Let’s talk.
My name is Antía and I want to work with you.
Picasso en sus carteles Paperback, 88 pages, 240 x 160 mm. Colour illustrations, English & Spanish texts. ISBN 978-0-84-942699-6-7
Editorial Design.
Valérie Jouve. Corps en résistance Spanish brochure. ISBN 978-2-35046-334-6
2013 Marco de Vigo, 2014. Digital. goo.gl/lUzDzw
More than just art exhibitions.
Keep it
t social.
Let’s talk.
+44 (0) 7591 590 125 or antiacea@gmail.com
Career statement. Excellent knowledge of project management and contemporary tendencies in graphic design. Experience working for private companies, public museums and commercial galleries in Finland, Spain and New York.
Experience. 3/2017 – present Tate Modern Tate Exchanger, Learning Department »» »»
Provide a warm welcome and an informative visit to the gallery. Collect feed back and carry out questionnaires.
5/2014 – 3/2016 Fundación Luis Seoane Coordinator »»
Producing, Planning and Development: -- Project management plan for delivery of the projects -- Development of creative concepts and production of materials in a wide range of formats. -- Development of the digital campaign and generation and edition of content (original text, videos or images) for website, newsletters, social media or press. Coordination and Support: -- Liaison with tour venues, companies and external staff. -- Coordination of the small in-house team of 3 members. -- Monitored project expenditure in accordance with budget framework. -- Finding cost-effective alternatives while maintaining high standards.
4/2014 – present Self-Employed Producer »» »» »» »»
Fully costed and planned proposals. Developed work schedules and production plans with the responsibility for ensuring the catalogue and exhibition open on time and budget. Assisting the Department of Communications to develop press and marketing campaigns. Providing technical support to assist in delivering projects, including coordinating and overseeing all production elements such as general logistics, equipment sourcing and hire, production schedules and staffing.
2/2014 – 5/2014 MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo Assistant to the Chief Curator »» »»
Contributed to the curatorial development and to Communications. Design of the book “2013”.
7/2012 – 7/2013 Carlos Puech Audiovisual Business Management Community Manager »» »»
Developed and executed the social media strategy through platform determination, benchmarking, messaging and audience identification. Generation, edition and publication of daily content (original text or images)
6/2011 – present TAO Founder and programmer
10/2011 – 3/2012 Casa das Artes de Vigo Curator III Certamen PasoArte Outras Miradas »»
Development and organization of the exhibition to celebrate World Disabled Day 2011 in the Province of Pontevedra.
10/2010 – 05/2011 No Longer Empty, New York Assistant to the Project Manager and Communication Department »»
I created a system to edit and organize the photos and videos available for the launch of a new website. Additionally, I developed a press contact list. My duties also included assistance with the development of the exhibitions.
9/2010 – 5/2011 A.I.R. Gallery, New York Assistant »»
The redesign of the blog and optimization of Facebook and Twitter accounts increased the events attendance. Also, I delivered the email marketing campaign (MailChimp) and created texts for the website. Additionally, I Assisted with the research for the Feminist Art Project 2011.
9/2008 – 6/2010 University of Vigo Assistant at the International Relations Office 2/2008 – 6/2008 Fashion Team LT. Graphic designer
Language. Native speaker of Spanish and Proficiency in English. Also, intermediate in Portuguese, Pre-Intermediate in Finnish.
Software. Strong computer skills and extensive knowledge in Adobe Creative Suite [Photoshop, InDesign; Illustrator; Premiere: Bridge]; Final Cut; Sketch-up; CMS; Ms Office; Filemaker; DOMUS.
Education. 2014 Master in Heritage Management, Museums and Art Business from University of Santiago de Compostela. 2012 Master in Contemporary Art from University of Vigo. 2010 Five-year degree in Fine Arts from University of Vigo. 2007 – 2008 Erasmus in the Design School in Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland-
Contact information. Antía Cea +44 (0) 7591 590 125 or antiacea@gmail.com