St. Boniface Marty Parish Bulletin, February 16, 2014

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St. Boniface Martyr Roman Catholic Church Established 1898

Serving the people of God in the communities of Sea Cliff ~ Glenwood Landing ~ Glen Head ~ Glen Cove “We are a pilgrim people on a journey toward the Kingdom of God.” Fr. Robert A. Romeo, Pastor

“So when you are offering your gift at the altar . . .first be reconciled with your brother or sister and then come offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:17-37)

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 16, 2014


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Daily Mass 8am (in the chapel) Sunday Masses: Saturday: 5pm; Sunday: 8am, 10:15am Holy Day Masses: 5pm Vigil; 8am & 7pm (in church) Special Intentions Mass 5pm first Saturday of month

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 16 Sirach 15:15-20; 1 Cor 2:6-10; Matthew 5:17-37 5pm Vigil Mass Intention: Florence Donelan 8am Mass Intention: Parishioners 10:15am Mass Intention: Shaun Brala Monday, February 17 (John Joseph Cuite) James 1:1-11; Mark 8:11-13 8am Mass Celebrant: Fr. Azubuike Tuesday, February 18 (Anne Marie Conti) James 1:12-18; Mark 8:14-21 8am Mass Celebrant: Fr. Azubuike Wednesday, February 19 (Daniel Reardon) James 1:19-27; Mark 8:22-26 8am Mass Celebrant: Fr. Bob Thursday, February 20 (Angelo D’Avino) James 2:1-9; Mark 8:27-33 8am Mass Celebrant Fr. Bob Friday, February 21 (Tony Leopardi) James 2:14-24, 26; Mark 8:34-9:1 8am Mass Celebrant: Fr. Bob Saturday, February 22 (Vincent Quercia) Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle 1 Peter 5:1-4; Matthew 16:13-19 8am Mass Celebrant: Fr. Azubuike 5pm Mass Intention: Catherine Small 5pm Mass Celebrant: Fr. Bob

`|Ç|áàxÜËá fv{xwâÄx Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 16 5pm Vigil Lector: Ministers:

Celebrant: Fr. Azubuike Kevin Kelly Katherine Miller, Debbie Mink Kathleen Van Bloem,. Irma Berkley

8am Lector: Ministers:

Celebrant: Fr. Bob Jovanna Lemonda Heather Arena, Peggy Niper, Lorraine Petschauer, Marie Agosta

10:15am Lector: Child Liturgy: Ministers:

Celebrant: Fr. Bob Laureen Feehan Pat Warner Rosemary & John Murello Jane Serpico, Tom Ryan Joe Vulpis, Scott Whitting

Capital Campaign 2014 Update

Renew & Restore the House of God “Lord, I love the House in which You dwell” Ps. 76:8 After completing two years of the campaign our pledges to date are $1,195,023. Total amount paid to date is $905,125. Payments are due as follows:  Monthly payments are due on/before February 28 First Quarter payments are due on/ before March 31 Annual/Final payments are due December 31 Credit Cards Payments continue to be processed the last day of each month. If your credit card expiration date is soon we will be contacting you or kindly email with the updated information. If you have any questions, kindly leave a message at the parish office or email We are extremely appreciative of your generosity and your continued efforts to satisfy your pledged amount. Thank you! The Campaign Committee

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CCLI Song #1562261. ©1995 Curious? Music UK. For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI license #2928359.

“Lent: Our Journey into the Heart of God” Sundays

March 9, 23 and April 13 1pm to 3:30pm St. Joseph’s Academy 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, Building #2

Presenter: Sister Mary McConnell, CSJ formerly of St. Ignatius Jesuit Retreat House

Register: by March 1 Email Sr. Mary: Include name, phone number, email, sessions

Cost: Free Will Donation

ª Come to One ~ Come to All! ª

Beginning Experience Weekend The Beginning Experience weekend is from February 28-March 2, at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore. The program helps grieving singleagain persons emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning and move into the future with renewed hope. Turn the pain of loss into an experience of positive growth. For information and reservations, call John at 822-0635, Jim at 718-474-3779, or Jean at 631-9030973. You can also email us at


PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Please pray for those who have entered into eternal life, especially Fausto Paladin.

STEWARDSHIP . . . A WAY OF LIFE Thank you for your Financial Stewardship of $7842 and $1757 for our Maintenance and Repair Fund last week Thank you for your generosity!

PRAYER GROUP Mondays 7:30pm in the Chapel. All welcome. Come and bring a friend! Call John & Rosemary Murello at 676-2767 for more information.

Placement of names on the sick list must be requested by an immediate family member through Fr. Bob. Maria Santoli

ST. BONIFACE HOLY HOUR AND BENEDICTION Wednesdays at 2pm in the Chapel.

PRAYER VIGIL FOR THE SICK Thursdays 7pm -7:30pm in the Chapel BIBLE STUDY

Lieutenant Melissa Buffa & Lieutenant Travis Buffa Petty Officer Keith Cano USCG Lance CPL Matthew B. Christman Second Lieutenant Mario Coronel, US Army. Flight Lieutenant Joseph Doyle Jake A. Hojnowski, Sailor E-3, US Navy Lance CPL Gregory Knox Captain Brett Korade, USN Lieutenant Brian McMenamin Lieutenant Ian McMenamin Private First Class Joshua McMillan Ensign Michael R. Ragusa, USN Private First Class Cole N. Muttee, U.S.M.C. Lieutenant Drew Whitting, USN Captain Christina Merrick-Wright Captain Bradley Wright, US Army .

5% DONATION “Your plenty at the present time should supply their needs so that their surplus may in turn one day supply your need.” (II Cor 8:14) If you have any “plenty” left over, please place it in an envelope marked “For Special Assistance” and Fr. Bob will make sure it is given to those “to supply their need." PLEASE PRAY about this and see what Jesus is calling you to do.

Thursdays 7:30pm in the Parish Center "I have put my hope in your word." Psalm 119:147 As we listen to Gods' word read to us at Mass, we are filled with hope and confidence that His precious word will guide us on our life journey. Our guide will be "Bringing the Gospel of St. Luke to Life", by George Martin. For more information and to order a book call John or Rosemary Murello at 676-2767.

THE CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Fridays 3pm in the Chapel “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful,” from Saint Faustina’s diary. BINGO! Fridays 7pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Glen Cove. All proceeds go to charity, including our St. Boniface Outreach Program.

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Saturdays after 8am Mass in the Chapel with the veneration of the relic of St. Catherine Labore.

LAY CARMELITES OF BLESSED TITUS BRANDSMA Third Saturdays 9am in the Parish Center Call Flora at 656-9375 or Pat at 887-7265 for details.

ROSARY Mondays-Saturdays after 8am Mass in the Chapel.


Dear Parishioners, "I tell you, unless your holiness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of God." Mt 5:20 The question of who enters the Kingdom of Heaven is one that has been asked of me by so many. Who will go to heaven and who will not I can never answer. That answer is reserved to God alone and given over to His mercy and compassion. BUT...we can look to the Scriptures to find out what we need to do to accept the message of Jesus, which we know is the key to entrance into eternal life. Today in the Gospel we are given a glimpses into the mind of God and hence the answer to entry into the Kingdom of God. Jesus uses the Pharisees and scribes as a negative model. To be received into life everlasting we need to NOT act like these people. So what do we know about them? We know that Jesus is very hard on them and they are often vilified in Sacred Scriptures. This condemnation comes because as we know from the words of Jesus, "to whom much is given much is expected." These leaders knew the Scriptures and were certainly versed in the law of the prophets. Yet it was not the message they held onto but the letter of the law. They prided themselves in embracing the externals of faith but for many it did not move to that deeper level that Jesus came to preach. It is hearing the Law and relating it to the heart that it becomes more then just words to follow but rather a way of life to embrace. In their inability or refusal to take that next step, the Pharisees missed the mark and they are judged as ones to whom much was given but who fell short. Our Gospel today warns us that it is not enough to simply follow the Law to gain eternal life. For us to be worthy of the Kingdom, we need to know WHY the Law was given. In understanding the mind of God we can see what God asks of us. Remember, our Christian Life must be journey that deepens our understanding of God's purpose for us in Jesus. So to receive Eternal Life we need to know the heart of Jesus. The images in the Gospel are sometimes brutal but teach a deeper message. So if any part of you sins...remove it. It is not enough not to act in lust or anger but to remove it from our hearts. Coming to Mass to worship the Lord is great of course but if we hold onto grudges and cannot forgive we have lost the true meaning of what we do in Church. These may seem like difficult teachings but St Paul reminds us today that they are "beyond the mind of men and woman" but are "revealed by God through the Holy Spirit." So if God has revealed them we know that the Holy Spirit will give us the grace and power to live them if we are open to that grace. The Old Testament prophet Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus) reminds us that we have been given a choice of life or death and whatever we choose shall be given to us. So who goes to heaven - I don't know - but I do know we have the choice to be saved and live the life of Jesus or to reject it. But it takes a conversion of heart. What actions or mindsets need to be removed so that you may know God in this life and be with Him in the life to come? What is your choice: life or death? In Jesus, Fr. Bob


 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Breaking Bad, the highly acclaimed AMC television series in which a desperate and dying chemistry teacher decides to become a producer of methamphetamine to make sure his family is cared for, is a modern morality tale that illustrates the destruction and death that are the consequences of making wrong choices, or “breaking bad,” as it were. With each ill-conceived decision it becomes easier to make the next until you become so turned around that you completely lose your moral compass. Take the time to map out your choices to see where they will lead-—and then choose the path of righteousness.

 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 The life of faith rarely lacks testing and doubt, however desirable it would be to do without those things. Complications and setbacks, being part of faith, should not, however, cause you to abandon it. Abraham Lincoln, whom Americans remember today, told a group of Presbyterian leaders in Baltimore in 1863: “Amid the greatest difficulties of my administration, when I could not see any other resort, I would place my whole reliance on God, knowing that all would go well, and that he would decide for the right.” Sometimes the best response to a crisis of faith is . . . more faith.

 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 As any baker will tell you, a small amount of leaven— yeast—goes a long way, working its effect on a much larger mass of dough. For this reason Jews of Jesus’ age saw the fermentation process brought on by leaven as a metaphor for a corrupting influence, something that in excess would overflow its container. Jesus warned his disciples to be on guard against the “leaven” of leaders—religious or political—who sought to manipulate the people by exercising authority beyond its proper bounds. Jesus had a healthy skepticism about authority not grounded in humility and respect. A wise attitude, history teaches us.

 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Public leaders used to be accused sometimes of being fuzzy on “the vision thing.” Do they have a plan, or are they merely rushing around to a lot of meetings and getting their pictures taken? Self-reflection requires you

to ask the same question of yourself. Are you stumbling through your life reacting randomly to events as they come, or do you have clear goals and values? Compassion and single-heartedness comprise the Christian life. All the rituals of faith prepare you for this.

 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Christian faith offers a remarkable insight: Don’t judge others, because if you do you call down God’s judgment on yourself—as if your behavior is so unblemished to take that risk. Judging others, though, takes other forms than out-and-out condemnation. It’s also involved in making unjust distinctions, like favoring the rich and powerful because, well, they’re wealthy and influential. That favoritism lacks justice because it comes at the expense of the poor. Avoid not only judging others but also judging between others.

 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 What does it mean to lose your life for the sake of the gospel? Each of us has to answer that question, but certainly it involves letting go of some of the selfserving patterns of behavior you acquire in life. It’s not “all about me”—we are in this together. That doesn’t mean you don’t take good care of yourself; it means you find a way also to take good care of others. You don’t have to seek martyrdom, but you do have to accept some of the “little deaths” that come every day from sacrificing something for the well-being of others. As the author C. S. Lewis had one of his characters put it, “Die before you die. There is no chance after.”

 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle Like a number of Christian celebrations, the Feast of the Chair of Peter has its roots in an older nonChristian religious observance, the Parentalia, when people would set out an empty chair to honor a deceased family member or friend. In today’s feast, however, the church looks not to an empty chair but to an occupied one, and what we remember is not an absent figure but a living presence, the leadership and teaching position of Saint Peter in the early church and what that has come to symbolize. May Peter’s chair serve to remind you of the contributions you can make to supporting healthy and effective leadership— practice some yourself. ©2014 by TrueQuest Communications. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from

Pastoral Team


Pastor: Fr. Robert A. Romeo E-mail:

There will be NO youth group this Sunday. The next meeting will be on February 23, immediately following the 10:15am mass for an afternoon of Midnight Run preparations. All 8-12 graders are welcome. On March 1st we will be the hands of Christ as we travel into New York City and hand deliver clothes and food to the less fortunate. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. For an updated schedule of youth group events join our Facebook page ‘St. Boniface Martyr Youth Group or email the youth minister, Chris, at St. Vincent de Paul Society In the Gospel, Jesus says, “Whoever fulfills and teaches these commands, shall be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.” By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you indeed put your faith into action as you fulfill the commands of Jesus. Thank you for all your support! Furniture and financial donations are always welcome. You are too! Come join the St. Vincent de Paul Society and be a communal part of your parish. Call 822-3132.

SPIRITUALITY FOR SINGLES 8:30pm ~Saturday, March 1

St. Aidan Parish, 510 Willis Avenue, Williston Park Gathering for singles: discussion, meditation, socialization. $5 donation - snacks, pizza and beverages Contact: Ray 561-6994 or

FK G j|ÇÇxÜá February 8 ~ $25: Andreas Schizas, Glen Cove February 9 ~ $25: Maureen Kenney, Sea Cliff February 10 ~ $25: Sheila Breen, Glenwood Landing February 11 ~ $25: Dan Brady, Chicago, IL February 12 ~ $25: Joseph Miller, Smithtown February 13 ~ $25: Kathleen Haley, Sea Cliff February 14 ~ $25: Joseph Schmitt, Glen Head Tickets are in the church vestibule & parish center.

In Residence: Fr. Azubuike Deacon Tom Fox: Music: Jeffrey Schneider E-mail: All Saints Regional Catholic School (ASR) Principal: The Very Reverend Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg. Joanne Fitzgerald, Dean 12 Pearsall Avenue, Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 676-0762. Website: Religious Education: Karen Croce Phone: (516) 671-0418; E-mail: Youth Ministry: Chris Mandato Email: Parish Outreach: Jerry Moran & Kevin O’Shea Parish Center. Wednesdays & Saturdays. 10 am-1pm Phone: (516) 676-0676. Business & Finance: Eileen Krieb E-mail: Administration: Joan Schiller E-mail: Bulletin Editor: Julie Byrne. E-mail: Deadline: Noon Monday unless otherwise noted. For best results email before Monday. Website: Webmaster: Robert Lynch Maintenance: Anacleto Rivera: 516-676-0676 Parish Center: 145 Glen Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579 (516) 676-0676 / Fax: (516) 674-6742 E-mail: / Office Hours: 9am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-4:30pm, Monday-Friday Parish Registration: We welcome all new members of our parish family. We ask all parishioners to welcome and invite new neighbors and their families to become a part of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parish registration (census) forms available by the main doors of the church and in the parish office for new members. Please return completed forms to the parish office. Baptism: Parents wishing to present a child for Baptism should be registered members of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parents are required to have a Baptism Preparation Interview and attend a Baptism class. Baptisms are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. Godparents must be fully initiated members of the Catholic Church (having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), and provide a sponsor certificate. Please call 676-0676 to pre-arrange. Marriage: Couples wishing to be married should call the parish office before any other arrangements are made. A minimum of six months is needed for marriage preparations. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): An ongoing process of formation for those who ever wonder if they should become “Catholic”. If interested, call Fr. Bob at 676-0676. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays 4pm-4:45pm in church.

ALL SAINTS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL FAITH - FOUNDATION -FUTURE February 2014 What’s New at ASR! and dignitaries were honored at this dazzling event. Honorees included Msgr. James Pereda, Marie Agosta, Mario and Linda Reali and Alfred and Maryanne Small. The event was a perfect culmination of At the Headmaster’s Ball! Catholic Schools Week Our Parish's Catholic bringing together the school recently contin- “All Saints Family", a ued a gala tradition by family which joins our parish in support for celebrating the 2nd Annual Headmaster’s Catholic education through our words, Ball. The Venetian Masquerade themed deeds, and financial ball took place at the support. Glen Cove Mansion. Several local families

About our School: All Saints Regional Catholic School combines the heritages of a century of Catholic education among the Catholic parishes on the North Shore. ASR combines that proud heritage with a new preparatory school model and the latest innovations in instruction and technology. Drawing students from its five founding parishes and beyond, All Saints’ dynamic leadership and outstanding faculty of men and women enthusiastically embody the school’s mission of offering children a positive, safe and healthy learning environment in which they can gain a foundation for future academic success, personal achievement, social commitment and character formation.

Day, Earth Day, Cinco de Once a month, our unique Mayo and the Feast of St. ASR ST.A.R.S.* (*Study, Ac- Anthony. tivities, Recreation and Service) Afterschool Program sponsors a "Fun Friday" party with cultural and religious themes for students right after school.

This month over thirty students celebrated Chinese New Year, enjoying traditional and party food, a DJ, a Chinese New Year Lion Dog Dance Parade, crafts, dancing and more!

12 Pearsall Ave, Glen Cove

Did you know...  That ASR is the only school in the

Diocese headed by a Priest as its Headmaster?

 That each ASR student’s enjoys

a substantial tuition subsidy?  That additional tuition assis-

tance is available to the children of many middle-income families?

 That all our middle school relig-

ion classes are taught by Pastors of our local parishes and other Priests?

 That the dramatic academic and

institutional initiatives undertaken at ASR over the past two years have resulted in a dramatic increase in enrollment, bucking regional trends?

Open Houses: Monday, March 3

7 - 9 pm

Monday, March 24

7 - 9 pm

YOUR child Here comes the dragon!!

Students wait to greet the Dragon Parade! with a lot of noise


Learn more about ASR at our upcoming

Also this past month….

Themes include Chinese New Year, St. Patrick’s

During the party, the children learned many things about the Lunar New Year.

Members of middle school DJ Club provide music for Fun Friday Parties. Enjoying a traditional meal.

(or grandchild!) Can be a STAR at ASR!



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