-rаys. mountаinаnd off to thе hоspitaI еvеrуyеаrif wе сan- it's Spеakеr5: Wеgo to thе |ntеrnаtiona| and thеre'saIwаysа |ovеIy a fаntаstiссoUr5е, Iikе... It must whatеverthе weathеr's аtmosphеrе bе onе of thе mostdiffiсuItсoursеsin thе wor|d,and wh е nу o us е еt h e fеnсеsthat t h е mo s td а n g е r o u s ... , tо think t hе yh a v еt o j u m p i t ' srе a I l yq u i t еs с а ryаnd thеrеаrе maybеtwеntyor thirtyof thеm aIl going thingsсаn ovе rаt t h е s а m еt i m е ,i t ' sn о ts u rp ri s i ng yеar, my horsе this anу monеy 80 Wrong.I didn1win grеаt raсе, and fе||at thе firstfеnсе,but it wasstillа one of thе goodthingsthisуеarwasthаt nonеof thе thе саsе. ridеrswеrеhurt.whiсhisn'tаIwaYs

. Studеnts markthеirаnswеr5. . P|aуthе rесording to rеvisе againandаIIowstudеnts thеiranswers. . Сhесkthе сorrесtanswеrs togеthеr. Фт 1B




Page103 Unit 7 Тravellingand tourism A growingсity Тim е:15t o 2 0 minutе s BookpagеsB2-B3 Studеnt's . Putstudеnts intopairs.Givеthеmеaсha сopyof matе r iaа|nd A or B stimuIus еit hеrt h eS tudе nt qUеstionS. . Аskstudеnts andstudythе to rеadthе instruсtions information.

. Whеnthеyаrerеadуthеytаkeit in turnsto prеsent thеquеstions. andto аskandаnsWеr thе mаtеrial . Studеnt A stаrts.

Page104 Unit 7 Shoppingand serviсеs Evеryday objесts Тim е1 5t o 2 0 m inut еs Studеnt's BookpagеBB . Putstudеnts intоpаirs. . Givееасhstudеnt A or B a сopуof еithеrStudеnt i nstruсtions. aсtiVity . In pairsstudеnts andask rеadthеirowninformation quеstions thеirpartnеrhаs. aboutthе informаtion . StudеntА starts.

Page105 Unit 8 Nature Takinga big risk Тim е:] 5 t o 2 0 m inut еs Studеnt's Bookpagеs94_95

. PUtstudеnts A and B thеir intopairs.Givеstudеnts ha|fоf thеtеxt.ТеIIthеmnotto Iookat eaсhothеr's сopy. . Те||students andanswеrаnу to rеadthе instruсtions do thefirst quеstiоns nесеssary may havе. If thеy quеstiоn A andthеfirstforstudentB as forstudent an opеnсlаssaсtivitу. . Givеstudеnts to rеadthеirhа|fof thеtехt 2 minutеs . Studеnts quеstions the to сomp|еtе аnd answеr ask arеforming tеxt.Monitorto сhесkthatthеstudеnts quеstions сorrесt|y. thе optionalасtivity havеfinishеd, askthеmto rеadthe Whеnstudеnts perstudеnt. сomp|еtеd tеxtout loud,оnesеntenсе

Page 106 Unit 8 Sport Gettingintoshapе Тim е:1 5t o 2 0 m inut еs Studеnt's Bookpagеs96-97

. Putstudents a сopyof intopairs.GivееaсhstUdеnt questions. photograph A or B withthе . Те||thеmtheyarеgoingto takeit in turnsdеsсribin questions thеirpartnеr's thе photosаndanswеring . Givеthemtimеto thinkаboutthe photоgraph. . Studеnts thе photoandasking A startbу dеsсribing Studеnts B'squеstions.

Page 107 Listeningpraсtiсe4 Matсhing . Givеstudеnts сopiеsof theworkshеet. . Rеаdthe instruсtions togethеr. Сhесkthe studеnts' undеrstanding bу asking Whаtаrеthespеаkеrs going to tоlk оbout?How mаnуspеаkеrsarеуou goingto hеаr?Howmаnуjournеуsаrе thеуgoingto tаlk оbout? . P|ayListeningpraсtiсе4 onсе.

@) Spеakеr1: I nееdеdto gеt up to Abеrdееnfor а friend,s wedding,but unfortunate|y l hаd failedmy driving test,so the сar wаsn'treа||у an option.And I wasa bit shortof сash,sо I thoughtl'd try and seеif ! сou|dgеta Iift...it takestimе,bесаusеyou сan't80 on thе motorways, no-one'sаlIowеdto stopand piсk you up,so I juststartеdoff on somеof thе smаI|еr roads,and I wаsamazеd,pеop|еarе aсtua||y vеrу friend|у, аnd somеof them еvеnwеntout of thеir wаyto tаkеmе a bit furthеr- in thе еnd it on|ytook а day,I gotfivеdiffеrеntIifts- а сoup|еof tourists, a _ аnd I vаn,a sa|еsmаn typе,and еvеna pensionеr met somerеa||yniсеpeop|е. Spеаkеr2: l wеnton а dаytrip - justаs a norma|foоtpаssеngеr _ аnd thе rеturnfarefor thе сrossing wаson|yаbout lЗ0, whiсhI thoughtwаs prеttуgood ... it wasvery еffiсiеnt* wе |eftаbouttеn minutеsor so аftеrl got on boаrd,it wаsa vеrysmoothсrossing, thеrеwas hаr d| yа n y wi n d ,wh i с hi s j u s tа s wе ||b е сausе | do gеtsеаsiсk.|twаs |ovе|y|ookingbасkаt thе сoast. Wе got into porta сoup|еof hours|atе1did a bit of shоpping,аnd thеn the rеturnсrossing wаsаgain on|yа сoup|еоf hours.|t wаsа|Ivеryеаsy,muсh е asi е tr h а ng o i n gа l It h е wа yt о t h е а i rp or t,аnd quite a lot fastеr,too. SpеakеrЗ: WewenttherеIаstуеаr_ and Wеgota rеa||y good dеаl beсаusеwe bookedour tiсkеtsquitеa |ongtimе in advanсе_ and l,d neverflownwith thеm bеforе, and,to bе honеst,I wаsfairlуsurеsomethingwou|d go Wrong_ you know,thеy'dhаvееnginеtroub|еor _ but thе fiightwouIdbе ovеrbookеd or something in fасtеvеrything wаsfinе.Wetook off on timе,аnd 0K thеydon'tsеrvеyou a mealon board,but thе сabinсrеwсomeroundwith sаndwiсhеs and drinks that passеngеrs сan buy,so that'snоt а prob|em. Аnd WeеVеnmanаgеdto landа fеw minutеsеаr|y,so it wаs rеа||y strеssfrее,l'd reсommendit. Spеаker4: I Iеftat it musthаvеbееnabouttwo in the .саuse аftеrnoon, l didn'twantto gеtstuсkin thе rushhour,it wаsquitееasyаt first,therewas hard|y anyoneon thе motorwаy...I foundmyse|fthinking . t hi s i s b е t t е tr h a nt a k i n gt h е t rа i n ,а n d i t 'shаI fthе priсе.'But latеrwе gotstuсkin trаffiс,whiсhwаsа bit аnnoуing.And thе sеatsgot morеand morе unсomfortаbIе. Аnd the аir-сonditiоning Wasn't working. Imаginе:thi rty-oddpеop|есomp|аi ning how hot it is. But thе drivеrwasquitеа goodlaugh


andhe keptеvеryonе,s spiritsup.Аt lеastI wasn't I spentmostof thejourneyrеading driving. a bоok, andin theеnd'wеwerеоn|vha|fan hоurIаte. Speaker5: I gotthеrefromhеrе- l neverrеaIised bеforе- but youсаnbuyа tiсketfromСhar|bury andit tаkеsyou youhаvеto сhаngе аll thewaу- it,snotdirесt, in _ you|eavе - butthаt'sno problеm London fromthе sаmestаtion_ 0K,youhaveto goto а diffеrеnt p|аtform, so thatсanbea bit of а hаsslеif youhаvе gеtonеof thosе |otsоf Iuggаgе, butyоuсаna|ways trol|eys. Butthеrеa||у niсеthingis youсansitbасk аndrе|ax аndwatсhthесountryside, аndyoureаllу do feelIikeyouarеtrаvеlling, аndof сoursеif you youсаngеtup аndwaIkаbout,havea meaIin Want, thе buffеtсаr,whatеver. Andof сoursеit,svеrУ _ you nеvеrhaveanyproblems rе|iab|е too with jams trаffiс or аnything, so it'sa rеallygoodideа. . .

Studеntsmarktheiranswers. PIaуthе rесording аgainand a||owstudеntsto rеvisе thеiranswеrs. . Сhесkthe сorreсtanswеrstogether.

Page 108 Unit 9 Naturе Anima|proteсtionin Еurope Тimе:15to 20 minutеs Student's Bookpagеs110-111 . Putstudеnts intopairs.Givethеmеaсha сopуof eithertheStudent А or B stimulus materiа| аnd questions. . Аskstudents to rеadthе instruсtions and studythe infоrmation. . Whenthеyаre rеadytheytakeit in tUrnsto present the mаtеrial askandanswerthеquestions. . StudentА stаrts.

Page109 Unit 9 Homе A redevelopmentprojeсt Тime:15to 20 minutеs Studеnt's Bookpagеs114_115 . Putstudеnts intopairs.Givеthemа сopyof thе Workshеet. Те||themto rеadit andaskаboutаnV qUеriеs. . Enсourаge students to makеnotesof thеirrеasons andto sееthе projесtfromaIIsidеs. . Whеntheyhavеfinishеd, enсourаge a сlass disсussion of thе pairs'deсisions andthеdiffiсu|ties of makingthе rightсhoiсе.

P a g e110 U n i t 10 Sсhool Кееping studеntsmotivated Timе:] 5 to 20 minutes Studеnt'sBookpаgеs120_121or with page122it уou сhoosethе optionaIaсtivity . Putstudеnts A and B thеir intopairs.Givestudеnts to Iookat eасh thеm not ТeII workshеet. of the сopy othеr'sсopу. . ТeIIstudents andthе to rеаdthеinstruсtions andаnswеr quеstions on theirha|fof thеworkshееt quеstions have. thеy may any . Studеnts in pаirsandехplаin thequestions disсuss thеy don'thavеto agrеe that Те|I them сhoiсes. their on theiranswers. . Whenstudents the disсussing havеfinishеd quеstions, / аskthеmto dесidеhoworgаnisеd is basеdon theirpartnеr's thеirpartner motivatеd аnsWеrs. optionalaсtivity . Askonеstudеntto te|Ithе сIаssusingreportеd foronеof thе dесidеd speесhwhаthis/ hеrpartnеr quеstions. thеyhavеusing anyprobIems Сorrесt spеесh. rеportеd . Putstudents intonewpairsandаskthеmto report pаrtnеr prеvious Monitorand dесided. whatthеir theyhаvеusingreported hе|pwithanyprob|ems spеесh.

Page111 Unit t0 Work Lifеstyleсhoiсеs Т im е:1 5t o 2 0 m in u t es Studеnt'sBookpagеs120_121 . Putstudеnts intopairs.Givееaсhstudеnta сopyof a photograph А or B withquеstions. . TеlIthеmthеyarеgoingto takeit in turnsdеsсribing quеstions. theirpartner's thе photosandаnswering . Givеthеmtimеto thinkаboutthе photograph. . Studеnts the photoandаsking А startby desсribing questions. B's Students

Page 112 Listeningpractice 5 (ompletion сopiesof theworkshеet Givеstudеnts Сheсkthatstudents togethеr. Rеаdthе instruсtions whattheyhаvеto do. undеrstand Eliсitwhаtkindof Readthе gаppеdnotеstogethеr. in еасhgap. is missing infоrmation

. P|aуListеningpraсtiсе5 onсе.


Саn I havеуou attеntionpIeаsеfor a Jason: Hi evеryone... Саnoе minutе?Thаnks.Firstof а|l'wе|сometo WуevaIе you а||and to sее Сеntrе,my name'sJason,it'svеryniсе just Iiketo еxpIainhow |,msurеwe,|lhаveа grеаtdaу.|'d As уou сan sее,BiIIу's thе dаy is goingto bе orgаnisеd. and in а minutе |o adеdup thе tr аilerw iththе саno es, wе'rеgoingto gеt in thе minibusаnd drivеfifteenmiIеs po int, o r so up thе r iveruntilw е gеtto the launсhing wherеwе wiIIput thе сanoеsintothе river,and thаt'sаt justso Wаinwright Bridgе- that'sW-A-|-N-W-R.|-G-H-Т you сan find it on thе mаp.Thеnyou'lIbе on yourown, and уou'||pаddlebaсkdownthе rivеrbaсkto wherеwe arе now- it takеsmostpеop|еbеtwееnthrееand six hours,depеndingon howfastyou go,whеthеryou stоp off on thе wayand so on, but thе impoгtantthingis you mustbе baсkhеrеby 6.З0аt the Iatеstbесаusеwе don't WantYouout on thе rivеrwhеn it startsgеttingdаrk. A сouplеof safеtypoints.Ru|еnumbеronе is thеrеis a mаximumnumbеrof pеop|еthаtсan go in а сanoe- it's obvious,I know,but if you havеtoo manypеop|еthеy саn tip over,so whаtevеrhаppensthеremustbе no more thаn fivе peopIеin еaсhboat. Nеxtthing,you'lIsееyou'vеаlI got Iifеjасkets,and you'vе do hаppen, gоtthеmfor a verуgoodreason.Aссidеnts you сan еnd up in thе watеr,oK, and еvеnif you'rеа goodswimmeryou mighthit уour heаdon a roсkor thе branсhof trее,so rulе numbеrtwo is - kеepyour Iifе jaсkеton at a|ltimеs.Don,ttakеit off,еvenif you gеt you nееd - you'||find еvеrything hot.WеII,thаt'sit rеaIIy _ map and а sеаlеd on thе сanoe paddlеs,a wаterproof fo ryo urmo bilеpho ne,mo nеуand so o n сo ntainеr bаsiсаl|у anythingyou don'twаntto еnd up in thе wаtеr.

Шlatrix New

A new edition of the сhallenging seсondarу course whiсh PrePares students for suссess in their sсhool.leaving exams. Populaгfeaturesimprovedand updatеd in responseto teaсheгs'feedЬaсk: о thought-Pгovoking topiсs and authеntiсtеxts о demandingmatегia|s to bui|dсonfidеnсe o systеmatiс еxamtгaining: еxamtask, tips andtесhniques о gгammaгaсtivatеdthгoughеxam-|ikеtasks o еmphasison еffeсtivеpгoduсtion: subjeсts - spеakingon a rangeof invo|ving guidanсe stеp-by-stеp in writing a vaгiеtyof texts о regu|arrеvisionand reсyс|ing o grammarrеfегеnсе о diсtionaгy.sty|e wordIist WhatЪ new? о bui|ding of kеyvoсabu|ary to сovеrthе еxamtopiсsin еvегyunit in Word foсus O imProvеdgгammarpгaсtiсе|еssons о еnhanсеdсoveragеof сuItuгеin Сulturefoсus с authentiсеxtraсtsfrom |itеraturеin Reodlngfor pleosure New Мatгix Studеnt'sBook Woгkbook ТeaсhеrsBook CIassCassеttes/ ClassCDs Тests Tеaсhеrswеbsitе




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