Antiquariaat De Slegte – Antwerpen Catalogue 30 A selection presented at the
London International Antiquarian Book Fair 2014
N° 10 – Pascal – 44 Wodehouse – 15 Albinus – 36 Lemaire – 100 Kinderlust 140 Morand – 70 Pessoa – 58 Bradbury – 104 Nougé
Old & Rare : n° 1 – 43 19th & 20th Century literature & Fine printing : n° 44 – 75 Art & Avant-garde : n° 79 - 136 Photography : n° 137 - 160
Catalogue 30 – Mai 2014 Antiquariaat De Slegte Antwerpen Wapper 5 – 2000 Antwerpen – Belgium 0032 (0) antwerpen.wapper @ Contact: Kris Landuyt – Head Antiquarian De Slegte kris.landuyt @ (still partly under construction)
Prices are quoted in EURO (€)
Latest arrival: 161.
FLOUQUET, Pierre Louis : 9 lino’s. (Gravures sur lino) Anvers, Editions ça Ira, 1922. 19 x 26 cm, loose as issued in original decorated wrappers. Album printed in an edition of 135 numbered copies. This copy n° 74 of 100 printed on Vélin pur fil Lafuma. Excellent copy in near mint wrappers. - € 2500,-
Old & Rare 1.
AGRICOLA, Georgius : Vom Berghwerck xii. Bücher dariñ alle Empter / Instrument / Bezeuge unnd alles zü disem handel gehörig [...]. Basel: Jeronymus Froben & Niclausen Bischoff, 1557. Folio in-6 / [viii], 491, [xiii] pp. In 19th century half calf with marbled boards, a leather title ticket and gilt decoration to the spine. Illustrated with 273 woodcuts in the text and 2 woodcut plates, further decorated with a printer’s mark to the title page and the final page, and decorated initials. This copy with cropped margins, and scattered marginal annotations in ink. Pages lxxviii & lxxix were stuck together (now loose, damaging the page and illustration a little), a stain to the illustrations on page xxxvi-xxxvii. A quite crisp and clean copy in very good condition. The later spine faded. First German edition of Agricola´s famous work on metallurgy (original title: De re metallica libri xii [12 books on the nature of metals], 1556). Georgius Agricola (=Georg Pawer, 1494-1555) was born in Glauchau. His interest in mining began during his studies of medicine, physics and chemistry, but became poignant during his appointment as physician in Joachimsthal, a centre of mining and smelting works. Here, he decided to test theories on metallurgy and mineralogy. Later he moved from Joachimsthal to Chemnitz, the epicentre of the German mining industry, where he could intensify and freely pursue his studies into the art of mining. The book is a systematic treatise on state of the art of mining, detailing the extraction and processing of metal ore. Agricola also gives information on how to identify ore veins in the ground and describes prospecting and surveying in great detail. The woodcut illustrations show numerous uses of the watermills and winches in mining, among many other technical details. The rear of the book contains a list of terminology in German with their Latin translations. This work, building on Pliny´s Historia Naturalis, has long remained a standard work in the field of metallurgy. An English translation was published in 1912, by Herbert Hoover, who would later become the 31st president of the USA. *P.M.M. 79 / Hoover 18 / Ward & Carozzi 31 / Dibner 88. – € 11.500,Copy with a signed typoscript letter by Hoover 2.
AGRICOLA / HOOVER, Herbert Clark & Lou Henry : De re metallica Translated from the First Latin Edition of 1556 with Biographical Introduction, Annotations and Appendices upon de Development of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy & Mining Law from the earliest times to the 16th century. London: The Mining Magazine, 1912. First English ed. Folio in-8 / [iv], xxxi, [i], 640, [ii] pp. In original modern vellum with titling and decoration in black to the spine, in a clear mylar protective jacket. Illustrated with reproductions of all the woodcuts from the first edition, including the two plates (one of which folding). Probably printed in an edition of ca. 1500 copies, this copy bears a stamped number 00217 on the title page. Although Hoover himself claimed 3000 copies were printed, Cyril Stanley Smith, in his catalogue of the Hoover collection (De re metallica: The Herbert Clark Hoover collection of mining & metallurgy), cites a total of 1476 copies. In very good condition: rear inner hinge with a tear near the head, cover a little soiled, small damage to the tail of the spine, scattered smudges in the page margins. All in all a clean and fresh copy of De re metallica’s first English edition COPY WITH A SIGNED TYPOSCRIPT LETTER BY HOOVER. Hoover, who would later become the 31st president of the USA, was a mining engineer before he entered politics. The translation was mainly written by Mrs. Lou Henry Hoover, Herbert’s wife, who was a former Latin teacher. This copy is unique in the sense that it contains a signed
typescript letter by Hoover to Mr. Walter Gardner, dated July 12, 1920. The Hoovers added a preface, introduction (containing biography, general background to the work, introduction to the work) and appendices (A: Agricola’s Works, with bibliography; B: Ancient authors, a bibliography of works by earlier authors; C: weights and measures, comparison tables of the old and modern units of measure) and indices.*Hoover 28. - € 750, 3.
[Drawing Book] – DURER, Albrecht : Beschryvinghe van Albrecht Dvrer, Van de Menschelijcke Proportion. Begreepen in vier onderscheyden Boecken / zeer nut ende profijtelijck voor alle Lief-hebbers deser konste [...]
Arnhem, Ian Iansz., 1622. Title + 261,(5). Contemporary vellum. With large woodcut monogram 'AD' on title and illustrated with numerous woodcuts of which several on 4 folding plates. First Dutch edition of one of the oldest handbooks for the artist. Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the Northern Renaissance ever. ''Dürer’s exertions with the theory of proportions resulted in the most extensive of all such undertakings by artists and mark the climax in the development of this theory." (Jaap Bolten, Dutch and Flemish Drawing Books) Title inner-margin mounted not affecting the print, small hole in page 49/40 and 213/214 both restored, small marginal damp stain in few leaves, browned on places. Still a good copy of a rare edition. – € 4.750,4.
GYLLIUS, Petrus [GILLES, Pierre] : De Bosporo Thracio libri III. Lugduni Batavorum [=Leiden]: Elzevirios, 1632. 16mo. 379, [v] pp. With an engraved title by C.C. Duysend with a view of the Bosporus. In contemporary full vellum with the title ms. to the spine. Two metal clasps on leather bands. Gilles was sent to the Levant by Francis I, and is often seen as the father of Byzantine archaeology. In this work he details the antiquities of Constantinople. In near fine condition, the cover a little soiled, one of the pins in which the clasps close lacking. - € 495,A copy with 21 copper engravings added 5.
[Mathematics] – UTTENHOFER, Kaspar : Circinus Geometricus, zu Teutsch: Mess-Cirkel. [N. pl.]: Simon Halbmayer, 1626, 1st ed. Small 4to. [xvi], 136, [ii] pp. Half-vellum. With extra set of engravings. Extensive description of a "Universalinstrument welches hauptsächlich für das Entwerfen geometrischer, geodätischer und militärischer Pläne dienen sollte", posthumously issued by Daniel Schwenter. Originally issued with 60 woodengraved plates in various sizes as well as 10 copperengravings. However, some copies, and this is one of them, of this rare work are known to have 21 anonymous folding copper engravings added, which are hinged in the margins of an equal number of pages. Rebound in vellum-backed boards, with hand lettering on the spine. Some stamps of the former owner, a 19th century Swiss engineer, on the title page. - € 2.450,-
[Hunting] - FOUILLOUX, Jacques : La Venerie de Jacques du Fouilloux. De nouveau revue & augmentée du Miroir de Fauconnerie. Paris: Pierre David, 1640. 4to. (22x17 cm). [iv], 124, [iv] ff. Contemp. vellum. Illustrated with a number of full-page and halfpage woodcuts, showing animals, hunting scenes, etc. Also with woodcut musical scores and decorated initial letters. Reissue of this famous book on hunting, the first edition of which was published in 1561. Some of the plates of this edition are printed rather vaguely. Full contemporary vellum. In good condition, with some waterstains, the cover has been cleaned (not expertly). A previous owner’s name on the title page has been blotted out with red ink, the stain penetrating through some following pages, also staining one of the plates. - € 1.900,7.
JONSON, Ben : The Workes of Benjamin Ionson. London: Richard Bishop [& Robert Young], 1640, 2nd ed. Folio in-6. [ii], 668, 228 pp. Half morocco. This volume is a second edition of the first volume of the complete works of Jonson. The first folio edition was originally printed in 1616, but this second folio edition coincided with the publication of a second volume to the works in 1640. In later half morocco with five raised bands to the spine, gilt titling direct, and marbled boards. In good condition. Page edges browned, corners bumped and rubbed, spine rubbed, scattered marks in the margins. The occasional stain in the text, but hardly notable. Lacks A1-A5 (title page, half-title, and other prelims). Not the freshest of copies, but a serviceable copy of this scarce edition. - € 1.750,8. GROTIUS, Hugonem : Philosophorum sententiae de fato.. Amsterdam, Ludovicum Elzevier, 1648 [Second ed.]. [viii], 384pp. With a woodcut printer's mark. Bound in contemporary vellum. With an old half erased owner's entry on title: signed: Constanter (= HUYGENS, Constantijn). - € 1.000,9.
[Dance] - ARENA, Antoine de [=SABLÉ, Antoine de la]. : Antonius de Arena Provençalis, de Bragardissima Villa de Soleriis. Ad suos compagnones studiantes, qui sunt de persona friantes, bassas Dansas & Branlos practicantes. [, Rothomago? =Rouen]: Stampatus in Stampatura Stampatorum, 1670. 8vo. 192 pp. Later half morocco with marbled boards. titling and decoration in black to the spine, a heraldic device (bearing the name “L. Bouland”) adorns the front cover. The pages of this book were once entirely loose, every page is now mounted to the cut-out centre of a page of a newly created bookblock. No text was lost in this process. However, many of the pages are a little stained and browned. The edges and extremities rubbed.*”Edition la plus complète que l'on ait de ce recueil.” Brunet I, 393. A curious collection of Macaronic poetry, many of which provide detailed descriptions of early 16th C. dances. Of particular interest to historians of dance are the poems “Introductorium ad bassas dansas”, “Consilium pro Dansatoribus”, “Modus de choreando benè”, & “Admonition ad Dansantes”. Another 4-page section, “autres basses danses qui ne sont pas communes”, gives the actual order of steps and movements for the dances described. The opening phrase of a related song is followed by strings of instructions: “R c ss d r d ss [etc.]”. Each of
these letters signifies a certain step or gesture. Very few such precise details remain from this period. The second part of the volume contains poems, in macaronics, in Italian and the patois of Bergamo. Macaronics are a form of burlesque poetry in which modern words with Latin endings are used to create an absurd effect. - € 850,10. PASCAL, Blaise : Pensées de M. Pascal sur la Religion et sur quelques autres sujets qui ont esté trouvées aprés sa mort parmy ses papiers. Paris: Guillaume Desprez, 1670, 2nd ed. 12mo. [lxxii], 365, [xxiii] pp. Modern vellum. In good condition, the pages somewhat grubby and with sometimes ragged edges, the occasional small tear, but without damage to the text. Both Brunet and Graesse give a 1670 edition with 365 pages of main text as the second edition of the Pensées. Tchemerzine delves a little deeper into the matter, acknowledging two contrefaçon (pirated) editions. The present edition is not the first pirated edition, as that edition supposedly has errors in pagination which do not occur in this edition. However, we think the present is not the second pirated edition either. Tchemerzine remarks: "Une autre contrafaçon sous la même date [1670], avec collation identique, a un titre un peu différent. Le monogramme de G. Desprez y est remplacé par le fleuron des Provinciales, éd. in-4 de 1657 [Tchemerzine V 62]." Although the title page of our edition does not bear the monogramme of Desprez, neither does it bear the fleuron of the mentioned edition (although another fleuron is present). Curiously, also, the privilege is dated "le 2. Ianvier 1679", which is odd at least, for an edition supposedly published in 1670. Also, the privilege (with corrections on the verso) is in the rear of the book as opposed to the front. *Tchemerzine 1977, V 71, *Brunet IV 398; *Graesse V 146. - € 1.450,11. DESCARTES, Renati : Opera Philosophiae ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata. Amstelodami: Danielem Elsevirium, 1677-78. 3 parts in 1 volume, small 4to. [xl], 222, [xvi], 248, [xxiv], 92, [iv] pp. With a wood engraved portrait of Descartes as frontispiece, woodcut printer’s mark (rept. thrice) and numerous (part full-page) woodcut text ills. In contemporary vellum with overlapping edges, the title in ms. to the spine. This selection from the Works of Descartes contains: Principia philosophiæ; Dissertatio de Methodo; Passiones Animae & Meditationes de prima philosophia. Ref: *Willems 1350; *Berghman 376; *Rahir 1660; *Copinger 1372. With an old owner’s entry of Philippus Gualterus Tuynslijper on the first free endpaper and on the title (the latter dated 1680); a later library stamp of the Conventus S.S. Trinitatis Overveen on the half title. The preliminary leaves of the third part slightly waterstained in the blank foredge margin. Nevertheless a fine copy with the often lacking portrait. - € 1.500,12. [Africa] - DAPPER, Olfert : Naukeurige Beschryving van Asie: behelsende de gewesten van Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assyrie, Anatolie, of Klein Asie: beneffens eene volkome beschrijving van gansch gelukkigh, woest, en petreesch of steenigh Arabie. [...] Amsterdam, Jacob van Meurs, 1680. [First edition]. Two parts in one volume. Folio. [6],357,[3]; 324,[4] pp . Contemporary calf, spine ribbed with red morocco title-label. With engraved frontispiece, title printed in red and black, 3 double-page engraved maps, 12 doublepage/folding engraved views + one double-page extra plate of the plants Avelmosch, Semsem, and Sambak; 22 half-page engravings in text. The first and only edition of this description of the Middle East. Olfert Dapper (1639-89) was a Dutch physician and indefatigable scholar and compiler of travel accounts. Though he apparently never left
Amsterdam, Dapper produced several finely illustrated volumes describing travels in Asia, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Africa. The first part is devoted to the ancient kingdoms of Mesopotamia, Assyria, Babylonia and Anatolia. The second part is entirely devoted to Arabia and includes a big part on the Islam, the prophet Muhamed, the Quran, and the different religious streams and sects within the Islam. It also was the first Dutch work to deal exclusively with Arabia. This book gives many details on the geography, flora, fauna, country and the inhabitants of Arabia. The book has some fine engravings from the hand of Ch. Vasteau and K. Decker. The growing of coffee is also described and is nicely illustrated with a fine engraving of a coffee tree with in the background Arabs drinking coffee. - Tiele 300. A very good copy, binding slightly rubbed on places. With extra plate not called for in 'List of Plates' or Tiele. - € 5.000,13. ALBINUS, Bernardi Siegfried [=WEISSENLÖW, Weiss von] : Historia Musculorum Hominis. Leidae Batavorum [=Leiden]: Theodorum Haak & Henricum Mulhovium, 1734. First edition. 4to. 696 pp. With 4 double-page engraved anatomical plates of the muscles in the hand drawn and engraved by Jan Wandelaar. Later half vellum with marbled boards, the title in ms. to the spine. "The plates contained in this work were drawn and engraved by Wandelaer, as we learn from Albinus' preface. The plates themselves do not bear his name. They represent the hand of a man of particularly beautiful build, in life-size, with all the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. There are four finished plates, each one accompanied by an outlineplate upon which the reference letters are engraved. Both the drawing and the engraving are done most excellently" # Choulant, History and Bibliography of Anatomic Illustration , p. 280. This copy with some interesting ms. annotations in the contents. A fair copy, library ticket to the spine, spine discoloured, the spine ends lightly damaged, the boards scuffed, board edges worn. Several old ownership entries on the ffeps. Bookblock tight, but with several quite browned pages and marginal foxing. - € 1100,14. PERRAULT, DODART, DUVERNEY : Mémoires pour servir á l'histoire naturelle des animaux et des plantes par messieurs de l'académie royale des science. Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier, 1736. One volume in 2 parts. [xxviii], 536, [xii] pp. With a superb frontispiece of Louis XIV visiting the Académie, title printed in red and black, a fine engraved vignette showing the "Parisians"dissecting an otter, and 59 large folding plates of vertebrates after Sebastien le Clerc. Finely bound in contemporary full marbled calf, spine with richly gilt raised bands, gilt lettering on red and brown morocco labels. Slightly rubbed on lower edges of sides and top spine of one volume slightly damaged. A fine set of this rare edition. - € 2.000,15. ALBINUS, Bernardi Siegfried [=WEISSENLÖW, Weiss von] : Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani & Tabulae ossium humanorum & Tabula vasis chyliferi explanatio & Tabulae VII uteri mulieris gravidae. Lugduni Batavorum [=Leiden]: Joannem & Hermannum Verbeek, 1747/1757. 2 vols. Large (ca. 70 cm. tall) folio. [iv], [117 plates]; [xcii] pp. In modern half vellum with marbled boards, parts of the original spine retained. The plate volume contains the complete set of 117 plates as engraved by J. Wandelaar for the Albinus editions, (including the two engraved text pages of “Ossium humanorum”). The text corresponds with Sceleti et musculorum. The 8 plates for Uteri mulieris were issued without separate text sheets. Rather, the text is engraved on the plates. The atlas volume, quite literally showing each and every bone and muscle in the human body, contains both the plates for Tabulae Sceleti et Musculorum and the Tabulae Ossium (with its two appendages - Vasis
Chyliferi and Uteri mulieris). Tabulae Ossium is “a continuation of the 'Tabulae sceleti' and contains life-seized representations of all the different bones of the adult human being"(Choulant-Frank 281). The plates were drawn and angraved by Jan Wandelaer, a pupil of Jacob Fokema and Guillem van der Gouwen, as well as the painter Gerard de Lairesse (who was responsible for the drawings for Bidloo’s atlas). Before his work for Albinus, Wandelaer worked for Friedrich Ruysch. Albinus, however, created an opportunity for Wandelaer to fully express his drawing and engraving talents. Wandelaer worked with Albinus from 1721 until Wanderlaer´s death in 1754, after which Albinus is said to have gone through a period of severe despondency and depression. These plates are the result of an exceptional collaboration between the physician and the artist. Norman 29: “among the most artistically perfect of anatomical atlases ... Wandelaar placed his skeletons and musclemen against lush ornamental backgrounds to give them the illusion of vitality, using contrasts of mass and light to produce a three-dimensiol effect. The most famous plate in the atlas depicts a skeletal figure standing in front of an enormous grazing rhinoceros, sketched by Wandelaar from the first living specimen in Europe, which had arrived at Amsterdam zoo in 1741”. While Tabulae sceleti et musculorum is seen as Albinus’ magnum opus, the additional material in this collection offers a wealth of similar material, all engraved to the same high standard as Sceleti et musculorum. *Graesse I, 58 *Brunet I, 143 *Choulant-Frank 276-283 *Wellcome II 26 * An excellent, clean and bright copy. The title restored (with loss of lettering of the author’s name), the first few plates (titles etc.) a bit grubby, and some scattered light foxing. - € 17.000,16. DUGDALE, William / COLE, Charles Nalson [ed.] : The History of Imbanking and Draining of Divers Fens and Marshes, both in Foreign Parts and in this Kingdom, And of the Improvements thereby. Extracted from Records, Manuscripts, and other Authentic Testimonies. London: W. Bowyer & J. Nichols for Richard Geast, 1772 (2nd ed.). Contemporary full calf, 6the spine neatly restored with 6 raised bands, blindstamped ruling and a giltstamped leather title ticket (from the original spine). With 11 folding engraved maps, 1 of which signed W. Hollar, another Ricardus Nencourt, the remainder unsigned. The head of the spine lightly worn, the old boards scuffed and with quite rubbed edges. One of the maps with a restored tear, pages 213-216 are a manuscript copy of the original text, complete with catchwords, shoulder titles, pagination, etc., written in a neat, clearly legible hand. - € 450,-
17. [Bodoni] – ANACREON : [Greek title] Anacreontis Teii Odaria praefixo commentario quo poeta genus traditur et bibliotheca Anacreonteia adumbaratur. Parmae: Ex Regio Typographeio, 1785. 4to. [iv], xciv, 100, [ii] pp. Early 20th C. half leather with patterned paper covered boards. The title gilt to a title ticket, the printer and year gilt direct to the tail of the spine. Of this edition, 50 copies were printed on 'carta real francese', of which this is one. An elegant, majestic Bodoni edition, printed in wide margins. A small engraved portrait of the author on the title page, a larger engraved vignette (by Cagnoni) on the dedication page. The text (Latin and Greek) is entirely printed in capitals. The commentary was written by P. Paciaudi. In fine condition, the spine a little sunned, the corners of the front board slightly damaged. A bookplate on the front pastedown. *Brooks 287 - € 1.000,18. HUMPHREYS, Samuel : Peruvian Tales, Related in One Thousand and One Hours, by One of the Select Virgins of Cusco, to the Ynca of Peru, to Dissuade Him from a Resolution He Had Taken to Destroy Himself by Poison. London: Harrison & Co., 1786. 8vo. 3 vols. in 1. viii, 268 pp. 7 plates, all engraved in copper by Corbould, after several different designers. Humphreys is quoted as the translator, with no original author mentioned. With a short description of Peru at the end. This edition not in ESTC. Tree calf. Very light marginal browning, corners rubbed, rebacked with the original (intricately gilt dec.) spine laid down. Plate VII bound before plate VI. - € 300,19. [Natural history] - WHITE, Gilbert : The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton. London: T. Bensley for B. White, 1789. First edition. 4to. [vi blanks], v, [iii], 468, [xiv], vi blanks] pp. Gorgeous contemporary full green crushed levant morocco with elaborate gilt spine with 5 raised bands, gilt titling direct to the spine, triple gilt rule border to front and rear boards, double gilt rule to the boards edges, inside gilt dentelle borders, top edge gilt. Bound by Rivière. With a folding engraved frontispiece, a folding plate of a bird, 2 engraved title vignettes, and 5 finely engraved full-page plates. These plates engraved by P. Mazell after S.H. Grimm. In fine condition: a small tape repair to the fold of the bird plate, corners minimally rubbed, the spine with small damages, and lightly discoloured. An engraved bookplate (A.B. Roberts) to the front pastedown, a bookseller’s/auction ticket (with details on this copy) tipped-in on the flyleaf. Page 6 with a smudge, otherwise with minimal, scattered foxing. A superbly bound copy of the first edition in fine – and complete – condition (the folding bird plate is usually missing, and this copy also includes the errata leaf). *Martin 90-97. - € 2.000,20. [Natural history] - WHITE, Gilbert : A Naturalist’s Calendar with Observations in Various Branches of Natural History. London: B. and J. White, 1795. First separate edition. 8vo. iv, [ii], 8-170, [v], [i] pp. In modern half leather with marbled boards, gilt titling to the spine. With a single coloured plate of a “Hybrid Bird”. Some scattered foxing, but all in all a very good copy of this scarce first edition. Contains “The Naturalist’s Calendar”, “Observations on Various Parts of Nature”, “Meteorological Observations” and “Summary of the Weather”. - € 200,--21. [Slave-trade / Jamaica] – BECKFORD, William : A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica with Remarks upon the Cultivation of the Sugar-Cane, throughout the different Seasons of the Year, and chiefly considered in a Picturesque Point of View; also Observations and Reflections upon what would probably be the Consequences of an Abolition of the Slave-Trade, and of the Emancipation of the Slaves. London: T. and J. Egerton, 1790, 1st ed. 2 vols. [iv], lx, 404; [iv], 405 pp. Uniform rebacked full calf. The new spines are morocco with a title ticket and a volume number ticket. The rare first edition of this account of the plantations on Jamaica from a planter's point of view. The author was the illegitimate son of Richard Beckford, of the influential and hugely wealthy Beckford family. William
inherited and ran four plantations on Jamaica. Neatly restored bindings, now in very good condition. The corners are still a little worn, otherwise fine. *Sabin 4250. - € 750,22. [Bewick] - [RITSON, Joseph ed.] : Robin Hood: a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, now Extant, Relative to that Celebrated English Outlaw: to which are Prefixed Historical Anecdotes of his Life. London: T. Egerton & J. Johnson, 1795. First edition thus. 2 vols. 8vo. [iv], cxviii, [ii], 167, [i]; [vi], 220, [iv], [ii] pp. Over 60 wood engraved head- and tailpieces by Thomas and John Bewick, and some fragments of music score. In uniform contemporary half morocco with marbled boards, the gilt lettered and ruled gilt, gilt rule to the edges of the leather. Very good, the spines and corners a little rubbed, some intermittent light foxing (mostly vol. 1). Old ownership’s entries on the flyleaf. * Hugo 86 *Tattersfield JB55. - € 950,23. JACKSON, Robert : A treatise on the fevers of Jamaica, with some observations on the intermitting fever of America, and an appendix, containing some hints on the means of preserving the health of soldiers in hot climats. Philadelphia, R. Campbell, 1795. 2 parts in one vol. 10 x 17 cm. (12), 276, (19), (+ 4 publisher’s cat.). Bound in modern gilt calf in antique style, with a contrasting gilt-lettered morocco letter-piece. Endpapers browned at edges. Jackson, who was in the West Indies between 1774 and 1778, wos told by a ship’s captain about the good results that were made by giving cold baths to typhus patients. He tried that out on the first cases he encountered, and also made some important observations and discoveries about that disease. Later in his life he became a doctor in Leiden. - € 250,24. [Arabic] – HERBIN, Auguste F.J. : Développemens des Principes de la Langue Arabe moderne, suivis D'un Recueil de phrases, de Traductions interlinéaires, de Proverbes arabes, et d'un Essai de Calligraphie orientale. Paris: Baudouin, 1803. Folio. [vi], vii, 250, [vi] pp. Modern full leather. Illustrated with 11 (partly folding) engraved plates (engraved by E. Collin), and folding pages with grammatical tables. This book is part of the Cours d'Arabe Moderne, which also includes a French-Arab and Arab-French dictionary. In near fine condition, some minor foxing. - € 495,25. LÉVEILLÉ, J.B.F. : Traité Pratique des Maladies des Yeux ou Expériences et Observations sur les Maladies qui affectent ces Organes. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1807, 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. [iv], xvi, 388, [plates]; [iv] 351 pp. 2 vols. uniform marbled paper over board with a giltlettered leather title ticket. With thee engraved folding plates. In very good condition, the spine a little rubbed, the front and rear covers with some small scuffmarks to the foredge, lacking two of the plates. - € 300,26. [Ornithology] - BEWICK, Thomas : A History of British Birds. Newcastle: Edward Walker for T. Bewick (& Longman, London), 1809. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 14x22 cm. xlii, 43-327, [i]; xviii, 19360 pp. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings in the text, as well as an engraved title vignette in each volume, headpiece vignette at the start of the preface of each volume, and wood engraved tailpiece vignettes. In contemporary half calf with .marbled boards, 4 raised bands to the spine, a repeated blind stamped design to three compartments, gilt-lettered title and volume tickets, further gilt ruling and decoration. A part of the margin of p. 271/272 torn; p. 311/312 with a sown restoration where part of the page had been torn off. The corners bumped, extremities rubbed. Not the freshest of copies – many pages browned and some with foxed margins, nevertheless a tight and strong copy. Volume 1: History and Description on Land Birds. Volume 2: History and Description of Water Birds. The first edition of this work was published in 1797/1804. The illustrations of the birds are finely engraved, with the sense of detail that Bewick is known for. The tailpiece vignettes are of varying nature (one scene depicts a hanged man, another a graveyard, yet others depict the facets of country life), but without exception finely engraved and full of life and charm. Bewick’s first work, “A General History of Quadrupeds” was the first
important book to be illustrated with wood engravings. Bewick’s Quadrupeds and British Birds were of great importance to the resurgence of wood engraving as an illustrative technique, as well as a landmark in British natural history publishing. - € 300,27. [Russia] - BRETON, M. : La Russie, ou moeurs, usages et costumes des habitans de toutes les provinces de cet empire. Paris: Nepveu, 1813. First edition. [xxxii], 163, [xiii]; [iv], 186, 2; [iv], 188, 2; [iv], 196, 2; [iv], 192, 2; [iv], 198, 2 pp. 6 vols. 12mo. Each volume with a (part folding) engraved frontispiece, and several copper engraved plates. A total of 105 plates and 6 frontispieces, makes a total of 111 engraved plates. In cont. marbled wrappers. *Brunet I, 1226 / 27736, *Colas 436 - € 600,28. SPURZHEIM, G. : Observations sur la Phraenologie ou la Connaissance de l'Homme Moral et Intellectuel, fondée sur les Fonctions du Système Nerveux. Paris, Treuttel et Würtz, 1818. 8vo. [iv], xxiv, 372 pp. Full cloth. With an engraved frontispiece and 6 engraved plates in the rear. In good condition, a library ticket to the tail of the spine, the corners a little worn, the tail of the spine chipped. slightly foxed in the margin throughout. - € 350,29.
[Italia] - RACCOLTA di num. 320 vedute si antiche che moderne della citta di Roma e di alcuni luoghi suburbani. [N. pl.]: nella Calcografía di Agapito Franzetti a Torsanguigna col Parmesso, [ca 1820]. Oblong 4to. 80 pp. Full cloth. Nice and attractive album depicting Rome and its surroundings. 320 views done by Cipriani, Pronti, Moreli etc. from Agapito Frazetti. Wonderful monuments, churches, castles, squares and ruins. Occasional browning and stains. Lacking the last index page (from the letter w onwards). The first few pages smudged, a little foxing throughout, although mostly in the margins. The cover stained and ribbed from moisture. - € 500,30. [Slave-trade / Jamaica] – STEWART, John : A View of the Past and Present State of the Island of Jamaica with Remarks On The Moral And Physical Condition Of The Slaves, And On The Abolition Of Slavery In The Colonies. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd and G. & W.B. Whittaker, 1823, 1st ed. [xvi], 364 pp. Contemporary full calf with morocco title tickets and gilt decoration, all edges marbled. The author was a long-time resident of Jamaica. A general overview of the island, with interesting remarks on agriculture, trade, government and laws, naval and military establishments, white inhabitants, social classes and professions, education, the maroons, condition and treatment of the slaves, their religion and amusements, and the diseases to which they are subject. Nice copy, only small traces of wear. *Sabin 91692. - € 690,31. LYON, Captain G.F. : A brief narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach Repulse Bay, through Sir Thomas Rowe’s ‘Welcome’, in his majesty’s ship Griper in the year 1824. London, John Murray, 1825. 13 x 21 cm. (16), 198, (2) pp. Rebacked in contemporary gilt lettered half calf, with contrasting morocco letter-pierce, gilt lettering and decoration to the spine. With a folded frontispiece map, 6 engraved plates and text illustrations. “Another attempt at the Northwest Passage; this one through Hudson’s Bay. Interesting accounts are given of the Eskimos of the Southampton
Islands, immediately north of Hudson’s Bay” (Hill, p. 186). Also included are an appendix concerning magnetic anomalies in the polar regions, an abstract of each day’s work and a botanical appendix by Professor J.D. Hooker. Some stains in the margins, mainly in the begin and at the end of the book. - € 450,32. [Brazil] - PRINCE MAXIMILIAN NEUWIED : Travels in Brazil, in 1815, 1816 and 1817. London: Sir Richard Philips, 1825. 8vo. iv, 111, [i] pp. With a folding frontispiece (aquatint engraving), and eight further engravings (of which two folding). This copy in modern paper-covered boards, with a paper title ticket to the spine. From the library of Boudewijn Büch, with his annotation of purchase on the inside of the front cover. In very good condition, although the plates have caused some offsetting on the opposite page, the plates themselves are not quite clean, the folding plates even a bit soiled and with light moisture stains. - € 350,33. [Cookery] – VIARD, [Alexendre] & FOURET : Le cuisinier royal, ou l’art de faire la cuisine, la patisserie et tout ce qui concerne l’office, pour toutes les fortunes. Treizième édition, augmentée de 1100 articles; et ornée de 9 planches pour le service des tables depuis 12 jusqu’a 60 couverts. Suivie d’une notice sur les vins, par M. Pierhugue, sommelier du Roi. Paris, J.-N. Barba; Ambroise Dupont et Cie & Corbet Ainé, 1828. 13 nd augmented edition. 8vo. [vi], 540 pp, XXVII + 3 folding plates. The first edition of this very popular cookery book was published in 1806 as ‘Le cuisinier impérial’. It’s title was changed to ‘Le cuisinier royal’ in 1817. It would change a few times more during the 19th century as the political situation and government in France asked for a it. The three folding plates depict 9 ‘table compositions’. A good copy, light foxing throughout. Hinges expertly restored. - € 250,34. [Keepsake] - ANNALES ROMANTIQUES Recueil de Morceaux Choisis. Paris: Louis Janet, 1830, 1st ed. 12mo. vi, 367 pp. Original giltblocked blue silk, the front and rear cover design the interior of a cathedral. All edges gilt, in a silk slipcase with giltstamped floral border around a geometric central design. Illustrated with 8 steel engraves plates. A keepsake/souvenir gift book, with unedited prose and poetry of Bertrand, Hugo, Charles-Malo, Dumas, and Lamartine, among others. With a saint's calendar (printed by Janet), bound in the rear. Part of a 12-volume series published during 1823-1836. This series was to become the prototype for all later keepsake editions. In very good condition, the slipcase a little faded and lightly worn at the corners, the book itself near fine but for some brownstaining of the page edges and the occasional spot of foxing. - € 350,35. [Atlas - convolute] - MONIN, C.V. & FREMIN, A.R. : Petit Atlas de la Belgique / Atlas Universel de Géographie Ancienne et Moderne / Petit Atlas National des Départemens de la France et de ses Colonies. Binet, ca. 1830. Oblong folio, a convolute of three atlases, the first two (la Belgique and Atlas Universel) by Monin and Fremin, engraved by Bénard, the third (Atlas National de France) by Monin, engraved by Alès. La Belgique contains ten maps, Atlas Universel contains 49 maps, and the Atlas National contains 96 maps. All of these are handfinished. Additionally, this atlas has a 'Carte des Chemins de Fer de la Belgique', 'Chemin de Fer de St. Ghislain à Gand projet' (loosely inserted), 'Nouvelle Carte Physique et Politique de l'Algerie' (Etablissement Geographique de Bruxelles, 1840) and, in the rear two large folding maps: 'France, Nouvelle Carte Physique, Routière et Administrative' and 'Plan de Paris' (Hérisson, 1837). Private half leather and marbled boards binding, with a leather title shield to the front cover. In good condition, lacking the map of Belgium in the first part, which is replaced by the map of Belgium from the second part. The third part lacking 88 (Alger), 95 and 96. Most maps are good, although some are a little foxed. The folding map of l'Algerie is torn on the folds. On many of the maps pieces of (19th cent.) text are pasted to the rear. - € 1.500.-
36. [Ornithology] - LEMAIRE, C.L. : Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux Exotiques. Paris: Pauquet & Debure, 1836. First edition. 8vo. [ii], 156, [plates] pp. Contemporary half morocco with marbled boards, five raised bands to the spine, a rept. gilt design of a bird to five of the compartments, the title gilt lettered direct to the spine. Illustrated with 80 handcoloured steel engravings, each with tissue guard. The plates are engraved by Pauquet. While the plates are engraved with care and loving detail, the vibrant and bright colouring truly brings the depicted birds to life. These magnificent plates show why the Frères Pacquet were so renowned as book illustrators. Nissen IVB 540 *Wood 341. . In very good condition, the spine a little sunned, the edges a bit worn, the text quite foxed throughout, the plates mostly unmarred. - € 5.000,37. [Cookery] – ALBERT, B. : Le Cuisinier parisien, ou Manuel complet d'economie domestique, contenant : la cuisine, la charcuterie, la grosse patisserie et la patisserie fine, l'office dans toutes ses branches ; la cuisine des malades [...], les proprietes dietetiques des substances alimentaires [...], la conduite de la cave [...]. Cinquième edition. Paris, Louis Tenré, 1833. 8vo. VIII, front., 454 pp., 3 plates. Half calf, marbled boards. Engraved frontispiece ‘Interieur d'une cuisine bien ordonnée’ and three engraved plates showing kitchen utensils. The first edition dates from 1812. Spine a bit rubbed, some browning and foxing throughout. € 350,38. [Biblical scenery] - AMORIE VAN DER HOEVEN, Abraham des : Bijbelsche landschappen, naar afbeeldingen op de plaats zelve vervaardigd, met bijgevoegde tafereelen. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, [1936]-1838-1839. 2 vols., 8vo. (8), VIII, (6), 96; (16), 96 pp. First edition. Contemporary half calf, decorated spines. Two engraved frontispieces, 96 full-page steelengraved plates, incl. the frontispieces, by W. Finden after the drawings by a.o. C. Stanfield, J.M.W. Turner and J.D. Harding, picturing biblical locations in the Holy Land: the Death Sea,
Ararat, Sinai, Jordan, Babylon, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Hebron, Petra, Libanon, Baalbec, Sidon, Patmos, Nile, etc. Complete with a dedication the artist’s wife (2 pp. in vol. I) dated 27 Februarij 1837, and to the Princess Royal, Anna Paulowna (the sister of Tsar Alexander of Russia and wife of the later King William II of the Netherlands), (6 pp. in vol. II) dated Amsterdam, 19den October 1839, and a list of subscribers. The work was originally published in 24 issues of 4 plates, from 1836 till 1838. Each plate with a description of one or two pages. Some browning and foxing throughout, mostly in margins. - € 400,39. [Mexico] – PIMENTEL, D. Francisco : Cuadro descriptive y comparativo de las lenguas indígenas de México. México: Andrade y Escalante, 1862-65, 1st ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Contemp. half roan with marbled boards. The first edition of this important work on the classification of the native languages of Mexican Indians. In good condition - pages browned throughout and the covers worn, but tight. - € 475,40. [Wine] - COCKS, Ch. / FÉRET, Édouard. : Bordeaux et ses Vins classés par ordre de mérite. Paris / Bordeaux: V. Masson / Féret & Fils, 1868. 2nd ed. 8vo., [iv], iv, 471, [i] pp. With 73 plates (views of chateaux, and one floor plan) after wood engravings by various artists (among which R. Sprenger and L’Allemand). In contemporary half morocco with four raised bands and gilt lettering to the spine. Originally published in 1850, this is the second, revised edition of Cocks’ important work on Bordeaux wines One of the plates with repaired damages (partly in the plate). Leather a bit rubbed, some minimal foxing in the margins and manuscript annotation on the rear endpapers. - € 550,41. [Arabia / Mecca] – KEANE, T.F : Six Months in Meccah: an Account of the Mohammedan Pilgrimage to Meccah. London, Tinsley, 1881. [x], 212 pp. Publishers grey-blue cloth with bevelled edges and gilt decoration to the spine and front cover. First edition. In good condition, the spine rubbed, the spine ends and corners a bit bumped. - € 375,42. LITHGOW, William : The total discourse of the rare adventures & painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travayles from Scotland to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica. Glasgow, James MacLehose and sons, 1906. (32), 448 pp. (2). Bound in half vellum, with gilt decoration on spine and front. One of 100 numbered copies on hand-made paper. “Between 1609 and 1629, Lithgow travelled, in three journeys and mostly on foot, through Europe, Greece, Turkey (1609-1611), Crete, the Levant, Egypt and North Africa, covering in all, he estimated, more than 36.000 miles. His adventures include being assailed in Lybia, beset in Moldavia, and being arrested and tortured as a spy in Málaga. (…) Embedded in his euphistic narrative are the first reports of such novelties as coffee-drinking in Europe, Turkish baths, the Aleppo-Baghdad pigeon post, artificial incubation, and Turkish tobacco pipes”. A very good copy from the library of B.Büch. - € 175.43. [Children’s] - VANASEK, M. : La Journée de Roger. Paris: L’Imagerie de Paris, [ca. 1920]. Oblong. Cloth book, six cloth pages (one side printed) with colourful full-page plates by Vanasek, each plate with a single line of text. In a cloth cover. Charming (and rare) work, relating a day in the life of Roger. In good condition. The edges a bit frayed, margins a bit stained, final plate with a stain in the image. - € 65,-
19th & 20th Century literature & Fine printing 44. P.G. WODEHOUSE : [A.l.s.] Postcard to Henry Otto, dated ‘March 5 – 1956”. Private mailing card P.G. Wodehouse – 1000 Park Avenue – New York. Wodehouse answers Antwerp fanmail. “It’s wonderful to think of you having read so much of my stuff – Even the school stories. I’m delighted that you like Full Moon, as it is about my favourite of my books.” Posted by airmail. - € 250,-
--45. [André Derain] – ANACREON : Odes anacréontiques. Traduction de Lecomte de Lisle. Lithographies originales de ANDRE DERAIN. Paris, Le Cercle Lyonnais du Livre, 1953. 28 x 19cm, 102p., loose as issued in original slipcase. 200 numbered copies. 50 lithographs by Derain printed by Atelier Mourlot. This copy (unnumbered) printed for “Les Archives de la Société”. Last illustrated book by Derain published during his lifetime. Cf. Monod, n° 237. - € 650,46. BRONTË, Patrick : The Cottage in the Wood; or, The Art of Becoming Rich and Happy. 2nd. Edition. Bradford, T. Inkersley, 1818. [ii], 69, [vii blanks] pp. Frontispiece lacking (reproduced in H.Turner, p. 100). Orig. boards with red roan spine, title in gold on spine. Spotting throughout and some scribbles in pencil on one final blank, presumably from a child’s hand. A small hole in the second final blank. *Brontë Society Catalogue 1927: 105; *Wise: Bibl. Of the …Brontë Family1917: 145; *Horsfall Turner: Brontëana 1898: 101). Notwithstanding these flaws an attractive copy of this tiny booklet which is, also in the second edition, of the utmost rarity. The books written by the father of the famous Brontë sisters played a decisive role in stimulating the children’s literary ambitions. Therefore all Patrick’s books are collector’s items of major importance. - € 500,47. [BRONTË (Charlotte, Emily & Anne)] : Poems, by Currer, Ellis and Acton BELL. London, Smith. Elder and Co. 1846 [1848]. [ii], iv, 165, [iii] pp. 1 (verso printed) page advert opposite the (Smith Elder) title page, 2 pp. contents, 165 pp. text. Bound without errata but with 16pp. earliest state adverts (May 1848). In original green publisher’s cloth with blind decorated borders and lyre design. Light yellow end papers. The second issue as described in Smith p. 6-14. This is a copy of the first edition published by Smith, Elder & Co., the advert. being still one leaf with the (cancel)title page. As soon as one realized the discrepancy between the advertisement and the date on the title page, the advertisement has been severed from the title page and pasted at the end (Smith p. 13). Containing the catalogue dated May 1848 (the earliest), but, as often, lacking the errata slip. This means that this copy is one of the 279 copies sold between 1848
and 1853. The fact that this is a very early copy is further enhanced by the lack of Westley’s binder’s ticket, which appeared from 1850 on. A very good clean copy in original binding, missing only a small fragment of the top of the spine and a small tear (hardly visible) halfway the spine. *Smith p. 6-14. This collection of verses contains 19 poems by Charlotte Brontë ("Currer Bell"), and 21 each by Emily ("Ellis") and Anne ("Acton"). First published by Aylott Jones in 1846 in an edition of 1000 copies, Only 39 copies were sold. The remaining 961 copies were placed in storage and were only reissued in October 1848 by Smith, Elder, and Co., following the success of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. - € 2.000,48. [BRONTË, Charlotte] – Currer BELL : Shirley. A Tale. By Currer Bell. Author of “Jane Eyre”. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1849. 3 vols., iv, 303, [i], 16; iv, 308; iv, 320 pp. In the original brown full cloth bindings with gilt title to spines and blind stamped ornamental frames to boards. A very good copy of the first edition in original binding (only some very unobtrusive repairs), small faults and rubbing of the spine. With the 16-page catalogue of adverts in the rear of vol. I, dated ‘October 1849’ (showing only minor foxing), and 3 pages of press opinions on Jane Eyre at the rear of volume III. Binder’s vignette ‘Bound by Westleys & Co, Friar Street, London’ pasted on rear pastedown. The handwritten signature of Harriet, Lady Ashburton on (all three) front pastedowns and small stamps of Melchet Court, Romsey on the title pages. Page 304 of vol. II misnumbered ‘403’. *Smith p. 110-116. A true 1st issue of Charlotte Bronte’s second published novel, completed in the year her brother and two sisters died. Lady Ashburton was close to Carlyle in a way that triggered much gossip, which grants this set an interesting provenance. - € 2.250,49. [BRONTË, Charlotte] - Currer BELL : Shirley. Von Currer Bell, Verfasser von “Johanna Eyre”. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt. Berlin, Verlag von Dunker und Humblot. 1849. 3 vols. in one, original cloth. [iv], 221, [iii]; [x], 230, [ii]; [vi], 255, [i] pp. A good copy. Corners lightly bumped, minor wear to extremities. Extremely rare German edition: unknown to Smith. Wise (p.26) mentions the existence of a German ed., however without details. In the same series ‘Currer Bell’s Schriften. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt’ was also issued the translation of ‘Jane Eyre’. - € 400,50. [BRONTË, Charlotte] - Currer BELL : Villette. By Currer Bell, author of ‘Jane Eyre,’ ‘Shirley’, etc. London, Smith, Elder & Co./ Bombay: Smith, Taylor, and Co., 1853. 3 vols., [iv], 324, [12 pp. ads]; [iv], 319, [i]; [iv], 350, [ii] pp. Publisher's catalogue dated ‘January 1853’ at the end of volume I. Original greyish yellowish brown ribbed morocco cloth, covers decorated in blind with borders enclosing floral designs, spines also decorated in blind and lettered in gilt, facing endpapers pale yellow-coated. First edition with the adv. in first state ‘January 1953’. Or. cloth (some small repairs), Occasional foxing and staining. Vol. III, contents page (p. [iii-iv] detached and restored. Smith p. 138-139 - € 1.750,51. [BRONTË, Anne] - Acton BELL : The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. London: Thomas Hodgson, 1854. 371, [i] pp., in modern half morocco with marbled boards. Lacking the blank and advertisement from the rear, as usual, but with the often lacking Parlour Library half-title; corner of p. 325/6 torn, but without loss of text. A good copy of this scarce edition; recently re-bound in
half morocco. Except for a very few brown spots a very clean, bright copy. *Smith 95-97. This edition, which was published on March 1, 1954, at 1s., is the actual second edition of the novel. - € 325,52. [BRONTË, Charlotte] – BELL, Currer : The Professor. A Tale. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1857. First edition. 2 vols. viii, 294, 2; [iv], 258, [ii], 8, 16 pp. Bound in recent full brown crushed morocco, red morocco title tickets, raised bands, gilt rules to boards and spine, marbled endpapers. Orig. cloth covers bound in. Very good copies with the advertisements in first state. - € 750,-
First edition issued as No. 91 in the illustrious Traveller's Companion Series of The Olympia Press. Statement on the back cover “NF '18 Not to be sold in the U.S.A. & UK”. Very good copy Dust jacket with photo collage by Ian Sommerville fine. - € 400,60. BURROUGHS, William : The book of breething / Le livre des respirations / Het boek der ademhalingen. Drawings by Bob Gale. Ingatestone, Published by OU, Henri Chopin, 1974. Original pictorial wrappers. One of 50 (XXV/L) numbered and signed copies. First edition of an unusual Burroughs edition. Contains the text in English, French (translation Henri Chopin) and Dutch (translation Jo
53. [BRONTË, Charlotte] - GASKELL, E.C. : The Life of Charlotte Brontë, Author of “Jane Eyre”, “Shirley”, ‘Villette”, &c. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1857. First edition. 2 vols. viii, 352; viii, 327, [i], 16 pp. With publisher’s catalogue dated March, 1857, the earliest state. Copies of the first edition (which has been suppressed a few weeks after publishing, see Gérin: Life of Elizabeth Gaskell, Ch. XVII) in original cloth are rare. In fair condition, ‘well read’, tiny chip (some 4 sq. mm.) off the foot of the spine of vol. 1, frontispiece of vol. 1 detached, a nick in the frontispiece of vol. 2, not affecting the plate, hinges weak, corners bumped and a little worn. *Smith (Gaskell) 104-108; *Parrish 84. - € 300,54. [BRONTË, Charlotte] - GASKELL, E.C. : The Life of Charlotte Brontë, Author of “Jane Eyre”, “Shirley”, ‘Villette”, &c. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1857, 2nd ed. 2 vols. viii, 352; viii, 327, [i], 16 pp. With publisher’s catalogue dated June 1857. Bound in at the rear of vol. 2 a newspaper fragment from “The Standard”, Dec. 6, 1906, announcing the death of Charlotte’s husband the Rev. A.B. Nicholls. At the end of vol. 1 the original ‘Westley’s’ ticket has been preserved. Very fine copies, rebacked preserving the original cloth. *Smith (Gaskell) p. 109-110. - € 190,55. [BRONTË, Charlotte] – SWINBURNE, Charles Algernon : A Note on Charlotte Brontë. London: Chatto & Windus, 1877. [viii], 97, [i], 32 pp. Orig. blue cloth. With 32 pages of publisher’s adverts, dated June 1877. With the inserted dedication to “My Friend Theodore Watts”. The earliest date found in the publ. adverts, but tentatively stated as the third issue by Yablon/Turner. Very good, original blue cloth (light yellow endpapers) with gilt ruling to front and rear, gilt lettering and publ. device to spine. Edges a little rubbed, corners and spine ends worn. *Yablon/Turner 109; *Wise 221. - € 65,56. [BRONTË, Patrick] - HORSFALL TURNER, J. [ed.] : Brontëana. Rev. Patrick Brontë, A.B., His Collected Works and Life. Bingley: printed by T. Harrison for the editor, 1898. xvi, 17-304 pp. A very good copy in orig. blue cloth (front cover a bit discoloured). *Wise 1917: 164/5; *Shorter 1908: I, 30/1. - € 195,--57. BENN, Gottfried : Gehirne. Novellen. Leipzig, Kurt Wolff, 1916. 56 pp. original black wrappers with red title label pasted to front. First edition. Vol. 35 of ‘Der Jüngste Tag’. Good copy, first pages spotted. - € 125, 58. BRADBURY, Ray : Something Wicked This Way Comes. London, Rupert Hart-Davies, 1963. 253 pp., original dust jacket. First UK Edition. Near mint copy. Bright DJ not price-clipped, with only one minimal chip (1 mm). - € 225,59. BURROUGHS, William : The ticket that exploded. Paris, The Olympia Press, 1962. 184 pp., original dust jacket.
Verbrugghen). This edition was never officially issued, but consists of 350 ‘common’ copies, (according to the colophon numbered from 1 to 350, but that is not the case, they stayed unnumbered), and 50 deluxecopies on Holland van Gelder, numbered I to L. These deluxe-copies were all signed by Burroughs in colophon. Fine. - € 500,We have a few ‘common’ copies available at - € 90,61. CELAN, Paul : Mohn und Gedächtnis. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1952. 80 pp., original cloth. First edition. Spine somewhat faded. - € 245,62. CROWLEY, Aleister : The Spirit of Solitude An Autohagiography Subsequently re-Antichristened The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. London: Mandrake Press, 1929, 1st ed. Large 8vo. [iv], 284, [ii] pp. Original full cream buckram with bevelled edges, with giltlettered and decorated spine, and a self-portrait and titling in ms. printed in black, t.e.g. A few lines reproduced of Crowley's ms. at the head of each new chapter, illustrated with photographic plates, a plate with "The Figure Genethliacal of [...] Crowley", and a frontispiece heliogravure portrait of Crowley. Printed at the Botolph Printing Works (London). In very good condition, the cover a little soiled and with a small damage to the rear board, the corners bumped. The frontispiece has offset to the title page. - € 450,63. FLEMING, Ian : The Spy Who Loved Me. London, Jonathan Cape, [1962]. First edition. 8vo. Original black boards, titles to spine in silver, dagger design to front board in silver and blind, red endpapers. Original illustrated dust jacket. Variant copy with printer’s quad mark on the title page. Very good in very good dust jacket. - € 500,64. HUGO, Victor : Les Misérables. Bruxelles: A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & Co., 1862. 10 vols. 8vo. [iv], 405, [i]; 444; 402; 366; 357, [iii]; 346; 490; 466, [ii]; 447, [i]; 355, [i] pp. The true first edition of Les Misérables published before the Parisian edition of the same year. This epic novel is counted among the most influential novels of the 19th century. In contemporary half morocco over marbled boards, with four raised bands, the bands with double gilt ruling above and below, the spine ends with gilt decoration,
titling gilt direct to the spine. In very good condition, the spines slightly rubbed and minimally worn, spine ends with small tears, board edges quite rubbed, corners a bumped and a little worn. Foxed throughout, although mostly in the margins, each volume with a small ownership’s ink stamp to the title. - € 950,-
edges with gilt dash pattern, patter-ned endpapers. The binding was done by Sperling (Leipzig). This copy, number 7, was signed by the artist in the colophon. In good condition, the front cover discoloured (the green colour faded) and with some scuffmarks, light rubbing to the spine. - € 600,-
65. La Jeunesse Inalterable et la Vie Eternelle. Conte populaire traduit litteralement du Romain, ouvrage orné de 67 eauxfortes. Traduction de William Ritter. Illustrations de M.A.J. Bauer. Décorations de G.W. Dijsselhof. Préface de Arsène Alexandre. Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema, 1897. 50 pp., original vellum with wood-engraved title in gilt on upper cover, bound as a blockbook, t.e.g., others uncut. Decorative lithographed Art nouveau endpapers by Dijsselhof,This copy numbered in colophon n°131 from an edition limited to 250 copies (probably only 150 or 180 were issued), printed by Mouton & Cie. The Hague. 19 etched illustrations by M.A.J.Bauer, 4 full-page, 48 etched borders by G.W. Dijsselhof. Very fine copy in very fine original vellum. - € 950,-
70. PESSOA, Fernando : English Poems I-II; III. I – Antinous, II – Inscriptions; III - Epithalamium. Lisbon, Olisipo [= the author], 1921. 2 vols., 20 & 16 pp., original wrappers. First edition. Two of only five volumes published by Pessoa during his lifetime. ‘English Poems I-II’ contains the first edition of ‘Inscriptions’, a collection dated 1920 of short epigraphs, inspired by Roman tombstones, as well as the second revised edition of the long poem ‘Antinous’, a poem with a homosexual theme (the relationship between Antinous and the Emperor Hadrian) which appeared for the first time in 1918. Preceding 'Antinous' is a note which reads: "An early and very imperfect draft of Antinous was published in 1918. The present one is meant to annul and supersede that, from which it is essentially different." In fact, although Pessoa rewrote parts of the poem, simplifying the language, the basic structure and contents remained unaltered. ‘Antinous’ was clearly very important to Pessoa as he revised it and published it a second time. At some time Pessoa himself described ‘Antinous’ and the poem 'Epithalamium’ as 'obscene’. Although tame enough by today's
66. [BRANGWYN, Frank] – KHAYYAM, Omar : The Rubáyiát Edinburgh / London: T.N. Foulis, 1919, 1st ed. thus. 4to. Orig. vellum with gilt titling to the spine. With 15 tipped-in colour plates and decorated borders (printed in green) after Frank Brangwyn. A copy from the limited large-paper edition, 300 copies bound in vellum. In fine condition. - € 450,67. LEMAITRE, Jules : Contes blancs. La Glace. La Chapelle blanche. Mariage blanc. Paris, Bibliophiles Independants / Henry Floury, 1900. Illustrations à l’Aquarelle de Mlle. Blanche Odin. Original wrappers. First edition. Issued in an edition of 210 copies. With all 71 illustrations handcoloured and a duplicate set of the illustrations uncoloured at end. “La truit des Aquarelles et la Typographie du texte pas les soins de Octave Uzanne”. This copy n° 23 printed for M. André Bellemain. Wrappers worn at extremeties. - € 475,68. LEWIS, C. S. : Surprised by joy. The shape of my early life. London, Geoffrey Bles, 1955. 224 pp. Original cloth. First edition. Signed and dated on the title page “C. S. Lewis Sept 22d 1955”. Good copy, binding a bit worn, free endpapers lightly spotted, without DJ. - € 245,69. MACPHERSON, James : The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson Esq. in three volumes. London, Published for William Miller, 1805. 3 vols. Portrait frontispiece and 11 engravings by James Fittler from pictures by Henry Singleton. Some very light browning and occasional spotting, ex.-libris Charles Tyler, marbled, half morocco with rubbed marbled boards, corners sl. bumped, gilt ruled bands and gilt titles to spines. - € 275,44. MÉRIMÉE, Prosper : Tamango. Berlin, Franz Schneider, 1922. 4to. 27 pp. Illustrated with 7 fullpage original lithographs by Richard Janthur, each of the lithographs signed in the plate and monogrammed in pencil. Title page and initial were also designed by Janthur. 200 copies were printed of this edition, the first of the series Luxusgraphik Schneider. In full green crushed morocco with gilt designs to front and rear, and gilt title to the spine, all designed by Janthur, board
standards, ‘Antinous’, with its references to the physical relations between Antinous and the Emperor, went beyond contemporary English poems on the subject which concentrated on the spiritual and symbolic aspects of the relationship. It is interesting to note that in a type of literature where pseudonyms were commonly used Pessoa chose to publish under his own name, although the heteronyms existed by this time. ‘English Poems III’ contains the 'Epithalamium', a poem dated 1913 about the musings of a bride on the morning of her wedding. Pessoa later stated that 'Antinous' and 'Epithalamium' were to form part of a cycle of five poems on the various aspects of love, but so far no trace of the other three has been found. Both volumes of the ‘English Poems’ were printed at the Printing Office of the Annuario Commercial, 24 Restauradores, Lisbon, and were published by Olisipo, Apartado 145, Lisbon. On the back cover of each volume is the price 'One and sixpence net', so it seems that Pessoa intended to put them on sale in Britain, although there is no evidence that this in fact happened. Olisipo was Pessoa's own publishing house and the ‘English Poems’ was its first publication. Very fine, for the greater part unopened copies. Wrappers fine, trifle yellowed/ /foxed; small and vague water stain at foot of spine vol. I-II. Scarce in any condition, excessively rare in this fine state. - € 12.000,-
71. [BRANGWYN, Frank] – PHILLPOTTS, Eden : The Girl and the Faun. London: Cecil Palmer & Hayward, 1916, 1st ed. 4to. 116 pp. Original gilt stamped half vellum. With 4 tipped-in colour plates and 4 woodcut plates and page borders after Frank Brangwyn, printed in ochre. One of 350 copies of the edition deluxe, large paper copies on handmade paper, numbered and signed by both the artist and the author. Printed by the Morland Press, London. In very good condition, the cover a little discoloured. - € 300,-
Art & Avant-garde ‘Delight’ a newly traced manuscript poem by Theo van Doesburg
72. RAMAH : Les Belles Dames. Dix lithographies originales. (Collection du petit artiste.) Bruxelles, Edition de l’Art Décoratif C. Dangotte, 1918. 33,5 x 24,5 cm, loose as issued in original illustrated folding cover. One of 100 numbered copies. Signed in colophon by the artist. Suite of 5 coloured lithographs and 5 printed in black. Very fine copy. - € 350,73. [Rassenfosse] – ENGLEBERT, Omer : Minouche. Eauxfortes originales de RASSENFOSSE et APOL. Bruxelles, Miette, 1930. 28,5 x 21 cm, 76 pp., original wrappers. 101 numbered copies. Unnumbered copy “reservés aux collaborateurs”. Contains 7 etchings by Rassenfosse and 6 by Apol. - € 150,74. [Rassenfosse] – GLESENER, Edmond : Au Beau Plafond ou L’Enfant Prodigue. Illustrations de Armand Rassenfosse. Liège, J. Mawet, 1926 (1927). 28,5 x 19,5 cm, 74 pp., original illustrated wrappers. 286 copies. One of 200 numbered copies on “Japon mat français” (3rd paper). Illustrated wrappers and 10 fullpage coloured lithographs. Cf. Monod, n° 5477. - € 195,75. WILDE, Oscar : A House of Pomegranates. London: James R. Osgood McIlvaine, 1891, 1st ed. Small 4to. [viii], 158, [ii] pp. Orig. decor. cloth over a gilt-lettered cloth spine. The front cover with decoration and titling in red, with a gilt stamped peacock, running fountain and basket of pomegranates. With 4 full-page plates by C.H. Shannon, wood engraved endpapers, decoration and cover design after C. Ricketts. Printed by the Chiswick Press in an edition of 1000 copies. In good condition - the cover quite soiled, the spine ends and corners a little bumped. *Mason 347 - € 800,-
76. [Original manuscript] - Theo VAN DOESBURG : ‘Verrukking’ [Delight]. Unpublished poem, [1915]. 2 pages, 49 lines. Signed by Theo van Doesburg and dedicated to A. Kok, Tilburg‟. Hitherto untraced poem by De Stijl-founder Theo van Doesburg, dedicated to his friend and De Stijl-companion Anthony Kok. Formerly known only by it‟s title, as referred to in a postcard from Agnita Feis and a letter by Van Doesburg to Kok. On 25 October 1915 Van Doesburg wrote to Antony Kok: “Strange that your feelings about „Delight‟ are different from mine. It is a poem inspired by my own breath.” Mentioned „not traced‟ in Van Doesburg‟s Oeuvre catalogue as number L126, dated ca. 25 October 1915. # Cf. Hoek – Theo Van Doesburg Oeuvre catalogue, p. 653. - € 5.250,‘Oorlog’ [War] - A unique copy bringing together Theo van Doesburg, his wife Agnita Feis and De Stijl-compagnon Anthony Kok. 77. H. FEIS : Oorlog. Verzen in Staccato., n. publ., n.d. [1915]. (13) p., orig. lithographed wrappers in black and red by Theo Van Doesburg. 200 copies. This copy numbered in pencil „200‟ and dedicated in handwriting ‘Aan mijn vriend A[ntony]Kok’ [to my friend A. Kok]. With Anthony Kok’s printed ex-libris, a typical De Stijl-letter-design by Van Doesburg, printed in red, pasted in. The extremely scarce, sole poetry collection by Agnita Feis ("A.H. Feijs" on the first page). Feis (1881-1944), was the first wife of Theo van Doesburg. Printed for the author by ‘De Avondpost’ in The Hague. Very good copy of this fragile item, faintly spotted throughout. # Theo van Doesburg - Oeuvre catalogue, no. 439 – € 2.250,---
78. AGAM, Yaacov : Agam Rainbow Torah: The Five Books of Moses Israel, Gefen Publishing House, 1992, 366pp. Edition of 750 copies As new in original plastic box. Box with minimal imperfections. The Agam Rainbow Torah is the most accurate translation of the Bible from Hebrew to English. Each Torah cover is signed by Agam. This magnificent edition of the famous Jerusalem Bible contains an English translation of the text alongside the original Hebrew. This particular translation is superior to most others in that it matches the original Hebrew practically line by line. The effect is heightened by the beautiful Koren Jerusalem typeface printed on fine cream paper which bring maximum clarity and beauty to the original words. - € 1.000,79. [ARAGON, Louis] : Paris la nuit. Les plaisirs de la capitale, ses bas fonds, ses jardins secrets. Par l'Auteur du Libertinage, de la Bible dépouillée de ses longueurs du Mauvais Plaisant, etc. Berlin, [the author], 1923. 32pp., original wrappers. Printed in an edition of 200 unnumb. copies. Cf. Monod, 398. Nearly mint. - € 450,80. [Architecture] – NEUTRA, Richard J. : Wie baut Amerika? Gegenwärtige Bauarbeit Amerikanischer Kreis. Mit 105 Abbildungen. Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann, 1927. 80 pp. Original wrappers. Published as ‘Die Baubucher Band 1’, two years before Neutra emigrated to the United States. Minor foxing first and last pages, lower corner a bit bumped. - € 175,81. [Architecture] – SCHUPP, Fritz & KREMMER, Martin : Architekt gegen oder und Ingenieur. Herausgeber Dr. Ernst Völter. Berlin, W. & S. Loewenthal, Verlag ‘Die Baugilde’, [1929] Original wrappers, orange cover with blue lettering. Fritz Schupp (1896 -1974) and Martin Kremmer, both representatives of the new Sachlichkeit, are among the most important architects of mine plants. Despite working mostly alone, they were associated within a company based in Essen and Berlin. Apart from the programmatic texts, many magnificent Becher-like photographs of industrial sites. Important and extremely rare. Spine and wrappers a bit worn. - € 1250,82. ARENAS, Braulio ; CID, Teofilo & GOMEZ, Enrique : Defensa de la poesia. (Tres conferencias leidas en la universidad de Chile, el 7 de junio de 1939). Santiago de Chile, Ed. Mandragora, 1939. 12 pp., incl. original wrappers, stapled. - € 400,83. Aspen, The Magazine in A Box, Vol. 1, No. 1. Edited by Johnson, Phyllis. New York, Aspen Magazine, 1965. 5 booklets, loose as issued in black slipcase. First issue of the avant garde three dimensional magazine, with booklets on skiing, jazz, the Stillwater Ranch of Frederic and Fabienne Benedict, the White Tailed Ptarmigan, the 15th Annual International Design Conference in Aspen, and the Ad Gallery (div. inserts). Complete with the flexible record "St. James Infirmary Blues" and the introductory letter from the editor, Phyllis Johnson, and subscription card. Black slipcase with large white letter "A" at front cover. Very good copy. - € 120,84. BEUYS, Joseph : Zeichnungen Zu den beiden 1965 wiederentdeckten Skizzenbücher ‘Codices Madrid’ von Leonardo da Vinci. Stuttgart, Manus Presse, 1975. 156p., original binding in slipcase. 1000 numbered copies. This copy, n° 765 of 1000 numbered copies, with an original signed lithograph (n° 65/100). - € 850,85. [Artists’ book] - BYARS, James Lee – 100.000 minutes or the big sample of Byars or 1/2 an autobiography or the first paper of philosophy. Antwerp, Wide White Space Gallery, 1969. 26,8 x 20,8 cm., 400 pp., mimeograph on pink paper, original wrappers. “This book was written by James Lee Byars while on display in April 1969 at W.W.S. Antwerp. Copyright ’69 Anny De Decker (…) First edition.” Issued in an edition of 250 copies of which 40 were signed by the author. Wrap. with a few stains, the back cover has a dog-ear. - € 600,-
86. BROODTHAERS, Marcel : Mon Livre d’Ogre. Suite de récits poétiques. Frontispice original de Serge Vandercam. Ostende, à l’Enseigne de l’Arquebuse du Silence, 1957. 4to, 44 pp., original wrappers. 183 numbered copies. One of 150 copies on Velin, with the loosely inserted frontispiece by VANDERCAM. First published poetry collection by Broodthaers. # Marcel Broodthaers Complete Graphic Work and Books, 1989, no.26, p. 74-75. This copy uncut, near mint. Rear wrappers very slightly spotted. - € 2000,87. BROODTHAERS, Marcel : "Peinture à l'oeuf, peinture à l'oeuf, je retourne à la matière, je retrouve la tradition des primitifs" Bruxelles, Galerie Cogeime, [1966]. 16,5 x 25 cm. Printed recto only. Invitation for his solo exhibition at the Cogeime gallery in Brussels. - € 550,88. CANTRÉ, Jan Frans : Visages. Six bois originaux. Anvers, Lumière, [1927]. Loose as issued in orig. wrappers. 50 numbered copies. * All woodcuts monogrammed by Cantré. “Du présent album, imprimé sur la presse à bras de l’imprimerie d’art ‘Loki’, à Anvers, il a été tiré: 15 ex. sur vergé d’Arches, (...) et 35 ex. sur vélin, numérotés de 11 (sic) à 50, parafés par l’artiste. Le présent ex. est marqué: 19". # J. F. Cantré - Vlaamsch houtsnijder, p. 152156. - € 900,89. COCKX, Jan : [original woodcut] [1921] 16.3 x 14 cm. Proof print of an untitled print issued as a hors-texte in “Ça Ira! Revue mensuelle d'art et de critique”, no. 12 (Mars 1921). Printed in black. Not signed. Jan Cockx (1891-1976) Belgian avant-garde painter and ceramist. Ça Ira! was a monthly magazine edited by Maurice Van Essche, Clément Pansaers and Paul Neuhuys, that featured avant-garde art, literature and politics. Twenty issues were published between April 1920 and January 1923. - € 400,90. [Dada] - HET ROODE ZEIL. Kunst, Letteren, Leven. Jaargang I, nrs. 1-9 (all published). Brussel, 1920. Original illustrated wrappers, black/white illustrations. Complete run of this important Flemish avant garde periodical. Contains a.o. the first essay on “dada” published in Flanders, written by J. Meylander (=P.G. van Hecke), (no.5, p. 193-203). Cover-illustration: vignet by Gustave de Smet. Mint set, wrapped in newspapers as kept on the shelves of the editor’s warehouse. - € 500,91. [Daenens – Abstract art] CASTEELS, Maurice Banalités. Avec 5 lino’s par Albert DAENENS. Bruxelles, Edition du Pot d’Etain, 1921. 28p., 10,5 x 17,5 cm, in original wrappers. Handwritten colophon: “Cet exemplaire fait partie d’une série de dix, numérotés à la main et signés par l’auteur Casteels”. This copy no 9 of 10 printed on Japon Impérial. Deluxe copy signed by Casteels. Interesting cuts by Daenens showing his evolution towards abstact art. - € 795,92. DALI, Salvador : Dali illustre Casanova. Paris, Cercle du livre précieux, 1967. First edition. 112 pp, 14 pages color lithographs by Dali, and 7 etched vignettes by Dali in sepia in the text. Copy 208/390; one of 365 on "Velin pur chiffon de Rives". Signed by Dali in the colophon. Loose in a silver silk chemise which is stored in a similar silver silk cloth over boards slipcase with an embroidered strip on the covers. The box is skillfully repaired. Small pinholes (2 in each) in the full page lithographs. - € 3.350,-
93. DOTREMONT, Christian : Ode à Marx. S.l., [1947]. 13,5 x 21,5 cm, 4 pp., folded. Tract by Dotremont answering Breton's "Ode à Charles Fourier", signed "Les surréalistes révolutionnaires de France et de Belgique". The group "surréalistes-révolutionnaires" was founded during discussions by Dotremont and his Belgian friends Paul Bourgoignie and Jean Seeger. In May 1947 Arnaud, Jaguer, Passeron, Battistini, raised the French group. # Mariën, L'activité... - p.409. - € 200,-
Desjobert, (lithographs) and Fequet et Baudier (texts). “Ces poemes, ecrits simultanement, ont ete composes sur des nappes de restaurant, au cours de quelques dejeuners" Fine copy. - € 1.150,100. [Floris Jespers] - PEETERS, Jan : Kinderlust. Antwerpen, J.F. Bogaerts & R.R. Dodson, [1923]. Original pictorial wrappers and illustrations by Floris JESPERS. 48 pp. Oblong, 23 x 30,5 cm. First and only edition. 12 children's verses by Jan Peeters,
94. DOTREMONT, Christian : Les grand transparents. Paris, Les Groupes Surréalistes-Révolutionnaires, 1947. 13,8 x 21,6 cm, 1 p., printed recto only. Tract published by the joined surrealist groups of Belgium and France early July 1947 on occasion of the exhibition at the "Gallerie Maeght" organised by André Breton and Marcel Duchamp. # Mariën, L'activité... - p.403. - € 150,95. ELUARD, Paul : Une longue réflexion amoureuse. Frontispice de PICASSO. Neuchatel et Paris, Ides et Calandes, 1945. 72 pp., original wrappers, printed in two colours, tipped-in b/w frontispice. One of 50 numbered copies on "papier à la cuve puisé à la main " First edition. Mint copy, uncut.. - € 300,96. ELUARD, Paul & ERNST, Max : Les malheurs des immortels. Paris, Editions de la Revue Fontaine, 1945. 48 pp., original wrappers, b/w illustrations. One of 1300 numbered copies on Vergé. Second edition, the very few copies of the first edition being published in 1922. Frontispiece and 20 illustrations by Ernst. Cf. Hubert - Surrealism & the book, p.58./ Monod, 4242. - € 175,97. [Futurism] - JOLY, Auguste : Le futurisme et la philosophie / Il futurismo e la filosofia. Milan, Direction du Mouvement Futuriste, (1912). 4 pp., including original wrappers. Extract from "La Belgique artistique et littéraire, n°82. Brussels, July 1912”. Or title “Sur le futurisme”. Published as a bilingual manifest by Marinetti. # Lista, Futurisme - 415-419. - € 145,98. [Futurism] - NYST, Ray : La peinture futuriste en Belgique/ La pittura futurista nel Belgio. Milano, Direzione del Movimento Futurista, (1912). 4 pp., including original. wrappers. Extract from "La Belgique artistique et littéraire, n°82. Brussels, July 1912”. Original title "Les Salons - Les Peintres futuristes italiens". Published as a bi-lingual manifest by Marinetti. # Lista, Futurisme... - 419-422. - € 145,Dedication copy from Georges Hugnet to surrealist photographer Leo Dohmen
99. HUGNET, Georges & COCTEAU, Jean : La nappe du Catalan. Soixante-quatre poemes et seize lithographies en couleurs. Paris., [the authors], 1952. 4to, 28,5 x 23 cm. Original paper cover with lithograph illustration and lettering. One of 80 numbered copies (n° 76), of a total edition of 113. Signed by Jean Cocteau and Georges Hugnet in ink on the half title. Signed dedication by Hugnet: “De jour en jour, de repas en repas, de joie en joie, […] A toi, Léo [Dohmen], de la part de l’un et de l’autre, Georges Hugnet, le 3 Décembre 1966”. Printed by Edmond et Jacques
facing 12 full-page linoleum block colour prints by Floris Jespers. Early (and only? Flemish) avant-garde children's book. Outstanding by the lithographed plates in style related to art movements like Cubism, Constructivism, Expressionism and De Stijl. A very clean and bright copy, some minor wear and a few small cracks at extremities. A tear in the title page, luckily not affecting the page. - € 2.950,101. JOOSTENS, Paul : Collages / 6 originele linosneden 1917. Tekst van Jo F. DU BOIS. Kessel, Galerij Dobbelhoef, 1980. 27,5 x 34,5 cm, loose as issued, black cloth box. 275 numb. copies. In addition to the introductory text of Du Bois, reproductions of six linocuts and 29 (photo) collages and an inventory dating Joostens' collages. - € 225,102. JORN, Asger : Held og Hasard. Dolk og Guitar. Silkeborg, Privattryk, 1952. Illustr. with 79 linocuts by Jorn. 96 pp., half linnen, original boards mounted with original coloured linocut by Jorn. 109 [?] numbered and signed copies. One of 25 copies of series ‘A’. Series ‘A’, copy no. 9 signed by Jorn on imitated hand-made paper. Copy of the first series of the first edition of the first book written and illustrated by Asger Jorn. Asger Jorn (1914-1973) was the central figure in the Cobra movement around 1948. From May to November 1951 he was hospitalized in the Silkeborg Sanatorium where he was confined to bed with pulmonary tuberculosis. During his stay there he wrote this treatise on aesthetics (‘Risk and Change’) and had it printed by himself (in co-operation with the hospital’s typographer Johs. Gregeren) on a small hand-press, a fact which calls for the numerous typographical irregularities (as the colophon states ‘handtrykt pa en korrekturpresse, hvilken udforelse forklarer de mange unregelmaessigheder’). Acccording to the colophon 109 copies were printed in 3 different variants: series ‘A’: 25 copies on imitated handmade paper, series ‘E’: 60 copies on unglazed paper and series ‘B’: 24 copies on glazed paper. It seems to be the case that all 3 "variants" are printed on the same type of paper. # cf. Werkverzeichnis Druckgraphik, 123 (& pp. 72-92). Fine copy, nearly mint, only lower corner a little hurt. - € - 11.000,103. [Multiple] - KIVLAND, Sharon : Mes Tendresses. London, Book Works, 1995. A limited edit. multiple, 9 copies made in 3 different editions of 3. ‘Mes Tendresses’ is part of a group of works concerning the ambiguous and ambivalent manifestations of love. Each piece is placed in a box with an embossed cover and is lined with crushed velvet. Inside a chrome magnifying glass is engraved with an endearment: Mon Amour, Mon Coeur, Mon Ame. Three are lined in grey, three in pink, three in blue, so each is unique though part of an edition. The enlarging glass of the magnifying glass has been removed and instead 10 mm glass inserted. The glass becomes ineffective under the spell of an amorous gaze. This copy lined in grey and etched over with ‘Mon Ame’. - € 595,-
104. [Magritte] – NOUGÉ, Paul : René Magritte ou les images défendues. Dix-neuf reproductions de tableaux. Bruxelles, Les auteurs associés, [1943]. 72 pp., original wrappers. First edition. This copy with a signed dedication to fellow surrealist Paul Colinet dated 14 X 43. A very early dedication as this edition was only released on the 2nd of October. Very fine copy, some imperfections at extremities. - € 350,105. [Magritte] – Jacques WERGIFOSSE : Sanglante … cent poèmes. Frontispice de René MAGRITTE. Bruxelles, Le Miroir infidèle, 1946. 20 pp., stapled in original wrappers. The frontispiece reproducing ‘L’après-midi d’un Faune’. Cf. Schwilden, 162. First pages folded. - € 275,106. MAGRITTE, René : Hommage à Maiakovski. Conférence de Marcel Mariën. Lecture de poèmes. Disques Soviétiques. Verviers, Temps Mêlés, 1953. 15 x 10 cm, card printed recto only, b/w ill. by Magritte. Announcement of a lecture by Mariën. The illustration was also reproduced in "Le calumet de la paix" (March 1953). # Not mentioned by Schwilden. - € 200,107. MAGRITTE, René : Croquer les idées. Avertissement de Marcel MARIËN. Bruxelles, Les lèvres nues, 1978. 88 pp., original illustrated wrappers, b/w illustrations. First edition. One of 30 numbered large paper copies. - € 245,108. MARIËN, Marcel : Malgré la nuit. Anvers, L’Aiguille Aimantée, 1940. (L’Aiguille Aimantée, no. 1). 16 pp., stapled in original wrappers. One of 25 numbered copies on ‘Hollande’. First edition of Mariën’s first book, and the first booklet in a series of five to be published under his imprint ‘L’Aiguille Aimantée’. To follow were: Eluard, Senecaut & Chvek. It contains an essay on surrealism and and some poems. Mint. - € 500,109. [Magritte] - MARIËN, Marcel : Grande baisse. A l'occasion de ma grande retrospective au Casino du Zoute. Bruxelles, Marcel Mariën, [1962]. 17 x 33,5 cm, printed recto only, one b/w photomontage by Leo Dohmen. Famous pamphlet (false) announcing Magritte's selling off at discount prices, which even fooled André Breton. - € 145,110. MARINETTI, F.T. : Le tactilisme. Manifeste futuriste. Milan, Direction du Mouvement Futuriste, 1921. 4 pp., incl. original wrappers. Dated “11 Janvier 1921". First published on the frontpage of “Comoedia” ( Januari 16th ). “Nous publions à titre documentaire le curieuse conférence fait avant-hier à la Maison de l’Oeuvre par M. F.T. Marinetti, au milieu du tumulte que l’on sait. Le tumulte dont il est question avait été organisé par le groupe Dada". The last paragraph "Education du tact" was added to this pamplet-edition in order to answer Picabia’s attacks. # Lista, Futurisme..., p.339. - € 175,-
gewoonte in bieden wij de mogelijkheid aan, eender welke NIEUWE BEELDING zich te toonen. Wij nemen de taak op ons KULTUREEL LEIDEND op te treden en daarvoor de meest geëmancipeerde middelen aan te wenden.” Unsigned, probably written by/or in collaboration with, Jozef Peeters. Undated, but as it seems to preview the shortlived “Syndicaat voor kunstenaars” probably dating frim mai 1920. It was (also) distributed as an insert to De Stijl, vol. 3, n° 8. (June 1920). Unknown to Melders, Bex and Buyck (Retrospectieve J.P. - p.110-112). Worn at extremeties. - € 250 113. PEETERS, Jozef : 6 lino’s Antwerpen, De Sikkel, [1921]. 25 x 21.5 cm, loose as issued in original illustrated folding map. Folder holding 6 original linocuts on different (green, grey, brown) stock. All signed in the plate, some of them dated 1920 or 21. Cf. Bex – Jozef Peeters, n° 128. Fine and bright copy, but some folds (partly, one completely) worn through. - € 4.500,Signed dedication copy 114. PEETERS, Jozef : Postkaarten / Cartes Postales / Postkarten / Postcards. 6 Linos 1924-1925. Antwerpen, Uitgave van de Driehoek, 1925. (9 x 13,7 cm.) 6 postcards in original portfolio with the vignette of De Driehoek designed by Jozef Peeters. This copy inscribed by Jozef Peeters to Jan Glaudemans, dated ‘Antw. 12 decd. ‘58” and signed in full “Jozef Peeters”. Jan Glaudemans was a member of G-58 (Group 58) the group of artists that organised the first post-war exhibition of the first generation of Belgian Abstract Avant garde. In the same collection De Driehoek published issues reproducing works by Leonard, Servranckx, Maes en Gaspard. Cf. Flor Bex - Jozef Peeters, Antwerpen, Esco Books, 1978, p. 199. Mint set. - € 2.900,115. [Pistoletto – a.l.s.] - CELANT, Germano : Pistoletto. Firenze, Electa, 1984. 4to, 220 pp. Ill. Original photographic softcover Text in Italian. Added to this copy, loosely inserted, a short (17 lines) dated and signed manuscript letter by Pistoletto. Very good, small remains of a library ticket to the tail of the spine, some general traces of use. - € 100,116. HET OVERZICHT. Half-maandelijks Tijdschrift Kunst – Letteren – Mensheid. Nr. 2. Guldensporen-nummer. Antwerpen, 1921. 25,4 x 32,5 cm, 12 pp., in original wrappers. Contributions by F. Berckelaers / M. Seuphor, Geert Grub / Geert Pynenburg. With a fullpage woodcut by Victor DELHEZ “Vraag (1302/1821)”. - € 350,-
111. MICHAUX, Henry : Les rêves et la jambe. Essai philosophique & litteraire. Anvers, ça Ira, 1923. 32 pp., original wrapp. 400 numb.copies. First edition. First publication by Michaux. Mint copy, uncut. - € 500,-
117. HET OVERZICHT. Nr. 9-10 December 1921. Antwerpen, 1921. 25,4 x 32,5 cm, 16 pp., in original wrappers. * Contributions by F. Berckelaers / M. Seuphor, Jozef Peeters, Victor J. Brunclair, Flora de Lannoy, Paul van Ostaijen, Geert Grub / Geert Pynenburg. With a 1 ½ page woodcut by Karel MAES and 1 fullpage woodcut by Jozef PEETERS. Corrections in pencil by Jos (or Edward) Leonard. - € 850,-
112. [Jozef Peeters] - KRING MODERNE KUNST - Aan allen. Antwerpen, [1920]. 22 x 28,2 cm, one sheet printed recto only. Most likely this pamphlet indicates the “awakening” of the “Kring Moderne Kunst” after two years of low profile activity. It refers to earlier activities (exhibitions, concerts and a lecture by Theo van Doesburg, and states clearly that: “’Moderne Kunst’ is bezield met frisschen jongen geest. Geen boheemkapel meer maar samenscharing van meest economischen aard, der vooraanstaande jongeren, verscheiden in wezen maar een voor de KULTUREEL SOCIALE daad.” & “Tegen alle
118. HET OVERZICHT. Nr. 11-12 September 1922. Antwerpen, 1922. 25,4 x 32,5 cm, 22 pp., in original wrappers. Contributions by F. Berckelaers “Derde Kongres voor Moderne Kunst”, Frans Naudts, Gaston Burssens, Jozef Peeters “Inleiding tot de Moderne plastiek”, Geert Grub. With woodcuts by Jan COCKX ‘Bewening’, E. VAN DOOREN ‘Lino 1921’, Jozef PEETERS ‘Lino 1921’ and (a doublepage) lino (ca. 15 x 42 cm), Karel MAES ‘Lino 1922’ (fullpage). Last 4 pages worn at extremeties. - € 1350,-
119. PICABIA, Francis : La Loi d'Accommodation chez les Borgnes. "Sursum Corda" (Film en 3 parties.) Paris, Editions Th. Briant, 1928. 38pp., original illustrated wrappers, in original cardboard slipcase, b/w illustrations by Picabia. One of 35 numbered copies on "Hollande van Gelder". Second paper after 15 copies on Japan Impérial. Total edition of 350 numbered copies. First edition. With a coloured drawing by Picabia on frontwrappers. Uncut, nice and clean copy, except for a slightly discoloured spot on wrappers. - € 1.900,120. [Picasso] - SABARTÉS, Jaime : A los toros, avec Picasso. Monte-Carlo, 1961. Oblong 4to., cloth in slipcase. 4 orig. lithos designed for this edition, & black & white reprs. Fine, bottom slipcase disc. * Goeppert-Cramer 113. Initially, all four lithos were designed in monochrome. During a visit to Picasso, however, the publisher asked the artist to “mettre un peu du col. sur ces planches”, upon which Picasso allegedly grabbed a box of crayons and started colouring “Le picador”. - € 1.750,121. [Original photograph] – Oskar Kokoschka & Olda Palkovska, Venice 1948. B / w, vintage print, 10,5 x 15 cm. On verso in Kokoschka’s handwriting: “Dear Spezi Frieda, A merry Xmas and Happy New-Year 1949 from Olda [in her own writing] and O. Kokoschka. - € 85,122. [Artists’ book] - RUSCHA, Edward : Crackers. Hollywood, California. Heavy Industry Publications. 1969. 8vo. pp. 240 . Wrappers, waxed paper dust jacket. 115 illustrations. First edition. Printed in 5000 copies. Photographs by Ed Ruscha, Joe Goode & Ken Price. Photo story-book, based on the story by Mason Williams, "How to Derive the Maximum Enjoyment from Crackers"(printed on the inside rear flap of the dust jacket). Very good copy, in very good DJ, but title on spine fading. - € 250,123. [Le salut public] - L’OEIL DE ROME. Edited by Christian DOTREMONT. Bruxelles, Le Salut Public, 1945. 18,2 x 21,8 cm, one sheet printed in red, recto only. A second tract published “en marge” of the periodical. # Mariën. - p.348. - € 150,124. [Le salut public] - CE QUE J’AI VU EN U.R.S.S. Edited by Christian DOTREMONT. Bruxelles, Le Salut Public, 1945. 13,5 x 21,8 cm, one sheet printed in red, recto only. Not mentioned by Mariën, but unmistakeble a third tract in the same series. - € 180,125. SCUTENAIRE, Louis : Mes inscriptions. 1945-1963. Avec deux portraits de l'auteur, par Armand Permantier et Max Servais. Bruxelles, Isy Brachot, Tom Gutt, 1976. Loose as issued in cloth clambox. 99 numbered copies. 15 original etchings /lithographs /woodcuts, numbered and signed by Pierre Alechinsky, Rachel Baes, Yves Bossut, Pol Bury, Roland Delcol, Christian Dotremont, Jane Graverol, Claudine Jamagne, Felix Labisse, Marcel Marien, Jean Raine, Armand Simon, Raoul Ubac, Roger van de Wouwer & Robert Willems. - € 900,126. SCUTENAIRE, Louis : La bonne semaine. Dessins de Marcel MARIEN. Bruxelles, Les lèvres nues, 1978. 24 pp., original illustr. Wrappers. One of 100 numbered and monogrammed (large paper) copies with an original, signed illustration by Mariën loosely inserted. This is one of 85 copies printed on blue stock. Uncut. - € 295,127. [Surrealism - Periodical] - LA FEUILLE CHARGÉE. Jette-Bruxelles, (R. Magritte), Mars 1950 (all published). Edited by René MAGRITTE & Marcel MARIËN. (8)pp. including original wrappers, b/w ill. Only issue published, subtitled “Le Bouchon”. Contributions by Colinet, Magritte, Mariën, Nougé and Scutenaire. Illustrated by Magritte’s “Portrait des auteurs traité à la bouchonne”. Schwilden 1998, n°214/ Mariën, L’activité..., p.447-454. Mint. - € 125,128. [Surrealism - Kristians TONNY] - DE HAULLEVILLE, Eric : Le genre épique. Autobiographie. Illustré de quatre eauxfortes de KRISTIANS TONNY.
Paris, Editions de la Montagne, 1930. 170 x 230 mm. Original wrappers. One of 10 copies “sur Japon Impérial”. * Luxe-copy "accompagnés d’une page manuscrite de l’auteur". Signed by author and artist. Tonny was the sole Dutch artist to participate in 1925 in the first major Surrealist exhibition, the Exposition Surréaliste at Galerie Pierre in Paris. # Biro - Dictionnaire, p. 405. Wrappers show some discolouring.. - € 450,129. [Surrealism -PAILLASSE! (Fin de ‘l’Affaire Aragon’). Paris, Ed. Surréalistes, Mars 1932. 13,5 x 21 cm, 12 pp., stapled, orig. wrappers. This copy from the library of the Dutch surrealist writer/ photographer Emiel van Moerkerken has his name and the date “Paris, Dec. ‘35” written in pencil on front wrappers. Pamphlet signed by Char, Crevel, Dali, Eluard, Ernst, Péret, Tanguy, Thirion & Tzara, against Aragon. + Appendice: “Aux Intellectuels Révolutionnaires”, signed by Aragon & Sadoul# Pierre, Tracts Surréalistes I - 223-228; 470-474. . Spine worn through. - € 150,130. [Surrealism - Tract] - Neutralite ? Non-Sens, Crime et Ttrahison ! Paris, le 20 août 1936. 4vo, 1p, recto only. Surrealist protest against the neutral position of France in the Spanish Civil War. Tract co-signed by a.o. André Breton, Maurice Heine, Georges Hugnet, Leo Malet. Marcel Jean’s name crossed out in pencil. - € 125,131. [Situationist International] - THE SITUATIONIST TIMES. LES TEMPS SITUATIONISTES. International Parisian Edition. No.6. Edited by Jacqueline De Jong Paris, 1967. Original pictorial stiff wrappers, 33 coloured lithographs (32 + cover). One of 2.500 (2000 + 500 h.c.) copies. Original lithographs by Pierre Alechinsky, Reinhoud d’Haese, Jacqueline de Jong, Asger Jorn, Wifredo Lam, Roberto Matta, Antonio Saura, Topor, Jan Voss, etc. Very fine, bright copy. - € 275 132. TROST : Le profil navigable. Negation concrète de la peinture. Illustré de quatorze reproductions. Bucarest, Editions de l'oubli, 1945. 76 pp., original wrappers, b/w ill. One of 500 numbered copies on “vergé-chamois”. Dolfi Trost (1916 - 1966) was co-founder of the Romanian Surrealist group in Bucharest. Wrappers and spine a bit hurt. - € 300,133. TROST : La connaissance des temps. Avec un frontispice et sept pantographies. Bucarest, Surrealisme, 1946. 44 pp., original wrappers, b/w ill. One of 500 (of a total edition of 520) numbered copies. A very fine copy of this very fragile item, wrappers only slightly discoloured at extremeties. - € 300,134. VAN STRATEN, Henri : La tentation de Saint Antoine. Huit planches. Anvers, Editions Lumière, 1921. 8 plates, loose as issued, in original wrappers. Issued in an edition of 220 numbered copies. This copy VIII of X on Vergé d’arches, after 10 H.C., each woodcut. signed in full by the artist. Raskin, Van Straten, p. 120 Very fine copy. - € 1.500,135. [van Straten] - VAN DEN WYNGAERT, Frank : Boksmatch. Een gedicht in proza Xylografies bewerkt door Henri VAN STRATEN. Amsterdam, N.V. Prometheus, 1926. 2 blanks and 12 linocut lvs. containing text and illustrations by Henri v. Straten. Folio. Original three hole stabbed wrappers. with threaded cord. Issued in an edition of 110 numbered copies. This copy 13/100. Texts by Van den Wyngaert (1901-1962), Flemish expressionist writer, were cut in the same 'block' as the illustrations. Cf. Raskin, Van Straten, p. 127. Fine copy. Ex-libris Ary Baggerman pasted-in. Only small defects at extremities. - € 1.150,136. XXe Siècle Nouvelle série 10 - L’écriture plastique. Paris, 1958. 4to., 88, [xvi] pp. Four orig. col. lithos (Picasso, Dubuffet, Poliakoff & Zao Wou-Ki), an engraving on slate (Raoul Ubac). Four pochoir plates (Miró, Max Ernst, Capogrossi & Vasarely). Further illustrated with the usual colour and b/w photographic reproductions. Original wrappers with glassine cover.. - € 850,-
Photography 137. Galerie contemporaine, littéraire, artistique. Première année, deuxième semestre. Paris: Ludovic Baschet, 1878. Contemporary half morocco with marbled boards. Light spotting, binding slightly rubbed. First series: 12 (large) portraits – Alphonse Karr, Sainte-Beuve, F. Sarcey, Halévy, E. De Girardin, George Sand, Velpeau, Duc Decazes, Paul De Kock, Jules Janin, F. Coppée, and Grévin. Photographers: Adam Solomon, Burtail, Franck, Carjat, Fontaine, Nadar, Pierre Petit, Nadar, Bertall (x 2), Nadar, Chambey. Second series: 12 (small) photographic portraits (a.o. Sarah Bernhardt, H.E. Delacroix, Benjamin Constant) and 13 (large) photographic reproductions of works of art. The "Galerie" is the most important 19th century French publication with woodbury types, produced by Goupil & Cie. It consists of biographies of French artists and men of letters written by contemporaries and illustrated with portraits by the best photographers of its time. - € 800,138. Galerie contemporaine, littéraire, artistique. Quatrième année, première semestre. Paris: Ludovic Baschet, 1879. Contemporary half morocco with marbled boards. Some light spotting, a few plates loose, binding slightly rubbed. First series: 14 (large) portraits – Gustave Aimard, Charles Monselet, Léon XIII, Le Verrier, Cochery, A. Beloy, Robin, Victor Schoelcher, Cuvillier-Fleury, Edouard Laboulaye, Hector Malot, Alfred Naquet, Clémenceau. Photographers: Carjat (2x), Goupil et Cie., Mulnier (3x), Carjat, Adam-Solomon, Nadar, Carjat, Pierre Petit, Carjat. Second series: 8 (small) photographic portraits and 13 (large) photographic reproductions of works of art. - € 600,139. ABBOTT, Berenice : Changing New York. New York, E. P. Dutton & Company, 1939. Clothbound in illustrated dust jacket. Text by Elizabeth McCausland. With 97 full page reproductions of Abbott’s photo-essay on New York. Documentation of changes in the architecture and social nature of the city, its beauty and decay. A project of the Works Progress Administration. Book with some light shelf wear at extremities. Dust-jacket missing a large piece of paper at the top of the spine, and some minor pieces at the top of the dust-jacket, but with original $3.00 price intact. - € 1.350,140. BRASSAÏ & MORAND, Paul : Paris de Nuit, 60 photos inédites de Brassai publiées dans la Collection Réalités sous la direction de J. Bernier. Paris, Editions Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1933. 74 pp. Spiral bound with stiff card wrappers. “Paris de Nuit is a ravishing book object in a purely physical sense. The printing represents arguably the most luscious gravure ever seen, the blacks being so rich and deep that after handling the book one expects to find sooty deposits all over one’s fingers. The gradation of tones is wonderfully subtle, describing an apparently infinite range of black and near-black tones. . . one should think of it as among the best produced and influential photobooks ever. “Parr & Badger, The Photobook: A History, vol. I. Cover slightly rubbed at corners. Spiral binding intact. A nice copy of Brassai’s first book. - € 1.900,141. CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri : Beautiful Jaipur. Jaipur, India: Information Bureau, Government of Jaipur, 1948. 75 pp. Red cloth in original dust-jacket.
“Mr. Cartier-Bresson came to Jaipur, accompanied by his talented wife, on the auspicious occasion of the marriage of Princess Premkumari Sahiba in August, 1948 and revisited the palace in the same month when he stayed for over a fortnight. He developed a liking for Jaipur and its colourful scenes and took a large number of photographs for some foreign journals. The photographs were attractive and presented an artistic picture of Jaipur. We, therefore, requested him to allow us to issue some of these in an album. He readily agreed to the suggestion, and also persuaded his friend, Mr. Max J. Olivier, representative of the French News Agency in India and the President of the Foreign Journalists Association of New Delhi, to write a pen-picture of Jaipur which forms an introduction the album. Mr. Max Olivier also contributed captions to go with the photographs. The photographs and the text have been incorporated here in their original form and provide an interesting picture of modern Jaipur as seen by two distinguished Frenchmen. . . We are glad that we are now able to present to our readers this album which represents the joint work of Mr. Cartier-Bresson and Mr. Max Olivier”. Wrappers strengthened at some weak spots. A very fine copy in dust-jacket of Cartier-Bresson’s first, and rarest, book. - € 3250,142. CLERGUE, Lucien & LORCA, Federico García & COCTEAU, Jean & MAGAN, Jean-Marie & PETIT, Jean : Toros muertos. Stuttgart, Ernst Battenberg Verlag, 1966. Quarter leather spine. No dust jacket as issued. Matching slipcase. Photo-illustrated endpapers. Signed copy. The death of the bull, when the iron penetrates into the nuptial ring, is that of the black ambassador of the white lady, who once again is defrauded of her mysterious wedding with the man who wishes it and dreads it. The funeral quadriga carries off this ambassador with his bouquet of banderillas, whilst the bridegroom remains alone on the place of the sacrifice. That is why he wears mourning in the garb of satin and gold. (-Jean Cocteau). Parr, The Photobook, vol 1, p. 219. Slipcase shows some minor wear. - € 600,143. DAVIDSON, Bruce : Brooklyn gang. Santa Fe: Twin Palms. 1998. 98 pp. Cloth in dust-jacket. Printed in an edition of 4000. During the summer of 1959, Bruce Davidson followed a loosely knit “gang” of teenagers around Brooklyn, New York. His camera captured these children of the James Dean generation in both private and public moments at the soda fountain, the tattoo parlor, Coney Island, and latenight basement dance parties. The beautiful adolescents that fill the pages of this book exude a cool sensuality which came by way of the young Brando and Dean, and travelled from American shores around the world. Davidson has created an exquisite photographic elegy for a time when, in retrospect, we all seemed young. - € 400,144. DOISNEAU, Robert & GREGOR, Arthur : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Lausanne, Editions Clairefontaine, 1955. 26 pp. Cardboard, in pictorial dust-jacket. Verses by Arthur Gregor. Doisneau’s photographic children’s book contains twelve full-page gravure plates. Each plate is an image depicting a corresponding number of objects; for example, two kittens in shoes, five large snails lined up in a shallow ditch, seven acrobats forming a human pyramid, nine round hats on people below the Eiffel Tower, twelve eggs laid out in the grass. Designed by Albert Plécy. A Beautiful dreamlike photobook by the maker of “Banlieue de Paris”, Martin Parr. Very fine copy of this lovely book, lower corner slightly bumped. - € 600,-
145. EGGLESTON, William & SZARKOWSKI, John : William Eggleston’s guide. New York, Museum of modern art, 1976. 112 pp. Hardbound with black leatherette-covered boards, with title stamped in gilt. Colour plate tipped into embossed front cover. No dust jacket as issued. William Eggleston’s Guide was the first one-man show of colour photographs ever presented at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, and the Museum’s first publication of colour photography. The reception was divided and passionate. The book and show unabashedly forced the art world to deal with colour photography, a medium scarcely taken seriously at the time. - € 295,146. FRANK, Robert : Les americains. Paris, Robert Delpire, 1958. 174 pp. Texts by numerous authors edited by Alain Bosquet. Cover design by Saul Steinberg Glazed paper over boards. No dust jacket as issued. The true first edition. “. . . paved the way for three decades of photographs exploring the personal poetics of lived experience. Many memorable photobooks have been derived from this mass of material. None has been more memorable, more influential, nor more fully realized than Franks’ masterpiece. “--Martin Parr and Gerry Badger, The Photobook: A History, Vol. 1. Some minor traces of tape on the blanks. Very good copy. - € 1.900,147. GROEBLI, René & BISCHOF, Walter Gort : Das Auge der Liebe. 25 Photos. Zürich, Turnus Verlag, 1954. In original photographic wrappers, in original printed glassine dust jacket, 30 pp. Auer, p. 350. Signed by René Groebli. A sensuous photo-essay set in a French hotel room, with illustrated cover and 24 full page photographs. Very fine. - € 600,148. HEATH, David : A dialogue with solitude. New York, The Community Press, 1965. Cloth in dust jacket, 100 pp. Dialogue with Solitude was well-received and has long been sought after by collectors. Published in 1965, it was the product of 10 years work. It went on to become one of the most important photo books of the sixties. Made up of eighty-two black-and-white photos and quotes, it shows Heath's dark and poetic vision of existence: "Photography is like making diary notes, that are inspired by my involvement in life," he has said. "The sequence of my photos create a poetic structure, a connecting link, that does not develop in chronological order or is narrative in structure like a visual story, but is emotional in development. When one image is connected to another, it creates a feeling that has a greater effect than each image alone." Page 104 of Martin Parr and Gerry Badger's "The Photobook: A History Volume II" ,Roth 101. With a former owner's dedication on the French title. – € 925,149. KAWAUCHI, Rinko : Utatane, Tokyo, Little More, 2001. Plain white wrappers with photo-illustrated dust jacket. Printed obi. 130 pp. "Just when it seems that everything has been photographed, in every possible way, along comes a photographer whose work is so original that the medium is renewed."--Parr & Badger The first edition of this title has two different obis, this being the second issue. which replaced a slightly more ornate one after she won the 27th annual Kimura Ihei Award in 2002. She was also a 2009 recipient a prestigious ICP Infinity Award. - € 350,150. KERTESZ, Andre : A Day of Paris. New York: J. J. Augustin. 1945. Cloth in dust jacket. 148 pp. Photographs by André Kertész. Edited by George Davis. Jacket designed by Alexey Brodovitch. Book designed by Peter Pollack. Taken during the 20s and 30s, but not appearing until the end of World War II, the images have a wistfulness that make them some of his most appealing. In Roth, et. al., The Book of 101 Books, Vince Aletti writes,
"Though Day of Paris is full of cityscapes.... the photographer is always alert to the human heart of the city, and even his pictures of figures passing on the street are engaging." As Parr and Badger explain, "In the end, Day of Paris, despite the presence of the radical Brodovitch, is deeply nostalgic in tone. In the uncertain days following the war nostalgia for pre-war Paris was both inevitable, and probably an important part of the healing process." A true classic containing some of Kertész'most famous photos! Cf. Roth . 114-5; Parr and Badger Volume one, page 200; Open Book 138-9. Dust jacket almost torn in 2 , and with a stain near the bottom of the spine. - € 650,151. KEYZER, Carl de : U.S.S.R – 1989 - C.C.C.P. Amsterdam, Focus/ SDU, 1989. 75 pp. Cloth in dust-jacket in a matching slipcase. Copy of the Luxe edition , signed and numbered, together with a photograph, signed and numb. 4/100. In 1988 and 1989 Belgian photographer Carl De Keyzer made numerous visits to the Soviet Union, photographing throughout the country. this is the result. De Keyzer's subjects include urban sunbathers milking Moscow's weak summer sun for all its worth, old men intent on oceanside chess games, uniformed school children on group outings, and vacationing Russian families. - € 750,152. KEYZER, Carl de : Congo (Belge). Tekstmontage / Texts compiled by David VAN REYBROUCK Tielt, Lannoo, 2009. Large, unpaginated [352 p.]. Original binding. With a signed dedication by the photographer “A’pen, 2010”. Magnum photographer Carl de Keyzer’s image of today’s Congo. Very good copy. - € 95,153. KITAJIMA, Keizo : Shashin Tokkyubin Tokyo (Photomail from Tokyo). Tokyo, Paroru-sha, 1980. Stiff photo-illustrated wrappers. With the first state black obi with yellow and green lettering. "Camp" poster bound in at front. Unpaged. While Kitajima"s black and white photographs of Tokyoites have a decidedly Provoke sensibility, his colour images signal a move away from Provoke towards a more Punk worldview. The seedy side of Tokyo nightlife is juxtaposed with the everyday, with modern Tokyo architecture crowding it all into the frames. A wild, vertiginous ride through Tokyo that never lets up. Some minor rubbing to edges of obi. Else a Near Fine copy. - € 750,154. MASCLET, Daniel : NUS, La beauté de la femme, album du Premier Salon international du nu photographique, Paris, 1933. Paris, Daniel Masclet, 1933. Wraps, secured with silk cord. 96 pp. First edition. A collection of photogravure prints from this landmark exhibition with pictures by a.o. Albin-Guillot, Boucher, Drtikol (5), Feininger, Fiedler, Hoppé, Landau, Lynes, Lazlo Moholy- Nagy, Man Ray, Mortensen, Von Perckhammer, Bruno Schulz, Verneuil. Fine copy. - € 600,-
155. OLAF, Erwin : Violence and Passion. Royal Blood. Fashion Victims. Mature. Amsterdam, Reflex Modern Art Gallery, 2000. Orig. wrappers. 40 pp. Issued in an edition of 1250 copies. Text by Jonathan Turner. Very good. - € 300,156. PETERSEN, Anders : Anders Petersen Close distance. Stockholm, Journal, 2002. Cloth in dust-jacket, 60 pp. Preface by Ingrid Fischer Jonge. Essay and interview by Birna Marianne Kleivan. Signed on title-page. “In various different projects he has photographed the imprisoned of this world. And in the universe of Anders Petersen imprisonment in life has many shapes and forms. There are regular inmates in prisons, but there are also the patients of institutions. While the most rudimentary imprisonment of all is self-imprisonment. Locked inside one’s body. Filled with fear for the life one never attains. Photographing such states requires something special. “ -From the introduction by Ingrid Fischer Jonge. A catalogue of Anders Petersen’s exhibition for The National Photo museum at The Royal Library in Copenhagen. - € 150,157. SANDER, August : Antlitz der zeit. München, Transmare Verlag /Kurt Wolff Verlag, 1929. In yellow cloth, in original cardboard slipcase. First edition of one of the rarest photobooks of the century, August Sander’s magnum opus. “One of the great documentary works of all time, Antlitz der Zeit (Face of Our Time), is an affecting collective portrait of Germany during the Weimar Republic, on the way to the Third Reich.” Considered “a crowning achievement of photography in this century, ” Sander’s rare 1929 monograph “has influenced many photographers in the years since…” In an essay published in 1931, Walker Evans compared Sander to the French photographer Eugene Atget, and described his approach as ‘one of the futures of photography’… The simple act of showing things as they are, Sander demonstrated, can reveal meaning with a striking clarity, and even beauty” (New York Times). From 1910 to the 1950s, Sander made over 500 portraits of Germans from all professions and classes, but was unable to complete his planned masterwork, publishing only a select number here in 1929. “When his portraits were first shown in 1927… Sander was hailed as the ‘Balzac of the lens. ’… It would be difficult to overestimate the influence of this work on later photography, documentary or otherwise, in Germany and elsewhere” (Roth, 52). Sander’s “magnum opus… is not just penetrating, but was seen as positively dangerous, a little too acute in its analysis of society and class… This is made clear by the fact that when the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, publisher’s copies of Antlitz der Zeit were seized, the plates destroyed, and the negatives confiscated by Hitler’s Ministry of Culture” (Parr & Badger I:124). Mint copy, without the utmost rare dust-jacket, but with the original cardboard slipcase mentioning in black lettering ‘sander : antlitz der zeit”. - € 3.000,158. SANNES, Sanne & CLAUS, Hugo : Oog om oog. Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 1964. Pictorial hardcover, 96 pp. Black & white photographs by Sanne sannes, text by Hugo Claus with poems by Hugo Claus after poems by Macedo nios, Asklepiades, Rufinos, Paules Sillentiarius, Meleager and others.
Sanne Sannes (1937-1967) appeared out of the blue as Holland’s photographer of female eroticism, only to disappear in the same manner. He had no predecessors to speak of, and certainly left no heirs in his wake. (…). In Sannes’ fantasy the woman is in command, she decides what happens, what she gives and what she doesn’t. (…). He was the author of many more plans for films and books than he actually produced. The only projects to materialise during his lifetime was the book: “ Oog om oog (An eye for an eye)” and the bowdlerised version of the film Dirty girl, which was relayed by VPRO television after the sadistic passages had been suppressed”. A book-adaption from the film dirty girl, titled ‘Sex a gogo’ was not published before 1969, two years after he died in a car-crash. Very good copy, lower corner of spine slightly bumped. - € 500,159. SCHIFFERLI, Christoph : The Japanese Box. Facsimile reprint of six rare photographic publications of the Provoke era. Paris: Editions 7L, 2001. 7 vols. in wrappers, together in black lacquer box. Included are the first three issues if Provoke (Provoke 1-3) and three books that were inspired by it: Bye, Bye Photography Dear by (Daido Moriyama); Sentimental Journey (Nobuyoshi Araki) & For a Language to Come (Takuma Nakahira). The seventh volume contains editor's notes and translations of the texts. Concept and design by Karl Lagerfeld and Gerhard Steidl. Seven volumes held together in Japanese paper, bound with two rubber bands with the title printed on them, the whole contained in a black lacquer box with two metal latches. Printed in a limited edition of 1500 copies, each copy was hand numbered on a bookplate affixed to the inside of the lid of the box. Each volume in wrappers, in fine condition. The paper covering the set of books with tears, otherwise fine. The books here reprinted, were originally printed in a small print runs (1000 copies), and were (in the editor’s words): "an artistic and philosophic manifesto, reacting to the upheavals of the late sixties. The participating photographers, among them Daido Moriyama searched for a radically new photographic language, as is reflected in the title of their books: titles like Moriyama's Bye, Bye Photography Dear, and Nakahira's For a Language to Come; publications that were turning points in postwar Japanese photography.” - € 900,160. TILLMAMM, Ulrich & VOLLMER, Wolfgang : Meisterwerke der Fotokunst Sammlung Tillmann und Vollmer. Köln: Wienand, 1985. 8vo. 104 pp. Full red cloth and photograph mounted on, in red cloth slipcase, top edge gilt. Preface by ABC Gruber; essays by Friedrich Heubach and L. Fritz Gruber. Originally and beautifully signed by both (Tillmann and Vollmer). Complete with the slipcase and with the original fragments of Klaus Peter Schnuettger-Webs plate camera, which he threw out of the studio window at the Bauhaus in Dessau following an argument with Herbert Bayer in 1925. 210 x 140 mm (8 1/4 x 5 1/2 in). Issued in 1000 numbered and signed copies. *Parr - The Photobook: A History volume II, 162 – 163. - € 375,-
N° 102 Jorn – 113 Peeters – 114 Peeters– 77 Feis – 99 Hugnet – 119 Picabia – 89 Cockx - 134 Van Straten