
Page 1




aru aneal 'll^aq, 'prps snsa{ '}uar}pdurr Sur.uor8 ,



a,rr8 1r^{ L


dFsea dn a.Lr8 lou plp

l^ap aql, ,'lsal aLIl ol poD 1nd o1 1q3rr lou sI lI, spJo-tt qllm rrrlr-l paraMsu€ snsal uIeBV aLI os

,'urJeLI ruoJJ no,{


1l,r,t s1a8ue

,'poD {q ua>lods pro.r.t drala paau lnq'auolp peaJq uo aArAJns louu€J a1doa4, 'pres qorq.rt arnldurs Jo sprom aql palpadar snsa{ 'd1dar u1 ,'pPJlq oluL no,{ punore sauols ar{} urn} /poD Jo uos aql paapur are nod il, 'ruFI ol pres Ir^ap aql pue ',{;8unq .{la,r. se,r.r snsa{ slqglu pue s.{ep .,firoy rol 3ur1se1 .ral1v'r.uq }drua} ot auref, Ir^ap aLI} arall^ ]rasap aqt olul lrrrd5 {1og aql .{q pa1 se-tl snsa{

t-t:f) ltarlltel\ lg ;o 1adso3


y ledsog

aLIl LuorJ Surpear

luet lo

lsr!l ^epunS

'+slrqf snsal pro-l'nol, ol asr€rd .,{e,r,r

{rlunor u-\\o rraql ol {lpq


'snsa{ 1nq 'uaas uaaq ralau spr{ po3 'L{lnr} pue acer8 srq pue s113 duBru a.rralar azw lpql 1srrq3 snsa{

q8norq+ sl ll tnq 'sasoJ4 g8norql .llel s,poD pallaf,ar aM ,,'palsrxa dpearle ar{ asnpraq 'aru aro1aq passed serl 'aru spaaJf,ns oq^^4. aH,, 'ptes I uali.tt ;o alods I LuoLIM auo aq] sl sF{L :pr€s ar{ pue ssaullM slLI aq ol auer uqo{ 'LI]ru] pup af,erE Jo IInJ sr oLI^,r

'uog dpo srq ol raqleC aqt dq ua.Lr8 .{ro13 slq ,lres aM 'sn Suotue upru e se pa^II aq pu€ qsag aureraq proM aql

'Jlaslurq poD

'poD ]o uarplrqr aruof,aq o1 1q31.r atp a,te8 aLI LuIt{ a^rarar plp or{,v\ asoql oI 'ruq }darre pu pp daql pue aldoad umo srq ol arue) aH 'rur-Ll MouT +ou prp plrom arp la{ pue 'rul{ q8no.rql pal€arJ plrom aql uI s€.M aH





a,r.r8 o1 plrom aL[l olur Sunuor se-r.t s€M tq8rl lear aLII ']Llgli aql lou s€.4\ aq q8noqt ua^o 'rurll Jo asneJaq alarlaq plnom sraq+o +eql os lq8l aq+ roJ ssalql-l,t e aq o+ 'uqo{ palpr ueur e luas poD

oq^ proM

,'Lun-[ rnouor{ prre oB uEJ oo} IuaLIJ tu]q aJaLI.\\ aur [a] pup >lJeq aruoJ ]sntu no^ ]nq'plllll

/uaq] o] pres aLI uar{J srLI] rol Llrr€as o] nod .no1ie [r^,1 L 'pareadde +srg per{ r€}s ali} uaq,u.,(11rexa Luli 11a] o] ruaq] palsp pup 'd1a1e,rrrd uaru asrm arll roJ luas porapl Sury ,ilaersl aldoad du praqdaqs e 'aLuo) III,tt Japeal e nod r.uo;; roy 'satltr ueaepn{ Suoue luelrodur }spal aLI} lou are 'eaepn{ ur Luaqalqlag 'no.{ puy, :ual}rrM peq slaqdo;d ar{l roc 'para^ .sup Laql ,'Luaqapliag ul Lrroq aq IIIM aq leql slaqdord aql dq plolarot uaaq ser.[ ]L 'LrrES aq ,'Luoq aq IIrM'3ur,1 pa11er-os aql 'pllq) srql arall.lL aur llal, 's.rasr^pe sq roJ ]uas aLI os ,buq aq o+ asla auo - rr.rr. 1r.rL,-rr i,uplp aLI asneJaq Palqnorl ,(1+ear3 se^,\. poraH 'drqsro.,r,r o] auror peq {aql uror{..rt s rrai aql io 3ur1 Lrroqmau aLIl puIJ plnor .,(aq] araq-rt Lrrr.raH :r-rrr) p.r)sP plr€ tualesnra{ ol palla^EJ} }seg aLIl LUtrr] Lriru icr.\\ aluos 'puEI al{l palnJ poJaH bul) UaLIM .ro1


LtI LI.\!OI llel'us e /LuaqaF{}ag ur uroq servt snsa{

;I-l:ir \\aqttel\

ol lr{3[


'lr auroJJa^o ra^au plnoJ ssauTrep oql pue 'ssalDpep aql LuorJ ]no saulr{s }t{3q aql 'aldoad 11e roy /proM aql urorJ arupJ aJII tq311 aql se.\r aJrl slrl] pue IIV 'rurq q8no:ql palpar) ara.tt s8urq] 11e 'Suruur8aq dran al{l Luo.rl poJ se^{ proM aql pue lpoD q}l^4. se^^ proM aql 'palsrxa .{pearle proM ar{l 'ar.ul} Jo SuruurBaq aq} }V


uLIoI lS 1o 1adso3 aL[] ruorJ Surpea.r


'q::-ir.u pr.ru asurJurxuer;'p1o8 1o sgr8 turq a.le8 {aql 'uuq drqs;o,rr ol saaLDI rraql o] Suripy'pue'.{o[ pue rapuom qtr-\r pallg a.ra,l,r daql 'snsa{ qtr.tt fte1atr punol .{aq1 a.raq.u 'a'-cnoLl € .ra,ro dols o1 pareadde ll 1pun rels lq8rrq arp pa.\\ollol ,{aq1 ',{aurno{;raq} uo ureSe JJo }as uatu asrM ar{J



l5 1o 1adso2 aLIt tuorJ Surpeary


'g 'V) seulsrrqJ



^epuns 'lslrqJ snsaf prol'no,{ 'pro"I

aLIl Jo




laosoD ar{} sl s}qJ,

/peq aq} ,'slepues srq d.rre;r ol uala ,{quorr.t }ou ure I pu€ tuorl poo8 aLI] lros IIIl,r aH '1r.rrdg dlog aql rFI^ as4deq

il,!\ ar{ pue 'aru ra11e Surruor sr 1ryra-r.tod aJour auoaruos 1nq'arueluadar rnod;o u8rs e se ra+€.lt LIIrM no.,( asqdeq 1 'paurnq pup umop lnr aq IIrM llnr; ppq sarnpord tprq,tt aa.r1 duy 'ruerlerqv Jo sluppuarsap are nod asneraq pa^es aq 1ir,r,r nod ]eLIl or-unsse tou op pue /poD ol IJeq urnl pue luadag, :Surure.tr sn{l Luaq+ a.le8 aq 'uqo{ ol aurpJ saaJnppps pue saasrJelld aLI] Jo auos UaLIM

'pasrldeq aq o+ pue suls rIaLIl ssaJuor ol ur1ti o1 fe,r.t rraql ap€ur aldoad pue 'uepro{ pue eaepn{ lnoq8norq+ peards uqof ;o smau uoos 'uasap aql u1 8u!t1 sarnlearf, pue dauoq uo panrl aLI pue 'llaq raqleal e qll,\r a1pp1u aq] punore paualseJ leoJ rrer{-laurer aldturs e aro,r.r uqo{

,,,'pro-Iaql ro1 qled tqgrprls e arcdat4,, 'uasap ar{t ur }no V, :pr€s oq.la. qeresl laqdord aql dq plolaroJ uaaq peq Sunuor srg 'aldoad aqt ol qreard o1 ue3aq pue lrasap ueaepn{ aql ur pareadde urlo{ paller ueur V sllef, af,rol

(ZI-I:€) ,ltaLlltet l t5;o 1adso3

aLIl LuorJ Surpear




() 'g 'V) prol aql 1o {ueqdrd= eql



{aq} os 'aruled s,poJaH

o] urnlal ol ]ou Luporp € uI ruall+ paurem la8ue uy



dpo srq

'prol aql 1o 1adso3 aqt sl sltlJ,



,'lrearl s,raLIleC s1{ o} asoir dra,r sr aq asn€Jaq'aroJaq Ja^au se sn ol u.^^ou) poD ap€Lu SELI 'uos pa^olaq


s,poD leq] sn slla+ arnldrng asnef,aq'1r aaord ol umop llasrnod ^,\ol-[] uaq], 'pres lr^ap aLI] ,'po3 Jo uos aq] are no.{ y1, '1urod lsaq8rq str uo pools ,{aqi reqlaSol pue tualesnra{ ur aldrrral ar{l o} snsa{ Tool Ir^ap aql uarlJ





-,-- w,1 -!uL1 d.1+ aLI] ot snsal loo]



11, ,{ro13 rraq} IIe ur plrom or{} Jo sluop yo,"'vqs aLI araqm Lll€lunour q8rq e yo do1

no^ o] asaql lo

,'aur drqsro.u



'pro'I aLIl;o 1adso3 or{l sI sIr{J


(y) luenpy Jo

puores ^epuns


alone! For Scripture te1ls us to worship God and serve only him.'

Finally the devil left Jesus, and angels appeared to take

vest is ready to reap. Whoever gathers in this harvest will have eternal life, and the one who sows and the one who reaps will celebrate together.'

care of him.

When they heard what Jesus had told the woman at the

This is the Gospel of the Lord Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ

well, many of the Samaritans believed in him. After convincing Jesus to stay in their town for a few days, the Samaritans said to each other, 'Now we have heard him for ourselves, we know that he is indeed the Saviour God promised to send.'

Third Sunday of Lent (A)

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (4:5-42)

to a Samaritan tou'n called Sychar and stopped to rest about midda\. at a place known as 'Jacob's well'. While his disciples went into the town to buy food, Jesus waited beside the well, and before long a woman came there to dran- l'ater. When Jesus asked the woman for a drink she u'as taken by surprise


Jesus came

Fourth Sunday

because Jews and Samaritans rarely spoke to each other.

A reading from the Gospel of St Johl (9:7-11) One day Jesus saw a blind man begging by the roadside. The man had been blind since birth and the disciples asked Jesus, 'Master, is he blind because of sins committed by himself or his parents?'

'Surely, sir, you are a Jer,r.,' she said. 'So why do you ask me, a Samaritan, for a drink?' ]esus said to he1, 'If you kneu, me, it would be you asking me for a drink, because I r,r.ould give you living water.'

The woman was puzzled and asked him, 'The well is deep and you have no bucket, so horv could you reach this "living" water?' Jesus said, 'When you

drink the water from this rvell, your thirst always returns. Anyone who drinks the water that I can give will never be thirsty again. This water will become a spring inside them and fill them with eternal life.' The woman saicl to him, 'Sir, share this water with me so that I never feel thirsty again.' |esus talked to the woman about her five previous husbands and the man she now lived with, ut-ta he told her many things about herself that no other person knew, and she was amazed. Then the woman said to Jesus, 'I see you are a prophet from God, whom we Samaritans worship in our own Temple instead of the Temple in Jerusalem.'

'It is not important where vou "his worship, but how you worship Cod. Through Spirlt people will worship him in the way they should.' The u'oman said to Jesus, 'I know that one day every-

Jesus said to her,

thirrg will be explained bv the Messiah who is co-ing.' fesus said to he4,'Even now he is speaking to you. I am he.' Just then the disciples returned, and although they were surprised to see Jesus talking to a Samaritan womary they said nothing. Leaving her jar by the welf she ran to tell the people in the town everything the stranger had said to hel and they began to make their way to the well to meet him.

Meanwhile, the disciples encouraged Jesus to eat some of the food they had brought for him, ancl were puzzled when he said to them, 'i alreadv have food r,r,hich vou do not know about.' Then he explained to them, 'When I complete the work of the one who sent me, and do his r.'r'i11, then that rs my food. You know that the harvest only begins when the crops are ready. Look around you, and see how the har368


Lent (A)


Jesus answered, 'Neither


is true! This man was born

so that the power of God could be seen working

through him. I am the Light of the World, and we must do Cod's work rvhile we still can.' Then he bent down and made a paste with some spittle and a 1itt1e mud. He put this on the man's eyes and said to him, 'Go to the Pool of Siloam and wash your eyes./ The man did this and to his amazement found that he could see! The people of the town could not believe it. 'Is this really the blind beggar?' they asked. Some said, 'Yes, it is', but others disagreed and said, 'No, but he resembles him.' The crowd took the beggar to the Pharisees to tell them

what had happened. The Pharisees argued amongst themselves. 'No man of God would do such a thing on the Sabbathl' some said, but others answered, 'No sinner could do such an extraordinary thingl'

Many of the people doubted that the man had really been born blind, so they sent for his parents to see what explanation they could give. 'Yes, this is our son,' they

said, 'and he was born blind but now he can see. Onlv he can explain how this has happened, so ask him. He;s old enough to answer for himself.' So they sent for the beggar again and asked him. 'Who is this man you say cured you?'

'I do not know where he came from or who he is, but I know that he made me see. Unless this man was sent by God he could not have done such a marvellous thing.' The Pharisees grew angry with the man and shouted, 'Do not try to teach us when you are nothing but a sinner yourself,' and they banned him from the synagogue. Later Jesus found him sitting alone" 'Do you believe in the Son of Man?' he asked. Yes, sir,

I believe in him, but I do not know him,'


answered. Jesus said, 'You can see

him for he is speaking to you.'

At once the man fell to his knees and said.'Lord. I believe in you!'


gul{l sll}oll Ielrnq Lrsull olll t{1l,rr 'paQF)sap pELl dre1,rtr se lsnf lr puno] puE qLuol aLIl ol u€J 'uLIoI ',aldrJsrP raliloul? puE .Ialad

'lslrqJ snsaf Prol'nod o1 as;er4 'pro"I aql;o ladso3 arll sl sltiJ

,ilulq lnd a^eLI ,iat1] araq.n rrtou{ l,uop alt pue qluol aril urorJ pro'I ar{]

.{aqt pue ',{ep teqt pauaddeq lEqM 'r,res aldoad dueyq 'quol aql LuorJ paTle^\ pue /sqlolr IErrnq ur padder.'r/ 11qs 'pareadde snrezel JualuazeruB s,auo.{ra,ta o1

peLi LITTLIM Lltolr


pr-rnor3 aql uo

uaIE] a^eLI .,(aq1, '8ur.{es saldDsrp al-il ol u€r aq5 dldura sE^\ qurol aql pue .,(erte pa11or uaaq PeLI auols aql leql ,\,\es aqs 'arue.qua aql paLIJeaJ aLIS sV ql-uol aLI] o] ]uaM epp8e6 1o .,fte4 Suturour ,{epun5 aLI} uo aslruns aroJag

y ladsoo

(6-I:02) ur{o{ }S;o 1adso3 aLI} urorJ Surpear

'poD ol aq s)lu€ql 'proT



proM aql sI srLIJ

'arueu srtl i a^eLi rtaql surs ue,trSro; r{SnoJLIl od aql IIr^\ snsaf 1o ra-'. ur sa^arlaq ra^aoLIM 'plro,\{ aLIl ol s+{} IIal o} sn plo} sPLi aLI Pue 'uol+)arJnsar slLI rau€ LUrLI t{ll-\t )ulrp puE pooJ pareqs oA€Ll or\ laldoad asoq] are aM 'po3 ,{q ues € ol pe.reedde aq pu€ aJIT o] u-tq pasr€r -oqr aidoad ^4.4J po3 's.{ep aarlll raUV ssor) € uo Ll}eop o} tuFI lnd daql puP sSurql asaql IIP pass.rull-\\ 1 pue spuarrJ '{141, ^\oLI 'lJIs slll Furlear-1 pue pooS Surop lL-roqe y.rrdg ,i1o11 aq] Jo :a-rrod alll qll-\\ Palp] sP.\\ pue lua-\r aH 'aalrl€! ur Surqrea-rd upi-aq oll.\\ 'qla.IpzE\ lo snsal

'snse{ ur pa^aIIaq

/aJro^ pnol e ur ]no palleJ ,ilno auoJ 'sntezea, aLI ualll'a^arlaq pup aas aldoad asall] laT 'aru ol ualsrl s.,(e,u1e no.'{ leql ltoLDI I rol 'no,{ 1ue{} I taqleC, 'pa.'(erd snsa{'ua,reaq o1 dn Surlool 'pue 'pIPs ari se PIp ,{aqf oS /'aur ur pl€s snsal Jaq ol no1, aas p dro13 s,poC a,rerlaq nod [l]^4. ,'llaurs IIrM aLI ,l,l.ou ,{q pue sfep

snr€zeT, 'ples elluel\l ,'pro'L ,dro13 s,po3 aas IIr.M no.,( pue 'auols aql ,{e.tre 11o5,

rnoJ ro] peop uaaq


'urar{} ol pres snsa{ araLl^t 'quro} aLIl ol tulll 1oo1 .{aqt og 'pr€s oll ,'paunq sr Jq aJaLi^\ aur MOLIS, '.e\oJJos pue a^ol qllr.T lda,rt aq 'sPuaIJJ Jraq] pue ,{rey41 pue erluel4l Jo ssaup€s 1ea'r8 aq} ,r'res snsa{ uaq61

/lsrrtlJ aql are no.'( ,'PoD lo uos ar{} /UILI paraMsue €r{UEt\l ]ELII I{oLr{ I asneJaq 'p.to1 'sa1, 'alp ra^au IIIM aq pue 'a;r1 ,zsrql a^allaq nod oq aru ul salallaq oLl-tt auo''(uy 'aJlt ar{l a^eq IIrM Iplrrola pu€ uor]f,aJ.rnsal aLIl r'ue

'pres pu€ Jaq o1 paurnl snsa{


t-lo.\, /r'ulLl

ol plEs LrLIE sllllaurol lnoq€ Preali J.\Prl lsnru pallel uolJnlual uEtuou P JO aLUOLI alll Ol lua-\\ l.llad (gl-zg 'rg:Ot) sallsodY al{l lo slrv aql uro.u


'paraMsuE aLIs

,'alll ol )r€q


6urPeel 1s.tt3


,'raqlorq rno pales a^eli PInoJ no.{


'g 'V) r{e6


,'aa[llEJ uI q]arEZ€N tuorl iaqdord


snsal sr lJ, 'Luaql pa;raMsu€ aldoad aq1 ,uueru srLI] sr oLIM, 'paIS€

aldoad aruos pue ',{1n aloq,tr aq} PallIJ luaurall)xll

prol aLIl .{q }uas auo aLi} sI passalg ieuu€soH 'PuuesoH, 'sa)io,r Jraql Jo do+ atlt le PalnoLIS pue 'pa+Ilxa alour pue a-roru.,rtar8 sp.MoJJ aqJ'JIE aqJ ur aAE^\ ol saarl urled aq+ ,

'sdep .rno1 .roJ palrnq Lraaq dpea;le PeLI pue snreze'l ]eql puno; ,{aq1 talel s.{ep o.u.} ueq} a.rour fueqlag ur paAt.IJE saldnsrp srLI pue snsaf uaqr14 s€.r,r.

'sralsls slt{ pLIe snJ€z€'I 1o puol .'{re'L orl q8noql ua,ra ',{lalerpaururl JJo las }ou plp aLI puv



pue poD .ro; .,{ro13 lnq'snreze-I rol qleap Surrq

+ou IIr.M ssaulll sn{1, 'pres snsa{ a8essatu sILI} PreaLI aLI

uaLIM 'Llieap ol asolJ pue ru ,{la,r se.,rt snrezel asne)aq snsa{ o1 a8essatu 1ua3.rn uP luas sra}sls aLI} '{up aug 'ualesn.ra{ urorJ reJ 1ou '.{ueqlag paller u^to] e ur Pa^II ,,{aq1 'snsal Jo spuarry pooS .{ra,r ara.ta. 'dretr41 pu€ eLIITPIN 'sJalsrs o^,\l slq pue snJ€z€'I (Ef-f

:ff) uqol

]S 1o 1adso3

Pue {a1uoP e uo SurPu aas :ralt18nep s,r-ror7 rnod 3ur;1 8ur.,r'rerp teau -i1c1,unr-1 'prPS aLI



lLrl arp ,iaql leql


,'pauJnJal aq

-iajuop P lrallol \\t ji.rr. aH

rl;l '.ii


ll-Ir i;


(f s9Ntqvlu lldso9




'lsIrrIJ snsa{ Prol'nof


pa/\IJJe saldnsrp srq pue snsa{ +5 1o



IIa+ 'no.{ sdols auo.'{ue

y ledsoo


no.{ a^allaq no.,{ asneraq z!1m8 are

,dpearle aas no1, 'pres snsa{

'aJaLIl aJaM oLI^t saasrJer{d aLI} JO atuos

1adso3 aq+ ruorJ Surpear

'e 'V) ,{epung (uorsse4) uled

o1 as1er.1

'pro.l aLIl;o 1adso3 aql sl sl1J

o1 a8ell,r lxau aLIl o1 saldDsrp eql LuJlpsr-ua{ aprslno 1sn[ sa,r.4g Jo ]unoIAI




]lol 1tr tr

y ladsog

atil LuorJ Surpea;

(V) +uet Jo

,'llor raq

:Lroltr1lnl se.rt .,baqdord aq] leq+ sem +I os



]Jo sallruerq pallnd pue rulr{ aroJaq peor aLI} uo s)eolr rralll plEI {aql 'Sururor se,rt snsa{ leli} Preaq aldoad aql uaLIM 'ruoll] uo aprr PIno) snsa{ leq} os s>l)Pq rrali} Lro s)pol) 1nd pue 'snsa{ o1 sleurluP aql lq8no;q iaql


'a"raq uaaq

y 'pro1, 'urq ol ples plre snsa{ }aau ol LIeJ eLI}reIN


'lslrqf, snsaf Prol'no.{ o1 asrer4 'pro.l aql;o 1adso3 aLIl sl sltlJ

atuo) IIl,\,\ aq ,{ep +se1 aLIl uo l€Li} ^{oLq L r-nsa{ Jno[, 'pres JaLI]orq a^tI III^\ ,'trte8p

palse ,apulq are a-\t reqt aas



3u1.{1dtul },Lrar€ no'{ {1arn5,

iaas LreJ orIM asolll pu€ ,iPurlq rlel-Ll o} aurol o^Pq L 'pres snsal uaq} puv


been wrapped around Jesus'head lay rolled up separately from the other pieces of cloth. Peter went into the tomb first, followed by ]ohn.

short distance from Jerusalem. They were totally miserable as they talked about the events of the past days,

Until this moment they had not understood the Scrip-

As they walked, Jesus himseif joined them, but they did not recognise him.

tures which had said, 'He must rise from the dead.' But now they saw, and they believed. This is the Gospel of ihe Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

Second Sunday


Easter (A)

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (20:19-31) Late on the Sunda,v evening the disciples sat huddled togetheq, feeling sad and afraid. The doors of the room were locked, to stop the jerr s finding them. Suddenly, Jesus appeared said, 'Peace be with vou.'

in the room with them and

They were amazed t'hen they saw him and could hardly believe their eyes. But Jesus showed them the wounds in his hands and n'here the sword had pierced his side, and they were filled with joy and wonder. Once again Jesus said, 'Peace be with you.' Then he breathed on them, saying, 'The Holy Spirit has been given to you. Whatever you choose to forgive will be forgiven. Whatever is not forgiven by you rt ill remain un-forgiven.'

The disciple called Thomas was not -with the others when jesus appeared to them. When they told him that they had seen Jesus, he scoffed at them and said, 'Unless I see for myself the wounds in his hands and his side, I will not believe you.'

Several days later, when Thomas was with the other disciples, Jesus appeared to them again, and greeted them with the words, 'Peace be with you.' Turning to Thomas he said, 'See and touch the wounds in my hands; feel the wound in my side and doubt no more.'

and the death of Jesus.

Jesus asked

them,'What are you talking about together?'

One of them, called Cleophas, answered,'Surely you must have heard about what happened to Jesus of Nazareth! He

was a powerful prophet who was handed over to the chief priests and the Roman governor, who had him crucified. We believed that he was the Saviour sent by God. All this happened more than two days ago, and we have heard this very morning that his body is missing from the tomb where they laid him. Some of the women claimed that an angel told them that Jesus has risen and is alive, but we are not sure what has happened.' Jesus said to them, 'Do you not believe what the prophets have foretold?' He began to explain to them the prophecies about himself in the Scriptures. When they arrived at Emmaus, Jesus seemed to be travelling furthe4 but because it was late in the day the disciples asked him to stay and share a meal with them.

When they were at supper Jesus took some bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to them. At that moment they saw clearly that the stranger was in fact Jesus, but he had already disappeared from their sight. 'Of course it was the Lord,' they said. 'Remember how our hearts seemed to burn as he shared the Scriptures with us. How could we have been



At once they returned to Jerusalem and found the other disciples gathered together and filled with joy, because |esus had appeared to Simon. 'Yes, he is risery' they said. 'We knew him in the breaking of the bread.'And they began to tell the others what had happened that day on the road to Emmaus.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ

Thomas fell to the ground and said, 'My Lord and my

God.' Jesus said

to him, 'Because you have seen you now

believe, but blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.'

Only some of the marvellous things which Jesus did and which were witnessed by his disciples are written down in this book. These have been recorded so that you might believe in Jesus, as the Christ, the Son of God, and through that faith and belief in him you may have life. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Third Sunday of Easter (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke Qa:1?'-35) On that same Sunday morning two disciples of Jesus were making their way to a village called Emmaus, a

Fourth Sunday


Easter (A)

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of


John (10:1-10)

told the people, 'If someone enters the sheepfold by any other way than the gate, then they are a thief and a robber. The shepherd of the sheep comes in


through the gate, and the gatekeeper recognises him and lets him pass. A shepherd knows his sheep, and his sheep know him. When he calls their names, they know his voice and they follow him, one by one, through the gate of the sheepfold. The flock will not follow a stranger; instead they scatter and run away because they do not know his voice.' The people did not understand this parable, so Jesus explained to them,'Truthfully, I am the gate, and those who came before me were thieves and robbers, and the sheep did not follow them. Anyone who enters the sheepfold through me will be saved, and they will find pasture as they go in and come out. The thief comes

'rapuo^ pue dol q+1m pailrJ araM daql 'aprs srq


snsa{ ProT'no,{ o1 asrer4 'pro'I aql;o 1adso3 aLIl sI srr.{I

'rulq ol JLu€l IELI1 IJIS aLI] 1o .{ueu Parnl aLI pue 'ruop -3ur1 aql Jo s,rta\ pooD aLIl Sururepord pue sanSo8 /aal{e) lnoq8norql pa11a.ter1 snsa{ -puAS aql ur Surqceerd .Lulq iLurLI -^^olloJ 01 ]ua^,| pue raqlEJ rrarll uai daql pue tuaql pa)ise snsal'ur€8v'aaPaqaz taLI+eJ rlaql LIll,\{ s}au Surpuar.u 'uqo{ pue satue{ .ues snsol uo rar{unJ al}tll V



parrard ppLI proms ar{} araqm pue spuELI sq uI spunom aql tuali] pa,\{oqs snsaf lng 'sada rraq] a^allaq dpreq plnoJ pue urlq 'ttes {aqt uaq.tl pazeure ara,rt daql ,.nod qlr.rl aq aread, 'pres Luoor aql uI pareadde snsa{ "{1uappn5 'tuaqt SuIPuu s.tra{ aql dols o1 /po>lrol araM Luoor aql Jo sroop aqJ 'PrerJe pu€ pes 3u1aai

pu€ ruaql


taqlaSol pappnq les saldosrp aq] 8urua,r.a


y ladsog

GZ-Ot:Od uqo{ t5;o 1adso3 ar{} ruorJ Surpear

pa.^ olloJ

pue 'o)uo le slau pu€ ]Poq rlarD ual sral[]orq o,\4] aqJ ,'aldoad;o I puu 'alu .4lollo; puP at-uoJ, 'ples pue Luaq] o1 alods snsa{ ',ltarpuy puP Ja}ad uourls ara.\t saru€u rraql raqle8o1 Surqsr; lno sralllorq o^^l .^^€s aLI iaalrleD Jo pos aq] dq 8ur1p,ta. se.^{ ar{ se '.{ep aug sraLISrJ

nod alew



ua^eaq 1o ruop'url aLIl asneraq 'uIS urorJ ol urar{} 3ur11er pue aldoad aq} o} Sulllr€ard ue8aq snsa{ 'plolaroJ per{ LIeIpsI laqdord

aql se 1sn[ pauaddeq s+{l IIV aalrlEs Jo €aS aLi} aPrsaq a8elp,r Surqsrl e 'utneurade3 uI a.\Il ol lua^l. oq'palsarre uaaq peq lsrldeg aqt rrrlo[ ]Pr.{1 prPrt[ 5nsaI rtallM



y leoso9

lo Iadso! aql tuoll Surpear

(y) reel eql




'po3 ol aq s)ueqJ .pro"I oql Jo proM aql sI SILIJ 'sa8en€ue1 alrleu uMo Jraql uI Luaql ol Suqreard uaur asalll JeaL[ o],paPuno]se aJJM sar4unoJ puE suotbal ]uaJaJ -Jrp LuorJ aldoad iurarD puelsrapun plnor sproM rraql ol 3urua1s11 auo.,fua.la l€LI] pulJ o] pazeru€ ara,u daqi '1eads o1 ue8aq daqt sV'tuar{l o} pauaddeq peq ler{al auodra,ta IIal o] aprslno pallsnr daql 'luaruaiirxa rlaqt uI 'aruo lV .irrros ar{} LI}I-^{ pallrJ araM .,{aql reql s€,\{

'pro1 aLIl 1o 1adso3




sI srLIJ

lI os 'uaql


Jo auo LIJea r{f,no}

o1 lno pea;ds pue pareadde arr; 1o san8uol IIPurs a)ll po>lool ]Er1.M 'uaLII 'asnor-[ aql q8norql parPor I'lrrll,l,t


In1raMod e 1o punos aqt qllm pallll ,{luappns rlroor aql taqlaSol 8ur,(erd ara.u daql se '.{ep aug 'plias ol pasruord peq snsa{ leq} }lrlds ,i1og aqi rol lre'll o] pue ]soraluad Jo ls€aC aql alerqa -lar ol uralesn.ra{ ur raq}a3ol paraqle8 peq saldnsrp aql S€;\\

(tt-tz) 'lsIrrIJ snsaf Prol'nod

ur ale'1

sa1]sodv aLIl Jo

slrv aql urorJ Surpear y 6urpeeg

() 'g 'V) fiepung ]so)e]ued

,'alurJ Jo pua aq+ I1un no.{ {}l,u tue

'lrrrdg ,{1og aqt IIr^4. I leql raqluauaS pup uos aql 'iat{lPJ arl} Jo aureu ar{} uI trloq} as4deq pue

1 :no-i a.r.ea1 ralau

saldosrp ,ttu uaql a1e4 'no.,{ }t13ne1 a.ter1 1 Surq}dra,ra r-uaq] qrpal o1 saldoad IIe ot lno nod Surpuas rue 1 dlrro -q]lre slw .,{q pue 'rllrea uo pue uaAPaLI ur Surqlfrala ra,ro ilrroqlne ua,rr8 uaaq aApLI L 'uaqi ol ples at{ uaqJ, 'palqnop auros lnq lurq paddrqsro.tr. puP saau>l rlar{} o1 11a; sapsod€ aql Jo leralas 'utelunotu aql uo tualll arolaq pareadde snsaf uaq,14 'pa8uerre p€LI aLI arall.^t snsa{ laau ol aalIIeD roJ JJo 1as sallsode ua^ala aLIJ

y ledsog

rcz-gl:Bz) ,rtaqlt€I^I i5 ;o 1adso3 alil tuorJ Surpear

(f 'g 'V) {epung,{llul.tl

'lslrtlf, snsa{ Prol'nof 'pro-I aq]





aLIt sI


,'auq ]o pua ar{l 1lun no.,{ r,lll-lt tue '}lrlds diog aql 1no.{ a^tea1 rolau 1 Ilr.n,t I lellt raquraura5 pu€ uos ar{} 'raqlPc ar{} Jo atueu aq} ur ruoql asqdPq pul? saldnsrp dtu ruaql a1ey41 'nod l{3nu1 a,teq 1 Surq}{ra-ta ruaql r-[Jea] o1 saldoad II€ o] lno no',( Surpuas tue 1 dlrro -i{}ne sllll .,{q pue 'q}'rea uo pue ua^ear{ ur 8urql,fta,l'a ra,ro dlrroqlne ua,rr8 uaaq aApLI L /ruaql ol ples aq uar{I 'palqnop auros lnq lrurq paddrqsront pue saar-r{ rralll ol 11a1 sallsode arll Jo lPra^as 'ulelunolu aql uo Luaql aroJaq pareadde snsa{ ueq14 'pa8uer;e peq snsa{ araLIM laaru ol aalrleD roi Jlo las sallsodp ua^ala aLII

y ledsog

(02-gl:82) -l,taqltelll 15;o 1adso2 aLIl tuorJ Surpear

'lsFrlf, snsaf prol 'no.{ o1 asrer4 'pro'1 aLIl;o 1adso3 aql q sFlI

(f 'g 'V) prol aql lo uotsuelsv eLlI

,'ua.Lr8royun uIPLua.r


ri,ur.i i.1 ua-rr3:o1 lou sI ralaleql4 'ua,l,r8ro; aq 'nod o1 ua,u8 naaq 11r,rr a rtS:ol ol asoot{l no.i ra,raleqr14 spr{ tirlds -i1t;1 aq1, '8ur.ies 'uaql uo paq}earq aq UaLIJ {ir


,ir-u se

lsnf no.i


no-i Surpuas rue I os 'alu ]uas laqleC

qlr.rr aq oead, 'uraql


pres snsa{

'lslrtlf, snsaf Prol'nod o1 as1er; 'prol aL{t 1o ladso3 aql sl s!tlJ auroJ alpr{



,'aJll Jo ssaullnJ aql nod a.tr8 o1 sI }eqm .{orlsap pue Ieais o1 .'{1uo

Fourth Sunday of the Year (A)

Seventh Sunday of the Year (A)



A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:1-12)

A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:38-48)

A crowd of disciples gathered around, and Jesus sat down

Jesus said,

and began to preach to them:

Huppy are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

Huppy are the broker"r-heartecl, for thev

r'r.'iIl be


Hupp). are the meek ancl ee.ntk, for the earth


belong to them.

'In the past lou have heard, "Take an eye for an eve and a tooth for a tooth." Nor,r' I te11 vou, do not take revenge against someone who has wronged you; if someone hits 1,ou, do not hit him or her back. When you are told to do something, do more than you are asked. When someone asks fol something, give it to him or her, and lend to those who need to borrorv from you.

Hupp,,, are those u'ho hurrgcr arrd thirst for r,r'hat is right, for justice r,r..ill be theirs. Huppy are those r,r'ho shc,rl forgiveness, because thev will leceir e forqir r.rrr-rr itr rt'tLrrrr. Huppy are those r'r.ith a pure heart, for they shall see the

'In the past you have learned to "love your friends and hate your enemies". But nor'v I tell you that you must

face of God.

in return. You must trv to become perfect like your

Huppy are the peacernakers; Cod r'vill call them his children.

Huppy are those u,ho sr-rffer because they stand up for r,r,hat is right; the klngdom of hear.en belongs to them. Be

love )rour enemies and pray for anyone who wishes you harm. It is easy to love someone who loves you back, but it is hard to love someone who hurts you. Even the tax collectors and Gentiles love those who love them neavenly tatner. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.

happy r,r,hen people harass and mistreat you, and tell

lies abor-rt you because vorl are my disciples. All this rvas suffered by the prophets r,r4ro came before vou. Be glad because when the time comes vou will be richly rewarded in heaven. This is tl"re Cospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Eighth Sunday of the Year (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of 5t Matthew (6:A3a) One dav jesus said to his friends, 'You cannot have two masters because you will aht,ays prefer one to the other'. In the same rva\t )rou cannot have both Cod and money as

your masters.

'Do not worly about what you have to eat and to drink, or how to clothe yourselves. Life is more important

Sixth Sunday of the Year (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:17-24)

'I have not come to do awav with the 1aw or the prophets, but to make them complete. The law u,i1l remain unchanged until the end of time when it n'ill be fulfilled. So anyone who disobeys the commandments and encourages others to do likervise will rank least in the kingdom of heaven. Those who keep God's commandments and lead others to do the same, will be considered truly great.

Jesus said,

'Listen to me. Unless your goodness is greater than that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will never make Vour \'vay into the kingdom of heaven.

'In ihe past, if someone took a person's life they nere called before the court to ans\,\,er for their wickedness. I

tell you now that anv one u'ho loses their temper in anget or calls someone "fool" or " traitor" , rvill be called to answer for those actions too. So if vou come before God to offer your gift to him, and then remember tl-rat you have upset someone or given them cause to complain about you, go away and make your peace rvith them first.' This ls the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ. 372

than food, and the body is more important than the clothes you cover it with. Look at the wild birds around you; they do not plant seeds to harvest and store, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Surely your lives are more precious than those of the birds. See the wild flowers in the field; they do not clothe themselves, and yet they are more beautifully dressed than even King Solomon himselfl God dresses all these flowers, and vet

hou,'unimportant they are compared to you! So do not worry about u''hat tomorror,r. holds, because God lr.ill take care of all your needs. Live a life filled with goodness and do as my Father commands, and he r,r,i11 take care of all vour worries.'

Thls is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Ninth Sunday of the Year (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (7:21-27) jesus said, 'Do not asslrme that by calling me "Lord, Lord" you rvill have a place in the kingdom of heaven. Onlv those w-ho do my Father's will can expect to have a place there. At ihe errd of iime many will cry out,

"Lord, did


not do your will!" But I will not

them and I will send them awavl



,'laalu no^ auo

'+slrtlf, snsal pro'l 'no'( o1 asrer.l 'pro.l aql 1o ladsog aq] sl slqJ '1q311 sr


lno lsr?r pue arli ol

nod a'rr8

a,tr8 1a1o''( aql'1aqar I ppol aql pue iisea st d;rel o1 no.{ pu' sraplnoqs -'rno''( jlpi ureal Luor1 pue 'alu no.{ p"g {w a1e1 '1sa;r nod a,r.r3 1p,tt 1 pue 'speo1 d'teaq .,o /alu ol aluo3 'Jatll€C "r1o,l rnod 1o d;ea,lt are oq.tt no.'( Jo II€ o} asoq} pue 'uo5 uloll'{\ aAELI I aql .ltorq'turq paiea.tal lrall}ec dpo aq smotq aq} '{u '{q au o1 aq1 .{1uo se 'uos .r","r8 .t""q ser{ a^€LI 3urq1.{;a,rg 'uarpllLlr 8ut-uotrlun 1

ol ]nq 'asl-\{ PuP la^all aLI] ol ,lasrno^ Iua^al ol Lrrsotlf, snsaf ]ou a^eLI no.,{ roJ taLI}eC 'no.{ ol aq asI€JcL 'pres y 15 1o 1adso3 rql ulor] Surpear (og-gz:rr) ^4.aq+l€IAI


(y) reetr eLll


{ePun5 q}ueeunol



'Lrrol salcinsrp .,{ur Jo


aql Jo


aL{} 1o


no.,{ }et{rt aArB ''(1aa'rg 'suoutap peap aqJ asreJ 'll1 are oq^\ asolll aJnJ

ol palraJar a,teq


'ruau tr.ra,t sr ualpaq 1o uop8ury oLIl leql tuaql IIal pue 'la€rsl;to daaqs 1so1 aLIl ol o3 1nq'sr-relrretu€s aLIl ro salF o1 oB lo,t oC, 'a^laMt uasor{) aq} o} pres snsal -.r"3


'snsa{ .{erlaq ra}el plno'.rl. oq-rt lorrecsl sepnf

pue ']olpaz aql uoruls isnaeppellJ pue 'snaeqdly d 1'\


pue >lrrs aLIl Ieaq ol puel aLI] ra^o II-P- ]no uraql nul -puos a.roJaq 'aureu sILI ur {roM o1 la'lrod aql ruaql a'te8

a^lam] raqla8ol pa11ec snsaf uaql pro'I ar8 )sp ]snur ,'sJarnoqel arour lno puas o] o. '.ri l1 raLIleB ol loal are araql 1nq, 'saldnsrp srq "^ plo+ aLI ,'LPrr sr lsa^leLl aqJ- 'uraql roj arPr o1 praqdaqs e lnolllrm >l)ol1 1r aIrI ara^A. daql ro1 'LILJLI+ 'to1 ArJos lla] 'd1iq srq Papaau aldoad .{uer-u 'rtoq 'lres snsaf uaq14

pue 'saldrosrp


ladsoa aql sl SILII


'LraLr.IP-\\al ac1 -i1-rre1.ral 11t-rt ol lale'\\ plor Io dru p ua'ra


srLI Jo


r5 1o 1adso3


y ledsog

LuorJ Surpear

(y) reel eL{l }o {ePun5 q}ue^elf

se,Lr8 ot1,r,r. auoiuy 'plP-\\aJ s,lLlP-\-Ias +Pr'P LII aleLIs III-\\ sluEAJaS S,pOD lo atro saLtlolla-\\ or'1'\\ auo-\llY ool -raqlPl

Ipie,reeq ir-u auorla-u -ialp ie-rr s{r-ll r'I! frLIP 'aLLI s'Lllorla-\\ ,-rt,i ,a*or1",\\ oLI,\\ ar'tr-r'ir-tY a1r1 Flrtlsupa ra rltuS 11t-rr alus ,iur .rol'.iu,-u se sSr-.tp Lllls sralllls ot-1'rr arttr ir't5 '.in,rrn .,rt-t1 "...1i .i1,lue1 u-rrct Jt-to-i LIa-\a pup 'no i lpt'rr' aarBesrp pr-te euF;e 11r-rr. .iuu11 slrt -\\olloJ ol pu€ aurlu Jo aldrrsrp n .q o1 .isea lon sl 11, 'saldnsrp slLI o1 pres snsaI


'aluoloq}reg pue ^{all}l€tr drpq4 laapaqaz Jo sr-ros atll 'uqo{ rarl}o'rq_slt{ puu sauef l^{,arpuv rallloJq srLI puu tatad pa11er snsa{ uroqM 'uolurs sauPu aq1 'aldoad aq] ol qreard :ara^t a^Ia^r+ arl]

uos aq] satue{ lseruotlJ pue

'lslrrD snsa{ Prol 'nod o1 asrer4 .prol alll yo 1adso3 aql sl sIqI ,



xel asaql sr? qrns aldoad inq'aru .nlollo1 o] poo8 pue snonlrr^ arl] IIeJ ol auror lou a^€LI I illaM pLtE '{qfluaq al€ oqm lot 'rolrop E aos ol paau oqm aldoad ".oqr /saosrreqcl aLIl o+ ples aLI s+ll pleaq snsa{ uaq,14 sr

(y) reel eql Jo {ePung qlueeulql

LIII^{ ''{1puau1 ,zsJauurs isauollstP r{Jns auros saaslr€Lld pa{s€ aq] ,4.t1,14,'saldnslp sr

(;f-jE:tll ) .\\arl]lsl\

15 1o 1adso3

aql LuorJ Surpear




ralsetu rnod

'saldnsrP srq Pue snsaf

LTII^t lEaur aLIl pa'r€rls puP aureJ srolJalloJ xel s,ltaqlletr'\l .,{ue141 '1earu e .ro1 pa^'(e1s snsa{ araqrt asnoq


'lslrqJ snsa{ Prol'no'( 'pro'I



aLI] Jo 1adso3 aLIl sl slLlJ,

,'pallrap aq urn]


JaAo lual\l.

u€Lu e

,'aur i{olio{, xel E se^\ oq^t -\{aqllP]^l pallpr .Io])alloJ JH -aq


y l3ds09

auo uala uar-l.nt sltou] raq+eg Apra'teaq d]^{, /urJ€LI 'Inos pLrE ,(poq rno,,{ ,{orlsap u€J or-lm auo aql lnq


op uel orIM asoql real ]ou oal'sdo1loor

aql [IorJ ]nol{s ill,{\ nod 'sradsrq'u ur l1qSr1.iep pporq




ua>1ods sr }erlm

aLIl ::--r-la:01) ,\\ollllEtr l t5 Jo 1adso3


y ledsoo


(y) real eql Jo {ePun5 qUleMI 'lsIn{f snsa{ Prol'no,{ o1 asler4 'prol arll 1o 1edsoD aLIl sl slt{I sgNlovlu lldso9

'rsInIJ snsaf Prol'nod

ur [a] IIIM nod 'lq8ru 1e no"{ 11a1 I }EtlM auro)aq 11r,tn 8urql,{'ra^a puE 'Palpa^aJ

all IIr,\\ palpatuol sI ]€LIM p[r?rJe aq lou oCL 'pres snsaf 1

(y) reel eql Jo {ePung q}uel



3uo1e 3uo11e'\\ sB-lt snsaf se dep aug

(€I-6:6) Maqtlehl l5 ;o 1adso3 ar{} uorJ Surpea'r

ol aroru u€aLu nod pue ',(1s aql LuorJ P€aP slleJ ^{or


plp llaqlle]Al

iptEs puP LUILI o}

IIIM aur saluap

oq.u auo.{ue }nB 'raqiec dpaneaq "{tu arolaq 11uqaq /]lellacl uo rl1qnd ,r-rt,i .,o dn puels I1€LIS I uaqi "(u srr€I'i Jo raq ur dn puels nod 11 ;peaq ;rno''{ uo Strr'ttor8 aqi sPrlq ul aq+ lle LrEql -urnu aq] s^^or,Dl ua^a aH'plroM LuiLI

oJ luam .{aq+ pue 'rulq Plol snsa{ se



'pro-I aq];o 1adso3 aLIl sl sILIJ ,'pues uo llrnq s€,\{


'puel aLIl paPool1 asnef,aq IIaJ PuE pasdullor asnoLl aLIJ

pue s>Iueq lalll lsJnq sJalrr aLI] pue uMop parnod /palMoq pur,\\ aqJ, 'pues LIo- asnoll sn-l Lrr€r oq] pu€

pue oLIM ueui LIsIIooJ e a>1II sr spro'lr ''(tu sdaqosrp poo}s aur ol sualsrl Ja^aor{^{ }ng 'lleJ }ou plp pu€ LUJIJ $luPq >l)or uo llrnq asnol-l ar{J 'pu€l aql PaPoou puP /palMoLI aLIl ur€r parnod u,^\op pu€ Jraql lsJnq sJa^IJ aLIl


purM e



uo asnoq srli ]llnq ]€ql u€ul asr^A' .{u s''(aqo pue arx o+ sualsll ra^aoqM,


sr spro.tt


Fifteenth Sunday of the Year (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (13:1-23)

A crowd had gathered to listen to Jesus, and


there were so many, Jesus preached to them from a boat. He began to teach them, using parables to help them to understand his message.

'One day a farmer went out to sorv some seeds in his field. As he scattered the seeds some fell on the stony path at the edge of the field, rvhere flocks of hungry birds flew down and gobbled them up. Some seeds fell on rocky ground where, although they sprouted, the soil was too shallor.r.' for their roots, and the baking hot sun shrivelled them up. Other seeds fell where weeds were growing, and the n'eeds choked them until they died. Some of the seeds lar-rc1ed on the farmer's richest soil and grew into strong and healthy plants.' The disciples asked Jesus nhv he used parables to teach the people. Jesus ansr,r,ered, 'Even though they have eyes to look, they cannot see; and ears to listen with, they cannot hear. |ust as the prophet Isaiah said: "The

people will listen but u'i11 not understand. They will look but will not see clearlv Their hearts are hardened. Their hearing is dulled and their eyes are tightly closed' They do not understand horv to change and be healed." You have been blessed with eves that see and ears that listen and understand. The kingdom of heaven is revealed to you, and many have yearned to r.t'itness u'hat vou are witnessing todayl'

grow together until harvest time, because if you pull up the weeds now you might pull up the wheai too! When the harvest comes, the harvesters can separate the wheat from the weeds. Then I can store the wheat in my barn, and burn the weeds."' Then Jesus told more parables about the kingdom of heaven. In the first, he said, 'God's kingdom is like a tiny mustard seed. Night and day, the little seed sprouts and grows, until one day it has become a large and leafy shrub, and the birds of the air find shelter in its many branches.' Then he told them another parable, saying, 'Imagine a

woman baking bread. She takes a small amount of yeast, mixes it with flou4, and before long, the dough rises and increases in size.' Later the disciples asked Jesus to explain the story about the {armer sowing his seed, and he said to them,


am the man who sowed the wheat, and the devil is my enemy who scattered the weeds. The wheat seeds are the people who hear my word and follow me, and the weeds are the wicked people who will not listen to me. The end of the world will be like harvest time, when good and bad people will be separated by angels sent by God. The good people will share God's glory and happiness in heaven, but the wicked people will be punished and will never see God. The virtuous and good will shine as radiantly as the sun in the kingdom of God. If you have ears to hear with, then listen well to what I am telling you!' This ls the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Then Jesus explained the meaning of this story to the people: 'The seeds are the things which I teach you, the Good News about God's kingdom. Some people hear God's word but they do not understand. This is the seed which falls on the stony path. Some people welcome my words and try hard to follow my ways at first, but when trouble or persecution comes, then they give up. They are like the seeds which fall on rocky ground; they sprout but then shrivel and die. Some people hear my message, but their hearts are filled with the cares of the world and their longing for riches. The message becomes choked, like the seeds choked with weeds, and thev cannot produce {ruit. The seed that falls on rich soii is like those who hear my message and understand it; they bear much fruit.'

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (13:44-52) Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to priceless treasure as he said, 'One day a man was digging in a field when his spade struck a box which was buried

there. When he opened the box he was amazed to find it was full of treasure. He quickly buried the treasure

again, went away and sold his house and all that he owned. With the money he made, he bought the field from the farmer, and then ran back and dug up the treasure. There was another man who was a merchant who bought and sold pearls to earn a living. One day he happened to find the most perfect, beautiful peari he had ever seen. He too went away and sold everything so that he would have enough money to buy that pearl for himself. 'Just as a fisherman's net is {illed with many different kinds of fish, so the kingdom of heaven is filled with many different kinds of people. The fisherman sorts through his catch, keeping the good fish and throwing the worthless ones away. In the same way, good and bad people will be separated at the end of time and the worthless ones will be destroyed.' Then Jesus asked them, 'Do you understand what I have

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (13:24-43) |esus told ihe people a parable: 'One day a farmer sowed his field with wheat, but that night, as he slept, his enemy crept into the field and scattered weed seeds amongst the wheat. Days passed and as the wheat sprouted and grew, so did the weeds, and the farmer realised what his enemy had done. One of the farm workers asked him, "Master, do you want us to pull up the weeds?" But the farmer answered, "No, Iet them


'Yes,'they replied.






,z>lea.M os

'pro.I aql Jo IaclsoD aLI+ sI sltlJ 'pasrr-uord peLI poD ]eLIl Llerssal aql 'lslrtl) aql sem aq 1eq1 auoiue IIal o] lou saldDsrp sRI parapro snsa{ uaql

qlrey rnod sI Zralad 'aru lsnrl lou no.{ p1p {LIM, 'ples aq .,{1a;es o1 ra1a4 pa11nd pue pu€r{ slq }no par{)ear snsal sV

'tsFqf, snsaf Prol'nod


,'uaAear{ ur passrursrp aq IIIM Lllrea uo aJar{ sslursrp nod ra,raleq.tr 'ua^eaq ur paf,rolua aq IIIM Lllrea uo aJaq oJJOJua no^ ralaler-lm 1ua^€arl yo ruop8uol aqt o1 s{a1 aql no.'{ a.r.r8 I 'qrrnLif .,{tu plnq p.u 1 (er1a4) )ror sq} uo puP

a.Le5, 'lno palrJ aq pue )urs o1 ue8aq aq dpap ,ipro'I -pns 'prerJe rtarS aq /puIM aq] 1o qlSua;ls aql ]lal pue iBoq aql urorJ rarfirnJ pa^our aLI se ]nq 'ruq spr€MoJ 'ra}e.^'\ ar{l o} IIeM ol ue8aq aq 'snsa{ 1e }t131er1s 3ur1oo1 uo JIssruR{ para,^{ol PUE l€oq aq} Jo lno paqlurl) ralad os


'snsa{ Ptes ,iaulo3,


'(sor1a4) ralad are no1 'srq] PuelsraPun o1 no,( padlaq s€Li raLIiEC dlua.r.eaq d711, 'pres pu€ ralad 1e palttus snsa{

,'po3 3ur,rr1 ar{l Jo uos aLIl lslrq:) aLIi aJe no1, 'ptes Jalad Irlun lualls aJaM saldlf,srp ar{J ,uur€ I lpql .{es no,{ op or{lt lng, 'ples snsa{ uaql ,'1sed eql worl slaqdord astrt ar-ll Jo auo ro qeltuara{ ro qefllg are no.{ }eqi '{es sraqto 1]srldeg aq+ uqo{ are no,( leql .{es aldoad awo5,


,arue I


,{es aldoad op oLIM, 'saldnsrp slq pa{s€ snsa{ .{ep aug




(y) real eL{}


y ledsog

1adso3 aLI} ruorJ Surpear

{epung }sl}-/queml

,'Jale.^ aLIl ssoJJe nod o1 aruor o1 atu

'nod sr ,(11ear ]er-ll Jr 'pro'I, 'snsaf o1 palnorls ralad /preJJ€ aq l,uoC, 'ruaql ,iaru s,lr asne:raq laql e se.na. ol paller snsa{ }nB ilsoq8 1r lq8noql par]rrral ara,u ,{aqi pu€ ta}€.M ar{l uo Burllem 'ruaql 01 aru€r snsaf 'u,rtep aro]aq ]sn[ 'ssru]rPp aq] uI 'sal€^


aql dq tnoqe passol sem leoq ,saldnsrp aLIl pu€ ;a8uorls

pur,lt aql 'llal lq8ru sy 'auo1e .'(e;rd ol s1n{ aql olur dn luam pue de.ne sprtorc aLIi luas ar{ uaqJ 'a{el aql Jo apIS ralllo ar{1 o} Ires o} saldnsrp srrl p1o1 snsa{






1adso3 arp LuorJ Surpea'r


(y) real eql Jo rfupung qlueeleulN

'lsFr{f snsaf Prol 'no.{ o1 asrer4 'Lrro-l aq] go 1adso3 aql sI slt{I

'lslJtlf, snsaf Prol'nod

ralq8nep rno.{ pue '8uor1s sI r-{}lp; rno1, 'ples Pue pallrus snsal uaq.1, ,;alq€] aql uor; dorp srals€ur rIaLIl l€LIi sqrunrr aq+ +aB sSop ua,ra lnq tIS 'oi1, 'parazwsue ueuroM ar{I 'pa1se snsa{ ,;8op aql o1 1r a.tr8 Pue

uarplrllr roJ luearu pool aql alei ]ou plnom nof

dlaq 'p:o1, /pres pue laal slq lE llauT ueulom aLIl


,'suB8ed aql ]ou pu€ aldoad !sr,na{ aq1 o} luos uaaq a^Pq L 'pIeS snsa{ uaql ,(e^r.re raq Puas o1 snsa{ pa>1se pue Surlnoqs aql dQ passerrequra ala^' saldnsip aq1 'd1aq ot tu+{ 3ur33aq pue pnole 8ur'{n uo parJJ€) ar{s put? 'ueLuom ar{} JaMSue 1ou ptp snsa{

dra,t sr oLis pue paqrnlsrp sr punu s,ralq8nep 'paur pue ru1rl o] aru€r ueurom 'uirq aldoad Atat arar{.\t .,(ep aug e J+rupelreJ ^taLDI /uoprs pu€ ar.,{1 o1 lua.tt snsa{ dels .reau aq} Sa4IJ ;O ,11p

,i1,ri ;pro1 'aru d1a11,

1o 1adso3 ar"ll

(gz-IZ:9I) ltaLIDeIAl i5

(y) reel eq+



reqt aldoad pues

-noql a^IJ lnoqe pal snsa{'uarplqr pue uaruoM aql.Bul -pnl)ur loi1 'sdens ar{l q}rm s}a1seq a^la.4 l palllJ Aaql '8ur1ea paqslulJ peq daql uar{.+l pue '1ua o1 auo,{rana ro; .,{1ua1d se.t,t arar{I 'aldoad aql r{U,rt areqs o1 saldn -slp aql 01 ]r papuel'l pue ?r a>lorq'pearq aq] passalq aH 'poD ol $luelll a.te8 pue qsg pue sa^eol aql >1oo1 snsaI



o1 as1ertr

'proT aql 1o 1adso3 aLIl sl sFII

'paJn) sp.\\ ralq8nep s,u€tuo.\t ar{} }uaurour }eqt uroJC ,jllo.^^ sI


spMorJ ar{l plol aq

' IlarnD uMOp lrs ol ptes snsa{ ,'alu ol poo] ar{l xuug, PLIP

'saldrJslp aql patulelrxa ,iqslJ sa^€ol aArJ aJ€ sa^lasrno roJ a^EL[ a,\1. II€ lng/ ,'lPa 01 buqlauros uIaql 'snsa{ prps no1, a.r,r8 uer ,'aleal o+ paau iou op .{aq1,

o,^4l puE

'sa^iasuiaLll roJ pooJ auios puIJ o1 de.t're

aldoad ar{} puas o1 snsa{ palse saldosrp aqt .{ep aq+ ur a1e1 .uar8 lr sV 'palear{ aq o} >IJrs aram oq^t asoll} Eulrq ol pue Surqreal srLI reaq ol 'aallleD Jo eas aql aprsaq areld palrasap e o1 snsa{ PamolloJ P€LI p^torr a8rel y


Mar{}}eIAI 15;o 1adso3 ar{l ruorJ Surpear





(y) reel eql Jo,{epun5 q}uee}q6rl

tuorJ Surpear

{ePun5 L{}e!}uennl 'lslrql

'lslrqf, snsa{ prol'nod

o1 as1er4

'pro'I ar{t;o 1adso3 arlt sl sILIJ , poD Jo rros aLIl d1n4 a.re r1o,\, 'pr€s pue snsa{ alo;acl llaui saldr:srp JaLIlo aLI} puE

paddorp pr-II.\\ aql 'lPocl aq] olur lreq io8 .{aq1 S9NIOVIU'lldso9


snsaf Prol'no,{ o1 asrertr 'prol aql Jo IaclsoD arll sl sI{I

,'preoqdnr arols sILI Jo 1no s8urq] plo se IIa,^l. se s8urql .r.lau saTel pue asnor{ € suMo orIM auoauros a>III sr ruop8ull s,poD uI aldnsrp E saruoJaq oLIM aqrJJs ro

/uaql ol pres snsal PUV raLlreal dra,ra 1eq+ sursour srq1-


family as slaves, and use the money to pay for your

Twenty-second Sunday of the Year (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (L6:21'-27) Jesus began to tell his disciples that he would be brought before the high priests in Jerusalem, and would be put to death before rising to life again.

'Lord, this cannot be allowed to happenl' exclaimed Petet, who was deeply upset by what Jesus had told them. But Jesus said, 'Peter, voll are standing in my way, and your way is not God's u'ar'.' Then Jesus told his disciples, 'If anyone wants to follorv me, then they must take up their cross and put their orvn needs aside. Anyone who gives up their life for me rvill truly live. How can it be worth having the rvorld if it means giving up life itself? Once life is lost, then it has gone forever! When the Son of Man comes in glon; he will reward each of you according to your actions.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

debts," said the king. The servant fell to his knees and begged for another chance. "Somehow I will repay everything I owe," he pleaded. The king was a kind and generous man and, taking pity on the servant, cancelled his debts and let him go. Later that day, the same servant met another man who owed him a small amount of money. When he could not pay what he owed, the servant

had him thrown into jail. When the news reached the king, he sent for the unforgiving servant. "Could you not forgive someone just as I forgave you?" he asked. Then he had the servant thrown into prison until he could pay back all that he owed the king''

how my heavenly Father will treat you unless you forgive others with all your heart.'

Jesus said, 'This is

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Twenty-fifth Sunday of the Year (A) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (20:1-16)

Twenty-third Sunday of the Year (A)

Jesus told his disciples this parable about the kingdom of heaven: 'Early one morning the owner of a vineyard


went to hire some men to work for him. He agreed to

A reading from the Gospel of St Matthen' (18:15-20) Jesus said to his disciples, 'If your brother does something wror-rg, then go and see him and trv to sort it out

quietly, between yourselves. Hopefr"rlly he

will listen to

you, and everything will be put right. If he will not lislen to you, do not give up! Take some others rvith you and see if he will listen to them instead. Do everything

you can to win your brother back. If he still refuses to listen to the arguments and advice of others, then deal with him as you would a gentile or a tax collector. 'Listen to me: whatever you accePt on earth will be accepted in heavery and whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven. When two of you agree to ask for something, then my Father will answer youl prayers. Again I tell you that when two or three of you meet together in my name, then I will be there with you.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

pay each of them one Denarius per day. The landowner

went out again at nine o'clock, midday and three o'clock and hired some more men to work in his vineyard, promising to pay them whatever was fair. Finally, at five o'clock, he went out and found others waiting for work and sent them to his vineyard as well. At the end of the day he paid all of the workers one Denarius each, even those that had not started work until five o'clock. So those who had been hired first began to grumble. "Why have you paid these men the same as us, when we have worked all day in the hot sun, and they have only worked for an hour?" they said. The owner of the vineyard answered, "We agreed that you would be paid one Denarius per day, and I have been fair. I can choose how to spend my money, so don't complain because I have been generous."' 'In this way,' Jesus said, 'those who are last r'vill be first, and the first will be last.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

Twenty-fourth Sunday of the Year (A) Twenty-sixth Sunday of the Year (A)

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (18:21-35) Peter came to Jesus and asked him, 'How many times must I forgive someone r,r'ho does me wrong, Lord? Should it be as manY as set'en times?' Jesus answered, 'Not just seven times, Peter, many as seventy-seven times!'



Then Jesus told a parable about the kingdom of heaven: 'There was once a king who had many servants. One servant owed the king a great deal of money, but he had

nothing to pay him with. 376


"I will

sell you and your

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (21:28-32) 'Once there was Jesus told this story to the high priests: a man who had two sons. He said to the older one, "Co and work in the virreyard today." But the son answered, "I will not go because I don't want to." Later the son chaneed his mind and went to work after all' When the man asked his other son to go and work in his vineyard too, he said, "Of course I will go," but he did not do what he said he would.'


'lslrtlf, snsa{ proT'no,{

?slrrlf, snsa[ p.ro1 'nod

o1 as1er4



aln{,rt 'lno umorli} luelras fzel aq} ppLI



,,''\e,v'e ua)P+ leql ua^a al€r{ IIrM aLI ,,'ua.r.t8 aq III.l,t aroru r-ra,ra 'Surqlauros ser{ oLI^r, auo.{ra.ta oJ,, 'LIa} peq dpea;1e oqm ralllo aql ol ll a,re8 pue luPArJs srq uro.rJ ]ualel aql loo] aH ,,;arou ap€ur a^€q pllloM lr lsaralul LIIIM /)1ueq aql Lrr ]unorue slql lnd ,,(ldrurs peq noz( Jr ua^E

'alllrl a^eq oqm asoql, 'ples

lueur .,{zu1 'ssalasn no1,, 'LuFI o} pl€s pue snorrnJ s€,ll. ra} -s€ur srFI 'ua.l,r8 uaaq peq aq 1eq-rt dllrexa ralseur sq o] paurnJar pue pr€.\\roJ paddals lu€Aras prlr.{l ar{i uaqJ, ,,iaur

rlllM alerqalal pue auroJ arour Lllr-M nod 1snr1 dlurelrar 'pres tt€LIS I polsnr+ aq u€r no,{ leql ,l,totrl I MoN,,

pue 'rurq


,'poD ot s8uoleq 1eq.u po3 o1 ded s8uolaq l€r{.,l,r resae3 .,{e4, 'ptes snsa{ uaql 'paramsu€,,(aql,tesae3,

,Zurol srlll uo uosrad ar{} sl oLIM, 'uraql palse aq pue snrJeuaq ueruoy e urq a,re8 .{aq1 ,dauour rnod aur o] lue,rt noA op {LIM, 'para.r,tstre snsa{ ,Clou IO JeSaeJ o] Saxel .{ed a,u pFoLIs :uaq} 'sn lla;. 'LI}ru1 aqt leads o} prerJ€ lou are pue lsauoq arB no.,{ leql .^ olr{ aM, 'pres pue urlq ol lua,lr daql og 'alqnorl olul rulr{ 1aB plnort 1eq1 Surql -aruos Strrdes olur snsa{ )Jrr} ol paluem saasl}eqd aLII

rloLIS aar-u


(tZ-Et ZZ) l5 ^tall+]e14l

'ua,tr8 uraq a^ur{ .{aql }trnoure paluasard pue premro; paddals LuILI aLIl alqnop qlim

Jalseur aLil ,,'altop


sluplras oml +srrJ aq1 .,(auou slq palsa^ur peq daql aas ol sluP^Jas sltl JOJ pallEl pue sla^e4 slt{ uioJ]

(y) reel eq]

palrrnlar asnoq aq+ Jo rals€ru ar{} ta}EI aurl Buol y, lq8rs yo 1no .'{e,ue }l p+l }uapl auo ',(1uo palrarar oLI^,r u€tu aq1 r-ra,r.r8 uaaq p€Ll {aq} }unorue aql palqnoP Lroos plrp iiqasr.r,r. slllalEl JIaL{} pasn uollr or4.l }sJrJ aql 'alro palralal uel-u pl|-I] aLll pue o,\\l a,\Pi aL{ puoJas aql o]'slual€] a,rry a.re8 aLI +s.t!{ alp o1 -iarrolu Io sJlll-lourP a3:e1 ro ,,sllralu],, Jo .rar-llullLt P LIPttt LltP,r ,r te8 apl ,, ll



lol lll)s



pallEl aq os

Lrl l--itus PLIE sILIP-\las sILI

15 1o

1adso3 arll Luor] Surpear



(y) reel eq+ Jo {epun5 plL{}-^urql

'lslrtlf, snsa{ P'ro1 'nod 'pro-I

aLIl 1o 1adso3

, palqrunt-l aq



otr asrer4 arlt sl s+{J

ill-lt luel.rodur-11as

II$ alqunq aql asnPraq 'a.re no{ /sralllo

pasre,r aq

aLIl altas o1 .,{pea.r aq lsnu no'{ 1o 1ea:3 ra'r.a,rtoll LIrEg ',,raLl)ea1,, no.,( 11er auo ou lal os ']srrLIJ aLIl ldarYa ,roqlpal ;nod st auo oN 'ualeaq ur sr otlM raqleC auo pLre talseru auo dluo r{lI-M srar{lorq IIe ar€ no1 'alduexa ol lou aru ta^aMor{ /no^',,Jallleal,, ulaql II€r lraql ^\olloJ pue rnolloq 1o a:re1d aq+ oLI.\\ sraqlo 'iq parnupe Suraq daql 'aas ol IIe ro; ssaLl pue apr.rd a>1e1 ur 3r,ir>1e1 1t13r1ap -poo8 -rraq+ asrsuqdua s>lpoll rrall] tuor; Sur8ueq slass€l Slrol crp Lrlrp 'slur€ ro sppJq JIaLII uo rea,nt .{aq1 spueq



r-ra,\f 'saA{asurall} o} uol}ual}e



^{elp \!pr aL[] lo olllalpaqo .{ssnl pue sarnlsa8 puer8 rraql uruli{ .iar-p leq.u asrlrerd lou op traql arurs 'op daql

,urt r,, .iq p-.a1.rn8 aq lor-r op ta^a.^{oll 1no.,( 11a1 ,(aq+ ieqrt trr r-irlllr Lrinolls no.i os 'sasot\ Jo sBurLIJea] ar{l uo pueq S.TASIJPLId L]LIP SAC]I]fS ALII, 'IUILI O} UA}SIT O] PAJAq}Pts LlPLl jP'-{; '-1 \\rrlr .Lll pr-re saldDsrp srq o1 a10ds snsa{


I - I :: a I



'lslrqf, snsaf Prol'nof o; asrerl 'pro'I

aL{} 1o

1adso3 aLIl sI




]nq'palt.\LII a:e aldoacl

,ir-re11, 'pres


olur lno


,'IrEp oJr{+ se.{t



pue s}uEAJas




aH 'uorseJ)o aLIl "roJ ssalp ol paraLlloq lou peq oLI-{'\ ueul auo parrlolr 3uq aq1 'allte peq pue poo8 'aldoad qtpT pallrJ sP.^{ IIeLI aq] uoos ,,ipealslrr zulppai{ aql o] auror uer daql 1laau nod auo.{ra,ra a}Ilur pue lno oB os dlred .,(r.u ur areqs ol alrasap lou op aldoad JsJqI,, 'sllrelras sry ol pres pue snorrnJ se-nt 3ur1 aq1 'Bururor ]or-r roJ asnlxa ue peq LuaLI] Jo qJea lnq 'suorl€rqalal aLIl ul ulol pue aurof, ol palr^ul uaaq peq oLI^\ slsani aq] lie tla] ol sluelras srL{ tuas aq '.{pear se.lt Surq}{re,ta lraqlul '8urp -pam s,uos srq .ro; .{1red 1ea;r8 e pauueld 3uH V, :ualeaq ;o uop8ur>l ar{l +noqe alqe.red slr{l plo} snsa{ .{ep aug

(vl-l:zz) .nlaq]]el^l +5 1o 1adso3

y ledsog


ar{+ LuorJ

(y) reel eql Jo {epung qlq6ra-&uent1

'lslrqf, snsaf prol'nod 'pro-I aqt ,


1o 1adso3

o1 as1el.1

aql sl slrlJ

J \arlaq puP sptrrr.u


y lodsog

a8ueqr ]ou plp no.,( '1eql passaulrm no,{. uaq-tt ua,tg 'ruaql plo] lsqdeg aqt uqo{ lPqM pa^arTaq puP paualsll daql asneraq 'nod ;o due arolaq uop8ur>1 s,poD ralua /uaq] o1 pres snsa{ IIrM srauurs 11er no,( aldoed aLiJ, 'pa11da.r daq] ,'asrnor Jo /auo raplo ar{L

,{epun5 1sr;1-{rtlu{I

prp suos asaq] Jo rlrlLIM, 'slsarrd q8rq aqt palse snsa{

ls lo ladsoD alil LuorJ Surpuar

(y) reel oql s9Ntcvlu tldso9

{epung L{}uru-^lueml



(0t-f l:!a) .\\aq+]PI\


y ledsog

aq] uior; Strrpea;

1o 1adso3

i t i i-t-tt1'1..11p 1-19.i 11.:3-111:q i].t:


uE I,.'rualll

.rtllos rol ppolqE Suro8 se.u ploq -osnol{ € JL) ralsELll aq1,:a1qe:ed e aldoad aql plol snsal


o1 as1er4

'pro1 aql;o 1adso3 aql sl sFII

'pro-I ar{} 1o 1adso3 aLI} sl slqJ, ,'oM] ralllo aql qll.{{ palerq

/zpatuEM raq+eJ rlaLll l€q^{



Christ the King (A)

Third Sunday of Advent (B)



A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (25:31-46)

A reading from the Gospel o{ St John (1,:6-8, 19-28) God sent a man whose name was iohn. He came as a messenget to tell the people about the light, so that through him they would believe in that light. He himself was not the light, but simply a messenger sent on behalf of the light.

'At the end of time the Son of God will come, surrounded by angels, and take his place as King on his

Jesus said,

royal throne. Every race and generation will stand will sort the good from the bad, to the right and to the le{t, just as a shepherd sorts the sheep from the goats. Then the King of glory will say to

before him, and he

those standing on his right, "Come and take possession of the kingdom which is rightly yours. For when I was hungry, you fed me; when I was thirsty, you gave me a drink when you did not know me, you made me welcome; when I had nothing to wear, you gave me clothes; when I was ill, you took care of me; when I was imprisoned, you came to visit me."

'And they will ask, "When did we do all these things for you, Lord?" "I tell you, whenever you did any of these things for others you did them for me." Then he

will say to those standing on his left, "Leave this place and go to the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his {ollowers, because you turned away and did none of these things for me." So they will ask, "Lord, when did we turn away from you and refuse to love or supPort you?" And he will answet "Whenever you failed to do this for anyone, you failed to do it for me. Those who are just and good will enjoy everlasting life, but the others will receive everlasting punishment."'

The Jews sent some priests to fohn the Baptist to ask him,'Who areyou?'


am not the promised one,'he answered.

'Are you Elijah or the prophet?' they asked. 'No, I am neither of these,'he replied.

'Well, who are you thery and why are you baptising these people?'

John answered using the words of the prophet Isaiah, 'I am a voice crying out in the desert, "Prepare a way for the Lordl" I baptise you with watel, but there is one you do not yet know, who stands among you - one who is coming after me. I am not fit even to undo his sandals.'

All this occurred at a place called Bethany, where John had been baptising people in the River Jordan. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) Second Sunday of Advent (B)

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (L:26-38)

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (1:1-8) This is the beginning of the Gospel written about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The prophet Isaiah had written long ago: 'See, I will send my messenger before you to

prepare your way; a single voice calling out in the desert, "Get ready {or the Lord who is coming' Make a

God sent the angel Gabriel to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a young woman there called Mary. She was engaged to marry a carPenter called ]oseph' a descendant of King David's family. The angel greeted Mary with the words, 'Be glad, Mary for God is with you and has given you great blessings.'

Mary was troubled and wondered what the angel's

straight path for him!"'

words meant.

John the Baptist began preaching in the desert, calling the people to make amends for their sins and to be baptised. From as far as |erusalem and all over Judaea people came to confess their sins and to be baptised in the River fordan as a sign of their rePentance. John wore a simple camel-hair coat, fastened around the middle with a leather belg and locusts and wild honey were his food.

'There is nothing to fear,' Gabriel assured her. 'You will have a son and name him Jesus. He will be called Son of the Most High, whose reign will never end.'

As he was preaching one day, he said to the crowd, 'There is someone coming who is much greater than I am, and I am unworthy even to kneel at his feet and undo his sandals. I have baptised you with watet but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.'

who was childless, is herself expecting ababy-'


it was that

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.


'How can this happeo' asked Mary, 'when I am not married?' 'The Holy Spirit will come to you,' said Gabriel. 'Therefore this child will be holy and be known as the Son of God.

Nothing is impossible for God. Your cousin Elizabeth Then Mary said, 'I am God's servant, and will do whatever he asks. Let everything happen just as you have said.' Then the angel left her. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.


ur a^arTaq ol lou osooq) oL{,\\ asoql 'rnorAPS S11 aq o} 'Lu}r{ ul a^allaq lnq pl.Io-\\ ar{l aEpnl ol }Lras }ou se-^4. aH oLIi\,\ osol1l ot aJrl leurala a^I8 ol uos '{1uo srq }uas aq lpql qlnuI os plroM aql Pa^ol po3 'aJIT I€urala a^er{

auodra,ra ]Pql os 'dn pasre'r oq lsnur uenl Jo uos aql os 'uosap aql ur aIPus azuoJq /snuaPo)IN o1 prus snsa{ aql dn pasrer sasot\ se lsnl,

ielu urrq uI salarlaq oq.u

(lz-rl:€,) urlol lS Jo 1adso3




'snsaf o1 3uq1e1 ue8aq pue urar{} aro;aq pareadde sasotr l pue qeftrE uaq;'alrqn'r {1lue11lrrq auolls saqlol) srLI se paulJoJsuer] se.\! aruereadde ,snsa{ 'uo palool .,{aql aI}qM'auolP aq plnol daql araLIM ure]unoLu qgH e;o dot aqt o1 uqo{ pue satue{ ta}ad pal snsal

y ledsog

(01-z:6) 1re1[ lS;o 1adso3 aLIl uror] Surpuar

y ledsog

aLIt LuorJ Surpear







^ePuns 'lslrt{:) snsaf Prol'nod 'proT

'lsIrrIJ snsaf Prol'nof o; asrertr


aLIl yo 1adso3 aLIl sl


'palsnJ] aq ruoq^{ InJarEJ se.\{ aLI puP sueaq aLIl ur s€,\'\ leqm .tlar-Dl 'aldoad aql Jo spurlu

snsa{ arurg Lulq ul pa^allaq '{aql pue 'r-ualesn'ra{ ut s€.t,\ aq alrq.M palro^\ snsai su8rs aLI] .\\€s aldoad iuery dep +eql pint pn.1 snsa{ 1er-1-u pllelsra}rlln plno'u saldrl -slp s1,1 'peap aql ruor] uolJlarlllsar srq ra11e pr're 'ipoq Lr^{o slt{ S€i\ }noQE alods snsai 1er-p aldural al{l lng

,'sMaN pooD arll a^arlaq pup

urnJ ireau d;a.t

palla^er] snsa{ 'lsarre

s,1sr1deg aLIl


(gI-ZI:I) IrelN lS 1o 1adso3 aql


'sra8ueqc-dauour pue daaqs 'apler pue 'suoa8rd alil lps nroql ls8troue :lr-ull.rq aldoed Jo lln' Lualesmef ur aldural aLP punoJ aH :i rtrssPcl qsr,rta{ aql a}eJqalal o1 ualesnra{ o1 lua'rt snsa{

y ladsog

t5 1o 1adso3 aLIl ulorJ Surpea;

(g) +uel Jo Aepuns pilLll

'lslrqf, snsef Prol'nof



'pro1 aql yo 1adso3 aql sl sIr{I

,ilqissod plnor ,peap aLIl ruorl Surstr, leqrt -r \'.sLLI.Lll ls8uotue passnf,siP lnq 'pa)isl? snsa{ 1eq'ra' -'r:. i..'.rl ppap aLI] urorJ uaslr peq u€IN Jo ucs aql Iqun -::1:i 'i'rLI ia,.1l leq,t auo.,(ue IIa+ ol lou tualll Plol oLIM >r-.:rf Lr-: i,, f trtrllr sa,\lasuraLil punol .{aql dluappns uaql 'uear"u

,'sdes aq

..ll:Il t{)111u i.ra r a,ro1 I Ltrol-[M uo5 .'{rII SI SIrIL p;'a> :-.: :r-,all .rL{l r-l-loll alu€) o)rol e pLrP 'ltoper{s rrt

>ll !.,.., .-.:,:r :aar.r\(rl pllolf Surssed



olur asnoll

..i",-jrr-irs.ra sr-itor rloLIl Surrallers's'ra8ueqr-'{auour arll lrr salq€+ alll paurnua^o puE .{rguB fra'l' se^l' aII

luaruou leql lV ,inod Jo

:lrl-alls l] a)Ptu frlnor a { aJaq aq ol Sn Io} ro op Illlraplllr r\ :l lr '.r.r.l:t'i\. dn a1o.{s lslad lr}un 'des aq1 saldDsrp ara'rr os i.tll pILr ol lpr,l\\.\\LrLI-i lLrti LrIPilP s9Ntcvlu lldso9




s,rarllpj inr Sr,rrlt'r-u dols pue ie'ne s8urql asaLl+ Jo 'LLI.rLll +p i;-urltroqs 'a1dr-ua1 ar{} Jo }no sluellJraur llE .)t,l , aLIl LrLrE slPLlIIuP aL{} paspLll ilrSue a.l '{."1.\{ e Sursn

3LIo Lirra lLr.l


y ledsoo

LuorJ Burpear

lsrg ^epuns

rjrl tIJ Lrl a rpl{ n,r.i op ILI-qIl ,;are1d 1a1;eur P

Ir-.1 ..

'ulq ldual

aLu€r 1l,\ap aql Pue 's,iep ,{po; 'ro1 paiels aq aral{^tt sl€ur -rue plr^\ aq] Suoure lrasap aql olur snsa{ pal }lr}ds aqJ

lEtl.\\, 'pajsP ptre sn.ai doj: trl LrJr'Il slsallc{ 'r1dua1 aq1

(SZ-E1 :Z) r-rt1o{


ruorl '{eme

uqo{ raue uoos

'urILI JaAo PaLIJIEM sla8ue apt1,tl

aarql ut uiuFP

]r asrp.r 1I.\\ I plrp aldlual >ILll -ioll:aC, 'Lrcla-\\sLIP


sr poD Jo tuop8uol aq1, 'aldoad aql o+

.iar-p ,;r {up aalq1 ur lr pllnqar 61 s:ea-i 9f )iool aldural stq1, , s-iepr


8ur{Bs pue 1adso3 aLIl Sulrulellord 'aa11e3 lnoq8norql


noi plnor '\\oH ippnq


aq+ yo 1adso9 aLIl si

snsaf Prol'noA ol asl€rd

'pro.I aqt;o 1adso3 aql sI sFII 'poD ,(q Passalq sem aq Pu€ 'uelu 8uno.,( asrm pu€ 8uor1s e olut ,r,ta.r8_ aq aral.L_'aallleD ur Lpar€zeN ol auroll snsa{ 1oo1 {aq} 'parlnbar 'uu1 inqt 8urqt.{ra,ra auop per{ gdaso{ pue drery uaq14


'ualesnra{ ales plno.\ oqm plltlr aql }noqe auo -.,ira.ta 11a1 pue poD asrerd o1 ue8aq euuy'snsa{ 'rtus aqs se uoos sy '8ur1sey pue ra.{erd }ue}suof, q8norqt po3 Sur,rras aJll rar{ luads aq5 'a1dlua1 aq} ur pa^ll oll-nt ssa -laqdord d1.rap1a uE sP-\\'lanuplld Jo ralllbnep aql 'euuv rnod pue ,'proMs alqrrral e dq parrard aq III.,rl. lr€aq u'44'o 'pauroJs pue palrafa'r aq II1M arl'asrr o1 dueru pue 11e] ol aL[ '.{re141 o1 Sururnl 1"nrr1 .tr duetu asner IP\{ aH, 'pIPS /Llloq 'snsa{ }noqe pres Suraq LuaLIl passalq uoaurls 'pu€ pue '{reyq qdaso{ ara.tr rapuom du,qt{ia,oa l€ }o IInl 'auod;a.ta ro1 lnq laers1 aldoad rno{ roq 1sn[ 1ou 'dlo13 pue alol rno.'( lea,rar o] ]uas a'teq nod 'aread ur JnorAeS aLIl uaas aAEq J 'Pasruord nof se 1sn[

arp aw ]al /proT .ttoN, :$lLreLIl urq a,tr8 pue po3 asrerd o1 ue8aq pu€ sutre srq ur pllq) aLIl )oo] aq'snsa{ uo sa'{a las aLI uall^r pue 'dep 1eq1 aldrual aLIl oi uoaurls paprn8 ir.rrdS aql lslrq:) aLIl uaas pErl ar{ Iqun alp }ou PInoM aLI leql uH pasruro.rd ppLI poD 'ir.rrd5 ,{1og aq} q}L^{ palllJ sem oLI,\\ uoauJrs pallef, uPur P se,\{ [ralesnra{ ur 8ur'rr1

'sasot\ Jo ,\.el pue arl} o} rxlll ol 'pro-I raJJo arlJrrl€s se parrnbar aql .{q pue '{re6 qdaso[ ol snsal aql aldtual o1 1oo1 luasard 6V-ZZ:Z)


]S 1o 1adso3

y ledsog

atil rlror1 Surpear

(g) {1rue1 {1og eq1


him have determined their own judgement. The light of the world has come, but many turn away from it and prefer the darkness. Anyone who does wrong is afraid of the light, because their badness will be plain for all to see. Good people are not afraid of the light, because it shows that what they do, comes from God.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.


Easter (B)

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (20:L9-31) On the Sunday after Jesus had died, his disciples gathered together in a locked room, hidden away for fear of being arrested. Suddenly Jesus appeared in the room with them. 'Peace be with you,'he said, and he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side.

Old Testament Reading Numbers 21:4-9

The disciples were overjoyed to see their Master again.

After the Israelites had escaped from slavery in Egypt, they were led through the desert by Moses. The people grew impatient and fed up r'vith the hardships they faced, and began to grumble and complairy speaking out against God and Moses his servant. When this happened, we are told, God sent serpents or snakes among the people with a bite so fien' and venomous that many of the Israelites died from their poison. The people turned to Moses and pleaded lvith him to ask God to forgive their impatience and ingratitude, and to save them from certain death. God lisiened to what Moses had to say and then told him to make a bronze serpent (a symbol of life and rener,r'al in ancient times) and lift it up high on a pole. Anyone r,r'ho was bitten would be

healed and saved hrr o:zino

Second Sunday

et tho hrq117e


before them.

'As my Father sent me, so I am sending you,' he said. Thery breathing on them, he said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit, and know that whomever you forgive, I will forgive also!'

The disciple called Thomas was not with the others when Jesus had appeared, and because he had not seen him with his own eyes, he did not believe that Jesus was alive. A week later Jesus appeared to them again and, greeting them with the words, 'Peace be with you', he showed his wounds to Thomas, and said, 'See the wounds in my hands and side; touch them and doubt no longer, Thomas.'

At once Thomas answered,'My Lord and my God.' Jesus said to him, 'You believe because you have seen me with your own eyes. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.'

The disciples of Jesus saw many other marvellous

Fifth Sunday of Lent (B) Gospel

of God, and that through this belief in him you will

A reading from the Gospel of St John (72:20-33)

have life.

Some Greeks, who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the approaching Passover feast, came to Philip and asked to rneet Jesus. Philip told this to Andrew and the two disciples went to tell Jesus.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

Jesus said to them, 'The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Just as a grain of wheat must die to

Third Sunday

produce a harvest of many grains, so the Son of God must die so that many can live. Whoever hates his earthly life will keep it for eternal life. If someone wants to serve me, then they must be prepared to follow me. If they do this, then my heavenly Father will glorify them.' troubled because he knew the time for him to die was fast approaching. 'Should I ask my Father to stop this from happening, when it was for this very

Jesus was

reason that I have come? Fathe4 glory be to your name!'

Then a voice spoke from the clouds and said, 'My name will be againl'The crowd heard the voice, but thought it was the sound of thunder. So Jesus said, 'This voice has spoken for vour sake. Now it has been glorified, and

is judgement time for this world; the Prince of this world will be overthrowry and when I am raised up I will gather everyone to myself.' In this way, Jesus revealed how he would die. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.


things done by Jesus which are not written down here. What has been included in this book has been written so that you may believe that ]esus is the Christ, the Son


Easter (B)

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (24:35-48) The disciples who had met Jesus on the road to Emmaus were telling the others what had happened, and how they had recognised Jesus in the breaking of bread. Suddenly Jesus appeared among them, and at first they were terrified, because they thought that they had seen a ghost!

Then Jesus said to them, 'Peace be with you.' Seeing that they were still scared, he added, 'Do not be afraid.

Why do you doubt what you can see? Look at my wounds and see that I am not a ghost. Touch me, a ghost has no flesh or bones as I have!'

They were overjoyed but still filled with disbelief, so for something to eat and they watched as he ate some grilled fish.

Jesus asked them

Then he began to explain the Scriptures to them, and finally they understood what Scripture had said about the Messiah suffering and rising after three days; and how, starting in ferusalem, the message of repentance

a9 o1



sl slqJ,

'lslrqf, snsal Pro'l'nod 'pro.I ar{};o 1adso3

lEr{M op no.'{ JI 'ar.u pa^ol sptl roqlec {Lu. se lsnl nod pa,ro1 o^Er-[ L 'saldnsrp srq o] PrPS snsal AEP auo


y ladsog

(Zf-O:St) uqo{ t5 1o 1adso3 ar{l urorJ Surpear

'u,\\o+ ol Ll.\4.o1 uroJ1 peards ra,r'tod pue '{1r'roq}ne s$ s€ Jalrl€D lnoqSno.rq} snorupJ se^\ Snsal uoos s.\{aLr Jo

,'turq faqo


pu€ 'asla auo ou alll sarnldlrJs 11r,rt slrlds ar{} uala sl{J, 'pa>1se ,{aql ,lSuruaddeq sr uetu snsa{ uer .tin1d*" 'are1d peq ualel 1eq.tr dq Pazlrure sert auo"(ra'rg 1eq,14, 'LuI{ +JaI llrlds /a{€r{s o} ue8aq ueu aq1 pue e q}l-e\ 'uaLI} ar{l '.{rr pnol , aJead

srq] a^eal pue 'lrrrds '1atnb ag,


'prerJe se^ alro.{Jalo pue ,ipoD uroJ1 Ja8uassaur dloq e are no.,( ,t,tolq I isn dorlsap o] +ueM nod op 'qlorezeN

'}lrlds IIAa ue dq paqrnl ;o snsa{, 'dpno1 patnolis aH IrIp tn^ or{'lt u€ur e {q paldnr.ra}ur splt snsa{ "{pappn5

'arolaq auop ra'\a pPLI asla auo oLI

uI poD Jo Luaql o1 alods aLI asn€)aq pazelue ieql a.ra,lr .{aq} pue 'aldoad aLIl LII€al o1 ue8aq aq a'IaLII .{e,r,r' e

an8o8Bu,{s aq} ot }rla rr aq .iupr {leulQe$ a{1 uo pr-I€ 'r,unuurade3 pallel r-l-\\ol e ut Sut'ie1s se rr snsal (gZ-fZ'f) {rel\ tS 1o 1adsol aql ruorl Surpea: y ',ip.rd

^ePuns 'lsInIJ snsa[ Prol'noA ol asrerd 'pro.I ari[] yo 1adso3 aq] sl sHI

uI u€tu

turrl e ur pres snsaf



(g) real eqi +o ,{ePun5 LlUnol





JaLIteC .'(tu o1 .,{ro13

Surrq'saidrosrp ^{tu se pue llnrJ Llrnlu r€aq 1p'tr no''( uaqt nod '1reaq ;rnt,{ uI sprom dru ^'{rrer pue aur ol asolr '{e}s aur nol aJ€ ']InrJ lno pu€ ssalasn due reaq louueJ Jr lng '}rn;1 '{ue -r{}l^r lsaq)u€Jq aLI} are rlo''( pue 'aur^ aLI} tue I Sunnpord lnoLIlI-^ arp pue raqlrm IIIM alrl^.alll JJo +nr sr leLI] tllueJq V 'aur uI ulPtual no'{ pue no.A. uI LrreuraJ 1



q8norql '}InrJ rpnu

reaQ lllru'


:'.tirru -iarll LIro








,'aures aLI] Op os 'no,i o1 ;1as,{tu alo^ap I a>l€s JraLI} JoC

olul uralp Surpuas ure I os 'aru luas no"{

daa>1 pue 'do[ '{u Ir \a IIE rlorJ aJ€s urall] ruaqt a,u3 'a"rn1dr'r)s ]o sproM aql HInJ ol lsol s€^t ...1.r ilug ar.uBu rno',{ 1o ra.trod ar{} .4.q urJELl uroJ1 aJES ',rial11 1da>1 puE uraql JoAo paqJle.l,i a^eLI I 'auo are I puE .1Llt

i sp auo aq ,{er"u .{aq+ }Pq} os 'auo8

'.uaq] daal 1I,n nod teql de;d I taqlPC

Gt-tt:Zf) uqo{ tg yo 1adso3

a''req I uaLI'M aJes "{1o11,

'pres snsaf

aq} uro}I Surpea;r



qlue^es ^ePuns

'lsInIJ snsaf p'ro1 'no.{ o1 asrer4 'prol aLI+;o ladsog aqt sl slt{I r?Ll.\\ la!]ulaulau 'auIeu

'lspqf, snsa{ Prol'nof 'pro1


Jo ssaullnJ

(g) re1se3 Jo

,'raLIlOu€ auo a^ol :pueluuoJ I ur ro1 1se nof ra'ta1eq''r'r' no''{

-ir'u Surq].'('rala pareLIS a^er{ I asn€Jaq jllilqP a8paltllou>1 OU a^ell SIUeAJAS asn€)aq :irl::'!-- lIsLIl '!t!i'. \-iai 11!r \ IIPI 'ra8uo1 0r-r I 'sluarupuEurtuor ^'(ru ia.:,.. l'.o i:r :i'uat:1 -ir-u a:p no 'spuau] JlaLIl Jo a{es aq} 'nO"{ lol f.ir ::3it+ '111 a q3 o1 uel{} alour a,\ol uef, auo o1r1 ol :op a^ol LIIBa JaLIlo LII rl Jtll autes P3 \O, I \':".r I :E -iU aq palH .ir'u qllm \\ sllll -iof sl ffA{ r?tJ prre,.ui-.r..r no i I noi 1er1+ Lr: sltli r1o i 11a1 1 a-ro1 s,raqlEj '{tu ut anurluor se lsnl a ro1 -iur uI anulluol 11r-u' no'i uaLI] 'plleuruloJ


s€q raqlEC .{ur 1eq.r'r sr ]eq1 1d13u11l'ra' dn 1r a'r't8 1 asneraq dtu sa1e1 auo oN 'alu salol raqleg {ur slql *or;


"1tt o1 ayt '{u dn a'rr8 11'ra' 1 ;o "rr-rnr"q-p.,e 'uru8e 1r ure8ar :praqdaqs auo dq pa1 sI lpql )ilog auo 1o lred aruoraq faq] daql ]er{l os 'alu ^taollo} pLrc aJrol .{u-o1 ua1s11 1y'rt ool 'plo} sril o1 3uo1aq lou op oq-nt daaqs ral-llo Peal ol pue /uraql roJ ag {tu dn a.,r.r8 o1 '{pear rue I-'aur smou) aq p.rn i"qlnc du,tr.oo1 1 se 1sn[ 'alu Mou{ daql pue 'arueu .,(q daaqs .'(u Jo qrea MoLr{ I paral+ers ro palrrom ar€ daaqs aqt pue-de.rte sunr uelu aql 'sreadde 11o'tt {r8unq art uaqM 'tulq ot 8uo1aq lou oP daaqs aLIl ieql smou{ aLI asne)aq lr +noqe arel .{11ear lou saop >lrol] aq} raue 'daaqs slq roJ a1p o1 '{pear )ool o1 parrll sr oLl.l,r ueur y sr oLIM 'praqdagg pooD aql we 1, 'pres snsal '{ep auo

(gr-1:or) uqo{ +S;o 1adso3

aq} Luor; Surpear



(g) re1se3 Jo

i',r, :'rri :atpe4

sSNtcvlu lldso9


aLIl 1o 1adso3 aql st srLII ,'op ol aur papueuluoJ


I.,1: 'lr.\! l.rqlPl .\Lu 1eq1 3ur-rtou1 'lrnJJ reaq o1 1no nod i'.:r:'a. LUP I -\ro,\ 'spuarl1 no'{ 11er l uaql 'nod Ll}lrrt alu




yo 1adso3 aLIl sl sILII




'a.rolu ua,\a arnpord 1p'n ,iaq] rea-{ 8ur'rtolloJ aL{} rpll't't sar{Ju€Jq 1€LIl os urlll ,iq paunrd arP lrn;J 'irrel saLIruPJq il€aq aJP ],uop lrnJ1 aql plr€ ',(e'rte 1nr ^leql ,ir,u 1o ,tuy 'aur^ aql spual oq^{ rauapr€E aql sr raLIlPC .(u pue alrrl anr] aql ure 1, 'saldnsrp srq p1o1 snsa{ (g-f,gf) utlo{ l5 1o 1adso3 aql uror1 Surpeary

(g) ra1se3 +o '+slrqf snsaf Prol'no'{


-satu ,ir-u poolsJapLln pu€ ol paualsll aA€LI no'{ asneJag

LlUnol ^ePuns

'lslrqf, snsaf Prol'nof



'pro1 aql yo 1adso3 aLIl sl


a'ret{ nori ,'uaddeq s8tnql asaql II€ uaas asnef,aq sossoulr.l{



no ,'uroq} ol pIEs sr-rsai ltaql 'sr.roIlEl.l

aql II€ o] atuPu slq LIl paqreard


plnolls ssaua-rrFrol pr'tt'


Fifth Sunday of the Year (B)

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (1:29-39) Jesus left the synagogue and went to the house where Simon Peter and his brother Andrer,r- lived. When they

arrived at the house Jesus r,r,as told tirat Simon Peter's mother-in-law had been taken il1 cinLl \,vas suffering from a fever. Jesus went to het took her by the hand and, as he helped her up, the feler clisappeared and she felt well again.

That evening crowds of sick f.eople gathered around Sirnon Peter's house, ancl Tesus cured many of them.

Very early the next n'rorrrirrg Jesu: rvent off to a lonely place to pray by himseli, \\-hen Simon Peter woke up and found that Jesus had eone, he set off with his friends to search for hirr,.

'Lots of people are looking itrr vou,' Simon Peter told ]esus rvhen he four-rd hin.r.

|esus said to them, '\\'e r.nust go to other towns and villages, because I came to pr1p36fi the Cood Ner.r's to everyone.'

So Jesus and his companior-rs travelled throughout Gali1ee, preaching in the svnagogr-res and driving out

Eighth Sunday of the Year (B) Gospel A reading {rom the Gospei of St Mark (2:18-22) One day when the disciples of john the Baptist and the Pharisees were fasting, some of them noticed that Jesus and his disciples were not, and they asked Jesus, 'Why are you eating while everyone else is fasting?'

friends of the bridegroom will not fast while he is sti11 with them. There rvi1l be plenty of time to fast when he has gone. You wouicl not sew a patch of new material on to an old cloak, because when it was washed the patch would shrink and tear the cloak. In the same \ /ay no one would pour new wrne into o1d wineskins, because they would burst and the wine and the skins would be lost for ever, so new wine must only be poured into new wineskins.' Jesus answered, 'The

This is the Cospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

er.il spirits. This is the Cospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Ninth Sunday of the Year (B) Gosoel A readir.rg from the Gospel of St Mark (2:23-3:6)

Seventh Sunday of the Year (B)

It was the Jewish Sabbath.

Jesus and

his disciples took


walk through some cornfields and they picked ears of

Gospel A reading frorn the Gospel of St Mark (2:1-72) When Jesus returned to Capernaum, ne\,vs soon spread that he was there, and crowds of people gathered outside the honse where he was staying.

As Jesus was preaching, four men carrving a stretcher arrived. The man on the stretcher was paralysed and could not walk, and his friends hoped that Jesus would cure him. Because the cror,r'ds were so large they could not carry the stretcher close to Jesus. So they climbed on to the roof and made a hole above where Jesus r,r'as standing. Then they 1on'ered the stretcher down gently on long ropes. Seeing their faith, Jesus furned to the man on the stretcher and said to him,'My son, your sins are forgiven.'

Some of the scribes who were there were shocked and angr1, r'vhen thev heard rvhat Jesus had said. 'Who does he think he isl' they exclaimed. 'Onlv God has the power to forgive sir-rs.'


Jesus reminded the Pharisees that when David and his

follor,vers needed something to eat they had gone into God's house and eaten the bread given as an offering. 'The lau' allowed only the priests to eat such bread,' he said, 'but David ate it and shared it with his followers too. Then Jesus said to the Pharisees, 'People were not made for the Sabbath, instead the Sabbath was made for people; and the Son of Man is master of even the Sabbath.'

it was the Sabbath day, Jesus and his disciples went to the synagogue. A man with a paralysed hand was there, and the Pharisees On another occasion, again when

watched carefully to see whether Jesus would ignore the rules of the Sabbath and cure him. ]esus knew what they were thinking, so he called the man font'ard and asked the Pharisees, 'What does the law allow us to do on the Sabbath day? To do a good deed or a bad one; to save someone's life or to end it?'

Knowing what the1, r.vere thinking, Jesus asked, 'ls it

They did not answer him, and he was annoyed because they were so set in their ways. Jesus turned to the paralvsed man and said, 'Ho1d out your hand.' The man did so, and at once he was cured.

stretcher and walkl"' The man then got to his feet and began to wa1k.

The Pharisees went away and began planning how to get rid of Jesus.

The people were amazed by this, and began praising God! 'Never have we seen anything like it!' they said.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

easier to forgive this man's sins, or to make him r,l'aik? If you need proof that I have the po\'ver to forgive sins, then I shall say to this rr.ran, "Stand upl Pick up your


corn as they went. Seeing what the disciples had done, the Pharisees came to Jesus and said angril,v,'What they have done is forbidden on the Sabbath!'


auos }ng pa>UoM p€LI aLI }eq} salre -rru aql Jo pJEall pel{ uaql Jo .,(uelu pue 'prPS aq leq} IIp pLrP ruopsl-\\ SILI -iq pazeuP aJoM aJaLI+ aldoad aLiI 'pa)se pMorr

'+sIrrIJ snsaf Prol'no,{ o1 asrer4 'pro.l aLI+ ]o IadsoD aql sl slL{J

aL{} Jo

'qtr€ard o1 anSo8

-eu.is aLll ol lLra,rt ar{ .'{ep ql€qqes aq} uo pue 'saldrcsrp srLI LilI.\\ r{lar€z€N JO uMol auroq srt{ o1 paurnla'r snsa{

y ledsog

(9-I:9) )ret11 tg;o 1adso3 ar{} ruor; Surpear

(g) reetr eql +o Aepung qlueetrnol

'spu€ruuro) srq daqo plnom puIM pue pas aql ua^a l€q+ uaas per{ daql asneraq rapuoM q}lM paIIIJ ara,r'r {aq1 izatlI ur a^allaq 1ou nod PrC ZPIerJe

os no.{


dq14, 'saldlrsrp



'ure8e urlur .uar8 eas aLIl pue paddorp


snsa{ uaql ar{} aruo




ag,'pres aq'pul.\t pue eas aLIl SuploJs 'pue dn lo8 snsa{ 'paumorp


,{aqr arolaq snsa{ a1e-r't

ol uer pue parJlrral ara,lt saldnsrp aLII ']Poq ar4] punod o1 ue8aq sare,rt lear8 pue 'dn -ttalq Lurols e dpappng 'leoq ar{i ;o Suqror aLIl dq daals o1 pallnl uoos sem aLI

'lslrqf, snsa{ Prol 'nod



'pro1 aLIl;o 1adso3 aLIl sl slt{J ,1,{r8unq aq }snur aLIS '}ea o1 Surqlauros raLI a^ID, snsa{ 'prus II}un '}xau op ro des ol leqm MotDI l,upp pazerue os IIe ata.\\ ,{aq1 tuoor aLI} pllnore leqr 'iaq+ pallp^L pue dn 1oB 'p1o srea,{ 71 sem oqm I'rrB eppl aq1 ;dn 1a3'1.n8 pueq raq 3ur4e1 -ie1 1.rrF al]tl-I, '-iilalnlr prus snsa{ o} dn 'lalad pue trqoi 'sar'uei all]ll aL{} araq-\\ Luoor aql"(1}ua8 saldrrsrp aLI] pLI€ 'aJr-\\ s{r,{ pr-re sn:ru{ Iool snsJL LIarll prrp 'rL1tsl110 llp tuaql lllas all :ng ;snsa1 1u paqsnel iar-11

pue dep 11e Surqreard uaaq peLI snsa{'aa1tle3 Jo eas aq} ]o aprs raqlo ar{l ol IIes ol 1;o 1as saldnsrp srq pue snsa{

(ff-Sg:l) ryefi[ lg 1o iadsoS ar{l

(g) reel aql +o fepung Ll+laMI

.:,_rr-{,rr_ i1...,


'ppaLr loLr sr lrrS a1:1r1 aql '.ur j.urrO. Llllrl s'!1sal l11J, 'Lrt's -(:a r Sr-rrlaal L.ue Sr:t.i;l .P.\\ auLi.u: r,r a.rr,rri ar{l


JJ, lOLl LrC. ','r.r.JS LruP Snrrei o1

au lsrul

Lraulnl snsal palp



.-; ie.rr rrallr Lrrr ara-\\ .iaql 1.rr8 a1l+ll aLIl ]Er.ll Luaql IIo+ o] alupr lup \r.s : 'uPtLIo.\\ al{l ol Suqeads sem snsa{ a1tq14



p.ro-I ar{l ;o 1adsol aL{l sl slt{-l


pPLI aas




, LIllc-i a \PLI puE

LuorJ Surpear




8uo1aq {1ru1 1p,u op ot Luaq} s}uem poC IELIM saop ot{,tt

auo.{uy isralsls pu€ sraq}orq du

a.re no.'{ 1o

1y ;d1ue1

dru sr oq,14, 'LuIr{ punore 3ur11rs aldoad aql ol ples snsa{

rno{ ,;a,.ead ur il3 IIa-M no.,( aputu spr{ r{lluJ rarlaq no.i asl'Ielag, 'ueluo.M aq] ol pres snsa{

8ur1re,tr'aprslno a're .'{ptue1 rno1, '8ur''(es 'rurq o1 a8essaru e luas daql 'palure snsa{ 1o llrtuel aq1 uaq14

,;a.leq nof pue aur arnr plno.la. no.,( paqrnol L 'ples pue asneraq r'... . :ur-ll Lra.\arlaq i ::rl '.rl! rr Sur1qlua.r1 'Pre.tn.ro1 paddals ueulom ar{l uaql 'pies snsa{ ,'au 8ur,leal 'ra.tlod {r.u 1141 i,

sr lradsarsrp r{}I.^^ llrlds ,,{1og aqr 3ur1ear1 lnq 'ua.tr8 -ro; aq uer s8urql 11V, 'urarl o] Pres snsa{ 'turq ul llrlds Lrealf,un ue Sur,leq io ru+l pasnJJE peq daql asn€)ag





,'nod paqrnol a.teq aldoad p_rro;t p Lilns ur falsetr/\d, 'paIaMsue Jalad puv ,aaur par{)no} or.[M, talad palse snsaf uaql

;parn) s€^{ aLIs leq] .{,\auz ar{s aruo }v'passed aq ;p SnSai qrnol o] pa8euetu aqs /pu€q JaLI lno Surqrlarls 'Lrrrp 'p.\rorr Suqlsnq aq1 q8nonlt de,u. raq paqsnd aq5 , alu arnJ 1p-u snsa{ teq} a^allaq 1uaql, 'tq8noqt :Lts ,'IECrlr srq L{Jnol o1 lsnl q8noua asop 1aB u€] I JL 'raLI arnr o+ alq€ uaaq P€LI

':lisr \ pELi aqs srolJop aql ]o auou pue 'sread 3uo1 a.r.1a.ra.1 '-r ',iaac pEL{ oLIM ueluolt P s€ { Luaql Suotuy asnorl .:-.-.:i .r: .ir-rr .rtarll apeu .{aq} s€ ruall} PapunorJns

,'no.{ aas



,'dn parl uaaq lsrl1 seLI qoJ ueJ auo oN raLI}Ia e ar{ ssalun asnor{ s,ueru 8uor1s

tspl lou IIIM aLI uaq] ?laslul{ lsure8e qapl^p sI p^ap art JI ']sel louuer pu€ >Iea.^ aq IIIM ,(aqt uat1l taqto r{rea q}I-lr an8re qcrq.tr slred dueru o}ur plollasnoq e ro r-uop8ur>1 E apl^Ip no,( 1 lp,tap aLIl lno +seJ lr^ap aql uer MoH, '3ur,{es salqered uI urall} o1 alods snsa{ uaql ,iJlasLUrq

,----:: :-r p \\L).rr a8rel e pue 'snrre{ q}l^{ Jlo }as snsal


a-i ::,1

,'ure8e IIa,M aq aseald pue_auroJ rnod asn r.pno1 Suqeaq as a11111 .r.u ta1se1atr, 'papeald pue saarDl

:-:..-: .. -;ri ::- -:-r'-a, -:-:'.r !r: alue: sn.rte{ pall€f, ueuI e uorlM'apls -:-\,:j' r,, ,:. .i.,.ai L1lrr10.1e pa:aq1e8 pPLI p,{\oJJ a3re1 y :;-:;:: , )rPJ\ ls 1o 1adso3 aql tuorJ Surpea.r y ledsog

qlueeurLll (g) real eql +o 'iePunS s9NtcvlE t3dso9


aLll 1o raru"od

aql q8norql 'aldoad Jo lno slr,rap asPLIr ol alqe sI aH, 'sallasruaql ol palqlumu daql pue 'pa'iarlte8 ppq ]eLIl


arp Buoure aJaM uralesnra{ wor; saqIJJs auros




ipueq lo 1no 1oB

peq pa^allaq daql rqrrq,nt'uollenlls aql 1o a8retp alel ol go 1as daql 'slr{} }noqe pr€ag sa^4elar slr{ uaqM 'leoul e a^eq ol ua,r.a snsa{ ro1 alqrssodtul se-lt }I }eql alaql dueu os aJaM aJar{I 'anJ} s€^^ ulR{ }noqe preaLl peq AaLII IIe Jr aas o] pu€ Surtpeal urlq rear{ o1 ra8ea 'paraqle8 peq pmorl a8rel e 3uo1 arolaq pue 'aluoq paurnlar snsaf (Eg-OZ:g)


lg 1o 1adso9 orll urorJ Surpear



(g) reel eql +o AePun5 L{}ueI


'Surely this is Joseph the carper-rter's son? Isn't his fami11, still living here in Nazareth? How can he know all these things and talk in this n av?'

They r,r'ould not listen to Jesus or believe in hirn. Jesus was saddened and disappointed by their lack of faith, and he left Nazareth to go and preach in tl.re surrounding vi11ages. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year (B) Gospel A reacling from the Gospel of St Iohn (6:2a35) When the people realised that the disciples of Jesus had left for Capernaum, they too crossed the sea by boat to look for Jesus there. When they found him, Jesus said to them, 'You came looking for me because I gave you all the bread vou could eat. Y.ou have not come because you have seen the signs I have given. Do not search for food that goes bad, but for food that will last for ever, vr.hich the Son of Man can give you!' So they asked

him, 'What should we do to please God?'

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year (B)



Then thev said to Jesus, 'What sign will vou give us so that we can believe in you? Scripture tells us that our fathers were given manna to eat in the desert.'

A reading from the Gospel oi St \Iark (6:7-13) Then Jesus called his trleh'e apostles together and sent them out in pairs to preacl'r to the people and to cure the sick. He told them to takE no rnonev no spare clothes and no food. 'If someone rnakes r.ou u'elcome, then stay with them until vour rvork is frnished,' he said. 'But if people are unfriendh' crnrl clo not rvant to listen to your message, then u'alk atvav ancl lear.e them to themselves.'

The apostles set off ancl dicl evervtl.ring as Jesus had said. Many people turned back to God after hearing their words, and others u,ere crued in Jesus' narne. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

replied, 'You rnust believe in the one he sent.'

He answered them, 'It was not Moses who gave yoll bread from heavery but rny Father, who gives the true bread. The breaci of God comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.' Hearing his words, the people said to Jesus, 'Sir, please give us that bread.'

jesus looked at them and said, 'I am the bread of life; anvone who comes to me will never go hungry; whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year (B) Seventeenth Sunday of the Year (B) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of


John (6:1-15)

Jesus crossed the Sea of Ga1i1ee, and, seeing that a large

crorvd had followed him along the shore, he turned to Philip and asked, 'Where can \,\,e buy some bread to {eed these people?'

Philip ansrvered, 'Master, it would cost a fortune to sive each person even a small piece of bread!' Then Andrew brought to Jesus a voung boy u.ho had five Ioave: and trr'o fi>h. 'But r,r'hat use are these,' asked Andreu', 'among all these people?'

'Tell the people to sit dor,r'n on the grass,' Jesus said, and, taking the bread and fish, he gar..e thanks to God, then gave the fooci out to as manv as five thousand people, and there r.l'as plentv frrr cvervone. lVhen they had finished, thev filled trvelve baskets r,r'ith the scraps that were left over frorn the five loaves and tr,r'o fish.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (6:a1-51) Some of the Jews began grumbling because Jesus had described himself as bread that came from heaven. 'How can he possibly claim to come from heaven,' they said, 'wher-r we know that his parents ar:e Mary and Joseph!' When Jesus heard their complaints he said to them, 'No one comes to me except through the Father who sent me. Anvone who listens to the Father and learns from his teaching, will come to me. Nobody, except the one sent bv him, has seen the Father. Truthfully I telI you, whoever believes has er.erlastine life. I am the Bread of Life. Your ancestors who ate -orulu in the desert are all dead, but anyone r,vho eats the bread from heaven r,r'ill not die, and I am that living bread. My bodv is the bread that I sha1l give to bring life to the world.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Twenty-second Sunday of the Year (B)

Seeing the marvellous miracle r,r.orked bv ]esus that day, the people were determinecl to make l-rim their king, so Jesus slipped away into the hiils by himself before they could take him by force.

A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (7:7-8, 14-15,21-23)

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

One day the Pharisees noticed that some of the disciples of ]esus had not washed properll' before eating. lt r,r,as



'u€Lu e 1o slq8noqt aql a"re s'rno1 ide.tt i s,poD iou sr >luql no',( ,{e,tr aLIL talad paplors snsal

'lslrqf, snsaf Prol'noA ol aslerd 'pro1

aLIt 1o 1adso3 aLIt sI


Surq],{ue uer-1.l snoLra-rd asol ol ueq}'}noqll^\ atp urop8uq po);o sr aroru qrr-{r\ e8eueru uer nol LIJnI^A. 'lueuodtur d1nr1 Surqlauros asol ol rallaq sr U 'ssauPa)rrM rIaLIl roi IIaq ur paqsrund aq auo [{r,u srai\ollo; ,{ru 1o auo Jo r{]Iel aql s.{orlsap oq.l\ 'ssaupuDl aq papreMar JoJ JIaLIi uI aql arups -,iue 'r(e.lt .'(ldrurs asneJaq no.'( a;e auo dru saldnsrp ;o 11.tt _1utrp e no.{ sa,trB oq.tt auoduy'aprs lno uo }nq sn lsur€Ee }ou are daql 'atu ;o dlpeq leads o1 dla4tun are s3urtll qrns op orll4. asoLIJ 'auteu dur ur ssaupoo8 1o lre ue Surturol -rad u-ror1 auo.{ue dols lou oq, 'uqo{ o+ prPS snsal lng ,'as1a

,;do1s o1 ruFI PIo] a.\\ run-[ MoLr{ ]oLI

pue 'alueu rnod ur )iJrs aq] Surrnr uetu p M?s a^\'prol ,'ptPs pr.re snsaf o] JtrlP) uqof,{ep aug


a.la asn€Jaq

Gf-Zt'SV'€V-g€.d )retr\l

tS 1o 1adso3 aLIl ruorJ Surpea;



pa.4{olp aq ralau JSmu s8urq} asaql, 'pres aq ,'pro1, 'snsa{ uaq'M 'la1e1 PanSre ralacl uolurs ',auo1e a;a,lt ,{aql


's'{ep aarql ra11e ure8e aslr plnom }nq /arP pue raJJns plnom ar{ -ntor{ uraq} IIal o1 uu8aq snsa{ stq} ra};y

,'lslrLIJ no1, 'pres pue dn alods oq,r't ralad uorurs s€-tt lI /ulaq} palse snsaf uaql ,aru€ I >lur{l nod op oqM,

aLIl ar€

'paramsue daqt ,'poD .{q }uas laqdord e ro qe[11E ro 'lsrideg aqt uqo{ are no.{ 1eq1 '{es auo5, ,zLu€ I ]eLI] .{es aldoad

op oLIM, 'saldnsrp srq pa)se snsaf 'rddrlrqd

Ear€sae3 p.rr-roin sa8elp,r aq] ol raqlaSol ,{e,r'r. rraq} apew daq} sV

y ledsog

lS yo 1adso3 aqt Luor1 Surpea;r

(gt-lz:g 4efll



(g) .ree1 eql Jo Aepung L{uno}-^}ueml

(g) reel eL{l +o (epun5 q}xrs-^lueml

'lslrqf, snsa[ Prol'no'{



'pro-I aql Jo ladsoD ot{} sI SILIJ

'lsllql snsa{ Prol 'no.\ o} asrErd 'fl,'l .'.1' ' r r-{r.'1 )tlr -l r,Ll 1.


uI LruP alu saulo)lJ-\\ , atu lLIas oLI.\\ auLr aL{l uln} ar.ueu.iur ur sr{1 a)}1 plql al}llI P salUo)loA oqr!\ auo'{uv, 'Ltlar{l ol Lrlps :Ilsai'sr-urP sitl ul Plqr ll€r'us E 3uo1e1 'ueq1 Pue '1ie 1o lue'uas aL{J aurolaq lsnr-u 1sa1ea;3 oLIl aq ()1 s}ue^{ orl^{ auofuy, 'prps aLI uaqt puE u^\op ]IS o1 saldrrsrp aql p1o1 snsa{ , luulrodutt lseal aql llasurlLi


']r.tpuodut ]solu aql sem uralll Jo auo LIJIq'll lnoqp i,.nnSrp r-Iaaq peq iaql asneraq uorlsanb sq para'Msue


'-ie.rr aql uo Surssnrstp uaaq peq daql 1eq't't saldD r,.ro -s1lr slLI palse snsa{ 'urneurade3 uI PaAIJJ€ '{aq1 uaq'14

'r-neldra ol urrt{ lse ol pr€rJ€ ara,lt daql '}uealu sILI} leqm 's.'{ep aarq} rau€ Lluptsrapun ]ou plp daq+ qSnoqt ua,rE /Lileap o1 aro1aq 1nd ptre,pa{e;1aq ppap aql ruo.r1 Sutsrr all 'saldnsrp srq paureldxa o] uraql ,ltotl aLI plno.l\ aq Surr-1:ea1 aruq slr{ puads plnor ar{ l€LI1 os aldoad pro'te ol aier 3uo1e1 'aap1e3 q8no;rq+ {e-rt srq epeur snsa{ (l€-0€:6)



}S Jo 1adso3 aLI} tuorJ Surpear

alnlu aql puP JEaq 1eap aql saIEuJ Lra,\o aq lsnol eq s I s arr fr aq ir-llq]-i-ra-r1,'8ur,ies'par-u.ro;.racl _p snsai ape:rr-u aL{} }noqe laLu .\aql aLIo.\Ja-\a plo} '1\aqJ, 'pe uaddeq lqBrlap pLre iol rraqt utPluo) lou plno) .iaql , >1eads


1".r, 0,.,,

p€rl ierl,nt auo ou aql a)uo






plol snsaf q8noqlly

;dpeap leads Pue r€aLI Plnor u€ur palool ,lpauedo ag, 'pres puE ua^eall o] dn

aq uaqJ 's.ra8ur; sq qllm an8uol pue srPa srLI pallJnol aLI araq.M areld larnb e o1 de''r're ueur aql pa1 snsef


o1 snsa{ palse daq+ pue '.{padord leads 1ou aldoed aluos uaqM J€ap se.\{ oLI,&\ ueru e LutLI o} }{8no'rq

aallleD Jo EaS aql




snsal ralel aurrl auos

(Zg-rc,:D 1re1Ai lS 1o 1adso3


LuorJ Surpear



(g) rce1 eLlt +o {epung prrt4}-&ueml

y 'lslrqf, snsa[ Prol'no'{ o1 asrerl 'pro-l aql;o ladsoa aLIl sl sILIJ


(g) reel aql +o fepun5 qgr;-ftuennl

,'lreaq aq],tuorI

atuor ,{aq} asneJaq 'slql op uBf, suol}f,E pue s}qrnolll


pa>llr.M .,{1ug lueapun salrT pue spear{ rno aTetu

louueJ 1.rrp dreurprg 'uos'rad leq] to ]no saruoJ ler'l'\\ lnq 'uealJun Luar{} sa>lelu 1eq1 uosrad e olur sao8 1et1'tL lou sr +I iaur ol ualsr-l 'poD Jo s^ el aql ue]-iJ ]uEuoorur

'lspqJ snsaf Prol'nod

o1 as1er4

'proT aLIl;o 1adso3 ar{l sI sIqI

aql roJ Jo aru roJ alIT . ppalsttl lI a.\Ps IIL\\ 1adso3 srq dn sa rri la.raoq-11 ssoll Lt,lro srq .'{rrer pue Jlasrulq JaLrualJIlS lSIlLu



Otllt auofuy, 'uaq]

ot prps pue raqlaBol saldnsrp srq pa;aqle8 snsa{ uaql

s9Ntcvlu lldso9

aJoul uaur Jo smel aql apPru aAPq no1 i''(sr'rrod'{q 'rnod snsal Jo plolaroJ aLI uarlm lqgu se^'\ qeIPsL 'para^tsue pooj Llll,\\ ueal)un ,L spuPq

rno.{ 1ea pu€ suro}sn) rno arou8r noi op ,riq14, 'snsa{ palse .{aq} og 'padaqo ,{1tru}s ,{aql +et1l Surueap pue b*q.o- inoqn t"1n., rrLllo ^LrPul ara\ rlaLll pue '8ur -lea aro;aq smoqla aqt o] dn qsem ol Luolsnr qst'ua{ aql


Twenty-seventh Sunday of the Year (B) Gospel

of Codl But a camel would find it easier to pass through a needle's eye than a rich man wouid to enter the kingdom of heaven.'

A reading from the Cospel of St Mark (10:2-16)

'If this is so,'

Some of the Pharisees came to Jesus and asked him, 'Does the law a11ow a man to divorce his u'ife?'


'Nothing is impossible for God,'Jesus replied.

Realising that thev were trying to trap him, Jesus asked, 'What did Moses command you to do?'

Hearing what Jesus had said, Peter said to him, 'Master, we have given up everything to follow you.'

'Moses allolr.ed a man to dismiss his u.ife and send her away,' they replied.

Jesus turned to Peter and replied, 'Anyone who leaves their home and family and all that they own because of

Then Jesus said to them, '\loses gave you this commandment because youl hearts n'ere hardened and he could not teach you otlrerrr i-v. From the very beginrring God created male ancl female; so u..hen a man leaves his family and is joined to hi,c r\-ife, they become one bodl'. No one can separate u'hat Gocl has joined together.'

asked the disciples, 'what hope is there for

me and the gospel I preach will be repaid more than hundredfold, both in this life and the life to come.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.

Later, when the disciples rr-ere alone with Jesus, they asked him to explain his ansn'er to the Pharisees.

Thirtieth Sunday of the Year (B)

'If a man divorces his u-ife and remarries another womary then he has committed aclr,rlterr, against his wife,' Jesus told them. 'In the same \\'a\', if a woman divorces her husband and marries anrrthrr nran, then she too is guilty

A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (10:46-52)

of adulterv.'


Gospel his disciples were leaving jericho with a crowd of followers. A blind beggar ca1led Bartimaeus

Jesus and

People would ofter-r bring their children to Jesus to be blessed by him, and on or-re particular day the disciples sent the children awat'. But Jesr-r,s scolcled his disciples

was sitting at the roadside. When he heard that Jesus of

and said, 'Let them come to me and do not stand in their way, for God's kingdom belongs to such as these. Anyone wishing to enter the kingdom of God must first become like one of these little children.'

The crowd told him to calm down and be quiet, but Bartimaeus kept on shouting until Jesus heard his cries.

Then he took the children in his arms and blessed each one of them.

[esus asked.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Nazareth was passing, Bartimaeus began to shout loudly, 'Jesus, son of David, have pity and help me!'

'Brins that man to me,' said Jesus, and they 1ed Bartimaeus to hirn. 'lVhat do you lvant me to do for you?' Bartimaeus replied, 'Maste4 give me sight so that I can seel' Then Jesus told him, 'Go. Because you believe in me your sight has returned.'

Suddenly Bartimaeus could see clearly, and he set off at

Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year (B)

once to follow Jesus.


This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (10:17-30)

A man came to

Jesus and asked, 'Good Master, what

must I do if I want to have eternal life?' Jesus asked him, 'Why do you call me good, when you

know that only God is good?' Then he said to the mary 'You already know the commandments given by God. Do not commit murder; do not commit adultery; do not steal or falsely accuse anyone; do not cheat; and always respect your parents.'

'I have always tried to live according to these rules,' the man replied. Jesus looked at the man kindly, and said, 'Then this is

what you must do: sell evervthing you own, and give all your money away, for by doing this you will have riches in heaven. Then come and follow me.' The man r.l.as sad because he was very wealthv

When he had gone, Jesus said to his disciples, 'Those who are rich 'will indeed find it hard to enter God's kingdom.' Seeing the disciples' astonishment, he continued, 'It is not easy for anyone to enter the kingdom 386

Thirty-second Sunday of the Year (B) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (12:38-44)

to the people,'Be wary of the scribes who draw attention to themselves as they walk around in long robes, expecting people to admire and honour

Jesus said

them; they are quick to take the best places at a feast; they like to sit at the front in the synagogues. Such men would not hesitate to take advantase of the meek and the poor. They should know better, ind witl receive the justice thev deserve.' Then Jesus sat down opposite the treasury, and watched

the people making their donations. Many of


wealthy jews gave large amounts of money, but an old woman gave just two small coins, worth as little as one penny. Seeing this, Jesus turned to his disciples and

'lsInIJ snsal ProT'nod 'pro1 ar{}

stl roI palle.\r pue


'lsFtlf, snsaf Prol 'nod


{lrunlroddo lxau

rq] uo.r1 PooB aq] are JJeLIT ar{t paleredas aleredas II.l,t aq 'atuq ]saAr€LI 1e pooS o1 qSnoua opun srq se p.,n +""q^ aql lsnf'slepues 'urlds aH sl pailu qll,ll aql ra.uod pue lue 'po3 Jo ]ou I ,{1og aqi r{llvr no.{ asrldeq III,rt ot{,vr Suttuor sI auo -auos lnq'raleM r{ll^^ nod asrideq 1, 'rualp p1o1 uqo{ lna ,'pPq

Sur.u] dn a.re8 l,rap aql'dlputg ,'lsal aql ol poD pro'l aql yrd 1ou op :sn slla] osle arn1drn5,'[^ap ar{] ol pIPs snsal srllJ€ ,'r-ureq .{ue r-uorl nod lralord 01 IaLI] uI nod alpeD 1ir.u .{aql pue- nod prenS o1 s1a8ue srq parapro s€q po3 :sdes arnldrrJs ro; 'JJo ;lasrnod

'poD {q pasttuord 'rlurssa1 I aq} aq lq8lur uLiol pue palrf,xa 't'ra$ aldoad aq1 +eLI+ lulql t1 ,tn8nq duetu ag 'srno'{ 1ou ,'a,teq .,(pearlu no.{ leq,u L{ll,r,r }ua}uor o} sr luLlm no.,( a,Lr8 o] auo ou arrog, ',pres aL[ sJalplos ar{l /pl€s sro}rallof, ar{ pue ,'pamo are nod ueql aloru ou aIeL

l,tap aLP ,'poD Jo uos aq} paapul are e roJ urrq palcltual aq doryoor s1t uo pr1{l aruq no.t 1i, pue /uralesnraf ur aldtual aLit ol snsal pal 1^ap aql uaqJ,

-\{orr{t uaq}, 'pres

,'auole urrq a^ras puE poD lno pro'I aql d+{sro^{ o} sn sllal arn1drD5, 'LuIq paraMsue snsa{ pr-re

ra.ttod srql

xel aqi oJ-'sraqlo qlIM a^eq

,;au drqs.rort nod 1 nod o1 fro13 IIrM I lnq,'pres aLI ,',alu-o] sSuolaq

aq+ 1o stuopSuDl aLIl 11e 1o asdu113 e ulrl Sur.uoqs ,iq aturl puo)as e snsa{ paldrual Ir^ap aql uarlJ ,'auol€ pparq uo

slqt IIV, pFo^,\

a-\rl lou op alcload lEql sn


, pealq 1o

no'4' ra'l'a1eq'M areLIS ol

/puDI pue snoraua8 ag, /Luaql plo} ul{ol ,{pear sde,u.1e pue

,zop JM lsnul lPr.{M, 'r-utLl pa)sp pue spro.tt s,lsqdeg aql uqof ol paualsq aldoad aq1 (Sf-Of:g) a1n'l ]S 1o 1adso3 aql urorJ Surpear



arnldr'rr5, 'paqdar snsa{ i1se1 P olul 'LrIIL{ ol plPs


urlq uaql 'uos s,poJ rlE lltr-i



1o 1adso3 aq} sl

auolE urrtl Ual aq pue 'snsa{ ldruat o}



'pro'I aql io ladsog aq] sI srql


$) luenpy jo

auols sILI] lli\ap aLIf



'palisrlu€l sp-\\ all Llr-IE lPa Lrl SuILllrru LrPL{ aq al.ull +Pq} -P'\\ JLI arall'\\ uasaLr 11y s-iep 0t lol ll-\ap aql .iq p',:1l1tal !Ll \\ illif,i LIrl'\\'iralll] a'qi iiog .rr-lldq aLIl LrlLIl urr-ll pai Lrtl-\\


L-l:i "irr I i:.t,' .'l-,''l )J: '--";1 iurpe': 1 leoso9 (3)






snsaf Prol'no'{' ol asrPrd slql 1o 1adso3 aq] sl

'pro-l aqi

'r.ulq ,ltaLr) oq-{\ IIe pue poO '{q pa'r'o1 s€M pue '!urrpsr.\\ pue'}q8raq ur ,raar8 snsa{ '1reaq raq"ur sSurql asaqt [lE 1da>1 d;etr1 pue 'llar€zeN o] paurnlar AIILUeJ aLIJ

'luParu J3r\su€ sq ]€r1^{ puP}sJapun lou plp "{aqi lng asllear lou no^ .iasnol{ s,raLI}E{ .{tu ur aq plno^ I }Pql ptC i"* roy 3ut1oo1 nod ara.u dq14, 'pa'ra'usue snsa{ ,zsn ol srlil auop no,{ a,req dq,q

a'^{,'uos, /ples pue ls.iep aarql JoJ paIJroM os uaoq a^eq Lurq'.\\ps i"qr.tng^ poqsruolse ararnT tldaso{ pue '{re1ntr 'ulrr{ JoJ uor}€Jrurp€ LIlr-\\ palll1 a.ra.r.t daql pue 'suoqsanb uaql 8ur1se pue Lualll ol 8rnualst1 'srarlreal qq-r'ra{ aqi q}l+ buqlrs seru all .1Ji ra1 ar{t u snsal puno; .{leug daql 's{ep aarq} ro;€ur -'-lrpas la+ly urILI JoJ Iool o1 r-uapsnraf o1 paurnlar '{aq] 'S'.,,.sr,-,, 5p,\\ snsa{ }Pq} paslleal .{aql uaq'u '8urua'La }eq1 r..i '.r.u!rr.{ rol JJo las qdaso{ pue dreyq /}seal ar{1 raUV

'uralll rlll'M Aaurnot arD ap€Lu -,r,tr



'pro1 ar{t

Prol'no^ ol aslerd aql sr srql

1o 1adso3

oqm ,'aures aql op arto'r"'{tu ol ua}sl1 /Lllnr] uroq o}ul aql :plro^^ o} plor{dn ar{} asoql IIe pue rn^l .,tq^ q qq1''paramsue snsa{,'ll des llasrnod no1, 'ure8e a1ep4 palse ,13uq e aq ol rul€lr op nod o5, dyq ,leraq aoeld ou seq uop8urrl

p1rlo^ aldoad

lou saop uop8uol



ol lq8nol a'teq

JI lplro.M sILI] ol 8uo1aq d61, 'a1ep4 paramsue snsaf uaql

du uaql 'plp


.'aru o+ JaAo

nod pueq aldoad u.tto rnod a>Ieui ol 8uo'r'r,t' auop a^€r{ nod 1eq.tr atu IIaL '.{1+uepedurl pa>ls€ a}€lld ,;.ttaf e 1ruy, 'snsaI Parlda.r


patsaSSns sralllo a^PLI ro 'uoqsanb u'tto rnod sR{} sL

/\urq ,;s.rta{ aqt;o ?ur1 agl no'( arv, pajsp oqm a+elrd snquod aroJaq snsa{ lq8norq {a'{t

(tt-t;:gt) uqo{ lg 1o 1adso3


uror} Surpear



(e) 6uty

eL{} lsrrL{J


;l sp.\\ snsa{ uaq14 'Jalossed r{slmal aql a+eJq o, r,ualesnra{ ol luam .'(re61 pue qdaso{ rea''( dra'tE



a)n"l lS 1o 1adso9 aL[] Luor] Surpeary


(3) {lrrueg Alog eq1 s9Ntcvlu



'lsTrqJ snsaf Prol'nof o1 asrer.l 'proT aql;o 1adso3 aL[] sl sltlJ ,ipeq


leLI] 8u+lltrra'ta ua'tr8 seq

ar{s }nq 'areds plnol .{aql teqm fluo a'te8 "{aq1 ;sraqlo

aql 1o .{ue Ller{} arour ua,tr8 seq ueuroM plo sILIL 'pres

Fourth Sunday of Lent


At once Thornas fell to his knees and cried, 'Mv Lord and

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (15:1-3, 11-32)

my God.' jesus said to him, 'You believe because you have seen me with your o\ /n eyes. Blessed are those n'ho have not

A cron'd of tax collectors and other sinners had gathered

seen and yet believe.'

around Jesus, much to the anger and disdain of the scribes and Pharisees. When Jesr-rs overhearcl them complaining, he told them a parable: 'There n'as a man who had two sons and the yor-rngel one came to his father and said, "Father, give me even'thing that rr-i11 one day belong to me, so I can enjoy mv riches nou-." The father did this, and the son set off to look for adr"enture. He travelled to a distant iand and spent .r11 his monev enjoying himself.

Jesus performed many other miracles that his disciples witnessed, but they are not r.vritten down in this book. The ones recorded here have been written so you may


'There r,vas a famine in that land, and the young man found himself penniless ..rnd hungrv "If I sta1. here I will surely starve," he thor-rght, so he decided to return to his father and ask for his for5lir.eness.

'The father


his 5pn coming and ran to n'elcome

believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and through this belief you may have everlasting life. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Third Sunday


Easter (C)


him. As he hugged l-rim, the voung man said, "Father, I am so sorry. I no longer cleserve to be calied your son." But the father told his serr-ants to prepare a feast and to bring the finest clothes, anr-l thev began to ceiebrate.

John (271-79) Jesus appeared again to his disciples by the sea of Tiberius. Simon Peter and some of the disciples had been fishing

'When the man's other sor-r retr-rrned home from working in the fields, he asked the servants, "What is the reason

Jesus stood on the shore,

for such a celebration?" \\'l-rerL he heard their explanatiory

he was filled with anger- ancl reir-rsed to join the party. So his father came looking for hir-r'1, and the son said to him, "I have been hard-lr,orking ar-Lr-l 1ovai, and trever once did you throw such a partv ior rne. \et r-ou ate happy to do so for my brother r,r''ho has been 5;reeclv and selfish and treated you very badly." The fathel ansu-ered his son, "You are always with me, and everything I have belongs to you. Your brother who was lost has been found. He is not dead after all, but alive, and it is only right that we should celebrate his return with joy!"' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

A reading from the Gospel of


all night but had caught nothing. As daylight dawned although they did not recognise

him, and he asked them, 'Have you caught anvthing?' As they shook their heads in reply, he said to them, 'Try once more over there, and you

will catch someihing!'

They threr.' their nets back into the water and caught so manv fish that their nets u'ere ready to burst. As soon as Simon Peter recognised Jesus, he jumped into the water and sn'am to rncet him.

Olr the beach Jesus had made a fire and was cooking breakfast for his friends, and they shared a meal together of bread and fresh fish. When they had finished eating, Jesus turned to Peter and asked,'Do you love me more than anyone?' 'Yes, Lord, you knor'r'' that I love vott,' Peter replied.

'Then feed my lambs,'Jesus said.

Second Sunday


Easter (C)

Gospel A reading from the Cospel of


John (20:19-31)

Jesus said to

him, 'Take care of my sheep.'

When Jesus asked Peter the same question for a third time, Peter felt sad and hurt, and he said to Jesus, 'Lord, you know everl,thing, so you must know how much I

On the Sunday after Jesus had died, his disclples sat

love youl'

fear of heirrq arresled.

Again Jesus said to Peter, 'Take care of mv sheep.' He told Peter how he would give glory to God, and then he said to him, 'Come, follow me.'

huddled together in a locked room, hidden au'ay for

Suddenly ]esus appeared in the room with them. 'Peace with vou,'he said, and he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. The disciples were overjoved to 'ee their M.rstcr again.


'As my Father sent me, so I am sending,vou,' said Jesus. Thery breathing on them, he said,'Receive the Holy Spirit, and know that whoever vor-r forgive I will forgive also!'

The disciple called Thomas \\.as not rn'ith the others when ]esus had appeared, and because he had not seen him with his own eyes, he did not believe that Jesus was alive.

A week later jesus appeared to them again and greeted them with the words,'Peace be with you.' He showed his wounds to Thomas and said, 'Doubt no longer, Thomas.' 3BB

Again Jesus put the same question to Peter, and again Peter gave the same reply: 'Lord, you know i love you.'

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

Second Sunday of the Year (C) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (2:1-11) jesus and his mother, together with his disciples, were invited to a wedding in a ton r-i called Cana. There was

food to eat and wine to drink, and the celebrations carried on throughout lhe evening.



'lslrqJ snsal pro'l'no'{ o1 asler'1 'pro'l aql Jo ladsoO aql st sIqI rno'{'.trou oD snsa[ uaql ples ol aql JnoA,'u€ruom

,'troAISJoJ uaaq aleLi surs

lno,i pa'res


'sraqlo Jo su{s ar{} a'u8ro; Plnor aq l€q} parapuoM slsanH rauurp JaLIlo aLIJ oq^^ SILI} snsa{ 'se-\\ , uMoLls st J^ol Jlll!l 'ua'tr3'ro;

ol raq uaaq sEq alDll araLIM 'a'to1 1ear3 Llrns ,\{otls Surql{rara aqs seLI auop 8uo'r'r^ .nq .i""q ,or J,""t:jroi srq1, .ita;nq arour pue s8urql Jsaql IIP auoP s€tl u€uro'\{

uo .nor8 Jalau uBJ peq pue uailoJ sI ler{} lpJl se lsnl' 'os op ol q8noua '{1;eep aas o} alq€ aq no{ 'lsrll afa u'uo rno"{ ruorl 3o1 aqr palourar llrm uaLll dluo .to.l 11un raluqds alil aloural o] JaJJo louueJ noA ""nq ;nod ur 3o1 aql aas +ou op lnq 'a{a s,as1a auoaluos iu.rto in ra1u,1ds al{l a)qo.-r no,{ op "{q,q 'rapaq }ou }nq 'uraql ureal ue) sureq oq.\\ JaqJPatr aql s€ poog sP aurof,aq o] raqloue qloqlnoq]$ Suluor ''(1a1es o1 y;*rnq snsaf pl€s "lirrrrp o+ aql ue3, 'aldoad p.ti1q ;;r;J p;"1



(st-og:s) a1n1 lS 1o 1adso3 aql urorJ Surpear


aunyad ro '8ur1aar8 E se ssll P 'LIIIM Llspm uaql "ot .raleM aru ra;Jo ]ou plp no'{ 'uotur5, 'pres snsaf qr"r1",


'paramsue uolurs ,'aJotu pamo oLIM auo arl1. alour ralseur srq a^ol plno^\ ,apallaruet ora,^^ slqap aql Jr srq pa'\!o raLFouP pue rals'ur qrtq^ 'spunod 0009 "iio auo JL 'uln{ Palse pa'\\o slq ]uelJas spr.tnod 0g ralseul snsa{ +ng 'ulrq r€au uourls sem ]eqm 3ur1u1ql pue ^\aDI pa''(ouue,se'tt uoutrg uosrad e qrns MoIl€ plno^\ snsaf ]eq]

']uaurlulo PaLunJrad PLIe sassDI llPLl 3tro1 raq LlllM '{Jp laJJ JroJaq 3ut.ra,ro: LI.ll.\\ rurql ',tulll puP ue8aq o1 laal srLI lp llaul aL{S lrl Surdr.tr ,itr preall snsa{ }uql Jo ar*l oi aruEl pup aralll aq plno^ '

p"..rnqtn sE^t aLIS s8urql .{ueur auop peq oq.\{ u€uJo'{{ V auo ,"..,,p-, o1 snsa{ pall,\ttl uoluls pall€J saaslJulld aql Jo (€:B-9€:/) aln-I

1S 1o

ladsoa aql Luor] ;LIIPPa'I V


b) ree

eLl] Jo {ePung Ll}Ll6ll

'lspqf, snsaf Prol'no'(

(3) reel eql

'1slrqf, snsa[ Prol'nod o1 asrer4 'pro1 alll 1o 1adso9 aLIl sr sILIJ 'auop pPLI snsa{ leq} Surq} sno11a'u€Lu aLI} }noqe .,oot pttn 'po3 asrerd o1 ue8aq PPr-1 "uoir".na pue LrEruoM aLII ,.1.,-r.,-r, qll,\\ Pallg a.IaM pMOrJ aLI+ ".,u 'raqlour slri ol uIrq ]qSnorq snsa{


pue dn ]es ueur Suno{ aql aruo lV ,;dn la3 'uetu 3uno1, '[1Pnoi oq' prps plrp uorssarord aql paddols^aq uat{Ldn 1ou snsaI se'r'r' pa11r1 qlr'tt dlrd pue 'Lrpluo.\\ aL[] ol pres lear8 'i1pes Suri;r uorssarord aql puqaq pa)lP^{ ar{s Pue 'palp umoi aql io saleE aLIl aplslno !.pq uos -,(1r-ro s,,r.topr.tt V paller Lrmol rrorisaro;d leraunJ e law daql ararlM tuIEN a8rel y p^\orr pELI partollo1 snsaf pue e o1 saldnsrp srLI



'saldnsrp slq auref,aq pu€ sleoq

15 1o

y l3dso9

1adso3 or'{l LuorJ Surpuar

(3) reel eLll +o AePunS qluel 'lslrq)



o1 as1er.1

'pro'I aW 1o 1adso3 aLI] sr srt{I ,'Peq q l€Ll.\{ uror]

SSaUpooD s:alrl'a1rl \\ pLI€ pooS sl l€LI'\{ uroJJ A\OU IIIAT SuOIlf,€ pu€ sPlo-vr -^\OIJ uloJl 'Siil'a'.r li.Lil ul -iI lfq-\\ o} LiJItlM ad'{1 p111t's uI aLll ip..r 1o t,LrLrsjai : -aar] i

Llllr'i-\\ -s-\\oLII auo'i'ra'ra Pue 'saaJl ]uaJaJJIp llralalllc LrasPaslp pue >lJrs sr l€ql aaJl iq+1eaq pue 8uo'r1s e uo -rro.r3 lollr-tEr 1rt-,,1 poo8 os 'aarJ



.,o ..io:S .]ll-rll





Ual daq] oS

lpll3rJu aq ]oli oq, 'pres snsaf ,'aul ,r,roiloJ pue auror 'saaLDI rlari+

uaql ol IIaJ

pallll ara^{ 'lsrnq o1 ''(pea;r ralad pttn tq ,p.r"rrJ uqol pue ,"orn1 ,1"., rraql l€ql qsr; '{r-rutu os lqHnur AaLI} App }€tlJ "rJ^ 'ples 'ra1a4 ,'8urt1}ou ,,ies no,i rJ,\aleLli\\ op 1ft,\{ l lnq' pue lq8rs snolla^reur srqt dQ raPuom LIiIM

1l13ner a-\ELl pLIp lllFrr-l


Surtlsr; ltaaq 3-\PLI a'\\ '"lalseI\' sl.lLl




ol paulnl pue lale-\\ d.:ap aql Lrl ll1t) IIeS,'prus LrLtE lalad uaq'14 snsa{ peq '.p^orr aql o+ 3ul11el pallsrLill "q 'arolls aql tuo.r1 ,te-r'r alllll P Iles pa8uolaq Llf,n{^{ 'auo pJEoqe ol pup pa>ISE 'Jaiad ol urru p"q*ti, aq os-,{qrear.r dn parl s}eoq Surqsq o^4'l paf,rlou aldoad 1o snsa{ 'wrg o} Lra}srl o} punor€ 1e pa'raqle3, eas art '{q Surqreard sem sflsoI

.p^on uar{^t'aallleO


(II-I:9) a1n1

o1 ue8eq

(n-ft:Z) o)n'I


'proT aLIl;o 1adso3 aql sI sI-[I


+o AePun5 Lllue^elf



io 1adsoo

y ladsog

aLIl LuorJ Surpea;

(3) reel eLll Jo {ePun5


'+slrqJ snsaf Prol'no'{ o1 asrer4 .prol aqt 1o 1adso3 aql sl sFIr 'Lulq

q pa^arlaq '{aqt pue dro13 srq ,tg ""1t1n3 ur Eu€J le pauad

passaullm peq saldnsrp se,rt sILII -dn.I tt pup palurolrad snsa{ alrerrur }srrJ at-ll

'ils€l Irlun nod tr5' 'ptes aur^\ lsaq ,{ra.t aq} pa,tes d1ure1raf, a^eLI oLF ]l palsPl pue uroor8aplrq aql ol luam raiIEM p€aLI ra}E'\{ aLII uaaq pa8ueqr ol P€q pLIu 'aur.^{ pELI aq uaLIM 'pr€s aLI ,talre,M p€aLi aql ol 1I a)P+ puP l11o o] slue^las alll atuos rnod .\\oN, 'ra+€-lt rlllm tuaril IIrJ p1o1 snsaf

pue 'sre[ ;a1e'tt a8rel '{'ra'r xrs poo}s Aclr€a\

,'nod s11a1 snsa{ .ra'ra1eq'r'r oC, /ruaql ol ples Pue slue^Jas aq+ ol PaLr'lI1l '\l€tr 1 ]ng 'Pa1su snsa{ ,Zaurol dlaq traqm dru 'ro1 ls€ nori op '{LIM' 1ad 1ou seq aurll ,

)uIlP ol

s+sanB aL[l JoJ aurr\{ JJoLU

/uos, ipl€s pr-re snsaf o] aLu€l '\JE'\ uaql ol-r sr aJaLIl


Thirteenth Sunday of the Year (C)

'Go then and do the same for anyone who needs your help.'


This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (9:51-62) fesus set out for |erusalem, intending to stop and rest at

a Samaritan village on the way. The people there had heard that he was coming and drove Jesus and his followers away. Some of his disciples grew angry when this happened, but Jesus scolded them and quietly led them away to another village. As they walked, they met a man rvho said to Jesus, 'Lord, I am ready to follow wherever r-or-r lead.' Jesus said to him, 'Foxes har-e dens and birds have nests, but the Son of God has norvhere to rest.' Along the way Jesus invited another man to follow him, and the man replied, 'Sir, hrst let me bury my dead father.' him, 'Leave someone else to bury the dead, for it is more important that r-ou te1l others about God's kingdom.'

Jesus said to

Another man lvho r.r'as readv to follow Jesus said to him,'First I must sav goodbve to my family and friends.' But Jesus told him, 'Anvone l'iro begins to plough and keeps looking back is unfit for the kingdom of God.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year (C) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (11:1-13) When Jesus had finished praying, one of his disciples said to him, 'Master, teach us how to pray, just as John the Baptist taught his disciples.' So Jesus said to them, 'This is what to say when you pray: "Heavenly Faiheq, holy is your name, may your kingdom come; each day give us our daily bread, and forgive our sins, as we forgive those who do us wrong,

and do not put us to the test." Imagine a friend of yours

arrives unexpectedly late at night, and you have no food to offer him, so you go to a neighbour's house to ask for some bread for your guest. Suppose he says to you, "Go away, it is very late and I have already gone to bed," what would happen then? If at first he will not get up even though his neighbour is standing outside his dooq, he will eventually gei up if you persist and keep on asking! Anyone who asks rn'ill be answered; anyone n.ho looks r,r'itl find, and anyone who knocks will have the door opened. If vou, sinful as you are, know how to give good things to )'our children, then how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks him.'


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (10:25-37) Jesus a tricky question: 'Master, what must I do to have eternal life?'

A man stood up and asked

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ'

Jesus said to him, 'Tell me what the Scriptures say and

what you think they mean.' The man answered, 'Love God with your whole heart and soul, and with all your strength and mind, and love your neighbour as yourself.' him, 'Your answer is correct, and if you do will live.' then you this,

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year (C) Gospel

Jesus said to

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (12:1'3-21)

'But who is my neighbour?' the man asked.

A man in the crowd said to Jesus, 'Master, tell my brother that he must divide my father's property

Then Jesus told him this story: 'One day a man was travel-

equally between us!'

ling from Jerusalem to Jericho when a gang of robbers attacked him. They beat him up, and after stealing everything he had, they left him lying injured by the roadside. A short time later one of the Temple priests passed that way, but he crossed the road and rode on. Soon another traveller came, but the man who was a Levite, also passed by. Then a Samaritan happened to pass, and when he saw the injured man he took pity on him. He bandaged his wounds, and carried him on horseback to a nearby inn. There he cared for him and rvhen the time came to leave, he left the innkeeper enough money to pay for the man's room until he was better.' Jesus then asked the mary a good neighbour?'

'Which man in the story was

'The one who helped the wounded traveller,' answered. 390


Jesus said to him,

'My friend, who gave me the right to

judge your affairs?' Then Jesus went on to warn the people there, 'Take care not to be greedy, for having possessions and wealth will not make your life rich.' Then he told them this parable: 'Once there was a rich man who owned many farms. One year the harvest was so good that the man could not store it all in his many barns. "I witl build bigger and better barns," he said, "and then I will be so rich that I will have nothing to worry about." But God said to the mary "You are a foolish man! When you die, what use will your worldly riches be, because in the eyes of God you are poor indeed."' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

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The Spirit guided Simeon to the Temple that day and when he set eyes on ]esus, he took the;hild in his arms and began to praise God and give him thanks: ,Now, Lord,.let me die in peace. Just as you promised, I have seen the Saviour you have sent to reveal vour love and glory, notjust for your people Israel but for everyone.,

Mary and Joseph were full of r,vonder at everything

being said about Jesus. Simeon blessed them botir, anj turning to Mary he said, ,He r,r,ill cause manv in Israel to fall and many to rise, he I,vill be rejected a.,i scorlred, and your own heart will be pierced by a terrible sword., Anna, the daughter of phanuel, \^.as an elderly prophetess

who lived in the temple. She spent her life serving God tnrough constant praver and fasting. As soon as she saw Jesus, Anna began to praise God and tell everyone about the child who r.r,ould save Jerusalem. When Mary,and Joseph had done everything that the

The disciples were so terrified that they threw themselves to the ground and hid their faces. Then ]esus said gently, ,Get up, my friends, do not be


law required, thev took Jesus home to Nazareth in

When they looked up, Jesus was standing alone. As they came down the mountain togethe4, Jesus told them firmlv, 'You must not tell anyone about what yo., hurr" ,""r-, today, until the Son of Man has risen from the dead., This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Solemnity of All Saints (A, B, C)

Galilee. There he grer,r. into a strong and wise young man, and he was blessed bv God.

Solemnity of Saints peter and paul (A, B, C) Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (16:13_ j 9) One day Jesus asked his disciples, ,Who do people sav that I am?' 'Some people say that you are John the Baptist; others say that you are Elijah or Jeremiah or one tf the other wise prophets from the past., Then Jesus said, 'But who do you say that I am?,

The disciples were silent until peter said, ,you are the Christ, the Son of the living God., smiled at Peter and said, ,My heavenly Father has helped you to understand this. youare peter (petros) and on this rock (Petra) I wilt build my Church. I will give you the_ keys to the kingdom of heaven; whatever you Jesus

enJorce here on earth


be enforced in heavery whatever

you dismiss here on earth will be dismissed in heaven., This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Feast of the Transfiguration Lord (A, B, C)

of the

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (77:1_9) One day Jesus asked pete4, James and John to come and pray with him. He led them to the top of a steep mountain, where it was peaceful and quiet, una where they coulcl be alone. Jesus began to pray to his heavenly Father and suddenly he appeared to change! His face and clothes shone witir a brilliant light, as dazzling as the rays of the sun.


Then the disciples saw Moses and Elijah on either side Jesus, talking to him. peter jumped up with excite_ ment and said, 'Lord, this is wonderfuM could make three shelters - one for each of youl, At that moment a cloud streaming with light appeared above them, and a voice said, ,This is my"Son, whom i love very much. Listen to what he says.,


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:1,12) A crowd of disciples gathered around, and Jesus sat down and began to preach to them: Huppy are the poor in spiri! for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Huppy are the broken-hearted, for they will be com-


Happy are the meek and gentle, for the earth will

belong to them.

Happy are those who hunger and thirst for what is

right. for justice will be theirs. Huppy are those who show forgiveness, because they will receive forgiveness in return. Tuppy are those with a pure heart, for they shall see the face of God.

Huppy are the peacemakers; God

wil cal] them his children. Happy are those who suffer because they stand up for what is righg the kingdom of heaven beionss to them. Be happy when people harass and mistreat you, and tell lies about you because you are my disciples. The prophets who came before you suffered all ihese. Be glad because when the time comes you will be richly rewarded in heaven. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

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