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North Bute Town, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Residential Project 2019
A homeless shelter emphasizing on degrees of privacy and raising awareness towards this vulnerabe social group
1. Form and shape of design are decided according to the main design focuses, permeability and hirearchy of spaces
2. Raise the building to four storey to strike a balance between providing sufficient spaces and blending into the surroudings

3. Levels of private and public gardens are raised and lowered respecitvely in accordance to their hirearchy of spaces needed
4. First floor of the buildings are raised to create a semi-private garden which grab the attentions of visitors from the city centre

Degree of privacy is the main focus of this project as the homeless need a sense of belonging but they also need to be linked to the outside world in some way to reconnect themselves back to society. Therefore, unique spatial configurations like creating multiple levels are used. Additional communal spaces are designed to encourage interactions between the public and the residents to resolve barriers. Lastly, the geometric shapes and hollow design make a bold statement and help to raise awareness towards the usually forgotten and vulnerable social group.
5. All the blocks are linked together to ensure accessibility within the building
6. Geometric shapes provides linkage to the original Ty Gobeith building