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A Search for the Physical and Spiritual-Scientific Medical Understanding of Autism
by Basil Williams, MD
The causes of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) or autism have remained a mystery, for the most part, in present day medical science. This lack of understanding of why and how children become autistic has hindered the ability to develop the best possible specialized therapies for ASD. I became interested in autism in my Anthroposophic Medicine practice while observing and caring for patients diagnosed with this disorder. A few years ago I began an extensive worldwide research to find more information on the subject. The traditional physical scientific medical knowledge had not provided a significant understanding of this disorder, so a quest for spiritualscientific medical knowledge of this subject was begun.
ASD was not described as a definite clinical syndrome until 1943. But after carefully studying Rudolf Steiner’s Curative Education Course given in 1924, I was able to find several cases resembling autism as found in our present day society. A search of the world literature was also made to find possible causes of ASD and available therapies.
It was soon clear to me that something drastic had occurred in our modern western culture that was causing a marked increase in this incidence of ASD. There were only a few cases present in the world when it was first described in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner. In 1980, the incidence of ASD was still at a low level of 1 in 5,000-10,000 individuals, but ASD has climbed drastically to a present incidence of 1 in every 50 children. What could possibly be causing such a significant rise?
There is some research pointing to a genetic predisposition for ASD, but this incidence has remained fairly constant over the years. Some researchers feel the rise in ASD is due primarily to environmental factors that have increased since the 1980‘s. There has been a higher exposure of unborn fetuses and young children to heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and pesticides during this time. Older mothers, multiple births, birth trauma, gestation less than 35 weeks, and nutritional intolerances are other factors. However, it is difficult in many cases to pin point to a specific substance or event as definitively causing ASD. There may be a combination of substances, events or stimuli that together contribute to this disorder in children. A 91-page booklet summarizing my research findings entitled A Study of Autism As A Lack of Normal Ego-organization Development in Children with probable Etiologies and Therapies can be obtained free of charge by email (basilw7@earthlink.net).
New View magazine, edited by Tom Raines, has published a paper I wrote providing a limited overview of the different aspects of ASD or autism (“A Spiritual Scientific Understanding of Autism,” Spring 2013, Issue 67). This journal article discussed the importance of a normal, early Ego-organization development in the child at around two and a half to three a half years of age. This is when the child has first memories and says “I” to his or her self.
The idea of a lack of an early, progressive Ego-organization development in the growing child is the key to understanding the underlying causes and may lead to specific therapies for an ASD child. A severely handicapped child with ASD may never be able to say “I” to his or her self; the Aspergers disorder is the least restricting form of ASD, but the child may not be able to develop normal social interactions with others. Rudolf Steiner’s 1924 lectures from the Curative Education Course give us valuable information on the spiritual characteristics and therapies for children who have ASD. Sandroe, one of several children described by Steiner, had characteristics remarkably similar to some autistic children seen today. Steiner said the following about Sandroe: “We have to do here with hardening of the organism. When the boy wakes up (in the morning), the astral body and the I organization cannot dive down into the organism as they should.” Steiner was also speaking about Sandroe in the following remark: “Whereas in the boy before us, the bones of the skull have been pressed together by a blow to the head from outside (he had a very difficult delivery with a breach presentation requiring forceps). There will as I said be great difficulty in achieving any enlargement of the head; but some improvement might nevertheless have been attained.”
It can be postulated today that Sandroe might have benefited from Cranial Osteopathy that is available and given by a trained physician with reduction of the compression of his brain due to his narrowed cranium. Dr. Margaret Sorrell reported research on autistic children who had some form of brain compressions due to birth trauma and benefited with Cranial Osteopathy (March 2008 in The AAO Journal). Sandroe’s overall mental ability improved with curative eurythmy therapy, speech and art therapies, anthroposophical remedies, and a pedagogical education.
There is a need to avoid the known and probable causes of ASD so that normal Ego-organization development can occur in the growing child especially up to 2½ to 3½ years of age. Ultimately the Ego-organization while the child is developing must be able to convert, master, excrete, or make one’s own every foreign stimuli or substance that enters the body. If this is not possible, these foreign substances or stimuli may hinder normal Ego-organization development, and some form of ASD may occur.
The autistic child will need therapies that will help the the “core being or the Ego-organization that guides the soul (astral body), to incarnate into the life and physical bodies. An early diagnosis of ASD by a qualified physician is the best time to begin appropriate therapies for the child. Different forms of therapies are discussed in my abovementioned paper. A child with ASD may have many gifts and abilities, but the care givers can help bring out even more of his or her inner potential for a more fruitful life.
Dr. Basil Williams has practiced medicine for more than forty years. He practiced Anthroposophic Medicine since l980 until retiring in 2002. He lives in the Harlemville, NY, area and works to encourage the development of anthroposophic institutions especially Anthroposophic Medicine, Biodynamic agriculture, and Waldorf education. He has traveled and lectured extensively.