Gang stalkers sabotage relationships The most unexpected gang stalking tactic, and the one which people are least prepared for, is the priority placed on trashing people’s relationships – both personal as with lovers or closest friends or family. But also social, deliberately disrupting any social group the Target is involved in – whether work, a sport club, or group of friends. This is an extremely invasive and unusual technique and to my knowledge only two classes of criminals have used this technique as standard. The first are cults and human traffickers who preselect women they wish to mind control, and so set out to deliberately destroy the woman’s social support across the board so as to isolate her. The second group of criminals who made a point of attacking their Target by infiltrating their social group and sabotaging their social links, were the secret political police of Soviet Russia, the German Stasi and COINTELPRO. This appears to be taking political policing and organized stalking too far as it is inhumane that such methods are allowed. Politically it makes no sense, because with nothing to lose and a lot of time the Target can destroy the reputation of his political opponent (citizens however are underestimated because politicians think they can manipulate them in their own advantage for example many polticians want to receive a threat as long as it gets them publicity) but from the point of view of cults losing their prospective conscripts into the cult it makes every sense. Their opponents didn’t want them to be able to obtain a stable reationship: marriage. They didn’t care what happened to the women and men so long as they remained under mind control. But why infiltrate and subvert reationships through sorcery? For the same reason a predator isolates a pray to seek to weaken any sanctuary their target might find. Besides mind control wouldn't be effective when they can meet their social, emotional, intellectual and sexual needs, while safely avoiding interaction with stalkers. The witches knew from experience that the targeted individuals they were able to coerce into crime could not rely on their families, their wife/husband, their community, nor the law, to protect them. And the government did not want that situation changed. Gang stalkers are obsessed with sex. Sex is hugely financially exploitable and is an power trip for perverts destroying people’s intimate lives . And trashing people’s personal lives is useful for traumatising people so as to make them more moldable. But against other stalkers a different criminal formula is used. The objective here is to separate the man from his wealth. The formula followed is a hybrid of cult indoctrination and con artist swindle. It is a long game so the first step is to trick the Target into joining the gang stalking cult. This is to enable the con artists to obtain maximum control over their target until he can be successfully blackmailed. The indoctrination secures his silence, isolates him from those who might help, confuses, distracts and subdues his mind, destroys any other loyalties, whether to a person such as his child or spouse, or to a value system like lawfulness, morality or religious faith, and having secured maximum control, tricked/swindled by legal means or intimidation out of his wealth. The same process of isolating the target is used. Gradually that person’s support group will be carved away. Long-standing friends will move away. In the workplace workers will leave. Deaths are common in a Target’s circle.