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Houses of Brick and Fire

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News for Members

Reflections on January 1, 2023

Aaron Mirkin

Last night, one hundred years ago, the Goetheanum, the John building, the House of the Word, was burnt down. The very spirit home of our movement was destroyed.

There was an intention to thwart something that is so very much needed in our time…

Communities of free individuals who serve the Risen Christ—the Representative of Humanity.

In the tale of the Three Little Pigs, it is the one who builds his house of brick, and who is able to light a fire in the hearth, that is able to save his brothers and overcome the wolf.

So too might this simple tale call to us…

…To build a spirit house baked in the kiln of unshakable commitment to the spirit impulses of our age—ever fresh and authentic.

…To kindle a spirit-fire burning with enthusiasm for the truth—fearless and upright.

…To open our doors and hearts to all brothers and sisters who seek us—entirely without dogma or convention.

Then, that which was meant to be thwarted will only grow stronger—for it is clear, what we are building is no outer building, but an inner one—an eternal Goetheanum in our hearts—and it really is there!—built on a Foundation Stone of deepest humanity—one that no wolf or outer fire can ever touch …

… For no wolf can ever comprehend selfless love.

Aaron Mirkin has been a priest of The Christian Community for twenty-two years and currently lives and works in Stroud, England. Prior to that, he was a biodynamic farmer in Camphill, and prior to that a chemical engineer in the petroleum industry—both in South Africa.

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