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Managing mascne

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Managg Mascne Compiled by Kerry-Ann Scrase


The benefits of masks in the fight against the coronavirus are now widely recognised and accepted. As a result, masks have become a part of our everyday life, however many of us will have experienced breakouts and skin irritations for the first time since our teenage years. Acne mechanica, or 'mascne', as it has become known, is a skin condition that frontline workers are quite familiar with and is brought on by prolonged wear of facial personal protective equipment

Masks help keep saliva and any other dropletsemitted from breathing, talking, coughing, or sneezing - from getting into the air and potentially transmitting Covid-19 (or other illnesses), which is why they are so important. the best for the environment - are also very breathable and can be a good option.

However, this also means that these 'life-saving' masks also trap heat and cause friction on the skin. This combined with moisture from breathing, talking, coughing and sneezing create the perfect environment for bacteria to breed resulting in pimples and general skin irritation. It can also cause the skin to become dry, itchy and raw. · Cleanse and moisturise your face daily using a mild, fragrance-free cleanser. Dry skin is also a common face mask skin problem, which is why applying moisturiser adds a protective layer that can reduce dryness.

And since it looks like we're going to be wearing masks for a while, it is a good idea to learn how to manage mask acne. Dermatologists warn that while those who are acne prone may suffer more, adopting a good skin care and mask care regimen is important.


· Choose a mask that allows your skin (and you) to breathe. The mask should sit snugly but comfortably on your face - if it's too loose, it is more likely to move around and cause chafing; too tight and it will irritate the skin as well. · Whilst persistent breakouts may tempt you to exfoliate more and use products to dry the spots out, don't be tempted to over-exfoliate. Also avoid using products with harsh ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, even aftershave as these may aggravate already sensitised skin.

· Select a mask made of a soft, breathable, natural fabric like cotton. (Synthetic fabrics like nylon, polyester, and rayon can be more irritating to your skin.) This is especially important if you are prone to acne or have oily skin. Disposable masks – although expensive and not necessarily

· Ditch the makeup – Wearing makeup under a mask causes pores to become clogged and breakouts. Makeup residue also soils your mask and increases the risk of breakouts. If you need to wear makeup, avoid putting it in the areas the mask is covering. Focus your energy on accentuating the eyes instead.

· A clean face needs a clean mask. Both derma tologists and centres of disease and control prevention recommend washing cloth masks after each use in order to remove oils and dead skin that collect inside the mask. Use warm water and a gentle detergent that is free from added colours and fragrances so as to not further irritate the skin or risk causing a reaction like contact dermatitis. · If you have to wear a face mask all day, try change your mask during the course of the day to prevent build up of bacteria on one mask. If possible take a 15 minute break every four hours by removing your mask in a safe place (after washing your hands) such as outdoors when you are more than 2 metres away from other people, inside your car when you are alone or at home.

· You can also simply reduce the amount you have to wear your mask by rather staying at home and not going out in public – particularly on week-ends, especially if you are battling with a serious skin reaction or breakout.


These products will help you manage skin issues:


These help draw out puss and oil. Depending on the size and severity of the pimple, use at night or even your face under a mask.

TRY: Spot Clear Salicylic Acid Patch - www.skinrepublic.co.za

OINTMENT: It does sound old school but a bit of Vaselinelike ointment on sensitive skin will help clear dry, flaky patches.

TRY: Simply Bee Antiseptic Balm - www.simplybee.co.za CHEMICAL EXFOLIANT:

Don't over-exfoliate. Avoid physical exfoliants on your face. Try introducing a chemical exfoliant a few times a week to clear congested areas.

TRY: Essential Collection Lotion Enzyme www.naturalsbeauty.co.za

LIP BALM: Constant mask wearing will also make your lips and the skin around them dry. Keep lips hydrated.

TRY: Eco Diva Hydrating Lip Balm - www.ecodiva.co.za

FACIAL TONERS: Toners help catch dirt and oils that your cleanser might miss, and they can help balance and replenish your skin. Can also hydrate the skin.

TRY: The Victoria Garden Toning Freshener www.thevictoriagarden.co.za

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