Melbourne Village Voice September 2011

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THE management of the Bill Shone Leisure Centre in Melbourne is to be transferred to the newly formed Melbourne Community Group Limited following decisions taken by Melbourne Parish Council in agreement with South Derbyshire District Council.

The decision was taken at an extraordinary meeting of the parish council on August 8 when 12 councillors met to discuss the most recent presentation that had been made to them by the MCGL. Apologies were received from councillors Crawford, Heafield and Freeman.

Following a full debate with positive comments from councillors, the council voted 11 - 0 in favour that Mel-

bourne Parish Council should transfer operation of the Bill Shone Leisure Centre to Melbourne Community Group Ltd subject only to due diligence. Cllr Hicklin abstained from the vote.

The target date for the transfer is January 1, 2012 or earlier if both parties agree.

Discussions have been taking place regarding the running of the leisure centre since the Parish Plan Steering Group put forward proposals to the parish council at the end of 2008.

The proposed transfer was the subject of a public meeting in January 2010 with over a hundred local residents attending and hosted by the parish council — at the Leisure Centre, — so that the plans submitted could be considered by the public at large, before making a final decision.

Although that public meeting approved the principle

of a takeover, there was a significant minority who were plainly unhappy with the proposed takeover of a public asset by a new company.

Meetings have been ongoing between the parish council, SDDC and the community group since the public meeting in 2010 culminating in this final decision.

Phil Dobby, speaking on behalf of MCGL welcomed the decision of the parish and district councils to transfer the lease and confirmed that all parties are working together to achieve the target transfer for the start of the new year. "We are also now getting down to the business of looking for available and suitable funding for the new venture."

The Melbourne Community Group is a limited by guarantee company, non profit making, with the directors being unpaid.

Melbourne Festival concert programme this year continued with a Gala Concert by Melbourne’s mixed choir, A Choir’d Taste, at the the Bill Shone Leisure Centre on Saturday September 10. Musical Director Nic Robinson led the choir through a programme including ensemble pieces, solos, duets and concluded with a medley from Les Miserables.

Village Voice Melbourne & District No 226 September 2011 ● 01332 863535 ● 07584 025 852 Where sold: 30p elbourne arage M MG G MoT TEST CENTRE Castle Lane, Melbourne, Derby DE73 8DY Telephone 01332 862373 SELECTION OF WORKSHOPS AND OFFICE SPACE TO RENT
newton fallowell raising the standard of estate agency Residential Sales and Lettings Melbourne: 01332 865696 6 MARKET PLACE, MELBOURNE TELEPHONE: 01332 862607 email: only £230 Installed Haier 24” Full HD TV INSIDE STORIES Change of name for hotel –Page 2 Fund-raising for mobile unit –Page 7 Diamond joy for couple –Page 11 Eight centuries for Paul –Page 24 A
David Stretton

Business Association’s grand closing gesture

THE now defunct Melbourne Business Association presented a cheque for £1,000 to the Melbourne Jubilee committee as its closing gesture. Replacing the MBA is a new group called Promoting Melbourne, that has similar objectives to the MBA and is chaired by Ruth Molloy of Cream Interiors.

■ Pictured are: Frank Heath, Anne Oulson, Pat Gates, Kate Hewlett, Tim Blatch, Mike Sephton, Kate Dumelow and Mick Thomas.

out with the old and inn with the new name

FOLLOWING its extensive refurbishment, The Melbourne Hotel underwent another change in early September when Bespoke Inns, who bought the Melbourne Hotel several months ago, unveiled a change of name to Harpur’s of Melbourne.

On Monday September 5, the new signs were put in place outside the building and new decals were added to doors and windows stating the new name.

Heidi Taylor and Alan Shepherd, the directors of Bespoke, acknowledged when they bought the Hotel that, although it had always been a central focal point of the town, The Melbourne Hotel was, in fact, not a hotel — it was a bar and restaurant with rooms.



Their plans to refurbish The Hotel therefore included the public acknowledgement of this with a change of business name that kept the heritage of the premises but positioned the business as a modern stylish, friendly bar with a

restaurant and some tastefully decorated boutique bedrooms.

After research and discussion with local residents, it was felt that the Harpur name was synonymous with Melbourne and the surrounding area, and reflected the image the business was trying to create.

Alan acknowledges that the change of name may take some time for local residents to get used to but, in promoting the business and looking to attract new customers, they will only know the business as Harpur’s.

Alan is also confident that Harpur’s of Melbourne, with managers Shelly Harry and Chris Lee at the helm, will continue to offer a varied menu, with a great assortment of beers and wines in an environment which is fun and relaxing.

With plans to add themed nights and live entertainment and a commitment to support the local community, Harpur’s of Melbourne should enjoy a long life.

Ten years at the helm for minister Jackie

A grAnd welcome

MELBOURNE’S Baptist Minister Jackie Birnie celebrated 10 years in post with a celebration on Sunday August 21 hosted in the gardens of Exchange House, the home of Kate Hewlett More than 70 guests attended and enjoyed the sunshine, a buffet lunch and Jackie’s delighted reaction to her

2Village VoiceSeptember 2011 ANDERSONS Accountants & Business Advisors Payroll, V.A.T. and Book-keeping New Business Start Ups Bank Chambers, Market Place, Melbourne, Derbyshire DE73 8DS Tel: (01332) 862259 Fax: (01332) 864866 Email: Looking forward to taking on all your accountancy and financial planning needs Chartered Certified Accountants Personal Tax and Corporate Tax Business development, planning and cash flow projections Accountancy and Audit Service Free Initial Consultation 01332 863729 ● Short or long term ● Commercial & domestic storage ● 24-Hour access ● 24-Hour on-site security/CCTV Trent Lane, Kings Newton, Melbourne, Derby DE73 8BT REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEANER 6 MARKET PLACE, MELBOURNE 01332 862607 AT
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surprise presentation. Jackie received a gift token from the guests and flowers from the children. People attended this very happy occasion from as far afield as Epsom and Barrow in Furness. THE Collation of The Revd Dr Mark Powell as Vicar of The United Benefice of Melbourne, Ticknall, Smisby and Stanton-by-Bridge by The Bishop of Derby, The Right Revd Dr Alastair Redfern and Induction by The Archdeacon of Derby, The Venerable Dr Christopher Cunliffe took place in Melbourne Parish Church on Saturday September 10. The large congregation included a substantial party from the Revd Powell's previous parish in Ealing. A reception on the vicarage lawn followed. Alan Shepherd of Bespoke Inns is pictured outside Harpur’s of Melbourne, the renamed Melbourne Hotel. Jackie and Kate in the garden at the anniversary lunch. The Revd Dr Mark Powell is pictured with his wife Helen and daughter Anna.

A packed programme for this year’s festival

PHIL Dobby,chairman of the Melbourne Festival committee, writes about the 2011 Melbourne Arts Festival Trail weekend and the two week Festival of Performing Arts which started on September 9.

THE PERFECT time to see Melbourne at its best is during the Art and Architecture Trail on September 17 and 18.

The old hands will know that the festival was established in 2005 and has grown in size and stature ever since. It is now the biggest Festival in South Derbyshire.

This year more than 100 of the best artists from around the East Midlands are exhibiting in more than 60 private houses, businesses and halls through the historic heart of Melbourne.

On the trail this year look out for the 12 members of Artists @ Arts Melbourne including Mary Smith, Liz O’Connor and Nina Carolyn to name but a few.

A new addition this year is a special exhibition with contemporary artists at The One Off, the design company newly moved into the old ‘Doncaster’s’ factory on the Derby Road.

Lots of artists on the trail are demonstrating their skills including Angelika Dennis who invites visitors to go back to the roots of photography and try painting with light.

In the parish church we have Tim Rose, a festival favourite with his architectural paintings and Rachel Coupe and a children’s display of the tools that tell the Bible stories.

For those visitors with restricted mobility there is an easy access trail highlighting properties which can easily be visited and children will be specially catered for with a special, safe area for young children with plenty to amuse them at the Wesley Hall, including an art exhibition showing work from the local

schools and playgroups.

As usual there are refreshments and music on the trail and there will be an extra vibrant splash of sound and colour this year courtesy of Bollywood dancers, led by choreographer Nisha Nath of Surtal Arts, creating Melbourne’s own bollywood flash mob.

Melbourne Festival isn’t just for the Creative Arts. The two week Festival of Performing Arts has become more adventurous and more successful each year. This year’s programme runs from September 9 –24 and includes more than a dozen events.

Following ‘Rock Night’ the programme continued with a gala concert on

Saturday September 10 by A Choir’d Taste, who got together following the Melbourne Festival ‘Come and Sing’ workshop two years ago.

The Library Theatre Company is back with Wind in the Willows on Wednesday September 15, Nigel John takes to the stage on Saturday September 17 with his amazing Elton John tribute act and on Friday September 23 Melbourne will be resounding with the Rhythm of the World — a fusion of drumming from India, China, Africa and the west. And in the parish church on Saturday September 24 we have the return of the Kinder Choir of the High Peaks. See posters for full concert details.

now - places limited

THE MELBOURNE Festival team have finalised details for Autumn Workshops to be run by Artists displaying at the festival.

On October 29 at the Melbourne Leisure Centre the following workshops will be running: Fused Glass Landscapes with Stevie Davies, A Long Stitch Book with Christina Williams, Mixed Media Painting - Reflections with Mary Smith and an Introduction to Tapestry Weaving with Alison Yule.

On November 19 at the Senior Citizen Community Centre the following workshops will be offered: Creative Collagraph Prints with Nicola Dennett and Textured Silver Jewellery with Helen Domleo. Workshops run from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm. To book a place or for more details please call Helen Saunders on 01332 865342.

Village VoiceSeptember 20113 As the only privately owned, family run Funeral Directors in Melbourne we are able to offer an extremely personal yet professional service at a reasonable cost, both in Leicestershire and Derbyshire. Under the personal supervision of John Springthorpe Quotations given telephone: Melbourne (01332) 865511 At ANY tIMe 17 potter street, MeLBoUrNe DerBYsHIre De73 1DW 87 DERBY ROAD, MELBOURNE, DERBYS DE73 8FL TELEPHONE: 01332 862574 MELBE ROYAL BRITISH Members and guests only - New members welcome OURN mbers H LEGION E NiceThings Saturday 1st October 10am - 2pm All new gifts and goods for sale from some great companies including jewellery, handbags, books and traditional wooden toys. Refreshments available. A perfect time to shop for Christmas. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - NON STOP MUSIC FREE ENTRY - DOORS OPEN 8PM Saturday 1st October The UK Chicago BLUES BROTHERS SHOW Saturday 5th November Music and Comedy Duo Sneezewort from Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway “the funniest thing on 4 legs” EVERY Saturday between 2.00pm - 5.00pm during school term time (inc. half term) Contact Laura Turner on 01509 889 480 or email for details Open to all abilities - no audition necessary Book your free trial
"FURTHER Than Forever" kicked started the festivals programme of performing arts with Rock Night at Ticknall Village Hall on Friday September 9th. The band, all students from Chellaston Academy are l-r:. Guy Playdon, Tom Woodward, Oliver Griffiths and Tom Morgan.


Medieval market

A MEDIEVAL Market is being held in front of All Saints’ Church, Aston on Trent on Saturday September 17, from 10am until noon.

The market is being held to uphold a tradition and for people to have a good time.

Everyone is welcome to go along and have a stall or donate items for sale on the Welldressers stall.

This is not a fund-raiser or charity event.

Laughter at the club

THE FESTIVAL Comedy Club will be held on Friday September 16 in the Melbourne British Legion Royal Suite. Compere for the evening is Paul Ricketts, and appearing on the bill are Tim Clark, Caimh McDonnell and Chris Norton Walker.




What’s on at Calke

As the summer holidays draw to a close there is still plenty to see and do at Calke!

Forthcoming events

The Calke Show – Plot to Plate

Saturday 17 September, 11am – 4pm

Enter your own home-grown seasonal produce in our vegetables, fruit and flower show. SO harvest something from your garden or window box and bring it along. There are many different categories you can enter. For a full list and details on how to enter, please email

Calke Alive - 20th Century

Sunday 25 September, 12.30pm – 4pm

Meet some of Calke’s 1940s wartime characters. Join in some ‘make do and mend’ activities and our tea dance in the Riding School at 2.30pm

Apple Day

Sunday 9 October, 11am – 4pm

Join us at one of our most popular events and celebrate the English apple and orchards in our beautiful gardens. There will juicings, tastings, puzzles and apple advice, something for all the family

Deer Rutting

September – October

Catch some of the dramatic deer rutting scenes as they unfold in the Deer Park during September and October

House: Open until 30 October (except Thursdays and Fridays) 12.30pm 5pm

Garden: Open daily until 30 October 12.305pm

Restaurant/Shop: Open daily 10.30am 5pm (closes 4pm November February)

Calke Park & Nature Reserve: Open daily 7.30am 7.30pm (dusk if earlier)

Visit for more of our exciting programme of events!

Normal park admission applies to all visitors

For more information on what’s on at Calke please visit or telephone 01332 863822

Country Living with Robert Parker

HARVEST 2011 will be remembered for being a rapid affair which came on very quickly. We finished on September 3, a full two weeks ahead of last year.

Yields have been varied from awful to fantastic but it has been less expensive as very little grain has had to be dried, but has needed cooling down on the very hot days.

At the start of September we are still in a drought situation, which has only affected the central and south midlands, and there is very little grass for livestock.

Those with dairy cows are having to feed valuable silage at a time when stocks are very low and face a tight winter for supplies. When it does start to rain there will be a sudden glut of grass which could be difficult to use as winter comes on. All very challenging!

People have suggested to me that the recent last harsh winter has been good for nature, giving us a cleansing effect compared to mild times.

I tend to agree with the idea although there are no scientific facts to back this up. It certainly hasn’t harmed any fruit or nut trees as

once again all are loaded to breaking point, although chestnuts don’t look too be to plentiful and conkers are amazing.

There have certainly been fewer diseases in crops this time but that is to be expected when we have mainly dry conditions as fungus and moulds tend to thrive when it’s damp.

Insects have certainly enjoyed this year and I spent a fascinating time recently watching giant dragon flies on a pond we had recently landscaped.

They kept landing on reeds and twigs next to the water and laying eggs just under the water’s surface. I’m not sure what the life cycle of these insects is. Do these eggs remain there until next year or do they hatch out this year?

I believe they mutate into under water insects until next season and then are transformed into flying ones.

I did see a strange sight in the middle of August which I didn’t understand. Under the roof of our empty hay barn was amassed with house martins. There must have been thousands of them all perching and clinging to the rafters. This is strange because we don’t have any nests here at all. And, do they migrate before swallows?

£4.5 million bill for snow storm

THE VERY severe weather conditions experienced last winter proved very expensive — Derbyshire County Council spent £4.5 million on gritting and snow clearance, a huge overspend of £1 million.

The council has budgeted £4.5 million for the forthcoming winter, but has made plans to do a more efficient job, to prevent overspending on more than 1,500 major and secondary roads.

To accomplish as wide a coverage as possible, the county council is to offer a minimum annual payment of £200 to external contractors, such as farmers, to help with gritting and snow clearance.

These contractors, it is hoped, will give a better coverage in the tertiary roads which cannot all be covered by the county council.

Simon Spencer, the cabinet member for highways and traffic, said: “During prolonged winter weather, it is extremely difficult to provide an effective gritting service 24/7, which is why the council is calling on farmers and other contractors to help keep Derbyshire’s roads clear next winter.

The council is also asking the 200 parish and town councils to help clear snow from pavements.

For more details phone 01629533190, or consult the website


■ Earlier this year Ian Earl and David Guilford (pictured)

bought their own gritter and snow plough to set up Melbourne Winter Services. This service offered a complete gritting, ice clearance and snow plough service for residents.

Playgroup benefits from scarecrow trail

TICKNALL Playgroup was one of the organisations to benefit from the recent successful Ticknall Scarecrows Trail when they were presented with a cheque for £850.

■ Pictured at the cheque presentation are Anna Walker, Mel Dumelow, Diana Newbold, Fiona Durston-Smith, Carol Betteridge of Ticknall Scarecrows committee presenting the cheque to Su Foster, the chairman of Ticknall Playgroup.

4Village VoiceSeptember 2011
Monday Boxercise 6.00 - 7.00pm Spin 7.15 - 8.00pm Pilates 8.00 - 9.00pm Tuesday Body Tone 6.00 - 7.00pm Wednesday Pilates 2.00 - 3.00pm Zumba 6.15 - 7.00pm Thursday Spin 6.00 - 6.45pm Friday Zumba 6.15 - 7.00pm Saturday Spin 9.30 - 10.15am CLASS TIMETABLE ALL WELCOME
per day - Contact:

One way traffic in consideration

PRIOR to the start of the meeting a minute’s silence was observed for ex-Councillor Reg Moore who died recently.

Reg had served on the parish council for 25 years but did not stand at this year’s elections.

District and County Councillor John Harrison advised that the first steps had been taken to consider a one-way traffic road system in Melbourne, proclaiming the present situation cannot continue, “with the new housing development and Williams Yard there is an escalating traffic flow through the centre”.

A draft scheme had been handed to the highways department in order for them to carry out initial surveys, commenting that “a full consultation with the parish would be made prior to any decision to proceed, with plenty of opportunities for everyone to have their say”.

Staying on roads, Cllr Harrison confirmed the patching of Derby Road to Cockshut Lane and re-metalling of Castle Street / Wash pit were both in this year’s programme of work.

The speed bump situation on Packhorse Road has been addressed, reported Cllr Hicklin.

The owners of the Donington Park Circuit have submitted a planning application to North West Leicestershire District Council for an increase in the number of approved racing days from 40 to 60. The parish council had seemingly not been aware of this and agreed to review any local impact at the next meeting.

Cllr Harrison reported that the district council had made a recent submission to East Midlands Airport following a five year review of the 2006 Airport master plan, stipulating that there was clearly too much latitude in the airport’s noise abatement levels.

South Derbyshire District Council has advised that they wish to fix the noise levels now and obtain further reductions on a yearly basis.

This year the airport has the opportunity to revise growth assumptions which may impact on its environmental considerations.


KINGSNewton Jubilee Committee held a garden party at the home of Andrew Jackson in August with approximately 150 attending.

After a warm and sunny start a heavy downpour forced everyone to take shelter in the marquee where they were entertained by both the band and a Barbershop Quartet.

STUART BLATCH reports from the September meeting of

Melbourne Parish Council

Chairman Nigel Collyer suggested a review at the next parish meeting to consider supporting a separate endorsement of the district council’s position.

The new beat sergeant Steve Todd introduced himself to councillors at the meeting.

Sgt Todd will be heading up the local area covering Melbourne, Hilton, Etwall, Repton, Willington and Aston and Weston-on-Trent.

PC Jane Newma, also new to the area, highlighted some recent mitigation activity on antisocial behaviour.

Cllr David Smith requested more of a police presence to reassure the elderly as the dark nights are approaching.

Cllr Brendan Freeman asked if local policing would be affected by the Government cuts.

Sgt Todd advised “the budget had been slashed by 20 per cent over four years and they were in the process of losing a PCSO and retiring police officers were also not being replaced.”

Sgt Todd did not believe that this would impact policing directly as savings were being targeted through changes to working practices.

Last month’s extraordinary meeting resolved that the parish council should transfer the running of the Bill Shone Leisure Centre to Melbourne Community Group Ltd subject to due diligence, targeting a date of January 1, 2012.

Cllr Crawford alleged that the minutes of the council were woe-

Fill up your coffee cups

FRIDAY September 30, has been identified as the date for the annual World’s biggest Coffee Morning for MacMillan Cancer support.

For those wishing to organise a fund-raising event whether it’s a traditional coffee morning at home, work or school, or something different altogether the date is not mandatory, there is plenty of leeway, the main thing is getting together with friends, knowing that your collective ef-

fully inaccurate and it was never contemplated that a vote would be taken at the extraordinary meeting. The minutes of the meeting were upheld.

A debate on new CCTV for Melbourne, led by Cllr David Smith, identified that it would cost the parish in the order of £12,000-£15,000 dependent on systems and maintenance for a five year period.

The police fund has earmarked £2,500 of funding to support, but the expense did not go down well with a number of councillors.

Chairman Nigel Collyer noted it would be in the order of an additional £3 per household on the Parish Precept per year.

A majority of councillors expressed the need for public consultation/ gathering of views and alternative suggestions such as funding youth clubs were proposed. A further debate would be on the agenda for the October meeting.

Cardboard will be banned from disposal in brown bins from October 1, advised district Cllr Jim Hewlett.

Cardboard does not decompose easily and is labour intensive in sorting. He confirmed that cardboard can be disposed of at the recycling centre located in the local car park.

Cllr Brendan Freeman, in a bid to tackle the continuing problem of dog fouling in Melbourne, suggested a small working group be set-up to consider how other councils address the problem and how the council can begin to change public opinions/ awareness and make positive steps to eradicate the problem.

The Melbourne Business Association now replaced by Promote Melbourne and chaired by Ruth Malloy of Cream Interiors, is planning a Christmas shopping event on November 26 from 4.30pm until 9.30pm.

Road closures that allow Derby Road and the new Williams Yard to be pedestrianised are under discussion and a lengthy debate ensued on where road closures should start and stop.

Cllr Andy Heafield, elected to the parish council in May, has resigned.


forts will help change lives!

Some suggestions for alternatives to the traditional coffee morning are a garden party, pub quiz, a karaoke night or whatever you think will work best in your community.

Adopting a well-known phrase — Just do it, is the plea for more people to get involved.

For any questions about the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, email to: coffee@macmillan. or call 0845 602 1246.

SOUTH Derbyshire District Council has won its second high profile accolade for its work to protect the public, tenants and staff.

Having received a gold award in the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Occupational Health and Safety programme in May, the council has now been told it has also scooped the 2011 Best New Entry Award.

A good fun day with all proceeds to the Jubilee Fund.

■ Pictured at the Garden Party are from l to r: Thelma Folder, Lily Dixon, Win Jackson, Jo and Paddy Laban and Christine Young (nee Jackson).

Village VoiceSeptember 20115

Jane joins the team

Dean Marshall — Samantha Hicklin Saturday, September 3

THE Safer Neighbourhood Team for the North East area of South Derbyshire comprises Sgt Steve Todd, PC Jane Newman, PCSO Chris Bromiley and PCSO Emma Guest from the Derbyshire Constabulary as well as Safer Neighbourhood officers from South Derbyshire District Council.

The police work in partnership with Safer Neighbourhoods manager Chris Smith and his team at the council to combat crime and implement lasting solutions to local problems. The current priority set at the June Safer Neighbourhood meeting was Canal Crime in the North East area.

These meetings give local residents the opportunity to set policing priorities for their area.

Members of the public are encouraged to attend Safer Neighbourhood meetings to voice concerns on the issues which affect their community.

PC Jane Newman has recently joined the team and has been a serving police officer since 1995, when she started her career in the West Midlands Police Service.

Having joined Derbyshire Constabulary, she has worked in many different areas of the force starting in the Chesterfield area.

She then worked as a police dog handler covering an area from Matlock to Glossop before transferring to Derby Division reactive policing and following two years as a beat officer in the Alvaston area she has now joined South Derbyshire as an experienced member of the team.


News update for July and August:-

■ Eight Police letters were hand delivered to the home addresses of youths causing antisocial behaviour in Melbourne.

■ A male shop lifter was arrested in Melbourne.


■ Nine antisocial behaviour letters were sent out to the parents of youths causing a nuisance around Melbourne Leisure Centre and six antisocial behaviour letters were delivered to the parents of youths causing a nuisance around All Saints’ Church, Aston on Trent.

■ One vehicle was seized in Shardlow due to the driver not having insurance.

6Village VoiceSeptember 2011 melbourne hall tea rooms blackwell lane . melbourne . derbyshire . de73 1en 01332 864224 07525 331654 ● breakfast served 9.00 - 11.30am ● lunch from 11.30am ● afternoon teas served daily ● daily specials
THE Wedding of Dean Marshall and Samantha Hicklin took place at the Melbourne View Hotel on Saturday, September 3. Dean is from Breedon and is the son of the late Kevin Marshall and Pam Marshall. Samantha is from Melbourne and is the daughter of Robert Hicklin and Anette Bexon.

Raising funds for new mobile first aid vehicle

Drop-in sessions give council housing insight

Officers and councillors are pleased with the outcome when more than 500 people attended a series of drop in sessions across South Derbyshire over the last two months to discuss the options for the amount of housing they think will be needed over the next 15 years.

This followed on from talks in February and March when similar numbers of people had their say about priorities in their neighbourhoods.

The comments will help South Derbyshire District Council draw up its Local Development Framework Core Strategy — or Local Plan — outlining how much growth is needed and where potential homes, jobs and community facilities could go in the future.

South Derbyshire District Council is continuing to work alongside Derby City Council and Amber Valley Borough Council, with the combined districts being identified as the Derby Housing Market Area, to deliver a joined up vision as quickly as possible.

Cllr Peter Watson, Chairman of Environmental and Development Services at South Derbyshire District Council, said: “Exploring with communities and other stakeholders about the level of future housing growth needed and the general principles of how it should be located has been very positive.

“We are pleased local people have been involved every step of the way.”

Questionnaires inviting residents to comment on the consultation document are still available but must be completed and returned to the SDDC offices before September 30.

How to put the garden to bed ready for the winter

The vehicle on display at the open day was an old Crusader ambulance loaned from City of Derby Division to show visitors some of the more advanced equipment used by St John Ambulance members. Pictured with the vehicle are from l to r: Gill Weston, Heather Stanton, Mike Stanton and Elliot Frampton.

ON SUNDAY August 21 a fund-raising event was held in the visitor centre at Melbourne Hall by members of St John Ambulance.

Lady Ralph Kerr is the President of the South Derbyshire Division of St John Ambulance and wanted to support their efforts to recruit more members and raise funds to purchase a mobile first aid unit.

Unit leader Elliot Frampton speaking about the event said, “The open day was a great success, giving members of the local community a chance to find out more about the work of St John Ambulance and the South Derbyshire Division.

Thanks to the generosity of visitors on the day, we also raised over £300 for the division and our campaign to purchase a mobile first aid unit to replace our tent.”

Elliot thanked Lady Ralph Kerr, for her ongoing support and Melbourne Hall curator Gill Weston for her help in staging the open day.

Melbourne Division was renamed South Derbyshire Division earlier this year to reflect the fact that it covers not just Melbourne, but all rural parts of South Derbyshire.

The adult section of the division moved to the Princess Anne Training Centre in Trinity Street, Derby, for its storage and training nights, whilst the cadet section still meets in Melbourne.

The former Melbourne Division Crusader ambu-

lance is also now located at the Princess Anne Training Centre in Derby, currently in use five days a week, providing support to East Midlands Ambulance Services across Derby City and South Derbyshire under a memorandum of understanding.

It was transferred for this purpose in agreement with the old Melbourne Division.

It was originally funded from a legacy left to St John Ambulance in the wills of two members of the Harpur Crewe family and long term fundraising efforts by the Melbourne Division through contributions from the people of Melbourne and the surrounding villages.

The Crusader is still available for the new South Derbyshire Division to book out as and when needed if not in use on EMAS support work, but it is now kitted out for front line ambulance work rather than as a first aid post.

The current fund-raising is aimed at securing a vehicle capable of providing mobile first aid facilities.

SDDC Chair, Councillor Michael Stanton, together with his consort, Mrs Heather Stanton, were also present on the day to shake the collecting tin and encourage visitors to give generously and to support the raffle.

Curator, Mrs Gill Weston said that “The warm sunny weather, the generosity of many local people who had donated prizes for the raffle and the chance to visit Melbourne Hall and Gardens all contributed to make the event a great success.”

New patient support group for medical practice progress

PLANS for a Patient Support Group for the Melbourne and Chellaston medical practice are now well under way following the recent campaign undertaken by practice manager, Annette Jennison.

With almost 20 patients expressing an interest in participating, an information evening is planned for September 19 at the new Chellaston

Medical Centre from 6.30pm.

The Derby Health Forum will give a brief presentation on forming a support group.

There will also be a GP and the practice manager at the meeting.

Please contact Annette Jennison at the CMC or by phone 01332 720077 if you would like to join the meeting.

GRISELDA Kerr from the Dower House, Melbourne will host a fundraising event, ‘Putting the Garden to Bed’, in support of Melbourne Community Care.

The event will include an interesting and informative talk about preparing the garden for autumn and winter with the added bonus of information about beekeeping and landscape gardening included.

The event will take place on Saturday October 1, 10-15am to 4pm at St Mary’s Church Hall, Church Street, Melbourne.

The cost of the day is £10 including lunch.

Tickets can be obtained from Melbourne Community Care Office Tel 863585

Village VoiceSeptember 20117 OFF ICI AL SPO NSO RS for further information visit call 07765 819428 or pick up a lea et festival art trail 17 - 18 september concerts 9 - 24 september

Village Voice Postbag — strong views on ‘I’m not a NIMBY — this problem needs sorting’

I WISHto comment on the article in the Village Voice about parking in Melbourne.

The photograph you used had a perfect shot of my home and portrayed a typical day in my life looking out of my window onto Derby Road.

I would like to make a few suggestions which may alleviate part of the problem.

First of all there must be more controls on the amount of heavy traffic using Melbourne as a through route. This needs to be done by better signing and awareness of the roads.

I have lost count of the times I have followed a line of vehicles from the old Francis Burdett into Derby Road, Melbourne, and out of the other side along Ashby Road without them even stopping in the town.

The sensible alternative would be to continue up Cockshut Lane, Robinsons Hill and Ashby Road. This junction by the Melbourne Arms would need the priorities changing, favouring traffic from and to Robinsons Hill.

Traffic surveillance must be increased on Swarkestone Causeway and more £60 fixed penalty notices for lorry drivers going over the 7.5 tonnes gross weight limit.

The majority of the industrial units are on the eastern edge of the town and should therefore be only approached from that direction by lorries. It is a natural route from Nottingham and the M1, passing the airport, turning down Station Road from Walton Hill and over Ramsley. By ridding the narrow streets of many of the heavy vehicles, it would allow us to concentrate on the local traffic problem.

Derby Road has already got a natural traffic flow from South Street to Chapel

Street due to the on street resident parking, it is only traffic flowing in the opposite direction that has the problem due to the slight left bend from close to the Spar to the Alma Inn.

I have much photographic evidence of arguments, poor driving skills and Mexican standoffs in this narrow piece of road. I am sure the worst I have seen was the day when two double decker school buses had a head to head outside Rekoh, school children had to alight and help the driver reverse safely.

I have witnessed a service bus reverse over a motorcycle and a stand up altercation between two drivers when one leapt out of his car to remonstrate. This is all on my camera!

Since late 2009 there have been extra problems, due to the development of Williams Yard but this great looking build-

ing is all but complete, which in turn will relieve some spaces that the contractors’ vehicles took up.

The shops of course, still need servicing and several small vans and lorries need access, albeit for quite short periods, possibly five or ten minutes maximum.

I would hate to see traffic light controls in this lovely town.

What is required is that local businesses could help to explain the problems to their suppliers, by issuing preferred route maps and strict delivery instructions for hauliers and couriers. This too could help congestion.

I have sat and studied the road layout of Melbourne and Kings Newton in aerial view and cannot see a simple way of enforcing a one way system, certainly not without driving the problem onto Queensway or Moira / George Street. This is unacceptable.

It is this reason why I believe the only way is to minimise the traffic that does not need to travel through Melbourne, by road signs, by surveys and by census. I am quite willing to participate in this.

I have lived in Melbourne since 2003 and my background is in road transport, spending 35 years either in a traffic office or down the road as a lorry driver.

I have driven extensively through Europe and beyond. I am certainly not a NIMBY but would hate to see this town and the small streets spoiled by modern traffic management. We only have what we have.

Let us work with it, together, and free our streets of unnecessary through traffic.

keep pushing boundaries to the limit’

ABOUT six years ago I wrote to the Village Voice after my elderly mother-in-law fell while crossing the road in the centre of the village as she went from the post office to the chemist. (A regular trip for most elderly people on pension day).

She fell because she was more worried about the traffic than where the kerb was and as a consequence she fell into the road and required an ambulance as she had a suspected broken hip, which luckily was only severe bruising. Thanks to the shopkeepers she was taken care of.

Following this incident I wrote to Village Voice to suggest that we had a pedestrian crossing, and more radically a one-way system.

In parallel I also wrote to Mark Todd MP for support who passed my enquiry onto the county council highways department.

The response that I eventually received said that the level of traffic and footfall in the centre of the village did not warrant the expense of a crossing. They indicated that surveys had been carried out and there wasn’t a problem.

As your photographs show there is a major problem and danger for both pedestrians and drivers alike. There is total disregard for parking laws with the lazy motorists parking on yellow lines because there is no deterrent.

Illegally parked

People park illegally so they don’t have to walk more than a few feet to the bank, post office, cafe etc.

I witnessed a motorist stop at the top of Potter Street, in the middle of the road, blocking both Derby Road and Potter Street so she could post a letter.

While I accept that parking in Melbourne is a problem, although there always seems to be spaces in Castle Square, I have never had any problem parking in either the community centre or the car park behind the shops.

The problem is simply that while ever the mo-

torist can get away with parking wherever and whenever he wants he will push the legal boundaries to the limit and to hell with the rest of us.

As unpopular as it was, the traffic warden we occasionally saw seemed to have the solution.

My own solution would be to eliminate all traffic from the centre of the village using a one-way system and create a pedestrian only area with pavement cafes etc which I accept may be controversial, but may create a visitor friendly environment.

But as a ‘quick fix’ we should get rid of the roadside parking outside the newsagent, butchers and flower shop. We should make the parking outside the travel agents and Blatch’s specifically for the disabled, and put a pedestrian crossing across the road which will not only slow down the traffic flow but make the village safer for all.

I do not accept that too many restrictions will stop the visitors coming to the village to look at our ‘new’ shopping areas.

They would be more impressed if the traffic in the village was well controlled and they knew that they could get a parking space, and perhaps even pay to park.

We could also benefit from a full-time traffic warden who if nothing else would be a deterrent.

I agree completely with Jim Rowley that doing nothing is not an option.

What will trigger some action? Someone being seriously injured while crossing the road?

Obviously not, or something would have been done years ago.

I challenge the parish council members, and the county council representatives to stand up and be counted and on behalf of the villagers who elected them to represent the needs of the village, to get off their collective backsides and do something. Challenge the highways department and do not take no for an answer.

8Village VoiceSeptember 2011 Quality mobile hairdressing service in the comfort of your own home ● ● Ring Dawn on 07915 564243 564243 & LADIES GENTS
Thank you for anniversary donations
THANKS to the generosity of our family and friends, we are delighted to have raised the sum of £600 in lieu of presents to celebrate our recent diamond wedding anniversary. The money will be divided between Help for Heroes and the British Heart Foundation. Thank you all very much. Fred and Peggy Heafield

Melbourne’s traffic problems ‘Parking is getting worse every year’

I WAS born and raised in Melbourne and now work away but I do return every summer.

Every summer I have noticed that the traffic and parking gets worse and worse around Melbourne streets.

I live towards the bottom end of Melbourne and I find it difficult to drive up and down Church Street, Potter Street and Chapel Street due to all the parked cars.

My suggestion is to have Church Street, Potter Street and Chapel Street as one way streets. Potter Street could be one way down to Castle Square and Church Street and Chapel

Street one way going up towards Derby Road and the Market Place.

If these streets became one way to traffic then cars could park all the way down on one side of the streets and traffic could drive easily without having to find a place to pull in to let oncoming traffic by.

Not sure about the Derby Road parking problems, maybe the whole road from Cockshut Lane all the way through Melbourne to Robinsons Hill or where the Crewe pub used to be should be made one way too then there would be lots of parking, maybe all the way along on

the left side of the road through Melbourne and there would still be easy access to all the streets off Derby Road on the right side.

I hope someone comes up with a good idea soon to solve this problem with the traffic and parking otherwise the local businesses will suffer and end up closing down and Melbourne will become a ghost town and that would be a terrible thing.

Looking forward to reading in the Village Voice the solution the council comes up with.

Road rage and damaged car worries

I AM writing further to the article, in the last issue, on parking in Melbourne.

This is a very emotive issue but one which needs serious attention.

Since I began my business, almost three years ago, the problem of parking and traffic has become worse. I have had my car bumped while parking on Derby Road, I have experienced some very heated road rage by drivers and found it difficult to park to unload and load.

A local transport plan is required to balance the needs of pedestrians and vehicles and also commercial and residential.

I personally rely on customers who drive. My clients need to be

able to park outside my business when collecting orders, furniture and pattern books which are heavy items.

In my opinion we cannot lose any of the parking on Derby Road which is invaluable to the local economy.

It would be a disaster for my business and the rest of Melbourne. We do not need to lose spaces but gain them. I have often wondered if the car park, or part of it, at Budgens could be procured maybe as a pay and display.

I feel that a one way system would alleviate some of the transport problems we have in the centre of Melbourne. Also a good public transport

system is required to encourage people without cars to come into Melbourne and also for those with cars to have an alternative option which is easy and efficient to use. Some form of local shuttle or park and ride.

I am not an expert on this but have seen one way systems in use in places such as Market Bosworth and Quorn in Leicestershire. These have both worked successfully and both have vibrant centres.

It would be good if the Village Voice could take this up as a campaign on behalf of the businesses and residents of Melbourne.

Cathedral visit enhanced by choir

ON A RECENT visit to Canterbury we had the privilege to attend Sung Eucharist in Canterbury Cathedral.

It was a wonderful service in a magnificent setting and was enhanced by the singing of Melbourne Parish Church Choir. They sang beautifully and made it a very special

occasion for us.

We met some of the choir afterwards and also their very amiable conductor.

Well done to you all, you were a credit to Melbourne.

Village VoiceSeptember 20119

Non stop music planned for marathon fun day

A MARATHON is being held in Ticknall on September 24. This is no ordinary marathon but a Music Marathon not to be missed.

Whatever you taste in music there is every chance that your taste will be catered for at some time during this event which is being held in the parish church.

Starting at 7am the marathon will continue for 12 hours and what’s more, there is no admission fee.

The musicians are mainly from the local area and include national and international performers.

Among the individual performances you will hear a viola player, a flautist and a clarinettist.

There will be organists and pianists as well as choirs, a wonderful soprano, dancing and much more.

The organisers are looking forward to a spectacular day of fun and non stop music.

A schedule of performers will be displayed in the church for anyone wishing to earmark a performance and return later during the day.

There will be opportunities to enjoy a cup of tea and a delicious homemade cake and for the early birds who arrive around breakfast time, you can treat yourselves to a hot bacon sandwich.

Meeting dates and talks at Preservation Society

THE TICKNALL Preservation and Historical Society will hold the AGM on Friday September 30 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Ingleby Lane.

Following the brief AGM, Professor J Beckett will address the society and present his topic “Nottingham… A History — Part Two”.

The monthly meetings are held on Friday evenings and the ongoing programme for October — December is:-

■ October 28 “History and Development of Longhorn Cattle” with Pat Stanley.

■ November 25 “The Bletchley Park Experience” with Hugh Davies.

■ December 9 “Bats”with William Cove (countryside manager, Calke Abbey) National Trust.

SALE AND DAVY’S School has been assessed for Derbyshire’s Personalised Learning Award.

This involved the children and staff in a great deal of hard work in developing the school in order to cater for the vast range of children’s learning needs.

The award is made up of five areas: assessment for learning, effective teaching and learning, partnerships beyond the school, curriculum entitlement and organising the school for personalised learning.

The assessment day involved an adviser from the local authority along with the children and staff from a neighbouring school making careful observations of the learning environment, scrutinising evidence and interviewing children and staff.

Although this was very intensive, it was a chance for the children and staff to show themselves at their best and demonstrate how proud they all were of their school.

The end result was very positive. Hard work was rewarded and they met all the assessment criteria.

MELBOURNE WI held its annual summer fair at the senior citizens centre in August.

“It was the best yet,” said president Sue Davey. “I would like to thank everyone that attended and those that worked hard to make it so successful and raise the magnificent sum of £400.”

■ (left) WI members Helen Spencer and Clare Johnson are pictured on the

10Village VoiceSeptember 2011 6 MARKET PLACE, MELBOURNE TELEPHONE: 01332 862607 email: new range of Aeg and Zanussi now available Support your local schools with Collect vouchers for schools for the next 6 months. Every time you spend £10 at Budgens you will receive a voucher which you give to one of these schools... ● Melbourne Infants ● Melbourne Juniors ● Dame Catherine Harpur School, Ticknall The schools will then redeem the vouchers for cash or equipment of their choice Summer fair for the WI dubbed ‘the best yet’ Hard work pays off
County Councillor Juliet Blake — cabinet support member for education, is pictured with chairman of school governors John Wilcox, head teacher Sarah Briggs and personalised learning consultant Glynis Sherratt at the special celebration assembly. teddy bear stall.

Diamond party for couple who share a passion for pigeon racing

HENRY and Rose Dowell have just celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary, that’s 60 years of married life and they still love each other.

Their wedding was at Donisthorpe Parish Church on August 18, 1951 having been ‘courting’ for almost two years since they met in a cinema queue in Swadlincote.

Rose lived in Moira and Henry lived at Staunton Harold which meant that Henry’s bike was put to good use in those early days.

Rose worked at a glove factory in Measham and Henry worked at Melbourne Hall firstly for J B Laban and then as a gardener when the hall operated a market garden business.

When they married they were fortunate to live in a tied house in Castle Street where their first daughter Carol was born.

Henry changed jobs and the family moved to Breedon to be close to work. During their six years in Breedon, second daughter Susan was born.

When Henry’s parents took on Coppice Farm, Henry joined them and shared his working time between two jobs before becoming partners with his dad and brothers and incorporating Scotlands Farm in the business.

Sons Henry and Alan were both born

at Scotlands Farm. The family business continued farming and market gardening until 1994 when the remaining partners decided to sell up and retire with Henry and Rose moving to Melbourne.

The family has always been close and during that time Rose and Henry have seen it grow.

In addition to their four children they have ten grandchildren and seven great grandchildren and they are very fond and proud of them all.

Daughter Carol hosted Rose and Henry and the family for the 60th celebrations at her Ticknall home, a truly special occasion enjoyed by everyone.

Henry and Rose are justifiably proud of their family and Henry gives all the credit for their upbringing to Rose saying, “She’s a great Gal”.

A card from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II takes pride of place on the display cabinet next to an array of trophies and a huge collection of family photographs.

The trophies are the most recent and reflect how serious they take a hobby that they have both enjoyed for many years, that of pigeon breeding and racing. “You have to be dedicated and do it together,” they both said.

Henry and Rose are a happy couple, content and enjoying the pleasure of each other’s company and that of their family.

Village VoiceSeptember 201111

Melbourne Dental Practice

Record numbers for summer play scheme

THE Summer play schemes provided by South Derbyshire District Council in cooperation with local parish councils has been very successful this year with record numbers of young people turning out to join in the fun activities.

A SDDC spokesperson said, “We have been really pleased with the turnout in most of the villages and I’m sure that the good weather helped.

Our staff of 12 recruited to run the programme included nine who have joined us in previous years.”

THE summer play scheme included the Wacky Sportsmobile visiting Melbourne Recreation Ground. Helping the children get to grips with their Sumo wrestling skills are Kimberly Lord, activity leader James Lockhart and Lucy Cliffe

12Village VoiceSeptember 2011 Honey, Muesli, 28 Market Place, Melbourne, Derbyshire 01332 863619 Visit us to find a wide range of beautiful fair trade gifts including jewellery, scarves, crafts, toys, food and much more. Tuesday to Friday 10am to 4pm Saturday 9am to 12.30pm Coffee and much more
Castle Street, Melbourne, Derbyshire Telephone 01332 862942 ● Family Dental Care using latest techniques and materials ● Friendly and caring service ● Cosmetic Dentistry including tooth whitening Naomi Fry accepts child orthodontic patients on the N.H.S. - ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS -
Naomi Fry BDS & Associates, Helen Baker BDS The Wheelsmobile visited Melbourne and attracted this group of young people to try out a range of equipment (right) and youngsters join in the fun at Aston when the Wackey Sports and Sportsmobile visited the recreation ground (below).

Head is full of praise for excellent results

CHELLASTON Academy pupils, parents and teachers were all delighted with this year’s GCSE and A level results echoing the excitement that prevails everywhere each August. Head teacher Ray Ruszczynski was very upbeat about the performance of his pupils and the excellent staff that have all worked hard together to bring about the ‘best ever’ set of results. Here we have, exclusive to the VILLAGE VOICE, the words of head teacher Ray Ruszczynski, telling it how it is.

“WE ARE absolutely delighted with our results at GCSE and at A Level, both of which are our best ever.

At GCSE, 81 per cent of all of our students gained five or more of the ‘gold standard’ A* to C grades with Maths and English.

This is an increase from 78 per cent last year. There is controversy in the newspapers about some schools preferring multi-qualification courses but we have stuck to traditional subjects such as triple science, languages and English Literature.

We feel that, in the long run, these subjects will provide a stronger foundation for our students.

To place these results in a wider context, our position is very high in comparison to other schools in the East Midlands.

We are particularly pleased with these results at GCSE because 167 out of the 274 students were boys.

This is the first time in the school’s history that boys have out-performed girls at GCSE.

Thirty eight per cent of all of the grades were at A* and A. This high level of performance has led to record numbers staying on in our Sixth Form.

At A Level, the average grade was just below an A grade at 232 UCAS points. On average, each student achieved 788 points, which is our highest ever.

Sixty per cent of all grades at A Level were at A*, A and B. This puts us at the top of state secondary schools in the area.

These very good results allowed the vast majority of our students to go on to universities of their first or second choice, despite some difficulties on results day when the UCAS website crashed.

Five of our students secured places at Oxford or Cambridge; Sam Twells, Florence Gildea, Amaryllis Barton, Jack Randall and Sam Jackson. Many other students also won places at top universities.

Our curriculum at KS4 and KS5 allows students to progress either at work or at university.

We continue to succeed because we are not complacent and we continue to focus on good teaching and learning. We have already set targets for next year in which we wish to exceed our performance this year.”

Village VoiceSeptember 201113 A new Alpha course will begin on the 19th September at 7.30pm at the Athenaeum, Melbourne Methodist Church The small group course runs for 10 further weeks If you are interested, come along and have a chat or call Lol Robinson on 862029 with an introductory meal Understand more of the Christian faith White Hollows Studio email Telephone: 01332 862757 07773164277 QUALITY PICTURE FRAMING BY MICK LAKIN FREE QUOTES AND LOTS OF CHOICE Lomas Opticians 1 Chapel Street, Melbourne, Derbyshire Telephone: 01332 865021 Opening Times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - 9.00am - 5.00pm Saturday - 9.00am - 12.30pm Closed Wednesday ❱ Home visits for the housebound ❱ Private and NHS examinations ❱ Free tests and specs for pre-school to teens ❱ Budget, fashion, designer frames ❱ Sunspecs, sportswear, safety specs ❱ Over 300 styles to view ❱ Comprehensive lens choice dispensed by quali ed opticians ❱ Specialist low vision aids and magni ers Local, professional care by GOC registered Opticians Mr. M. S. Lomas BSc MSc MBCO Mrs. J. Lomas FBDO BSUTBOEDSBGUTNBSLFU BUNFMCPVSOFMFJTVSFDFOUSF TBUVSEBZ2tuPDUPCFS21BN.5QN Tel: 01332 865554 5 Market Place, Melbourne Derbyshire DE73 8DS Open Tues - Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm Sat 9.30am - 5pm Lingerie (30" - 46" A - I cup) Mastectomy Wear (Lingerie & Swimwear) Swimwear (Size 8 - 26 : A - J cup) Nightwear • La Perla Fragrances • Boss Gents Underwear • Gift Vouchers
& Wrapping necessities
CHELLASTON Academy pupils Alicia Hollis, Martha Turner, Emily Dickinson, Joe Merrick, Holly Rane and Toby Fletcher collect their GCSE results. CHELLASTON Academy A Level students collect their results: Erin Ballard, Kate Freeman, Sophie Dolman, Florence Gildea, James Maher, Richard Morter, Jordon Smith, Jacques Wakefield, Chris Wiseall, Jacob Watts and Ben Hollis.


16th September


Going green with use of solar electricity

THE FIRST installation in the Melbourne Area Solar Buying Group has been undertaken at St Bride’s Farmhouse.

2.3kw of solar photovoltaic panels have been put on the stables (the same size as would fit on an average house) and have generated 220 kw hours, providing income and savings of over £100 in the first four weeks.

Sarah Spencer of St Bride’s and a member of Melbourne Area Transition said: “The scheme aims to promote the uptake of solar pv which is a very sound (government guaranteed) financial investment as well as reducing our carbon footprint, and the solar panels are already saving our family money on our rising electricity bills. The installation took one day with minimum fuss and we were generating our own electricity by 4pm.”


The scheme is run in conjunction with the same local company who are the chosen installers for the solar pv installation on Melbourne Parish Church.

■ Melbourne Area Transition will be present at Melbourne Festival to talk to anyone interested in solar pv, or in general about how Melbourne can meet the challenges of rising oil/energy prices and climate change, and they are also sponsoring two festival events – Playback Theatre and a family Barn Dance.

14Village VoiceSeptember 2011 Tel: 01530 815435 Mob: 07792 548274 Email: THE MOOR, COLEORTON, LEICESTERSHIRE LE67 8GD PETANQUE COURSE & POOL TABLE A traditional country pub refurbished to a high standard HOMEMADE FOOD & FINE REAL ALES BAR OPEN ALL DAY EVERYDAY Excellent newly landscaped heated Beer Garden with children's play area LIVE MUSIC LAST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH TRADITIONAL HOME COOKED FOOD CARVERY & A LA CART MENU AVAILABLE 12pm - 2.30pm and 6pm - 9pm Tuesday to Saturday SUNDAY CARVERY SERVED - 12pm - 4pm WARM & FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE REAL ALE SERVED AT £2.50 PINT brewed at our own mirco brewery 222 Station Road Melbourne Derbyshire DE73 8BQ Tel: 01332 864716 Email:
menus available soon
Lingerie Night
entry which goes directly to breast cancer
Branded bras from £5 and knickers £2 supplied by Charlottes Secrets.
live music from 4 on the Sunday featuring . . . e Skillets
8th -9th October with
real ales and BBQ available all weekend
Sarah Spencer with Eva, Keir and Finn with the solar installation at St Bride’s.

Footballers make a surprise visit

CHRIS HOUGH and his wife Lesley are relative newcomers to the area having moved here just three years ago.

They have settled in well and have become part of the community and now belong to several organisations and clubs with Chris a member of the Ticknall fishing club and a founder member of the Melbourne target shooting club.

Chris and Lesley recently organised a gettogether weekend for more than 70 family members from all over the country — a social occasion to enjoy when not at a wedding or a funeral.

It was also an opportunity to introduce the extended family to this beautiful little corner of South Derbyshire and to celebrate Uncle Ken’s 90th birthday.

Uncle Ken had taken Chris under his wing when Chris’s father died including him in all the family activities and taking him to many different sporting events in the 1970s.

The special weekend started at the John Thompson in the function room with a buffet and a special birthday cake from Bird’s.

Saturday saw a party of 40 adults and children taking part in a daylight “ghost walk” through the woods around the Lime Kilns in Ticknall. The

ghosts, Tree people, a Troll and a Skeleton man all appeared on cue.

The walk ended with a picnic on the lawn of the Chequers.

Saturday night saw the numbers swell for party time at the Melbourne British Legion club with entertainment and a surprise for Uncle Ken.

Family members who had recently performed at Glastonbury with their band Owl in the Sun were joined by a friend and treated everyone to some songs and Melbourne man Ian Payne performed songs from his Neil Diamond tribute act.

Uncle Ken had always told Chris that the best goal scorer he had ever seen was Brian Clough and so Chris wrote to Nigel Clough telling him about Uncle Ken and the family get-together.

Nigel apologised for not being able to join the party but as a surprise for Uncle Ken he wrote him a letter and arranged for two members of the current Derby squad, Jake Buxton and Russell Anderson, to visit.

They turned up at the appointed time and spent almost an hour talking with Uncle Ken and family members whilst enjoying the food and music.

A real surprise and a special treat for uncle Ken on his 90th birthday!

Village VoiceSeptember 201115 Crane & Walton Solicitors, William’s Yard, Melbourne, open from Monday 12th September Melbourne Office: William’s Yard, Derby Road, Melbourne, Derbyshire DE73 8JR Tel: 01332 863810 Email: • Property Law and Conveyancing • Family Law • Business Law • Litigation • Wills and Probate CRANE WALTON SOLICITORS Choose Crane & Walton for everything legal… Looking for the right advice? We provide quality services in a friendly yet professional way on a range of legal matters, including: Property Law Business Law Wills & Probate Family LawLitigation Coalville Office 21-25 London Road, Coalville Leicestershire LE67 3JB Tel: 01530 834466. Fax: 01530 810886 Ashby Office 30 South Street, Ashby de la Zouch Leicestershire LE65 1BT Tel: 01530 414111. Fax: 01530 417022 In tune with today, planning for tomorrow
Derby County FC players Russell Anderson (white shirt) and Jake Buxton (dark T shirt) chat to Uncle Ken and Chris Hough at the family celebrations for Uncle Ken‘s 90th birthday bash at the British Legion. Uncle Ken is holding the framed letter from Nigel Clough.

A Local History Class




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Bank holiday success for painting exhibition

THE DAME Catherine Arts Summer Painting Exhibition took place once again over the August Bank Holiday weekend and proved to be very successful event.

Having run for 18 years it is a well established show and continues to attract a large number of regular exhibitors and visitors.

More than 1,000 visitors passed through

the school and Ticknall village hall over the weekend viewing the 1,150 paintings being displayed.

The standard of exhibits was high and the exhibition showcased a wide range of talent, skill and techniques.

With 150 paintings sold for a total of £17,000, artists and organisers alike were very pleased with the outcome.

There was a champagne preview on the

Saturday evening and homemade lunches and teas were available on the Sunday and Monday to swell the proceeds.

Paint boards were provided as a diversionary activity for the younger children and there was a musical interlude for the visitors on Sunday.

A spokesperson for the event said: “It was a really successful weekend and everything ran smoothly.”

Castle repair work removes the ‘at risk’ danger

VITAL repair and restoration work has been completed after many months at Elvaston Castle on the Golden Gates, the Moorish Temple and Terrace, the Nursery Garden and the Haha.

Financed by English Heritage with a grant of £456,000, and by the Derbyshire County Council with £114,000. The work done “has been essential in moving towards taking the grounds out of the Heritage at Risk Register,” stated a local director of English Heritage.

Derbyshire cabinet member for finance and management, Cllr John Harrison, said: “The work done is of a very high standard, and means that these features are conserved for future generations to enjoy.”

English Heritage said that Elvaston’s historic grounds are among the most important in the country.

Council uses the power of Twitter for updates

THE NUMBER of residents and businesses following South Derbyshire District Council on Twitter has passed the 1,000 barrier. Since launching its social networking service about two years ago, the authority has provided continuous updates about its work with tweets regularly posted about up-

coming events, latest news, services on offer and how people can have their say.

The informal and immediate service is currently attracting around 35 new followers every week — with numbers growing all the time.

As well as the main @sddc account, a host

of councillors also use the service.

Anyone wanting to follow South Derbyshire District Council on Twitter should visit or search for @sddc. People are being encouraged to let the authority know what information they would like to be tweeted when they start following.

16Village VoiceSeptember
l e t s
Pictured at the preview are Alan Nicholls (artist), Dorothy Arkwright (artist), Cllr Michael Stanton (chairman of South Derbyshire District Council) and Ann Eames (artist).

Village well dressing festival entertained by Rebel Rousers

THE ROCK and roll band, formally known as Crawfish and now known as the Rebel Rousers, once again entertained the villagers of Aston-on-Trent during the Well Dressing festival. Earlier this year the band, led by front man Steve Aynesley, chairman of the Well Dressing festival, was chosen to represent Derby at the German twinned city of Osnabruck on Derby Day during the 2011 annual May-Week festival.

“We had a great time at Osnabruck,” said Steve, “ We were impressed with the reception and hospitality of the German people. Hopefully we will be asked to perform again next year.” Derby based saxophone quintet Saxaphonics, plus the Royal British Legion Pipe Band (based in Osnabruck) also took part in the Osnabruck festival.

Saunders, Edward of Ticknall

Ken and Allan wish to thank all relatives and friends who attended Edward's funeral service. They also appreciate the kind messages of sympathy at this sad time. In addition, they are grateful to all those who contributed to Edward's care in his last illness.

Special thanks are o ered to Lynne Williams for her general organisation, to the Rev. John Dawson for a most caring and uplifting service, to John Rooks our excellent organist and to Philip Heath for organising the splendid performance of 'The Trumpet Shall Sound' from Handel's Messiah. Thanks are also due to Penny Heath for the high quality catering, to the trustees of Ticknall Village Hall and to Fayth Fernay, Edward's carer during his long illness.

We must also thank the funeral directors, J.P Springthorpe & Co. of Melbourne, for the sympathetic and professional performance of their duties.

Finally, on behalf of St. George's Church Ticknall, thank you for the donations in Edward's memory.

Walking festival offers 32 guided routes to try

THE ANNUAL Autumn Footprints Amber Valley and Erewash Walking Festival will take place over 16 days starting on Saturday September 10 to Sunday September 25, 2011.

The walking festival offers a range of 32 free guided walks over 16 days and has proved to be very popular with both inexperienced and experienced walkers.

The walks, led by volunteers and staff from more than 20 organisations, will take place in Amber Valley and Erewash.

These two areas are well known for their natural beauty, superb scenery, industrial heritage and attractive towns and villages.

Last year the festival had more than 900 people attending during the 16 days.

The walks are of varying lengths and gradient, ranging from one to eight miles, offering something for everyone no matter what their interests or abilities.

They are all led by knowledgeable local people who are enthusiastic to show off their local patch.

A comprehensive guide detailing all the walks and events, is available free of charge from Groundwork Derby and Derbyshire telephone 01773 535232.

To book your free place on a walk contact Derbyshire County Council’s Call Derbyshire on 08456 058058.

Scooping the awards in best garden competition

RESIDENTS in the Village Voice readership area did well in the recent South Derbyshire District Council Best Kept Gardens competition.

The award for the best front went to Mr P Clough of Melbourne with the best small garden award to Mrs A Towle of Weston on Trent.

The best garden feature went to Maria Hanson of Ticknall and in the children’s category the winners were Mia and Lillie from Melbourne.

Village VoiceSeptember 201117
The Rebel Rousers have been entertaining the villagers of Aston-on-Trent.



For further information, cost of trips, or to book a seat, either call in the Community Care O ce, Mon-Thu 10:00am-2:00pm; Fri 10:00am-12:00 noon or telephone 863585 (answering machine when o ce is closed).

All journeys subject to number of booked passengers, minimum number required is 8, maximum 12.

Please note: We reserve the right to request a late cancellation fee. Community Care do not provide escort assistance on these trips.

REG MOORE 1919 — 2011

BORN in Commerce Street, died in Hope Street, Reg Moore was married in Melbourne to his wife Audrey for nearly 60 years.

He was very much a Melbourne man, unstinting in his work for the community and for the parish church which he attended and served all his life. Truly a “Melbourne man through and through”.

Always a man of great energy, tending his immaculate garden, and his allotment, a parish councillor for 25 years, a bell ringer, a churchwarden, an enthusiastic member of the Melbourne Wine Circle of which he was president, and a member of the Probus Club.

Kate Hewlett, a past chairman of Melbourne Parish Council, said of him, “He was a good chap — he always worked tirelessly for the good of Melbourne.” Richard Heath, president of Melbourne Probus Club, said: “He was a man very much for the community, and he was always hard working and conscientious.”

Reg was a man with a proud war record: a Royal Marine Commando in the middle east and with the


1937 — 2011

RAYMOND Arthur Edwards passed away at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre, Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA on Monday July 18, 2011. Ray was born on January 23, 1937 in Melbourne and was educated in Melbourne schools and at Derby University.

He trained as a mechanical engineer with Rolls Royce Aero Engine division where he worked as a designer. He later worked as a research engineer for the Production Engineering Research Association in Melton Mowbray, before moving to the US. He was an engineering manager for Westinghouse Corporation in Winston Salem and for Gilbarco Incorporated of Greensboro, North Carolina. Ray retired in 2000 to travel and

‘Forgotten Army’ in Burma.

He was also in his younger days a fine footballer, trialling with Blackburn Rovers before the 1939 war.

The Revd Sandra Chantry, who officiated at Reg’s funeral at the Melbourne Parish Church, emphasised Reg’s gift for friendship, and his many interests — “he loved a drink with his friends on a Saturday night at the John Thompson, he loved his fish and chips on Tuesday, he loved brass bands, and bell ringing, and the Wine Circle, but most of all he loved and was proud of his family”.

She also emphasised his “deep and abiding belief and pride in Melbourne, fighting for its needs at parish council meetings with a passion which did not always gain him friends”.

Reg and Audrey had two children — Janet and Graham. Graham died at the age of 40. He had a fine community spirit, like his father. He developed children’s football teams in Melbourne, and coached and managed them.

He leaves his daughter Janet,with three grandchildren, Scott, Kayleigh, and Liam.

His son Graham left two children, Melanie and Garry, and five great grandchildren.

pursue his passion and talent in art, music and writing.

Ray was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. He is survived by his wife, Iris and granddaughter Brittany Edwards of Winston Salem, North Carolina; son Jonathan, daughter in law Ludmila and grandsons Alex and Nicholas Edwards of Charleston, South Carolina; sisters Vivian, Valerie, Enid and brother Michael and a large extended family in the UK and USA. He was preceded in death by his parents, his brother Brian, and his son Simon Edwards. Memorials may be made to the Leukaemia Research Fund, c/o Dr Bayard Powell, Comprehensive Cancer Centre of Wake Forest University, Medical Centre Boulevard, Winston-Salem NC. 27157, USA. Online condolences may be made through


1922 — 2011

BERNARDwas born in Chipping Norton in 1922. His father was the manager of the local Midland Bank and the family lived above the bank - Mum, Dad and older brother, Dennis. Bernard followed his father into banking and his first post was in the Midland Bank in Broadway.

During the war he was in the RAF working as a radio mechanic. He was posted to Burma where his job was to keep the radios in working order. He never talked much about those times but he spent his 21st birthday in a hospital tent suffering from malaria.

After the war Bernard married his first wife, Vera, who sadly died from cancer after only three years of marriage. He met Jean through the bank in Wolverhampton, as she came to pay in money from the Insurance Company where she worked. Bernard worked in various branches before being moved to Melbourne in 1962. The family moved into Melton Avenue in January

1963, and quickly felt the warmth and friendship of village life. There was not much choice in where the Bank sent you though, and having settled into Melbourne life, both were very pleased when the next moves were to local branches including Mickleover, from where Bernard retired.

Bernard loved Melbourne and was involved in many village activities. For many years, he ran the ‘Square Dance Club’ on a Friday night. He served as a Churchwarden in the Parish Church and was a member of CEMS (Church of England Men’s Society) When daughters Janet and Sylvia were in Melbourne Guides and Brownies, he was involved with the Scout and Guide committee in acquiring a hut from the newly built Staunton Harold Reservoir, which was transferred to Donkey Hill and used as a headquarters. Bernard audited the books of many local organisations in the area, a role he fulfilled until only a few years ago.

After his retirement in 1981, Bernard became involved in Probus, the Civic Society and Meals on Wheels. He, with Jean, was involved with the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and for many years, regularly collected, set up and manned the Trust’s stall at Dovedale and later at the Whistlestop Centre, Matlock Bath.

Bernard and Jean were involved with the National Trust at Calke Abbey from the very beginning. They were volunteers there on a Monday and Bernard was the ‘Monday-Day Steward’ for many years. The relationships built up at Calke were extremely precious to Bernard and both were extremely sad when they had to relinquish their roles.

Bernard loved the countryside and walks in the Derbyshire Dales were regular features of family life. Most recently he made sure he had one short walk around Melbourne every day.

Gardening was another love and Bernard was outside in the garden he still cared for in Dunnicliffe Lane when he fell, and although he appeared to be recovering from the accident, sadly passed away peacefully on August 16, aged 89.

He will be sorely missed by Jean, Janet and Cliff, Sylvia and Mike, grandson Matthew and his fiancée Danni.

Forthcoming events for Ticknall Garden Club

TICKNALL Garden Club members celebrated 21 years of the club on Sunday September 11 with a special lunch.

The club programme from September to January was also released and is as follows. All meetings are on Tuesdays at Ticknall Village Hall unless stated otherwise.

■ September 13, AGM followed by Texture and Form in the Garden; Brian Ellis.

■ October 11, Matthew Biggs of Radio 4’s Gardener’s Question Time celebrity speaker. Booking is essential.

■ November 8, Kitchen Gardens Revisited; Sylvia Martin.

■ December 13, Christmas social.

■ January 10, 2012 Madeira, its plants and gardens; Jeff Bates.

18Village VoiceSeptember 2011 DEPART MELBOURNE DESTINATION DEPARTURE APPROX. SEPTEMBER TUE 20th 09:30 Burton-on-Trent - Octagon Centre 2:00 THUR 22nd 09:30 Loughborough (Market Day) 2:00 WED 28th 09:00 Trentham Gardens tba OCTOBER TUE 4th 09:30 Burton-on-Trent - Octagon Centre 2:00 MON 10th 09:00 Bakewell, Derbyshire (Market Day) tba WED 12th 09:00 Newark for Co ee - on to Boundary Mill Stores, Grantham tba TUE 18th 09.00 Lincoln (visit Cathedral &/or shopping) tba WED 19th 09:30 Burton-on-Trent tba MON 24th 09:00 Bridgemere Garden Centre tba NOVEMBER TUE 1st 09:30 Burton-on-Trent - Octagon Centre tba MON 14th 09:30 Woodlands Garden Centre, Hinkley 2:00 TUE 15th 09:00 Meadowhall, She eld tba WED 16th 09:30 Burton-on-Trent - Octagon 2:00 MON 21st 09:00 Bakewell, Derbyshire (Market Day) tba MON 28th 09:00 Fosse Park, Leicester 2:00 TUE 29th 09:30 Burton-on-Trent - Octagon Centre 2:00
O ce: Unit D, William's Yard, Derby Road, Melbourne DE73 8JR Brizlincote Sealed Unit Replacement Specialists you can just replace the sealed unit? • Full professional service • 15 years experience • 10 year guarantee • Free, no obligation quo Daytime Mob. 07814 616 802 Evenings Tel: 01283 568 997 s Spe p p ec t e S t e ce e t U ed Sea an ialiss n m la R ni n d l s Seae eaee eas a a a ii Why replace the whole frame when you can the sealed unit? DOUBLE GLAZING ALL MISTED UP? e te Prices from just £60 per unit OBITUARIES

Flu vaccination at clinics

SEASONAL flu vaccination clinics will be held at both the Melbourne and Chellaston Medical practices in October.

Clinics at the Chellaston practice will be held on Saturday October 8, 9.00am to noon and Wednesday October 19, 2pm to 5pm.

For Melbourne the dates are Wednesday October 12, 2pm to 5pm and Saturday October 22, 9am until noon.

To qualify for a free vaccination you must be over 65 or identified as being in an at risk group. To book an appointment, ring the appropriate surgery.

Canadian choir visit a delight

TWO CHOIRS from Kingston, Ontario — the Cantabile men’s and women’s choruses — delighted a good audience at Melbourne’s Parish Church, on a glorious summer evening in July.

The choirs, guests of the Friends of Melbourne Church, were together more than 60 voices strong.

The choirs were half way through a gruelling tour which took in seven concerts over seven days, starting in York, with evensong at York Minster, in Derby Cathedral, Melbourne Church, Stirling Castle, and St. Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh.

The choirs, under the baton of Dr. Mark Sirett, and with William Maddox as accompanist, were exceptionally well disciplined, with clear diction, and a fine medley of both secular and sacred choral works sung with panache and a strong sense of rhythm.

Both choirs sang a varied programme, and at the end there was prolonged applause from the audience.

The Melbourne church, illuminated by the rays of the fine evening enchanted the guests: one Canadian singer thought that the fine medieval church was outstanding — “Oh yes, better than York Minster”. Mark Sirrett in a short speech of response to the applause spoke of the warm welcome in “this lovely sanctuary”.

Cantabile was awarded Outstanding Choral Event 2010 by the Association of Canadian Choral Communities.

Brian Dollamore, Churchwarden, thanked the choirs for a great concert, and presented each member with a History of Melbourne Church.

As one of the audience said as she left the church, “that was so uplifting”.

Citizens’ Advice Bureau to offer free legal advice

SOUTH Derbyshire Citizens’ Advice Bureau has announced a new partnership with Fishers Solicitors which offers clients free access to a solicitor.

From September 14, Fishers Solicitors will attend the bureau’s Church Street, Church Gresley office each Wednesday from 3pm until 7pm, offering a free one hour appointment exclusively to clients referred by the bureau.

Fishers will be able to provide specialist advice to CAB clients on a wide range of topics, including lasting power of Attorney, tax, consumer contracts, neighbourhood disputes and family law.

Anyone requiring this specialist service should contact the bureau directly on 01283 210107.

Village VoiceSeptember 201119 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Solhurst Construction BUILDING CONTRACTORS ● Extensions ● Alterations ● New Builds TEL: 01332 863571 MOB: 07813 932420 Woodlands Way, Melbourne Property Maintenance - New Builds and Extensions Brickwork and Roofwork - Plastering Drives and Patios - Garden Work GOOD WORK AT GOOD PRICES NO JOB TOO SMALL - PLEASE RING FOR A QUOTATION 0800 7834804 / 0798 0507109 TRENTBUILDERS TRENTBUILDERS.CO.UK BARROW-ON-TRENT, DERBY visit George W. Heath & Sons (Builders) Ltd Castle Lane Industrial Estate, Melbourne, Derby DE73 8JB Tel: 01332 865605 Fax: 01332 865614 Email visit us at ESTABLISHED IN 1969 ALL BESPOKE JOINERY AND CONSERVATION WORK UNDERTAKEN BUILDERS Melbourne Builders Melbourne Builders Brickwork - Roofing - Extensions - Renovations All Work Considered Tel: 01332 863071 Mobile: 07739 429802 View our latest work at: BUILDING & PLASTERING P for a free estimate call Martin on 01332 758645 or 07779 061213 No job too small - clean, friendly, reliable service - quality work guaranteed New building and extensions, Room renovations, Artexing, Dry lining, Decorative plaster coving, Stud work, skirting etc. Wall & oor tiling, Garage conversions, Rendering. Insurance work undertaken. MJB Building and Plastering R&B Builders J.G. RATCLIFF 20 years local time served tradesman ■ CONSERVATORIES ■ EXTENSIONS ■ ALTERATIONS ■ GENERAL BUILDING WORKS FREE QUOTATIONS AND ADVICE Tel: 01332 862718 or 07792 148390 BUILDERS Tel: 01332 865816 Mob: 07970075789 Email: COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE A. J. WALKER ● New Builds ● Extensions ● Loft Conversions ● Alterations ● Renovations of Barns & Listed Buildings ● Roo ng ● Plastering ● Free Quotations & Advice 130 Main Street Kings Newton Derby DE73 8BS Melbourne For a free no obligation quote call Andy on 01332 865674 - 07866 612787 Hand me a genuine quote and I will try and beat the price BLOCK PAVING ALTERATIONS GARDEN WALLS NEW BUILDS PATIOS ROOF REPAIRS LANDSCAPING RENOVATIONS CONSERVATORIES EXTENSIONS FASCIAS SOFFITS GUTTERING FENCING B G PLASTERERS AND TILERS
20Village VoiceSeptember 2011 20 quick close, melbourne, derbyshire de73 8gh tel: 01332 862810 mobile: 07752 731708 of melbournepblandscapes pb full design and construction service free quotations "a reputation built on local recommendation" ● Grass Cutting ● Hedge Cutting ● Pruning ● Planting ● Patios Cleaned etc. For a free quote Call Andy on 01332 776285 Mobile: 07817 187889 Garden Maintenance Services For a regular, reliable Service by a local person at a competitive price call TREVOR MARKS GARDENING SERVICES Too busy or unable to do the Gardening? Then maybe Trevor can help! Grass Cutting - Hedge Cutting - Weeding - Pruning Block Paving - Turfing - Fencing - Patios 01332 690109 or 07900 483555 GARDENS Melbourne Gardening Services All Garden Maintenance Call Mark Hudson on 07974 908221 n Lawn Mowing n Hedge Trimming n Conifers n Tree Work n Slabbing n Fencing n Decking NewScape Tree Care & Fencing Services Stone Walling & Hedge Laying also undertaken Fully qualified and insured treework to BS3998 Contact Joel Tel Melbourne: 01332 694341 / 07800 862630 melbourne painting services For all your painting and decorating needs Quality work at a ordable prices Ring Nolan Jackson on 01332 864097 or 07963 059893 FREE ESTIMATES OAP discount Barry Fitchett 9 DUNVEGAN CLOSE, STENSON FIELDS, DERBY DE24 3AL HIGH CLASS INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATING A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE Tel & Fax: 01332 765332 Mobile: 077 995 488 60 PAINTERS AND DECORATORS PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Andy WESTONDECORATING Ltd. Interior & Exterior Decorators Tel: 01332 862876 Mobile: 07721 494555 “Brushing aside the competition” J&D DANVERS Painter & Decorator Breedon-on-the-Hill For FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01332 862047 Mobile: 07949 199078 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DONINGTON NURSERIES & WALLED GARDEN KINGS MILLS,PARK LANE, CASTLE DONINGTON, DERBY DE74 2RS TEL 01332 853004 FAX 01332 853793 SHEDS, SUMMERHOUSES, PLAYHOUSES, POTTING SHEDS, KENNELS, HUTCHES, TOOL STORES Good range of sizes and styles to suit all budgets inc delivery & assembly. Fencing & Trellis also stocked - delivery can be arranged. YOUR LOCAL PLUMBER FOR OVER 20 YEARS 20 Ashby Road, Melbourne, Derbyshire DE73 8ES 01332 863674 D.I.BONNER PLUMBING & HEATING PLUMBERS AND GAS HEATING ENGINEERS Plumbing & Heating 07712 433 069 ● Bathroom Design & Installation ● Power Showers ● Bathrooms for the less able bodied ● Tiling & Accessories ● Boilers & Central Heating ● Breakdown& Repairs ● Complete Project Management PROFESSIONAL - RELIABLE - LOCAL High Quality Interior & Exterior DMB Decorators Call Drew Baker 01332 863352 07841 192519 B & B Decorators Interior and Exterior - Domestic and Commercial FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTES All work booked before Christmas at excellent rates TEL: 07792 509330
Village VoiceSeptember 201121 Opening Times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm Saturday 9.00am - 12.30pm Closed Wednesday HOME VISITS AVAILABLE FOR THE HOUSEBOUND Mr M S Lomas BSc MSc MBCO Mrs J Lomas FBDO OSTEOPATH Alan P. Smith MSc, BSc (Hons) DO masters degree in Bio Medical Science 38 BARROON, CASTLE DONINGTON TEL: 01332 853777 POTTERS MINI SKIPS AND AGGREGATE SUPPLIERS LIMESTONE, BALLAST, SAND, GRAVEL, TOP SOIL MINIMUM ONE TON LOCAL DELIVERIES TEL: (01332) 701667 MOBILE: 07850 380 425 A.N. GALE (Repair Garage) Church Street, Melbourne • ACCIDENT REPAIRS• • SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE • • MOT REPAIRS • TESTS ARRANGED • TELEPHONE 862658 or 862593 or MObILE: 07778 306 664 Lomas Opticians 1 Chapel Street, Melbourne, Derbyshire Telephone (01332) 865021 • Backache stiff neck muscle pull • Sports injuries & prevention of • Electrotherapy & Ultrasound • Diploma in Nutritional Medicine • Sensible rates (Sen Citizens & Sports reductions) • Over 10 years experience • BUPA and PPP provider HEALTH GARDENS MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTERS AND JOINERS Fitted Kitchens and Bedrooms, Staircases, Replacement Windows and Doors in UPVC or Timber, Conservatories, Porches and Extensions, Custom Built Furniture and Bookshelves. Quality Work, Full Written Estimates, Portfolio on Request Unit 3 TLF Units, Castle Lane Industrial Estate, Melbourne, Derbyshire 01332 864865 or 0797 068 3661 John Howell Carpenter and Joner Carpenter & Joiner Over 35 years of experience in conservation and renovation Tel: 01332 864257 All types of external & internal woodworking Fitted kitchens, windows & doors Laminate Floors, book case & cupboards, wardrobes & stairs Timber repairer & furniture repairs Graham Twells TOWNLEY JOINERY WOODWORK AT IT'S FINEST "A family business who bring you the finest handcrafted bespoke joinery' We supply and fit purpose made staircases, windows, doors, conservatories, etc and specialise in listed building work. DEAN TOWNLEY Unit 27, George Holmes Way, Hearthcote Road, Derbyshire DE11 9DF Tel: 01283 210797 Mob: 0782 8235467 • Freephone 0800 840 2115 From a single radiator to a complete central heating system, supplied, installed, up-and-running in a day! Want to know more? Then visit our website or call We also specialise in electric heating Stylish, modern & efficient electric radiators Quality Electrical Contractors now MCS Accredited Solar PV Installer See our website for details... electric connections Based in Melbourne, Derbys is going green! ELECTRICIANS For all your electrical needs Domestic – Commercial - Industrial Testing & Inspecting etc Established 1973 MELBOURNE ELECTRICS Contact David on . . . Tel: 01332 863547 / Mobile: 0780 170 9492 Email: Kasudaca House, 80A Victoria Street, Melbourne, Derby DE73 8FQ A member of NAPIT & Fully Part P Registered ● PVC windows, doors and conservatories. ● Fascias and so t board replacements. ● Repair of broken sealed units. DJWindows Call for a free quote 01332 720 726 or 07980 130089 FRIENDLY LOCAL SERVICE COMPETITIVE PRICES - BATHROOM FITTING FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CALL 01332 799939 Mobile: 07968 720947 IAN BOULTON WALL & FLOOR TILING HOME IMPROVEMENTS An independent community paper designed and published by Village Voice Newspapers. Typeset by Greenborough Ltd., t/a Voice Productions. Printed by Harmsworth Printing Ltd., Derby. The publishers of Village Voice are not responsible for any content or claims in advertisements in this newspaper. Advertisements may not be reproduced without the written permission of the publishers. ✜ NAPIT approved Part P Registered Electrician ✜ Extension ✜ Fitted kitchens and bathrooms ✜ Drain jetting and patio cleaning ✜ Fabrication and welding ✜ Wrought iron manufacturers. ✜ Fully insured and safe contractor approved Tele: 01332 862450 Mobile: 07809 228614 All types of property maintenance and building work We are quali ed for ‘In service’ equipment inspection and testing (Pat testing) Fencing • Patios • Turfing • Landscaping Visit our web site For a free quotation call 01283 546362 or 07919 898309 TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE PLEASE CALL NICOLA ON 07584 025 852


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VeteranS take the Charity ShieLD

KINGS Newton Bowls Club Veterans

A team played in the final of the Burton Veterans League Charity Shield competition against Sudbury A and ran out winners by 31 shots, scoring 182 to151.


My Secret Kitchen

Come to a ne food tasting evening with an opportunity to purchase unique and exciting foods - Cost £5 to include a glass of wine

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Saturday 12th November, 2011 at 7.30pm

Cost £15 per ticket- food included. Bar will be available.

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Saturday 5th November, 2011

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All the teams in divisions three and four of the league participate in the competition with all games played on neutral greens, The final was played at Burton Washlands Bowls Club. Kings Newton have won the trophy before but with a different team.

The team are currently fourth in the league with a game in hand and just four games to play as we go to press.

Kings Newton Bowls Club Veterans A team: (back row) Dick Forman, Frank Trevena, Henry Hastings, David Anderson, John Robey and Dave Moore; (front row) Pete Balfour, David Smith, Alan Bradley, Alan Holbrook, Bert Maddox and Terry Summerlin.

ticknall consolidate their strong position

TICKNALL 1st XI have consolidated their position in the Derbyshire Premier League, holding 4th place at the end of August and they remain the top South Derbyshire side.

A win, a draw and a loss (albeit on a badly rain-affected pitch at Sandiacre) were achieved in the league.

In the Premier Cup, a good win at Nottinghamshire side Wollaton was followed by

a five wicket defeat against a strong Derbyshire Academy side.

Whilst TCC boasts four senior and several junior sides, the club also hosts friendly matches.

One notable friendly recently featured a Ticknall Village side in a match against the Spotted Cow pub.

The village’s bowling attack featured ex first team player Dave Armstrong who has mastered the art of the slower ball. He achieved a remarkable hat-trick. The third

ball hit the pad of the new batsman who felt that it was going well down the leg side and therefore not lbw.

However, umpire Alan Randall did not agree and the finger was raised.

The batsman eventually wandered off. The Spotted Cow went on to win the match so everyone went home happy.

The final match of the League season is on Sunday September 18 when Ticknall entertain local rivals Dunstall. All are welcome at the Grange.

SwarkeStone win marSton’S trophy

SWARKESTONE CC 1st XI won the “Marston’s Smooth” Trophy on August Bank holiday Monday, defeating Matlock CC on a cold, blustery and damp day at Denby CC.

Swarkestone won the toss and chose to bat. However they soon lost their leading run scorer, Jamie Guthrie for four. Jamie’s opening partner, Luke Thomas, survived a couple of early scares and batted throughout the 50 over innings, finishing on 106 not out.

Luke was well supported by Thomas Hamilton 21, Ben McGonigal 22, James Wilcox 36 and Michael Scott 25 not out, as Swarkestone compiled a total of 238 runs for the loss of four wickets in their 50 overs.

In reply Matlock were always behind the required run rate and despite solid performances from John Aspinall 72 and Edward Lowe 51, they were bowled out by Swarkestone for 200 in 44 overs. Alisdair Evans led the attack taking 3 for 26 for Swarkestone, supported by Bruce Dilks, Michael Scott and David Dixon who each took two wickets.

Luke Thomas was awarded

County League 20/20 Trophy and the third eleven, the Harry Lund Cup. The First eleven are currently in third place in Division One and with four matches to

be played are making a determined effort to achieve one of the promotion places, so that they will play the 2012 season in the Derbyshire Premier League.

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the “Man of the Match” trophy for his 106. This was Swarkestone CC’s third trophy of their season with their first eleven having already won the Derbyshire

President’s XV feel the heat in a preseason warm up with Melbourne XV

IN A pre-season warm up game, Melbourne first XV played a select President’s XV at the Cockshut Lane ground.

Euan Holden, captain of Melbourne’s 1st XV led his side to a 197 victory over the President’s XV in front of a good crowd.

New Club President, Dave Smith, chose his son Sam Smith as captain of the invitational side, which contained a mixture of Vets and youngsters.

In a full-on game, both sides competed ferociously from the kick off, with the fitter Melbourne XV getting the better of the early exchanges. Capitalising on a lack of cohesion from the President’s XV and getting more players to the breakdown, the Melbourne XV stole a lot of the ball from the President’s XV and this resulted in two early tries from Morris Hall and Will Judge. Euan converted both. The President’s XV scrummaged well but Melbourne had the better of the line outs and the upper hand with the loose ball. The Melbourne backs were lively throughout. Two yellow cards were issued to Euan Holden for Melbourne and Ian Lucas for the President’s XV. The half-time score was 14-0.

The second half saw numerous changes and a slowing of the pace. Melbourne scored another try with Ben Burchell touching down after a fine break from Will Judge. The President’s XV then scored a try through Kieran Morris which was converted by James Fleming. The final score was 19-7 with Melbourne XV victorious.

Dynamos start on a high

MELBOURNE Dynamos have had a superb start to the 2011/12 season with the first team losing just one of their first four games, but the reserves have gone better than that winning all five games in topping division two.

The first team began the season with a 10 away win against Mickleover R.B.L with Carl Adams getting the crucial goal. They followed this with a game against Matlock Sports coming back from 2-1 down to win 42 thanks to Ryan Grey, Danny Guild, Carl Adams and new signing Adam Ross.

An unlucky mid-week 2-1 away defeat to

Newmount saw the winning goal scored in the last minute for the home side. Lee Scott scored the Dynamos consolation. Dynamos finished the month with a convincing 2-0 away win against Swanwick with Scott and Ross getting the all important goals.

Melbourne Dynamos Reserves have had an unbelievable start, winning all five league games beginning with a 3-1 away win versus Wirksworth Ivanhoe thanks to a brace from Garry Croake, who returned from long term injury, and a Jack Havron penalty.

They followed this with a stunning 8-2 home win against Pastures Reserves with Jack Tivey hitting four along with two from

Farrell Scott plus strikes from Neil Redfern and another Jack Havron penalty. Goals from Tivey and a Ben Dale penalty secured a 2-0 win versus Derby Royals Reserves.

Dynamos’ first hiccup came when they went 2-0 down after just six minutes at home to Allenton United Reserves but Scott, Tivey and a Tom Donnachie strike capped a brilliant comeback to keep the winning run going.

The reserves ended the month with a convincing 5-1 home win against Chellaston thanks to a Farrell Scott hat-trick along with a Vinny Hallifield tap in and a Jack Havron screamer, giving them an unblemished record as they top the table.

PICTURED before the game are l - r: Pete Ilot — Chairman Melbourne RFC, Sam Smith — Captain Presidents XV, Dave Smith — President Melbourne RFU, Euan Holden — Capain Melbourne 1st XV, James Cripps of the Alma Inn — match ball sponsor.


THE evening Back to Netball sessions organised by South Derbyshire District Council, held on the Melbourne Junior School court, proved to be a very successful programme with good numbers attending right up until the summer recess.

It is hoped this will restart later in September but confirmation is still required.

■ The Melbourne Early Bird Walk will start again on Wednesday September 14 at 9am from the school gates. This is a free activity and is open to all.

■ Jogging is a new activity, open to all, that will be starting on Friday September 16, also from the school gates at 9am. There is a cost of £2 per session for this.

Village VoiceSeptember 201123 MELEN’S Private Hire Local & Long Distance Call us for quotes and bookings on 01332 862777 NWLDC Vouchers MALCARS TAXIS 4 - 6 - 8 - 12 - 16 SEATERS Competitive Rates Local & Long Distance Call Andy 863 864 OU 24HOURS 4 - 8 Seaters available Local & Long Distance Journeys Committed to a Quality Service VILLAGE CARS Top grade instructor with very high 1st time pass rate. Theory preparation. Pass Plus & Motorway tuition. Patient, friendly & professional instruction. Call Dave: 01332 764242 or 077594 72135 (Established 1997) SCHOOL OF MOTORING SHAW DISCOUNTS FOR NEW LEARNERS & BLOCK BOOKINGS te DISCOUNT Made Your Will Yet? Your Will in the privacy and comfort of your own home £47.50* + VAT (£57.00) *our standard will Phone today for FREE INFO PACK 0115 871 2755 24 hours / 7 days a week Power of Attorney Property Trusts Will Storage Inheritance Tax Wills Children’s Trust Spanish Wills IN HOME LEGAL SERVICES HIGH STREET, MELBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE 01332 862123 DOVES HIGH STREET MELBOURNE Garages L Ltd. Ltd. YOUR LOCAL GARAGE FOR SERVICING – MOT’S AND REPAIRS WITH THE LASTEST DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT FREE LOAN CARS OR COLLECTION AND DELIVERY SERVICE COMPETITIVE RATES - PLEASE CALL FOR A QUOTE RMIF APPROVED. •SERVICING OF ALL MAKES & MODELS •REPAIRS •DIAGNOSTICS •FREE LOCAL COLLECTION & DELIVERY •EVENING & WEEKENDS IF REQUIRED R H MOTO UNIT 2 STATION YARD, STATION ROAD, MELBOURNE TEL: 01332 695155 MOB: 07544 853290 A cheaper way to keep yo ing S Y D, MELBOUR UR R NE 07544 853290 u motoring CALL NOW FOR A QUOTE 4-8 SEATER VOLKSWAGEN Prompt reliable service Local and long distance Call Ron or Ann on MELBOURNE 864440 WARRENS CARS TAXIS - ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS -
Bosworth Homecare Services (MEASHAM BRANCH) (Accredited providers of Domiciliary care to Derbyshire County Council) are seeking enthusiastic and motivated individuals to join our expanding team of For more information Tel: 01455 292648 - (Option2) NVQ PREFERRED BUT NOT ESSENTIAL We are an equal opportunities employer & encourage mature applicants in MELBOURNE, KINGS NEWTON, STANTON-by-BRIDGE, WILLINGTON, REPTON AND SURROUNDING AREAS Full and part time available COMMUNITY CARE WORKERS

Bring on The BaT

Derbyshire and Ticknall’s Paul Borrington chalked up his eighth century of the season, extending his recently set record. He has also been given a three year contract at Derbyshire.

In recognition of his contribution to Ticknall Cricket Club, Paul was given the Kingfisher Beer Cricket World Most Valued Player Award, having topped the national batting averages for July.

His award of a top-rated cricket bat and a supply of Kingfisher Beer was presented by Ticknall CC Chairman John Dumelow.

■ See page 22 for Ticknall’s Premier League success story

Promotion is now just a distant dream

AUGUST saw Melbourne’s two cricket league sides promotion hopes slip away and although they both sit in fourth place, results will have to go their way to secure a top two place.

The first team had an up and down month winning three, a winning draw but crucially losing two.

They began the month away to second placed Winshill and bowling first had the home side at 131-7 thanks mainly to 4-52 from Matt Briers but Winshill recovered to a competitive 210-7.

In reply Town never recovered from losing three wickets with the score on 31 and despite 36 from Lee Tallis and 28 from Alex Slater they collapsed to a disappointing 146 all out.

A week later Melbourne returned to winning ways by hammering Rolls Royce by nine wickets after keeping the visitors down to 198 all out with 3-32 from Briers and 3-54 from Slater doing the damage. In reply a superb 84 not out from in-form Andy Potts aided by 74 not out by Mark Rossi saw the first team home with twelve overs to spare.

Away to lowly Alrewas second team, Melbourne smashed a huge 274-8 off their allotted overs with skipper Alex Slater hitting 89 and


Andy Potts 70 plus 38 from opener Julian Humpidge but rain helped the home side to survive on 157-5 and claim a draw.

Two home wins followed, the first against Aston-on-Trent seconds with Town hitting 221-9 off their overs with Phil Maddocks 62, Russell Allaway 49 and Julian Humpidge 38 the main contributors.

Aston’s reply was hastened by 5-42 from Slater but the end came with a superb hat-trick from Humpidge in his spell of 4-9.

The following day the visitors Lullington Park could only amass 182-8 with Jason Lander performing well for 4-29 plus 3-26 from Slater and in reply Melbourne raced to their target for the loss of just one wicket, Humpidge smashing 91 not out with Potts 55 and Rossi 31 helping out with Town winning with a huge 17 overs to spare.

The first team ended the month in disappointing circumstances with an away defeat to Littleover Centurions’ first team who hit 240 all out with Slater taking his season’s total to 44 wickets with 4-59 along with 3-73 from Humpidge.

In reply, only Allaway with 41 and Slater with 31 scored freely as Melbourne fell to 183 all out and with it their promotion chances for another year.

Second Team

THE second team has also had an eventful month, losing the Harry Lund Cup final plus losing ground in their promotion search.

They began the month with a great win against Hartshorne second team who could only score 153 all out with 4-32 from Matt Heafield doing the damage along with 3-17 from Ben Newton plus two wickets for Colin Wakefield. Exactly 50 by skipper Ken Grant plus 39 by Chris Lancaster and 34 from Matt Heafield saw Town home with 10 overs to spare.

The cup semi-final followed with Melbourne only managing 159 all out thanks mainly to 74 from inform Matt Heafield.

Visitors Nutbrook third team knocked off the runs for five wickets down but in doing so played an ineligible player so this meant Melbourne went through to the cup final.

Back to the league and a brilliant century from Andy Stanley107 aided by 35 from Chris Lancaster and 27 from James Heafield saw the second team post 227-9 away to Stanton Elks second team.

This proved too many as the Elks finished on 129-7 with Matt Heafield 3-30 and Paul Scrimshaw 231 securing the winning draw. A disappointing home defeat to Rosehill Meths seconds after Melbourne had posted 212-4 with skipper Grant in form with 88, helped by 38 from James Smith and 35 from Ben Newton, but Rosehill cruised home for just four wickets down.

The disappointment worsened as Melbourne lost the Harry Lund cup final for the second year running with a 76 run defeat to local rivals Swarkestone third team.

Swarkestone scored 231 all out with 4-32 by Matt Heafield and two wickets apiece for Jason Lander and Ranjit Rathmore. In reply only 34 by Ben Newton, 32 by Matt Heafield and 26 by Rathmore were the only real contributors as Melbourne fell to 155 all out and experienced cup final agony once again.

Back to the league and Melbourne entertained top of the table Trentside third team and Town hit

216-5 with Grant 57, Stanley 64, Matt Heafield 30 and Newton 46. Despite three wickets for Lander the table toppers reached their target with just three balls to spare. Melbourne second team ended the month with a home game against Derby Congs third team who posted 221-7.

Although Chris Lancaster hit a superb 92 in reply, Town finished just short on 214-7.

■ In a very hectic month the club would like to thank their many ball sponsors who were: The Hallifield family, Melbourne Garden Machinery, Melbourne Dental Practice, Scallywags, Blatch’s, Reeds Rains, Barchester Homes, Electric Connections, Silverservice and Bounz UK.

Disappointing end to season

MELBOURNE Tennis club failed in its attempt to claim their third successive promotion when they lost their play-off with Littleover second team.

Away to Woodlands, Melbourne claimed a superb 5-4 victory with pairings of Rossi/ Hallifield and Swallow/ Newbury winning two out of three sets plus a one set win for Cheshire/ Willians to set up a one match shoot out with a strong Littleover side who went on to beat Melbourne 7-2.

Close defeats for Swallow/ Willians and Howard Cheshire and his brother Jeremy, were unfortunate, with only the first pairing of Alex Slater and Mark Rossi claiming two set wins although they lost their long unbeaten run in the last set losing 9-8 in the tie break. A disappointing end to the 2011 season.

24Village VoiceSeptember 2011 SPORT
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