The Sacred Everyday by Ann Voskamp - Issue 1, 2022

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SACRED EVERYDAY GIFTS FROM THE HARVEST Issue 01 a digital magazine fromAnn Voskamp

Welcome to the farm, wayfarers and friends!

Welcome to the debut issue of SACRED EVERYDAY!

You are so very welcome here Come on in, right on in, have a seat at our table, let me get you a glass of something good and you just get to rest

These days, these sacred, ordinary, everydays, what you’d find here at our farm, are days full of soup pots and more laundry, and long days in the fields and early mornings out in the sheepfold, and full days of a harvest of grace and real bushels of hope.

The Farmer’s been bringing in the corn and beans, and our Shalom has been running the tractor and grain wagons in the fields beside her dad, and then, running a mixer here in the kitchen beside me, making up steaming cornbread to serve with bowls of soup.

(And Farm Girl may too, it’s true, have been running hollering praise circles around the kitchen when she got the news this past week that she’s received early acceptance to the Christian university of her choice!)


The Farmer says it’s been one of the warmest harvests we’ve ever had here on the farm sun soaked fields with the yield running mighty and dry

And the thought that keeps running through my mind these ordinary, sacred days is:

In the midst of the gifts of the harvest what we are always harvesting is really hope.

When we count blessings for what is and there’s always, somehow, somewhere, blessings in something we come to see that we can count on God for whatever comes. Giving thanks intentionally everyday gives us a whole new way to live through all of our hard days, because what we’re surprised by is:

The Giver who has provided real grace for these days, will provide amazing grace for every single day ahead.

If you commit to giving thanks to God for all the gifts of grace of today you see that the same God is committed to giving you more than enough gifts of grace tomorrow.

Committing to daily give thanks to God — ends up giving you committed trust in God for tomorrow.

And trust in God is the essence of what faith is.

Thanksgiving to God, gives you trust in God, and trust in God, is how you live faithful to God.

Which is to say:

Thanksgiving is the beginning of all faith living And who knows all that the days ahead hold? Who knows what kind of faith and hope we will need for the days ahead?

I was just wild and crazy enough this fall, to go looking for ewes for my two young rams, to have enough of an imagination this autumn, harvest season to dare to hope for the possibility of lambs next spring. Ewe Wives for my Rams, Safe and Hesed! Could I find any? I looked high and low. And I found them! 8 of them! Only about 32 hours from home! And while we ran late nights in the fields here, the Farmer in the combine, bringing in wagons of golden corn, a farming friend who has known us since grade school, he was coming through the night, across the country, to bring home the Ewe Wives! Hannaniah, and Hadassah, and Hope and Hagar and Jael and Keziah and Kelita!

The Ewe Wives were sent off to me with a note that read, “Grateful my ewes are finding a home with a reputable breeder!”


And I laughed loud: That’s one thing no one’s ever called me before! Jesus lover, Thanks giver, … and reputable breeder?

Have I actually bred sheep before? Why no, in fact, no, I haven’t! But this I know when you don’t know about your babies heading off next year to university, or about whether the fig tree will blossom, or if inflation will rise, or if peace in hearts will ever come, or if the fields will still yield food or if the flock may be cut off from the fold (Habbakuk 3), yet we will still give thanks and rejoice in the LORD, because:

When you bring in a harvest of thanksgiving to God you’re given all the seeds you need to plant a crop of hope.

So welcome welcome to the Farm… welcome to SACRED EVERYDAY.

Here’s to us together gathering gifts of the harvest with thanks to plant a trusting non


TABLE OF CONTENTS S Page 8 Still A Attentive C Cruciform R Revelation E Examine D Doxology Page 15 Page 36 Page 41 Page 48 Page 68 S A C R E D E V E R Y D A Y M A G A Z I N E

To Give Thanks

Glory Soak Walk in wonder Character of God

From My Racing Heart

When You Give Thanks

Real First Thanksgiving

The Stone Church

11 16 22 26 32 39
c o n t e n t s 43
from the Farm 52 54 60 70 73 80 Come join the harvest! Journaling Prompts
Come to the Table A Week of SACRED Journaling by You Recipe from the Farm 25 to Sanity Manifesto Benediction by the Voskamp family
by Allison Byxbe
by Ann
by Ann Voskamp by Chloe Wofford, Emilee Kurt, and Terri Fullerton


to be Still in the presence of God


Who in the world actually has time to still long enough to give thanks?

Or maybe the better question really is:

Who in the world can actually give thanks still?

Because, honestly, who can’t see, and who doesn’t feel it that this is a whole world of heartbreaking hurt, and a whole world of real aching hustle, and if you think anyone has enough time to still to give thanks still?

Then, honest to God, you’re likely only talking to those who may be still sane, still steadied, still strong.

The ones who may, frankly, go ahead and just tell you, their voices quiet with a sureness, that they know it:

Life gives out more grief than any of us care to count.

But, even so, there are still gifts to count

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And the truth is, whatever rock and hard place you find yourself up against:

Still giving thanks — stills what’s giving you anxiousness.

Still giving thanks stills all that’s getting you stressed.

Still giving thanks — stills you to know God.

So, dare it be true who in the world then doesn’t actually have time to still long enough to still give thanks?


They say the Japanese have a term called “forest bathing” when the scent and stillness and strength of trees wash over you.

When you walk through the woods “forest bathing” washes away the grime of stress.

But I think of this on my long walks: Daily walks are actually glory cleanses. GLORY SOAKS. Because? The whole earth is full of His glory and walks are a glory soak, cleansing the soul of stress. Getting outside for a walk washes away worry with glory

Just 30 minutes a week spent outdoors is enough to lower your risk of developing high blood pressure and depression.

University of Queensland

Stillness is our strength because it’s saying we trust God still.

The river’s song comforts…that His grace will always keep rolling on and on.


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to be Attentive to the character and movement of God

God calls His people to be generous. He invites us to share what He’s given us, open our homes to others, and open our very lives to people He puts in our paths. When we do, we find ourselves participating in glorious kingdom work that place where heaven touches earth and our hearts are transformed. But all of our giving, even with the purest of motives, pales in comparison to the Great Giver the One who has given us everything. You see, giving starts with God. We give because He first gave to us.

C h a r a c t e r o f G o d God as Giver




In the beginning, when God spoke creation into existence, He formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being (Gen. 2:7). God is the giver of life; in fact His very breath gives life (Job 33:4). In the hidden darkness of wombs, God carefully and wonderfully knits together each baby, and breathes life at the sound of each first cry. And every breath since is owed to the One who sustains breath (Ps. 104:29).



When Jesus ascended to the heavens, He did not leave us alone. He sent a Helper, One who would be with us and praise God in us! He reminds us of what Jesus has said (Jn. 14:26) and guides us into all truth (Jn. 16:13). And now, where can we go from His Spirit? We cannot escape His presence (Ps. 139:7).


Perhaps the most remarkable of all, God gave His only Son to us so we could have eternal life (John 3:16). This eternal life begins now, living by faith in the Son of God who loves us and gave Himself on a cruel Roman cross for our redemption (Gal. 2:20). And He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not graciously give us all things (Rom. 8:32)?



The God of all grace (I Pet. 5:10) lavished grace on us in Christ before time began (2 Tim. 1:9). Now, day after day, we receive grace upon grace (Jn. 1:16). Even in weakness, His grace is sufficient for us (1 Cor. 12:9). And we are invited to approach the throne of grace with confidence when we are in need where we will find mercy and grace (Heb. 4:16).

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His children and calls us to steward well the gifts of His grace (1 Pet. 4:10). These gifts are used to bless the body (1 Cor. 12:7) and build the kingdom. And all the fruit from investing our time and talents in the kingdom, only brings glory to His name (Jn. 15:8).


In this world we are promised trouble, but we, the people of God, live in peace (Jn. 14:27) the peace that passes understanding (Phil 4:7). How is this possible? We fix our thoughts continually on God, trusting Him in any and every circumstance, and He keeps us in perfect peace (Isa 26:3) And not only that, in His presence is fullness of joy (Ps. 16:11).

know which way to go or which choice to make. It’s in those moments that God whispers, “This is the way; walk in it” (Isa. 30:21). He guides our feet to the path of peace (Lk. 1:79) and leads us to all truth (Jn. 16:13). And when we look back over our lives, we realize that His loving hand was guiding us all the way.


What is our response to this good God who rains down every good and perfect gift from above (Jam. 1:17)? What can we give back to a God who withholds no good thing from us (Ps 84;11 12)? We can’t help but fall to our knees, raise our hands, and whisper these two simple words from the depths of our hearts, “Thank you.” God gives Himself to us and we give humble thanks. And the heavens roar in worship to the One worthy of all praise.

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THE GIVER, BY SHANNON LEIBOLD Connect with Shannon on Instagram and her website

God, my shepherd!

I don’t need a thing. You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction. Even when the way goes through Death Valley, I’m not afraid when you walk at my side.

Your trusty shepherd’s crook makes me feel secure.

You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup brims with blessing. Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. I’m back home in the house of God for the rest of my life.

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painting by Aurora McGee Artist and Illustrator See more on page 86
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From My Racing Heart

There was that night six years a got a phone call and the author other end detailed how our fam danger. We’d been walking alon some desperate folks, felt speci called to serve them, but somet awry, and sometimes helping is

We were given a few options, al some car license plate numbers to “be on the lookout.“ Heart ra nauseated, I hung up and spille my husband. We considered sce and safety measures. For a num reasons, this wasn’t a situation easily walk away from even if we wanted to. Our lives were strongly intertwined and people would be hurt. I said it Had we misheard God? Was this all wrong? Why was it so hard?

But as we lay in bed my husband replied, “It’s God who gives our safety, it’s not the circumstance He’s just as sovereign over this as He was before we got that call. Nothing has changed for Him.”

He read a verse I didn’t recall: “In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety ” (Psalm 4:8 NIV).

Heart rate calming, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke with those words from the psalm in my mind. I talked with a friend on the phone about other things, not telling her I was pacing in front of our windows looking for any sign of those three cars, scared to let the kids play outside. And then, she casually mentioned I had given her a homemade card ten years before and she was looking at it. She said, “You wrote this verse below the drawing In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.”

I stopped pacing. “Really?”

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Some might say coincidence, but I

I was suddenly thinking, could God have really known when I made the card then that I’d need it now?

Would He really give such kindness for this very moment? That’s sure what it felt like.

For the next week, I vacillated between fearless faith, and faithless fear, all while trying to put on a smile and parent four young children. My grandma thought I was in over my head, and she didn’t even know about the call and the cars and how criminals might show up. She told me she was going to find someone to come clean our house as a little gift.

Then I wondered, is God truly so gracious, so generous, that he would keep handing me comfort like blankets in the cold? I held her hands and told her it didn’t sound strange at all.

And right there in that kitchen where we stood, water stained from years above the sink, was a piece of paper with the words to the hymn, He Giveth More Grace.

Annie Johnson Flint wrote it, a woman who knew deep pain, but deeper joy.

He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,

He sendeth more strength when the labors increase;

It was no little gift. A woman arrived and after a while I passed her in the kitchen and she, this complete stranger, stopped me. “This may sound strange,” she said. “But I’ve been praying for you as I’ve cleaned and I felt strongly the Lord wanted me to tell you this: He has angels protecting your home. All around it. You’re safe.”

And there came that racing heart like a freight train. I wondered how she knew. Could someone have possibly put her up to this?

To added affliction He addeth His mercy;

To multiplied trials, He multiplies peace

Annie Johnson Flint knew the world was full of shock and heartache, a temporary, imperfect home.

But she knew with all of her racing heart how God gives. He knows us and meets us in the way he has made us.

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Perhaps most days don’t bring messages from strangers, but provision is always, always, always there.

We can’t skim over it: He gives strength when we’re suffering. He gives His Word when we’re weak. He gives peace when our hearts pound He gives Himself.

For our family, the challenges and circumstances didn’t ease up over the next few years. In fact, things got harder, scarier My heart raced so hard and so often I had to go see a cardiologist.

And I wanted to ask that doctor, how do you keep a heart from racing when you’re constantly facing fear? How do you override a natural reaction with unnatural peace?

Really there are two options to let it carry me away from Him or right into His arms.

Racing hearts make us race harder toward God. I know it’s true and I want to live it, to let my racing heart run me straight to Him.

Annie Johnson Flint knew it too: His love has no limit; His grace has no measure. His power has no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again!

I‘m safe. Not ultimately because of circumstances, but because of my Savior.

And if I pay attention, I can hear it drum in that heartening rhythm:

He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

Connect with Katy on Instagram and her website

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Hislovehasnolimit;Hisgracehasnomeasure Hispowerhasnoboundaryknownuntomen; ForoutofHisinfiniterichesinJesus, Hegiveth,andgiveth,andgivethagain! AnnieJohnsonFlint(18661932) “HeGivethMoreGrace”
I asked a few friends What unexpectedly happens when you give thanks?

What unexpectedly happens when I give thanks

It is here, tucked under homemade blankets, sipping tea on a rainy day, I see myself in the hardest season of life. The dust of myself, marriage, and motherhood mingle as broken pieces fall around me

It’s as if God is holding the mallet, relentlessly smashing the carefully crafted vessels of identity, faith, purpose, direction, and confidence He carries me into the open aired desolate land of solitude and uncomfortable reliance on God. In this land, I scream and cry and curse the very ground God has laid under my feet. I tune out the pain and heartache, numb to the purpose of this desolation. In this land, laid out and broken before the Lord, my last shred of hard hearted strength has failed, and I utter thankfulness.

Not some campy, smile plastered thanks. Thankfulness found in the body broken and blood spilled offering of the Son when the will of God required brokenness and death for new life and hope. Thankfulness cutting right through the core of where I end and the love of Christ begins. This brings an unexpected blessing Wholeness, reminding me:

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10)

In a desolate wasteland when our brokenness is becoming dry bones, the breath of Life reignites our spirit, and our sacrifice of thankfulness ushers in Wholeness Himself.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram and her website

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What unexpectedly happens when I give thanks

Growing up I would always hear adults at my church say, “When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all He’s done for me, my soul cries out Hallelujah!” They would always seem to end it with this bellow of praise and shout the last word of the sentence. As a child, it just seemed to be this phrase, a saying that everyone somehow knew. Here I am now, an adult, understanding just how personal those words must have been for each one of them. What’s become more special is what those words have grown to mean to me.

This unexpected thing happens when I begin to recall answered prayers, spoken and unspoken. There is an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. It’s as if the Holy Spirit is encouraging me with highlights of how wonderful God has been. So those times when I can’t even utter a word in a prayer because life became challenging to the point that I question when and how God will help me, I swallow back tears and pain and think of God’s glorious goodness time and time again. These thoughts of God’s goodness to me speak to my soul and from my heart to my lips a praise springs forth. Through every

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Connect with Sharonda on Instagram and her website

What unexpectedly happens when I give thanks

When I give thanks, I am forced into stillness When I pause in my day to write and pray the things I am thankful for, I am forced to put away my to do list, my schedules, my plans.

I reach for my pen and notebook, close my eyes, and begin to think. But my hand taps my pen against the paper anxiously. My leg bounces up and down like it’s preparing to run. There is a clock tethered to my heart that ticks endlessly. And stillness, well, isn’t it the exact opposite of that? If I am still, am I still safe? Still loved? Still enough?

I tuck gratitude away as something I’ll do when I have the time I’ll let the guilt linger in the recesses of my mind because I know I’m supposed to give thanks. Sometimes we become so weary in our giving that gratitude becomes another task on our checklist for tomorrow.

But when I close my eyes, take a breath, and offer up thanksgiving to the Lord, and I am still enough to consider the ways the Lord has provided, I find that I am still enough. When I give thanks, I find that I am given strength What was once a wall becomes a way. The very obstacle to all the things that call for my attention becomes the gateway to what my heart really, truly, undeniably longs for a kind of joy that is found in stillness, in attentiveness, in gratitude.

Connect with Anna on Instagram and her website

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Fear not


ISAIAH 41:10

When the Farmer rolled the combine in and lowered the combined head to bring those beans in, I sat beside him, raised my voice to ask it above the working engine: “Is it possible that something that doesn’t look like anything can still amount to anything?”

The field, it was hard to even look at… The Farmer looks up from the combine’s steering wheel, looks across the field to the north. “Weedy. And thin.” The white of the sow thistle seeds mingle with the dust. This field had no rain in July and a man can’t make a sky give. He can just make the knees bend and the hands raise. The harvest looked like a failure. I’ve known this, been this, am this.

Then it came, thanks for the leavened bread. Why leaven, yeast, that’s seen in Scripture as impure, unwanted, as part of the thanks offering? Authentic thanks is always for all things, because our God is a God kneading all things into a bread that sustains. Paul gave “glory in tribulations” (Rom. 5:13) and took “pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake” (2 Cor. 12:10), and he knew that which didn’t look like anything good might yield good, all in the hand of a good God.

The beans rattle through the combine, the auger filling the bin with golden beans like bread rising slow. There were ten offerings of bread in every Thank offering of the Israelites. The first were like crackers. The second like wafers. These were known for their thinness. This was the order of thanks. The thanks began for the thin things, the wafer

The Real First Thanksgiving

The life that counts blessings discovers it's yielding more than it seems.

To bring the sacrifice of thanksgiving means to sacrifice your understanding of what is beneficial and thank God for everything because He is benevolent. A sacrifice of thanks lays down our perspective and raises hands in praise anyways always. A sacrifice is by definition not an easy thing.

There is this: We give thanks to God not because of how we feel but because of Who He is.

“See it on the monitor?” The Farmer points to the screen to the right of the combine’s steering wheel. “See the numbers, how many bushels an acre?

If you didn’t see the numbers you’d never guess, would you? It’s yielding much more than it looks.”

He’s shaking his head in happy wonder. “Really? How can that be?” The numbers on the screen defy the seemingly sparse, stunted crop and I’m laughing incredulous. “I know! I know…” The Farmer smiles, glances down at the beans feeding in the combine head, one eye still watching the number of bushels on the screen. He who is grateful for little is given much laughter… and it’s counting the ways He loves, this is what multiplies joy. And the life that counts blessings discovers its yielding more than it seems.

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To bring the sacrifice of thanksgiving means to sacrifice your understanding of what is beneficial and thank God for everything because He is benevolent. A sacrifice of thanks lays down our perspective and raises hands in praise anyways always. A sacrifice is by definition not an easy thing.


to live Cruciform in the way of God


And you can see it right there: Cruciformity is right there, at the center,

i f o r m

to live a way of life, a rule of life, that embodies: Stillness Attentiveness Cruciformity Revelation Examine Doxology.
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You can see it, how to live cruciform, which is the key to being transformed:

To live the vertical beam of the Cross is to receive all that comes down as grace, and to let all of your life rise up in thanks. And then:

To live the horizontal beam of the Cross is to reach out, hands, arms, heart, life, extended outward, living given, to God, on one hand, and to people, on the other.

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sketch by artist Katy Rose


So this, this! is part of the story of our family living cruciform a cruciform story that we keep returning to, because it holds miracles that upended and turned everything in our lives toward the Giver of all, the One who is worthy of all.

Lives cruciform and miraculously transformed.

CLICK TO PLAY VIDEO Video by Levi Voskamp

G r a t i t u d e i n o u r c i r c u m s t a n c e s i s a s e s s e n t i a l t o o u r w h o l e n e s s a s a n y c h a n g e i n o u r c i r c u m s t a n c e s .


to be open to the Revelation of God

C a n o u r f a m i l y i n v i t e y o u i n t o o u r d a y s a t t h e f a r m ? C o m e r i g h t i n t o o u r h a r v e s t s e a s o n — a n d s e e h o w w e l e a n i n t o t h a n k s g i v i n g a s t h e p o s t u r e o f a l l o f o u r d a y s , a n d w e a l l s e e h o w

G o d R E V E A L S m o r e o f H i s g r a c e a n d H i s h e a r t o f l o v e , a n d m o r e o f H i m s e l f , g i f t u p o n g i f t , g r a c e u p o n g r a c e .

Revelations from the Farm


Video by Levi Voskamp

Build this holiday season on the foundation of gratitude! And what better time to begin than Thanksgiving? It would be an honor to join you in counting gifts!

Gratitude Jar Grace Days Listing Daily Gifts S A C R E D E V E R Y D A Y M A G A Z I N E P A G E 4 6 for the best kind of Thanksgiving PRINT How to always find joy Let's do this, together!


a d a r e

t o l i v e f u l l y r i g h t w h e r e y o u a r e

Want to dive deeper? In One Thousand Gifts, Ann invites you to discover a way of seeing that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace, a way of living that is fully alive, and a way of becoming present to God that brings deep and lasting joy. It's only in the expression of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we've always wanted a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others Come to feel and know the impossible right down in your bones: you are wildly loved by God. GET THE BOOK


to be reflective in the practice of Examining

I ’ l l h a v e t o s l o w d o w n , l i g h t a l a m p , s w e e p t h e m o m e n t s c a r e f u l l y , s e a r c h a t t e n t i v e l y , u n t i l I f i n d H i m . E v e r y m o m e n t h o l d s H i m , i f I s l o w t o s e e . H e ’ s d i s c o v e r e d i n t h e q u i e t . T h e W o r d m e e t s i n w o r d s , a n d w e g e t t o j o u r n a l H i s w h i s p e r e d t h o u g h t s .

e x a m i n e

favorite writing tools Black Le Pen Cavallini Journal, Persimmon Qwerky Typewriter Grace Flame Candle from Ann’s desk

Why Journal

Journaling is a place to be unmasked and meet God.

Journaling is a way to visually examine our thought processes.

Journaling cultivates deep honesty and authenticity.

Journaling is a way to see God in the dark.

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Journaling PROMPT

B e f o r e w r i t i n g , c l o s e y o u r e y e s a n d p r a c t i c e i n h a l i n g a n d e x h a l i n g d e e p l y , t h r e e o r f o u r t i m e s .

A l l o w y o u r s e l f t o q u i e t a n d i n v i t e y o u r m i n d a n d h e a r t t o f i n d s t i l l n e s s .

B e g i n t h i n k i n g a b o u t a t i m e y o u e x p e r i e n c e d p r o f o u n d s t i l l n e s s . M a y b e i t w a s w a t c h i n g t h e s t a r s i n y o u r b a c k y a r d o r c a n o e i n g a c r o s s a l a k e o r l i s t e n i n g t o t h e w a v e s l a p t h e s h o r e o r w a t c h i n g a t i n y b a b y s l e e p ?

R e c a l l t h a t m o m e n t i n a l l i t s s e n s o r y d e t a i l s : W h a t d i d y o u h e a r … t a s t e … t o u c h … s m e l l … a n d f e e l i n t h a t m o m e n t ? H o w d i d t h a t m o m e n t o f s t i l l n e s s h e l p y o u c o n n e c t t o G o d ? T a k e y o u r t i m e r e e x p e r i e n c i n g t h a t m o m e n t .

T a k e a s l o n g a s y o u n e e d a n d w h e n y o u ’ r e r e a d y , o p e n y o u r e y e s a n d b e g i n j o u r n a l i n g i n a s m u c h d e t a i l a s p o s s i b l e h o w y o u e x p e r i e n c e d t h a t m o m e n t o f s t i l l n e s s .

Begin thinking about a time you experienced profound stillness…

journaling prompt Come to the table


"N.T. Wright wrote, 'When Jesus himself wanted to explain to his disciples what his forthcoming death was all about, he didn't give them a theory, he gave them a meal.'" In other words, He invited them to come to the table, a table of "blessing, breaking, and giving...Eugene Peterson has observed that this pattern of being blessed, broken, and given is at the heart of the Christian story." (excerpt from Barry D. Jone's article "The Dinner Table...")

Might you also read Joy Harjo's poem "Perhaps the World Ends Here"? Beautiful lines about the gifts, the life, the dreams, beginnings and endings, the joys and sorrows, the thanks we bring to the table of life Then, I invite you to close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply, filling your lungs through your nose and then slowly releasing your breath through your mouth. Breathe in this pattern two or three more times, allowing your body and mind and heart to release any tension it may be holding.

Can you now, with your eyes still closed, imagine this one, holy, sacred life Love himself is writing for you? Consider the metaphor of coming to the table, of being blessed, broken, and given.

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Journaling PROMPT No.2

I n t h i s q u i e t s p a c e y o u ' v e s e t t l e d i n t o , i m a g i n e t h a t t h i s i s a t a b l e t h a t J e s u s h a s s e t f o r y o u a t a b l e o f b l e s s i n g , b r e a k i n g , a n d g i v i n g . J e s u s h a s s e t a n d p r e p a r e d t h i s t a b l e f o r y o u t o b r i n g y o u r w h o l e s e l f t o a l l o f b l e s s e d , b r o k e n , g i v e n y o u . C a n y o u n o t i c e h o w y o u f e e l c o m i n g t o a n d s i t t i n g a t t h i s t a b l e ?

W h a t d o e s t h i s t a b l e l o o k l i k e ?

W h o i s s i t t i n g a t t h i s t a b l e ?

W h a t i s b e i n g s e r v e d ?

W h a t h a v e y o u b r o u g h t t o t h e t a b l e ?

W h a t c o n v e r s a t i o n s a r e h a p p e n i n g a t t h i s t a b l e ?

Y o u a r e i n v i t e d t o s t a y i n t h i s m o m e n t , i n t h i s s p a c e , e x p e r i e n c i n g a l l t h i s t a b l e h a s t o o f f e r , f o r a s l o n g a s y o u l i k e T h e r e i s n o h u r r y , n o r a n y r u s h t o l e a v e t h e t a b l e s e t b e f o r e y o u

W h e n y o u ' r e r e a d y , y o u c a n o p e n y o u r e y e s a n d b e g i n w r i t i n g a b o u t y o u r e x p e r i e n c e o f c o m i n g t o t h e t a b l e .

C o n n e c t w i t h A l l i s o n o n I n s t a g r a m a n d h e r w e b s i t e

journaling with friends…

The empty table set open seats

cloth the white linen robe of Christ

I am at one end space and then, Him Yeshua He comes and sits. And there is nothing I have set before Him but myself. And I sit. Wait, as the womb of morning breaks with His marvelous Light I still in it. Wooden shards of the cross make the table

Outside or inside? there is no knowing He is here.

Clay plates me molded to become a platter, poured out, used for the feast. And He will take me in, hold and wash me dry me, softly cover me until the next meal

If Christ is the bread, I am the platter.

If Christ is the water, I am the cup

He fills, I break, spill, I am a vessel

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He has set the table for me, and He wants to spend time with me.

I am Martha wanting the baseboards to be spot free. I am Zacchaeus hiding in the tree I want to see Him, but I don’t want to make a scene. I am the woman reaching for His garment—I want Him to transform me, but I don’t want to bother Him.

I feel like I bring a mess to the table. So many of my relationships around tables have been stripped and are always stressful. I have had to take myself away from tables where we did not remember the cost of grace was not our convenience but His blood

What is His table like, here now? It is intentionally set He didn’t hop in late because He has somewhere He would rather be. It’s decorated. It’s warm. There is a handwritten letter at my seat, because He knows I’m coming. And He is laughing, leading our conversation to a better city. He is the most joyful person I know

He wants to stay and play Catan after the dishes are done He is unhurried, and I can be Mary. I can sit with Him and be unashamed. I can give Him all I’ve got, and receive what He wants to give to me.

n S A C R E D E V E R Y D A Y M A G A Z I N E P A G E 5 7
y Emilee Kurt h Emilee on d her website

come to the table

journaling invitation

Connect with Terri on Instagram or

The old wooden table wears scars like bread knife marks from my grandmother’s cutting board They remind me of places I’ve been, like times I’ve sat in shame beneath the table, settling for crumbs in relationships. But I see how Jesus transforms the scar wounds into a stunning mosaic of water flowing out of the Temple to cleanse, heal, and bear fruit.

I’m guest and participant in extending the table. I realize it’s not the mosaic that brings beauty but Christ himself, and the people he will gather.

No longer am I afraid to sit at the table. I don’t hurry to clean up in anxiety filled activity. I sit with Christ. No one else is here yet but I know he has invited people and they are on their way. It feels like Christmas.

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If Christ is the bread, I am the platter.

If Christ is the water, I am the cup He fills, I break, spill, I am a vessel -Chloe Wofford

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a week of sacred journaling

Don’t consider yourself a regular journaler? Join us for a week! You might just find the quiet space makes way for surprising revelation.

Print out the journaling pages provided and pause for a few minutes each day.

If you feel inclined, tag #SACREDjournaling and we can cheer each other on.

# S A C R E D J O U R N A L I N G
# S A C R E D J O U R N A L I N G

Numbering Joy

You’ve got to grab a pen and count gifts. You’ve got to look for the glory and hunt for the grace and laugh in the dark and seize beauty in ugly and you can lose everything but nothing can steal Jesus and He is enough and you have got to live

And I take the journal from the drawer and open the pages to count and this swallowing the richness of living, it comes in letting yourself be blessed. In the ink numbering joy…. just one saving drip at a time.

# S A C R E D J O U R N A L I N G
# S A C R E D J O U R N A L I N G


I heard it once, how a piano teacher had once stood over the white keys and had whispered it to a muddled protege: “When you are a musician and you stop counting? …it’s like running around in the forest, in the dark without a flashlight.” When you ’ re a musician and you stop counting you ’ ve lost the song ’ s way When you ’ re a follower of Christ, and you stop counting you ’ ve lost your way When you are a believer and you stop counting blessings? It’s like blindfolding yourself and wondering why everything’s black.

I opened my journal and I just took the grace that was laid out for me everywhere. I kept deliberately counting, gift after gift, and it was mineral to me The only way to keep in time with your Beloved is to keep counting blessings The most brilliant way to live is to always look for the light Ann

# S A C R E D J O U R N A L I N G

T h e o n l y a n s w e r t o G o d ' s u n e n d i n g g r a c e i s m a n ' s u n e n d i n g g r a t i t u d e W h e n y o u l i v e i n a c o v e n a n t o f g r a c e , y o u c a n ' t h e l p b u t l i v e o u t a c o v e n a n t o f g r a t i t u d e .

One Thousand Gifts Devotional and Journal a place to journal your gratitude


seeking to live a Doxology in our everyday lives

Creating Sacred Spaces at Home

Voskamp Family Butter Cake




1 cup butter or margarine

1 1/2 cup white sugar

2 cup flour

1 1/2 tsp almond extract

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

2 eggs (keep a little egg white back)

Mix all ingredients together in a medium mixing bowl Mix well

Pack in 9x13" pan

Spread egg white over top Sprinkle with almond slivers

Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.

S A C R E D E V E R Y D A Y M A G A Z I N E P A G E 7 0

a manifesto

full days to avoid frenzied days

for the


1. First things first: Word in. Work out. Work plan.

Open your eyes every morning and just do three first: Word in: Get into God's Word and let it get into you Work out: Work out Even 5 minutes of moving is better than nothing (baby steps! together we can do this!) Work plan: Write out the work plan And then work the plan

2. "What a heart knows by heart is what a heart knows"

Write your memory verses on a sticky note, on a chalkboard, for your pocket. Because when you are memorizing Scripture, quiet time with the Lord becomes all the time (Who doesn’t want that?)

3. Flame first.

Light a candle first thing in the morning

So you remember: You are the light that is put on a stand so that it gives light to everyone in the house

4.Your work is art: it needs a soundtrack

Find your music. Play your music. Sing your music. This is profound.

Vincent van Gogh said: "When sailors have to move a heavy load or raise an anchor, they all sing together to keep them up and give them vim That's just what artists lack "

5. Step on the Snake Before Breakfast

Before breakfast, crush one hard thing that is tempting you to think there are impossible things Before breakfast, crush that one thing and prove that all things are possible with God

6. Stay in the pool

Michael Phelps said it in an interview: “You’ve just got to stay in the pool longer than others.”

Set the timer Get in the pool Stay in the pool Do your work Don’t get distracted Don’t flit from one thing to another and back Don’t get out of the pool, don’t leave your work, until the timer goes

7. Clean a space = clear headspace

Keeping the workspace clean, clears your headspace to think

8 Go Slow Life Zone Life isn't an

Emergency: It's a gift.

Life's so extraordinary it warrants going slow, held in reverential awe

Only the slow see their lives Which makes it seem longer and richer

9.Make Laughter Your Chocolate

The more you laugh, the longer you live You can’t afford not to laugh more Make laughter your chocolate

10 No songs without rhythm

Every song needs a rhythm; every week needs a routine Tie certain tasks to a day or another activity Always memorize after breakfast or always make a double batch of soup on Saturday. Your life makes music when you play a string of tasks always together

11. On 25, Take 5

For every 25 minutes "in the pool" working take 5 minutes off Live by pomodoros Really Life changing

12. Unplug to plug into your purpose

Only if you want to plug into peace and purpose and your big picture then unplug for certain hours everyday

Constant connectivity effects productivity like a marijuana high

13. Watch Your Nos & Your Yeses will take Care of Themselves

Everything you say yes to, you say no to something else

Are your yeses forcing you to say no to what really want to say yes to?

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make laughter your chocolate


19. Hard Stops

14. Daily Stillness Appointment

When is your 5 minute stillness appointment everyday? Write that midday time in stone No cancellations allowed For 5 minutes midday, be still and cease striving Know He is God and the day looks very different Slow down: You only pass by this way once

15. If the Heaven’s Declare, get out there

The whole of the sky and the world is speaking endlessly of His glory

When you step outside and listen, your soul revives You need that.

You really need one walk outside a day. Even it's just out the door to get the mail or walk the dog around the block or a walk around the yard before you have to get in the car

16. Work on your Wall before Noon

Like Nehemiah who worked on rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, build your wall, building whatever God has uniquely called you to -- a particular work project, a creative project, homeschooling, homemaking, a ministry Everyday before noon, work on your wall, laying down 3 stones before noon. If you don’t intentionally work on your wall, the tyranny of the urgent can make your life a rubble heap

17 Envision the End Goal

Like God gave Abraham a vision of the stars of the sky and told him he would have that many children, hang up a picture so you always have a vision of your goal

18. Everyday, not Every Now and Then

Random acts of greatness pale in comparison to habitual acts of faithfulness

It's not what you do every now and then, but what you do everyday, that changes everything Do something at the same time everyday and you find yourself a new person

The only way to get anywhere safely is to make complete stops Make hard, complete stops at set times throughout the day to pray Otherwise you're risking a crash 9, 12, 3, on the hour, might be times to set an a gentle, chime alarm for and just stop and pray Praying at set times throughout the day is how both Jesus and the early church lived their days: God marking time

20. The Holy, Happiness Habit

{Count Gifts} Write down 3 things a day you are grateful for. Hunt for His glory. Look for the beauty. Count 1000 gifts All research says that giving thanks is guaranteed to make you 25% happier Who Doesn’t Want That ?

Thank Him for this is definitely God’s will for you in Christ Jesus Take the Joy Dare! Make right where you are your happy place

21. Ebenezers for the Efforts

Mark little milestones! Celebrate! The little things! A treat at the end of the day, end of the week, end of the project, end of the term Hang a bunting Taste something sweet Take a happy, thumbs up picture to mark your progress! Make an album of a year, of the process, of the overcoming

22. Father Affirmations

You need these everyday Whisper them aloud, who you really are if you are IN Christ:

I am complete in Christ Colossians 2:9-10

I have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ Hebrews 4:14-16

I am free from condemnation. Romans 8:1 2

23. Breathe

Breathing in and breathing out like this will radically change the quality of your life Breathe

24. Hard and Bad Day? Hot Bath

An evening routine of a hot bath at the end of the hard and bad days? Yes

25. Rest so you can have the rest of God. Sleep is more than your friend it's your God given fuel

Tomorrow always begins with the night before, so turn in early so tomorrow can turn out well

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unplug to plug in to your purpose

The full life: joyful in all, faithful in love, prayerful in work, thankful in everything

Seize the Last Gifts

S a v o r i n g s o m e t h i n ’ y o u m a d e w i t h p u m p k i n

C a t c h i n g a f a l l i n g l e a f , l a u g h i n g l i k e a c h i l d

W a l k i n g a t r a i l , u n d e r a c a n o p y o f t r e e s

S t i r r i n g a b o w l o f s t e a m i n g h o t s o u p

L i g h t i n g t h e l a s t f a l l f i r e , l i n g e r i n g w i t h f l a m e s

S i n g i n g a p r a i s e s o n g o u t s i d e a t t h e t o p o f y o u r l u n g s w i t h h a n d s r a i s e d h i g h

G a t h e r i n g u p a b o u q u e t o f l e a v e s f o r a w i n d o w s i l l W r a p p i n g h a n d s a r o u n d a s t e a m i n g c u p w h i l e w a t c h i n g a s u n r i s e

S t a n d i n g a m o m e n t u n d e r a t r e e & t h i n k i n g o f s o m e t h i n g y o u ’ r e l e t t i n g g o o f w i t h l o v e a n d g r a c e t h i s s e a s o n

L i n g e r i n g s e v e r a l m o m e n t s w i t h a s u n s e t w h i l e s i n g i n g t h e d o x o l o g y :

P r a i s e G o d f r o m w h o m a l l b l e s s i n g s f l o w

P r a i s e H i m , a l l c r e a t u r e s h e r e b e l o w

P r a i s e H i m a b o v e , y e h e a v e n l y h o s t

P r a i s e F a t h e r , S o n , a n d H o l y G h o s t



May your soul's daily habitual turns be the SACRED spiritual disciplines that keep turning your heart to see, to arrive in the arms of the WayMaker who keeps making the way, His way, to know and be one with Him, soul safe.

May you know that His arms are the safest place for all your prayers, friends.

May you hold nothing back from the God who is always making His way to you. All’s grace,

AnnExcerpt from Waymaker study guide
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S A C R E D E V E R Y D A Y M A G A Z I N E P A G E 8 1
are the safest place for all your prayers His arms

Preparing for His coming?

Christmas offerings from the farm A THRILL OF HOPE!
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Come have the Greatest little christmas
S A C R E D E V E R Y D A Y M A G A Z I N E P A G E 8 4 The Greatest Gift Unwrapping the Greatest Gift The Wonder of the Greatest Gift click each title to see more
S A C R E D E V E R Y D A Y M A G A Z I N E P A G E 8 5 heirloom, handcrafted pieces for your holiday home Handcrafted, boxed set of 25 ornaments from The Keeping Company that coordinate with Unwrapping the Greatest Gift. click here to see more!—

Aurora McGee

Illustrator of The Light Gift

This Christmas, follow the story of Leora (whose name means 'Bringer of Light' in Hebrew), a young shepherdess living near Bethlehem. As Leora journeys to meet her father and sisters in the hills with their sheep, she’s given a list of items to pick up on the way and a piece of wisdom from her mother: “Stay on the way and treat everyone as you would the coming King.”

enjoyAurora’s work at


The Night Before Advent

Twas the night before Advent when all through God’s House not a heart wasn’t stirring, not a heart wasn’t roused. His people wrapped around His Word with awe, Awaiting wonders and the fresh grace of God

The children were anxious for His Story to start, these Visions of love dancing loud in their hearts. And God in His glory, and us, in Jesus Christ, settled only for a Christmas all about Christ

When out on the streets, the frenzy came with a clatter, Yet in hearts, Joy sprang up, centered on Who matters Away from the stresses, we flew like a prayer, Simply opened our hands and made room to prepare

For the Light of the World to warm every dark space, a lustre of hope cupped in every cold place Till what to our wandering hearts should appear, Murmurings of a King and Love drawing near

In a Book of Old Pages, so Living and True, you can hear Jesus whisper, I’m coming for You Through Every Story, The King fiercely came, And He beckons you, woos you, and calls you by name!

“Come Beloved! Come Chosen! Come Special Child! Come Wanted! Come Nearer! Come Feel the King’s Smile!” From Creation’s first star to manger ’ s bright light, Unwrap His Love Story till He holds you one night

He spoke all Love’s Word, then became Word in the Skin And filled every heart that would welcome Him in And laying Himself down into manger ’ s straw, He’s Your Immanuel, With Us is God.

Advent unwraps wonder, the greatest gift ever dreamed, so come adore Him, the One who redeemed all the willing and wanting with this Advent Awe a sacred, slow Unwrapping of a season of God.

Created by Ann Voskamp Allison Byxbe Amy Wiersma Katy Rose Tara Goodman Jennifer Tucker subscribe to the email list affiliate links included on select recommendations All content © Ann Voskamp 2022

We look forward to joining you again for our next issue!

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