At their most recent meet ing, the four Democratic councilmembers tabled North Hempstead Supervisor Jen DeSena’s resolution to appoint an independent counsel to the town’s Board of Ethics. They then voted against seating her three candidates to the ethics board.
The supervisor sought to enter into an agreement with Roslynbased Leventhal Mullaney & Blinkoff, LLP, at $275 per hour to serve as special counsel to the ethics board.
As soon as Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava finished reading the resolution, Councilman Robert Troiano (D–Westbury) moved to table it, and in the roll call was joined by his party cohorts Peter Zuckerman, Veronica Lurvey and Mariann Dalimonte.
DeSena, Dennis Walsh and David Adhami voted against tabling the resolution, and the supervisor asked, “Why are you moving to table this? This is something that we we’ve talked about for months. And you asked for more time to consider it. Mr. [Steven] Leventhal would be counsel to our ethics board. He’s very well known—he basically wrote the book on ethics. And we’re in a situation where our ethics board [is] supposed to be rendering decisions, possibly even on the town board. Town officials are being advised by the town attorney, who also represents us. So I can’t understand not going forward with Mr. Leventhal to help the ethics board as we planned.”
Leventhal has served as ethics counsel to various municipalities, including the Town of Oyster Bay, Town of Hempstead and Nassau County.
The majority then in succession voted against Melissa Slobin, Derek Chan and Francisco Vazquez.
“Melissa Slobin is very well known in the Great Neck com munity,” DeSena observed. “She’s a [speech language] teacher at Manhattan High School. Her name has been on the agenda for probably five months. She
had to fill out financial disclosure documents even before she could get back on the agenda. We have [members with] holdover status. I cannot understand why you will not consider this fine candidate for the ethics board. No one has come to me in all these months with any concern about her character, her connection to the community. I’m at a total loss as to why you do not take the ethics board seriously. We need an independent ethics board.”
Slobin was proposed to replace Betty Leong, whose term expired Dec. 31, 2018. Chan, of Roslyn, was to take the seat held by Rabbi Robert Widom, senior rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Great Neck and a holdover. Chan is president of Greater Hudson Financial, a finan cial services firm. The resolution for Vasquez, like the others, noted that it was to fill a vacancy, in this case that of Richard Kestenbaum, another holdover. Vazquez is senior counsel to Norton Rose Fulbright, a global law firm with numerous of fices. Per the resolutions, Vazquez’s term was to have expired on Dec.
DeSena and Troiano got into an heated exchange, with Walsh sometimes joining in, as they talked over each other and raised their voices.
“I have been consistent since January, that the process you follow was not beholden to the town code,” Troiano charged. “And it was the process, not the individual. So don’t make it about Ms. Slobin. It’s about your failure to follow the town code.”
“The process is that the super visor nominates the ethics board,” DeSena responded.
“With the town council consent,” Troiano said, repeating his mantra from previous meetings. “There’s been no consultation.”
DeSena accused the majority of not giving any of her candidates consideration since she began forwarding names earlier this year.
“You’re silent all the time. You give me no comments, no
suggestions,” the supervisor stated. “It’s a joke. You’re not taking your duty seriously. The supervisor nominates the ethics board with consultation with the town board and I have given you her name and resume for five months. And you have not said a word to me. You’ve had ample opportunity to consult over the past few months.”
DeSena and Lurvey then argued over how many appointments the supervisor is entitled to, and over the staggering of terms. Lurvey asserted that the supervisor was limited in how many she could nominate and when, accusing her of “trying to replace the entire board with your hand-picked people.”
The councilwoman also rejected the charge hinted at by Walsh that there was collusion between the majority and the holdover ethics board members.
Lurvey said that the members had served with distinction, but though Walsh did not disagree, he said they had been on the board too long.
DeSena pointed out that her choices have been approved by the current ethics board, adding, “They’ve reviewed their financial statements and they didn’t find anything wrong in their financial statements.”
Lurvey responded, “My vote of no has nothing to do with these people, or with their financial statements. I feel badly for them for being put up so often when you know what my position is. I believe in replacing them a little bit at a time, not giving you the authority to replace the entire board with your hand-picked people.”
During the discussion, Walsh again accused the majority of politicizing the process and rejecting DeSena’s efforts due to partisanship. Further, he asked, “Do we have an ethics board that’s beholden to the majority?”
When it came to her vote on the Vasquez resolution, the supervisor stated, “It’s my responsibility to provide an independent board of ethics for the town and that is what I’ve been trying to do. I vote aye.”
The board had, at the May 19 meeting, unanimously voted to re-appoint existing member Dr. Isma Chaudhry of Manhasset, and tapped Rabbi Anchelle Perl of the Chabad of Mineola and Robin Bolling of Westbury as new mem bers. Reportedly, this had been the result of close consultation among the trustees and the supervisor.
Chaudhry is the co-chair of the board of Westbury-based Islamic Institute of Long Island and affiliated with the Department of Population Health, School of Health Professionals Graduate Public Health programs at Hofstra University. Her term will end on Dec. 31, 2023. The rabbi’s term will end on Dec. 31, 2024. Bolling is the president of the Westbury/ New Cassel NAACP and Westbury SChool District Board of Education trustee. She will serve until Dec. 31, 2025.
But that apparent rapproche ment has not carried over.
In a press release days after the Sept. 22 meeting, DeSena criticized the majority “for continuing to block important appointments to the Town Board of Ethics, an independent entity charged with protecting taxpayers from fraud
As with other villages in the Roslyn area, Flower Hill receives straight A’s for safety from the CrimeGrade. org survey.
In fact, the village received not just the highest ranking for safety, but A-pluses for violent crime prevention and property crime. For the “other crime” category, the village checked in at a healthy A minus.
According to CrimeGrade.org, the rat ings means that Flower Hill is in the 98th percentile for safety, meaning two percent of cities are safer and 98 percent of cities are more dangerous.
The rate of crime in Flower Hill is 7.50 per 1,000 residents during a standard year, the website claimed. People who live in Flower Hill generally consider the northwest part of the city to be the safest.
“Your chance of being a victim of crime in Flower Hill may be as high as 1 in 55 in the southeast neighborhoods, or as low as 1 in 299 in the northwest part of the city,” it added.
As with other villages in Roslyn, Flower Hill’s standing is, as a residential neigh borhood, free of a major airport with only two parks. The website notes that both major airports and parks and designated recreational areas are often high crime venues.
In addition, retail establishments also attract the worst elements in society. And so, the southeast part of Flower Hill has a slightly higher crime rate.
“Ultimately crime happens where
ETHICS BOARDand misdeeds. After scheduling a vote for the appointment of new members and a well-respected independent counsel to the board, Lurvey and the majority withdrew their support in an effort to prevent poten tial investigations into potential conflicts of interest.”
The press release went on to say, “Before Supervisor DeSena started questioning the years expired holdover status of the Board of Ethics members, records indicate they had not met in nearly a year and failed to properly review employee financial disclosure documents in 2021.”
In a statement, the supervisor said, “It’s critical that we root out any abuse of tax dollars, prevent conflicts of interest and ensure the highest level of ethics and
people are, whether they live there or not,” the website authors write. “Before writing off an area as unsafe, look at both
the crime rate and total crime maps, then consider nearby destinations that people may be visiting.”
Such crimes as assault, robbery, rape, and murder all fall below the one percent crime rate. Total violent crime stands at 0.0114 percent. Property crime rates such as vehicle theft, burglary, and arson also score under one percent. The theft crime rate stands at 1.5 percent.
“Other crime” rates include kidnapping, vandalism, identity theft, animal cruelty and drug crimes. All except drug crimes are under one percent. The drug crimes
rate is at 3 percent, mirroring the same problem experienced by other villages in the Roslyn area.
Villages across the United States with similar populations all enjoy low crime rates. For instance, West Wareham, MA, Grasonville, MD, Houston, PA, Greentown, IN, Saxonburg, PA and Jarrell, TX also score “A” ratings. Kingwood, WVA earns a “B” rating, while Lexington, MA and Watertown, TN rank a “C” grade. Bostic, NC, a village in the southwestern part of the Tar Heel state, ranks the lowest with a “D-plus” rating.
North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the North Hempstead Town Board are proud to announce that Project Independence, the Town’s innovative aging-in-place initiative, is once again partnering with St. Francis Hospital’s Community Outreach Program to provide residents with free health screenings.
“The Town is so proud to partner with St. Francis Hospital to protect the health and wellness of our older residents through these free health screenings,” Supervisor DeSena said. “Project Independence is an innovative agingin-place initiative that helps support our senior residents who wish to continue living in their own homes and communities as they get older. Community outreach programs such as this one offered through
integrity in the Town of North Hempstead. To protect our residents’ wallets, I’ve nominated professional people to serve in this oversight capacity, only to be obstruct ed by majority councilmembers for over six months. Councilwoman Lurvey and the majority must explain to taxpayers why they have allowed this important oversight board to fail in their obligations to protect taxpayers.”
The supervisor pointed out that “the Town Attorney’s Office is acting as counsel to the ethics board and offering guidance when legal questions arise. The town attor ney has a legal responsibly to represent his clients, town officials. As the board of ethics is charged with oversight of town officials, obtaining legal advice from the town attorney is clearly a conflict of interest,”
DeSena concluded, “Tabling the
Project Independence and St. Francis Hospital help further the Town’s goal of affording the ability to age-in-place for any of our older residents who wish to do so.”
The screenings, which will be offered at the St. Francis Outreach Bus, will include a brief cardiac history, blood pressure screening, a simple blood test for cholesterol and diabetes screening with appropriate patient education and referrals as needed for clients above the age of 18. If available, flu shots will be offered.
Screenings will be held on: • Friday, Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Clinton G. Martin Park, 1601 Marcus Ave., New Hyde Park
• Tuesday, Nov. 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Great Neck Social Center, 80 Grace
appointment of counsel and instead leaving legal guidance of our Board of Ethics in the hands of political appointees can only be seen as a tactic to prevent investigations into misdeeds and conflicts of interest.”
Asked for a response, Lurvey emailed the Manhasset Press, “The appointment of Mr. Leventhal as special counsel to the board of ethics is not being requested by the board of ethics. This is yet another instance of over reach by the supervisor, and frankly a waste of taxpayer funds. The board of ethics can request the appointment of outside counsel as the need arises. Indeed, I’m told that they have appointed outside counsel—including Mr. Leventhal—in the past. I see no need to change that arrangement just because the supervisor wants it.”
Lurvey repeated her accusation from previous meetings, pointing out that, “You
Ave., Great Neck
• Monday, Nov. 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Port Washington Adult Activities Center, 80 Manorhaven Blvd., Port Washington
• Tuesday, Nov. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fuschillo Park, Carle Road at Broadmoor Ln., Carle Place
• Wednesday, Nov. 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Magnolia Gardens, 899 Broadway, Westbury
• Thursday, Dec. 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Manhasset Valley Residence, 155 East Shore Rd., Manhasset Dates and protocols are subject to change. Please call 311 or (516) 869-6311 before going to a location.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
don’t need to be a lawyer to know that a board of ethics—which may investigate any one including the supervisor—should not be replaced all at once by one supervisor.”
The Manhasset-based trustee criticized DeSena for “a history of making unsub stantiated allegations, this time against the board of ethics. She claims the board of ethics has failed the taxpayers. If nobody is going to ask the necessary follow up questions, then I will. ‘Supervisor DeSena, to what failure by the board of ethics are you referring?’ I hope she gives me a better answer than the one she did when I asked for information about her ‘thorough and complete review’ of the Building Department. The answer to my July request has been silence.”
ETHICSOnce again, Roslyn resident Stephen J. Silverberg has been named to the New York Metro Super Lawyers list as one of the top New York metro area lawyers for 2022. Each year, a research team selects only five percent of the lawyers in the state to receive this honor. Super Lawyers has named Silverberg to its select list of attorneys for sixteen consecutive years, from 2007 to 2022.
Silverberg is recognized nationally as a leader in estate planning, estate administration, asset preservation planning, and Elder Law. He is a past president of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), an organization of almost five thousand Elder Law attorneys throughout the country. He was named a NAELA Fellow, the highest honor bestowed by NAELA to “attorneys… whose careers concentrate on Elder Law, and who have distinguished themselves both by making exceptional contributions to meeting the needs of older Americans and by demonstrating a commitment to the Academy.”
Silverberg was a founding member of the New York State chapter of NAELA and served as president of the chapter.
Scott B. Silverberg, for the third consecutive year, was named to the 2022 New York Metro Rising Stars list.
Scott Silverberg is a member of the National Board of Directors of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) and the Board of Directors and Treasurer of the New York
Father and son duo Stephen J. Silverberg, left, and Scott B. Silverberg were recognized. (photo courtesy Law Office of Stephen J. Silverberg)
State Chapter of NAELA. He is Vice-Chair of the Practice Management Committee of the Elder Law and Special Needs Section Executive Committee of the New York State Bar Association. In 2022, Scott Silverberg became a member of the Estate Planning Council of Nassau County, a member chapter of the National Association of Estate Planners and Councils (NAEPC). He is also a member of the Nassau County Bar Association.
Scott Silverberg earned the LL.M. (Master of Laws) in Elder Law from Stetson University School of Law.
The Law Office of Stephen J. Silverberg, PC is at 185 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights. Call 516-3071236 and visit online at www.sjslawpc.com.
Chapter 16A of the code cover ethics, and states the following: “B. The Board of Ethics shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the Supervisor, subject to confirmation of the Town Board, after giving due consider ation to the recommendation of the members of the Town Board. All members shall reside in the Town of North Hempstead and shall serve without compensation. No officer of a political party, including a committeeperson or any officer higher than a committeeperson, may be appointed as a member of the Board of Ethics.
“C. The term of office for each member shall be four years begin ning on January 1 and expiring four years thereafter on December 31. The terms of office shall be staggered
so that not more than two terms will expire in each year of a four-year cycle. There shall be no limits on the number of terms that any individual member may serve. In the event of a vacancy due to resignation, death, illness or otherwise, a successor shall be appointed pursuant to this section for the unexpired balance of the established term of office.
The established terms of office shall be fixed and be consistent with the quadrennial sequence outlined in Schedule A[2] of this chapter, enti tled ‘Sequence for Terms of Office.’
The Town Clerk shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records to track the terms of office, as well as the precise commencement and termination dates for members of the Board of Ethics upon confirma tion by the Town Board.”
The Board of Ethics powers and duties include:
• Approving and disseminating the form of annual statement of finan cial disclosure; Reviewing, and being the repository for, complet ed annual statements of financial disclosure; Rendering advisory opinions to town employees regarding the Code of Ethics; Enforcing the Code of Ethics and
determining penalties.
The current members of the board are; Joseph Sciame* (Chair), Dr. Isma Chaudhry, Justice Richard S. Kestenbaum, Betty Leong, Rabbi Robert S. Widom, Rabbi Anchelle Perl, Robin Bolling.
* Indicates member’s term has expired. The board is slated to gather Oct. 20.
—Town of North Hempstead website
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To place an item in this space, sendinformation two weeks before the event to editors@antonmediagroup.com.
From 10:30 to 11:15 a.m, the Bryant Library will host a playtime for children ages 12 months to three years. It’s spooky season, and that means that it’s slime time. Dress for a mess, and join the library for this special combination of sensory/tactile play, STEAM, and storytime. We understand that little ones use all of their senses to explore, so all sensory materials are taste-safe. Online registration required. Registration is limited for our in person events. Contact children’s services at 516-621-2240 or kids@bryantlibrary.org.
From 11 a.m. to 12 noon, the Bryant Library will hold a knitting class. One of th reference librarians will teach the basics of knitting: how to cast on, knit, purl, and will even help you “fix” some of those unruly stitches. Please bring your yarn and needles to the appointment. You must register
in advance for this program. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240.
At 1 p.m., the Bryant Library will host a viewing of The Cat People
An American man marries a Serbian immigrant who fears that she will turn into the cat person of her homeland’s fables if they are intimate together. The perfect fusion of noir and horror, directed by Jacques Tourneur. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240.
At 4 p.m., the Bryant Library will host a meeting of the Young Adult Advisory Council, for Roslyn residents in grades 6-12. Earn community service hours by attending our virtual meetings and planning events for teens. Email blteens@bryantlibrary.org to register. Registration is required for new members only.
At 1:30 p.m., the Bryant Library will present a concert by musicians celebrating the Long Island
Composers Alliance Golden Anniversary. Come hear the latest music written by composers and performed by musicians living and working on Long Island. Multiple performers, different styles of music – there’s music here for everyone. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Cal 516-621-2240.
Nassau County Department of Assessment staff members will be at the Bryant Library from 1 - 2:30 p.m. to provide individual assistance to any homeowner who would like to file for his or her Veterans, Senior Citizen, Cold War Veterans, Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Workers, or Limited Income Disability exemption. Make copies of your 2021 Federal and State Income Tax Returns, along with any required documentation as listed on the exemption application. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240.
Roslyn High School Class of 1972 is having its Fiftieth Anniversary
reunion on Saturday, Oct. 29, at the Hilton Garden Inn, 3 Harbor Park Dr., Port Washington, from 7 to 11 p.m. Cost is $135, including open bar and buffet dinner. For details call Bill Kempner at 516-587-4158 (WCKempner@ gmail.com) or Neal Gardner at 754-204-4520 (nealg2323@aol. com). Don’t miss this once-in-alifetime event.
Other Worlds Than This: The Supernatural in Art From now until Nov. 6 Art has access to worlds beyond the one we know. The supernatural has captivated artists from
ancient spiritual myths and rites to the most popular fantasies of today. The onging exhibit at the Nassau County Museum of Art summons a celestial realm of demons, ghosts and extra-sensory phenomena as conjured by such Surrealists as Breton and Magritte), photographers who specialize in the occult, Old Masters including Goya, Contemporary talents including Michaël Borremans, Allison Janae Hamilton, Robert Gober, and many others. Take a trip into the next dimension with some of the greatest artists in history as your guides. The museum is at One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. Call 516-484-9338.
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Are conservatives, who labor in liberal Western society, destined to lose? Did the populist uprisings of the 1990s lay the groundwork for Donald Trump’s victory in 2016? Does America First have a future in a post-Trump Republican Party? Nicole Hemmer’s history is another warning to liberals: Don’t count out the populist right.
The 1990s-style populism was a reaction to the failed presidency of George H.W. Bush. It was also a reaction to the frustrations of Ronald Reagan’s two terms. Reagan was plenty popular, but the former New Dealer was no populist, supporting free trade, mass immigration and democracy promotion around the world. Added to that was real discontent brewing in the heartland: Decades of stagnant wages, wars without victory, (or end), the crime wave, the attack on traditional values and American history, a lost border and with it, maybe a lost nation. Hemmer quotes Pat Buchanan’s 1992 presidential announcement speech, including lines that get to the heart of the matter.
We Republicans can no longer say it is all the liberals’ fault. It was not some liberal Democrat who declared, “Read my lips! No new taxes!,” then broke his word… It was not Edward Kennedy who railed against a quota bill, then embraced its twin. It was not Congress alone who set off on the greatest social spending spree in 60 years…No, that was done by men in whom we placed…our trust, and who then turned their backs, and walked away from us.
The book focuses on three key figures who fueled the populist drive: Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich. There are other subjects, namely Helen Chenoweth, a far-right congresswoman from Idaho whose uncompromising style set the stage for such firebrands as Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R—GA) and Rep. Lauren Boebert (R—CO).
Hemmer focuses mostly on populism as an electronic media phenomenon. One chapter discusses three non-fiction books
that made a splash: Charles Murray’s The Bell Curve , Dinesh D’Souza’s The End of Racism and Peter Brimelow’s Alien Nation
The author cannot be objective. None were sensationalist. The Bell Curve , other than a controversial chapter on black and Hispanic I.Q. scores is conventional. Murray’s greatest fear is that college-educated whites might join the working-class whites in a pitchfork rebellion against liberalism. D’Souza’s tome criticized alleged racism both from the left and the right. Brimelow’s polemic made the moral case against mass immigration. When the 1965 immigration bill was enacted, Americans were told by lawmakers that no changes to the nation’s population makeup was forthcoming. They lied—and got away with it.
The populist revolt was much more than a talk show rebellion. It had deep intellectual roots, namely the achievement of such libertarians as Murray Rothbard, traditionalists M.E. Bradford and Russell Kirk, the America First opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s war plans and the popular presidencies of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge.
It also had its genesis in small-circulation journals of opinion, including the October 1989 number of Chronicles calling for restrictions on legal immigration and the December 1991 number of that same publication resurrecting the original proponents of America First.
Limbaugh was influenced by Buchanan, but much more so by William F. Buckley, Jr.’s National Review . In 1992, the latter publication took its own anti-immigration position only to tone it down later in the decade.
Hemmer focuses on the unserious aspects of the movement: FOX News (Tucker Carlson being an exception), talk radio and conspiracy theorists. Fred Barnes was correct in maintaining that the media stars knew little about the literature of the postwar conservative movement. This book follows suit: There
is also no mention of such antiwar stalwarts as Joseph Sobran, Thomas Fleming, Lew Rockwell and Bill Kauffman. There is but one reference to Ron Paul and only three to Samuel T. Francis, a figure as important as Buchanan. The world of Limbaugh and his imitators was loud, but not always articulate.
Partisans is similar to Matthew Continetti’s recent history, The Right . Continetti’s effort is much more scholarly. He shares Hemmer’s distaste for modern-day populism. Continetti is, however, familiar with its intellectual antecedents. Unlike Hemmer, Continetti acknowledges that Trump Country has legitimate concerns.
The 1990s were a time of inward reflection. The Cold War was over, the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack unimaginable. During that decade, a similar rightwing populism took root in Europe. The key difference is that the working-class now had political parties that they could rally around: The National Front in France, The Northern League in Italy, the Swiss People’s Party, Norway’s Progress Party, Finland’s True Finns, Sweden’s Sweden Democrats, Austria’s Freedom Party, all the way to Hungary’s Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party.
There are no such parties in the United States (or Great Britain, Canada and Germany). Populists there are savaged into extinction in the liberal-conservative media.
They’ve also made their mistakes. The year 1992 was decisive. The populist decade began on Dec. 15, 1991, when Buchanan announced his challenge to George H.W. Bush. Buchanan’s strong showing in the New Hampshire primary inspired H. Ross Perot to mount his third-party bid. Buchanan, soon out of the race, had nice things to say about Perot’s meteoric rise. Limbaugh also praised the man. The Bush people got wind of this and invited Limbaugh to the White House for a night in the Lincoln bedroom. President Bush even
carried the man’s bags. (Did Rush give the president a tip?) Limbaugh was star struck. He called his parents in Missouri to tell them the news. He also, from that moment on, became a loyal Republican, even though late in his career, Limbaugh broke with conservatives in supporting Donald Trump.
As did Buchanan. After the 1992 election, several of Buchanan’s allies, including Francis, Fleming and Bradford urged him to give up on the GOP and to announce a third party run for 1996, heading Perot off at the pass. Buchanan declined. For 1996, he had the support of Nackey Loeb and her powerful Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader . Buchanan did win the 1996 New Hampshire primary. His campaign, however, wasn’t strong enough to go the distance.
Was a third party ever possible? It would take billions of dollars and thousands of articulate candidates running on all levels. And so, a dead end.
The populist rebellion had much to say about America’s economic and cultural decline. They just didn’t have a political party to take their case to the voters.
‘‘The conservative is the man who knows that he must lose.’’Simone de Beauvoir
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Family court hearings are often contentious and they are certainly no place for young ears. Luckily, with the Children’s Center at Nassau County Family Court, parents and guardians have a safe place to bring children from infants to 12-year-olds while they are conducting court business.
North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, which runs this important program, is holding a fundraiser to support the Children’s Center at Nassau County Court on Thursday, Oct. 27. The event will be held at Tesoro’s Ristorante, 967 Old Country Rd., Westbury, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., and will feature cocktails, music and a buffet dinner.
“The Children’s Center at Nassau County Family Court provides a valuable service because it allows children to be insulated from the stress involved in the horror of family court litigation,” fundraiser co-chair John M. Zenir. Esq said. “Just imagine a six-year-old sitting in a public waiting room outside of a courtroom not knowing what is happening. What fear and dread that child must feel. Instead, he or she can go to the Children’s Center and play with toys, read a book and have a snack while being attended to by qualified professionals.”
According to co-chair Allison Cacace, children can be traumatized if they hear their loved ones arguing in court. “The Children’s Center at Nassau County Family Court provides a safe, nurturing environ ment for children while their parents or
other caretakers sort out their legal affairs,” Tobay Day School Director/Casino One Limousines owner Cacace said. “It is ex tremely important that we raise awareness and funds for this invaluable service that makes a positive impact on children and is also greatly beneficial to those who can’t afford to pay for childcare during court sessions.”
“The mission of the Women’s Bar includes promoting the fair and equal administration of justice,” said Cherice P. Vanderhall Wilson, President of the Nassau County Women’s Bar Association, which is co-hosting the benefit. “The Children’s Center eliminates childcare as a barrier to justice and provides a resource for those who need it while they seek assistance from one the county’s most important courts.”
Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust, Director of the Guidance Center’s Leeds Place, said, “The Children’s Center not only provides childcare, but it’s also an early learning environment, and each child leaves with a book to take home. We are so grateful to John, Allison and the Nassau County Women’s Bar Association for their dedication and support. We hope that all who care about children will join us on Oct. 27.”
To purchase tickets or sponsorships, email mespichan@northshorechildguidance.org, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org or call 516-626-1971, ext. 309.
—Submitted by the North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center
Before accepting one man’s view of what they perceived to be as a “police power flag” flying from the rear of a fire truck, let’s look into the author and review what triggers this individual’s political and personal biases into action and letter writing.
First, the actual flag is accu rately called the thin blue line, yet retired teacher Frisch prefers to refer to it as “the police power flag.” Why would anyone claim that an innocuous flag like that actually be an intolerant reaction to “Black Lives Matter?” Of course the learned open-minded retired educator has concluded that “most people would agree” with his point of view. I totally disagree. He also feels that the police don’t need a special flag and that the thin blue line flag indicates that the police, (although it was flying off the rear of a fire truck), by flying this flag, indicates that the American flag isn’t good enough for them.
Clearly the “learned” retired educator has issues with alternative views and truths to his own biases and animosities towards the police by pontificating about
no one being above the law and that such symbols or flags like the thin blue line should not be shown on police cars, fire trucks or public buildings. What if that same flag had a red line across it supporting fire fighters instead of blue? Would that also be a counter BLM symbol to Frisch?
Clearly retired teacher Frisch has issues set off by symbols he person ally perceived as un-American. The original flag that set Frisch off was on a fire truck in apparent support for the police. People, all people, have a right to express their views, and one man’s distorted vision of an American flag with a blue line across it as being a divisive message is very telling. How one equates the thin blue line flag to the BLM movement is a giant leap of one man’s political tilt against freedom of expression and the police. I for one will not be told what to believe and what to support by the likes of Frisch and his distorted biased views.
Consider the writer’s perspec tive on views like this flag that upsets him so much to protest in writing. This very same author
was compelled to inform Delta Airlines, headquartered in Atlanta, that he will no longer fly Delta due to his negative opinion of Georgia’s voting laws. Yeah, that should bring Delta to its knees Frisch.
I’m positive Delta had absolutely nothing to do with its State’s election laws. Yet this “educated” man, who doesn’t live in Georgia, nor qualified to legally vote there, believes his views are sacrosanct and the righteous ones above anyone else’s.
So retired educator Frisch, if flags offend you don’t fly them or look at them. Do gay pride
flags offend you? They fly in the halls of Congress in DC. Any feelings about those un-American symbolic flags? Should they be removed too?
It’s a flag. Nothing more, unless you clearly have issues that have ab solutely nothing to do with the flag. I think your views and opinions are pretty clear and you don’t speak for the majority you claim are behind you. For the record. I’ve never ever heard the thin blue line flag referred to as a “police power flag” until you imagined it to be such a thing. Which it clearly is NOT.
The MTA announced that the next 20-Year Capital Needs Plan Assessment (2025-44) will be com pleted by October 1, 2023. They said “Engaging with the public and understanding the needs of our riders is critical to plan for the future of the transit system.” What ever happened to the MTA 2020-40 20-Year Capital Needs Plan? The New York State Legislature in 2019 directed the MTA to release this document prior to adoption of the $51 billion 2020-24 Five-Year Capital Plan.
They are reviewing more than 20 system expansion and enhance ment projects including the $3.8 billion LIRR Port Jefferson branch that the MTA is considering to include in the next 20-Year Plan. They have not been selected or funded but will be comparatively evaluated for consideration on a level-playing field for future FiveYear Capital Programs.
Too many of the competing projects also cost billions. They include (1) New York City Transit Manhattan Hells Kitchen 10th Avenue station on the #7 Flushing Line—$1 billion; (2)
Extension of the Brooklyn New Lots Ave #3 line—billions; (3) Brooklyn/Queens Interborough Express—MTA Chairman Janno Lieber promised it would come in under $10 billion; (4) Reactivation of the LIRR Queens Lower Montauk Branch—$2.1 billion; (5) Reactivation of the LIRR Queens Rockaway Beach Branch —$8 billion; (6) Second Avenue Subway Phase 2 to 125th Street—$6.9 billion; (7) Staten Island West Shore BRT—$1.5 billion; (8) Brooklyn Utica Avenue transit improvements—$5 to $10
billion depending upon length of the subway extension and number of stations and (9) Brooklyn W sub way line Red Hook extension—$2.9 billion; and (10) Metro North Stewart Airport Access—billions.
The current growing inflation, potential recession, ongoing supply chain issues, increasing fuel prices, rising material costs and labor shortages will only result in cost estimates going up over coming years, prior to award of any construction contracts for these potential projects
Electrification of the Port Jefferson branch has been advocat ed since the 1960’s by generations of elected officials with no success. In 1970, electrification was extend ed from Mineola to Huntington. In the 1980’s, discussions took place between the MTA, LIRR, Suffolk County and many elected officials over which branch should be electrified first. The Ronkonkoma branch was selected over the Port Jefferson branch.
Without electrification east of Huntington, Port Jefferson branch riders will not have a one-seat ride to Grand Central Madison
via the $11.2 billion East Side Access project. There is insufficient height clearance to accommodate duel mode locomotives in the 63rd Street tunnel needed for access to Grand Central Madison. Thousands of daily LIRR riders from diesel territory will still have to change at Jamaica for travel to Grand Central Madison or Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn.
Future opportunity for funding to progress this project beyond a planning study could come under upcoming MTA Five Year Capital Programs. Governor Kathy Hochul did not include this project in her January State of the State Speech or April $220 billion budget. One source of funding could be the Federal Transit Administration under the national competitive discretionary Capital Investments Grant program. A Full Funding Grant Agreement from FTA would have to be matched by a similar amount of local sources. This program funded MTA’s $11.2 billion LIRR East Side Access and New York City Transit $4.5 billion Second Avenue Subway Phase 2.
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
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There are many cities around the country that have sports teams, but there is no area in the nation with as many teams as New York City. We have baseball, basketball, hockey, football, lacrosse and soccer. All of them have their fans who are emotionally attached to them and can be fanatic at times. Luckily for us team worshipers, the year 2022, has brought us the riches of having two baseball teams that are national contenders.
Even though they have suffered some recent setbacks, the New York Mets are finally a playoff team. After years of struggle, the Mets were fortunate to get a new owner who has poured millions of dollars into the hiring of first-rate players. Regrettably, the previous owners, saddled with money losses due to the Madoff scandal, couldn’t afford to make the team competitive and they finally cashed in by selling the team to Wall Street billionaire Steve Cohen.
Across the bridge in the Bronx, the New York Yankees have enjoyed a strong season with the addition of a number of star
players who have helped the team win its first division title in over five years. The key to the Yankee’s success has been the brilliant performance by outfielder Aaron Judge. There is no team in Major League Baseball that can boast of having a player who hit a record breaking 62 homeruns and competed for other titles as well.
The emergence of the Mets and the Yankees comes at a time when New York City is grappling with numerous problems from crime to the overflow of
immigrants, courtesy of Texas Governor Abbott. Having two teams competing in the baseball playoffs has injected an air of excitement that New York has not felt in years. Every local fan likes to dream about a “subway series” and hopefully the two teams will eventually get to that point.
The Giants and Jets have followed their usual course of playing. While the Giants have started their season with a few wins, over the years they have fallen apart by mid-season. There is a glimmer of hope that they will keep winning and at least make the playoffs, which will make their fans delirious. The Jets just might be turning the corner with a couple of improbable come-from-behind wins. Their dedicated fans contin ue to be hopeful, so hopefully they won’t be having to go down that “Same Old Jets’ Path. If that comes to be the case, then some of the executives should be fired because you can’t fire a team.
But for now, we owe a large “thank you” to the owners of both the Mets and the Yankees. New Yorkers needed a shot of excitement and the two teams have
given us the October surprise that we have been hoping for. What will happen in the weeks ahead is out of our hands, but our friends and neighbors have a pleasant distraction from the burdens of dealing with the stresses of city and suburban living.
PENNER from page 6A
Port Jefferson electrification was not included within President Biden’s FY23 budget requests $21.1 billion for transit and $17.9 billion for rail. It is not included in the FTA FY 2023 Capital Investment Grants New Starts or Core Capacity Program Funding Recommendations.
The estimated cost today is $3.6 billion and will increase over time. This is necessary to pay for planning, design and engineering, environmental review, land acqui sition for construction of power sub stations, expansion of com muter parking, potential relocation and/or consolidation of existing stations, new stations and plat forms, new electric Multiple Unit car storage yard, new track, third rail and signals. From start to finish
Former State Assemblyman Jerry Kremer is a columnist for Anton Media Group and partner at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek in Uniondale. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or Anton Media Group.
could require a decade or more. Based upon my past experiences on other FTA MTA LIRR projects, electrification of the Port Jefferson branch may not happen until 2040.
Failure to include Port Jefferson branch electrification in the upcoming MTA 20-Year Capital Needs Plan means end of the line for this project for decades more to come.
Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer, who previously worked for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office. This included the development, review, approval and oversight for billions in capital projects and programs for the MTA, NYC Transit, Long Island Rail Road, Metro North Rail Road, MTA Bus along with 30 other transit agencies in NY & NJ.
Asmall team of local artists, led by Creative Director Michael Natiello, have hand-carved more than 7,000 jack o’lanterns for this year’s Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze at Old Bethpage Village Restoration, creating elaborate pumpkin sculptures for the returning walk-through experience on the grounds of the 19th-century village.
We recently had a chance to speak with Carol Hough, one of the local carvers from Massapequa, who shared some cool ideas and insights to this year’s event.
A I grew up in a home where not only did we do a lot of arts and crafts, but Halloween was a big holiday—big decorations, homemade costumes, lots of home baked goodies and of course carving pumpkins. When I was approached about carving pumpkins as a paid job, I jumped at the chance. I get to be creative and have fun while working outdoors with an amazing group of talented people. What could be better than that?
QIs your skill limited to pumpkins or so you carve other materials?
A I have carved wood, as well as sculpted clay and even marble. And in summertime the occasional watermelon works as well as a pumpkin.
QWhat’s your favorite carving at this year’s exhibit?
A I love carving the prize winners, the big 100-plus pound pumpkins. This year we have two next to the Emoji panel display, and the kids really think they are funny. And although I did not create them, I love the sea creature section. It is just stunning.
QHow do you get your inspiration?
AThe children that come to the show are a huge inspiration. I like to watch their reactions, and then add more of what they enjoy.
QHow did you learn the techniques needed to achieve incredible finished result?
AA lot of what I learned while sculpting clay or carving wood can be applied to the pumpkins. It took a while to learn how to create 3D effects using light. The fully cut areas will be pure light, the etched kind of areas will change in tone depending on how deep you go. And you learn to improvise and not worry about being perfect.
The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze has limited capacity and all admissions are by advance purchase timed ticket or FLEX anytime ticket. No tickets are sold on site.
Remaining Long Island dates are Oct. 19 through 23; 26 through 31 and Nov. 4 through 6
Online tickets start at $32 for adults and $24 for children 3-17 and are free for children 2 and under.
All tickets must be purchased online. The event is held rain or shine. Proceeds support Historic Hudson Valley, the Tarrytown-based private, nonprofit educational organization, and Nassau County’s Old Bethpage Village Restoration.
The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze Shop offers a selection Blaze-specific merchandise including T-shirts and hats.
Old Bethpage Village Restoration is located at 1303 Round Swamp Rd. in Old Bethage.
Visit www.pumpkinblaze.org for more information.
AThat happens a lot, and you just have to add or subtract from your design to fit it in somehow. And usually, even though I know where the error is, the person looking at it won’t be able to see it.
AThe two main tools for live pumpkins are sheetrock knives for carving and ice cream scoops for cleaning/scraping out the seeds and pumpkin guts. For more detailed live pumpkins, as well as the pumpkins we use for large displays, we use a lot of different sized carving knives like you would find in the carving kits at the store as well as sculpting tools, like loop and ribbon tools, Exacto knives and a Dremel.
Hough has been the production coordinator and lead carver since 2020. She is an artist who focuses on painting, photography and sculpting. Hough is also a dedicated volunteer for Splashes of Hope, a nonprofit organization of mural artists dedicated to transforming healthcare environments. Through Splashes for Hope, Hough has worked on multiple projects including ceiling tiles for local hospitals that were used in children’s and maternity departments under the project name “From Clinical to Colorful.”
In the years since baseball icon Steve Garvey was named National League MVP back in 1974, there have been many changes in Major League Baseball, including adjustments to league positions on marijuana, a.k.a. cannabis. Specifically, MLB has removed cannabis from the league’s list of banned substances, and most recently, allows teams to accept cannabidiol (CBD) sponsorships.
During his MLB career, Garvey set a National League record by playing in 1207 consecutive games, and became a 10-time All-Star and World Series Champion in 1981. Years later, after having a shoulder injury, he helped formulate LEVEL SELECT CBD, and found that using CBD was the only way to get restful sleep.
As co-founder of Kadenwood, a vertically integrated firm handling hemp-derived CBD products, Garvey is part of a growing number of retired athletes at the forefront of the movement for and a strong advocate for CBD’s benefits to athletes.
Garvey checked in with Anton Media Group this fall about the work he’s been doing lately, as well as the experiences that led him to step up to the plate for CBD.
ANTON MEDIA GROUP: What are some of the biggest wellness or health challenges that you see in MLB, or major-league sports generally, at this time?
STEVE GARVEY: Athletes are always concerned with body pain from overuse and pushing their limits, in addition to mental health. The great thing is, CBD has the ability to address both those issues from the core and even prevent them all together. CBD is still being studied from a medical perspective, but has shown promise and potential to provide physical and mental health benefits and help regulate the endocannabinoid system, to allow for optimal performance.
AMG: What are some of the biggest challenges, and biggest strengths, that you see in the field of cannabinoid medicine at this time? Biggest strengths?
SG: The biggest strengths definitely stem from the potential benefits it has in treating
vast amounts of ailments. The biggest challenges are in the regulation we face in developing, manufacturing, cultivating, and testing cannabis in order to bring these possible treatments to the public.
AMG: Can you share a memory of a time, during your playing career or otherwise, when you wish you’d had access to CBD?
SG: Baseball is a grueling sport, especially on the joints. It’s also one of the longest running sports seasons, with more than 100 games and nine months of play action, including preseason. CBD was completely prohibited and options were not available during my entire career playing the game. I wish I had access to it every game I played. It would have been much more healthy and less harmful for my body than the pain relieving methods we accessed at that time. For example, imagine having to constantly throw a ball at very high speeds over and over again. The overuse of the elbow joint can lead to major [issues] and relief was always needed even during games.
AMG: What do you want people who are not familiar with cannabinoids, or with CBD’s increasing allowance and role in pro sports, to know about cannabinoid medicine?
SG: That it is not what they likely assume it is. No one is abusing substances or doing anything illegal or damaging to their bodies in ways illicit drugs do. CBD is not intoxicating and has tremendous potential for widespread use in mainstream medicine. We just need to spread awareness around its safety and efficacy.
AMG: Any shout-outs for our region, from your memories of playing here?
SG: The fans. I always loved playing in New York and couldn’t wait for those games. The crowds who attend are unlike any other in the country. There’s just an electricity in the air that you can’t deny and it fueled my performance. I don’t have to tell you that New York brings the energy, you know that, but... they really do.
CBD is not intoxicating and has tremendous potential for widespread use in mainstream medicine. We just need to spread awareness around its safety and efficacy.
Steve Garvey
Steve Garvey (Submitted photo)
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The following was penned by the author shortly after moving to Great Neck, during the honeymoon period when its fascinating history first captured his heart. We share it in hopes that more people will become aware of the area’s glamorous past.
Great Neck is the name of both a geographic region (a peninsula in the town of North Hempstead) and a village in that region. Its history is very much tied up with the New York City borough of Queens, which is right next door. Prior to the incorporation of New York City in 1898, the three towns that make up what is now Nassau County (Hempstead, North Hempstead, Oyster Bay) were also part of Queens County. These three outlying towns opted not to become part of the city, so they seceded from the county and formed the new one, Nassau (named, like the one in the Bahamas, after a Dutch aristocrat, as this territory was part of
New Netherland before it became New York). The towns are full of villages and hamlets that people identify with much more closely than the overall towns. By the way, Brooklyn and Queens were both originally constituted of the same kind of villages and hamlets; they simply grew and became urbanized so that now the former villages and hamlets are thought of as neighborhoods within the borough. Places like Flatbush and Greenpoint and Jamaica etc. were all originally villages; they just got swallowed up by New York City.
North Hempstead split with Hempstead
see GREAT NECK on page 4B
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during the Revolutionary War. North Hempstead was full of Patriots sympa thetic to the Revolution; Hempstead was full of Loyalists sympathetic to the British.
In the 19th century, the region, which was all mostly farmland, became more accessible via railway, steamboats, and better roads. In the Gilded Age, the super-wealthy began to build seaside mansions in what became known as the “Gold Coast”, which embraced Great Neck and towns farther east. Tycoons like Walter Chrysler and William Kissam Vanderbilt II built estates here.
By the 1920s there were scores of mansions in Great Neck. F. Scott Fitzgerald immortalized it as “West Egg” in his 1925 novel The Great Gatbsy. By the Jazz Age, the region had become fashionable with celebrities as well. It is an interesting period—it’s when many of these people were big Broadway stars, but just before they moved to Hollywood to become movie stars. This little show biz enclave included the Marx Bros (in separate houses), Ed Wynn, Fanny Brice, W.C. Fields, Eddie Cantor, Raymond Hitchcock, Marilyn Miller, Olive Thomas, Lillian Russell, Olga Petrova, Lew Fields, Paul and Grace Hartman, George M. Cohan, as well as his business partner Sam Harris (separate houses), Gene Buck, Oscar Hammerstein II, Eugene O’Neill, Ring Lardner, Herbert Bayard Swope, P.G. Wodehouse, Guy Bolton, Leslie Howard, Basil Rathbone, Maurice Chevalier, Paulette Goddard, Fredric March, Charles King, Richard Barthelmess, Norma Talmadge and Joe Schenck, Chic Young (he created the comic strip Blondie here in 1930), Sid Caesar, Alan King, Max Weber, Will Durant, Morton Gould, Herman Wouk, and many others.
The Depression ended the building of super-mansions, and the theatre crowd moved out to Hollywood with the advent of talkies. Great Neck became more suburban. Many of the big estates were taken down and carved up into smaller parcels for middle class homes. (As an example, my wife and I live in her fami ly’s house, a Mock Tudor home that was built in the 1920s in a development that went up on the former estate of million aire William Gould Brokaw called—wait for it—“Nirvana”.)
The postwar period saw a population boom as tons of people from the city, many of them the children and grand children of Jewish immigrants (and other immigrant groups) who’d prospered and moved to the suburbs. This gives the town an extremely unique feel, a lot like a small town, but one that is culturally connected to New York City, right next door. Famous people who grew up here in later years include Francis Ford Coppola and his sister Talia Shire, George Segal, Andy Kaufman, illustrator
Drew Friedman, Broadway producer Stewart Lane, and, on the more notorious side, the family depicted in the 2003 documentary Capturing the Friedmans Also, Gwyneth Paltrow’s father and Lena Dunham’s mother! Bruno, the psychotic from Strangers on a Train is from Great Neck!
You see why I’m inspired then! The surroundings and history reverberate with vibrations that are apt to keep me on my game. In our modest way, we’ll be looking to uphold the tradition. After all, this is the former Nirvana. And, God Willing, it will be the future one as well!
Trav S.D. is the author of No Applause, Just Throw Money: The Book That Made Vaudeville Famous. Visit travsd.wordpress.com to read about most of the folks mentioned in this post and myriad other famous celebrities and historical topics.
Welcome to our latest edition of Gold Coast Living. As the publisher of 8 weekly newspapers—The Nassau Illustrated News, Glen Cove-Oyster Bay Record Pilot, Great Neck Record, Manhasset Press,Port Washington News, The Roslyn News, Syosset-Jericho Tribune and Nassau Observer, we know the territory—and what makes the Gold Coast so special.
Author and entertainer Trav S.D. offers his expert historical snapshot of the Great Neck peninsula, a fascinating read of who’s who in the history of Great Neck, the Hollywood of the late 1800s and well into the following century. We also have a recap of the North Shore Land Alliance’s Oct. 1 Wine Auction charity event
Gin lovers will delight at the recently launched dry gin brand, Himbrimi, a unique Icelandic handcrafted spirit, unlike anything you have ever tasted before.
Looking for new ways to refresh your home interior for the season? Kristina Kodi of Safavieh Home Furnishings shares her design tips for what’s hot this fall.
Think less about decorating your home for comfort and more about decorating it for selling? Compass realtor Traci Conway Clinton shares her best advice for staging your home to sell. Influencer Daena Borrowman has been keeping up with the buzz for us following Fashion Week and shares her picks for upcoming trends in the industry that we are likely to see in the coming months. Dave Gil de Rubio sits down for an exclusive interview with Grammy Award-winning international artist Michael Bublé. Then take a tour of UBS Arena and check out the fall food preview in honor of the New York Islanders’ 50th Anniversary, with corporate partnerships with dozens of local restauranteurs and businesses.
I hope you enjoy this fall issue of Gold Coast Living as much as we enjoyed creating it for you.
Susanne Corbelletta is a New York native and classically trained artist. She attended The Stevenson Academy of Traditional Painting in Sea Cliff, founded by Harold Stevenson, protégé and friend of Norman Rockwell. Inspired by impressionism and classical realism, she paints seeking to capture mood and atmosphere using changes in light and broken color, hoping to invoke a sense of tranquility for the viewer. Corbelletta draws inspiration from, mainly, Long Island scenery and is always captivated when watching light cast shadows as it moves over a landscape and when seeing the reflected light bounce off its surroundings. She paints en plein air, whenever possible and then completes the canvas at her studio. Corbelletta also enjoys painting portraits, the figure and still life, where she can control the lighting and composition.
Her award-winning paintings are privately collected and widely exhibited. Her work has been shown at The National Gallery, the Salmagundi Art Club, Federal Hall National Museum in NYC and galleries and museums nationally. Corbelletta is most proud to be an artist for the United States Coast Guard, where she has joined the ranks of artists past, to assist in documenting the history of the Coast Guard through paintings.
As a board member of The Art Guild, Corbelletta has been exposed to various artists, mediums and styles. It has given her a broader perspective of art in the community. Corbelletta is happy to be part of an organization that provides classes and workshops for adults and children, both for beginners and more advanced artists who want to broaden their skills.
Corbelletta recently completed a solo exhibit on display at Sea Cliff Village Library through the end of June this past summer. This exhibition included 15 of her paintings.
Visit www.corbelletta.com to see more of Corbelletta’s work.
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The North Shore Land Alliance held its 19th annual Wine Auction and Dinner on Saturday, Oct. 1, at the beautiful Rynwood Estate in Old Brookville.
More than 400 guests were in attendance, many of whom dressed as “Gatsby” and “Daisy” to celebrate the Land Alliance’s “Nod to the Past that Framed Our Landscapes of Today.”
Guests entered the party through the main gates of Rynwood and were immediately greeted by the warmth and beauty of the estate.
Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres were served throughout the house, and guests were invited to explore the main floor of the 60-room Elizabethan manor. Its vaulted ceilings, English oak paneling, long corridors, stained glass medallions, tiled fireplaces and tapestries recall an opulent age of Long Island’s Gold Coast. They then headed out to the beautiful tent to enjoy a delicious dinner catered by Sterling Affair and peruse the silent auction offerings.
Perfectly in-season dahlias, large peacock feathers, twinkling lights, and the incredible period fashions our guests wore brought the evening theme to life. Live and silent auction items included a trip to Greece and Turkey, fine wines and a private sailboat tour of “East and West Egg.” The party continued into the late evening, thanks to fun hits played by the DJ.
This year’s event was chaired by Allison Aston, Kate Doerge, Jenna Bush Hager, Kelly Kasouf, Amory McAndrew and Claudia Overstrom. The auction was expertly curated by Chairs Kelly Gaudreau, Jennifer Grgas, Paul J. Mateyunas and Amy Pollaci.
Handpicked Icelandic wildflowers, geothermal water, and the riverbanks of the Westfjords are just three of the unique elements that go into the creation of Himbrimi Old Tom Gin and Winterbird London Dry Gin (40 percent ABV; 700ml; $39.99 SRP), which today make their U.S. debut. Originally handmade in small batches by Icelandic artist and entrepreneur Óskar Ericsson as a sipping companion for his flyfishing trips along the eastern coastline of the Westfjords, a region known as Standir, Himbrimi has since achieved the World Gin Award, amongst other acclaim, and inspired bartenders to create Icelandic versions of classic gin cocktails.
“Himbrimi Old Tom Gin is an intentionally unusual gin made in the style of the classic Old Tom gin that was first produced in the pre-Prohibition era,” says Ericsson. “Himbrimi Gin is floral yet earthy, sweet but complex, and is truly an Old World-style gin—almost a hybrid between a gin and a whisky, with a resemblance to the old Dutch Korenwyn-jenever.”
40% ABV; 700ml; $69.99 SRP
• Pure mineral-free Icelandic spring water, with an unusual high PH
• Organic juniper berries, crushed to release oils and aroma
• Wild Angelica flowers, handpicked along the banks of lakes and rivers
• Wild Arctic thyme—the signature flavor of Himbrimi Gin and one of Iceland’s favorite herbs known for its lavender-like, floral character
• Organic honey to provide sweetness
• Based on early 18th century gin recipes, Himbrimi Old Tom Gin is infused, filtered, sweetened, and left in its raw state, instead of being re-distilled, which isn’t necessary thanks to the premium quality of fresh Icelandic spring water.
• The process starts with grain spirit that is infused with natural handpicked botanicals for 14 days, after which it is filtered multiple times, resulting in a rustic and complex gin with a red amber color and a smooth, long finish.
• Nose: Honey, lavender, and earthy, like the Icelandic highlands after a spell of rain
• Palate: Juniper to the fore, followed by very bright floral notes. Lavender-like arctic thyme offers a dominant flavor that is complemented by the sweet honey and pungent angelica flowers resulting in a smooth, bittersweet, soothing result
• Finish: Extremely long, smooth aftertaste with floral notes that linger on the tongue
“Mortgage rates continued to climb last week, causing another pullback in overall application activity, which dropped to its slowest pace since 1997. The 30-year xed rates hit the highest rate since 2006.” – Inman News 10/5/22
the real estate market changing at a quick pace, now more than ever, it is crucial to have an experienced real estate professional on your side. My extensive background as a seasoned real estate professional, accountant and corporate nance a orney allows me to guide you to a smooth and successful transaction.
Warm earthy tones are trending.
Chilly weather is upon us, but here are a few tips to spice up your space during the fall season. This week, I wanted to share the top fall trends as we enter autumn.
Warm layering shades of brown are back. Design your space with warm, earthy tones like mushroom, sand, muted greens, and similar neutrals. You can bring in these warm tones with new throw pillows, accessories, and ottomans.
Natural elements like travertine, ter racotta, and porous stone are trending for the fall season. A beautiful mix of natural and sustainable materials can not only create a calming environment but add visual interest. One way to warm up your kitchen with natural
elements is to introduce wood shelving and/ or butcher block counters.
Replacing your summer greenery with statement florals like pampas, grass and dried florals can really transform a room to cozy and inviting. Fall flowers are known for their shades of reds and purples that pop nicely against earthy tones.
Mixing different materials and finishes create textures. Textures are a great way to warm up a room through fiber area rugs, woven baskets, and rattan furniture.
Kristina Codi is an interior designer for Safavieh Home Furnishing’s Manhasset store. Visit www.safaviehhome.com to learn more.
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Many successful families are in complex financial situations and with the uncertainty of our times and the volatility of the markets, many are questioning their long-term financial plans. They may wonder if their financial plans are truly protecting their hard-earned wealth.
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Clients of Palumbo Wealth Management benefit from a disciplined and experienced team with a clear and comprehensive vision of wealth management.
As a Fiduciary for our clients, we are committed to delivering exceptional independent and objective advice and guidance. We work only for our clients and we do not answer to shareholders, which eliminates many conflicts of interest. Every decision we make puts our clients’ interests first before anyone else. Contact us today to learn more about Palumbo Wealth Management and our Second Opinion Service.
Philip G. Palumbo, CFP®
Founder and CEO
Palumbo Wealth Management 1010 Northern Blvd., Suite 310 Great Neck, NY 11021 516.629.7536
Palumbo Wealth Management is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only o ered to clients or prospective clients where Palumbo Wealth Management and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. For additional information on the Advisor, please visit the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at www. adviserinfo.sec.gov by searching with the Advisor’s CRD #306548.
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, CFP® (with plaque design), and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.
As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, Palumbo Wealth Management LLC o ers both investment advisory services and brokerage services. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, di er in material ways and are governed by di erent laws and separate arrangements.
Here is a simple guide to help you through the process of staging and preparing your home to come to market with the goal of highlighting your home’s strengths, downplay its weaknesses, and appeal to the largest pool of prospective buyers. You have enjoyed your home over the years and are getting ready to prepare to list it. So let’s talk about some critical things to remember when getting your house in tip top shape before the property comes to market. A few simple and relatively inexpensive ideas is all it takes to have your home looking its best and attractive to buyers. You may even have some fun doing it.
It’s so important to keep the outside of your home as inviting as the inside. Many buyers drive by the house for sale before they make an appointment to preview, so working on your home’s curbside appeal is a must. Make sure the front door gets a fresh coat of paint. If your house is a neutral hue, use the front door to add a pop of color and, if your house is not neutral, paint the door a complementary color. According to Zillow, the top three front door colors to potentially enhance the value of your home are black, slate
blue and olive green.
Ensure you have proper lighting outside and that all fixtures and bulbs are fully operational. Power wash any walkways or patios to give it a clean look. Keep the landscaping trimmed and neat.
Add a pair of urns or large planters by your front door. Even in the fall, a mix of mums, kale or cabbage, with some ornamental peppers which come in red, orange and yellow, creates a warm, fall hue. A fresh new doormat is a welcoming touch.
Instead of going for a full-on remodel, consider what small changes you can make to update your kitchen. Painting cabinets a classic white, rather than replacing cabinets and swapping out hardware, can make a big difference. Clear the counters. A toaster and coffee maker are just about the only things to consider leaving out on the counters. Put everything else out of sight.
Organize inside the cabinets.
Potential buyers will look inside and if your kitchen cabinets are overstuffed, it gives the impression that there isn’t enough storage space. Organize a pantry, if you have one. The backsplash doesn’t have to be expensive and can bring a whole new updated look.
A bowl of green apples or lemons, fresh cut flowers, branches, or potted herbs will bring life and cheer to your kitchen.
It is absolutely essential to declutter your home when selling. Buyers need to feel the home is spacious, clean and clutter-free. Eyes tend to fixate on cluttered rooms such as garages, attics or basements, detracting from the potential the actual spaces offer. Buyers want to be able to picture themselves in your home, which is more difficult
to do if all they see are your personal items. Remove family photos, the children’s artwork, and any other personal items throughout. Organize all the closets neatly; disheveled, overflowing closets leave an impression of inadequate storage space. It simply feels better when touring a home that is clutter-free.
A spa like look in a bath is greatly desired in today’s home market and much easier to create then you think. It’s all about light, color, texture, and the right accessories. Perhaps you need to repaint the walls in a pale neutral color.
Decorate the bathroom with crisp white towels versus colored towels. Add a few simple accessories like a basket or tray with sea sponges, pretty soaps or sea salts, set by the bathtub or corner of the vanity. Hang a simple piece of art above the toilet or towel bar. Place a candle or diffuser on the counter.
The primary bedroom is the most
important bedroom for many buyers so try to create a feeling of openness, light, and calm. Cool blues, grays, and varying shades of white will work well for wall colors. Dress the bed in crisp white sheets and white duvet. Then add some layers of pillows, starting with European squares and some additional pillows. Add a throw to the bed to add color.
Most buyers want to see a bedroom as a peaceful retreat, so use simple matching nightstands with a lamp, a book and a candle. An area rug will add color, warmth, and style to your bedroom decor.
They are meant for entertaining, conversation and gathering. Edit the room to remove any heavy pieces of furniture which can make a room look small and cramped. Arrange seating around a highlighted focal point such as a fireplace or a great set of windows. Traffic flow is important in order to walk through with ease. Have proper lighting. Any built-in features like shelves and bookcases should be staged placing small groups of items on the shelves. Artwork is a good way to fill the space where family photos once were.
Remove any dated curtains or window treatments and you will be surprised by the amount of natural light coming in. A fresh coat of a neutral paint color can brighten up any room. Bring in some fresh greenery like a floor plant tucked in the corner. New throw pillows can give any couch an instant facelift.
How are your floors looking? Some simple maintenance on hardwood floors or refinishing can add a great deal of drama and appeal.
Remember, home staging is a marketing strategy, with a dash of psychology. It’s doing whatever is necessary to dress up your home so it sells quickly at the highest possible price.
Visualization is a key concept in home staging; if buyers can see themselves living there, they will develop a personal connection to the home and will feel good about investing in it.
Traci Conway Clinton is a real estate broker and a founding agent of Compass Manhasset. She is a council member of the luxury division at Compass and prior to her career in real estate, she owned her own interior design firm.
Athletic luxury is here and it’s at its pinnacle of evolution. Fashionsportswear hybrids will be everywhere this year (and probably next) as we flaunt our skorts, pleats and D-motion pumps. Anyone for a game of tennis?
This year will be a huge statement year for jewelry. I think we will see the boldest jewelry trends we have seen on the catwalk in years. It’s going to be either super minimal or all out. Big chains and gold statements, oversized rings and pendants; you will see the pieces from the street away. Remember those necklaces you wore as a teenager with rope-like cord and a huge heart or flowers at the end? Inspired by our recent love for the ’90s and early 2000s, these chunky accessories will be everywhere this year.
Another huge trend we will see this year is the continuation of pearls. From over-the-top necklaces to simple earrings, I really think pearls are having their biggest resurgence yet. Pearlcore is the biggest jewelry trend of 2022. From taking a peek at some of the street photos from fashion month so far, we can see that
has never been truer.
Other accessories we could see through
the rest of
Think fringe, patchwork, and crochet—but with a twist. With an emphasis on glamour yet still pulling through elements of the classic craft core, this year will bring a renaissance in the form of neo-boho. Cowboy boots and diamonds at the ready.
Give me nostalgia and flair; we don’t care about the era, as long as it’s bygone chic. This year we have seen 1950s glam including headscarves and polka dots make their way back, as well as ’60s minis and ’70s pussy bows. Whatever the era, we are here for it.
Flesh-flashing is in its prime. From see-through camis to sheer slips, the more playful, the better. We can expect to see the runway full of daring statements, with the likes of open weave knits leaving little to the imagination.
fashion month include a focus on costume jewelry. Sticking with the theme of more is less and bigger is better, we will see funkier designs, colors and styles, matching the current fashion garments on the runways.
I also feel we will see a style tribute to the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II. The pieces could see a more regal theme, with pearls being one aspect. Tiaras, crowns, and accessories such as brooches could make an understated approach as a sign of respect.
From Elle Woods to Barbie, the inspo for pink has been unavoidable this year. Not one for the neutral look? This is your year. From pastel pink to neon, it is taking over our wardrobes (and catwalks), and, while a more daring option, it was made for 2022.
Think Crayola meets glam; the runways of fashion month will be brighter than you’ve ever witnessed. Color blocking, clashing and mixed mediums will be leaving us stunned. With more saturation than before, get your sunglasses at the ready for a rainbow of style.
Keeping a blank slate for 2023, we are seeing white rip through the trends this year. From mini dresses to white tights and one-shoulder statements, the runway will be serving up bridal inspiration in every form.
The ’90s trend is bringing back the slip, and it’s slipping onto the runways, in many forms. Think high-glam with silks and spaghetti straps galore. Keeping the ’90s vibe alive, we will be adding some ’22 flare with the likes of sequin embellishment and pairing with oversized accessories.
—Daena Borrowman writes for jewellerybox.
Helms Brothers, established in 1934, originally began with Studebaker and Packard brands. In 1957, Studebaker was given distribution rights to Mercedes-Benz, one of the first on Long Island. Helms Brothers now has three dealership franchises, which include Mercedes-Benz, Volvo and Volkswagen.
Bayside Volkswagen is an award-winning dealership that was started in 1994 and is a split-facility with its service center in Great Neck.
The company’s newer addition, Volvo Cars of Queens, began in 2016. This past spring, Volvo moved to a newly constructed showroom, just steps away from Helms Brothers’ flagship location. A new service center is also opening in the near future.
The business continues its tradition of being family-owned, originally by the brothers, Charlie and Frank. In 1977, Doug Callahan and his father purchased the dealership, now
operating it along with his children, Kirstin and Sean. They have just celebrat ed 45 years in April.
“I grew up in the business,” Kirstin says. “I was always working there over the summer and I did the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) for successorship program.”
She took an extended maternity leave to raise her children into their college years.
“My dad has done an amazing job with this business,” she says. “We are so proud of him, and we have amazing employ ees, part of the Helms Brothers family, like Suzanne Cochran, the dealership’s Mercedes-Benz general manager, who has been with us for more than 40 years as
well as other managers who have been there 20 and 30 years.”
Not only the long-time, loyal employ ees, but many of their own sons, daugh ters, and nieces also work for Helms Brothers now.
“It is an amazing thing to see,” Kirstin said. “It is a true family business; it is what I love about it, like another home.”
Not only the staffing dynamics and chemistry, but the industry’s new features and products make working in
the business worthwhile.
“With all of the new electric vehicles coming out and all of the new technol ogies it is all so exciting,” Kirstin says. “All of our facilities have been upgraded to accommodate electric chargers as we continue to invest in new technology and training to ultimately ensure a smooth transition to an electric future.”
She admits that in the beginning not many people understood that the indus try would have to shift its sales mindset when electric cars came along.
“People would question, ‘they are just electric cars; why do we have to change the way we sell cars,” she says. “People want them; people want convenience and to use less gas.”
Trends and technology have changed the way nearly all businesses operate. Their ability to adapt and operate
seamlessly are some of the keys to their modern success. Conversely, with the constant change in the industry due to modern convenience, it is personal and familiar service that attracts new buyers and keeps long-time customers returning.
“People also want that family feel; it is important to our customers,” Kirstin says. “Try to get Amazon or any large corporation on the phone and get any thing done if you have a problem with a purchase.”
Customers still highly value conve nience, especially New Yorkers. “It still all comes down to the people part of service,” she says. “We care; we are an advocate for our clients.”
She said with all of the new innovation, that requires them to constantly be prepared for the unknowns and all of the
Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, healing, and growing. The DUX® Bed’s unique, customizable component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to help you experience significantly higher quality sleep.
Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, healing, and growing. The DUX® Bed’s unique, customizable component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to help you experience significantly higher quality sleep.
changes with new and unfamiliar things. “We make sure our technicians are all up to speed with the technology,” Kirstin says.
Helms Brothers employs approximately 250 local residents, and the business takes pride in giving back to the com munity through drives and donation collections. They most recently donated more than 400 backpacks to the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Queens, and are ramping up their annual breast cancer awareness walk participation. Last year for Operation Warm, Helms Brothers donated more than 800 coats to local children.
“It is important for my dad to know that our efforts are going to someone local and not just writing a check,” she says. “We are here; we are the people on the corner, in the community and our doors
are always open.”
Helms Brothers’ reputation far exceeds the boundaries of Long Island.
“Many of our customers are now down in Florida and we are regularly arranging reputable transport for their new pur chases,” Kirstin says.
She recalls that there have been cir cumstances when the manager will swap cars with a customer so that the vehicle service is able to be expedited.
“This is the type of relationship that we have with our customers.” she says.
She adds that the company is commit ted to convenience and personalizing their clients’ experiences.
Helms Bros. Mercedes is located at 208-24 Northern Blvd. in Bayside. Visit www.helmsbros.com or call 718-6318181 for sales, service assistance and to schedule a test drive.
The DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to offer, with the added advantage of adjustability. Not only can you customize each side of the bed for optimal support and comfort with our patented Pascal system of interchangeable cassettes, but now with a simple press of a button on a handheld controller you can choose a sleeping position separate from your partner.
Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, healing, and growing. The DUX Bed’s unique, customizable component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to help you experience significantly higher quality sleep.
The DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to offer, with the added advantage of adjustability. Not only can you customize each side of the bed for optimal support and comfort with our patented Pascal system of interchangeable cassettes, but now with a simple press of a button on a handheld controller you can choose a sleeping position separate from your partner.
Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, healing, and growing. The DUX® Bed’s unique, customizable component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to help you experience significantly higher quality sleep.
Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, healing, and growing. The DUX® Bed’s unique, customizable component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to help you experience significantly higher quality sleep.
Resolve to invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA® store near you and discover why The DUX Bed is more than just a bed, it’s the first step to a better, healthier way of living.
The DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to offer, with the added advantage of adjustability. Not only can you customize each side of the bed for optimal support and comfort with our patented Pascal system of interchangeable cassettes, but now with a simple press of a button on a handheld controller you can choose a sleeping position separate from your partner.
Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, healing, and growing. The DUX® Bed’s unique, customizable component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to help you experience significantly higher quality sleep.
The DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to offer, with the added advantage of adjustability. Not only can you customize each side of the bed for optimal support and comfort with our patented Pascal system of interchangeable cassettes, but now with a simple press of a button on a handheld controller you can choose a sleeping position separate from your partner.
Resolve to invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA® store near you and discover why The DUX Bed is more than just a bed, it’s the first step to a better, healthier way of living.
The DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to offer, with the added advantage of adjustability. Not only can you customize each side of the bed for optimal support and comfort with our patented Pascal system of interchangeable cassettes, but now with a simple press of a button on a handheld controller you can choose a sleeping position separate from your partner.
The DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to offer, with the added advantage of adjustability. Not only can you customize each side of the bed for optimal support and comfort with our patented Pascal system of interchangeable cassettes, but now with a simple press of a button on a handheld controller you can choose a sleeping position separate from your partner.
Resolve to invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA® store near you and discover why The DUX Bed is more than just a bed, it’s the first step to a better, healthier way of living.
Resolve to invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA® store near you and discover why The DUX Bed is more than just a bed, it’s the first step to a better, healthier way of living.
Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, healing, and growing. The DUX® Bed’s unique, customizable component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to help you experience significantly higher quality sleep.
Resolve to invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA® store near you and discover why The DUX Bed is more than just a bed, it’s the first step to a better, healthier way of living.
Resolve to invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA® store near you and discover why The DUX Bed is more than just a bed, it’s the first step to a better, healthier way of living.
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The DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to offer, with the added advantage of adjustability. Not only can you customize each side of the bed for optimal support and comfort with our patented Pascal system of interchangeable cassettes, but now with a simple press of a button on a handheld controller you can choose a sleeping position separate from your partner.
DUXIANA MANHASSET 1522 Northern Boulevard 516-869-1700 www.duxiana.com
DUXIANA MANHASSET 1522 Northern Boulevard 516-869-1700 www.duxiana.com
DUXIANA MANHASSET 1522 Northern Boulevard 516-869-1700 www.duxiana.com
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Resolve to invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA® store near you and discover why The DUX Bed is more than just a bed, it’s the first step to a better, healthier way of living.
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THE BED YOUR BACK HAS BEEN ACHING FORSM In a DUX bed, the spine rests in a natural position.
UBS Arena, the state-of-the-art sports and entertainment venue that’s home to the New York Islanders Hockey Club, and exclusive hospitality partner Delaware North, announced a variety of enhancements to the culinary program ahead of the 2022-23 NHL season.
“The expansion of our menu overall, from new takes on fan favorites to special, limited edition items celebrating the Islanders 50th anniversary, reiterates our commitment to having the best fan experience for our guests every visit they make to the venue,” said Kim Stone, president of UBS Arena.
“Our culinary team, led by Executive Chef Ted Donnelly, continued to innovate this off season to build on an incred ible first year at UBS Arena,”
Paul Potter, general manager for Delaware North at UBS Arena, said. “From bolstering the selection of locally inspired fare to adding family-friendly options—we’re proud to play a role in ensuring the UBS Arena experience remains world-class.”
• Northwell Health Healthy Choice Salads: Chicken Waldorf; Beet, Goat Cheese & Citrus; and Roasted Squash, Kale & Quinoa.
• Buffalo Chicken Cheesesteak: Chopped chicken tossed in Buffalo sauce, served on a seeded roll, topped with white cheddar sauce, blue cheese crumbles and green onions.
• Chicken Cutlet Sandwich: Long Island-sized chicken cutlet topped with fresh mozzarella, baby arugula, pickled red onion, beefsteak tomatoes and balsamic glaze. Served on crusty, rustic Italian bastone.
• Reuben: Pastrami, Swiss cheese, thousand island dressing and sauerkraut on marble rye. Served with a crisp pickle spear.
• Family-Sized Nacho Platter: Giant and shareable. A bed of warm tortilla chips loaded with cheese sauce, salsa verde, sour cream, pico de gallo, fresh sliced jalapenos and choice of chicken tinga or spicy chorizo. Served in a pizza box.
• Chicken and Waffles: Hand breaded chicken tenders and Belgian Liege waffles served with spicy maple syrup and pickled cherry peppers and a dusting of powdered sugar.
• Footlong Hot Dog (Mighty Quinn): All beef hot dog topped with pulled pork or mac and cheese.
Souvenir and limited-edition items:
• Souvenir Ice Cream Helmet: Islanders blue and orange swirled vanilla ice cream, topped with whipped cream and blue and or ange sprinkles. Served in a souvenir New York Islanders goalie helmet.
• Limited Edition 50th Anniversary Souvenir Soda Cup: Available at Belmont Burger, Big Chicken, Mógu, and the Market.
• Mason Jar Cocktails and Limited Edition
50th Anniversary Shaker: A rotation of signature cocktails served in a souvenir Mason Jar or limited edition 50th Anniversary Shaker.
• Blue & Orange Soft Serve: available in the Market and Belmont Burger.
• Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich: House baked choco late chip cookies, stuffed with hand dipped vanilla ice cream and rolled in blue and orange sprinkles.
• Milkshakes: Made to order chocolate or vanilla milkshakes with choice of toppings, including cookie tuile, cherry, whipped cream and chocolate sauce.
Specially priced 16 oz. Amstel Light or Heineken for $9.99 and 20 oz. water for $5.99 will be available at specific locations throughout the venue.
Chance taking isn’t exactly something you’d come to expect from an artist like Michael Bublé. As someone who has sold upwards of 75 million records globally and won a quartet of Grammys ever since self-releasing his debut BaBalu back in 2001, why would he do anything but stick with the status quo? (In fairness, he did open that set of songs up with a the “Spiderman Theme,” an odd choice given that the rest of the tracks included readings of standards ranging from “What a Wonderful World” and “Lazy River” to “Mack the Knife” and “La Vie en Rose”). But rather than do that, the 46-year-old British Columbia native instead took some chances on Higher, his eleventh studio album.
The avuncular Canadian pushed himself in a way that found him going into the studio and working with a new batch of creative partners that ran the gamut from known names like Paul McCartney, Willie Nelson and Ryan Tedder to up-and-coming talents like singer-songwriter Michael Pollack. It’s an experience he unpacks with a mix of deep understanding and goofball bravado.
“There were so many times in my career where maybe I didn’t do the scary thing,” Bublé admitted. “I sort of wanted to make sure I stayed true to the audience and I didn’t move too much. I was proud that I took this step. It was funny but I said to my manager, ‘Bruce, I really want to branch out. I want a Renaissance in my style. I don’t want it to change. I just want it to get better.’ It was interesting because he said, ‘Listen kid, the big deal isn’t having the balls to do that. It’s having the balls to realize or accept what happens if it doesn’t work.’ For me, that was the step. When I finished, I was really emotional. It was a big kind of move for me and when I heard the final product, I knew I was a genius.”
And while the choice of material proved to be a bit of a risk, the experience was exacerbated by having to work in the middle of a pandemic, something Bublé readily acknowledges.
“It was a hugely ambitious project,” he said. “I think even because of COVID-19 protocols, some of the things I did were virtually impossible and I don’t even know how we did it. One of the songs I started out with was ‘Smile’ and we had 120 pieces. We had to find a room to accommodate that many people through COVID-19 in a movie studio—it wasn’t even a music studio. So there were all these sort of things and people around
me that really had to step up and find a way. Of course, writing songs over Zoom—going back and forth. What I dug about that process is that I had to let go. I couldn’t micromanage the way that I usually do and hold everything close to my chest.”
Getting out of that creative comfort zone wound up being an unexpected blessing for Bublé.
“It was like I would start working on a song and send it to Greg Wells, who is a producer, and then he would ask me to give him a couple of days to show me how he might hear that,” he explained. “And then it would come back to me and I thought, ‘If I was in the room with you, I might not have liked it.’ Instead, I was far more open to the process of sharing in that way and building an assembly line with all these people who were so brilliant. And it allowed their brilliance to shine through. I really was surrounded by great people.”
But rather than hunker down and stay in the studio as COVID-19 protocols were causing tours to be canceled and rescheduled on a regular basis, Bublé instead chose to hit the road for a quick 32-date 2021 fall tour just as COVID-19 numbers were spiking. He looked at it as a way of acknowledging how fortunate he and his family were to be cushioned from
the pandemic, while still appreciating that not everyone was in his shoes, particularly members of his band and crew who were unable to pay bills. Precautions were taken in the form of requiring proof of vaccination or a negative test 48 hours prior to the show, something he admitted in prior interviews a number of fans “weren’t very happy” about. But for Bublé, it was an important example to set for his children (wife Luisiana Lopilato recently gave birth to Cielo Yoli Rose, the couple’s fourth child).
“Because of all those beautiful human beings that have supported my family for so long, I didn’t have the same worries a lot of people had,” Bublé said. “I came from a very privileged place where I didn’t have to worry about paying my rent, how to get food or stuff like that. I really wanted to make sure my actions showed my family that when you come from that kind of privilege, you have a responsibility to lead by example with humility and empathy. It was definitely scary and if you’re an artist and say you weren’t scared, then you’re lying.”
Can fans still expect those big brassy horn charts and Bublé channeling his inner Frank Sinatra? No doubt, as evidenced by the inclusion of a swinging “Don’t Get
Around Much Anymore” and a stringsoaked reading of Mildred Bailey’s “Don’t Take Your Love From Me” that demands a belt of Scotch in a darkened corner of a saloon. But then there’s a walk-through of Sam Cooke’s seminal “Bring It On Home to Me” that benefits from a slow build-up gilded by a full-blown gospel accompaniment. About the only other major surprises on this outing are a cover of Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love” from Zim’s critically acclaimed 1997 album Time Out of Mind that sounds as if Gamble and Huff were given a crack at crafting the string arrangements for this cut. Elsewhere, McCartney personally dusted off and produced “My Valentine” off his 2012 album Kisses On the Bottom playing Nelson Riddle to Bublé’s Chairman of the Board while Nelson and his musical host put a distinctive personal spin on the former’s classic “Crazy.” And that doesn’t even take into account a massive left-hand turn via a faithful cover of Barry White’s “You’re the First, the Last, My Everything.” Making this experience all the more rewarding for Bublé was the degree of gratitude he got to experience once the album wrapped.
“I feel like the world has just changed so much,” he said. “How we used to base our success musically has changed so much. I think when we look back at this record, we’ll look at it as being the most successful record of my life and I don’t mean commercially. I mean in every way.”
One of the most coveted locations on the North Shore, this six bedroom contemporary home at 82 Barnyard Lane in ROslyn Heights sold on Aug. 30 for $1,975,000. It is centrally located with easy access to shopping, dining and the highways. Built in 1990, the home features high ceilings and an open floor plan. The recently renovated gourmet kitchen with an island features a spacious eat-in-kitchen area and access to the lush property and decks which will be enjoyed all summer for outdoor entertaining. A formal dining room, living room, family room, laundry room, bedroom, full bath, & powder room complete the first floor. The second level offers a spacious primary suite with two oversized custom walk-in closets, fireplace, a primary spa-like marble bathroom with Jacuzzi tub, shower and custom vanity, plus four additional bedrooms and two full baths. This home has storage galore, a generator, a new roof, new driveway, a three-car garage, three-zone air conditioning and heating to round out this incredible home.
This ranch home at 42 Shepherd Lane in Roslyn Heights within the Roslyn Country Club sold on Sept. 6 for $915,000. It offers a unique opportunity for the new homeowner to create the home of their dreams. It has four sunny bedrooms and two bathrooms. It is on .37 acres of property and offers plenty of space. The home has a fireplace, a spacious dining area and a den. The bright eat-inkitchen has large windows. The primary suite is on the main floor with three additional bedrooms. The home is perfectly laid out and has a two-car detached garage. It is located within the East Williston School District.
Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino joined with Town Clerk Rich LaMarca, Receiver Jeff Pravato and the Town’s Highway and Planning & Development crew to commence the demolition of an abandoned, long-dilapidated zombie home on West Cherry Street in Hicksville. This longtime eyesore was recently court-granted for demolition following multiple complaints from neighbors and the home being deemed in a state of disrepair and unfit for human occupancy.
“When our code enforcement bureau first started inspecting this property, there were multiple living areas set up, presumably for illegal tenancy. These dangerous conditions were found throughout the home, including in the attic,” said Saladino. “Over the years, this property was found to have multiple violations of town code and the property owner was given many opportunities to bring the house to code, most of which were ignored. Once our administration stepped in and changed the process, we made it possible to rid neighborhoods of eyesores such as this one with the creation of our quality of life taskforce.”
Saladino explained that the house was eventually abandoned, and the town continued inspections and took legal action while ensuring the safety of the local community. All property cleanups and any other work performed at this location by Town personnel were charged back to the property owner, not town taxpayers.
“Stronger laws on the books not only help rid these eyesores from our community, they have also increased the town’s ability to seek restitution from property owners and lending institutions in violation of town code,” said Pravato.
“This is exactly what we’re all about—working together with our residents to protect our communities and our residents’ quality of life,” added LaMarca. “Together, we will continue addressing concerns which negatively impact our neighborhoods.”
The town code enforcement bureau of the department of planning and development is charged with the enforcement of all codes, rules and regulations pertaining to zoning, housing and public safety. It is expressly designed to handle requests of citizens regarding possible violations.
An evening which included music, singing and a host of awards was creatively set within a framework defined by the immortal words, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The phrase was repeated often on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the 3rd Annual Remembrance Awards Dinner held by Voices for Truth and Humanity at the Crest Hollow Country Club.
The organization, whose mission is to fight hate and intolerance by promoting a curriculum on the Holocaust and all genocides in public schools, hosted numerous dignitaries, elected officials, and prominent guests among the over 200 in attendance. Those included New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, New York State Assemblyman Steve Stern, New York State Regent Roger Tilles, New York Board of Rabbis Executive Vice President Rabbi Joe Potasnik, founder and CEO of the Jewish Broadcasting Service Rabbi Mark S. Golub, Prime Minister of the East Turkistan Government-in-Exile Salih Hudayar and member of the Bielski Partisans and Holocaust survivor Martin Bloch.
Public Service Awards were
presented to New York State Senator Anna Kaplan and New York State Assemblywoman Nily Rozic for their relentless work in authoring legislation to strengthen Holocaust Education in New York State public schools, which was recently signed by Governor Hochul. An award was also presented to City National Bank as the event’s corporate honoree for their tremendous support, while the Jewish Broadcasting Service deservedly received this year’s Media Award. Gurwin Healthcare System President and CEO Stuart Almer showed a very moving video of several Holocaust survivors who are being cared for in Gurwin’s
Fay J. Lindner Residences, some of whom were also in attendance and received an ovation from the audience.
The evening’s speakers acknowl edged the organization’s vital work and sounded a common theme that the rising atmosphere of hate, intolerance and antisemitism is a warning to not allow today’s chil dren to become the next generation of victims and bystanders due to their ignorance of history.
Visit www.V4TH.org to volunteer, support or learn more about Voices for Truth and Humanity.
—Submitted by Voices for Truth and Humanity
Martin Bloch, member of the Bielski Partisans, Jake Blumenkrantz, Salih Hudayar, Prime Minister of East Turkistan Government-in-Exile, Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum, President, North American Board of Rabbis, Dr. Asaf Jan, Secretary, East Turkistan National Awakening Movement. (Photos by Alex M. Wolff of HeadShotRescue)
More than 30 members of Long Island’s Newbold family, led by Aileen Newbold, detective with the Nassau Police Department Special Victims Squad, plus friends from the 4th Precinct of the Nassau Police Department, recently gathered in Eisenhower Park to raise money in the “One Too Many” 5K, a virtual event that Newbold and her family decided to make into an in-person one.
Altogether, the family raised $1,000 to benefit The Safe Center, a nonprofit, the leading victim service organization in Nassau County. The entire virtual event raised more than $6,000.
“We always do these walks as a family, we do the Avon breast cancer walk every October and the Arthritis Foundation walk every December to honor family members” Newbold said. “So when the opportunity came about to help The Safe Center and the work they do with victims of child abuse and domestic violence, it’s a win for us all.”
The entire family wore blue, the
color ribbon which symbolizes sol idarity with victims of child abuse and decorated their outfits with emblems from the Nassau Police Department, New York City Fire Department (Newbold’s husband is with the FDNY) and walked the route they plotted themselves around Field 4.
“This is an important cause for me because it’s what I do,” Newbold said. “We’re helping people by raising money which is used to support these families in times of crisis, and then I get to go back to work and continue to
assist them by providing closure and justice by locking up the bad guys. Helping families is what we do at SVS.”
In the past year, The Safe Center has responded to 6,195 hotline calls and assisted 3,819 survivors im pacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and child sexual and severe physical
abuse. More than 27,000 people attended educational trainings rais ing awareness on how to recognize, responded to and prevented future incidents of abuse.
“We greatly appreciate the dedication of Detective Newbold, her family, and everyone who participated in the walk,” Safe Center Executive Director Cindy
Scott said. “Our partnership with the Nassau County Police Department is an invaluable tool in assisting victims of domestic violence, child abuse and many other forms of violence find the support and resources they need to escape their tormentors and start new lives.”
—Submitted by The Safe Center
itchie Blackmore’s version of the Great Resignation came about 25 years ago when he decided to hang up his rock and roll shoes and chose to pursue his passion for Renaissance music with spouse Candice Night in Blackmore’s Night. Gone were the Stratocasters and Marshall amplifiers and in were centuries-old instruments like nyckleharpes and hurdy gurdys along with a deep dive into music of the 15th and 16th centuries. With the duo of Blackmore and Night serving as the constant in Blackmore’s Night and its revolving line-up of musicians, the journey began with the 1997 debut Shadow of the Moon which included compositions by Renaissance era composers like Pierre Attaingnant and Tielman Susato along with a number of originals and a cover of contemporary Swedish outfit Rednex and their 1995 ballad “Wish You Were Here.” A quarter of a century later, the Mount Sinai-based couple are dusting off Nature’s Light, the band’s eleventh studio album. Eight Blackmore/Night compositions make up the record’s 10 cuts along with a reworking of the aforementioned Rednex song and a cover of Sarah Brightman’s “Second Element.” And while it would be natural to assume this was a pandemic record, Nature’s Light was actually recorded right before the pandemic hit at a time
when the duo was going through a lot of pain and loss. Night’s 80-yearold father was diagnosed with cancer back in 2018 and passed within a year, while Blackmore’s brother succumbed to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at the same time. Going into a project like this was understandably a difficult endeavor for both artists.
“In the year 2018 when we went into the studio and had our producer come out from Los Angeles to record all of these songs, it was a very dark and difficult year for us,” Night shared. “The closest people to our hearts left and there were these big dark holes in our souls. Before we went into record, I know I was at the point where I didn’t feel like singing. I felt like a ghost of myself. I decided at that point that maybe the best way to get over my deep sadness was turning it into something I could write about. It was very cathartic going through all these emotions. Meanwhile, at the end of it, the pandemic hit.”
Blackmore agreed that focusing on the creative process helped him navigate the pain he was experiencing at the time.
“I really believe that when one is suffering from grief, you should get really involved in your work so you can try and forget what’s going on,” he said.
The mood throughout the album is one of lightness and brings to mind tankards of ale being tossed back, peasant blouses, madrigals and the kind of fanfare you might hear in the court of a Medieval king. With the
current range of fantasy-flavored series like House of the Dragon and The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power being all the rage, do the duo ever think their material might be a good fit?
“It is interesting because there are so many period pieces, whether it’s on television or films that come out and do so well,” Night said. “The irony is that the only time one of our songs was used was in a Jim Carrey movie called Yes Man and they used ‘Old Mill Inn’ at a party he was at.”
Blackmore added, “It’s funny, because I don’t follow that kind of thing. I’m more of a purist and want to be in the wood myself hearing a piece of music written in the 1500’s or 1600’s. There’s only one film we saw—Elizabeth, where they actually played three real Renaissance songs played in the correct manner with the correct instruments. I was thrilled by the fact that they’d taken the chance to play it as it was supposed to be played. But it’s very seldom that you’ll hear these songs or melodies played in the correct manner.”
Blackmore’s Night will be playing on October 30 at Sony Hall, 235 W. 46th St., NYC. Visit www.sonyhall.com or call 212-997-5123 for more information. The band will also be playing on Nov. 18 at the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts, 71 E. Main St., Patchogue. More information can be found at www.patchoguetheatre.com or by calling 631-207-1313. Visit www.longislandweekly.com to read a longer version of this story.
Please join us for a Special Day of Education Saturday, November 5, 2022 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
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This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
By Holiday MathisARIES (March 21-April 19). e truly mighty don’t have to go out of their way to draw attention to their power. ey are too busy using it! Neither should the wise draw attention to their own wisdom. It takes a secure person to be humble. Trust the one who makes modest claims and overdelivers on them. Lucky color: white. Lucky item: dice. Lucky day: ursday. Lucky number: 14
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It’s a ne week to take risks without too much worry as to what others think. is is your experience. Since so much of it is dictated by rules beyond your control, it’s important to seize the reigns on whatever part is yours to choose, and steer the energy toward your desires, preferences and curiosities. Lucky color: blue. Lucky item: a picture. Lucky day: Monday. Lucky number: 38
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). If you’re intrigued by a subject, there’s a reason. You may nd yourself more drawn to human-interest stories and lifestyle features than you are to weightier issues. It’s better to go deep into what you enjoy than to spread your attention thin over many things you don’t care very much about. Lucky color: green. Lucky item: a glass. Lucky day: Friday. Lucky number: 19
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You cannot control the wildness of human nature in any person, including yourself. But since you’re incredibly e ective, you’ll work with natural inclinations and leverage them to the best possible advantage. You’ve a deft way of maneuvering that will create bene t to a great number of people. Lucky color: red. Lucky item: a pen. Lucky day: Saturday. Lucky number: 14
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Instead of looking out for the feel-good story, seek the truth. e truth is actionable in a way that blind optimism isn’t. Pay attention to the context of the entire situation. e pluses won’t help you get an accurate gauge of things unless you know how many minuses there are. Weigh the pros against the cons. Lucky color: pink. Lucky item: a stone. Lucky day: Tuesday Lucky number: 10
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). e gift of disorder is that it calls you to create new and better systems. Start by narrowing your focus. While you need a wide array of re sources, you don’t need every single option to be open to you. Once you know what qualities you’re looking for, things get easy. e sorting process will actually delight you. Lucky color: peach. Lucky item: a bone. Lucky day: ursday. Lucky number: 37
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Increased awareness is your gift. Your strong talent for emotional detection lets you know how others are feeling, though it also gives you an acute and often uncomfortable connection to your own currents. You’ll gladly accept this side effect accompanying the power that comes from multi faceted understanding. Lucky color: yellow. Lucky item: a window. Lucky day: Sunday. Lucky number: 35
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Many around you are not exactly content with how things are, and yet they are resigned to the status quo because they haven’t been able to see it any other way. You’ll envision a di erent kind of future for a relationship or an organization. Your creativity will be the start of change. Share it. Lucky color: rose. Lucky item: a card. Lucky day: Friday. Lucky number: 13
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Sometimes it feels like no one is understanding your position, but this only makes it sweeter when you do meet people who can connect on deeper and more complex levels. You’ve made e orts to learn the inner world of others. is week such e orts will be extended to you. ey will soon know you better. Lucky color: blue. Lucky item: a candle. Lucky day: Monday. Lucky number: 9
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Some are so preoccupied by what people might do for them, they can’t interact genuinely. Not you. You’re sincerely curious about the lives of others and they feel it. e late week will close the curtain on a particular dramatic theme. Everyone can stop walking on eggshells and go back to life as usual. Lucky color: silver. Lucky item: a feather. Lucky day: Saturday. Lucky number: 12
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You know what you wish to do. What you don’t know yet is what there is to do and what is possible for you. Some of what you want will never happen, but it’s important to develop your ideas anyway, especially through writing, discussion and experimentation. is is how you reach the fullest iteration of yourself. Lucky color: purple. Lucky item: a chain. Lucky day: Wednesday. Lucky number: 11
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). To play the game well, you must rst recognize it as a game. An accurate assessment of your options and their correlating risk is key. Make your moves in such a way that the others barely notice. Make it easy for others to support you. Make them want to do so. You are a skilled and powerful player. Lucky color: copper. Lucky item: shoes. Lucky day: Tuesday. Lucky number: 2
You’ll be celebrated for diplomatic achievement, though they may o cially call it something else. You bene t all as you reconcile trouble, solve problems and negotiate until the con ict is no more. However, your best times this year will not involve the use of these talents or any other except your ability to relax and enjoy the outstanding loveliness of an environment. Love itself is your North Star. Whatever form it takes, whether friendly, philanthropic or romantic, you’ll continue moving toward it.
COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COMThis is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have com pleted the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Solution: 17 Letters
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Acres Albany Alpha Appin Bargo Bulli Clare Corn Cowra Dingoes Dubbo Ducks
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Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com
Opening lead — king of diamonds.
Anyone could make four hearts on this deal if he knew which oppo nent had the jack of clubs. As the cards lie, all South has to do is to lead a club toward his hand at some stage and play the nine after East follows low.
But this approach would fail if West had the jack of clubs. In that case, declarer would succeed by leading a club from his hand and finessing the ten.
Since there is no way South can tell which opponent has the jack, he should look for a line of play that avoids subjecting himself to a blind guess. Obviously, the best
3rd Street Hermosa Beach,
Date: 10/19/22
By Steve Beckerchance is to find the opposing spades divided 3-3, in which case dummy’s fourth spade can be estab lished by conceding two spade tricks early in the play.
This thought is certainly a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t go quite far enough. The reason is that declarer can also make his contract in many cases where the spades break 4-2, provided the proper advance preparations are made.
South should therefore shape his play to cater to both the 3-3 and 4-2 possibilities. After ruffing the open ing diamond lead, he plays a heart to the ace, ruffs a diamond high, leads a heart to the nine and ruffs dummy’s last diamond high.
The ace and another spade are now played. West wins the second spade with the queen (East cannot profitably afford to overtake) and finds himself endplayed. If he returns a club, the guess for the jack is eliminated, while if he leads a diamond instead, declarer ruffs in one hand and discards a club from the other.
West’s actual spade holding is only one of many doubleton com binations either defender could hold that would allow South to fulfill the contract. The K-x, Q-x, J-x or K-Q, K-J, Q-J in either opponent’s hand would all prove fatal for the defense. All declarer has to do is to eliminate dummy’s diamonds before tackling the spades.
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
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Equal Housing Opportunity
Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, dis ability, familial status, age, marital status, sexu al orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination.
Anton Community News papers does not know ingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect hous ing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800660-6920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)
The North Shore High School football team is off to another strong start. Fresh off of a 2021 campaign, where the Vikings won the Nassau Conference IV championships, their first title in 46 years, North Shore continued their 2022 undefeated season with a convincing 41-20 Oct. 8 win over Clarke High School.
With the score tied 6-6 at the end of the first quarter, the Vikings busted the game open in the second quarter, scoring 21 points to take an insurmountable 28-12 lead at halftime.
Trailing 6-0, John Haff got North Shore on the board, retuning a kickoff 93 yards for a score. After surrendering another score, Peter Liotta scored the first of his three
touchdowns, scampering 34 yards to give the Vikings a 13-12 lead. Liotta followed that up with a 31-yard touchdown run. In the fourth quarter, Liotta capped off his big day with a 48-yard run. In
all, Liotta rushed for 189 yards on 13 carries.
Liotta didn’t earn all the glory. Nicholas La Rosa scored on a fouryard run as the Vikings put the game away with a third quarter
On Friday, Oct. 28, at 8 p.m., The Queen’s Cartoonists (TQC) will give their unique live performance at the Tilles Center.
TQC performs live in front of a screen, where cartoons from the golden age of animation, cult cartoon classics, and modern animated films are projected. The band either recreates a cartoon’s soundtrack note-for-note – performing works from jazz composers like Carl Stalling, Raymond Scott, and Duke Ellington alongside classical giants like Mozart, Rossini, and R. Strauss – or write their own fresh compositions to accompany the on-screen action. Tying everything together is TQC’s unique brand of comedy – anecdotes about the cartoons and their composers, humor, and elements of a musical circus.
Since their founding in 2015, The Queen’s Cartoonists have sought to answer the question: is it possible to create jazz and classical music that appeals to everyone? The band---led by Dr. Joel Pierson (piano), and including Greg Hammontree (trumpet, trombone), Mark Phillips (clarinet, soprano saxophone), Drew Pitcher
(flute, tenor saxophone), Rossen Nedelchev (drums), and Malik McLaurine (bass)---hopes to provide the answer.
“This is a theatrical concert,” said bandleader Joel Pierson. “It is mainly focused on presenting characters from classical American animation. But there are also contemporary elements, plus the ‘musical circus’ that people didn’t know they wanted to see.”
Audiences can expect to hear both recognizable classical and jazz tunes in addition to new works.
“There are a lot of classical themes,”
continues Pierson, “but a lot of the material is played in an old jazz style à la Raymond Scott and John Kirby, our two biggest influences.”
“The show should keep people guessing from start to finish,” Pierson added. “I want people to think they’ve never seen anything like it before. For younger audiences, I hope this is an introduction to concert halls and also a reminder that music can be both serious and fun.”
The Tilles Center is at 720 Northern Blvd., Brookville. Tickets are $40. Visit tillescenter.org or call 516-299-3100.
Switching to girls’ soccer, Roslyn High School scored their own Oct. 8, defeating Valley Stream North, 5-1.
The prolific sister act of Hannah
and Taylor Goldberg provided for a goal each for the Lady Bulldogs. Katie Glennon, Hailey Sherman, and Hazel Kaufman scored a goal each as Roslyn continues to play winning soccer.
SUNY Old Westbury has been awarded the 2022 Higher Education in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity for the fifth consecutive year.
Presented to U.S. colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion, the HEED Award recognizes Old Westbury’s ongoing initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity across its campus.
As the most diverse student body in the State University of New York system, SUNY Old Westbury and 102 other
recipients will be featured i n the November 2022 issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity Magazine, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education. “It is a great honor for SUNY Old Westbury to have received the HEED Award designation for the fifth year in a row,” said College President Dr. Timothy E. Sams. “Although we still have much work to do, this recognition confirms our approach is the right one as we continue our evolution into an ever-more equitable community, as our college mission demands of us.”
For their 2022-2023 Major Emphasis Project (MEP), the North Shore High School Key Club will be assisting the Glen Cove Mommas House. The mission of Mommas House is to provide housing and support services to young mothers and their children. Through a variety of events planned each month, the Key Clubbers will provide volunteer service to
mothers and their children. Recently, the club had a food drive at Holiday Farms in Glen Head. The Kiwanis Club of North Shore President John Kle, past president Leslie Kle and member Barbara Black, were on hand to deliver the food to the Glen Cove residence. Pictured are Kiwanis and Key Club members.
—Submitted by North Shore Key ClubNorth Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the Town Board are proud to announce the return of the annual Spooky Walk event. Join your friends and neighbors for some frightening nights and one of North Hempstead’s most popular events of the year! The event will be held at Clark Botanic Garden at 193 I.U. Willets Road in Albertson.
Zombies, vampires, ghouls, and many of their gruesome friends will inhabit Clark Botanic Garden on Friday, October 21, and Saturday, Oct. 22, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event is expected to draw hundreds of visitors who will experience a spine-tingling walk through the realm of fear and fright. The cost of admission is $5 per person. There will also be music and food for sale at the event. Spooky Walk may not be suitable for young children, and minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Younger children can enjoy the Not-SoSpooky Walk on Sunday, Oct. 23, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Not-So-Spooky Walk will
also include a pumpkin patch, face painting, a magic show, arts & crafts, and more. Not-So-Spooky Walk’s price of admission is $5 per person.
Only cash will be accepted for admittance to both Spooky Walk and Not-SoSpooky Walk.
For more information on this event, please call 311.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
In other Flower Hills news, the Women’s Club of Flower Hill (WCoFH ), after a two year layoff, is back in full swing.
Founded in 1949, The WCoFH was created for women in Flower Hill, Manhasset, Port Washington and Roslyn. The club is a philanthropic organization that has long supported children’s charities and raised funds through events for ladies, couples and children. Through proceeds by “Light the Night” in December and other events, the club supports many charitable local organizations and will donate each year to the Village of Flower Hill community.
This year, the WCoFH has a new board and website. A Kick-Off event was held on Tuesday, Oct. 11.
The WCoFH’s largest fundraiser is “Light the Night” and takes place annually in December. This one night event celebrates
unity and pride in the community. Front lawns and Village Hall are lit by candlelight while residents walk or drive the streets and mingle with their neighbors. The WCoFH partners with Spectrum Designs to create the kits, which can be purchased on the WCoFH website. This year’s event takes place on Sunday, Dec. 4. The deadline to order kits online is Wednesday, Nov. 23.
The WCoFH will host various events throughout the year for its members, including Harvest Fest in November, the Annual Christmas Luncheon in December, the Easter Egg Drop and more.
The club is looking forward to a great year ahead. To join, visit their new website. Membership fee is $40 yearly, September to June. Follow them on social media @ womensclubflowerhill for updates.
—Submitted by the Women’s Club of Flower Hill
aThe North Shore High School Key Club for their 2022-2023 Major Emphasis Project (MEP) will be assisting the Glen Cove Mommas House. The mission of Mommas House is to provide housing and support services to young mothers and their children. Since 1986. (Photos courtesy the North Shore Key Club)
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Adee Lester Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on September 1, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
10-19-12-5; 9-28-21-142022-6T-#234908-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Belmont Washington Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on September 1, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576.
Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
10-19-12-5; 9-28-21-142022-6T-#234909-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Big Ogden Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on September 1, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Boulevard, Flr 2, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
10-19-12-5; 9-28-21-142022-6T-#234910-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Cross Bronx Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on September 1, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor,
Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
10-19-12-5; 9-28-21-142022-6T-#234911-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Nagle Avenue Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on September 1, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
10-19-12-5; 9-28-21-142022-6T-#234912-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Westchester Intervale Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on September 1, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
10-19-12-5; 9-28-21-142022-6T-#234913-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: White Plains Courtyard Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on September 1, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
10-19-12-5; 9-28-21-142022-6T-#234914-ROS
Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Stern & Eisenberg, P.C., Woodbridge Corporation Plaza, 485B Route 1 South, Suite 330, Iselin, NJ 08830.
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered August 17, 2022, I will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on November 3, 2022 at 2:00 PM. Premises known as 24 Clover Lane, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577. Sec 07 Block 170 Lot 29. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the building and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Roslyn (Unincorporated) Town of North Hempstead, Nassau County, New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $517,030.20 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 007084/2015.
During the COVID-19 health emergency, Bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of the sale including but not limited to wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Should a bidder fail to comply, the Referee may refuse to accept any bid, cancel the closing and hold the bidder in default.
Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”
Karen C. Grant, Esq., Referee NY202000000819-1 10-19-12-5; 9-28-2022-4T#235049-ROS
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on January 24, 2020, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on November 2, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., premises known as 53 Tara Drive, Roslyn, NY 11576. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in
the Incorporated Village of East Hills, Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 19, Block 037 and Lot 8. Approximate amount of judgment is $1,723,970.41 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 613641/2017. This foreclosure sale will be held on the North Side Steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine.
COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.
Ralph Madalena, Esq., Referee
Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC, 10 Bank Street, Suite 700, White Plains, New York 10606, Attorneys for Plaintiff 10-19-12-5; 9-28-2022-4T#235002-ROS
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on May 27, 2022. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501
“Rain or Shine” on the 27th day of October, 2022 at 2:00 PM. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York.
Premises known as 38 Hillside Avenue, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577.
(Section: 7, Block: 45, Lot: 65 and 66 (lot group))
Approximate amount of lien $528,732.97 plus interest and costs.
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Index No. 602418/2019.
Jennifer B. Ettenger, Esq., Referee.
McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 840 New York, NY 10170 Tel. 347/286-7409
Dated: September 6, 2022
During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering de-
posit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.
10-19-12-5; 9-28-2022-4T#235068-ROS
Notice of formation of AGCC REAL ESTATE LLC
Articles of organization filed with the Secretary of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 9/12/22. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 7 Horse Hill Rd, Glen Head, NY, 11545.
Purpose: Any lawful activity. 11-2; 10-26-19-12-5; 9-282022-6T-#235116-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company.
Name: Edgemere DJCJ LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on September 22, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. 11-9-2; 10-26-19-12-5-20226T-#235143-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company.
Name: Edgemere AA LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on August 25, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Edgemere AA LLC, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235133-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Edgemere AA Mezz LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on March 10, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044
Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. 11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235134-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company.
Name: Edgemere AL LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on August 25, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Edgemere AL LLC, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235135-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Edgemere AL Mezz LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on March 10, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235136-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company.
Name: Edgemere BA LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on August 25, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Edgemere BA LLC, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235137-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Edgemere BA Mezz LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on March 10, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy
of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235138-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Edgemere DM Mezz LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on March 10, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235139-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Edgemere SB LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on August 25, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Edgemere SB LLC, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235140-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Edgemere SB Mezz LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on March 10, 2022. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limited Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235141-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: New Haven Rockaway LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on December 15, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY
Continued on page 13
has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom pro cess against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Limit ed Liability Company, 1044 Northern Blvd, 2nd Floor, Lawrence, NY 11559. Pur pose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
11-9-2-; 10-26-19-12-52022-6T-#235142-ROS
NATIONSTAR MORT GAGE LLC, Plaintiff against FUK CHOR HENRY MUI, et al Defendant(s)
Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein Such Crane, LLP, 1400 Old Country Road, Suite 103N, Westbury, NY 11590.
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered September 25, 2018, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Su preme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on November 15, 2022 at 2:00 PM. Premises known as 15 Oxford Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577. Sec 0007 Block 00077-00 Lot 00402. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and im provements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Ro slyn, Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $317,451.85 plus interest and costs. Prem ises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 016783/2009.
The foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District’s Covid-19 Policies and fore closure auction rules. The Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial cov erings and social distancing.
If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety con cerns, then the Court Ap pointed Referee shall cancel the fore closure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”
Mark McKew, Esq., Referee AYSN351
11-2; 10-26-19-12-20224T-#235280-ROS
A public hearing and meeting will be held before and by the Board of Trustees of the In corporated Village of Roslyn Harbor, Nassau County, New York, at the Village Hall, 500 Motts Cove Road South in the Village, on October 27, 2022, at 6:30 P.M.
The hearing will be on the application of AT&T, Inc., for a special use permit on the property currently occupied
by AT&T’s 286±-foot-tall lattice tower and associat ed equipment, located at the westerly end of Harbor Court West, Village of Roslyn Har bor, designated as Section 20, Block M, Lot 269 on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County.
The Applicant seeks approval to permit the construction of a new telecommunications facility consisting of a 200±foot tall monopole and associ ated ground-based equipment in the westerly portion of the project site; the existing lattice tower and associated equipment on the site would be decommissioned.
The above application is on file at the office of the Village Clerk where it may be seen Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. until the time of the hearing.
If any individual requires special assistance to attend, please notify the Village Clerk at least 48 hours in ad vance of the hearing.
BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Marla Wolfson Village Clerk/Treasurer October 19, 2022 10-19-2022-1T-#235385ROS
Notice is hereby given that an Annual Election will be held on the 13th day of De cember 2022 at the Glenwood Water District Office, 6 Third Street, Glenwood Landing, N. Y. between the hours of 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm for the purpose of electing one (1) Commissioners of the District for a term of three (3) years, commencing January 1, 2023.
Notice is further given that pursuant to Subdivision “20” of Section 215 of the Town Law, a Resolution has been adopted by the Com missioners of such District providing that candidates for the District office shall file their names with the Sec retary or the District at the Water District office 6 Third Slreet, Glenwood Landing, N. Y. no later than 4:00 pm on November 28th ,2022 and in addition, require that such nomination be submitted in petition form, subscribed by not less than twenty-five (25) qualified registered voters of the District.
Dated: October 1 J, 2022 Glenwood Landing, N. Y. Rod Ford
Secretary Of The Board 10-19-2022-1T-#235400ROS
Statement Of Ownership, Management And Circulation
Title of Publication:
The Roslyn News Publication No: 471-100
Frequency of Issue: Weekly
Known office of Publication: 132 East 2nd Street, Mineo la, New York 11501 Nassau.
Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters: 132 East
2nd Street, Mineola, New York 11501 Nassau.
Publisher: Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc. 132 East 2nd Street, Mineola, New York 11501
Editor: Joseph Scotchie, 132 East 2nd Street, Mineola, New York 11501.
Managing Editor: Frank Vir ga, 132 East 2nd Street, Min eola, New York 11501.
Owner: Long Island Com munity Newspapers Inc., 132 East 2nd Street, Mineola, New York 11501.
Angela Susan Anton, Share holder, 132 East 2nd Street, Mineola, New York 11501.
Extent and Nature of Circu lation
Average No. Copies Each Is sue During the Preceding 12 Months:
A. Total No. Copies.......1181 (Net Press Run) B. Paid Circulation
(1) Outside County............22 (2) In-County...................552
(3) Sales through Dealers..15
(4) Other Classes...............16
C. Total Paid Circulation .........................................605
D. Free Distribution by Mail (1) Outside County..............0 (2) In-County...................255 (3) Other Classes.................0 (4) Outside the Mail............0 E. Total Free Distribution
F. Total Distribution........860 G. Copies not Distributed .........................................321 H. Total......................... 1181
I. Percent Paid.................70%
No. of Copies of Single Issue Publication Nearest to Filing Date:
A. Total No. Copies.......1122 (Net Press Run) B. Paid Circulation
(1) Outside County.............20 (2) In-County...................554 (3) Sales through Dealers...14 (4) Other Classes................15
C. Total Paid Circulation
D. Free Distribution by Mail (1) Outside County...............0 (2) In-County...................398 (3) Other Classes..................0 (4) Outside the Mail.............0 E. Total Free Distribution
F. Total Distribution......1001 G. Copies not Distributed
H. Total..........................1122
I. Percent Paid.................60% 10-19-2022-1T-#235238ROS
DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition nominating a candidate for the of fice of Trustee of the SHEL TER ROCK PUBLIC LI BRARY DISTRICT shall be filed with the Clerk of the Li brary no later than November 26, 2022, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the office of the Library, 165 Searingtown Road, Albert son, New York.
The following vacancy is to be filled:
1. For the full term for the office of Trustee commenc ing January 1, 2023 and end
ing on December 31, 2027: TOBY SHEBIRO (last in cumbent).
A nominating petition shall be subscribed to by at least 25 qualified voters of the Li brary District, and shall state the residence of each signer and the vacancy for which the candidate is nominated, including at least the length of term and name of the last incumbent.
For the convenience of the community, the Library District has available blank forms of nominating peti tions. However, these forms need not be used and any form which complies with the law and this Notice shall be acceptable.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that an election for the office of Trustee of the SHELTER ROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT shall be held at the office of the Li brary, 165 Searingtown Road, Albertson, New York, on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in accordance with Education Law No. 2018b, application for absentee ballots for the Election may be applied for at the office of the Director of the Shelter Rock Public Library. Such application must be received at least seven (7) days before the election, if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered per sonally to the voter. A list of all persons to whom absentee voter ballots have been issued shall be available during reg ular office hours commencing November 26, 2022 and until the day of election. Such list will be posted at the polling place during the election. No absentee voter ballot shall be canvassed unless it is received not later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the Election.
11-30-23; 10-26-19-20224T-#235416-ROS
POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO sobre una Solic itud de Nominación de un candidato para la Oficina de Fideicomisario de la Biblio teca Pública Shelter Rock del Distrito que será presentada ante la Secretaría de la Bib lioteca a más tardar el 26 de Noviembre, 2022, entre las 9:00am y 5:00pm en su local ubicado en 165 Searingtown Road, Albertson, New York.
La vacante a cubrir es la siguiente:
1. Oficina de Fideicomis ario, término completo que comenzará el 1ero de Enero, 2023 y concluirá el 31 de Dic iembre, 2027. TONY SHE BIRO (último titular)
Cada petición de nominación deber ser firmada por al menos 25 votantes calificados
del Distrito de la Biblioteca, mostrando su lugar de resi dencia y la vacante por la cual el candidato está siendo dom inado, incluyendo la duración del período y el nombre del último titular.
Para conveniencia de la comunidad, el Distrito de la Librería tiene disponibles Peticiones de Nominación en blanco. Sin embargo, cual quier otro formato que cump la con lo requerido por la ley y por el presente aviso serán aceptados.
ADEMAS SE DA AVISO que la Elecci n para la Ofi cina de Fideicomisario de la Libreria Pública de Shelter Rock se llevará a cabo en el local de la Biblioteca ubicado en 165 Searingtown Road, Albertson, NY, el dia Martes , 6 de Diciembre, 2022, entre la 2:00PM y 9:00PM.
ADEMAS SE DA AVISO que de acuerdo con la Ley de Educación No. 2018b, se puede solicitar una aplicacion para Balotas ausentes en la la Oficina del Director de la Biblioteca Shelter Rock. Di cha solicitud deberá recibirse por los menos siete (7) dias antes de las Elecciones, si se le va a enviar por correo al votante, el dia anterior a las Elecciones, si la Boleta se le entrega al votante en persona.
Una lista de todas las per sonas a quien se les ha emit ido una Boleta de Ausente estará disponible durante las horas de oficina a partir del 26 e Noviembre, 2022 y hasta el dia de las Elecciones. Dicha Lista deberá ser exhibida en el lugar de votación durante las Elecciones. No se tomará en cuenta ninguna Boleta de Ausente que llegue después de las 5:00PM del mismo día de las Elecciones.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on November 1, 2022 at 7:30 PM the Architectural Review Board of the Inc. Vil lage of East Hills will hold a regular meeting at the Village Hall, 209 Harbor Hill Road, East Hills, NY to consider the following applications regarding construction and/ or tree removal: 200 Elm Drive (Hal Stein, Section 7, Block 276, Lot 12), 110 Wal nut Drive (Kenny Wivietsky, Section 7, Block 263, Lot 16), 175 Poplar Drive (Or Raitses, Section 7, Block 299, Lot 10), 175 Ash Drive (Gjovalin Mili, Section 7, Block 299, Lot 7), 180 Ash Drive (Daniel San chez, Section 7, Block 289, Lot 38), 41 Overlook Terrace (Robert Maria Jon, Section 7, Block 178, Lot 9), and 75 Ash Drive (Jesse Taryn Kristal, Section 7, Block 285, Lot 20). Written comments on the applications may be sub mitted no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting by email to evaidya@villageofeasthills.org. Maps and plans regarding this application are
available for inspection on the Village’s website at www.villageofeasthills.org/meetings.
Spencer Kanis, Chairman Dated: October 19, 2022 10-19-2022-1T-#235451ROS
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before and by the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Ros lyn Harbor, Nassau County, New York, at Roslyn Harbor Village Hall, 500 Motts Cove Road South, in said Village on Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
The public hearing will be on proposed Local Law 8-2022 which will amend Chapter 275, “Zoning” of the Code of Roslyn Harbor. The proposed local law will amend Chapter 275, Section 275-18, “Supplementary re quirements for certain uses in residential districts”, to include Section 275-18 (Q) “Cabanas”, to read as follows: Q. Cabanas.
(1) Cabanas, consisting of a residential unit no larger than 500 square feet or 10% of the gross oor area of the principal dwelling, whichev er is smaller, and compris ing no more than one room other than a bathroom and shall have no fixed cooking equipment. No sleeping in a Cabana is permitted.
(2) Such Cabanas shall ad here to all other requirements for accessory structures in the district.
(3) Such a Cabana shall have a residential appearance and shall have pitched roof and facade materials which match those of the principal resi dence.
(4) No air conditioning or heating installations are per mitted in Cabanas.
The proposed Local Law 8-2022 is on file with the Village Clerk and open to the public for inspection by
appointment only on prior notice to the Clerk (Clerk@ roslynharbor.org) during usu al business hours of the day at the Roslyn Harbor Village Hall, 500 Motts Cove Road South, in said Village.
All persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. Any person needing special as sistance in attending, please notify the Village Clerk (516) 621-0368 at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing.
By Order of the Board of Trustees Marla Wolfson Village ClerkDated: October 19, 2022 10-19-2022-1T-#235453ROS
VILLAGE OF ROSLYN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals for the Incorporated Village of Roslyn will hold a Public Meeting on November 7, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at Village Hall, 1200 Old Northern Blvd., Roslyn, New York 11576
To consider the following: Case No. 8264 Anna Crescenzi-Lausev 17 Tatterson Street Section 6, Block 26, Lots 13 &17
The applicant is request ing to maintain an existing single-story expansion and concrete terrace in the rear yard. Applicant is seeking to maintain a rear yard set back of 11’5” ft. where 25’ ft is required. Applicant is also seeking to maintain an existing a/c unit in the side yard where it is required to be located in rear yard in con formance with the setback re quirements.
Seeking variance from: Section 470-5 and Section 470-25.D.(1)
At the aforesaid time and place, all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard.
By order of the Zoning Board of Appeals Inc. Village of Roslyn Dated: October 17, 2022 10-19-2022-1T-#235461ROS
at (516) 403-5143
Fax us at (516) 742-6376 or email us at legals@antonnews.com
Every year, the Milleridge Village continues to provide a kid-friendly Halloween attraction that is conveniently located for locals, Nassau and even New York City residents.
The Haunted Milleridge Village has many activities that are sure to get anyone in the Halloween spirit. There’s a haunted house, pumpkin patch, spooky train, bounce house and even a spooky escape room. The ongo ing event began on Oct. 7, and will be open on Fridays from 4:30 to 9 p.m., Saturdays, noon to 9:30 p.m. and Sundays from noon to 7 p.m.
The Syosset Jericho Tribune visited the Haunted Village on Oct. 10, a day many had off from work and school, to learn more about this ghoulish attraction.
Curious if the pandemic has affected the popular event, Nicole Pivirtzikis, an organizer of the event, told the Syosset Jericho Tribune that while it kept going, the only change was timed tickets rather than accepting walk-ins.
“It’s the full blown open to the public, if you will,” Pivirtzikis said.
It’s an event that takes “...blood, sweat and tears,” to put together, Pivirtzikis said.
“We all have definitely drawn blood here,” she added, referencing fellow organizers who were in the ticket booth, including Jessica Scandiffio. “A lot of planning, and a lot of weeks outside and a lot of decorating, a lot of areas to cover [goes into organizing this event.]”
To get the Haunted Milleridge Village ready for the public, many weeks are needed to prepare. After all, the entire Milleridge Village that hosts bakeries and gourmet stores is decorated to provide a spooky and festive feel for those who may even just be shopping.
“We try to get here as soon as we can in September, and we’ve been opening up earlier and earlier because the weather’s been good to us,” Pivirtzikis said. “We try to get the most out of the season.”
When asked what families love most about this event, Pivirtzikis said that there’s
so much to do and that there’s something for everybody whether you’re the 2-yearold child, the 13-year-old teen or one of the parents.
“The Milleridge draws a big crowd just be cause its history is very well known and that it’s been around for a long time,” Scandiffio said. “The village itself; there’s a lot of shops you can go to and they know about the bak ery and the cafe. They come for food, they come for drinks, they come for everything.”
It draws families out, Pivirtzikis said, be cause it’s a great way to spend an afternoon or an evening. There are hours of enter tainment and even shopping and dining options. And while the East End is known for its fall festivals, corn mazes and haunted houses, the Milleridge Village is providing that same entertainment at a more local lev el for Nassau and New York City residents.
“We get people from Queens, Staten Island, New Jersey and even Pennsylvania,” Scandif
fio said. “People come out a long way for this.”
And fans of the Haunted Milleridge Village will get a new experience every year they go, as the organizers work to provide new attractions every year, such as the new escape room.
“[The Haunted House] is a good spook,” Pivirtzikis said. “It’s long.”
And at times there’s even live actors.
Visit milleridgeinn.com for more information on pricing.
Wheatley Road,
Kirby Lane,
Floor - Building Two at Ritz Carlton,
at The Beacon,
at Country Pointe,