Spring Summer, Inspired by Nature

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Force of Nature Nothing is more perfect than nature. Artists and writers have celebrated its epic beauty for centuries, but for me jewellery is the ideal way to explore nature’s extraordinary complexity in miniature. A butterfly as it lands on your hand; dew on a spider’s web; the colour of a peacock feather — I have always been drawn to the minute details of nature. Qualities found in nature have a strong influence on how I design, leading me to consider how a piece feels when worn, or the way light plays on diamonds alongside a gemstone from my collection, whose distinctive markings capture the force of nature. Expressing a sense of wonder in jewellery whose texture and beauty is a celebration of the colour, movement and delicacy I experience around me every day, has been a perennial theme in my work for over 25 years. The following pages are a celebration of nature’s perfection.

Annoushka Ducas

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Fleeting Moments

The butterf ly’s free spirit is released as a flurry of delicate hand painted wings captured in mid-flight.

Butt er f li e s 18ct gold and d iamond chandel ier ear r i ngs • £14,50 0 —  5  —

Butt er f li e s 18ct gold and d iamond neck la ce £2,2 0 0 • r i ng £6,50 0 —  6  —

Butt er f li e s 18ct gold and d iamond D uet ear r i ngs • £ 4,50 0 —  7  —

Butterfly Effect Each butterfly in this collection has been hand painted with black rhodium, the brush sweeping across their textured gold wings to create natural patterns.

Butt er f li e s 18ct gold and d iamond cu ff • £21,0 0 0 —  9  —

In Chinese mythology,

the butterfly represents eternal life and symbolises undying love,

elegance and beauty.

Butt er f li e s 18ct gold and d iamond neck la ce • £ 5,50 0

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Let’s Hoopla Thoughtfully crafted, effortlessly creating combinations that are distinctly individual. Dragonflies chase sparkling briolettes and a snail inches his way around the textured frame. Hoopla gives you the freedom to take one piece of jewellery and wear it however you please, seamlessly creating necklaces, earrings and bracelets from the starting point of a perfect hoop. Different combinations create individual vignettes, each marking a new chapter in your unique story.

Shop the fu l l Hoopl a col lection on l i ne an noush ka.com / hoopla —  14  —

18ct gold and d iamond Hoopl a ear r i ng • £395 ea ch 18ct gold plai n Hoo pl a £295 • 18ct gold Spider Hoopl a £350

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18ct gold and d iamond Hoopl a ear r i ng • £395 ea ch 18ct gold Bee Hoopl a • £ 595 —  17  —

18ct gold Hoopl a chai n • from £ 550 18ct gold plai n Hoo pl a £295 • 18ct gold Spider Hoopl a £350 18ct gold and d iamond Dragon f ly Hoopl a • £2,50 0

Crafting Character A spectacular necklace, a stunning bracelet or the simplest of everyday jewels... E a ch Hoo pl a jewel i s avai lable i n a selection of bla ck, rose and yel low gold, enc ou r ag i ng a m i x i ng of met a l s t h at A n nou sh k a h a s a lways love d . T he t ex t u r e d gold is compl i mented w ith spark l i ng d iamonds and del icate creatures, lovingly and carefully crafted from all angles with a care and attention that gives these pieces their character. Express your creativity and Hoopla!

Shop the fu l l Hoopl a col lection on l i ne an noush ka.com / hoopla —  19  —

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18ct gold and d iamond Hoopl a ear r i ng • £395 ea ch 18ct gold L a dybi rd Hoo pl a £350 • 18ct gold smal l plai n Hoopl a £195 —  21  —

L o ve D i amo n d s 18ct gold and d iamond Bee stud ear r i ngs • £750 l ef t My tholog y 18ct gold and d iamond Bu mble Bee amu let • £1,9 0 0 —  23  —

Miniature Magic Amulets evoke their wearer’s hopes and dreams, fears and fragilities. Infused with memory, they are one of the most human forms of jewellery. Traditionally man made or natural objects, they could be anything from the petals of a peony pressed into a pocket to a yellow sapphire worn close to the skin. Amulets give us the belief that we will be protected from harm, bringing h appi ne s s a nd prosp er it y. W hether they h ave genu i nely m ag ic a l properties, or simply give us the determination and courage to take a par ticu lar jou r ney i n ou r l ives, they have been shapi ng i nd iv idual destinies for centuries. Our ancestors used charms as part of their worship of nature and natural spirits. Almost every type of jewellery we wear today — bracelets, rings,

armlets and earrings — was originally conceived as a protective charm;

the more amulets and layers of jewels you wear, the greater strength and protection you receive.

Mytholog y 18ct gold, d iamond and ebony Pi necone amu let • £2,9 0 0 C l a ss i c 18ct gold S atu r n chai n • from £ 450 Mytholog y 18ct gold, d iamond and t savor it e Grasshopper amu let • £3,2 0 0 —  24  —

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R e sp ond i n g emotion a l ly t o the jewel ler y she we a r s a nd cr e at e s, Annoushka constantly explores what is meaningful for her in her most important pieces. Understanding early on the importance of well-being and mindfulness for our generation, Annoushka saw that charms and amulets, with their nurturing and playful individuality, could be wonderful contemporary luxuries, meaningful gifts to ourselves and our loved ones. Mythology features golden astrological signs alongside diamond-studded folk symbols; grasshoppers that promise bountiful riches; carved ebony pinecones that protect; hand-painted butterflies to envelope the soul and bring eternal life. Stones are chosen as much for their spiritual properties as for their qualities of brilliance and colour. “I have a real awareness that we need less,” says Annoushka, “and so the pieces you bring into your life should be precious to you. Mythology distils that sense of preciousness and importance, in the materials that each piece is crafted from, and in the stories they capture.” Layer these protective symbols in your own way, or select complete necklaces for love, health, and prosperity.

m y t hol ogy 18c t g ol d a m u l et s L ove £1,50 0 • Grasshopper £3,2 0 0 • D u sty D i amo n d s pendant £1,40 0 • Fer n £2,80 0 Beetle £950 • A lphabet pendant £395 • Pisces Z od ia c £ 495 • Diamond pendant £1,60 0 Mytholog y 18ct gold char m neck la ce • £3,70 0 —  27  —

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Shop the fu l l Mytholog y col lection on l i ne an noush ka.com /my tholog y —  29  —

The pineapple represents the values of warmth, welcome and hospitality at the heart of Annoushka.

Mytholog y 18ct gold, d iamond and ebony Pi neapple amu let • £3,9 0 0 C l a ss i c 18ct gold Belcher chai n • £650 —  31  —

L o ve D i amo n d s 18ct gold and d iamond Dragon f ly stud ear r i ngs • £1,20 0 —  32  —

18c t g ol d stack i ng r i ng s Al chemy Bauble r i ng £ 450 • D u sty D i amo n d s r i ng £995 L o ve D i amo n d s Dragon f ly r i ng £1,50 0 • L o ve D i amo n d s Bee r i ng £1,2 0 0 Eclipse Pav i l ion r i ng £950 • Al chemy Not ch r i ng £295 —  33  —

L o ve & Wi sd o m Bee neck la ce £ 495 bra celet • £ 450

Pea ce & Ha r mo ny Dragon f ly neck la ce £695 stud ear r i ngs • £1,2 0 0

R e so urcefuln e ss & C reativ ity Spider neck la ce £ 42 0 bra celet • £350

Pati en ce & P rot ecti o n Snai l neck la ce £750 bra celet • £650

L o n gev ity & En duran ce T u r tle neck la ce £695 bra celet • £ 595 Shop the fu l l L o ve D i amo n d s col lection on l i ne an noush ka.com / love d iamonds

Perfected by Nature Gemstones are found in a rainbow of colours, with visual textures that create distinctive character. Annoushka places these ex pressive gemstones at the hear t of her designs, emphasising their natural beauty. The character and personality of a stone is most important for Annoushka, not it’s purity or price tag. Attracted to strong, vivid colours and luminous surfaces, she often selects stones with natural inclusions rather than choosing flawless, but less characterful alternatives. This search for character also draws her to stones that are less frequently used in fine jewellery, such as garnet, the hero of the Shard collection, whose rich raspberry tones are transformed by a fresh, contemporary rose gold setting.

Sha rd 18ct gold and gar net neck la ce • £9,50 0 —  36  —

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T he beauty of rare and u nusual st ones is ver y much the focus for Annoushka’s One of a Kind jewels. Her love of iridescent labradorite, fiery Ethiopian opals and vivid dusty diamonds, stems from their distinct personality, while fossil coral and bronzite have a rich visual texture which contrasts beautifully with brilliant cut diamonds. Interesti ng stone cuts also play an i mpor tant role i n A n noush ka’s distinctive aesthetic. Carved stones are a particular favourite, the beauty of each individual gem enhanced by the exceptional eye and skill of the craftsman. This skill can also be seen in the hand cut briolette diamonds and rose cut stones which Annoushka loves for their subtle organic quality. Her trained eye and access to unusual, characterful stones means that we have many exceptional gems waiting to be reimagined in one of Annoushka's designs. The inherent natural beauty of the gemstones she finds adds heirloom quality to these exceptional pieces.

O n e of a Kin d ear r i ngs i n 18ct gold, d iamond, k yan it e, zi rcon and labra dor it e • £10,50 0 —  39  —

D u sty D i amo n d s 18ct gold, d iamond and ol ive quar tz r i ng • £1,40 0 D u sty D i amo n d s 18ct gold, d iamond and amethyst r i ng • £2,60 0 D u sty D i amo n d s 18ct gold, d iamond and labra dor it e r i ng • £2,50 0 r igh t D u sty D i amo n d s 18ct gold, d iamond and labra dor it e ear r i ngs • £2,20 0 —  40  —

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Shop the fu l l D u sty D i amo n d s col lection on l i ne an noush ka.com /dusty d iamonds

Dream Catcher

A nnoushka's inter pretation of the warm hear ted benevolence and tenderness that dream catchers represent is expressed in these delicate pieces that filter out the negative, creating a positive oasis of freedom and fantasy.

D ream Cat cher 18ct gold and d iamond hoop ear r i ngs • £8,50 0 —  4 4  —

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D ream Cat cher 18ct gold, d iamond and mother of pearl cu ff £15,0 0 0 • ear r i ngs £12,50 0 —  47  —

Mytholog y 18ct gold and d iamond T u r tle locket amu let • £19,50 0 Mytholog y 18ct gold and d iamond Baby T u r tle amu let • £3,80 0 —  48  —

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Ann o u shka Studi o Bo uti qu e 41 Ca dogan Gardens, L ondon, S W3 2 T B T: 02 0 7881 5828 Ann o u shka at Ha r rod s Lu x u r y Jewel ler y R oom, Grou nd F loor 87-135 Brompt on R oa d, L ondon, S W1X 7X L T: 02 0 7730 1234 E x t 3807

Ann o u shka F l a gship Bo uti qu e 1 S outh Molt on Street, L ondon, W1K 5Q F T: 02 0 7629 8233

Ann o u shka New Yo rk Fi ne Jewel ler y R oom, S aks Fi fth Avenue 611 Fi fth Avenue, New York, New York, 10 022 T: (212) 753 - 40 0 0

Ann o u shka Beverly Hill s Jewel ler y R oom, S aks Fi fth Avenue 960 0 Wi lsh i re Blvd., Beverly H i l ls, CA, 9 0212 T: (310) 275 - 4211

Ann o u shka at Self r i d ge s 40 0 O x ford Street, L ondon, W1A 1A B T: 02 0 7318 3378

Ann o u shka at L iberty R egent Street, L ondon, W1B 5A H T: 02 0 7573 9788

Ann o u shka at Ha r vey Ni chol s 109 -125 K n ight sbr idge, L ondon, S W1X 7R J T: 02 0 72 01 8726

Ann o u shka at Ha r vey Ni chol s 21 New Cathed ral Street, Manchest er, M1 1A D T: 0161 828 8848

Ann o u shka at Ha r vey Ni chol s 107-111 Br iggat e, L eeds, L S1 6A Z T: 0113 2 0 4 8888 E x t 5081

Ann o u shka at Ho u se of F ra ser Vict or ia S quare, Bel fast, BT1 4QG T: 0289 088 370 0 ex t 3808

Ann o u shka O nlin e Bo uti qu e Shop the fu l l col lections on l i ne w w w.an noush ka.com

Fol low us @A n noush ka Jewel ler y

For fu r ther i n for mation please conta ct A n noush ka cust omer ser v ices: U K Tel: 080 0 138 1659  •  US Tel: 1-866 615 1822  •  cust omerser v ices@an noush ka.com S elect i l lustrations on pages 3, 22 – 25, 32 and 42 by S arah Jane Bel lwood

Shop the fu l l A nnoushka col lection on line w w w.annoushka.com

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