Architecture Portfolio Antoine Réaud

Page 1



Les Cales de Vannes


The Fracture



Mestre Archives





Shirlock Road

The Green Lane


Terraces of Craigavon

Thames Side


Les Cales de Vannes

Location:Vannes-France Program:Coworking offices- Natural parc offices Year:2016

Formerly being the economic center of Vannes, the harbour, located in the Morbihan Gulf enjoys a unique setting and a strong history. It welcomes throughout the year various events. Its proximity to the historic center and its summer influx gives it an great activity potential. Nevertheless the town of Vannes is now facing an important urban sprawl that spreads the economic centers at the periphery and devitalizes the city center. Having recently undergone numerous modifications, our work focuses on the unrestaured area of the harbour. We have chosen to reinstall the PNR (Regional Natural Park) to give it some visibility which sorely lacks today, and to defend its actions and fulfill its informative mission. Intended to be part of a greater whole that would influence the city’s economy, it will be attached to a set of co-working offices, more contemporary working model that encourages start-ups and increases the professional activity effectively.

Centre Ville

Quai Moitessier

La Rabine

The pond is a strong element of this site. Looking back at the history of the harbour, we can see that those ponds were all along the harbour for the maritime activity.

Quai Tabarly



La Ra

We have chosen to highlight this harbour heritage with its historical identity by setting back this frame of ponds along the site. Beyond the natural attractiveness of the ponds, they install a rhythm to articulate the project and the resulting spaces create beautiful places of life, exhibitions and events that invites the visitor in the heart of the project.

In order to make those spaces become accessible throughout the whole the year, particularly with the climate conditions of the region, a solar glass roof covers the entire project and provides the dual function of protecting public spaces from the weather and fuel the project with sustainable energy. Around the ponds, a complex of gateways connects and serves the frangmented buildings.

The project has been created to be sustainable through its energy but also through its urban form as it defines a frame that can be densify and expanded towards its south part to face tomorow’s problematics.


The Fracture

Location:London Program:School of art Year:2015

The main ambition of this project is to bring the dynamism and inspiration of Shoreditch area in the heart of the school. For that purpose, we conceived the building as a monolith crossed by a fracture, this fracture is defined by the main axles of circulation which link the centers of attraction around the site. This fracture creates a street inside the building, covered by a glass roof, as traditional arcades, and invites the public to cross the school, see working students and their creations but also interact with them. In terms of organisation, the studios, as the restaurant, are located on the ground floor to maximise the interactions between the public and other students, and are provided with a double height, in order to have a comfortable working space. Above this floor, the classrooms and offices are located on the 3rd floor to provide more intimacy. Finally, as the project takes place on the primary school playground, we wanted to give it back to the children, that is why the roof top is an open suspended playground linked by a bridge to the primary school. The building is surrounded by a adjustable double skin which can be moved according to the natural light and students needs.

The site is located between two main avenues and at the crossing point of many public amenities. It is currently the playground of a primary school.

The plot is currently closed for obvious reasons, the aim is to open it and use its potential of generating flows of people. Represented in orange are the axles of natural circulation through the plot.

The concept starts with a abstract monolith, taking the main part of the plot as a sculpture in itself. Leaving some space for thresholds on the north and south entrances, and some room for a garden and path on the west side.

The axles, then, create a fracture in the monolith to let the way open to invite people’s flow inside the school and create interactions. Doing so, it defines an arcade as a public space shared by both students and visitors.


Terraces of Craigavon

Location:Craigavon-Northern Ireland Program:Housing Year:2014

Craigavon is set in north county Armagh in Northern Ireland. It is a new town of 12000 people planned around 1965. It is a part of a larger ÂŤlinear cityÂť including Lurgan and Portadown. As many new towns, many problems occured since that time and the town has not reached the objectives of 1965. The aim was to make an urban analysis of Craigavon. After few months annalysing the urban structure and problems of the town, we then focused on a site and provided a project responding to those problematics. My project takes place next to a lake, at the crossing point of all the different parts and fonctions of Craigavon. The site of the project is an abandoned field between the housing area and the civic center and also a part of the civic center parking which is not used. It provides an interesting topography. It is a continuous slope which is not very noticeable but which provides an interesting view on the lakes. The project had to be hybrid and mix different uses, but it also has to create a transition. The site is on the one hand between the rushmere center and the lakes area, and on the other hand between the houses and this in-between space. As it is adjacent to those houses, the project had to comport a part of residential program.

According to the site specifications and to the amibition to create an attractive place to sit and enjoy the view on the lake, the idea was to treat the ground as terraces. This choice is a way to highlight the topography of the site which was almost invisible, as well as defining different flat geometric spaces orientated towards the landcape and that encourages people coming from rushmere to sit on those steps. The buildings design is again focused on the views it provides by simple shiftings and roof terraces. By using the slope, each house has a view on the lake. The separation of uses and private/public spaces is provided by the terraces themselves.

The houses stripes are shiffted in order to blur the boundaries between the different areas. They are divided into 3 big types to provide a range of different offers. All are eco friendly houses with collecting ponds on the main faรงades to provide intimacy and collect rain water, besides, they are all based on the same principle of one main living room adjacent to the main faรงades on the 2 upper floors.






Mestre Archives

Location:Mestre-Italy Program:Archives Year:2014

Mestre is located at the entrance of Venice. The city currently needs archives to stock all the documents of its history. The project takes place alongside the main avenue of the town. For me, the most striking aspect of the town is this abundance of trees, with an amazing amount of varieties, providing a constant colour swatch along the road and a continuous weft. This presence changes naturally the perception of the urban space and buildings. That is why i wanted to work with this perception. My work began by an analysis of those trees all around the site and the different aspects we can have of those trees following seaons.

The building plays with the trees and is designed as a showcase for those trees at the same time. A free space is made in front of the north entrance which creates a courtyard in continuity with the garden present on the north west side.

The East faรงade is directly linked to the trees present on the site and to some trees added to complete the weft on the same principle all allong the path. Following the trees the faรงade fits them, creating shiftings. Those shiftings impact the whole plan and interior lay out, and link the two facades, creating the same weft on the west faรงade.

In addition, the facade is made of thin vertcal openings to reuse the weft and mix up with the trees as a continuity.

Finally the north faรงade being also aligned with the path coming from the north west, i wanted to extend the perspective by offering a straight way through a double facade. A second wall is erected on the otherside of the courtyard to enclose it letting the perspective open from the west street more quiet and residential than the main road.

Offices / treatment Study area Computer room W.C

Already on the site

Trees lay out and display

East elevation


Ground floor plan


The Green Lane Location:New York-USA Program:Aquarium-Green house-Activities Year:2016

This project has been made for the Archoutloud international architecture contest. The aim is to offer an aquarium for New York in Queens area. In order to set social interactions in the heart of the project, the design is focused on public spaces and activities. The building is designed as a ramp divided in two parts, and which darts towards the east river and Manhattan as a belvedere alongside Anable basin. This way up follows the lead of the green waterfront promenade from the south and offers diverse parts to end with an amazing elevated view of the most famous skyline in the world.








One side of the ramp is dedicated to the aquarium and marine research center, while the other one offers various leisure facilities related to the basin. The resulting space between both parts of the ramp creates a greenhouse linked to the aquarium. The east side of the building is provided by a large space which is meant to be a main public square in Queens but also welcomes events in order to set this place as a major cultural place in New York.


Thames Side

New pain

Fixed tou balustrad

Location:London Program:Residential Architect:Robert Dye Status:Planning Application Year:2017

Clay tiles

Fixed tou balustrad

PA 204

108 Thames Side is a two storey 1920/30’s suburban house, sited at the corner of Penton Avenue and Thames Side. It has had extensive alterations to the rear and Thames elevations as well as internally, the property used as a hotel in the ‘60s and appears to subsequently been used as a rooming house. The property is presently a single family dwelling.


New pain

The Client wanted to re-furbish and alter the property so that is provides light, well-organised, modern family living spaces and so that it connects both the Thames River and the rear garden, taking full advantage of its site. The design proposes the following:

New pain


- Reconfiguring the existing internal layout, placing main family living areas on the first floor overlooking the Thames, and at the rear Redundant chimney removed ground floor connecting to the garden. Redundant chimney removed - Moving the main entrance of the property to Penton Avenue and, at the same time, the internal stair so that it better connects the New window to match two floors and is located near the new entrance. the existing adjacent - Replacing the existing rear extension with a new extension of similar size. - Adding a narrow rear first floor extension allow the rear wind of the house to be reconfigured. - Adding a first floor roof terrace at the rear. - re-building the garage building. - generally upgrading the environmental performance of the house.

PA 203

Painted render


South elevation

New structural glass slot wind Artificial slate




These plans and specifications prepared by Robert Dye Architects LLP as instruments of professional service shall remain the property of Robert Dye Architects LLP.

Fi Green roof

All dimensions shown are indicative and must be double checked on site by the contractor. Any inconsistencies found must be reported to Robert Dye Architects LLP. DO NOT SCALE FROM THE DRAWING

PA 204

These plans are project and site specific and shall only be used for their intended purpose unless otherwise permitted by written consent of Robert Dye Architects LLP.

E op PA 203

These plans may not be copied or re-used without the express written consent of Robert Dye Architects LLP. The use of these plans for construction is permitted only when specifically released for construction reference by a dated authorised signature.




New painted sliding doors 5m

Timber decking



North elevation



New brick piers at entry 1m high PA 203



Planting & Shrubs


te pa th





PA 201

PA 202



Studio Line of proposed skylight above








Planting & Shrubs

PA 204


Proposed ground floor plan Line of new glazing below


These plans and specifications prepared by Robert Dye Architects LLP as instruments of professional service shall remain the property of Robert Dye Architects LLP.

Key to drawings

PA 203



Robert Dye Architects LLP 4 Ella Mews CressyLine Rd London NW3 2NH of existing tel: 020 7267 9388


fax: 020 7267 9345


These plans are project and site specific and shall only be used for their intended purpose unless otherwise permitted by written consent of Robert Dye Architects LLP.


Existing footprint

All dimensions shown are indicative and must be double checked on site by the contractor. Any inconsistencies found must be reported to Robert Dye Architects LLP. email: project no

108 Thames Side

264 scale


Proposed Ground Floor Plan 2

Master Bedroom





PA 202


drawing no

PA 001

PA 201





These plans may not be copied or re-used without the express written consent of Robert Dye Architects LLP. The use of these plans for construction is permitted only when specifically released for construction reference by a dated authorised signature.





1:100 @ A3

drawn by



Feb 2017

dwg status




New green roof

Loft Deck

Line of the existing extension roof Terrace

Family Bathroom

Living Room

Proposed skylight

Proposed 1st floor plan No.107

PA 204



Shirlock Road

Location:London Program:Residential Architect:Robert Dye Status:Contruction Year:2017 The site lies within the London Borough of Camden, and is a privately owned late Victorian terraced town house. The property is unlisted and located in the Mansfield Conservation Area, forming part of the southern terrace of houses that line both sides of Shirlock Road. The clients have recently purchased no. 15 and wish to carry out renovations and alterations to bring the house up to modern family-house standards. The proposal includes: - Extend into the side return at the Ground Floor, expanding and re-configuring the ground floor area to create an up-to-date living space for modern family needs, similar to many Ground Floor extensions on both sides of Shirlock Road. - Replace the existing kitchen extension with a new one that is shorter than the existing one, increasing the size of the garden, and providing better views out to the garden. - Replace windows with larger ones. - add a first floor terrace to the ground floor rear extension. - Alter the 1973 built 2nd floor extension to meet contemporary building standards in terms of insulation and damp proofing and improve the lighting to this room, and tidy up generally so that it matches the other alterations to the rear. - Erect a new dormer.

South elevation


Proposed ground floor plan

Proposed 1st floor plan



Location:London Program:Private house Architect:Robert Dye Status:Construction Year:2017

Saint Georges Square Mews is a private house located in Churchills Gardens, due to its location, the building is is listed in a conservation area. The proposal provides larger openings without modifying the general volume of the building and completely rethink the interior lay out. On this project the client wanted to keep only the exterior enveloppe of the house and get rid of all the interior elements in order to have a new bespoke and contemporary lay out. This project is relatively small in terms of surfaces compare to other similar projects of the practice, nevertheless it is very ambitious in regards to the level of intervention.


These plans and specifications prepared by Robert Dye Architects LLP as instruments of professional service shall remain the property of Robert Dye Architects LLP. These plans may not be copied or re-used without the express written consent of Robert Dye Architects LLP. The use of these plans for construction is permitted only when specifically released for construction reference by a dated authorised signature.

natural slates

These plans are project and site specific and shall only be used for their intended purpose unless otherwise permitted by written consent of Robert Dye Architects LLP.

lead/terne roof downstand

All dimensions shown are indicative and must be double checked on site by the contractor. Any inconsistncies found must be reported to Robert Dye Architects LLP. DO NOT SCALE FROM THE DRAWING


W3.02 Metal painted railing





New opening to gutter behind

New cast iron hopper

terrace level

1100mm above

Make good exsiting opeing to removed downpipe

Level of terrace behind

Repair existing cornice where damaged

Remove existing vent?

Remove existing vent?




New white painted casement windows in original openings to replace existing New replacement bressummer design intent, finished 50mm out-standing of existing facade

New cast iron rwp

New alarm box to replace existing

New brickwork design intent








PRELIMINARY 79 St George's Square Mews

New fixed glazed frameless window

77 St George's Square Mews

New painted timber door and side panel

Position of gas meter box Dims: 408 x 503 x 224mm

robertdye Robert Dye Architects LLP 4 Ella Mews, Cressy Road London NW3 2NH

East elevation

tel: 020 7267 9388 fax: 020 7267 9345 email: project no


77 St George's Sq Mews 263 drawing

Proposed Front Elevation


1:25 @ A1

drawn by


New Floor Level

drawing no




January 2017

dwg status







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