1 minute read
Poem: what are the layers of yourself?
what are the layers of your self?
how do they come together and
how do you walk their lines -
how do you want to compose yourself - what is your composure?
how will you expose yourself in the
light of other people? overexposed and
underexposed pictures can be beautiful,
but what exposure really looks like you?
how will you make your way through
this landscape? what are your
reference points? what is their
color and shape and
how will you recognize
them in a windstorm or a crazy day?
what are the boundaries
and restrictions -
are they a beautiful border
or are they edges that
need to be rubbed
up against, and made
pliable again.
where are your park
benches and is there
easy access for ha
ndicapped days or is it
better that you carry
your rope and climbing
and how will you
compose yourself—how
will you be composed?
how do all your
layers and lines
and reference points
and departures
from the usual
and elegant daily routines
overlap to make
your self-portrait?
- - - - -
caitlin vollmer