The Westbury Times 11/17/21 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Westbury Times An Anton Media Group Publication

Also Serving New Cassel, Carle Place, Salisbury & Old Westbury

Vol. 115, No. 45

November 17 - 23, 2021


NOVEMBER 17 - 23,


Established 1907

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Wintertime! INSIDE

Wintertime! special section


Winter warmth with moonshide Old Westbury Gardens all aglone w


Carle Place soccer teams garner titles (See page 22)


Indian “Festival of Lights” celebrated in Westbury (See page 22)


Westbury foolish to opt out of cannabis sales (See page 23)

Another Jab

Kids ages 5-11 receive COVID-19 vaccine (See page 3)

The Westbury Times (USPS 677-240) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.

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Kids Roll Up Their Sleeves To Get The Shot Governor launches new incentive program to boost children vaccination numbers


of children ages 5 through 11 who receive their first vaccine dose by arents who have children Dec. 19 can enter the state’s incentive between the ages of 5 to 11 program for a chance for their child to who wanted to get their child win a full scholarship to any two- or vaccinated against COVID-19 can four-year SUNY or CUNY college or finally breathe a sigh of relief. university. The scholarship includes Earlier this month, the Centers tuition, room and board. Ten winners for Disease Control and Prevention will be announced each week begin(CDC) approved the Pfizer vacning Nov. 24, with a total of 50 winners cine under an Emergency Use being selected over the five-week Authorization (EUA) after the period. CDC Advisory Committee on Not only is Hochul looking to get Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) more kids vaccinated to keep them concluded the Pfizer vaccine was safe safe, she also is combating misinfor children between the ages of 5 to formation being spread about the 11, which now makes 28 million more vaccines. Americans eligible for vaccination. “We talked about the fact that According to the CDC, COVID-19 there’s a lot of disinformation going cases in children can result in around there, which is a polite way hospitalizations, deaths, long-term of saying there’s a lot of lies floating complications such as “long-COVID” around and unfortunately people and more. Due to the ever-growing are believing the lies,” she said. “We spread of the Delta variant, a surge have to stop that right now and we’re Governor Kathy Hochul at a press conference about a new vaccine incenof COVID-19 cases in children working at it from so many different tive program for 5 and 11-year-olds. throughout the summer, was reported (Photo courtesy of Governor Kathy Hochul’s Flickr) approaches. So we have a vaccination especially during an uptick in the kit for parents, vax for kids campaign. and with this decision, we now loved ones, safe and healthy, and it is We’re going to have social media South. During a six-week period in have recommended that about 28 critical that we take advantage of it.” messages, posters, information cards, late June to mid-August, COVID-19 New Yorkers looking to schedule hospitalizations among children and million children receive a COVID-19 kid-friendly stickers and translatvaccine. As a mom, I encourage vaccine appointments for their adolescents increased fivefold. ing all the documents in different parents with questions to talk to their children can contact their child’s Just like any vaccine, a trial was languages so everybody understands pediatrician, school nurse pediatrician, family physician, conducted targeted towards the how important this is. This will county health departments, unlock the door to a normal existence younger age group. In Pfizer’s clinical or local pharmacist to learn more about Federally Qualified trial, vaccinations had a nearly 91 for all of us and it starts with the the vaccine and Health Centers percent efficacy rate in preventing kids. A lot of families are getting back the importance (FQHCs), rural health together. Maybe they didn’t see each COVID-19 among children age 5-11 Together, with science of getting centers, or pharyears. In clinical trials, vaccine side other last year because it was still in their children leading the charge, we have macies that may effects were mild and similar to the throes of the pandemic. It’s hard vaccinated.” be administering those seen in adults with the most to believe that we didn’t even have taken another important Governor the vaccine for this a vaccine for adults available this common side effect reported in step forward in our nation’s age group, since children as being a sore arm near the Kathy Hochul time last year. Now the families will fight against the virus that the vaccine for 5 to injection site. The children’s vaccine, also added, be gathering, let’s make sure that causes COVID-19. “This is the 11 year olds is just which is a 2-dose shot, is now availgrandma and grandpa who suffered —CDC Director one-third of a dosage able at thousands of pediatric health moment all of us so much to be away from the kids, do Rochelle P. Walensky have been waiting given to adolescents care provider offices, pharmacies, not get sick from children who are exfor, the opportunity to and adults. Parents and Federally Qualified Health Centers posed to other kids. If everybody gets protect more of our children guardians can visit www.vaccines. vaccinated, we’re going to protect all and more. gov, text their ZIP code to 438829, or “Together, with science leading the from this dangerous virus. As we of our family members. That’s really head into the holiday season, I urge call 1-800-232-0233 to find nearby charge, we have taken another imimportant to me.” all parents and guardians to reach locations. portant step forward in our nation’s out to their pediatricians and family And to make sure children ages fight against the virus that causes physicians to get their 5-11 year-olds 5-11 get vaccinated, Hochul recently COVID-19,” CDC Director Rochelle What did you think of this launched a new incentive program P. Walensky said in a statement. “We vaccinated against COVID-19. We article? Share your thoughts finally have this vaccine available to called “Vaccinated, Educate, know millions of parents are eager with me by email at: amurray@ help keep our children, as well as our Graduate.” Parents and guardians to get their children vaccinated







Jericho High School Students Named To NYSSMA All-State Band

ericho High School recently announced that five student-musicians have been selected to the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) All-State Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra and Mixed Chorus and 16 students have been named alternates. All-state students will participate in concerts held at the acclaimed Eastman Theatre in Rochester, NY during the annual NYSSMA Winter Conference to be held from Dec. 2 to 5. The following five student-musicians have been selected to the NYSSMA All-State: Rebecca Cho (Symphony Orchestra), Emilia Cortale (Mixed Chorus), Harrison Kane (Symphonic Band), Kaylee Park (Symphony Orchestra) and Angela Zhu (Symphonic Band). The following 16 students were named alternates: Mayung-Gyi Akamatsu, Andrew Cheung, Madison Grady, Min

The all-state students, their teachers, and Dr. Kati Behr celebrate the recognition. Photo by Denise Nash

Hur, Teran Jafari, Rachel Jang, Ian Jeon, Emily Kim, William Kim-Shoemaker, Steven Lee, Lauren Marchand, Himani Mehta, Joshua Ochalek, Rachel Park, Michelle Rosner and Naomi Yu. “We are very proud of our students for their hard work and dedication to performing music and pleased that

NYSSMA has recognized their tremendous efforts,” Dr. Kati Behr, Jericho High School Assistant Principal, said. “They will be excellent representatives of our music department at the upcoming festival.” NYSSMA, the New York State School Music Association, is the largest state

affiliate of the National Association for Music Education. The mission of NYSSMA is to advance music education across New York State for its membership and students in member school programs. —Submitted by Jericho Union Free School District

Locust Valley High School Names Valedictorian And Salutatorian Locust Valley High School is proud to announce that Elizabeth Gresalfi has been named the valedictorian and Nicole Berritto has been named the salutatorian of the Class of 2022. For Gresalfi, becoming the valedictorian is the culmination of years of enjoying school work. She focuses on making everything she does fun, even her homework. Gresalfi explained that if she’s having fun, it’s easier to work hard. She must have been having a lot of fun over the years, because she is quite accomplished. She is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate and an Advanced Placement Scholar with Honors, and will earn the Seal of Biliteracy as well as an Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors and Mastery in Science and Math. In addition to her official coursework, Gresalfi taught herself to code. “It seemed interesting and is an area with room for growth,” she said. Of course, she had fun learning this new skill and therefore succeeded. Her interest in this topic may lead her to major in computer science, math or physics. Gresalfi is captain of the varsity field hockey team and earned All-State

Locust Valley High School Class of 2022 Valedictorian Elizabeth Gresalfi. Photo courtesy of Locust Valley Central School District

Honors as a junior and was recognized for having the most goals scored in Nassau County as a sophomore. She is also a member of the varsity lacrosse and basketball teams and was on the Nassau County championship team as a sophomore. Attaining the second-highest grade point average for the Class of 2022 likely happened because of Berritto’s curiosity. She likes to know the answer to everything, and that inquisitive

Vice President of both Italian Honor Society and National Honor Society. She is a member of the varsity lacrosse team and a scholar-athlete in varsity soccer. Nicole is also a member of the Art Honor Society, Italian Club, Model United Nations and Student Government. She participates in the Science Research Program and will earn the Seal of Biliteracy as well as an Advanced Regents Diploma with Mastery in Science and Math. Berritto loves to travel and has taken the concept of a semester abroad one Locust Valley High School Class of step further by applying to study full 2022 Salutatorian Nicole Berritto. time in the United Kingdom. She hopes Photo courtesy of Locust Valley to study science and her internship Central School District experience at The Feinstein Institutes nature has led her on a path to learn as for Medical Research will certainly serve her well. much as possible. As a matter of fact, Both students are connected not learning is so enjoyable for her that only by sharing the top spots in the Nicole’s favorite class is IB European History, for the sheer fact that she knew Class of 2022, but have played on the same travel lacrosse team since they nothing about the subject prior to were little. They both find sports to be taking the class. relaxing rather than competitive and “School is not a chore,” she said. “I enjoy being on the athletic fields with like to know how things work.” Berritto is an IB Diploma candidate their friends. —Submitted by Locust Valley and AP Scholar with Distinction. She Central School District serves as Class President and the




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Paying Forward The Importance Of Voting

500 For 500 Essay Contest invites Massapequa’s Class of 2022 to weigh in BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO


he act of voting is central to Dr. Cynthia Paulis’ patriotism. The Massapequa Park resident and two-time mayoral candidate has fond memories of her late mother taking the future military veteran behind the curtain of the voting booth, solemnly showing her the levers behind polling and how important this act was to maintaining democracy. It left enough of an impact that when she went to vote during the two times she ran, Paulis brought pictures of her parents into the voting booth with her. Furthermore, part of Paulis giving back is her sponsorship of the 500 For 500 essay contest, a competition in which male and female Massapequa High School seniors submit an essay of 500 words or less addressing a theme Paulis provides with both winners in line to each receive a $500 scholarship. Last year’s winners were Julianna Lovett and Christopher Flaherty, who addressed the question, ‘Why are veterans important to this country?’ This year’s subject rests firmly at the polls—”Why is it important for you to vote in an election?” With everything going on in the most recent post-presidential cycle, where the legitimacy of fair and free elections are being subjected to misinformation and massive voter disenfranchisement laws are being implemented at the state level, Paulis felt it was crucial to remind students about the importance of participating in a plebiscite. “I’m such a news junkie and I’m always watching it,” Paulis said. “I find a lot of people are on Tick Tok or all this other [social media]. But do you read a paper? Do you pay attention to the news? Do you really know what’s going on? And while they know their rap stars or other celebrities, I find they are so not involved [with being citizens].” The 500 For 500 essay contest was started six years ago when Paulis decided to do something when former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick started kneeling at the beginning of games when the National Anthem was being played (“That just drove me crazy”). The first year’s theme was, “Why

A roundup from the 2020 500 For 500 Essay Contest award ceremony. From left: Commander Joe Clark, winner Christopher Flaherty, Dr. Cynthia Paulis, winner Juliana Lovett, Massapequa High School guidance counselor Paul Weber (Photo by Justin Cannon) in February on George Washington’s are you proud to be an American?” birthday. The idea of paying forward and since then, 10 students have received $500 scholarships. For Paulis, this kind of civic engagement, particularly to students at Massapequa High this personal initiative was inspired School, stems from the real-life imby the personal experience of having won a similar contest when she was a pact the late Alexander Rae Baldwin, Jr. had on her. In addition to being Class of 1971 senior. the patriarch of the Massapequa “It was an oratorical competition Baldwin acting clan, he and the topic was, ‘Why was also a social studies Is the Constitution teacher at the school Important To This who counted Paulis Country?” she recalled. “[The “This contest is my simple as one of his American Legion] way of trying to carve out a students. “Mr. Baldwin was so good to message that we always have was such a nice me. I got a $100 to keep this the idea front and savings bond. And center that democracy is really guy,” Paulis said. “I remember my having graduated important and that’s what father was in the in 1971, back this country is built on,” hospital when I then that was a lot was 15 and we didn’t —Dr. Cynthia Paulis of money and $100 think he was going to really went far. I never live. I think it was an essay forgot that and thought that competition the village had and someday when I was rich, famous [Mr. Baldwin] came to my essay comor infamous, I wanted to give back to petition because he knew my father the students.” wasn’t there. This is the kind of guy he The competition kicked off on was. You ask anyone who graduated Veterans Day and the deadline to from Massapequa High School and submit essays is Jan. 31, a date Paulis had Mr. Baldwin and I guarantee they picked so this written challenge doesn’t fall between the cracks during had a Mr. Baldwin story because that’s the kind of guy he was. If you didn’t the holiday season. The contest averhave a parent because they were sick ages about 22 entries, a number the in the hospital, then he came in as the sexuagenerian veteran would like to parent off the bench. This is what is see increase. Results are announced

important. I’m trying to plant seeds of patriotism and trying to teach why voting is so important.” In addition to the $500 scholarship, 500 for 500 Essay winners also receive a copy of Normal Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking, a journal and a pocket-size book containing copies of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. And while past ceremonies were held at Massapequa Park Village Hall and Massapequa’s American Legion Hall 1066, Paulis is seeking out a new venue for the 2022 ceremony. As someone who twice ran for office in the middle of a pandemic and saw firsthand how dirty, rough and tumble politics could be, Paulis is adamant about conveying how crucial it is for young people to be civically engaged, particularly when it comes to exercising their right to vote. “This contest is my simple way of trying to carve out a message that we always have to keep this idea front and center, that democracy is really important and that’s what this country is built on,” she said. “[And to stay on guard] when you start seeing the erosion of democracy in this country by people that are corrupt.” To comment on this story, email



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Todd Winch Appointed Next Levittown Public Schools Superintendent

he Levittown Public Schools Board of Education has appointed current assistant superintendent for instruction Todd Winch as its next superintendent of schools. Following the announcement of the planned retirement of Dr. Tonie McDonald, the board tapped Winch to lead the district at its Nov. 4 meeting. The appointment is effective July 5, 2022. “We are fortunate to once again find an exceptional candidate with such a rich history in Levittown to lead our district into the future,” Board President Peggy Marenghi said. “We thank Dr. McDonald for her years of service and tireless efforts on the part of the students, staff and community of Levittown and look forward to working closely with Mr. Winch in his new role.” In addition to serving as Levittown’s assistant superintendent since 2016, Winch has also been the director and assistant director of pupil services and Social Studies chairperson. He began his educational career in 1995 as a Social Studies teacher at Division Avenue High School. Winch also worked for five years as assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction in the Plainedge School District. “I would like to thank the board of education for its continued support and for the trust that’s been placed in me,” Winch said. “I am excited to continue the work we have been doing, meeting the challenges of the past few years and charting a course for the years ahead. I appreciate the opportunity to continue making a difference in the lives of those in the Levittown school community. I look forward to working closely with Dr. McDonald to ensure a smooth transition in leadership.” Winch holds a bachelor’s degree in history, a master’s degree in liberal studies and a school district administrator certificate from Stony Brook University. —Submitted by the Levittown Public Schools

The Levittown Public Schools Board of Education has appointed current assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction Todd Winch as its next superintendent of schools, effective July 5, 2022. (Photo courtesy of Levittown Public Schools)

Model Train Show To Benefit Oyster Bay Railroad Museum Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Councilman Steve Labriola recently announced that Trainville Hobby Depot will host a Model Train Show on Saturday, Nov. 20 and Sunday, Nov. 21, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hicksville Community Center, located at 28 West Carl St. in Hicksville. The Model Train Show includes operating model layouts coordinated by Trainville Hobby Depot. Donations are being accepted at the exhibit to support the Oyster Bay Railroad Museum. “We are pleased to partner with Trainville Hobby Depot, who coordinates or

participates in many hobby shows that benefit the fundraising efforts of a sponsoring organization,” Labriola said. “Assisting groups that not only bring a fun and educational experience to residents of all ages, but also help preserve our history in understanding the railroad’s role in our heritage, is a great cause.” Admission in to the exhibit is $5, children ages 4-11 years are $3 and entry for children under the age of 4 is free. For further information, visit or call 516-433-4444. —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay




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The Viscardi Center Appoints Fifth President/CEO

he Viscardi Center Board of Director’s Chair Russ Cusick announced Dr. Chris Rosa, most recently Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Inclusion Initiatives, City University of New York (CUNY), has been appointed as the next President and CEO of the Center, effective Jan. 1, 2022. Dr. Rosa will also serve as President of the Henry Viscardi School and Abilities, Inc. “In our search for the next President and CEO, we were fortunate to meet with and interview an extremely well qualified pool of candidates,” Cusick, who also served as the Chair of the search committee, said. “A collaborative and visionary leader, Dr. Chris Rosa brings exemplary experience in education, nonprofit and advocacy. He will continue the legacy of Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. and lead the organizations to new heights. On behalf of the boards of directors and trustees, we are delighted to welcome him to this paramount position and are prepared to support him in this leadership role.”

since age 12, who has Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, said. “The prospect of serving as the leader of this historic organization is, at once, humbling and thrilling.” Dr. Rosa has been a member of the Henry Viscardi School Board of Trustees since 2017, as well as an active member of The Viscardi Center’s Public Affairs Committee. He has served as the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Inclusion Initiatives at the City University of New York, the nation’s largest urban public university system, since 2019. In this role, he designed and led programs that promote access, equity and inclusion for students who have historically under-participated in higher education, including CUNY’s more than 11,000 students with disabilities, 3,200 student veterans, 17,000 LGBTQI students and more than 6,000 undocumented students. Dr. Rosa’s higher education governance includes serving as CUNY’s Interim Vice Chancellor for Student

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Affairs and the University’s Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. He joined the CUNY Office of Student Affairs in July 2004 after 11 years of student affairs experience at his alma mater, Queens College. While at Queens College, he served as its Director of Services for Students with Disabilities, as Director of its Student Support Services Program, as its 504/ADA Compliance Officer, as its Affirmative Action Officer and as a Student Disciplinary Officer. At Queens College, he collaborated with the New York City Department of Education’s District 75 to create its Inclusive Higher Education Program. A published disability studies scholar, he was a faculty member for CUNY’s Master’s Program in Disability Studies as well as the Co-Executive Officer of the Society for Disability Studies, the international professional association for Disability Studies Scholars. He is a staunch advocate for economic justice for people with disabilities. Dr. Rosa’s major accomplishments/

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Dr. Chris Rosa has been named its next President and CEO of the Viscardi Center effective January 1, 2022. (Photo credit: Ari Mintz)

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recognition include: • Creating the “CUNY LEADS” program, a model career readiness program for college students with disabilities that empowers them to achieve competitive employment at more than twice the national rate. • Leading efforts to establish CUNY as a first-choice college destination for neurodiverse students through the creation of the FAR Fund-supported CUNY Project REACH for students on the autism spectrum and CUNY Unlimited, an inclusive higher education program for students with intellectual disabilities. • Acting as the Chair of the Executive Committee of the U.S. President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (now known as the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy). • Playing a key role in bringing the Robin Hood-funded SingleStop USA program to CUNY community colleges, which supports the retention of students from low-income families by helping them to secure important city, state and federal benefits. • Serving as Vice Chair of the New York State Independent Living Council and as a member of the National Board of Directors of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. • Receiving a “Liberty Medal” by the New York Post in 2012, for his


leadership in expanding employment opportunities for New Yorkers with disabilities. Dr. Rosa earned his B.A. in Sociology and Philosophy from Queens College in 1989 and his Ph.D. in Sociology from the CUNY Graduate Center in 2001, with a dissertation entitled “Disability Rites: Constructing American Disability Culture.” A life-long Queens

native, Dr. Rosa is deeply engaged in his community, having served as a youth basketball coach in the CYO program at St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church in Flushing. The Viscardi Center, is a network of nonprofit organizations based in Albertson. The Center provides a lifespan of services that educate, employ and empower people with disabilities.


Its programs and services include pre-k through high school education, school-to-work transition services, vocational training, career counseling and placement, entrepreneurship and workforce diversification assistance to children, adolescents and adults with disabilities and businesses. Learn more at —Submitted by the Viscardi Center

Roslyn Tennis With The Teachers The Roslyn girls’ tennis team hosted the first annual Tennis With the Teachers Doubles Tournament to raise money for Go With Courage, a nonprofit dedicated to raising money for cancer research and helping affected families. More than 30 teams participated from each of the Roslyn schools. The tournament was a huge success, raising more than $1,200 and bringing an amazing group of staff and students together. Due to the fading sunlight, the tournament had co-champions: Alexa Kessler and Marc Edelman, and Shayla Ai and Allyson Weseley. The students responsible for planning the event were Shayla Ai, Summer Housenbold, Emma Pnini and Kaitlyn Yuen. Coach Hinkley and Coach Hoffner were incredibly grateful to all of the staff, students

The Roslyn girls’ tennis team hosted the first annual Tennis With the Teachers Doubles Tournament to raise money for Go With Courage. (Photo courtesy of the Roslyn School District)

and parents who either played, came to cheer on their favorite players or supported the cause by purchasing a t-shirt. “I want to say thank you to the coaches, the teachers and everyone for participating in an incredible

event for a very important cause,” Robyn Jaslow, the Founder and president of Go With Courage said. “Thank you for keeping the spirit of philanthropy going at Roslyn High School.” —Submitted by the Roslyn School District

227987 S



Oyster Bay-East Norwich Board Of Education Sets Capital Improvement Bond Vote For Dec. 7


he Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District’s Board of Education adopted a resolution at its Oct. 12 meeting to present a $29.97 million capital improvement bond proposal to the greater community for a vote on Tuesday, Dec. 7. The proposed capital improvement projects are designed around the security of students and the creation of new learning spaces at every school. If approved, the projects will be completed with no new cost increase to residents. “We are excited to announce our proposed bond referendum at no additional cost to taxpayers to upgrade our facilities districtwide,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Francesco Ianni said. “The projects for

each school were carefully researched to ensure they are the most effective and efficient way of improving our buildings for the success and safety of our students.” The referendum, if approved, will address the district’s infrastructure and instructional needs to create an environment that empowers students and provides them with expanded opportunities. The projects directly support district programs and provide students with modern spaces that are designed for group collaboration. At Oyster Bay High School, the proposal includes the creation of an innovation lab by the library, the renovation of 21st-century classrooms, the installation of a new turf field and the renovation of the school’s

Oyster Bay High School Senior Promotes Responsible Recycling An Oyster Bay High School senior is doing her part to decrease the amount of electronic waste, or e-waste, that ends up in landfills. Joan Olivero created the program, Cord Clutter Connection for her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. The goal of the program is to educate people about e-waste and reduce the waste footprint in the Oyster Bay community. As part of the Cord Clutter Connection project, Olivero set up recycling bins at Town Hall North and Town Hall South, as well as at Oyster Bay High School. The bins gave her community and peers the opportunity to properly dispose of unused cords, cables and wires. One of the messages Cord Clutter Connection aims to spread is that the improper disposal of old cords contaminates the environment and may be linked to health issues in people, animals and food production. The Gold Award is the most prestigious award in Girl Scouts. The projects chosen are meant to fix a problem in the Girl Scout’s local community or make a change in their world. —Submitted by Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District

Oyster Bay High School senior Joan Olivero created the program Cord Clutter Connection for her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. Here she is photographed with one of her collection bins at OBHS, where she encouraged students and staff to properly dispose of unused cords, cables and wires in order to decrease the amount of e-waste that ends up in landfills. Photos courtesy of Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central Schools

front entrance. Among the projects included at James H. Vernon are the renovation of the music wing and current music classrooms, as well as the renovations of the cafeteria, Butler building and the addition of ground storage. The project also includes the construction of a building extension at the Theodore Roosevelt School and enhanced security features at the administration building. In addition to the projects noted above, the proposal calls for a number of other improvements as identified in the district’s Building Condition Survey, such as window repairs, emergency security and lighting upgrades, door hardware replacement, and HVAC repairs. The “new debt” from the proposed

bond referendum will essentially “replace” a portion of expiring debt from an earlier bond, which will retire in 2023. The timing of replacing this debt is important to avoid any additional property tax growth for residents, due to fluctuation in the tax levy. District residents are encouraged to visit the district’s website,, for more information on the proposal, including a detailed list of improvements planned for each school. The vote is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 7 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Oyster Bay High School Chorus Room. All eligible residents are encouraged to participate in this vote. —Submitted by the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District

Town Of Oyster Bay Plants Over One Million Clam Seeds Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Councilman Tom Hand and Town Clerk Rich LaMarca took to the waters in the Great South Bay to help replenish the shellfish population on the south shore of the Town. The Town was selected to receive these mollusks as part of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Long Island Shellfish Restoration Project, through which mature clams are planted for the purposes of reproduction in protected south shore waters. The clams – totaling 1.5 million – were provided by grower Bill Zeller of Captree Clams. “We are pleased to partner with the DEC and Stony Brook University as we continue to expand our shellfish restoration program to our south shore, following our tremendous success in increasing planting on the north shore by millions,” said Supervisor Saladino. “These adult clams are placed into spawner sanctuaries within the greater conservation management areas located in South Oyster Bay, in areas that have been set aside based on data that has been collected about the physical circulation of the local water.”

Based on the information gathered, Stony Brook determined where shellfish larvae from the spawn of the clams will drift in the next year. Using these calculations, they will continue to monitor the success of clams that are planted and spawned as a result of this effort. —Submitted by Town of Oyster Bay

Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Councilman Tom Hand and Town Clerk Rich LaMarca help seed over a million clams into the Great South Bay.

Photo courtesy of Town of Oyster Bay




Meet Glen Cove’s New Mayor Pamela Panzenbeck is eager to get to work



n the night of Tuesday, Nov. 2, the news broke that Republican candidate Pamela Panzenbeck won the election for Glen Cove Mayor. Panzenbeck is a Glen Cove native and a dedicated member of the community. After teaching for 34 years and serving three terms on the city council, Panzenbeck decided to run for mayor with encouragement from family and friends. Panzenbeck said she wants to hit the ground running when it comes to her plans for Glen Cove. One of the most important issues she will be focusing on is the finances of Glen Cove. Panzenbeck will be sitting down to work with the budget Mayor Tim Tenke created. “[We will] go through every single month with every single department head,” she said. “Making sure we’re on target with Mayor Tenke’s budget and making adjustments as needed will be a vital part of improving the financial situation for Glen Cove.” Panzenbeck stressed the importance of being Pamela Panzenbeck (Contributed photo) proactive rather than reactive when it comes to not only financing but every other issue she plans “Getting to the bottom of why Crescent Beach to tackle. hasn’t been open, what the problem is and how Making it easier to open a business in to get it open again is something to focus on,” downtown Glen Cove is on the list of tasks for Panzenbeck and her team. Panzenbeck said she grew up in a time where everyone wanted to be downtown because it was the place to go for a night of fun with friends. According to Panzenbeck, the codes for opening new businesses are currently complicated. “Being able to sit down with attorneys and eliminate some of that red tape preventing people from opening businesses is going to improve the appeal to open a business downtown,” Thanks in part to $50,000 in funding secured Panzenbeck said. by Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggiPanzenbeck also wishes to bring a little pizzazz Whitton (D-Glen Cove), the façade of the back to downtown and make it a little more desirNorth Shore Historical Museum (NSHM) is able for businesses and residents of Glen Cove. undergoing a much-needed restoration. The ferry project that has been on pause due Following 15 years of interior and exterior to the COVID-19 pandemic is an issue that renovations of the 1907 Justices Courthouse Panzenbeck acknowledges needs to be looked building, the façade improvements are the at. While Mayor Tenke has gotten an indefinite last major restoration efforts for the buildextension on paying back the $16.64 million grant ing. Upon the completion of the first phase that Glen Cove was given by the federal governof façade improvements, the eagle will be ment, Panzenbeck has a different approach to the restored and raised to stand proudly atop the situation. She would like to request forgiveness peak of the building. for the grant. “The North Shore Historical Museum does “All you have to do is ask,” she said. “We can’t a wonderful job of educating the public and run a ferry on the backs of the taxpayers; that’s preserving our community’s rich and varied the issue. It has to be at some point viable in its history,” Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton said. “It own way,” Panzenbeck said. is such an honor to have been able to secure Panzenbeck wants to look into areas of Glen funding to help complete the building’s Cove that need attention, like the Glen Cove Golf restoration efforts.” Course and Crescent Beach. In addition to its original use as the Justices “The golf course is very neglected and Crescent Court, the building also previously served as Beach has been closed for nine years,” she a police station. During that time, the main explained. room with vaulted ceilings was turned into The beach has been closed due to various types of bacteria in the waters due to bacteria growth that is caused by runoff and animal feces.

she said. Going around to look at every office and every department head to figure out how she can help improve their job performance is something Panzenbeck is eager to do. “I’m a team player, so I’m not going to do it alone,” Panzenbeck said. “Working with the city council members to figure out what we can do to help everyone do their jobs better and make their jobs easier will benefit all of us.” The residents of Glen Cove have a lot to look forward to. Since Panzenbeck retired from teaching business and computer education to secondary level students in Levittown Public Schools, she has been extremely active in her community. “Being a retired teacher I would like to have a nice relationship with the superintendent to have access to the schools and be an advocate for our public schools,” she said. I hope to make the schools more a part of the community and plan to encourage more community involvement among residents.” Panzenbeck said she is glad that people heard her message and voted her into the position of Glen Cove Mayor. To comment on this story, email

Historical Museum Façade Restoration Underway three stories for offices; historic preservation regulations dictated that the main meeting room should be restored to a single-story use and its original vaulted ceilings restored to their original splendor. The work has included the roof repair and replacement of 4,000 terracotta tiles, interior demolition and reconstruction, repair and/ or replacement of over 60 windows and doors, exterior re-pointing of brickwork and the installation of new electrical, plumbing, HVAC and other mechanical systems. The mission of the North Shore Historical Museum is to collect, preserve and interpret objects related to the history of the north of Long Island. With housing permanent and loaned exhibits, presentations of historical interest, book signings and cultural events, the Museum offers a fascinating look back at Long Island’s rich history. Visit for more information. —Submitted by the Office of Delia DeRiggi-Whitton



Generals Go On Playoff Run To Finals BY JAMES ROWAN


acArthur High School won its opening round playoff game, defeating Long Beach, 21-0. The Generals advanced to the Nassau County semifinals at Hofstra last weekend and defeated Mepham, 2118, to advance to the Nassau County championship against Garden City. James Napoli rushed for 59 yards and two touchdowns to lead the Generals. Quarterback Ryan Muller rushed for an additional 89 yards. MacArthur’s third score came when Muller connected with Matt Papach on a 46-yard touchdown pass. Matt Sarni kicked all three extra points for MacArthur. The Generals defense was was stifling against Long Beach. Chris Picarella, Steve Weber, James Hegel, Sean Napoli, Connor Cullen and Finn Duffy led the way on the defensive end. MacArthur improved to 8-1. They beat Mepham, 47-21 on Oct. 2.

The seniors of the MacArthur High School football team. In additional football news, across town, Division lost its opening-round playoff game to top-seeded Plainedge, 47-0. The Blue Dragons finish the season with a 4-5 record. In other playoff action, the Island Trees boys soccer team was eliminated by



Nassau County has approved a plan to use federal relief funds for direct payments of $375 to eligible households including homeowners and renters.

• HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS • SHOP LOCAL • BOOST THE LOCAL ECONOMY Here’s what you need to know: If your household earned under $500,000 in 2020, follow the link or QR code below to apply.

Household Assistance Program (HAP) Information If you need in-person help, call 516-571-1555 for an appointment.

If you receive the Enhanced STAR benefit for Seniors, Senior Citizens’ Property Tax Exemption or the Limited Income-Disability Exemption, you will automatically be mailed a $375 direct payment.

227517 S

(Photo courtesy of Colleen Napoli)

Garden City, 2-0. Bulldogs goalkeeper Jayson Portes made eight saves. The MacArthur boys team was eliminated by Plainedge. The two teams played 110 minutes of scoreless soccer. After regulation and two sudden-death overtime periods, Plainedge squeaked by the Generals 4-3 in penalty kicks. Jason Tordy, Joe Iannuzzi and Cristian Perez Franco scored penalty kicks for

MacArthur. In girls volleyball, MacArthur lost in the playoffs to South Side, the No. 2 seed in the County. The scores were 25-12, 25-13 and 25-18. MacArthur, led by Ryann Murphy and Sofia Migliore, finished the season with a 17-2 record. They were Conference AC/5 champions. —James Rowan is a Levittown resident


LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON With the Holidays around the corner, now is the perfect time to have the cosmetic procedure you have always dreamed of. There are so many new options both surgical and non-surgical that will help achieve the goals you are looking for. If you are thinking of Breast Augmentation, there is The Greenberg Rapid Recovery System that will have you back to normal activities in no time. If you are dreaming of a Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, a Facelift or Rhinoplasty, Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery utilizes cutting-edge techniques with the most recent advancements in technology to make cosmetic surgery procedures safer and easier with a quicker recovery than ever before. Now is the time, no more excuses! If you are looking for a nonsurgical solution, then the Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery MedSpa has options. Morpheus8 remodels collagen on the face and body for a

tighter and more youthful look. Ultherapy lifts and tightens the neck, chin and brow as well as remove lines and wrinkles on the chest. CoolSculpting freezes fat away with no downtime and no needles! Emsculpt trims fat to re-contour the abdomen, thighs, arms and legs. One of the newest and most popular non-surgical treatments is Vaginal Rejuvenation to restore a woman’s intimate area, revive sexual pleasure and reduce urinary incontinence. This season, when you start to think of what to put on your wish list, think about you! Using the newest technology to obtain the best and most natural results, you can turn back the hands of time in a caring, safe and supportive environment. Remember, the perfect cosmetic surgery package can help create the perfect you. Make the right choices and show off a younger looking you. Make this season (and the next) your best one ever! 227839 S

Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He has offices in Woodbury, Southampton and Manhattan. For a complimentary consultation, call 516-364-4200 if you have a question for Dr. Greenberg, please e-mail him at, or visit the web at




Lending A Hand To Those Who Can’t Afford Thanksgiving Bethpage Turkey Drive for Island Harvest Food Bank aims to help local families enjoy the holiday


he Bethpage Turkey Drive to benefit the Island Harvest Food Bank will take place on Friday, Nov. 19, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The 13th annual food drive will include a no-contact donation car drivethrough, which will enable community residents to remain in their cars while volunteers remove donations from the vehicles. Long Islanders are asked to donate frozen turkeys, nonperishable food items or cash donations. These donations will go directly to Island Harvest Food Bank, which will help supply Thanksgiving meals to the more than 300,000 food-insecure Long Islanders through its distribution network of more than 400 food pantries, soup kitchens and other feeding programs on Long Island. Nonperishable food items needed include canned goods, cereal, pasta, rice, boxed juices and shelf-stable

milk (please, no glass containers). The Bethpage Turkey Drive will take place at Bethpage Federal Credit Union’s headquarters located at 899 South Oyster Bay Rd. in Bethpage. For those unable to make a donation on Nov. 19, or would rather show their support online, Bethpage is accepting online monetary donations at www. beginning in November, through Friday, Dec. 31. Donations can also be made at any Bethpage branch. “The year 2020 was a record-breaking one for the turkey drive,” Bethpage Federal Credit Union Senior Vice President Linda Armyn said. “We hope Long Islanders continue to show their support again this year as the need on Long Island is still great. We’ve also taken all necessary safety precautions with the contactless drive-through donation drop-off so everyone should

feel very safe.” “Thanks to Bethpage Federal Credit Union’s annual turkey drive and the generosity of countless Long Islanders, we’re able to provide a traditional holiday-style meal, complete with a turkey and all the trimmings, to thousands of local families who are struggling to make ends meet,” Island Harvest Food Bank President/CEO Randi Shubin Dresner said. “Bethpage Federal Credit Union’s support extends beyond the holidays. They are a longtime and year-round partner in our mission to end hunger and reduce food waste on Long Island, and we are grateful for their caring and support.” Patches will be given to all Girl Scouts who make a donation. Troop leaders can make a donation on behalf of troop members and bring back patches for the entire troop. Since the first Bethpage Turkey Drive

2020 Turkey Drive volunteers

(Photos courtesy of the Bethpage Credit Union)

was organized in 2009, hundreds of community volunteers have come out to assist in the collection of more than 40,000 turkeys and over 168,000 pounds of food, which were then given to Long Island families facing hardship in time for the holidays. Island Harvest Food Bank has seen an increase in the requests for food and support services among the 400 community-based agencies it serves. About 70,000 individuals receive food assistance from the Island Harvest Food Bank network each week. —Submitted by the Bethpage Federal Credit Union

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Retired Plainview Teacher Releases Second Children’s Book BY TIM SEEBERGER

2008 to 2012. In his class, he would teach the students what’s a cross between a tiger and a lion—a liger. irst, it was What Would I Be?, Now, Rauch came up with different now it’s What Do You Get? Retired Plainview teacher Joel creations like a cross between a hippo and a bus——a “hippopotambus.” Rauch released his second children’s The book comes on the success of book this year, What Do You Get? his first book he wrote during quarthat sparks imagination in kids and antine, What Would I Be?, which sold parents by encouraging to combine animals and inanimate objects. All the more than 500 copies. “I’m trying to get kids away from proceeds of the book will be going to their thumbs [on the phone] and into charity. their imagination,” he said. “We just “I wanted to create something different where parents and grandparents wanted to try something different,” can sit down and read with their kids,” meaning him and illustrator Bridget Bick. Rauch said. He comes up with this and many Rauch, with the help of his grandchildren, came up with about a dozen other ideas from what he calls “overactive mind syndrome,” meaning his combinations, such as a flobster (a mind keeps going and going. combination of a flounder and a The books are going to be a part of lobster.) lesson-themed series of books using He also purposely left four pages animals and rhyming to help kids at the end of the book for parents remember the lessons they learn. and kids to come up with their own He’s going to cover topics like being creations. a good sport, recycling, teamwork and Then, they can take pictures and send them to Krazee Creations, which recognizing differences. “Everything should have a moral will upload the pictures to to feature the creations. and teaches kids something,” he said. For him, the books are an extension “It challenges the boundaries of your of his time as a teacher, something he imagination,” Rauch said. misses dearly. The idea came from Rauch’s “It’s a way of me stepping back into teaching days. He taught for four years in Corona in 1973, and then again from the classroom,” Rauch said.






ENJOY SELECT LOCAL ITALIAN FAVORITES November 13 & 14 and November 20 & 21 NOON - 5PM

“What Do You Get?” by Joel Rauch (Photo courtesy of Joel Rauch) 227680 S




HOME & DESIGN Leave The Leaves


Recently Sold


This beautifully renovated and expanded classic Stewart Manor Colonial with a rocking chair front porch and an open floor plan encompassing a family room made for entertaining at 80 Fernwood Terrace sold on Oct. 27 for $1,149,000. The attention to detail will impress you with new hardwood floors with inlay, a stained glass window and a great flow between living, dining and kitchen spaces. The white chef’s kitchen with sparkly backsplash and stainless appliances with an island for gathering plus a windowed expansive family room is the perfect place to host your next party. Four bedrooms on the second floor plus a full four-fixture bathroom with radiant heat flooring as well as a partially finished basement with a full bathroom made this a rare opportunity in the charming Village of Stewart Manor with Garden City schools and amenities. This home has a new boiler and water heater, central air conditioning, radiant heat flooring, hardwood floors throughout and garage for storage (only).

Welcome to 146 Argyle Rd., a gorgeous, beautifully renovated three bedroom, 1.5 bathroom Colonial located on a quiet tree-lined street in the Village of Stewart Manor. This home sold for $750,000 on Sept. 29. The stunning kitchen features white cabinets, stainless steel appliances, marble countertops and a large island that opens into the family room and makes it perfect for entertaining or family living. The sliding glass doors in the kitchen take you to a large, beautifully landscaped backyard with a patio and outdoor speakers and is a great space to just relax or enjoy summer barbecues. The primary bedroom is tremendous and offers a large walk-in closet with additional closets as well. The home was just painted and has a fireplace, beautiful bathrooms, newly refinished hardwood floors, in-ground sprinklers and gas heating and cooking. This home is close to the railroad station, restaurants, shopping and the Stewart Manor Country Club with a town pool.

hile lawn mowers and leaf blowers are now heard most of the year, it becomes even worse in autumn as the leaves begin to fall. The use of leaf blowers is one of the most polluting and wildlife-disturbing actions we perform in our yards, gardens and parks. Studies have shown songbirds abandon nests, struggle to set up territories and find mates because of leaf blower use. Insects like pollinators and caterpillars have even been shown to be thrown from their host plants where they risk being fatally injured. We have developed these methods for dealing with a natural occurrence without having any regard for the creatures that require this habitat element to survive. It is unfortunate that so many people aren’t aware of just how important fallen leaves are to the local ecology. Fallen leaves harbor many of the beneficial insects that are required for a healthy, functioning ecosystem. Many predatory invertebrates like beetles and spiders depend on leaf litter to overwinter and evade predators. Many butterflies and moths overwinter in various life stages within this leaf litter as protection. Others hatch out and feed on these leaves as their first meal. These insects in turn are consumed by our songbirds, who feed their chicks a diet of soft-bodied insects. Many other kinds of animals require this leaf litter as part of their natural habitat

including frogs and toads, salamanders, newts, snakes and turtles and other small animals such as songbirds. Fallen leaves provide insulation to plant roots during the winter months as well as protect the soil from erosion. These leaves are then broken down by invertebrates and natural fungi into leaf mold— which is a substance similar to compost and is the foundation of a healthy soil ecology. Leaving your leaves also helps capture carbon, retaining much of the leaf’s own carbon, while preventing the carbon emissions that are involved with gas leaf blowers and the transportation of leaves to processing facilities. To clarify, I don’t mean to neglect your property and not clean up any leaves. Walkways, patios and lawns should all have leaves removed from them. Relocate these leaves into your garden beds. Excess leaves can be mowed directly into the lawn or shredded for mulch and compost. Mulching into the lawn not only fertilizes your turf, but has also been shown to reduce weeds with each subsequent year. The goal should be to preserve as much whole leaves as possible while preventing disposal of leaves through municipal means. Ideally lawns should be reduced or eliminated, but that’s a discussion for another day. —Anthony Marinello, owner of Dropseed Native Landscapes (@ DropseedNativeLandscapesLI or 516-524-8711)

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.

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North High Presents Into The Woods


he North High School Junior Players will present the musical Into the Woods on Thursday, Nov. 18 and Friday, Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. All three performances will take place in the North High auditorium, 35 Polo Rd. This award-winning musical by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine features several popular fairy tale characters as they cross paths in the woods, including Cinderella, Rapunzel, Jack (and the Beanstalk), and Little Red Riding Hood. They strive to assist the Baker and his Wife who desperately want a child, but are childless due to a witch’s curse. To break the spell, all the characters must perform arduous tasks. In the process, they face their fears and learn about the need for community and family. This Junior Players production is directed by Andrew Wagner, theatre director/drama teacher, with music direction by Dr. Pamela Levy, orchestra direction by Joseph Rutkowski, and The North High cast, crew,and pit orchestra for Into the Woods, will present the show on Nov. 18, 19 and 20. (Photo courtesy of Great Neck Public Schools) set design by Len Antinori. Tickets are $15 and must be paid for distancing requirements, seating will be basis. Masks must be worn at all times tickets, email Mr. Wagner, theatre direcin advance via check, or by cash at the limited and ticket reservations/seating throughout the show and no food or tor, at door. The general public may reserve will be on a first-come, first-serve drink will be permitted. To reserve —Submitted by Great Neck Schools tickets starting on Nov. 8. Due to social

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Board Holds Hearing On Retail Cannabis Sales

Later on, board decides to currently opt-out BY ANTHONY MURRAY


he Village of Mineola recently held a public hearing about a proposed law that would have the village opt-out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and/or on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the village. “The law promulgated by New York State provides that the village can [opt-out] prior to December 31,” village attorney John Gibbons said. “However, if the village fails to opt-out before December 31, it cannot thereafter opt out. In contrast, if it opts out at this time and decides at a future date after December 31 that they would like cannabis retail stores within the village boundaries, they are allowed to opt-in.” Most municipalities in Nassau have decided to opt-out, Gibbons concluded. Residents spoke at the hearing about their concerns about whether or not the village should in fact opt-in or opt-out. “If we are embracing alcohol establishments in this village, there is no reason not to embrace cannabis establishments,” one resident told the board. “If we are embracing firearm stores in the village, there’s no reason not to embrace cannabis. Cannabis is significantly less dangerous than firearms and alcohol. There are way too many open store fronts in this village. In addition to the moral inconsistencies, it would not be in the village’s best interest to forgo the revenue that it would see from cannabis related businesses.” The board informed the public that the village does not control liquor or firearm stores that open in the village, stating that it is from New York State. Resident Gus Ladado had a differing opinion when he addressed the board. “We have a lot of empty stores right now in Mineola and it’s not our fault,” he said. “It’s everywhere. The last thing, in my opinion, we need is any kind of store opening up in this village that sells any kind of cannabis connected product.”

After holding a public hearing, the village board decided to opt-out of retail cannabis sales. (Photo by Anthony Murray)

Resident Gregory Cannell said that he’s looking at opting-in to cannabis sales as a positive for the local economy. “Our comptroller says there’s going to be 60,000 new jobs because of the marijuana industry in New York,” he explained. “And if most of Nassau County has already opted out, that means we have the opportunity for a monopoly on Nassau County jobs. I don’t get why we would potentially shoot ourselves in the foot by also opting out.” After all the residents spoke at the hearing, Mayor Scott Strauss thanked everyone for speaking their minds about the hot topic. “I want to mention that we have approved medical marijuana to be sold in the village, maybe two years ago,” he explained. “We’re not here to debate the legal sale of cannabis. That’s just simply not true. That’s already approved by the state. In my opinion, we’re debating whether we want it sold in Mineola. To me, that’s pretty simple. It boils down to whether or not—to me— the revenue is worth the additional traffic in Mineola. With many of

our surrounding communities opting-out and we don’t, all of that traffic is going to come to Mineola [to the cannabis stores].” Trustee George Durham felt differently about the proposed opting-out or in. “I personally don’t think we should opt-out, but I think we should wait,” he said. “I have seen in other states that I have visited taking a look and to see what they were—and the traffic was no more than a pharmacy.”

However, earlier this month the village board reconvened to vote on whether or not to allow the sale of regular use cannabis in the village. In a 4-1 vote, the board— for now—decided to opt-out. Durham was the only trustee who voted in favor. What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at: amurray

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Village Gives Update On Latest Happenings

raffic enforcement remains a priority of the Garden City Police Department. In October, officers issued 1,097 traffic tickets, including 208 for excessive speed offenses. The department would also like to remind all motorists of the requirement to stop for school buses when their red lights are flashing. Officers are actively monitoring various school bus stop locations throughout the village and have charged 20 motorists during the months of September and October for passing school buses as they were discharging or picking up students. The Street Department has begun leaf collection. Check the village’s website regularly for updates as to where crews are in the village. The Parks Department is responsible for leaf removal in the Central Section, and supplemented by Recreation Maintenance help, typically has four crews doing leaf pick up each day. One crew works First Street to Third Street, the second works Fourth to Sixth, and the third works back from Old Country

According to the village, traffic enforcement remains a priority of the Garden City Police Department. (Contributed photo) Road down to Ninth Street. Crew number four does the short streets, dead ends, commercial areas and Franklin Court. When a crew finishes their section, they revert back to the

starting point and repeat the process over again. Residents are asked to observe the following guidelines: • Place only leaves in the street. Other items such as sticks and old plant material may damage machinery and slow down operation. • Do not place leaves on medians and malls as this will kill or damage the grass. For reasons of safety, our streets are cleaned of leaves on a more frequent schedule than are the medians. • Avoid parking cars over leaves as this slows our operation considerably and is also a fire hazard. Cars can be damaged or destroyed by fire as a result of their being parked on dry leaves. • Please do not obscure fire hydrants by piling leaves around them. • Landscapers can place leaves in the street from properties worked on up until the time the village stops collecting leaves, which is usually early December. • Contractors cannot dump leaves from their trucks in the street.

PSEG Long Island is scheduling to perform storm hardening work through an initiative called Power On. This program will help strengthen 50 miles of distribution lines per year over the next five years, targeting the most vulnerable circuits across Long Island and the Rockaways. The project includes: • Upgrading and replacing existing electric wire with more resilient and durable wire. • Installing new and more durable poles. The poles will be similar in height and have a stronger base. In addition, PSEG Long Island will actively coordinate the removal of old poles with other utilities. • Installing shorter cross arms atop some poles to help deflect falling limbs instead of catching them. The work on this circuit is scheduled to begin the week of Nov. 15. Customers are being sent a letter explaining the work that will be done. —Submitted by the Village of Garden City

Garden City’s Thanksgiving Day Road Race Is Back Registration underway for 2021 Turkey Trot


fter racing virtually in 2020, the 44th annual Garden City Turkey Trot, Long Island’s largest Thanksgiving Day road race, is back to racing in person this year on Nov. 25. The event expects to draw thousands of runners, walkers and spectators. Registration is now open and runners should register online at Residents can see the race website for race information. The five-mile race starts at 10 a.m. The 1.4 mile Fun Run starts at 9:15 a.m. and The Challenger Division Race for special needs athletes begins at 8:30 a.m. All three races start and finish in front of the historic St. Paul’s building located at 285 Stewart Ave. near the corner of Rockaway and Stewart avenues in the center of Garden City. Runners and walkers from all over Long Island and beyond participate, including multi-generational families that have made the event a special part of their holiday. In 2019, close to 7,000

seen tremendous success. The Turkey Trot Race Committee works yearround to put on the quality event and thanks to the generosity of numerous corporate sponsors, the Garden City Turkey Trot is able to offer runners a big race experience. This year’s Garden City Turkey Trot will once again benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the Muscular Dystrophy Association and The INN. Runners are encouraged to bring nonperishable food items for the Turkey Trot Food Drive. The event has raised more than $1 million over the years. Volunteers are always needed; send an email to After racing virtually in 2020, the 44th annual Garden City Turkey Trot is if you would like to volunteer. Register back to racing in person this year on Nov. 25. (Contributed photo) online at to avoid late entry fees. Pick up your race day bib and T-shirt on Thanksgiving runners participated in the Fun Run are welcome as well as baby walking and 5-Mile Race. strollers and jogging strollers. Post-race Eve on Wednesday, Nov. 24 at St. Paul’s from 6 to 8:30 p.m. or on race day The race draws elite athletes as food and beverages will be available Thursday, Nov. 25 beginning at 8 a.m. well as runners and walkers of every on site. —Submitted by Ken Anesar age and ability. Runner costumes Spanning decades, the event has





Valedictorian And Salutatorian Chosen At Floral Park Memorial

loral Park Memorial High School has named Gagandeep Kaur and Meaghan Kilcarr as the valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of the Class of 2022. Kaur is a well-recognized face around Floral Park Memorial, as she is involved in multiple school organizations. She is president of the National Art Honor Society and a member of the World Language Honor Society, Mathletes, National Honor Society, Ecology Club and Culture Club. Through her role as president of the National Art Honor Society, she helped to organize a Paint and Dip Night with the World Language Honor Society last school year. With the Culture Club, she has been working on school beautification projects. Her work as a student-artist has been recognized with first- and second-place Cultural Arts Awards by the General Federation of Women’s Club-New York Island-Metro District, and her artwork has been on display at the Heckscher Museum of Art. Academically, Kaur has been recognized as both an AP Scholar and an AP Scholar with Distinction. She is also a Brown University Book Award recipient. Outside of school, Kaur volunteers at Anna’s House as a tutor, where she helps elementary school students with their homework. She also volunteers at her local gurdwara, where she helps younger students with reading and writing in Punjabi. This fall, she has been working as a teacher aid at John Lewis Childs School in Floral Park, helping kindergartners with their schoolwork. Kilcarr is renowned for her ambition and enthusiasm at Floral Park Memorial. She has challenged herself with rigorous coursework, taking almost all the AP courses available to students. She has been recognized as an AP Scholar with Distinction; is a recipient of the 2020

Gagandeep Kaur

(Contributed photos)

Rensselaer Medal Scholarship; and has received Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards in AP World and European History, Algebra 2 and chemistry. She is active in her school community, serving as member of Floral Park’s Junior National Honor Society, National Honor Society, World Language Honor Society, Superintendent Student Advisory Board and the SADD club. She has also played for Floral Park Knights’ volleyball team, lacrosse team and the district gymnastics team. Kilcarr’s athletic talents have been recognized with the Nassau Volleyball Coaches’ Association Scholar Athlete Award and

Meaghan Kilcarr All-Conference honors in gymnastics. Outside of school, Kilcarr dedicates her time to volunteering and helping others. She has been a volunteer for over eight years with Floral Park’s annual fundraiser for breast cancer, Liz’s Day, and co-founded a nonprofit Teenz Who Care. She has also volunteered for the St. Baldrick’s Fundraiser, MJ Strong Fundraiser and the annual St. Vincent De Paul Church Holiday Food Delivery. This past summer, she was asked to be on Senator Kaplan’s Youth Advisory Board. —Submitted by the Sewanhaka Central High School District

Village Gives Update On Covert Avenue Buildings According to Village of Floral Park trustee Lynn Pombonyo, the latest progress with the fire damaged Covert Avenue properties includes the construction of a new, secure fence around the property. The fence is anchored, surrounding the property with seven feet of separation between the damaged walls and the fencing. This seven feet of separation allows for greater safety and access to the damaged structures for the village staff and construction workers. The sidewalk on Covert Avenue is now open for pedestrians

and the parking meters are in operation. The Village Court is now involved with this demolition project and our next goal is to demolish the remaining damaged walls. Building Superintendent Renee Marcus continues to work with the property owners and contractors to move onto the next steps required for reconstruction. Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald also gave an update on the UBS Arena that is opening this weekend. “Village Administrator Gerry Bambrick

and I are very busy working on ensuring that the buffer area abutting Crocus and Mayfair Avenues and Hazel Place is preserved,” he said. “I would like to thank Gerry Bambrick for all of his work these past few weeks coordinating with the various agencies involved to ensure that they hear the voices of the residents on this important issue. Hopefully, it will be a good outcome.” —Information provided by the Village of Floral Park




Westbury Celebrates Diwali

iwali, aka Deepavali, is known in English as the “Indian Festival of Lights.” The Sanskrit word deepa means “lamps or lights” and avali means “a row of,” so the name is a description of the “row of lights” that is symbolic of this festival. The date of Diwali falls either in October or November of each year, depending on the cycle of the moon. This year the date was on Nov. 4. While Diwali originated in India, it is now celebrated across the globe as an opportunity for all to connect. The traditional diyas (clay pots) are lit to symbolize hope. Our non-religious focus is primarily on the symbolism of the oneness of all—the sun and the moon—and we are the stars. We focus on the beautiful darkness of the New Moon night, while celebrating the light. The reasons for celebrating are different for each family. The stories you hear and read about are from the Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists. And the traditions are as varied as the people and places that celebrate. Some follow the 5-days of Diwali festivities and others only celebrate the one “main” day. Over the years, this festive holiday has found its place in the hearts and homes of people from all

Geeta Citygirl and daughter Avana Grace Chopra of Westbury show off the richness of Indian dress and culture. (Contributed photo) backgrounds. Maria Isabel-Martinez, director of the Spanish All Year preschool in Westbury, is the embodiment of embracing diversity and celebrating cultures. Her preschool teaches respect and empathy toward

other cultures as a way to connect us all. In 2014, she invited then nursery student Avana Grace (Avanita) and family to present a Diwali program in her preschool. Since then, the Spanish immersion preschool has hosted a Diwali celebration for the entire school every year. After the COVID-19 pandemic precautions caused the celebration to go virtual last year, the Spanish All Year school invited Avanita to present the Diwali holiday to the students in-person this year. The presentation included a talk, dance, cooking school and various Indian cultural items. Diyas, tealights, brass bells and Indian clothing was adorned on every student and staff member. There were marigolds and rangoli, embroidered materials and endless feast of Indian snacks and desserts. There was a glorious dance taught to the children dedicated to the brightest light we see —El Sol. The Sun. Each child went home with a small gift to share the Diwali festivities with their families. And knowing that none of the preschoolers are from Indian households makes the impact even greater. It allows preschool children to find a oneness with something they had not seen before.

Westbury Friends School also hosted a Diwali presentation for the entire school. Kindergartners through second-graders filled the historic Quaker Meeting House, to welcome Geeta Citygirl. It was a short presentation that included teaching a garba (festive folk dance where you use your hands) and showing the students how a Sari is wrapped (on a teacher) in front of their eyes. Silver glittering necklaces along with bindis were offered to represent the inner knowing—the third eye. As residents of Village of Westbury, Geeta Citygirl and daughter Avana Grace were proud to be invited to other venues to present the holiday and their traditions. One of the exciting presentations was at the Progressive School of Long Island. The fourthgrade class was able to try traditional ladoos as well as adorn themselves with traditional handmade tie-dye (bandhani) scarves, beaded bracelets made as an offering of friendship, and were immersed in the presentation that included all the elements of oneness. It is in the spirit of community and connection that they offered their loving light to one and all. —Submitted by Geeta Citygirl

Pitching Their Titles On Soccer Field The Carle Place School District’s athletic department congratulates members of its soccer programs, as both the varsity boys and varsity girls soccer teams clinched the 2021 Nassau County Class C Championship titles. The girls went on to win their first Long Island Class B/C Championship and reached the state final game, losing 1-0 to Ausable Valley in Cortland on Nov. 14. Carle Place finished its season 9-5-2. Goalie Jenna Lenihan made six saves. En route to the state final, the Lady Frogs outscored their playoff opponents 21-4. The run began with a 5-1 win over Cold Spring Harbor on Oct. 18 in the county title game. Amanda Leary tallied twice to lead the squad. In net, Lenihan made six saves. After a long layoff, Carle Place crushed Port Jefferson 7-1 on Oct. 30 to add the Long Island C trophy to its case. Amanda Leary

by Paige Selhorn, who also tallied twice. Caitlin Leary, Amelia Fort and Amanda Leary each added a goal. Felt then scored twice in a 2-0 win over Byron Bergen in the state semifinals on Nov. 13 at Homer Senior High School in Homer. The boys claimed their county title by defeating Locust Valley 2-1 on Oct. 30, winning on penalty kicks, 4-2. Locust Valley tied it on a late goal after Jordy Cavallero put the Frogs ahead in regulation. Jason Seligman made four saves. The goalie made the same number of stops as the Frogs fell 1-0 to Pierson/Bridgehampton on The Carle Place Middle/High School varsity girls soccer team are the Nov. 2 in the Long Island Class C reigning 2021 Long Island and Nassau County Class C Champions. championship tilt. They finished (Photo courtesy of the Carle Place School District) the season with a 9-7-1 record. The district is proud of Association (NYSPHSAA) Class C and Alexandra Felt scored two both teams on their season regionals, defeating S.S. Seward goals each. accomplishments. Institute 7-2 on Nov. 6. Felt again The team went on to claim —Submitted by the Carle Place found the back of the net twice and another victory in the New York School District with additional was joined in the scoring parade State Public High School Athletic reporting by Anton Media Group





Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000 Publishers of Port Washington News Great Neck Record Manhasset Press The Roslyn News Plainview-Old Bethpage Herald Oyster Bay Enterprise-Pilot Glen Cove Record Pilot Mineola American Syosset-Jericho Tribune Massapequa Observer Farmingdale Observer New Hyde Park Illustrated News Levittown Tribune Garden City Life Hicksville News The Westbury Times

Editor and Publisher

Thanksgiving Greeting We all share the desire to learn the secrets of the past. Through ancient tales of universal human experience of struggle and hope, sorrow and victory we can incorporate the teachings of the past into our own lives today. One of the most beautiful things in celebrating Thanksgiving is that it allows us to open our minds and hearts to new understandings about


Angela Susan Anton


Iris Picone

Director of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko

Managing Editors Anthony Murray, Caroline Ryan

Editors Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Frank Rizzo, Julie Prisco

Advertising Sales Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland

Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato

Director of Production

find something optimistic in our lives. Even when we sometimes feel weak or are struggling, we should try to see the positive side of life, i.e. if we struggle in our jobs—we should be grateful we have a job, if we have difficulties

Continued on next page


Frank A. Virga

Vice President of Operations

the deep connection of our past, present and future. Thanksgiving leaves us with a lot of life lessons. For example: We should give thanks in everything. “In” everything not “for” everything. Our attitude should be to choose to be grateful in every circumstance. Always try to

REGARDING WESTBURY BANNING RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA SALES I think that the Village of Westbury is making a mistake. People wanting marijuana who live in Westbury will simply buy elsewhere. Sales of marijuana will be taxed and the towns who sell the product will reap those benefits—which will likely be substantial. Kind of like

Canadian alcohol made a foothold in America, having cornered the market for the decade of legality they had before us. There’s still a lot of Canadian product. There’s no point to banning sales within the village. It doesn’t make sense. They won’t stop people from

I recently read an article titled “Navigating the learning curve.” The problem is that tens of millions of Americans are not even on the learning curve. Reading books? I don’t think so. Our intellectual capacities are most often engaged in reading billboards and traffic

signs, product ads and restaurant menus, text messages, tattoos and Twitter posts. Our learning curve is perhaps best summarized by a protest sign I saw recently, “People don’t need to be educated on what they don’t want to be educated on.” Truth is, the ruling class in America has no use for our minds, which will only cause them trouble. Train the hands, not the mind, say the 1 percent. Best we can do is idolize the wealthy and popular by catching a glimpse of their private lives on talk shows. The American dream is no

smoking in their jurisdiction. Marijuana has been prevalent on Long Island since at least since June 14, 1967—when I was talked into trying it. It was certainly less intoxicating than alcohol. There could be an argument that marijuana is safer than alcohol, however they

would have to find a way to regulate the potency. I think the increased potency is the only real problem. But in the long run, the people who live in Westbury will continue to smoke, and other towns will reap the benefits of the sales. —Penny Quinn

Robin Carter

Creative Director


Catherine Bongiorno

Senior Page Designer Donna Duffy

Director of Business Administration Linda Baccoli

For circulation inquiries, email: Publication Office: 132 East Second St., Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: (516) 747-8282 Fax: (516) 742-5867 © 2021 Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc.

Letters to the editor are welcomed by Anton Media Group. We reserve the right to edit in the interest of space and clarity. Celebrating All letters must include an address and daytime telephone 37 YEARS number for verification. All material contributed to Anton IN BUSINESS Media Group in any form becomes the property of the 1984-2021 newspapers to use, modify and distribute as the newspaper staff assigns or sees fit. Letters to the editor can be mailed to: Additional copies of this and other issues are available for purchase by calling 516-403-5120.

longer available to all. The real learning curve requires life-long continuing adult education dealing with serious topics our people

don’t even know how to spell any longer, like “constitutional literacy” and “historical perspective.” —Kimball Shinkoskey

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For our portfolio of 16 award-winning weekly community newspapers. Must live in Nassau County Long Island and be willing to attend local live meetings, as well as come into the Mineola office twice a week. • BA in Journalism, 1-2 years of newspaper or journalism experience preferred • Responsibilities of the job include: Writing, editing and curating content for weekly newspaper editions,working with the Managing Editors and the Editorial Team, collaborating on various story lines and content for upcoming editions. Please Send Resumé To

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Alex Nuñez

Art Director




Honoring Our Veterans At NSHAHS “Human beings are made up of flesh and blood, and a miracle fiber called courage.” - George S. Patton.

CHLOE MASTOUR North Shore Hebrew Academy

turbulence, wind, rain and human error keep knocking with our family—we should the plane off its course. The appreciate that we have a key is that the pilots continufamily. ously make small corrections If you ever find yourself by reading their instruments downhill or falling short and talking to the control remember the flight on the tower. Consequently, the airplane. When an airplane plane reaches its destination takes off it has a distinct safely. No matter what, if flight plan. Yet, during the you just keep coming back course of the flight air traffic, to your plan, keep making

Continued from previous page

fought against their brothers in Gettysburg, stormed the beaches of Normandy, fought in “the war to end all wars” and “the forgotten war.” Some marched into battle on foot, others rode on horseback, later in Jeeps or tanks or Humvees. But it was always our warriors that fought freedom’s greatest enemies and did not waver. Our warriors—sons, brothers, daughters, sisters, mothers— confronted evil face-to-face on that distant battlefield.

When the nation called, they answered. For you. President George Washington expressed remarkable insight when he spoke about the country’s treatment of veterans: “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”

What have you done for a veteran you know? This is what North Shore Students were asked by our nation’s heroes. On November 11 of each year, Veterans Day is celebrated throughout the United States with various celebrations and recognition of America’s veterans. At North Shore, we recognized Veterans Day this past week, as Dr.

small adjustments and keep hope alive eventually you will reach your destination. The power and light are in YOU. The reality is that there are some things we cannot change in life. Instead of getting frustrated we should turn the situation over to the Almighty and trust our Heavenly father. What we

dwell on is what we will draw into our lives. Focusing on our blessings and not our problems is showing great faith and closeness to our Creator and will ultimately bring more blessings and joy. Resist strife, keep the peace, the happiness, the hope and be determined to be grateful and thus be a blessing everywhere you

go. On this Thanksgiving celebration season, let’s reaffirm our advanced New Year resolution to make it a habit to thank our Creator in all things, even above your current, uncertain circumstances. Have an attitude of gratitude and remember that Thanksgiving isn’t just a holiday, it’s a lifestyle. Happy Thanksgiving.

Continued on next page)

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Honor the fallen soldier. The sailor, the airman and the Marine. We honor those who held the line, who volunteered or went because they were told to go. Leaving their family, friends and freedom behind, our heroes fought for us. Over time, they have used different weapons: a sword, a musket, a bayonet, a rifle, a machine gun. They fought at Lexington and Concord when our nation was born, crossed the Delaware on Christmas Day of 1776,

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A Hidden Adirondacks Gem Escape to Friends Lake Inn this winter

The beauty of the Lake George region is a popular draw any time of the year. BY CHRISTY HINKO

Adirondacks where you have upscale accommodations, dining and a private The transition from fall to winter is a great time elegant nature experience. to head north, especially getaways upstate and to “The drive up to Friends Lake Inn is incredible too,” the Adirondacks. One particular resort, Friends Maharali said. Lake Inn, is gaining tremendous popularity as the The owning partners place to get away from all the hustle and bustle of purchased the resort in 2019 the city. It is nestled atop a hillside, approximately and have made tremendous progress massaging the 90 minutes north of Albany in the Adirondacks. experience into a posh place to spend a weekend or ex“It’s a very Adirondack Inn said. “It’s a great escape tended getaway. It combines experience, being surfrom the city.” upscale accommodations, rounded by peace and love,” The idea is FLI is the amazing food and Alim Maharali, co-owner of only place in the access to nature. Friends Lake “We bought the property, thinking it was a hidden gem,” Maharali said. “The last few owners didn’t give it a lot of attention; this place e n o Hiking is t really just s o m of the cra needed some tt a r la u pop e TLC.” th Curl up by the tions to Friends fireplace with a delicious glass . n regio of wine and yummy charcuterie board. Lake Inn has

17 guest rooms and a cabin, hosting approximately 38 people. Some of the guest rooms have wood burning fireplaces, some have gas burning fireplaces. Maharali said, “It’s cozy; it’s a nice place to escape.” Maharali and his team have invested a lot of time and effort into the resort. “We upgraded a lot, the linens, bed sheets, amenities, the WiFi and we have added a custom mural in the dining room, custom coffee mugs by a local artist and added a farm-to-table menu.” One of the biggest draws to Friends Lake Inn is that it has 17 miles of private trails on the property, great for hiking and snowshoeing. “A lot of guests arrive Friday night, have a casual dinner, soak in the Jacuzzi and slip into a cozy FLI robe before bed. The next morning, they enjoy a beautiful made-to-order breakfast before grabbing a picnic basket

lunch and a bottle of wine for a romantic walk through the woods,” Maharali said. “After hiking, guests usually take a rest before having an upscale dining experience with a tasty filet mignon or something more exotic like rabbit or bison. On Sunday, it’s typical for guests to explore the region, take in whitewater rafting, horseback riding, retail therapy in Lake George, spa treatments or skiing at Gore Mountain.” Friends Lake Inn hosts many weddings and some of guests’ biggest life occasions. “We do a lot of wedding takeovers,” Maharali said. “You can rent out the property for your entire family. Everyone has their own room; everyone is onsite. Everyone is centrally located for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” Friends Lake Inn also hosts other large gatherings



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A Hidden Adirondacks Gem CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE like corporate retreats and family reunions. It is not unusual for bike touring groups or skiing clubs to stay regularly also.

DINING AT FRIENDS LAKE INN Friends Lake Inn provides both casual and elegant dining experiences for the public and guests staying at the Inn. The Adirondack Dining Room provides an ideal spot for intimate dining with a focus on farm-to-fork dining without any formal dress requirements. The murals were painted by a local artist that brings the outdoors into the dining room. The resort’s priority is to ensure you have a great dining experience. If you are looking for a more casual dining environment, then the Birch Bistro is the perfect location. Enjoy a beverage with some light fair while watching the game or dine and share a meal with friends and family in a casual setting. Every guest who stays at the Inn is

treated to a made-to-order breakfast in the Birch Bistro. The bright dining area and fresh coffee and tea are sure to start your day with a smile. “Our in-house s’mores and coffee are to die for,” Maharali said. “Our culinary team strives to use local ingredients to create a farm to fork experience and our menus change seasonally, and the Chef’s daily creations keep your dining experience fresh and new.” Friends Lake Inn staff take center stage here. “My front line staff, the people that some people think are the least important, are really the most important in this business,” Maharali said. “We have a family culture and are here to provide a lovely guest experience.” Jeff Stokholm, general manager at Friends Lake Inn, provides exceptional guest service. “You are sure to receive the best attention to detail from Jeff and his team,” Maharali said. “Everyone here is happy to greet and help our guests.” The resort has a rich history. In the 1800s, Friends Lake Inn served as a home to families of regional

loggers. “It still has the original roof from the 1800s and it has the original beams and fireplace in the dining room,” Maharali said. There were rumors of Friends Lake Inn serving as a convalescent home for returning war veterans, though that information has not been confirmed. Friends Lake Inn is centrally located in the Adirondacks. It is 20 minutes from Lake George and 20 minutes from Gore Mountain. “It’s not too touristy,” Maharali said. “Friends Lake Inn is a perfect place to come and unwind.” “While we were closed for the pandemic for a couple of months, we weren’t shy, we invested in a lot of upgrades (repainted the murals, rebranded the restaurants),” Maharali said. “We took a look at a lot of our features and functionality and made them better, so when we

If you’re looking for a quiet place to get away, Friends Lake Inn is it. opened we came out stronger and we had a wonderful year.” The weather is crisp. The summer crowds have dispersed. And Friends Lake Inn has a post-pandemic facelift and upgraded amenities that you are sure to fall in love with. Friends Lake Inn is located in Chestertown, NY. It is located approximately 240 miles from Long Island. Visit for more information.

Warm Your Winter Spirit With “Bootleg” Hooch BY CHRISTY HINKO

Craving something to make your winter palate warm and cozy? Straight from the hills of Tennessee, Ole Smoky Distillery has released its two holiday moonshine flavors, Peppermint Moonshine and Shine Nog Moonshine, just in time to soothe your winter blues.

Moonshine (also known as shine, hooch or firewater), historically by definition, is a high-proof, clear, unaged whiskey that is made illicitly. The name was derived from a tradition of creating the alcohol during the nighttime to avoiding detection by authorities, made popular during the Civil War (1861) and accelerated during Prohibition era (1920-1933). Commercial distillers, such as Ole Smoky, produce “moonshine” for legal distribution.


Peppermint Moonshine

Shine Nog Moonshine

Ole Smoky’s Peppermint Moonshine is 100 proof. It smells mildy minty with a hint of sweetness, like candy cane in a jar. In fact, this hooch would be great over ice in a glass rimmed with crushed candy cane. It’s warm going down the chute, perfect for a brisk winter day. Enjoy this peppermint treat straight or as the base of a festive cocktail.

4A | WINTERTIME! • NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 2021


Looking for a creamy liquor that you could enjoy just as easily as a tall glass of milk? This moonshine, in at 35 proof, is a combination of vanilla cream and the taste of Christmas cookies. It’s so smooth, you could enjoy it straight, over ice or also as the base of a tasty cocktail. Most Ole Smoky products are priced at $24.95 with the exception of moonshine with fruits (cherries, peaches, pickles) which are $29.95. Ole Smoky Blue Flame is $34.95 and Ole Smoky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is $44.95. Ole Smoky, in Gatlinburg, TN, offers dozens of moonshine flavors, whiskey and canned cocktails. And if you’re ever in town, stop by the

distillery for a tour. Ole Smoky moonshine is available on Long Island, through many retailers. Visit to learn more, get some creative moonshine cocktail recipes, to make a purchase and to locate a distributor.



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All That Glitters This Winter BY ANTON MEDIA STAFF

Easy to wear, this bracelet has a magnetic closure—no reason to fiddle with clasps. Made in Italy ($185).

A great gift for any age. These sterling silver studs have various gemstones, shown with amethyst ($85).

Giving jewelry as a gift is a token of love and beauty. It is such a meaningful gift that symbolizes romance, love or friendship. And it almost always makes someone feel important when they wear it. When choosing jewelry to give as a gift, consider the meaning and occasion behind it. Is it trendy, classic, sentimental? A magnificent Jewelry icon Esther Fortunoffruby and Greene shares some of her top diamond necklace picks for this season’s to wear during the gift-giving. holiday season. Crafted in the USA ($4,995).

Jewelry is fashionable, timeless and holds great sentimenal value. Fortunoff Jewelry is available on the web. Visit to shop and make a purchase. Visit fortunoff-winter-2021 to see more of Esther’s top picks for gifts for your friends and family.

The tree of life denotes family. Something we cherish during the holidays. ($825).

For the antique lover. Vintage style, updated ($1,095).

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NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 2021 • WINTERTIME! | 7A

Back In Business

The Radio City Rockettes return to the stage BY ANTHONY MURRAY

After almost a year and a half off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes is officially back this holiday season. Performances at Radio City Music Hall started on Nov. 5 and will run through Jan. 2, 2022. Since its original debut in 1933, The Christmas Spectacular at Radio City has been seen by more than 69 million people furthering the fact that the show resonates with generations of families.

Holy Trinity Diocesan High School TITAN PARENTS CLUB Proudly Presents Our Annual

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227897 S

8A | WINTERTIME! • NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 2021

This year’s production will feature more Rockettes numbers than ever before, including the return of the beloved lyrical number, “Snow,” which transforms the stage into a magical winter wonderland. With the return of “Snow,” the Rockettes now perform in nine numbers throughout the 90-minute production—with more technically complex and different styles of dance than ever before. The Christmas Spectacular stars the incomparable Radio City Rockettes, the longest-running precision dance company in America, admired for their iconic style of dance, talent and athleticism, as well as their unity both on and off the stage. The production features intricate choreography and show-stopping numbers that are graceful and powerful. Since their debut at Radio City Music Hall, the Rockettes have inspired and amazed audiences from around the world and given fans of all ages Christmas memories that will last a lifetime. Despite the cancellation of the 2020 Christmas Spectacular production and not letting the pandemic stop them, the Rockettes continued to serve as a source of joy and inspiration this past year. In keeping with decades-long traditions, the celebrated dance troupe performed in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and the Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting. In addition, NBC aired an hour-long television special, which was called The Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes: At Home Holiday Special, introducing millions of new fans to the iconic production. The Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes

The 2021 Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes is officially back this holiday season with performances at Radio City Music Hall. (Photos courtesy of MSG Entertainment)

is presented by Chase, whose commitment to the Christmas Spectacular is essential to the production, allowing it to deliver an unparalleled holiday experience for millions of fans. Throughout the run of the show, Chase cardholders will have access to Chase Preferred Seating, which includes some of the best seats in the house. The Christmas Spectacular is committed to the health and safety of the show guests, performers and staff. All guests will need to follow venue protocols in place at the time of their performance. Due to the fact that government mandates, venue protocols and event requirements are subject to change, be sure to check the show’s website for the latest information. Tickets start at $49 and can be purchased online at www.rockettes. com/christmas. Service charges apply to Internet orders. For group sales, call 212-465-6080. Accessible and companion seats are available via the disabled services department at 888-609-7599.

I know my clients and the markets. It’s my job to understand you, to know what you’re looking forward to and what keeps you up at night. Knowing your goals is the key to providing you with personalized financial advice that can help you stay on track for today and still reach your goals tomorrow.

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Ameriprise Financial cannot guarantee future financial results. Not Federally Insured | No Financial Institution Guarantee | May Lose Value Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. This ranking was developed by SHOOK Research and is based on in-person and telephone due diligence meetings to evaluate each advisor qualitatively, a major component of a ranking algorithm that includes client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, and firm nominations; as well as a quantitative review that includes assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerances vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. Rankings are based on the opinions of SHOOK Research, LLC and not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK Research receive compensation in exchange for placement on the ranking. For more information: The Ameriprise Client Experience Award is earned by a practice based on three measurable statistics that reflect the value of goalbased advice to our clients: client experience rating; percentage of clients over a certain asset level in advice relationships; and, once the practice has exceeded a minimum amount of net flows, the percentage of net flows derived from assets under management. © 2021 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.

Combatting Inflation Threats in Retirement

Philip P. Andriola, JD, is a Private Wealth Advisor and Chief Executive Officer with Andriola, Goldberg & Associates, a private Today it’s common for Americans to Keep it in perspective . Today’s inflation Poor’s 500, a benchmark of U.S. large wealth advisory practice of spend two, three or even four decades rate of 5% is high by recent standards, cap stock market performance, gained, Ameriprise Financial Services, in retirement. This means people have but nowhere near a record. We may be a on average, more than 10% annually3, LLC. well above the 2.3% average annual ample time to relax and achieve a bucket long way from seeing an extended period retirement is unique, and your financial plan 4 inflvision ation rateofover that same period. list of dreams. However, the flip side is of high inflation like we had in the 1970sYour He offers fee-based financial behigher too. returns As anonAmeriprise Wealth Advisor, I have Earning money you mayPrivate that retirees need to ensure they have and 1980s, where inflation in the United should asset management 10 to 20 yearsand in theknowledge future should to planning enough savings to last through their States peaked at 13.5%. Since 1982, the need qualifications help youand grow and preserve help it grow sufficiently to meet inflated lifetime. One complicating factor is that inflation has only been higher than 5% strategies and has been in practice wealth. tax strategies income needsWhether at that time,it’s butinvestment a large inflation is a fact of life, and it can result in in one calendar year (1991) until now.2 your formanagement, 23 years. To contact him: While another decade-long inflation portion of your portfolio should still be meaningfully higher expenses over time. or legacy planning, I’ll work with you to find the right financial threat is unlikely, living costs in the nearinvested more conservatively to protect it As you’ve likely seen in recent headlines, solutions for your individual needs. And I’m byAvenue the 401backed Franklin term may continue to rise at a fast pace. from market volatility. inflation rates are the highest they’ve Philip P Andriola, JD strength and stability of one of America’s leading retirement Suite 101 Revisit your expenses If the cost of Look at other options to improve your been in many years. Living costs have Private Wealth Advisor, Garden City, NY 11530 position companies. If you are experiencing financial risen 5% over the past 12 months ending Chief essential Executiveitems, Officersuch as food, gas, plus planning the cost of discretionary expenses, such strains as living costs rise, you may in June, based on the Consumer Price (516) 345-2600 Goldberg & Associates as travel, are busting your budget, you want to consider other options, such as Index 1 – significantly higher than the Andriola, Ameriprise Chairman’s Advisory Council 2012-2016

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1-2% annual increases we’ve gotten used maywealth need to explorepractice ways to of cut back. a part-time job or consulting. Even in A private advisory Investment advisory products and services are to seeing over the past decade. Can you buy food in bulk to save money?FIVEretirement, it is important to be flexible Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. STAR Wealth Manager 2014-2015 made available through Ameriprise Financial Should you reduce your casual driving to react to changing circumstances that Inflation creates challenges for all Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser. 516.345.2600 to cut down on gas? Are there other may affect even your best-laid plans. Be consumers, but it can be particularly 401 Franklin Ave, Ste 101 you can forego, discretionary expenses sure to check with your fi nancial advisor difficult for those who are retired and at City, leastNY for 11530 now? Addressing these to discuss your most attractive options Garden living on a limited income. Higher questions today could prevent you from to manage today’s inflation risks. and your financial plan infl ation can throw off the assumptions ate Wealth Advisor, I have spending down your assets too quickly. for regular expenses reflected in your help you grow and preserve 1 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, management, tax strategies retirement plan. It’s unknown whether Adjust your investments Is your portfolio u to find the right financial “Consumer Price Index Summary,” July 13, 2021. And I’m backed by the this uptick in living costs will persist, properly positioned to keep pace with 2 Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. ica’s leading retirement Fiveprepare Star Wealth administered Crescendo LLC (dba Five Star Professional), is based on 10 objective criteria: but you The should for theManager impacts award,infl ation? It mayby make sense toBusiness keep a Services, “Consumer Price Index, 1913-,” Member FINRA and SIPC. 1. Credentialed as a registered investment adviser or a registered investment adviser representative; 2. Actively employed as a credentialed professional in the 3 Based on total return data from Standard & of inflation regardless. Here are a few portion of your assets invested in stocks. 012- 2016 Poor’s. things tofinancial know and do: industry for a minimum Over the pastyears; 30 years, the Standard & services of five 3. Favorable regulatory and complaint history review (please note unfavorable feedback may have been ©2021 Ameriprise Financial, LLC. 4 Based on the Consumer Price Index, Bureau of discovered through a check of complaints registered with a regulatory authority or complaints registered through Five Star Professional’s consumer complaint Labor Statistics, June 1991 through June 2021. rights client reserved. process*); 4. Fulfilled their firm review based on internal firm standards; 5. Accepting new clients; 6. One-year client retention rate; 7.All Five-year retention rate; 8. Non-institutional discretionary and/or non-discretionary client assets administered; 9. Number of client households served; 10. Education and professional ed on 10 objective criteria: designations. Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or awarded. Once awarded, wealth managers mayNOVEMBER opt to purchase additional ad space or| 9A s a credentialed professional in the 17 - 23, 2021 •profile WINTERTIME! vorable feedback may have been ofessional’s consumer complaint related award promotional products. The award methodology does not evaluate the quality of services provided. The award is not indicative of the award winner’s n rate; 7. Five-year client retention erved; 10. Education and professional future performance. *To qualify as having a favorable regulatory and complaint history for this award, the person cannot have (1) been subject to a regulatory action urchase additional profile ad space or not indicative of the award winner’s that resulted in a license being suspended or revoked, or payment of a fine, (2) had more than a total of three customer complaints filed against them (settled or e (1) been subject to a regulatory action


Old Westbury Gardens Launches Outdoor Walk-through Light Show


ext month, Old Westbury Gardens will unveil a first-of-its kind nighttime light show event. Shimmering Solstice, presented by Catholic Health, will offer visitors the opportunity to behold a series of magical light displays as they walk along the beautiful meandering paths through Old Westbury Gardens’ Walled Garden, Rose Garden, South Lawn and Allée. “We are excited to offer this brand-new experience for our visitors to enjoy,” said

Catholic Health is the presenting sponsor. Nancy Costopulos, president and CEO of Old Westbury Gardens. “This walk-through lightshow has been designed specifically for Old Westbury Gardens and offers a oneof-a-kind experience that we intend to become a new annual holiday tradition.” Shimmering Solstice is a completely custom-built show that has been uniquely designed to highlight the features of Old Westbury

Gardens. The design phase took approximately 18 months to plan. The event was developed out of a desire to creatively adapt the land and gardens around Westbury House into a visitor location that can be enjoyed during the fall and winter holiday season and that would remain consistent with the mission of Old Westbury Gardens. “This is a celebration

of our space,” said Maura McGoldrick-Brush, director of horticulture at Old Westbury Gardens. “Instead of flowers, the gardens will be blooming with light. This is truly an enchanting combination of the beauty of the gardens and the magic of the season.” Old Westbury Gardens worked with Lightswitch, a collective of internationally recognized lighting, media and visual designers to create the show with the intent of celebrating the Old Westbury Gardens’ history and environment during the fall and winter seasons. Some examples of what visitors will see include both the formal Rose Garden and Walled Garden blooming with beautiful light and twinkling in lively rhythmic patterns. Other unique features include enormous dandelions which

will line the edge of the pond and a giant Christmas tree, made of lit globes, that will be displayed in front of Westbury House. This event is something people of all ages will enjoy. The walk-through portion of the show is designed for visitors to explore at their own pace. For the exciting finale, visitors will be dazzled to see the south facade of Westbury House come alive as they become immersed in a magical and wondrous sensation of lights and sounds, celebrating the spirit of the season. The event opens on Nov. 20 and runs through Jan. 9. The admission time starts at 5:30 p.m. and the last admission is at 9:30 p.m. The gates close at 11 p.m. Visit for more information. — Old Westbury Gardens

Witness the wonder of seasonal sights and sounds at Old Westbury Gardens!


NOVEMBER 20 - JANUARY 9 Don’t miss this unforgettable lightshow experience! Buy your tickets now: 10A | WINTERTIME! • NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 2021

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NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 2021 • WINTERTIME! | 11A


The Best Way To Spread Christmas Cheer Is Singing Loud For All To Hear


ong Island’s largest year-round, professional theatrical venue, The Argyle Theatre, presents the iconic family favorite ELF The Musical with book by Thomas Meehan and Bob Martin, music by Matthew Sklar, lyrics by Chad Beguelin and based on the New Line Cinema Film written by David Berenbaum. Performances began on Nov. 11 for a limited engagement through Sunday, Jan. 2, at The Argyle Theatre (34 West Main St., Babylon). ELF The Musical is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International.

Directed by Evan Pappas, with choreography by Valerie Wright and music direction by Emma Weiss, the cast will feature Timothy Fraser as Buddy, Carolina Miranda as Jovia, Mark Epperson as Walter, Michelle Mallardi as Emily, Tamara Daly as Deb, Robert Anthony Jones as Santa/Mr. Greenway, Korie Lee Blossey as store manager, Kieran Brown and Landon Forlenza as Michael, as well as Katie Buckert, Melissa Goldberg, Garrison Hunt, Tre Kanaley, Molly Model, Drew Reese, Lucas Ryan, Mikaela Rada, Garret Shin and Melissa Strain. “We are thrilled to ring in the season with the holiday show of our generation: ELF The Musical,” said

Mark Perlman, Argyle managing partner. “Experience this heartwarming holiday theatre magic that is sure to be a blast for the whole family,” added Dylan Perlman, also an Argyle managing partner. “With our artistic director Evan Pappas at the helm and an absolute all-star team behind this production it is sure to be a holiday spectacular you don’t want to miss.” Buddy, a young orphan, mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported to the North Pole. The would-be elf is raised, unaware that he is actually a human until his enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. With

‘Tis the Sea


Santa’s permission, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his birth father and discover his true identity. Faced with the harsh realities that his father is on the naughty list and his half-brother doesn’t even believe in Santa, Buddy is determined to win over his new family and help New York remember the true meaning of Christmas. This modern-day holiday classic is sure to make everyone embrace their inner Elf. After all, the best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear. The creative team includes set design by Tim Golebiewski, costume by Jolene Richardson, lighting design by John Salutz and

sound design by Carlos Dias, Jr. The technical director is Michael Kauffman and production coordinator is Alison Savino. The production stage manager is Craig Matthew with assistant stage managers Emily Todt and Shannon Stewart. The casting director is Michael Cassara, CSA. For performance schedule and tickets visit www. or call 631-230-3500. Tickets are priced from $40 to $79 (use code: ANTON for $10 off). ELF The Musical is sponsored by Forerunner Technologies, Inc. *Discount valid off individual, premium mainstage tickets only. Not to be combined.

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Stay Goodbye To Winter Skin BY CAROLINE RYAN

Although the weather seems to fluctuate quite frequently these days, cooler weather is quickly approaching, meaning that you want your skin to be able to keep up. Keep your complexion glowing and hydrated all winter by purchasing some of our favorite products, listed below. Tatcha The Dewy Skin Cream Plumping & Hydrating Moisturizer This rich cream will plump up your skin. Made with antioxidant-packed Japanese purple rice, this moisturizer will give your skin the dewy, healthy glow it needs this winter. $68, ............ Drunk Elephant B-Hydra Intensive Hydration Serum This intensive hydrating serum visibly replenishes

the complexion and improves the look of skin texture and tone. Add a few pumps of this product to your favorite oil, serum or cream and apply anywhere that needs increased hydration. $48, ............ Wander Beauty Baggage Claim Eye Masks This set of individually packed eye masks will be a lifesaver on cool winter days. With claims to help brighten,

hydrate and reduce the appearance of dark circles, this is the perfect product to pamper yourself with on a self-care day. $34, ............ Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Gel Mask Extreme Detoxifying Hydrator This product is a must-have for soothing and hydrating dry skin, cracked or irritated skin. Cucumber, Papaya and Chamomile Extracts work to help smooth, soften and

calm your skin. This mask is perfect for any skin type and can be worn overnight for added hydration. $55, ............ Belif Aqua Bomb Overnight Lip Mask Chapped lips can be one of the most uncomfortable parts of the winter season. Look no further than this lip mask from Belif. This lightweight gel formula is packed with ingredients that will help restore and moisturize dry lips overnight. $20, ............ Josie Maran Whipped Argan Oil Body Butter Maran’s signature Whipped Argan Oil Body Butter smooths and restores softness with essential fatty

acids and antioxidants for juicier, firmer-looking skin. This lightweight, velvety texture absorbs instantly and is the perfect moisturizer for on-the-go or overnight hydration. $36, ............ Olaplex Healthy Hair Essentials Give your hair some much needed repair and hydration this winter season. This gift set, available at Sephora, includes a shampoo, conditioner, hair perfector and a bonding oil and is perfect for any type of hair. You simply can’t go wrong with this set. $60,

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NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 2021 • WINTERTIME! | 13A


December Movie Previews




heaters around the country are slowly opening, reassuring patrons of their cleaning practices and protocols. Studios are beginning to take a chance and are releasing films to these theaters first before any other medium. Slowly, people are attempting to grab some kind of normalcy and are making their way back to watch their favorites on the big screens. Some releases coming up for December are as follows:

DEC. 10



Being the Ricardo’s premiers for a limited release in theaters before moving for streaming to Amazon Prime Video. Directed Nicole and written by Alan Kidman Sorkin, the movie stars Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem in the starring roles along with J.K. Simmons, Tony Hale and many more. The film delves on a brewing scandal regarding their personal lives and beliefs that threatens not only their burgeoning empire but their very relationship. The film is not yet rated. Also on Dec. 10, Steven Spielberg’s remake of the 1961 film, West Side Story. This vibrant musical follows two rival gangs and forbidden love. Sean Harrison Jones, Steven Ansel Elgort, Rachel Spielberg Zegler, Maddie Ziegler and Rita Moreno star in this huge production which is sure to be a hit. Moreno, who won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Anita in the original film, portrays an owner of a local store in which Tony works. Originally, the part was of a man named Doc, but created with Moreno in mind. Rated Pg-13, you will dance, not run, to see what should be an amazing production.

OFF $200+

227918 M

DEC. 17

Cannot be combined with other offers, used on prior purchases or to purchase gift cards. SAM, Classic Ugg, Birkenstock, Nike, PJ Salvage, Free City, Aviator Nation, Katie J NYC, Oh Baby, Posh Peanut, Little Giraffe, Cruisewear, Layette/special orders and other exclusions apply.

14A | WINTERTIME! • NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 2021

Spider-Man: No Way Home flies into theaters directed by Jon Watts and starring Tom Holland, Zendaya, William Dafoe, Benedict Cumberbatch, J.K.

Jamie Foxx

Simmons and Jamie Foxx just to name a few. Following the events of the 2019 film, Spiderman: Far from Home, Peter Parker faces a whole new set of challenges as his identity has been revealed and trying to keep his “normal” school life from his “super hero” life has now become impossible. Desperate, he contacts Doctor Strange, played by Cumberbatch, in hopes to find a potion to have people forget his true identity. Things don’t go as planned as the potion instead brings back former enemies. Spider Man is forced to reevaluate his life and responsibilities in this spine-tingler of a movie. Not Yet Rated, this film is a must-see for the Marvel fan and the adventurer.

DEC. 25

A Journal for Jordan arrives in theaters for the holiday based on a true story and directed by the great Denzel Denzel Washington starring Michael B. Jordan and Washington Chante Adams. Jordan plays Sgt. Charles Monroe King who is deployed to Iraq before the birth of his son. While in Baghdad, he begins to write a journal to his unborn son of many things including the love he shares with his wife and his time spent away on deployment. Unfortunately, King is killed one month before he is scheduled to return home. Not yet rated, this movie will touch all that watch it and remember what our soldiers do for us all year round. So, if you are ready to go out and leave the streaming behind, grab your popcorn, candy and a drink (and perhaps a hand-sanitizer) and venture out for a delightful day at your local theater.


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Continued from previous page

our IDF veteran “drill sergeant” were often met with disbelief and a lot of Vitow organized for students to have the “I don’t think so’s.” Yet, students were forced to bite the bullet and work as one privilege of meeting our “Hometown well-oiled machine. When reflecting on Heroes,” a panel of three veterans of the military drill training, Paige Mayer the U.S. Armed Forces, as well as three adds, “I also really enjoyed the physical veterans of the IDF (Israel Defense activities, even though they were a lot of Forces). Watching our American veterwork! It gave me a new appreciation for ans laugh alongside each other as they share their most gratifying experiences, how hard the soldiers work to protect us.” Whether navigating our way around it was obvious that these men share a North Shore’s expansive grounds (did unique brotherhood: the brotherhood of the United States military. They held you know our school has a lake?), training as stretcher-bearers as we all a friendship that can be found only pull the weight of our “troops’” water upon signing the dotted line, reserving supply underneath the two-foot netting, for themselves a position among the or fervently chanting world’s most elite forces. a marching cadence There is something as students sling one about those who have another over the ropes, worn the uniform. Our North Shore students veterans define brotherlearned what it means to hood not in words, but in say “no man left behind.” actions. In moments that Despite the treacherous cannot be fought alone, fight, North Shore’s our courageous men and trench monkey boot women put their lives on camp closed with a loud the line for each other. hooah. It is the honorary call of This Veterans Day, duty that unites these men and women, across General George S. Patton remember the fallen and never forget those all branches of service, (Public domain) deployed. Happy to defend the red, white, Veterans Day to all of those whose and blue. I’m sure most North Shore loved ones have or are serving in the students would agree that meeting armed forces. When you stand for the our brave veterans this past week was flag, know that it is because of their truly an honor. In the words of junior supreme sacrifice that you live in Paige Mayer, “I found the program this country and can appreciate the very meaningful. Hearing the soldiers speaking about their experiences in the American Promise: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. army really made me think, especially And so, the patriot’s signature when they said that each fellow soldier rallying cry goes... was like family.” Another North Shore And I’m proud to be an junior, Ari Azar said, “The veteran’s proAmerican gram was very interesting. I even stayed Where at least I know I’m long past my class’s allotted time to free learn more information and hear more And I won’t forget the men advice and stories that every American who died should appreciate. We should be more Who gave that right to me willing to learn from our veterans.” And I’d gladly stand up Aside from learning about the Next to you and defend her challenges our veterans faced and the still today lessons instilled in them from their ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt days of service, North Shore students I love this land were also thrown into some hardcore God bless the USA field ops. Complete with camouflaged —Chloe Mastour is a junior at faces and “Red Bull” vitality, students North Shore Hebrew Academy stomped boots on the ground. This High School (NSHAHS) was no easy feat. The commands of

Attention Civic Groups And Community Event Planners Have your Special Events Published in Anton’s Community Calendar! Send it to



HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Open Thanksgiving Day from 1pm to 8pm Please call for Reservations

Complete Turkey Dinner


(appetizer, entrée with 2 sides, & dessert)

Complete Turducken Dinner


(appetizer, entrée with 2 sides, & dessert)

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( ** selections ala carte only) Chicken & Andouille Gumbo cup 9 / bowl ** 12 Seafood Gumbo cup 11 bowl 14** Cornflake Chicken Fingers 8.95 Crawfish Bisque cup 11. bowl 15** Alligator Sausage 15.95** House Salad of Mixed Greens 8.00 Delta Fried Pickles 8.00 Our Famous Dixie Mac & Cheese 11.95 Jambalaya Chips 12.95 Jambalaya Mac & Cheese 17.95** Southern Fried Okra 8.00 Smoked BBQ Wings (mild or spicy) 11.95 Biscuit w Andouille Gravy 8.00 Biscuit w Raspberry & Honey Butter 4.00


All entrees served with 2 dinner sides

Slow Roasted & delicious Traditional Louisiana Turducken 39.95 (Turkey, Duck & Chicken all deboned and layeredwith cornbread stuffing, apple sage stuffing & andouille)

Deep Fried Turkey 30.95 (With cornbread stuffing & cranberry sauce)

Hickory Smoked Beef Brisket 26.95 Delta Jambalaya 18.95 Blackened, Fried or Grilled Catfish 24.95 Blackened or Grilled Salmon 26.95 Southern Fried or Smoked BBQ Half Chicken 19.95 BBQ St. Louis Ribs Half Rack 21.95 / Full Rack 33.95 Louisiana Gulf Shrimp & Grits 25.95

Choice of Sides:

Brown Butter Mash Biscuit & Butter (add $2) BBQ Baked Beans w Smoked Brisket Southern Grits(cheese add $2) Potato Salad Red Beans & Rice w Andouille French Fries

Cheddar Jalapeño Mash Sweet Potato Mash Onion Rings Smoked Turkey Collards Vegetable of the day Cole Slaw Sweet Potato Fries

BISCUITS & BARBEQUE 106 E 2nd Street . Mineola . NY . 11501



227970 M



NEIGHBORS IN THE NEWS Locust Valley High School is proud to announce that five of its students have been named as College Board National Recognition Program Scholars. More than 80,000 students from all 50 states were eligible to join the recognition program, with 32,000 students earning the recognition this year. To be named a scholar, students must have a grade point average of 90 or above and have scored exceptionally on the PSAT or scored at least a 3 on two or more Advanced Placement exams. Eligible students are also those who identify as African American or Black, Hispanic American or Latinx, Indigenous or attend school in a rural or small town. Senior Trinity Benstock is a National Hispanic Recognition Program Designated Scholar. She is an IB Diploma candidate and will earn the Seal of Biliteracy. Trinity is a member of the National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society. Trinity participates in several clubs, including Alzheimer’s Awareness, LVTV Studio, Model United Nations and Science Bowl. She also serves as President of the Quiz and History Bowl clubs. Senior Josephine DeBono is a National Hispanic Recognition Program Designated Scholar. She is an IB Diploma candidate

and serves as President of the Global Students Society, Model United Nations and National Honor Society, and as the Vice President of Mock Trial. Josephine is also a member of the Spanish Honor Society and Ethics Bowl. Junior Sophia Del Giudice is a National Hispanic Recognition Program Designated Scholar. She is an IB Diploma candidate. Sophia is a member of the Alzheimer’s Awareness Club, History Club and Italian Honor Society. She participates on the cross-country and track teams. Junior Nikkita Kissoon is a National African American Recognition Program Scholar. She is an IB Diploma candidate and member of the Spanish Honor Society and Art Honor Society. Nikkita participates on the Athletic Council and is also a member of the Breast Cancer Awareness Club. Nikkita is a student-athlete on the varsity tennis and lacrosse teams. Senior Jennys Sierra is a National Hispanic Recognition Program Designated Scholar. She will earn the Seal of Biliteracy and is a member of the Spanish Honor Society. Jennys participates on the varsity softball team and is a member of the Alzheimer’s Awareness Club. —Submitted by Locust Valley Central School District

National Program Recognition: (l-r): Locust Valley High Schoool students Josephine DeBono, Nikkita Kissoon, Jennys Sierra, Sophia Del Giudice and Trinity Benstock were named College Board National Recognition Program Scholars. Photo courtesy of Locust Valley Central School District Former Garden City music teacher Peter Stanganelli has returned to the area and is accepting private students on all band instruments as well as piano and guitar. Stanganelli and his Garden City Bands have won many awards throughout his years as band director at Garden City High School and Stewart School. He also taught the adult education classes in Garden City for many years on piano and guitar. Many of his students received perfect and near perfect scores on their NYSSMA solos. Stanganelli has tremendous enthusiasm for teaching music. Many of his students have expressed how inspired they have become for their instrument after working with him. Stanganelli conducts exciting recitals every June for his private students at the Garden City Community Church. For more information, call 516-263-6005.


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Assemblyman Michael Durso (R-Massapequa Park) is pleased to announce that more than 1,100 pounds of food were collected at his recent food drive in the Village of Massapequa Park to benefit food insecure Long Islanders. “Uniting through purpose brings us together for the greater good. I am grateful to once again partner with Island Harvest Food Bank and my colleagues in government to ensure that Long Islanders, especially our most vulnerable populations—seniors, veterans and the disabled—have food to eat,” Durso said. “The event was a huge success thanks to Island Harvest, the volunteers and all who donated.” “Assemblyman Durso is a valued

partner in our mission to end hunger and reduce food waste of Long Island,” Island Harvest Food Bank President/ CEO Randi Shubin Dresner said. “He’s always willing to roll up his sleeves and do whatever it takes to help our neighbors, many of whom are in the unfortunate position of not knowing when their next meal may come and we are grateful for his compassion and support.” All items collected through the program were donated to Island Harvest Food Bank which delivers millions of pounds of food to Long Island-based food pantries, soup kitchens and other non-profit organizations that offer food assistance to those in need. —Submitted by the office of Assemblyman Michael Durso

Local college students recently visited Justice (Judge) Scott Fairgrieve at the Mineola Village Justice Court, to learn about its procedures and operations. The students learned that the Mineola Village Justice Court has jurisdiction over cases involving Mineola Village ordinances and parking tickets issued in Mineola. The Mineola Village Justice Court also has jurisdiction over cases under the New York State Vehicle

and Traffic Law for misdemeanors and traffic infractions committed within the limits of Mineola, with the exception of those driving while intoxicated or impaired, which are handled by the Nassau County District Court. Judge Fairgrieve explained to the students that enforcement of the Mineola ordinances, parking regulations, and vehicle and traffic laws are determined by the Executive Branch


Pictured from left: Island Harvest volunteers; Assemblyman Michael Durso (center); Town of Oyster Bay Councilman Lou Imbroto; Councilman Steve Labriola; Councilman Tom Hand; Island Harvest volunteers and Island Harvest Chief Development Officer Marc Suntup (Photo courtesy of the office of Assemblyman Michael Durso)

of the village and/or by the Nassau County Police and not by the court. Judge Fairgrieve holds court sessions during the day and night to accommodate people’s schedules. —Submitted by Village of Mineola

Local college students visit Justice Scott Fairgrieve at the Mineola Justice Court (Contributed photo)



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ANNUAL DRIVE KEEPS E-WASTE OUT OF LANDFILLS Mineola Middle School students are helping the environment by keeping electronics out of landfills. During the annual e-waste drive, students collected 6,220 pounds of electronic waste to be recycled. Community members were invited to drop off unused or broken items

including printers, computers, tablets, phones, televisions and chargers during the after-school drive. Mineola Middle School partners with Two Brothers Scrap Metal each year to supply the collection container. —Submitted by Mineola Union Free School District

District Coordinator of Music and the Arts Dr. Nina Prasso, Jenny Zheng and music teacher James McCrann. (Contributed photo)

MUSICIAN EARNS ALL-NATIONAL RECOGNITION Garden City High School senior Jenny Zheng has been selected to the National Association for Music Education’s All-National Concert Band as a piccolo performer. This prestigious recognition is presented to some of the nation’s most talented high school musicians and provides them with an opportunity to work with highly regarded conductors. Due to the pandemic, this year’s AllNational Honor Ensembles program will be held virtually in January. Conductor Travis Cross will lead the Concert Band in several rehearsals, and the ensemble will create a recorded performance that will be premiered

during Music In our Schools Month. All-National students will also have opportunities to attend clinics and workshops with esteemed musicians. Earlier this school year, Zheng received two letters of acceptance for the New York State School Music Association’s All-State ensembles. She will play the piccolo in the All-State Symphonic Orchestra and was selectStudents collected 6,220 pounds of electronic waste to be recycled ed as an alternate flutist. A member (Contributed photo) of the high school’s wind ensemble, she has participated in All-County in previous years and also plays the LOCAL THIRD-GRADER WINS FIRST PLACE piano. CREATIVE WRITING AWARD —Submitted by Garden City received an award certificate for First Recently at the GFWC (General Public Schools Federation of Women’s Clubs) Island Place, which is the first time a student Metro District Cultural Arts Event, lo- creative writing entry submitted cal Farmingdale resident/third-grader through the WCF has ever achieved Jasmine Lyons was awarded First a First Place award at both levels. Place for “Skiing,” a creative writing The Women’s Club of Farmingdale story she submitted through the wishes to congratulate her for this rare Women’s Club of Farmingdale. accomplishment. Lyons is the granddaughter of WCF Lyons was presented with her Treasurer Catherine Sewell and First Place Certificate by GFWC-NYS because of her First Place award, her Creative Writing District Chairman creative writing story was then subDolores Cianciabella. Also present mitted to GFWC-NYS in a competition were GFWC-NYS President Linda with all student First Place creative Kreussling and WCF Treasurer writing winners from all over the New Catherine Sewell. From left: Hicksville High School Assistant Principal Sweeney, Sean Zhen, York State area. And, once again, she —Submitted by Maria Ortolani Xiang Jin, Maeryam Nasari, Kaitlyn Verdugo, Lena Girdhar, Jaskaran Kohli, Ekam Singh, Roxy Dias, Sam Zhen, Jade Amador, Hicksville High School Principal Ray Williams (Photo courtesy of the Hicksville School District)

HICKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CELEBRATES THE TOP 10 Hicksville High School recently announced the Top 10 students in the Class of 2022. Ray Williams and Tim Sweeney briefly spoke with the students receiving this top honor. Students were reminded by Williams that “ does not matter where you placed in the Top 10; rather, you should celebrate all your collective hard work and accomplishments over these past four years, which allowed you to achieve one of the Top 10 gradepoint averages in your graduating class.” Furthermore, Williams proudly shared, “You are all young thinkers that will be very successful in life, and

you represent your families and our high school well.” Sweeney echoed the message that “everyone should be rejoicing regarding your accomplishments.” Then, Williams presented the Top 10 students with their transcripts and overall grade-point averages. Hicksville High Schools’ Top 10 senior students are (in alphabetical order): Jade Amador, Roxy Dias, Lena Girdhar, Xiang Jin, Jaskaran Kohli, Maeryam Nasari, Ekam Singh, Kaitlyn Verdugo Ortiz, Sam Zhen and Sean Zhen. —Submitted by the Hicksville School District

From left: Cathy Sewell, Jasmine Lyons, Linda Kreussling and Dolores Cianciabella (Photo courtesy of Maria Ortolani)





Making It In The Kick Of Time Howitt Middle School female soccer player assists football team “I’ve heard stories and seen shows about a girl being on the boy’s football team, and it was something that I always wanted to do,” Recine said. “When I got asked to join the team, I was going crazy with emotions. I was excited, scared and nervous.” Recine went three-forthree in extra points in her debut against Oceanside, kicking the football dead center through the uprights. Farmingdale was victorious with a 36-0 win. “Everyone has been so supportive and helpful during this experience,” Recine said. “When people pass me in the hallway at school, they don’t call me by my name anymore. They say, “Hey, kicker.” —Submitted by the Farmingdale School District

Howitt Middle School student Gianna Recine kicks a field goal in her football debut. Gianna Recine

(Photos by Erin Keane)

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owitt Middle School’s Football team struggled with an inconsistent kicking game. The solution? Eighth-grade soccer player Gianna Recine. Coaches took notice of Recine’s strong boot while she was practicing with the middle school girls soccer team down at the other end of the field. “I asked Gianna to come over and practice a few field goal kicks,” middle school football coach Colin Leary said. “It was obvious she was more than capable.” After squaring away all the protocols with the athletic department and getting her parents’ blessing, Recine threw on football pads and practiced with the team. The rest is history.



POLICE REPORT Police Make Drug Arrest In Glen Cove

details of a fatal vehicular accident that On Nov. 7 at 8:30 p.m. the Glen occurred at 3:53 Cove Police Crime Prevention Unit (CPU), while investigating a suspicious p.m. on Nov. 8 in East Garden City. condition on Mason Drive in Glen According Cove arrested 42-year-old Jason Johnson of Bayville for numerous drug to detectives, James Skow charges. Detectives Brian Glennon and a 54-year-old (Photo courtesy of NCPD) Christopher Paolillo and Officer Alyssa female driver of a red SUV was Pagano encountered Johnson on struck by a tow truck flatbed driven Mason Drive and during their invesby a 57-year-old male, in front of 877 tigation it was discovered that the defendant possessed a quantity what ap- Stewart Ave. The collision then caused the tow truck flatbed to strike a white peared to be cocaine, oxycodone and heroin. A quantity of money as well as van. The 54-year-old operator of the a digital scale was also recovered at the scene. The defendant was charged with red SUV and her 16-year-old male passenger, were transported to a local two counts of third-degree criminal hospital. As a result of the collision, possession of a controlled substance the operator of the white van was (with the intent to sell), fourth-degree pronounced deceased at the scene. criminal possession of a controlled No other injuries were reported. substance, seventh-degree criminal The victim’s name is being withheld possession of a controlled substance, at this time and the investigation into and aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. The defendant was the accident continues. James Skow, 57, of Westbury was ararraigned on Nov. 8 at First District rested and charged with driving while Court in Hempstead. intoxicated, second-degree vehicular Police Arrest Westbury Man manslaughter and second-degree For DWI In Fatal Accident manslaughter. Skow was arraigned in In East Garden City First District Court in Hempstead on The Homicide Squad reports the Nov. 9.

Texas Woman Charged With Stealing $1 Million Lotto Prize From Glen Cove Relative

Commission was not accepting winning tickets in person, and instead, on Nov. 13, 2020, the defendant allegedly mailed the winning ticket to the NYS Gaming Commission. Weeks later, the Acting Nassau County District defendant appeared at the victim’s Attorney Joyce A. Smith and the Glen residence with paperwork purporting Cove Police Department announced that a Texas woman was arrested and to be from the New York State Lottery, charged with stealing nearly $1 million which indicated that the prize amount was only $20,000. The defendant in prize money from her cousin, who had asked her to claim a winning New allegedly also handed the victim an envelope containing $13,436 in cash York State Lottery scratch-off ticket and told him that the rest of the money because he wanted to remain anonwas kept for taxes. ymous. The defendant also allegedly According to the investigation, an used forged paperwork to mislead her Internet search later revealed a press cousin about the value of the prize. release on the NYS Lottery website Iris Amador Argueta, 32, of Houston, that indicated Argueta had claimed TX, surrendered to the Glen Cove the $1,000,000 prize from the ticket Police Department on Monday and purchased in Glen Cove. The release was arraigned on charges of one count further indicated that the defendant of second-degree grand larceny and received the lump-sum payout of two counts of second-degree criminal $537,440 after taxes. possession of a forged instrument. If Having learned of the press convicted of the top count, the defendant faces up to five to 15 years in prison. release, the victim called the defendant who allegedly insisted that Argueta is due back in court on Nov. 23. According to the joint investigation she did not have any additional money for the victim and that if he by the Glen Cove Police Department continued to contact her, he would and NCDA, on Oct. 28, 2020, the suffer legal consequences. The joint victim purchased a New York State investigation determined that the Lottery $5 Hold ‘Em Poker “scratchdefendant received $537,440 from off” ticket at a 7-Eleven convenience the NYS Gaming Commission as the store located at 194 Glen St. in Glen lump-sum prize and the paperwork Cove. When he scratched the ticket, it revealed a $1,000,000 jackpot prize. allegedly shown by the defendant to the victim was forged. The victim contacted Argueta and The Glen Cove Police Department asked her to claim the prize on his and Nassau County District Attorney’s behalf because he wished to remain Office have recovered $317,825.46 anonymous. The victim promised in allegedly stolen funds from the Argueta $50,000 in exchange for defendant’s bank account, which are claiming the prize and the defendant being held. allegedly agreed. If you believe you were the victim The defendant allegedly drove to of a fraud perpetrated by Argueta, New York from her home at the time contact the Nassau County DA’s in Virginia and received the winning Office Financial Crimes Bureau at ticket from the victim. Because 516-571-2149. of COVID-19, the NYS Gaming

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FRIDAY, NOV. 19 Tom Papa At 8 p.m. at Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main St., Port Washington. Description: “With more than 20 years as a stand-up comedian, Papa is one of the top comedic voices in the country, finding success in film, TV, radio and podcasts as well as on the live stage. Regular guest on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast and late night TV shows.” Tickets are $40. Proof of vaccination and ID must be shown. Masks recommended. Information and tickets at or call the box office at 516-767-6444.



COMMUNITY CALENDAR forest, natives vs. invasives, edible plants, and much more. Pack a lunch and join us for a picnic on the great lawn afterwards.” Admission is $10 for non-members. Visit to register. Duck Walk Hosted by the North Shore Audubon Society from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Whitney Pond, Manhasset. Limited registration. Call Jennifer at 516-7673454 to register. Walk starts in Macy’s Manhasset parking lot, southwest corner, near Whitney Pond. Walk will

proceed to other locations afterwards, Safe distancing is requested. If you are not vaccinated, organizers request that you wear a mask. Wear water-resistant footwear, bring binoculars and drinking water. Wear long pants and socks so you do not touch poison ivy.

SUNDAY, NOV. 21 Family Menorah Workshop At 2 p.m. at the Whaling Museum, 301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor. Description: “Explore the importance of oil through the ages, from whale oil to olive oil. Compare

historic oil lanterns in the museum’s collection, and get creative designing a tiled mosaic menorah to light up your home this holiday.” Cost Tiled menorahs are a is $10 for Hanukkah tradition. (Screen capture) non-members plus admission. Learn more at or call 631-367-3418.

SATURDAY, NOV. 20 Adelphi Symphony Orchestra From 8 to 9:30 p.m. at the Concert Hall, Performing Arts Center, 1 South Ave, Garden City. Program led by Music Director Stefano Miceli. The concert features Saint-Saëns’ “Carnival of the Animals”, Mozart’s “Symphony No. 29 in A Major, K.201” and Albinoni’s “Sonata in D Major” for trumpet and strings. Also live streamed for those unable to attend in person. Proof of vaccination, COVID-19 restrictions apply. Tickets, information and video link at Call 516-877-4000.





Get up close with model trains in an elaborate layout on Nov. 20. (Pixabay)


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Model Train Show Also on Sunday, Nov. 21, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days at Hicksville Community Center, 28 West Carl St., Hicksville. Hosted by Trainville Hobby Depot to benefit the Oyster Bay Railroad Museum. Admission to the exhibit is $5, children ages 4-11 years are $3 and free for children under 4. For further information, visit www. or call 516-433-4444. Guided Nature Walk From 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Leeds Pond Preserve, 1526 N. Plandome Road, Manhasset. Description: “Discover the flora and fauna of beautiful Leeds Pond Preserve during our guided nature walk. We will explore the woodland ecology of the site and learn about the layers of the

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Jean King Shope Jean King Shope passed away peacefully on November 1, 2021, a few weeks after celebrating her 91st birthday. She was born on October 15, 1930. Growing up in Radburn, New Jersey, Jean was an accomplished gymnast and musician. She played trombone in her high school band and marching band, and attended the Interlochen National Music Camp. In 1951 she received her Associates Degree and RN Certificate from Columbia-Presbyterian School of Nursing. While working at Columbia-Presbyterian, she met Robert Waldo King, Jr. whom she married in 1952. They settled in Port Washington where she enjoyed being a full-time mother to their three children, Margie, Edie and Robby. Jean and Robin were active in the Plandome Unitarian Universalist Society where Jean continued her love of music by singing in the choir. She also enjoyed being an active member of the Port Washington Estates Association. Widowed in 1972, Jean returned to nursing, first working on the floor and then as an ER nurse at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, NY. In 1976 she married Roger H. Shope, and the new couple became active members of Manhasset Bay Yacht Club. Jean relished her role as Commodore’s wife and she and Roger shared many adventures on their 42-foot Bruno-Stillman lobster boat, Resolute, which often served as race committee boat for major regattas on the Sound. Those were some of the happiest times in her life. Challenged by progressive MS for over 40 years, she remained active, riding her scooter to the PWEA beach, around town, and to MBYC for her bridge groups. She had a sharp wit and wicked sense of humor and will be greatly missed by her family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Edith and Karl Duerr; husbands, Robert King, Jr and Roger Shope, and her son, Robert W. King, III. She is survived by her two daughters, Margie and Edie; grandchildren, Blake, Joanna, Max and Alex; great grandson, Emerson; son-in-law, Glenn Patterson; step-grandchildren Lark, Katie; and Jesse, John-Cody, and Lucia; and step-great-grandchildren, Sean, William, Joshua, and Ian. She is also survived by her niece, Susan and nephews, Couper and Andrew, as well as grand-nephew, Reid and grand-niece, Addie. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made, In honor of Jean King Shope, to the St. Francis Hospital Foundation, Attn: Development, 100 Port Washington Blvd, Roslyn, NY 11576, or online using this secure link: https://1150. 227939 M

Pamela Meadows passed away on October 26th, 2021 after a brief illness. She is remembered for her passion, creativity, and contributions to the Port Washington performing arts community for over half a century. A lifelong Port resident and daughter of the late Mary and James Papasidero, Pam first attended St. Peters and in 1967 graduated from Schreiber High School, where she took her first steps in a life of theater as a performer in high school productions including Oliver and the Diary of Anne Frank, as well as vacations doing summer stock. In 1971 she married Ron Meadows and began performing with the Port Washington Play Troupe, where Ron was working behind the scenes in production. Pam first transitioned from performing to directing with the Play Troupe Children’s Show, a local tradition since 1947. Pam and Ron answered the requests of a teenage member of the Children’s Show cast to direct a show over the summer for kids who didn’t attend sleepaway camp: Port’s Teen


OBITUARIES BETHPAGE Edward J. Olive, “Eddie”, of Bethpage passed away long before his time on Nov. 2, at the age of 59. Longtime employee for Long Island Blood Services. Beloved husband of 29 years to Virginia. Loving father of Danielle. Adored brother of Debbie Schneider (John), Tricia Heins (Richie) and Denise Sirignano (Chris). Cherished son-in-law to Cathy LaPreta and brother-in-law to Charles (Barbara) and Ashlee McCormack (Andrew). Treasured uncle of Brittany, Tiffany (Jesse), Zachary, Alexis, Michael, Melina, AJ and Aliana and great uncle to Stella and Morgan. Also survived by many cousins and friends. Visitation and funeral services was held at Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc. Cremation was private. Nancy M. Schimmel, 85, of Bethpage passed away on Nov. 2. Beloved wife of the late Helmuth “Charles.” Loving mother of Scott (Beverly), Peter (Kim), the late Steven and the late Paul. Cherished grandmother of Danielle, Nicole, Peter and Nicholas. A funeral mass was held at St. Martin of Tours RC Church. Interment followed at Pinelawn Memorial Park. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc.

Dear brother of Felisa. Proud grandfather of nine and great-grandfather of one. Also survived by loving nieces and nephews. Visiting was held at Dodge-Thomas Funeral Home of Glen Cove. Entombment at Holy Rood Cemetery. LEVITTOWN Paula A. Bentivegna, 58, of Levittown, passed away unexpectedly on Nov. 5. Predeceased by her parents, Augustus and Margaret. Beloved sister of Philip (Patricia) and Carla Johnson (Daniel). Loving Aunt of Vincent, Nalisha (Porter), Kyle, Nicholas, Danielle and Tori and great aunt to Annabella Mae, Gemma, Abigail, Nicholas Jr., Malilah and Samuel IV. Treasured best friend to Dina and Robert Lupski. Cherished Dog Mom to Cranberry. Reunited in Heaven with her beloved dogs, Shadow, Davey and Goliath. A memorial mass was held at St. Martin of Tours RC Church, Bethpage. Interment of cremains followed at Calvary Cemetery, Queens. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc.

PORT WASHINGTON H. Clinton Hegeman, “Clint,” 101, passed away on Oct. 29 with Marcia Herrgesell Hegeman, his wife of 78 years, at his side. Born on May 13, 1920, he was the son of the late FARMINGDALE Howard C. and Grace Davis Hegeman, whose Anton Media Group celebrates the Rocco Carbonaro, 88, of Farmingdale, ancestors settled in Port Washington and other of allparts those in Island, the community. passed away on Nov. 2. Proud Air Forcelives Veteran. of Long dating back to the 1600s. He Beloved husband of Carol. Loving father of publish owned the family business, Howardand C. Hegeman We obituaries of residents Deborah Meyers, Michael (Hope), Janice Zavala residents Agency Inc,at where he worked to 30 years until former no charge the and Anthony (Jeanne). Adored grandfather of moving to State College, PA in 1976. He will be families a courtesy. We dohusband this within Brittany Green (Justin), Breanna Meyers, Devin as remembered as a devoted and father Meyers, Hannah Campbell (Ryan), Alfonso andtime lifelong volunteer. Visit gordoncemerickfuthe shortest frame possible according Rocco, Giavanna, Angelina, Gabriella, Emily, no to space availability. Jack and Olivia. Cherished great-grandfather of more editorial@ Harper and Maverick. A funeral mass was held than 100 words toSYOSSET, at St. Martin of Tours RC Church. Interment Wonsup Oh, diedor on mail Nov. 5,to at age 82, of followed at Calverton National Cemetery. Syosset,St., formerly of Brooklyn. husband 132 E. Second Mineola, NYBeloved 11501. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White of Kunsook. Loving father of Jay (Regina). Funeral Home, Inc. Cherished grandfather of Madeline, Myka, Michelle and Morgan. Funeral service was GLEN COVE held Oyster Bay Funeral Home. Interment was Oliano Francesco Calo, of Glen Cove, died private. In lieu of flowers donations can be on Nov. 3, at age 89. Beloved husband of Vita. made in his memory to Upward Care, 17 Renee Loving father of Rosa, Antonio, Sara and Nicolas. Rd, Syosset, NY 11791.

Summer Theater was born. The “Summer Show,” as it was nicknamed, enriched the lives of Port teens annually with creativity, fun, shared purpose, and empowerment. Over the next 15 years, hundreds of young participants spent their evenings with Pam in rehearsal for those August performances, after mornings and afternoons were occupied with building Anton Media Group celebrates the and painting sets under Ron’s guidance. lives of all those in the community. Having learned to embrace every facet of We publish obituaries of residents theater-making, many of those performers and and former residents at no charge stagehands are today professionals in the film, to the families as a courtesy. We TV, and recording industries and Broadway, do this within the shortest time leaders of their own community theater frame possible according to space groups, and educators mentoring the next generations of artists in schools across the availability. Email no more than country. For their contributions to the youth of 100 words to editorial@anton Port Washington, Pam and Ron were honored, or mail to with the Community Chest Citizens of the Year 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY award in 1977. 11501. Pam continued her work as an educator teaching history at the Vincent Smith School for nearly a decade in the late 1980”s and later as a substitute teacher at Weber Middle School. Whether at work with seasoned stage veterans or the first-time actors, Pam inspired the best with her joy, sharp wit, matchless creative instincts, and whole-hearted A Tradition of Caring Since 1923 commitment. She believed in the power of the arts to create true community, even family, along with delightful entertainment. For 97 years we are honored to say our family continues Anton Media Group celePam is survived by her son Christopher to provide local families with the best service at the most reasonable cost. brates the lives of all those (Marianne) Meadows, siblings Nancy (Richard) Johnson, Linda (Frank) D’Elia and James in the community.Owner/ We publish Operator- Nancy J. White (Katherine) Papasidero, loving nephews, Aunts Manager- William D. Parsons obituaries of residents and and cousins, and the vast circle of dear friends Funeral Directors-Stephen J. Mahoney, Kevin R. DeFriest & Jayme R. Elia she cultivated through her years as an artist, former residents at no charge educator, and mentor. She was predeceased by to the families as a courtesy. her husband Ronald Meadows. A Celebration of Life will be held on December 4th at noon We do this within the shortest at the Hilton Garden Inn, Roslyn NY following time frame 234 Broadway, Bethpagepossible according 315 Conklin Street, Farmingdale Nassau Knolls Cemetery a graveside service at (516) 931-1454 (516) 249-0336 at 11 am. 227996 S 224030 S to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to

Arthur F. White

Funeral Home, Inc.





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continued from page xx

FARMINGDALE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that SEALED PROPOSALS for: ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT – SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY SERVICE IN THE INC. VILLAGE OF FARMINGDALE In the INC. VILLAGE OF FARMINGDALE will be received by the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Farmingdale at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village Hall, 361 Main Street, Farmingdale, New York 11735, until 11:00 A.M.., Prevailing Time, on Thursday, December 9, 2021, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Plans and Specifications, Information for Bidders, and Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of the Consulting Engineers, J.R. Holzmacher P.E., LLC, 3555 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite A, Ronkonkoma, NY 11772, in electronic format after Monday, November 15, 2021. No bid deposit is required but prospective bidders must attend a mandatory site walk through at 10 AM on Thursday, December 2, 2021. The walk through will commence at Plant 2 located on Ridge Road and will conclude at Plant 1 on Eastern Parkway and must be attended by a Electrician Foreman or equivalent person who would perform or supervise future emergency work. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid amount, made payable to the Inc. Village of Farmingdale, as assurance that the bid is made in good faith. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informalities, and to accept such bid which, in its opinion, is in the best interests of the Village. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES INC. VILLAGE OF FARMINGDALE BRIAN HARTY, VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR DATED: November 17, 2021 11-17-2021-1T#227946-FARM LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order entered by the Supreme Court, NASSAU County, on the 5th day of October, 2021, bearing Index Number 613347-20, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY grants me the right to assume the name of FLECIA KUREN FIELDS. The city and state of my present ad-




dress are Farmingdale, New York; the month and year of my birth are January 7, 1989; the place of my birth is East Meadow, NY; my present name is FLEICA KUREN FIELDS. 11-17-2021-1T#227861-FARM

of the scope of work. All bidders must provide certificates of insurance and a signed hold harmless agreement as outlined in the bid documents at the time of bid submission. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject in whole or in part any and all or to accept such bid as GARDEN CITY bids in its sole discretion is in the best interest of the Village. LEGAL NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE Notice of formation of One BOARD OF TRUSTEES Time Empire LLC LLC. Arti- INC. VILLAGE OF cles of Organization filed with STEWART MANOR the Secretary of State of New Rosemarie A. Biehayn York SSNY on 09/21/2021. Village Administrator / Office located in Nassau Clerk-Treasurer County. SSNY has been Dated: November 17, 2021 designated for service of pro11-17-2021-1Tcess. SSNY shall mail copy #227950-CITY of any process served against the LLC 53 Edgewood Rd, GLEN COVE Rockville Center NY 11570. Purpose: any lawful purpose. LEGAL NOTICE 12-15-8-1; 11-24-17-10-20216T-#227808-CITY Notice of formation of SR Lead Consulting LLC filed with the Secretary of State of LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Hover NY (SSNY) on 8/13/21. OfUAS, LLC. Articles of Or- fice location in Nassau Counganization filing date with ty. SSNY designated as agent Secretary of State (SSNY) upon whom process may be was 09/09/2021. Office lo- served and shall mail a copy cation: Nassau County. SSNY of process against LLC to : has been designated as agent 12 Willits Road Glen Cove, of LLC upon whom process New York 11542. Purpose: against it may be served and any lawful act. 12-1; 11-24-17-10-3; 10-27SSNY shall mail process to 2021-6T-#227534-RP the LLC, 162 Fernwood Terrace, Stewart Manor, NY 11530. Purpose is to engage GREAT NECK in any and all business activities permitted under NYS LEGAL NOTICE laws. 12-22-15-8-1; 11-24-17-2021- Notice of formation of En6T-#227931-CITY ergetics of Being LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on LEGAL NOTICE 10/25/21. Office location: NOTICE TO BIDDERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Nassau County. SSNY desTHAT, pursuant to Resolu- ignated as agent upon whom tion No. 2021/22-031 of the p r o c e s s m a y b e s e r v e d Board of Trustees dated Au- and shall mail copy of progust 3, 2021, sealed bid pro- cess against LLC to: 3 Rivposals will be received by the ers Drive, Great Neck, NY Village of Stewart Manor at 11020. Purpose: any lawful the Village Hall, Office of the act. 12-8-1; 11-24-17-10-3-2021Village Clerk-Treasurer, 120 6T-#227701-GN Covert Avenue, Stewart Manor, NY, 11530 from this date LEGAL NOTICE until 11 a.m., prevailing time NOTICE TO BIDDERS on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at which time and place Notice is hereby given that all said bid proposals shall be SEALED PROPOSALS for: Eden Well Rehabilitation publicly opened and read H2M Project No.: aloud and the contract thereon MLWD2102 awarded as soon thereafter as will be received by the Board may be practicable for: of Commissioners of the FIREHOUSE FIRE Manhasset Lakeville Water DAMAGE REPAIRS Bid Documents including District (Owner) at the office Specifications, Information to of the Water District, 170 East Bidders and Forms are on file Shore Road, Great Neck, New in the Village Administrator / York 11023, until 4:00 p.m., Clerk-Treasurer’s Office may Prevailing Time on Tuesday, be obtained during the regular December 7, 2021, and will business hours of 9:00 a.m. be publicly opened and read and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Fri- aloud at 4:00 p.m. day beginning Wednesday, Complete sets of Hard Copy November 17, 2021. Bid doc- Bidding Documents may uments will be emailed upon be obtained from REV, 28 Church Street, Unit 7, Warrequest. A Pre-Bid Walk Through/ wick, New York 10990, Tel: Site Visit will be held on 1-877-272-0216, upon deposWednesday, December 1, iting the sum of One Hun2021 at 1 p.m. It is strong- dred Dollars ($100.00) for ly suggested that all potential each combined set of docubidders attend this meeting to ments. Checks or money orgain a thorough understanding ders shall be made payable to H2M architects + engineers.

Plan deposit is refundable in accordance with the terms in the Information for Bidders to all submitting bids. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. As a convenience to the Contractor, Digital Bidding Documents may be obtained from the following website: www. as an online download for a non-refundable fee of Forty-Nine Dollars ($49.00), paid by credit card. Please note REV and www. are the designated locations and means for distributing and obtaining all bid package information. All bidders are urged to register to ensure receipt of all necessary information, including bid addenda. All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at www. Plan holders who have paid for hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use, and coordinate directly with REV for hard copies of addenda to be issued. There will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. Each proposal submitted must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, made payable to the Manhasset Lakeville Water District, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid, as a commitment by the bidder that, if its bid is accepted, it will enter into a contract to perform the work and will execute such further security as may be required for the faithful performance of the contract. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informalities and to accept such bid which, in the opinion of the Owner, is in the best interests of the Owner. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MANHASSET-LAKEVILLE WATER DISTRICT Brian J. Morris, Chairman Mark S. Sauvigne, Treasurer Steve Flynn, Secretary DATED: November 18, 2021 11-17-2021-1T-#227979-GN LEGAL NOTICE STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Notice to Bidders Sealed proposals for a three year contract commencing February 1, 2022 through January 31, 2025 for the maintenance of street lighting and area lighting in the Village of Great Neck Plaza will be received by the Board of Trustees at the Village Hall, 2 Gussack Plaza, Great Neck, New York until II :30 AM, Monday, December 20, 2021 at which time and place they

will be publicly opened and read and an award of the contract made as soon thereafter as practicable. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, equal to 5% of the first year bid or a bond with sufficient sureties in a similar amount, conditional that if the bidder’s proposal is accepted, he will enter into a contract for such work and that he will furnish a performance bond with good and sufficient sureties and in form satisfactory to the Village Board of Trustees equal to the total sum of all work bid and guaranteeing the satisfactory completion of the contract. If the bidder whose proposal is accepted shall fail to enter into the required contract, or shall fail to furnish such bond within 14 days after the proposal shall have been accepted, then the aforesaid certified check shall be forfeited as liquidated damages, or alternatively the bid bond proceeds shall be so retained. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Great Neck Plaza reserves the right to waive any informality in the bids not inconsistent with law or to reject all bids or to accept any bid which is deemed to be in the best interest ofthe Village. Plans and specifications for such work together with the required form of proposal and contract may be obtained at the Building Department, Village of Great Neck Plaza, 2 Gussack Plaza, Great Neck, N.Y. on or after Monday, November 22, 2021 between 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. No deposit for contract documents is required. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK PLAZA Ted M. Rosen, Mayor Patricia O’Byme, Clerk-Treasurer 11-17-2021-1T-#227951-GN

LEGAL NOTICE Local Law No. 3 of the year 2021 Village of Kensington, County of Nassau A local law was adopted November 10, 2021 pursuant to Cannabis Law § 131 opting out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the Village of Kensington. Section 1. Legislative Intent It is the intent of this local law to opt the Village of Kensington out of hosting retail cannabis dispensaries and/ or on-site cannabis consumption establishments within its boundaries. Section 2. Authority This local law is adopted pursuant to Cannabis Law § 131, which expressly authorizes villages to opt-out of allowing retail cannabis dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption establishments to


locate and operate within their boundaries. Section 3. Local Cannabis Retail Dispensary and OnSite Consumption Opt-Out The Board of Trustees of the Village of Kensington, County of Nassau, hereby opts-out of allowing retail cannabis dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption establishments from locating and operating within the boundaries of the Village of Kensington. Section 4. Severability If a court determines that any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this local law or the application thereof to any person, firm or corporation, or circumstance is invalid or unconstitutional, the court’s order or judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this local law, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this local law or in its application to the person, individual, firm or corporation or circumstance, directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or order shall be rendered. Section 5. Effective date This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. Pursuant to Cannabis Law § 131, this local law is subject to a permissive referendum and thus may not be filed with the Secretary of State until the applicable time period has elapsed to file a petition or a referendum has been conducted approving this local law. 11-17-2021-1T-#228015-GN

HICKSVILLE LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU LIGHTHOUSE REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION LLC, Plaintiff -against- JAMES ARAGONCILLO AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF LINDA ARAGONCILLO, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Partition and Sale dated October 8, 2021, and entered on October 28, 2021, and an Amended Judgment of Partition and Sale, dated November 3, 2021, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on December 13, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. premises situate, lying and being at Hicksville, Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Edward Avenue, distant 313.44 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Linden Avenue and the northerly side of Edward Avenue; being a plot 100 feet by 50 feet by

continued on page 38

38 2 NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

LEGAL NOTICES continued from page 37


the place of my birth is New York, New York; my present name is Nijina Ariella Acosta. 11-17-2021-1T-#227925-LEV LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Radomski Holdings LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 9/30/21. Office location: Nassau County. NY Sec. of State designated agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served, and shall mail process to 26 Ensign Dr, Massapequa, NY 11758, the principal business location. Purpose: any lawful activity. 12-8-1; 11-24-17-10-3-20216T-#227663-MASS

100 feet by 50 feet. Section: 46 Block: 283 Lot: 59 All bidders must wear a face mask/shield at all times and social distancing must be observed by all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction. Said premises known as 8 EDWARD AVENUE, HICKSVILLE, NY Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 607164/2020. DAVID P. WEISS, ESQ., Referee MASSAPEQUA Bronster, LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 156 West 56th Street, Suite LEGAL NOTICE 1801, New York, NY 10019 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ12-1; 11-24-17-10-2021- ING THE BUSINESS MAN4T-#227852-HICKS AGER TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM EMERGENCY RESERVE FUND LEVITTOWN Resolution from Board Meeting Dated: November 10, 2021 LEGAL NOTICE WHEREAS, under Section Notice is hereby given that 215 of Town Law and Section an order granted by the Su- 225.3 of the Nassau County preme Court, Nassau Coun- Civil Divisions Act, the Board ty, on the 25 day of October, of Commissioners shall be 2021, bearing Index Number the appropriating governing 613384/2021, a copy of which body of the Massapequa Wamay be examined at the office ter District and shall have and of the clerk, located at 240 exercise all power and duties Old Country Road, Mineo- as are conferred or imposed la, NY grants me the right to upon it; and assume the name of Kieren WHEREAS the Board of Acosta. The city and state of Commissioners approved my present address are Levit- appropriated funds to be set town, NY; the month and year aside for the purposes of reof my birth are March, 1994; pairs to Well 9 and Well 6




$47,578.551 152,215,903 3,164,518 42,869,860 2,090,589 247,919,421

$16,723,795 116,854,228 9,262,136 17,418 44,169,920 6,460,983 2,331,501 2,653,088

873,260 528,789 186,205 632,473 2,021,860

Subtotal Cash Balance - June 30, 2021

$ 769,576$2,208,065

Fund Balance -June 30,Revenue 2021 Fund - Balance Sheet (June 30, 2021) Miscellaneous Special Cash $ 769,576 Student Deposits III. SpecialReceivable Aid Fund - Statement of Revenues & Expenses Accounts 0 Scholarship Deposits Expenses: Total Debits Instruction Employee Benefits Other

$ 769,576 $2,240,944 30,627 1,812,583

Total Expenses


$ 10,399

631,325 138,251

Revenues: $ 769,576 Total Credits Federal Sources $2,546,464 State Sources 1,297,690 11-17-2021-1T#227942-NHP Interfund Transfer 240,000 Total Revenues


Cash $331,831 Due from Other Funds 0 State and Federal Aid 2,957,966 Receivable

Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Due to Other Funds

$24,144 24,724 3,240,929

Total Debits

Total Credits

Special Aid Fund - Balance Sheet (June 30, 2021)


Fund Balance - June 30, 2021



$ 3,289,797

IV. Capital Projects Funds - Balance Sheet (June 30, 2021) Cash $3,348,397 Cash - BOND 384 Due from State & Federal 794,713

Accounts Payable Due to Other Funds Fund Balance


Total Debits

Total Credits

28,742 1,286,180 582,726

Capital Projects Funds - Analysis of Fund Balance

II. School Lunch Fund - Analysis of Fund Balances


LEGAL NOTICES $1,897,648

Less: Cash Balance - July 1, 2020 ReceiptsFood Purchases All Other Expenses Disbursements


Fund Balance - July 1, 2020 Add: Revenues from Sales All Other Revenues Add: Interfund Revenues


Emergency Reserve Account BOARD OF FIRE COMMIS- NY (SSNY) on 10/13/21. Ofthe sum represents the price SIONERS ON NOVEMBER fice location: Nassau Counplus contingencies for the 8, 2021 AUTHORIZING ty. SSNY designated as agent purpose of funding the Cap- AND EMPOWERING THE upon whom process may be SALE OF ONE (1) 2002 served and shall mail copy ital Project identified below: PARK ILLUSTRATED NEWS A D - HYDE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT P I E R C E T O W E R LNEW of process against LLC to: DER FIRE APPARATUS 54 Cochran Place, Valley Well 9 Emergency Column VALUED AT APPROXI- Stream, NY 11581. Purpose: pipe and well pump repair LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES L MATELY ONE HUNDRED Well 6 Emergency Column any lawful act. FIFTEEN THOUSAND pipe and well pump repair 12-1; 11-24-17-10-3; LEGAL NOTICE DOLLARS, 10-27-2021-6T-#227572-MA FURTHER BE IT RE- ($115,000.00) Cash Sewanhaka Central High School District FOR ITS FAIR MARKET SOLVED THAT the Business Recei of the Towns Hempstead V A Lof U EHempstead , S U B J E&CNorth T TO Manager is hereby authorized Disbu Nassau County, New FORCES BEYork APand directed to, within ten MARKET MINEOLA Financial Report 2020/21 PROVED?” (10) days after the adoption of Annual Cash Ba I. General Fundcause - Analysis of Fund Balance Dated: November 8, 2021 this resolution, this resFund Balance - July 1, 2020in $47,578.551 BOARD OF FIRE olution to be (a) published LEGAL NOTICE Miscella Add: COMMISSIONERS Notice of formation of 68 the official newspapers of the MASSAPEQUA FIRE Chestnut LLC. Arts of Org Cash District, andRevenues: (b) posted on the from Taxation (including STAR payments) filed with Secy 152,215,903 DISTRICT sign boardRevenues of the District of State of Account PILOTsTOWN OF OYSTER BAY NY (SSNY) on3,164,518 maintainedRevenues pursuantfrom to the 10/13/21. Ofand Federal Sources Joanne Riggio / Town Law,Revenues togetherfrom withState a ATTEST: fice location:42,869,860 Nassau Coun- Total De Revenues from LocalSecretary Sources 2,090,589 notice of adoption thereof. ty. SSNY designated as agent 11-17-2021-1T-#228016- upon whom process may be VOTE: Subtotal MASS served and 247,919,421 Commissioner, shall mail copy Raymond J. Averna AYE of process against LLC to: Less: Commissioner, 54 Cochran Place, Valley LEGAL NOTICE Expenditures Thomas P. McCarthy AYE N o t i c e o f f o r m a t i o n o f Stream, NY 11581. Purpose: General Support $16,723,795 Commissioner, Strength, Courage, Wisdom & any lawful act. Instruction 116,854,228 Michael E. Mazzola AYE Guidance Financial Services, 12-1; 11-24-17-10-3; Pupil Transportation 9,262,136 THE RESOLUTION WAS LLC. Articles of Organiza10-27-2021-6T-#227571-MA Community Servicestion filed with Secretary of 17,418 THEREUPON DECLARED Employee Benefits State of New York (SSNY) 44,169,920 DULY ADOPTED. Debt Service Prinicipal 6,460,983 LEGAL NOTICE 11-17-2021-1Ton 09/17/2021. Office locatDebt Service Interested in Nassau County. SSNY 2,331,501 #227984-MASS Notice of formation of 61 Interfund Transfers designated as agent upon 2,653,088 Hungry Harbor LLC. Arts of LEGAL NOTICE whom process may be served Org filed with Secy of State Subtotal and shall mail copy of process of NY (SSNY) 198,473,069 FOR MANDATORY on 10/13/21. REFERENDUM ON against LLC to: 160 1st Street Office location: Nassau CounFund Balance - June Unit 30, 2021 $49,446,352 THE PROPOSED SALE as agent 12 Mineola, NY 11501. ty. SSNY designated OF FIRE APPARATUS upon whom process may be Purpose: any lawful act. “SHALL THE RESOLU11-24-17-10-3; 10-27-20- served and shall mail copy of TION OF THE MASS2021-6T-#227403-MA process against LLC to: 153 II. School Lunch - Analysis of Fund Balances APEQUA FIRE Fund DISTRICT Hilton Ave, Hempstead, NY LEGAL NOTICE IN THE TOWN OF OYS11550. Purpose: any lawful Fund BAY, BalanceCOUNTY - July 1, 2020 $320,816 TER OF Notice of formation of 50 act. Add: NASSAU, STATE OF NEW East Street LLC. Arts of Org 12-1; 11-24-17-10-3; RevenuesBY from Salesfiled with Secy of State of 10-27-2021-6T-#227570-MA 28,742 YORK, ADOPTED THE Other Revenues 1,286,180 HYDE PARK ILLUSTRATED NEWS -All NOVEMBER 17, 2021 Add: Interfund Revenues 582,726

Subtotal Expenditures General Support Instruction Pupil Transportation Community Services Employee Benefits Debt Service Prinicipal Debt Service Interest Interfund Transfers


Column Pipe in accordance with Section 6-c of General Municipal Law: at the Board Meeting of November 10, 2021 WHEREAS, effective October 31, 2021, the Emergency Reserve had a balance of $400,970.30; and WHEREAS, in lieu of bonding, the Board of Commissioners wish to appropriate funds from the Emergency Reserve Fund for the column pipe and well pump repairs at Well 9 and Well 6 which was approved in 2021 at the November 10, 2021, Board meeting. WHEREAS funds appropriated for the Emergency Reserve without payments for principal and interest and therefore will be cost beneficial to the Massapequa Water District taxpayers; and WHEREAS this resolution is adopted subject to permissive referendum as set forth in Town Law Section 90 and shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption or, if a referendum is held, upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the issuer voting on the referendum; and NOW THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HEREBY AUTHORIZES the Business Manager to appropriate funds not to exceed $60,000.00 with an additional 10% contingency for any unforeseen issues for engineering and contracting from the

LEGAL NOTICE Sewanhaka Central High School District of the Towns of Hempstead & North Hempstead Nassau County, New York Annual Financial Report 2020/21 I. General Fund - Analysis of Fund Balance Fund Balance - July 1, 2020 Add: Revenues: Revenues from Taxation (including STAR payments) Revenues from PILOTs Revenues from State and Federal Sources Revenues from Local Sources Less:





Food Purchases All Other Expenses

186,205 2,021,860


Fund Balance - July 1, 2020 Add: Interfund Revenues Add: Other Revenue Subtotal Less: Expenditures

153,476 1,097,485 2,892,533 $4,143,494

$ 2,133,832

1,830,362 continued on page 39 2,722,469

$ 6,686,663 3,794,131

IV. Capital Projects Funds - Balance Sheet (June 30, 2021) Cash Cash - BOND

$3,348,397 384

Accounts Payable 153,476 Due to Other Funds 1,097,485 FULL RUN LEGALS 11-19-21 Fund Balance 2,892,533

Total Debits


Total Credits

FULL RUN State & Federal 794,713 3Due from




Capital Projects of Fund Balance continued fromFunds page- Analysis 38 Fund Balance - July 1, 2020 Add: Interfund Revenues Add: Other Revenue

$ 2,133,832 1,830,362 2,722,469


$ 6,686,663

Less: Expenditures

3,794,131 0

Less: Interfund Transfer17, 2021 USTRATED NEWS - NOVEMBER



903 518 860 589

Fund Balanace - June 30, 2021




V. Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund- Cash Balance Cash Balance - July 1, 2020 Receipts Disbursements Cash Balance - June 30, 2021

$ 769,576

Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund - Balance Sheet (June 30, 2021) Cash Accounts Receivable

$ 769,576 0

Student Deposits Scholarship Deposits

Total Debits

$ 769,576

Total Credits



742 180 726


05 60



464 690 000


44 24 29 97

76 485 533


832 362 469

631,325 138,251 $ 769,576 11-17-2021-1T#227942-NHP



873,260 528,789 632,473

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of VIRTUAL PAPERCLIPS LLC. Arts of Org filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSN) on 6/25/21 2021. Office location: Nassau County. Nicole DiStefano designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 52 Oak Street, Floral Park, NY 11001. Purpose: any lawful act. 11-17-10-3; 10-27-20-132021-6T-#227361-NHP LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Kingston Tree Publishing. LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/10/2021. Office Location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to 9 South Hommel St. Valley Stream NY 11580. Purpose: any lawful act. 12-15-8-1; 11-24-17-10-20216T-#227806-NHP LEGAL NOTICE SEWANHAKA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCIAL STATEMENT SEWANHAKA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCIAL STATEMENT Notice ishereby given that the fiscal affairs of the Sewanhaka Central High School District for the period beginning on July 1, 2020 and ending on June 30, 2021, have been examined by an independent public accounting firm and that the report of examination performed by the independent public accounting firm, as well as the management letter, has been filed in the Office of the District Clerk where it is available as a public record for inspection by all interested persons. Pursuant to §35 of the General Municipal Law, the governing board of the Sewanhaka Central High School District may, in its discretion, prepare a written response to the report of examination performed by the external au-

diting firm and file any such response in the Office of the District Clerk as a public record for inspection by all interested persons not later than January 20, 2022. 11-17-2021-1T#227952-NHP LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that SEALED PROPOSALS for: Eden Well Rehabilitation H2M Project No.: MLWD2102 will be received by the Board of Commissioners of the Manhasset Lakeville Water District (Owner) at the office of the Water District, 170 East Shore Road, Great Neck, New York 11023, until 4:00 p.m., Prevailing Time on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, and will be publicly opened and read aloud at 4:00 p.m. Complete sets of Hard Copy Bidding Documents may be obtained from REV, 28 Church Street, Unit 7, Warwick, New York 10990, Tel: 1-877-272-0216, upon depositing the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each combined set of documents. Checks or money orders shall be made payable to H2M architects + engineers. Plan deposit is refundable in accordance with the terms in the Information for Bidders to all submitting bids. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. As a convenience to the Contractor, Digital Bidding Documents may be obtained from the following website: www. as an online download for a non-refundable fee of Forty-Nine Dollars ($49.00), paid by credit card. Please note REV and www. are the designated locations and means for distributing and obtaining all bid package information. All bidders are urged to register to ensure receipt of all necessary information, including

bid addenda. All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at www. Plan holders who have paid for hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use, and coordinate directly with REV for hard copies of addenda to be issued. There will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. Each proposal submitted must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, made payable to the Manhasset Lakeville Water District, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid, as a commitment by the bidder that, if its bid is accepted, it will enter into a contract to perform the work and will execute such further security as may be required for the faithful performance of the contract. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informalities and to accept such bid which, in the opinion of the Owner, is in the best interests of the Owner. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MANHASSET-LAKEVILLE WATER DISTRICT Brian J. Morris, Chairman Mark S. Sauvigne, Treasurer Steve Flynn, Secretary DATED: November 18, 2021 11-17-2021-1T#227978-NHP

OYSTER BAY LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF OYSTER BAY COVE PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE A public hearing will be held by and before the Planning Board of the Incorporated Village of Oyster Bay Cove, Nassau County, New York, at the East Woods School on Yellow Cote Road


LEGAL NOTICES on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. The hearing will be on the application of Claude Bahnik, owner of a parcel of land located at 64 Cove Road in the Village, designated as Section 27, Block C, Lots 56, 64 & 67 on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County and located in the Village’s A-1 (2-Acre) Zoning District. The Applicant seeks site plan approval to permit the construction of an in-ground swimming pool, boulder retaining wall and appurtenant drainage structures, all as shown on the site plan entitled “Overall Site Plan…” prepared by Northcoast Civil, L.S. & P.E. and last dated November 1, 2021. The above application and plan are on file at the Village Hall, 68 W. Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York where they may be viewed between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday or Friday until the time of the hearing, or on the Village’s website at If any individual requires special assistance to attend, please notify the Village Clerk at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing. John Bralower Chairman SP-2021-09 11-17-2021-1T-#227930-OB LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF OYSTER BAY COVE PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE A public hearing will be held by and before the Planning Board of the Incorporated Village of Oyster Bay Cove, Nassau County, New York, at the East Woods School on Yellow Cote Road on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. The hearing will be on the application of The Oyster Bay Water District, owner of a parcel of land located on the south-easterly side of Shutter Lane and the westerly side of Cove Road in the Village, designated as Section 27, Block G, Lot 862 on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County and located in the Village’s A-1 (2-Acre) Zoning District. The Applicant seeks historic by ways and site plan approval to permit the construction of a new first floor for existing well building number 2-1, a new generator and associated site work, all as shown on the plans entitled “Oyster Bay Water District Advanced Oxidation Process Treatment at Plant No. 2…” prepared by H2M Architects and Engineers and last dated October 2021. The above application and plan are on file at the Village Hall, 68 W. Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York where they may be viewed between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday or Friday until the time of the hearing, or on the Village’s website at If any individual requires

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special assistance to attend, please notify the Village Clerk at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing. John Bralower Chairman SP-2021-04 11-17-2021-1T-#227929-OB LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF OYSTER BAY COVE PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE A public hearing will be held by and before the Planning Board of the Incorporated Village of Oyster Bay Cove, Nassau County, New York, at the East Woods School on Yellow Cote Road on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. The hearing will be on the application of Brian Land, owner of a parcel of land located at 140 Cove Road in the Village, designated as Section 26, Block A, Lot 267 on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County and located in the Village’s A-1 (2-Acre) Zoning District. The Applicant seeks historic by ways approval to permit the construction of additions and alterations to the existing dwelling, as shown on the plans entitled “Land Residence…” prepared by Curtiss A.D. and last dated November 2, 2021. The above application and plan are on file at the Village Hall, 68 W. Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York where they may be viewed between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday or Friday until the time of the hearing, or on the Village’s website at If any individual requires special assistance to attend, please notify the Village Clerk at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing. John Bralower Chairman SP-2021-08 11-17-2021-1T-#227928-OB LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SPECIAL DISTRICT MEETING OYSTER BAY-EAST NORWICH CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, IN THE COUNTY OF NASSAU, NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Education of the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District, in the County of Nassau, New York, adopted on October 12, 2021, a Special District Meeting of the qualified voters of said School District will be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 from 7:00 o’clock A.M. to 9:00 o’clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) in the music wing of the Oyster Bay High School, East Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York for the purpose of voting upon the following Bond Proposition: BOND PROPOSITION RESOLVED: (a) That the Board of Education of the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School Dis-

trict, in the County of Nassau, New York (the “District”), is hereby authorized to construct alterations and improvements to District buildings and/or the sites thereof (the “Project”), substantially as described in the plan prepared by the District with the assistance of BBS Architects, Landscape Architects, & Engineers, P.C., (the “Plan”), which Plan is on file continued on page and available for public inspection in the office of the District Clerk, including (as and where required): building additions to provide for new classroom, music and cafeteria space; interior reconstruction and space reconfiguration; improvements to the heating, air conditioning, lighting, drainage, fire safety, public address, and security systems; the construction of a storage building; window and door enhancements; entryway façade improvements; and the construction of athletic playing field and other recreation improvements; the foregoing to include the original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus and ancillary or related site, demolition and other work required in connection therewith, and to expend therefor, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and to the financing thereof, an amount not exceeding the aggregate estimated maximum cost of $29,971,202; provided that the estimated costs of the components of the Project as set forth in detail in the Plan may be reallocated among such components if the Board of Education shall determine that such reallocation is in the best interests of the District; (b) that a tax is hereby voted in the aggregate amount of not to exceed $29,971,202 to finance such cost, such tax to be levied and collected in installments in such years and in such amounts as shall be determined by said Board of Education; and (c) that in anticipation of said tax, bonds of the District are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $29,971,202 and a tax is hereby voted to pay the interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable. Such Bond Proposition shall appear on the ballots used for voting at said Special District Meeting in substantially the following condensed form: BOND PROPOSITION YES NO RESOLVED: (a) That the Board of Education of the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District, in the County of Nassau, New York (the “District”) is hereby authorized to construct alterations and improvements to District buildings and/or the sites thereof, substantially as described in the plan prepared by the District with the assistance of BBS Architects, Landscape Architects, & En-

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gineers, P.C.; and to expend an amount not to exceed the estimated maximum cost of $29,971,202 therefor; (b) that a tax is hereby voted in the aggregate amount of not to exceed $29,971,202 to finance such cost, such tax to be levied and collected in installments in such years and in such amounts as shall be determined by said Board of Education; and (c) that in anticipation of said tax, bonds of the District are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $29,971,202 and a tax is hereby voted to pay the interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable. The voting will be conducted by ballot as provided in the Education Law and the polls will remain open from 7:00 o’clock A.M. to 9:00 o’clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) and as much longer as may be necessary to enable the voters then present to cast their ballots. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that the registration of the qualified voters of this District for said Special District Meeting is permitted in the District Clerk’s Office, located in the Administration Building, 1 McCouns Lane, Oyster Bay, New York, during the hours of 8:00 o’clock A.M. and 12:00 o’clock Noon and from 1:00 o’clock P.M. to 4:00 o’clock P.M. (Prevailing Time), Monday through Friday, up to and including Thursday, December 2, 2021, at which times any person will be entitled to have his or her name placed on such Register, provided that he or she is known or proven to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at such Special District Meeting for which the register is prepared. Registration shall also take place at the James H. Vernon School, 880 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich, New York, and the Theodore Roosevelt School, 150 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York, between the hours of 8:00 o’clock A.M. and 12:00 o’clock Noon and from 1:00 o’clock P.M. to 4:00 o’clock P.M. (Prevailing Time), Monday through Friday, up to and including Thursday, December 2, 2021. A register will be prepared and will be filed in the District Clerk’s Office and such register will be open for inspection by any qualified voter between the hours of 8:00 o’clock A.M. and 4:00 o’clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) on each of the five days prior to the day set for the election, except Sunday, by appointment only on Saturday, December 4, 2021; and at the polling place on the day set for said Special District Meeting. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the register shall include: (1) all qualified voters of the District who shall personally present themselves for registration;


(2) all previously qualified voters of the District who shall have been previously registered for any annual or special District meeting or election and who shall have voted at any annual or special District meeting or election held or conducted at any time within four calendar years (2017-2021) prior to preparation of the said register; and (3) voters permanently registered with the Board of Elections of the County of Nassau. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that military voters who are not currently registered may apply to register as a qualified voter of the school district. Military voters who are qualified voters of the school district may submit an application for a military ballot. Military voters may designate a preference to receive a military voter registration, military ballot application or military ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail in their request for such registration, ballot application or ballot. Military voter registration forms and military ballot application forms (the latter of which is to be delivered only by mail or in person) must be received in the Office of the District Clerk of the school district no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 11, 2021. No military ballot will be canvassed unless it is (1) received in the Office of the District Clerk before the close of the polls on election day and showing a cancellation mark of the United States postal service or a foreign country’s postal service, or showing a dated endorsement of receipt by another agency of the United States government; or (2) received by the Office of the District Clerk by no later than 5:00 p.m. on election day and signed and dated by the military voter and one witness thereto, with a date which is associated to be not later than the day before the election. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots may be obtained during school business hours from the District Clerk. Completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the Special District Meeting if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the Special District Meeting, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk not later than 5:00 P.M. (Prevailing Time), prevailing time, on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. A list of persons to whom absentee ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the Office of the District Clerk, Administration Building, 1 McCouns Lane, Oyster Bay, New York during regular office hours on weekdays from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00





LEGAL NOTICE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF OLD BROOKVILLE TAX SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in pursuance of the provisions of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, I, Sandra Albro, Treasurer of the said Incorporated Village of Old Brookville, will sell at Public Auction in the manner provided by law on the 18th day of November, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at the Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane, in said Village, so much of the following parcels of real estate upon which Village taxes remain unpaid for the tax year June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, as will be sufficient to discharge the tax, fees, interest and charges which may be due thereon respectively at the time of such sale, and shall continue the same from day to day until the said sa le shall be complete. The purchaser or purchasers at such tax sale will be required to pay 10% of his respective bid to the undersigned Village Treasurer immediately upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remaining 90% within ten days after the sale and upon such payment shall receive a written Certificate of Sale describing the real estate purchased and the sum paid therefore. The following is a list of the parcels of real estate to be sold and the original amount of tax. Penalties and interest have continued to accrue. All parcels being shown on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County as follows: PENALTY AND INTEREST NAME SECBLKLOT AMOUNT TO NOVEMBER 2021 FEES Shotland 20-G-1630 4,146.47 870.76 65.07 Reali 20-H-352 3,840.51 806.51 65.07 Wheatly Properties 20-J7-958 469.50 98.60 65.07 Kadiyala 20-L-732 8,868.70 1,862.43 65.07 Chiu 20-L-1058 9,272.47 1,947.22 65.07 Gallo 22-F2-151 2,801.35 588.29 65.07 Laskaris 22-F2-678 7,209.64 1,514.03 65.07 Lavi 22-27-lOA 279.35 58.67 65.07 Toboada 22-28-22A&5A 4,695.00 985.95 65.07 ALK Property 22-J-1158 5,737.29 1,204.83 65.07 Toboada 22-28-22B&23 375.60 78.88 65.07 Sandra Albro Treasurer 11-17-10-3-2021-3T-#227764-OB/RP P.M. Only qualified voters who are registered to vote will be permitted to vote. BY THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Dated: October 12, 2021 Darlene Dolan District Clerk 12-1; 11-17-3; 10-20-20214T-#227404/405-OB LEGAL NOTICE AVISO DE REUNIÓN ESPECIAL DE DISTRITO DISTRITO ESCOLAR CENTRAL DE OYSTER BAY-EAST NORWICH, EN EL CONDADO DE NASSAU, NUEVA YORK POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO que de conformidad con una resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Central de Oyster Bay-East Norwich, en el Condado de Nassau, Nueva York, adoptó el 12 de octubre de 2021, una Reunión de Distrito Especial de los votantes calificados de dicho Distrito Escolar se llevará a cabo el Martes, Deciembre 7, 2021 desde las 7:00 a.m. a las 9:00 p.m. (Hora Local) en la sala de música de Oyster Bay High School, East Main Street, Oyster Bay, Nueva York con el propósito de votar sobre la siguiente Proposición de Bonos: PROPOSICIÓN DE BONOS SE RESULVE: (a) Que la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Central de Oyster Bay-East Norwich, en el Condado de Nassau, Nueva York (el “Distrito”), está autorizada por la presente a construir alteraciones y mejoras a los edificios del Distrito y/o los sitios de los mismos (el “Proyecto”), sustancialmente como se describe en el plan preparado por el Distrito con la ayuda de BBS Architects, Landscape Architects, & Engineers, PC, (el “Plan”), cuyo Plan está archivado y disponible para inspección pública en la oficina de la Secretaria del Distrito, incluyendo (según y donde sea necesario): adiciones al edificio para

proporcionar nuevos salones de clases, música y espacio en la cafetería; reconstrucción interior y reconfiguración espacial; mejoras en los sistemas de calefacción, aire acondicionado, iluminación, drenaje, seguridad contra incendios, megafonía y seguridad; la construcción de un edificio de almacenamiento; mejoras en ventanas y puertas; mejoras en la fachada de la entrada; y la construcción de un campo de juego atlético y otras mejoras de recreación; lo anterior para incluir el mobiliario, equipo, maquinaria, aparatos originales y el sitio auxiliar o relacionado, demolición y otros trabajos requeridos en conexión con ellos, y para desembolsarlos, incluyendo los costos preliminares y los costos incidentales a los mismos y al financiamiento de los mismos, una cantidad que no exceda el costo máximo total estimado de $29,971,202; siempre que los costos estimados de los componentes del Proyecto como se establece en detalle en el Plan se puedan reasignar entre dichos componentes si la Junta de Educación determina que dicha reasignación es en el mejor interés del Distrito; (b) que por la presente se vota un impuesto por un monto total que no exceda los $29,971,202 para financiar dicho costo, dicho impuesto que se recaudará y recaudará en cuotas en los años y en las cantidades que determine dicha Junta de Educación; y (c) que en anticipación a dicho impuesto, se autoriza la emisión de bonos del Distrito por un monto total de capital que no exceda de $29,971,202 y se vota un impuesto para pagar los intereses de dichos bonos, ya que los mismos vencerán y serán pagaderos. Dicha Proposición de Bono aparecerá en las boletas utilizadas para votar en dicha Reunión Especial de Distrito sustancialmente en la siguiente forma condensada: PROPOSICIÓN DE BONOS SI NO

SE RESUELVE: (a) Que la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Central de Oyster Bay-East Norwich, en el Condado de Nassau, Nueva York (el “Distrito”) está autorizada por la presente a construir alteraciones y mejoras a los edificios del Distrito y/o sus sitios, sustancialmente como descrito en el plan preparado por el Distrito con la ayuda de BBS Architects, Landscape Architects & Engineers, PC; y gastar una cantidad que no exceda el costo máximo estimado de $29,971,202 para ello; (b) que por la presente se vota un impuesto por un monto total que no exceda los $29,971,202 para financiar dicho costo, dicho impuesto se recaudará y recaudará en cuotas en los años y en las cantidades que determine dicha Junta de Educación; y (c) que en anticipación a dicho impuesto, se autoriza la emisión de bonos del Distrito por un monto total de capital que no exceda los $29,971,202 y se vota un impuesto para pagar los intereses de dichos bonos a medida que se adeuden y sean pagados. La votación se llevará a cabo mediante boleta según lo dispuesto en la Ley de Educación y las urnas permanecerán abiertas desde las 7:00 a.m. a las 9:00 p.m. (Hora Local) y tanto tiempo como sea necesario para que los votantes presentes en ese momento puedan emitir sus votos. Y ADEMÁS SE DA AVISO de que la inscripción de los votantes calificados de este Distrito para dicha Reunión Especial del Distrito está permitida en la Oficina de la Secretaria de Distrito, ubicada en el Edificio de Administración, 1 McCouns Lane, Oyster Bay, Nueva York, durante el horario de 8:00 en punto AM y 12:00 en punto del mediodía y desde la 1:00 en punto de la tarde a las 4:00 p.m. (Hora Local), de lunes a viernes, hasta el jueves 2 de diciembre de 2021, momento en el

cual cualquier persona tendrá derecho a que se coloque su nombre en dicho Registro, siempre que se sepa o se demuestre que está entonces o posteriormente con derecho a votar en dicha reunión de distrito especial para la cual se prepara el registro. La inscripción también se realizará en la Escuela James H. Vernon, 880 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich, Nueva York, y la Escuela Theodore Roosevelt, 150 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, Nueva York, entre las 8:00 AM y 12:00 en punto del mediodía y desde la 1:00 en punto de la tarde a las 4:00 p.m. (Hora Local), de lunes a viernes, hasta el jueves 2 de diciembre de 2021. Se preparará un registro y se archivará en la Oficina de la Secretaria del Distrito y dicho registro estará abierto para inspección por cualquier votante calificado entre las horas de 8:00 en punto AM y las 4:00 p.m. (Hora Local) en cada uno de los cinco días anteriores al día establecido para la elección, excepto el domingo, con cita previa solo el sábado 4 de diciembre de 2021; y en el lugar de votación el día fijado para dicha Reunión Especial de Distrito. TENGA EN CUENTA ADEMÁS que el registro incluirá: (1) todos los votantes calificados del Distrito que se presentarán personalmente para el registro; (2) todos los votantes previamente calificados del Distrito que se hayan registrado previamente para cualquier reunión o elección anual o especial del Distrito y que hayan votado en cualquier reunión o elección anual o especial del Distrito celebrada o conducida en cualquier momento dentro de los cuatro años (2017-2021) antes de la elaboración de dicho registro; y (3) votantes registrados permanentemente en la Junta Electoral del Condado de Nassau. Y POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO ADICION-

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Fecha: Octubre 12, 2021 Darlene Dolan AL, que los votantes militares Secretaria del Distrito que no están registrados ac12-1; 11-17-3; 10-20-2021tualmente pueden solicitar 4T-#227406/407-OB registrarse como votantes calificados del distrito escolar. LEGAL NOTICE Los votantes militares que NOTICE TO BIDDERS sean votantes calificados del INCORPORATED distrito escolar pueden preVILLAGE OF sentar una solicitud para una OLD BROOKVILLE boleta militar. Los votantes NASSAU COUNTY, militares pueden designar NEW YORK una preferencia para recibir SEALED PROPOSALS will un registro de votante mili- be received by the Village tar, una solicitud de boleta Clerk at Village Hall located militar o una boleta militar at 201 McCouns Lane, Old por correo, transmisión por Brookville, NY 11545, until fax o correo electrónico en 11:00 AM (prevailing time) su solicitud de dicho registro, on December 13, 2021 at solicitud de boleta o boleta. which time they will be pubLos formularios de registro licly opened and read aloud de votantes militares y los for- and the Contract awarded as mularios de solicitud de bo- soon thereafter a practical for: leta militar (el último de los Alterations to cuales debe entregarse solo Old Brookville Village Hall por correo o en persona) de- Plans and scope of work ben recibirse en la Oficina de may be obtained at the Villa Secretaria del distrito es- lage Hall located at 201 Mccolar a más tardar a las 5:00 Couns Lane, Old Brookville, p.m. el 11 de noviembre de NY 11545 between the hours 2021. of 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., No se registrará ninguna Monday to Friday after Noboleta militar a menos que vember 19, 2021. Digital (1) se reciba en la Oficina de format documents are also la Secretaria de Distrito antes available. You can contact the del cierre de las urnas el día Village at 516-671-4664. de las elecciones y muestre All bidders are required to una marca de cancelación del visit the site prior to submitservicio postal de los Estados ting proposals. An inspection Unidos o del servicio postal of the premises can be arde un país extranjero, o que ranged by calling the Village muestre una endoso fechado to arrange a date and time. de recibo por otra agencia del The Bidder will be required to gobierno de los Estados Uni- comply with the provisions of dos; o (2) recibido por la Ofi- the Labor Laws of the State of cina de la Secretaria de Distri- New York as may apply. to a más tardar a las 5:00 p.m. The successful bidder will be el día de la elección y firmada required to enter into a cony fechada por el votante mil- tract for the performance of itar y un testigo del mismo, the work that may be awardcon una fecha que se asocia ed to said bidder for the total como no posterior al día ante- amount of the awarded conrior a la elección. tract priced. Y POR LA PRESENTE The Village reserves the right SE DA AVISO ADICIO- to reject any and all bids, to NAL, que las solicitudes waive any informality in any para boletas de voto ausente bid, and to accept the bid of pueden obtenerse durante el the lowest responsible bidder horario laboral de la escuela as it determines, after all bids con la Secretaria del Distri- and bidders have been examto. La secretaria del distrito ined and checked. debe recibir las solicitudes BY ORDER OF THE completadas al menos siete BOARD OF TRUSTEES (7) días antes de la reunión Village of Old Brookville, especial del distrito si la boleNew York ta debe enviarse por correo al Sandra Albro, Village Clerk votante, o el día anterior a la DATED: November 12, 2021 reunión especial del distrito, 11-17-2021-1Tsi la boleta debe entregarse #227988-OB/RP personalmente a el votante. La secretaria del distrito debe ROSLYN recibir las boletas de voto en ausencia a más tardar a las 5:00 p.m. (Hora Local), hora LEGAL NOTICE vigente, el martes 7 de dicNOTICE OF ELECTION iembre de 2021. GLENWOOD Una lista de las personas a WATER DISTRICT las que se les emiten las bo- Notice is hereby given that an letas de voto ausente estará Annual Election will be held disponible para su inspección on the 14th day of December para los votantes calificados 2021 at the Glenwood Wadel Distrito en la Oficina de ter District Office, 6 Third la Secretaria del Distrito, Street, Glenwood Landing, Edificio de Administración, N.Y. between the hours of 1 McCouns Lane, Oyster 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm for the Bay, Nueva York durante el purpose of electing one (1) horario regular de oficina los Commissioner of the District días de semana de 8:00 a.m. for a term of two (2) years, hasta las 4:00 p.m. commencing January 1, 2022. Solo los votantes califica- Elect one (1) Commissioner dos que estén registrados para of the District for a term of votar podrán votar. three (3) years, commencing POR ORDEN DE LA January 1, 2022. JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN Rod Ford

Secretary Of The Board Date: November 10, 2021 Glenwood Landing, N.Y. 11-17-2021-1T-#227936-ROS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ELECTION ROSLYN GARBAGE DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that an annual election will be held on the 14th of December 2021 at the Roslyn Highlands Fire Department Station #2, Harbor Hill Road, Roslyn, NY 11576, between the hours of 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm, for the purpose of electing one (1) Commissioner of the district for the term of three (3) years, commencing January 1, 2022. Notice is further given that pursuant to Subdivision “20” of section 215 of the Town Law, a resolution has been duly adopted by the Commissioners of such district providing that candidates for the district offices shall file their names with the district office on November 30th, 2021 between the hours of 6:00pm and 6:30 pm, at 57 Mineola Avenue second floor Roslyn Heights, NY 11577, and in addition require that such nomination be notarized and submitted in petition form, subscribed by not less than twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the district. DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS James A. McCann Arlene Tucholski Patricia Grella 11-17-2021-1T-#227953-ROS LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Preparation of Registration of Rolls for Annual Election of the ROSLYN GARBAGE DISTRICT Please be advised that pursuant to a resolution of the board of Commissioners. The board of Elections of the Roslyn Garbage District shall meet on the 30th day of November 2021 between the hours of 6:00 pm and 6:30 pm at the Roslyn Garbage District office, 57 Mineola Avenue second floor, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 for the purpose of preparing the rolls of registered voters of the Roslyn Garbage District. The annual election of the Roslyn Garbage District will be held on the 14th day of December 2021 between the hours of 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm at the Roslyn Highlands Fire Station #2, Harbor Hill Road, Roslyn, NY 11576 Please note that in 2020 and thereafter only those persons who have registered with the County Board of Elections on or before the 40th day before the Roslyn Garbage District Election Day shall be eligible to vote. COMMISSIONERS James A. McCann Arlene Tucholski Patricia Grella 11-17-2021-1T-#227954-ROS


LEGAL NOTICES Union Free School District for the period beginning on July 1, 2020 and ending on June 30, 2021, have been examined by Cullen & Danowski, LLP, and that the report of the external audit and the management letter prepared in conjunction with the external audit by Cullen & Danowski, LLP, has been filed in my office where it is available as a public record for inspection by all interested persons. Pursuant to §35 of the General Municipal Law, the governing board of Roslyn USFD may, in its discretion, prepare a written response to the report of external audit and management letter by Cullen & Danowski, LLP, and file any such response in the office of the District Clerk as a public record for inspection by all interested persons not later than January 24, 2022. Nancy Carney Jones District Clerk 11-17-2021-1T-#227989-ROS

SYOSSET/ JERICHO LEGAL NOTICE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC) Name: MCD Management LLC Articles of Organization filed by the Department of State of New York on: 09/01/2021 Office location: County of Nassau Purpose: Any and all lawful activities Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC P.O. Box 617 Jericho, NY 11753 11-24-17-10-3; 10-27-202021-6T-#227408-SYO/JER LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of BAH FAMILY LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/06/2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 665 Woodbury Road, Syosset, NY 11791. Purpose: any lawful act. 11-24-17-10-3; 10-27-202021-6T-#227465-SYO/JER

LEGAL NOTICE THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH SUPERIOR COURT Rockingham Superior Court Rockingham Cty Courthouse/ PO Box 1258 Kingston NH 03848-1258 Telephone: 1-855-212-1234 TTY/TDD Relay: (800) 735-2964 CITATION FOR PUBLICATION COMPLAINT TO QUIET TITLE LEGAL NOTICE Superior Court Rule 4(d) Roslyn Union Free School Case Name: District Financial Statement Bank of America, N.A. v Notice is hereby given that Delta Funding Corporathe fiscal affairs of Roslyn tion

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Case Number: 218-2021-CV-00869 Date Complaint Filed: August 20, 2021 A Complaint to Quiet Title to a certain tract of land with any attached buildings located in Salem, in the State of New Hampshire has been filed with this court. The property is described as follows: 68 East Broadway, Salem, New Hampshire The Court ORDERS: Bank of America, N.A. shall give notice to Delta Funding Corporation of this action by publishing a verified copy of this Citation for Publication once a week for three successive weeks in the Syosett/Jericho Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation. The last publication shall be on or before December 05, 2021. Also, ON OR BEFORE 30 days after the last publication Delta Funding Corporation shall electronically file an Appearance and Answer or responsive pleading with this court. A copy of the Appearance and Answer or other responsive pleading must be sent electronically to the party/parties listed below. December 26, 2021 Bank of America, N.A. shall electronically file the Return of Publication with this Court. Failure to do so may result in this action being dismissed without further notice. Notice to Delta Funding Corporation: If you are working with an attorney, they will guide you on the next steps. If you are going to represent yourself in this action, go to the court’s website:, select the Electronic Services icon and then select the option for a selfrepresented party. Complete the registration/log in process then select “I am filing into an existing case”. Enter the case number above and click Next. Follow the instructions to complete your filing. Once you have responded to the Complaint, you can access documents electronically filed through our Case Access Portal by going to https:// and following the instructions in the User Guide. In that process you will register, validate your email, request access and approval to view your case. After your information is validated by the court, you will be able to view case information and documents filed in your case. If you do not comply with these requirements, you will be considered in default and the Court may issue orders that affect you without your input. Send copies to: John Francis Hayes, ESQ Alfano Law Office PLLC 31 Central Sq Unit 11 Keene NH NH 03431 BY ORDER OF THE COURT Jennifer M. Haggar Clerk of Court October 21, 2021



LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FISCAL AFFAIRS OF SYOSSET CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JULY 1, 2020 AND ENDING ON JUNE 30, 2021, HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY AN INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, AND THAT THE MANAGEMENT LETTER PREPARED IN CONJ U N CTI O N WI TH TH E EXTERNAL AUDIT BY THE INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT HAS BEEN FILED IN THE BUSIN ES S O F F I CE WH ERE IT IS AVAILABLE AS A PUBLIC RECORD FOR INSPECTION BY ALL INTERESTED PERSONS. PURSUANT TO §35 OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW, THE GOVERNING BOARD OF SYOSSET CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, M A Y I N I TS D I S CRETION, PREPARE A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THE MANAGEMENT LETTER BY INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND FILE SUCH RESPONSE IN THE BUSINESS OFFICE AS A PUBLIC RECORD FOR INSPECTION BY ALL INTERESTED PERSONS NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 30, 2021. 11-17-2021-1T#227933-SYO/JER LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 10th day of November, 2021, bearing Index Number 610084/2021, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York grants me the right to assume the name of Mark Sander Manani Rivas. The city and state of my present address are Woodbury, New York, the month and year of my birth are September, 1986, the place of my birth is Lima, Peru; my present name is Marco Antonio Mamani Condorhuanca. 11-17-2021-1T#227994-SYO/JER

WESTBURY LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of EVERYDAY PEOPLE WIN LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/20/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 1967 Wehrle Drive, Suite 1 #086 Buffalo NY 14221. Purpose: any lawful act. 12-1; 11-24-17-10-3; 10-272021-6T-#227544-WBY

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LEGAL NOTICES continued from page 41

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SPECIAL DISTRICT MEETING OF THE CARLE PLACE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT TOWN OF NORTH HEMPSTEAD, NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Education of the Carle Place Union Free School District, in the Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau, New York, has adopted a resolution on October 7, 2021 authorizing a special district meeting of the qualified voters of said School District to be held on: Tuesday, December 7, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM (prevailing time) at the Carle Place High School, Multi-Purpose Room, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, New York in said School District, for the purpose of voting upon the following proposition: PROPOSITION RESOLVED, shall the Board of Education of the Carle Place Union Free School District be authorized to expend from the Capital Reserve Funds, which were established on May 17, 2017 (“Reserve Fund 3”) and June 16, 2020 (“Reserve Fund 4”), pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law for the following capital improvement projects: Phase III exterior renovation and interior reconstruction costs at the Cherry Lane School (classrooms), Phase VI abatement and reconstruction cost at the Rushmore School (second floor classrooms, bathrooms, custodial closet, and related hallway and stairwell areas), partial roof overlay at the Rushmore School, renovation of the girls softball field and scoreboard at the Middle School/High School, and any ancillary or related work required in connection with such projects and to expend from Reserve Funds 3 and 4 therefor, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto, an amount not to exceed the estimated total cost of Four Million Nine Hundred Eighty Five Thousand Three Hundred Ten ($4,985,310) Dollars, including Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Ninety ($630,090) Dollars from Reserve Fund 3 and Four Million Three Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand Two Hundred Twenty ($4,355,220) Dollars from Reserve Fund 4, and other work required in connection therewith; and to expend from Reserve Funds 3 and 4 therefor. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that personal registration of voters is required either pursuant to §2014 of the Education Law or pursuant to Article 5 of the Election Law. If a voter has heretofore registered pursuant to §2014 of the Education Law and has voted at an annual or special district meeting within the last four


(4) calendar years, he or she is eligible to vote at this election. If a voter is registered and eligible to vote under Article 5 of the Election Law, he or she is also eligible to vote at this election. All other persons who wish to vote must register. Registration will be conducted for the purpose of registering all qualified voters of the District pursuant to §2014 of the Education Law through November 30, 2021, a between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., prevailing time, on all regular days during which the office of the District Clerk is in operation, at the Office of the District Clerk located at Carle Place High School, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, New York, at which time any person will be entitled to have his or her name placed on such register, provided that at such time he or she is known or proven to the satisfaction of said District Clerk to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at such election for which the register is prepared. The Board of Registration will also meet for the purpose of registering all qualified voters of the District pursuant to §2014 of the Education Law on November 30, 2021, prevailing time, in the District Clerk’s office to add any additional names to the Register to be used at the aforesaid election, at which time any person will be entitled to have his or her name placed on such Register, provided that at such meeting of the Board of Registration he or she is known or proven to the satisfaction of said Board of Registration to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at such election for which the register is prepared.. The last day to register shall be November 30, 2021. The register so prepared pursuant to §2014 of the Education Law will be filed in the Office of the District Clerk, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, New York, and will be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the District beginning on Thursday, December 2, 2021 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., prevailing time, on weekdays, and each day prior to the day set for the election, except Sunday, and on Saturday, December 4, 2021 by appointment, and at the polling place on the day of the vote. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that military voters who are not currently registered may apply to register as a qualified voter of the Carle Place Union Free School District by requesting and returning a registration application to the District Clerk in person, by mail to District Clerk, Carle Place UFSD, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, New York 11514, by email to seliasoph@cps., or fax sent to 516622-6594. The request for the registration application may include the military voter’s preference for receipt of the registration application by either mail, fax or email. Mili-



tary voter registration application forms must be received in the office of the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 11, 2021. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that military voters who are qualified voters of the Carle Place Union Free School District, may request an application for a military ballot from the District Clerk in person, by mail to District Clerk, Carle Place UFSD, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, New York 11514, by email to seliasoph@cps., or fax sent to 516622-6594. In such request, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application by mail, fax or email. A military voter must return the original military ballot application by mail or in person to the office of the District Clerk at Carle Place UFSD, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, New York. In order for a military voter to be issued a military ballot, a valid military ballot application must be received in the office of the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m., on November 11, 2021. Military ballot applications received in accordance with the foregoing will be processed in the same manner as a non-military ballot application under Section 2018-a of the Education Law. The application for military ballot may include the military voter’s preference for receipt of the military ballot by mail, fax, or email. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, a military voter’s original military ballot must be returned by mail or in person to the office of the District Clerk at Administration Building, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, New York 11514. Military ballots shall be canvassed if they are received by the District Clerk before the close of polls on December 7, 2021 showing a cancellation mark of the United States Postal Service or a foreign country’s postal service, or showing a dated endorsement of receipt by another agency of the United States Government; or received not later than 5:00 p.m. on December 7, 2021 and signed and dated by the military voter and one witness thereto, with a date which is ascertained to be not later than the day before the election. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots will be obtainable during school business hours from the Office of the District Clerk, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, New York, or on the District’s website at www.; beginning November 8, 2021; completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, December 1, 2021, or the day before the election, December 6, 2021, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter or to

LEGAL NOTICES the agent named in the absentee ballot application. Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m., prevailing time, on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. A list of persons to whom absentee ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the office of the District Clerk on and after Thursday, December 2, 2021 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on weekdays prior to the day set for the annual election and on December 7, 2021, the day set for the election. Any qualified voter may, upon examination of such list, file a written challenge of the qualifications as a voter of any person whose name appears on such list, stating the reasons for such challenge. Any such written challenge shall be transmitted by the District Clerk or a designee of the Board of Education to the inspectors of election on election day. Dated: Carle Place, New York October 7, 2021 By Order of the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CARLE PLACE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT Nassau County – Carle Place, New York Susan Eliasoph, District Clerk 11-17-10-3; 10-20-20214T-#227430/431-WBY LEGAL NOTICE AVISO DE REUNIÓN ESPECIAL DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNION FREE DE CARLE PLACE PUEBLO DE NORTH HEMPSTEAD, CONDADO DE NASSAU, NUEVA YORK POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO, que la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Union Free de Carle Place, en la ciudad de North Hempstead, Condado de Nassau, Nueva York, adoptó una resolución el 7 de octubre de 2021 autorizando una reunión especial del distrito de los votantes de dicho distrito escolar que se llevará a cabo el: Martes, Diciembre 7, 2021 de 12:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. (hora local) en la Carle Place High School, salón de usos múltiples, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, Nueva York en dicho Distrito Escolar, con el propósito de votar sobre la siguiente proposición: PROPOSICIÓN SE RESUELVE, si la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Union Free de Carle Place para gastar de los Fondos de Reserva de Capital, que se establecieron el 17 de mayo de 2017 (“Fondo de Reserva 3”) y el 16 de junio de 2020 (“Fondo de Reserva 4”) , de conformidad con la Sección 3651 de la Ley de Educación para los siguientes proyectos de mejora de capital: costos de renovación exterior y reconstrucción interior de la Fase III en la Escuela Cherry Lane (aulas), costo de reducción y reconstrucción


de la Fase VI en la Escuela Rushmore (aulas del segundo piso, baños, armario de conserjes y áreas relacionadas de pasillos y escaleras), recubrimiento parcial del techo en la escuela Rushmore, renovación del campo de softbol para niñas y el marcador en la Middle School/High School, y cualquier trabajo auxiliar o relacionado requerido en conexión con dichos proyectos y gastos de los Fondos de Reserva 3 y 4 correspondientes, inclueyndo los costos preliminares y los costos incidentales a los mismos, una cantidad que no exceda el costo total estimado de Cuatro Millones Novecientos Ochenta y Cinco Mil us y trescientos diez ($4,985,310) dólares, incluyendo seiscientos treinta mil noventa ($630,090) dólares del fondo de reserva 3 y cuatro millones trescientos cincuenta y cinco mil doscientos veinte ($4,355,220) dólares del fondo de reserva 4, y otro trabajo requerido en conexión con eso; y para gastar con los Fondos de Reserva 3 y 4 correspondientes. Y POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO ADICIONAL, que se requiere el registro personal de votantes de conformidad con §2014 de la Ley de Educación o de conformidad con el Artículo 5 de la Ley de Elecciones. Si un votante se ha registrado hasta ahora de conformidad con §2014 de la Ley de Educación y ha votado en una reunión anual o especial de distrito dentro de los últimos cuatro (4) años, él o ella es elegible para votar en esta elección. Si un votante está registrado y es elegible para votar bajo el Artículo 5 de la Ley de Elecciones, él o ella también es elegible para votar en esta elección. Todas las demás personas que deseen votar deben registrarse. El registro se llevará a cabo con el propósito de registrar a todos los votantes calificados del Distrito de conformidad con la §2014 de la Ley de Educación hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2021, entre las 9:00 am y las 3:30 pm, hora local, en todos los horarios regulares, días durante los cuales la oficina de la secretaria del distrito está en funcionamiento, en la oficina de la secretaria del distrito ubicada en Carle Place High School, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, Nueva York, momento en el cual cualquier persona tendrá derecho a recibir su nombre colocado en dicho registro, siempre que en ese momento se sepa o se demuestre a satisfacción de dicha Secretaria de Distrito que tiene derecho a votar en ese momento o en el futuro en la elección para la cual se prepara el registro. La Junta de Registro también se reunirá con el propósito de registrar a todos los votantes calificados del Distrito de conformidad con la §2014 de la Ley de Educación el 30 de noviembre de 2021, hora vigente, en la oficina de la Secretaria del Distrito para agregar cualquier nombre adicional al Reg-

istro que será utilizado en la elección antedicho, momento en el cual cualquier persona tendrá derecho a que su nombre se inscriba en dicho Registro, siempre que en dicha reunión de la Junta de Registro sea conocido o probado a satisfacción de dicha Junta de Registro para tener entonces o posteriormente derecho a votar en la elección para la cual se prepara el registro. El último día para registrarse será el 30 de noviembre de 2021. El registro así preparado de conformidad con la §2014 de la Ley de Educación se archivará en la Oficina de la secretaria del distrito, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, Nueva York, y estará abierto a la inspección de cualquier votante calificado del distrito a partir del jueves 2 de diciembre de 2021 entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 3:30 p.m., hora local, los días de semana y cada día anterior al día fijado para la elección, excepto el domingo y el sábado 4 de diciembre de 2021 con cita previa y en el lugar de votación el día de la votación. Y POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO ADICIONAL, que los votantes militares que no están registrados actualmente pueden solicitar su registro como votante calificado del Distrito Escolar Union Free de Carle Place, solicitando y devolviendo una solicitud de registro a la Secretaria del Distrito en persona, por correo a la Secretaria del Distrito., Carle Place UFSD, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, Nueva York 11514, por correo electrónico a, o por fax al 516-622-6594. La solicitud de la solicitud de registro puede incluir la preferencia del votante militar de recibir la solicitud de registro por correo, fax o correo electrónico. Los formularios de solicitud de registro de votantes militares deben recibirse en la oficina de la secretaria de distrito a más tardar a las 5:00 p.m. el 11 de noviembre de 2021. Y POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO ADICIONAL, que los votantes militares que son votantes calificados del Distrito Escolar Union Free de Carle Place, pueden solicitar una solicitud para una boleta militar a la secretaria del distrito en persona, por correo a la secretaria del distrito, Carle Place UFSD, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, Nueva York 11514, por correo electrónico a seliasoph@cps.k12., o por fax al 516-6226594. En dicha solicitud, el votante militar puede indicar su preferencia de recibir la solicitud por correo, fax o correo electrónico. Un votante militar debe devolver la solicitud de boleta militar original por correo o en persona a la oficina de la Secretaria de Distrito en Carle Place UFSD, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, Nueva York. Para que un votante militar reciba una boleta militar, se debe re-

continued on page 43




LEGAL NOTICES continued from page 42 cibir una solicitud de boleta militar válida en la oficina de la secretaria del distrito a más tardar a las 5:00 pm, el 11 de noviembre de 2021. Las solicitudes de boleta militar recibidas de acuerdo con lo anterior se procesará de la misma manera que una solicitud de boleta electoral no militar según la Sección 2018-a de la Ley de Educación. La solicitud de boleta militar puede incluir la preferencia del votante militar de recibir la boleta militar por correo, fax o correo electrónico. Y POR LA PRESENTE SE DA UN AVISO ADICIONAL, la boleta militar original de un votante militar debe ser devuelta por correo o en persona a la oficina de la Secretaria de Distrito en el Edificio de Administración, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, Nueva York 11514. Las boletas militares serán escrutadas si son recibidas por la Secretaria del Distrito antes del cierre de las urnas el 7 de diciembre de 2021 mostrando una marca de cancelación del Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos o del servicio postal de un país extranjero, o mostrando un endoso fechado de recibo por otra agencia del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos; o recibido a más tardar a las 5:00 p.m. el 7 de diciembre de 2021 y firmado y fechado por el elector militar y un testigo del mismo, con una fecha que se verifica no posterior al día anterior a la elección. Y POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO ADICIONAL, que las solicitudes para boletas de voto ausente se podrán obtener durante el horario laboral escolar en la Oficina de la Secretaria del Distrito, 168 Cherry Lane, Carle Place, Nueva York, o en el sitio web del Distrito en www.; a partir del 8 de noviembre de 2021; Las solicitudes completas deben ser recibidas por la secretaria de distrito al menos siete (7) días antes de la elección si la boleta debe enviarse por correo al votante, el 1 de diciembre de 2021, o el día antes de la elección, el 6 de diciembre de 2021, si la boleta debe entregarse personalmente al votante o al agente nombrado en la solicitud de boleta de voto ausente. La secretaria del distrito debe recibir las boletas de voto ausente a más tardar a las 5:00 p.m., hora local, el martes 7 de diciembre de 2021. Una lista de las personas a las que se les emiten las boletas de voto ausente estará disponible para su inspección para los votantes calificados del Distrito en la oficina de la Secretaria del Distrito a partir del jueves 2 de diciembre de 2021 entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 3:30 p.m. los días de semana anteriores al día establecido para la elección anual y el 7 de diciembre de 2021, el día establecido para la elección. Cualquier votante calificado puede, al examinar dicha lista, presentar una im-


pugnación por escrito de las calificaciones como votante de cualquier persona cuyo nombre aparezca en dicha lista, indicando las razones de dicha impugnación. Cualquier impugnación por escrito será transmitida por la Secretaria del Distrito o una persona designada por la Junta de Educación a los inspectores de la elección el día de la elección. Fecha: Carle Place, Nueva York Octubre 7, 2021 Por orden de la JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNION FREE DE CARLE PLACE Condado de Nassau – Carle Place, Nueva York Susan Eliasoph, Secretaria del Distrito 11-17-10-3; 10-20-20214T-#227432/433-WBY

All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 12-1; 11-24-17-10-20214T-#227785-WBY

LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Hotel Liquor license, #TBA has been applied for by 1575 Privado Catering, LLC d/b/a Hilton Garden Inn Westbury to sell beer, wine, cider and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 1575 Privado Rd Westbury NY 11590. LEGAL NOTICE 11-17-10-2021SUPREME COURT OF THE 2T-#227784-WBY STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU BANK OF NEW YORK LEGAL NOTICE MELLON TRUST COMPA- Rao Residential LLC. Art. NY, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR of Org. filed with the SSNY M O R T G A G E A S S E T S on 09/19/21. Office: Nassau MANAGEMENT SERIES I County. SSNY designated as TRUST, agent of the LLC upon whom V. process against it may be JAMES MEIGEL A/K/A served. SSNY shall mail copy JAMES T. MEIGEL, AS of process to the LLC, 1299 HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE Corporate Drive, Apt 1508, OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN Westbury, NY 11590. PurF. MEIGEL;, ET. AL. pose: Any lawful purpose. NOTICE OF SALE 12-22-15-8-1; 11-24-17-2021NOTICE IS HEREBY 6T-#227932-WBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure datLEGAL NOTICE ed February 03, 2020, and Notice of formation of CORE entered in the Office of the FEEL LLC. Arts of Org filed Clerk of the County of Nas- with Secy of State of NY sau, wherein BANK OF (SSNY) on 03/10/21. 928 N E W Y O R K M E L L O N Smith Street Uniondale NY TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 11553: Nassau County. SSNY AS TRUSTEE FOR MORT- designated as agent upon GAGE ASSETS MANAGE- whom process may be served MENT SERIES I TRUST and shall mail copy of process is the Plaintiff and JAMES against LLC to: 12 Main St., MEIGEL A/K/A JAMES T. Westbury, NY 11590. PurMEIGEL, AS HEIR AND pose: any lawful act. DISTRIBUTEE OF THE 12-22-15-8-1; 11-24-17-2021ESTATE OF JOHN F. MEI6T-#227976-WBY GEL;, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned LEGAL NOTICE Referee will sell at public PUBLIC NOTICE auction at the Nassau County CARLE PLACE Supreme Court, North Side WATER DISTRICT Steps, 100 Supreme Court ENGINEERING FEES Drive Mineola NY 11501, FOR EMERGENCY on December 14, 2021 at WELLHEAD 2:30PM, premises known TREATMENT FOR as 872 OLIVER AVENUE, 1,4-DIOXANE AT WELL WESTBURY, NY 11590: NO. 5 Section 10, Block 233, Lot PERMISSIVE 26. 27, & 50: REFERENDUM ALL THAT CERTAIN WHEREAS, the CommisPLOT, PIECE OR PAR- sioners of the Carle Place WaCEL OF LAND WITH THE ter District have determined BUI LDI NG S AND I M - that it is necessary to proPROVEMENTS THERE- vide engineering services for ON ERECTED, SITUATE, Emergency Wellhead TreatLYING AND BEING AT ment for 1,4-Dioxane at Well WESTBURY, TOWN OF No. 5. NORTH HEMPSTEAD, WHEREAS, the District COUNTY OF NASSAU will incur engineering and AND STATE OF NEW other related expenses for the YORK planning and application and Premises will be sold WHEREAS, the Commissubject to provisions of sioners wish to pay for said filed Judgment Index # expenditures from the Re007479/2016. Jeffrey Hal- serve Fund for Emergency breich, Esq. - Referee. Rob- Repairs fund previously esertson, Anschutz, Schneid, tablished for such emergency Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 capital improvements; Merchants Concourse, Suite NOW THEREFORE, be 310, Westbury, New York it resolved that the Board of 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Commissioners of the Carle



How COVID-19 Can



Place Water District, Town General Municipal Law, sub- dered this 9th day of Novemof North Hempstead, Nas- ject to a permissive referen- ber, 2021. sau County, State of New dum. Board of Commissioners York, draw a sum of always up to arises The Resolution was offered Carle Place Water District he question $500,000.00 from the Reserve by Italo J. Vacchio secondTimothy E. Stellato liver. M. Gass, Jr. Fund forregarding EmergencyCOVID Repairs and ed the by Kenneth Italo J. Vacchio for the engineering expenses passed on roll call. Kenneth M. Gass, Jr. While COVID causes abnormal allliver in accordance withthan pro-half of The Resolution was ap11-17-10-2021tests in more infected visions of Section 6C of the proved, carried, and so or2T-#227949-WBY


patients, the vast majority have no long-term liver sequalae. What has affected the liver more is the modified behavior associated with the pandemic. Because of the pandemic, people are more isolated, exercising less and are spending more time at home. As people are not able to attend sporting events or concerts, are working from home or not working at all, and in general are stuck at home, there is little else to do, but eat and drink. The excess eating has led to weight gain in many people, the so-called COVID-19 pounds. In addition, alcohol consumption is up significantly across our communities. The weight gain and increased alcohol intake has directly led to an increase in the diagnosis two common liver diseases, non-alcoholic liver disease and alcoholic liver disease. The number of hospital admissions for alcohol-related complications has skyrocketed during the period of COVID, specifically from March to the present. This is truly concerning as the incidence of liver disease during


Early Holiday Deadline

David Bernstein, MD

With the Thanksgivingtheholiday pandemic has reached epidemic proportions and it is not related to the coming up, please remember COVID virus itself. Fatty liver is exactly as it sounds. that we have an early When people gain weight, fat gets deposited into the liver. Over time, legal ad deadline. inflammation can occur and the fatty can progress to inflammation, All legal ads are due byliver fibrosis and eventually cirrhosis, with very high risk of liver cancer. The Wednesday, atreatment of fatty liver is diet and exercise with loss, but it takes November 24, 2021 much longer toweight get rid of a fatty liver than it does to develop one. With the 10 AM inactivity and weight gain associated with the current pandemic, Thanks and fatty liver in our area is on the rise. Hopefully, people willhave recognize a this risk and start a program of exercise and weight loss. wonderful holiday! The increased alcohol intake seen during the pandemic is perhaps more


During the month of November & through December 10th we will be collecting your donations of NEW scarves, gloves, mittens, hats and socks

ADDITIONALLY, ALSO COLLECTING NEW TOYS For the needy in our area and surrounding communities. These will be distributed as part of their Christmas Package.

We will also be accepting gift certificates for McDonald’s and Burger King Please drop off your donations Monday thru Friday 10am – 5pm before December 10th to:

Dr. Anthony Cordaro‛s Office • 271 Jericho Turnpike • Floral Park, NY 11001

Your Generosity is Greatly Appreciated!

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This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). First-time meetings count more. You’ve an advantage in this department as the sign of beginner’s luck. You come in with energy to match the scene. You fit in then lift the perceptions, the mood and the potential of the group. Your arrival as a fresh face will have a powerful impact. So, be sure to go somewhere new. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Not having any idea where you’re going isn’t the most comfortable feeling, yet it will work out better than any plan you could have dreamed up. There’s something you long for, and you’re open to receiving it. Though lost, you’ll act out of curiosity and gratitude, and doors and hearts will open to you.


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Reading a book Solution: 19 Letters

© 2021 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Are you working on the right thing? Taking the time to master a skill is most satisfying with an expertise that matters. Is it a good fit? Can it be applied to help people? Gather opinions not because you’re going to follow what people say but because hearing the world will make you more certain of your path. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll spend a good chunk of time thinking, eyes glazed over, wheels of your mind whirring almost audibly while you try to figure a thing out. If that’s not working, back off. Hold the space open and wait for an answer to drop in. Either way, you’ll eventually get what you came for and be pleased with the end result.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). What you think is very clear and easy to understand is not as obvious to others. If they don’t figure it out right away, don’t take that personally. Everyone’s brain is different. Communication is best made very simple this week. Break information down to its most essential elements. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The stellar work of others can inspire you or discourage you, depending on how closely related it is to the work you’re doing. You’re more likely to get a lift from experiencing excellence in an adjacent area, not the exact one you’re in. It’s a week to cultivate new influences and expose yourself to greatness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You know your goal and you can clearly see everything it includes. Things it does not include are also obvious. It’s as though all distractors are painted bright yellow so, for the most part, you will steer clear of them. If they get snagged into your scene, you’ll pluck them out. Your focus is astounding. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Greatness is within your grasp; it happens with practice. Memorization is key. Also, what can you get out of your mind and into your body? Repetition to the point of autopilot will be like clearing out an extra drawer in your brain. The more you put into your memory banks, the higher your performance can go. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Optimism is a lot of things: uplifting, healing, essential to well-being. But one thing that optimism isn’t is funny. Humor depends on the tension between positive and negative forces. So, if you’re feeling a little more negative than you’d like to admit, consider the power in this. Humor heals. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ve lavished plenty of attention on one person or a single detail; it was what the situation called for. Now, a wide focus is needed. You will survey, manage and integrate multiple factors from outside and inside yourself. You’ll change your world as you spread your attention across a large canvas.


You are one of those people who don’t know their own beauty or strength, but that’s probably a good thing. You’ll revel in the evidence, never taking for granted how capable and adored you are. When two people say approximately the same thing to you, you’ll take notice. Then you’ll hear it from multiple unrelated sources; it’s a sign! You’ll act and start an entirely new trajectory. You’ll bring home a prize in February. You’ll better people’s lives through education in the spring. COPYRIGHT 2021 CREATORS.COM

Epic Fable Adams Epic Fact Anh Do Fable Base Fiction Fact BooksFiles Fiction Calm Files Foster-Blake Carey Foster-Blake French Castro French Column FunderFunder Craft Gibbs Gibbs Dawe Gleeson Gleeson Economics Johns EnjoyJohns Kent Kent

Lette Lindsay Lette Lurie Lindsay Magazine Lurie Magazine Malouf Malouf Marr Marr Memoir Memoir Moss Moss Music Music Myth Myth Nunn Nunn Nursery Nursery

Play Plot Play Rodda Plot Romance Rodda Romance Rowe Rowe Sci-fi Sci-fi Tsiolkas Tsiolkas Wood Wood Yarn Yarn Zusak Zusak

Creators Syndicate

Date: 11/19/21

lution: Perfect for a rainy day

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Some dreams die in the face of reality and some dreams thrive on reality like it’s their oxygen. Of course it is possible to change reality, but it’s much easier to change the dream to one that fits the current scene. Try to understand reality as fully as possible, then come up with a dream that will benefit many.

Adams Anh Do Base Books Calm Carey Castro Column Craft Dawe Economics Enjoy

Solution: Perfect for a rainy day

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Just when you think everything is set, it falls apart. That’s a good sign. Cookies are meant to crumble. It means you’re tasting life. If you don’t bite them, they’re a sculpture at best, pretty trash at worst. It’s your bite that makes it dessert. What if taking pleasure in your life was your job? How would things be different?

© 2021 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

HolidayMathis Mathis Holiday Mathis HOROSCOPESByByByHoliday HOROSCOPES


737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •

Creators Syndicate By Steve BeckerDate: 11/19/2 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •



From my home to yours... Wishing all a Healthy Happy Thanksgiving! Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle


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n the world of Americana, you’d be hard pressed to find an act as politically outspoken as The DriveBy Truckers (DBT). With origins in Athens, GA, DBT are unabashed southerners with a distinctly progressive view that runs counter to founding member Patterson Hood’s describing he and his bandmaters as, “...obviously a bunch of these white, southern, middle-aged dudes who kind of fall into the stereotypical Trump demographic.” And while Hood and his crew (which once counted a pre-solo Jason Isbell as a member for six years) have been content to explore the Lynyrd Skynyrd mythos by way of the fictional rock band Betamax Guillotine on the 2001 concept outing Southern Rock Opera, Donald Trump getting elected in 2016 spurred a fury of writing that spawned an unintentional triumverate of records (American Band, The Unraveling, The New OK) addressing the cultural shift the county experienced during his time in office right up through the present day. Hood, the son of legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section bassist David Hood), wound up having many conversations with his younger children amid various mass shootings and social unrest.

“‘Thoughts and Prayers’ and ‘Babies in Cages’ came directly from conversations I had with my son who was probably nine at the time,” he said. “He was asking if there was a chance that someone was going to come and take him away from us. Then I had to explain to him that this wouldn’t happen. But then I also had to explain to him why, which is hard


Drive-By Trucker Patterson Hood’s Fave Southern Acts BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO

Drive-By Truckers from left: Brad Morgan, Jay Gonzalez, Matt Patton, Patterson Hood, Mike Cooley (Photo by Jason Thrasher/Big Hassle)

to explain to a kid that we’re white and we don’t have to actually worry about that. Which is a horrific thing to make an innocent child understand. I wrote most of these songs under those circumstances.” Regardless of what his politics may be, Hood is a true son of the South who stopped long enough to share his favorite musical acts whose southern roots run as deep as his do.

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (October 20,

1950 to October 2, 2017) “Tom Petty was absolutely one of the greatest songwriters of our time and the Heartbreakers were probably the most phenomenal backing band of the rock and roll era. As great as the E Street Band is, I think the Heartbreakers bring something to the table that is next level.”

R.E.M. (1980 to 2011)

“They changed my life. I was 19 when Murmur came out and I was into them early. I had Chronic Town before Murmur came out. I was a pretty early fan for someone not living in Georgia at the time. I saw them over and over and they were so cool and awesome. When I listen to their albums now, they’re even better than they were then.”

Wilson Pickett (March 18,

1941 to January 19, 2006) “As far as the southern rock genre, which I’m not necessarily a fan of as a subgenre, but if you really want to get down to the birth of what people consider southern rock, Wilson Pickett’s Hey Jude would be that album. That’s the record where Duane Allman on tape came into his own. They all went out to eat and sadly enough, Wilson Pickett didn’t feel comfortable going out to eat at a restaurant with a bunch of white guys in Muscle Shoals, AL, in early 1969. He was from Birmingham, so he knew how the South could be and he didn’t want to subject himself to that. Or pull a gun on somebody and shoot ‘em, which he very well might have done. And Duane, being a hippy, felt the same way. It was during that time that Duane talked him into cutting ‘Hey Jude,’ because that wasn’t supposed to be part of the session. When they came back, Wilson Pickett decided they were going to cut ‘Hey Jude’ and that’s what they did in one or two takes right then and there and it’s phenomenal. It’s one of my favorite Muscle Shoals songs of all time.” Visit www.longislandweekly. com to read a full feature on The Drive-By Truckers.

Automotive Inspired Band Names While the Drive-By Truckers band name may have come out of a love of honky-tonk and Dirty South hip-hop, the monikers of these acts were more directly inspired by four-wheeling car culture. REO Speedwagon Pantera The GTOs The Fabulous Thunderbirds Galaxie 500 Chevelle Triumph Relient K The Rivieras The Cars —Dave Gil de Rubio




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