November 2010

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Antique DOLL Collector November 2010 Vol. 13, No. 10

November 2010 Vol. 13, No. 10 95 / $695 95 Canada $595


An Extraordinary Private Doll Collection at Auction

S at u r day a n d S u n day, N o v e m b e r 2 0 a n d 2 1 , 2 0 1 0

At The Historic Waldorf-Astoria Hotel New York, New York Highlights include the rarest of the rare in German characters, impeccably preserved along with a superb collection of petite French bebes and very rare all-bisque mignonettes, presented alongside museum-quality miniature Parisian doll accessories of the mid/ late 19th century. A very small sampling of the collection of German character dolls is shown here, many having been featured in published articles in Antique Doll Collector. Is there any doubt whose collection this could be?

To order your $59 hard-bound commemorative catalog of more than 500 lots to be sold in two 2 0 1 1 C A L E N D A R N O W A VA I L A B L E And order your companion 2011 Calendar of Doll Art featuring rare German bisque character dolls, all from this same private collection. Twelve gorgeous German Character full-color photographs from Theriault’s award-winning Dolls and Googlies from photography studio will cheer you all year long. $20. a private collection.

sessions, call 800-638-0422 or order online at A free color brochure is also available detailing auction specifics, or for more information visit or email

the dollmasters P O B ox 151 • A n n a p o l i s , M a r yl a n d 214 0 4 U SA • t o l l - f re e : 8 0 0 - 6 3 8 - 0 4 2 2 • fa x : 410 - 2 24 - 2 515 • w w w. t h e r i a u l t s . c o m

An Extraordinary Private Doll Collection at Auction


Saturday and Sunday, November 20 and 21, 2010

At The Historic Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

Additional I n f o r m at i o n o r t o

New York, New York • Preview 9am • Auction 11am Both Days

O r d e r A C ata l o g Call 800-638-0422.

All dolls can be viewed online after November 1st. visit and click on the proxibid button.

the dollmasters P O B ox 151 • A n n a p o l i s , M a r yl a n d 214 0 4 U SA t o l l - f re e : 8 0 0 - 6 3 8 - 0 4 2 2 • fa x : 410 - 2 24 - 2 515 w w w. t h e r i a u l t s . c o m

An Extraordinary Private Doll Collection at Auction


Saturday and Sunday, November 20 and 21, 2010

At The Historic Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

Additional I n f o r m at i o n o r t o

New York, New York • Preview 9am • Auction 11am Both Days

O r d e r A C ata l o g Call 800-638-0422.

All dolls can be viewed online after November 1st. visit and click on the proxibid button.

the dollmasters P O B ox 151 • A n n a p o l i s , M a r yl a n d 214 0 4 U SA t o l l - f re e : 8 0 0 - 6 3 8 - 0 4 2 2 • fa x : 410 - 2 24 - 2 515 w w w. t h e r i a u l t s . c o m

Nelling, Inc.

P.O. Box 893985 Temecula, CA 92589-3985 New Cell: 818-738-4591 Home: 951-308-1239 Fax: 951-308-1285

BUYING & SELLING QUALITY DOLLS FOR OVER 17 YEARS 1 and 4. 11" Bru Brevete, orig. chest label, bl. p.w. eyes, exc. cond. except for one earring hole chipped through, unusual orig. wig of rolled cotton, antique outfit including factory dress of silk faille, strong presence in such a small size. $18,500. 2 and 5. 9" Early Simon Halbig all bisque with 905 face, o.m. w/ sq. cut teeth, orig. mohair wig, swivel neck and jointed at shoulders and hips with molded peach stockings. Antique French frock of silk and lace. (Hip chip repairs). $3950. 3 and 6. 17 1/2" Steiner Gigoteur in her fall colors that complement her warm shading on pale bisque. Early model w/ lt. bl. spiral eyes, unpierced ears, auburn skin wig, working "Mama, Papa" crier and movement, and wearing an antique, possibly factory, paisley cotton dress. An unusual example for your collection. $3450.

Exhibiting: November 5 - 6 - Nancy Jo's Doll Show and Sale, Vallejo CA, Fairgrounds November 13 - California Doll Collectors Show and Sale, Garden Grove CA, Community Center December 3 - 4 - Eastern National Doll and Toy Show, Gaithersburg MD, Montgomery Fairgrounds

Visit us at: • NEW EMAIL:

published by the Office Staff: Publication and Advertising: Keith Kaonis Editor-in-Chief: Donna C. Kaonis Administration Manager: Lorraine Moricone Phone: 1-888-800-2588 Art/Production: Lisa Ambrose Graphic Designer: Marta Sivakoff Contributing Editor: Lynn Murray Sales Representative: Andy Ourant Circulation Director: Denise Kelly Subscription Manager: Jim Lance Marketing: Penguin Communications Publications Director: Eric Protter Antique Doll Collector (ISSN 1096-8474) is published monthly by the Puffin Co., LLC, 15 Hillside Place, Northport, NY 11768 Phone: 1-631-261-4100 Periodicals postage paid at Northport, NY. and at additional mailing offices. Contents ©2010 Antique Doll Collector, all rights reserved. Postmaster: Send address changes to Antique Doll Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Subscriptions: Send to Antique Doll Collector, P. O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Phone: 1-888-800-2588 or 1-631-261-4100 Subscription Rates: One Year (Twelve Issues) $42.95; Two Years (Twenty-four Issues) $75.95. First class delivery in US add $25 per year. Canada add $27 per year. Europe add $31 per year. Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico add $33 per year. South America and Singapore add $36 per year. Bermuda and South Africa add $41 per year. Foreign subscriptions must be paid in U.S. funds. Do not send cash. Credit cards accepted. Advertising and Editorial: Call 717-517-9217 or email


Lofall’s Dolls This 18" K&R #191 will talk to you. She's in excellent condition and beautifully dressed in a wool coat dress and bonnet. $500 \ 5" straw stuffed Steiff Bear. $450

Happy Thanksgiving JUDY LOFALL Poulsbo, WA 98370 Member UFDC and NADDA • Buying Quality Dolls Home: 360.779.4926 (call 1st) Cel: 360.434.0331 Fax: 360.697.4405 E-mail: • Visa • Master Card • Layaway


Antique Doll Collector is not responsible for any inaccuracies in advertisers’ content. An unsolicited manuscript must be accompanied by SASE. Antique Doll Collecto Collector assumes no responsibility for such material. All rights including translations are reserved by the publisher. Requests for permissions and reprints must be made in writing to Antique Doll Collector. ©2010 by the Puffin Co., LLC.


Important: We need your old address and your new. The Post Office does not forward magazines. Call 1-888-800-2588 or write to us at: P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768.

Joyce and Vincent Lanza

e e at th Visit m National tern s a ber 4th E e Th Decem ty, Show, n ll u o o D C e Antiqu Montgomery D & 5th burg, M rs e h it Ga

Visit my website: 1. - 2. 12” Tete Jumeau Bebe #3, blue p/w eyes, luscious lashes, gorgeous pale bisque, orig. mohair wig, orig. pate, wears complete couture silk & lace dress, orig. matching silk & velvet hat, orig. Jumeau shoes w/huge rosettes, orig. undies & socks. FACTORY couture from head to toe, incl. orig. Jumeau earrings. Fully "signed" head & "signed" Jumeau body w/head coil still intact. I can’t express how special this Bebe is. A real attic find!! OUTSTANDING!!! $13,800. 3. 7” K * R Rare All Bisque #131 Googlie Toddler, big brown side glancing sleep eyes, perfect bisque overall, darling watermelon mouth, orig. mohair wig, wears darling orig. dress & undies. On orig. “All Bisque” toddler body w/ desirable starfish hands. Sure to make you smile. Absolutely ADORABLE in this darling cabinet size!!! $8200. 4. - 5. 16” Early Portrait Jumeau #7, flawless pale bisque, br. p/w eyes w/early mauve blush under brows, orig. mohair wig, orig. head coil, wears fabulous factory orig. silk dress & GREAT orig. Portrait Jumeau shoes w/rosettes & fabulous ant. Fr. hat. On orig. early 8 ball jointed st. wrist "signed" body. STUNNING!!! Priced way below value at only… $8900. 6. 29” K * R 117N Flirty Mein Liebling, br. side glancing flirty sl. eyes w/ painted upper & lower lashes, plus orig. hair lashes, magnificent bisque, 4 upper teeth, orig. long HH wig, she is ALL factory orig. from head to toe. On her orig. desirable “teenage” body which is in practically unplayed with condition. Life size girl with the cutest mischievous expression. OUTSTANDING!!! Great price at only… $2400. 7. - 8. 19” E.D. Jumeau #8 Bebe, light bl. p/w eyes, magnificent bisque, ant. mohair wig, wearing Fr. ant. pique dress & orig. ant. Fr. shoes. On orig. “signed” Jumeau body. She is the desirable ED, made by Jumeau, orig. head coil still intact & pull strings The most fabulous ED I have ever had with a very soft expression & is EXTRAORDINARILY BEAUTIFUL!!! $5975. 9. 10” A.M. #240 Googlie Toddler, adorable painted peaked hair, br. side glancing sl. eyes, darling watermelon mouth, wears ant. pink batiste & lace dress & orig. shoes. On a 5 pc. toddler body w/old refinish. This little darling is out of my own collection & is absolutely precious beyond words. You will love her as I have. $4375. 10. 9” Kestner #169 Pouty, mint pale bisque, br. sl. eyes & orig. mohair wig. Wears ant. batiste dress, undies, shoes, socks & beautiful ant. hat. On orig. Kestner body. Adorable & great tiny cabinet size, rare with this mold number. A real find!! First out of the mold modeling!!! $2750. 11. - 12. 20” Tete Jumeau Bebe #9, gorgeous bulging bl. p/w eyes, perfect pale bisque, orig. mohair wig & head coil still in tact. Wears a magnificent ant. Fr. ornate dress loaded with embroidered flowers, ant. undies & orig. “signed” Jumeau shoes. On her orig. Jumeau body (possibly some minor old touch up at knees). Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Only $5675. 13. - 14. 20” French P.D. (Petit & Dumontier) Bebe, HUGE blue threaded bulging p/w eyes, early blush under brows, early pale perfect bisque, early pale perfect bisque, orig. lambs wool wig. Wears her ant. Fr. lace dress, undies, & beautiful bl. velvet bonnet, ant. stole & muff, orig. shoes w/rosettes & on her orig. PD body w/metal hands. Darling chubby cheeks w/double chin! She is a very early PD, earlier 11-12 than any other that I have had & is an absolute KNOCK OUT!! $20,000.

We buy dolls and sell on consignment. 2137 Tomlinson Avenue Bronx, NY 10461 • 718-863-0373 email:










Member UFDC & NADDA • (Nat'l Antique Doll Dealers Assn.)

Fine Antique Dolls Since 1979

Early almond-eyed portraits sizes 0, 1 and 2 being grateful for family and friends and all the world.

Happy Thanksgiving Prices range from $10,000 with some damage up to $25,000 for Perfect Bisque.

Satisfaction Guaranteed • Member of UFDC and DDA •


November 2010 • Volume 13, Number 10



by Lorna Erb The author began colleting Shirley Temple dolls when the star’s movies began appearing on television.



ROSALIE WHYEL MUSEUM OF DOLL ART by Donna C. Kaonis From early woodens to contemporary artist dolls, there are dolls to engage every interest at this world-class museum.


by Dominique Pennegues and Patricia Brill Unique in boudoir doll history, each French Rosalinde dolls was a work of art.

About The Cover

In the world of boudoir dolls, the elusive French Rosalinde dolls are considered very special. Never mentioned in French advertising, extensive research leads the author to believe they were made for export to the American market. Dolls from several private collections as well as some remarkable photos from the 1923 and 1924 “Ladies Home Journal” will acquaint readers with these artistic and one-of-a-kind creations. Photo courtesy Frau Wulf.

50 67 68 68

Emporium Auction Gallery News Mystery Doll

74 Back Issues 76 Calendar 79 Classified



Photographed at the National UFDC Convention in Chicago Blondinette, the special Huret fashion whose extensive trousseau made auction history, paid a visit to the UFDC national convention.




A DOLLS’ TRUNK by Kathy Embry


Doesn’t your favorite doll deserve a trunk of her own? The author’s collection shows the tremendous variety of antique trunks made for dolls of all sizes.



by Margo Delaughter The wistful pouty look of Kathe Kruse’s Doll I, based on a sculpture by Duquesnoy, was used by many doll makers. The author shows examples in cloth, papier mache, composition and celluloid.

Carmel Doll Shop

Visit WWW.CARMELDOLLSHOP.COM for a Frightfully Large Selection! • Members of UFDC & NADDA Michael Canadas and David Robinson, P.O. Box 7198 Carmel, California 93921 • Email: • (831) 625-5360 Visa • MasterCard • American Express • We Welcome Layaway • Always Buying, Selling and Trading Fine Antique Dolls COME VISIT OUR SHOP ON LINCOLN STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH, IN DOWNTOWN CARMEL

1. 16-1/2” Bru Bebe Teteur from the SFBJ era. Details include a pretty bisque head, (faint hairline on the forehead) paperweight eyes, pleasant coloring, fine painting, an open mouth, and her original strawberry blonde wig. On a jointed wood and composition body showing normal wear, she is exquisitely costumed as a child. A great value. $3400. 2. 21” Bru Jne. R. 10 with a perfect head, deep brown paperweight eyes, a closed mouth that features a definite smile, pierced ears and an auburn human hair wig in a classic style. On a composition body with some repair and in-painting, she wears a fabulous original dress in ruched silk (tenderness in areas) and abundant lace. $6900. 3. 16-1/2” Bru Brevete 1, featuring a bisque head and shoulderplate (old restoration to back of head), exquisite coloring, caramel paperweight eyes with mauve shadow, pierced ears and a mohair wig. On a clean leather body with perfect bisque arms, the Bru-style ensemble is a sweet dream in aqua silk. Perfect for the sympathetic collector. $6900. 4. 27” Paris Bebe with classic features, superb bisque (very faint hairline from the crown rim into the upper forehead that is covered by the wig), stunning blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears, and an antique mohair wig. On a jointed composition body with the proper markings, she wears a charming dress of rich mint green silk faille with cream

brocade accents. A impressive bebe in a large size, at a fraction of the “perfect” price. $5500. 5. 11” Andre Thuillier bebe marked A 2 T, with a perfect bisque head that includes a molded tongue tip, beautiful blue paperweight eyes with spiral threading, pierced ears, and a lamb skin wig worn over her original cork pate. On a jointed wood and composition body with an original paint finish, she is costumed in a classic Renoir-style bebe ensemble. One of the loveliest petite bebes we have offered. $59,000. 6. 14-1/2” Bebe Jumeau marked DEPOSE E6J with blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears with the original earrings, and a darling blonde mohair wig. On a jointed composition body with straight wrists that we expect is in near perfect condition (we have not undressed this doll) she wears an original Ernestine Jumeau costume in rich pink satin, complete with a red armband that is lettered BEBE JUMEAU. A world class doll. $14,500. 7. 23” Bebe Jumeau DEPOSE 10 with gorgeous bisque, (very short hairline on forehead hidden under the wig) mauve shadow over her blue paperweight eyes, applied pierced ears, and an extended-length blonde mohair wig. On a straight wrist, marked body with the original paint finish showing normal wear, this child is beautifully dressed in gold brocade and cream silk, plus brown leather Jumeau shoes. $5700.

8. 19” Andre Thuillier bebe in size 9 with a perfect bisque head, two-tone blue paperweight eyes in even eye cuts that are highlighted by abundant mauve shadow, pierced ears and a very full mohair wig that is a perfect complement to her coloring. On a jointed composition body with a beautiful original paint finish, she wears a stylish ensemble in midnight blue velvet and silk. A blue chip doll, that is most definitely destined for a blue chip collection. $62,500. 9. 20” Bebe Halopeau, or “H” marked 2 H. Details include gorgeous bisque, (inherent mold line from the right back crown) brilliant blue paperweight eyes with mauve shadow, pierced ears and a beautiful brunette wig. On the original jointed body with the finish showing normal wear, she wears a fabulous ensemble in soft pink silk. If your collection is lacking a rarity such as a Bebe Halopeau, this could be your lucky day! $59,000. 10. 19-1/2” Bebe Steiner – Paris Fre A • 10 with a pretty bisque head, (restored hairline) blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears, and a human hair wig styled in soft curls. On a composition body with the original finish, this charmer wears a marvelous bebe costume in ecru silk faille and lace, highlighted by ice blue silk. A Steiner in a very appealing size, not to mention the very appealing price! $2995.

Nancy A. Smith

Buying and selling quality antique dolls. Specializing in early cloth dolls. Member NADDA

Box 462, Natick Mass. 01760-0005 Phone: (508) 545-1424 E-Mail: Philadelphia babies. $6000. each.


Telephone (212) 787-7279 • P.O. Box 1410 • NY, NY 10023 Quality Antique Dolls by Mail Return Privilege • Layaways Member UFDC and NADDA

1. 20” Rare Composition Glass Eye Kaiser Baby – an important and unique version of K*R 100 made in Germany, c. 1910, with exaggerated modeling, jewel blue pw eyes, open/closed mouth plus original K * R body and romper!! $895 2. 27” Rare Life size Vanta Baby – breathtaking realism in the starry eyed gaze of this tender youth with flawless, delicate bisque and dreamy dazzling pools of blue glass eyes, very chubby body and vintage original romper and shoes. $1250 3.19” Choice JDK 211 with Skin Wig – how unique the expression on this particular Kestner with his gently softened contours, creamy smooth bisque, big trusting shoe button eyes and the mint skin wig to top it all! $695 4. 20” Elegant Brown Bisque Toddler – gorgeous fired in complexion on this superior “Dream Baby” with her sweet cheeks and stout 5-part toddler body beneath four crisp layers of attic original clothes and shoes! Choice! $695 5. 21” Elusive Kestner Character Baby Jean – so artful with the brush stroke hair and maturing brows, original lashes on gentle blue eyes, separate tongue, mint Kestner body and matching baby blue dress – a prize! $895 6. 17” All Original Hilda with Skin Wig – doe eyed beauty with big bedroom eyes, gentle mellow bisque, sensuous, profound modeling and beautiful mint skin wig, original body and classic estate quality antique bonnet, gowns and booties! $2500 7. 19” Rare and Important Glass Eye Kaiser – stunning K * R 100 in the largest size made with original K * R glass sleep eyes and mint factory wig with label! Superior quality bisque in jolly, playful modeling plus terrific period sailor suit with cap. Museum class! $1995 8. 18” All Original JDK Solid Crown – with one of a kind perfection she has it all – flawless snow pure bisque, exquisite sculpting, pleading brown eyes, molded tongue and pristine layers of original linen clothes and ivory leather booties – all mint! $595 9. 21” Stunning Lifelike Baby Gloria – joyful character brimming with multiple dimples, smile and twinkling eye lines, happy open mouth with tongue, dancing blue eyes and very long layers of extravagant gowns, the perfect complement to your Byelo! $750 10. 16” Classic K * R Kaiser Baby – an exceptionally pretty example of the premier model of 1909 in her original, dainty pink gown with matching bonnet and booties – so easy to love! $475 11. 11” Rare and Choice Glass Eye Kaiser – as petite as it is important, this cabinet gem, in the smallest size made, is richly delicious in both facial detail and his extravagant silk clothes! $1650 12. 17” All Original Kestner 211 Toddler – from the bobbed side part wig to fancy factory boots, this animated fully jointed toddler boasts her factory chemise, fully under dressed and complete with bonnet! $695 13. 18” Exquisite Kestner Pouty Baby – with her pouting frown, furrowed brows and closed down turned lips, she needs either a burp or a hug! Crystal clear bisque, dazzling blue eyes and jointed body complete the emotional picture! $595 14. 13” Adorable K * R 122 – with her dewy bisque, little tongue sticking out and big innocent blue eyes peeking through tousled bangs, she is so puppy dog cute in her fussy original clothes! $550 15. 16” Exceptional Sleep Eye Scootles – large, rare and outstanding with great color, condition and factory romper! Museum class compo rarity! $895 16. 16” Scarce K * R 128 – on elusive mold this inquisitive example has jewel like blue grey eyes, original wig and dainty heirloom clothes, bonnet to booties! $595

17 Loch Lane, Rye Brook, NY 10573 (914) 939-4455 • Fax (914) 939-4569 Email: 1


Generous Layaways Member NADDA Member U.F.D.C.








1. 9-1/2" Choice all bisque Kestner Wrestler. $4900 2. 16" Hauntingly beautiful Schmitt, in original chemise. $12,500 3. 12" Exceptionally Tete Jumeau, spectacular vintage costume. $5500 4. 15" Incredibly beautiful EJ, enchanting vintage costume. $7900 5. 18" EJ, Breathtaking beauty, her elaborate antique lace costume, truly superb. $11,000 6. 13" K star R 115A ,Precious pouty in irresistible original clothes. $4200 7. 10" Adorable AM "Just ME" in precious coat,hat and dress. $1700 8. 12" Sought after beloved #221 Kestner Googly, totally enchanting original clothes. $7500 9. 13" The ultimate Hilda baby, adored family treasure. $2800

Evelyn Phillips

NOTE* I'm a fusspot about beautiful bisque, all of the above have perfect bisque, for full shots see our website.

Please see our website or call for more details, and lots more pictures



Photography by Paula Claydon

WITHINGTON AUCTION, Inc. Selling Dolls at Auction since 1959

To All of our Doll Friends, Withington’s would like to send A Special Thank You… For Supporting our auctions… A FULL House at every Sale!!

For Trusting us to Sell your Best Dolls – For Buying with Confidence and

For Making 2010 Another Wonderful Year. DOLL AUCTION SCHEDULE 2011

2-Day Auction – Thursday & Friday Doll Show & Sale – Wednesday Afternoon Network with other Doll Collectors - BUY & SELL!! Season Begins: April 6-7-8 Season Ends: Oct. 19-20-21 (And a few auctions in the middle–Dates to be Announced!) October Auction in Review:

Thurs. Oct. 21 - Dolly Driscoll Collection JUMEAUX - Tete #10 & #5, Triste, Portraits; BRU’S: Jne., Circle Dots, Fashion Smiler in original box, Bru Smiler Fashions; CHINAS - Biedermeier, KPM, Pink-tint, Spill-Curl, Dagmar, Dressel & Kister; Parians w/ fancy hair, Izannah Walkers (3), Early cloth, Rubber Heads; EARLY WOOD & PAPIER MACHE (OVER 2 DOZEN): Milliners Models, Tuck Combs, Queen Ann; French Papier Mache; Characters; Many Fr. Fashions: FG, Simonne, Jumeau; Mignonnettes, Walking dolls, Waltzing Steiner, Wax, Half Dolls, Black Bisque, Kestner; Schoenhut, R. John Wright, Martha Thompsons, DeWees Cochran; Early Paper Dolls; ACCESSORIES - Doll’s Clothes, Hats, Shoes…. Friday Oct 22 – French: Jumeaux, Lever-eye Steiner, Circle Dot Bru, SFBJ, Ravcas, Lg. Kewpie Bisque head w/ compo body, China - trunk & wardrobe, All Bisque, Schoenhut Characters, Automaton “Girl Jumping Rope”, Cloth: Topsy-Turvy, Deans Rag, Volland Raggedy Ann & Andy, Philadelphia Baby, Black cloth, Folk-Art, Papier Mache, Wax, German: Kestners, Heubach Whistler, K * R “Peter”, Googlies, Bawo & Dotter, Rare Bye-lo Black, Wax, etc.; Orientals; Chinas & Parians, Steiff, , MAGIC CLOSET - the Pink French Doll House!!

After Auction Prices - to be announced!

Thinking about selling your dolls? How much are they worth?

For a Free Evaluation call our Doll Specialist – Dolores Smith 603-478-3232 Withington has been holding Auctions of exclusively Dolls for over 50 years Competitive Commission Rates Checks are PAID 24 hours after the Accounting is completed. The Doll Business Continues to Remain Strong… in spite of the economy. IT IS STILL A GOOD TIME TO SELL YOUR DOLLS! WITHINGTON AUCTION, Inc. 17 Atwood Road • Hillsborough, NH 03244 • 603-478-3232 Larry Leizure, President • Marcia Leizure – NH Lic. # 4028 E-Mail: • Web:








8 9


E&G Antiques y We Bu Dolls


Estab. 1966


P. O. Box 296 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone (909) 599-2723 • Fax (909) 599-4355 Please visit my website:


1. 39" B Steiner - She is a very rare doll with beautiful quality bisque, rarely found in this extra large size. This doll is dressed in a fabulous antique dress & bonnet. She is in excellent condition & would be a wonderful addition to the most advanced collection. $15,500 2. 22' Wax Doll - She is a very early doll circa 1850 in all original condition. This doll comes with her original glass dome & also a book with an article about her. $1750 3. 22" S.& H. #1250 - She is a fabulous black doll in excellent condition with "wet" bisque. This doll is dressed in very pretty vintage clothes. $1150 4. 22" Lenci - She is completely original & marked Lenci on her foot. $1550 5. 28" Simon Halbig #949 - This outstanding blue eyed , closed mouth doll is in excellent condition. She has her original mohair wig & is beautifully costumed in antique clothes. $3450 6. 22" Paper mache - She is in great condition for her age with nice original wig. Both her head & body are marked Schilling. She is nicely dressed in antique clothes & boots. $1550 7. 24" Paper mache - She is an outstanding doll, completely original except shoes. This doll is in exceptional condition & has a wonderful serene look. $1850 8. 23" Kestner #226 - She is an adorable blue eyed baby in excellent condition. This doll is dressed in nice antique clothes. $950 9. 14" J.D.K. #211 - This is a cute little "Sammy" in nice condition. She is dressed in antique clothes. $585 10. 15" Hertel & Schwab #163 - This adorable doll has a face that will make you smile. She is in excellent condition & still has her original clothes. $3950 11. 19" Kestner #168 - She is a sweet little German girl dressed in antique clothes. This doll is in excellent condition. $650 12. 24" S.& H. #1249 - This lovely little "Santa" is in great condition. She is nicely dressed in antique clothes. $950 13. 28" Series C Steiner - She is an exceptionally lovely doll with outstanding quality bisque. This brown eyed beauty is dressed in lovely antique clothes. $7950

Member UFDC, NADDA • Visa, Mastercard • 1 year Layaway Satifaction Guaranteed • Doll Stand and Shipping Included


1 P.O. Box 283, New Concord, OH 43762 740-607-8157 •



Call or visit my website for additional dolls and more detailed descriptions.

1. 14” CHINA MAN - Marks: K 6 under shoulder plate. Pink tint, brown eyes with molded lids, black hair with brush strokes around face, French-style kid body. Well dressed in layers of antique clothing. Color wear and a few flakes off hair, light rubs on cheeks, shoulder plate has been broken and repaired (solid but not invisible). An early and truly wonderful china man, with great modeling and detail, for an affordable price because of the repair concealed by his clothing. $685 2. 23” GREINER WITH ’58 LABEL - Original cloth body with great individual fingers. Dress made from antique fabric, antique chemise, original pants, stockings and wonderful original leather shoes. Rub on nose and lips, small area of roughness in finish on left cheek; light crazing on face, heavier crazing and cracks in finish of shoulder plate. For those who love early dolls, she is a wonderful example of a cherished companion. $1075 3. 5” GEBRUDER HEUBACH POSITION BABY - Marked all bisque figurine of young child with angry face and hands held away from sides in fists. Excellent condition. A darling little child expressing emotions Gebruder Heubach is expert at conveying. $275 4. SUPER UV BLACK LIGHTS - An extraordinary black light that can be used in regular lighting!! No more crawling under tables or trying to find a dark area to black light a doll when at a show or an auction!! Fits in the palm of your hand or in your purse; uses three triple A batteries. To be used on the outside of a doll head to show cracks and hairlines; shows repaint on cloth and composition. PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. $49.95



Puddy’s Dream



Quality French and German Dolls Fine Antiques for 33 years 1. Grand Paris Bebé - 24” Blue Stamp E8J Emile Jumeau/Limoges Girl. Blue Spiral Paperweight Eyes. Vintage Taffita Cream And Blue Dress. Long Bangs - Pierced Ears - Famous Pale Bisque Coloring - Breathtaking - $4,700 2. Sweet Little 18” Armand Marseille Charmer -Vintage “Melting” Silk Dress - Cute As A Button!!! - $325 3. RARE - 21” Heinrick Handwerk/S&H. All Original Factory Presentation - Pierced Ears - Gold And Turquoise Enameled Earrings And Necklace. Straw Bonnet, Cream Dress - Soft Coloring, Blue Sleep Eyes. Best of Best!!! - $2,350 4. Large Queen Louise - 30”. Striking Rosie Cheeks and Brown Eyes. Original Fancy Edwardian White Lawn Dress and Broach. Some Older Repaint - One Finger Missing. Provenance - Given To Lorretta Herzig. Age 3 Dec. 25th 1908. Heartwarming Story! $895 5. Fabulous 4 Piece Vintage Ormolu Dresser Set Beveled Glass And Amber Jewels - $565




VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.PUDDYSDREAM.COM Free shipping on all DOLLS in 48 states • Layaway Available Email: • phone: 920-867-4300

Les Poupees by Dominique Pennegues

“The yellow taffeta for his bodice is cut 2 inches longer than his measurement and drawn around with tiny folds, the seam being hidden by his inch-wide jadegreen and Persian-red ribbon panel in front. He has dark brown sateen arms and has bloomers made of taffeta and his sleeves are over crinoline. His turban boasts a yellow Persian-pink and Persian blue ostrich tip. The green wooden beds around his neck and the feather fan tied firmly to his right wrist match the green of his ribbon panel”. 1923 LHJ.

Sarah Bernhardt. She wears white satin, her ruffle skirt is adorned with white camellias. Courtesy Sue Uhlher and Frau Wulf. 18

“Her purple sleeves and the four fringes panel over her flowered taffeta skirt are butterflies of lavender fringes taffeta. Her hair is of white silk embroidery floss sewed on crinoline, loops forming puffs. The pink muslin body is almost a triangular shape. White lace mittens, flesh colored silk stockings and purple taffeta slippers with pasted-on soles of white kid”. 1923 LHJ


o write an article on Rosalinde dolls is a real challenge as they were, up to now, a mystery. Said to be French by international collectors, French doll experts had never heard of those dolls, nor seen any of them in the French doll market. However, when looking very closely at the 1925 Bottin-Didot (the French Almanach du Commerce) one reads, “Poupées Rosalinde” (les) in the doll making chapter (registered in 1924). No maker’s name is mentioned, only the location: 11 rue Rougemont Paris 9e. We find les Poupées Rosalinde in the Bottin-Didot until 1932, then, the name totally disappears. The advertising is so unusually discrete that it seems that the maker did not need to be known by French distributors. The French magazines from the 20’s never mention Rosalinde dolls either, so one may conclude that those luxurious dolls were only made to be sold on the American market. The Ladies Home Journal gives us an argument for this theory, as we have the pleasure to see photos of a few Rosalinde dolls as early as 1923, then, a December 1924 article in the same magazine shows 6 different Rosalinde dolls, each one having a particular name, although the label Les Poupées Rosalinde is not mentioned; we are only told that the dolls come from Paris. With no maker name and no registration number, one has to turn to Archives de Paris, to try to found who was living at the given address during the 20’s. After extensive research on this unknown production, we had the pleasure to learn a little more about those precious and mysterious dolls. Aristide Mulin was a Parisian born man who married a Parisian born young lady named Augustine. The couple started the making and trading of “fine laces and fine hand embroideries” in January 1907. That same year the couple had a daughter named Raymonde. In 1921, Aristide Mulin registered his company in the Registre du Commerce.


It seems that they began production of dolls some time between 1921 and 1922, as the 1923 photo in the Ladies Home Journal shows a few already wellachieved Rosalinde dolls. The choice of the name “Rosalinde” as the trademark is typical of sophisticated Parisians who were well aware of entertainment on the Paris stages (the Mulin’s were living only few minutes from Paris’ grands boulevards). There is an indisputable link between William Shakespeare’s story, “As You Like It” and the choice of first name Rosalinde. In this story, the Duke who is exiled in France has a daughter named Rosalinde. The name Rosalinde became highly fashionable in Paris in 1921 after an English movie inspired from “As You Like It” came to the Paris screens.

Vintage photo of a Parisian dressed as a Venetian for evening Bal de l’Opera. “Femina,” 1924. Private collection France.

Oriental Rosalinde. 39 inches. Courtesy Bonnie Groves. Sole of shoes marked Rosalinde. 19

A theme Oriental night at the Scheherazade Russian Restaurant near the Mulin’s. Vintage Velasquez Rosalinde shown in the December 1924 “Ladies Home Journal.” “Her rose taffeta gown has circularcut panniers, divided at center front and each side, and linen with crinoline and blue taffeta. Changeable blue and red silk braid trims skirt and black velvet bodice, and a bertha of cream lace, matching the full cuffs, falls below an organdie band and row of pearl beds. On her hair, a blue, a rose and a tan feather are arranged, with two crystal drops at each side”. Courtesy Patricia Brill.

Portrait of the Velasquez doll. Courtesy Linda Goddar.

It’s interesting to see that Aristide and Augustine Mulin did not only name their dolls from a movie inspired by a Shakespeare story, but also created dolls after some other movies inspired from his novels too, such as Anne Boleyn, the wife of Henry the Eighth. Two silent movies about Henry were made, an English one in 1911 and an American one in 1912, both probably seen on the French screens right after WWI. Other Rosalinde dolls were inspired by ballets and plays during the 20’s, such as Casanova and Don Giovanni de Manara, which made Italian period costumes very fashionable for Paris evening parties; even Jean Gabriel Domergue chose an 18th century Venetian theme to create and make the decorations for “Le Bal des mille beautés” at the Opera de Paris. The 20

Vintage photo of Princess Amédée de Broglie dressed as Velasquez, “Femina,” 1924. Private collection France.

Venetian Rosalinde is dressed in similar fashion as some Parisian ladies shown in the 1924 Femina magazine. The success of Maria del Carmen starring actress Arlette Marchal brought Spanish period costumes up to date also. In Femina, one may see photos of Princesses Soutzo and Amédée de Broglie dressed like the women in Velasquez’ well known paintings; Aristide Mulin made a Rosalinde doll in the style of Velasquez as well. The renowned actress Sarah Bernhardt sadly died on the 26th March 1923. The same year, Aristide Mulin made a doll in her likeness, with camellias attached to her white satin dress, a beautiful remembrance of her, playing “La Dame aux Camelias” from Alexandre Dumas. Russian costumes were also very much in vogue since the Ballet Russes appeared on the Opera de Paris stage.

Venetian Rosalinde. The original dress used to be a hot pink. The lace armlets, silk velvet headdress, with the attached pearls, underskirts, stockings, as well as a chamois sole of her silk shoes are original. Note : this Rosalinde mold shows a strong resemblance with Kiki de Montparnasse. Courtesy Frau Wulf.

Close up of Venetian Rosalinde.

There is no doubt that the Russian Rosalinde was inspired by the well known ballets, and the Oriental Rosalinde by the symphonic ballet Scheherazade from composer Rimsky Korsakov. For those dolls lovers who have never seen a Rosalinde doll, the 1924 Ladies Home journal article tells us how the dolls were made, and what was under their upper dresses. It tells us that the dolls were made of cotton stuffed pink muslin, with attached doll heads. They measure from shoulder to shoulder 5-½ inches, from shoulder to end of body 11-½ inches, thickness of body 2-½ inches, across front of waist line 3 inches, around the waistline 8 inches, legs 18 inches long and arms 16-½ inches. The legs are covered to the knees with silk stockings, the feet have taffeta slippers with white kid soles. They all have two white crinoline underskirts

Venetian of the 18th century Rosalinde shown on the December 1924 “Ladies Home Journal,” “ready for the carnival, smiles enticingly beneath her black silk mask and wears a black taffeta frock, ruche and tricorne, bound with gold braid. The front panel is of gold lace over white satin, and on her tight sleeves, generous wing of taffeta are goldedged”. Courtesy Patricia Brill. 21

Romantic Rosalinde. All original lavender silk and metallic lace costume and silk hair. Courtesy Frau Wulf. Details of the hand painted silk from the dress. This hand painted silk is also found on the dress of a chamois doll head shown in a previous article on French boudoir dolls.

Anne Boleyn, wife of King Henry the Eighth. During her years in France, Anne acquired the elegance of the French court, and a taste for beautiful clothes. The Rosalinde doll shown here is wearing a “gown of old blue velvet with a panel of silver brocade face with silver tissue and lined with old blue taffetas. The undersleeves, neck binding and coif beneath the velvet headdress are of silver tissue, and roses of brilliants further emphasize her majesty.” 1924 LHJ. Courtesy Patricia Brill. “She needs no wizard’s cap of sliver cloth to prove her an enchantress - the lovely lady of the moyen age period, whose original is in the Hampton Court Museum. Her blue and rose changeable taffeta robe has silver braid edging the bottom of skirt and the silver front panel, which tapers from neck to hem. The basque jacket, flaring from the waist in back, is of bright blue velvet, linen with rose and gold changeable taffeta, and edged with fur. A mauve chiffon veil is attached to end of cap and one wrist, and the silver lace ruffle on cap is studded with sapphires and rubies.” 1924 LHJ. Courtesy Patricia Brill. 22

gathered about the waist, the one closest to the body made of a piece 24 inches long, doubled to 12 inches in length, and varying in width from Anne Boleyn’s 42inch crinoline to Velasquez‘s 72-inch one. The second crinoline is 25 inches long, with a 6-inch hem, and about 75 inches wide. The Velasquez example has plaits laid in a lower edge to make the skirt stand out in a hoop effect. Skirts of all the costumes fall about 1 inch below the crinoline and are cut about 3 inches wider. What the 1924 LHJ article does not tell us is about the hands and the chest. The study of Rosalinde dolls shows two type of chests: flat and applied. Most of the time the dolls with the Rosalinde flat chest have cloth hands while the applied chest examples have plaster hands, but there are exceptions such as the Velasquez Rosalinde, which has a flat chest and plaster hands. There is a rare third type of hands, made of a material which darkens over the years, however we have not been able to identify this material yet. Beside the ten beautiful Rosalinde dolls shown in the Ladies Home Journal, there have been many others with different clothing, the rarest one being a male dressed as a Spanish dancer. The analysis of these special dolls shows how important it was for Aristide Mulin to dress his dolls with the best quality of fabric and fine lace. This particularity makes the Rosalinde dolls very special along other French boudoir dolls from the 20’s. They were also very

Empress Eugénie. “She wears a changeable peach and beige taffeta, ruffles as to skirt and sleeves, each ruffle being edged with apple green ribbon to match the five bows on bodice and the belt. A tiny collar and bell sleeves of organdie and a bonnet of taffeta, with mauve flowers add to her winsomeness.” 1924 LHJ. Courtesy Patricia Brill This “marquise of the court of Louis XVI wears an apple green taffeta skirt trimmed with small ribbons rosebuds. Each pannier is made of a piece of rose taffeta of 1 yard long and 23 inches wide, gathered on three sides and drawn up to a four-inch width and fastened from center back to center front of the black velvet bodice. Lace bertha and cuffs and lace mittens; powdered hair, in which a rose is placed, and the inevitable pearls are other charming details.” 1924 LHJ. Courtesy Patricia Brill.

Marquises. Replaced costumes. Silk being very fragile, many Rosalinde dolls have some parts of their costumes replaced. Courtesy Pat Brill. Marquise, close up. Courtesy Frau Wulf.


Two interesting Rosalinde dolls. Left, a doll with a Mistinguett (a French actress and singer) look, has had her clothing partially redone. Courtesy Robin Krieger.

This beautiful Rosalinde is all original, a must for Rosalinde collectors. Courtesy Frau Wulf.

Note the unusual long eyelashes, very specific of some Rosalinde dolls. Courtesy Frau Wulf.


Mistinguett type showing her original underwear. Courtesy Robin Krieger.

probably one-of-a-kind, but there is no definite proof of it at the moment. It is very clear however that they must have been very expensive, and this might explain why Aristide and Augustine Mulin had chosen the States to sell their precious artistic creations. At the end of the 20’s, the recession in the States had very probably greatly affected the sales of the luxurious and expensive Rosalinde dolls, and we may imagine that Aristide Mulin, like other makers of luxurious dolls such as Lenci, had to reduce the sale price of his dolls, however it could not stop the downturn of his sales and finally his business did not survive the loss of income. Aristide Mulin sold his company on the 16 January 1931, and left his home of 11 rue Rougemont with his family. Jeanne Cordonnier took his place to produce and sell “novelties” which could have included dolls, however, Les Poupées Rosalinde disappeared from the Bottin Didot by 1933. SPECIAL THANKS TO : Frau Wulf for her generous help through all this study ( Archives de Paris Bibliothèque Forney Paris Musée des Arts Décoratifs. All the generous collectors who have agreed to share with us photos of their rare Rosalinde dolls.

This very artistic Rosalinde has a different type face than the other Rosalindes. Her turban, blouse, lace armlets, stockings and shoes are original. Knickers, standup collar and pearl necklace have been added. Courtesy Frau Wulf.

This rather melancholic Rosalinde makes us think of a moyen âge lady. Courtesy Frau Wulf.

Russian Rosalinde. Courtesy Frau Wulf.

Portrait of a rare Rosalinde with a face made of plaster type material. Wig and eyelashes are not original, but this mysterious Rosalinde is still very attractive. Courtesy Frau Wulf.


More on Rosalinde Dolls


Portrait of a Rosalinde who has kept all her original coloring. Courtesy Sue Uhlher.

Portrait of a rare Rosalinde, with original metallic lace clothing. Courtesy Sue Uhlher. 26

by Patricia Brill

n the boudoir doll universe, Rosalindes are considered a bit of an enigma. In fact their look and construction is often quite different from that of other French Art Dolls from the deco period. They are often elusive to collectors, rarely surfacing in the market and typically not recognized as the treasures they truly are. I shutter at the thought of how many of these dolls may have been discarded over the years by people unaware of their artistic and monetary value. Rosalinde’s can be a “real mess” when first found and the silks used in the making of the original gowns often do not survive the ravages of time, although many of the trims and embellishments seem impervious to the elements. I was privileged to acquire my first Rosalinde a number of years ago, about the time I started collecting boudoir dolls. She was a “pompadour” style lady complete with her naughty applied breasts and chamois soled shoes. She had all of her elegant laces and under clothes but her original lavender silk dress had melted so badly that the only real piece of fabric left was about the size of the palm of my hand. The doll was filthy with dust and part of her silk thread hair had come undone. I am not a purist who considers dirt as sacred and that a doll should remain untouched. I believe that gentle cleaning and primping preserves the doll’s integrity for future generations to enjoy. It was a time consuming labor of love to fix her up and try to restore her to original condition. I was not able to locate suitable old lavender silk in the color of the original gown. After a considerable search I found a teal velvet skirt that was a costume from the Paris Opera dating to the early 1920’s. The color and texture of the fabric seemed perfect for the doll and the diamond in the rough became a real treasure. All original laces and trims were used to reconstruct the dress. As fate would have it, two other pompadour style Rosalindes soon came my way, all in various stages of undress. Interestingly, I noticed that although the dolls were of the same historic period, there were differences between the doll face painting, hair, hands and breast construction. I also noticed that although the dolls had remnants of their original costumes, the style of their gowns was unlike the Pompadour Lady in the Ladies Home Journal article. The variations of style and painting led me to reach the conclusion that every Rosalinde was the painstaking work of the artist’s hand. It is also interesting to note that although there is some machine stitching on the doll clothing, most of it is hand sewn to the doll. These costumes are not meant to be removed. Every authentic Rosalinde doll has unique variations of style and facial detail. The eyes can have inserted eyelashes or painted lashes. Lips can be outlined in shades of pink or painted shiny red and for the most part are closed-mouthed (although some “smilers” have occasionally been found). The skin can be made from a natural color linen material or painted. These dolls all do seem to share the exaggerated linear bodies with long torso and limbs and are usually 30” or 35” tall. What stands out with an authentic Rosalinde is the regal quality of a finely sculpted facial shape with their pointed chins and delicate classic noses. The cloth heads are molded over a hard white material that is sometimes seen peeking out at the tip of the nose and some have heads that tilt slightly to the left giving them a seductive allure. To own a Rosalinde, regardless of their condition, is to own a unique part of boudoir doll history and their true beauty is better appreciated “in person” than in any photograph.

Spanish dancers, the only couple known to date. Courtesy Sue Uhlher.

Vintage photo showing Claire Windsor with some of her dolls, one of them a Rosalinde with long braids and wearing a gown with large flowers. Courtesy Frau Wulf.


Enjoy the beautiful coastal village of Camden, Maine located on the pristine Penobscot Bay. 49 Bay View Street, Camden, ME 04843 Shop 207-236-4122 Cell 207-322-4851 The shop is now open 10:00 - 4:00 Fridays and Saturdays until Christmas.

10” FG Bebe - $6500.

10-1/2” antique paper mache doll - $125.

16” Schoenhut Model 102 with carved hair (braid and blue bow on back) - $1900.


Antique Louis Vuitton suitcase in an unusual size - $1900.

7” Hertel & Schwab character baby - $350.

Great pair of antique cloth dolls with painted oilcloth faces 28” and 30” - $2950.


Shirley by Lorna Erb


“The Little Colonel,” 1935, 27 inches.

Shirley Temple Doll, “that’s what I want for Christmas.” From 1934 - 1940 that’s what lots of little girls wanted for Christmas. With encouragement from my Mother, I began collecting in the late 1950’s when Shirley Temple movies were first shown on television. Then Mother and I would go to Shupp’s Grove in Adamstown, Pa. We met the late Roberta Roberts, another Shirley collector. She sold me my first mint Shirley, and from that time, I looked for originality in the dolls. In 1934, Ideal Novelty and Toy Co. made the first Shirley Temple Doll. It was rushed to the stores in time for Christmas sales. The founder of the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co. was Morris Michtom from Brooklyn, N. Y. The company was started in the very early “Captain January,” 1936, 18 inches.

“Stand Up and Cheer,” 1934, 17 inches.

Sizes given refer to the doll. 29

“Curly Top,” 1935, 18 inches. In original box, “Little Miss Broadway,” 1938, 22 inches.

“Stowaway,” 1936, 20 inches. 30

“Stowaway,” 1936, 25 inches.

part of the 20th century. Michtom sent his nephew Abe Katz to California to secure a franchise from Shirley’s parents for the Shirley Temple Doll. This was the only licensed company. The company hired Bernard Lipfert, master mold maker to sculpt the doll. In Oct. 1934 the doll was advertised in the magazine “Playthings.” Sears also advertised the doll. The doll came in two sizes: 15 inch for $3.79 and 18 inch for $4.79. In 1934 her popularity skyrocketed with the movie, “Stand Up and Cheer.” The first doll wore a dress from this movie. The dolls were made of wood pulp composition, with a variety of markings. Some dolls were marked “Shirley Temple” and size, some with name and firm name, and others with straight letter name and the firm name in a diamond, and some were not marked at all. The

“Curly Top,” 1935, 18 inches.

“The Blue Bird,” 1939, 18 inches.

“Bright Eyes,” 1934, 16 inches.

wig was made of mohair and came in different shades: pale golden blonde, ash blonde, and a strawberry blonde. The eyes were made of glassene and are either hazel or brown, a few in blue, and a few of brown or blue metal. The brow and lower lashes are painted light brown and the upper lashes were real hair, possibly horse hair. Tongues were made of a soft felt or a smooth hard material. There are six teeth on a separate white piece. The Ideal dolls have many variations as the years passed, because of changing worn out molds. Even the materials changed from time to time. The wood pulp composition was anything but precise in its shrinkage as it dried. There were other differences due to the changing availability of materials. So that is why you find dolls that craze more than others. The dolls were made in many different sizes including 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, and 27 inches. Molleye Goldman was the designer of the early Shirley doll clothing. Nannete and Cinderella, makers of quality children’s clothing, also copied Shirley’s latest fashions for little girls and toddlers. The movie outfits are my favorite. The first Shirley Temple dolls wore a copy of the red and white polka-dot dancing dress from the movie “Stand Up and Cheer.” Most were tagged with tags sewn around the waist of the dress. Dolls also wore combination slip/ undies made of organdy and trimmed with lace. White rayon socks and imitation leather shoes with snaps or buckles completed the outfit. There are always exceptions. I have found shoes made of leather on a few dolls. Each doll or boxed outfit wore a Shirley Temple pin with a picture of Shirley. They were either pink or

“The Littlest Rebel,” 1935, 16 inches. 31

brown and marked “The World’s Darling, Genuine Shirley Temple, An Ideal Doll.” Trunk sets were also made for the dolls. The trunk was made of wood, some painted brown, some covered with brown paper. There were decals from Shirley’s different movies all over the trunk. The trunk set usually included a pink pleated dress, the red and white coin dotted dress and a sunsuit or pajamas. Shirley doll outfits seem to be endless. Just when I think I have seen them all another one comes along. The outfit most found is the knife pleated “Curly Top” dress. The original one was pink with maroon ties. For the dolls it came in pink, blue, yellow, red or blue dotted, and some with a star burst print. Most elaborate was the outfit from “The Little Colonel.” For the large dolls it was made of pink, yellow, lavender or green taffeta with matching bonnet. Smaller dolls were dressed in organdy. “Wee Willie Winkie” was a big hit and the doll outfit was a copy of the highlander costume that Shirley wore. This is just a sample of all the outfits. The Shirley Temple dolls made in the 1930’s, were some of the most extravagant dolls made during the Depression. Now in 2010, they continue to be sought after and very collectible.

11 inch Doll Trunk Set with original box, trunk, booklet, curlers and original receipt from Macy’s for $4.98 plus 10 cents tax.

Shirley’s doll outfits from her popular movies came packaged in cardboard boxes with the star’s photo. 32

“Poor Little Rich Girl,” 1936, 27 inches.

Roberta’s DOLL HOUSE Roberta and Ziggy Zygarlowski, 475 17th Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07504 (973) 684-4945 • Fax (973) 523-7585 • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-569-9739













More Dolls! More Pictures! More Excitement!

Liberal Financing Available

1. So extra special & ever so rare is this handsome young lad by Kley & Hahn - mold #135 -soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ soft hazel hand painted eyes - rare open/closed laughing mouth w/ molded tongue - and the cutest little dimple chin you will ever find - original fully jointed German body - perfect shelf size - 12” tall - $1,695. 2. Two more lovely and ever so rare children from the historical series made by Effanbee - both have exceptional compo - factory original clothing - gorgeous hand painted features: A) 1492 - Primitive Indian. B) 1565 - Saint Augustine settlement - they are 15” tall - $1,295. each 3. Ever so early and just as beautiful as she can be is this Simon & Halbig - mold #739 - exceptional high quality bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over wistful lashes surrounding enormous chestnut brown paperweight eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ outlined soft amber shaded lips wonderful early straight wrist body - 17” tall $2,495. 4. Over the years of doing this business - Zig & I have had many wonderful pieces of crèche - this little breathtaking “Madonna” is without question one of the most unique we have ever acquired - hand carved from wood w/ the most amazing details that anyone could ask for - her head turns on a wooden shoulder plate - her long flowing hair is so wondrous & unique - exquisite detailed hands & feet (she even has lines in the palms of her hands) add even more wonderment to beauty - she stands only 8” tall in her original bejeweled garments - $1,995. 5. Rarely found & always desirable is this lovely “Dolly Dimples” by Gebruder Heubach - mold #5777 exceptional high quality pink bisque we/ exquisite hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over dark heather blue sleep eyes - open smiling mouth w/ outlined soft rose shading - two upper teeth - original fully jointed body - 22” tall - $3,495. 6. Another rare wonder from the world of Heubach - totally adorable laughing little mechanical boy - mold # 7664 - solid dome pink bisque head w/ mold locks of hair - deep blue intaglio eyes - open/closed laughing mouth w/ two molded lower teeth - wind him up and he waddles across the floor just like a little baby - excellent working condition - all original - 8” tall - $1,495. 7. Ever so rare & always desirable is this never to be found brown bisque “Hilda” by Kestner - mold #245 - soft as butter bisque w/ first out if the mold quality - lovely hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over beautiful chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - rare petite size 12” tall - $3,495. 8. Rare & wonderful as she can be is this Kathe Kruse - Doll VIII - (Das Deutsche Kind) - (circa 1948) excellent all original condition w/ amazing hand painted facial features - lovely brown eyes w/ that always desirable pouty mouth - factory original clothes & shoes - 19” tall - $1,295. 9. Rare & wonderful & ever so desirable is this amazing Schoenhut “Maggie & Jiggs” - excellent condition - she has her rolling pen - he has his pail - factory original clothes - the glass eyed donkey comes along for the ride 9” & 8” tall - $1,495. for the set 10. Well - just look what we have found this time, a truly amazing Belton w/ not only that always desirable French look - but she looks just like the Jumeau Cartouche bébé - soft to the touch pristine bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - utterly amazing hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over early dark outline chestnut brown paperweight eyes - the very hint of a slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft rose pink shading - original early straight wrist body - 12” tall - $2,995. 11. Just in case you don’t have one - this one is a very pretty example of they world famous doll by Armand Marseille - #390 - (AM) - exceptional high quality bisque w/ lovely hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over wondrous chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open laughing mouth w/ outline soft amber shading - 24” tall - $695. 12. Never to be found & always desirable exceptionally early “Beloved Belinda” - by Georgene (circa 1938) - this is the very earliest beloved Belinda w/ hand painted nose & mouth - outstanding factory original condition w/ extremely rare polka dot feet - 19” tall - $2,495. 13. Two rare & wonderful Compo Queens: A) Madame Alexander brings you “Sonja Henie” - perfect compo original tagged clothes - green velvet dress w/ gold sequins - 16” tall - $995. B) Ideal brings you the beautiful “Deanna Durbin” - excellent condition w/ tagged dress & original button - rare outfit - 16” tall - $995. 14. Rare to find early Kestner from the numerical series - she is marked only w/ a “J” - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - soft arched feathered brows over enormous spiral threaded heather blue eyes - slightly open mouth w/ a very unusual pouty mouth - outlined w/ soft amber shading - original plaster pate - original Kestner body - 21” tall - $1,995. 15. Just as lovely as she can be is this amazing Simon Halbig - mold #1079 - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arced feathered brows over enormous chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - original fully jointed body - 23”tall - $995. 16. Another lovely brown bisque beauty - this one is by Heinrich Handwerck - mold #79 - exceptional high quality bisque w/ lovely hand painted facial features - soft arched black brows over wondrous chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - factory original clothes - fully jointed original body - 13” tall - $1,495. 17. Well we have found some lovely Teddies to add to your collection: A) Wonderful early import believed to be English made with lovely mohair w/ a beautiful sienna coloring - turned up stitched nose - shoe button eyes - long arms - big feet - leather pads - 19” tall. B) Fabulous American made teddy from around 1910 - glass eyes good blonde mohair very unusual inset twill nose - turned up nose - football type body - adorable - 17’ tall - $1,495. each 18. Are they like the biggest eyes you have ever seen - breathtakingly beautiful German child by Heinrich Handwerck - mold #79 - exceptionally high quality bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over enormous heather blue sleep eyes - slightly open mouth w/soft amber shading fully jointed German body - 20” tall - $895. 19. Another brown bisque beauty - this one is a totally adorable French Bebe by Steiner - Figure A - wondrous hand poured French bisque w/ lovely hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over wondrous chestnut brown paperweight eyes - slightly open mouth w/ warm amber shading - original fully jointed Steiner body - wonderful rare to find shelf size - 14” tall - $2,995. 20. Another wonderful dark eyed French beauty from the amazing world of Jumeau - lovely size 12 open mouth Tete - pristine hand poured French bisque w/ superior quality hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over enormous chestnut brown sleep eyes (original signed Jumeau eyes ) - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - upper bisque teeth - applied ears - original Jumeau body - 27” tall - $3,495. 21. Wonderful early scowling American Indian by Armand Marseille (AM) w/ his very tiny baby brother - excellent bisque w/ greatly detailed molding - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ dark brows over chestnut brown paperweight eyes - slightly open mouth w/ upper teeth & soft amber shaded lips - original compo bodies factory original clothes - big brother is - 18” tall $995. little brother is 9” tall - $395. 22. Just as rare as they come is this amazing all original “Carmen Miranda” by Madame Alexander - exceptional compo w/ very clear eyes - factory original clothes w/ amazing detail - rare 18” size - $1,495. 23. Unique & different w/ that really great unusual face is the “Kaiser Baby” mold #100 by Kammer Reinhardt - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over Icelandic blue painted eyes - rare open/closed mouth w/ such a happy laughing expression - 15” tall - $795. 24. Without a doubt the biggest and most beautiful “Dream Baby “ that Zig and I have ever found - mold #351 by Armand Marseille - superior quality hand poured German bisque - solid dome bisque head with molded painted hair - lovely hand painted facial features with soft butterscotch brows over wistful lashes surrounding adorable chestnut brown sleep eyes - closed pouty mouth with soft cherry shading - extremely rare to find five piece compo body - she’s a great big 23” tall - $995. 25. Just as cute and adorable as she could possibly be is this wonderful all original French cloth child by Venus -















soft sweet hand painted facial features w/ that always desirable blue eye shadow - hazel side glancing eyes - cloth jointed body - 20” tall - $995. 26. Extremely rare and ever so wonderful is this very early utterly amazing closed mouth Kestner - rare mold #103 - wondrous early soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - exceptional artist quality hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over enormous chestnut brown eyes -closed slightly smiling pouty mouth w/ early outlined soft rose shaded lips - original early chunky straight wrist body - 32” tall - $4,500. 27. Wonderful brown bisque baby by Kammer & Reinhardt - mold #126 - exceptional bisque w/ nice even coco brown color - dark feathered arched eyebrows over chestnut brown sleep eyes w/ human hair upper lashes - open laughing mouth w/ soft amber shading & two upper teeth - original baby body - 16” - $1,295. 28. A super large size French bebe from the wonderful world of Jumeau - this lovely French lady is a mold number #1907 - hand poured French bisque with lovely hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over enormous chestnut brown paperweight eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - beautiful bisque teeth - original fully jointed Jumeau body - 35” tall - $3,995. 29. Another wonderful German child this one is by Kestner - mold #167 - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over enormous chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ outlined soft amber shading - retains original plaster pate - original fully jointed body - 19” tall - $995. 30. Two rare & wonderful beauties from the world of Madame Alexander - “Princess Elizabeth “ & her sister “Margaret Rose” - both are all original w/ tagged clothes - both are in excellent condition w/beautiful compo & clear eyes: A (left) - “Princess Elizabeth” - original hair set - yes she has her purse - 13” tall $795. B - beautiful face - all original - “Margaret Rose” - 15” tall - $995.



Roberta’s DOLL HOUSE Photos by Ziggy

Roberta and Ziggy Zygarlowski, 475 17th Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07504 (973) 684-4945 • Fax (973) 523-7585 • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-569-9739




Liberal Financing Available

Roberta’s DOLL HOUSE

More Dolls! More Pictures! More Excitement!

Roberta and Ziggy Zygarlowski, 475 17th Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07504 (973) 684-4945 • Fax (973) 523-7585 • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-569-9739




Liberal Financing Available













31. Big & beautiful as she can be is this super sized S.F.B.J. - mold #251 - “The Little Twirp” - hand poured French bisque w/ lovely hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over enormous heather blue sleep eyes w/ human hair upper lashes - molded pouty mouth w/ two upper teeth and soft amber shading - yes she’s sticking out her tongue - look at those adorable dimples- fully joint French toddler body - 27” tall - $2,995. 32. Rare & wonderful as she can be is this exceptionally beautiful “Miss Curity” - near mint condition w/ great compo - gorgeous blue sleep eyes w/ that always desirable eye shadow - original tagged 30 - breathtaking - 20” tall $995. 33. Four wonderful doll house dolls: A) Man w/ parted hair. B) Lady w/ side parted page boy. C) Maid w/ bun. D) Brown bisque lady doll - $295. each 34. Utterly adorable sweet little shelf size German character child by Armand Marseille - mold #1894 - exquisite hand poured bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over wistful lashes surrounding chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - fully jointed compo body - 10” tall $995. 35. Extremely rare “Wendy Ann” by Madame Alexander in a precious little 14” size - what makes her unique and different is her very special swivel waist - made in 1936 - exceptional compo & extremely clear eyes w/ human hair upper lashes - factory original tagged clothes - 14” tall - $995. 36. Another truly beautiful Lenci character child - all original #36 - “Sweet





Fantasy” - wonderful hand painted facial features w/ icelandic blue eyes excellent condition w/ two original hanging tags attached to dress - circa 1935 - 15” tall - $1,495. Large & lovely as she can be is this utterly beautiful German character child by Gebruder Kuhnlenz - exquisite bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over wistful lashes surrounding enormous chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - fully jointed compo body - 27” tall - $1,495. Wonderful super large size early closed mouth Kestner from the early letter series (circa 1880) - marked only w/ an “M” - exceptional high quality bisque w/ that ever present first out of the mold distinction - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over enormous heather blue sleep eyes - closed pert pouty mouth w/ soft amber shading - original Kestner fully jointed body - original plaster pate - 30” tall - $3,495. Extremely rare - very early brown bisque German character child by Kammer Reinhardt - mold #192 - exceptional hand poured bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched black brows never enormous chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open mouth w/ soft amber shading - fully jointed compo body - 23” tall - $2,995. Beautiful exceptionally large size “Blue Bonnet Girl” - mold # 998 by Alt, Beck, & Gottschalk - truly an exceptional beauty and such a truly fine example of these 1875 shoulder heads - this lovely blonde beauty has light

41. 42. 43.

44. 45.

blonde sculpted hair w/ side braiding & flowing blonde hair wonderful blue charlotte bonnet w/ dark blue ribbon band - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ lovely icelandic blue eyes - closed mouth w/ just a hint of a smile - beautiful lower bisque arms & feet – 19” tall - $1,295. Cute as a button little pouty toddler by Schoenhut - blue painted eyes adorable pouty closed mouth - factory original clothes - 12” tall - $995. Truly wonderful all original - “Scottish Lass” by Chad Valley - excellent condition w/ a beautiful clean face & glorious icelandic blue eyes - lovely hand painted facial features - 16” tall - $995. Wonderful super large size S.F.B.J.. - mold #236 toddler - this lovely French toddler has perfect flawless bisque with first out of the mold quality - superior hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over enormous heather blue sleep eyes - rare open/closed laughing mouth w/molded teeth & tongue - to add to her wonderment & delight she’s on a wonderful fully jointed French toddler body - 27” tall $2,295. When it comes to Lenci’s they don’t come any early than this lovely young lady - all original excellent condition - great hand painted facial features note her adorable little dimples - 13” tall - $1,295. Two more adorable German Character Babies - just as sweet as they can be: A) Precious Hertel & Schwab - mold #152 - w/ those amazing hazel eyes 13” tall - $695. B) Wonderful Kestner - mold #211 - chestnut brown sleep eyes - 15” tall - $995.




Well it is that time of year. You’re going to need a Christmas doll very soon! To help you make that decision, the cast & crew of Roberta’s Doll House have traveled to the very ends of the earth to bring you the love of that new doll. Allow us to present the rare, the unique, the elusive, the very best of the best:


1. Extremely rare - lovely mid-period “EJ” - wondrous early face original early straight wrist Jumeau body - original Jumeau earrings & signed shoes - 19” tall - $9,500. 2. Wonderful & exceptionally beautiful Bru Jne Bebe - original & very desirable jointed compo Bru body - 21” tall - $17,500. 3. Just about as rare as they get - closed mouth character by Simon & Halbig - mold #128 - wonderful pouty closed mouth - 12” tall $16,500. 4. Rare & ever so desirable little Miss Gretchen” - mold #114 - from the Kammer & Reinhardt family of dolls - they don’t come any more pouty than this one - 15” tall - $4,495. 5. Extremely rare and always desirable mid-period “EJ” Jumeau wonderful early face with applied ears - fully marked early straight wrist Jumeau body- original Jumeau shoes - 29” tall- $12,500. 6. Extremely rare and ever so beautiful early Jumeau Portrait Fashion poupee - original Jumeau body with well detailed lower bisque arms- 22” tall -$8,500. 7. Beautiful Bru Jne R Bebe from the 1890’s - just as sweet as she can be -fully jointed marked Bru body - size 11 - 25” tall - $9,500. 8. Breathtakingly beautiful & always desirable Kestner XI - wondrous rare brown eyes - early straight wrist body - 16” tall - $4,995.



8 7

Photos by Ziggy

Roberta’s DOLL HOUSE Roberta and Ziggy Zygarlowski, 475 17th Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07504 (973) 684-4945 • Fax (973) 523-7585 • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-569-9739


Liberal Financing Available

by Donna C. Kaonis

Rosalie Whyel and her daughter Shelley are standing in front of the “NADDA” case, where in honor of the April NADDA show, they displayed dolls the museum purchased from dealer members.

William and Mary era papier mache, 1680-1702. This lady is similar the wooden “Clapham” dolls in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. She wears an elaborate fontage headpiece.

English wooden, William and Mary period, c. 1680. 38


e wouldn’t dream of going to Seattle and not visiting the Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art! So when the April NADDA show took us to the northwest, we arranged a special day to tour the museum and photograph. As always, we were in awe at the incredible dolls on display, as well as how they were displayed, in thought provoking, artful settings that would appeal not only to the doll collector but to the average tourist of which Seattle gets more than its fair share. Of course, if you’ve been to the museum, you know that there’s more than meets the eye… large pull out drawers below the showcases contain countless treasures.

Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art, c. 2010.

George II era wooden (1750) with original wardrobe. French Court doll, anatomically correct, maker unknown, c. 1775.

Peg and hinge joined papier mache, wooden body, possibly from Spain, 27 inches, c. 1775-1800.

German Grodnertal woodens, c. 1830.

German wooden, 20 inches, c. 1800-1820. Her upper torso is carved to accommodate the Empire fashions of the period.

How many dolls can whip up an omelet at a moments notice? A kitchen doll has an early replacement head by Jacob Petit.. Papier mache dolls with Apollo knot hairstyles, c. 1830-40.

English wooden George II era, c. 1750-60.

German composition babies, unknown maker, c. 1930-1940. 39

22” Ichimatsu, Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912) made by Yamamoto Fukumatsu, gofun (oyster shell).

KPM China with “Amalie” face, c. 1845, 27 inches.

Possibly Maria Theresa, wood and cloth, c. 1820-1850.

China doll given to Victoria, the Princess Royal (the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria) in 1850. She wears the original Welsh costume.

KPM China in original theatrical costume, one of a pair, c. 1850.

Doll by Izannah Walker, 18 inches, c. 1885.

Wax over papier mache doll with provenance, c. 1860.

French mariner, unknown maker, original costume, 30 inches, c. 1875-1885. 40

Fashion bride, unknown manufacturer with elaborate presentation box.

Antoine Rochard, 25 inches, c. 1867. Scenes of Paris were inserted into the necklace of stanhopes.

Madeleine de Baine, attributed to Pierre Victor Clement, c. 1868, 17 inches. This fashion doll and her extensive wardrobe and accessories belonged to Alice Sprague, an American girl living in Paris. The doll has a blown leather body.

Tea server automaton by Vichy, 32 inches, c. 1870-1880.

26 inch Emile Jumeau portrait with large wrap-around eyes, c. 1870’s.

Twin Hurets with wardrobe, c. 1800’s, gutta percha bodies.

Swivel head child by Huret, 1865-70, gutta percha body; child fashion by Jumeau, 1860-1880s, kid leather body.

Radiquet and Cordonnier fashion, c. 1880.

The breadth and scope of this museum is second to none, from early woodens to contemporary doll artists, there are dolls to engage every interest. Shelley Helzer, Rosalie’s daughter and co-director of the museum greeted us at the museum and allowed us to wander about freely. Rare dolls with provenance and early woodens are particular favorites of Rosalie, in fact, the museum contains what is arguably the finest assemblage of European woodens in the world. Many of these can be seen in her seminal book, The Heart of the Tree, co-authored by Museum Curator Jill Gorman. Viewing these historical treasures, one feels grateful that they reside in such state-of-the art accommodations. We all wish dolls could speak and tell us of their former lives and owners, and here at the museum some very nearly do by virtue of their impeccable provenance. The lovely fashion doll known as Madeleine De Baine was purchased

15” Emile Jumeau, all original, c. 1879-80.

EJA, c. 1880, 28 inches, with Medaille d’Or mark on body and shoes. 41

for Alice Brayley in 1868. Madeleine and her enviable, extensive wardrobe, along with many accessories and pieces of furniture, have raised money for various charities over the years. The museum is also home to a Japanese Friendship Doll, one of fifty-eight magnificent dolls sent to the US in 1927 in an attempt to heal relations between the two countries. One entire display case is devoted to dolls with provenance, including a china belonging to Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter. During our visit the changing gallery featured

Steiner Series A, 1880, right, Steiner Series C, (J. Bourgoin), 1885, 32 inches.

Bru Brevette, 1880’s.

An open/closed mouth Schmitt et Fils and a closed mouth example, c. 1880’s.

French bebe, c. 1880, unknown maker.

Kestner all bisque with factory made wardrobe, c. 1880.

Left Schmitt et Fils, 1879; right, Rabery and Delphieu, 1885. Cloth doll by Martha Wellington, 24 inches, c. 1890.

A 10 T (Thuillier), 21 inches, 1885 42

Bru Jne 7, c. 1885, 20 inches, all original including marked Bru shoes, and doll designed by sculptor Albert Marque, 1916, one of 100 or less models known to exist. The A. Marque is wearing an ethnic costume with a Margraine Lacroix label.

Attributed to Heinrich Handwerck 111, 16 inches, c. 1912.

Attributed to Wagner and Zetsche, Germany, c. 1910, 20 inches, hard composition head.

Philadelphia Baby, 21 inches, c. 1900.

Munich Art Dolls by Marion Kaulitz, c. 1910

Wax portrait of Tom Thumb, c. 1880, perhaps made by the Madame Tussaud waxworks in England.

the Terri Lee family of dolls. Currently on display through May 15, 2011 is “Jules Steiner: The Great Innovator.” Jules Nicolas Steiner began as a clockmaker, but in 1855 he opened his own mechanical doll and toy factory, filing his first of many patents that same year. This study of the delightful dolls from perhaps the most innovative, and certainly among the most prolific and prodigious

Simon and Halbig, c. 1914, holding a doll attributed to Hertwig, 1910-20’s. This likeness has been seen as a sculptural bust, but this example was made as a doll, the shoulder is hollow for attachment to the body.

An unusual French papier mache child astride a Schoenhut child’s riding toy.

Left to right, unknown maker, designed by Jean Orsini, head is earthenware, c. 1925, 21 inches; Gladdie, 28 inches, designed by Helen Jensen for Borgfeldt; doll attributed to Swaine and Co. 1915, 23 inches and 24 inch Simon & Halbig 1428, c. 1912. 43

Kammer and Reinhardt’s rare models 105 and 106.

Kestner Moritz, c. 1914, 14 inches.

Kammer and Reinhardt 109.

“Struwwelpeter”, (Shock-Head Peter) K * R, mold # 124, the same mold used for the company’s Moritz, c. 1914.

Kewpieland! This delightful setting showcases some of Rose O’Neill’s charming creations.

Mad Hatter, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, the Duchess, the Frog Footman and Alice by Martha Chase, 12-14 inches, cloth, 1923. 44

French doll makers of the 19th century, will include never before displayed Steiner rarities from the collection. The beautiful “Blondine” and her sumptuous trousseau, from the French estate of the Convert family of Oyonnax will take center stage, along with an extremely rare, never before shown Series F bébé! The museum will also be bringing in guest lecturer Dorothy McGonagle, to share with us her vast knowledge and original research on the subject of Steiner (date to be announced).

Hertwig Character dolls, c. 1920s.

Oriental children by Albert Schoenhut, c. 1918.

Charles Lindberg by the Regal Doll Co., 1928 Hungarian brides, 17-19 inches, all original, by Margit Szerelemhegyi, Hungary, 1939.

Ella Cinders, composition by Horsman, 1925

Shirley Temple in Texas Ranger costume, Ideal, 1936

Little Annie Rooney, Cameo for Borgfeldt, 1926 45

Dean’s Rag Mickey Mouse, 1935 Photos Keith Kaonis

Black Scootles, Effanbee, 1933 and composition Lenci Pupo, 1940.

Eighteen years since its inception, The Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art has become a leading Seattle attraction, a mecca for not only doll collectors, but for young doll enthusiasts who gain new insight on the importance of dolls and their place in history. Enjoy these highlights from the museum’s collection, but know this is

Black Teri Lee with original wardrobe, possibly a prototype, 1952-57. Mary Jane by Kathryn Kay Toy Kreations, 1953.

only the tip of the iceberg and cannot substitute for a visit to this world-class institution. Visit to become a member of the museum, check out items in the Museum Store (antique and modern dolls, miniatures, wigs, books for sale and much more!), see their latest newsletter and preview upcoming events.

Happy Thanksgiving from

Fritzi’s Antique Dolls See You At The Following Shows: Doll Show Productions, Nov 7 - UFCW Union Hall Madison Hts, MI Des Moines Doll Show, Nov 13 - Iowa Fairgrounds Dupage County Doll Show, Nov 21 - Hilton In Lisle/Naperville,IL Gaithersburg, MD, Dec 4&5 - Fairgrounds

Buying & Selling Antique Dolls, We Buy Entire Collections Call 630-553-7757 E-Mail:


6029 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago, Il 60631 • (773) 594-1540 • (800-442-3655 orders only) • Fax (773) 594-1710

Open: Tues., Wed., Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs., Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Sun and Mon. Near O’Hare, Park Ridge & Niles, 3/4 miles east of Harlem Ave.


Parking in the rear of the building. Close to all major expressways and public transportation. Chicagolands’s finest selection of Antique, Modern and Collectible Dolls, Barbie, Gene, Alexander, Tonner, Fashion Royalty, Steiff, Dollhouses and Accessories. • Member U.F.D.C. and NADDA • Checks • Layaway • Worldwide Shipping

Call for monthly specials! Check us out on the web at WWW.GIGISDOLLS.COM

5” Molded Hair Hertwig 1920 Flapper, jointed arms & legs, yellow stockings Blonde painted hair & eyes, small chip on hip $240.00 17 1/2” C/M Incised Depose Jumeau Bebe w/ working mama pullstring, lovely antique white lace & eyelet dress and undergarments, fabulous blue pw eyes, stiff wrist Jumeau stamped body, French leather shoes with pom pom CALL

Brown painted hair & eyes $265.00 Original Flapper wig, painted eyes $285.00 4 ½” O/M All Bisque #365 Swivel Head, sleep eyes, original wig, chip on hip & body, molded stockings & slippers $245.00 5” #208/2 All Bisque, jointed arms & legs, o/m, glass eyes, original wig $225.00

13” Simon & Halbig Parian, molded blouse w/ green jewel and drop earrings, painted blue eyes, graceful hands, molded brown & black high Madame Alexander’s boots, left boot reglued $925.00 21” 1953 Pink Bride, original dress (no 12” Turned head Parian, blue sleeves), pants, veil (as is), shoes & painted eyes, bisque hands & feet, nylons, missing bouquet $425.00 cloth body, dressed in Scottish 17” Nina Ballerina 1949, tagged tutu tartans $150.00 w/ satin bodice and tulle skirt $150.00

20” Alexander auburn hair Cissy, tagged aqua taffeta dress w/ black velvet bolero, great facial coloring $650.00 20” Alexander Blonde Cissy wearing tagged 1957 aqua outfit #2130 $595.00

German Steiff Pieces fully tagged from the 1950’s 5” Santa Claus #113 with box, rubber hands a little flat $145.00 5” Pippy the dressed mouse #712, velvet face $125.00 6 1/2” Halloween Cat #7410, velvet & mohair $165.00

9 1/2” L 7” H Schuco? Yes-No Bear on all fours, pads as is, shoe button eyes, head-tail mechanism $350.00 12” Celluloid Eskimo Doll, mohair body, painted eyes, molded hair, right arm repaired $150.00 12” Musical 1930’s Mohair Teddy Bear, squeeze music box works, glass eyes, possibly by Moritz Poppe, pads as is $175.00

22 1/2” Hertel Schwab #136/9, br sl eyes, mohair wig, original body some repaint $275.00

1958 Alexander Cissy in tagged embroidered 21” Kestner 154 Dep 10, br stat eyes, bridal wreath pattern bridal gown, full mohair wig $275.00 veil, jewelry, silver shoes, vintage bouquet, 9 1/2” Steiff German Shepherd, open brunette, blue eyes $750.00 mouth with tongue, no button $97.50

14” Princess Margaret Rose in original tagged dress (as is), shoes &flowers in mohair wig 1949-53 $225.00 17” Wendy Bride, jointed arms, original shoes, stockings, garters & tagged dress as is $250.00

13” Buddy Lee all original with “Ride ‘Em in Lee Rider Cowboy Pants” on hat, hard plastic, great coloring $295.00

18” A & M #370 on kid body w/ compo arms & legs, bl sl eyes, $195.00 20” Kestner #154 on riveted jointed kid body, bisque arms, plaster pate, bl sl eyes $275.00 15” Hertel Schwab #136 on flapper body, br sl eyes, 1910, K & W Germany on body, original wig, shoes & socks $375.00 Now $310.00

1950’s Terri Lee in tagged dress, brown hair $165.00 P90 Ideal Toni all original in tagged dress, dark brown hair, high facial color $150.00 P91 Ideal Toni in tagged dress, replaced shoes & socks, high facial color $150.00 11” Rare 1959 Alexander #1102 Kelly all original with Lissy face, great hair $325.00

17” Alexander Jane Withers in original dress, light crazing, replaced wig $400.00 Now $325.00

7” Googlie #210 with blue intaglio eyes, molded brown hair, fur covered 5 piece body $375.00

10” L 9” H Horse made in Japan, molded papier -mache with fancy braid and saddle, glass eyes, 1 ear missing $85.00

9” Kewpie compo w/jointed arms, heart sticker on chest, Kewpie Pat. Jul 22, 1913 sticker on feet, pink dress $95.00 6” Effanbee Wee Patsy in vintage dress & hat, great compo $225.00

14” 1965 Alexander Sweet Tears all original, pink cotton dress, bottle & pacifier $65.00 22” Alexander Puddin #8840 all original with wrist tag, 1967 $110.00 12” Alexander Janie all original in white cotton dress with red sleeves & pencil $99.00

Klumpe’s from Spain Arcade 1920’s Cast Iron Furniture from Freeport, IL few paint chips on items

Lady with Hat Box, felt jacket and bonnet $95.00

“Standard” Double Sink #736A w/ Arcade label $150.00 Canning Table w/ 2 burners, not marked $65.00

Spanish Dancer in satin & lace dress, castanets in hands, comb in hair $95.00

“Thor” Wringer Washer w/ Arcade label $175.00

10” Bullfighter in white satin, 2 tags #2/BB $100.00

“Thor” Mangle w/ Arcade label, as is $50.00

#70 Klumpe Lady in satin embroidered dress w/ net & sequins $110.00

Arcade 1920’s Cast Iron Furniture from Freeport, IL few paint chips on items “Gurney” Refrigerator, three doors open $150.00 “Boone” Table w/ drawer and 2 chairs $150.00 set “Roper” Stove w/ burners and 2 grates $150.00 “Crane” Sink with silver faucet $125.00 “Crane” Toilet w/ Arcade label $60.00

HOPE TO SEE YOU AT THE FOLLOWING SHOW: The Fairgrounds Gaithersburg, MD • December 4 & 5 Visit us in Hall 3 Booth #356

10” Bullfighter in black lace & sequin jacket $95.00

Ideal Petite Princess Fantast Furniture 1964 - all in boxes and complete unless stated #4422-2 200 Regency Heath Place $15.00 #4425 -5 400 Royal Grand Piano $25.00 #4416-4 300 Little Princess Bed in Pink $25.00 #4432 -1 150 Fantasy Telephone Set $8.00 #4417 -2 300 Royal Dressing Table in Pink $20.00 #4440-4 100 Salon Planter $10.00 #4420 -6 200 Palace Chest $10.00 #4428-9 150 Heirloom Table Set - table & lamp $12.00 #4426-3 150 Lyre Table Set - table & lamp $8.00 #4433-9 100 Salon Coffee Table Set - table & flowers $8.00 #4408-1 200 Boudoir Chaise Lounge Pink $18.00

Rendezvous with the Ladies: Blondinette Davranche Photographed at the National UFDC Convention in Chicago


n 1994 Theriault’s auctions sold Blondinette Davranche, a 17-inch porcelain poupee by Huret with a gutta percha body. What was remarkable about this particular doll was her trousseau and her provenance. In 1863 Blondinette’s young owner, Pauline was in Paris with her mother. Missing Blondinette, Pauline’s mother wrote two chatty letters to Blondinette on the doll’s personal miniature-sized stationery, signing them from Pauline. They were mailed from Paris to the family’s estates and ever since have remained with Blondinette, a remarkable bit of provenance! Blondinette’s exquisite trousseau dates from 1862-1867. There was nothing the doll lacked in the way of a perfectly appointed wardrobe and accessories, all in pristine, unplayed with condition. Blondinette’s miniature furniture – a wrought iron miniature chair and table by Huret, an ebony campaign chair, two woven hammocks – completed a world of privilege and luxury. Blondinette’s trousseau was so extensive – afternoon dresses, outdoor wear, countless undergarments, nightshifts and robes, slippers, several cotton dickeys,

jackets, boots, bonnets, capes and shawls, party dresses, ball gown, hair ornaments, jewelry – that it simply wasn’t feasible to sell the doll and her belongings in one lot. Thus, Blondinette’s trousseau was dispersed to collectors around the globe. The buyer of Blondinette (included were the two letters written by Pauline’s mother), Christine Klemm, has made it her mission to reassemble Blondinette’s trousseau and since the auction sixteen years ago, has acquired several costumes and accessories. She continues to search for Blondinette’s lawn dresses, her trunk, red jewelry, a beautiful blue silk taffeta dress with ivory soutache trim from Madame Bereux, and bonnets. As part of an UFDC exhibit in Chicago, Christine shared Blondinette and items from her personal wardrobe with convention attendees. Readers wishes to contact Christine can email her at: mardo1953@ For those of you who have not seen Blondinette’s trousseau in its entirety, The Trousseau of Blondinette Davranche is available from Dollmasters, 1-800-966-3655 for $33, featuring every item of this amazing 150-piece trousseau in full-color and vivid detail – an accurate testimony to the French doll fashions of the years 1862–1867. Detailed descriptions make this book an unparalleled guide for the doll collector of French fashion dolls and a fascinating reference book for the student of fashion.


SELL A DOLL IN THE EMPORIUM Take advantage of this special forum; the cost is only $95. Send us a photo or a digital photo of your doll with a description and your check or credit card information. We do the rest!! Antique DOLL Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Phone 1-888-800-2588. Email:

Debra’s Dolls

Tete Jumeau 18 1/2”, closed mouth, blue paperweight eyes and perfect bisque. She is marked head and body and has the original spring in her head. $3800. Call 215-794-8164 or email Member of NADDA and UFDC.

20 N. Main Street P.O. Box 705 Mullica Hill, NJ 08062 856.478.9778

Member UFDC & NADDA OPEN: 12-4 Thur, Fri & Sat Shop Closed Nov 25th-27th 5-1/2” All-Original English Poured Little Bo Peep Wax Immobile with Original Box and Wardrobe $3,950 DM’s Collectibles, your best choice for fine Antique French Dolls in Paris . . . Purveyors of fine French Dolls and their accessories, presented for you on-line at

SARA BERNSTEIN DOLLS Visit my website and view Quality Dolls at affordable prices. 100’s of pictures and prices. Phone 732-536-4101 Email tel: +33 624392311 PARIS


Ph. 705-489-1046 My handmade Izannah’s are made from molds off original dolls. Clothing and underthings are fashioned from antique fabrics. Each has the unique charm of a well loved original Izannah Walker at an affordable price!

Teri Foley’s

Antique Dolls Specializing in French Antique Dolls!

Website: Email: 775/424-2555 (PT) Sleepy Hollow Doll Museum Quality Antique Dolls Accessories & Miniatures 21 inch beautiful, hard to find in box, incised Depose Jumeau, 9, A7, circa 1886-1889. Perfect bisque, blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth, jointed Jumeau composition body with straight wrists. Antique silk dress (slight melting) shoes and hat, in her original box. Great presence. Nice addition to any collection. $8750. Member UFDC. Generous layaway available. Contact C. Manceri, 607-652-2896 or email:


Nora’s Antique Dolls & Collectibles 1-732-341-2611 Extraordinary beautiful and rare Jumeau EJA. Completely original with two antique dresses and original box. Visit her and other quality antique dolls and accessories on my website.


14 inch Grace Cory Rockwell, 1926 “Pretty Peggy”, doll. Perfect Bisque head , molded hair, sleep blue eyes, closed mouth. She is on a cloth body, and has composition limbs. Her outfit is original to the doll. $2500. Esther Schwartz Items of Antiquity. Visit my website: Antique Dolls, Compacts, Purses, Jewelry & Collectibles. Phone 203-387-2893 or email:

Barbara Spears • P.O. Box 126095, Ft. Worth, TX 76126 Phone (Home) 817-249-2069 (after 8:30am & before 10:00 pm CST only please) E-mail: 1









1. Unusual 27” girl, square jaws and only a slight smile, unknown maker marked only 60 with a scratched in (while the mold was wet) “X”. Blue eyes, op. mo. with 4 teeth, beautifully dressed in old pink lawn w/lots of lace and ruffles, French type bj body. $695 2. Rare size petite Belton only 8-1/2”, bald dome, closed mouth, brown stat. eyes, orig. mohair wig, old clothes, new shoes, French bj body, she is so sweet. $450 3. Look at this darling 21” boy! He is K*R’s mold 127, and looks as if he could really get into mischief. Blue stat. eyes, bj toddler body has old repaint, and has some paint loss and paint cracks since it was painted. A bargain price for this adorable boy. $1100 4. And here are the 11” Dionne Quint toddlers, all dolls are completely original including pins. Compo. is very nice on all. One doll has 3 brown spots on her bonnet with a hole in one of the spots, one doll has one brown spot, o/w all very nice, eyes lightly touched up. $1200 5. Oh, you great big, beautiful doll! Kestner’s Baby Jean is a whopping 28” tall. Brown stat. eyes, dressed in antique christening gown and slip, white organdy antique bonnet, body has old repaint, some black specks on upper forehead and chin, minor pitting on forehead, she is so beautiful her flaws are not really noticeable. Only $1200 6. Beautiful petite German fashion, bald dome, closed mo., blue threaded eyes, she is on a wonderful fashion body with small waist and flared hips, antique pink/w black stripes silk two piece dress, bisque lower arms, marked 630 on shoulder plate $450 7. 19” AM 1894 made for the French market, dressed in her original old silk can-can outfit including dancing shoes, hose replaced, nice bj body, she is an outstanding doll. $495 8. Hard to find 11” Shirley Temple has the desirable tin eyes that will not get cloudy. Hair in orig. set, all orig except socks, pink dress has been laundered and has some little holes where the pin was taken in and out, compo. is very nice. $500 9. Adorable 17” l920s-30s cloth doll with mask face, she is all original, dress has mend and some teeny age holes, one leg has light water stains, she wears dress, slip, and 1 piece chemise which all match, matching bonnet, and red leather shoes, beautiful mohair curls. $250

We accept VISA, MC and Discover, checks and money orders. Layaway is available. Layaway dolls are not returnable unless a crack or chip in bisque head not described is discovered. Dolls purchased with credit card are subject to a 5% fee if doll is returned, except if the doll has crack or chip in bisque or china not described. WE BUY OLD DOLLS • WILL TRAVEL TO PURCHASE COLLECTIONS.


Manufacturers of Fine Doll Jewelry, Brass Accessories, Miniature Trunks & Hardware 336 Candlewood Lake Road, Brookfield, CT 06804 Phone 203-775-4717 Email:

Visit our website and shop online: Catalog price is $8.95 post paid

Accessorize Your Dolls!

Cats Paw has been in business since 1982 specializing in quality reproductions made from antique originals, and unique old store stock. Our antique reproductions are made by hand using the lost wax technique, and each item is hand finished to achieve an authentic “antique” look. We offer exquisite doll accessories that only look expensive! • Jewelry • Trunks • Items for the Boudoir • Buttons and Clasps • Purse Frames • Presentation Boxes • Bleuette Accessories & More


A Dolls’ Trunk by Kathy Embry

Flat top, paper covered ‘marble’ design trunk with a buckle type lock. These two AM “Just Me” dolls are the original proud owners of this 1922 doll trunk. Inside is a paper covered square design. The tray lifts out for all the room needed to store their dresses, underwear, hats, coats, shoes, socks and roller skates. 11in x 6in x 5in tall.


The famous ‘Jenny Lind’ shaped trunk. Tooled leather “Western Square Design.” The unique shaped trunk top curves down from both sides towards the center. Metal bands surround the trunk with brass buttons to hold them in place. 14in x 8.5in x 8in tall. Inside is beautiful purple paper lids with gold accent design for compartments both under the lid and over the center tray. A very rare doll trunk. 52

dolls’ trunk was created for all the needs of a doll’s life. Just like a traveling trunk for adults and children, miniature trunks were produced for dolls. Inside the trunk the doll could also be stored along with her toiletry items and wardrobe. Dolls of all sizes had their own trousseau and the toy industry had a whole new creation to manufacture. The French were the first to produce miniature reproductions of everything fashionable for their dolls as early as the beginning of the 19th century. The German toy manufacturers soon followed by the 1870s. The entire industry existed to costume and accessorize dolls which included seamstresses, milliners, shoemakers and jewelers. Magazines provided patterns for making doll clothing. In the mid 1800s dolls’ clothes were a means of teaching a little girl about fashion and the art of sewing. During this period the doll industry was dominated by fashion dolls which were dressed in elaborate reproductions of current fashions for adults and children. A doll’s trunk became very important for storing and taking care of these prized possessions. The fashion doll needed everything besides her wardrobe for all seasons; she had toiletry items such as a hair brush, comb, mirror, soaps and perfumes. Necessities were undergarments, shoes, boots, stockings, jewelry, watch and fob, purses, parasols, hats, bonnets, muffs and collars, gloves, fans, opera glasses, calling cars, stationary, a chatelaine, her own sewing items, her personal tussy mussy, musical instruments (if she played one), books and albums, a beaded cross and missal or games as she chose such as dominoes or playing cards which were the rage, along with other musts such as aprons and handkerchiefs, shoe horn and clothes brush to name just a few. A child doll’s wardrobe included several sets of dresses, underwear, pinafores, headwear, outerwear, footwear and nightwear. By the 1920s wardrobe

Large example of the “Western Square Design” 18in x 10.5in x 12in tall. The wood slats are held down by small studs and metal clamps. There’s plenty of room for the many accessories required for a fashionable lady doll.

trunks were introduced so that clothes could be hung on hangers with a presser bar to hold them in place so the dresses wouldn’t get wrinkled. They usually had one lower drawer for the small items. The child doll can be placed on one side with her wardrobe on the other side. Baby dolls with layettes sometimes came in trunks or in a basket. Babies needed gowns, petticoats, jackets, crochet socks, booties, night caps, bibs, blankets, three button diapers and maybe even a promenette (baby’s first walker with straps). Dolls created in the 19th century that still have their original trunks, trousseau and accessories are very much desired today. There were hundreds of trunk manufacturers around the world with the majority in America and Europe. Doll trunks were made in a variety of shapes and sizes in many materials. They have shapes known as camel or hump back, dome, round and flat tops. They were made of leather, wood, metal

A camel back type doll trunk that has a painted terne metal square design, wood slats with buttons and a metal lock. Beautiful red paper interior decorated with pictures of a fashionable lady and flowers. Notice the paper tape border. 16 x 9.5in x 10in tall 53

All Original French dome doll trunk, simulated to look like real leather with a brass lock. The front bottom drops down for easy access to the tray, original straw packing is still in place, crossed ribbons create the tray bottom. The doll’s coat, dress, shoes and socks remain attached to the back of the lid. Her night gown and bedding are on top of the tray. The 9inch Jumeau doll (marked: DEP with a red stamp TETE JUMEAU) fits inside for safe traveling. 12.5in x 7.5in x 7.5in tall

Paper covered “Western Square Design” doll trunk, circa 1870s. Curved tray with compartment to fit the dome top of the trunk. Decorative design under the lid with a basket of flowers bordered with paper tape. 10in x 7in x 8in tall


Burgundy paper covered round top with wooden slates, original lock and key. 4.5in x 3in x 2.5in tall

and tapestry or cloth material (such as the French style). Some were covered with decorated paper with designs or canvas held on by straps or slats and some had pressed metal embossed designs. Some were trimmed with paper or metal bands with brass studs or buttons, while wood slats were held with fancy clamps. Nails were used to keep the trunks together. They had brass or metal locks with keys, center trays and sometimes compartments under the lids or on top of the trays. The trunks were coated with shellac to make them waterproof. The German trunks have solid trays, usually only one, while French design has crossed ribbon bottoms and sometimes two trays for extra storage. The interior was usually paper lined, plain solid or with designs such as squares or floral patterns. The inside was decorated with artwork usually of children, animals and fashionable ladies. Paper tape was used as boarders. They became very decorative and creative. In 1850, Jenny Lind, “the Swedish Nightingale” came to America for her concert tour and brought with her

Metal bands and brass buttons hold down the woven threads of back and brown that covers this French doll trunk. The inside is covered with a pink rose paper design with crossing pink ribbon holding garments inside the lid. Two trays with ribbon bottoms are needed for her extensive wardrobe. This gorgeous early Jumeau portrait Bebe, circa 1870s, originally came with this large dome trunk. 18in x 10.5 x 11in tall.

the trunks made in London. They became very popular and were copied by trunk makers all over America and became known as “Jenny Lind Trunks”. The style continued into the 1870s in many sizes and varieties including doll trunks. This trunk style has graceful curves on top going down towards the center, then is surrounded with metal bands and decorated with buttons of brass. So now you know which type of doll trunk to accompany with your Jenny Lind china lady. Doll collecting is a wonderful hobby for many people both male and female. One way of collecting for your doll is by sewing their wardrobe, whether it’s a fashion, child or baby doll. Finding just the right doll trunk for a specific doll is fun and rewarding. As you add to a doll’s trousseau, a doll trunk is the perfect place to keep everything safe and organized for each individual doll. This will add to the appeal and value of your doll. It is also fun to search for doll clothes

Red paper covered dome trunk with decorative paper tape trim. Terne metal bands with buttons surround the trunk. A builtin dome lid compartment with picture decorated tray with a compartment as well. 14in x 8.5in x 10in tall 55

An 1870s solid wood, red painted, flat top doll trunk, made by a carpenter father for his daughter to store the many cotton handmade dresses for her flat top china doll produced by Alt, Beck & Gottschalck. Notice the simple key hole to lock her prized possessions and the divided wood center inside. 23.5in x 11in x 8.5in tall.

French dome trunk covered in gray canvas decorated with brass studs and brass lock. “Depose” red stamp on side of the lid, tray has lattice or ribbon cross design on the bottom. 12in x 8.5in x 8in tall

This miniature Parian type doll came with her extra skirts, hat, brush, mirror and jewelry.

Simulated leather dome trunk with paper stickers and black bands, wood slats with fancy metal clamps. 4in x 2in x 2 3/4in tall.


that were made for that particular doll, whether marked with a tag or unmarked. The enjoyment of adding clothing or accessories for your doll’s collection is part of the allure of collecting. How exciting it is to find an original pair of Schoenhut shoes with holes through the bottom, a tagged Terri Lee dress, the right undergarment needed to complete an outfit, a christening gown and bonnet for your character baby or a hard to find fashion accessory. This makes collecting fun and rewarding and having a trunk to keep everything in makes it all complete. Some of the most beautiful Victorian trunks are doll trunks. Doll trunks are still being made today but the true beauties are becoming extremely rare. Collecting doll trunks is also a hobby all on its own, even if you are not a doll collector. But that wouldn’t be as much fun now would it?

A flat top doll trunk example made of solid wood and painted red. With detailed hand painting on the lid and front with flowers and swans. Flowered paper covers the inside with a picture of a lady in a high fashion hat. This trunk can also be used for storing doll shoes. 11in x 6in x 5in tall

French brown leather dome trunk with leather straps held down by silver buttons. Wallpaper lines the inside lid, the tray bottom has “French style” crossed ribbons. 11in x 16.5 x 7in tall


The Collector’s Book of Dolls’ Clothes (Costumes in Miniature: 1700-1929) by Dorothy S., Elizabeth A., and Evelyn J. Coleman. German Doll Studies from the published archives of Cieslik’s Puppenmagazine.

Exceptional tooled leather “Western Square Design” terne metal banding with studs, wood slats and leather straps with buckles. Canvas covered compartments with trays and lids, fabulous lithograph picture decorations. 14in x 8in x 9.5in tall

All photographs by Kathy Embry All doll trunks and dolls are from the Embry collection.


Jean & Ken Nordquist’s Collectible Doll Co. Gourmet Doll Supplies for the Discriminating Doll Collector

*Nordquist Doll Molds *Daisyettes *Bleuette Premiere *Mignonettes *Presentation Displays *Paper Toys for Dolls *Thurlow Patters for Knit & Crochet Outfits *Collectible Doll Fashions

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1-800-566-6646 Collectible Doll Company P.O. Box 697, Cedar Hill, TX 75106 58

Happy Thanksgiving! Blackberry Studio Margaret Gray Kincaid

Email: I am out of the country this month. See you in December!

Phil May Antiques & Collectables

Back Row: 8-1/2” Heubach Pouty # 6969 – BJ body, excellent, $1450 Wonderful Incised Jumeau - size 4 – 14”, $6000 Beautiful S & H Lady doll #1159 – 25”, excellent, $2500 25” S & H 1279 – lovely and perfect, $3000 16” Carved hair Schoenhut with blue bow – original finish, $3000 13” Charming cabinet size R.D., $3000 18” Alabama Baby with sweet expression – nice condition, $3450 22” Lenci – beautiful outfit – clean, $2900 Left: Great 18” toddler boy by Swaine – flawless bisque, $2450

Ocean Grove, NJ 732-604-3011

Second Row: Pair of Gbr. Heubach piano babies – perfect, 8-1/2”, $2450 6” All Original S & H 890 – all bisque – long black stockings, $1250 11” Gbr. Heubach Googly – original condition #10790, $2450 20” Baby Bo Kaye – fresh mold, $2500 17” All original Kestner toddler #260, $950 16” Johnny Gruelle Raggedy Ann by Volland, $1800 Steiff Teddy – early underscored button – original condition, $2900 Early Steiff pig – iron wheels – 14” L x 8” H, $950

Right: 19” Tete Jumeau - marked body- choice bisque – wonderful outfit, $4750

Phone: 718-859-0901 email: MEMBER: UFDC

Visit more than 100 more antique dolls on my 2 web sites: kathylibratysantiques

1. 25.5” Cuno & Otto Dressel “Mein in Liebling” Antique Doll .......................... $1000. 2. 31” VERY RARE HUGE, H. HANDWERCK 89 MUSEUM QUALITY!...... $1650. 3. 25” GORGEOUS SIMON & HALBIG 1009-GORGEOUS!.......................... $1800. 4. 22” FASHION POUPEE BY FRANCOIS GAULTIER.................................... $3400. 5. 12.5” FABULOUS & RARE BRU Jne BEBE ....................................................$22,000. 6. 33” TETE JUMEAU BEBE ALL MARK SHOES.................. $5300. 7. 24” Outstanding French Trade Gebruder Kuhnlens 44-31 ............................ $1200. 8. 23” French Bebe Mascotte in Fab Antique Dress & French Shoes ................. $5600. DOLLS FULLY GUARANTEED IN WRITING - 3 DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE! ASK ABOUT OUR GENEROUS 8 MONTH LAYAWAY POLICY! 59

Kathy Kruse



Kathe Kruse Doll I. The distinct profile shows the contour of the head. Author’s collection.

Francois Duquesnoy (1597 - 1643) was a well known he wistful pouty look of the Kathe Kruse dolls Baroque sculptor in Rome. He was called Il Fiammingo brings out a nurturing feeling in many people by the Italians and Francois Flamand by the French since who see them. There is something about the face he came from Flanders. The cast of the child’s head used of Kathe Kruse’s Doll I that makes most of us by Kathe Kruse was only one of many more prominent want to hold and cuddle the child we see in the doll. sculptures that he did. It is highly unlikely that he ever All of us at one time or another have seen the same imagined that this one bust would be the inspiration for expression on a real child. many dolls created for children. When Kathe Kruse created her first doll she Kathe Kruse was not the only doll wanted a facial expression that left the maker who used the bust of Duquesnoy interpretation to the child as to whether for creating dolls. This same head mold her doll was happy, sad or whatever has been attributed to Armand Marseille mood the child felt was appropriate for for his doll “Fany”; Bruno Schmidt’s the moment. Most dolls played with by “Heiz” baby; Koenig & Wernicke’s children at that time were the smiling model 1070; Kammer & Reinhardt’s dolly face dolls. The character face dolls model 115; Baehr & Proeschild mold were just beginning to be introduced to 2048 for the Bruno Schmidt doll factory; the toy market and were not yet widely Hertel Schwab & Co. for the Kley & accepted. So just where did Kathe Kruse Hahn doll factory with doll heads find that perfect expression she wanted? marked K&H banner//166-6 and Erich It was while traveling to Berlin that Klotzer whose dolls are most similar to she passed through Munich where she the Kruse dolls. Even the Uneeda Biscuit saw and purchased the cast of a child’s Boy by Ideal Novelty and Toy Co. used head by the baroque sculptor Francois the Fiamingo head when casting the Duquesnoy (right). The bust was known mold for this doll. I’m sure there are as Fiamingo (the flame). Using wax and other dolls, both marked and unmarked, cloth she cast the head of what was to Bust of the Fiamingo head. that also used this head. become her first doll.

Look-A-Likes By Margo Delaughter

Photos by Cynthia Orgeron

The Fiamingo head mold for dolls was cast in bisque, cloth, celluloid, papier-mache and composition. Some of these dolls were never produced to compete with the Kruse dolls, but other companies did seem to try to cash in on the successful Kathe Kruse dolls. It should be noted that copying a popular design used in children’s toys was quite acceptable at this time. This practice, however, changed when Kathe Kruse sued the Bing Toy Company claiming they had copied her design. Since their dolls’ heads and body construction were very similar to hers, she felt they were making “cheap” copies of her dolls. Her suit proved to be successful and Bing and some smaller companies were eventually forced out of business. This article was written to show examples of dolls that to this writer show a strong resemblance to the Kathe Kruse dolls. Certainly not all dolls that bear that likeness are illustrated here, but just a few that might get you as a reader to look for others if you love Kathe Kruse dolls. Again this article on Kruse look- a- likes is subjective and not everyone will agree to the choices made. With that in mind, I have chosen to show Kruse style dolls with heads made of cloth, papier mache, celluloid and composition. Some of the dolls do bear a strong resemblance to the Kruse dolls while others are more of a “Kruse type” because of their construction. Included also are dolls whose facial features were possibly more influenced by the Fiamingo head than the Kruse dolls. These do, however, show a strong resemblance to the Kathe Kruse Doll I. It seems only appropriate to begin the Kathe Kruse comparison of dolls by viewing her wide hip Doll I that was made from the cast of the Fiamingo head. According to the original owner his factory name was “Seppel” and he was purchased for her when she actually visited the Kathe Kruse factory as a child. He is 17” tall and is redressed in a custom made outfit consisting of a long sleeve cotton white shirt, brown short pants with matching brown shoes, blue silk tie and white socks. His matching school bag completes his outfit. The close-up of his face clearly shows his pouty expression. His brown hair shows the typical Kruse quiff (swirl of hair on the forehead) curling to his left. We find the quiff can be curled in either direction on her dolls. He has blue eyes with radiating iris, red painted nose dots and round mouth. His hands have an applied thumb and he is tab-jointed at the shoulders and disc-jointed at the hips. Remnants of the purple “Kathe Kruse” signature remain on the bottom of his right foot, while the five digit number “44153” is clearly visible. The side view shows that wonderful contour of the 3 seamed head. Now let’s look at other dolls that have that “Kruse” look.

Kruse look-a-like made by Erich Klotzer. Courtesy Turn of the Century Antiques.


Heine Schneider doll in original outfit. The back of the head clearly shows the seams. Note the cloth covered composition arms and hands. Courtesy Marilyn Parsons

Erich Koltzer made dolls very similar to Kathe Kruse (previous page). This charming boy is 16.5” tall and was made around 1927. His head is made of papier mache rather than cloth, however, the resemblance is easily noted. The full photo of the doll shows his original hand embroidered navy blue wool outfit with braid at the neck and sleeve cuffs, cotton red and blue stripped socks and ankle tied black oilcloth shoes. His eyes are blue and he has a rosebud mouth. He has a swivel neck, ball jointed shoulders and disc joints at his hips. His hands have stitched fingers with a separately sewn thumb and his feet have stitched toes. The back of his head is marked “EK” in a triangle. Klotzer quite frequently dressed his dolls in Dutch costumes as did Kathe Kruse. Since these dolls were produced around the same time as the Kruse dolls, it is my opinion that they were indeed made to compete with the Kruse dolls. The Klotzer doll company was forced out of business when Kathe Kruse won her lawsuit against her competition for infringement. Heine & Schneider produced the 16” girl shown next (above). This oil painted cloth head girl is wearing her original Tyrolean style dress that consists of a onepiece dress with white blouse, green vest and red skirt with green trim. Under her dress she wears her original white cotton slip and panties. Her white cotton socks and brown leather shoes are replacements. The doll’s head has one seam that runs from ear to ear across the top of her head and another that runs down the back of her head. There are two darts on either side of the top of her head toward the forehead to give more shape. She has blue-gray eyes and a small red mouth.

German Kruse look-a-like. Notice the doll’s “quiff”. The side view shows her somewhat pointed head. Author’s collection.


Like the Kruse dolls she has wide hips, but, unlike the Kruse dolls, her arms are made of composition that are cloth covered and her hands are composition. The rest of the doll’s body is cloth. Her legs are pin jointed like the bisque dolls with the kid bodies except she does not have a knee joint. Her toes are defined by red stitching which seems to be characteristic of the Heine & Schneider dolls. It is interesting to note that these dolls were made in Bad-Kosen which is, of course, one of the places that the Kruse dolls were made. The dolls are usually marked on the foot, but no marks are on this doll. Her construction, however, identifies her as a Heine & Schneider doll. A doll I feel could well have been made to look like the Kathe Kruse dolls is shown in the next group of photos (bottom left). She has a pouty expression and her eyes seem to gaze upward at some unknown object. Her cloth head is heavily painted with dark brown hair, and she has very rosy cheeks. Her head has a seam that runs across the top of her head and another than runs down the back of her head. In addition, there are two more seams on either side of the center back seam that are joined at the top of her head to the seam running across the top of the head. Quite a few seams to say the least! She definitely has the Kruse “quiff” on her forehead. Her eyes brows are single stroked and her eyes are brown with no highlights. Her mouth is small and puckered. Her arms and legs are made of flesh colored cotton, but her torso appears to be of cheesecloth. She is tab jointed at the shoulders and swing jointed at the hips. She has mitten shaped hands with stitched fingers and a hard soled foot with stitched toes. Her black and blue dress has black velvet cuffs and a stripped insert. She wears long black stockings and her shoes are of brown leather with beige tassels. On her head is a wonderful Dutch style bonnet. Under her dress she wears a pink and white half slip and white cotton drawers. There is writing on her half slip, but I have been unable to read it or photograph it. Another reason that makes me think she may have been a competitor with the Kruse dolls is the shape of her head. The maker tried to get that Kruse contour, but didn’t quite get it correct. It has been suggested to me, however, that the doll might have been stored face up and the head collapsed. That could be the case as the doll is very clean and does not appear to have been handled. Because of the material used for the torso, I feel she could well have been an inexpensive doll made to look like the Kruse dolls. The doll is unmarked. Another little miss was made by the Gebruder Bing Company (in red above). She is 15” tall with an oil painted cloth head. Bing was

Bing doll in original outfit. Note her delicately painted features. Author’s collection.

A wigged Kruse look-a-like wears only her white underwear. Author’s collection.


Two celluloid boys look very much like Kathe Kruse’s Doll I. Note the applied thumb on the smaller of the two dolls. Courtesy Marilyn Parsons.

All original celluloid lad (with exception of socks). Note his pronounced “quiff.” Author’s collection.


one of the companies Kathe Kruse saw as a threat to her dolls because their dolls were similar in construction to the Kruse dolls. The doll’s head has two seams - one that runs across the top of her head from lower neck to lower neck and one from her crown down the back of the head. The head swivels from side to side. The doll’s eyes are brown with a white highlight. Her eyebrows are short and her mouth is slightly puckered. The doll has mitten hands and stitched toes on a hard soled foot. Her red bonnet, dress and shoes are all made of red felt. Beneath her dress she wears a white cotton onesie. The bottom of each of her shoes is stamped BING. There are no marks on the doll itself. A doll that to me looks like the wigged Kathe Kruse Doll I appears on the bottom of previous page. This 12 inch girl has a blonde mohair wig and a papier mache head. Her all cloth body is disc-jointed at the shoulders and hips. She has mitten style hands with stitched fingers and hard soled feet with stitched toes. She stands with that classic Kruse pose with her head looking downward. This little girl has short eyebrows, blue eyes with a white highlight, full red mouth and rosy cheeks. She is shown wearing replacement underwear, socks and shoes. There are no marks on the doll as to her maker. She was sold to me as having been made by the Bing Toy Company, but I’m not convinced that she was. Shown above are two more celluloid head boys with that Kruse look. The larger boy is 14 inches tall. He is marked 36 Germany on the back of his head. His cloth body is disc jointed at the shoulders and hips. He is wearing an off white knitted suit which could be original and his shoes are oil cloth. His smaller companion is 11 inches tall. Like the larger boy his cloth body is disc-jointed at the shoulders and hips. The back of his head is marked with a beetle and some illegible letters. This mark can be attributed to the Hersdorfer company in Germany which produced celluloid babies and child dolls. It is interesting to note that while the larger doll has mitten hands, the smaller doll has an applied thumb. His outfit is not original. In the close-up photos one can easily see the similarity of the features to Kathe Kruse’s Doll I. A 14 inch boy with a celluloid head and cloth body was made by Buschow & Beck and is marked with the characteristic helmet on the back of his neck (left). His body is well constructed of flesh colored cotton with disc joints at his shoulders and hips. His hands are mitten shaped with stitched fingers and his feet are hard soled with stitched toes.

He is wearing his original outfit consisting of a white cotton shirt, brown felt shorts with green suspenders and one leather shoe. His socks are replacements and somewhere along the line he lost his left shoe. When we view the close-up of his face we note the Kruse “quiff” in his brown hair. He has blue intaglio eyes and full rosy cheeks. It is my opinion that this doll is one of those dolls whose head design was influenced more by the Fiamingo head sculpture rather than as a competitor of the Kathe Kruse dolls. He does, however, have the look of Kathe Kruse’s Doll I. The last doll is Ideal’s Uneeda Biscuit Boy. This little fellow shown here is 15 inches tall. His composition head was modeled after the Fiamingo head. The doll has composition lower arms and legs with a cloth body. He is disc-jointed at the shoulders and hips. His outfit of yellow slicker, hat and red stripped romper is all original as is his biscuit box. Just one more example of the use of the Fiamingo head and it is highly unlikely that he was supposed to look like a Kathe Kruse doll. The dolls illustrated here are only a few of the dolls that I feel look like the dolls of Kathe Kruse. If you love the look of the Kathe Kruse dolls, do look for these “Kruse” look-a-likes. All of these dolls have a charm of their own and are worthy of a spot in any doll collection. REFERENCES:

Reinelt, Sabine, Kathe Kruse:The Early Years,Verlag Puppen & Spielzevg, 1994

Krombholz, Mary Gorham, Antique Doll Collector, “German Character Dolls with Glass Eyes, pages 28-32,August 2008 Richter, Lydia, The Beloved Kathe Kruse Dolls Yesterday & Today, Hobby House Press, Inc, 2nd Edition, 1991 Dahl, Thomas Kathe Kruse Puppen,Verlag Puppen & Spielzeug, 2005

Mertz, Ursula R. Composition Dolls 1900-1950, Vol. 1, page 286, Collector Books, 1999

Ideal’s Uneeda Biscuit Boy. Courtesy Marilyn Parsons.

Buchholz, Shirley, A Century of Celluloid Dolls, c. 1983, Shirley Buchholz


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Photos courtesy Bertoia Auctions

Happy Holidays!

Auction Gallery

Preview: Alderfer’s Auction November 3 & 4


ome important recent additions to Alderfer’s final doll auction of the year run the gamut from R. John Wright and Steiff display pieces to French and German bisque. Highlights include a Bebe Reclame by Jumeau, a 117 4 with marked Jumeau body, an 8” SFBJ character baby and a lovely 17” “4” French fashion in her original outfit. German bisque offerings include an 18” 4900 Schoenhau & Hoffmeister lady, a 353 Armand Marseille baby and several Googlies dolls by Armand Marseille and a Gebr. Heubach. For more information about the auction or to order a catalog, call 215-393-3036 or visit or email

A group of Googlies

“Velvet Cake” automaton dancing dolls

R. John Wright Snow White and Dwarfs

12 inch Bebe Reclame by Jumeau



alloween is hot! Morphy’s September 11 holiday auction focused on antique Halloween, Easter and Christmas. Forty-two of the Halloween lots came from the Jay and Connie Lowe collection and they were some of the finest pieces seen in recent years. The most remarkable was the vegetable man with moveable glass eyes, possibly a one of a kind decoration for $19,550. The vegetable man candy container/lantern holding a pumpkin in each arm, reached $12,650 and an unusual foot lantern brought $10,350. (Prices include buyer’s premium.)


n early portrait Jumeau marked 5, 24-1/2 inches, pressed bisque, blue paperweight eyes and pierced ears, sold for approximately $36,000 at the September Chartre auction.


Auction Gallery We would like to thank the following auction houses for their participation: Galerie de Chartres, 7 rue Collin, D’Harleville 28000 Chartres. Morphy Auctions, 2000 North Reading Road, Denver, PA 17517. 717-335-3435


ithington’s August auction included this Marklin carriage which sold for $3200; a 13- inch K * R 114, $1650; and a 12 inch K * R 101 for $3600.

News I


rom Jumeau’s Series Fantastique, mold 211, with its large open mouth, (light hairline on left temple) and original body, brought approximately $34,000 at the recent Theimer auction in Paris.

read with great interest the article on “Shell Dolls” in last months issue (August) of Antique Doll Collector. They are just charming! When I got to the photo on page 29 I was struck by the familiarity of the white “scales” that decorate this doll (as a retired Biologist!). I know that the author of the article was informed by the much respected Jane Coleman that the doll’s costume is decorated with “Snake skin.” However, on further research (the pictures below were sent to me courtesy of the curator of the Zoology Museum, University of Glasgow, Scotland) we are pretty sure that the “scales” decorating this charming doll are in fact teeth from the Ray “Raira miraletus,” also known as the “Spotted Homelyn Ray”, a ray commonly found in Irish waters. These flat “teeth” are fixed into a flexible membrane which would have been relatively easy to cut out and use for this kind of decoration! On another track, I was wondering if your magazine has ever mentioned the wonderful doll museum found here in Northern Italy situated about a 20 minute drive from where we live. Its called the “Museo della Bambola” and situated in a magnificent castle, the “Rocca Borromeo” on the edge of Lake Maggiore in Angera. This fabulous museum has no less than 12 rooms filled with wonderful antique


Francois Theimer, 4 rue des Cavaliers 89130 Toucy Withington Auction, 17 Atwood Road, Hillsborough, NH 03244. 603-478-3232.

dolls ranging from 18th century woodens and papier mpache dolls to 19th and 20th century French and German dolls, including “Bebe characteres”, Modern dolls, International dolls and a “mechanical automatons” section. This museum is a feast for the eyes of doll lovers! Thanks for a great magazine and hope the info on the delightful “shell doll” was of interest. With best wishes. Georgina Brown, Italy

Courtesy of the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of Glasgow

Do You Have a Mystery Doll ? I

bought this doll from a vendor at an antique market. She is almost 8 inches tall, with flawlessly embroidered facial features on a flesh coloured surface. Her hair is black with grey touches and has a nice braid circling her head that feels very soft, maybe mohair. She has a very strong wire armature and what may be leather wrapping and little worn felt fingers at the ends. Her very tidy feet are encased almost to her knees in black weaving, as an integral part of the leg, with a single line of contrasting thread around the ankle. She is very full-figured. Her blouse, petticoat and underwear appear to be cotton. The navy vest is edged in very fine tarnished silver trim. The skirt is finely pleated) heavy cotton. The black velvet apron has very worn multi-colour embroidered wool flower decorations and is also edged in tarnished silver trim. She has a gold pendant. I’d love any information anyone might have. My very inexpert internet search suggested antique Swedish. Joan


inherited this doll from my mother. Her head is marked Germany and 56; she is on a compo chunky ball jointed body. I understand that 56 is a Gebruder Kuhnlenz number, however I can’t find this doll in my Blue Books. Can one of your readers help? Melodie

Photo credit: Patti Klein


arie wrote us about this doll pictured in our August issue. Although she does not know who made the doll, she bought one from a department store in 1942. The dolls were sold in pink and blue versions and originally were not stuffed -they were meant to hold pajamas or nightgowns.

We’d love to hear from readers if they can help solve a “mystery” doll.


National Museum of Play



an any of your readers tell me who made this doll? She is marked G.B. Marilyn

Perhaps there is a doll in your collection that you and others have never seen before. Send us a high resolution photo and any information you have to (you may also send a print photo to Antique Doll Collector P.O. Box 39, East Petersburg, PA 17520). If you can identify a mystery doll, write to us at address or email above.

ore than a century of toy trends, news, and products are now accessible to researchers at the Strong’s Brian Sutton-Smith Library & Archives of Play in Rochester, New York, through the library’s recently acquired collection of Playthings (1903—2010), considered the nation’s leading toy trade magazine. The Playthings Magazine Collection, the most complete public assemblage anywhere, covers more than 100 years of toy successes (and flops!) and chronicles the introduction of virtually every new toy that has found its way onto the nation’s toy store shelves and into children’s play rooms. Here, in its abundantly illustrated reviews, stories, and advertisements, researchers can witness the effects on the trade of such significant milestones as the Great Depression, World Wars I and II, and the rise of suburbia, pop culture, and the Internet. “For anyone interested in a history of play in America, this is an incredible resource,” says the Strong’s Director of Library and Archives, Carol Sandler. “We are very pleased to make it available to researchers as it uniquely documents the changing shape of the toy industry and the world of toys and games over more than a century. Moreover, toy trends provide a window into the historic changes going on within the larger society.”



Lenci’s rare 31” model “Sam” from their 1924 catalog has superb original costume and accessories.

The delightful red-haired girl with piglet by Lenci is as vibrant and crisp as the day she was made.



The 11” French bisque bebe Bru, size 0, has splendid paperweight eyes and wears a luxury silk richly-embroidered matador costume above his size 0 Bru shoes. He stands alongside the rarest of the rare, an 11” size 1 A.T. bebe with early kid body and beautiful bisque hands.

The crescent mark bebe by Leon Casimir Bru in a rare size 0, 10”, with most endearing childlike expression.

hen Theriault’s makes its debut antique doll auction in New York City on November 20 and 21, the event will be memorable both for the extraordinary collection of antique dolls that are being offered, as well as for the perfectly-chosen venue, the historic and revered Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The collection of dolls, to be sold over two days, in a 500+ lot auction, is primarily a one-owner collection, and presents, simply, the rarest of the rarest, and the best of the best. Many of the dolls have been highlighted in past articles in Antique Doll Collector and Antique Doll World, some gracing their covers. Florence Theriault notes that the collection was prescient in its development. “For example, twenty years ago only the most keen-minded of collectors could have realized the rarity factor of size, that rare German characters in large sizes were virtually nonexistent, and that French bebes in precious tiny size 0 and 1 were equally rare. So what makes this collection exceptionally fine is not only the rarity of the models, their aesthetic perfection, and their superb condition, but also the nuances of special features such as size.” There is, as an example, a 34” intaglio painted-eye character by Marseille, size 15, decidedly an Exhibition model, of which only one other example in this size is known to exist. Actually, the Marseille intaglio-eye character series is rare in itself, probably created under exclusive commission for an American importer, and, incredibly, Theriault’s auction will offer three other


As dainty as she is tiny, the petite 11” bebe by Schmitt et Fils is marked 4/0, their smallest size made, and has desirable early face and superb costume and accessories.

Extremely rare 11” French bisque bebe by Jumeau, marked 5/0, a luxury portrait model with very wide “almond-eyed” expression.

models, each with a wonderfully sculpted different face. As another example of rarity of size, the auction includes a 23”, size 13, exhibition model of Hertel and Schwab’s 165 “Jubilee Googly”. And then, there is the 28”, size 15, painted eye character, model 208, by Kestner, a size previously not known to exist according to several research works about the Kestner firm. Tiny-sized French bebes are eagerly sought today. Theriault’s November 20 and 21 auctions offer a bevy of beautiful examples, highlighted by an 11” size 1 A.T. bebe with kid body. As Stuart Holbrook remarked, “In our firm’s 40 years of specialty doll auctions, we have never offered this model, in this size, before.” Other petite dolls, those that fit in the palm of one’s hand, measuring 11” or less, include superb early models by Schmitt et Fils, Bru, Jumeau, Steiner, and Gaultier. Each wears an outstanding original or period costume and most are laden with luxury accessories, signed shoes, and other finery. And, speaking of costumes and accessories, featured in the auction are a grand selection of the finest 19th century pieces, ranging from superb miniature fans to bone-handled parasols to signed shoes – and even a riding whip for a poupee. Whatever might have been presented in Parisian luxury doll shops from the golden age of dolls, 1860-1885, will be sold.

The auction includes two 11” earliest period bebes with F.G. block letter markings, one with kid body and one with early composition and wooden body (shown), each marked 6/0.

Two rare character models from Bawo and Dotter are the 213 (lady) and 219 (boy) models.


Left-Right, Top-Bottom: At 23”, the toddler-bodied 165 googly by Hertel and Schwab, from the Jubilee Googly series, is an extraordinary rarity, likely an Exhibition model. Googlies abound in the wonderful collection “O’ Fancy, What a Jubilee” including this rare intaglio-eyed nervouslooking fellow by Gebruder Heubach. One of the four large intaglio painted-eye characters by Marseille presented at the November 20 and 21 auctions. Gebruder Heubach’s model known as Grumpy is rare to find at all. This example is a wonderful 18” size and has rare glass eyes. The extraordinary cover doll of the auction is the 34” exhibition model of Marseille’s intaglio-painted eye girl. Simon and Halbig’s lady doll, model 1388, is an exceptional 26” tall, and has outstanding extended-length mohair wig, superb costume, and original glass-rod flirty eyes. Kammer and Reinhardt’s 109 model in 27” size from their art character series, in wonderful folklore costume. The 28” painted eye character, 208, by Kestner is an extraordinary size, and the quality of her modeling and painting, as well as her size, indicate her original role as an Exhibition model.


The auction ranges from precious tiny French all-bisque jointed-elbow mignonettes to large all-bisque 1885-era dolls from Kestner, from exceedingly rare Lenci characters including Fukuruko and Hu San, to the collection of tiny-sized French bebes, and rare German characters. Other character models include three variations of Simon and Halbig’s 1303 model, 22” “Karl”, model 107 by K*R in superb Scottish costume, two intaglio-eyed characters, 210 and 212, by Catterfelder Puppenfabrick, two character models 125 and 129 by Wislizensus, Allie Dog and Allie Cat by Georgene Averill in rare large size, rare Bye-lo models including the “no other example known” two-faced Bye-lo, two examples of Grace Rockwell’s wideeyed children, a pair of all-original Poulbot urchins, rare characters by Bawo and Dotter, Bruno Schmidt’s Wendy, 27” exhibition size K*R 109, three closed mouth rare “sister” models 111, 128, and 134, and other superb models by Simon and Halbig: IV, 1385, 26” 1388 lady with glass-rod flirty eyes, 17” 153 boy with sculpted hair, 20” 1303 Marquis and a pair of large 151 children in matching costumes, 27” 1448 girl, and 27” brown-complexioned 1358

Left-Right, Top-Bottom: A bisque character boy by Bawo and Dotter serenades the beloved IV girl by Simon and Halbig. The rare character models by Gebruder Heubach are presented in their factoryoriginal costumes. We yawn, we laugh, we love life, is the message of the two highly-characterized sailor boys by Gebruder Heubach. The petite 10” bebe by Jules Steiner wears a wonderful original costume, and is a rare Series A model. One of the four different models of intaglio painted-eyed characters by Marseille, of which few are known to exist. At 18”, Kestner’s 221 googly is absolutely captivating, and has an original toddler body, unique for this model.

among others. Of particular interest are the rare Gebruder Heubach models in the auction: 7865 girl with eyes glancing down, the Princess Juliana model, ‘Tiss Me googly, the 8058 and 8035 boy and girl in matching original costumes, the extraordinary 28” sculpted bobbedhair girl featured in the book Heubach Character Dolls, black character with sculpted hair, 8548 glass-eyed Grumpy in large size, two sizes of the “stuckout tongue” child including rare large model, sculpted hair girl known as the “Singer”, and sculpted bonnet head girl among others. Googlies, a highlight of the collection both in their rarity of model and rarity of size, are highlighted by a pair of fabulous models by Oscar Hitt, and include three examples of the Jubilee Googlies created by Hertel and Schwab for the American importer Strobel and Wilkin to celebrate their 100th anniversary. Theriault’s November 20 and 21 auction, serendipitously, is named “O’Fancy, What a Jubilee!” The auction will be conducted at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City over a two-day period. Commemorative hardbound catalogs are available for $49 (order online at www.theriaults. com or call 800-638-0422). A very special room rate is available at the hotel and collectors are urged to attend this auction for, as Stuart Holbrook, President of Theriault’s, notes, “this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see these rare models, particularly in one place and at one time”. For collectors who are unable to attend there is absentee bidding or telephone bidding available, as well as live online-bidding. For more information call 800-638-0422 or 410-224-3655.


BACK ISSUES SALE 1 to 3 copies $6 each • 4 to 9 copies $5 each • 10 or more copies $4 each With your order of 2 or more back issues, you will receive a FREE Index to our first ten years!

Volume 4, Number 3 April 2001 Indestructible “Alabama Babies” • Dolls from Sonneberg • Shirley Temple Dolls • Black Folk Art Dolls • Japanese “Nippon” Volume 4, Number 5 June 2001 Dolls and Their Canine Pals • A Mysterious K.P.M. China • Vintage Wedding Cake Toppers • One-of-a-Kind Cloth Dolls • Bisque “Swingers” • Rubber Dolls Volume 4, Number 7 August 2001 Eloise • Bru Part 1 • Schoenau & Hoffmeister • Children’s Dishes • A Mary Hoyer Doll & Her Wardrobe • Early Celebrity Dolls Volume 5, Number 2 March 2002 Musée National DeMonaco • German Characters • Vogue Dolls • Handwerk • A McLoughlin Dollhouse • Max & Moritz Volume 5, Number 7 August 2002 Rare A.M Characters • Paper Doll “Lady Flora” • Early Celebrity Dolls • Lenci • German Porcelain Dolls • NADDA’s Seattle Show Volume 5, Number 8 September 2002 Kathe Kruse Dolls • Googlies • UFDC Salesroom • Jumeau • Papier Mache Dolls Volume 5, Number 10 November 2002 An Early Papier-Mâché • UFDC Winners • Lenci’s Prosperity Baby • Cloth Dolls • Flapper Smoking Dolls • NADDA Volume 5, Number 11 December 2002 Show and Tell • Wax Dolls • Bye-Lo Babies • UFDC Modern Competition • Maurine Popp Collection • Early Lady Dolls Volume 5, Number 12 January 2003 A French Fashion’s Legacy • Understanding Chinas • One-of-a-Kind Cloth Dolls • Étrennes • Ideal Dolls • UFDC Volume 6, Number 1 February 2003 Bleuette • Heubach • Kamkins • Josselin Doll Museum • Lenci • Kammer and Reinhardt • “Twinkie” Advertising Doll Volume 6, Number 2 March 2003 The Collection of Maurine Popp • Angels Attic Museum • Italy’s Burgarella Doll • The “Mother of All Composition Dolls” • Théâtre de la Mode Volume 6, Number 3 April 2003 Blue-Ribbon Winners • Moravian Dolls • NADDA • Rare Simon & Halbig Characters • Madame Alexander • Freundlich Novelties Volume 6, Number 4 May 2003 Googlies • Celluloid • Babyland Rags • Wax Dolls • Legendary Heubach Collection • Dolls & Their Trunks Volume 6, Number 5 June 2003 Special June Bride Issue • Show & Tell • Fairy Wedding • Bridal Gown Pattern • Olympia Baby House • Papa-Mama Dolls Volume 6, Number 7 August 2003 More Googlies! • German Chinas • Tribute to Mary Hoyer • An Important English Dolls’ House • Shopping Etiquette • Averill’s Cowboys & Indians Volume 6, Number 9 October 2003 Mignonnette and Her Wardrobe • UFDC Antique Exhibit • Abby Caddy Cloth Dolls • Composition Dolls • Little Known Museums • NADDA in Chicago • National Doll Festival • Uncut Pattern Dolls Volume 6, Number 10 November 2003 A Tribute to John Noble • UFDC Antique Doll Exhibit • Googly –Eyed All Bisques • Bleuette • Anili Celluloid Dolls Volume 7, Number 4 May 2004 Auction: The Washington Dolls’ House & Toy Museum • Displaying Your Dolls • Polichinelle! • Celluloid Treasures • Famlee Dolls • Little Known Doll Museums Volume 7, Number 5 June 2004 Shelburne Doll Collection • China Dolls • Dollhouse Furniture • Drink & Wet Babies • Twin Dolls • R. John Wright Volume 7, Number 7 August 2004 Outfitting Your Doll for a Nature Walk • Kamkins in Summer • Jumeau • Conta & Boehme • Miniatures • Effanbee’s Anne Shirley Volume 7, Number 8 September 2004 French Bebes Model Their Original Costumes • UFDC Salesroom • Dorothy Heizer • 1860’s Doll Fashions • Horsman Dolls • Armand Marseille Volume 7, Number 10 November 2004 Toy and Miniature Museum of Kansas City • Paris Bebe • Mama Dolls • Blue Ribbon Winning Dolls • Making Your Collection Work for You Volume 7, Number 11 December 2004 Blue Ribbon Dolls • Kewpies! • Circle Dot Bru • American Dolls • Early Chinas • S.F.B.J. • Little Lenci Volume 7, Number 12 January 2005 French Fashion Dolls • German Character Dolls • Kathe Kruse • Boudoir Dolls Volume 8, Number 1 February 2005 Kamkins in Winter • Two Treasured Jumeaus • Patsy, Daisy, Ginny • Kuhnlenz Dolls • Horsman’s Baby Buttercup • Buying and Selling Online • Playskool Pullman Volume 8, Number 2 March 2005 Fern Villa • More on the Bodmer Collection and a Special Wooden Doll • American-Made Dolls • Jumeau’s Series Fantastique • Lenci Volume 8, Number 3 April 2005 Heubachs • Bucherer Dolls • Tynietoy • Boy Dolls of Porcelain • American-Made Dolls Volume 8, Number 4 May 2005 Lady Dolls of the Edwardian Era • Rose Percy and Her Remarkable Wardrobe • The Haunting H Bebe • Kestner • Dollhouses Volume 8, Number 5 June 2005 The Art of Andre Thuillier • Special Dolls for a Princess • Half-Dolls • National Antique Doll Dealers Association • China Dolls Volume 8, Number 6 July 2005 Bavarian Beauties • Early Chinas • In Memory of Mary Harris Francis • A Jumeau 203 and Her Wardrobe • Schoenhut Dolls • The Marilu Doll Volume 8, Number 7 August 2005 Tour England and France With Bleuette • A Dress Pattern For Your Mignonnette • Mary Merritt Doll Museum • Dollhouse Jewels • American-Made Dolls • Dewees Cochran Dolls

Volume 8, Number 8 September 2005 The Fashionable Poupée • UFDC Salesroom • Dollhouses at the Merritt Museum • French Automata • American-Made Dolls Volume 8, Number 10 November 2005 Dolls and Dollhouses at Auction • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners • Antique Wedding Dolls and Memorabilia • The First Articulated Bebe • Tiny Treasures • KPM • Skookum Volume 8, Number 11 December 2005 Lucy Morgan Collection at Auction • Mignonnettes Bake a Kings Cake! • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners • Images of the Virgin • American-Made Dolls • Shoe Whimsies Volume 8, Number 12 January 2006 Creating A Wardrobe for Empress Eugenie • Character Dolls • Jumeau Triste • Doll Fashions Around the World • Dancing Dolls • Small Boudoir Dolls • Comic Character Dolls Volume 9, Number 1 February 2006 Dolls and Valentines • Ethel Newcome Her History and Wardrobe • Exciting Auction Reports! • UFDC Special Exhibit: The Philadelphia Story • Little Known Museums of Europe Volume 9, Number 2 Mar. 06 The Story of “Miss Mary” • Bleuette • Early Horsman Dolls • Chad Valley “Royals” • Different Dolls of the Same Kind • Celluloid Dolls Volume 9, Number 3 April 2006 The Legacy of Lily • Early SFBJ Character Babies • Ormolu Miniatures • In Search of Early Doll Collections • Door of Hope • American-Made Dolls • UFDC Special Exhibits Volume 9, Number 4 May 2006 Theriault’s To Sell Lego Foundation Museum • English Dollhouses • The Encyclopedia of French Dolls • American-Made Dolls • French and German Bisque Dolls • Rollinson Dolls • An Early Wax Doll Volume 9, Number 5 June 2006 Kestner’s 208 Character • Bru Dolls• A Tale of Two Dolls • Raleigh Composition Dolls • Ackley Cloth Dolls • Miniature Silver Volume 9, Number 6 July 2006 A Queen Anne Wooden • Simon & Halbig Parian Dolls • Mignonnettes Celebrate Bastille Day • Dolls in America • Lucy’s Doll House Volume 9, Number 7 August 2006 Pocket Dolls • SFBJ Character Babies • Bisque Bathing Beauties • Effanbee’s Skippy • Grecon Miniature Dolls • Heinrich Handwerck Volume 9, Number 8 September 2006 Mary Merritt Museum Auction • The Collection of Gail Cook • UFDC Salesroom • Lenci Miniatures • Advertising Dolls • Porcelain Treasures Volume 9, Number 9 October 2006 Kintzbach Hands • Dolls with Molded Hats • UFDC Winners • A Tudor Dollhouse • Averill’s Wonder Dolls • National Doll Festival • Auction Previews! Volume 9, Number 10 November 2006 “Maggie Bessie” Dolls • Jumeau • American-Made Dolls • Faux Bamboo Miniatures • Blue Ribbon Winners! Volume 9, Number 11 December 2006 Vienna Doll Museum at Auction • Dollies’ Holiday • The Christmas Doll • UFDC Ribbon Winners • Tynietoy • Madonna and Child Volume 10, Number 1 February 2007 La Venus Cloth Dolls • Dolls in Ethnic Dress • Chinas • Costuming • UFDC Exhibits • American-Made Dolls Volume 10, Number 2 March 2007 Mary Merritt Doll Museum Preview • Lancaster Rag Dolls • Patsykins • Le Musée de la Poupeé • Alabama Babies • Au Nain Bleu • Metal Heads • Miniature China Volume 10, Number 3 April 2007 An Early French Papier Mache • Pet Animals by Hertwig • Doll Accessories • SFBJ Cloth Dolls • La Nicette • Flossie Flirt Volume 10, Number 4 May 2007 Door of Hope • Royal Court Dolls • Theriault’s: Madame Petyt Collection • Merritt Museum Auction • Topsy Turvy Dolls • Cissy Volume 10, Number 5 June 2007 Kathe Kruse • French and German Bisque Dolls • German Chinas and Parians • Black Lenci Dolls • Effanbee’s Little Lady Volume 10, Number 6 July 2007 Maison Simonne • A Pattern for the Well-Dressed Poupée • French Cloth Dolls • Wax Dolls • A New Museum Opens in Belgium • Auction News Volume 10, Number 7 August 2007 Japanese Dolls of Beautiful Women • Lenci Miniatures • Bleuette • Doll Accessories • Early American Composition Dolls • NADDA in Chicago Volume 10, Number 8 September 2007 A Rare Rohmer Fashion Doll • UFDC National Salesroom • A Queen’s Fairytale Dolls • German Chinas and Parians • Metal Head Dolls Volume 10, Number 9 October 2007 Musée de la Poupée Special Exhibit: The Trousseau of Violette D’Epigny • Pattern for Violette’s “Tunique” • Blue Ribbon Winning Dolls • Louis Amberg & Son • Schoenhut Safari Volume 10, Number 10 November 2007 German Character Dolls • Sewing in the Dolls’ House • Milwaukee WPA Dolls • Male Fashions • National Doll Festival Volume 10, Number 11 December 2007 Theriault’s Auction Weekend • Premiere Bleuette • Candy Containers • UFDC Winners • Boudoir Dolls • Mint & Boxed Volume 10, Number 12 Jan. 2008 French Fashions • Museum Romantic • French Cloth Dolls • Blue Ribbon Winners • French Penny Toy Furniture • The Good Fairy Volume 11, Number 1 February 2008 Delaware Toy and Miniature Museum • Footwear on Parade • The Patchwork Girl of OZ • Grace Storey Putnam • Advertising Dolls • Palmer Cox Brownies • Trousseaux for Dolls Volume 11, Number 2 March 2008 Paper Dolls in La Poupée Modèle • Wenham Museum • Unsigned Poupées and Bébés • A Spring Doll Tour • Miniature Furniture

Volume 11, Number 3 April 2008 Morphy’s Dolls and Miniatures Auction • A Collector’s Profile • Tynietoy • Horsman • Shopping in France • A Present from the Past Volume 11, Number 4 May 2008 Armand Marseille’s Overlooked Rare Characters • Lenci-Anili • Kamkins • Violette’s Chemisette • Henri Delcroix • Ottenberg Dolls Volume 11, Number 5 June 2008 From the Doll Cabinet – A Rare China Fashion • Ningyô Dolls • Continental Crib Figures • Paper Dolls • Borgfeldt’s Composition Dolls • NADDA Volume 11, Number 6 July 2008 Schmitt et Fils • Pre-Door of Hope • German Character Dolls • Billiken • French Cloth Dolls • Splashme Volume 11, Number 7 August 2008 French Fashions • French Lilliputians & German Miniature Dolls • German Characters • China Dolls from Scandinavia • Where is Rosabelle? Volume 11, Number 8 September 2008 Selfridge Collection to be auctioned by Theriault’s • UFDC Salesroom • Dolly and Her Dressmaker • A Gift from Russia’s Czar Volume 11, Number 9 October 2008 Morphy’s Doll Auction • UFDC Antique Blue Ribbon Winners • Heubach • American-Made Dolls • Kentucky Poppets • National Doll Festival Volume 11, Number 10 November 2008 White House Doll & Toy Museum at Auction • Soft Metal Dollhouse Furniture • Blue Ribbon Winners • Hats For Your Poupée – a Special Pattern • Miniature China Dolls Volume 11, Number 11 December 2008 Theriault’s Three-Day Auction • AllBisques • Faith-Based Dolls • Peterkin • Christmas Dolls • More UFDC Winners! Volume 11, Number 12 January 2009 Ella – A Royal Gift • Dollhouse Miniatures • Heubach Molded Hairstyles • Gaithersburg • UFDC Modern Exhibit • Etta Boudoir Dolls • Affordable Chinas Volume 12, Number 1 February 2009 Early French Papier-Mâché Dolls • Discovering a Pit Brow Lass • Spain’s Cloth Doll Boom • Queen Rosabelle • UFDC Winners • A Special Pre-Greiner • Half Dolls Volume 12, Number 2 March 2009 Schoenhut Dolls • Tracing a Steiner’s Past • Doll Finds Under $500! • Gaultier • PA Dutch Dolls • Responsible Restoration • UFDC Volume 12, Number 3 April 2009 Gaultier • Lancaster Rags • Pinocchio & Friends • Miniature Parian Dolls • Lenci Volume 12, Number 4 May 2009 Simon and Halbig’s 1300 Series • Identifying French Dolls • Kley & Hahn Dolls • Collector Close-up • South American Super Hero • Early Steiff Animals Volume 12, Number 5 June 2009 Trousseau Doll at De Kleine Wereld Museum • Bébés Marked “DEP” • Black Dolls • Heubach Bisque Nudes • Character Dolls • NADDA’s April Show Volume 12, Number 6 July 2009 Bru Bébé Modèle • Collector Close-up • Sailor Dolls • Tynietoy • Sonneberg-Type Papier-Mâché Dolls Volume 12, Number 7 August 2009 Character Dolls of Catterfelder Puppenfabrik • George Borgfeldt • Paper Dolls • Chinas and Parians • An English Baby House • Effanbee’s Honey Volume 12, Number 8 September 2009 Richard Wright’s Personal Collection at Auction • Theriault’s Sets New Doll Record! • Tynietoy • UFDC Salesroom • Chinas and Parians • Remembering Dorothy Coleman Volume 12, Number 9 October 2009 Irresistible Googlies! • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners • Japanese Dolls • Unmarked Composition Dolls • Becassine • The National Doll Festival Volume 12, Number 10 November 2009 An A.T. and Her Wardrobe • French Dolls from World War I • Door of Hope • UFDC Antique Exhibit • Skinner Sells Wright Collection Volume 12, Number 11 December 2009 Theriault’s Grand Auction Weekend • American Composition Dolls • K*R Cloth Caricature Dolls • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners • Shopping in Paris • Christmas Toyland • Poured Wax Dolls • A Suitcase Full of Treasures • Crèche Figures Volume 12, Number 12 January 2010 A Jumeau Fashion • Ludwig Greiner • The Gibson Girl • Christian Hacker Shops • Urika Dolls • Gaithersburg Doll Show • Rose Percy • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners Volume 13, Number 1 February 2010 Portrait of an Antique Doll Collector • Abigail, The Log Cabin Doll • A Doll Marriage Made in Heaven • Shopping in France • Trion Toy Company • Galluba and Hoffman • UFDC Special Exhibits Volume 13, Number 2 March 2010 Lilas: A Special Rohmer Doll • A 1910 Gottschalk Dollhouse • Owners and Their Dolls • Gebruder Bing • Auction Previews • NADDA in Seattle Volume 13, Number 3 April 2010 French Boudoir Dolls • Frozen Charlottes • Japanese Friendship Dolls • Kaiser Babies • Verdier & Gutmacher • An 18th Century Wooden • American Doll Discoveries Volume 13, Number 4 May 2010 A Rare Male Fashion • Doll’s Through the Artist’s Eye • Raggedy Ann • Native American Dolls • Early Hingham Craftsmen Volume 13, Number 5 June 2010 Rare Characters • La Veilleuse • Italian Cloth Smokers • American Made Walking Dolls • Early Hingham Craftsmen • NADDA • A Doll Survivor Volume 13, Number 6 July 2010 Mélisande – A Child Fashion • German All Bisques • Elsa Schiaparelli • French Doll Bodies • The Story of Deruchette • Celebrity Dolls • Pantin: A Paper Printed Toy Volume 13, Number 7 August 2010 Kestner, King of Dollmakers • Shell Dolls • Early Hingham Craftsmen • Little Cherub • Doll Treasures in Pioneer Nevada Volume 13, Number 8 September 2010 Special Chase Dolls • All Bisques • Meet the Bumsteads • Dolls’ Houses from the Old Salem Toy Museum • UFDC Salesroom • Antique Blue Ribbon Winners at UFDC • A Parian Peddler and Her Wares Volume 13, Number 9 October 2010 Old Salem Toy Museum • Kestner Dolls • UFDC Antique Exhibit • American Composition Dolls with Molded Hair • National Doll Festival • Shopping in Brittany, France Volume 13, Number 10 November 2010 Les Poupees Rosalinde • Shirley Temple Dolls • Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art • Blondinette • Doll Trunks • Kathe Kruse Look-a-Likes • Theriault’s in New York City

Postage within the US is included. Canadian and overseas subscribers call us at 631-261-4100 or EMAIL: To order back issues, we need your name and address; the issues you are ordering, and a check in the total amount. Credit cards accepted. Send to: Antique Doll Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768 Phone 631-261-4100 Fax 631-261-9684 Toll Free 1-888-800-2588



Scott’s Antiques: email:

AT Kestner, $9800, Becky Ourant, email: ourant@

8 inch AM 323 googly pair, $1650; 12” K * R Marie, $2695. Shari McMasters, email:

Linda Kellermann, email:

23 inch Simon Halbig 1428, $2295. Fritzi’s Antiques, email:

Roberta’s Doll House, email:

20 inch Motchmann Steiner, $10,900. Marion Maus, email:

FG fashion $4500; French vanity, $975; Jumeau fashion, $5250 and Terrine fashion, unusual body, $7500. Margaret Kincaid: email:

Baby Bo Kaye, Phil May Antiques, email:

Celluloid K *R, $1150. Nancy McGlammery,


Calendar of Events

Send in your Free Calendar Listing to: Antique Doll Collector, c/o Calendar, P.O. Box 239, Northport, New York 11768 or Email: If you plan on attending a show, please call the number to verify the date and location as they may change.

10/1-1/15 High Point, NC. Toys of Christmas Past Toy Display. Doll & Miniature Museum of High Point. Michael & Gayle Hansen. 336-885-3655. 10/16-4/3 Basel, Switzerland. Japanese Children’s Kimono Exhibition. Puppenhausmuseum. Blaise Raboud. 0041 61 923 05 15. 10/9-3/13 Paris, France. Baby-boom Special Exhibit. Musee de la Poupee Paris. 10/23-5/15 Bellevue, WA. “Jules Steiner: The Great Innovator” presentation. Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art. 425-455-1116. Above: 21 inch E. J 10, $11,950 and 18 inch Tete Jumeau, $3950. Rich Saxman, email: ricksax@ Left: Rare Beecher Baby, Marshall Martin, email: marshallmartin@

Pat Vaillancourt, email:

Coming Up at the March Gaithersburg Show


njoy a great doll weekend: the Dollology Club of Washington, D.C. and the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts present a special weekend Saturday and Sunday, March 5 and 6 in conjunction with the Gaithersburg Doll Show. A variety of doll and miniature activities, breakfast, lunch and early admission to the show on Saturday morning promise an unforgettable weekend of fun. For more information call 301-294-0132 or email henri@ 76

November 2010 3-4 Hatfield, PA. Doll Auction. Alderfer Auction & Appraisal. 215-393-3036. 5-6 Vallejo, CA. Doll Sale. Vallejo Fairgrounds. Nancy Jo’s Doll Sales. 925-229-4190. 6 Marietta, GA. Doll Show & Sale. Cobb County Civic Center. Gary Green. 706-695-8242. 7 Ann Arbor, MI. Teddy Bear Show. Weber’s Inn. Valerie Rogers. 502-423-7827. 7 St. Charles, MO. Doll & Bear Show & Sale. Columns Banquet Center. Spirit of St. Louis Doll Club. Diana. 314-780-7981. 7 Southbury, CT. Doll & Bear & Toy Show & Sale. Crowne Plaza. Jenny Lind Doll Club. 203-598-7600. 7 York, PA. Doll & Toy & Teddy Bear Show & Sale. York Expo Center. Ron & Sue Funk. 717-442-4279. 7 Online Only. Barbie & Friends Auction. Evelyn Burkhalter Series. 12-14 Vineland, NJ. Toys For The Mantle Sale. Bertoia Auctions. 856-692-1881. 13-14 Atlanta, GA. International Black Doll & Gift Show. Holiday Inn Atlanta Capitol Conference Center Hotel. Black Doll Shows. 212-594-2455. 13 Belen, NM. Doll Auction. On-Site & Online. Sachs 5th Auction. 505-864-8081. 13 Des Moines, IA. 7th Annual Fall Des Moines Doll & Bear & Toy Sale. Iowa State Fairgrounds. 13 Garden Grove, CA. Annual Holiday Show & Sale. Garden Grove Community Center. California Doll Collectors. 562-596-6790. 13 Holland, MI. Doll Show. Holland Civic Center. Sandy. 616-846-5788. 13 Hunt Valley, MD. Teddy Bear Show & Sale. Embassy Suites Hotel/Baltimore No. Alex Wilson. 717-993-3041. 13 Nazareth, PA. Doll Auction. Dotta Auction Co. 610-759-7389. 13 Red Bluff, CA. Holiday Faire Antiques to Arts Show & Sale. Fairgrounds. Red Bluff Events. 831-438-5349.

14 Albuquerque, NM. Doll & Bear & Miniature Show. McM Elegante’ Hotel. Melinda’s Dolls. 775-342-7629. 14 Bellevue, WA. Antique Doll & Toy Market. Red Lion Bellevue Inn. Teresa Lehmbeck/ Leone McMullen. 425-413-9516. 14 Davenport, IA. Doll & Collectibles. Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds. Dora Pitts. 563-242-0139. 14 Hackensack, NJ. Doll Show. Rothman Center. JMK Shows. 352-527-6666. 14 Madison Hts., MI. Doll Show. Club Venetian Banquet Center. Michigan Doll Makers. Diane Boatman. 248-357-2090. 14 Santa Rosa, CA. Doll & Toy Show & Sale. Veterans Memorial Bldg. Redwood Empire Doll & Study Club. 707-838-9672. 16 London, England. Fine Dolls & Teddy Bears & Juvenalia. Bonhams. +44 (0) 20 7393 3900. 19-20 New Hope, PA. The Toy Museum of Old Salem at Auction. Eagle Fire Hall. Noel Barrett Auctions. 215-297-5109. 20 Dublin, PA. Doll Show. Dublin Firehall. BuxMont Doll Lovers. 215-297-5237. 20 Indianapolis, IN. Art Doll & Art Figure Show & Sale by Indy Cloth Dollmakes. Irvington Library. Katie Jones. 317-834-3562. 20 Johnson City, TN. Doll & Bear Show. Holiday Inn. Howard Knight. 803-783-8049. 20-21 Kansas City, MO. Kathy Riddick Collection Doll Auction. KCI Expo Center. Holiday Inn Hotel. Frasher’s Doll Auctions, Inc. 816-625-3786. 20 Koeln, Germany. Fine Toys & Automata Auction. Auction Team Breker. +49 / 2236/38 43 40. 20-21 New York, NY. Doll Auction. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Theriault’s. 800-638-0422. 20 San Jose, CA. Doll Show. Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. Dorothy Drake. 775-348-7713. 20 Washington, NC. Doll Show. Redmen’s Lodge. A to Z Doll Club of Washington. Anne Scott. 252-946-3046. 20 Live Gallery & Internet Barbie & Friends Auction. Evelyn Burkhalter Series. 21 Anaheim, CA. Dolls & Bears & Toys Show & Sale. Anaheim Plaza Hotel. National Doll Festival. 831-438-5349. 21 Lisle, IL. Doll & Bear Show & Sale. Hilton Lisle/Naperville. Julie Bronski. 312-919-7135. 21 Toronto, Canada. Teddy Bear Show & Sale. Botanical Garden. Mark Mckay. 416-703-1697. 27 Columbus, OH. Black Doll & Gift Show. Aladdin Shrine Center. Natasha Gates Founder. 614-403-2248. 28 Paris, France. Teddy Bear & Related Auction. Hotel Ambassador. Theimer Auctions. (33) 3 86 74 31 76. Calendar continued on page 79


The 152nd Eastern National Antique to Modern & Artist

Doll Show & Sale

December 4 & 5

Saturday 10 am to 5 pm & Sunday 10 am to 3 pm Plus: *Toys & Games Over 200 Years of Playthings: Miniatures, Doll Houses & Furniture, Supplies, Lace, Ribbons, Fabrics, Clothing, Bears, Dishes, Toys in Wood, Tin, Cast Iron, Still & Mechanical, Banks, Books about Collecting, Artist’s Original Dolls & Bears and much more!

The Fairgrounds Gaithersburg, MD 20877 16 Chestnut Street Building #6 DIRECTIONS: 12 miles N.W. of Washington, DC (I-70) Exit 10 to Light, turn left and follow Fairgrounds signs.

A copy of this page can be used as a $2 discount ticket Request: Maps, Exhibiting Information, Discount Tickets, etc. Email: March, June and December Days and Show Hours: 153rd 2011 Mar 5 & 6 Sat. 10 am to 5 pm & Sunday 10 am to 3 pm **September Days and Show Hours: 154th 2011 Jun 4 & 5 Friday Noon to 8 pm & Sat 10 am to 4 pm ** 155th 2011 Sep 9 & 10 Hotels: Gaithersburg HOLIDAY INN 301.948.8900 156th 2011 Dec 3 & 4 THE HILTON 301.977.8900 Ask for Bellman special Doll Show Rates 30 days before each show. 3 International Airports – Approximately one hour from Gaithersburg, MD Ronald Reagan Washington National (DCA) Dulles International (IAD) Baltimore/Washington International (BWI)

Bellman Events: 410.357.8451 / 443.617.3590 *LIMITED Number of Toys

© #44 MSP, Eastern NADS Advertising-Antique Doll Collector – 10.4.2010, Oct. 6, 10-Page - #6

Calendar continued from page 76

December 2010 3-5 Pittsburgh, PA. Toy Show. Monroeville Convention Center. Steel City Con. Orangestone Promotions. 412-213-0224. 3-4 Rock Hill, SC. Doll & Bear Show. First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of Rock Hill. 803-783-8049. 4 Chartres, France. Doll Auction. Galerie De Chartres. +33(0) 4-5 Gaithersburg, MD. 152nd Eastern National Antique Doll Show. The Fairgrounds. Bellman Events. 443-617-3590. 4-5 Harlem, NY. Doll Show & Sale. Hamilton Landmark Gallery. Ellen Ferebee. 917-655-8531. 4 Irving, TX. Doll Show. Park Inn formerly Radisson DFW So. Joni Holland. 817-929-1691. 4 Maplewood, MN. Dolls & Toys & Bears Show. Maplewood Community Center. Shows by Bernadette. 612-821-0606. 4 Millbrae, CA. Dolls & Bears & Jewelry Show & Sale. Clarion SFO Hotel. National Doll Festival. 831-438-5349. 4 Pleasanton, CA. Bear & Collectibles Show. Four Points by Sheraton. Debi Ortega. 925-698-5997. 4 Tucson, AZ. Holiday Doll Show & Sale. Randolph Park Hotel. Karen Kosies. 520-321-0003. 5 Chartres, France. Automata Auction. Galerie De Chartres. +33(0) 5 Houston, TX. Doll Day Christmas Party. Hinton Center. Bluebonnet Bebes of Houston Doll Club. Linda Sieck. 713-283-5900. 5 Milwaukee, WI. Doll & Teddy Bear Show & Sale. Serb Hall. Orphans In The Attic. Marge Hansen. 920-563-0046. 5 Online Only. Auction of Antique & Vintage Dolls. 11 Denver, PA. Cristol/Glickman Collection Auction. Morphy Auctions. 717-335-3435.

January 2011 2 Live Gallery & Internet Barbie & Friends Auction. Evelyn Burkhalter Series. 9 Anaheim, CA. Anaheim Plaza Hotel. Dolls & Jewelry & Bears Collectibles. Anaheim Plaza Hotel. National Doll Festival. 831-438-5349. 14-15 Naples, FL. Doll Show & Sale. Moorings Presbyterian Church. 239-947-3394. 15-16 San Diego, CA. Doll & Teddy Bear Show. Al Bahr Shrine Center. Crossroads. Dorothy. 775-348-7713. 22 Chandler, AZ. Doll & Bear Show & Sale. Knights of Columbus. Dolls and Friends Doll Club. 480-839-4484. 23 Dedham, MA. Doll & Teddy Bear & Toy Show. Holiday Inn/Dedham. Drummer Boys Show. 978-535-4811. 23 Lisle/Naperville, IL. Doll & Teddy Bear Show. Wyndham Hotel. Karla Moreland. 815-356-6125. 23 Hauppauge, NY. Doll & Teddy Bear & Collectable Toy Show & Competition. Sheraton Long Island Hotel. Patchogue Doll Fanciers Club of Long Island. 631-543-3499.

• Toys • Miniatures • Doll Molds • Supplies •


VALLEJO, CA Vallejo Fairgrounds

Nov. 5-6, 2010 Friday 12 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. For information sendSASE (2 stamps) to: Nancy Jo Schreeder, 305 Robinson St., Martinez, CA 94553 Phone 925-229-4190 Fax 925-229-5369


Doll Related Items • Furniture • Clothes • Bears


Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:00 am MST On-Site & Online in Real Time. Many Antique Bisque German & French Dolls. Fine Collector Dolls. Barbie, Both Vintage & Collector, Madame Alexander, Annette Himstedt, Shirley Temple, Tammy, Betsy McCall, & Much More. Doll Furniture & Accessories. Outstanding Selection of Dolls From a Collection Spanning Over 50 Years.

Sachs 5th Auction 505.864.8081

Sherman’s Antiques & Doll Hospital


We are liquidating a large collection of toys, dolls and teddy bears from California. 700 Boxes were shipped from California to Florida. The collection includes over 100 Raikes Bear items, Effanbee dolls, hundreds of Star Trek items, Ideal Shirley Temple dolls, antique dolls, artist bears, Barbies, doll houses, miniatures, paperdolls, pop-up books, advertising dolls, and much more. This is a sale for collectors and dealers alike. Everything is in mint to near mint condition and most items still in their original boxes. The sale will be Oct 25th and run to Nov 5th 2010. For information contact Sherman’s Antiques and Doll Hospital at 155 E. Haines Blvd Lake Alfred, FL. 33850 863-956-4333 or 863-221-4035. The sale begins at 9AM to 5PM. Doll clubs are welcome to call for group appointments. 79

SARA BERNSTEIN’S DOLLS 10 Sami Court, Englishtown, NJ 07726 Phone 732-536-4101 Email:

The Doll Works


Place Your Ad Here a classified marketplace for antique dolls and related merchandise

Judith Armitstead (781) 334-5577 P.O. Box 195, Lynnfield, MA 01940

Copy Ads: 35 cents per word, no limit; $12 minimum

Please visit our website for a fine selection of antique dolls, dollhouse dolls, dollhouse miniatures, teddy bears, all bisque dolls, bathing beauties, kewpies, dresser boxes, snow babies, half dolls, and doll accessories at

Ads with a border and boldface, add $10 to word total BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO ADS we can convert your color ads to black and white 1/12 page ( 2 1/2” h x 2 3/8” w) $40 1/9 page ( 3 3/8” h x 2 3/8” w) $50 FULL COLOR PHOTO ADS 1/9 page ( 3 3/8” h x 2 3/8” w) $125 Please include payment with your ad. Larger ads are considered display ads — call us for information. 1-888-800-2588. Buying and Selling antique doll furniture, dollhouses, antique toy china, accessories. Wisconsin dollhouse furniture with dollhouse lady.

Ebay Store: Sondra Krueger Antiques phone 530-893-5135. Email:

FRIZELLBURG ANTIQUE STORE A quality group shop specializing in dolls, toys and holidays. Visit our website today!

ON THE WEB AT: HoneyandShars-Antique-Dolls

Antique Doll Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768 Classified ads due no later than the first day of the preceding month of publication. Example: May 1 for the June issue. CERTIFIED DOLL APPRAISALS – Doll appraisals online at by Certified C.A.G.A. appraiser, for insurance, bankruptcy, divorce, casualty loss, or just to see what a doll is worth, its history, etc. I can also do appraisals by mail. Victoria Way, P. O. Box 501, Tehachapi, CA 93582. Phone 661-823-7828 or 661972-7728. Please visit my website at www.doll-apprisals. com or Antique Doll Repair and Restoration full service repair of dolls including bisque, composition, hard plastic and vinyl dolls. We specialize in antique and vintage doll clothing and related accessories. Call Rhoda’s Doll Emporium 618-387-1255. Email

New dolls added weekly

ANTIQUE DOLLS – French and German Bisque, All Bisque, Chinas, Limited Ed. Doll Plates. SASE. Ann Lloyd, 5632 S. Deer Run Road, Doylestown, PA 18902. 215-794-8164. Email: shops/anntiquedolls Member NADDA, UFDC

Sharon & Ed KoLiBaBa Phone 623/266-2926 or cell 206/295-8585


Laura Turner, proprietor, 1909 Old Taneytown Rd., Westminster, MD 21158. Open Thurs-Sun 11-5 We also carry a quality line of antiques, textiles, furniture and jewelry. 30 years of experience where you can buy or sell with confidence. Call us with your wants, we have an ever-changing inventory 410-848-0664 or 410-875-2850

ANTIQUE dolls and collectibles. LSADSE for color fully illustrated list #71. 10 month layaway available. Member UFDC & NADDA. Regina A. Steele, 23 Wheatfield DR, Wilmington, DE 19810-4351. Phone 302-475-5374 Email: Visit my website:

Valerie Fogel

North Bend, WA. 98045 Tel: 425.765.4010 Fax: 425.292.0185 (call 1st) Member UFDC & NADDA ALL Credit Cards Accepted including PayPal Is there protection from this caramel-lit gaze? This RARE 20" beauty from the Simon Halbig firm firm, incised S12H 739 DEP DEP, is movingly pretty and in excellent condition. She has lovely even bisque, & her orig. chocolate finished body is in supreme condition. She is clothed in an antique red silk dress with feathered red straw bonnet, vintage human hair wig & orig. red oilcloth shoes. Simply spellbinding! $2350

Can you hear the whispers that will unravel your heart? This All-Original size 4 Bru Jeune Bebe with her toffee gaze, pristine bisque & enchanting look casts a stunning spell. Bebe is 15" of teal satin-silk, delicate pleated petticoats & matching pantaloons that have traveled through the decades with her &, of course, her orig. signed Bru shoes. Her cork pate still bears orig. nails & her ornate straw & gold-velvet hat is a work of art. Bebe was created during the Chevrot period & has the rare carved wooden arms, wooden carved legs & slender torso. She is ca. 1886-1887 & is tucked away in a later period Bru Bebe intact box w/ lid. If you have have dreamed of owning a Bru or, Bebe Incassable as she was billed by Chevrot, this is your golden opportunity! $28,850- or better for immediate sale!

The first day of school and Marie is a bit sad… this child's woe-be-gone expression is captivating. She tugs at the heartstrings of the character child collector. At 16" and incised K*R 101, Marie is certain to be the perfect addition to your cabinet. Garbed in a wonderful woven navy blue mariner ensemble with tuck-pleated collared blouse and bow adorned cap, antique bar pin, long braided hh wig, antique leather shoes and blessed with her gently painted bisque and original finished body, Marie entreats you to make her part of your circle. $3850

Bébé's Presents:


A French Bon Bon! Fantastic 16" Rare Incised Jumeau 7 with a Portrait face! This gorgeous early Incised has luscious chocolate brown paperweight eyes, beautiful bisque, longest lashes and closed mouth. This hard to find Incised Jumeau Depose Bebe was made from 1886 to 1889 only. . This desirable Bebe is on her original marked straight-wrist Jumeau body w/ orig. Jumeau shoes. She is costumed in a couture dress & over jacket made w/antique silks & laces by a leading doll dressmaker. She has a lovely pale blond mohair wig and also has her brown original wig and cork pate. A desirable morsel indeed! $6500

Call Lynne Shoblom 928-445-5908

Dreamy Steiner w/ Incredible Eyes! 18" of sheer perfection describes this Series A Steiner. With her dreamy expression, beautiful spiral blue paperweight eyes that you can get lost in, exceptional bisque and softly painted closed mouth, she is sure to win your heart forever. She is marked J Steiner Paris Fire A 11 and is on her original Steiner straight-wrist body. This exceptional Bebe has her orig. long blond mohair wig & pate. She wears a lovely blue couture dress and hat with antique laces and made by an expert couterie that owned and treasured her for many years. A beautiful doll! $4395 Adorable Flapper Sisters w/ trunk of clothes! What a fabulous pair of 14" Simon Halbig 1159 ladies w/ original outfits & shoes. These darling sisters have original long mohair wigs and pates, beautiful blue sleep eyes, exceptional bisque w/ expert painting, open mouths & tiny teeth. Both are on their orig. flapper style bodies with orig. finish. Antique trunk consists of numerous antique & vintage outfits, comb set with mirror and handbags. These darling sisters are truly a treasure & deserve to stay together! $3695- for the pair w/ all accessories!

Such a Gorgeous Large Bebe! This beautiful marked 27" Tete Jumeau has the softest complexion and prettiest face you will ever find, with huge blue pw eyes surrounded by long lush delicate lashes and an open mouth with molded teeth. She is on her crier box type Jumeau fully jointed body with it's original finish. She wears a lovely antique white cotton dress and has lovely antique dusty-rose straw hat with plumes and ribbons. Ooh la la… a magnificent French Bebe! $2695


Petite 11” Bebe Jumeau incised 2, bebe Jumeau label on body, blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth. Nicely recreated Jumeau chemise, perfect bisque. $4950.


VILLAGE DOLL & TOY SHOP 13” J.D.K. Black Hilda 245, fully marked head with all original body finish and perfect bisque. $2400.

LARGE SELECTION OF ANTIQUE FRENCH, GERMAN, AND RETIRED R JOHN WRIGHT DOLLS Open Sunday 9AM - 4PM or by appointment Visa/Mastercard 8 N.Village Circle P.O. Box 705 Adamstown, PA. 19501 (717) 484-1200

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