ffiffi kffim
,tlrf, { )
lmfioffi ia*er{*#iffiffi
iffii,i,t,iS lilililillillilllillflt
Jay and Susan Foreman Home; Camlria, CA Occupation: Horologist/Watchmaler (Jay) Former Race Car Driver (Sue) Colector Since.
In 1973. lather lbund a box in the auic lrom her la.e mother labeled "Dolls for Susan"
i'avorite DoI.
,'' ('
AT, V,n Rozen, Max & Moritz... "Flow can I ptukjxst one!"
I : 7'c.
lf You Could Be Ary Doll: Susan
''r\ t$o laced doll so I can easily select my daill mood." .lay "tr{oritzof course" Do You Tastes in DoIs Sometnne6 Clash? "No, in thiry years ofcollecting {e"ve alsays Nanted the same things."
Childhood Doll: Susan - Nladame Alexundo Ci$) .lay-tr{ickey \,louse by Charlottc Clark
Other Hobbies: "Exotic Sporls Car Collecting and Y/ul.h/Clo.k Collecling"
Doll You've Deen Searching ror:
"A. Marque" Favorite Place to BuI DoI6: "Theriarltt. of course."
Therfault's thc
Bring Home A D oll P0 Bor l5l .
Annapolis, trlaryland 2140,1 . (410) ,t4.3655 ' Iax (4]0) 224-2515 r,\i'r,. th e r i a u I ts. c o m
ARW ANTI P.O. Box 446 Saddle River NJ.07458 0146
Tel/Fat (201) 327-3032 Email asi€x1@aol.com
Please call us for more dolls. Call Toll Fre 1-800-876-2169 visit us at http: / / lew.afr'etiques.com
Ann & Rov Wintrob - Owners
tI tt---J t
an an msinil and m simn & H:lhisdrffi hddq r+ bn, iold ltq tude b Wi!@q bhr ato6 @/d*d
inrb mord€d luppe bdlr ery l:lts s
$?e5 Al diajnalsirm & HaSt 1ir0€ rbnm" r1160,b1pBls
@ r b& p.rol r_sin 6Lxl sd.d bEqu hdd do& €rhni! toa[@
.rPdmr,\7 b4 f,irr hnio his [iu:dA,n6 rE tu,6: r",rh hqu
'a, N,ri Bru paE, dor s ob'i4
-led 7bn,+b@J1d+wideel6.tm@imk'vMb3i6d'jl 6!,s0srudE16"poturLc Fc 6od ldq
bilEfuEmindhd1dr,]1o]Aii,(,fi ClGe@o116 FG hnjtFlcFahiq ry nnurlblw FF wddrtqq dosd m'! pire eiy bnq4 rad @ odd6r bLond moirn $rs
m ol ptu, 8Er body qrh bLqu hi1d5 ois.
h{( hed Grrld r L! (bLidltuJbreM1jl@iigfiiq6 bisqehedGrkdr:1C rbLod. rtuibreM elpidtc
ri AM sdrA.htu rrddr. ix Msiir 1$5 Cdrr K'F llb^ hdd { oPri /d€d mrh $rh mo ded
q6d@dn.uhddr94pig.ed@lof E6 d@d n.udr ddr 9a ps.ed @ loR bhod hud hatr
rr'Fc onfu*lnc6hdndyar iquc bG! prreB.ishr
\6 mrrutuiJm*!ilhq@dor 5{i!erhd4bmE q/z
doedmurh,aro,isimr?i'hhh.uind 17'brL s7ee5 \tq mrndaildisi l10" Td.Ju6u tl, hus. blk $plNdst
oa 0{ en N{i pob bEutnrl dlr silku6l ol6t n[k.d mrl€d hilv tunvi|inhi.hm\ body [qe bourinrl bn fll( Fryqht
bF ( md nw6 rmb.rin (is) ow orie.
i,ldl @ D6!dioi]ld6(a@El im N'di.n irrqi b hp @G d qGephtrIRa oinkd hdd m,[-d I Mi,tud r$\ Fu lnlmed cdrtu. r1i0
n KsMrlbi{F don bmrerminrmndidm+1/,l bll.Blm hbcii q6 dEd @V nortr hod ma,*d 99.1. oiicind lrJ,M Lr siq dE$d h mFil ftioi dJ ld dbt Jld @d6
G ealcd.uhGd
Fddi.13'fi&r s.hMb,r4 "diLe" o6sLy ]lddrs w6 Ery m ks "fiidins'bikslas EE, hipside i0iiH bldrsbijl
R@llmu Auhahnor@ium@ alLdisin:r 1z rarr, p€dd rfrii' Iunm raE r/0 brm pap€ndd' ey6 .ro6d @us, pscd s h5qEha* holdns r]I,]l tb\rQd mpe htm [r
!&,mJdalloiginjrr'xAb6c2do6€dmfud1blu.5lr4 s6 "'r,5 nlhatr ra;h5 lanhd urF rnd l$,s kh.r @tv .]G€d murh $i$ sp,q shded ripq rda bah huM hii ss praft
R.hm6 qs pihihd 6odr b|@ p@"trh
6. Ghid"t950 Rdtrm 96,7s hr r€ ft
up dol ]mr6 dr mp€ 160 desB. $6*5
ln6blr prcr*imil L'p,I ro sid. or hod. ody sam
pdc, hi..dy (Ghshnl tith hghr utis *ff)r
upp6 hL\ blM 5r&, €!6 bl.id h!m-
orsr.al6 H.ubad dsN6 pq drjrd dorl rx b[ -9195
Rd e.bsidc!]r,udr(NDollV'Fntd€bild' Gmu diLd' $r7: un in{rysoodordiroi {lsie.lhi$lnperb& al,
sivel hsd wlh etu @ dss64lohhd ,m,id hipq diai
Arrmaiml 14'(),iobL(s6 i24l ndrd l(ed mord Lif r biJ d h&4 m i sr,h h iirar se
hi, @n b rrd! onsf:r
3 dnls
rtnnditkn'l nary tn& gmntkr,3 @nth k1fiul,
@@-,".For noi€ dous vjsit my sile, hqd/$rni/.arwan[ques.on
Qiehard Wright "flntiquzs
I o
Ftowing Springs and Hollow Roads, P O. Box 222 Bilchrunville, PA79427 Phone (6'LO) U7 -7 442 Collect ca11s accepted. FA X (51,0) 827-7g3g
E-mail: RwAntiqu€z@aol.com Shop Hou$: Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 - 5:00 Or By Appointment Member NADDA and UFDC Richard Wdght proprieror A Fine Selertian oJ AntiqtE Frcnch, Ceman and Eatly Dolls AhL,\ys On Hand. We are lnterested in Buying Entire Do AlLections, Singb Dolls oJ Meit ond Other Fine Antiq es.
WWit a enbrprises, Jnc.
Nikki Kvilka 4536 Cusler Ddve, Harrisburg, PA 17110 Phone 717'236'7148 ' Fax 71 7_236'6807
"specializiq in tfu Ra,e and Atsive" Membor UFDo
ii G,
- -EUf
l(.is !'C d;@ dEre iY;;lm nEl8e EE uae rElt rEd rddrB nEft, ersb tBlrrd rld p.rr{ d .F. J bno* FLd b.q* D;. cc d m rtr q.d m cdElE fir. (t{ !650 'ro v rd s@ ir c. bDd @ bo4, Esd h6d, cutrIilE rI 1r-owadnvdy€,lyd n.t0'FEEi8&6*i' tudd L lsiv d,'t dlEn$d r4rrr s.I'&tlE Fl'ldrd6,*dlo 6 n*-brdr 6rt 4 ;d 8.El dlp bod, t?6@ Fdd' loid M vdv o, sdnti4 drnv jydE*.!q]lire.d lr: odrE D..dy, ! r. dEi/ru. sis 864.. lirsc lrd6 !.q, d or'cd p6bF* fi. Ed\ed. d$k. 6ery sed u irlfr .F dw Do.. Gdl dro tou. rih dF.d h.d bodY. md rE dffi xntJlqE sr6HhEded dtE 6jd-E ddn36@ ldqypr h6dy lEd src, hiidr.d rim F* udr 1s crE€ d Rat d n. s*'0 .nrdr rr rddv rra!6Irs Ra6 Air. .2al !6do ixrr.. bry rim 16 krddir *riE ur. o,i s H ,l5o rI.dv nt. lt ta.rorv m u,fi r,a,6lE diEdo,ld oeirar rrdrlrr)ftbb.r.v.tdnaerdaaryh -n6r{ 1di/ bd Sp.,ri,E u -}eEE .Y.6 Bt }'Jf ce nEglo ey.n d. pdry nBnl drry p.ld hbql. drdb.;itn@1 R .dl1ur*Jl,1@' Hultm d. ;, h.d @, td'.d ,'d ped€d, pd i7 i.'ridd PturId tun. t H. r3r0 oo.C., u bfu -*tuld.drn' tbids b6qE.IE L6{ AND ro Fd lrEnl ol Rar! txt 96* ltdple66,1lll@ ed.4sEri d. E 6. rod6 rG d.3 dr'c rs row lil lt.fdt !r 15Rei durdr - dh.0o.!;$ d6, *'94'd sgn sB EE€*raog Gl)|ec bEql. ,l q's. *id r6ia{ d. o did.i b.!sy .F dt. doda sob l3 Ful-r€I41d Be.iar&rt hcd !@Cl' sdht orml ydr ,\vtni'_' M.nv h.h d.ll. and ..c..@ld ln .loct.nd noE conhc rn lll ln' llmt to c'fl wlrh vr* tcccpre' ' i d.Y R.lv,n Privil.!r... Lrv_._w.v. Amrt.n Erp@, rl"ldc'r" 'nd wrrr tuivour ooitr outitght or rlllh.n ror vd on contranm'ni ErddlY tuE lG !z * .
8tu JE h anar{ o.SId
hdl d lrt $lU Jlt@
rz rh; bE fu'rd M. dt !c.r' lh.,r6s brdir b&qr. d. c !'o+crtho6y6 Al ttddvolg li.rttg Btl rul, hrlGEbftnnid'fldt @'dir{ t65o oi4{ ol{ m la [l. G..c..tEldor - rdorm srri r oi cdrpld.lv rti ('FIGN €v6 5tur n#t* ahdrd ,hd rBrt l'od p *.pd.dn mr\ *;&,l r;Ed-d b..rfinrd
12 rEEdrv.lE! 1t frn dn d rt nEtl rl!. p trt(l.l'g d. *fi tE n'od
t Always Buying Quality Dolls & Toys Or Entire Estates Sell with Confidence Buy With Confidence Member of UFDC o Me mbc,r of NADDA Call Toll Free l-888-fAY LOWE or (717) 396-9879 PO. Box 5206, Lancastcr, PA 17606 . FAX 717-396-1114
WondedulSGH Chtld 25" Creat bisque 6 bcautiful coloring on rhis #949. Opcn mouth. square cur Icalr, 6 bluc glas slap cycs.
Nrc., rcv mohrrr E. Wo.dcdul, ca4 body rh
ilri8h rdn! and oriSln l6ni . Niccly nJoxd $2700.00 Swect Srzed Lrle Cirl
15" Oo*d Motrl Kcstm *189.
Blu. d.cp cya, old molarr vi8, and old dr$
6 sl'
lid ompo Ldy 'i[ odSiml linhh-
touch up at na* (on toreo).lorly facc.
TIE Pc.Gcr Co,npaniorls: &a. 6 Doll
Wbnt You 12" flbulous, m*L rorcd
CslM B..r
Mohak, c. 1906
Cllura,rcr Babies! 12l,r2" Solrd Domc IDK Chrrrer Baby. Open/doscd mourh,5 pc Baby Body, eparorcd and b@n 8h$ d.cP.rs
$'150 00
$635.00 19" Flny<ycd KGR #126. Otsa mou[.
2 Iccrfi, fch ronguc, brcm gLs cps.
Old mohak vr8 and (lor[s. Woadcrlul colo.inB on o.i8in.l hody aod htrist.
My plenthe?
l{" Fabulous Bahr6 Prcrhrld +620 Ch:oo* Baby Bluc 8la$ cyc,, open mourh. 6 2 upp{ lccrh.
Odgr.al blonde mofian uig. 5 p( baby hody
sIh oiSinalliobh. Nic. oldc. clo tcs. Drrlrng, exprcssivc fa<c.
flntie+p.!.p"tJ *r*rrr"OUffifu I oq8 *{ "c
Adverrising & Cieative Dircctor Keith Kaonis Editor-in-Chi€f: Donna C. K.onis Administration Manager: Lorrain. Mori.on.
Aritrrodr.tion: Lisa Ambrosc Graphic Desi8n€r: Brenda Bfumbcrg Saks nepresenlative. Andy Ourant
Cn.d"tion Director D.nisc KcLllr Subscription Manager: lim l-ancc
12l I l@lllltr hdrd.rg,nJGh ru. Lor ahdndpdrHor$em. lr .iron Halb's lto(}lp-r dlors'ri dol dndGhtre tu nr l 4 hc.r'ma R,1,bF ii1x). ?0" Hprpl dx"I l\ tovhd rDM dr d.f .ro ^ mhn.,]i. r d bm4. rou r h.B \ ca'o Jo,anB $700. lq' .rf hrlbia l-dl.hd h.ion pnl Lo m, w'J-
orp,kl n! Od,Jdi?erdnd.h$ Replrmendtuoro.d rbrrr}] l-l 2'H!u:nhur _aijokr bs..hppled hdr rre RmMrd.ldll: lr AVr bdb mr.rnbM! fF,vb'{turOld.o nA $.r 1 o RdkuSr'bab\. R lIA. .o hp tuIy dl {hutuI roM Org. dffi
ae I ns
.n6 $275
Markering: P€n8uin Commlni.ations Publicatiors Dire.ton Eric Protrer Aatiqle Doli ColL.ior (ISSN 1069 5141) is pub-'
lished nine times a by th€ Puf6n Co., LLC, 6 Woodside Avmue, Suite 300,
s.nd LSASE for colo! lllustEled List l0 Month Lil,aMy. Memb€r NADDA & ulDC
.R egina 4. S te e ft 4rtiq uet 23 Wheatfield Dnve, Wilmington DE 19810
. (302)475,5374 . Email Rsreete8ss@aol.om
Penodi.als pctage paid at Northpor! NY. and at additional mailin8 offie. Contents copy.ight 2001, all riAhh reseNed.
Pdd,aneri S.nd address chang.s to Antique Doll Coil..rdl, 6 Woo<tside Avenue, Suite 300,
Subsoption Rates: One Ye (Nine Isues)
7'ellerruann -Linda , Attiqu
$29.95; Two Yea6 (Eighten hsu6) $49.9s. Fi6t
Buyiry and Selliltg Fine Dolls Si,rce 1979 Satisfactiot Guantteed Menber I,IDC - E hibits in UEDC Sabstuotft, caithercbug a Neu Jercey Shows.
t /
d M€xi@ add $18 per yed. Eurcpe md Souti Am.n@ add $21 per ye . Jap md Australia
add $23 per year ForeiSn subrriptim must bc paid in US tunds. Credit cdds arcpted.
d6s delivery in US add $19 pcr yea.. Cdada
For inlomation r€lated to advertising, please
This rurc 22" A- Thulliel has the fnest bisque head
with chocolate btuun eres She is
o a desircble kid
.all (631) 261-4100 or FAx (631) 261-9684.
bodr and Le true pdfectionA Dretm Cone Ttue the Most Discrininating ol
emil: AntiqueDollcoll@aol.om
co ectots. $55,0001m.
by SASE. ,A,!rlE Doll CorEror dum6 no rcsporeibility fo. such matenal, AI nghts in ludin8 trmlati{m are rcred by the publisher. Requests ior pemisim and repdnts must b€ ma.le in witinS to ariq@ Doll colkrtaL o2m1by the Puffio Co" LLC.
11013 Treybum Di..
Glen Alle& VA 23059 PIL (804) 35&1328
I.x. (804) 3641329 lindaeanliquca@erob.com
An uBlicited mmusript m6t b. aNmpanied
N4OVING? Important: We ned your old addrcs and
lou.new. The P61Offre dG not for. wed S6ord Claas Mdl. Call l-888 800 2588 or wdte 10 us al 6 Woodside Avenue.
Suit 100, Northport. New York 11768.
Jt'o alrwl t tttat.
Sweetbriar is not the largest, or the oldest, or the most famous auction house you might choose to sell your dolls. Perhaps that is exactly why we are the best choice. If we had been around for €ienerations. employed a large stafr and had an international reputation. perhaps we would not believe so completely in ideals like honesty, inteEirity, professional courtesy and personal service.
In the ten years for which Sweetbriar has existed, we have acquired the expertise you require without losing the respect you deserve. When you call our office you speak immediately with the person you requesl If you desire references we will not offer a few hand picked narnes. or assure you that longevity is the best reference. We know that we have done our best for each and every one of our consigyrors (and at a fraction of the fee charged elsewhere!) We reco€i.nize that the relationship between auction house and consignor is a partnership, and that the most important element in that partnership is trust. Please let us earn yours.
PO Box t7. E3 tevilte. MD 21919 (410)27t2084 Dhone
14 Auction Gallery
42 Antique Doll News 60 NADDA News 64 Calendar 68 Classified About the Covcr nis issua f@tutct a utiety oJ
@nde41t and oE dotb thot @n tibbans at l6t Wr3 UFDC Nrtioml Conention in Chicn\o. On the c@ a VoUo d Paggedy Arn danng the lnte 792as. Ahdtu Tobb1t
colle.tjon. Pholo @utt.sy UEDC.
THE GREATEST COMMON DENOMINATORS Th. A M i70 ot 390 1s ofe the dott ptrhay d ntu @llrtat ruke! Th. authot e4lares thz dbeniq ol
these eaolerl
EARLY PAPIER MACHE SHOULDER HEAD DOLLS ntti.les ond phatas by Margoftt Hotkhoth Mrde aarnd 1810 to 1850, pepia n cn6 hau ini itoble
chtt ond ttk tuiation to fniinate rhe callecrot.
.onnon dolls.
EXHIBIT UFDC Notionol Coi*ntion,
A lDk dt sone ol lon yq/s UFDC bbe nbbon @1nne6 in the t adetn co Wtitiu dhibit
NADDA S 2004 Wilningtor, DE ShN W Donno C. KMk
,otuhnF th? b6t thn*s do M n.tull pdtlafts: P.4(tM ta nifliatue x just ow ol rufly rNE uW att hs!@ Ne tu rppatinE
Tel (272) 787-7279
Quality Antique Dolls . . . by Mail
P.O. Box 1410
Retum Privilege . Layaways Member UFDC and NADDA
New Yoik, NY 10023
r. 12' q!r.!!!!acil![D!efE!D: very 6@ pail 2. 23'ldi[LEiglrells&llel _ lr6wl6ss quallv superb colo ng, minl siqned bodv, splondid purc bisque. $1495; and factory onginallom velvel bow lo lealh$ shoos, i@ blue eyes, clolhesJ6Too; 3. 16'UO!O!6o!!(e4l9r?qrq 4 Gbr, H6uba.h "wnrer Fun" ' mar6 lo no 1 signed and m nl; s 29' IL:E:LLTIGb!!L_ lh. lavodb K'B cryslal cl6a. l.alurcs, ,oxv brue eves, ad que wig and sho.s, diseming $ye. $1895i6. 13', E!I!$!r. EerDrc!! . 6l6ganl young lady i. fullviclorlan w nler dress. hint 7. 12'Bov wilh Pu6. , *ry eaat uere on, *a *ry rare; 3. 16" 1A7Os Sinon Hrlbl. F.3hlon . minl and al or ginal wig, clolh6s and bools, srNe neck Mus.um class. _ $25bi 9. I7', FEnch Tr.de H.ndw.rc* . €ma Gbe 109',wilh pislin€ bsqus and oigna wig and clolhos $350;10 35'LiL.iz6 B6b.Jume,u an d ma*s, clos€d moulh 20' head, liny ilaw, appled ea6, signed body, antique clolhes, l S' pric ol jusl $4300i 11 17'Sion6d Nvnohenhurd Chin' -UFDC bbon winner, orginatbody witr €lsqa gt4edimbsandsilkclothes$3500i12.22'All6rldln.lsH739'on€orfteeadesljoinledHalbigs, gorg€ous wis, srifl wd body minl drcp wa sl siLk c orhes and .aber shoes $2295i 13. 0-1/2' Flrtoryliglul4u iEjl fiue qualily, gr6al siz€,lulr
ioiroaariuoay,o*o"roir'"..$1654:14.16'sinonHalbidll5gltdv'orginalwiq,almondeves,shapelv,signe!bodvl6honablvdEssed'$17001 IS Zg X*mer ieO Cmracrer lu ly joinled JoK ch ld, b g eyes, bobbed wlg and adorable clolhes $1200;16.15C.MdHanSch@nhut1o1_one ol$eeaniesl.aru€dd6sgnswithmodedbow,o qna unionsuil ponodde$ $1595
gny,,%;* qe,,"lh
P.O. Box 5593, Shema Oak, CA 91413 Phone (818) 501'4692 e-mail al Mspinelli@harthlinl.net Fax (818) 501-3573
Menber UFDC
\hA Ma.tr.dd / La)aha) . VdJ moErtem(rnqlocl
l" E. J., bl. p.w. ey6 bld. mohan
ri& nmP!.d nft,i3hlwtuicd body, onqle matchiry
ude ear
25'K6liEr 143, bl sl. e!6 bld. h.h
wi& d*. parq tup€d K€fu bdy, mhquc whit dre. Er@loi bi!]ue and noldiry. $195 6'3/41 FEnci a[ bisque swivet nc.li bl. 81. r!rs, bla.k he.led slippeq ori8. bld. mohair wig and i.al si& fiEL mbquc hat. $2275 ll" Rac 139 K6lrE baby, bl. d.
eyq d*. pare and h. br molEn
wig dh. w/M bp tr{1 dis farKy g(]m CmLs sith mliqm hre dng 6{le (Imy fie.k unds 2s" r€tur 260 0l,il4 b1. sL EE, brl nh wi& hcauhIul bisqm aid
olodn& *ellmr b.d, U4& Pair of antique lu..overed paper mache gca, Bl ey6, exelleni ondind! mc.su ri.8 3.t / 2" .ot ouniiry homs {Picrured with tull vi.$ oI l l" EJ.) $595 pair or
Fmch podle in d% hm* pull by. wlm back whds tum, th. pmh move in ud di or fic nmr and ,thsr Measures 6'l /2" r q'. $995 French el6n 6t, Ilr @wEd paper ma.lp, glln gl. cyr! nMtunng 6" tall $495 16" R:F bom w clild, Monh i iyp. wnh dil. bn 81. ey6, iNt blk h.h. and eyeb s, bm. wd ams ad lomr lqs, dodl body, elaboiale aniique gown witi pmwnam cad pi]md to s*in. CEat ovdall Md. cxcpt lor $me old Fpair to
hdi ty?€ w /bnBhr bl el. erq bld. iM rL\ M& lovcly l@. w, dm\ did l{rsg l.p (tuo, o**ine bd@ .Jtu o d3hl dm.) orig. -lorlF rJd gtut oqd Md. $1550
06. l7 Wa .In4
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should(plar. d n8hhe d white spoilingon f@ $1950
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@i@t"Aoh *
se 16 tt th. Jouowiaz thou:
Shutg't geddg &earu J.nn.
witlai$o*I"Asht Pke,
6029 N. Northwert Hi8hw.y, Chi(.tq I160531 . (n3) 59+154 (600-442-3555 orde6 only) Frr (23) 591'u10 Op€n:Tu6 -wed ' Snt. 10. 5 p.m.'ll1us 10 3pm.Fri.10 6p.e. (3/4 mil6.a* of H.rtem Aw, rw Pail Rjde.& Nil6lL) PotkinS in tl4 oJ tfu building. Ct6e to oll tukt ,tp6rw!5 ohd ptbli. trunEnnotian. Chiugabnn{s fu$t elrtion ol Anttqee, Modn dnd Colk.tibb Dolh, Ben, DollhoB* ond A.t6wi,s.
84,#rrl E..- td
ha.dr omF ls (rcFi.d, br. d. s trnt 1,1" c/M &own ry.d R.d clE& melumeq 12" Hltu fim by S.henhlr,
.[ onsiBr $1l
fi/2" a&M e c..!lt 1r/0mrdedhiii
s11l2 Ddr wirh Fay hir deoakd w/ turd€6, akkh€d h:nds & a re in *e bk llnd $!25.
D' Li$y "h"
+r /4" slw eby iobrd aos & bF, dhpk, bl.
" *@ku tuEw wi& Pape*, ,r odsiEl
31/2" 31a.r an tisll. dstul ouuii L wi& slas
ellr sorr ialpturt patr -Krpod Dols" kom
ts" c/M
e pw ey€i hh wi& rid hny,
hd@e dB & sh€, hfi hand fiiF blo!6 $6e5. ralz' D.@rdlullE t5, ola)wFp6ryt nohdt wiE bl ,w q6, hainh on foehe.d sr55 21" Gtur 167 & sl. q6 od6 mohrir wi& shes
," ho & tutbr ns. bt 5t q6, onr hh wra
dr ds, bssd dE$
rr 1/a rrinEd bisque rllonginrl "Mends", Lft
r s{.* s{e sophcdaq irr od3imr 9165.
ld 1e3 wodds .an pai Hunsadd in bd (rc
E@,..-G /iffntron's Zn/tque D"fr
Satisfaction Suaranteed Julia Melion, Antique Dolls 3513 Bym Brae Drive, Virginia Beact! VA 23,16,1 Phone 757-42M351 . Fax75742F'1t62 o Send lon8 SASE for tatest dol list. . Member UFDC
Lay Away
29" Inng Face Tdste Eebe by luneau (1879-7885), m*ed uith siz2 nunbet only on hgd (1q, blue sta'np on My. Peiect lauless bisque, au onpletelf otiginal, papeuight (blw) .y6, opplied pidcen en, lotely b.ig. lfte ttinrud clothcs, lery c. old u.k@t, b.ige *tin sh@s uith rcsettes, blond mohrit uig. This Iantastic doll is a keepet Wu Mn t fnl anothet Lrng Eace kis srytacrlatlll
'N"""A 19. Srnith AJe'ue moued. .9t of (Dec. l,2Ooo wr adtlress is: 'Box 462 9{atuh., &1^9. 01760-0005
'ht. So8-545-t424 3@x.5c,8545-1428 email: 9'{a-sd.oll@medioow.nzl
Member NADDA
45 Heartlrvone Rd.. \bnftes NY 10710 ' (914) 79t1744 ' Far (9i4)70&1758
rull l€nsih phob ol euny Jum&u PlInmel h.,l dil.k sm! my.l bluo dtique slir! .tusk dbbon and iiteBliig
,,, ,,,,,. i1750 qloo mdrr Pmmi ....... ...... ..... 14.950 h"LYPrrarFn,rBddaryspNilbu€rlddnd bsury,p: y 3 biD Mi m*iig pullstiigs ...... U,l50 ....$r5 a.d o,iAiialNis,obndEdour6r ...... b.3" !mm& otfR h? bis{ur,los bFidr oris. ...$,l!1 . lE) l0' 9.P.3.H l9l, (die.) bill pi.hi . 1150 ls enshrrbll0l rr R" [Gn€' pou! hErnB L]*oBt
cl /2'.tLutr. & bn It 300;x \rii h1B b6llio'nbd JIU)
9 / C@sl!, A M r3zl,bluedepeyqrlo,iainal v,iire! d5nldApEem .. ....
l0:.2'aV rlqo 4ubb h,br b@d rmicd npA idoBbe
D:ilrs' . . .... S75 .. .. 51n5 Ansdi.qpmonl .. . .. .. 12 2Gl/2 tre(h L C &h€, u tulimler i8oldtr flNLdl pr€ loodm brqr, limtL DN rpprn^ FEN'qlrt os, on3u ${i nlvd U' d tuih d sn d lid, h6 bondemoh,rd'lyw,s
n r2 Behn1203 bpq!;t\ Fmlysn €drddmBEd d6.
) @wl1,.@c
3144 Ampere Avenue, BroDr New York 10r5s . (718) 863-0373 ' F& (718) 86.3-5312 Visit my website http://www.gadmasatticdo[s.com' emiil ioy.edolt@aol.com
6. 20 Patr o, F6.h F oui@s by Ctim[ ly, th. hel maqnif@nl modElhd r@s, borh hodn! do|s, m'@' .n ppmq oi b.y3 qu clly nEl s lanubuB lh4 don r base th4 You*l'l
11 1r DEP Jureau, bl. sl. €y6 */diq hai lash6, bl. ndla r *8. qoQsls usq@ @0 de$, ail. uM6, or q.shei on h6r
dio Fmh bodx shslurelyadoGble! u275. 15 2rTeGJums! tu ly nart6d hed, budm bl. Cv s'8s, o,i! all nq m.lud ng h.' bM. HH * s 3 pa e otrq r I
Juft.u sh6s. dE has ono ol the n6l nEsniIEil stoiq
s 2lx.nid116€ mqnifBilbsae b mohd'*0,br!l ss ordd6 ono co€d(a{iarb.dy @@M . 825 blqud r0 liJD h6qld'Hl6"B.q. bl I ey6 d'unkr K.sror oio lrn !( & @te, oiq @tr onhe'oiq'MdlaL
baby b.dy Fabuhus rio&l iio aid ab& ulely ado6b el 952m.
1r 16 EaiyPotuanJumau mbai br h@d.d 0{.ys wnawe ui(hl bds, ssseos p€decl b6q!e, ono bl mMt fio & paE labuldsdd F6i.nhG dll$ oig
5 qied eaiy
e0o6/ ..
12 2r'A
3 ba
.. ..
ma'red h@d *islld body, an aboduro lhw 19300
[i fis. Lou* b, sl M3. minl bi$u.. anl d,e$.
5350 @ bivr mhai *g, strpry 13 rv snm 3 B.b'q rr249 sr'ta' h sl ey6 nnlpae
bqE o@r@o btui HH*b,dE dtss anl und6 od
$asnl4nfe nodeln! a beautlui.h arlsd'idr 91575
*.i dlr
sdlmsEw!wlmEe Jutuau laee haE 6€r ,, abs. uL show ,oppertr H& a [h4pli aid ,rs.to6, ody
$4450 md mih Mry Td6 Jun@u bulsms (nedr€ b. d, eyes p.rhcl pah 16. mq b mlr.i iiq 3 DaE oq d,e$ s'omd oiq shes, siqred head m hs 6iy sl *risEn body, lh 5 doll
be6 s
nalnlf4d dn [d es6bk oor] ..
dm b d* 86 qdqeos b&ue [ai motajl *iq, dadhs oris 6tum o hor dis erry
17 rd sinon & Nab{ r9r9 orio.
w edbodY artreq@! ... .. .... .... 5h@s do tuiv dnlodbodv aiabelulelih Mr gd sr
133X R 1101'Ma,io', ninl U{w o'
..i1995 12650.
& Tru*.u, br Fi, 6ye s hd oig Fcmh 5 p{@ @mpsiion body alo' 0 dorhiiq.id m 6 daihq oiq. r@d b.,, beditulr d@Dled a $1n5. 20 Vi6w ol C o*d 3q ol Dol ,19
19 6" Fd.h chird
aNn.s @lfrd!
... ...
.. ..
,%uction fralleru Preview: McMasters Doll Auction March 17
a u
rora ton by trcpold Lambeii. c. l8aa, wnh d Germdn bi.que head w ir h oPen mouth dnd
f.\cleepins blue Bla$ ele,. bi.que drro, wrtn seven mo\emenE and lwo muntalarc. broughr 43000 fiancs (approximately $.5,200) at the sale of Poup€6 & Automates presented in December
by Francois lheimer in Paris. 16" SthEnhrt 16/301 gitl, McMas@s
l\ /[cMa+e6 w,llhold lheir..taloSued 5pnn8
Mauction on t!4arch 17.200I at the
Pritchard Lalghlin Civic Center in Cambridge, OH. Ieatured in the auction will be a numbe! of do1ls that have been in slorage lor mny yeaB, many with original ladory clothing and in excellent condition. lncluded are a 14" early closed mouth Keiner on a jointed composition body with factory ori8iml chemise mder her original dress; an outstandin8 14"S& H 1159 lady in origiMl facto.y silk teddy, a 16" S(hoenhut gi.l in unplayed wiih conditio$ a 15" K t R 117A and many more. Ior mo.e information call i'800'842 3526.
A n orlparnlcd (lolh l,amah Walterdoll,
-t1.c 1870, ongrnally from the wl[iam H
Vanderbilt family oI Poftmouth, Rhode Island, 18 inches, in original clothes wiih period leather strap slip-on skates, realized $24,150 ai Skimer's De.ember sale of Toys, Do11s and collectables.
A Caripr B.lleuse I umea u. also lnown
Aas ttrelumeau risre or long race, 28 inches, imp.essed 13 and with the
Medaille d'Or stamp on the body, recently brought I 10,575 (approx. $15860) at Chnstie's South Kinsngion.
we u)ould like to tha k the folloToi g auction ho ses lor thei panicipatio :
5-lD kstnt all bisque 184 nntl 7" A.M. 323 cmogty, both in otiginol clothing. McMene5
Christie s bndon, 85 Old Btu ptot R@d, Seth K.nsingtd, Lnndof SW 3LD. 02G7881 7611 FrMe Clwt6 - cAlde & c)b*t6,1bis, PIse du Ge@t d. Gaulle,2,@ Chdb6 PhMe 02 37 U M JJ M.M6tds, P. O. Bor 7755, C'f,btilge, ohio 43725. 74J432''1479 Skinne/s,357 Moi Sndt, Bllton, I|IA 01740. 978-7795241 Ftuk@is Theind, 4 tu des Co@lin, 89130 Tonc!. 33 (0)3 85 74 31 76 Rihtrd Withitgl@, 590 centel R@d, Hillsboro, Ntu Honpshi/e. 6o346+32i2
"T e paysan et son.odon", L the pertrt d the pi& an automton by Vich), in onginal
realiz€d 9(000 6ancs,
$13,800 at dle
Galerie de
duin8 their
T) ichad W, ttMgron closed the 2000 dou
I\,cton *en witl some of thetr lugnest prices realized this year. A Iew dols of note an early c.eche lrm, $2970, a lrench fashion wirh *id over wmd bod, S4,180, a long face lmeau (hai.line) $6270, md piclu€d heE a
Tn l9l2Ste I oidered 50 blacl beaB made for lEngland tocommemorate the Trtanic d6a5ter on the 14th of Apnl, 1912. An ex.eptionally fine example of the mourning bear, 19-112 inches, sold at Christiet t-ondon for €91,750. this t anslat€s to $137,6251
IDK H da $3,190.
Ann Pruett-Phillips \cllin! t(u) rrrg trnc fntrquc l\,,11\ LV
Tcl,/lrax (32-l) 4160 2191 p.o. Box.+151, GIENDALE, CA 91222{151 e mail: annphil@earthlink.net
uf t-
7 ALl- BEOUE (6tEr {uare lertl & tased b.ds. SrE M6 {it'r aMdrcbe A N6
n a rde hnk
I Boy& qii K',B tsrew/oig paGs,wigs&bodyirishfte,ilmugly nsBrlrunk denrc mbhn0 ouriE & a r& A 20 inch Tetelumeau, ma4ed -rlDepo*//Tere lumeau//Bte
12 BELTON Id ne r€mh mand . Oiqhal slin w9. sna gin ursr body , beaulitul S. G. D. C
le in a cnamra 6ture A greal .
on the head,Iumeau Medaille d'Or Pads on ihe Lowe! back, with marked Jumeau shoes, rcalized M300 at a .emt M.Maste6 auction.
15 E!/ry rendl r4h m wtr rc aiilhted TEBRENE ryrE bady wD s4ue lorer amq beauljlu ly dr6sed $6,2@00
13 C,tnKESTNEF€ru$e
p.recoldin! slarghtwisrulp body & anlrq@ crfino $44som
Maior credit cards accepted. Many more dolls in stock.
p E=
|-Nirt-tr , ! XEW YOiX ?l El 'The prime weekend for ehthusiasts" WASlllf,GrOf, ?OSl -A staggering va.i€ty of offerings" tHtl,ADEt llul lXOUlf,Ef, "Go and let yourself be dazzl€d"
s x l?AxClSCio EIA IflER'Imprersive and wonh the trip" CHICAGO SU rl Es "The antiques €apital of the world" lqrtlit Lo Doi "The unimate iriumph ot the big idea"
ATIAilTIOUE CITY; ovEn t600 FttE BoorHs
rOAna ix ' luxoaY arcrl 25, to ar.l tr . arrarfla cl?Y aoxvEf,flo cEf,tti SA'UiDAY, r^raH . r AX lflDoof, EVEf,r tHl al2a OF l2 SU?ERBOWL' VISIT THE BIG OXE'a,
JGthy Libraty 43 DeKoven Court, Bmklyn, NY 11230 (718) 8594901 . Member UFDC . Fax (718) 859-150,5
T 9rntiqe'Dolls
'Wit,l -hr
S"U'.\vill, 'PriLl
I ?.,t18rl0at c6rti++ hrnr nYc oi6d rb,n rsd rdd dr r.qE lidtu hd b"! Fn-dq. k HMhhr6,---- -- --- - -- -l@ 1 r[ru.Lroreuo! r^n-----hM h 6 dn rudr diJi {rnr h-turdi b".rr nrd d d.*,drrrE a;dr d
H*.d'6Fnqltt d, n d*i-r.'Ebdd{ 3'FIIIMdD HBtu&r@d4raqaury Im'd'bdr(qiindr^ft ddlhduq[ad.JIm ( n._srorh6cs atr{sQitr Mfr6@IDrr, q*frertqfdEdJrB*jrhdd|dlLqxr 5d ln.Doa! a?d rn:n.{+.d- rr.i bh,k6r!Ar.
ir slz, " qlln ndi {. ozr f)6 {$ d rEdd!{'dHdurbk&Fdhe , ?t rEE 9El D c@!!ll rs6 opd inin j@d rmn hd, h6 tu€(d{ hri, d3d 63dddkLn(,ic ^fltAu
sa!{i.6&i @isricFiqiuh@.hr4tudJE 1z rf
1*Ilx juau0iquEtr!@FB'd!@!bqr,llcd
hq( rui rhi HH w. .ar.n.rnd! h.dr lnok;lq b sd
dtr''l.nii6It@{q!''drrBdtdr'-lMbdt rd'--',,,,.''-,-',,,,
b FsaorllNfuhtu*re6lk4rdlt
lrrlrri.& rekdtFedE c-s hoBld hM, u [{ B ,rd .ii Hrd ,rrlii d.E lb,n or ,rr trolldi stoH norr6 vq ldmdrmFrhsmLr
,.'.i,sir,rGmD@wuorr!![fulqGF e mdrc?r44iddEihldo.ld )'l'[$orB(rIrNMIoIl}&.1llm.!!,Gbx!e dd'i lirdin'J *+htfu@ hii t^nmFbqb ']6€Ml.idd6{ni,tl46.$f!huhent s'd.tu Pi, dEddrddn, Fnl
tu dqC@lho,,^@h',l,ld,d tr]sl6n!Rm\IlodIRelr4cfudHHq.Fj} pE4 id hr dbdt d@Mn dq db4f 6&i16 d
AtloM&trnrulCH.lrMNil$t bEturzdrqihrd,,l,!4 dr,i+4ddo[ de6tq6dr bdr ror r*tudon td alr dooi,try
,5 uPr'Hrru\.HrD lE r! K h.$ Hr "r rdE h dE u&Ed llE t h{ Eel r Err.Fd ' F rtDt s^vrr&r&rnDnr &qI*PccFr6qft didddserM @.dd idrq h ddr dri,! d6 odq aEd rdr rrh $ Dort c bd uF lJrAd 3 Bkolt sriirsplo
& Jr &h quiry d*donlo oNscNMElT !q G ,t Fa
6Uritic'!p t4.lo!i, riid, 'i,itlE{ iod} Fnr:$qtdE!-diB wt+rrb,r -,,,---, --., RHwtl[s1.9'a .p.i ndn 6Iy idi* b, ddqk d6 a
qdEn,u@r.turi' rEkd |@lEdmndf)q rqEGruE r1 rs6m/lrre flEr.?66 F '-d d'# da hB Id.Ft..uad4liqrdB(t,$oFJbodtAh. hFFIuniqd Fr n..rrmrlt w (lln di:d fld$ hd @d6.ni6
aErc44Pd 5m
F,.{Noi..db?nitt*ihfuFdi visit ourw.bsite.l:
,.,-,7t*'€ '*
P.O. BOX 7198, Camel, CA 93921 PHONE (831) 373-513r . FAX (831) 6s5-5755 Proprietors Michael Canadas and David Robinson VISA. MASTERCARD . LAYAWAYS . AMEX Member \arional 4nrique Doli Dealers A\o{idrion
i t6tic G. 1860 .lothin8 indudinS mey lay6 of underclothin&
1-1a. 20' Edly !6hion with
ongimlb@ts, suFr wig d hat. MaEniIi6t
p@ntatim! $.39m 2. Geman bumy with tricycle and.a.t. Geat with German Easter eEgs in back! l3' T x 17" L. $795 3. 15" Kestner 243, the Onenhl Baby. Lovely oriaiml "Last Emperc1' style .ostume. Absolutely darling. $6500 4. Nie French
lru.l suitable 1o. a Fashion.
Original painl .omplete with int€rior tray. 13" Ltq W x7 7|2" "1.$650 5. 12-1 / 2" Rar .haractff marked W 142. Ertemely .ael Ni@ cabi.et size with.haracter rype .loL\in8. $3900 6- 12" Carl Bergmann th@ fae doll. Tum the rin8 at the top of her head to Eveal happy, sleeping an.l cryin8 laGs! Has a mama/Fpa voie boi tool Ni.e bisque normal to body. $1995 7. 1z, Teena8e Frcnch Fashion by lumeau. Ori8inal reenaSe style de$, under.lothing,
boots, hat, et . 93600 8. 1a' AT B€be by Anhift Thuillie. markel A 9 T. Rdly offeed for Mle this maSnifi@t €xample boasts exqlisile bisque, dep blue ey6, dd
dtique wi& d6s dd hat. Sup€rbl$5t0m
9. 28" BtuJne 14. Stu.ningi Beautitul blue
pape.weiSht ey6, .lo*d mouih with tiP of tongue visible. Exqujsit bisquel Chevrct
body. o]r oI the most beauiiful fa.es we'vc ever offercd! $29,s00
10. 16" Simonne iype Fmch Fashion. A.lassic
with cobalt blue ey6 a.d totaUy onginal.
ceat rcd boots! $3200
11. 18" Heine Schneider child, . . 1920 lhis
raely lou.d Crfran cloth doll has a lov€ly paint finish and is niely costumed. $169s
12 2l' quaintAmerian Pnmriive(lorhdoll. has her onsinal wigand und€rclothin8. 13, 12' A.M. l% chda.ter on a hnly jointed
toddl€r My, Dlrsd as a Sotl Bmwn sl€P
ey6, inheMt frc.le on his n@. $99s
ToinJll ut tht4 gttual ...
8rrqo"'il Sgir( BiqA O,alnaariliaa blotut ihnt.
Mcrch 17, 200f -Pritch.rd L.ughlin
Civic Ccnter CAMBRIDGf,,, OH Gx,, n?6 onr,?o)
P,"'icr,:;-diod';.;.-: A,iEio rz.oo o*n ABSEmEE & PHONE BIDS
CCEPTED o Calalo8rel itemr
Tlu orr.lin .r!X.nat aardnuar -
March 18, 2OOl Qlrcatilnal d "Akaur, TNh]" ..- l.uhDina..ldtiq'a eilL.tilL ud .fitdm dttLaannl*d itru qn o$edta.Bidr.ir,..rld-
PrEvia:9:0Or.n. - Auction I l:00 !.m.
Order Your Carrlog TODAY: Strlb Clt lorB... i3o
s.p.r S.rcr S{bEriprh . . . S99 N., mun AnihE Ghlqm3 Pt dre aon*dIlor.. ,
I*lud6 Al,L tutae a (nlhcdbk C.uhrc
At,L B.itico Crdhs4 ALL "]G:ur.ilrnI l-ins f6 OllE fl,Ll, Y IAR
Call ... l.a{xlr12.J526
McMasters Doll Auctiotrs . P.O Box 1755 . Cambridgc, OH 43725 Ofr@ 1 40.412 u 19 . t rt 7 40.412 3 I9l . c-mil: D@rlm(4jr&irc.M . wb: u/wIlr.@sksuolim Jore E. McM,sLs, AEUow . Mmba OAA. Lif€ Mmb6 NAA
+L- ,l:A--^^
lngl@Vt tk tll M this dr 't.horlLn.
J(rrul 9",tA .f ]1-kn"".
'D"I" f-,a /ne C.//""/,,..
I a/*
n ollectins dolls, there are hme. rt fe€l< as rhouSh we
chjng for the rmpossible lo find - lomerhinS like the story o( the Golden Fleece md a qusl that, in spite of all the oddt continues to lure us. Sometimes when finding a special doll, we don't necessarily reoSnize that is our Golden Fleece! We must get back home md unsrap our treasure to s€e, res€ar.h md direm what we actually have. I know that in my early days of colle.tin& when my knowledge was youn8 and greea I G.asionally put certain dolls aside in a drawer or closet without closer inspection because they had no arms or legr or even a My. The early dolls in this article, made around 1810 to 1850, were primarily mad€ "at home" in Germany, where entire familiG were employed in .ottage industries. The (ather of the family customarily designed a doll's shoulderhead by scllpting or caNin8 the fae, the hai.do and lhe upper bodi(€. This ws then .overed with a wax sutEtme in order to make a mold into which the home-made papier mache substance (the French translation of papier ma.he is chewed paper) was either poured or presEed. The recipes for this papier mache varied. o(ten the inner lining of a shoulde. head was made of ge$ to allow for a more refined exterior. Once the piece was fomed, it was removed from the mold for tull air dryin8. Gentle sanding followed to .emove the mold edSe lines. In order for the molded piece to accept paint without abso.bing it, a seale., likely a tyF of varnish, w6 applied to the outside of the hollow fom. Wha completely dry, the fac€ and hair colo6 @uld be added. The painting mi8ht be done by the mother, althouSh it was a matter of choice from among the o&er talented menb€rs of the family, d often young childr€n did this work. This artistry requir€d a delicate hand, partiolarly when exha curls or curly{es were painted onto the sides of the fac€s. Frequendy only thin outlines were painted around the edges of the doll's molded hair. A final coat of varnish was added to sustain the colors. Often the eye color was a pale aqua, althouSh sometimes a true blue was used. Some evm had simple black spots for ey€s. On rare occasions lhey had inset Alass eyes. Without exceptio., the hat.olor was black. Ako, most of the* dolls were female.
A teiatrl w lts,lk @tb rh. otJ. {Nqat6 & ryab na Ery6l6qt'iw. Ntuntp.i"kAiiz L' d dJ1. nt snala dnpl, hc. tigll to? ol hth, in o ha rh.F. ao& tu||s d. MinS th. futtiontbk .nqr. Nht E .hdollh^,rtdd.lbasn.
*tid ,,ttitu
vatnS Vidotu aith h.r hat .n led orctrd th. e's a,ith r lan' bd& bu. Thc dolt uifi no hrs btotds that cn k otolrd hd rd*. a"d n3 oP \4at.
r-,nt ^
.e be rhe roundation tor a Sraduat but an Our,". ff "r,onhard (' eve. ^*n* pursuit. one of dre mo\r re*ardinS wilt ever iou
expenence. For thee dolls have both inimitable cham and true variation to fascinate the collector. The bodies of these papier maches are usually the so-called "stifr' rype, prima.ily made from sawdust filled kid, but smeumes of linen. The tem "stifr is used btrause thei. construction d@s not allow them to sit oi bend. If you try to bend or move them, rheir limbs could easily break oft so don't try it! Their lower ams and legs are made from lathe tumed spools of wood that are shaped narrower towards the wrists and ankles. The feet have simple painted-on sh@s, which require additional, separats .dving by hand. Sh@ were attach€d to the ankles with tiny nailt spiked on both ends and glued. Shoe colo. varies with red, g.eea yellow or black frequently seen. The hands are not separated at the wrists, but are carved sli8htly .upped-outwards with the fingers and thumbs carved beyond tlese. The workmanship naturally varies as ea.h wd hand done. Linbs are painted white which becomes more flesh colored when a final oat of vamish is this hdr hrs o lan& bad<f tap cittubt but. Sh. hrs an ink,sn!8 side ptufite. Nat h.t *knned qw elelid.,
A sho, htlfrhckn " up4n", tls bunctud to sida. Thr bo.*ofh brn lns d btdil aM it.
Their period of manufa€ture, from 1810 to 1850, copied the hair and clothing fashions of the day. One of the earliest haiistyles was a "high" hairdo, having numerous short Grls, molded to the sides of the head, usually above ear level. A "high" sq,,led papiermache shoulder head was seleted by the United Federation of Doll Clubs as their tradema.k "Miss Uniq,." Others have longer styles with back or top buns. A few of the hairdo seen in this arti.le have been atkibuted or fashioned after an adual pereon. There is young Victoria, a likenes of the royal personag€ before becoming Queen, with her hair pulled around her ears. In the same photo is a doll with braids pulled around her ears. Hel top tnot has five graduating curls upon the top of her head" with a braid cir€ling beneath in the back. It is interestinS to note that both the ladies' dresses are made from a tinv red and white prinL apparentl) d popular de\iBn ar th* pe.oa 6r tt.". Napoleon's wife, the Empress Josephine is also depicted. Note tl'e additional painted curl de€oration on the face sides of both dolls. The smaller has a higher, more faniike top-do than the other. Borh po.tray the Napol@nic period in their hair stylin& and each doll has
P,in6 At hih hritdt. sidiild ro it UFDC Mi$
U\iry. Slt lsd oukltadi$.ltundy bt itLd tuirdo. Notr hn tuund.d tut .!d anl qga litk. Ila 6u6 ptit d6 M ntd. b! ldM M4 Btdk wintha?.
tiql -
6Dtiace* tdetaide was a vivacious cermd pmcess .-/ who mar.ied rne Ln8lish King William Iv. The KinB had already siEd ten children by his mistresr prio. to his mar.iaSe with Adelaide. Thes€ ten stepchildren were surely a omplication at timer so we might forgive her if she chos€ to have her hai done in the most outragsus ways. I obtained the do[ pictured, at 32 inches, the talest such doll thal I owrr from the coll€dion of Estelle Winthrop who had dress€d her in an entirely hand stitched antique cotton print. Mo6t long time collectors refer to this doll type as a millin€r's model. This term has become so widely ued and familiar, it has unJortunately stuck. By definitioa this terminology is not correct. A true milliner is one who makes, trims, desi8ns or sells hats, not one who weas elaborate hair styles. Still by habit, many of us will ontinue to ue this mme.
r ^ /s ChristEna oramiu and other doll rs"earchers have
tJ{,di\covered. it was loham Ddiel Kestner (bom 1787} $ho began
manufacture of these early papier nache dolls. lohann Kestner's g.andson, Adolf Kestne., later turned to manufacturing the fine and popular bisque head dolls we as.iate with this firm. N€arly two hundred years old, these papier mache dolls are among the earliest dous we can hope to own. They are a charming refle.tion of thet times and the Cerman papier mache doll industry.
Adekide lron lo celkx 's book, "wonddfut Dotts ol Paper L(ache."
Thb ddl hoe qrit a larye betk btoid?d bun H,t knxt sidz ctns 0E clav to tle ne*(nat,etn te lnn it).I1t bun hos a sndl @db nolded inside ot tlp bock ol tlt bu .
This bdy h6, &amti. hish e.tion al hon, 0 uide btr,l ioirS kp to si,1e, and tn unusul .ia. pon.
Ahkhhri a hrDina o tuund?lau shtp k th. btt* Nat tu prottudin&
-.-#rGii=\P.O. Box l(x)O
Cr CA 91604
F.EclqMfu4.@.fudd.dfuu n I
t c, rtr trEi4d d rrd D o! difi s.d d ie
turfr cihw$4rdidM
BqE id. Pw de
o!d.fun9.du!nIdL,dY&.!ll5o r r3!!!!lIE ab 0 Md*vrrrdds4$ 3311,'c&,rfulBu.]$..h$6.dfiiig!dH edyt.osd6Pudb!.I$50 , rhE r r h - d n. fd.. fr, PE., r..,, d .w c rdyHH r'rsrFdddr* &b4.b-, !.qa M{r{.coe'n]o!li,d@l2ro l0lIEJuE[on!1!P{6 JlMsJb.d}mddifuffdb.d' 6tu 4,.lt0.6 dr s drr si4 dd,@ n r trtrcbrd r.rb trtr ,n! i6drt,9,hft u h@d,rd4 r, *.oaql.rN adi d htr4 b ir
(81 8) 763-5937
DOLLS We pay cash lor one Doll or a Collection
r !14 m.w.orrrtinE M.rtunb.d165
a flus twoid Erd d
tr+ldnN,orhl!ld]'e.Eq try^F-rc€co!d}hy0fujas', t b'l] orF d.yhdd!re tumMr b&d 'r G. r.udGgq 3rr5 a t ffi@ d tn M !5-,.rdr $i o. r n6 2,2'fmhiot@M{rFcmdddd6,
s d a.fial s{u 4.rs]d- 3N itg tr4s J dy s-d
! rrEltlrll.tr&, qs.!e n B r Dq.dndrb6 0l4BB4,idynEddld'dPidbl116 !dig!!ya.,.dn$n ,.,7lzrX.r!.4 r..,.nM."i t{,Mbd, tr6!i!a.rs*
a rr OXElllrl(ly r* b c. cdB ddro rdr, dir iiiyo
a.4rz$&fttfuox DP d'!3Jd'{.dfu'h.i6{ulll.0 F,B J |.dy &d tu so 6 n RflB Edmby[m ,.'rd ,E I H.^]rsi+ i b&En6dBc,De'lm'dk9eM k{n..to&ndq bfusrd.r nrytuh .htiqq* Mfud.qFdffiljd r aBob|Jrd NEmtlxr dno Bodl4rod ,ts !00 H!
.ll4lz9.3'tft,P^!dE[&rqey{dd,* {rriffiltllLd:&i@q hdk' bodr.rE dq turd, lr'00 (l9oedfueln.6dtl3@ 4lIEc!'TdI]dI-nl^^{qd.e!6 4bgdrErlec-hdhdB,l,, ft k4.rt rs stund 4 r.1z .q{om E!i}h€ dns smHrsiffi ldi nLanrmDaiMn !r5
Duatoova holmlngdamaod
,or our lolloul f,ay lour ot ih. doll.nd by musouma of Fr.nc., Switsod.rd E G.m.ny, wo art r.P..6ng lt ln
l}tpperttorx'zoor A Toy Odyssey Sop 2l - Oct I (18 dayE) Only 13,869
includlng round-trlp alrtsr€l
Spaca ls limitedl Call nowl I {OO492-l l,t8 iunarary: Parb (4 nights). Pobsy
ParotrgE3 (3 nights) . Sussie'res Chezell€s-sua-Lyon . Marcy I Etoile Lyon . Colmar (3 nighc) St. Iiipporte . Bas€|. Ri€lhen
Donaur,orh . RotrEflburg odT (3
ig htr) . . 12 nights)
. Neusiadt b.
R0d6sheim (1 night) . FranKurt
und Spielreugma*t
lot pp.nlour'. Th. rrol ror. L..d.E
Besides a large offering of 500 tin toys (MARKLIN, BING, etc.) 2m pcs. lrains and accessories 0 and l, 200 bea (STEIFF, HERMANN), dollhouses, kilchens, stores and 700 accessories. You can find antique dolls from sev€ral collections. (A large collecrion of LENCI, KATHE KRUSE, SCHILDKROT, bisque dolls) wilh accessories. Wax dolls, paper mache, French dolls, dolls with closed mouihs, K*R I 14 with glass eyes.
t, s So Easyt Each Stadet Sel
3a0 Medm Sizen Dotb
fryou whot LLp ot Dot Prodlcr.t
Upon rcquest we will send you our catalog for $25. Or you can visii our website: www.Spielzeugauktion.de Our next auction will be held April 20 and 2l and will include a large selection ofcelluloid dolls and a no limil auciion. If you are interested in a catalog contact:
Lad€nburger Spielzeugauktion Rheingau.tr. fi
D{t526 Lrdenburg, cermrny
Tel: 011496203/13014 Fax: 01149-6203/17193
lntemet: www.Spi€lzeugauktion.de e.mrilr Splelreugouktiu@t-onlinede The complete calaloS will be shown on ou. website in Oennan and English. The lowD Ladenbu.S is in Cemary, n€ar HeidelberS and Mannheim.
u Oon C'..rE Sd tr r prq cl* E wb..
&6r, ar rh. .b@ ds
@"",."**",,,,*. c's.nicu. ,6 0, sEireu6 302 s.nd ch{k or monay old€i (add $5 00 s&H)ro: SANDRA LEE PROOUCTS lNC. 11019 I]E 141 S.I, 0€9r A . Kidd.nd, wA 9384 . @m For Visa o. Ma!i6o.d od6c €rr l{25) 432.0570
See you
National Antique Doll Dealers Association
Presents a
April 28-29 Saturday 11:00 - 5:00 Sunday 10:00 - 4:00
\ 3.
,l G
Embassy Suites Hotel North Los Angeles Airport 9801 Airoort Blvd. Los Aneeles. CA 90045 For reservations call: 800-Embassy Special guest rate $109
single/double mention NADDA Special exhibit+ programt &
For more information contact Sondra Krueger at 805-484-4100.
THn Gnnmnsr Commou DnnoMrNAToRS W Linda Edtard
3r0 A. t"1. + DE.P Armond Morset(/e macle tn -\)Q e r*anrt
lltsttutionoltheWoltu*b tuntyhuad an Atwnrt Mngitte notd 37A dolls. Thae tu*irys tuhich dre incised on ke bnck ol the hdd ne
old obflftd b! ttu top ol ne kitl Mv o|lich h4 bea glued @ th .
Ar-ar.) Morsc t//c C er^o,',, -\)
A6lz fr
Ittunntion of the Npe ol ha* cohnoflty lound on Anand Md*eille nold 39A dalls. The nu lEr 6112 is d size nunbe'.
dolls in the world of atiqu6. tn fact when quened, €ollectoE of mtique dolls will ofta Elate tlEt m AM 370 or 390 was their first doll Purduse and yet, in the world ot nrrs atr i90 aea"ares J 2 iaJ$ t heishL ond hrs the nsetfur eyebrb pat ted b! Magile doll study these dolls are often overlooked in favor ot the a tsto. t"ite tte n;nbs 3gO'itci.ed .t louna i,it," toig" si," ,7* aats ao "ot "s*ity mor€ exotic specimens.In this artide I would like to e\plorc thenhu!th.raiefranth?3eaiotdDo.ourt6!olTh.DAtMueun,N.tuyott,Rt. ^.r"" some of the diversi5. of these "'cornmon German dolls." Armand Marseille wasborn in St. Petersbur& Russia in 1856. Borgtuldt, Cuo & Otto Dresl, Ofto Gm, Arranbe, C M Bergmm His family late. moved to Cobu.g in Thu.ingia. In 1884 Amand md Peter S.]re4 just to nme a few. Due to the ld8e number of bought ihe Lambert toy making factory in Someberg and in 1885 companies that bought the heads, the A M dolls .d be fomd on d he acquired the porcelain fa.tory of Liebernann & Wegscher. The endless vdiety of ki4 kidolene, mmposition and wood bdies. porcelain factory oriSinally made bowls for pipes d whistles After Armand retired in about 19U his sorr Herman, took ov€r but in 1890 Marseillebegan to produce bisque doll heads. Most of the compmy. Theh produ.tion of dolls grew, diminished, and the established Sonneberg toymakers at that time came from thrived again through the ever .hanging decades of the early 20th families who had for generations worked in the lcal toy .entury. AM continued to make dolls into the 1950sindustry, conversely Mareeille was a foreigner from a wealthy The mold numbers 370 and 390 were made from 1900 until at family who was looking for a business ofhis own. He rm his least 1938. The longevity of thse models can be attributed to the company with a very independent attitude, refusinS to advertie pleasnt appeal of these "Dolly Faced" molds, the constant or participaie in the Gerrnan trade fairs. Instead he relied on his updating ofthe features of the dolls and their modest price. These social skills and multilingual .apabilities to make business were the dolls that almo6t everyone colld afford to own. The contacts. His approach obviously worked very well and by 1893 term Dolly Face refers to the irend toward a simple stylized his porcelain factory employed 550 people making bisque doll beauty in the Cerman child dolls made from 1880 into the 1900s. heads and all bisque dolls. TheE dolls depicted swet, healthy childreD mu.h less fu$y in Ammd Ma$eillds business war at ils height, the largest appearance than their Fren.h counterparts. The dolly faced doll manufactu.et of dolls in C€many. His fim made doll heads 60. tends to have a smewhat blank expression. lndeed this numerous compani€€ and distributorc including Butle. Brothe6, "blankness" was a large part of the play value of these dolls as it 28
This AM 39O is o" a @dpoei{ion tuded hrtd, @lkn hn!. nv wking daid th thie tloU E enlat to tha P 8" Mlhneddkoltfu
tudntu u$lat
19r,t. I},t aunes! ETkt Ml M@n, Ndly,t, N This photo Oef) sha6 the hack ol the @lk t bo.l! nok ufiete rh! rorso @s cut open ro inet"ll a
M"nnlPqw .on. bor.
clothint Lql on this AM 3W ie twkdl ol the 1910 5. Atu@ulh kc blight nlo6 anrl ahutuanl hins nade
ebsdn displry, d close ftbris to be.l@p ond E
The ongindl home nade
do,h6 on tlis 390 h.lp to dttc lur to tlv 1920s. She ale la ongiaal
ndsit wi!. E olt I@
Pntuk tul|z.tion.
allowed the .hild to proiect a van€ty of emotions into the doll. The dolly fa.ed doll al$ ld up to the transition among dollmakerc toward the dEracter dolls of the 1910s. The character dolls depicted strong and distinct emotions of their own and were consid€red an improvement over lhe dolly face although it is interestirg to note that these character dolls always appeal€d primadly to adult buyers and were never as hiShly ravored by children as 'Ihe mark AM 370 and 390 are found on
dols rmginS in size from 8 to 42 inches. The
pahtirS of their features vary hom the earlier somewhat sfter shading to the more vibrant tones favored in the 1920s and 30s. They wer€ available with ffred on colorin& in painted bisque, and in composition. In 1910 Marseille took out a patent (Germm DRGM 3r/ 439) for inserting tur eyebrows
into bisque heads and this improvemmt is often found on the 390. The 370 is a shoulderhead doll and is
usually found on kid or kidolene ( a synthetic material resembling oilcloth) bodies. These bodies can have gussetted joints or Ne Plus Ultrajoints. The Ne Plus Ultrajoint is a riveted joint first patented in 1883. The 370 is usually found with fixed set German glass eyes. The 390 is a skd head doll and so it is genetany found on the typi.al G€rmm-style ompGition ball iointed bodies and on @mposition walking bodies. Late. exampl€s or the bisqueheaded 390 are often sM on the cheaply made "stick type" ompositim body. The C,€rman glass €ys u*d for the 390 are the typical weighted sleep type popular durinS their time period. The brows of both the 370 and the 390 e molded (aside from the previously mention
examples with inset tu. brows) and the painting varies hom a few simple strokes to a heavier multi stroked eftuct. Wigs are either mohair o. human hair. Ttese dolls can be found in onginal hone made clothing and in factory dres*d ve.siore. The fa.tory made clothin8 has the splashy, smewhat Sarish l@k s often en in doll cataloss of t}le day. These were
outfits made to c.eate impre$ive displays in showroons and shops and usually did not hold up well to actual play. When presenl both factory and original home made clothing can be an invaluable aid to dating examples of this proliic So rehember, while the molds
AM 370 and 390 may be the greatest common denominatore in the antique doll world, the dolls that bear these marks are an impo.tantpart of the story of dolls and have eamed their pla€e in our studies and .oll€ctions.
AbM Motked 37A tuis eranple hds the efet cototinS ol the dotts node
Jron 1900 ta dbatt 1920, Doll cau ay olThe Dotl Museun, Abou lef: This lult tdSth ehat ol the doll in tie pt@hrs slide sh@s the
gnsettul kitl botly uith bisque lMt orns thrt rhe 370 B olen hund o . As is the co* uith ndny collectors, this AM is th. f6t a tiqw dol eut
pude a W he dtthor.
lif: This 370 has a note highly
elded fniihet) thst the drnpk i
,t pr@io$ sl e whnhuorld indiek thtt she is nost lik ly ian thz 1920s ot 30s. Doll couna! of The Doll Mueun, Ndupon, Rl.
Goevieve An8ione and Judith whortor! ,4li Dolls ,4a Coile.l,&k. New York Crcwn
Iurgs and Ma.ianne Cieslik GrDa" Doll En.y.ldp.dia. Cumberland: Hobby Honsc Press, 1985
Dorothy S., Elizabeth A., Evelyn I. Coleman
The Collectot's E clrlopedia ol Dolh vo|. t g tl.
New York CroM Publishe6, In.., 1968 & 1986 lan Fotlke, The BLue Book oJ Dalls afld V"lues Vol.2 thrcugh 14. Cumberland: Hobby Hou$ Pres, 1976, 1978,'t984, 1982, r9a4, t9, t9a7, 1989,1991, t993, 195, t997, t999 Madeline Osbome McrilLfl,.A, o/Dolls. Cumbedand: Hobby House Prs, 198s Lydia Rjhret, Tteasury oI Gdna Dolls.
Tucon: HP BsLs, 1984
Evelyn Phillips 17 Loch Lane, Dept ADC Rye Brook, NY 10573
' (914) 9394455 ' Fax (914) 9394569
Wonde!tuI K'R fahily - 12" f 114,Hans $3,600. 12" ,101 Marie $3,6m d 71l2" tully
joinled Crctchcn, ,114 $2,295. All flawl€s bisqu€ and 6real nodelin8. 22" A'13 "La P isieme" by Jul€s Steiner. A fac tlEt will take your beath away. vintage
doth6 that det desiplion. Call. I (Ll / 2" rare .1. mo. Ori€ntal
by BahI Prcschild. Sup€rbquahi and rotally odsinal $a400 -Poulv'srBL rflr/2" FM.h ram 252 h.s hd v€ry own kunl lilhd ;irh h;! onsinal
18' ticklnS, crying Sreiner wirh wond€rful d down. animadon. LeSs kict a ams Eo
CorSeous.hristening cloth6. S2900. P@i@s 12" b€h€, h6 all th€ atrriburs of the cleic EJ. OdA@l mohair $i& hu8e br. pw e)ts' iaat\ered
bom d sp€dacule cloitE $8,m.
19" Tete Juheau in o.iginal clothes wilh na&ed shG (we added @pe). HuEe blue pw cy.s, flawl€ss bisque, SEat modelinS. $1800.
9. The shrff ihat deahs are frade of. Exquisite penier.arly porirait 16", € ly 8'bau body, pale blue spiral ey€s with da.k btue nm. Has a winter oltfil ori8inal har of .rimsn velvet, parasl and white wml coat with crimM him. 10. 25" cl. mo. fabulous SH #949. Exquisite bisque,
superb modelin& finest exanple ol lhis mold.
Ceat cloth6. ,.1,500. 11. Incdibly beautitul EJ 8. Applied ea6, origi@l
mohai. wi& fabulons vinta8€ clorher rurked sh6, H€r onginal wat h 3u.@nd.d by fanx rubi5, violel blush oYe! ey6. Call. 12. Exquisite ,137 My5tery doll.14", p@bably BatrJ Pro*hild. S€. blu. boolg cl. mo., st6iEhr wisls, darlin8 cloth6, 6reat doll. $2500.
Contact our website at
http://www.evelynphillipsdolls.com emaiLpoupees5T@aol.com
13.F rastic 18" "Hilda" in exquisite oriEinal christ€ning dftss with her very own Hilda pin, she has an .xka wi.ho. out6l- swansdown trimned hd and .ape. $5,0m. 14.16" swivel necked Elass eyed Panan. Superb qnality, bisque hmds, oigimlcostune defies demprron. Really mNum quality $1,7o5
lt. An enahantins rae pullto) Tlredollshavc faces of th. high€sr quality, glass eyes and
iotallv orisiml.ostumes One shale5 belL and the dher ;bhd .ymbals 6 rhe, oll alons on a lirhoSraphed plaid platlom. a Seat additi@ to a doll collection. $2,700. 16.11" Panan wi th a pplied Dcden like flowes in her han, car@din8 in barA d endinB in curls.
Applied n€cuae and a Mhrhe tha(s Iragile but t@ wondertul to eplae. $1,295. t7.22" exeptionally beautitul and hard to Iind sH 719, Huge spiral blue pw €y6, wondertul onSinal clolh€6. $2,595.
a I Dior!^{--d,T+ " - ionb ? e uB. rffi d *.'@. h4ur hod ru) nu)ea is'r!dDm6. #""*h"dddb.-y*.iN I ?. Uedyrdd$L:llmBinrl@poddblpar-sla€ys.aalldeidrEd
o, .c
r tuEbhad^a .d4'nDt sr Nrmrpol"d! Toold.d\:tr4+gPr d.hled:mddd bo!. r@@sdd 46 rnpkiad€ .ndFlln uhd.dondirn oigidhny,n'l.lod 13.rdi.hLv-b. 6firPied
{ Undy:dmtt dohrltis by61olls wii m psinbd 3i6'@ ispiirJG
6.16uu el€irMdiiim:mdctul:nriqudodhl 3'bn-$r95.ldid"Fn
q onErndj* , bslMi.rI rytu 6,r, granbd,}? -Nn-\ l6lnm.blrl] F!. t6q*. b.* q .meil 6f, elv ui Enbd ,el @F v .! d@ r
drdbod! ill mFirl qidul dollna..cl '.sdi"d
. uM r@Eb. ar mlli, t+id, hahc b) t ni'. iodflll[Bh qu"]rb bqf qbn.ltrblh orMdi4.dbrr dre,kr9 q6. l,id \M ridu r1g. hi J roirn rFrd hv.l, dt@.tur d d. "lri !d r ol { m 'ffiR _ ouilro'idr tdEtor rr-i b.ad d rp,-n quli,y.lm.J Fl€ tEqu'.ldz. Bk4:brFFfr {d'q6.Mmn@n'b \.ipt .d lhiltrig,i* io{,:tu6^nb-# di'r ouJ,n d 4F rd Ma.\rdd @l in IF. ioidatul qiin rn r&\fl dr .HdroMs r oq * [-dlm dB d iir . r_ 'Jro so$. s'r'|d iddihh ml u.Eil, &ts bt, tu lmr r h, r*. b?ubbis 3 lw,r.'tuf,r 4l'bwid. tbaQFmllid@r ti b{E.4crdtu hdrd @ibd r: B d'n k apd d! r4iitu@ d Lt i*F cporyni lutl htMib*rrEBcqhrN.hldr 6$.rdbc.,l..lor]ri.dqEq01 .] hm dr h d!' o;d ft hio.[.dAl liF aao, {,i- F ird h+6 Pdst t .blly r 4c! J r!tu vr 11 (t J{ [a L]* Jrre6aotrh' 'ds o tuBv*ru! Joy do q r6h. ndd ,th, .rdFinrn) I d qlrlity t{H.r Fus s hl( J@.F *r 'tu lHd pJiiH ldJ f6b " t molded blsbd &dftd Lts toalrsp lB r.tullypndhdjh.d, dMndiertiqmddliew hnittinrh 9:9t r0 Eoo,drmhad Pi$Mrd ZsedrlIFM(i,d P,ddmpo. mdhid{rc.mddbdd,G hi n qdrLl ddl.Ir bI 116c I r. rr,,,@"r. a.;.,.-hr.q-h",r, ri,r Af-d M* " .ri" d* I cq!;'a. d b. risF qldlryq'Inulddia'.&d.h6trrhniRpM y
ffi Y ,,
"iff iii-W-.H;'N*iffi,m*nt*pm, h."d-r"",d..""dn,hrd" t dqreoikd'r@ruhoFiE
*:';i"":::k:'"T#,;:flf*Tlr#,i";'h"$'un"q""*'"s" .d; -.;.;h;d i,f[.aomhedbai0dcd] ^ld.wridrlr1d .hdrbrl.o 6.el ;shdlim rpo,ioo"rst,'Ehtr
ri *ir".r;.a,p,,, dry"",* wd;.ostq,t)b,er ro*/d*p
----i .i '"
Fl edl rJ,&bs i]ttiffttbis27dm:$nd:'lu]olddo$bddtNie dhqrddlnns lunba].nlq
a l\ov6 'tro im-d,ly ltis 6rkd body 8Hr bi8 30" BM" w'$ mold€d h,n aelmr Mi bn $96 3 ut6lv:doablc lutc tr4 KoI,. !p€.hde - a€nd omE'Ir r5 &Mdy!ero6nd dohsdsiBbhl)fficodn
rhiLdm ldi.eh
"qtflodd"dol@.flt6md .!res. B "ci'lv' hln iet3. 15 rrl.1es.
{ru!4rlhaudirrcl{dordb^nridMNi r.rnidr6J.darui$dtd
'o do dbi;doLhd'q. pc u t;v. M M0 o Lrn' nold .orpntul o r dnd mnLlhs f,h wr) I sm qul, y tsqr I [,r s- qr .tu$L]!l8
l7 shrd*fri.luedid bY x@(,id Rriiid-mold ubAnr.tu b 6nd rd
m s ddnri. frd, dDr idndd pory ol€im.h.qe or fi. i!9 hield qu:liq .
id,.fuGrD,I.lqF,fubful.hn.h n; d6d. ih qrc @ a h,n! nnbd bddls bodl rd u[.i{q t&R-bmm.hn$uta|h@modr'.p{,m",+orGhd
roor. B J t595.
dird.Etadr b rnd-udtu...clorsrd,hie
C.!tuly @ iI oisii,l dmro'd!th boy" by [@
n.M ;('i qi"-
- mold ir mPial
v-r.node .Jsroro'r.un.m{d1
id-' ol h{ 1P.d *i6 r sa{ddui nordld hlr h ttr bi.r oidml qdiuoi aid
r"o *,u *o db6: a.mr06 "cisl6"flss) I z. c-,0".*'p,,i nn darld@diEoi,ll disiiil !'/95 B. h!€ sn.prid qe"*sd6"
16" : i mtuill,lr c.r4tr.€ukit@r] ld,ly l'trd p:md I lj a;.T\ h ,td {ny dF m'l t 6tu. r.wr6. h!q,js.eurb ih" I hi,":i-*+ * h-d h*. -d *d'pd P€.hrn
f, "fl'#l/#f#il,U'#ffiffi;tr1,,#;$lf-fff
orud";rcd.bl@dg[sa6 disin] wy ?,:!dtt flti wi8 wlti sk,td sit lrn dmati.i -:ll di;ro] diili(. iinH isl bodr vi$ ifld.:^d 6it6 .li. lrdy slro mcd in $td dlr lhl ra $pF.e b !e'L:iy T.6lc rm d'. $h@l
Photos by Ziggy
140 Caryl Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10705 (914) 968-3033 . (80{) 569-939. Fax (914) 968'4173
B? surc to check out out
exciting new tueb site at: \oww. rob et t as dollho us e. c om
I 15
&: 1"1
I !
rFrryd h
aFnmtdormdb .rlmpnl
dhturlyna !d ind bEed ddlr6.2' b lt2,4c5 b badr mlEii.tr;tii ru s $ d€Dm. rffi !r0 aqmrlM
& ryindqd,d@tddrddEmddb€u\ dltiy d'ndd d,El. {icioirl h.d dil hJ tu 4i{r la$6Ed hn*,1d ddntl liF 8i!33E nqrc.6sd{amDre n;u bEdv{r5tu6midMti6w@bddrhn} ll'bI't4$ )r.m;lnm,.ffihR a.itrbtrid .lo uh h l(It.r.h,nr urPd Hahe-le .od ;p .d ;' mdihn.tse. B e6irntus pwd ir., bdrbiH.Bn .adtldin @n ord'M l1,Ir i!,[TFir ?d lnd. a L^lrmh h-o{n rd r( {d; rtrd ql:l'p oi4. .$d@h,l \.n'l p:trd rdr'.lnoa{Jer bhr h" ELLxm brc$.'dr I ;ld'.d a- k'ed lLdEoul'n d le uu* 4.br!.plPsrishr {€'
hm!pn.l Ld b"d! lovd],lqrdirh'trs.rrbn e1$5 {6 lrl tlw pd,ffidr e5 . 4n\dcrd ined qd m0ld.d Hl' ' .bdr
dr ;* rs; e* m!. ralimbh dted Irnn !,:96 o 0&dtur Drnrcd $; hr, rftd 0or v'in doi.ur .dd"d ,ak sd nd.d bq@ mb. r,in. Aoikirrilrh @"1'h .nic ain d t nd pibd Ixi:l tuqtuH
ddq* do*sB It ull tq5
140 Caryl Avenue, Yonken, New York 10?05 (914) 968-3033'(800) 569-9739'Fax (914) 9684173
Photos by Ziggy
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exciting an) Toeb site at: www.rob er t a sdollhouse. com
140 Caryl Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10705 (914) 968-3033 . (800) 569-9739. Fax (914) 968-41?3
.'4 ./'
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7l i
i Y"'iLr;i-* ll h.ndylrsd]mlrdhyc€h daH4b:dr.wi*tuj'8lel. boi ofoid!, ia@J'4.lnm p H* 5k?D s.hond?fi1 Lid pricn kd &eG.tully iointd !ody- houritul si@ diin wig s
.rmryr!{uddtuJE. " d.rP!6
Mhd slc d {dr {'bn . $95 L iihrermrl lmrr?d sn i.fu.
d lr. wddurhd "cnmc q,t,!'lh+,.m!rrHui]a46,m*iiill(ffitdbr
!od, . t@ *n fi*. rody atqr dd4. n_ nn . rLrqt ]1 o,hd'Br! *ubu !197 bddl. bq b] r,@!i ..drrm, l[.6 qurri, bLqu.$d-r, d,&utban d{p qE d
ru - fd b:dd b:n hi5 rm'lmki.rfiis lDrdm{ votris I2d ffi mrtullyiointdroddlrLdy.lowly qued0$iq{i
35.,{ndls np rd {,r1ru fr6ln lrm dp wdslul sodtl ol b 6nd rd M e iainu. "Cihoi Cirl" . ndd on' 6quib hnqE. dd 4liltd mld dii * h dr duiw lmt ol i hly wll hnd ldr.friiinil tii bodr
@l;-,qS Libe.al Financing Available
$ddm!,iddn! @biid-"AhlimiLb,/byErasrid,
l1 Riniy 6{id ad Ey
rrF by C€lgl*lv&il -
'lainblp.Bouir . std dm mold.d h6d . e,?.' lid qur ) h!q( 4u blk
r F,*d,--;6.i.*,-;.*,ar,
c.leilYrddrbh.r4 ull. iLA5 aihoNMi4frdnrdmhmtulrd. rw0ddorLm. Anuni!'cd'ffipolly.h,ld:llms]iJs$Mlib.r3!d
t3 Aizis\ !€dd r r rudT (ro bo] . hy lil dT hd rcr" (d* rh
{1 Ubly dmu. K.ffi & R.i(rrd 1126 bddldboy'd&lld
nrul sdrd .llid prmtd nolded ra rid tr m pi@tu|
da h; yoris Lld ha i srid dd! ll;d 6d1iddd ha, d&p inbrlio.F.rNbfrtrdoF\dedniudr.(,llyitrdhny m( at@.d.l]lis dd dc rdbll l!9t
,rrdlIl*Mloundlc29nodrl{6 n'mh'E.rllmFi:l dod,add4c lT rill bdibris i3o6 1' UiEly r'loEbh dnd oh { m b tud . lm y rruid drmr dild
nn .do, ]hirhdxre_,,3!d"bytG€Phldp]dmJ r1330 Ea@sd @al'b rrnd h{( . loydr had F n}d rid rd@
F@srhrqE.b d b rE !or;n,,r. [' d. *.do.br. ilnsbe rtrlimlid.tu
10. Tru
lmry diqpdod{4 bd
roial 5drd ddrd !i.{*,sd boy3 by Qbtodr 8dbad,-
quiliryhi!q@'hiabourituld..ddboddnp4B @Fiilpa! dlt.tunyFiftdbddrdhod/ sdr i m hddsm rfri3 rad.
14 rwo ror&ft1
:I @nn trdr shm. a . l d. FEii Fi {d,
HF@@"ahc ell?d ,llnqd Md'6m. rx.5
3.['d.p:i {dry?cqTn3',ilsisi[lmFP.p.do6ru
vond!ft].mpl6 oI dp Hdb:d qulit ."D.* slslf in ko di0i6'r a6. pla*.dl tu i6 ,id pnG
{5. THo
.EphJ hd q6lio biqft tulh ioiihd ompo bodia d..b[6 e,rJirB m is noh 17602 vi[, dRp Bruq.rpBim:nd blu
ouel'o clE.20 ull .ll 4e5. ln! donhl. L'td. hdi. s ldtlu8
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140 Caryl Avenue, Yonlers, New York 10705 (914) 968-3033 ' (800) 569'9739'Fax (914)9684173
t Zi6 md I woutd like lo inhoduc lou io lhe w@de,rd "Quen Ame" si5l6'bot ol dre* .haminS wonds @ ldm lho - (*ty tzm) - bot\ in a on8iml Mdilion @.h one has hd very om u.ique *pBion and
"(i* A*" r",ioa
d *ellnt
ach one IEs a lery individual fa.e . He Iel Ery lucty io be able to ofl4 boti of de iae edy bealii6 io vd e.h EN oveed h,nd wed tEad h6 d k Elas 6/6 wilh dolted erbmss a.d lash6 _ mEinai hlm han wi8 tully ioinkl ood b.dis wi&Ioilcd h2nds botl luva al onEinal c1oth6 - the sister o. dE lefi beinS dE t ller ' hc d6 is ii mlch bdter onditim-bftbodhave auoia ald dE fie leeling ol a hand nade wdof an fm a by gme era vou tsw dat the r@ wdds b@k tu ahour $25,m0, e.h- Co.sidenn8 L\en .ondition dd o$iiality. A _ &tI (t na snu on kft) 23' t ll _ $11500. _
Liberal Finmcing Available
B - Held (sliEhily smaller on d8ht) 21' t ll -$13J01.
Sp€aldn8 ol vuy 6dy hvo,ite. - no! we
wdld lite to oller y@ eotE re dd wondems beauty - b.6utiid'lzmih
walte'/ n exellot 6ldch.d .dditim - sro.li*tle
pegd lEad with woddftl
hdd painhd latls - tiis oe is Im
6e pFparmt da (heloe1873) she in a nie rd large siz! (21") - she stil lus hq
oriSiill &6 dd shc - wow lhis nre
ft6uE bool€ iu.hout $25,m0. SIE is v€ry
EM.bh pied at oily $12,500.
Be surc to check out our exciting new web site at:
uo@.r ob er t as dol lhouse. com Photos by Ziggy
Qatrtcta,g( %ad(hncourt 1,l3 Grand Steet Croton-on-the Hudson NY 10520 (91,4) 271.2082 . F.\X (91,4) 271,-sa57
Visa aflil Mostercfiil Accepteil
.- r,
15' Port.ait Juneau, brcwn paPer wei8ht €y6, clo*d nouth. Made lrcm 18n-1883, siz numb€r 6 on h.ad. loint€d conposition body ma.ked, stra,ghl wrists md 3 ball joinrs.
Onsinal .h€mi* md lyshes.Sheis erquisitely beautitul and has one raint hairljne so pri.ed a..o.dingly. You ned a bnghr light 2. 3.
Another view of B€utitul Jumeau 22" Jumeau, ori8inal ad hat. DE$ is pint sjlt with tag which syr "Kisin& walting, Talki.8." She still d@s all tharl Hat marke.l Pdis Erposirion 1878. Perlect bisque
dd ey6 op.n md clo*. He. onginality is
magnifi@nt. Head marLed 8 Gize nunbed. $25m 13" Fenci nun. Blu€ papeMdght ey6. She
photo8raph€d a bit tuzzy as eyes s blue agaiGt black but she is moE beauliiul th pi.turd. Her hands are lolded in praye!. onsinal shc. Sh. h prcbably a llneau, but I did not wanr b undress. P€rfe.t head. $22m
5. 10" Pire pair ol 19dr €nury lrench *xed
dolls, aI.loth. Th.p hiv€ mgtun@t.Ltail. Th€y aF very rare, bought in Paris, not many in .xistde. V.ry .dly md uniqu€l $2100
6. 1z Pdim boy with blue El6 .ye, perf€.t dE€d 6 boy, wondertul detail io hair mlplin8, wonderlul quality. $850
7. Chae, mart€d, oriSiml dr6s s round in 8.
atti. in Maine. For months I was all over it was worth it! $395
buyinS 10"
ta.i- h yellow in ori8inal box
1920, or:gi@l hat, mint cddition. $9@
9. 20' Lmci rare. Note flower h6 a fac! This is a very mique and unusual doll, b€autitul
10, Kanmer and Reinlardt dE*d up in Crenland out6t. High top boots nol shown with tur on !op, Unusual, fund in upFr
M.in€. Wondertu ddit! $12@
u. E ly cloth painted In.tia, pap@F. In painted box, Cloth wrapFd arcund it is drcrated in
Two .hirnr both roblly trisin l- The lar*er
(hid 6re1'ead) has odgitul ed and white
.lr€s, Frk oloiina dd ldely mile $9m.
The shrner bld<te dild i! totaly uiginal md pql€.t ,lo, $395. The @ part oI ih€ 30" ChiM, the hole .hiM. A
qy large do[,
Frfe.t ror a nie cLan, c. 1860s. No (b6 ard
20l Angry Donildby Borafeldi. E lyDimy pi€e. Bill i5 m.de of wood 6ds .lorh. A r@
rtllsd in gey 6ilt .Les, stod.in8s ad drc. $a9s la uaty Febt ary - Llla/ch
15. 20" Mmi.a @p@ftior!
p|@fle 561432-6232Leape ftessage dt 9 14-271-2082-
Please lind ,ne at nu w. do ll s afl ti q ue.co rfl . -nail: wiltsdott @ aol.com
i 1911-
']['mu Sncnnr's Ocrr by Eloise Freenan nyone who knows me well is tully aware that I, Eloip Frecman, could never kcep a s€cret. The good news is that as I rapidly approach anoiher birthday my advanced a8e has rendered me forSetful. So spil your gurs, tell me anything you wish, I will probabl) not remember it anlvay . . .
your secret is poGsibly safe with me now. However when it comes to th€ rcalm of dolls, ioys and the remote poiential to view and obtain such items, fumy, my twenty-nine year old mind operates like a sbeel trapl Here's the s.oop. A few months a8o one of my dearest friends affrounced that she had just retumed from Kansas City, Missouri where she visited a toy and miniature mEurn that she deemed
roadside dol musem wilh none other thm the late
Dorcthy md lae Coleman. Interestingly enougtr upon exiting the mu!€um,I disthcdy rEcal the 6$t word that Domthy Colman uttered . . . it was "insedible." Folowed by, "couldn't ihey have gotten just one thing right?" Touch6. I askql arcmd in hy circle of dol collecror friends, fishing for additional opinions, dd their "incr€dible" was folowed by, "You will absolutely love it, Eloi!a." By th.t time, never havinA heard of this enigmatic mus{:ln,I was feeling like I had b€€n living under a rock and certain that my
colle.tor friends wer. thinking along the So, when my hBband Bolton.asuatly
Now, "incredible" is one of tho6€ adje<iives that can conjure up a couple of very dilf€r€nt visions in my brain. To illust ate,I onc€ visid a dusty
,E tg E" E E'
motioned that h€ would be nyinS to Kansas City on a quick business tnp, I surprised him
by askin8 to ta8 along.
Aulotutd uith Tete It du hatl. c. 1890, ws , prid
sponered W tb Etury Btul
Ifuy.r D.podwl st@ in Toy g@ry sto|, aa.L
C4tuny ot thc tun ol ttu
q U
,,/, 1 (*i +tl
After the mus€um's tull color book and brcchures arrived and I had tom through their pages tike a mad woman, I was su€ of one lhin& ljust h.d to 8et into that museum! Soldidwhatl do b€st. . . I begg€d. . . on the phone, no less. Luckily, whefl I plac€d ihat pathetic phone cal I was pul thmugh to on€ of the founde6, Mary HaEis Fracis. As a fellow colle.lor dlat has certainly left her shar€ of no6€ pdnrs on mtique shop windows that rudely display sigls remin8 'dos€d, back next year," she ful.ly understood my plighl. Sh€ $aciously ananged a private tour on the Monday that I would be in townl Now, all I had ro do was count the days! I remember reading in the museum's brdhue that it was lo.ated on the campus of the University of Missouri so as I naviSated th€ st@ts of Karsas City toward the university, I was on the lookout for a boxy, "institulional
Cdnnn "Btw Rtuf dottho se
looking" buitding. Imagine my delight when I spotted the mu-s€um's sign, glanc€d up from the road d there was a lovely, rolling Sreen lawn endinS at the steps of a tum-of-the century mansion. I could barely.ontain my excitementl
urw Fdch count eiled to AMi@ uhw h. mri.d E" @l 1y NN Englrnd noclant. W et .d i" Pdasyl@b, dnd in 1870 ,e conki$ion d tttis A
the rbughto
brye ddh'|tuefu hb chik!@- The.alingt.E htt l tuBh to tu@nndbte Fdch lashi@ tbtts @unry 18 to 20 ituha kt. Th. n$ut6 iine in h.isht.
l'v€ always mcouraS€d Bolton to take as many business trips as possible Ior two reasons. Fiist, I plan my own doll-r€lated sojoums du ng his trips (or he would miss rne terribly) and secondly, r-hes€ busineis trips help maintain a steady flow of dolls into what would oth€rwile b€ empty shelv€s in my doll cabinet! I'm sure he felt it would be "safe" to take me alonS on this short trip as we were flying on Suday, hi5 business ne€ting was scheduhd for Monday, and then we would retuh on Tuesday mominS. what kind of t ouble could I Eet into? Bolton has no inteEt in doUs or mtjque shoppinS, yel he is tully aware that doll shows don't take place on Mondays, and that many antique shops clN Monday as a day of rest. Warily, my beloved agr€ed that I.ould a.ompay him on his trip. My Kansas Cily adventue beg with a phone €all lo lhe museum to inquire at'out hours of operatim, etc.,... only to leam that the Toy and Miniatur€ Mwu of Kansas City is not open on Mondays or Tuesdays. Once I had forced down the pdic thdr hdd ris€n in my throat, I composed myself sufficiently to request a museum book and pamphleis, resigning myself to the fact lhat the only joy I would experience in Ka$as City would bea steak dinner. 38
il The Toy and MhiahrE Mus€um of
Kansas City was fomded by two native
"Kansas Citiarls", Mary Harris Francis and BarbaE Marshal. when I rang the b€I at th€ museum mtrance I was o(tsemely honor€d to b€ gr€€ted by both of them, along with a handlul of their smiling staff. The two exceptional ladies have been kiends for a lon& long time and have alwars sh5.ed a love of collecting.
:EE ':
For Ma.y Hanis, her first love was dols' houses. She purchased her first antique doll's house in 1974, the "New Rochelle Mystery House" which is now on display in the musem. For Barbara, her love was miniatures and her love affair began in the r950s with the acquisihon of a single chai. created by
renowned cratuman E.ic Pearson. Once inside the museum's f.ort doo., my ey6 darted wildly in every direction, eventually resting on a monolithic annqu€ msical model of a Fremh chateau that absolutely dominaues the mus€um's lobby
and rightly so - it is a mastelpiecel I tried to listen politely as the Iadies presented a quick lesson concemhg the mus€m's history md ils' layout. The mEum op€ned its doors in 1982 in the aforementioned mareion on the h , and in 1990 a maior renovation tripled the size of the museum, gready increased display space, expanded the gift shop and created a room for special evmts. The majority of Mary Hanis' toys and Barbda's hiniatues have been given to the museum's not-f or-prof it f oundation. My apologies h€re, I must admit my mind was wandering as ihe ladie. were talkin8. I hop€ these d.t6 and derails ar€ con€ct. I remsnber wondering how could I po6sibly maneuver that incr€dible chat€au out the front d@r while the ladi6 werent looking. . . and would the,ury buy my "iemponry insaniY'pleas should I get caught? I thm r€rnemb€red what black and white sEiFs do to my figu€, and how difficdt it would b€ to accessorize a bal and drain. I snapped to atbention. Unfortunaiely for me, Barbea Mffihall was mrnJnitd !o a prcvious mSaSernent and had to dash out early. So, alter a rMrvelous inhoduction explaining the diff€1ences between miniatures and toyt prEfend by an tique auto@[on- believe it or nol slP led me inio a multi-faceied 8al€ry that hous€s her miniatur€s. From the Louis XV Salon with its computer controlled lighting system capable of simulating dawn and dusk, to the draftsman's dd r@m, I w6 in pure awe - - . an elegant coll€.tion of antique and .ontemporary piffes, ass€mbled by an equally elegant and gracious coll€ctor. There are miniatures on display created by the world's iop artisars in wood, silvet glas d ivory. The miniature houses are breathtaking and made even more so with
Anrictn chitect re cla\s@, c. 1gn, hede by Willim Pnbettn in 19 . Euilt to the sole oltu inch to @e l@t, this niniatue @ futAE dhfing tddsdfd r@|swhi.t1,ctw y @*.
Citun M
w borll\? n clu6 uth lithogaphed wls dnd fN*, dt olt uindolls, ffii@ Tl6e wpl6 w iud. dbort 1880.
qcial @s
ond uindMilb.
state of the art Iighting and museum
technology. Thari you, Barbara for a renewed and much deepr resF.t for thes€ Upon exiting the miniature galleries, Mary Hanis excidly led me into her dont in. At that point in my tour, what was increasingly ot vious io me was iust how mu.h these two women erfry sharing their collections with others. They mjoy the
p€rsonal contact and the r€action of visiiors. It was thm that I Elized how hcky t w4 to rcceive this tour from tlxrn Flsonatly.
Mary HaEis' couectiois dominale the "old house" winS of the mus€um. Ihese
exhibit r@rns are intimte and cozy, the perfect backdrop for her bEnd of coneciing. The 6lst tiny rcom that she led me into was a little piece of heav€i 6I€d with Sunday tolE, Noah's ark, sdrcol rooms ed
folky model .hui.hes. The next room was also small, yet filled with cui6iti6, not toys
or miniatures ne€essa.ily, but just plain tun! There are eashel souvmirs, beaded uiosities md tumiture crafted from bird fuathers and wishbones. En hmting! venturing on, passing niches displayinS fantastic dolls' houses by such makers as Bliss and Gotts.halk, I gasped when I spied what must be the largest 19ih.entury Ceman papier mache shoulderhead in the worldl It is housed in a viSnette along with items from a now closed histonc
downtown Kansas City department store. The sight of the shoulderhead alone is worth the price of admission!
Al$ housed in the room is,n incredible display of litho8raphed paper Paia/ ofthe Couflt s Houe.It stnnlsoti i e fet toll!This rtu n s t6 29 irches tdll,38 inches uide lnd 4l u.h4 d?pp. h tonkth: tM I Enh Ia.hkndoll,haa the lSb1s dlanS u hM ou-d@<sori\ iadudhs a ttecauE,Elft rt. otuotu bFd ds? and a im,h toto Sdne
One als notes along the way, the original ar.hite.hrral elements of the rooms su€h as tovely.rown moldings, fluted columns and leaded glass - the ambi ce is sublime! It was the treasure housed in the nexi exhibit room that nearly had the staff running to dial9tl for me. Like a vision, rhere befoie my eyes, was my dream house "The Coufs House," a French, -mansard-roofed beauty that towers a
stming nine feet talll
It was built in 1875 to house a family of French Fashion dolls. My astute hostess/
Mary Harrir rsognized that "deer caught in the h€adlights" Iook on my fac€, sat down for a bEak, then itrtructed Mary, a cherished staff member, to open the front of the mansion for me. After peering through each and every window . . . I piayed I I straightened pictures, re ananged tumituE, and discuss€d vintage wallpaper and chandelier styl6 to the sheer bemusement of Mary Harris. Better th professional therapy! She gene.ously indulged me as long as time W.S. Reed oI Imninstd, Mnschusetts nade this Littk Chtnbemid bedtM set in the ldte 7890s.
After a leisurely sEoll through a smal 8allery room that hollg more of Barbara's perfect scale miniatures, includin8 one of my personal favorites box - a shadow ioom created by Mrs. Thom of Chicago's Art Institute's famed Thom rooms. it was time to ascend a lovely staircase to the second floor exhibit rooms. Still weak in the kn€€s and intoicated with love for "The Cout's House," I was led by the hand into galeries containin8 "boy's toys," ircluding vintage traint planes and automobiles,. A most memorable exhibit room houses a tribute to America's Heartland and the family farm. In this exhibit there are
A e\arryk ol nid ni etenth entuty British klk
att, this hatd-cotued Butch.t Shop ws used to tea.h
shwi si the m befare latutins.
charming folk art fam hous6 and barns, toy hactors, bamyard animals and a .harming folk art windmill. Truly, I can't find the words to d€sc be this touching exhibit some things you,ust have to s€e and f€el- for yourselvesIn other rooms upstaiE there are exquisite epmples of German kitchens, butcher shops, charming stores, boxed teasets, Steiff animals and mo.e exquisite dolls' hous6 complete with tumishings.
And don'tworry, dolls are very well represented here/ from a multitude of dolh' house dolls to French Fashion dolls with their fumiture and accesso.ies. There is arso a large galery upstaiE that hollg a changing special exhibit! As the end of th€ tour near€d I couldn't help but r€menb€r that I had only jnst leamed of this mawelous museum- l'm sure there e many
nibn4fiia tawd's Hou!, c. 1870. mtz unk oun, @ntission d bv o Mlthv tun ds a .W ol hn lkrE. It t@s @
t*d B o dol5' ll@.
among you that are fmitia. with Kalus Cily, md are of the opinion that poor old Elois€ is behind the times, oui of the loop, elc., but as Mary Hanis poinH out, "sometimes the citizens of this colmtry iorget that the Midl)l|est exists." I undemtad what she memt by that, and I'm here to tell you there is an absolute iewel located half way b€tween l-os An8el6 and New York City. It's ca ed the Toy and Miniature Museum
of Kansas City. Shhh! It's a secret. . . pass it on. Toy
a Mi,tiature Muscun E Knnsas
Cit!,5235 Oak Strcet, Ktrcas City, MO 64112. tnJotnntion line 816-3i3-20s5.
Houre: wed. thtough Sat., 10an-4p 1.
sufl. 1 pn - 4 pnt. httplholu|-u k.etluftnnt
A highlight ol ou ol the doU .rhibits is thit touly F@ch F6hi@ doU, .- 1865, sunountLtl by . dnlkiza Eench N d.uit ,.irca 1860' law bnb@ l"dishnlas, r. 188G1890, dnd stull bo*t 4n l Wintings.
FN ia l"i
A Doll Dealer Cooperative ' 12O 8howcases! Antique through Contemporary
1607 North ReadinS, Road (Rte. 272) Reamstown. PA 17567 7 17 -336-24 I 4 F AX 7 17-336- 1262 www.thedollexpresD.com
g YEAR Ar*inrensanrt
Antigue Doll
(r) Doll Buying &
3 o
Restoration Clinic
On the followint Saturdays 10, Malch 10 -andFebruary April 14 Dolls, -Debra's 20 North Main Street in Mullica Hill, New Jersey, will be hosting doll buying and restoration clinics for anyone
with an antique doll they'd like to s€ll, or on€ they'd like restor€d. For mor€
information - phone 856478-9n8 ot v;sit www'debrasdolls.com
T *
,il vtsa
.1 {
Franl Gorshin, aka "The Riddler" on the popular 1965 television show Bafmar. Mr Gorshin has also appearcd in many films. Photo taken by Billie Tyrrell, Antique Doll Collector's celebrity photogapher.
dild sia 16 - opsr m@lh, beaudnn fae. $6,0q1_
2. Adand Marseille 36" .hild body mrked
$2295. 3. Sinon & HalbiS *1214 Santa 36". $3,295. 4. SFBI #237 Ch.!a.!er boy. R re 22" siz., hafine dacl( frcnt
oI Bk to side oI fa.e. SOLD. s. IG 30".lGed m@th ll]2melin. RepairEd hairlim above left eye. tzr50. 6, K6kEr 16".led mouth ituied "10". $3,1@.
bi@ PdiB.n l,tdz.6 At au Reai[,t6y a aur]er.
7. sFB, ,236 rruthh8 lmeau 22" baby. t1j9s.
dnirrrd.. Cleb P.,,,q,Joli. hUtd Rdugi'd l@ut Wirlty etLtt stu tt m 1lu tdc| th@Bh Madry. 10 on b 5 pn klutl T@ din w.d.1 ly4ltu r;- Ext 21 Pdnstlturb Tunpir! lRt.76) Go thturgh tau. At nd i.aht,
,.lef Ll
(Rt. 272 wth) W? n 1/2 nib d
8. E.D.Bet'e 2'" clos.d mouth B€b€ incis4d "E II D". 9. Simon & HalbiS {1,U810" chara.ter baby. $1,6$.
10. Kesher #1070 Hilda 18" solid dome baby. $3,500. 11. Vogue BIa.k Gimy MIB very RARE. $3,850 12. Kestner *150 all bisqu€ 8 r/2".hild. $650. *1914 baby 21". $750. 13. C.O.D. 14. Early Bliss Piano. $395.
I\4OVING? IMPORTANT: We need your old address and your new The Po6t Ofrice does not forward Second Class Mail. Call 1-888-800-2588 or write to us at Woodside 6 Avenue, Suite 300,
No(hport. New York I1768.
.lr Photo3 couttcay
,(l ii\r([ (ictri (( s the UFDC poinis out. man) are a.tually antiquet and !
1930s may qualify 6 modern. Alon
our iasFpa@d society. things ae enjoy this look at some of the lNok, Wdnets nan6 likd u)
r(,A 0 0 2000 7l
ofltelest dotls in the Modem Competitive Efibit e antique dolls that continued to be made into the this conundrum, there is the ines.apable fact that in ;ing "antique" status in record timel We hoPe you bon wimers from the modern exhibit.
ca MPosmoN. E F I a n B EE Sliwr bf, w6t ?oint cd.t. Cnd Mit4
n$L tN@a#tun d sWW. S@nn S@nt$t
COMPOS.IION. EFFqIBEE Pnnid, An! sia. Mu! led b.Ar na*r.d Pntie ot atha b.tdr Pdrticb l@ (,n d*,ttd P.t ! t o|lld sbt t) Elbnbd,,ll oknd uitt
CO MP OSI T T ON. U ntur lzd anp.sitiantdt ot bot noy h? tu*ed. .tothin& No M lonr ALflndd Anlk.
I inAt @np6 &L DGit BMft
I *r,
COMPOSITION EFF1IBEE Ann Snnw. Must b. m*2d Ann
sLd.J on bad!, .l6cn
ot\. M.! hra wist td8 or bL\ turlrd
bf, Indidn Ann Shnb!, al angitul uith bd. Cnol MiLtr n!llr, "Mdgic Hdnd" Ann Shnb!,itiSintl uist k8. Srann Stunkt
I coMPostTloN. k6zph x,ltustc,ne Doll canpn ! cMpnsiti t d *gnnn& uwd anbi'ntion. HruAt Ddd!, tutk2l fNt Enm Ctitier
21 in n btidr, alt oti8ituL JilL Sanazrc
CELEBRIT}. Mndntu Atdnndrr h"td ptn4i
cELEBRtrY. Mtu|rh. Al^rtn t
t" lt\ilttrl khhnlr Et.t nll sontn tutl. rnt Lrrnf Qrrttrtt' Chn n Mndnd,,n4sitkn, 1937. CELEBRITY M,1/n,nr Atnn dt hrd ph.ht Ptinc6 Mo\art R6c, 15 . Mtnt Lot Pdddgass
Qh,htpkt W Mnlnhr
^baIdtlk. rnr(b aol at s.l
t !'ith dtigirul t ctu trtto. Crrdl MiLt!
CELEBRIIY Dinnnc QrnntpLts b! Mtdane A1*! dd, sintle daLL ot *t ol dolls. @Einal et, in bo,6. Nm.r Io sd,.dd
CELEBRITY Sonta E ni.b! Madrn /J.rnadn. PRESIDENT's CHOICE 14 iadl dnllaith trunl< onn doning, al @*ind, c. 1%2.
\CELEBRITY. lddl O&nnn Dubin doll.
CELEBRIfY. ld@l SnnkY TtnPLt
kf, Couid! stnb!, 1) 112' kfln KnE tisht
coMlc STRIP cIJ,4XraTEi. cELt,ULatD. Fin n, nntktd doll, dnrl '12t "Mdtb Erutk , 1930 s, oLl oiAi@L
Conpeitlon and L@A se9 .ntuA ot 3 rhr bratty r@d agn?nitl Pw!.. KinS Fdtu 4 Svni@t.. tsls-
M i
13-112 indd.
Pri Coghbn
coMrc sTxIP cll,4R?tc?El.
HARD PLASflC A trrn Chtr.ttt
Sret Sk. 13" Suz?t su wott t
a atiSitul uith utist tog, Lind. Crnwlt
HARD PLAST|C. T?ni Lf., nnhtd{ tdi Ld,
Tzni lB, a otbitul, 16 in has. Non ! CMtr
HARD PLAST|C. Unnotutl tail pbtn. Na runukduret s nd* on had ot bod! dofiina utist td(s q 6ox nnt lx ,na*.d. Na Maddm?
8dd.,27 in t6. Aryi. DiFioft
tnt ultuturct, rnlt tutt,kt. 13 in h cLM, lil11,.g ph.d. Mn*.n on had,"1917 b! P.rtoMlity Dotts."
A a.pi.tid ol F,iagling Bnthds .lout, Ltu lo6bs. Pdn Co811l,n
HARD PL,1STIC. An nbet IRAO Nonet? Notutu, .11eisiul uitt bo,. Ioye ?,nbtt
Geri Gentile Antiqrc Dolls tt Totts ,1271 EllisRo.d,Cl.rlGh'h,
:ir!l LS SF ntr Ln ( th.t!li.r. wcrd(dm li]rsiri .liNtilpli . Ch.rk our s'.,t".itt nt
Im.il Ceri!.nt@con.entri..n.t
* \ rl rL{. r \I tr!r \r trl. $nd r. r{i,
N,l.!u,\ \ r,,f 1..,I li Ll{L\
d,{hlrr\ rtrd.iFinrl. dhi',ll, v.r .]\ r,,unJ d,,rruill\ l.\J, rrmr,lc Sl!\r
r \1rr.rul :r'0RUlNr Bllrlirlilhu( dul hhtr (\ (\, [nYl(\ lij(, chd ni hrl\ n h l(r.l\ b1{ h. hn|n\f\rliq$iz. Canr ririq( d({hiiArJ.lri\ tlt,rrr ], nl,sl\lt)\ llllllR;l!lIH sl!l\'tI \11'( rh'ni'nll ^\l) hnlhr hh'( (1-.lu irulh
r rr'cHlNA wlTH l\x) Dl:D BU\ &,tr 'lul Ln with.li&r.d\ nollt{ hin Full(l hrk inbihxn. o *inn &rlr.nJ.lothiry lll$5 i :1" EARI Y t [NCr Xr] CHI D11oRA"
lllllll I ll lll ll ll l:iillfl:;lr'lilil ..i\., L.
Itr.nl[.nrorisinil.oiditid C2.100
AMERICAN rl.l RrPl\ n)rd. Fibtrl0tr! \ihrinrd'l.in*...tr\i(riitions.r $e5 7 rl" Av{n HAmERLADY m6ridonb[.
l'tr|.liJ\ \ h unu{illixhr hlu('lsl'dN. \hiFJ fu[, llnrar raJ\ hn, arm,- h h
L, r,16 u. h l..xtrl nJn,{ I'!nr ',lxinLlr 'tr 'ih |!nL Fh irt rtr.l huxr mrh'h'ns E.trr.
nin,rl llnr Nrh n.ld*l it'hn Orixinil
Antiquc I I Signy Schi4dal Dolls 4500 NW 2nd Tena.e, Bo(a Raton, [L 33431
TeL 551-391-1429
. Far: 551-391-3563 . E-Mail: sigdol@aol.com
18 SFB.J Pais.
body. $1400
Al or! na. $1600
1,1'X'F 121,
original. $1200.
i4am. 20 Boy.
.ll $lll]Ll.
CallSigny ilyou lik6lo lalk aboul dollsl 561-391-1429 or 6nail ai sigdol@aol.com
*"ryfr* August 24$eptember 7, 2OOl The Ultlmate Doll Collectot"s Touro
Doll Capitals of Germany Thls fully escorted tow lncludes
,.. 14 Nlghts ln Qermany Luxury-Class Hotels * Fllght Bag + Porterage, Tlps and Alrport Ttansfers ? Doll Factory Tour a Ereakfast and Dlnner Dally + Fadory Showroom Shopplng * Hollday Museum & Factory Store a 5 Speclal Luncheons a Luxury Crach wlth Club Comer .' Bhlne & Mosel l{lne Tastlng ,, Teddy Bear Factory Tour o Bhlne Castle A Teddy Bear Outlet Shopplng + Doll Et Toy ltlus€um F,tEanc€ Fees ? Chrlstnas Fadory Shopplng ? Castle Entance Fees ,.. Chllstnas Theme f'nght ,, Souvenlr Doll rr Llmlted EdlHon Travel Bear , Speclal Farewell Dlnner
Ftom the Romanuc Road to the Alplne Stare and from th€ Toy Road to the Ullne Route, Trc Tours promlses camaraderle, new lmowledge, breathtaklng stghts and most Impoiant , -Tender t ovtng
Care,'ThroughyearsofexperlenceyourtourescortshavefoundJusttherlghtblendofdollsand toys, scanery and shopplng. Motorcoach trlps average two hours per dp and wlth mlnlmal hotel
change,s, you have tlme for relaxadon at each of our scenlc home bases. TLC Tours are deslgned for couples and palrs of frlends. hlce $2850. USD per person, bas€d on double occupancy. slngle
accomrnodadona are not avallable. Trc Tour membera come from around the world, so alr reservadons are lert to tlle lndlvldual traveler. For an ltlnerary and booldng lnformatlon, contact your tour escortsl
Lynn & Dean Muray, TLC Doll & ToyTours PO B,ox 27 | , Xlelnbury Ontarlo, Canada
Tel: 905/89&1295 Fax: 9OSlA9frl74 Ernall: TlCtours@aol.com
BarbaE Spears BErberc'6 Dolls P.O. Box 126095 Fl. worth, Tx 76125
Phon. (ShoP) 817.736.011 wsdno.d.y lhru S6rudly lOrm-5 pm CT or P hone (Hom. ) 81 7-249-2(,69
I!fior 830.fi & b.lor. 10:00 pn CST pr..e)
\ -./ 12
www-tr.rttaraadoll3.cofr lo. m.ny mo.e dol13we a@n vls^ Mc, a,ld t}E@. 5% 6bd{rno L. dEr!.d rq Eturc 6 dldr @di bFky E Mbn ,10OO S.ry 6 r.rum o layMy unr.$ .hps d mdc in hsq* d cniE i. ku'd, !h!t i! b .ft. WE AUY CTD DOLLS. WLL THAVEL TO SE€ TAEGE CO(L.ECNONS. OF SEND COOO COLOE PEruRE Of SMALL COLLECTrcNS OR ONE DOLI
,Z'(auch of Class
,%firye Dolk ,7tihe a"d $Iorto
Sellinq AualitJ DoUs in a Wide Uariety Extraordinary group of French ladies: (left to right) Ori8inal "Milk Maid" fashion with kid body, mitten hands, swivel neck, enameled blue eyes, Marked "BS",22 inches, swivel n€tk fashion on original fim leather body, original, Marked "L2S" lady with bisque lower arms, swivel "cup and sauce/'neck, original mohair wig, with fabulous parasol and fringed cape; 18.5 in. original Bru Fashion marked "4," bisque lower am.. lid over $ood upper\. grdcetul dnd lovely. Call for pnces and details. Call or email us to discuss your doll eeds and/or collecliofi sales 8302 Thanes ALP., Texa*ana, TX 7 5503 (903) 832-9973 email: dollst^@aol.cont Mentbers: UFDC and NADDA
We accept Visa, Mastetca and ofrer genercus layaways.
Vfhen in Philadelphia, visit
Mary Merritt Doll Museum in Douglassville, Penna. Phone: (610) 385-3809
Haw m mliq@ doll yo'd lile to *1, d @ ytu d He 6iocd? AtEd @ ol @ buyDE & Gtiralim clini6, held al tE dEp n@ llm ulil5pm m dE Iold{inE SatudaF tuEary loltr, Mar} llXh & Apil l4dl Tso dol dortm wil be d hdd to pMide fe Et)Gtio oNlhtim, and Deha wil be blyin8 dolls ail day
Museum Collection 2,000 dolls.
Irench Bisque, Sctrcnhut, Grcinem, Wa& Cerman Bisque and french lashions. Dollhouses lool
lrrye sales floor containinS annque and modem dols. Open:
Mon. - Sat., 10 to 4:30 Sunday I to 5 Located on Rte. 422
ANTIqUE DOLL6 Bou8hr , 6old, AppEt6ed, Rerored tlouE by ADpolnlm. rnEu,hApdl 20 N. Mrh aL, P.O. Box 705
Mulltce Htll, NJ 08062 gnon la66l474-9714 fa, (4661 478.4770
www.debrasdolls.com 5u
and Reading. Approx. 45 miles west of Philadelphia Drectims (from Philadelphia) take 76 W€st to Kin8 of Prusi. exit 268; South
6 Ri.. 202 6d €xit imediar€ly onro {22 Nonh, Mtinle approx. 25 hiles ro Dougla$ville (fiNt traffic ligh9; MGum wil be r'r /2 nil6 m your rEhr.
Et'};:f ii".y#'trii3.?["
show (Oclober 7 and 8) attend€es enioy€d the "Wondertul world or Arl Bisques," pffited by NADDA dealers Becky Ourant and lan F@lk€. The appeal of all-bisque dolls is easy to understand. We have always been fas.inaled by the world of miniaturE and delighted in th€ perfection that can be achieved in softething $ small. The spcial
El y nignonetta, c. 1880 aith joint4l .lb@a. On th. hl n8ht th. @da lal ioint b oisiq.
molds, wigr eyes, even the costumes for
* )
Simon rnd Halbi8allbi.q@ dolb ru.bJol th. Frendl tu*a,
which fabrics and Eim must be in correct *ale, oftured a dullenge to the doll maks. The majority of all bisque doll6 are under 8 inch6. Anar8ed with tuhishinSs and acc€ssories in p.oporrion to lheir tiny siu, they create a.aPtivatins s.ene that takes little spae. These tiny dolls evoke a felin8 of tendems. 1875 to 1925 was coBidercd the Golden Age of the all-bisque doll. T1te French are credited with the manufacture of the fi6t all bisque dolls. They GII€d them "poup€e de pochs" or pocket dolls. They could littrally travel in your pcket, or they could be a fetching companion to a bigger doll. There were ea.lier all bisqu€ dolls such as doll hous dolls and "frozen charlottes", but this was the ff6t time that an artiolad all bisque doll, one with a wi&
c.1885. A ottuy of 6tun6, M*ies and funiihings m deihble ht the ptioibSdl migtun tt.
I Fm.lFtlle anh l@hid Ntdtob., .. 1880.
il A notl@.l dol6uch as the dll bis.tw by Froftcois CisltiLa, c. 18n (kt tiiht), is especiatV desnobk
An al bisque uith irs obn nolded doll.
ftd I
Sinot and Hdlbig all bisqud tud. fu the French tu*et, c. 1880.
tiny eyes (t,"i.ally blue, although brown eyes were occasionally us€d), and separate .Iothin& was produed. Cheaderistics of the edly Fiench-type all
bisques are slodd face6, doed mouths, glass eyet elongated recks and toEos, swivel neck, slmder arms and leSs/ wooden peg jointin& molded shos and boots md stockings. B@ feet sometimes waapped in silk sh@s, a,e occasionaly seen. Collectorc use the tem Frmch-type because
the majority of all bisques we.e achrally Gemanmade for the French market. With the great suc.ess of the Bebe, FEnch firms apparently had little hme to focus on prcduction of the all bisque. Although thae are notable exceptione after a few years, French ompanies prefered to buy dolls frcm C,ermany md then co6hme, wig and packag€ themselves for that truly "French" look. The populanty ofall bisquesgrew quickly when ih 1880. the populd ioun\al, Ln Poup@ Modeia, dropped the ue of the lerm for pocker dolls and instead began to use 'imignonette." 52
,/i 4 w,qtfo[CnnM allb*ttkt. hotc thc dolldith tontpd k4p4 ond thp le,ta!, uithtutc .dulMist d d nolded niwlkcntfrL
Cdnan ontl Erench nnes, c. 1890-
Parc Sinon dnd Hdlbig all bisqk orth ioilktl krces
Cerwn all bisqaes, c.1890 Notice tle one little gill
with the disinal tog fton
Au Bo Motche i Potis.
lr rrF
r q'*--" -."' R e Orilntol dolls natlefu Sino Holbigfu the Fr ch turket,..1880 a3
tI ,D-J
Ttu desq of iotatinp add' to an ollb,ssw's qnty Not thr ioirt?d l,4<
A norkeil Sinon and HdlbiS 928 @ith l'.t Mfdrobe, c. 1690
ot twid,gc olt biqi and th. sob?L Md on th! n lnt48 doll.
ri ,{1.
Frenah tyE ollbisqts, c-1885. Sinat and Hqlbig bo! tuith noldad hat.
Enrly Frdch-We
|' Si on dnd HotbiS, c. 1894.
They were quite.lear about *ds, dd stated, "tle Po.ketsized dolt will be referred to as the mignonette if you don't mind." lt was a successtul markehng strategy and the populdity of the tiny dolls took a giant leaP forward
tt8 \
The joumal prcmoted a stedard size mignmette, initially
. 10 cm, Fesumably a baiefoot nodel. After 1886 a Simon
and Halbig "black stxking", size 1, was u-sed. This erEbled the magzine, who6e publjsher, Mad e Lavallee-Peronne, also rm a suesstul doll boutique, to ell iterc of clothing and accessories as well as pattems for those who wished to drs their miFonette. C6tumes were elaborate, made of silk with nbbons and lae. b PouW Modele also r/fied a luurious paper sal@n in which tt€ miSnonette might
A oll bisqw pockld an elobotdt. silk afld 14ce ttinned betl
still retdins its origindl Au Bo Mdtche bot.
C,cn an 'ttn6 e'" tW.
a bisqurs, c. 1885.
G@Sine Awill s Bonnie Bak uas
nak in this all bisque ndsion (uith
dnd uithout nolded ntlm?atl as bell os a nodel with a cloth bodv.
IR ,F,h );
rFt KatM Crying Baq. c. 1915. Ot th. ben. a niaittrre @ion ol H.ttel O S.|tunb'. ltblie C@gly.
I Zi','Er-
padullv took on a chabbLr look os
Faces s?en in
th* Kestnet oll bisques, c.1885.
E {
r; l
'l l
Sonetirts th. pr.vntrtian of all bistlu5 @as nore inpressi@ than the doll itseL
li, -t !-r'
A bisques bnd thenselr$ to ptioating uiq@ttes. On the fol tight a K?s,net 178 cholader toddlet, c. 1910. Thae Erdcb type all bisqus, .. 1904, d6vd in sil* .leM outlts @kl ha@ ntu1e Mtlqful potty lan lq a kck! tittte gin.
Kestner Xooglies uith binted knees tnd elb@s, c.1910
enoertain and a paper ?atisserie" in whidr th€ mignonette could happily indulSe her swe€t t@th.
All bisque dolls could b€ pur.hased in the many luxury French doll boutiques and .lso ftom Errcnres catalo8s, where, begiming
around 1872 they were oftured in sp€cial packagin8 consisting of elaborate presentation boxes, baskets or trunls with exquisite wardrobes, layettes and accessories. Miniature tumishin8s in every con €ivable form tables, clairs, bedr elaborate
sedm-.hairs, carriaSes, dressing tabler we boxed miniature r@ms were a perfect comPlimen*o the -stylish miSnonette. Accessodes simitar in type to those used with fashion dolls - oPera Slass€s, brushes, combs. mirrors and the like - wae r€adily available. Beginning in the r880s all bisque dolts weE often used in the mtruction of mechanical toys, th€ir tiny forms particularly fetching in medmical cafts, carous€ls, and as part of a larg€r automated scen€s. By the mid-1890s Gemany had made s€dous ituoads into the prcfitability of dle Fen h firm6. G€rmany's accession in the doll narket wa6 helped by &eir diskibution to American .oncems. wooing buyeE at the annual
Someberg Toy Fair they worked
with departmmt stor€s and import
Cnca 1910.
fims to market their dolls directly to the American consumer. In l9U the In Poupee Modele atuo$ced to its readers that "the small all-bisque dolls de sold out; theE will never be
All bbqu4 pa,laqcd ,n Ld4h p(g. and @oting bun v , btun6 @e d Wulat thew. Ooe Stotc! Put dns Bve-Loi unc o natot;"cc6<.dad thc! wde aoA" ia dony nodeh includns th6e a.ton allbi.quc Mdple5
I \
J a
F ' '! A1l biqw n@elty dolb, aninals uith clodEt.tl cbthiig, ann
tt l
va.iorr c.m{n M.t.B O
ffiic chtracteB uith nolned cbthing,
nd ewtirc ndding ha^. Cira 1920 atul @. That's Littb Annb R@tty M tE kf. Not surprisingly, the innovations, patents and trends that affected their bi88er sisteE also afiected arl bisqu€s. During the late 188ft when well-tedo Victorians ejoyed t avel to exotic places, we s€€ an increased production of aU bisque bla.k brcwn and Oriotal dolls 6 well as dolls des*d in folklore Gtun6. The narrow faces of the early French-type all bisques gradually evolved to more .hildlike proportions. Vanous styles of painted shoes and stockinSs followed popular fashion didates. Edly anicllation by means of ball jointed elbows and/or knees (patents registered in 182 by Femand Sustrac and in 1879 by Schmit et [ils) was repla.ed by hidden skinging l@ps. when compo6itionbodied dolls gained teeth so did all bisques. With some notable exeptions pierced ears we.e used infrequently with all bisques. Keshe/s all bisque 101 retured to in don jargon as the ,,w.6tler" had pierced ea6, and luneau did produ.e a very limited number of Tete model mignonettes with pier.ed ears. Th€ term "wrestkl,, r€fers to the 102 trta*ed Kesbrer bur if certain other characteristics are in place including an open mouth with two square teeth on the top .nd one on the bottor4 a wide fae, pierc€d ears, fat limbs, one arm b€nt up more than the other and b@tines (typically black with four sEapr but other colo. 58
variations exist) it qualifies as a wrestler. Kestner's 120 with the fae of a Circle Dot Bru is also called a wresder. Well irto dle twmtieth c€ntury, all bisque dolls continued to paJallel trends in th€ rest of the dol mdket. Art charactei models with mold.d hair by H@badL and delightftn googlies with dubby bodies ad side-glancing eyes were made by a number of Grman firms. Creations by popular dol artiste among them Ro€e ONeill, Gm.e Story Puhm, Gra.e Dayton and C€ryine Averill, were eminently suited for the dl bisque doll. Tlte flapper l@k he.alded a long limbed all bisque doll with bd.bed hair. Produ.tion of all bisques continued into the r%Os, alrhough no new nodels w@ inhoducEd in these later years. The end of C,€rmany's dominane in the doll market and the grcwth of the Amencan dol induslry effecliwly mded the era of dte all t squ6. The largest all bisque Plrducels are coisideEd to be Kestner and Simon & Hrbi8. AldrcuSh hc1 arE unma*e4 S&H r€gisber€d an 8m se.i6 for a[ bisque produclion and K€.tEa who originaly made al bisques with heads identical bo dEit do6€d mouth composition dols, reSister€d a lm reries. Models were made m l]uy siz€t
What do collectors of all bisques look for? Considered the rar€st is the swivel-waisted all bisque by Kesrn€r. Othe. rare
t rl
t dolls. c. 1925.
-1 features include swivel necks, ioind kns, bare feet, and edly bal iointed elbows. Dolls that ar€ marked with lhe mak€r's name ar€ especially dedrable. OriSinal clothes de, of course, always desirable, but many collectors pefer to show their rarest jointed €xamples without cloddng. Becaus€ of their diminutive size, imperfections in paintin& wn under a magnifying glass, ar€ more acceptable than on a lar8er bisqueheaded doll. Thus a small perfe.l all bisque is truly desirable. Most all bisquG range in siz f.om four to even in h6 s that lar8er siB, up to ten indFs, are quite rar€. With all the variations to be found in the wonde.ful world of all bisqu6, lh@ is
truly somethinS !o appeal to everyone. EIBLIOCRAPHY: The Lit e Orc' Erench ond Gqkdr A,l-!ir4!. Doile by Florence Thenault, 1999.
In th. Pdld olone s Lknd, Sn llSistk Odls, 1321920, FloMe Thenauft 1996. Cold Hoe Publishing till6. lo orde. cau r80G96G3655.
,T\ra' -;J
AU bi.qu pdfuction @s beainniry to @inll.loua u 1920s, btt inerp?nsiu toulty tlolls y.a/s. coatiued to b nr.t - Mony sinpk inexpe$iu att bisque dotts stryed uachnns.d hr sotu
N [$s$u
lVelcome.,'," nooro newspaSel For lhose unfamiliar wilh
NADDA, w€ art a non-Ptofil oganiation
ofariqoe doll d€alen wirh a pninary Soal
WIN A DOLL! NADDA show attendees always ha\e a chaN ro win a doll. Two sp€cial dolls were avlrded to
of Plomod.B excrllence in the world of
colledoB this yd. Com tesr your luckl
utiqu€ doll collering. For infomdor.
calendar for Ap.il 28
please vhit our l{ebsil€ ar
Dd 29.2{)OI I
LOS ANGELES SPECIAL PROGRAMS kogrums to enhance rhe Sourhem Calilbmia
NADDA Show ue cnrently in rhe plunnnrf
UFDC\ 5 I st Amual Convention ''Fin du Mill.nairc." held in dle ''Windy City . Chicago. IL, was a tEar
othen *ill be treared to
Antique Doll Colletor
NADDA was well
stages. Moming pmgrams. held on Saturday and Sunday b€foE the show opens. ae rcheduled.lsl for deraih in rhe nerr issne of
SHOW LODGING Ityou m plannine on Coast show in San Franci$o
thal featurcd d.aleB *llir8 fi om theirsunes. a fomar enioyed by dealcrs and cusromeG alilelShow
Coordinator Sondo Krueger
k working hdd ro presenl a Southem Califomia NADDA
$o* like no.rh€r! For
addilional i.formaion ple$8 se lhe advertising in this issue ofAntique Doll
flying in for thc NADI)A show. se h.!c nrade il us
conveni€nr as FBsible by holding il at an Embasy Suites in close ploximity ro lhe Los Angeles Inlemational AiQort. As in San Franciro. we hale Kured an atra.dve sp€.ial rate for show anendees, rhat includes daily cooked k)
trEtin& elected fE following rew
offi(s to t*0 ycar rerms: PEsident: Becky olrmnr. PA Vice hsid.nr: Ba6@ Cimim. CA SecErary: Sondm KrueSer. CA
TEsurer Je ad Hovard Foulte- PA Elhics Ch.imd: ,M Kindla tIY Membe6hip Chairmun (En{) Torc Sceho Ed'rcatim ChaiM (Wes) Jim Femando, CA Show Chairman: Iay lo*€. PA
LOS ANGELES SPECIAL EXHTBIT No NADDA sho* would be complere without one of its world class o(hibitslDue to the South.m Califomia NADDA Sho* s clos prcximity ro Hollyw@d, please considerthn our inviladon io Tea with the Sta6.'Come
Show Coordinator:
mingle and you mayjN rub elbows *ith the likes ofRudolph valenrino o.Shirley Templel
The NADDA membeBhip also
Necy A. Smith. MA Advenising Chairflan: Michal Coad$. CA extends a spe.ial thank you to immediate pasr presidenl John Clendenien and his te,m or
succes of rhe NADDA Body Shop in San
officeB for a job welldone!
quickly become a firluE
R€ade6 check oul ou. new
at our showr. supplyinS
websilel NADDA webmmter Andy OurDl has.reated a new, upredare sn. dcsigned ro provide you wirh NADDA news.
coll(lou with elusive
sho* infomation and dates. While you're onlin€, check our thc NADDA liNks, @
dder bnakfdr and complimenGry cveniD8 cocktails and hon d cuvres. a fearure thxr was enjoy€d by dealers and horel guesh alike. Hope On b.halJ of aU thc NADDA me hen,
ve $ish fou a hoWJ rcv fear! If you have infomation ot imerei to NADDA
Body Shop aho doubles ar a lund mis€r for local clubs that volunreer to
membeB. fel tree to fd ro 8l l{55-5755 or wlite to P.O. Box 7198, Cfirnel, CA 9392 t .
NA D DA Adt. n kinq C hai
TA BtSQUE Byt t, Btttr, bi.qE Hnd,
.TOIH ,Vdo,r Ahitr,/d
, one oJ th? Diott Qtints, Pentle.8ras 1jin h... Mary
" Etnili,
It's Easy To Ioin UFDC: If you collect dolls, you owe it to yourself to belong to the UFDCI
For membership information contact UFDC, Inc., lB20 North Ambassador Ddve, BEAR'. Comn b t, O7.t 1*0, 10 htct6 and drt. 16 inch Skifr -Dili." t'ith brtkn, .. 1930s.
Suite 130, Kansas City,
Missouri 64153. Phone 815-891-7040 Fax 8r6891{360.
Visit www.ufdc.orS
BEARS. E,8lisn br.r, hrfur 194), dll siks. 13
i dl beL c 1920 s. Prn Cqnbn
c.ttu 3n, nfa 1eY. 10
t tstN<;. a4n 1e7u ckth.
^uvLt< An*nkint d. aan b! la.i ei@
bt 4h, dt 50s I0 "Y. Ob. Tiw Conlott ShG," Ilnd Ituh
iutue d @-
$ ind, bt,.. t t'egt. EAt il
tuh r'n t6gE, t*i urtu
Ptn CtShbn
Rm Ahbuna Saby *in bar fet
ad Ciorls l&l /2 in h6,92,300.
E ly !'116 cdh with tumings,
TEddlenm, mint wiih disrd
bphat,h dswn sh6 s\4 v6i, *pdat tullar, etclLidy wilhe iryidaboEbbdtut th sill flo^6 and ii6, ue
os lpnr GMc b@ bloue lnibd dmi*, silt purc Eiepljoml and rN (pml€me in.) Prr 13950
t r{m.h d.9F doll, mPciho[ wdertul, qpNiw laq l]r2 indE bll, $ll{X)
$,.ru t:bn RNwlt Dear p,ilu, $13m;
Helllr doll/bea . l9rh iPpnr 6", 97s
$i;+ Psir ol eny dc{h pijnled dolh "Lhrn{ znd
ns€r" an odnlDl, 1,I indE ta[ pdr $m
Sdenhd r,ion Tmi &r5, E ly Clo,r $irh 2-fd He4 $325; Bi6qE H€aded Ao$ar $,l7t Cla$tyed, oodl Mm Li@ Eah Siyle oP, $21fl1
Doll Shows 2001Schedule
CALENDAR OF EVENTS tt8[UARY l-{/3 f,mtvil., MD DolllDe Erhib,t. B€a[ &ws
H(@.301'762'1,192. wnipp.ny, Nl- Antiqu. Doll & &ar Show.
Bn.hsoodManor JMKShows 973-627-9n.
10 B.ron Rou8., LA. Doll Sllow & sale. Ramrda Im 50.1336-{291.
1c11 Colmbu!, OH. Doll Auction. Cotl't DoU Auctim, 74+964+14]l.
1 25 AtL i(Gly,Nl.Coll6libl65[M. fl€wAd bc
t7 S.r Di.to C,t htiq!. & Col.<tible DoUs & Tqn. 619-n2-5315.
18 P.ln B.adL FL Mini u6Shos.HiltonImwal Paln Sdch Anpod B4htst i PDmohm,Inc.
Culver City, CA
0CIOBER20rH Paudena EIk todge
40 W. Colondo 8lvd. Pasaden4 CA Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aclml33lon $5.00
5-8 B.dfidburyG. .ny, Doll Anisn Clild Eump@n Cdvdtid. M.ritin Hokl. Inna,
3 Pho, TX, Doll Show. Plano Cdte. MeEoplex Doll Club. 9{G36+3114
{ C.nto4 MA" Doll & Teddy &ar Shos & sale. Gabdelt Au.iion Gllery. ,eam MelaNn. 781x267@7. a Tol.dq OH. Doll Show & Sale. Stranah C@t H.U. Tol.do Gl.$ Cio Doll colldo6.
w6lCt6i.., P .Antiq6s|xn &S.leQvC
Civic Cenhr Auditoriuo. Easten ShoE Doll study Club ol Alabama. 33446&735t. 10 ,..tervill€, IL Artique Doll & Colldible ShN. Mlft.o Templ€. M. Hill. 90!221'1235. r0 LLeLnd, Dolls L &ar shu & s€le. 1,1@ Mimr Cmr€r. Tmpi..l Doll study CIub oI
breUnd. 86185&2959.
4117 ovqland Av€nue,
Artisr5. 92o.16&783,L
xtAtcH lr c.nn6b!r& MD Ant\u DoUs Sha & Sale
10 Alendo, t{Y. Doll 5l@ & Sak. Ale@dq Rereahm Hill. 71t591'2341. 10 F.nhope, AL Doll & Toy Show & Sale. FailnoF
Veterans Memorial Building
Mmori,l tl,I. HGr€d by &y AEa P@lain Doll
1 Mrin Ao.na IA. Doll Show & Sale. Amana
4ll7 0verland Avenue
DoU Club 716172.37]-l
Fanaounds. Golda Gal. Sh@' 4ls'38'2252.
'rl Studio Pdk- Cl'6hr €@nt! Hisioiicl Sooery.
400 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasaden4 CA
1 vulmm, MI. Doll Show & Salc. X.Lnazm
Velerus Menorial Building
tlk Lodge,
PmmolioB. 57G62G2422.
31 Alh.ville, NC, Cetrudn Heuback Dolk & FiguriB. Bilnnoe Estale &trpark RetauEnt o'sly Doll club 828-667-1690. SpoMEd by
x s jR, CA. Doll Shos SantaClaraCo6ty
MARCH 24ru
,, Gm 8.y, w. Do[ Sho$ & S.le. Holr Vaftr
c6hr. Bellmd t{6rs. 301-%}31(h.
25 Allmbw! PA. tl,ll, T.ddy & Miniatue she & Sal€. &ys Im Co.'ieFN€ Cmter. HentaS€
, El P&, Tr Doll Show & sah. Qulily Inn. Su c@hy Doll Folk. 9l*5 1t6.
Culver City, CA
Ciiy Corolid Cai.r. Bdmlield As,rles.
cdrotre cenkr Tom Bishop. 954755 0373.
U-18 rdmk , VA. Doll Show. Rdmt€ Cilic Calt.
rairymnds, Mmlgoft ry Cou.l,v ASridnhral
P O gor 34093 Groiodo Hirh, CA 91394
Arts Glild. 607-132-,{92.
,1 Cuh NY. DoI Show & Sd€, Cuba-Rushlord tl.@lary School. TIE Southr6ien York-Pm
sottish B.ji. Cor.r. 5.n Deto DoI club.
SANDY r(uNE (Et6) 366.{&A
s..dra YmB. 81&36&4618.
Fh;da Don cou6ios' Guild. 9oI-672-M,t. rcrr It L!d.td.l.,IL MirntuE Stuw 9et0. Sniks C,"6 CdL Tom BislDp. 95+75tu3B. 10 lidudd,v .DollShM&S.h.TIE9Bt?lre Amx. CapiLlDoll Club,80+27 )091. 11 0.llN., wA- Antiqu. Doll & Toy Malt*€i. 11 t sin& Ml, Doll ShM & Sal€ Holiday lnn Wesl. JM Cmday. 517-69!3{63. 17 Atl&t , G,l Mhiar!6 Show. Cmlort lrr
2,1 Auol1 OH. Pip6 Doll Lu(hon Str naSt Horel The Cl.qm Valley Doll Cl ub 140.25 i.76c2 24 Culv.r Cit, CA. Annqu. & Coll<iible Doll Show. veteEtu Memoiial BuildinS. FoBer Young. 22.25 S.r ro!€, CA, DoI ShM. Dolbklre Hotel. Doll
&llaue Inn B6t W6ieh 42 1!9516.
,7r iqlz a d Olbttibb Ihlb, To'ys & Oears
covdtion coier. spo@td by Dolls,lAll.
lO D.t{,m 0.rd,IL Doll, &ar & Ioy 9w.
r)btu 8.rd Ren& CmI@ Cmier Easl
21 tmo, NV. Nt & T.ddy Bear ShN Roo
r0 Srtt B.rb.n, C . Doll Sh.w & SaL. Ea, Walm sh@Cnund!. S.nl! Balbam Doll Cl!b. 11 NI, Doll & &ai 5h@. flD Rolnlm Cmler F.nkiSh D.kiMn Uniwfily. lM( Shos 973.$27-Wt.
X s6 Cit, rc. Toy & Doll Show. Ja.r Rodm Civn Cdt4. 78,5-243-3774.
1, Feddcl6bur& VA. Doll Show & Sale. RiveEide CmFme Cmlf. ludy B@den. 70!58G1188.
U r@icL w.{, DollShM & Srl€. W6r Ccsr Tr,'
Cities Hottl. Mid<olumbii Doll Club. 50}78]3415. P{t:llq, WA. Arhqrc & Cou€(ribk Do[ & Bear 9rw & sale. r.i€ou.d5. Ri.hird & Charks
!ii$l 50'2a+.{062.
1, lo@k , NC. Doll Show & Sal.. Marri. Cmly Fam6 Markel. Mathr Bown Liley. 252-792-51,12
F.irgmuds.JeanCanaday.tlT-69+3663. Coloni6 RV Parl. Hawte_ve Doll Club o1los,. 31+ e5e2d54.
S*its€tund. Jl+32'37}.13J9.
s N.v..L city, CA.lntemti@l T€ddy &ar
Cmvmhm MilY6Fou.dr Mnla B.rmatPr l]G2655801
7 LrM.1c , Doll Show La Me/san 0r€go Dou Cuild 619'29&2t47.
7 Syn ue, Nt. Doll& Teddy Be.r Sho{ & nk. rsignh ol colmbus. S€rcid. Doll Chb of Cenb'al Nes York. 31H46:62{5.
3 Mila.d{, wI. Doll & Teddy &.r Show & Sale Selb Hall Orphe ln 0'. Attic. Mrry€ Haen.
21 H.trynrlcrl Doll&Teddy &arsho Cdkruial Hrll. trm
IIma 929{7-lm
2l N.* Hnibd, iIY. Doll Club Show & 5.k. tiEr United MetlDdsl Chu.h. H€nhte Doll CllD ol Cmt al N4 Yo&. 3lt7:a0922
2r.n Porrl .[ OR- Artiqu€ & Coll€.lible DoU & &a! show & saleExpo ce.hr &.hard & chan6
Sdie$|. 503.284$62 21.2, Ri.hso.4 vA. Doll Expo. Ri.hhmd R @way. Pr€mlrd by D&s PrmotioN 80+539-5,m 2l &nd, UT. Doll, 8.ai & Toy F6lival sou$
Erpcihm c{Ei TIE clwd!. &/7-3513657
22 CMb!,& P . Doll ShN & Sale. Mouta'n ViM
lm. klElHitN ds DoU CIL!b oI PercyMnia.
22 ,.n.brr, M, DoI Shx & s.le Holidry Im. IE
YounS Hea DoU Club. 60+75207
22 Kinl.n4 oH. DoI & Teddy Be..show & sale.
EudidBe hcafe&Musum.I\echvel dDoll Club. ,1,(}9,1685,10.
2l M. !0b., c,Md. Doll Show & Sale. IJt@tional IM. Manitoba Doll CIub. 204-.{82.4932.
u Saitnbw., NY, DoU Salc Sh.nlo ShithtoLr Hoid. Tne Don Shrdy Club. 5lc67t{998. 2&29 td Ar!.18, CA, N.hoMl Arhqu. Doll D.als Sordn Xnet6. S05-!3,!,ril0
2, NdthDddF, MN. Doll, Ieddy &rr & Tov slDw. NonnbndSr MaL (nm Ca[in... t07-]z-r9l
lo Tne Trad[ioD Of TIE alion.l Doll Fcstlv.l. W. Prood, ?res€nl
M6KER'S MaRKET .U With th. flatiotol ttoll r.Jt vdl
2 ]TfiTIONfi t DOtt FESTIUfi t o IlI FTLf,llT€, GF . 60G0ST 4-8, zOOl
Presenling Ihe Show OlThe Yeor, The fobulous l4th Annuol
JuslThreeblockslrom UFDC/ODACA/NIADA Conveniion3 free Bus Belween Hyon Regency & Sherolon All Show Houls
f E14 ? O BA RY C8 EAI' O NS
AUGUST 4 5,2001 SaeRaton Atrenre Hoter 165 Courtlond St, Downtown Atldnto, GA ne the sit of th. UFDC/NIADA/ODACA Codr.ntions PoDlic Sale 'Saturdav I I arrs . Su0dav l&8 admission 'Salurdav $6 "soodav Sl0 HeId
tuening 5.9 Prcliev Sole ol DF, t25 pet p.Bon 'Sotut.loy .Sundoy adnission ircIud€s the tlatlondl Ooll Felttvol ( Dr)
PFEVEW SaTURDAY 5PM-9PM, Adm. S25 Each 0.crudes 4 Day Pas!)
SHOW & SALE HOURS: SUNDAY 10am-8pm Monday 10-5 . Tuesday 10-5 . Wednesday 10.7
orisinal & Re.created Dolls & Teddv Eears Clolhine . Accessories. S0pglies . Tools
Admission Sl4/52 otl with ad / Good All Days,lrnlimiied Reluns UFDC-ODACA-NIAoA Special Admission Sl0, Good All Days
Sheroton HoEl Reservotions (800) 325-3535 t107 s/d
fickets at he doot u in advance by nait, checrs payable R. J- Low an
For lnlo: t831, 43&5149. Eoail NallDolloaol.com For Ueodor lnfo,, contracts , Etc. Pkasa Seod Lon! S.6.S.E. il,rirq FsL. Po 8ox 66823 . Scofis Uallev, CA 9506?
e Internet?
One Frce Appai3rl ' 0u oeal€u Will Buy Ailique oolh Al ]he Show Or Sy l,lail
E'ma I NATLDoLL @ aol com . Hole Reserualons (800)325 3535 $107 9d
For lnlor (831) 438.5349 . N.D.F. P0 Box 66823 - Scorts valley, CA 95067
31 -Sopl.mbor 2 . Sp€cial Gusst Room Bate S78 8/d/q
POITTS SHEN,ATOX HOTET G FOUR Raynond, tree Pa ing. l{ear Disneyland 1500
o L
Emails AlE you a:
1 DO YOU COLLECT/SELL? ANT TO OFFEF A PBOGBAI\', BE A SPEAKER? (please anach an exl6 sheel lor deiails on your topic, and you)
il Form With Sell Addressed Stamped EnvelopeTo: R. J. Lowman's l.C.C.
P. O. Box 66823
Scotts Valley, CA 95067
A must do cv.nt for CotlectoE, V.ndors .nd Artists on the inteffet ar wetl aa those who ara rot y€t on-line, .nd €ven those t ho nay not yat €van own a aomputar. HAVE FUN, LEART{ & SHARE THE ONI.II{E EXPERIENCE SE INARS. SPEAKERS. WORKSHoPS. LUNCHEON
G .F AUCnoN nPS .
CoiIPUTIRS . LTo. ED. soUVEt{tR ot{E FULL DAY 0f SALES & TRAoING . oISNEYLANo Limit.d S.atlng. Pri(e t80 per pcrson & p.r sates tabta Adtlitioaol Ptogtu,n SpeokeE S lforkhop L.odeE Wont d
Detolls: 83143&5349. €-moll l,lotlDolloool.(om 6orub.o/5 lC(: @ 8or 66893 . Scotts
,91 & 9unny 9{odf'"ld'' yE l otr del qhltu she -Unque Antq@, ihdMh qually
ea y dr hm s lolc, aniiqE & monem dd s, d shes, (hI
llm l!e, dol lF@s. llnlaqe & ree &a6 m datures uru$a ilms S.nelhhg lor every @ lecloi S€e us al NADDA.Al4rei@&mlUFDCshm Weah.@nya qse6l lB or nE anq@s S€nd LS,{SE lor sl Malods, dedi €nb and lard4s defled. 62 Pah one c€nai o,
SaE E€nuldn msb m re al wsubemsle nlo&.cdn de,ing M @d fE wEly d qraliy A'xhrE Doe. C€dil
cA 9301s7963 305-4!4.4 t 00 T6 Vsil M.wnEk^EgsM Member UFDa. NADDA
01/26 en'ai sarxi4!€be @ao .cori. lel. 732-536-4101
-S.1. I0 30.4 30
DoLL NoTES W ling maleda s lor do ovels. Nole cads cards lorlhankyous. b nhdays Ctushas Fealur ng antique and 6nlique Eprcducl on dolls. Cuslom cards w lh yofi do ]s ava lable. Call 80+984.2772 or
€nhac@dodne orsan $l p us LSASE 6& @ge ior exbfti@H saE &msleln, r0 sam coud Endsrrrom, uJ .
WANTEDT Limiled Ed lion dolls ol he 1980s, lwill consider
19ms) by such ad sls as Fobin Wmds.Susan Wakeen. B@h TynerLin& Suhm.FuegeiPa io$Moline.Nichole. (rugoEBeio Bal .GmnderEfinor and many olhe$. A so wanl phologGphs ol doll colle.l ons and old doll calalogs. Ssnd lisrs and phoros ro L. Koon, P 0. Box 808, Belprc,
wonderlul Phoro LEr, Anlque Bsque0os Chinal A .8 sque, Vrclor an 0oll C olhing, Accessories w gs elc. Besl pricos around. Soid SASE orca lo be placed on our mailinglisl CarceBabaG 205 Wesh nisler Boad Lynbrcok, Nv 11563. 516.596.2165 fi 516'596.2108
ANIoUE Dol.ls Fled aid Bt4re Al BEur Clims $qn Colle.dre Dd s, Limibd tu. Doll Phles. SASE ard 25c ld lsl Ain Uoyd, 5632 S. Der Fo Rmd Dq/dMl PA
1&qfi zt7c4{164 MsrbsMDM IIFDC Han io lind OollParl. - alllypes allszes Calalog $2 50. Do Lady Hospdal 94 Peil Boad AD Banloil, CT 06405
PlaceYourAd Herc a claltsifed tMrketplace 11, antique do s
a d related fiercla dise
Copy Ads 30 c€nb per irod, no limili $10 min mum Arls sih a boder and bo diace, add S10lo wod tolal
Pholo A& (black and whn€ only) we can mnved your color ads lo black and whlle 1/12 page (2 1,2 h x 2 3/8' w)$40 1,€ page (3 3/8" h x 2 3€'w) S50
Pl€as€ inclu(b paym€ot uiin your ad. Lrrger aals ate consirered display a(ls call u3 lor inlomalion, 1{88{G2588.
Anlique DollCollcctor is now puubfi€d nins limes a year Dec€mb€r/January, February, il.r.n, April, M.y/June, July/Augusl S€plember, Octoh€r, November, Ilecembe/January.
French MuEical Automatoq an ori8inar, and in working .ondiiion. Th@ bhqueheaded dolls dding 2 ribbib and a pony. Charmi.gl Apprux. 22 inch6 tall, I I in.hes a ide. t4700
Donna Kaonis P. O. Box 3.4,1, Cenloport, NY 1r72r.
Phono rarkdays, 631 26r -41m; evenings .nd wek.ndi 631 351,0932 UFDC, Advi&ry Mrmhr NADDA
S.nd us you dssified ad lo. piac€n|ent in lhe next availabl€ issue.