Belarussian antinuclear campaign Started 2007
Construction of NPP in Belarus Decision was taken by Council of Security of Belarus, January of 2008
Construction of NPP in Belarus August, 2009. Place, selected for NPP.
Construction of NPP in Belarus August, 2009. Investigation of the geology of the place, selected for NPP.
Construction of NPP in Belarus August, 2009. Investigation of the geology of the place, selected for NPP.
Construction of NPP in Belarus August, 2009. Investigation of the geology of the place, selected for NPP.
Construction of NPP in Belarus August, 2009. Illegal construction of the road to NPP.
Construction of NPP in Belarus August, 2009. Illegal construction of the road to NPP.
Construction of NPP in Belarus August, 2009. Illegal construction of the road to NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of information about NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
Public activities August, 2009. The day of activities against NPP.
NPP public hearings in Belarus 9, October, 2009. Ostrovets.
NPP public hearings in Belarus 9, October, 2009. Ostrovets.
NPP public hearings in Belarus 9, October, 2009. Ostrovets. Andrey Ozharovsky, russian independent expert was arrested.
NPP public hearings in Belarus 9, October, 2009. Ostrovets.
NPP public hearings in Belarus 9, October, 2009. Ostrovets.
NPP public hearings in Belarus 9, October, 2009. Ostrovets.
NPP public hearings in Belarus • 16, October, 2009
Actions during COP15
Actions during COP15
Actions during COP15
Press-conferences 23, November 2009, presentation of belarussian NGO’s Position on NPP
Press-conferences 23, November 2009, presentation of belarussian NGO’s Position on NPP
Press-conferences Presentation of the Critic of EIA, September, 2009
Press-conferences Presentation of the Critic of EIA, September, 2009
Press-conferences Presentation of the previous results of public EIA, 22 March, 2010
Press-conferences Presentation of the previous results of public EIA, 22 March, 2010
Press-conferences Presentation of the previous results of public EIA, 22 March, 2010
Press-conferences Presentation of the results of independent EIA of belarussian NPP. 22 March, 2010
Presentation of the results of independent EIA of belarussian NPP.
Independent experts stated: - Official EIA was made incorrectly and not contain all required information; - The project can’t be realized by - environmental, - economic, - And other reasons.
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnus
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnius
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnius
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnius
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnius
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnius
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnius
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnius
Public hearings in other states 2, March 2010, Vilnius
Public hearings in other states 23, March 2010. Riga
Public hearings in other states 23, March 2010. Riga
Public hearings in other states 23, March 2010. Riga
Public hearings in other states 31, March 2010. Ukraine
Public hearings in other states 31, March 2010. Ukraine Ukranian NGO stated its position against belarussian NPP and about public EIA, that “contain very serious errors, had been made incorrectly and can’t be discussed with public hearings”.
Rally anainst belarussian NPP in Minsk. 25th Chernobyl anniversary, 26 April 2011
Rally anainst belarussian NPP in Minsk. 25th Chernobyl anniversary, 26 April 2011
Rally anainst belarussian NPP in Minsk. 25th Chernobyl anniversary, 26 April 2011
Rally anainst belarussian NPP in Minsk. 25th Chernobyl anniversary, 26 April 2011
Rally anainst belarussian NPP in Minsk. 25th Chernobyl anniversary, 26 April 2011
Rally anainst belarussian NPP in Minsk. 25th Chernobyl anniversary, 26 April 2011
Aarhus Convention • The experts of BANC and Ecohome informed Compliance Committee about violations of the Aarhus Convention by Belarus in the realization of the project of belarusian NPP. • The experts of BANC and Ecohome attended all the meetings of CC AC, dedicated to violation by Belarus of the AC in the realization of the project of belarusian NPP, representing the information of violations.
Rally against Belarussian NPP, Rosatom building, Moscow, 18 November 2011
Rally against Belarussian NPP, Rosatom building, Moscow, 18 November 2011
Rally against Belarussian NPP, Rosatom building, Moscow, 18 November 2011
Rally against Belarussian NPP, Rosatom building, Moscow, 18 November 2011
Antinuclear campaign of Belarus
Antinuclear campaign of Belarus
Antinuclear campaign of Belarus