Anthony Morrison young entrepreneur- Join the online live community When you sign up for a marketing course from internet guru Anthony Morrison, you are automatically eligible to join Anthony Morrison’s Online Community. The online community that has sprung up around the entrepreneur, marketing mogul, and self-made millionaire and best-selling author is a veritable think tank of burgeoning SEO/SEM/e-mail marketers, as well as people who are merely curious about eCommerce, and want to see what it’s all about.
While this might not seem like that major of a deal, it can be, if you let it be. “What do I need more community for? I’ve got Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!” While we love those places, and many our businesses couldn’t exist without them, social media and online community are a bit different. Here’s how:
Social Networks Vs. Online Community In the simplest possible terms, you can view social networks much like the community that surrounds you in normal, waking life. It’s made up of a cross-section of friends, relatives, lovers, peers, colleagues, random famous people, and complete strangers. For the most part, social media is made up of people you already know. If there were a savvy marketing guru among your peer group, chances are you would know about it, and would already be picking their brain to pieces. Another difference between social networks and online community is that each social network is different, unique to each individual. It’s the clearest illustration of the atomization the internet has brought, with every person inhabiting their own reality. Online communities, instead, tend to have a fixed format, that gives a clear depiction of what people are interested in, what they’re thinking about, and which direction your industry is headed in. In contrast, online communities, like the one around Anthony Morrison, can be made up of complete and utter strangers, coming from all manner of histories, cultures, and backgrounds.
Online communities tend to spring up around a very specific interest or goal. This means a captive audience of potentially thousands of future friends, colleagues, peers, and associates, just waiting to be met. By way of illustration: think of a party. How many times have you gone to a party, and been completely pleasantly surprised to find a kindred spirit with many of the same interests, and maybe even some networking opportunities? Now imagine you are at a party made up ONLY of those people. There are two main reasons people participate in an online community: 1. The urge to participate in the community 2. The perception of benefitting from the community Some potential benefits of belonging to Anthony Morrison’s Online Community include: 1. Results can be gathered quickly. You can get (nearly) immediate feedback, which is pure marketing gold! 2. Learn from collective experience. Where else can you get free advice from Ph.D.s, MFAs, a line cook, as well as a self-made millionaire like Anthony Morrison? 3. Spread the word about your company or brand in a graceful, non-intrusive way. It can be difficult to find ways to tell people about your products or services without being pushy, no matter how great they may be. Every time you participate in an online community, people see your name and your brand. It makes an impression. 4. Establishes you as a leader in your field. When you take the time to collaborate in an online community, people begin to see you as an informed member of the community. If they have a problem or a question, they’re like to think of you and your company, which is fertile ground for new business. 5. Up to the second information. It can be difficult to find the best and most reliable information on internet marketing, for obvious reasons. Fortune 500s are not exactly looking to create a slew of competition. Much of the information in books, training courses, articles, and on websites is likely to be quite out of date. Working with leading members of your industry means reaping the benefits of hundreds of minds, scanning high and low for the newest and most useful information, anywhere in the world and sharing it with you, for free. To learn more about how Anthony Morrison and the online community can help take your career to the next level, sign up today!