Techniques, involving drug induced hypnosis and pain shock or psychological shock

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Techniques, involving drug-induced hypnosis and pain shock or psychological shock, were eventually developed and used to reduce some of our own citizens to a zombie state in which they would blindly serve the government

The conclusion of the investigation of the psychological effects of such treatments or techniques I would suspect that they might tend to reduce resistance to hypnotic suggestions. It is conceivable, therefore, that psychological or medical treatments might be used to weaken difficult cases in order to produce a hypnotic trance of great depth. In 1958 the Bureau of Social Science Research (BSSR), a subcontractor to the Rand Corporation, issued a “technical report” on hypnosis to the air force that took up where the earlier Rand report had left off. Once again a “think tank” was calling for action in the mind-control race against the Communists. “To both the lay person and the behavior scientist,” the author, wrote in the introduction, “hypnosis has long been regarded as a potentially powerful instrument for controlling human behavior. Undoubtedly, the intelligence divisions of many countries have given serious thought to this potential and have done classified research in various areas of hypnosis .. . it is conceivable . . • that these techniques could have been used and covered up so successfully that they might be impossible to recognize . . .” He outlined areas of future research where Americans could advance in the mind-control race. He urged the government to develop tests to determine who was and who was not a good hypnotic subject. He urged further research in pharmacology, suggesting that a number of drugs little known at the time might be effective in inducing hypnosis. He predicted that some drugs would prove useful in reducing the amount of time required to induce complex hypnotic behavior and that others would be useful in reinforcing the lasting effects of hypnotically induced behavior control. He predicted that drugs would be developed which would permit far greater control over autonomic processes, Some drugs, he suggested, would be found to lower problem-solving ability compared to an age-matched average, to impair short-term memory, mathematical ability, analytical thinking, and spatial recognition and change perception as well. He also predicted that new drugs would be discovered which would be capable of inducing deep hypnosis in virtually any individual regardless of his degree of cooperativeness. All of these techniques, involving drug-induced hypnosis and pain shock or psychological shock, were eventually developed and used to reduce some of our own citizens to a zombie state in which they would blindly serve the government. Regardless of the Constitution and the laws which supposedly protect the individual against government coercion, hypnotised citizens were covertly created to do the government’s more unsavory bidding. Such hypnotised citizens asked no questions about the legality of their assignments. Often their assignments were never consciously known. And if they were ever

questioned about their own actions, amnesia protected them from self-incrimination. What had started out a race against the Communists slowly turned into a private war from within.

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