Antiaging nutrition's ultimate healthy eating whitepaper

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Antiaging Nutrition’s

Ultimate Guide To Healthy Eating

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Understanding The Food Pyramid ...................................................................................................................... 2 -

Fats, Oils, Sugars ................................................................................................................................... 2


Dairy ...................................................................................................................................................... 3


Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Nuts, Beans .................................................................................................. 3


Fruit & Vegetables ................................................................................................................................. 4


Carbohydrates ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Dieting ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 -

Deconstructing Food Labels .................................................................................................................. 5


Foods To Forget..................................................................................................................................... 6


Fad Diets................................................................................................................................................ 6


Balanced Diet ........................................................................................................................................ 6


Vegetarian And Vegan Diets ................................................................................................................. 7

Superfoods ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 -

Avocado................................................................................................................................................. 7


Berries ................................................................................................................................................... 7


Broccoli.................................................................................................................................................. 8


Chia Seed ............................................................................................................................................... 8


Chocolate .............................................................................................................................................. 8


Garlic ..................................................................................................................................................... 8


Green Tea .............................................................................................................................................. 8


Kale ........................................................................................................................................................ 8


Olive Oil ................................................................................................................................................. 8


Sweet Potatoes ..................................................................................................................................... 8

Supplements ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 -

Can-C™ Eye Drops ................................................................................................................................. 9


Beyond Chelation Improved (Multivitamins) ........................................................................................ 9


Bio En’R-Gy C® ....................................................................................................................................... 9


Beyond Fiber Digestive Health Supplement .......................................................................................... 9

Printable Food Diary ........................................................................................................................................... 9 About Antiaging Nutrition ................................................................................................................................ 10

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

Introduction Here at Antiaging Nutrition, we understand how challenging it can be to constantly eat the right foods, which is why we’ve created the ultimate guide to healthy eating. With so many supermarkets and eateries offering readily-available unhealthy foods at affordable prices, and with many foods containing saturated fats and hidden sugars, picking the ingredients for a healthy diet can often feel like a minefield. That’s where we come in. Antiaging Nutrition have pooled together a number of resources to create this handy guide, helping you better understand what you’re eating so you can develop a sure-fire plan to eat healthily. Without further ado, let’s get started:

Understanding The Food Pyramid First things first, it’s worth understanding the properties of the different food groups, and how much of each type you should consume per day. The best way to do this is to use the food pyramid, as displayed below.

The food pyramid is an outline of what you should be eating every day. It represents, in descending order, the amount of each food type that should be consumed. Whilst it isn’t a strict direction, it does offer a useful guideline that allows you to find a healthy diet that’s right for you. Let’s dissect the pyramid and take a closer look at exactly what it contains:


Fats, Oils, Sugars

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

Portions Per Day: Use sparingly Whilst the sugars which occur naturally in foods can be good for your body, food items with added sugar, such as sweets, cakes and soft drinks, should only be consumed in moderation. Try to reduce the cravings for sugary edibles by opting for healthy alternatives instead. Next time you want a chocolate biscuit; why not try some low-fat yoghurt? Instead of a can of soda, drink bottled water to relinquish your thirst.

Understanding Fats Fats can be split into healthy and unhealthy categories: Unsaturated Fats are healthy. These can be found in nuts, avocados, seeds and olive oil. Saturated and Trans Fats are unhealthy. These can be found in fatty meat, full-fat milk and fast foods.



Portions Per Day: 2-3 Servings A great source of calcium, semi-skimmed milk is a brilliant way to help strengthen your bones and teeth. Be careful though, dairy products such as butter and cheese are often high in saturated fats. What Counts As A Serving?   

1 cup of milk 1 yoghurt 1 ounce of natural cheese


Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Nuts, Beans

Portions Per Day: 2-3 Servings Lean meat is a fantastic source of protein, and can help build muscle mass. Eggs are also a good way to get high-quality protein. Egg whites contain plenty of Vitamin B2, Vitamin D, selenium and other useful minerals.

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

Eggs are also often regarded as a ‘complete source’ when it comes to protein, as they contain all the essential amino acids that our bodies cannot synthesize (Source: BBC Good Food). Oily fish contains high levels of Omega 3, but fish stocks are often highly polluted with heavy metals such as mercury, and they can turn rancid very quickly. Whilst Omegas and other fatty acid are very important for a balanced diet, fish and fish based supplements are known to vary in quality. There are however plant based alternatives, such as organic flaxseed and safflower oil, which provide the same benefits without the additional risks. What Counts As A Serving?   

2-3 ounces of lean meat, poultry or fish 2-3 eggs 1 cup of nuts


Fruit & Vegetables

Portions Per Day: 5-7 Servings Whilst it was believed for a long time that five-a-day was enough fruit and veg to keep us healthy, recent studies have unveiled that eating seven or more portions a day can reduce the risk of death by natural cause by up to 33%. (Source: Journal of Epidemiololgy & Community Health) What Counts As A Serving?     

1 cup of leafy raw salad ½ cup of cooked vegetables 1 medium-sized whole fruit ½ cup of chopped or canned fruit ¾ cup of fruit juice (not from concentrate)



Portions Per Day: 6-11 Servings Food from grains, like bread, pasta, cereals and rice should make up a third of everything you consume. Carbohydrates provide the body with naturally occurring starch, which is broken down during the

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

body’s digestion process and releases glucose throughout the system. This glucose provides you with the energy you need to get though the day. What Counts As A Serving?  

1 slice of bread 1 ounce of fortified cereal, rice or pasta

Dieting Dieting is in no way a new process, it has however become a very profitable industry in the last century. In fact there are now so many diets, it can be incredibly difficult to determine which regime is right for you, and which isn’t. The right diet will depend on a number of factors, including your body type, metabolism and personal stamina. It’s worth noting, you should never starve yourself in order to lose weight. Depriving your body of the nutrients and food sources it needs to function fully is an incredibly unhealthy and unadvisable decision. Instead, you should try out each diet for size, and see which one best suits you. There are programmes and meetings you can attend where you’ll find other people just like yourself. Having the support of other people around you will help and encourage you to stick to your chosen plan. Whichever diet you choose, it’s likely to involve you only eating selected portions of certain foods at specific times during the day. If this is the case, it’s important to know exactly what is in the food you are consuming.


Deconstructing Food Labels The easiest way to determine whether what you’re about to eat is healthy or not is to check the packaging for a food label. These labels will have clearly defined metrics that explain the nutritional value of the item, as well as the calories, fat content and protein among other statistics.

The FDA Food Labelling Guide dictates that by law these descriptions have to be clearly presented on all consumer-facing food packaging (source: FDA). Depending on your region, these labels may be displayed in different colours or shapes, with some areas utilising circular labels instead of rectangular. Regardless of shape and size, the details displayed within these labels will help you determine the impact the food will have upon your diet. You’ll notice a percentage next to each metric listed on the nutritional label. These refer to how much of your guideline daily amount is contained within the food. This is a great way to measure the quantity of each food you should consume per day.

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating


Foods To Forget

By looking at the details contained on food packaging, you can quickly identify whether or not the item will be beneficial for you. It’ll also reveal just how unhealthy certain foods are. Snacks you consume on an everyday basis are often high in both calories and sugars, and filled with saturated fats. The foods listed below all contain elements and ingredients that are detrimental to your diet:     

Fruit Juice (From Concentrate) Cake Crisps Chips Margarine


Fad Diets

There a number of ‘fad diets’ which offer ultrafast weight loss. These can include slimming pills, fasting plans and liquid meals. Generally speaking, any kind of rapid weight loss is not beneficial to the body. Be sure to do your research first before subjecting your body to any new or extreme eating habits, as the sudden changes may cause unwanted side-effects. Put simply, the best way to lose weight healthily is to reduce your intake of fats and sugars and increase your physical activity. Be sure to consult a dietician or nutritionist before you undertake any new eating plans.


Balanced Diet

You may have heard the term ‘balanced diet’ being used when discussing healthy eating before, but have you ever stopped to assess what it actually means? For a diet to be balanced, it needs to contain the correct daily amounts of all the nutrients necessary for healthy growth. Using the food pyramid outlined above, we can determine how much of each food group you need to consume each day to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Another great way to monitor your food intake is to count calories.

Recommended Daily Calorie Intake Men: 2,500 kcal Women: 2,000 kcal Children: 1,800 kcal (5-10) (Source: GDA)

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

Calorie counting is the practice of recording the amount of calories digested in one day. It’s advised that you only eat enough to meet the suggested daily amount, however these are just a guideline, and will obviously vary depending on your body type, metabolism and weight.


Vegetarian And Vegan Diets

There are many debates as to whether vegetarians and vegans are as healthy as those who regularly eat meat. Whilst lean meat is a fantastic source of protein and iron, there is plenty of nourishment to be found in the raw vegetables, nuts, fruits and carbohydrates that make up a meat-free diet. Wholemeal and starchy foods like potatoes and brown bread are a great source of energy, and because our bodies digest this kind of produce slower, it leaves us feeling fuller for much longer. Beans are high in the nutrients usually supplied by meat, with one cup of beans containing almost 15 grams of both fibre and protein. Nuts may be high in both saturated and unsaturated fats, but they’re also packed with beneficial vitamins. By consulting the food pyramid, supplementing meats and dairy for a rich and varied intake of beans and nuts, and ensuring they meet the required calorie intake per day, both vegans and vegetarians can enjoy a healthy balanced diet. There’s even better news for those who are willing to consume eggs and dairy products as well, as these supply high levels of calcium and essential vitamins. There are some foods, especially fruits and vegetables, which contain high levels of nutrients. These are often labelled as ‘superfoods’. Let’s take a closer look.

Superfoods There are certain ‘superfoods’ which are said to provide our bodies with extra nutritional value:



This fantastic fruit is great for helping you maintain a healthy heart, with high levels of vitamin E, folate and potassium.



Bite-sized treats such as blueberries are packed full of antioxidants and hardly contain any fat, so you can give your immune system a huge boost without feeling guilty for eating.

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating



These tiny green trees contain a number of helpful nutrients, including folate, fibre, calcium and vitamins A and C. It’s also reported to contain compounds which have been associated with helping the body to stem the growth of cancerous cells (Source:


Chia Seed

Originally used by the ancient Aztecs, these tiny seeds are amazingly rich in antioxidants and brilliant for boosting the health of your heart. Stir an ounce of seeds into your next meal and it’ll provide nearly half the daily recommended dose of fibre.



Studies have shown that if eaten in moderation, products containing cocoa can reduce stress and slightly lower blood pressure. However, if eaten frequently, the high levels of fat and sugar used to make cocoa can have unhealthy effects upon the body.



High concentrations of garlic extracts have been linked to healthy cholesterol levels and improved blood circulation. Garlic is also a perfect alternative to salt when adding flavour to meals.


Green Tea

It’s believed that the high amount of anti-oxidants contained within green tea can help boost weight loss and prevent diseases such as cancer. Although results are inconclusive, it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.



Steamed kale is great for detoxifying the body and lowering cholesterol. It’s also regarded highly for its anti-inflammatory properties.


Olive Oil

Olive oil is known to have a number of health benefits. Two tablespoons a day are said to protect your body from illnesses, help fight diseases and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Sweet Potatoes

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

Rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals, sweet potatoes contain significantly less calories than regular spuds. If you feel your diet is lacking in nutrients, or unable to find a suitable food source to supply much needed vitamins, supplements are a quick and easy option.

Supplements Supplements can be added to your diet to help improve a number of bodily functions. Below is a small selection of the many supplements available from the Antiaging Nutrition store:


Can-C™ Eye Drops

Your grandmother may have told you that carrots help you see in the dark, but for truly healthy eyes, Can-C™ eye drops are the ideal solution. They’re rich in N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) formula, which acts as a vessel to deliver the much needed antioxidants safely into the lens of the eye.


Beyond Chelation Improved (Multivitamins)

With healthy doses of Omega 3, Ginkgo Biloba and a selection of other beneficial minerals and vitamins, Beyond Chelation Improved is an effective detox treatment.


Bio En’R-Gy C®

If you’re not getting enough vitamin C in your diet, then this Bio En’R-Gy C® powder is the perfect product for you. Give your energy levels a much needed boost and strengthen your immune system with just one to four spoonful’s daily.


Beyond Fiber Digestive Health Supplement

Provide your body with vital nutrients and reap the benefits of a fibre-high diet with this dissolvable powder. When taken along with a balanced diet, supplements are a great way to help ensure that your body receives the nutrients and vitamins that are vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Printable Food Diary Print out and keep this handy five-day food diary so that you can monitor exactly what you’re eating and keep track of how many calories you’ve consumed each week. Alternatively, you could copy and paste this into a spreadsheet and create your own interactive food diary on your computer.

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

Day Monday



Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks:


Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks:


Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks:


Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks:


Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks:

About Antiaging Nutrition Antiaging Nutrition is part of the IAS Group - the world's largest supplier of specialist antiaging products. The IAS Group is dedicated to helping you access the world's latest commercially available supplements, and giving you and your family real choices when it comes to health and wellness.

Antiaging Nutrition’s Guide To Healthy Eating

Contact Us: IAS Group, PO Box 19, Sark, GY9 0SB, Great Britain Call: +44 (0) 208 123 2106 Fax: +44 (0) 208 181 6106 Email:

Image Credits: Healthy Food via BigStock Cartoon Food Pyramid via BigStock Food Label via BigStock Green Tea via BigStock

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