4 minute read
We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it!
by Monika Leitz
For the Bay Area Eurythmy Ensemble
Greetings from the San Francisco Bay region.
The Bay Area Eurythmy Ensemble is a group of eurythmists working around a body of water that connects and simultaneously divides us into discrete spaces of North, South and East Bay, bordered in the West by the Pacific Ocean. Coming together for practice always involves crossing a bridge, literally and figuratively. For many of us it becomes the symbolic bridge of a decision—the decision to make the often lengthy (and costly) journey to work together. Eurythmists all too often become soloists by necessity. Finding our way to each other to enliven the space between—the space so vital to eurythmy—is a challenge. Though closer in proximity than many others, overcoming traffic and bridge tolls in a major metropolitan area is no minor obstacle and we are proud to have an eight-year record of this effort. Up until now we have performed eurythmy to the local Waldorf schools and our students. And we intend to continue to produce story programs in the future, seeking to keep the flame for eurythmy alive for the next generation.
This year we are branching (pun intended) out, as we offer the Michael Imagination in eurythmy to any group willing to host us.
Michael Imagination
Springing from powers of the sun, Luminous, world-blessing Spirit-powers, to be Michael’s garment of rays
You are foreordained by the thinking of gods.
He, the Christ-proclaimer, reveals in you––Mankind sustaining––holy cosmic will;
You, the bright world-ether beings, Bear the Christ-Word to human beings.
So Christ’s herald appears
To waiting, thirsting souls.
To them, your word of light streams forth In the world-age of spirit-man.
You, students of spirit-knowledge, Take Michael’s wise directing, Take the word of love of the will of worlds
Into your souls’ high aims––actively.
Rud olf Steiner
The experience of the Michael Imagination performed in eurythmy by the Eurythmy Spring Valley Ensemble a few years ago was the starting point of this endeavor. Deeply smitten with its power, I immediately resolved to find a way to cultivate it on the West Coast. Our ensemble is now free to pursue this endeavor and to carry it forward into the future. This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the Michael Imagination and its presentation to the anthroposophical community by Rudolf Steiner, and seems, thereby, a particularly fitting year to attempt to offer it in our area. Sailing on the coattails of the 100th anniversary of the laying of the Foundation Stone, our ensemble hopes to find groups or individuals who would like to collaborate in the creation of a Michael Festival that includes this imagination in eurythmy.
We hope that there are many people in the Bay Area (or indeed anywhere on the West Coast) who are ‘waiting (possibly) thirstily’ for an experience of this verse in eurythmy. It is a wonderfully mysterious verse and eurythmy can bring a fine reality to the ‘garment of rays’ spoken of in the first stanza.
The marvel of the eurythmy-form to this imagination, given by Rudolf Steiner, is a source of inspiration to us as a group. The fine balance and interplay of parts, the turns from center to right or left, and the colors bring a very unusual dynamic and experience of space into this choreography.
Still at the beginning of our exploration, we let the words and movements resonate deeply in our soul life, as we continue with our rehearsals and search for copresenters.
Generous support in kind is given from Eurythmy Spring Valley (ESV). The Eurythmy Association of North America (EANA) contributes funds to take off the edge of financial burden involved in working together in this region.
Please consider supporting this effort in your heart and mind . It will generate a perceptible substance and sheath of warmth for us to move ahead and push on manifesting our goal. Please contact us at skyleitz@ gmail.com for a eurythmy performance of the Michael Imagination (and other pieces) for your local Michaelmas event on the West Coast.
Together we can cross that bridge – “actively.”
Turning Point
Ruth Dubach, Speech Artist at the Goetheanum April 3, 1929 – November 25, 2021
At the turn point of the path you become aware how clouds that just a moment ago threatened you already overflowed with the fullness of light…
Suddenly you see the dying trees sta nding as shining ones…
Suddenly you sense what moves you is not Beauty alone, It is language, silent language, it is divine gestures that take hold of you, and you know once more: The world is awaiting, the spirit of the times is awaiting your being’s in nermost answer at the turning point of the path.