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Gallery: “Morally Awake,” the Art of Larry Young

This issue brings one new feature we have been hoping for: a Gallery in the arts & ideas section. American-born Larry Young, living in recent years in Ontario, Canada, with his artist and teacher wife Kathie, is both a wonderful visual artist working in many media, and a thoughtful student of anthroposophy and of human being and becoming who is constantly sharing his researches and reflections in works of art.

The Gallery starts on page 31, but other of Larry’s creations are scattered throughout the issue—and on the cover “Sophia”!

“Sophia” by Larry Young (cover of the issue)

On Facebook or Flickr there are quotations, observations, and original verses with most of Larry’s pieces. Accompanying this image “Sophia” are these lines by the artist:

Warm feelings, stilled thoughts receive love-wisdom. Lips stay silent that know the power of the Word. We are grateful to Larry for his help and generosity in sharing this beautiful, thought-filled work.

“Steiner and Me” by Larry Young

The process of creating images is a mystical path for me, an intense journey inward hoping to pass through the eye of the needle into a spiritual world on the other side. However I want to be very clear about this, it's not about making art, it's about gaining a deeper understanding of humanity through art. For that reason my work is personal yet wants to speak to all souls on some level. It's about the soul spiritual and how that relates to human experience. And, of course, it's about personal transformation. My works are simply pages in a journal. It's therapy, and the patient is me. - Larry Young 7-15-14

Morally Awake


Eldridge Cleaver: “The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less.“

Eldridge Cleaver


Reaching for the Light.

Spirit Triumphant

The Ferryman.


Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1978, Harvard):

“If the world has not come to its end, it has approached a major turn in history... This ascension will be similar to climbing onto the next anthropologic stage. No one on earth has any other way left but -- upward.“

Personal Demons: Sentimentality, Brutality, Apathy.

Self Portraits: From Memory Age 12

Age 33

Age 44

Photo of the artist.

Musings of An Old Fool, art and text by Larry Young

From “Musings of An Old Fool”

This living plant reflects myself, but upside-down. What recreates lies not below, but at its crown. Its brain-like roots seek fossiled bands, my thoughts grow up to spirit lands.

Its lengthening leaves, their rib-like curls a mirrored guise of rhythmic realms where life-sap blood moves harmonized. A ladder bridge composed of air, from heaven’s gate to dragon’s lair.

Amusing Fool

Court Jester

Sinister Entities, by Larry Young

Larry Young, “The Messenger”

“Wise Old King” by Larry Young

Philadelphia, by Larry Young

View more of Larry Young’s current work on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/larryyoung63 with accompanying texts by the artist and others, Rudolf Steiner, Goethe, Novalis, Valentin Tomberg

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