It’s exactly what it sounds like: re-posting another person’s post.
Choose if you want to post it immediately, add it to
Go to your dashboard and
your queue, or pick a later
choose the type of post you want to make.
date to post it. Write or add whatever
Click “Create post” and you’re done!
it is you want to post in the given spaces.
It’s basically automatic posting. It allows you to keep your post frequency consistent over a period of time; keeping your own tumblelog alive while your away.
All of your lovely post formatting options for blogging.
Recent posts by the blogs you are following. Each post gives you the option to like, and/or reblog it.
Edit and delete your posts and fiddle with your blogs settings.
Create another blog on your account.
Receive questions and messages from people following your blog. Keep track of all the posts you’ve liked. Find other blogs that you want to follow. Search and find all kinds of cool stuff from other blogs.
Recommeded blogs for you.