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recent press conference. “The Town of North Hempstead has committed to working with Senator Kaplan and Assemblymember Sillitti to advance this sought-after project that is the bottleneck to having more service on the branch.”
The office of Senator Kaplan has provided the following figures regarding adjust ments to the Port LIRR branch.
On Wednesday, Sept. 28, New York State Senator Anna M. Kaplan (D-Port Washington) and Assemblywoman Gina L. Sillitti (D-Port Washington) joined Long Island Rail Road Interim President and Metro-North Railroad President Catherine Rinaldi for a press conference at the Port Washington LIRR Station. They announced that LIRR officials have heard the concerns of the community and are abandoning plans to eliminate express train service to Penn Station on the Port Washington Branch of the LIRR.
Months ago the LIRR released its draft schedules showing train service to Grand Central after the East Side Access Project is complete. Elected officials and commuters were unhappy with the proposed changes to the Port Washington branch, affecting com muters in Great Neck, Manhasset, Plandome and Port Washington. The changes included increased commute time and elimination of peak-hour express train services.
While the local officials and commuters were grateful for the East Side Access Project, which gives commuters two entry points to Manhattan, Penn Station and Grand Central, the issues arising from this project were deemed unacceptable. Senator Kaplan, Assemblywoman Sillitti and Town of North Hempstead officials urged North Shore resi dents to voice their concerns.
Senator Kaplan and Assemblywoman Sillitti held “Save Our Express Trains” press conferences and public hearings. According to a press release from the office of Senator Kaplan, “outreach efforts engaged over 3,100 community members to fill out a survey. The results were shared with MTA leadership.”
In July, public feedback sessions were held virtually where residents detailed their con cerns to MTA leadership. After two sched uled public sessions, the MTA had to offer additional sessions to hear all of the residents who wished to speak.
The town of North Hempstead’s elected officials, various village mayors and many residents supported the “Save Our Express Trains” movement and after months of fight ing their voices were heard.
“When the MTA proposed cutting our ex press train service on the north shore, I asked my neighbors to join me in speaking out by making their voices heard,” said Senator Ka plan. “Thousands of residents have spoken up about the impact of the proposed cuts on their daily lives and the MTA has heard us
and taken action to address our concerns.”
“I want to say thank you to the commuters, residents, and community leaders who made their voices heard,” said Assemblywoman Sillitti. “ When the draft timetables were released, I listened to the thousands of com muters who were outraged to see the elimi nation of the express trains. I am grateful that the MTA and the LIRR heard the concerns and restored express train service back to the Port Washington Line.”
At the end of July, the Village of Thomaston Mayor Steven Weinberg joined with other Village Mayors to host a press conference regarding the draft LIRR schedules. Now that their efforts have been recognized, they are looking forward to what will come next.
“I think this is a good start. I truly appre ciate all the hard work from not only our of ficials but the residents that spoke out about this very directly,” said Mayor Weinberg. “And I thank the railroad for actually listening to the entire community and making the adjust ments for the North Shore of Long Island.”
“I am pleased that our service planners were able to find ways to create express service within the envelope of existing train and track capacity constraints,” said LIRR Interim President and Metro-North Railroad President Rinaldi.
While the LIRR announcement is good news, Kaplan and Sillitti still advocate for fur ther express train service expansions which requires investing in infrastructure at the Port Washington Rail Yard. The Port Rail Yard expansion project has been on pause. Both Kaplan and Sillitti support investments to get the project back on track and help build on the improving LIRR service.
“I applaud the MTA and LIRR for working to ensure our community has express train service to Penn Station even after Grand Central Madison opens, but there is still more to be done to ensure our communities get the level of service we need and deserve,”
said Senator Kaplan. “I’m calling for the MTA and the Town of North Hempstead to find a path forward.”
Great Neck resident Larry Penner, a retired federal transit employee, thinks that the expansion of the Port Washington rail yard is not enough and urges the LIRR to consider other additions to the tracks.
“Adding passing sidings or double tracking is the only solution for improved bi-direc tional service between Port Washington and Great Neck,” Penner wrote to the Great Neck Record. “Even with expansion of the Port Washington yard, at some point you run out of trains to run west bound in the a.m. peak. It would also not solve the problem of bi-directional service gaps for reverse peak services between Great Neck and Port Washington to and from both Penn Station and Grand Central Madison. Double tracking between Great Neck and Port Washington would support the MTA’s promised 40% in crease in reverse rush hour service as well.”
Mayor Weinberg recognizes the need to continue advocating for the train service adjustments to assure commuters are getting the same services they have always relied on.
“I think what’s critical moving forward is that they monitor the ridership,” said Mayor Weinberg. “It’s great that they did studies, went to the drawing board and listened to the community for reasons as to why and how the express service is important to our lives. But, hopefully, they will continue to monitor and continue the dialogue. We really need to see where the ridership goes.”
According to the office of Senator Kaplan, “the Long Island Rail Road has committed to monitor travel patterns and train capac ity after opening and make adjustments as necessary. Final schedules are expected to be released this fall.”
“The true key to the addition of future service increases is expanding track capacity at Port Washington yard,” said Rinaldi at the
Morning Rush Hour: 36% service increase includes three express trains. Under the revised draft timetables, express trains would depart Port Washington at 7:14 a.m., 7:54 a.m., and 8:28 a.m., stopping at Plandome, Manhasset and Great Neck before running express to Penn Station with no intermediate stops. Compared with the first draft timeta bles, the schedules quicken trip times by up to nine minutes from all four stations.
The revised draft timetables’ overall morning rush hour service includes 15 trains arriving in Manhattan between 6:16 a.m. and 9:51 a.m., up 36% from the current 11 that arrive at Penn Station between 6:21 a.m. and 9:34 a.m. The proposed rush hour arrivals include six trains arriving at Grand Central Madison between 6:37 a.m. and 9:20 a.m. and nine arriving at Penn Station between 6:16 a.m. and 9:51 a.m.
Afternoon/Evening Rush Hour: 43% ser vice increase includes three express trains. The LIRR is proposing to transform three afternoon/evening rush hour trains sched uled under earlier draft timetables to depart Penn Station at 4:16 p.m., 5:52 p.m. and 6:25 p.m. into express trains that make a single intermediate stop at Bayside before running express again to Great Neck, Manhasset, Plandome and Port Washington.
Overall afternoon/evening rush hour ser vice would include 20 trains departing Man hattan between 4:06 p.m. and 7:43 p.m., a 43% increase from the current 14 that depart Penn Station between 4:21 p.m. and 7:49 p.m. The proposed rush hour departures include 10 trains departing Grand Central Madison between 4:06 p.m. and 7:43 p.m., and 10 trains that depart Penn Station between 4:16 p.m. and 7:35 p.m.
Port Washington branch timetables boost overall service 11% from current levels. The revised draft Port Washington branch time tables include 10 more trains each weekday than current timetables, increasing service by 14% to 103 trains per day. On weekends, the timetables add five trains per day, to 81 trains each Saturday and Sunday, up 16% from the 76 that operates currently.
The new east side terminal at Grand Central Madison is allowing the LIRR to add nearly 275 trains per weekday, increasing service 41% systemwide and saving up to 40 minutes per day for those traveling to the east side. The length of time LIRR trains need to reach Grand Central is the same as it is to Penn Station.
On Saturday, Sept. 17, over 115 volunteers participated in the first ever Hempstead Harbor-wide coastal cleanup, removing 375 pounds of debris from over a mile of shoreline. A variety of debris was collected including the most commonly found items in New York State and the top of the “Dirty Dozen” list— 1,233 plastic pieces, 876 cigarette butts, 638 bottle caps, and 634 food wrappers.
With the approval of each municipality, events were held at all publicly accessible Hempstead Harbor beaches. The sites included Town of North Hempstead Beach Park, Tappen Beach, Sea Cliff Beach, and Morgan Park Beach. Coordinated locally by the Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor (CSHH), the effort was part of the International Coastal Cleanup, an annual event sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy and the American Littoral Society.
“The Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor (CSHH) is appreciative that events like this one require supportive leadership at the municipal level,” said Lisa Cashman, Associ ate Director for CSHH. “We are grateful to have received this support and especially the deliberate efforts of all the volunteers who gave their time this weekend to clean our shared natural resource of Hempstead Harbor.”
Now in its 37th year, the International Coastal Cleanup is more than just an attempt to clean beaches and waterways. Volunteers from around the world who
participate in the cleanup also contribute to a massive data-collection effort by cataloging the type, amount, weight, and location of the debris. The information is then sent to Ocean Conservancy, entered into a database, and analyzed to track trends in pollution, educate the public, and inform long-term solutions for marine debris and its environmental effects.
Participants worked in teams at each of the sites with data collection coordinated by trained volunteers and CSHH staff. The Town of North Hempstead Beach Park was captained by members of Transition Town Port Washington, Tappen Beach
North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, Councilmember Robert Troiano, Jr., and the Town Board announced that the Town will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month on Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 6 p.m., with a very special ceremony at North Hempstead’s “Yes We Can” Community Center, 141 Garden St. in Westbury. Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated each year from Sept. 15 to Oct.15.
“Hispanic Heritage Month is an occasion to celebrate the diversity and contributions made by Hispanic-Americans across the country and in the Town of North Hempstead,” said Town Supervisor DeSena. “The Hispanic-American community has helped strengthen our Town in innumerable ways, and this event is a great opportunity to celebrate the lasting and positive impact they’ve had on our communities.”
The event will include live entertainment and celebrate the Hispanic-Americans who have been a positive influence in the North
Hempstead community. Food and refreshments will be served. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
Hispanic Heritage Month begins each year on Sept.15, the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, with Mexico’s anniversary of its independence on September 16.
North Hempstead’s “Yes We Can” Community Center is located at 141 Garden St. in Westbury. For more information, please call 311 or visit www.northhempsteadny.gov.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
was captained by dedicated community members, Sea Cliff Beach was captained by the Sea Cliff Environmental Conservation Commission, and Morgan Park Beach, were captained by Congregation Tifereth Israel.
Representatives from Volunteers for Wildlife were at two of the sites exhibiting diamondback terrapins, and helped to educate participants about the threat coastal debris poses to local wildlife.
About Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor (CSHH): Since its founding over 35 years ago, CSHH’s mission has been to identify and eliminate environmental threats in and around Hempstead Harbor. Our
objective is to advance the public interest in restoring the harbor to its full ecological potential and to promote sustainable practices that will ensure the protection and resiliency of Hempstead Harbor and surrounding communities.
—Submitted by Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor with additional reporting by Julie Prisco
Senator Anna M. Kaplan will be holding four Mobile Office Hours events to provide constituent services and assistance in our community, and to hear from residents about their concerns and issues.
Senator Kaplan’s upcoming mobile office hours will be held at:
• Hillside Public Library, 155 Lakeville Rd., New Hyde Park – Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022 from 2 p.m.-4 p.m.
• Great Neck Library, 159 Bayview Ave,, Great Neck – Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022 from 12 p.m.-2 p.m.
• Port Washington Public Library, 1 Library Dr., Port Washington – Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022 from 4:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m.
• The Bryant Library, 2 Papermill Rd., Roslyn – Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022 from 12 p.m.-2 p.m.
Walk-ins are welcome, and no appointment is necessary. Contact Senator Kaplan’s office at 516-746-5924 with any questions or if you require any assistance.
—Submitted by the Office of
Stephen Glasser,
Maria Berenato,
To placean item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to editors@antonmediagroup.com.
Shed the Meds
8 a.m.-12 p.m. (Michael J. Tully Park) A Town of North Hempstead event. Pharmaceutical drop-off event to safely dispose of unwanted and expired medication.
Farmers Market
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. (Firefighters Park) The vendors offer selections of local, organic and sustainable foods and items. Enjoy live music and family activities, every week, during the Farmers Market. Hosted by the Great Neck Park District and Deep Roots Farmers Market.
Three-Ingredient Pumpkin Cake
7 p.m.-7:45 p.m. (Virtual) Let’s listen to some fall stories and make a delicious pumpkin cake! This program is suitable for children of all ages with an adult, and will take place via Zoom. You can access the recipe and required ingredients list here: https://tinyurl.com/4cr4fyrx Please use your child’s Library card to register. Contact the Library Main Building Children’s Depart
ment 516-466-8055 (x247) or childrens@ greatnecklibrary.org for more information.
Defensive Driver Safety Course
9 a.m.-3 p.m. (Town of North Hempstead Town Hall) A Town of North Hempstead event. Save 10% on your auto insurance each year for three years. Reduce up to four points from your driving record. Course offered by Empire Safety Council. Call 516869-7703 for more details.
Project Independence
12 p.m.- 2 p.m. (Yes We Can Community Cen ter) Bridge class. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Learn to play the fun game of Bridge. Classes are for beginners and those with basic knowledge who wish to improve their skills. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.
Hispanic Heritage Celebration
6:30 p.m. (“Yes We Can” Community Center) A Town of North Hempstead event to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month. Call 311 for more information.
Email Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business
7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (Virtual) Learn all about e-mail marketing with an instructor
from SCORE! We’ll go over what it real ly is (and isn’t), what it can do for your business, and the five steps to harness the power of the inbox. SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. Visit longisland.score.org to learn more. Register for Zoom link and save your spot! Contact Cindy Simeti at the Great Neck Library; 516-466-8055 (x259) or csimeti@greatnecklibrary.org for more information.
Project Independence
12:00 p.m. (Roslyn Community Center)
Golden Hearts Bingo and Blood Pressure screening. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Join Project Inde pendence for a fun hour every Thursday and try your luck to win a prize. In addition to having some fun, a registered nurse will provide blood pressure screenings and health counseling. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.
7 p.m. (Town Hall) Town of North Hempstead Board Meeting. Event at Town Hall or available virtually on northhempsteadny.gov Call 311 for more information.
4:30 p.m.-5:15 p.m. (Parkville Branch Library Programming Room) As part of the Great Giveback program, the Parkville branch will be providing teens with the supplies needed to make dog and cat toys for a local shelter. One hour of community service credit will be awarded. Contact Kat Baumgartner 516-466-8055 (x257) or kbaumgartner@greatnecklibrary.org to register.
Autumn Treat
7 p.m. (Harbor Links, Port Washington) A Town of North Hempstead event. Enjoy mu sical entertainment from the Just Sixties band along with an assortment of delicious fall treats and desserts. Tickets are $20 per per son.Please make checks payable to Harbor Links and mail to: Autumn Treat (Tully Park), 1801 Evergreen Ave.,
401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 101 Garden City, NY 11530
Most hardworking Americans dream about retirement, but the path to get there can be less than clear. For those relatively new to the workforce, the idea of retiring may feel distant and abstract. And they’re not the only ones with questions. Even people who are only a few years from retirement are often perplexed by the decisions they face. While everyone’s journey is different, I know from my years of experience as a nancial advisor that there are common themes when it comes to questions about retirement.
For example, those who just started their careers and have decades before retirement may wonder:
• “With all my current financial priorities, why should I worry about saving money for retirement?”
discretionary income beyond that, you may want to save it in a Roth IRA, which could help you build retirement savings with aftertax dollars and create potentially tax-free income in the future.
On the other hand, if retirement is in your near future, you may be pondering these questions:
• “Should I pay off my home mortgage early?”
assumptions based on an appropriate retirement date.
• “Will Medicare cover my health care costs in retirement?”
The sooner you start saving for retirement, the greater the opportunity for your money to grow. If you are in your twenties or thirties, you may not have as many assets as those who have been in the workforce for decades. What you do have is time, and that can be a powerful ally. Time allows you to take full advantage of the opportunity to compound growth in your investments. Even modest investment amounts that have years to potentially grow can make a signi cant difference in your retirement savings.
Philip P Andriola, JD
Private Wealth Advisor, Chief Executive Of cer
Paying off your mortgage may seem like a great idea, and if you’re like a lot of near retirees, the prospect of eliminating debt and reducing your monthly expenses may be appealing. That said, there are a variety of factors to consider. One of the biggest is the cost and potential tax consequences of moving a large sum of money out of an existing investment in order to pay off the balance of your mortgage. If the interest rate you pay on your mortgage is low, you may want to keep that money invested and continue making mortgage payments.
Andriola, Goldberg & Associates
A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
• “How much of my paycheck should I save
A reasonable goal is to save 10 percent of your pre-tax income in retirement savings vehicles. If you have the option, strongly consider directing a portion from your paycheck to a 401(k) or another workplace savings plan. If your employer offers a matching contribution, even better. That’s essentially “free money” that you don’t want to miss out on. If you have additional
Also, holding a mortgage is key to many Americans’ tax strategy because the interest paid could potentially be tax deductible. If mortgage interest is part of your tax strategy, consult with your tax professional before making the decision to own your home outright.
Health care is one of the largest expenses most retirees incur in their later years, and Medicare only covers a portion of heath care expenses. It is broken up into different parts. Part A is offered at no cost, but mainly covers only expenses related to hospitalization. Part B requires a monthly premium, but makes medical services such as care from a doctor or tests more affordable. Part C is an alternative type of Medicare coverage provided through private insurers, at a cost. Part D is a prescription program that helps reduce the price of drugs. Medicare Supplement coverage is another form of coverage that charges a premium, but helps reduce outof-pocket medical expenses.
Philip P. Andriola, JD, is a Private Wealth Advisor and Chief Executive Of cer with Andriola, Goldberg & Associates, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. He offers fee-based nancial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 24 years. To contact him: www.philippandriola.com
401 Franklin Avenue
Suite 101
Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 345-2600
Your vision of retirement is unique, and your financial plan should be too. As an Ameriprise Private Wealth Advisor, I have the qualifications and knowledge to help you grow and preserve your wealth. Whether it’s investment management, tax strategies or legacy planning, I’ll work with you to find the right financial solutions for your individual needs. And I’m backed by the strength and stability of one of America’s leading retirement planning companies.
• “At what age should I begin to collect Social Security?”
FIVE STAR Wealth Manager
• “How will I know if I saved enough money to last?”
401 Franklin Ave, Ste 101 Garden City, NY 11530 edith.a.stahl@ampf.com philippandriola.com
prepared for a rewarding retirement. I can help you make the most of
Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser.
Ameriprise Chairman’s Advisory Council 2012-2016
Investment products are not insured by the FDIC, NCUA or any federal agency, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by any nancial institution, and involve investment risks including possible loss of principal and uctuation in value.
The answer to this question will depend on your retirement dreams and current nancial situation. The variables that come into play include the amount of money you’ll need to pay to cover your expenses each year and other sources of income you have (such as a pension or Social Security). The biggest unknown is how long your retirement will last, but most people should be prepared to spend several decades in retirement. A nancial plan can help you test different
This varies by person. The earliest you can qualify to begin collecting Social Security retirement bene ts is age 62. The longer you wait, the larger your bene t will be. The highest monthly bene t you can earn occurs when you reach age 70. If you continue to work, it may make sense to delay taking Social Security. When you retire, you’ll need to weigh the value of delaying Social Security against the cost of taking money out of your personal savings to make up the difference.
Philip P Andriola, JD Private Wealth Advisor, Chief Executive Of cer Andriola, Goldberg & Associates A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services,
Franklin Ave,
Whether retirement is a year or decades away, it’s important to craft a plan for how you will build your nest egg and fund your retirement dreams. If you have questions or want to discuss your personal situation, consult your nancial advisor, estate planner and tax professional for guidance.
Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC.
Member FINRA and SIPC. ©2022 Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
All rights reserved.
The Five Star Wealth Manager award, administered by Crescendo Business Services, LLC (dba Five Star Professional), is based on 10 objective criteria: 1. Credentialed as a registered investment adviser or a registered investment adviser representative; 2. Actively employed as a credentialed professional in the nancial services industry for a minimum of ve years; 3. Favorable regulatory and complaint history review (please note unfavorable feedback may have been discovered through a check of complaints registered with a regulatory authority or complaints registered through Five Star Professional’s consumer complaint process*); 4. Ful lled their rm review based on internal rm standards; 5. Accepting new clients; 6. One-year client retention rate; 7. Five-year client retention rate; 8. Non-institutional discretionary and/or non-discretionary client assets administered; 9. Number of client households served; 10. Education and professional designations.
You’ve prepared for a rewarding retirement. I can help you make the most of it.
Last spring, Anton Media Group published an article on Irish-American politicians in 20th-century New York. With Columbus Day around the corner, let’s do the same with Italian Americans.
This ethnic group holds a unique place in New York politics. Since the 1930s, New York has been the center of progressive culture and politics in America. Of the metropolitan area’s myriad ethnic, racial and religious groups, only Italian-Americans display strong conservative leanings. As such, New York has seen Italian-American pols as spokesmen for both sides of the ideological spectrum.
As with Irish Americans, Italians have produced many a colorful and entertaining figure on the New York stage. As with Daniel Patrick Moynihan, their numbers have also seen such penetrating observers of the American scene as Antonin Scalia and Mario Cuomo.
Irish politics hit the ground with Jimmy Walker, mayor of New York City during the Roaring Twenties. A successor was the equally charismatic Fiorello LaGuardia.
“The Little Flower” was the product of an Italian-Jewish union. A native of Greenwich Village, La Guardia was first a New York City alderman then a congressman for the East Harlem congressional district.
In Congress, LaGuardia built a record as a progressive, opposing, for instance, the 1924 Immigration bill, which turned off the spigot to European immigration, while supporting federal anti-lynching legislation.
LaGuardia was elected mayor in 1933. He served for 12 years, dying in office in 1945.
The man remained a reformer. He booted such gangsters as Frank Costello and Meyer Lansky out of New York, only to see them find a home in Huey Long’s Louisiana.
During a newspaper strike, he kept New Yorkers entertained by reading the Sunday comics over the radio. New Yorkers loved LaGuardia. In his day, the radio stations would sign off by hailing a city of “seven million people living in a peaceful democracy.” The Little Flower was the man who made it happen.
see NY POLITICS on page 9A
Nailed it. The cast and crew at Babylon’s Argyle Theatre has set the bar high with its stellar season closer, An American in Paris, running through Oct. 23. Every detail is as perfect as it gets, barely a fault with this team’s delivery of the Academy Award-winning 1951 film. The new stage musical features a score by the greats, George and Ira Gershwin and written in a fresh way by Tony-nominee and Pulitzer Prize finalist Craig Lucas.
Set in the French capital in the wake of World War II, An American in Paris tells the romantic story of a young American soldier, a beautiful French girl and an in domitable European city—each yearning for a new beginning in the aftermath of international conflict.
“After the dynamic success of Footloose at The Argyle, An American in Paris is the perfect way to continue that dynamic to end our current season,” Argyle Theatre’s Artistic Director Evan Pappas said. “We have, yet again, assembled a first-rate
team of actors, singers and dancers that will truly entertain audiences.”
There must be a better way to describe the energy of this production. The team is truly top-notch, delivering a flawless retelling. The set, the script, the on-stage chemistry, are all in alignment for this production.
The cast includes Brandon Haagenson (Off-Broadway: Afterglow. National Tour: Beauty and the Beast), Helen Krushinski (Regional: Joseph...; Oklahoma!), Jacob Ben-Shmuel (Regional: Godspell), Max Kuenzer (Argyle’s Footloose. Regional: The Mystery of Edwin Drood), Elizabeth Brady (National Tour: R & H Cinderella), Erika Amato (National Tour: Flashdance—The Musical), David Scott Curtis (National Tour: Fiddler on the Roof), Olivia Gjurich (National Tour: Fiddler on the Roof), Courtney Echols (International Tour: An American in Paris), Gigi Hausman (Regional: Gypsy), Aiden Pressel (National Tour: CATS), Cameron Hah (NYC: The True and Unquestionable Account of Dr. Joseph Snodgrass), Drew Reese (Argyle’s Footloose. Regional: The Bodyguard, The Musical), Rashawn Sangster (Regional: Kiss Me Kate), Spencer Dean (TV: “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”), Lucas Ryan (Regional: Cabaret), Taylor Kurtz, Maci
Arms (BROADWAY BARES XXX), Steven Gagliano (Regional: Jersey Boys, Mamma Mia), and Grace Lemieux.
The creative team includes set design by Anthony Freitas, lighting design by David Shocket, costume design by Peter Fogel, sound design by Sarah Goodman, and Prop Master Emily Todt. Production stage manager is Kellian Frank with Assistant Stage Manager Christina M. Woolard, COVID safety manager is Perseis J. Grant, production manager/ technical director is Michael Kauffman, production coordinator is Alison Savino, and the casting director is Michael Cassara, CSA. Presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals.
The Argyle Theatre is located at 34 W. Main St. in Babylon. An American in Paris began performances on Sept. 15, ahead of its opening night on Sept. 17 and will run through Oct. 23. Show times are Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. with one added performance on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 7:30 p.m.
Visit www.argyletheatre.com for tickets (ranging from $45 to $79) and more information. Group rate and school trips are available.
We recently had a chance before the show opened to chat with Brandon Haagenson, who plays the show’s lead actor Jerry Mulligan.
QTell us something that would be helpful to know before coming in to see this show.
AAn American in Paris is comprised of Gershwin songs, so be ready for an incredible cast and an awesomely talented orchestra to play some of the best music ever written. Even if you think you don’t know Gershwin, every other song you’ll go, “Oh, I know this one!”
What is the best thing about this show?
AEvan Pappas and Shannon Lewis have done a stunning job of staging this story. It unfolds like a movie, with a gorgeous set and lighting that truly feels like Paris. The only downside of being in this show is not being able to sit in the audience and watch it!
How do you prepare yourself for such an iconic role?
AI honestly take a lot of inspiration from the original 1951 film. There’s some thing easy about the way that Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron move with each other, and it was fun to find that with Helen Krashinski as we built Lise and Jerry. Our love story is told a lot through dance, so to find these moments where we move through space
together was integral to what we do on stage.
Did this role teach you something new?
AThis show is very demanding physically and emotionally, so to always be finding the simplest and smoothest way to embody Jerry and tell the story is probably the greatest challenge. It’s easy to bounce off the walls when you’re singing and dancing to this mu sic, so the goal is to relax and click into what my castmates are giving me. It’s fun to try and find that and make it new every night.
What’s the best thing about this cast/crew?
And here in New York, I fell in love with the craft of acting, so I went to graduate school for Shakespeare in Washington, DC. My love for performing has taken me a lot of places, and that’s possibly the most rewarding thing, is to follow your instincts and see so much of the world, all while doing what you love.
We laugh constantly. There are so many fun personalities in this company, and some hijinks not fit for print. I think you’ll feel that when you watch the show.
There’s a feeling when you’re performing in a show like this that’s very hard to describe. Especially in this role, when the story clicks and everyone is dancing and singing and living their best life, it feels like flying. The electricity on stage is so alive, but also so focused and dropped in. Being a part of that energy is a gift, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
How did you get involved in acting initially? Talk about the path that led you here.
My first acting experience was in junior high. I played a psychiatrist who turns into a werewolf when his patient bites him. Very deep stuff. But after making all my classmates laugh, I thought, “Huh, that felt pretty great.” And as I continued to sing and perform, I realized that was where my community and my chosen family was, in the theater. I went to college for musical theater, which led to moving to New York.
No actor can do what they do alone, so my advice is to support other artists. When you’re acting in a show or a film, there are so many other people alongside you: other performers, designers, crew mem bers, choreographers, directors. And it’s so important to be in tune with those people and remember you’re all building the same thing and working toward a common goal. So, while you’re starting out, go support them. See shows, take classes, cheer your colleagues on, and go be part of that community.
Last week, I saw a hook and ladder making a right from Oyster Bay Road on to Northern Blvd with a police power flag flying from its back corner. Presumably, the American flag flew from the other corner but I couldn’t see it from my perspective. What I call the ‘police power’ flag is also known as the ‘thin blue line’ flag. It is the altered American flag with black stars and stripes and a royal blue stripe through
the middle. This symbol may have begun as a sign of general support for the police but it has come to represent an intolerant reaction to the ‘black lives matter’ movement. I think most people would agree that the latter significance of the symbol predominates today. For me, this symbol sends a divisive message and it does not belong on the back of a fire engine and given equal prominence with our nation’s flag. I resent the
notion that the police feel they need their own emblem, as though our American flag isn’t good enough for them. In our society, police are for the most part honored and respected. But as for any profession, when a member of the force violates professional or legal standards, she/he must be held account able. We are all governed by the same laws. No one is above the law and certainly not police who are entrusted with the
right to use lethal force when necessary. If a member of the force or anyone else wants to display this symbol on their own property, that’s their right as Americans. But it does not belong on police cars, public buildings or fire engines, spreading the divisive message that representatives of these public institutions are dissatis fied with Old Glory.
Matthew FrischKarl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
Publishers of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot
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With family court matters such as divorce proceedings and custody cases often very contentious, youngsters can be traumatized if they are in the courtroom. But many parents and guardians don’t have the luxury of leaving their children home.
That’s what makes the Children’s Center at Nassau County Family Court, a program of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, so important.
At the Children’s Center, kids from 6 weeks to 12 years old are provided with free care in a nurturing and safe environ ment while adults are busy in court.
The Children’s Center, located at 1200 Old Country Rd., Suite #2, Westbury on the first floor of the Family Court building, is not a babysitting service but rather an early learning center. Every aspect of the Children’s Center promotes learning by which the children can explore new things in a safe, structured and professionally supervised setting.
The Children’s Center
provides kids with a safe haven that gives them the opportunity to develop early learning skills through age-ap propriate play and activities that are fun and exciting for toddlers and children up to age 12.
Earlier this summer, we were excited to announce that the Children’s Center at Nassau County Family Court had reopened after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. During that time, almost all
court business was conducted virtually, but with more and more children and families returning to in-person court visits, our Children’s Center is a much-needed community resource.
How can you help? We are seeking volunteers at the Children’s Center. To volunteer, we request that you are:
• 16 years of age or older
• Fully vaccinated against COVID-19
• Able to work a minimum of four hours per week
• Comfortable wearing a mask
• Willing to complete a New York State background check, including fingerprinting
• Able to lift children when nec essary and have good mobility
• Friendly and nurturing
Volunteering at the Children’s Center is a great way for high schoolers (16 and up) or college students who have an interest in children and education to gain experience. And it’s also a wonderful opportunity for
anyone who loves kids to give back and make a difference for the youngsters and families in our community.
Another way to help support the Children’s Center is to attend the fundraiser we are having on Oct. 27 at Tesoro’s Ristorante in Westbury. For ticket information, call 516-6261971, ext. 309.
To learn more about volunteering at the Children’s Center, contact Dr. Nellie TaylorWalthrust, Director at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center’s Leeds Place and head of the Children’s Center, at ntaylorwalthrust@northshorechildguidance.org or call 516-997-2926, ext. 229.
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On Aug. 23, Democrats and Republicans voted for their preferred Congressional candidate on Primary Day. For the majority of Nassau County, that meant voting in New York’s 3rd Congressional District.
The fact that those not registered with the right party—including those not registered with any party—couldn’t vote in these elections is a topic worthy of another article. The fact that an appallingly low 12 percent of eligible Democrats (the Republican ran unopposed) actually voted in the 3rd District is worthy of a second. The fact that this is all happening in the greatest democracy on Earth perhaps deserves a third.
But there was something else that irked me about New York’s 3rd District Primary. Candidate Robert Zimmerman won the Democratic nomination, receiving just 35.8 percent out of all votes cast, which means most voting Democrats did not want Zimmerman to be their nominee.
He may have gotten the most votes, but not a majority of votes. 64 percent of those who voted did not vote for Zimmerman; and yet, he is now the Democratic
torchbearer for this district.
Let me be clear, I’ve got nothing against Zimmerman. After all, this election wasn’t even the worst example: in New York City, the Democratic nominee received less than 26 percent of the vote. Threefourths of voting Democrats in this district did not want this Democrat.
And all of this, again, in the greatest democracy on Earth.
Jokes aside, our current voting system, which hands victory to the person with the most votes, is routinely sending politicians into office without majority support. Our system kills the growth of third
parties and leads to election-day anxiety about the nefarious “spoiler”: candidates who don’t win but take enough of the vote to let an ideologically similar candidate lose.
Luckily, there is a solution: ranked-choice voting. It’s a voting system already in place in 18 states, including Utah and our very own Empire State, where it is used in New York City.
Rather than voting for a candidate, you rank candidates by your preferred choice. For example, you want to vote for candidate X, but candidate Y is also appealing, and after that candidate Z is okay as well. So, you’d rank candidates on election day like so: ELECTION BALLOT
Mark Preference HERE: Candidate X 1 Candidate Y 2 Candidate Z 3 Ballots are tabulated by hand and machine. If a candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote, they win. But if, like our local election, no one receives a majority, the magic begins.
The candidate who received the least amount of votes is crossed from the list and their votes are redistributed to other candidates
based on their second preference.
If no candidate receives a majority, the process repeats: the person with the least votes is crossed from the list, and votes redistributed based on preference. The process is repeated until a candidate receives more than 50 percent of the vote.
No longer will candidates be sent to office without a majority mandate. You can vote for who you truly want, rather than “strategically” voting for the candidate you think will win. Spoilers are no longer a concern. Candidates are discouraged from campaigning negatively, as they will need to appeal outside of their base to pick up votes from eliminated candidates. Not to mention, this could be a real bipartisan issue.
After all, Republican gubernatorial nominee Lee Zeldin only got 44 percent of the vote.
We may even be able to get rid of primary and general elections altogether. If all candidates, regardless of party, ran in one election with ranked-choice voting, we could eliminate an entire extra election, saving us all time, money, energy and paperwork. An increase in voter turnout will follow.
If you want to see ranked-choice
voting enacted like I do, you can find the contact number of your State Assemblyman at nyassembly. gov/mem/search/ and State Senator at www.nysenate.gov/ find-my-senator. Call your Nassau County Presiding Officer, Richard J. Nicolello, at 516-571-6209 and Minority Caucus Leader, Kevan Abrahams, at 516-571-6201. Tell them you want ranked-choice voting, which is more democratic, saves money, and will eliminate the need for an entire election. You can join a ranked-choice voting advocacy group like FairVote, at https://www.fairvote.org/. Even something as simple as talking to your friends and neighbors about ranked-choice voting will help drive momentum for this issue.
As a county, let’s be innovators and take charge of an issue that the rest of the country can emulate. Support democracy and support common sense; support rankedchoice voting.
Matthew Adarichev is a public policy major at Hofstra University, a political activist and an aspiring journalist whose work has appeared in the Hofstra Chronicle and The Long Island Herald.
This beautiful split-style home at 82 Pell Terrace in Garden City has been completely renovated throughout and boasts an open floor plan layout with a renovated kitchen with beautiful cabinetry, stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops and an island that is completely open to the dining area and the living room with a gas burning fireplace. The second floor features a primary bedroom suite and two additional nicely sized bedrooms that are serviced by a full hall bathroom. The lower level has another bedroom or family room with a powder room and the basement offers a recreation area and an abundant amount of storage space. The home’s updates include the roof, siding, windows, kitchen, bathrooms, boiler, and central air conditioning. The house is proximate to the park, school, shopping, and the railroad station. It sold on Sept. 9 for $960,000.
This home situated in the tree-lined and desired neighborhood of Garden City East just north of the Mott section at 15 East Drive sold on Sept. 9 for $878,000. Kids can run freely with ample space both inside and out. It has great living and entertainment space, easily able to fit a piano, if desired. The property features a large lot, separate side entrance with additional room for privacy. This home has central air conditioning and hardwood floors throughout. The siding, roofing and double-pane windows have all been replaced. The home has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The master bedroom has its own bathroom and walk-in closet. The basement is finished for entertaining. The large property is fenced in and has in-ground sprinklers. This home is within the Garden City school district and is conveniently located near the park, schools, railroad, shopping and expressway.
eptember is National Preparedness Month and PSEG Long Island wants to remind its customers of the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies. Emergencies can happen at any time and preparing ahead of time helps keep everyone safe.
“We want our customers to think about this year’s National Preparedness Month theme, ‘A Lasting Legacy,’ because the life you’ve built is worth protecting,” said David Lyons, interim president and COO of PSEG Long Island. “The safety of our employees, our customers and our contractors has always been PSEG Long Island’s top priority, and we partner with groups like the United Way to help spread the word. Taking the time to prepare and having a plan limits the negative impact of an emergency.”
Here’s how customers can prepare for a severe storm and other emergencies:
1. Ensure you have a battery-powered radio and fresh batteries.
2. Check your supply of flashlights, blankets, nonperishable food and bottled water.
3. Create an emergency communications plan.
4. Develop an evacuation plan.
5. Charge your cell phones, tablets and other mobile devices.
6. Make sure to have cash available. Banks may be closed or inaccessible after a storm.
7. Fill up your vehicle’s fuel tank.
8. Bring in unsecured objects and furniture from patios and balconies.
9. Compile a list of emergency phone numbers, including PSEG’s 24-hour service number: 800-490-0075.
10. Discuss storm and lightning safety with your family. Visit www. psegliny.com/safetyandreliability/stormsafety for safety tips, YouTube safety videos and more.
11. Be aware that downed wires should always be considered “live.” Do not approach or drive over a downed line, and do not touch anything it might be in contact with. If a wire falls on or near your car, stay inside the car, call 911 and do not get out until PSEG de-energizes the line. If you must exit the vehicle because it is on fire, jump as far as possible away from the vehicle, with both feet landing on the ground at the same time, and hop or shuffle away.
1. Download the PSEG Long Island mobile app to report outages and receive information on restoration times, crew locations and more.
2. To report an outage and receive status updates via text, text OUT to PSEGLI (773454) or visit www.psegliny.com/outages.
Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.
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Is this a scene from a horror movie in my nightmares because this is exactly how you get killed in the movies...traveling through some abandoned, dimly lit warehouse row, trying to find the street number for a business meeting at twilight. You have arrived. Monster Gallery, Long Island’s first immersive art showcase dedicated to horror and Halloween movies, has returned for its second year of monster fanaticism to a suitable location in one of Mineola’s industrial neighborhoods.
Long Island Monster Gallery consists of a two-floor display of more than 35 life-sized monsters accompanied by a corresponding theatrical set, lighting, music and other 4D-experience details, which nearly bring these ghouls to life.
Monster fanatic and gallery owner Jason Kloos is the mastermind behind the showcase.
“It is designed to be almost like you are walking through a wax museum,” Kloos said.
Kloos and his family manage the lighting and effects of the gallery.
Each of the monsters are handcrafted by special effects artists from around the world.
“The most popular monster last year was the Wicked Witch of the West; she’s upstairs again this year,” Kloos said. “The scariest for most people this year will be the clown room.”
If you have coulrophobia it might be best to skip this circus-themed room in the gallery. It is filled with the things that surely nightmares are made from.
It is important to know that Long Island Monster Gallery is not a haunted house and there are no live actors inside.
While the immersive elements may be considered “spooky” and some of the monsters may conjur flashbacks of nightmares from your childhood when it wasn’t safe to descend into an unlit basement after watching a marathon series from behind a throw pillow of Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th with all of your cousins at grandma’s house, there is no intentional scare factor associated with the gallery. The gallery is suitable for all monster fans, of all ages.
“Parents know their kids; if they love horror and Halloween, then they are going to love this,” Kloos said. Children under 12 years old must always remain with an adult.
To ensure all monster fans have plenty of time to appreciate each display, reservations are limited to one hour of gallery access and guest admission is limited.
“We never exceed 50 people in there because we just want everyone to have room to move around,” Kloos said. “Every single display has a plaque with the history with the movie, so spend the full hour reading and taking photos.”
The gallery will close temporarily for display and show upgrades in November. Kloos plans to host another limited-run show in December, featuring holiday villains and winter-themed monsters.
“I started collecting life-sized figures one day; one led to two, led to three and four and eventually I ran out of room in the garage,” Kloos said. “It was then finally time to find a location.”
Long Island Monster Gallery was born.
“I am just a lifelong fan of horror,” Kloos said. “I grew up watching a lot of horror movies and my collecting just started a little at a time.”
Kloos used to run local haunted houses, which then morphed into his collection.
“It was then that I started going for accuracy,” Kloos said. “This is made by horror fans, for horror fans.”
Not affiliated, but other regional monster galleries include Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery in Salem, MA and Witch’s Dungeon Classic Movie Museum in Plainville, CT.
Long Island Monster Gallery is located at 47A Roselle St. in Mineola. Free parking is plentiful on-street. Do not park in adjacent private business lots. Admission is $28 for adults (ages 12 and up) and $20 for children (ages 5 to 11), plus fees and must be purchased and reserved on-line for a timed entrance. The gallery opens on Saturday, Oct. 1 and runs Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and on Halloween through Nov. 5.
Long Island Monster Gallery is not ADA compliant. According to the gallery’s website, “Due to the old construction of the building and stairs, the use of a wheelchair is not always possible.” Kloos said accommodations can be made with prior arrangements.
Visit www.longislandmonstergallery.com for reservations and more information.
Freddy Krueger Photos by Christy HinkoThe New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) I FISH NY Program and Freshwater Fisheries Unit and the State O ce of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (State Parks) recently announced the annual Fall Family Fishing and Children’s Festival at Hempstead Lake State Park will be held Saturday, Oct. 15, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Festival activities include fishing with free loaner rods and bait, fishing instruction, casting instruction and fish-cleaning services. In addition to fishing opportunities, there will be a children’s casting for pumpkins contest and pumpkin decorating, in addition to DEC and State Parks displays.
The event also includes fly fishing instruction, demonstrations and outdoor exhibits
sponsored by the DEC and local fishing clubs. There will be food vendors and other children’s activities available. There will be an up-close experience of a variety of birds of prey with the Raptor Project.
The fishing license requirement for all anglers over the age of 16 is suspended for
this festival, and admission and parking are free.
The children’s casting for pumpkins contest will be held for as long as pumpkins last, during which kids can “catch” a pumpkin and “hook” a prize. Casting contest prizes are provided by I FISH NY
and State Parks.
Prior to the festival, State Parks will stock South and McDonald ponds in Hempstead Lake State Park with brook and rainbow trout. DEC also stocks brown trout in several other waterbodies in Nassau and Suffolk counties, including Upper Twin Pond, Oyster Bay Mill Pond, Massapequa Reservoir, and 12 additional Suffolk County lakes. These stockings will occur later in October, and provide excellent prospects for fall fishing. A second DEC stocking will occur in early November.
For more information about the festival, call DEC’s I FISH NY Program at 631444-0283 or Hempstead Lake State Park 516-766-1029 for event status. There is no rain date for this event.
For more information about the fall trout stocking program in Nassau and Suffolk counties, call the DEC Bureau of Fisheries at 631-444-0280. General information on freshwater fishing on Long Island can be found at DEC’s Long Island/NYC Fishing webpage and more info at DEC’s Fishing webpage.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 4 pm Chamber Music in Your Own Backyard!
Featuring the Preserve’s Artists in Residence, duoJalal, and guest musicians. Coffee and tea served at 3:30 pm. Wine reception to follow performance. $50
An immersive theater experience Select dates, October 14 – 31, 2 performances per night. What secrets reside within the walls of Chatterton Manor, family seat of a mysterious dynasty? Will the tragic death of a beloved heir unite them, or drive them further apart? We invite you to enter the Chatterton Cabinet of Curiosities, a realm of the sacred and the profane. Discover the secrets that lie within, and become part of their story. 21+ age limit strictly enforced. $125
Our signature fundraiser is back and more “curious” than ever! Join us in Hempstead House for an evening of small bites, cocktails, dessert and dancing.
Get ready to make some magic in Nassau County this Halloween season, Old Bethpage Village Restoration (OBVR) will host the iconic Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze for a third year. Blaze: Long Island will run for 28 selected nights through
Nov. 6.
Halloween experience. We have an exciting season planned with more displays than ever and brand-new special effects on the pumpkin trail—we can’t wait for visitors to join us starting this September.”
Blaze: Long Island has limited capacity and all admissions are by advance purchase timed ticket or FLEX anytime ticket. No tickets are sold on site.
“We are thrilled to once again partner with Nassau County to bring The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze back to Old Bethpage Village Restoration and to celebrate the season at this cherished historic site,” said Rob Schweitzer, Historic Hudson Valley vice president. “Featuring the work of artists and volunteers from the surrounding community, this event helps support the local economy and offers tens of thousands of visitors a fun, family friendly
Blaze: Long Island dates are September 9/30-10/2, 10/5-10/10, 10/12-10/16, 10/19-10/23, 10/2610/31, 11/4-11/6. Online tickets start at $32 for adults and $24 for children 3-17 and are free for children 2 and under.
The event is held rain or shine. Proceeds support Historic Hudson Valley, the Tarrytown-based private, nonprofit educational organization, and Nassau County’s Old Bethpage Village Restoration. Old Bethpage Village Restoration is at 1303 Round Swamp Road in Old Bethpage. More information is available at pumpkinblaze.org.
A small team of local artists handcarves more than 7,000 jack o’lan terns and creates elaborate pumpkin sculptures for this walk-through experience on the grounds of the 19th-century village. Volunteers from the commu nity will help light the candles in the jack o’lanterns every evening during the event. New displays this year include the Long Island Hall of Fame, featuring pumpkin portraits of local icons, a galloping Headless Horseman, and creatures from the deep sea.
—Submitted by Blaze: Long Island
Fall is a great time on the Island. ere is a full list of things to do, places to go and things to see. Here are some of our favorites.
Evelyn and Ben Wilson
Selections from the Adelphi University Art Collection featuring work by Evelyn and Ben Wilson through Nov. 5. 1 South Ave., Garden City Visit www.aupac.adelphi.edu or call 516-877-4000.
C-47B D-Day Living History Flights
Marking its 78th anniversary, American Airpower Museum’s Douglas C-47B “Skytrain” will perform Living History Flight Experiences on Saturday, Oct. 8. Four flights are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dozens of Long Islanders will get a rare chance to fly in AAM’s historic WWII C-47B, one of the few still in original military condition.
230 New Highway, Farmingdale Visit www.americanairpowermuseum. com or call 631-293-6398.
Free Yoga
Join for a free yoga class in the mall’s center court Tuesdays through Thursdays and Saturdays at noon, Sundays at 12:30 p.m. (no yoga on Mondays and Fridays). All levels welcome.
358 Broadway Mall, Hicksville Visit www.atbroadwaycommons.com or call 516-939-0679.
Based on the 1993 film, which starred Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, and AnnMargret, this stage adaptation captures the lovably crotchety characters through twinkling humor, great songs, and the affectionate depiction of a small town that feels like home to everyone. Shows available Nov. 19 through Dec. 4 at Elmont Memorial Library Theatre.
700 Hempstead Tpke., Elmont Visit www.plazatheatrical.com or call 516-775-4420.
See robotic and skeletal life size dinosaurs
and live animals such as snakes, emus, turtles and lots more in natural settings.
Appropriate for all ages. Learn about animal and dinosaur adaptations, what’s so special about each dinosaur or animal that helped
it survive? Hands on activities and a dino dig too. The exhibit is ongoing, daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $15.
1450 Tanglewood Rd., Rockville Centre Visit www.cstl.org or call 516-764-0045.
A fan favorite, Spooky Science Night returns on Friday, Oct. 28, from 6 to 8 p.m. with stimulating STEM activities and a whole lot of Halloween fun to entertain the entire family. All activities are included with admission.
Ideal for children ages 5-12. Tickets are $15 per person; $10 for museum members, and children under 2 are free.
Museum Row, Charles Lindbergh Blvd. in Garden City
Visit www.cradleofaviation.org or call 516-572-4111.
While you are there, check out the Long Island Children’s Museum (11 Davis Ave., just steps away on Museum Row. Visit www.licm.org or call 516-224-5800).
New York, New York: Photographs from the Collection
The Big Apple. The City that Never Sleeps. Gotham. The Naked City...Iconic names to describe an iconic metropolis, a city of myth and legend, where dreams rise as high as skyscrapers and can fall just as far. Yet beyond the silhouetted skyline is a place where New Yorkers actually live, work, love, struggle, and survive. These photographs from the Hofstra University Museum of Art collection capture New York City in its
infinite complexity and variety, not only celebrating the city’s iconic architecture, but reveling in its everyday streets and signage, authentic faces, and dynamic street scenes. The black-and-white images were made over a span of 75 years, from 1932 to 2008, yet are unified through the use of monochrome, creating connections between disparate decades. The exhibition runs through Dec. 9 in Emily Lowe Gallery on the south campus, Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. Admission is free.
Hempstead Tpke., Hempstead Visit events.hofstra.edu or call 516-463-6818.
Nassau County Museum of Art Other Worlds Than This Art has access to worlds beyond the one we know. The supernatural has captivated artists from ancient spiritual myths and rites to the most popular fantasies of today. This exhibition summons a celestial realm of demons, ghosts and extra-sensory phenomena as conjured by such Surrealists as Dalí), photographers who specialize in the occult, Old Masters including Goya, Contemporary talents including Betye Saar, Luc Tuymans,
Michaël Borremans and many others. On view through Nov. 6. 1 Museum Dr. in Roslyn Harbor Visit www.nassaumuseum.org or call 516609-9696.
October is pumpkin month at Queens Farm. Enjoy the crisp fall air as you wander through the patch to scoop up the perfect pumpkin. Walk the farm grounds and soak in some New York history – Queens Farm is one of the longest continually farmed sites in New York State, dating back to 1697. Pumpkins priced by size. Free admission, daily through 4:30 p.m. through Oct. 29. No reservations required. Bring your own bag. 73-50 Little Neck Pkwy. in Floral Park Visit www.queensfarm.org or call 718-347-3276.
36th Annual Rock Hall Country Fair Rock Hall welcomes you to the Country Fair on Oct. 22 and 23 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Join for a weekend of music, entertainment, shows and Fall fun! Visit with colonial historians. Harvest market, craft vendors and
antique cars. Farm animals and pony rides. Children’s craft area, pumpkin patch, hayrides and Make Your Own Scarecrow. Featured entertainment: Bob Stump Band Americana & Bluegrass / National Circus Project This is an outdoor event. Free admission and parking.
199 Broadway in Lawrence
Visit www.friendsofrockhall.org or call 516-239-1157
African American Voices for Democracy series
The lecture series runs through Nov. 12. Visit the center’s website for dates, times and topics.
246 Old Walt Whitman Rd., Huntington Station
Visit www.waltwhitman.org or call 631-427-5240.
Fall Crafternoons
Enjoy seasonal, self-serve crafts in the center’s workshop from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Oct. 23. Free with admission ($6 Adults, $5 Kids/Seniors). Members free.
301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor
Visit www.cshwhalingmuseum.org or call 631-367-3418.
Summer is barely a memory yet and fall is already here with the cooler temperatures and falling leaves. Most of us are looking forward to the change of pace. Here’s a list of easy-to-make whiskey, rum, tequila, and vodka cocktail recipes that incorporate warm, spicy fall flavors and ingredients perfect for the crisp evenings ahead.
2 Parts Tullamore DEW
Original 6 Parts Hot Apple Cider
½ Part honey Cinnamon stick Star Anise
Preheat a toddy glass with very hot water.
Heat apple cider in a kettle or in the microwave. Empty glass and add Tullamore DEW Original. Add honey and top with hot apple cider. Stir well. To garnish, add a cinnamon stick and star anise.
1 ½ parts Milagro Añejo Tequila
3 parts Taza Guajillo Chili Chocolate
1 Pinch Chili Powder
Chocolate shavings
Pour all ingredients into a mug and stir. Top with whipped cream and chili chocolate shavings.
1 part Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum
4 parts Apple Cider
½ part Lemon Juice
2 tablespoons of Mulling
Heat all ingredients except Sailor Jerry on the stove until warm and fragrant. Pour into mugs, top with Sailor Jerry, lemon and apple slices.
2 parts Reyka Vodka
1 part Coffee Liqueur
1 part Heavy Cream
1/2 tsp. of Pumpkin Pie Spice
Combine heavy cream and pumpkin pie spice into a cocktail shaker and shake. Add Reyka Vodka and Coffee Liqueur and shake with ice. Serve on the rocks and garnish with cocoa puffs.
2 cups of milk
2 tablespoons of pumpkin puree
1/2 tablespoon of pumpkin spice
1/2 cup of coffee
Add all ingredients except for the bourbon in a warming vessel - this could be a pot on the stove for a few minutes or in a bowl, covered with Saran Wrap, cut 3 slits and microwave for 1 minute. Once warm, pour in Fistful of Bourbon and transfer into your favorite mug. Top with whipped cream and dust with pumpkin spice. Makes two drinks.
2 parts The Balvenie Sweet Toast
of American Oak 12 Year Old
½ part Pineau des Charentes
Dessert Wine
1 teaspoon Spiced Honey
3 dashes Molasses Bitters
Add all ingredients to a mixing glass, add ice, and stir briefly.
Strain into a coupe glass.
Created by The Balvenie Brand Ambassador Naomi Leslie1 ½ parts Glenfiddich 14
½ part Glenfiddich Fire & Cane
¾ parts lemon juice
¾ parts ginger apple cider syrup
1 Tsp activated charcoal (to make the cocktail black)
Garnish with a lemon wheel
Combine all ingredients, stir and serve. *For the ginger apple cider syrup: In a pot, reduce 24 oz of apple cider and 1 knuckle of ginger over low heat until it’s a syrup consistency - takes 1-2 hours.
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Throughout the years and especially during the crime-ravaged 1970s, there was great nostalgia for La Guardia, similar to the national nostalgia for the days of Harry S. Truman and John F. Kennedy.
In East Harlem, La Guardia was suc ceeded by Vito Marcantonio. A heavy-set man who eventually perished via a heart attack, Marcantonio continued La Guardia’s progressive legacy. The former took great joy in representing a multi-ethnic district that included large numbers of Italian Americans, Puerto Ricans and blacks. He was a staunch supporter of both anti-lynch ing and civil rights legislation. Marcantonio was also anti-war, opposing America’s entry into both World War II and the Korean War. His opposition to the latter played a signifi cant role in his re-election defeat in 1950.
That same year, the height of the postwar boom, Vincent Impellitteri, a native of Ansonia, CT and a Fordham Law School graduate, became mayor.
A low-keyed pol, Impelletteri was a product of the Tammany Hall machine. President of the City Council, he came into power when President Harry Truman named then-Mayor William O’Dwyer as ambassador to Mexico. (O’Dwyer was under heat from both federal and state investigators.)
Impellitteri was considered a political lightweight and an interim mayor. Running on an “unbought and unbossed” slogan, the man won a surprise victory in the 1950 race, only to lose to Robert Wagner, Jr. in the 1953 campaign. During his brief reign, Impellitteri raised bus and subway fares and introduced parking meters to raise revenue. He also allied his administration to Robert Moses, the city’s Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, who was now busy recon figurating the metropolitan with highways, bridges, and parks. Impellitteri, however, ran into problems with the Democratic Party establishment. The all-powerful Tammany Hall grew to dislike him and the mayor went into the 1953 race with little support from New York’s dominant party.
In 1960, New York was prosperous. By 1970, the triumph of barbarism was in full swing. Italian-American pols were at the center of this red-hot vacuum.
In 1965, John V. Lindsay, a liberal Republican, was elected mayor. He looked to be the right man at the right time. The year before, Barry Goldwater had suffered a 44-state landslide loss to Lyndon Johnson. Lindsay, a telegenic liberal Republican from Manhattan, could be the party’s future. However, New York’s decline proceeded at a frighting pace. Industries left, the white flight accelerated, crime was on the rise, busing orders obliterated a public school system that once produced Nobel Prize winners.
In 1969, Lindsay was handily defeated in the GOP primary by John Marchi, a conservative, if not colorless, state senator from Staten Island. The Democratic Party primary was a free-for-all that included former mayor Robert Wagner, Bronx
Borough President Herman Badillo, Rep. James Scheuer, the novelist Norman Mailer, and Mario Procaccino, the city comptroller, also of The Bronx. The latter stole the show, castigating “limousine liberals” and stressing law and order. Procaccino edged out Wagner for the nomination by a slim 29-28 percent margin. Had their been a runoff system, Wagner certainly would have prevailed. As it was, New York now had two conservative Italian Americans running for mayor of the progressive capital. It was scandalous.
Deliverance was on the way. Lindsay procured the nomination of the Liberal Party. Democratic leaders rushed to his side and the registered Republican, improbably, hung on for another term.
The man’s second term proved as disastrous as the first one. The crime wave could not be reversed. Lindsay faced another crisis over plans to construct low-income housing in Forest Hills, a pleasant middle-class residential area. The mayor appointed Mario Cuomo, a little-known attorney from Queens, to mediate the explosive situation. That Cuomo did. The projects were built but on a much-smaller scale. A new star had entered the state’s political constellation.
(Next week: The left-right struggle continues: Cuomo, Alfonse D’Amato, and the Nassau County fiscal crisis)
If the idea that money and success only amplify who you already are, then the profligate and addictive main character who wins a $190,000 lottery prize in the new film To Leslie is destined to hit rock bottom rather quickly. Based on a true story drawn from screenwriter Ryan Binaco’s own life, this drama stars Andrea Riseborough (Black Mirror/Stalin Must Die) as the film’s namesake—a working class single mom from Texas with a 14-year-old son who wins this monetary bounty, only to burn through it six years later. A raging alcoholic, she is
estranged from her family, has wound up homeless after getting bounced from the run-down motel she was staying in and istrying to desperately reconcile with her now 20-year-old son, James. Riseborough’s stark and raw performance as someone who can’t get out of her own way is buttressed by a number of other notable cast members’ solid turns including Allison Janney (Mom, Bad Education) and Stephen Root (Barry, News Radio) as biker couple Nancy and Dutch, who take in James and Lesley at different times. Comedian Marc Maron, who plays Sweeney, also shines as the main character’s future employer and love interest. In a world of working class bikers, construction workers and cowboys deep in the heart of the Lone Star State, Riseborough’s reckless barfly has torched numerous personal bridges and
made her a hometown laughingstock, still trying to right her personal ship despite putting on an air of false bravado and indifference. It anchors the filmmaking debut of director Michael Morris, who previously helmed episodes of Billions and Better Call Saul and drives this script that roped Root and Maron into becoming involved.
“What always draws me to a project is the script and this one is great, not good,” Root said. “Secondarily, the people you get to work with. I always wanted to work with Allison Janney since we walked by
each other in West Wing. [Director] Michael [Morris] is someone I knew socially with his wife Mary [McCormack], I was happy that he was able to see through the nerd comic book boy [that I am] into me being a biker because it was really fun to play.”
Maron took a little bit more convincing between his own self-doubt as an actor and the lingering pandemic hangover that found him asking out loud if anyone was going to even care about this domestic drama.
“Michael really was persistent and I really was resistant,” the Jersey City native
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Marc Maron’s Sweeney is the employer/ love interest of Andrea Riseborough’s Leslie
admitted. “Then I read the script and it definitely was a guy and it wasn’t me. Then I was like, ‘Why does he want me? There are a million guys who can do this.’ Then he actually enlisted Chelsea Handler, who he knows somehow, to pester me. She’s a lot to be reckoned with. You can’t really say no to Chelsea Handler. Michael convinced me that he appreciated certain qualities I could bring to this [role] from watching my show Maron. Also, I knew if I wanted to do acting and not get typecast, I’d have to take chances. I then said, ‘Okay man. I believe
that you believe, so I’ll go along with it.’ It worked out. It was a great experience.”
The 19 days it took to film didn’t give either Root or Maron much time to prepare to play their respective characters. For the former, it was more about cultivating Dutch’s appearance.
“I had a very specific look for this character—something I don’t usually do,” he said. “It was kind of nice to be able to come from the outside and feel the guy out with the clothes, hair, beard and the whole nine yards. Given the length of the shoot, I
didn’t have a whole hell of a lot of time to overthink it, which I think is a good thing. If you’re very happy with who you’ve chosen to work with, be it the director or actor, and all of these actors are fantastic, then you can relax and do the job quickly. And that’s what we did, even during COVID-19.”
Maron went a little deeper, going so far as to really work on his character’s accent despite the fact that Morris was more than happy with what the 59-year-old comedian was bringing to the project.
“With this guy, I did really have to make adjustments around not being me and I did have to go deeper into a vulnerability that I haven’t really experimented with that much as an actor,” he explained. “I met with a dialect coach and she said that we were going to do a Lubbock accent. I said, ‘I don’t even know what you’re saying.’ I grew up in New Mexico, right next door to Texas, and a lot of people in Texas don’t feel like they have accents and that might be true. Lubbock is very specific. The funny thing about it was that she said she was going to send me some videos to kind of get a sense of what Lubbock sounds like and it was all videos of Mac Davis doing interviews. I like Mac Davis alright, but that was the example she had. Then she had these phonetic pronunciations written down. That was a
big part of the prep—how to get into that and not worry about the accent. I also had to be available for what Andrea was putting out as Leslie and to honor the emotions of that relationship. It was the most challenging thing I’ve done as an actor.”
While both Root and Maron were extremely pleased with the various aspects of To Leslie, from their fellow cast members and Morris’ directing to the script and pacing, Riseborough’s portrayal is what had them both raving.
“Andrea Riseborough is a force of nature,” Root said. “She’s so whole and present at all times and it was just a joy to work with her. I had no idea how astonishing she was as an actor. Everybody is great in this film but she was exemplary and it was really an honor to be on screen with her.”
As a recovering alcoholic, Maron was quick to point out how authentic Riseborough’s Leslie is.
“One of the problems people have with empathizing with drug addicts or alcoholics is they’ll say, ‘Why don’t you just stop. Where is your will power?’,” he said. “That’s really unsympathetic to the disease’s nature and the psychological compulsion of the problem. I think Andrea handled that really well—that she was definitely losing to the disease.”
To Leslie is in theaters Oct. 7.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’re getting ready to express something meaningful. You need the right terms -- the words that will capture attention, build trust and let your truth be understood. But more than this, you need the right moment. Don’t rush things. Hang back and observe. Gather your ideas. Practice by yourself. Your time is coming.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). e bane of science is the unavoidable truth: e act of observing changes what’s observed. ough you can’t possibly interact without in uencing the situation, your unobtrusive observations will get you as close as possible to glimpsing things as they really are. You’re coming into a state of profound knowing.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). In the past, you stood at the sort of crossroads in which each path went a di erent direction, and yet, oddly enough, all led to the same place. is isn’t that. Each of these routes ends at its own unique desti nation, which may even be indicated by the sign. ere are no tricks here, only decisions to be carefully considered.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Many people are checked out of today because they are afraid of tomorrow. is is why it’s important to monitor your participation in bad news and dreadful projections. ey rob everyone from the blessings of the moment. You’ll focus on being a part of the solution, bringing joy and seeding hope.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s impossible for you to stand by and watch someone trying to dig themselves out of a hot mess. You’re compelled to lend a hand. Perhaps there’s a sense of recognition at play, and it’s something you can be proud of. e dysfunction we see is in us, too. So when we help others, we are also helping ourselves.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You keep raising the bar with your fantastic work. By now, it’s in your nature. Some won’t like the competition you pose, and maybe you won’t even like it yourself. It prevents you from being able to turn in a mediocre performance. Good thing there are so many perks that come with being a champion! Take advantage!
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s only natural to want to tune out of di cult mo ments and turn toward something easier to deal with. e trouble is, distractions are often meaningless time-wasters, and hard moments don’t always go away just because they’re being ignored. e more you can stick with the challenge at hand, the stronger you’ll be.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Due to variables out of your control, it’s likely the original plan won’t su ce, at least not in the projected timeline. You can still keep to an order of events, though, and will be fortunate as you live tenacious ly. Results will eventually be better for your ability to incorporate the wild unknowns of life along the way.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You have known a reality that is at, banal, straightforward, without contour. And you have known the same reality to bend and intrigue you, invite wonder and sparkle with color because of the company you were with. is week brings the delight of seeing things through a curious, creative and playful lens.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Act on your social instincts because they’re solid. Your reading of the nuances is better than most peoples’ because you have no motive or agenda to serve. Your body cues you before your mind knows why. When your feet tell you to walk away or your heart tells you to lean in close, you can trust the directive.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You get the sneaking suspicion that something could be better, or that the way you’re living just isn’t quite aligned with your best self. Maybe you can’t put your nger on the exact thing to change, but if you’re willing to experiment, you’ll gure it out. Ask, “What would I do if I were just 3% more myself?”
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Fear thrives in disguise. For instance, boredom might be a fear of doing what you really want to do. Distraction can be a fear of the underlying emotions that might come up if the conversation gets too real. Amazing things happen for you because you recognize the hiding fear, call it out and deal with it head-on.
e beauty of the year is its sense of mystery and the way it dares you to adventure. Usually, it takes courage to try something new, but this year presents possibility in a heightened way so that all it takes is curiosity. You’re in a hall of endless doors. You can’t know what’s behind any until you turn the knob. Money will be made in an atmosphere of entrepreneurship and problem-solving. While developing ideas, you make connections on every level -- heart, mind, body and soul.
alternative theme of the puzzle.
Solution: 21 Letters
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have com pleted the puzzle, there will be 21 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Dinner at the pub
Solution: 21 Letters
Ales Beer Boag Brews Cask Celebration Cheese Club Cola Craft Crush Designated Drunk
Eggnog Empty Glass Hahn Hock Home Hotel Imbibe Inns Kebab Kegs Lager Lamb
Ales Beer Boag Brews Cask Celebration Cheese Club
Lemon Lime Loud Mains Noisy Olives Open Ouzo Pies Port Rose Sake Salad
Open Ouzo Pies Port Rose
Sherry Stool Table Taste Till Uproar Vegetarian Vermouth Vino Wedges White Wine
Uproar Vegetarian Vermouth Vino Wedges White Wine
Creators Syndicate
Solution:Nochipsundertheparmie Date: 10/5/22
737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com
Solution:Nochipsundertheparmie Date: 10/5/22Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com
two-level with a broken suit and three diamond losers, not to men tion the added danger of partner’s previous pass.
But Kay, whose tendency was to bid rather than pass in doubtful situations, certainly proved to be right on this occasion when he ven tured two clubs. He was promptly raised to five and easily made six.
If we exchange the North and West cards — both players had passed at their first opportunity and might have held either hand — it demonstrates the danger implicit in the overcall. In that case, Kay could have been doubled at two clubs and nicked for 800 points.
Of course, one hand doesn’t prove a theory, and a two-club bid might or might not be right in the long run — I personally favor two clubs, despite the risk — but there is no doubt that Kay hit the target this time.
The difference in philosophies was clearly demonstrated when the bidding at the second table, with Canada now North-South, went: West North East South Pass Pass 1 ♦ Pass 1 ♥ Pass 2 ♦ All Pass
The U.S. pair went down one at two diamonds on a hand where their opponents were laydown for six clubs and yet never uttered a peep!
the boxes of
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Equal Housing Opportunity
Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, dis ability, familial status, age, marital status, sexu al orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination. Anton Community News papers does not know ingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect hous ing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800660-6920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)
a.m. to 2 p.m. now through Nov. 20
The Great Neck Farmers Market is a collaborative project of the Great Neck Park District and Deep Roots Farmers Market. Originally, the farmers market began in mid-June and happened every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. till September in Steppingstone Park. Now, the farmers market will be taking place in Firefighters Park till Nov. 20.
The founder and owner of Deep Roots Farmers Market, Amy Peters, spoke with the Great Neck Record in July about the vendors and the exciting opportunity to host the farmers market for the residents of Great Neck.
“We are a food-focused market,” said Peters. “Everybody at the farmers market is a maker or grower. At least 80 to 90 percent of what [the vendors] are bringing is what they make or grow.”
The farmers market features 20+ local food
purveyors and artisans every week, Deep Roots Farmers Market offers locally grown produce, eggs, meats and dairy, seafood, fresh baked bread and sweets, grab-and-go
as well as bake-at-home prepared foods and other locally made goods. All products are grown or made on Long Island (or by Long Islanders).
“[The farmers market] is really meant to foster entrepreneurship,” said Peters. “So we don’t have a whole lot of established brick-and-mortar vendors coming in and having an outpost at the farmers market, there are a few, but it’s not really the mission of the farmers market. [Our mission] is more entrepreneurial growth and giving people a venue to promote and raise awareness about their products so that they can grow.”
The Great Neck Parks Department schedules weekly guest craft and artist vendors and live music. Admission is free to resdients. —Submitted by the Deep Roots Farmers Market with additional reporting by Julie Prisco
The Manhasset Great Neck Camera Club will hold a meeting on Oct. 10, 2022 at 7 p.m. at the Manhasset Public Library, located at 30 Onderdonk Ave., Manhasset, NY 11030. This meeting will feature a “Competition Evening” where skilled club members will have their work judged by master photographer Dick Hunt, who will provide
instructive technical comments, as the photos are shown on a large screen. A “Meet and Greet” takes place between 6- 7 p.m. Our meetings are open to all. We are a welcoming group of photographers in an active club and can assist all classes and skill levels of digital photographers, from iPhone, Point & Shoot, Beginners,
and Advanced. Visit our web site MGNCC.ORG which has links to the “Color Wheel”, our club newsletter, and a wealth of photography information. For further information, please email mgncc@optonline.net
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on July 19, 2017 and an Order duly entered on May 22, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 26, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., premises known as 2 Woodbourne Road, Great Neck, NY 11021. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Great Neck, Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 1, Block 185 and
Lot 9. Approximate amount of judgment is $883,005.79 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #002138/2009. This foreclosure sale will be held on the north side steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine. COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.
Larry H. Weiss, Esq., Referee Eckert Seamans Cherin Mellott, LLC, 10 Bank Street, Suite 700, White Plains, New York 10606, Attorneys for Plaintiff 10-12-5;9-28-21-2022-4T#234898-GN
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on July 25, 2016. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at
public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501
“Rain or Shine” on the 26th day of October, 2022 at 2:30 PM. All those four (4) certain plots, pieces or parcels of land, with the building situate, lying and being at Great Neck, in the Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York.
Premises known as 12 Grenwolde Drive, Great Neck, NY 11024.
(Section: 1, Block: 30, Lot: 13, 15, 16 17)
Approximate amount of lien $4,455,782.64 plus interest and costs.
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale.
Index No. 010124/09. George Esernio, Esq., Referee. McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 840 New York, NY 10170
Tel. 347/286-7409
Dated: September 6, 2022
During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of sale including but
not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. 10-19-12-5; 9-28-2022-4T#235073-GN
Notice of formation of YAJ STAR TAXI LLC. Arts of Org filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/17/2022. Office Location: Nassau County. SSNY Designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC TO: 100 South Middle Neck Road #304, Great Neck, NY 11021. Purpose: Any Lawful Act. 10-26-19-12-5; 9-28-212022-6T-#234935-GN
Notice of formation of Zim’s Electrical Services LLC, Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York, SSNY on 08/22/22
, Office located in Nassau County, SSNY has been designated for service of process, SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to 320 Northern Blvd, Ste 15A Great Neck, NY 11021.
Purpose: Any lawful purpose 11-5; 10-26-19-12-5; 9-282022-6T-#235029-GN
That the Board of Commissioners of the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District will conduct a Public Hearing at the District office, 170 East Shore Road, Great Neck, N.Y. 11023, to consider the proposed annual budget of the District for the year 2023, on Tuesday, October, 18, 2022 at 4:00 PM.
Copies of a draft of the Water District budget will be available on the Water District website (www.MLWD. net) after October, 18, 2022. They can also be picked up at the Water District Office, 170 East Shore Road, Great Neck, N.Y. 11023
Persons who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Hilary Grossman by mail at 170 East Shore Road, Great Neck, N.Y. 11023 or by telephone (516) 466-4416 (711),
in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held as to the following matter:
Agency: Board of Appeals Village of Thomaston Date: October 13, 2022
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Village Hall, 100 East Shore Road, Thomaston, New York Case No. 22-01. Application of David Basaleli, 3 Shadow Lane, Thomaston, New York, to legalize and maintain a deck, dormer and air conditioning equipment, which maintenance requires variances of the following Village Code sections: (a) 203-17(B), in that the existing lot width is 75 feet, where a minimum of 85 feet is required; (b) 20319(A)(3), in that the existing
front yard setback is 29.3 feet, where a minimum of 30.6 feet is required; (c) 203-19(B), in that the deck is 25.6 feet from the rear property line, where a minimum of 42.5 feet is required; (d) 203-19(C)(2), in that the (i) side yard setback will be 9.7 feet, where a minimum of 10 feet is required, and (ii) aggregate side yard setback will be 29.4 feet, where a minimum of 30 feet is required; (e) 203-122(B) (2), in that air conditioning equipment is 9.7 feet from side property line, where a minimum of 10 feet is required; and (f) 203-125(A), in that the dwelling contains a one car garage, where a 2 car garage is required. Premises are designated as Section 2, Block 207, Lot 44 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
Case No. 22-04. Application of Zhen Chen, 2 Sheffield Road, Thomaston, New York, to construct a new patio and driveway apron and legalize a retaining wall, which construction requires a variance of Village Code §203-17(B), in that the lot width (a) at the front yard line is 63.5 feet, and (b) at 100 feet from the street line is 81 feet, where a minimum width of 85 feet is
In September, Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the Town Board unanimously adopted a climate education and outreach plan to build widespread understanding about climate change and actions we can take to mitigate and adapt to our changing world.
“This comprehensive plan ensures the community has an active voice in the Town’s climate action work to realize a sustainable and resilient future,” stated Supervisor DeSena.
The plan includes six core components:
1. A community survey to benchmark and evaluate issues, perceptions, and beliefs around climate change among residents
2. An educational and interactive forum aimed at facilitating a dialogue about climate change
3. Virtual and live workshops focused on sustainable transportation and drinking water resiliency
4. The compilation of a comprehensive list of stakeholders
5. A climate action website
6. A climate action social media plan
“The centerpiece of this plan is collaboration,” stated Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Task Force member and Town Council Member Mariann Dalimonte. “The Town compiled a list of over one hundred stakeholders covering businesses, environmental
groups, religious institutions, academia, neighborhood associations, food banks and outreach centers to ensure we are reaching every inch of the Town effectively.”
The Town’s Climate Stories Workshop, Transportation Innovation Series and Water Workshop were completed in the Spring. Recordings and resources from these programs are available to the public on the Town’s climate action website.
An active initiative of the plan is a community benchmark survey to assess fears, concerns, and priorities associated with climate change today. The Town collaborated with faculty at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) to develop the survey, which can be found on the Town’s website and is accessible in multiple languages.
“I encourage all residents of the Town to take the survey to help the Town prioritize planning and measure the impact our work has on the lives of residents over time” stated CSC Task Force member and Council Member Veronica Lurvey. “We need to hear from you.”
Residents can access the survey and all other elements of the Town’s Climate Education and Outreach plan at NorthHempsteadNY.gov/ClimateAction.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
required. Premises are desig nated as Section 2, Block 7, Lot 131 on the Nassau Coun ty Land and Tax Map.
Case No. 22-05. Application of Stanley Kong, 234 Shore ward Drive, Thomaston, New York, to construct an e pansion of the second oor, which construction requires variances of the following Village Code provisions: (a) Village Code §203-17(A), in that the building is on a lot with a lots size of 6,641.2 square feet and street frontage of 54 feet, where a minimum of 9,000 square feet and 55 feet are required, respectively, garage provides parking for one vehicle, where a single family dwelling is required to provide parking for 2 ve hicles, housed in a garage, (b) Village Code §203-19(C) (2), in that the aggregate side yard setback will be 28.5 feet, where a minimum of 30 feet is required, (c) Village Code §203-20, in that the height of the expanded portion of the house will be 32.5 feet, where a maximum of 30 feet is per mitted, and (d) Village Code §203-125(A), in that the ga rage provides parking for one vehicle, where a single family dwelling is required to pro vide parking for 2 vehicles, housed in a garage. Premis es are designated as Section 2, Block 251, Lot 2 on the
Case No. 22-06: Application of GPK Restaurant Enter prises Corp, 607 Northern Boulevard, Thomaston, New York, to construct interior renovations, which requires variances of the following Village Code sections: (a) Village Code §203-125, in that there will be 34 parking spaces, where 56 parking spaces are required; (b) Vil lage Code §203-65(A), in that four (4) parallel parking spac es are proposed in the front yard, where only pedestrian seating, pavement for entry walkways and for pedestrian use and access driveways to the street shall be permitted in a front yard; (c) Village Code §203-66(A), in that there is no landscaping or solid ma sonry wall in the last 15 feet of the rear yard, where the last 15 feet of the rear yard are required to be devoted ex clusively to landscape screen ing and a solid masonry wall; (d) Village Code §203-127, in that no loading spaces are provided, where a minimum of one (1) space is required; (e) Village Code §203-62(F), in that a portion of the interi or of the restaurant premises will be used for counter and bar services, where no such use is permitted. A restaurant use is permitted with permis sion of the Board of Trustees, but counter services and bar
uses are specifically e cluded as accessory uses to a restau rant use. In addition, the applicant seeks to maintain a wall sign and ground signs, which requires variances of the following Village Code sections: (a) Village Code §203-85.7(B), in that: (i) three (3) ground signs face Northern Boulevard, where only one (1) such ground sign is permitted; (ii) a ground sign (sign number 2) is 57.2 square feet and 10.5 feet in height, where a maximum of 30 square feet and feet in height is permitted; (iii) a ground sign (sign number 3) is 34.9 square feet and 17 feet in height, where a maximum of 30 square feet and feet in height is permitted; and (iv) a ground sign (sign number 4) is setback 10 inches from a street line and 0 feet from a residential district bound ary, where setbacks of 3 feet and 100 feet, respectively, are required; and Village Code §203-85.7(A), in that a wall sign has a vertical length of 35 inches and a horizontal length of 192 inches, where a maximum of 24 inches and 141 inches, respectively, are permitted. Premises are des ignated as Section 2, Block 143, Lot 477 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
At the said time and place, all interested persons may be heard with respect to the fore going matter.
This application is a Type II Matter under the State En vironmental Quality Review Act, which requires no envi ronmental review.
Any person having a dis ability which would inhibit attendance at or participation in the hearing should noti fy the Village Clerk at least three business days prior to the hearing, so that reason able efforts may be made to facilitate such attendance and participation.
All relevant documents may e inspected at the office of the Village Clerk, 100 East Shore Road, Thomaston, New York, during regular business hours.
SUPREME COURT COUN TY OF NASSAU, WILM INGTON TRUST NATION AL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CA PACITY, BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR MFRA TRUST 2015-1, Plaintiff, vs. ALEX AMNER BORUK HOV, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly en tered on November 29, 2017, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps at the north side of the Nassau County
Supreme Court, 100 Su preme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on November 7, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., premises known as 7 Oxford Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11023. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Great Neck, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 2, Block 156 and Lots 47 and 29. Approximate amount of judgment is $1,699,443.69 plus interest and costs. Prem ises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #009787/2009. This foreclosure sale will be held on the north side steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine. COVID-19 safety proto cols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.
Ellen Durst, Esq., Referee Friedman Vartolo LLP, 85 Broad Street, Suite 501, New York, New York 10004, At torneys for Plaintiff, Firm File No. 181405-2 10-26-19-12-5-2022-4T#235131-GN
National Associ
ation, as Trustee for Lehman Mortgage Trust Mortgage ass hrough Certificates Se ries 2006-8, Plaintiff AGAINST Ramin Gidanian; Nazanin Kohan a/k/a Nazanin Gidani an; et al., Defendant(s)
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered October 3, 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mine ola, NY 11501 on November 9, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 106 Oxford Boule vard, Great Neck, NY 11023. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the build ings and improvements erect ed, situate, lying and being near Great Neck, in the Town of North Hempstead, Coun ty of Nassau, State of New York, Section 2 Block 353
Lot 15. Approximate amount of judgment $824,300.63 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index# 601724/2018. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Prop erty established by the Tenth Judicial District. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”
Desiree L. Fusco, Esq., Referee
Shapiro, DiCaro Barak, LLC
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 430-4792
Dated: September 15, 2022 10-26-19-12-5-2022-4T235159-GN
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on February 23, 2022. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nas sau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 “Rain or Shine” on the 4th day of November, 2022 at 4:00 PM. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and im provements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Kings Point, Town of North Hemp stead, County of Nassau and State of New York.
Premises known as 94 Wild wood Road, Great Neck, New York 11024 a/k/a 94 Wild
Twenty-seven students in the Great Neck Public Schools have been named Semifinalists in the prestigious 2023 National Merit Scholarship Competition (NMSC).
John L. Miller-Great Neck North High School Semifinalists are: Joy Huang, Danielle Kobrick, Benjamin Souferian, Shuyuan (Julie) Sun, and Katharine Tang.
William A. Shine-Great Neck South High School Semifinalists are: Ryan Chen, Claudia Cheng, Brayden Chien, Justin Choi, Spencer Hom, Charles Huang, Edward Huang, William Huang, Alok Karkare, Drew Kim, Sooah Kwak, Sebastian Lennox, Kanheng (Martin) Lin, Sophia Liu, Emma Maliar,
Riya Mitra, Amit Saha, Amber Sun, Ashley Wu, Joy Yang, Dayoung Yu, and Richard Zhuang.
These Semifinalists are among the 16,000 named nationwide, having scored among the highest in New York State on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), which they took last year.
The National Merit Scholarship Program honors individual students who show exceptional academic ability and potential for success in rigorous college studies.
These Semifinalists, who represent less than one percent of seniors in the country, will be identified to colleges and universities in
The Great Neck Public Schools is pleased to announce the return of the District Faculty Recital this fall! Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this year’s Faculty Recital on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. in the South Middle School audito rium, 349 Lakeville Rd.
The Faculty Recital is an exhilarating evening of concert-
hall-caliber music performed by GNPS faculty and friends. Tickets at the door are $5 for students and seniors, $10 for adults (suggested donations). Proceeds benefit the Music Scholarship Fund. Additional details will be provided as the event date approaches.
—Submitted by the Great Neck School District
order to increase their educational opportunities.
Semifinalists are invited to complete a detailed scholarship application and provide academic and leadership credentials to be considered as a Finalist in the competition. Approximately 15,000 students will be announced as Finalists in February 2023. Merit Scholarship Winners will be chosen from among the Finalists to receive one or more Merit Scholarship Awards.
—Submitted by the Great Neck School District
County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.
wood Road, Kings Point, New York 11024.
(Section: 1, Block: 148, Lot: 87)
Approximate amount of lien $2,852,725.47 plus interest and costs.
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judg ment and terms of sale.
Index No. 005106/2014. Thomas J. McNamara, Esq., Referee. McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 840 New York, NY 10170
Tel. 347/286-7409
For sale information, please visit Auction.com at www. Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832
Dated: September 12, 2022
During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health re quirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering de posit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also re quired to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this
THAT, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Great Neck Plaza will hold a public hear ing on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. at the Village Hall, Two Gussack Plaza, Great Neck, New York to consider a local law to amend Chapters 83 and 84 of the Village Code regarding the use of bicycles, scooters, skateboards and other simi lar vehicles on Village side walks, including when such vehicles are powered by gas or electricty.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT all people and agencies interested in this application will be given an opportunity to be heard at said public hearing.
Ted M. Rosen, Mayor Patricia O’Byrne, Clerk-Treasurer 10-5-2022-1T-#235195-GN
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Great Neck Plaza will hold a public hear
ing on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Village Hall, Two Gussack Plaza, Great Neck, New York to consider a Conditional Use Permit for Hang Jian Su to operate a Bubble tea Store to be known as Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea located at 43 South Middle Neck Road, Great Neck, NY.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons in terested in this matter will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public meeting.
Ted Rosen, Mayor Patricia O’Byrne, Clerk-Treasurer 10-5-2022-1T-#235196-GN
PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Architectural Re view Board of the Village of Kensington will hold a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2022 at p.m. at the Village Hall locat ed at 2 Nassau Drive, Great Neck, NY on the following applications: 45 Arleigh Rd., Zhang also known as Section2, Block 229, Lots 224 325 (Exten sion of the first floor) 65A Beverly Rd., Yang also
known as Section2, Block 227, Lot 204, (Exterior ren ovations including new roof, new siding, new windows, kitchen addition, new roof over open porch and a 2nd floor master bedroom
5 Sutton Court., Friedrich also known as Section2, Block 352, Lot 40 (Exteri or renovations to existing house to include new brick, new siding, new windows,
deck, two new A/C units a generator)
persons will be heard at the time and place above stat ed. Copies of the application are available at the Village Hall for inspection during
business hours of 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Dennett, Chairperson Joyce Cheung, CoChairperson
September 27, 2022
Eight highly talented musicians from North High School and South High School have been selected for the prestigious and very competitive 2022 New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) All-State Conference, to be held in Rochester on Dec. 1–4. In addition, 14 students have been named Alternates for the event.
North High School All-State musicians are: Samuel Friedmann (Bass, Mixed Chorus), Julia Huang (violin, Symphony Orchestra), Owen Roubeni (tenor, Mixed Chorus), Shuyuan (Julie) Sun (flute, Symphony Orchestra), and Maverick Williams (bass, Mixed Chorus). Alternates are: Ryan Cho (Bb clarinet), Man Chun Han (violin), Matthew Kwong (cello), Hwi-On Lee (violin), Mizuki Natsu (cello), and Alex Zhuang (cello).
North High vocal musicians are taught by Dr. Pamela Levy, fine and performing arts department head/ vocal music teacher. Instrumental musicians were previously taught by Joseph Rutkowski, who retired in June 2022; current instrumental
music teachers at North High are Dr. Esther Noh and Jacquelyn Tomlet.
South High All-State musicians are: Kanheng (Martin) Lin (baritone sax, Symphony Band); Nancy Schoen (soprano, Mixed Chorus), and Joy Song (Bb clarinet,
Symphony Orchestra). Alternates are: Jillian Chang (cello), Yonathan Eilon (bass), Drew Kim (violin), Elizabeth Levine (violin), Shira Lichter (violin), Victoria Lin (cello), Nathan Park (tenor), and Sidney Wong (violin).
South High musicians are
taught by Michael Schwartz, performing arts department head/ instrumental music teacher; Mark Boschen, instrumental music teacher; and Dr. Janine Robinson, vocal music teacher.
At the All-State Conference, sponsored by NYSSMA, the
State’s finest student musicians will perform together in various ensembles. Thousands of students auditioned for this competition last spring at solo and ensemble festivals throughout the State.
—Submitted by the Great Neck School District
South High School senior Xinyi (Zoe) Zhang has been selected to perform in the sixteenth annual New York State School Music Educators Association (NYSSMA) Piano Showcase, part of the 2022 All-State Conference.
There were 95 applicants for this year’s Piano Showcase and only 10 were selected for this prestigious honor. Zoe will perform Étude in C# minor, Op. 2, No. 1 by Alexander Scriabin.
“We are very proud of Zoe for this distinguished honor,” says Michael Schwartz, performing arts department head. “She helps to
inspire all of our music students throughout the department.”
The NYSSMA All-State Conference will feature various performances by the state’s finest student musicians as individuals and in ensembles. This year’s conference will take place in Rochester on Dec. 1–4, 2022.
—Submitted by the Great Neck School District
South High senior Xinyi (Zoe) Zhang will perform in the 2022 NYSSMA Piano Showcase, part of the All-State Conference to be held in Rochester in December.
(Contributed photo)
The South High School Performing Arts Department is pleased to announce that senior Dayoung Yu has been selected to play the violin in the All-National Symphony Orchestra, part of the 2022 All-National Honor Ensembles.
This is the second consecutive year that Dayoung will perform with a National Honor Ensemble, presented by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). Dayoung’s music teacher at South High is Michael Schwartz, performing arts department head/ instrumental music teacher.
The NAfME All-National Honor Ensembles, taking place Nov. 3-6 in National Harbor, Maryland, represent the top performing high school musicians in the United States. Honor Ensemble participants are selected through a rigorous process that includes a recorded video audition. Eligible students have qualified for their state-level honor ensemble program and competed against top students for a spot in these national honor ensembles.
—Submitted by the Great Neck School District
Students in Rebecca Schapira’s fifth-grade class at the John F. Kennedy School studied 9/11 and the impact it had on New Yorkers, the United States, and people around the world.
During the week-long unit from Sept. 9–16, students listened to read-alouds including “14 Cows for America” and “September Roses,” and watched the famous “Boatlift” documentary.
Local firefighter and South High School teacher John Motchkavitz visited the class to share his first-hand experiences with the
rescue and clean-up at Ground Zero. Touching a piece of the Twin Towers and seeing photos made a tremendous impact on students’ understanding of that tragic day. After learning about the events that unfolded, students inter viewed family members about their experiences on 9/11/01. Students also wrote letters to local firefighters, first responders, and police officers to share their admiration for the responders’ heroism.
—Submitted by the Great Neck School District