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The Art League of Long Island Call For Artists

Deadline is Jan. 31

The Art League of Long Island invites artists from Suffolk, Nassau, Brooklyn, and Queens to submit entries to the upcoming juried exhibit featuring works by artists who call the four counties of the Island home. The 61st Long Island Artists Exhibition is now a biennial exhibit and will be on view in the Art League’s spacious Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery March 4, 2023 through April 7, 2023. The deadline to submit applications is Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

Entry for each artist is limited to five works not previously exhibited in the Art League of Long Island’s gallery, one of which may be chosen from among submissions by the exhibition juror. Two and three dimensional original work in any medium may be submitted, including photography and fine craft, with the exception of videos.

The Art League is honored to have Neill Slaughter serve as juror for the Long Island Artists Exhibition. Professor Slaughter has taught at the university level for four decades as well as exhibiting his art nationally and internationally. Awarded an MFA degree from Indiana University in 1978, his teaching career began in Philadelphia at Tyler School of Art. In 1981-82 he inaugurated a study abroad program at Alnwick Castle in England. From 1983-93 he taught for California State University and Loyola Marymount University, again teaching abroad at University of Kent in Canterbury, England in 1989. Professor Slaughter has lived in Southampton, NY, since 1993 and taught for Long Island University until his retirement. He was granted Professor Emeritus status in 2017. Among his awards and honors, Professor Slaughter has received a Ford Foundation Fellowship, a Scottish Arts Council Grant, an LMU Research Grant to Africa, a Fulbright Fellowship to India and a David Newton Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2008 Slaughter mounted a thirty-year retrospective, which included a color catalogue and in 2022 a fifty-year retrospective with a webinar lecture. Additional information: www.neillslaughter.com. Full details are available in the exhibition prospectus. To obtain prospectus email info@artleagueli.org or visit www.artleagueli.org/call-for-artists. Applications must be submitted online at www.client.smarterentry.com/alli.

Established in 1955, the Art League of Long Island is not-for-profit visual arts center whose mission is to provide a forum and showcase for artists of all ages and ability levels, whether through art education in the studios or promoting their work through exhibitions and art fairs. The Art League is located at 107 East Deer Park Road, in Dix Hills.


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NY-03 Constituents Demand A Free And Fair Special Election

Call on George Santos to Resign!

The citizens of NY’s 3rd Congressional District are fed up with George Santos’s lies and duplicity. Multiple petitions (links below) are circulating in the District with thousands seeking Santos’s ouster and a free and fair special election. The residents call on the U.S. Justice Department to prosecute Santos for fraud, the House Ethics Committee to launch an investigation, and local and national Republican leaders to repudiate Santos and refuse to seat him as a Member of Congress. This is not partisan - both Democrat and Republican residents feel deceived by Santos’s lies. Recognizing that no one in Washington, D.C. will believe anything Santos says, constituents of NY-03 are concerned that they will not have a voice in Congress and will be shut out of critical federal support and services.

Here’s what constituents from NY-03 are saying:

“People didn’t have the truth about who this guy was. In my 30+ years in the nonpro t world lobbying for environmental, health and a ordable housing issues in Washington and Albany, I’ve never seen anyone with such an arrogant contempt for the truth or his constituents. While the whole country is aghast at Santos’s lies and utter disregard for decency, the residents of NY-O3 have the most to lose.” -- Jody Kass Finkel, organizer of the ‘Resign Santos’ petition; volunteer, Great Neck Democratic Party “I simply can not express strongly enough how shocked, confused and concerned I am over the fact that Mr. Santos (if that’s his real name) has not addressed the people in his district and feels that he can just show up to be sworn in!! As a Jewish woman, I was appalled to nd out he lied about his family and the holocaust!!! We, the people voted in a fraud, a liar. Did he embellish? No, he simply lied about every aspect of his life!!! Shame on you Mr. Santos and shame on us if we allow him into o ce.” -- Limor Mordo, 58, Republican who works in the airline industry, Glen Cove “George Santos is sending the exact wrong message to young people across the country. If he isn’t held accountable, he demonstrates that our system deems it acceptable to lie about accomplishments, fabricate entire backgrounds and work histories, and generally be dishonest in order to get ahead. He must resign.” -- Aidan Davis, 18, youth activist & college student, Plainview “George Santos duped his constituents and was elected under false pretenses, fabricating his resume and blatantly lying about his background and credentials. is is criminal and we cannot allow this person to represent our district. ere needs to be a new election.” -- Shari Markovich, 59, administrative assistant, Little Neck “Mr. George Devolder Santos is a conniving fraud who not only agrantly lied about his background but also manufactured connections to the Holocaust, 9/11, and the Pulse Nightclub attack for political gain. He is a dangerous and repugnant imposter who is un t to serve anything but a prison sentence.” -- Frank Bua, educator, Manhasset “If Republicans in the House of Representatives are willing to overlook the dangerous fraud George Santos committed and seat him as a colleague in their chamber, they have no business pretending to give a damn about ethics when wasting our taxpayer money launching frivolous investigations into Hunter Biden. e people of Long Island deserve a representative they can

trust and the American people deserve a Congress that cares about honesty.” -- Matthew Wigler, 25, law student, Great Neck “I am outraged and disgusted by George Santos, a con man who used lies and deceit to scam his way into representing NY-03 in Congress. I demand his resignation! If the GOP won’t back him in 2024, why let him take o ce now?” -- Gail Limmer, 54, high school librarian Old Bethpage “Most pundits would probably consider me to be a swing voter – typically my vote ips 50% between No one in Washington, D.C. will believe anything Santos Democrats and Republicans – and says, constituents of NY-03 integrity is a are concerned that they signi cant will not have a voice in factor in Congress and will be shut my decision. out of critical federal Shame on support and services. you George —Concerned Citizens for NY-03 Santos!” -- Frank Lomuscio, lawyer, Douglaston “My message to George Santos: I don’t care if you’re Gay, Married, Unmarried, Christian, Jewish, or an Immigrant. I care about Truth, Integrity, and Honor. You have none of these traits and have disquali ed yourself from holding public o ce. Time for you to step aside!” -- Nick Febrizio, 63, retired project manager, North Massapequa “Mr. Santos should resign before being sworn in not just because he may have done something illegal (that the courts can decide), not even because what he did is so blatantly unethical (though it is). He should resign because he abused the voter’s trust, and if he wants (as he says) to serve and represent his constituents, the only way he can legitimately do so is to step aside so this district’s voters can choose a representative who will serve with the integrity they rightly should expect of any political leader.”

-- Irwin Zeplowitz, Senior Rabbi, Community Synagogue, Port Washington “We demand nothing less than Santos’s immediate resignation and a full investigation into his lies and money trail. He and his enablers cynically and pervasively exploited our democratic system and brazenly expected the system they abused to allow him to be seated. What a dreadful example for our children and loss for NY-03 to have an illegitimate con man treading water in DC. May our voices together help right this train and bring democracy back to NY-03.” -- Allison O’Brien Silva, mom of three girls, Manhasset “ e citizens of NY-03 have been deceived by George Santos’s lies and cons. He is remorseless, immoral and un t for public o ce; democracy must be restored with a thorough investigation and his immediate resignation.” -- Deirdre Garland Olsen, social worker, Manhasset

“I am OUTRAGED that this man who lied about everything on his resume, might be representing my family and me. As a Jewish woman and mother, I’m disgusted that he used MY religion— stole my faith, my history, my historical pain with the Holocaust—to curry favor.” -- Susan Naftol, 59, Plainview “Someone who stole from an elderly person doesn’t strike me as someone who should be voting on legislation a ecting our social safety nets.” -- Emily Raphael, 61, tutor, Plainview “I have questions about Santos’s mental stability. is man has no remorse - people like this are often diagnosed as pathological narcissistic liars. How can we trust him to represent us? How can the Republican Party overlook this behavior? We deserve better.” -- Caren Franklin, Finance Director, Al Roker Entertainment, Port Washington “If Santos’ lies get him seated CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE

Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000

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in Congress, it legitimizes anyone creating whatever character they wish - a toxic precedent for future candidates. Santos has shown no contrition; his original lies have triggered new lies.” -- Barry Nisman, 70, retired, Plainview “Please do not seat a man to represent us who has lied about his heritage, his schooling, his employment, his residence and more. NY District 3 deserves a representative that has honor and integrity.“ -- Cheryl Dender, Coordinator of Community Services, Plainview-Old Bethpage School District “Over the past few weeks, George Santos has been exposed as nothing more than a pathological liar, a fake and a phony. He has duped the voters of NY congressional district 3, and we the people demand nothing less than his immediate resignation and a new election to be held to nd a candidate worthy of our vote and this seat in congress. -- Jane Russell, parent of two high school students, Manhasset

“If one of my students lied on their college application the way George Santos has been lying to the media and his potential constituents, that student’s acceptance to a college would be rescinded. Santos needs to give his seat to someone who can tell the di erence between fact and fantasy.” -- Debbie Gershow Lindell, 61, college counselor, Plainview —Submitted by Concerned Citizens of NY-03

COLUMNS You Can Still Eat Healthy- Even On A Budget!

January is an interesting time of the year. On the one hand, there is the excitement of a New Year, full of potential and possibility. On the other hand, you JUST made it through the holiday season, and you are quite literally and figuratively spent. Let’s face it – while the holidays are full of wonder and joy, they also come with their fair share of expenses and exhaustion. Is this really the best time to be making resolutions? The reality is you can’t pour from an empty cup!

The wisest thing you could do for yourself during this time is to go back to the basics. That means replenishing your body, your mind, and your wallet – in other words, healthy eating on a budget.

Let me tell you why this ought to be the first action item on your list. When you prioritize healthy eating, you are nourishing your body and your mind with the nutrients they need to perform at their best. Simply put, it’s how you fill your cup! It’s how you set yourself up for success when it comes to all your other New Year’s resolutions!

And it doesn’t hurt to do it on a budget either! Who doesn’t want to save money after the holidays?

So, here’s how you master healthy eating on a budget. The secret – a little planning goes a long way.

Before shopping:

1. Plan your meals at the beginning of the week. Make a list of foods that you want to buy before going to the grocery store to avoid impulse buys and to ensure that your meals will be healthy and within your budget. 2. Investigate coupons and sales. Look online or in your local newspaper and flyers for any coupons and sales at your grocery store. Save as much money as possible, any way that you can! 3. Eat before you go shopping. It is never good to shop when you’re hungry. You’ll end up overshopping and buying impulsively to satisfy your current hunger.


Nutritionist Maria Dello

While shopping:

1. Look for generic brands. Our eyes always go directly to the name brand foods. However, the ingredients in generic brands are usually very similar to the brand name versions and they are much more affordable. 2. Try frozen fruits and veggies. Frozen fruits and vegetables are usually just as healthy and tasty as fresh produce, and they are typically less expensive. Check the nutrition label to make sure there is no added sugar or salt and save some extra money!

Day-to-day life:

1. Avoid eating out and ordering in. Although it can be cheap and convenient, most options at fast food restaurants are high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar. Making your meals allows you to ensure that you’re eating healthy. 2. Make pre-packaged snacks. When you’re running from errand to errand, it may be difficult to stop back home for a snack. Instead of heading straight for a drive-through, pack some healthy snacks ahead of time, like nuts, raisins, or carrots.

Make a practice of these good habits for the month of January. Once you’ve mastered the skills of healthy eating on a budget, you’re ready to conquer the rest of your goals with the energy of a well-nourished mind and body! Now let’s have a good start to the New Year! —Maria Dello, Nutritionist at Dellonutritionals

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