Entering the Second Century of Catholic Education on the Gold Coast

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All Saints Regional Catholic School

Entering the Second Century of Catholic Educa on on Long Island’s Gold Coast Anniversary Celebra ons and Support Appeal September, 2014 ‐ June, 2016

a treasured heritage on the Gold Coast September, 2015 marks the beginning of the second century of Catholic Educa on on the Gold Coast of Nassau County. All Saints Regional Catholic School and our local parishes will be celebra ng the Silver Jubilee of ASR and centenary of our school building during two full school years:  September 2014 – June, 2015: All Saints Regional Catholic School’s 25th school year and the 100th year of Catholic educa on at our school building;  September, 2015 – June, 2016: September 2015 is the 25th Anniversary of the founding of ASR and the 100th Anniversary of the founding St. Patrick School. Our Catholic school building was the first one constructed on the North Shore of Nassau County. The heritage of Catholic educa on pioneered by St. Patrick’s in this area was expanded through the 20th Century with the establishment of Catholic schools at the nearby parishes of St. Boniface Martyr, St. Hyacinth and St. Mary. The combined heritages of those schools and of St. Rocco Parish are now embodied at All Saints Regional Catholic School

of Catholic Educa on on the North Shore The Second Century Appeal During our anniversary celebra ons we will be launching a major fundraising appeal with the object of preparing our school to enter the “The Second Century of Catholic EducaƟon on the Gold Coast”. The appeal includes the establishment of three funds:

The Centennial Fund

The Parish Heritage Fund

The Family Heritage Fund

An appeal for specific donatAn appeal targeted to members ed amounts earmarked for of each of our cons tuent parishReserved to major donors par cular needs, or for ASR’s es and the alumni of the four forinterested in underwri ng general needs, payable at the major capital improvemer schools subsumed into All donor’s op on either all at ments to specified areas of Saints Regional. Dona ons are once or in yearly, quarterly or our school. monthly installments over a earmarked to underwrite specific The area chosen by each improvements to defined areas of period of two years. donor will be prominently the building, with those parts of the building to be named a er the and permanently named a er that donor in suppor ng parishes and to merecogni on of their morialize the heritage of each of outstanding dedica on to our founding schools. Signage launching Catholic educaand historical displays from each on in our area into parish will be installed. its Second Century.

The Centennial Fund An appeal for specific donated amounts earmarked for par cular needs, payable at the donor’s op on either all at once or in yearly, quarterly or monthly installments over a period of two years.

DonaƟon Opportunity


Roof replacement:


Repair of Cloisters:


Refurbishment of Lavatories:

$15,000.00 per lavatory

Refurbishment of Cloisters door:


Refurbishment of front door:


Refurbishment of terrazzo floor:

$5,000.00 per area

Installa on of a Smart Board:

$6,000.00 per board

Refurbishment of fire escapes:

$3,000.00 per fire escape

Classroom air condi oning:

$2,000.00 per unit

Refurbishment of classroom doors:

$1,000.00 per door

Installa on of classroom storage:

$1,000.00 per room

The Parish Heritage Fund An appeal targeted to members of each of our five cons tuent parishes and the alumni of the four former schools subsumed into All Saints Regional. Dona ons are earmarked to underwrite specific improvements to defined areas of the building, with those parts of the building to be named a er the suppor ng parishes and to memorialize the heritage of each of the old schools, as follows. Signage and historical displays from each parish will be installed: St. Patrick AdministraƟve Wing – entranceway and offices, 1st Floor; St. Rocco Wing – 1st floor primary grades classrooms; St. Boniface Hall – Middle School classrooms, top floor; St. Mary Annex – early childhood sec on, N, PreK and K classrooms; St. Hyacinth Media Center – Library, Computer Center and Art Room; Alumni Passage – The passage and tunnel to the Cafeteria – line the walls with group portraits of each gradua ng class from ASR and historic photos of parish schools’ alumni.

The Family Heritage Fund Reserved to major donors interested in underwri ng major capital improvements to specified areas of our school. The area chosen by each donor will be prominently and permanently named a er that donor in recogni on of their outstanding dedica on to launching Catholic educa on in our area into its Second Century. Family Heritage OpportuniƟes:

 Gymnasium: Our gym needs to be totally refurbished with a newly installed floor, entranceway, windows, doors, scoreboard, ligh ng, outlets and athle c equipment.  Cafeteria: Our cafeteria needs a refurbished ceiling and ligh ng, walls and floor, as well as doors, windows and a universal access ramp.  Elevator: What elevator? EXACTLY.

Proposed Anniversary Celebrations, Alumni Events and Related Fundraising Sept. 2014 – June 2016 June, July, August 2014

September 2014

Preparations: Distribute preliminary information about the Second Century Appeal and anniversary events and upcoming events. Prepare PowerPoint presentation and/or video promoting the School, the Appeal and the significance of the anniversaries. Formal Launch of program at Cloisters cocktail party and/or Dean’s Dinner.

October 2014

Alumni “Back to Class” Day: On a Saturday, invite prominent ASR and Parish Alumi for a day of education and career insights. Have them present classes in their areas of expertise or presentations about their careers, followed by a cocktail party. No admission charge BUT make Second Century Appeal presentation and distribute materials and gather names for the Alumni database.

Through 2014-16

History: Prepare a museum-style display on the history of Catholic Education on the Gold Coast, accompanied by a published history? Might the North Shore Historical Society, within walking distance of the school, host it? Make publication available for sale. Related question: Can we appeal to people who don’t otherwise have an interest in supporting ASR or Catholic education, but who might be interested in restoring and preserving an historic and prominent landmark in Glen Cove? - Focus on the Cloisters? Conference: Sponsor a conference on Catholic Education in the 21st Century?

Through 2014-16

Alumni: In addition to the Alumni events listed elsewhere in this table: 1. 2.



December 2014

We have started an ASR Alumni Association, with a Facebook Page; we formally inducted each of this year’s graduates as part of the Awards Ceremony. We have actively contributing posts and material to Facebook pages maintained by St. Patrick and St. Boniface Alumni, and have started a database using the names gleaned there. Facebook is an invaluable source. The “Classmates” website is another. We’ve been contacted by the Glen Cove High School Alumni Association who wish to attend Mass at St. Patrick’s as part of a Reunion, since a number of their members were students at St. Patrick’s or ASR, or members of the parish while they attended Glen Cove Public Schools. They were interested in being included in the anniversaries celebrations. We have begun lining up alumni from the old parish schools to explore hosting “come back to school” gatherings of people who would like to tour their old school buildings; possible attend Mass on a Saturday evening followed by a cocktail party at the particular parish. No admission charge BUT make Second Century Appeal presentation and distribute materials and gather names for the Alumni database.

Year-end giving promotion: Emphasize the tax advantage of year-end giving to the Second Century Appeal

January 9, 2015 (1/9/15)

Turn Back the Clock Day. Have ASR students, teachers staff, parents and alumni guests experience a day of throwback rules, customs, dress and scheduled events a day of throwback rules, customs, dress and scheduled events.

February 1, 2015

Headmaster’s Ball: Celebrate the anniversaries and show video presentation.

Open House and Catholic Schools Week January 25, 2015

Highlight the anniversaries in our publicity and events.

September 10, 2015

Schedule a video and presentation of the Second Century appeal; highlight proposed improvements hoped for to the physical plant.

Alumni Back to School Day Reenact the First Day of School (do this on the first day of school year 2015 – 16, or is that too much – but it is the actual anniversary – or is it better to do on the day when we have our opening Mass? When DID school open in 1915? The Sisters noted a few times in the archives that they “came to St. Patrick Parish on September 4, 1915.” That was a Saturday and “They opened School a few days later”. Labor Day that year was on September 6th. Did they open on Tuesday, September 7, 1915? September 7, 2015 is Labor Day. School archives show that this series of events took place for many years on the opening day of school years: 1. Students attended a Mass of the Holy Spirit, (celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form?) 2. Students processed to flagpole (formerly located on the hill in front of the school, before the present entranceway was constructed – not a bad place for a flagpole and looks very dramatic in the old photos: can we get a new pole donated and installed there? Flag Day, June 14, 2015 – appeal to Knights of Columbus?) where the flag was blessed and raised and the students sang the Star Spangled Banner, accompanied by the school band. 3. Then the students proceeded to their classrooms where they were formally promoted.

Autumn, 2015

!!! GALA 25/100th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION EVENT !!!! Major Journal – pull out ALL the stops.

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