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Nicanor Perlas: Very important news / Why vote for Nick?
From Seth Jordan
Hello all, I’m writing a pretty personal email because I feel strongly that I should reach out to as many folks as possible who might care. There’s something happening that I believe is of world-historic significance... that is by far the most important positive event taking place in the world today. I’m worried that not enough people will recognize it while it has a short window of opportunity and therefore it won’t succeed.
So I’m bringing it squarely to your attention: there is someone alive today, a person with tremendous spiritual depth and insight, who is poised to become a major catalyst for healthy social change at the global level. This individual understands the intimate relationship between inner states of consciousness and outer social forms. He has the capacity to help individuals and groups overcome differences and access deeper sources of creativity - a necessary skill if we hope to create healthy social dynamics and institutions that are right for the future. But it’s not about this individual. It’s about society freeing itself from dead forms and untrue perceptions. It’s about society recognizing its own path, it’s true humanity, the higher potential of all human beings. It’s about all of us becoming active, empowered global citizens.
How will we break the bonds of consumerism and overcome the blindness of materialism? How will we heal the social and spiritual diseases that we suffer from? How will we achieve a comprehensive form of sustainability and regeneration? We need to move forward and we desperately need leaders who can help clear some of the obstacles from our collective path.
Nicanor Perlas is such a leader. He is running for President of the Philippines in 2010. The Philippines is the second most corrupt country in Asia. If he was elected president, his example there would have a major impact on global affairs and would bring a voice of sanity to the table. The election is in 6 months.
Many of you know nothing about Nicky. All I’m asking is that you read a brief, one-page description on his website called “Why vote for Nick” [below]. If ever a revolutionary understanding of societal transformation was condensed onto one page—this is it. This is real, powerful, systemic change—not just tinkering with the same old corrupt system. If you disagree, I’d love to hear why.
I’m writing this because I want more people to see who Nicky is and what he stands for—what governance could be. If, after reading it, you also feel called to action—great. Please donate to his campaign (they need money!), spread the word wherever you’re able, and join “A People for Perlas”—an online community of global citizens striving to contribute in whatever ways they can. Thanks.
Seth Jordan is (2009) a co-founder and the executive director of Think OutWord, a peer-led training in social threefolding for young adults. He lives and works in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
From Nicanor Perlas Official Website 2009:
Why vote for Nick?
Systemic Strategic Agenda
Nicanor Perlas is often praised as a globally renowned environmentalist. But he is not a one-issue person. He has made significant and outstanding contributions in other issue areas important to the future of [the Philippines]). These include: poverty reduction, anti-corruption, education, peace building, sustainable agriculture, trade policy, globalization, leadership formation, science and technology, among others. Systemic challenges require systemic responses, an approach Perlas is comfortable with. He can place his wide-ranging talents and track record in the systemic and structural renewal of the Philippines.
Societal Threefolding Partnerships
We face deep problems in governance. But we also are confronted with many other kinds of challenges that are cultural, economic, and societal in nature. These include poverty, corruption, unemployment, low quality education, unsustainable population levels, conflict, drugs, environmental degradation, and others.
A purely political approach, while important, will not be enough. Solving these problems requires harnessing the collective resources, skills, and intelligence of the three key actors in society: civil society in culture, government in politics, and business in the economy, hence the term societal threefolding partnership.
Nicanor Perlas is a world authority on societal threefolding. His book, Shaping Globalization: Civil Society, Cultural Power, and Threefolding has become a global bestseller and has influenced diverse institutions including the United Nations, global thinkers, and local governments in the Philippines.
Mainstreaming of Positive Initiatives
There are thousands of promising initiatives throughout the country. These initiatives address dozens of problem areas and give positive solutions to most, if not, all the problems we face in the country. We have initiatives in renewable energies, ecotourism, solid waste management, participatory governance, sustainable agriculture, poverty reduction thru micro-finance, meaningful artistic and cultural festivals, drug rehabilitation, and so on. Yet past governments simply chose to ignore these hotbeds of societal innovation. Through appropriate means, Nicanor Perlas will harness these points of light into a powerful network of excellence that will be the basis for creating a visionary Philippines.
Importance of Civil Society and Cultural Transformation
Structural and systemic transformation is important. But human beings populate and manage the political, cultural, and economic institutions of this country. Thus, in the end, mindsets, values, attitudes, and habits of people, in short, its culture, will determine the ultimate success of efforts to create a better country. The heart and mind of any revolution is the revolution of hearts and minds. In partnership with and in support of civil society, the key actor in culture, Perlas will encourage a cultural revolution that is peaceful, creative, and celebratory. This will be the foundation, the living basis for massive reforms in government and business that will propel the renaissance of the Philippines, domestically and globally.
While most political leaders have no idea of the nature and capabilities of civil society and have often been in conflict with its active citizens, Perlas has been a leader in civil society for over 40 years and has written one of the most influential books on civil society in the world. Perlas will use his expertise and competence in this area to encourage wide-ranging partnerships with civil society to lay the cultural basis for renewing Philippine society.
Inner Change and Creativity as Basis of Societal Transformation
Computer science has a saying: garbage in, garbage out. The wrong software can render the most sophisticated computer hardware dysfunctional and worthless. The same is true in societal transformation. We may create the most wonderful constitution, sets of laws, and structures of governance, but if people remain lazy, cynical, apathetic, corrupt, and hopeless, then our structural reform will never take off. Profound societal transformation can only be done on the basis of inner change.
Past and present governments, with rare exceptions, have no understanding of and appreciation for the importance of human development within a societal transformation context. But Nicanor Perlas has had extensive experience in socially engaged human and leadership development. Perlas will harness his competence in this area to secure the long-term renewal of government institutions on the basis of self-directed inner change of its key leaders, management, and staff.
Tayong Lahat! Ngayon! (All together! Now!)
Systemic transformation, societal threefolding partnerships, positive initiatives, cultural transformation, and inner-change all point to one reality. No single person, no matter how brilliant and competent, can change the country alone. It will require the engagement of millions of citizens to renew a country. Most governments do not appreciate the genius of its people, no matter what economic class they may belong to. But Nicanor Perlas has been facilitating national and global workshops on harnessing the collective intelligence of groups of people. With his rally cry, TAYONG LAHAT! NGAYON!, Perlas will become the first Philippine President, if voters say so, to harness the collective intelligence of a nation to realize its highest aspirations and to change its destiny forever.
Accessed at www.nicanor-perlas.com/Nicanor/whyvote-for-nicky.html on 11/25/2009. This publication does not endorse political candidates. The opinions expressed above are those of the authors.