This is the WHOLE TRUTH, everyone, can, and should, verify this. Everyone wakeup fast and examine thesefindings from this perspective of the disgusting global system. Examine: The Satanic Masonic/Illuminati emblem and `ORDO AB CHAO`-"Order out of Chaos" The Masonic Illuminati system is divided against itself in a grand deception.So it's constantly what ever side we choose they win and we lose. THIS MUST STOP NOW. ORDO AB CHAO is the totally satanic doctrine that subscribes to the notion that massive death, conflict, misery, and strife, along with total and often destruction is "good" being essential tools for bringing about the "New World Order". A deception hundreds of years in the making.Satan has been working toward this moment for many centuries. His goal is to bring forth a New World Order that is actually a very old world order. Satan's Earthly Agents are amongst us today, hiding in plain sight. They are the rulers and the advisers of the rulers and the media to brainwash the public. This is how your world is being run today, and why things never seem to make any sense from a rational point of view. Examine history and the present and see the fulfilling the 'ORDO AB CHAO' ideology being the other side of the same coin. By chaos they allow the New World Order the be established. Enslavement, death and misery.This is the WHOLE TRUTH, everyone, can, and should, verify this. Everyone wakeup fast and examine thesefindings from this perspective of the disgusting global system. Examine: The Satanic Masonic/Illuminati emblem and `ORDO AB CHAO`-"Order out of Chaos" The Masonic Illuminati system is divided against itself in a grand deception.So it's constantly what ever side we choose they win and we lose. THIS MUST STOP NOW. ORDO AB CHAO is the totally satanic doctrine that subscribes to the notion that massive death, conflict, misery, and strife, along with total and often destruction is "good" being essential tools for bringing about the "New World Order". A deception hundreds of years in the making.Satan has been working toward this moment for many centuries. His goal is to bring forth a New World Order that is actually a very old world order. Satan's Earthly Agents are amongst us today, hiding in plain sight. They are the rulers and the advisers of the rulers and the media to brainwash the public. This is how your world is being run today, and why things never seem to make any sense from a rational point of view. Examine history and the present and see the fulfilling the 'ORDO AB CHAO' ideology being the other side of the same coin. By chaos they allow the New World Order the be established. Enslavement, death and misery.