Port Washington News 10/12/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Also serving Sands Point, Baxter Estates, Port Washington North, Flower Hill and Manorhaven An Anton Media Group Publication Vol. 117, No. 52 October 12 – 18, 2022 www.PortWashington-News.com $1.25 Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.25. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. Port Washington News (USPS 438-940) FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details!
The Trains The Port Washington Station. (Photo by Julie Prisco) Local officials, commuters and residents see their hard work pay off (See page 3) OCTOBER 12 18, 2022 Breast CANCER AWARENESS AN MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL Down syndrome Bullying Physical therapy INSIDE Healthy Living Breast cancer awareness North Hempstead: Town budget hearings for 2023 scheduled (See page 4) Dolphin Bookshop: Local author is to discuss his first book (See page 8) Calendar: See Rocktober Fest on Saturday, Oct. 16 (See page 10) Sports: Port Athletics participate in leadership program (See page 12) 232480 M 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY, 11746. 631.549.7401. © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. ALL MATERIAL PRESENTED HEREIN IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. WHILE, THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, IT IS REPRESENTED SUBJECT TO ERRORS, OMISSIONS, CHANGES OR WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL PROPERTY INFORMATION, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SQUARE FOOTAGE, ROOM COUNT, NUMBER OF BEDROOMS AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN PROPERTY LISTINGS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY YOUR OWN ATTORNEY, ARCHITECT OR ZONING EXPERT. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. Port Washington | 71 Lannon Place $2,550/month | Web# 3428272 Diane Andersen | Lic. Assoc. R. E. Broker O 516.627.9231 | M 516.695.2400 diane.andersen@elliman.com elliman.com Totally renovated 1-bedroom, full-bathroom, eat-in-kitchen/living room combo second- oor apartment. Hardwood oors throughout, washer/dryer, and o -street parking. (516) 900-0564 ilovehearing.com WE ARE ‘HEAR’ FOR YOU! I love Hearing is committed to being your full-service hearing health care provider serving the following Port Washington Community. 191 Main Street, Port Washington, NY 231955 M
OCTOBER 12 - 18, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP2 NORTH ZONE 232286 M Manhasset O ce 154 Plandome Road | 516.627.2800 Port Washington O ce 475 Port Washington Boulevard | 516.883.5200 Roslyn O ce 1528 Old Northern Boulevard | 516.621.3555 elliman.com Elliman Knows What Moves 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. ALL MATERIAL PRESENTED HEREIN IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. WHILE THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, IT IS REPRESENTED SUBJECT TO ERRORS, OMISSIONS, CHANGES OR WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL PROPERTY INFORMATION, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SQUARE FOOTAGE, ROOM COUNT, NUMBER OF BEDROOMS AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN PROPERTY LISTINGS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY YOUR OWN ATTORNEY, ARCHITECT OR ZONING EXPERT. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. NEW LISTING | Manhasset | 154 Manhasset Woods Road | $2,050,000 4 BR, 2.5 BA | Web# 3430017 | Irene Rallis: M 516.241.9848 Port Washington | 170 Cow Neck Road | $1,199,000 4 BR, 2.5 BA | Web# 3428313 Maggie Keats: M 516.449.7598 | Jill Berman: M 516.375.9101 Albertson | 54 Croyden Court | $899,000 5 BR, 2 BA | Web# 3433402 Susan Cherney: M 516.639.8100 | Stuart Bayer: M 516.375.1005 BACK ON THE MARKET | Great Neck | 1 Kensington Gate | $426,000 1 BR, 1.5 BA | Web# 3410246 Sandra Rosen: M 516.445.1672 | Afsoon Berookhim: M 516.423.9123 Manhasset | 94 Papermill Road | $2,249,000 4 BR, 3 BA | Web# 3410667 | Maggie Keats: M 516.449.7598 COUNTRY ESTATES NEW CONSTRUCTION East Hills | Mimosa Court | $2,780,000 5 BR, 4.5 BA | Web# 3431651 | Dalia Elison: M 516.707.9022 NEW CONSTRUCTION Manhasset | 17 Vanderlyn Drive | $3,775,000 | 6 BR, 5.5 BA | Web# 3430420 | Maria Katrakazos: M 516.984.4127 Manhasset | 241 Nassau Avenue | $1,479,000 4 BR, 1.5 BA | Web# 3398106 | Maggie Keats: M 516.449.759

North Shore Express Trains Have Been Saved

enjoyed express train services for decades, and the thought of losing those trains was shocking–so we are naturally pleased to announce that service is being restored.”


On Wednesday, Sept. 28, New York State Senator Anna M. Kaplan (D-Port Washington) and Assemblywoman Gina L. Sillitti (D-Port Washington) joined Long Island Rail Road Interim President and Metro-North Railroad President Catherine Rinaldi for a press conference at the Port Washington LIRR Station. They announced that LIRR officials have heard the concerns of the community and are abandoning plans to eliminate express train service to Penn Station on the Port Washington Branch of the LIRR.

Months ago the LIRR released its draft schedules showing train service to Grand Central after the East Side Access Project is complete. Elected officials and commuters were unhappy with the proposed changes to the Port Washington branch, affecting com muters in Great Neck, Manhasset, Plandome and Port Washington. The changes included increased commute time and elimination of peak-hour express train services.

While the local officials and commuters were grateful for the East Side Access Project, which gives commuters two entry points to Manhattan, Penn Station and Grand Central, the issues arising from this project were deemed unacceptable. Senator Kaplan, Assemblywoman Sillitti and Town of North Hempstead officials urged North Shore residents to voice their concerns.

Senator Kaplan and Assemblywoman Sillitti held “Save Our Express Trains” press conferences and public hearings. According to a press release from the office of Senator Kaplan, “outreach efforts engaged over 3,100

community members to fill out a survey. The results were shared with MTA leadership.”

In July, public feedback sessions were held virtually where residents detailed their concerns to MTA leadership. After two scheduled public sessions, the MTA had to offer additional sessions to hear all of the residents who wished to speak.

The town of North Hempstead’s elected officials, various village mayors and many residents supported the “Save Our Express Trains” movement and after months of fighting their voices were heard.

“When the MTA proposed cutting our ex press train service on the north shore, I asked my neighbors to join me in speaking out by making their voices heard,” said Senator Kaplan. “Thousands of residents have spo ken up about the impact of the proposed cuts on their daily lives and the MTA has heard us and taken action to address our concerns.”

“I want to say thank you to the commuters,

residents, and community leaders who made their voices heard,” said Assemblywoman Sillitti. “ When the draft timetables were released, I listened to the thousands of commuters who were outraged to see the elimination of the express trains. I am grateful that the MTA and the LIRR heard the concerns and restored express train service back to the Port Washington Line.”

The town of North Hempstead Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte joined other North Hempstead officials at the press conference to express her excitement for local commuters.

“Thank you to Senator Kaplan, Assemblywoman Sillitti, and Governor Hochul for delivering what our residents so desperately needed,” said Councilwoman Dalimonte. “After multiple information sessions and countless comments from the public, New York State heard us loud and clear. The people of Port Washington have

“I am pleased that our service planners were able to find ways to create express service within the envelope of existing train and track capacity constraints,” said LIRR Interim President and Metro-North Railroad President Rinaldi.

While the LIRR announcement is good news, Kaplan and Sillitti still advocate for further express train service expansions which requires investing in infrastructure at the Port Washington Rail Yard. The Port Rail Yard expansion project has been on pause. Both Kaplan and Sillitti support investments to get the project back on track and help build on the improving LIRR service.

“I applaud the MTA and LIRR for working to ensure our community has express train service to Penn Station even after Grand Central Madison opens, but there is still more to be done to ensure our communities get the level of service we need and deserve,” said Senator Kaplan. “I’m calling for the MTA and the Town of North Hempstead to find a path forward.”

“We at the town look forward to con tinuing our dialogue with the MTA about the expansion of the Port Washington train station, and we are committed to developing pragmatic solutions that will best serve the residents in our communities,” said Councilwoman Dalimonte

Great Neck resident Larry Penner, a retired federal transit employee, thinks that the expansion of the Port Washington rail yard is not enough and urges the LIRR to consider other additions to the tracks.

“Adding passing sidings or double tracking is the only solution for improved bi-direc tional service between Port Washington and Great Neck,” Penner wrote to the Great

PRISCO jprisco@antonmediagroup.com
see TRAINS SAVED on page 4
From the left; Town of North Hempstead Councilwoman Veronica Lurvey, New York State Senator Anna M. Kaplan, Long Island Rail Road Interim President Catherine Rinaldi, Town of North Hempstead Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte (rear), New York State Assemblywoman Gina L. Sillitti, and North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena announce express train service restoration at the Port Washington Train Station. (Photo provided by the Office of the Senator Anna Kaplan)

Bike Rodeo & Helmet Safety Event At Manorhaven Beach Park

North Hempstead Councilmember Mariann Dalimonte in partnership with the Port Washington Police Department is proud to once again host a Bike Rodeo & Helmet Safety event on Monday, Oct.17, 2022 at Manorhaven Beach Park (Main Parking Lot - Skating Rink).

The hour long fun and educational event will begin at 4:30 p.m. and will provide children with the opportunity to participate in a series of courses that allows them to practice bicycle safety and agility skills.

“I am proud to once again host this popular

event. We had a tremendous response this past Spring and wanted to extend this oppor tunity to more children,” said Councilmember Dalimonte. “This event teaches the impor tance of wearing a bike helmet and obeying traffic rules. Now that school is back in session, we want to make sure that everyone can have fun outside and stay safe.”

The event is free and all participants must bring their own bicycles and helmets.

Attendees must register by calling 311 to RSVP.

—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead

Port Washington Parking District To Extend Hours

Town of North Hempstead Councilmember Mariann Dalimonte and the Port Washington Parking District are proud to announce that the Parking District will open the first Saturday of each month and the first Wednesday of each month for the remainder of the year. This is in an effort to better serve residents who are seeking to obtain parking permits from the Parking District who may not be available during working hours.

“Working together with the Commissioner of Public Safety and the Port Washington Parking District, I am thrilled that we are able to offer these extended hours for our residents,” said Councilmember Dalimonte.

“The Parking District is a vital resource for the residents of Port Washington, and we must ensure that it is accessible to com muters and families in need of permits. I hope that residents take advantage of these

extended hours throughout the rest of the year.”

The Port Washington Parking District will be open on the first Saturday of every month from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The dates include:

• Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022

• Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022

The Port Washington Parking District will be open on the first Wednesday of every month from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.

• Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022

• Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022

These extended hours are in addition to the Port Washington Parking District’s normal business hours. Residents who would like more information are encouraged to call 311 or 516-869-6311.

—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead

Town Of North Hempstead Schedules Hearings For 2023 Budget

North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the Town Board announced today that the hearing dates for the proposed 2023 budget have been set.

• Oct. 13 at 10:30 a.m.: The Town Board will conduct a work session during this time.

• Oct. 20 at 7 p.m.: The Town Board will hold

TRAINS SAVED from page 3

Neck Record. “Even with expansion of the Port Washington yard, at some point you run out of trains to run west bound in the a.m. peak. It would also not solve the problem of bi-directional service gaps for reverse peak services between Great Neck and Port Washington to and from both Penn Station and Grand Central Madison. Double tracking between Great Neck and Port Washington would support the MTA’s promised 40% increase in reverse rush hour service as well.”

At the end of July, the Village of Thomaston Mayor Steven Weinberg joined with other Village Mayors to host a press conference regarding the draft LIRR schedules. Now that their efforts have been recognized, they are looking forward to what will come next.

“I think what’s critical moving forward is that they monitor the ridership,” said Mayor Weinberg. “It’s great that they did studies, went to the drawing board and listened to the community for reasons as to why and how the express service is important to our lives. But, hopefully, they will continue to

a public hearing on the tentative budget and there will be an opportunity for public comment.

• Oct. 25 at 6 p.m.: There will be a preliminary budget work session during this time.

• Nov. 3 at 7 p.m.: Hearing on the preliminary budget and there will be an opportunity for

public comment. A vote on the budget is also scheduled for this meeting. The meetings will be broadcast live on the Town’s website at their listed times. Residents who are interested in viewing the meetings can visit: northhempsteadny.gov/ townboardlive.

If a resident has a comment on the budget, they can email: comments@northhemp steadny.gov

For more information, please call 311 or visit: www.northhempsteadny.gov.

—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead

monitor and continue the dialogue. We really need to see where the ridership goes.”

According to the office of Senator Kaplan, “the Long Island Rail Road has committed to monitor travel patterns and train capacity after opening and make adjustments as necessary. Final schedules are expected to be released this fall.”

“The true key to the addition of future service increases is expanding track capacity at Port Washington yard,” said Rinaldi at the recent press conference. “The Town of North Hempstead has committed to working with Senator Kaplan and Assemblymember Sillitti to advance this sought-after project that is the bottleneck to having more service on the branch.”

The office of Senator Kaplan has provided the following figures regarding adjustments to the Port LIRR branch.

Morning Rush Hour: 36% service increase includes three express trains. Under the revised draft timetables, express trains would depart Port Washington at 7:14 a.m., 7:54 a.m., and 8:28 a.m., stopping at Plandome, Manhasset and Great Neck

before running express to Penn Station with no intermediate stops. Compared with the first draft timetables, the schedules quicken trip times by up to nine minutes from all four stations.

The revised draft timetables’ overall morning rush hour service includes 15 trains arriving in Manhattan between 6:16 a.m. and 9:51 a.m., up 36% from the current 11 that arrive at Penn Station between 6:21 a.m. and 9:34 a.m. The proposed rush hour arrivals include six trains arriving at Grand Central Madison between 6:37 a.m. and 9:20 a.m. and nine arriving at Penn Station between 6:16 a.m. and 9:51 a.m.

Afternoon/Evening Rush Hour: 43% service increase includes three express trains. The LIRR is proposing to transform three afternoon/evening rush hour trains scheduled under earlier draft timetables to depart Penn Station at 4:16 p.m., 5:52 p.m. and 6:25 p.m. into express trains that make a single intermediate stop at Bayside before running express again to Great Neck, Manhasset, Plandome and Port Washington.

Overall afternoon/evening rush hour

service would include 20 trains departing Manhattan between 4:06 p.m. and 7:43 p.m., a 43% increase from the current 14 that depart Penn Station between 4:21 p.m. and 7:49 p.m. The proposed rush hour departures include 10 trains departing Grand Central Madison between 4:06 p.m. and 7:43 p.m., and 10 trains that depart Penn Station between 4:16 p.m. and 7:35 p.m.

Port Washington branch timetables boost overall service 11% from current levels. The revised draft Port Washington branch timetables include 10 more trains each weekday than current timetables, increasing service by 14% to 103 trains per day. On weekends, the timetables add five trains per day, to 81 trains each Saturday and Sunday, up 16% from the 76 that operates currently.

The new east side terminal at Grand Central Madison is allowing the LIRR to add nearly 275 trains per weekday, increasing service 41% systemwide and saving up to 40 minutes per day for those traveling to the east side. The length of time LIRR trains need to reach Grand Central is the same as it is to Penn Station.

Councilmember Mariann Dalimonte, the Port Washington Police Department, and local community organizations at a training class teaching groups how to host and run a Bike Rodeo event. (Contributed photo)

New to Market in Port Washington

New Listing in Salem

34 Roxbury Road, Port Washington, NY

This renovated and expanded 3-bedroom, 2-bath Split-Level home o ers an open concept oor plan and spacious sun-lit rooms. The living room features a wood-burning replace, the eat-in kitchen includes modern appliances and opens to a formal dining room and a large den. The second oor includes 2 bedrooms and a bath, and a large primary suite o ers privacy on the third oor. Other features include hardwood oors, gas cooking, central air, and a beautifully landscaped private yard in a great location. Very convenient to school, town, and train. Salem Elementary School. $999,000

Open House | Sunday, October 16th | 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Expertise Ma ers Now More Than Ever.

Vintage Colonial on Water-View Street

19 Third Avenue, Port Washington, NY

This pristine 3-bedroom, 1.5-bath Colonial in the heart of town has been meticulously maintained and o ers tons of charm. Situated on a water view street, enjoy beautiful views from your front yard. This great home o ers a spacious living room, eat-in kitchen/dining room, enclosed porch, hardwood oors, in ground sprinklers and a beautifully landscaped private yard. Very convenient to the waterfront, town, and train. $699,000

Open House | Saturday, October 15th | 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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Port Washington Restaurant Week Returns For Eight Days And Nights

Save the dates and save your appetite.

The highly popular Port Washington Restaurant Week returns October 16 – 23. Participating restaurants will offer a 3-course prix fixe menu and, new this year, will offer a 2-course lunch menu. From Sunday to Sunday, food lovers can choose from 3 offerings of each course from the two-course lunch for a set price of $21 menu or $37 for three-course dinner menu. Restaurants may also offer add-on items for an additional cost to provide a wider range of specialties.

The fan-favorite dining extravaganza is sponsored by the Port Washington Business Improvement District(BID). Executive Director Holly Byrne says, “Port Washington Restaurant Week is a great event to showcase the variety and high quality of our local restaurants. We are very pleased to offer a lunch option this year, providing another chance to sample from the wide range of menu choices.”

This year, 16 restaurants are participating. A preview of the menus will be available on the Port Washington BID website at www. portwashingtonbid.org/restaurant-week. The prix fixe menus do not include gratuity, tax or beverages. On Saturday, October 22, the prix fixe is only offered until 6:00 pm. All

menus are for dine in only. Port Washington Restaurant Week is very popular and reservations are recommended. Contact the individual restaurant for their hours of operation or use the Try Port First app.

Participating Restaurants Include:

Ayhan’s Lobster & Fish House, 286 Main Str., Port Washington, 516-883-1515

Ayhan’s Shish-Kebab Restaurant, 283 Main St., Port Washington, 516-883-9309

Bosphorus Café Grill, 183 Shore Rd., Port Washington, 516-321-9999

Diwan Indian Restaurant, 37 Shore Rd., Port Washington, 516-439-4200

Finn MacCool’s, 205 Main St., Port Washington, 516-944-3439

Gino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant, 48 Main St., Port Washington, 516-944-0276

Ivory Kitchen, 87 Main St., Port Washington, 631-604-7800

Louie’s Grille & Liquors, 395 Main St., Port Washington, 516-883-4242

Margarita’s Café, 95 Manorhaven Blvd., Port Washington, 516-570-2949

MB Ramen, 57 Main St., Port Washington, 516-690-8166

Mojito Café, 109D Main St., Port Washington, 516-439-4666

Sullivan’s Quay, 541 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington, 516-883-3122

The Wild Goose, 75 Main St., Port Washington, 516-441-5505

Toscanini Ristorante Italiano, 179 Main St., Port Washington, 516-944-0755

Waterzooi – Port Washington, 1029 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington, 516-472-7484

Yummy Gyro, 82 Main St., Port Washington, 516-708-9020

—Submitted by the Port Washington Buisness Improvement District

Finn MacCool’s. (Photo from Finn MacCool’s Website) Entree at Louie’s Grille & Liquors. (Photo from Louie’s Grille & Liquors Facebook) Sullivan’s Quay (Photo from Sullivan’s Quay Facebook)
231108 M Port Washington | 372 Main Street | $590,000 | Generously-scaled 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom second- oor end unit o ers two balconies and water views from the spacious second bedroom. 62+ building, conveniently located across from the town dock Web# 3414620 Port Washington | 79 Pond View Drive | $739,000 | Terri c east-facing rst- oor 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom Mill Pond Acres apartment. Courtyard D, quiet location. Priced to sell! Web# 3433067 Best Values in Senior Living 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. ALL MATERIAL PRESENTED HEREIN IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. WHILE, THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, IT IS REPRESENTED SUBJECT TO ERRORS, OMISSIONS, CHANGES OR WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL PROPERTY INFORMATION, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SQUARE FOOTAGE, ROOM COUNT, NUMBER OF BEDROOMS AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN PROPERTY LISTINGS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY YOUR OWN ATTORNEY, ARCHITECT OR ZONING EXPERT. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. Maggie Keats Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker O 516.944.2879 | M 516.449.7598 | mkeats@elliman.com | maggiekeats.com elliman.com
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Local Author Releases His First Book


Manhasset resident Shiva Kumar released his first book, An Awakening, this past July. Kumar will be speaking about his new book at The Dolphin Bookshop on Oct. 13 at 6:30 p.m. An Awakening is book one in Kumar’s science fiction fantasy trilogy, The Lanka Chronicles . The trilogy reimagines an old Indian Epic, The Ramayana by Valmiki. The book follows a classic hero’s journey in a 23rd-century galactic future. By com bining science fiction and mythic fantasy, Kumar explores the story of Dharma, a man in his 60s who is the leader of the Federation of Indian Planets. Over three decades ago, Dharma fought in the Great Battle on the hidden planet Lanka, where many died and he lost his wife under mysterious circumstances. His past has caused him immense guilt and sorrow.

Dharma receives a secret message from the hidden planet, Lanka, and decides to set out on a mission in hopes of reuniting with his wife, Arya, and atoning for his past. The story is told from the point of view of Maya 1, the first sentient starship on which Dharma and his brother, Loki, board for their journey. Maya 1 is on her own voyage of discovery. Through obser vation and probing Dharma’s dreams and vision, she learns about his traumatic his tory and realizes her questions are linked to his mission.

In a press release from Kumar, the book is described as a “blend of galactic politics, interstellar cultures, generational trauma, spirituality, artificial intelligence, quantum physics and mythology.”

From a young age, Kumar has been interested in epics and mythologies of Hindu life. While his sole inspiration for this novel comes from The Ramayana, many other South Asian epics, Western epics and his own travels influence his creativity.

“ The Ramayana is as important to the entire side of the eastern world as the western mythologies are in the western world,” said Kumar. “Everyone knows this story, and I wanted to use that to try and explore modern sensibility. How would those stories be told if they were today”.

“I grew up all over the world,” said Kumar. “I lived in London, Cairo and Bhutan. I went to boarding school in India, then came [to New York] for high school. I lived in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens, then Long Island.”

Kumar has lived in Manhasset since 1996 and has a career in filmmaking and acting. In the world of filmmaking, Kumar focused on holocaust-related documen taries that aired on PBS, ABC and other worldwide networks. Around the time Kumar began writing his book, he got back into acting. He has played numerous minor roles in prominent TV shows like Quantico, Madame Secretary , and Law & Order SVU.

“Growing up and working in film pro ductions, I never saw myself as a writer,” said Kumar. “The idea of writing a book, let alone a trilogy, is a daunting thing. It was in my head, but to tell myself that I’m going to do this took some sort of real-life crisis to think that you need to focus on a different area.”

In 2015 Kumar started writing and couldn’t stop. Kumar worked on what he now calls The Lanka Chronicles for two years. In 2017, he created a massive book, which became three books once he began editing.

“I didn’t know what it was going to be.

I was just writing because I wanted to get this stuff that was in my head out there,” said Kumar.

Kumar’s fascination with mythologies has given him an expansive knowledge of

infamous stories worldwide. In boarding school in India, Kumar came across a 25-volume encyclopedia of world my thologies.

“I read the entire thing, so I got to know the mythologies of every country. They are all really rich and interesting,” said Kumar. “But the Indian mythologies is something I grew up with, and my parents told me those stories, so I always knew I wanted to do something with those stories and in the western world, they are not very well known.”

By using the classic Indian epic, The Ramayana, in a science fiction fantasy mode, Kumar wishes to expose a group of people to something new.

“I’m hoping that after [people] read my

story, they might go back to the original and go what is that about and see how deep that story is,” said Kumar.

“The perspective I am approaching the story from is an older man, looking back at his youth. He looks at the things that he did at a different time in a different way, and he realizes his mistakes, and he wants to atone; he wants redemption,” said Kumar. “[Dharma] wants to say that he has become a better man. I was at a similar place in my life, and I thought, do we look at everything we did in our youth and go, ‘that was excellent’ or ‘you were an idiot, and you made some really bad mistakes’? If you take any great hero of mythology, Odysseus, Samson, Achilles or Hercules, and ask them to look at their life, would they say I did everything per fectly? Probably not.”

People familiar with science fiction fan tasy know how the stories throw you into the middle of the action, and that is what Kumar has done with his book.

“There are a lot of characters that come in and out, and over time you get to know who they are, and you get deep into an interesting story,” said Kumar.

Book one, An Awakening, has a lot of technology and explores futuristic culture. In book two, the characters crash on a planet, and none of their technology works. Kumar takes us back to a more fantasy-driven plot where the characters have to use bows and arrows, swords and spears. Book three brings everything back together in an epic conclusion.

An Awakening is now available for pur chase on Amazon and will be sold in The Dolphin Bookshop. Visit thedolphinbook ship.com for more information about the Oct. 13 event.

Shiva Kumar is coming to the Dolphin Bookshop on Thursday,
Oct. 13
PRISCO jprisco@antonmediagroup.com
Shiva Kumar (Photo provided by Shiva Kumar)
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Ayhan's Lobster

Ayhan's Shish-Kebab

Bosphorus Café

Diwan Indian Restaurant

Finn MacCool's



Louie's Grille & Liquors




Sullivan's Quay

The Wild Goose

Toscanini Ristorante Italiano


ANTON MEDIA GROUP • OCTOBER 12 - 18, 2022 9 Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District Presents PORT WASHINGTON RESTAURANT WEEK SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16–SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24 PRIX FIXE MENUS* 2-Course Lunch $2100 3-Course Dinner $3700 *Gratuity, Tax and Beverages not included * On Saturday, October 22, the Prix Fixe Menu is only offered until 6pm
& Restaurant Ivory
Waterzooi Yummy
Scan code to see menus and participating restaurants. Or Visit portwashingtonbid.org/restaurant-week for details. 234444 M 3




Port Washington Farmers’ Market

8 a.m. to noon. (Town Dock) All-organic farmers’ market. Produce and other artisanal food products plus a café.

Fabulously You

12 p.m.-4 p.m. (95A Main St.) Exclusive event to celebrate Beautyfluff’s 9th anniversary. Live demos, free giveaways and raffles, up to 40% off packages and skin care products, hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Call 516-767-7778 for more information.


Rocktober Fest

12 p.m.-7 p.m. (Sousa Band Shell) Visit Sunset Park for Rocktober Fest in support of the Nicholas Center and Spectrum Designs, with Bach to Rock.

Karmacue 2022

12 p.m.-4 p.m. (Irma Avenue and Main Street) BBQ Festival and Street Fair. Food, music and crafts. Vote for Port Washington’s Best BBQ. Benefiting the Community Chest of Port Washington. For more information contact Robert Keller of the Community Chest of Port Washington at 516-767-2121.


Project Independence

10 a.m.- 12 p.m. (Port Washington Adult Activities Center) Seasonal Flu shots. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. The enhanced Flu Vaccine and Regular Flu Vaccine available. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to make an appointment.


Project Independence

10 a.m.- 12 p.m. (Clinton G. Martin Park) Seasonal Flu shots. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. The enhanced Flu Vaccine and Regular Flu Vaccine available. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to make an appointment.

Project Independence

12 p.m.- 2 p.m. (Yes We Can Community Center) Bridge class. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Learn to play the fun game of Bridge. Classes are for beginners and those with basic knowledge who wish to improve their skills. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.


Project Independence

12:00 p.m. (Roslyn Community Center) Golden Hearts Bingo and Blood Pressure

screening. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Join Project Independence for a fun hour every Thursday and try your luck to win a prize. In addition to having some fun, a registered nurse will provide blood pressure screenings and health counseling. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.


Senior Halloween Dance

11:00 a.m. (Fuschillo Park) A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens.

Sandwiched In with Ron Brown Noon. (Library, Lapham Meeting Room) Five Things To Do in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Ron Brown will share his five favorite places in Sao Paulo, Brazil, which is one of the largest mega-cities on Earth. This lecture will trace the history of this magnificent city through visits to five of its most unique locations. The Museu Afro Brasil, the vast Monument of Independence, Japantown, the ultra-modern Lina Bo Bardi Building and the controversial Evangelical Christian Temple of Solomon. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Participants are invited to join in person or virtually over Zoom. Register at www.pwpl.org/events

Spooky Walk!

6 p.m.-8 p.m. (Clark Botanic Garden) Join us at Clark Botanic Garden as it is transformed into a scary maze of goblins, ghosts, zombies and more! Enjoy this haunted adventure through the garden. May not be suitable for young children. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.Admission: $5 per person.

SMLI Owl Prowl

7 p.m.-9 p.m. (Science Museum of Long Island, 1526 N. Plandome Rd. Manhasset, NY) Join us after dark as we seek the silent fliers of the night: owls! Learn about Long Island’s native owls, dissect owl pellets to discover what they eat, then journey into Leeds Pond Preserve to find them. We’ll visit our homemade owl nests and some other likely resting spots before settling down at our campsite for a campfire and some s’mores. It’s sure to be a fun night for the whole family! Contact Caitlin Orellana at corellana@smli.org for more information.

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Cuomo, D’Amato And The Scalia Revolution

Italian Americans in New York Politics: Part B

Cuomo rallied to win the primary and the general election against Lew Lehrman.

By defusing a potentially explosive situation in the Forest Hills housing crisis, Mario Cuomo’s star rose exponentially in Democratic Party circles. Hugh Carey, who was elected governor in 1974, named Cuomo as his Secretary of State.

Carey was re-elected in 1978. This time, Cuomo was elected as lieutenant gover nor. In 1982, he ran for governor in the Democratic Party primary against his old foe, then-New York City Mayor Ed Koch. The latter, fresh off a 1981 re-election landslide win, took the early lead. Koch appeared invincible. The mayor, however, made a string of rhetorical blunders, including ridiculing upstate New York life.

In 1984, Cuomo delivered the keynote speech at the Democratic Party’s national convention. His “Family of America” address invigorated a Democratic Party faithful now facing another landslide defeat at the hands of Ronald Reagan.

Cuomo became an overnight sensa tion, appearing on the covers of national magazines. He was easily re-elected in 1986. A native of Queens County, Cuomo was very much a homebody. He enjoyed being governor of New York and never had any desire to run for president. He turned down a 1988 run and after being re-elect ed again in 1990, Cuomo said no to a 1992 run. Cuomo was popular, but he also had a chip on his shoulder. Ahead of his time, he criticized George Washington and Andrew Jackson as men on horseback who “did nothing” for him.

Cuomo, as Harry Truman warned politicians, stayed in the game too long. In 1994, he lost a bid for a fourth term to George

Pataki. By then, the suburbs, reeling under property tax increases, turned against the governor. When Cuomo’s son, Andrew, ran for governor in 2010, the latter made a property tax increase cap a feature of his campaign. You can be sure that the younger Cuomo was being tutored by his father.

Running parallel to Cuomo’s rise was that of Alfonse D’Amato. Both Cuomo and D’Amato were products of middle-class upbringings. Both attended law school, Cuomo at St. John’s, D’Amato at Syracuse. In 1980, D’Amato, then an unknown Town of Hempstead supervisor, took on Senator Jacob Javits in the Republican Party’s senatorial primary. The times were ripe for such a run. Javits was a leading liberal now facing a GOP electorate that for decades had been trending right. That same year, Reagan, after two attempts, won the GOP’s presidential nomination.

D’Amato easily defeated Javits in the pri mary. For the general election, the latter accepted a run on the Liberal Party line. In a three-person race, D’Amato edged

Mario Cuomo

out the Democratic Party’s nominee, Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman by a 45-44 percent margin, with Javits getting the remainder of the vote. (Maybe Javits wanted D’Amato to win.)

In Washington, D’Amato started out as a conventional conservative, voting consistently for the Reagan agenda. He maintained close ties with the state’s Conservative Party and was a strong sup porter of the state of Israel. D’Amato even

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earned a nickname, “Senator Pothole.” He became known as a solon who delivered the goods, the opposite of his more cere bral Democratic colleague, Daniel Patrick Moynihan. The joke was that if the issue were, say, immigration, Moynihan would give a lecture on immigration policy in the 19th century, while D’Amato would procure a green card.

D’Amato was re-elected in 1986 and 1992. As state politics moved left, D’Amato

alienated his conservative base, voting for sanctions against South Africa, against the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court and in 1993, while backing President Bill Clinton’s gays in the military idea. By 1998, D’Amato’s luck ran out. He was defeated for re-election that year by Charles Schumer.

D’Amato’s place in modern history remains that he is the last pro-life Republican candidate to win statewide

elections. During his tenure, he also maneuvered to have Rudolph Giuliani, then an unknown New York attorney, to be named U.S. District Attorney for its south Manhattan district. The two didn’t get along and D’Amato bitterly regretted his earlier support. Still, the senator helped turn the wheels of modern New York history. Giuliani’s high-profile pros ecutions translated into political success. He ran—and lost—the race for mayor of New York in 1989, before defeating David Dinkins in a 1993 rematch.

As mayor, Giuliani achieved the previously unthinkable: He tamed New York’s crime epidemic. Re-elected in 1997, Giuliani gained further fame as “America’s mayor” for his Gary Cooper-like courage on Sept. 11, 2001. However, his liberal stances on abortion and immigration prevented him from any success in GOP presidential politics.

Before and after World War II, Nassau County remained Republican. Only it was, at first, a different GOP. From 1967 to 1983, Joseph Margiotta was chairman of the county GOP. In 1972, he hosted a huge rally for President Richard Nixon at the Nassau County Coliseum. The president was impressed. “This is the biggest and best rally, Joe Margiotta, I have ever seen,” Nixon enthused.

Pundits compared the county GOP to Cook County Illinois’s Democratic Party machine. Under the reign of County

Executive Thomas Gulotta, overspending caught up with the party. The Nassau Interim Finance Authority, a New York State public-benefit corporation was created to assist the county’s finances. The county couldn’t govern itself.

In 2001, Glen Cove Mayor Thomas R. Suozzi was elected. A fiscally prudent Democratic Party put the county’s fiscal affairs in order.

The most significant Italian American in American politics was not an elected official. Antonin Scalia, also a native of Queens County, was elevated to the Supreme Court in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan. Scalia wasn’t just an other justice. For decades, he actively championed a literalist reading of the U.S. Constitution, rejecting the reigning idea that the document was a “living thing,” adaptable to the times. Scalia’s reading was both literalist and devoted to “original intent,” a cause long advocated by con servative critics. Scalia also rejected the view that the Declaration of Independence should be part of judicial interpretation. This put him at odds with not just liberals, but such conservatives as Harry Jaffa and George F. Will. Scalia died in 2016. However, the election of his fellow New Yorker, Donald Trump, paved the way for three more conservative justices on the court. The recent overturning of the Roe vs. Wade decision on abortion dramatizes that Scalia’s originalist approach has legs to it.

Alfonse D’Amato Antonin Scalia
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Baseball’s Network

When you think of a ‘Field of Dreams” the greenery of an Iowa cornfield comes to mind and for good reason. It’s baseball. But what if I told you that there’s another Field of Dreams even closer? Would you believe it’s just off the New Jersey Turnpike in a warehouse district outside of New York City? Well it’s true.

That’s where the home of the MLB Network is located, in the former MSNBC world headquarters in Secaucus. Now well into its 14th year, the network has established itself as the full-time pre-eminent authority of America’s pastime.

Having recently spent an entire evening with the MLB Network crew, one quickly realizes just how many people it takes to put this programming on the air. And just how good they are at it. Of course it doesn’t hurt to have state-of-the-art facilities and everything you could possibly need at your fingertips.

It all starts with the crown jewel and centerpiece of the Network–Studio 42. This full-size replica of a ballpark (Philadelphia Citizens Bank Park to be exact) named after the immortal Jackie Robinson allows true-toform demonstrations at a moment’s notice. As a side note, second base in Studio 42 is located exactly where Don Imus used to do his morning show on MSNBC years ago. This 8000-square foot studio has become vital to their coverage and a fan favorite.

A running theme at MLB Network is their mission to pay homage to the game itself and the greats who have played it. Whether it’s Studio 42 (Robinson), Studio 21 (Clemente) or Studio 3 (Babe Ruth), history can be found everywhere you turn within the facility. For all the fun and excitement each day brings, their mantra remains the same. The games are the real star here and will always dictate the direction of the broadcast.

MLB Tonight is the flagship program and a 14-time Emmy winner for the network and for good reason. This nightly foray is like organized improv, pardon the oxymoron, but it’s true , you never know what will happen next. Most times neither do they. And that freshness is what keeps viewers coming nightly. Production meetings and rundowns be damned, it’s LIVE television and they go with the flow. It’s a late night talk show of sorts and has become the go-to place for baseball’s biggest moments. Whether it’s Pujol’s 700th or Judge’s 62nd home run, people know to check in with MLB Tonight (MLBT) for the latest coverage and much more.

One of MLBT’s most popular trios is that of Greg Amsinger, Harold Reynolds and Dan Plesac. These guys take the freewheeling style to the next level. Whether it’s breaking down a game-changing play or debating ketchup or mustard on a hot dog, these guys bring it every time out in a fun, educational and sincere manner. It’s obvious these three are true friends off the air as well, because they

are. On the golf course or with their wives socializing or the time spent on the set, they are a very close-knit group and that chemistry translates well on the air. It’s like watching the games and having a beer with your buddies. Debates, jokes and commentary are on full display.

Amsinger is a broadcast veteran and like the ringleader at a frat party, he knows how to stir the pot, keep the conversation moving and most of all, get the best out of his guys. This Midwest native bleeds Cardinals Red but his extensive knowledge of the game is so deep, one forgets he is only in his early forties. Surrounded by a mountain of baseball cards on his desk, Amsinger’s office is often the hub of activity during the preparation for that night’s broadcast. Bouncing thoughts and ideas off each other, a lot of times this is where a nugget becomes reality. Amsinger is a baseball purist and has a profound respect for the game. Always open to new ideas, he sees baseball’s future as a bright one as MLB goes more digital in an attempt to bring the game to the next generation of fans.

Without a doubt, Reynolds is the heart and soul of the network. As one of the original hires, Reynolds brings the same


The MLB Tonight broadcast crew from left: Greg Amsinger, Harold Reynolds and Dan Plesac (Photo courtesy of MLB Network) Greg Amsinger (Photo courtesy of MLB Network)

and passion to his broadcasts that he did in his decade-plus major league career. As a Mariners icon, Reynolds played the game hard but always with a smile on his face. Over the years not only has he mentored the young players of today, but viewers are a lot smarter because of his work. When we speak of Studio 42, it should be noted that Reynolds helped design the studio during the network’s launch. And why not as it has become a second home to him each night. His days often start at 8 a.m., a full 12-plus hours before the broadcast. It starts with a phone call to his director or video engineer Nick, to start pulling up plays for that night’s show. His keen eye made him effective at the plate and now on television. His “42 Demos” are legendary and Reynolds is all over the building making use of the network’s resources. As a past Roberto Clemente Award winner, Reynolds is still in the communities speaking to the kids and helping people whenever he can and all without a lot of fanfare.

What you see is what you get when it comes to Dan Plesac. Genuine, insightful and natural are the three qualities that come to mind. As a legendary closer for the Brewers, he went into Chicago television before coming to MLBN over a decade ago. Similar to his colleagues, Plesac is passionate about the game and seeing it played right. His analysis of pitching is always spot-on and more to the point very often becomes fact moments after he speaks it. It never ceases to amaze viewers that Plesac is usually at least three steps ahead of the game in his analysis and brings clarity to the proceedings.

These three gentlemen together are creating magical Must See TV on a regular basis and quickly becoming the standard that studio shows will be measured by.

To a person, no one ever imagined 20

years ago that there would be a 24/7 network dedicated strictly to baseball. Plesac, Reynolds and the other players on staff never even considered this an option during their playing days, but wished it was available. The information now available daily is good for the fans, players and most of all the game in general.

One of the unheralded secrets to the success of the MLB Network is the editorial freedom enjoyed by its various programs. Nowhere on television, be it ESPN or a local station, can you find such openness and spontaneity in their content. In most cases, within minutes of an idea being hatched, it becomes on-air content. Nobody is afraid to take chances and the vast majority of the time it works. The camera will always be a truth sayer, the camaraderie you see is real and the overall family atmosphere at MLB Network is palpable.

Whether it’s the nuts and bolts of the control room, the cubicles of video production or the on-air talent, everyone works as a team and the final product reflects it. While many have been offered a chance at greener pastures, it’s the substance, people and shared experiences that keep them at MLB Network.

As we immerse ourselves in the action of the postseason, then the deals of the hot stove, followed by the sunrise of spring training, remember that MLB Network will be there for it all. Of course they will, after all, they are baseball’s Network of Record.





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Remembering My Student Loan

My parents weren’t sending me to Princeton.

Not that it mattered because I never had the grades to get into Princeton anyway. But I planned to go to college after graduating from Alfred G. Berner High School in 1975. Having taken a journalism class in my senior year, it hooked me. It was what I was meant to do. Many schools had journalism as a major, but my parents didn’t have the money to send me to any of those schools.

No, I was going to join the ever-growing legion of Long Islanders heading to Nassau Community College for their first two years. Although the tuition was affordable compared to places like CW Post and Adelphi, it was still out of my parent’s ability to pay. After all, they provided me with continued room and board after high school for as long as I needed.

Like most Long Island teenagers, I had a job at the brand spanking new Sunrise Mall and I only got 20 hours a week. That barely covered my weekend (and occasional weekday) partying.

I scraped together the tuition money for the first semester by cashing in a few savings bonds and whatever I had in my bank account. However, the well ran dry reasonably quickly when I had to show up at the

LONG ISLAND LIVING Paul DiSclafani pdisco23@aol.com

bursar’s office with the tuition for the spring semester in January of 1976.

Now what?

So, I did what many other Long Island teenagers whose parents weren’t footing their college tuition bill did. I applied for and received a student loan.

It was my only choice at the time. Every semester after that, I pieced together whatever cash I could and kept adding to the student loan. After two years at Nassau Community, I chose to finish my communications degree at the New York Institute of Technology, the only reasonably priced four-year institution within the shores of Long Island.

Based on the information I read before signing those loan papers, I understood that the borrowed

money would require a monthly repayment starting six months after graduation. Sometime in June of 1980, I received a package in the mail that included five payment booklets, each containing 24 pages of coupons (one coupon each for two consecutive years) that could be torn out and returned inside an envelope (which I had to provide), along with a check for $43.15. I remember carefully tearing out those coupons and writing the date and check number on the stub that remained stapled into the book. Every time I completed one of those pre-printed booklets, I felt a feeling of accomplishment. I held onto the stubs for fear of someday being thrown in jail if I ever was accused of missing a payment and needed the proof.

I honestly don’t remember how much I ended up borrowing or the interest, but I remember having to write out a check every month for the next 10 years for $43.15. When I got married in 1984, I took over writing the checks for my wife’s loan (she went to Farmingdale and then CW Post) and performed the same ritual for her coupons. Only her payments were for $50.67.

When I detached that last coupon sometime in 1990 and wrote out that final payment of $43.15, I felt a sense of accomplishment I had never experienced before; although now

married and having 28 more years to go on a 30-year mortgage, this was different. This was mine. I borrowed the money and was about to pay it all back. I still have the letter from Wachovia confirming that my loan had been repaid. Same for my wife, whose last payment of $50.67 came a few years later.

I may not remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, but I remember writing out 120 checks for $43.15. And the satisfaction that came with licking that last stamp.

Paul DiSclafani’s new book, wA View From The Bench, is a collection of his favorite Long Island Living columns. It’s available

Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000

Publishers of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot

Great Neck Record

Manhasset Press

Nassau Illustrated News

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vote is October 14. Go to vote.gov/register/ny for more information.

Working Together With Our Neighbors, We Showed We Have The ‘Power To Feed Long Island’

September was Hunger Action Month, a time for all of us to step up and fight back against hunger in the United States.

At PSEG Long Island, we have been fighting hunger all summer long, with our second annual “Power to Feed Long Island” initiative. Partnering with Island Harvest and Stop & Shop, we held food drives in six supermarket parking lots across Long Island, collecting donations of nonperishable food and personal care items that Island Harvest distributes to families via its network of local food banks. This network includes St. Rose of Lima in Massapequa, Healthy Harvest Food Pantry at the Safe Center in Bethpage and St. Bernard’s in Levittown, as well as dozens of others across Long Island.

Hunger is a year-round problem on Long Island, however it is especially keen in the summer months, when school is not in session to provide free meals to students whose families are struggling financially.

After exceeding our 21,000-meal goal last year, we set a goal this year


to collect the equivalent of 30,000 healthy meals for families in need. Long Islanders opened their grocery bags, their wallets and their hearts to help each other. I am humbled to say that we collected the equivalent of 42,666 healthy meals, exceeding our goal by nearly 43 percent and more than doubling last year’s goal.

I want to thank our partners at Island Harvest and Stop & Shop for their support and I want to thank every single Long Islander who came out to make a difference for their neighbors. We saw some amazing

generosity in the past three months.

At one location, a man handed a volunteer a $50 dollar bill as a donation. He engaged the volunteer in conversation about the collection drive and the need. Before he walked away, the volunteer told him that his donation will support 100 meals. He nodded and walked away. But halfway to his car he turned around, walked back, and handed the volunteer an additional donation—two $100 dollar bills.

As another donor was heading into the grocery store, a volunteer handed her one of our reusable shopping bags and shared information about the Power to Feed Long Island collection drive.

The woman responded that she was on a tight budget and was going to do her best with the money she had to shop for herself and her husband. When she came out of the store, she handed over several cans for the food drive and told the volunteer that even though she was struggling, she also wanted to help others.

This is what Long Islanders

do—and it’s what PSEG Long Island does, too.

Being strongly involved in the communities where we live and work is part of PSEG Long Island’s mission. Our employees have always been committed to making Long Island a better place, and they have volunteered for many years to help Island Harvest fight food insecurity. Having seen the toll the pandemic inflicted on families for the past two years, we felt very strongly that partnering with Island Harvest and Stop & Shop to help close that “summertime gap” in food donations was one way we could make a real, powerful difference for our neighbors.

Though we exceeded our goal this summer, hunger continues to be a pressing issue in our area, and we know there’s more work to do. I know I speak for our employees when I say that we look forward to the next opportunity to help support our neighbors and make Long Island and the Rockaways a better place.

David Lyons is the interim president and COO of PSEG Long Island

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IN BUSINESS 1984-2022
David Lyons PSEG Interim President/COO


The More Things Change

As it has famously been stated, the more things change, the more they stay the same. This adage can be easily applied to people, places and things. For the purposes of this column, it applies to all three regarding the town of Brookville.

Just last week, I asked my husband to stop on the northwest side of Brookville Road so I could take a photograph of an old stable. The entire property had been surrounded by fencing while bulldozers reclined upon the sprawling lawn. Behind the stable was a gorgeous Victorian home and what appeared to be either a barn or a garage.

I quickly snapped shot after shot of the old buildings, mainly because I find beauty in the familiar and because I have a real love for vintage items, especially architecture. When I finished, I mumbled to Hubby, “I’ll bet the property gets leveled next week.” Hubby disagreed, stating that he thought perhaps the property owners were just going to clear the old brush that appeared due to years of disuse.

We passed the property earlier yesterday and saw that the entire stable had been dozed into the ground. Today, the old manse was torn in half, while the garage was missing its entire front. “I knew it,” I muttered as we drove past. I was grateful for the photographs, but I felt a deep resistance to the change. The area had looked pristine and country-like for decades,

which was familiar and comforting. On Brookville Road alone, however, there are several properties that have either removed multiple trees from their yards or have knocked down old farmhouses to make room for larger, more modern homes.

While the newer homes are beautiful, they tend to take away from what was once a pastoral, genteel area. I’ve often wondered whether the builders realized how these changes affected the face of the community and how hard the community members fought to keep it “familiar”. The history of the village, as well as its overall appearance, has been a constant for Long Island for hundreds of years.

The Town of Oyster Bay purchased a parcel of land from the Matinecock

(Algonquian) people in the mid-17th century. Those who settled in the area were of English and Dutch descent, as well as a great many Quakers. The area was referred to as “Wolver Hollow” because wolves often gathered at the nearby brook. After the Civil War, the name of the area was officially changed to Brookville, which for centuries had been recognized as a farming and woodland community. However, in the early 20th century, the area became known as Nassau’s North Shore Gold Coast due to the influx of wealthy New Yorkers who built extravagant mansions upon the land. Some of those landowners were the Posts (of cereal fame), the financier Edward F. Hutton and Alfred Vanderbilt, who owned Belmont racetrack. One interesting note about those mansions: The DeSeversky Center at New York Institute of Technology was formerly known as Templeton, a mansion of businessman Winston Guest. The mansion was used as one of the settings for the 1981 romantic comedy, Arthur, starring Dudley Moore.

Brookville was incorporated in 1931 to halt development of the area by these concerned estate owners. At that time, Brookville only encompassed a long, thin parcel of land along Route 107. The Post Estate was sold in 1947 to Long Island University for their C.W. Post campus. Wheatley Hills to the north was annexed into the village in the 1950s, which doubled

Brookville’s size. As a side note, it is also home to one of the oldest existing church congregations in the United States: The Brookville Reformed Church. The push for preservation of the community in order to prevent residential and commercial over-development was vital to residents of the village, as the rest of the county was developing exponentially.

For the most part, Brookville has remained as rural as it always was. However, as landowners move away or pass on, one can see more building in an area where it was once frowned upon. As some properties fall into various states of ruination, it is my fondest hope that the area remain as bucolic as it ever was, but change is inevitable. As mansions are rebuilt and properties are cleared, I remain hopeful that the rustic look of Brookville remain an unchanged, beautiful aspect of the Long Island landscape.

Patty Servidio is an Anton Media Group columnist.

Patty Servidio
pumpkinblaze.org ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY See thousands of jack o’lanterns illuminate the night at historic Old Bethpage Village Restoration - LONG ISLANDOPEN THROUGH NOV 6 A PRODUCTION OF - since 2005 New York’s ORIGINAL Halloween Event IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WITH SUPPORT FROM 234594 M

Boy Scouts Of America Celebrate 100 Years Of Camp

Scouting and camp alumni invited to ticketed event on Oct. 22

The Theodore Roosevelt Council, Boy Scouts of America will celebrate 100 years of Camp Wauwepex/Schiff Scout Reservation in Wading River on Saturday, Oct. 22.

Camp Wauwepex, the Native American word for “place of good water,” was initially leased to the Nassau County Council in 1921 for $1 a year by William K. Vanderbilt and Henry Payne Whitney, two of the wealthiest residents on Long Island’s Gold Coast. In 1926, with the financial support of generous donors, the council bought the current camp property at a price of $300 an acre. In 1979, with a gift from the Schiff family, it was renamed John M. Schiff Scout Reservation and recent property enhancements include a state-of-the-art 7,100-square foot dining hall, dedicated in 2015.

“We are proud to celebrate the rich history of Schiff Scout Reservation and Scouting on Long Island and look forward to welcoming alumni and friends as we share fond memo ries of our beloved camp,” said Chris Coscia, Scout Executive and Chief Executive Officer of the Theodore Roosevelt Council.

Situated within 550 wooded acres sur rounding a 32-acre pond, Schiff is an ideal site and hosts hundreds of unit camping trips, themed events, and a year-round program for Scouts of all ages throughout the year.

The Centennial Celebration will com memorate the anniversary of the camp in conjunction with the Annual Fall Festival. More than 1,000 Scouts, volunteers, parents,

and alumni are expected to attend and take part in activities, aquatics, camp tours, view historical memorabilia, and more. A special opening presentation, “A Salute to The Legacy of Wauwepex” will honor individuals and groups who have made contributions to support the camp property and highlight the camp’s history. Alumni are invited to join us for the day from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a special program of events. Advance registra tion is required, $25 per adult includes tours, lunch, and a commemorative patch. Visit trcbsa.org/schiff100 To learn more or register to attend.

The Theodore Roosevelt Council namesake pays tribute to the first Council Commissioner and the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. Headquartered in Massapequa, the orga nization is one of the nation’s oldest Scout Councils, and is home to the nation’s first Eagle Scout, Arthur R. Eldred, from Rockville Centre. With the help of more than 2,500 adult volunteers, the Council serves nearly 6,500 youth between the ages of 5 and 20 by providing programs within Scouting Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, Exploring Posts, and Venturing Crews in accordance with the mission of the Boy Scouts of America to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Visit www.trcbsa.org for more information.

—Submitted by the Boy Scouts of America

234685 M
OCTOBER 12 – 18, 2022 Breast CANCER AWARENESS AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL Bullying Physical therapy Dr. Marlene L. Levy PhD, LCSW, DAAPM CONTACT: 516.944.3885 PSYCHOTHERAPY / CLINICAL HYPNOSIS *Anxiety • *Stress Management • *Pain Management •*Relationship Therapy • *Individual & Family Issues 235129 M President/Faculty: The New York Society of Clinical Hypnosis (NYSCH.ORG) Diplomate/Faculty: American Academy of Pain Management: DAAPM Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist: CCBT Certified Telehealth Certification Institute • Certified: Telehealth Certification Institute New York State Licensed Professional for over 35 years PhD: Human Behavior • LCSW: Licensed Clinical Social Worker DAAPM: Diplomate with the American Society of Pain Management CCBT: Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Payment: ZELLE, Cash or Check *Will provide receipt for out-of-network insurance plans.


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235020 M

Breast Cancer Awareness

In 2019, the latest year for which incidence data are available, in the United States, 264,121 new cases of female breast cancer were reported among women, and 42,280 women died of this cancer. For every 100,000 women, 130 new female breast cancer cases were reported and 19 women died of this cancer.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease. One of every four deaths in the United States is due to cancer.


There are different symptoms of breast cancer, and some people have no symptoms at all. Symptoms can include:

• Any change in the size or the shape of the breast.

• Pain in any area of the breast.

• Nipple discharge other than breast milk (including blood).

• A new lump in the breast or underarm.

If you have any signs that worry you, see your doctor right away.


Some main factors that affect your chance of getting breast cancer include:

• Being a woman.

• Being older. Most breast cancers are found in women who are 50 years old and older.

• Having changes in your BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.


You can do things to help lower your breast cancer risk.

• Keep a healthy weight and exercise regularly.

• Choose not to drink alcohol, or drink

alcohol in moderation.

• If you are taking hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills, ask your doctor about the risks.

• Breastfeed your children, if possible.

• If you have a family history of breast cancer or inherited changes in your BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, talk to your doctor about other ways to lower your risk.

• Staying healthy throughout your life will lower your risk of developing cancer, and improve your chances of surviving cancer if it occurs.


• Each year in the United States, about 264,000 women get breast cancer and 42,000 women die from the disease.

• Men also get breast cancer, but it is not very common. About 1 out of every 100 breast cancers diagnosed in the United States is found in a man.

• Most breast cancers are found in women who are 50 years old or older, but breast cancer also affects younger women. Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is

the most common cancer among American women. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms. Ask your doctor when you should get a mammogram.

Visit www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast to learn more.

—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Breast Cancer Hotline Volunteers Sought

Breast cancer survivors can help others coping with breast cancer by becoming volunteers with the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program. The four-day training program will take place on consecutive Tuesdays in November (Nov. 1, 8, 15 and 22) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Zoom. Attendance at all four sessions is necessary.

This in-depth training includes presentations by nurse navigators and social workers on basic breast cancer education, active listening skills, and tips on engaging the community.

Those who complete the training will have opportunities to provide support and guidance on the hotline; attend community outreach events to support underserved communities; deliver educational presentations and speaking engagements; assist with local and national press and media; and help with fundraising efforts.

To reach the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline, call 800-877-8077.

Meet Greenberg’s Newest Surgeon

Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology welcomes Dr. Jason M. Weissler.

Weissler completed his plastic surgery residency at the prestigious Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, the number one hospital in the world, according to U.S. News & World Report and Newsweek During his plastic surgery training, Dr. Weissler gained extensive firsthand expe rience in both aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery alongside the nation’s leading plastic surgery experts.

Following the completion of his plastic surgery residency, Weissler was invited to complete an Aesthetic Surgery Fellowship endorsed by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery with Dr. Louis Bucky. During his residency, he gained multidisciplinary experience using the most innovative and advanced surgical techniques in face, eye and neck lift pro cedures, facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty,

breast surgery, and body contouring.

Weissler is a New York native. He attended the highly competitive combined B.S./M.D. Early Selection Program at The George Washington University where he earned his undergraduate and medical degrees. In addition to his distinguished education, he completed a one-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at The University of Pennsylvania Division of Plastic Surgery and published numerous articles in plastic surgery’s leading sci entific journals. His academic excellence led him to one of the nation’s elite Plastic Surgery residency programs at the Mayo Clinic, culminating with him serving as Chief Resident. Weissler was also selected as one of the first Plastic Surgery Chief Residents to be honored with the title of Instructor.

Weissler is continually recognized for his academic achievements and research as well as his sophisticated surgical training.

He has authored over 45 peer-reviewed research publications in the highest respected journals and has presented his work across the world. His academic accolades and elite training have led him to be an invited reviewer for the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, cosmetic plastic surgery’s top journal.

The philosophy that the “needs of the patient come first” has been an integral part of Weissler’s development as a Plastic Surgeon. Having trained at the Mayo Clinic, his mission is always to deliver the highest quality care through the latest and most advanced techniques. He is pas sionate about providing exceptional care to meet each patient’s diverse needs and recapture the beauty of self-confidence by providing quality and natural results.

Visit www.GreenbergCosmeticSurgery. com to learn more.

—Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology


Liver Disease Has Many Causes

Many of the causes of liver disease are not preventable as they are caused by hereditary or autoimmune factors. However, there are factors which can be modified to prevent progression of known liver disease.

Alcohol is known to cause liver disease. Excessive alcohol intake over a long period of time can lead to the development of fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver failure and even liver cancer. In people with underlying liver disease of any cause, alcohol is even more dangerous. Small amounts of alcohol taken on a daily or weekly basis can lead to more rapid disease progression. People with hepatitis C, hepatitis B, fatty liver or any other type of chronic liver disease who drink alcohol are at a greater risk of disease progression than those who minimize or abstain from alcohol use. What constitutes alcohol intake? I am often surprised by patients who tell me that they do not drink alcohol but only drink beer and wine. It is a common misconception that hard liquor such as whiskey and vodka are the only alcohols which are dangerous to a person with liver disease. Beer and wine are alcoholic beverages! Therefore, to prevent liver disease prevention, alcohol intake must be minimized in those with liver disease, especially women who are at greater risk of disease progression with even small amounts of alcohol ingestion.

Cigarette smoking has also been

associated with the development of scarring of the liver. People with liver disease who smoke are more likely to progress to cirrhosis. Liver disease now joins heart, lung and cerebrovascular diseases as being adversely affected by cigarette smoking. To take this to the next level, we still do not know the effect of secondhand smoke on liver disease progression. Perhaps just being around people who smoke may be detrimental to one’s liver health. To prevent liver disease progression, it is important to stop smoking.

The use of marijuana has also been associated with greater amounts of liver scarring and disease progression. For similar reasons therefore as with cigarette smoking, people with liver disease should avoid the use of marijuana.

Diet is perhaps the most important factor that can be modified to prevent liver disease progression. Weight gain

and obesity are independent risk factors for the development of liver disease. Any liver disease will be worsened by excessive weight gain and poor dietary choices. More than 50 million Americans have fatty liver disease and many others with all forms of liver disease have fat deposition in the liver. This fat will lead to more fibrosis. Because of this, I am often asked about the best diet for the liver. My response to that question is that a good healthy, heart diet, low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables, is best for the liver. Avoidance of high carbohydrate desserts and avoidance of alcohol will lead to a healthier liver. Exercise is also critical to mobilize fat and burn off calories.

There are also medical interventions

which can prevent liver disease. Vaccination is the key to this. Vaccines are currently available to prevent hepatitis A and B. All children are currently vaccinated against hepatitis B. The current recommendations are that all people with any type of liver disease be tested for immunity to hepatitis A and B. If they are not immune, vaccination should be offered.

While liver disease may not be preventable, simple modifications in diet and exercise coupled with avoidance of cigarettes and alcohol can slow disease progression and lead to a healthier liver, not to mention an overall healthier lifestyle.

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October Is Down Syndrome Awareness Month

In every cell in the human body there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in genes. Genes carry the codes responsible for all of our inherited traits and are grouped along rod-like structures called chromosomes. Typically, the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are inherited from each parent. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21.

This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics associated with Down syndrome. A few of the common physical traits of Down syndrome are low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the center of the palm—although each person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different degrees, or not at all.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one in every 772 babies in the United States is born with Down syndrome, making Down

One in 772 babies are affected.

syndrome the most common chromosomal condition. About 5,100 babies with Down syndrome are born in the United States each year.


For centuries, people with Down syndrome have been alluded to in art,

literature, and science. It wasn’t until the late nineteenth century, however, that John Langdon Down, an English physi cian, published an accurate description of a person with Down syndrome. It was this scholarly work, published in 1866, that earned Down the recognition as the “father” of the syndrome. Although other people had previously recognized the characteristics of the syndrome, it was Down who described the condition as a distinct and separate entity.

In recent history, advances in medicine and science have enabled researchers to investigate the characteristics of people with Down syndrome. In 1959, the French physician Jérôme Lejeune identified Down syndrome as a chromosomal condition.

Instead of the usual 46 chromosomes present in each cell, Lejeune observed 47 in the cells of individuals with Down syndrome.

It was later determined that an extra partial or whole copy of chromosome 21 results in the characteristics associated with Down syndrome. In the year 2000, an international team of scientists successfully identified and catalogued each of the approximately 329 genes on chromosome 21. This accomplishment opened the door to great advances in Down syndrome research.



Regardless of the type of Down syndrome a person may have, all people with Down syndrome have an extra, critical portion of chromosome 21 present in all or some of their cells.

The cause of the extra full or partial chromosome is still unknown. Maternal age is the only factor that has been linked to an increased chance of having a baby with Down syndrome resulting from nondisjunction or mosaicism. However, due to higher birth rates in younger women, 51 percent of children with Down syndrome are born to women under 35 years of age.

There is no definitive scientific research that indicates that Down syndrome is caused by environmental factors or the parents’ activities before or during pregnancy.

The additional partial or full copy of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome can originate from either the father or the mother. Approximately five percent of the cases have been traced to the father.

Visit www.ndss.org to learn more.

—National Down Syndrome Society

Glen Cove Hospital Ranks Among Best Rehab Centers

Glen Cove Hospital has received “American’s Best Physical Rehabilitation Centers 2022” ranking award from Newsweek, the premier global news magazine. This prestigious honor places Glen Cove Hospital among the leading acute inpatient physical rehabilitation programs in the country—and one of the top nine in New York State. It is the only program on Long Island to be recognized. The list included 255 rehab centers in 25 states.

Newsweek’s report is the second national analysis in two months to recognize Glen Cove’s outstanding rehab program. U.S. News and World Report’s Best Hospital 2022-2023 list also ranked Glen Cove 47th in the nation for its rehabilitation center, which provides comprehensive care to 1,600 patients annually.

Newsweek’s report provides important guidance to patients, families and medical providers in need of acute inpatient rehabil itation. More than a million Americans will undergo surgery to replace a knee or hip joint. Many others will sustain a musculoskeletal or neurologic injury. Physical therapy and other treatments can significantly affect recovery, but finding the most appropriate rehabilita tion facility can be a challenge.

Newsweek teamed up with the global

Glen Cove Hospital has received “Ameri can’s Best Physical Rehabilitation Centers 2022” ranking.

data research firm Statista Inc., which considered quality of care, service, follow-up care and accommodations and amenities. The rankings were based on a peer survey from thousands of medical experts. In addition, key performance indicator data in 15 different measures published by the U.S. Centers for Medicaid Services were analyzed as well as accreditation distinctions.

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—Northwell Health

Physical Therapy Tips

Physical Therapy (PT) has many benefits for children and adults of all ages and circumstances. Motivating your child to actively engage in PT in a home setting can be a challenge.


• Children love to play games and have fun and PT by itself can seem like a lot of work. Develop games that involve movements that mimic the requirements of your child’s PT program. If your child is playing a game, they are much more motivated to participate in “PT like” activities.

• Involve siblings and friends. After all, you play games with others. Create a list of six fun games. Hang it on the wall and num ber them. Have the child roll the dice. The number rolled determines the game. Roll dice again to determine frequency.

• Reward your child’s good effort by allow ing them to play their favorite game—the reward doesn’t have to be PT related.


1. Pop the Bubbles

Get out a bottle of bubbles. Have your child stand on one foot and pop the bub bles with the other foot before they hit the ground. Pop 10 bubbles and then switch feet. Repeat three times. This helps to im prove balance and hand-eye-coordination.

2. Bear Walking

Pretend you are a bear and walk on all fours (hands and feet, not knees). Walk across the room; make it a race. Repeat five times. Stretches hamstrings. Make up other animals just for fun (for variety), and then return to bear: jump like a frog, hop like a bunny, etc.

3. Sticker Hunting

Purchase a variety of stickers that can be placed on the borders of your child’s foot. Position the stickers so that the ankle has to be moved (up/down or in/out) in order to see the sticker. The parent calls out the sticker to be found and the child moves their foot to reveal the sticker. Repeat up/ down motions five times. Repeat in/out motions five times. This increases flexibility in ankle.

4. Stomp the Pillow

Have the child step into the center of a squishy pillow and stand there. Then toss them a ball (or balloon) and and have them toss it back without stepping off the pillow. Repeat 10 times. This improves balance reactions and their ankle and foot strength.

5. Open Sesame!

With child in a standing position, instruct them to lift one foot off of the floor when you say “Open Sesame! (ses-ah-mee)”. As they lift their foot, a secret passage is revealed and you run your hand (toy truck, train, animal) along the floor underneath

Physical therapy can be helpful to all ages.

their foot. Be sure they don’t close the passage while your hand is in there. Repeat five times and switch feet. Encourages ankle dorsiflexion (foot up toward face).

6. Hip-Hop-Scotch

Crisscross two pieces of three-foot masking tape on the floor. Have your child face you while standing in one of the four quadrants formed by the tape. Call out directions: Forward/Sideways/Backward/Diagonal. The child jumps with two feet in the direction instructed. Give 10 instructions. Repeat two times. Works with thighs/calves and improves balance.

7. Elevator Boy/Elevator Girl

Your child is in control of the elevator and

is responsible for getting the people who ride it to the floor they want to go to. Place a series of stickers vertically in clear space on a wall. Your child stands with their back against the wall and next to the stickers. You call out what floor (sticker) that you want the elevator to go to. The child begins to squat to lower the elevator while keeping their back against the wall. Move the elevator up and down five times. Repeat twice. Strengthens legs and midrange quads.


1. Dancing Giants

Play music that your child enjoys and start dancing together as if you were giants (Lifting knees high with big steps). After 60 seconds, then dance as if you were dainty little fairies. Continue to change by using your favorite characters...cat, dog, snake, monster, cartoon character. Dance for five minutes. A more advanced version of this is the Just Dance game for the Wii. Builds endurance.

2. Commerical Breaks

While watching TV with your child, use the commercial breaks to do stretching exercises together. Not only will you get better compliance, you will also feel better by the end of the commercials.

—Abilities First

233794 M

Sandra Lindsay Named To Public Health Leadership Role

Northwell Health announced that Sandra Lindsay, RN, MBA, DHSc, the first American to be vaccinated in the fight against COVID-19 and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, has been appointed vice president of public health advocacy.

Lindsay spent 29 years in nursing, most recently serving as director of nursing critical care at Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center in New Hyde Park. She led from the front lines of the pandemic, both during the First Wave from March-June 2020 and then volunteering to become the first American vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 14, 2020.

Her vaccination resonated around the globe, thrusting Lindsay into the spotlight as an advocate for vaccination to protect against COVID. As a woman of color and proud Jamaican immigrant, Lindsay’s message also struck an authentic tone with communities of color and Caribbean peoples alike. Her ID badge and scrubs reside at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. For her community health efforts, President Joe Biden awarded Lindsay with the Presidential Medal of Freedom during a White House ceremony in July.

Lindsay emigrated to the United States from Jamaica in 1986, graduated from Borough of Manhattan Community College in 1993 as valedictorian of her nursing program and joined Lenox Hill Hospital one year later as an oncology nurse. While continuing her education, she served as a critical care nurse manager at Lenox Hill before transitioning to LIJ.

When the pandemic struck New York State in March 2020, Queens quickly

became the epicenter and no hospital treated more cases than LIJ. She oversaw expansion of the hospital’s intensive care unit capacity by 212 percent to care for critically ill COVID-19 patients. Lindsay saw the opportunity to get vaccinated nine months later as a game-changer, so she volunteered to be the first at Northwell. By a quirk of timing, Lindsay was acknowledged as the first person in the U.S. to receive the Pfizer vaccine—an internationally-celebrated turning point in the deadly pandemic—transforming her into a global figure overnight and conferring her with the authority to address global health. Her latest appointment is a continuation of her evolution from frontline clinician to spokesperson and health advocate.

“I plan to work collaboratively with my colleagues to positively influence social and health issues that are priorities for our communities in New York, throughout the U.S. and globally,” said Lindsay. “I chose a career in health care because I believe in raising the health of everyone. I plan to advance the mission at Northwell Health of compassionate and equitable care.”

Lindsay served as grand marshal of New York City’s Healthcare Heroes Parade in 2021 and grand marshal of NYC’s African

American Day Parade in September. She participated in the 2020 New Year’s Eve ball drop in Times Square, President Biden’s 2021 Inaugural and gave the commencement address at Lehman College in the Bronx in May. She has been awarded the 2021 Outstanding Americans by Choice recognition from the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services, the 2021 Robert Nesta Marley Humanitarian Award, the American Nurses Association’s 2021 President Award and named USA Today Woman of the Year in March. In August, the Jamaican native who helped organize a shipment of COVID relief supplies to the island nation, received the Order of Distinction/Commander Class as an outstanding ambassador of Jamaica.

After graduating with an associate degree from Borough of Manhattan CC, Lindsay earned her Bachelor’s in nursing from St. Joseph’s College, a Master of Science degree from Lehman College, an MBA from Hofstra University, and in 2021, a Doctor of Health Sciences degree with a concentration in global health and organizational behavior and leadership from A.T. Still University (MO). Lindsay is a resident of Port Washington.


RAISE HEALTH. RAISE HOPE. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime— and it's time to take a stand. This October, “Go Pink” with our series of empowering events, hosted by Northwell's Katz Institute for Women's Health and Cancer Institute. Learn more at Northwell.edu/GoPink Northwell_1401052_Go Pink 2022_print ad_10x5.5 Size: 10"x 5.5", HP 234241 G

Five Reasons To Have Your Eyes

Checked: Blurry Vision Isn’t One Of Them

As we age, our eyes are increasingly susceptible to a number of ocular conditions. One such condition—AgeRelated Macular Degeneration (AMD)—im pacts nearly 22 million people in the U.S. alone. This disease causes the blurring of an individual’s central vision and is typically caused by the aging of the macula—the part of the eye responsible for the sharpness of vision. It is the leading cause of vision loss for older adults.

The unfortunate reality of AMD is that 30 percent of eyes diagnosed with the disease could have been treated if diagnosed early. But 78 percent of patients do not seek treatment until their vision is irreversibly damaged.

Dr. Mohamed Abou Shousha, an ophthal mologist at the University of Miami’s Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, and founder and CEO of the vision technology company, Heru, shares five risk factors that could indicate the presence of this condition.


As the name suggests, aging is one of the leading causes of AMD. In fact, AMD impacts one in eight adults over the age of 60. As you age, it is important you ask your doctor to test your eyes for indicators of AMD.


If a family member has been diagnosed with AMD, it is likely you could be as well.

Studies have shown that if you have a close relative with AMD, such as a sibling or parent, you are 15 to 20 percent more likely to develop the condition.


If you are overweight and smoke, you have key risk factors that make you especially vulnerable to the disease.


Dark adaptation is a measure of the time it takes for your eyes to adjust when moving from bright lights to areas with dim lighting. If adjusting to the dark takes longer for you than normal, it could be an indicator of AMD.


If you notice difficulty driving at night, have trouble seeing pedestrians walking along underlit streets, or fail to notice that final step on the staircase, this could indicate the presence of AMD.

Many risk factors could indicate ocular conditions.

“Most individuals suffering from AMD do not know they have it until the disease has progressed significantly,” said Dr. Abou Shousha. “Early detection is a key to preventing permanent vision loss and that can easily be done with regular eye examinations, coupled with healthy living.”

The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends an annual eye exam for adults 65 years and older and every two years for adults 18 to 64 years of age. Those intervals could change based on risk factors and on the recommendation of a physician.


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National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

As reported on the Indicators of School Crime and Safety report, about 20 percent of students ages 12 to 18 reported being bullied. Among students ages 12 to 18 who reported being bullied during the school year, 15 percent were bullied online or by text. National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month is a monthlong observance to educate and raise awareness about bullying and cyberbullying prevention. Addressing and preventing bullying is something that everyone can do, every day.


Educators and teachers can create a safe, supportive learning environment and a classroom culture of positivity, inclusiveness and respect. They can reward students for positive social behavior. Schools can communicate bullying policies at their school to parents, students, teachers and staff and follow through on them. Monitoring bullying ‘hot spots’ around the school campus can also help prevent bullying.


Parents and caregivers can talk with their

children about their school and digital life, and the many roles children can play in bullying. By asking open-ended questions, they can talk about their children’s experience and communicate expectations about appropriate behavior—in person and in their digital world. Parents are the primary role models for their children, and when they model the behavior they expect from their children, they teach through actions.


Mentors can also model kindness, inclusivity, and respect. They can ask open-ended questions of their mentees and listen without judgement. Providing positive reinforcement to children and teenagers can help protect them from bullying and other risky behaviors. They can also provide support to all kids involved, and help make sure the bullying doesn’t continue and its effects are minimized.


Youth who experience bullying can reach out to a trusted adult to talk about it and get support. If they’re being cyberbullied, they can capture screenshots. They can block the people who are bullying. If they witness

bullying, they can change the conversation and deflect it. If they feel they can do it, they can stand up for the person being bullied, either on their own or with friends as a group. If they don’t feel safe doing that, they can reach out to the person being bullied to let them know that they don’t agree with it. If youth witness cyberbullying, they

shouldn’t participate or share the posts or texts. They can learn more about how bystanders are essential to bullying prevention. They can also talk to a trusted adult for advice.

Visit www.stopbullying.gov to learn more, —U.S. Department of Health and Human Services






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Recently Sold

This beautiful Old Brookville estate on more than two and a half acres of spectacular grounds at 90 Hegemans Ln. sold on Aug. 1 for $1,630,000. Drive up the extended private driveway as it curves past the vast and pristinely manicured front yard field. As you make the turn at the top of the driveway you are greeted by the graceful charm of this beautiful home. The courtyard area is complemented by mature landscaping, a trickling pond and a large detached three-bay garage. The serene resort-like oasis in the backyard with heated swimming pool, large back porch and stone patio is the ideal spot for entertaining. Inside this sprawling home you will find six bedrooms including a large master wing, seven bathrooms, a grand extended living room, large formal dining room, library/home office, a finished basement/game room and five wood burning fireplaces. Located in the highly desirable village of Old Brookville, this hidden sanctuary is steps away from well-known Youngs Farm. It is in close proximity to luxury shopping and dining. It is an easy commute to Manhattan and is located in the North Shore School District.

HOME & DESIGN Check Trees For Asian Longhorned Beetles

he U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its partners are asking residents across Long Island, particularly in Nassau and Suffolk counties, to check their trees for the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB), an invasive insect, and the damage it causes. It is a critical time of year to look for the ALB because it’s when people are most likely to see adult beetles.

“Checking trees for the pest and the damage it causes is how you can help us eliminate the beetle from the United States, and protect more trees,” said Josie Ryan, APHIS’ National Operations Manager for the ALB Eradication Program. “The sooner we know where the insect is, the sooner we can stop its spread.”

USDA and its partners are working to eradicate the tree-killing beetle in New York. The ALB is an invasive wood-boring beetle that attacks 12 types of hardwood trees in North America, such as maples, elms, buckeyes, birches and willows. Infested trees do not recover and eventually die. Infested trees also become safety hazards since branches can drop and trees can fall over, especially during storms.

In its larval stage, the insect feeds inside tree trunks and branches, creating tunnels as it feeds, then adults chew their way out in the warmer months, leaving about 3/4-inch round exit holes.

The adult beetle has distinctive markings that are easy to recognize:

• A shiny black body with white spots that is about 1” to 1 1/2” long.

• Black and white antennae that are longer than the insect’s body.

• Six legs and feet that can appear bluish in color.

Signs that a tree might be infested include:

• Round exit holes in tree trunks and branches about the size of a dime or smaller.

• Egg sites that are shallow, oval or round wounds in the bark where sap might weep.

• Sawdust-like material called frass found on the ground around the tree or on the branches.

• Branches or limbs falling from an otherwise healthy-looking tree. The public has a vital role in helping to stop the spread of the ALB and eliminating it from infested areas.

This stately and traditional brick colonial on two acres in the Village of Upper Brookville sold on Sept. 23 for $2,000,000. It is located at 124 Piping Rock Rd., one of the most beautiful streets on all of the North Shore. As you step inside you are welcomed by a grand marble entrance foyer with lots of natural light. A separate wing of the home features a gracious music room, gallery and a den with an onyx fireplace. The updated kitchen opens to breakfast area leading to a sun room and backyard. Host dinner parties in the formal dining room adjacent to the living room with large windows. This home has five bedrooms and three bathrooms. The exterior has an expansive patio, gardens, an in-ground pool and level fenced-in grounds. The garage is oversized. This home provides the owner with spacious rooms, a great layout flow and terrific options for entertaining. This home is in the Locust Valley School District and close to private schools too. This home was constructed in 2015.

If you think you found a beetle or tree damage try to photograph the ALB or tree damage. If you can, capture the beetle in a durable container and freeze it, which helps preserve the insect for identification. Then report it.If you live in an ALB quarantine area, keep the tree-killing pest from spreading. Follow state and federal laws, which restrict the movement of woody material and untreated firewood that could be infested.

For more information about the ALB and the eradication efforts, visit www.AsianLonghornedBeetle.com. For local inquiries or to speak to your USDA state plant health director, call 866-702-9938.

—The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.

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Steve Vai’s

Calling Steve Vai restlessly creative is an understatement.

It’s a personality trait he’s carried with him from when he was hired by the late Frank Zappa to start transcribing for him at the tender age of 18, just as he was matriculating at the Berklee College of Music up in Boston. And it’s something Vai has continued to carry with him during his ascendancy to guitar hero status as both a well-respected solo artist as well as recording and touring with Zappa, David Lee Roth, Alcatrazz, Public Image Ltd. and Whitesnake. The pandemic only served to

inflame the Carle Place native’s creative itch. While he was holed up in Harmony Hut, the self-described “man cave” Vai calls the recording studio he constructed in his southern California home, the 62-yearold fret master busied himself with a number of projects. Not only did he stream a pair of programs, Alien Guitar Secrets (about guitars and music) and Under It All (focusing on esoteric spiritual principles he’s studied throughout his life), but there was plenty of music recorded. Two shoulder surgeries derailed a still-unreleased solo acoustic project that started with a song called “Candle Power.”

Steve Vai (Photo by Larry DiMarzio)
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Early Influences

Convalescence led to Inviolate, the Long Islander’s tenth studio outing and first since 2016’s Modern Primitive. The decision was arrived at while coming to grips with an unwavering reality.

“I discovered during lockdown that I missed touring,” he said. “I wanted to get back out on tour. We did a European tour over the summer—fantastic. I’m ready to go. I just love touring, so that’s where we’re at now.”

The current record found Vai connecting a number of musicians ranging from former Roth bandmate Billy Sheehan to drummers Vinnie Coliauta and Terry Bozzio. Also joining in the fun are longtime collaborators Dave Weiner and Philip Bynoe. The guitarist also got to connect with Swedish bassist Henrik Linder, who has toured with David Foster and Maroon 5.

“There is a piece on the album called ‘Apollo in Color’ that has Henrik Linder on bass and he’s just this freakazoid that I’ve had my eyes on for years,” Vai said. “I was just waiting for the right song to

see if he’d be interested. I sent it to him and he was all over it. He’s got fantastic chops.”

Eager to get back on the road, Vai is especially pleased to be coming back to his old stomping grounds despite calling Los Angeles home for the past four-plus decades.

“It’s always a hoot [coming back],” he said. “It’s a little bit of a push because there are a lot of people to see in a short period of time. But I cut my teeth on Long Island in high school playing all the bar circuits in the ‘70s. It was a fantastic time. Whenever I’m on Long Island, it’s the feeling you get when you’re on what feels like your home turf. I’ve been living in California for 42 years, it feels like home, but it feels like a second home whenever I set foot in New York. And they’re so vastly different that when you’re on your home turf that’s 3,000 miles away, you’re there. You’re in the environment of it and it’s not California.”

As part of his homecoming, Vai was more than happy to share some early influences with Long Island Weekly.

Original Motion Picture SoundtrackWest Side Story (1961)

“That had incredible composition, drama and theater. And that lit me up. It was a mystery until I hit that note on the piano in my aunt’s house when I was four. At that point, I immediately got it. That was the first epiphany.”

The Mothers of Invention

- Freak Out! (1966)

“I didn’t know Zappa from anything. I was in the music department of a department store and I saw the Freak Out! album cover and I bought it based on that. I listened to it and I was like, ‘What the heck?’ The thing I really liked about it was that it had compositional roots in it and none of the other music of the time had that to a degree. But Zappa was really merging all that stuff.”

Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin II (1969)

“Then there was the fateful day when my sister came home with Led Zeppelin and that was it. My rock and roll roots were expanding and I was completely stunned an attracted to the energy of rock music. It was the song

‘Heartbreaker’ and the guitar solo. The most bad-ass, amazing thing in existence to me and I just became an intense Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin fan.”

Igor Stravinksy

(June 17, 1882 to April 6, 1971)

“Three pivotal pieces of music are Stravinsky’s ballets.

‘The Rite of Spring,’ ‘Petruska’ and ‘The Firebird.’ It was easy to identify that the composer was doing what I was feeling when I was four-years-old and hit the piano for the first time. I would listen to it and I knew exactly what


they were doing. I didn’t know how they were coming up with it or getting it. On a purely analytical basis, I kind of understood the language they were using. The music and the way it makes you feel was the heart. When I really listened to classical music, I was more into contemporary composers like [Iannis] Xenakis, [Györgi] Ligeti, [Luciano] Berio or [Igor] Stravinsky, [Edgard] Varèse, Elliott Carter. And some romantic stuff. I didn’t really like [Gustav] Mahler until a little later and then I really got it..”

Queen - Queen II (1974)

Queen II was big.

When I heard that, it was just so epic sounding, theatrical, huge, free, loud and melodic. It was just so great.”

Steve Vai will be appearing on October 30 The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. Visit www.theparamountny.com or call 631-673-7300 for more information.

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HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis

ARIES (March 21-April 19). “It’s not that bad” hardly describes what you were going for when you started out. If you land on “not that bad,” feel free to scrap the project, abandon the mission and start over with a new plan. is celebra tion called your life can’t energize in situations that are merely tolerable. You were meant to be inspired.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re asked to play a role that’s an uncomfortable t. If it is, nonetheless, part of the bigger picture of who you want to be, you may keep enacting it until it’s more comfortable. But if it’s simply not giving you the space to be you, draw the line; switch the script; opt out. You get to be who you want to be, so claim it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It’s easy to get hooked on things that feel good to you even though they may not actually be good for you. When you notice a pattern forming that you’re not sure is aligned with your highest and best, pause to consider what pain you’re avoiding. You deserve to feel good. Is there a better way to go about it?

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your mind is busy and chatty this week and will rattle on like a tireless ticker tape if you let it. For greater well-being, quiet your thoughts. e fewer judgments you have, the happier you’ll be. Physical exercise helps, and so will the immersive sort of projects that require strong concentration.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). ere are those in your life whose sole purpose, it would seem, is to press your buttons. Even after you walk away, your mind lingers in the irritation they seem to so amply supply. You can change the channel in a breath. Just breathe. It’s a cliche for a reason. It remains the best way to reconnect to the moment.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Problems will get sorted, though not quite as quickly as you’d like. It’s only natural to feel frustrated. It may help to steer that energy toward another emotion. For instance, could you get curious about the prob lem? Your interest has magical properties. ings will change just because you were curious about them.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Not every planet has a parent star. On those planets that roam freely through the galaxy without a predicable trajectory, day never breaks and night never stops. You’re a bit of a rogue planet yourself this week, unbound from the usual orbits, a heady courage driving you toward unknown constellations.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). e craving to be appreciated isn’t weakness; it’s human. How do we know who (or if) we are without the mirror of others? You will give a quality attention that makes people feel seen. ey may not be used to this a rmation. ey will love you for it, and you’ll love what you learn and receive in the experience.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’re a giver, so it feels strange to play it cool, but do it anyway and get fantastic results. You’ll lie back and let customers, friends and love come to you. e relationship dynamic will favor you and be stronger because the other person reached. It’s good for all, since people cherish what they have to work for.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Storytelling is a social skill that enhances many areas of your life. Your ability to present stories well impacts the way people interact with your work. Good stories are a part of how you support your people. Even your relationship with yourself is enhanced by the story you tell yourself about who you are.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your ability to identify how you are feeling will sensitize you to the feelings of others as well. When people feel understood, they trust and bond with you. Strong teams are forged in shared feeling. Use the most speci c word possible to describe emotions. e more accurate the word, the greater its impact.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll go after what you want with a single-minded drive. To the untrained eye, your methods may seem contradictory -- passionate one minute, seemingly disinterested the next... Only the truly savvy see through this into your enormous skill set. You’re strategic, fun and committed to the dance.


Imagine if you had all the support you needed, if people celebrated you in your favorite ways, if you felt secure in relationships and rich in love... Life would be a dream, right? Keep your eye on the vision because it comes together for you as you move toward the ideal. Your gratitude and cheerfulness practice keeps you dancing in the sunshine. You’ll delight in the creations of others and contribute to the larger conversation in commercial and artistic ways. You’re also lucky in sports.


alternative theme of the puzzle.

Let’s go out

Solution: 21 Letters


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have com pleted the puzzle, there will be 21 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Let’s go out

Solution: 21 Letters

Aida Alto Architecture Aria Attraction Awards

Bass Beer Bill Choir Clap Cough

Crowd Date Dawn Design Domingo Drama Drinks Duet Encore Finale Floor show Friends

Aida Alto Architecture Aria Attraction Awards Bass Beer Bill Choir Clap Cough

Crowd Date Dawn Design Domingo Drama Drinks

Happy Horns Hotel Jigs Lift Melba Mezzo Music Performance Piano Pits Pubs

Rage Saga Sails Seats Soloists Song Studio Sweets Trumpet

Sweets Trumpet



Creators Syndicate

Creators Syndicate

737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com

737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com



Date: 10/12/22

Date: 10/12/22

with the principle of first mention ing the higher-ranking of two fivecard suits, regardless of the highcard content of the two suits. Bid ding diamonds first and hearts next would indicate fewer hearts than diamonds and could result in your winding up in the wrong contract.

4. Two clubs. Here you’re too good to raise to two spades, since with your trump fit and two dou bletons, your hand is worth about 11 points.

shows 13 to


irre vocably

side to

If partner does anything but

to three notrump, you will

three-card spade

2. Two spades. This shows six to 10 points and trump support, which is precisely what you have. It is better to avoid a two-diamond response, because partner might expect you to have a somewhat bet ter hand and would not, for the moment at least, be aware that you had adequate support for spades. By raising spades directly, you place the decision on whether to continue bidding exactly where it belongs — in partner’s lap.

3. Two hearts. This is in keeping

In-between hands such as this are best described by bidding a side suit first and then raising partner’s suit at your next turn. If you hap pen to play “limit” raises, as most now do, an immediate jump to three spades, indicating 11-12 points with spade support, is also acceptable.

5. Four spades. The immediate raise to four serves two purposes. First, you should have a good chance for game, even though you don’t have many high-card points. Second, and equally important, is the bid’s pre-emptive value. Given your dearth of high card points and your six-card trump support, there is a substantial danger that the opponents can make a game or find a good sacrifice in hearts or clubs. If all goes well, your fourspade bid might be just enough to block them out.

Holiday Mathis CONTRACT
quiz Tomorrow: The three key elements. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc. Partner bids One Spade, and the next player passes, both sides vul nerable. What would you bid with each of the following hands? 1. ♠ 984 ♥ KJ6 ♦ AJ92 ♣ KQ9 2. ♠ A65 ♥ 84 ♦ AJ872 ♣ 643 3. ♠ 10 ♥ QJ762 ♦ AKJ93 ♣ Q5 4. ♠ 9852 ♥ 93 ♦ K8 ♣ AQ743 5. ♠ Q87543 ♥ 10 ♦ KJ94 ♣ 82 * * * 1. Two notrump. Unless you and your partner have agreed to some other meaning for two notrump in this situation, this bid
15 points, a balanced
and stoppers in the unbid suits. Of course, the bid does not
commit your
next show your
is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 21 letters left over. They spell out the
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
Duet Encore Finale Floor show Friends Happy Horns Hotel Jigs Lift Melba Mezzo Music Performance Piano Pits Pubs Rage Saga Sails Seats Soloists Song Studio
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.



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Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, dis ability, familial status, age, marital status, sexu al orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination. Anton Community News papers does not know ingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect hous ing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800660-6920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)


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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • OCTOBER 12 - 18, 2022 11 235269 M The complete offering terms are in an Offering Plan available from Sponsor. File No. CD19-0396. Equal Housing Opportunity.AN ENGEL BURMAN COMMUNITY 652 Deer Park Avenue, Dix Hills, NY 11746 | 631.528.2400 | seasonsatdixhills.com NEW ON-SITE MODEL HOME NOW OPEN! Move into the perfect place that’s easier to manage but is still close to everything and everyone you love. The Seasons at Dix Hills is a 55 and better lifestyle community with 86 residences. It’s all the excitement of a fresh new start without having to move away. Low real estate taxes starting at just $6,765 | Pricing starting at $830,000 A LIFESTYLE COMMUNITY FOR THOSE 55 AND BETTER CALL US TODAY TO SCHEDULE A TOUR READY TO RIGHT-SIZE YOUR HOME WITHOUT DOWNSIZING YOUR LIFE?

Port’s Verified Green Teams

Lead ‘Em Up leadership program brought to Schreiber High School

For the 2022/2023 school year, Port Washington Athletics Department is the first athletic program in Nassau County to incorporate a dedicated leadership coach working with the entire athletic program, consisting of each fall, winter and spring team.

The Port Washington athletics department will be utilizing the services of Lead ‘Em Up, facili tated by Lead ‘Em Up founder Adam Bradley, to host three full day leadership trainings, a series of virtual leadership trainings with each team, as well as providing pre-season consultation and strategy with each coach to design each team’s season-long leadership program. In addition, each coach will have full access to the Lead ‘Em Up curriculum,taking their student-athletes through various leadership trainings throughout the season.

Lead ‘Em Up will also be part of their athletic programs’ seasonal awards, presenting a list of various leadership and character awards.

“The training is going on throughout the sea son,” said Port Washington Athletic Director Nick Schratwieser. “We received an Ed-Foundation grant for the department to work with the orga nization and part of that grant was to bring Adam Bradley up to Port Washington.”

Bradley has come up to Port for one day so far and is planning on coming up two more days this season.

“[The program is] really powerul stuff if you dive into some of the work,” said Schratwieser. “The Saturday we had Adam up here was a very special day working with the students. Kids met Adam one time for the initial kick off.”

Each Port coach has participated in consulta tion calls with Bradley to outline a specific plan for their individual teams for what they need as far as leadership training goes.

“The coaches then do the training on their own with the team throughout the season,” said Schratwieser. “Each team is at a various point in the program so far. A lot of the work and lessons are done as a group with the team working through different scenarios and learning with each other as they go.”

Boys Baseball coach Sean Dooley and Softball coach Eric Sutz introduced the program to Schratwieser and the department a few years back.

“Dooley and Sutz used the program and introduced it to me when I started here,” said Schratwieser. “We used the program a little bit more each year. Salem Elementary school also uses Bradley and the program for their staff.”

Fall sports teams have been participating in the Lead ‘Em Up program and have received Green Team Verified stickers. The stickers serve as a celebration for the players going through Lead ‘Em Up program and are on the Green Team.

Lead ‘Em Up will also be part of their athletic programs’ seasonal awards, and will be present ing various leadership and character awards.

—Information provided by Lead ‘Em Up with additional reporting by Julie Prisco

Representing Port Field Hockey; Brooke Weinstein. Representing Port Boys Cross Country; Max Marro, Matthew Eustace and Steven Theodoropoulos. Representing Port Girls Swimming & Diving; Caroline Eustace, Carly Fanous and Stella Felix. Representing Port Girls Volleyball; Bridgt Conneely and Ally Carillo.
Representing Port Field Hockey; Sydney Silverstein and Ashley Yee. Representing The Portettes; Natalia and Olivia. Representing Port Girls Tennis; Sammy Epp, Goldie Abraham and Yasmeen Munoz. Representing Port Boys Volleyball; Dylan Epstein, Sam Mills, Jordan Golan and Russle Schwartz. Representing The Portettes: Marley Coren, Layla Hershkowitz and Christina Aiello. (Photos from the Port Washington
School District)


Sands Point, NY – 123 West Creek Farms Road

A unique opportunity to own this stunning home


property with specimen plantings in the heart of Sands Point. The rst oor features a grand two-story entry,


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Port Washington, NY – 76 Murray Avenue

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oor. The large private yard boasts a salt-water gunite pool, patios,

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Rare Find. Gracious and grand 5-bedroom, 4.5-bath, three story Vintage Colonial is perfectly positioned in the heart of Port Washington Heights, just a short distance to town and LIRR. The spacious rst oor with high ceilings, features a sun-drenched formal living room, home o ce and parlor area, formal dining room, large family room, powder room and eat-in kitchen with butlers pantry. The second oor boasts a primary bedroom with bath plus 2 additional bedrooms and full bath. The third oor has 2 bedrooms, loft area and full bath. The private backyard with brick patios, 2-story barn with room for 2 cars. MLS# 3431944. $1,825,000.
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New York State School Music Association 2022 All-State Music Ensembles

Congratulations to the seven Schreiber High School music students listed below who were either selected to be members or alternates for the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) All-State music ensembles!

These students were selected from thousands of students throughout the state based on NYSSMA solo auditions, as well as previous NYSSMA scores and their musical experiences in our schools and beyond.

•Michael Capobianco: Mixed Chorus & Vocal Jazz

•Sydney Flisser: Mixed Chorus

•Gavin Miller: Vocal Jazz & Alternate Chorus

• Yuika Nakahara: Alternate Orchestra (Violin)

•Bryson Shaub: Mixed Chorus & Vocal Jazz

• Eve Siff-Scherr: Symphonic Band (Euphonium)

•Christopher Williams: Alternate Chorus

—Submitted by the Port Washington School District

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NYSMMA students from Schreiber High School. (Contributed photos)
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home. O ering Chef’s eat-in kitchen, Rutt cabinets, high-end appliances, and granite counters, vaulted ceilings, sky light, sundrenched
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form Gunite pool and waterfall surrounded by private patio. Gorgeous specimen plantings complete this dramatic residence. Enjoy all Port


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Sealed proposals marked on the outside “Port Washington District-wide Printing Bid” for the following will be received by the Board of Education, Port Washington Union Free School District, Administration Building, 100 Campus Drive, Port Washington, New York, 11050, until Friday, October 14, 2022, at 9:00 am, at which time the proposals will be publicly read.


The specifications and the contract documents may be secured on or after Thursday, October 6th, 2022, from the Office of the Board of Education, 100 Campus Drive, Port Washington, New York 11050.

The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept any bid which in the opinion of the Board will be in the best interest of the School District. Board of Education

Port Washington Union Free School District


Washington Historic District (Section 5, Block 58, Lot 41 and 172). For more information, contact landmarks@ northhempsteadny.gov. 10-12-22 1T# 235331 PORT


Sealed bids will be received by the Incorporated Village of Sands Point, at the Village Clerk’s Office, at the Village Hall – 26 Tibbits Lane, Sands Point, NY 11050-0109 until 4:00 PM (Local Time) on October 20, 2022 at which time bids duly delivered and submitted will be considered for: 2023-2023 CHEMICAL AND FERTILIZER BID THE VILLAGE CLUB OF SANDS POINT

CONTRACT NO.: 10-2023

The Bid Documents consisting of the Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Bidder’s Experience Statement, Bidder’s Certificates and Affidavits, Bid Proposal and Specifications may be examined at may be examined at the Village Hall of the Village of Sands Point, 26 Tibbits Lane, Sands Point, NY 11050-0109.


in accordance with Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law.





THAT the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Sands Point will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. in the evening at Village Hall, 26 Tibbits Lane, Sands Point, New York to consider the adoption of the following proposed Local Laws:


1)Proposed Local Law to Regulate High Nitrogen Fertilizer

2)Proposed Local Law to Regulate Heavy and Oversize Vehicles




10-12-22 1T# 235335 PORT




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified and registered voters of the PORT WASHINGTON WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT in the Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York, that an election will be held within said District at the Polish American Citizens Association Building, 5 Pulaski Place, Port Washington, Long Island, New York, on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 between the hours of twelve (12:00) o’clock P.M. and nine (9:00) o’clock P.M. for the purpose of the election of a Commissioner for said District for a term of three (3) years beginning January 1, 2023 and expiring December 31, 2025.

their headquarters at 70 Harbor Road, Port Washington, New York no later than the close of business at 3:30 p.m. on or before Thursday, November 10, 2022 and that such nomination petitions must be subscribed by at least twenty-five (25) registered voters of the Port Washington Water Pollution Control District.

By Order of the Board of Commissioners of the Port Washington Water Pollution Control District. Dated: October 11, 2022


Port Washington, New York

Donald A. Kurz

Melanie Cassens Arduino Marinelli

10-12-22 1T# 235338 PORT

cada votante debe estar registrado para votar en la Ciudad bajo un registro permanente desde la dirección desde la que desea votar. Además, dicho votante deberá haber residido en el Distrito durante al menos treinta (30) días después de la elección y ser ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, de dieciocho (18) años o más.


1T# 235272 PORT


NOTICE FOR FORMATION of a limited liability company (LLC). The name of the limited liability company is PIPPIN PURSUITS LLC. The date of filing of the articles of organization with the Department of State was September 30, 2022. The County in New York in which the office of the company is located is Nassau. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the company upon whom process may be served, and the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the company served upon him or her to The LLC, 1 Laurel Lane, Sands Point, New York 11050. The business purpose of the company is to engage in any and all business activities permitted under the laws of the State of New York.

11-16-9-2; 10-26-19-12-22

6T# 235295 PORT



Town of North Hempstead Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission Notice is hereby given that a public meeting of the Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission will be held on October 25 at 7:00 PM at Town Hall, 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset. The Commission will consider granting a Certificate of Appropriateness to the owners of 62 Murray Avenue in the Port

All bidders must obtain a set of the Bid Documents, which may be obtained beginning October 12, 2022, at Village Hall. Alternatively, the Bid Documents are available electronically and may be obtained by emailing the Village Clerk, Elizabeth Gaynor, MMC RMC, at liz@sandspoint.gov.

All bidders must comply with the rules and regulations for the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Any bid received after stated closing time will be returned unopened. If bids are sent by mail to the Village Clerk, the bidder shall be responsible for actual delivery of the bid to the Village Clerk before the advertised date and hour for opening of bids. If mail is delayed by the postal service, courier service, or in the internal mail system of the Village of Sands Point beyond the date and hour set for the bid opening, bids thus delayed will not be considered and will be returned unopened.

Information concerning the bid specifications may be obtained by contacting Elizabeth Gaynor at 516883-3044 or via the email address listed above.

Bidders are required to execute a non-collusive bidding certification required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.

Bidders are also required to comply with the anti-discrimination provisions of Sections 290-301 of the Executive Law of the State of New York.

The Village reserves the right to reject any or all of the Bids received, to advertise for Bids, to abandon the project, to waive any or all informalities in any Bid received and to accept any proposal which the Village determines to be the Lowest Responsible Bid

3)Proposed Local Law to Repeal Section 176-48.1, “Signs”, and to Create 131 of the Village Code, titled “Signs.”

4)Proposed Local Law Amending all Chapters of the Village Code relating to Water/Irrigation 5)Proposed Local Law Amending Chapter 1, “General Provisions” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point 6)Proposed Local Law Amending Chapter 85, “Filming” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point 7)Proposed Local Law Amending Chapter 132, “Site Plan Review”; Chapter 145, “Subdivision of Land”; and Chapter 176 entitled, “Zoning” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point 8)Proposed Local Law Amending Chapter 155, “Telecommunication Sites” and any other related chapters re small cell regulations of the Code of the Village of Sands Point

9)Proposed Local Law Amending Chapter 84, “Filling, Excavation & Grading” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point

10)Proposed Local Law Creating an Architectural Review Committee

11)Proposed Local Law Amending Chapter 82, “Fees & Deposits” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at said time and place of Public Hearing all interested persons who wish to be heard will be heard. A copy of the proposed local laws is available to the public at the Village Office during business hours, Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.


Said election is called pursuant to Section 212, Article 13 of the Town Law of the State of New York, as amended.

In order to be entitled to vote for Improvement District Commissioner, every voter must be registered to vote in the Town under permanent registration from the address from which he/she wishes to vote. Further, said voter shall have been a resident in the District for at least thirty (30) days next preceding the election and be a citizen of the United States, eighteen (18) years or over in age.

Pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Subdivision 20 of Section 215 of Article 13 of the Town Law of the State of New York, as amended, candidates for the office of Commissioner of the District shall file their names and nominations in petition form with the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of the Port Washington Water Pollution Control District at

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICIA PÚBLICADISTRITO DE CONTROL DE CONTAMINACIÓN DEL AGUA PORT WASHINGTON AQUÍ SE DA AVISO a los votantes calificados y registrados del DISTRITO DE CONTROL DE LA CONTAMINACIÓN DEL AGUA DE PORT WASHINGTON en la ciudad de North Hempstead, condado de Nassau, estado de Nueva York, que se realizará una elección dentro de dicho distrito en el Edificio de la Asociación de Ciudadanos Americanos Polacos, 5 Pulaski Place, Port Washington, Long Island, Nueva York, el martes 13 de diciembre de 2022 entre las doce (12:00) en punto de la tarde y las nueve (9:00) en punto P.M. con el propósito de la elección de un Comisionado para dicho Distrito por un período de tres (3) años a partir del 1 de enero de 2023 y hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2025.

Dicha elección se convoca de conformidad con la Sección 212, Artículo 13 de la Ley del Pueblo del Estado de Nueva York, según enmendada.

Para tener derecho a votar por el Comisionado del Distrito de Mejoramiento,

De conformidad con las disposiciones y requisitos de la Subdivisión 20 de la Sección 215 del Artículo 13 de la Ley del Pueblo del Estado de Nueva York, según enmendada, los candidatos para el cargo de Comisionado del Distrito deberán presentar sus nombres y nominaciones en forma de petición ante el Secretario de la Junta de Comisionados del Distrito de Control de Contaminación del Agua de Port Washington en su sede en 70 Harbor Road, Port Washington, Nueva York, a más tardar al cierre de las actividades a las 3:30 p.m. el jueves 10 de noviembre de 2022 o antes y que tales peticiones de nominación deben ser suscritas por al menos veinticinco (25) votantes registrados del Distrito de Control de Contaminación del Agua de Port Washington.

Por orden de la Junta de Comisionados del Distrito de Control de Contaminación del Agua de Port Washington.

Dated: October 11, 2022


Port Washington, New York

Donald A. Kurz

Melanie Cassens

Arduino Marinelli 10-12-22 1T# 235339 PORT


GIVEN that a public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Flower Hill will be held on the 19th day of October, 2022 at 7:00 PM, at Village Hall, 1 Bonnie Heights Rd., Manhasset, NY

1. Application of Country Club Drive LLC, 19 Country Club Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050 also known as Section 6, Block 21, Lot 226 for variances of §240-9(C) and (D) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to construct a two-story, single-family dwelling where the proposed front yard set-back is 40’ where the required minimum is 54’and the proposed floor area ratio is 3,941.06 s.f. (0.2516) where the maximum permitted is 3,760.56 (0.24).

2. Application of Stuart Hayim, 104 Woodhill Lane, Manhasset, NY 11030 also known as Section 3, Block 194, Lot 7 for variances of §240-8 (I)(1)(a) and (c) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to legalize and maintain a concrete block shed where the side-yard set-back is 7.2’ and the required minimum is 15’; a pond with waterfall where the side-yard set-back is 11.5’ and the required minimum is 15’; a PVC shed where the sideyard set-back is 5.8’ where the required minimum is 15’ and the rear-yard set-back is 3.8 and the required minimum is 10’; and four (4) CAC units in the side yard where the set-back is and 15’ is required.

Persons who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Clerk, at (516) 627-5000 in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing.

By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals Michael Sahn, Chairperson Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Administrator

Flower Hill, New York

Dated: October 12, 2022 10-12-22 1T# 235361 PORT

To Submit Legal Notices for LLPs, LLCs, Summonses, Orders to Show Cause, Citations, Name Changes, Bankruptcy Notices, Trustees Sales, Auction Sales, Foundation Notices Visit our website at antonmediagroup.com or call Legal Advertising at (516) 403-5143 Fax us at (516) 742-6376 or email us at legals@antonnews.com


Heidi Karagianis

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • OCTOBER 12 - 18, 2022 17 235319 M Introducing 24 Birchdale Lane, Port Washington Ultra-Chic newly re-constructed 5-bedroom, 5-bath Hampton’s style Colonial home in Flower Hill, Port Washington. Exceptional craftsmanship and high-end finishings throughout and move in ready. Set perfectly on a quiet cul-de-sac, this flat gorgeous oversized lot has been professionally landscaped with sod and mature trees. The double-height entry and custom staircase sets the stage for the quality you should expect, and the open floorplan suits today’s living with ease. Call Heidi for a private showing today, c. 516.467.9440. MLS# 3434723 | Offered At: $3,345,000. Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.
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Construction in Flower Hill

Former Pharmaceutical Company Employee Pleads

Guilty In Embezzlement & Tax Fraud Scheme

Former office manager Maria Porras used bookkeeping access to steal money between 2015 and 2020

Nassau County District Attorney Anne T. Donnelly announced that the former office manager for a pharmaceutical company in Port Washington pleaded guilty today to stealing more than $1.38 million from three affiliated businesses over a span of five years.

Maria Porras, 32, pleaded guilty today before Judge Tammy Robbins on three counts of grand larceny in the second degree (a C felony), four counts of criminal tax fraud in the third degree (a D felony) and four counts of offering a false instrument for filing (an E felony.) The defendant has agreed to pay $100,000 in upfront restitution prior to her sentencing on January 9, 2023, and she will be ordered to pay the remainder after her sentence. NCDA recommended a prison sentence of 2-1/2 years to 6-1/2 years with significant upfront restitution or a sentence of 3-1/2 years to 10-1/2 years without significant upfront restitution.

“Over five years this defendant swindled three pharmaceutical companies out of more than a million dollars, abusing her authority and access to write unauthorized checks from company accounts and divert incoming

checks into her personal bank accounts. The defendant also filed false tax returns with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance that concealed the proceeds of her theft,” said DA Donnelly. “Maria Porras’ greed caught up with her and she is being held accountable with this felony conviction. I thank my Financial Crimes Bureau for their diligent investigation of this case and for ultimately uncovering this massive embezzlement scheme.”

DA Donnelly said that, according to the indictment, from 2015 to 2019 the defendant was employed as an office manager for RXUSA, a pharmaceutical company in Port Washington. As part of her duties, Porras had access to RXUSA’s bookkeeping system, which enabled her to generate checks written from RXUSA’s account and from the accounts of two other affiliated companies, Eveready Wholesale Drugs, Inc., and PBM America Inc. The owner of the companies, Robert Drucker, died in March 2017 and the companies closed in December 2019.

On Nov. 11, 2020, the defendant was arrested by the Port Washington Police Department after it was discovered that

she deposited checks from RXUSA written out to the company’s vendors and diverted incoming checks into her personal account. Upon further investigation by NCDA, it was revealed that the defendant had embezzled $1,384,487.71 from the three companies between 2015 and 2020.

The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance also initiated an investigation, which revealed that the defendant failed to report the income Porras had stolen on her personal tax returns and

failed to pay the full taxes she owed from 2016 to 2019.

NCDA thanks the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance for their partnership and assistance in this investigation.

Senior Assistant District Attorney Erica Zimmerman of the Financial Crimes Bureau is prosecuting this case. Scott Gross, Esq. represents the defendant.

—Submitted by Office of the District Attorney of Nassau County

Healthy Healing’s Founder Hosts Book Signing In Port

Unleash Your Inner Goddess, a best-selling book by Sharon McDermott

On Saturday, Oct. 15, Healthy Healing’s founder, Sharon McDermott, will be hosting a book signing from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Dolphin Bookshop, located at 299 Main St, Port Washington, NY 11050.

McDermott’s book is titled Unleashing Your Inner Goddess: How to Experience an Empowering Pregnancy, Labor and Birth. It was self-published on July 26, 2022.

“I’m a birth doula, so that’s one of the reasons why I wrote that book,” McDermott said. “It’s about fertility, pregnancy, my experiences as a birth doula and giving women more medical information and what they can ask a doctor.”

A doula is a trained professional who provides support to mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. A doula’s job is to make sure a woman has a safe and empowering experience. Doulas are increasingly in high demand due to a lack of close female family members.

Unleashing Your Inner Goddess focuses on topics such as mythology, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, postpartum care and the COVID-19 pandemic. Western medicine often treats pregnancy like any other “disease” and does not necessarily consider the individual needs of the patients involved.

Historically, everybody lived together, creating large households of multi-generational families. It was up to the entire family to guide themselves through life. Now, with nearly everybody living independently, they have to make their own decisions, which comes with a great deal of stress.

Sharon McDermott, L.Ac, CBD is the owner of Healthy Healing and uses acupuncture and Chinese herbology to treat infertility, stress and pain. She treats all of her patients in a holistic manner, tailoring treatments to their needs. McDermott received an MS in Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Science in New York City. She is also a certified birth doula. Healthing Healing is located in Westbury, Nassau County, New York.

Sharon McDermott. (Photo from Healthy Healing website)
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