The Nassau Observer 12/14/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Mascot Mandate (See page 3) Serving Levittown, Massapequa, Farmingdale, Hicksville, Plainview & Bethpage, Old Bethpage Vol.76,No.48December14–20,2022 $1.00 An Anton Media Group Publication Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. The Nassau Observer (USPS 586-660) FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! Also serving: Island Trees, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa Park INSIDE Safe Holiday Toys Healthy Eating AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL Healthy Living DECEMBER 14 20, 2022 HEALTHY EATING Safe Toys Recipes In Hicksville: Business entrepreneur encourages more disability inclusion (See page 4) In Farmingdale: High school wins Long Island Football Championship (See page 4A) In Melville: Local veteran awarded Purple Heart (See page 5) In Levittown: MacArthur athlete-scholar earns All-American honor (see page 10) ©202 2 DOUGLASELLIMA N REA L ESTATE EQUA L HO USING OP PORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HU NT INGTON STAT IO N, NY 11746. 631.549.7401.*AT DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. Gold Award Top 8% of Agents Company-Wide, 2019* Chairman’s Circle Gold Award/Zillow Premier Agent Sending Warm Wishes for you and your family this Holiday and Good Health throughout the New Year! Elaine Patterson Lic. Assoc. R. E. Broker Douglas Elliman Real Estate O 516.343.9133 M 516.343.9133 230525 M
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Pressure To Change Mascots Mounts

Multiple school districts must change Native depictions, logos or lose funding

The recent decision by a New York State court upholding the prohibition on Native American depictions in mascots, team names and logos will affect several districts across Long Island, including Massapequa. The school district’s team name and logos will have to be retired by the end of the school year or the district will lose state funding. For Masssapequa, this funding amounts to approximately $37.1 million for the current school year. When asked for comment, the Massapequa School District responded, “The district is in receipt of SED’s memo and is in the process of reviewing it and consulting with counsel.”

“[T]he court’s decision establishes that public school districts are prohibited from utilizing Native American mascots. Arguments that community members support the use of such imagery or that it is “respectful” to Native Americans are no longer tenable.” Senior Deputy Commissioner James Baldwin wrote this in the letter that went out statewide to school districts. He went on to detail schools’ commitment to creating an effective learning environment: “Students learn as much through observation of their surroundings as they do from direct instruction. In addition to their legal obligations, boards of education that continue to utilize Native American mascots must reflect upon the message their choices convey to students, parents, and their communities.”

The prohibition has been in place since 2001 but was reinforced by the 2010 Dignity For All Students Act. New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act, also known as The Dignity Act, “seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment that is free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function,” as stated on the Act’s website.

Additionally, the National Education Association issued a memo in 1992 detailing a resolution adopted at their representative assembly for that year which states: “The National Education Association deplores prejudice based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender and rejects the use of names, symbols, caricatures, emblems, logos and mascots that promote such prejudice.”

The American Psychological Association’s (APA’s) position on native mascots takes a clear stance against these depictions, maintaining that they are harmful for both native and non-native students. Their position is that native symbols used in this way perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions about Indigenous peoples, especially among people who may not have contact with members of Native American cultures, that they establish a potentially hostile learning environment for Native American students and make it difficult for Native peoples to portray their culture and beliefs accurately to the public.

Former APA President Ronald F. Levant contends that “the use of American Indian mascots as symbols in schools and university athletic programs is particularly troubling because schools are places of learning. These mascots are teaching stereotypical, misleading and, too often, insulting images of American Indians. These negative lessons are not just affecting American Indian students; they are sending the wrong message to all students.”

The National Congress of American Indians, or NCAI, the country’s oldest, largest, and most representative organization for Native advocacy, has long sought the ending of the use of Native imagery by sports teams as part of a larger push to address stereotypes. This campaign, which began with teams at the professional level, was formally expanded in 2020 to include K-12 schools. According to their state activity tracker, more than 21 states across the country have taken or are considering taking formal actions to address the continued use of Native mascots by public K-12 schools in their states. These formal actions range from legislation banning the use of these mascots to the hearing of cases concerning school mascots by state human rights commissions.

Former Representative Deb Haaland (D-New Mexico), approved in March 2021 as the first Indigenous Secretary of the Interior, has long advocated for teams to change such mascots. When Maine became the first state to ban Native-themed sports logos and mascots for schools, she tweeted: “The sooner we recognize the damage that Native American mascots do to perpetuate harmful stereotypes, the sooner we can address longstanding misunderstanding and racism toward Native communities.”

Installing a new mascot can be time-consuming and expensive. Anywhere that features a Native image, logo or name will have to be changed. In 2021, after the passage of legislation requiring school districts in Washington State to discontinue use of Native mascots, estimates for those districts to replace or refurbish the affected

equipment and facilities ranged from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per school. Washington state was able to establish a grant program to fund those changes. A similar program was instituted in Nebraska, although that state does not currently require the schools to change their mascots. It is not known how much the new mascots and other imagery will cost the affected districts here on Long Island.

It is possible for schools to keep their native mascots if they get permission from a federally recognized tribe. The city of Salamanca, NY lies within the boundaries of the Allegany Indian Reservation of the Seneca Nation of Indians. Some 26 percent of the Salamanca Central High School students are Native American (primarily Seneca) and its sports teams were called the “Warriors”.

The Seneca Nation Tribal Council responded to the 2001 directive with support for the Warrior imagery in the Salamanca school. Keeping the Warrior sports identity has resulted in conversations between the Seneca and non-Seneca populations and has raised general awareness of true Seneca culture. For example, the school logo was changed to accurately depict a Seneca man; this replaced a Plains Indian warrior image that had been used prior to 1978.

According to Native Land Digital’s Native Land app, the land which is now Massapequa was part of the traditional territory of the Massapequas, a subset of the Lenape, an Algonquian-speaking people who occupied the western part of Long Island. There are online petitions at People Not Mascots for most of the Long Island schools with Nativethemed mascots, including Manhasset, Massapequa, Sewanhaka, Syosset, Brentwood and East Islip.


Entrepreneur Encourages More Disability Inclusion In Business

Saturday, Dec. 3, was International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Since 1992, this United Nations day of observance has aimed to promote an understanding of the challenges faced by disabled individuals, as well as support their rights and wellbeing. This day holds a lot of significance for entrepreneur and business owner Atul Bhatara, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at only 14 months old. In March of 2020, the Hicksville resident founded Atul Skincare, a health and beauty line which celebrates his Indian heritage by employing Ayurvedic practices. Despite being founded at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, his brand has found substantial success. The past few years have also provided Bhatara with unique insight into the shortcomings of disability representation in the business world.

Inklings of something not fair began in his youth. Bhatara speaks of many aspects of this time positively. “Socially I was always treated great, school college, everything else.” However, there were times when his aspirations were challenged by those around him. He recalls being a child in counseling for his CP and relaying his life goals, “My thing is, I always wanted to be normal, to have a normal life with a business, with a family, with a marriage, that’s what I was looking for.” But his counselor seemed confused. “Whenever I would bring up something of this sort, they would look at me a little crazy in the eyes and pure silence. Without saying anything, a sort of ‘I don’t know if that’s going to happen for you.’

And my question was, why not?”

Bhatara’s experience has not occurred in singularity. Discussions around disability frequently include questions about what is possible for disabled people to achieve. Disabilities often add another level of complexity to our already complex lives. “When you’re disabled,” Bhatara explained, “There are a lot of times when you have to create your own road and things that shouldn’t be a day-to-day battle—people, obstacles—they become a battle sometimes.” It’s very challenging, says Bhatara, to be disabled and say that you want to do something and make a difference. But that does not mean it’s impossible. “If

you have a dream and a vision and you really want to do something, having a disability gives you another layer that you need to overcome or fight through, but it’s not a reason to stop or not do something.”

Bhatara’s experiences, while inspiring, point out a glaring error which is commonplace in the business world; it is often not what a disabled person can or cannot do, but what a company thinks a disabled person can or cannot do.

Bhatara describes this dichotomous experience. “Some people bend over backwards to help out, others say, I’m not giving you an advantage because you have a disability.’” The latter speaks to a common misunderstanding of the reality of disabilities in the workforce. It serves as a reminder of the importance of including disabled people in the discussion, because they can more accurately represent their circumstances. As Bhatara puts it, “I’m not asking for an advantage and there’s nothing you could do to give me an advantage based on what I deal with on a day-to-day basis.”

Another consistent problem for disabled people is not having enough income to live a viable life. Between equipment, medical appointments, accessibility aids, nurses or staff, living with a disability can be exorbitantly expensive. On top of this, disabled people consistently lack financial representation, which undermines their potential as entrepreneurs and undercuts their value in the business world.

Disabled individuals face higher payouts for circumstances they did not choose, while simultaneously receiving little to no financial opportunities to afford their circumstances.

However, just getting a foot in the door can be an immense challenge. Bhatara recounts experiences he’s had while attempting to network.

“Even today in corporate America, when I approach companies with my brand, you don’t even get a look sometimes… And even if you are the boss, or the products are named after you, people still ask ‘Why are you calling,’ you know?” He laments that no one ever wants to discuss disabled inclusion in entrepreneurship or the workplace. “It’s very, very, very tough,” he said. “Being an entrepreneur on its own is risky, it’s tough. And being disabled and being an entrepreneur is ten times – a hundred times tougher.”

The world of entrepreneurship is a competitive one, he said, in which businesses require perfection before they will give a prospective startup a shot. “That’s where a little bit of empathy would go a long way,” Bhatara noted, “and would set the right example, not only for the corporation or the brand, but to have a larger conversation about inclusion and diversity.”

He also finds that companies misunderstand the role they have the potential to play. “If you called up a huge company saying it’s World Disability Day, they are more likely to write a check before they give an opportunity. And that’s where I

think the conversation needs to change, because there’s a whole host of longterm disabled, educated people out there that are looking for opportunity.”

Because of these challenges, Atul believes it is more important now than ever to push for accountability and representation, especially as we preach support on an international day for disabled persons. “I would like to start a conversation where, if we look at this day 10 years down the line, there’s a line of companies and entrepreneurs that exist because we had this conversation today. Disability, sometimes it comes with a lot of disrespect. I would like to speak about my abilities and the abilities of others on this day.”

It’s crucial for companies to examine their potential biases when it comes to taking on or working with disabled clients. Bhatara hopes that his efforts, and the efforts of other hardworking entrepreneurs, will help normalize disabilities in the business world. “If I have a fight or a challenge or an obstacle that I’m trying to overcome, it’s to normalize. Normalize it, and then it will be easier for future entrepreneurs and companies in terms of opportunities. That’s what I hope is a result of what I do.” He urges that now is the perfect time to have a larger conversation about opportunities for the disabled and coax companies into stepping up to provide that opportunity. “That’s when a world disability day would become an ability day. That’s when there will be something to celebrate.”

Atul Bhatara (Photos courtesy of Atul Bhatara) The Atul Skincare product line

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AARP Defensive Driving Class

9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. AARP is offering this six-hour defensive driving course for licensed drivers. Everyone must bring a driver’s license and sign a COVID-19 disclaimer form the day of class. AARP members must bring a membership card. Registration is required at on the Events Calendar. In-person program. There is a fee. Call 516-731-5728 for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln.

Teen Book Club

7 p.m. This month’s book is Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle. Chat about each book and help pick the next ones going forward. Visit www.massapequalibrary. org or call 516-799-0770 for more information and to register.

Massapequa Public Library–Bar Harbour Building, 40 Harbor Lane, Massapequa.


Book Discussion

2 p.m. Harriet Klein leads a discussion on Marie Benedict’s The Personal Librarian. Ages 18 and up only. For more information, visit or call 516-735-4133. Plainedge Public Library, 1060 Hicksville Rd., North Massapequa. ..................


Barre Fitness With Stefanie Perretta [Zoom]

9:30 a.m. Barre fitness Is a full-body workout inspired by elements of ballet, yoga and pilates that focuses on low impact, high intensity movements designed to strengthen and tone your body. Equipment needed—2 to 3-pound weights, a chair and a mat. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/meeting/register/tZIuf-mrpjwtEtLPxipiwCXjw7S3q0Cld-xB

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from the Hicksville Public Library containing information about joining the meeting.

Empire Defensive Driving Class 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Empire

offering this six-hour defensive driving course for licensed drivers. Registration is required at on the Events Calendar. In-person program. There is a fee. Call 516-731-5728 for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln. .............


Independent Film With Dylan Skolnick Of The Cinema Arts Center

Based on Patricia Highsmith’s personal writings and

accounts of her family and lovers, the film Loving Highsmith (Not rated, Running time: 1 hour, 23 minutes) casts new light on the famous thriller writer’s life and oeuvre, permeated by themes of love and its defining influence on identity. Highsmith was the author of Strangers on a Train, The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Price of Salt and many other thrillers. Visit or call 516794-2570, ext. 3 for more information and to register. East Meadow Public Library, 1886 Front St. ..................



5:30 p.m. Virtual Yoga classes will run on Tuesdays. Yoga is a system of total body development. The physical postures will enhance muscle tone, flexibility, strength, and balance. The benefits of regular practice include increased energy, decreased stress and fatigue, higher

consciousness, a stronger immune system and increased breath. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web. tZcqdeqqrjovHdcBKvAM3z5ivns2Isj1wbIE

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. For more information, visit www.hicksvillelibrary. org or call 516-931-1417. ..................


Page Turners Book Discussion:

Stephen Greenblatt’s The Swerve: How The World Became Modern 7 p.m. This engaging history of the birth of modernity and the Renaissance explores the rediscovery and popularization of Lucretious’ poem, “On the Nature of Things” and the impact of the ideas of humanism and science it contained on future generations. Register at www.levittownpl. org on the Events Calendar. This program takes place on the Zoom platform. No fee. Call 516-731-5728 for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln.

We’re not just your local newspaper, we’re a member of your community Levittown, Massapequa, Farmingdale, Hicksville, Plainview, Old Bethpage, Island Trees, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa Park 132 East Second Street, Mineola, NY 11501 • 516-747-8282 • Fresh content delivered to your mailbox each week! Local Politics • School News • Community Calendar • Local Sports Entertainment • Puzzles & Games • Events & Happenings • Classi eds Order online: or CALL 516-403-5120 TODAY! Don’t Miss a Single Issue! Serving Levittown, Massapequa, Farmingdale, Hicksville, Plainview & Old Bethpage Vol.76,No.12April612,2022 $1.00 An Anton Media Group Publica Also serving: Island Trees, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa Park INSIDE Springtime! Check out the best golf locations on Long Island. Springtime! GOLF ON SpringBackyard In Plainview: Water district offers fertilizer/lawn chemical advice (See page 4) In Hicksville: Lee Avenue students host week-long coat drive (See page 5) In Levittown: MacArthur laxers roll past defending Division champs (See page 7) Freedom Writers Massapequa High School seniors write winning voting rights essays (page 3) 500 For 500 Essay Finalists from left: Brenden Joseph Debrosse, Danielle Kennedy Finn, Colin James Mushorn, Julianne Hisako Pulizzi HAPPY PASSOVER HAPPY EASTER HAPPY SPRING DO YOU REALLY NEED A PLUMBER? OR A SEWER & DRAIN PRO CALL (347) 681-3762 JNM SEWER CORP. Use PROMO CODE 1YXT2022 to add a FREE YEAR! Only $2600 for one year & Bigforchanges the SAT Sail away with me Hofstra re-openingcamp Children For A Bright Future Serving . . . GUIDEWINTERANANTONMEDIAGROUPSPECIALDINING Valentine takeoutoptions Crockpot comfort food Local bakers conquercoffee cake market christenings,communions,graduations,anniversaries,engagement banquet people SpecialOccasion Packages NowAcceptingReservationsValentine’sDay MEDICINE PROFILES IN CHILDREN’S MEDIA SPECIAL FEBRUARY 2022 Suite New 516.627.5113 DENTALHEALTH christenings,anniversaries,engagement NowAcceptingPLUS! 45 + SPECIALTHEMED SUPPLEMENTS TOO! (Nassau County Delivery Only) 315 Conklin Street, Farmingdale (516)249-0336 234 Broadway, Bethpage Family Owned and Operated Celebrating 100 Years of Service For a hundred years and six generations of funeral directors, we are honored to say our family continues to provide families with the best service at the most affordable cost. 231188 G
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Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall Of Fame Opens To Public

The Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of Fame (LIMEHOF) recently announced the grand opening of the organization’s first physical facility and Long Island’s very first Hall of Fame at 97 Main St. in Stony Brook Village. The location is near other Long Island cultural centers including The Long Island Museum, The Jazz Loft and The Reboli Center.

“We are thrilled our organization has found a permanent home in such a wonderful location,” LIMEHOF Chairman Ernie Canadeo said. “We’re excited to be able to share our world-class displays and unique memorabilia collection that showcases Long Island’s rich and diverse musical and entertainment history in new and exciting ways. We feature different and exciting exhibits, displays, videos and education offerings that make the center a dynamic place for people to visit on a regular basis.”

Founded in 2004, the nonprofit LIMEHOF is dedicated to the idea that Long Island’s musical heritage is an important resource to be celebrated and preserved for future generations. The organization, which encompasses New York State’s Nassau, Suffolk, Queens and Kings (Brooklyn) Counties, was created as a place of community that inspires and explores Long Island music in all its forms. To date, the organization has inducted more than 100 musicians and music industry executives, and offers education programs, scholarships and awards to Long Island students and educators. LIMEHOF has strong associations and community support, including Catholic Health, which is the presenting sponsor and a strong supporter.

More than 250 guests and inductees recently attended a special VIP preview event on Nov. 22 to see the first exhibit. Inductees in attendance included founding and current members of Blue Öyster Cult (bassist Joe Bouchard, Albert Bouchard and drummer Jules Radino), Zebra (guitarist Randy Jackson, bassist Felix Hanemann and drummer Guy Gelso), The Brooklyn Bridge (Jimmy Rosica), Parrish Smith from EPMD, Granddaddy IU, and Twisted Sister (guitarist Jay Jay French and Mark “The Animal” Mendoza), Music journalist Wayne Robins, John Gatto from The Good Rats, singer/songwriter Jen Chapin, Paula Janis and Carole Demas of The Magic Garden , singer/songwriter Elliott Murphy, Ira Maltz, CSS Security. Stanton Anderson (Mark Fowler), LIMEHOF board member Sandra Taylor (daughter of LIMEHOF inductee Sam

Taylor) and Lawrence Worrell, stage name L.A.W. from Planet 12 (grandson of LIMEHOF inductee Sam Taylor) and more. There were also live performances by Zebra, The Blue Öyster Cult, Jen Chapin, Paula Janis and Carole Demas of The Magic Garden and other inductees.

North Babylon Resident Cliff Schlesinger was the first public visitor to the Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame when it opened on Nov. 25. Schlesinger says he was most excited to see the first exhibit, “Long Island’s Legendary Club Scene–1960’s to 1980’s,” which is designed to be a club crawl through Long Island’s legendary ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s club scene.

“We used to go everywhere from Speaks in Island Park to The Mad Hatter in Stony Brook,” Schlesinger said. “We used to go everywhere… Twisted Sister and Zebra and all those bands so I can’t wait to see that exhibit.”

The first exhibit features replicas of clubs, with videos of artists performing, ads, posters, instruments and an exact replica of a typical 1960’s stage, with vintage equipment and sound system. There is also a permanent “Hall of Fame” with plaques and exhibits recognizing more than 120 inductees, as well as areas for a library, classrooms for educational programs and master classes, a surround -sound theater and a gift shop with music and entertainment themed memorabilia.

There is a wide range of compelling visual elements and rare artifacts on display throughout the building. Inducted artists who have donated their memorabilia include Billy Joel, Joan Jett, Debbie Gibson, Blue Öyster Cult, Twisted Sister and families and estates of Harry Chapin, Guy Lombardo, John Coltrane, and so many more. Donations include various musical instruments, performance outfits, vintage automobiles and motorcycles, rare posters and photos, handwritten lyrics and much more.

More than 500 public visitors came out to see LIMEHOF on its opening weekend. Also, LIMEHOF Inductee Richie Cannata performed on stage along with Mark Newman and LIMEHOF Long Island Sound Award Winner Kerry Kearney.

The Hall of Fame and Museum is open Wednesdays to Sundays, from noon through 5 p.m. Admission prices are adult $19.50, seniors (65+) and veterans $17, students (with identification) $15, children under 12 are free. Tickets can be purchased online at the website and at the door.

—Submitted by the Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of Fame

Ribbon cutting at the Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of Fame VIP Preview event on Nov. 22 North Babylon Resident Cliff Schlesinger becomes the first public visitor to LIMEHOF. From left: Richard Branciforte, Cliff Schlesinger, Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of Fame Chairman Ernie Canadeo, exhibit designer Kevin O’Callaghan and board member Jim Faith (Photo Credit Ed Shin/LIMEHOF) LIMEHOF inductees Paula Janis and Carole Demas of The Magic Garden (Photo credit: Photographer Ed Shin/Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame) Cowbell donated by Blue Oyster Cult on display at the Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of Fame (Photo Credit LIMEHOF)
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • DECEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 3A FULL RUN 236006 M Salebegins 12/26/22 and ends 1/16/23 1-16-23

Farmingdale Wins Long Island Football Championship

Farmingdale has traditionally been one of Nassau County’s most decorated football programs. They have added another chapter to their storied history this season with convincing wins in the Nassau County and Long Island championship games. While titles have eluded them over the last few years, Farmingdale came back in dominant fashion in 2022.

The Dalers have finished this magical season with a 12-0 record. The Village of Farmingdale celebrated their champions with a parade down Main Street on Sunday, Dec. 4.

The season was capped in a thrilling Long Island Championship game against Ward Melville. Senior running back Tomaso Ramos carried the Dalers to victory. He rushed for an incredible 392 yards on 34 carries, ran for three touchdowns and had a touchdown reception as Farmingdale beat the Patriots, 42-20, in the Long Island Class I championship game at LaValle Stadium at Stony Brook University.

In addition to his ground and pound approach, Ramos added two receptions for 45 yards in the game which gave him 437 all-purpose yards. That established a new record for the Long Island Championships.

“I wasn’t expecting to do this at all, but when they call my name, I’ve got to go,” Ramos said after the game.

It was the second time that Farmingdale captured the Long Island title, the first coming in 2001. Legendary Farmingdale coach Buddy Krumenacker has

taken 10 teams to the Long Island Championships and has now come away with two wins.

“To play in the Long Island championship is great, but we’ve stumbled here,” Krumenacker said. “This is our 10th appearance. But I’d want to be here 10 times and lose eight than not be here. There’s no doubt about that.”

The road to the Long Island Championship started with a 35-0 win over Port Washington in the Nassau quarterfinals. That was followed by a 42-7 victory over Syosset in the semifinals. That set

up the Nassau County championship game against long-time rival Massapequa, the defending Nassau County champions.

Farmingdale wasted no time jumping out to a quick lead against Massapequa and ultimately ran away with the game. Quarterback Anthony Licci completed 14 of 17 passes for 235 yards and three touchdowns. Ramos rushed for 108 yards and two touchdowns and Joe Burriesci caught seven passes for 124 yards (two TDs) and recorded an interception.

Farmingdale showed its poise,

executing the two-minute drill in the waning moments of the first half. Licci led the Dalers on a threeplay, 65-yard drive that finished with a strike to Burriesci for a touchdown and 21-0 halftime lead. In the end, it all added up to a 38-7 win for Farmingdale at Hofstra’s Stuart Stadium and a trip to the Long Island Championships.

Throughout the three-game Nassau County playoffs, Farmingdale outscored its opponents 115-14. They captured their 17th Nassau County title in school history and the first title since 2015. The Dalers posted five shutouts this season and over the course of 12 games, outscored opponents, 510-101. Ramos finished the season with more than 1,000 rushing yards while Licci passed for over 1,000 yards.

“I’ve been dreaming of this since I was in elementary school,” Ramos said. “This is where I’ve always wanted to be.”

—James Rowan in an Anton Media Group contributor

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Your 2022 Long Island Class I champions—the Farmingdale High School Dalers
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Bruce Blakeman Nassau County Executive


Hanukkah Greeting

On Sunday evening, Dec. 18, Jews around the world will come together to light the first candle of Hanukkah, otherwise known as The Festival of Lights. At its heart, this uplifting holiday is about the achievement of justice in the face of overwhelming odds. It is an opportunity to reflect on the triumph of liberty over tyranny, and in fact that miracles can happen even in the darkest moments. Though they were outnumbered in people and in means, the Maccabees’ dedication to their cause was unwavering, and thus these brave warriors emerged victorious over an oppressive Greek regime.

Hanukkah is the only Jewish holiday that celebrates a military victory. Because there is a tension in the Jewish tradition between the responsibility to defend the right to religious freedom and the reluctance to bear arms, the ancient Maccabees fought only


when doing so was vital for survival. They went forth with great faith in our Creator, believing, in the words of our biblical prophet, Isiah, that “not by might and not by power but by the spirit of the Holy One” would they achieve victory. While fully knowing that it was their responsibility to fight for what mattered to them,

the Maccabees also hoped for miracles and prayed for wisdom. Their small beam of hope became a huge radiance of triumph and everlasting happiness for the Jewish people. This shining light, which burned continuously both in their hearts and in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem back then, illuminates Jewish homes and synagogues throughout the world today. The glow of the menorah reminds us of a just and loving Creator’s blessing, and of the countless sacrifices made over the centuries for faith and freedom. As American Jews, we owe a special debt of gratitude to the United States, for its offering us the greatest freedom of religious expression in our history.

During the eight days of Hanukkah, let us all be inspired by the knowledge that light can overcome darkness. During this season of light, let’s all renew

Boycott The Qatar World Cup

our commitment to hope and to pray, to work and to sacrifice, and to bring about that blessed time when religious freedom will be a right, not just a dream, for all of humankind. May our readiness to defend ourselves never undermine our commitment to “seek peace and pursue it” and may this holiday season be a time of hope, happiness, peace and unity for all mankind. Amen.

Happy Hanukkah. Rabbi Dr. Moshe P. Weisblum

Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000

Publishers of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot Great Neck Record Manhasset Press Nassau Illustrated News Port Washington News Syosset-Jericho Tribune The Nassau Observer The Roslyn News

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Corruption, scandal and controversy is nothing new to the International Federation of Association Football (commonly known as FIFA), the governing body of international soccer. The Federation was indicted in 2015 on “racketeering [and] wire fraud and money laundering conspiracies, among other offenses,” allegedly had two members of its executive committee bribed to vote to have Qatar host the 2022 World Cup and in 2018 granted the World Cup to Russia, an authoritarian dictatorship that four years earlier had invaded a sovereign country and illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula.

Now we are seeing a repeat. FIFA has granted Qatar, another dictatorial regime with some of the highest inequality and poorest human rights in the world, the

chance to launder its reputation clean by the World Cup.

But what is uniquely appalling with this whitewashing scheme is the horrific human cost of Qatar’s stadiums. Forget the astounding $220 billion dollars that was sunk into the World Cup (which will all go away the instant the World Cup ends). Let’s talk about the more than 6,500 migrant workers who died building Qatar’s stadiums.

Take that in for a moment—6,500. To put that in perspective, that’s roughly two deaths a day for 10 years. And just what these poor migrant workers have had to endure at the hands of the Qatari government…

Slate reports that among migrant workers, “The withholding of wages and confiscation

of passports was common.” The Guardian reports that: “Guardian analysis indicates shocking figure over the past decade likely to be an underestimate… The findings, compiled from government sources, mean an average of 12 migrant workers from these five south Asian nations have died each week… The total death toll is significantly higher as these figures do not include deaths from a number of countries which send large numbers of workers to Qatar… Behind the statistics lie countless stories of devastated families who have been left without their main breadwinner, struggling to gain compensation and confused about the circumstances of their loved one’s death.”

The Guardian piece also details the personal accounts of those who died building FIFA’s stadiums.

Madhu Bollapally was found lying dead on his accommodation’s floor; the death was classified as heart failure. His wife and son that were left behind received $1,382 for his six years of work.

Mohammad Shahid Miah paid $4,320 to work in Qatar. He died

from electrocution when a faulty electrical cable contacted floodwater in his work camp. The debt Miah paid was passed on to his destitute parents. Qatar has provided no compensation to the Miah family.

Ghal Singh Rai paid $1,545 to work in Qatar. A week later he took his own life. It sickens me to read these stories. This was a very rare time when, in conducting research for a piece, I felt genuinely disturbed. What you’ve read here is just the tip of the iceberg.

I refuse to support this murderous regime. That’s why I’m not watching the 2022 Qatar World Cup, and I encourage all readers to do the same. I’m no soccer fan, but I love watching a soccer match and it is utterly unfair to the fans—who enjoy the beautiful form, tactics, competitiveness and athleticism of soccer—that the sport be ruined by the corruption of faceless executives and the spilling of innocent blood.

Matthew Adarichev is a public policy major at Hofstra University, a political activist and an aspiring journalist whose work has appeared in the Hofstra Chronicle and The Long Island Herald.

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Matthew Adarichev Soccer fans across the world are tuning in to watch the 2022 World Cup. American fans reading this are probably feeling glum: the United States Soccer Team took a crushing defeat at the hands of the Netherlands on Dec. 3, losing 3 – 1. But underneath that devastating loss is something far more sinister. Scratch just below the glitzy surface of the Qatar World Cup and you unearth a treasure trove of horrendous human rights abuses on the part of the Qatari government in preparation for this year’s World Cup.


If It Says N.Y.-Style Pizza—It Ain’t

Growing up on Long Island, a kid would sometimes just have to make a stand. You had to take a side. Some allegiances were built-in: your friends, your school, your Little League Baseball or Pop Warner Football team… These were no-brainers. But there were far more divisive decisions to be made that could easily set you and even your best pals or siblings tumbling across the lawn in disagreement. The Great Quisp vs. Quake Debate between me and my little brother raged on for months, as did the Bugs Bunny vs. Tom and Jerry campaign. Good Humor versus Mr. Softee “discussions” would often draw blood.

No quarter was taken here and none was given, as in the cases of: Yankees or Mets? Jets or Giants? Matchbox or Hot Wheels? Sgt. Rock or Sgt. Fury? Betty or Veronica? Officer Joe Bolton or Captain Jack McCarthy? And of course, Ginger or Mary Ann?

You can insert your personal bones of contention here: ___________.

These debates invariably carried over into what deli or pizzeria was “the best.” And the really great part about that is there were truly so many fantastic places to argue about. The Italian spectrum in Levittown included Domenico’s, Don Ciccio’s, Caruso’s and Sammy’s Inferno.

As for delis we had Torino’s and Fred’s and the half-dozen other nameless delis we just called the German Deli, Jewish Deli or the other Italian Deli. Toss in the grocery stores and bakeries and candy stores and that’s a lot of fodder to fight over.

And I have a theory that it is because of this variety and competition among the family-owned and -operated small businesses of not only Levittown, but most towns on Long Island from Mineola to Montauk, that Long Islanders have developed a more expert and discerning taste for food than almost every place else I have been. And I have been everywhere.

We Islanders might not agree on where the best pizza is to be had, but at least we know what pizza is. And that goes for bagels and pretzels and heroes and knishes and Lo Mien.

I once stopped at a “Chinese” Restaurant in Western Oklahoma and I ordered pork lo mien. I swear I got ramen noodles and bacon bits. It was then I only noticed there were no Chinese people actually working there. Never a good sign.

And chain pizza joints (from the seemingly dozens of faux-Italian crap factories) are to real pizza what Enya is to rock & roll. It just don’t work.

I have been to New York-style pizza places in Kansas, California, Tennessee, Louisiana and a dozen other states and if it says New York-style pizza—it damn sure ain’t. You can bank on that. If it says New York bagels and you ain’t in New York—it


damn sure ain’t.

I think it’s okay if you think pizza should be made with gouda and asparagus and guacamole, but call it what it is. If it is your own misguided attempt to improve upon pizza, then say it. But don’t slander my state with your suspect culinary creativity.

If you want to put gooseberries and sunflower seeds on your bagels, go for it. But don’t say you got that idea on Long Island.

And if you think I might be making too much of out of this, I have to point out that though I have seen New Yorkstyle this and New York-style that from coast to coast, conversely I have never seen a place on Long Island advertising Memphis-style grits or Colorado-style bull fries or Kansas City-style chicken gizzards.

This is because, while fiercely protective of what we consider to be “that food of ours,” and how it is represented about the country, Long Islanders are not so presumptuous as to usurp another regional favorite as our own.

Let Buffalo have its wings.

Let Chicago have its deep dish.

Let Maine have its lobster roll and Maryland its blue-claw crab.

But leave our pizza and bagels alone.

And if you’re ever driving through Western Oklahoma and have a craving for Chinese Food, stay away from Bubba And Pedro’s Peking Palace.

Douglas Delaney is an author, playwright, documentarian and Levittown native who currently calls Kansas home.

A Douglas Delaney
DID YOU MOVE? CALL US WITH YOUR NEW ADDRESS 516-403-5120 and do not miss any issues! 236179 M

Be Our Guest!

The Argyle Theatre, Long Island’s largest year-round professional theatrical venue, presents Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, directed by Evan Pappas, choreographed and co-directed by Debbie Roshe, with musical direction by Jonathan Brenner. It performs through Jan. 1; the opening night was celebrated on Nov. 12.

Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature, the stage version includes all of the wonderful songs written by Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman, along with new songs by Menken and Tim Rice. The original Broadway production ran for more than 13 years and was nominated for nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical.

The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end, and he will be transformed into his former self. But time is running out. If the Beast does not learn his lesson soon, he and his household will be doomed for all eternity.

“This is a year of celebration at the Argyle; we have chosen four amazing shows that our audiences will love,” Argyle Theatre’s Artistic Director Evan Pappas said. “And what better way to kick off the new season with the magic of Disney’s

Beauty and the Beast.”

Tickets for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast are priced from $45 to $79 and may be purchased online at or by calling 631-230-3500.

For group rates and school trips, contact Marty Rubin, director of sales, by email at

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast will play Wednesday through Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m., Saturday afternoons at 2:30 p.m., and Sunday afternoons at 2 p.m., with select Tuesday evenings and weekday matinees throughout December.

Visit for tickets and more details.

Hana Culbreath and Leland Burnett 234694 M 236113 G
Russ Rowland
AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL Healthy Living DECEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 HOLIDAY EATING Lead poisoning from toys Yummy avocados Long Island 200 Old Country Road Suite 366 Mineola, NY 11501 New York City 218 Second Avenue Suite 402 South New York, NY 10003 Book Your appointment through our website at SERVICES MACULAR DEGENERATION | DIABETIC EYE CARE UVEITIS / INFLAMMATION | DRY EYES CATARACT AND GLAUCOMA 236265 G FOLLOW US! Luis Silva, MD Deep Parikh, MD Ronald Gentile, MD GENTILE RETINA QUESTIONS? 516.882.3080 212.979.4120 WORLD CLASS VISION AND EYE CARE WE SPEAK: HINDI, GUJARATI, SPANISH, AND PORTUGUESE Affiliated with NYU Langone and NYU Winthrop Hospital

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Lead Hazards In Toys

Many children get toys and toy jewelry as gifts during the holiday season. Some toys, especially some imported toys, antique toys, and toy jewelry may contain lead. Although lead is invisible to the naked eye and has no smell, exposure to lead can seriously harm a child’s health. Young children tend to put their hands, toys, or other objects—which may be made of lead or contaminated with lead or lead dust—into their mouths. If you have a small child in your household, make sure the child does not have access to toys, jewelry, or other items that may contain lead.

Lead may be found in the paint, metal, and plastic parts of some toys and toy jewelry, particularly those made in other countries, and also antique toys and collectibles.

In 2008, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) was signed into law, requiring toys and infant products to be tested to mandatory standards before being sold.

The use of lead in plastics has not been banned. Lead softens plastic, making a toy more flexible to return to its original shape. Lead may also be used in plastic toys to stabilize molecules from heat.

Lead dust can form on toys when some plastics are exposed to sunlight, air, and detergents that break down the chemical bond between the lead and plastics.

Lead also may be combined with other metals, such as tin, to create alloys that are used to make toys.

To reduce children’s risk for lead exposure, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) tests and issues recalls of current products that may potentially expose children to lead. Check the CPSC website ( to be sure your child’s toys are safe. You can find photos and descriptions of currently recalled toys on that website.

Protect children from exposure to lead in metal and plastic toys, especially imported toys, antique toys, and toy jewelry. How can I test a toy for lead?

Only a certified laboratory can accurately determine how much lead is in a toy. Although do-it-yourself kits indicating the presence of lead are available, they do not show how much lead is present and their reliability at detecting low levels of lead has not been determined.

What should I do if I am concerned about my child’s exposure to lead in a toy?

If you think your child has been exposed to a toy containing lead, or if your child has a recalled toy, take away the toy immediately and contact your child’s healthcare provider. Most children who are exposed to lead have no symptoms. A blood lead test is the best way to find out if your child has been exposed to lead. Your child’s healthcare provider can help you decide whether a blood lead test is needed and can recommend appropriate follow-up actions if your child has been exposed. As levels of

Toy jewelry often contains a lot of lead.

lead in the blood increase, adverse effects from lead may also increase.

Lead in Toy Jewelry

What are the effects of wearing toy jewelry?

Just wearing toy jewelry that contains lead will not cause your child to have a high level of lead in their blood. However, young children often place their toys, fingers,

Lead exposure is preventable.

and other objects in their mouths as a part of their normal development. Chewing, sucking on or swallowing toy jewelry that contains lead will expose your child to lead.

Make sure children in your home do not have access to jewelry or other items that may contain lead. Additionally, regularly washing children’s toys and hands can prevent them from swallowing or breathing in lead or lead dust.

Regular handwashing can reduce lead poisoning.

If you think your child put jewelry containing lead in his or her mouth, take the jewelry away from your child and contact your child’s healthcare provider. Your child’s healthcare provider can help you decide whether a blood lead test is needed and can recommend appropriate follow-up actions if your child has been exposed. Many private insurance policies cover the cost of testing for blood lead, and blood lead testing for children enrolled in Medicaid is covered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For additional information on local resources, contact the childhood lead poisoning prevention program in your area.

No safe blood lead level in children has been identified. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to affect a child’s intelligence, ability to pay attention, and academic achievement.

The good news is that childhood lead exposure is preventable.

—National Center for Environmental Health

What should I do if I think my child put lead jewelry in his or her mouth?

Five Healthy Eating Tips For The Holidays

Your recipe for staying on track no matter what’s cooking

‘Tis the season for family, festivity, and food—lots of food. Temptations are everywhere, and parties and travel disrupt daily routines. What’s more, it all goes on for weeks. How do you stick to your diabetes meal plan when everyone around you seems to be splurging? Here are five tips that can help:

1. Holiday-Proof Your Plan

You may not be able to control what food you’re served, and you’re going to see other people eating tempting treats. Meet the challenges armed with a plan:

• Eat close to your usual times to keep your blood sugar steady. If your meal is served later than normal, eat a small snack at your usual mealtime and eat a little less when dinner is served.

• Invited to a party? Offer to bring a healthy dish along.

• If you have a sweet treat, cut back on other carbs (like potatoes and bread) during the meal.

• Don’t skip meals to save up for a feast. It will be harder to manage your blood sugar, and you’ll be really hungry and more likely to overeat.

• If you slip up, get right back to healthy eating with your next meal.

2. Outsmart the Buffet

Savor a serving of the foods you really love.

When you face a spread of delicious holiday food, make healthy choices easier:

• Have a small plate of the foods you like best and then move away from the buffet table.

• Start with vegetables to take the edge off your appetite.

• Eat slowly. It takes at least 20 minutes for your brain to realize you’re full.

• Avoid or limit alcohol. If you do have an alcoholic drink, have it with food. Alcohol

can lower blood sugar and interact with diabetes medicines.

• Also plan to stay on top of your blood sugar. Check it more often during the holidays, and if you take medicine, ask your doctor if the amount needs to be adjusted.

3. Fit in Favorites

No food is on the naughty list. Choose the dishes you really love and can’t get any other time of year, like Aunt Edna’s pumpkin

pie. Slow down and savor a small serving, and make sure to count it in your meal plan.

4. Keep Moving

You’ve got a lot on your plate this time of year, and physical activity can get crowded out. But being active is your secret holiday weapon; it can help make up for eating more than usual and reduce stress during this most stressful time of year. Get moving with friends and family, such as taking a walk after a holiday meal.

5. Get Your Zzzs

Going out more and staying out later often means cutting back on sleep. Sleep loss can make it harder to manage your blood sugar, and when you’re sleep deprived you’ll tend to eat more and prefer high-fat, high-sugar food. Aim for seven to eight hours per night to guard against mindless eating.

Most of all, remember what the season is about—celebrating and connecting with the people you care about. When you focus more on the fun, it’s easier to focus less on the food.

—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

233796 M
If you plan for it, no food needs to be on the naughty list.

Dara Jones Joins HSS Long Island

A pediatric physiatrist, she sees a strong need for services here

Dara Jones, MD, of Port Washington has joined HSS Long Island, the Uniondale location of Hospital for Special Surgery. Jones is a pediatric physiatrist—a medical doctor specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation in children and teenagers. Her practice is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and management of physical conditions and impairments present at birth or that develop during childhood. In addition to Long Island, she will continue to practice at the main hospital on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

With patients generally ranging in age from infants to 18-year-olds, Jones seeks to improve quality of life for those with cerebral palsy; developmental disorders; musculoskeletal and neurologic conditions; gait abnormalities; muscular dystrophy; traumatic brain injuries; spinal cord injuries; spina bifida; and acute injuries affecting the muscles, bones and joints.

With only a handful of pediatric physiatrists on Long Island, she sees a strong need for services here. “Many of my Long Island patients have been making the trip into Manhattan, often for treatments

that require multiple appointments,” Jones said. “I am delighted that I can now provide services on Long Island, which will make it so much more convenient for them. Plus, the Uniondale location is a beautiful, modern facility that’s easy to access with ample parking.”

Jones knew she found her calling early on−the first time she saw a child’s face light up during a consultation. She was explaining to the seven-year-old, who has cerebral palsy, that she could do anything she wants to do, even if it looks a little different from the way others do it.

“It’s always about what patients can do; it’s never about what they can’t do,” she said. “I work with a team of experts at HSS to optimize treatment and provide care to meet the needs of each family and achieve the goals and reach the full potential of each patient.” The team often includes pediatric orthopedic surgeons; physical, occupational and speech therapists; social workers; and experts who make adaptive equipment and assistive devices.

Board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Jones received her medical degree from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New

Orleans. She completed her residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and a fellowship in Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center/ Albert Einstein School of Medicine.

She joins 36 specialists in orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, adult physiatry, rheumatology and pain management at HSS Long Island, located in The Omni professional building off Hempstead Turnpike in Uniondale.

“The HSS system and standards are as strong on Long Island as they are in New York City,” Jones said. “And the recent expansion, additional imaging services and new rehab facility at the Nassau County location are impressive.”

Jones, who moved to Port Washington this year with her husband and two young sons, says she couldn’t be happier in her new home.

“We love the water; we love the beach. We go boating, we fish,” she said. “We are really happy here. It’s exactly what we wanted, a great place for our sons to grow up in.”

Call today to learn more 516-627-4433 THIN-SITE Medically Supervised Weight Loss • Board Certified Physician Visits • Nutritional Counseling • Private Fitness Center 236335 M
Dr. Dara Jones

Double Up On The Guac?

Those avocados are good for your heart health

Adding avocados to a healthy diet could reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, including lowering your cholesterol, according to research published by the American Heart Association (AHA). That’s especially good news because the consumption of avocados in the U.S. has nearly tripled in the past two decades, up to nearly 2.6 billion pounds a year.

Avocados contain high amounts

of fiber, potassium, magnesium, folate, vitamin C and vitamin K.

The fruit is a known source of healthy, unsaturated fats and a great replacement for certain fat-containing foods like butter, cheese or processed meats.

lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 21 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease, compared to those who never or rarely ate avocados.

A study published in the Journal of American Heart Association found that eating one avocado a day as part of a moderate-fat diet resulted in lower “bad” LDL cholesterol.

A study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that:

• People who ate at least one avocado each week had a 16 percent

• Replacing half a serving daily of margarine, butter, egg, yogurt, cheese or processed meats such as bacon with the same amount of avocado was associated with a 16 to 22 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease events.

The research on avocados aligns with the American Heart Association’s guidance to follow the Mediterranean diet – a dietary pattern focused on fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, fish and other healthy foods and plant-based fats such as

olive, canola, sesame and other non-tropical oils.

The AHA website ( has a number of hearthealthy recipes using avocados.

Cirrhosis-Related Readmissions Are Common

People with cirrhosis require frequent hospitalizations and often are readmitted soon after discharge, many times within 30 days. This is an obvious cause of concern for patients and their families who often question why this is happening.

This topic is a subject of much thought among all parties involved. The reasons why this phenomenon occurs are complicated and multi-factorial. Are the patients taking their medications correctly after leaving the hospital? Are the health care providers

providing timely outpatient follow up to these patients? Are insurance companies paying for needed outpatient medications after discharge?

A study recently released from the University of Indiana addresses this issue. Their findings were striking. Almost 40 percent of all patients with cirrhosis who were discharged from the hospital were readmitted within 30 days of discharge. Only 12 percent of these were preventable readmissions. The most common indications

for readmission were hepatic encephalopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding and acute kidney injury.

Focus on the reasons behind these preventable readmissions such as the patient is discharged before being ready to go home, the lack of appropriate outpatient follow up being arranged prior to discharge and the inability of the patient to get the medications which were prescribed upon discharge in the outpatient setting.

Patients with cirrhosis routinely require hospitalization

and this impacts their overall quality of life. While most readmissions are secondary to disease progression and not preventable, there remains a subset which are preventable.

It behooves the medical profession to do all that it can to keep these patients from being unnecessarily admitted to the hospital by implementing policies that enable patients to obtain the care they need.

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Bean, Avocado and Pineapple Salad (AHA) HOW CAN I HELP ELDER CARE • Guidance in choosing the right Community • Evaluating the level of care needed • Work with communities that match your budget • Scheduling tours and ensuring a smooth admission process • Discuss long term care insurance options • Discuss how VA benefits can assist with cost • Assistance with required admission paperwork 516.779.9487 •

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—David Bernstein, MD, MACG, FAASLD, AGAF, FACP THE SPECIALIST David Bernstein, MD
—American Heart Association 236377 M
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Recently Sold

This home at 26 Noel Ln. in the Ponds Edge section of Muttontown sold on Nov. 8 for $1,587,500. It is a beautiful location with a pond view, located within the Syosset school district. This spacious Colonial with plenty of light opens with a two-story entryway. The formal living room, with gleaming hardwood floors, flows into the family room which opens to a center-island, eat-in-kitchen. This home has fantastic flow for entertaining. The oversized master bedroom suite has two walk-in closets and a large dressing area. There are three additional bedrooms, all with closet systems and a full bathroom to clomplete the second floor. The fifth bedroom doubles as the home office and has a private full bathroom on the first floor. This home has a full, finished basement. The property is a half of an acre and has a pool and hot tub. There is also a large contained area with a playground. The entrance boasts a circular drive and a three-car garage.


Ready Outdoor Power Equipment For Winter Storage, Prep Your Snow Thrower

After your lawn gets its last seasonal cut, it is time to put away summer outdoor power equipment, like lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and trimmers.

Here are a few tips to ensure proper equipment storage, maintenance and safe handling:

Review manuals

Know how to handle equipment safely including how to turn off equipment quickly and safely. Lost manuals can be found online. Save a copy on your computer, so it can be consulted when needed.

Service all equipment

Before storing spring and summer equipment, clean and service it or take it to a small engine repair shop. Drain and change engine oil and safely dispose of old oil. Service the air filter, and do other maintenance as directed by the owner’s manual.

Handle fuel properly

Unused fuel left in gas tanks over the winter can go stale and even damage equipment. Before storing equipment, add fuel stabilizer to the gas tank, then run the equipment to distribute it.

Charge batteries

Remove and fully charge batteries before storing. Don’t store batteries on metal shelves or allow them to touch metal objects. Store them on a plastic or wood shelf in a climate-controlled structure.

Shelter equipment

Store spring and summer equipment in a clean and dry place such as a garage, barn or shed. Winter equipment should be kept away from the elements, but be easily available for use.

This home “Kirby Hill” at 11 Mansion Hill Dr. in Muttowntown sold on Nov. 4 for $2,940,000. It is a rare opportunity to own a piece of history. Kirby Hill, the original Joseph Stevens estate, was designed by Warren & Westmore circa 1902. It is set on seven rolling acres in the village of Muttontown, the jewel of Stone Hill. The home’s Baronial rooms all have original details. The home has been lovely restored to its original glory. It has 10 bedrooms and eight bathrooms. It is located in a gated community with 24-hour security, a club house, lawn care and many other amenities.

Prepare, prepare, prepare

Make space in the garage or basement before the weather changes, so there is room to store larger yard items. Clean up your yard. Clear the paths used regularly in your yard.

—Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI)

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.

229408 M Let the #1 real estate brokerage guide you home on Long Island. * Manhasset | Huntington | Garden City | Locust Valley | Roslyn Syosset | Oceanside | Woodbury | Rockville Centre | Sea Cliff Carle Place | Smithtown | Southold Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws. 516.517.4751. *Source: 2021 Closed Sales Volume, U.S., RealTrends 500.

If shoes make the man, then meet Darren Smith, the man who makes the shoes. Far from being your average cobbler, Smith is the founder and creative director of Barollo Shoes, a luxury footwear brand whose bespoke approach has garnered a wealth of celebrity clients, athletes and VIPs including Caitlyn Jenner, Lupita Nyong’o, Jessica Biel, Sarah Paulson and Angelina Jolie since its 2018 launch. Not bad for a kid from Philadelphia whose prior life found him installing multi-million dollar IMAX systems around the country before he took the plunge into designing shoes back in 2014 and heading off to Venice, Italy for an intensive apprenticeship. Smith’s epiphany that he wanted to dive into the deep end of shoe design came while volunteering at the Devon Horse Show back in 2014. It was during the 10-day event where Smith came across La Mondial, a century-old manufacturer of custom riding boots based in South America.

“I met owner [Roberto Rivas II] at the show during one of my breaks,” Smith recalled. “I kept going back to watch the craftsmanship and videos they had and was blown away. On my third visit, there was a literal flash of light and a voice in my head that said I had to make shoes. It was as clear as this conversation. I have never had more direction and clarity in my life.”

The aspiring cobbler soon learned that Italy was where he would learn more about this new career in high end design and three months after the show, he bought a two-week round-trip ticket to attend a show and make connections. The return passage lapsed and Smith found himself


Barollo Shoes Sits At The Crossroads Of Luxury, Comfort And Style

was a philosophy that continues to inform Barollo Shoes to this day.

“I couldn’t have landed in a better place,” Smith said. “It opened my eyes to how the world is and I really fell in love with that aspect of Italy— the craftsmanship. These people I was working with weren’t rich but if you went to see them, they had the best appliances. They would have a prosciutto cutter that was thousands of dollars. They were committed to having the best of everything and everything oozed quality.”

in the early 1900’s or Ferragamo in the ‘50s or ‘60s,” Smith said.

“I hand-select all the materials.

I’m not just the designer—I make everything. I don’t do every part of every operation but I’m literally touching every shoe multiple times and doing multiple processes.”


learning the craft. Just as important was Smith being immersed in Italian culture that valued high standards over mediocrity in all aspects be it food, architecture or time spent enjoying everyday life. It

Smith’s dedication to maintaining these lofty benchmarks found him setting up shop on the banks of the Riviera del Brenta, near Venice, in the heart of the luxury shoe capital of the world. It’s an area that where you’ll find Louis Vuitton’s Italian headquarters and where other luxury brands are manufactured including Jimmy Choos, Hermes and Chanel. It is here where Smith hand-picks Napa leather for lining in his women’s shoes that goes for $40 a square meter and is generally used for finished goods including handbags, gloves and leather jackets. And that uncompromising demand for quality even extends to the packaging (“People don’t think the box matters but when you buy a pair of shoes, the first thing the sales person hands you is the box. It’s like a car—the outside has to be as beautiful as the inside) which is produced by a company that is also a supplier for Tiffany’s, Valentino and Gucci. As for the actual footwear, Smith is proud to be very hands-on with each design handcrafted to order. This time-consuming process requires more than 350 individual steps to complete a finished pair of shoes and ranges from hand dying the skins to cutting and stitching each piece of leather.

“With me, you’re dealing with the designer like you did with Gucci

Not surprisingly, Smith’s services don’t come cheap. His lines includes women’s Dream Stilettos and Addison loafers and men’s boots, Daytona loafers and tuxedo shoes. He also makes belts and handbags. Barollos’ custom-made shoe line starts at $5,000. Given how time consuming this part of the creative process is, the current challenge is for Smith to scale up. He hopes to go from custom-made to ready-to-wear with the ideal goal of selling 10,000 to 20,000 pairs of shoes a year with sneakers at $750 and shoes starting at $950 and going up from there. Currently, he’s moving only hundreds of custom-made shoes. Because of Barollo being one of the most exclusive brands coming out of Italy, there is a wait for the products because of demand. Scalability is the challenge for 2023. Smith’s hope is that he can land his shoes in exclusive boutiques in cities like Miami, Palm Beach, Dallas and New York City. His one foray onto Long Island was in the Hamptons, where his shoe line was being carried by Fred Segal before that location closed. What sustains him is the feedback and loyalty of his customers thanks to the high quality and care that goes into each pair Smith produces.

“You asked what makes Barollo different—we are special,” he said. “When I’m in L.A. or New York and I’m wearing certain shoes, I get stopped on the streets all the time. If you’re wearing a Louboutin, I don’t know that anyone is stopping you.”

Visit to learn more about Barollo Shoes.

in Venice under Maestro Pietro, a local university professor with 40 years of experience making shoes. Mentor and mentee proceeded to spend 15-hour days, seven days a
Marisa Tomei wearing Barollos at the 2019 Tony Awards (Photos courtesy of Barollo archives) Pink Satin Dream Stilettos
235377 G
From left: Barollo founder Darren Smith with customer Chris Harrison


© 2022 The First National Bank of Long Island. All rights reserved.
236227 M



ARIES (March 21-April 19). You will tell the world how to treat you, sometimes with your words, though more often with your spine. People will understand what to expect from you as they watch you either stand straight, bend backward or mold yourself to the curvature of the situation. Do what works for you. Everyone’s backbone is di erent.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don’t like to contribute to the conversation unless the opportunity organically arises. However, it will bene t you and ultimately everyone if you raise your pro le and position within a group. e power move is to contribute, even if you have to invent the reason. Make it known that you’re an ally, or a contender, as the case may be.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your leisure time is precious, and when you really think about it, you have many options, so there’s no reason to say “yes” out of obligation or “no” out of fear. Novel choices o er the most bene t. If there’s any chance at all of doing something you’ve never done before, you’ll win just by showing up.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). e di erence between loving and being in love has to do with the e ort required in enactment. ose who are in love e ortlessly tend to their beloved, and indeed are so driven to do so that it would be much harder not to focus their attention thusly. is is the passion you have at your disposal this week.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A change seems necessary, but the time frame is unclear. Should it be done in an instant, or with a gentle, gradual shift? Until you feel surer, don’t begin. Strategize rst. You can always change your strategy when you know more, but if you go in without making a plan, you’ll get stuck with the one that is made for you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It’s not hard for you to t in with new groups when you actually want to, and this week, you’ll accommodate and impress those who share your values. But the challenge comes when you interact with those who aren’t so easily understood. Your willingness to try is a testament to your excellent character.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You will strike a deal. Whether you’re coming to an agreement about lunch or a life-changing decision, the joy or arduousness of the decision-making process will set a tone for what follows. Facts matter, but satisfaction is a feeling, not a fact. You’ll heed information that comes to you in the form of emotion.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You will nd yourself in a position where you know a lot more than you might want to say. Consider what’s being asked of you, what might bene t the situation and all that could be learned in the end. ere will be other things to weigh, too, like the emotions and rules of the situation. You’ll be a masterful diplomat.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A tourist sees the ultra-low tide as an interesting phenomenon, while the islander sees it as a warning. You have special knowledge, too, and will be tuned in to signs about what’s around the corner. is week, there are potentials to realize, bene ts to scoop up, events to avoid and “tourists” to assist.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll be rearranging your environment and schedule to get the alone time you need, especially for your project. In solitude, you’ll have laser focus and the productivity of a fast-moving robot. But if there’s even one person, animal or device to distract you, it’s a di erent story with a far less optimal outcome.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You are enmeshed in community, and it shows in your activities and conversations. is week, it will seem like you can’t go anywhere without running into someone you know, and you’ll love the unexpected route some of these meetups take. Your destiny will be favorably enhanced by tips, hints and invitations.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’d like to trust a person or process, but you can’t be expected to have faith in a thing until you know it closely. You’ll work diligently to do that this week. “’Well now that we have seen each other,’ said the unicorn, ‘if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.’” -- Lewis Carroll, “ rough the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found ere”


You’ll be praised often and sometimes publicly this year! Some of the most validating attention you get is the kind you can put in your wallet. An overlap of interests will lead to an exciting love life. But when it’s time to get to work, you compartmentalize well and enjoy a clear focus that few can achieve. Approach your work with the idea that you will continue to deliver the same thing inde nitely. e right attitude for a job is the one you can maintain over a long term. If you’re opposed to a task, don’t do it even once.

Out of shape


Out of shape

Solution: Visual form of maths Date: 12/14/22 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach,

not be stopped if the diamonds were divided 3-2, led a low club to dummy’s queen. East won with the ace and shifted to the jack of hearts. Declarer ducked the jack and also the king, Besse signaling encouragement with the four followed by the deuce. South then took the next heart lead with the ace.

Aware that West had the missing queen of hearts, South decided to play a low diamond and duck it into East’s hand in order to guard against a possible 4-1 diamond division.

Accordingly, South led the deuce of diamonds toward dummy. When Besse played the four, declarer played dummy’s three in order to force East to win the trick. But East couldn’t oblige, and Besse’s four unexpectedly won the trick! He then cashed the queen of hearts to put the contract down one.

and these aberrations often lead to unusual results that become the basis for amusing — and sometimes hairraising — stories.

Consider today’s deal from a match between Peru and Switzerland. The Peruvian South got to three notrump, and Swiss star Jean Besse led the five of spades.

Declarer won with the ace and, realizing that the contract could

Of course, Besse should have played the nine of diamonds — which would have assured defeat of the contract — instead of the four, and declarer should have played dummy’s seven — which would have given him his ninth trick — instead of the three, but the fact is that neither of them did what he should have done.

However, par — down one at three notrump — was achieved, though in a most peculiar manner. Homer nodded not once but twice, and the nods canceled each other out.

of errors Tomorrow: Famous Hand. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc. East dealer. East-West vulnerable. NORTH ♠ K Q 7 6 3 ♥ 9 6 ♦ K 7 3 ♣ Q 9 4 WEST EAST ♠ 5 2 ♠ J 10 9 8 4 ♥ Q 8 4 2 ♥ K J 3 ♦ J 10 9 6 4 ♦ ♣ J 8 ♣ A 10 7 3 2 SOUTH ♠ A ♥ A 10 7 5 ♦ A Q 8 5 2 ♣ K 6 5 The bidding: EastSouthWestNorth Pass1 ♦ Pass1 ♠ Pass2 ♥ Pass2 ♠ Pass 3 NT Opening lead — five of spades. All sorts of weird goings-on occur in world championship events. Players are at times seized by wild flights of fancy in the bidding or play, or make errors that even a beginner wouldn’t make,
Steve Becker
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Apex Apply Arcs Area Axis
Data Depth
Size Skew Spiral
True Turn
Width Wrong
Solution: 17 Letters Angle
Basis Chord Compute Cone Corresponding Cube Curve
Dodecagon Edge Face Figure Given Helix Image Isometry Kite Mass Oval Pair Plane Plot Point Prism
Rhombus Right Rules Section Side
Table Theory
Solution: Visual form of maths Date: 12/14/22 Creators Syndicate
3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003
2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Solution: 17 Letters Angle Apex Apply Arcs Area Axis Basis Chord Compute Cone Corresponding Cube Curve Data Depth Dodecagon Edge Face Figure Given Helix Image Isometry Kite Mass Oval Pair Plane Plot Point Prism Pyramid Radii Ray Rhombus Right Rules Section Side Size Skew Spiral Table Theory True Turn Unit Width Wrong Zero
CA 90254 310-337-7003 © 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

Weekly Sudoku Puzzle

Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

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Levittown Man Sentenced For Sexually Abusing Two Young Girls

Defendant Manuel Cedillo stalked one of the victims on social media causing the girls to come forward years later

Suffolk County District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney recently announced that 43-year-old defendant Manuel Cedillo was sentenced to an aggregate of 30 years in prison after being found guilty after trial of two violent felony counts of sexual conduct against a child.

“The young victims in this case came in, bravely faced their abuser in court and told the truth about his crimes,” Tierney said. “Because of their courage, this defendant will deservedly serve a substantial prison sentence.”

According to the evidence presented during trial, between spring 2011 and February 2012, Cedillo, who was known to the victims’ family, sexually abused the two girls on separate occasions. The two victims are sisters, and were 8 and 5 years-old at the time the abuse began. The defendant sexually molested the older victim when she was between the ages of 8 and 9 years old. Cedillo also subjected the younger sister to sexual molestation during the same time period, when she was between the ages of 5 and 6.

The abuse stopped when the older daughter partially disclosed to her mother

that the defendant had been touching her inappropriately. No other disclosure was made to the victims’ mother until eight years later, when the older sister noticed that the defendant was looking at her Instagram stories and she panicked that he was stalking her. After the older sister fully disclosed what Cedillo had done to her, the younger sister likewise disclosed the abuse that she had also suffered at the hands of the defendant.

Cedillo was convicted after a trial by jury on Sept. 30, for engaging in sexual conduct against a child in the first degree, a class B violent felony and for engaging in second-degree sexual conduct against a child in the second degree, a class D violent felony.

The trial was heard before Acting County Court Judge, the Honorable Karen M. Wilutis. Cedillo was represented by Christopher Gioe, Esq.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorneys MacDonald Drane and Ashley Moruzzi of the Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Bureau.

—Submitted by the office of the Suffolk County District Attorney

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500 For 500 Essay Contest Opens For Massapequa Seniors

Every Veterans Day, Dr Cynthia Paulis announces the opening of the 500 for 500 competition to all Massapequa High School seniors. The students are to answer the selected question in 500 words or less and the winners will receive a check for $500. The contest began Veterans Day and all essays must be submitted to Paul Weber in the guidance office by Jan. 31. The finalists will read their essays

at a public ceremony and must be present to win. The topic this year is the following:

“During the pandemic, our constitutional rights came under fire, especially the First Amendment. As a student, how were you personally affected and what would you do to see this never happens again?”

Remember? Remember?

The sights... the smells... the sounds. It’s the one time of year when just one whiff of a Christmas tree instantly brings us back to our childhood— Dad, trying to untangle the lights, Mom, cooking up a storm.

We know this because we have families, as well. We wish your family a Merry Christmas.

290 Post Ave • Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 333-0615

—Submitted by Dr. Cynthia Paulis Manuel Cedillo (Photo courtesy of the office of the Suffolk County District Attorney)
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233905 G



SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK INDEX NO. 008262/2014 COUNTY OF NASSAU Plaintiff designates NASSAU as the place of trial situs of the real property


Mortgaged Premises: 2 BEACON LANE, HICKSVILLE, NY 11801 Section: 45, Block: 371, Lot: 6 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Plaintiff, vs. MARGARET M. VERHAGEN A/K/A MARGARET VERHAGEN, if living, and if she/he be dead, any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK DISTRICT COURT OF NASSAU COUNTY; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; and “JOHN DOE” and “MARY DOE,” (Said names being fictitious, it being the intention of plaintiff to designate any and all occupants, tenants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises being foreclosed herein.)

Defendants. To the above named Defendants

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the plaintiff’s attorney within twenty (20) days of the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is complete where service is made in any manner other than by personal delivery within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in

this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service. Your failure to appear or to answer will result in a judgment against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. In the event that a deficiency balance remains from the sale proceeds, a judgment may be entered against you.


THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of $328,250.00 and interest, recorded on April 11, 2011, in Instrument Number 2011041100762 and in Liber 35930 at Page 69, of the Public Records of NASSAU County, New York., covering premises known as 2 BEACON LANE, HICKSVILLE, NY 11801.

The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above.

NASSAU County is designated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is located in said county.


If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home.

Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property.


Dated: October 4, 2022 ROBERTSON, ANSCHUTZ, SCHNEID, CRANE PARTNERS, PLLC Attorney for Plaintiff Eric Sheidlower, Esq. 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310 Westbury, NY 11590 516-280-7675

12-14-7; 11-30-23-2022-4T#235939-NOB/HIX


Special Meeting Notice

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners of the Hicksville Water District in the Towns of Oyster Bay and Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York, will hold a meet-


ing of the Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 commencing at 5:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the District office located at 4 Dean Street, Hicksville, New York. All meetings of the Board of Commissioners of the Hicksville Water District are open to the public.

This notice is posted in accordance with the provisions of Section 104 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York.



Dated: Hicksville, New York November 22, 2022 12-14-2022-1T-#236194NOB/HIX






Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of the Hicksville Water District, Town of Oyster Bay and Town of Hempstead shall hold, unless otherwise notified, its regular meetings in 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the office of the Hicksville Water District, located at 4 Dean Street in Hicksville, New York. The first meeting will be the re-organization meeting that will be held on January 10, 2023 and then every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month thereafter at the same location and held the same time, unless otherwise posted.

This notice is being publicized and posted in accordance with the provisions of Section 104 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York.

Dated: December 2, 2022 Karl M. Schweitzer, Secretary Hicksville Water District Town of Oyster Bay Town of Hempstead 12-14-2022-1T-#236193NOB/HIX



Notice is hereby given that the fiscal affairs of Levittown District for the period beginning on July 1, 2021 and ending on June 30, 2022, have been examined by an independent public accountant, and that the management letter prepared in conjunction with the external audit by the independent public accountant has been filed in my office where it is available as a public record for inspection by all interested persons. Pursuant to §35 of the General Municipal Law, the governing board of Levittown District may, in its discretion, prepare a written response to

the management letter by independent public accountant and file any such response in my office as a public record for inspection by all interested persons not later than January 31, 2023.



NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU Amos Financial LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST The Estate of Diane G. Lau, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered September 20, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on January 17, 2023 at 2:30PM, premises known as 33 Booth La, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, SECTION: 45, BLOCK: 340, LOT: 5. Approximate amount of judgment $502,270.07 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #018506/2010. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Administration (OCA) website ( Admin/oca.shtml) and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Michael Alpert, Esq., Referee Frenkel Lambert Weiss Weisman Gordon, LLP 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 01-088280-F00 74095 1-4-2023; 12-28-21-14-20224T-#236145-NOB/LEV


SUPREME COURT: NASSAU COUNTY. CAZEVOVIA CREEK FUNDING I LLC, Pltf. vs. JOHN L. KALLAS JR., et al, Defts. Index #613333/18. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered October 19, 2022, I will sell at public auction on the north side front steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on January 18, 2023 at 2:30 p.m., prem. k/a 93 Shelter Lane, Levittown, NY a/k/a District 5, Section 51, Block 108, Lot 31. Approx. amt. of judgment is $47,769.96 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judg-

ment and terms of sale. Foreclosure auction will be held “rain or shine.” COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing, cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the auction. ALEXANDER E. SKLAVOS, Referee, BRONSTER, LLP, Attys. for Pltf. 156 West 56th Street, Ste. 902, New York, NY. File No. 700888.165- #99925 1-4-2023; 12-28-21-14-20224T-#236297-NOB/LEV



Notice of formation of Asaro 1099 LLC filed with Secretary of State of New York on 06/03/2022 Office location : Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to : 36 Leonard Drive Massapequa NY 11758. Purpose : any lawful act. 12-21-14-7; 11-30-23-162022-6T-#235821NOB/MASS


SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU NASSAU FINANCIAL FEDERAL CREDIT UNION F/K/A NASSAU COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff -againstTHOMAS G. DEVIVO, JR., SUSAN J. DEVIVO, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on October 20, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on January 18, 2023 at 2:30 pm.

ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Massapequa in the Town of Oyster Bay, known and designated as Section: 52 Block: 469 and Lot: 3 All bidders must wear a face mask/shield at all times and social distancing must be observed by all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction.


Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 611052/2019.

CHARLES CASOLARO, ESQ., Referee Terenzi Confusione P.C. Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 304, Garden City, NY 11530 1-4-2023; 12-28-21-14-20224T-#236182-NOB/MASS


NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR CSAB MORTGAGE-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-2, Plaintiff AGAINST ALLISON JEROME AKA ALLISON P. JEROME, MARLENE S. ZEIDMAN, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered September 11, 2017, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on January 17, 2023 at 2:00PM, premises known as 17 ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD, MASSAPEQUA, NY 11758. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, SECTION 66, BLOCK 144, LOT 13. Approximate amount of judgment $1,254,116.16 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index 001146/2015. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Malachy Lyons Jr., Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 00-304129 73708 1-4-2023; 12-28-21-14-20224T-#236146-NOB/MASS


apequa, New York, for voters residing in all election districts of said School District, on January 31, 2023, at 12:00 o’clock Noon Prevailing Time and the polls will be kept open between the hours of 12:00 o’clock Noon and 8:00 o’clock P.M., Prevailing Time, for the purpose of voting upon the following proposition:


Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Plainedge Public Library is hereby authorized to construct a new library building operated by said Board of Trustees, with the principal address of 1060 Hicksville Road, in North Massapequa, New York, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, site work and other improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $25,635,434, with a $2,000,000 portion to be paid with capital reserve fund monies and, as to the remaining $23,635,434 portion thereof, that the Board of Education of Plainedge Union Free School District is hereby authorized to issue obligations in the amount of $23,635,434 (together with renewals thereof) or as much thereof as may be necessary therefor and for which said School District is hereby authorized to raise by the levy of a tax upon the taxable real property of said School District and collected in annual installments as provided in Section 416 of the Education Law, such amount as is necessary annually to pay principal, interest and premium, if any, on such obligations, and the library tax shall be raised, but in no event in an annual amount greater than $2,350,000 to pay such debt service.

Said proposition may appear on the voting machines in abbreviated form due to space constraints; if so, the full text of the proposition will be posted at the voting site.

Plainedge Union Free School District, Nassau County, New York

On behalf of Plainedge Public Library, Nassau County, New York The Board of Education of the Plainedge Union Free School District and the Board of Trustees of the Plainedge Public Library, Nassau County, New York HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that a special district meeting of the qualified voters of Plainedge Union Free School District, Nassau County, New York, will be held at the Plainedge Public Library, 1060 Hicksville Road, in North Mass-

A copy of the full text of the proposition referred to and preliminary plans regarding the project described in said proposition is on file in the office of the Board of Trustees of the Plainedge Library District at 1060 Hicksville Road and the offices of the Plainedge Union Free School District Clerk, located at 241 Wyngate Drive, each in North Massapequa, New York, where the same is available for inspection by any interested person during regular business hours.

Voting at said special district meeting will be by the use of voting machines.

The sole polling place where such special district meeting will be held is at

Continued on page


the Plainedge Public Library, 1060 Hicksville Road, in North Massapequa, New York.

SEQRA DETERMINATION. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the aforesaid project has been determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”), the implementation of which as proposed, the Board of Trustees of the Plainedge Public Library has determined, as lead agency, will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Full SEQRA documentation is available at the office of the Board of rustees of the Plainedge Public Library at 1060 Hicksville Road, in North Massapequa, New York, during normal office hours.

NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 20l4 of the Education Law, personal registration of voters is required, and no person shall be entitled to vote at said meeting whose name does not appear on the register of said School District, or who does not register as hereinafter provided, except a person who is otherwise qualified to vote and is registered under the provisions of Article 5 of the Election Law. Voters registered for general elections under said Article 5 are eligible to vote at the January 31, 2023, election without further registration. The Board of Registration shall prepare a register for said special district meeting, except that the register prepared at the last annual meeting or election shall be used as the basis therefor, and shall include all persons who shall have presented themselves personally for registration and shall also include all persons who shall have been previously registered for any annual or special district meeting or election and who shall have voted at any annual or special district meeting or election held or conducted at any time within four calendar years prior to the preparation of said register.

NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that Personal Registration for the special district meeting will be accepted at the Office of the Plainedge School District Clerk, at 241 Wyngate Drive, in North Massapequa, New York, throughout the year e cept for the five 5 days preceding the special district meeting, between the hours of 9:00 A.M., and 3:00 P.M., Prevailing Time, Monday through Friday and any person shall be entitled to have his or her name placed upon such register, provided that he or she is known or proven to the satisfaction of such Board of Registration, to

be then or thereafter entitled to vote at said special district meeting to be held on January 31, 2023. The last day of registration before the special district meeting on January 31, 2023, will be Thursday, January 26, 2023. Said register will be filed in the office of the Plainedge School District Clerk, in said School District and will be open for inspection by any qualified voter on each of the five days prior to the day set for the special district meeting, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock A.M. and 3:00 o’clock P.M., Prevailing Time, except Saturday January 28, 2023 and Sunday, January 29, 2023 which days will be by appointment. The register will also be available for inspection on the date of the special district meeting at the polling place.

ABSENTEE BALLOTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots may be applied for at the Office of the Plainedge School District Clerk, 241 Wyngate Drive, in North Massapequa, New York. Such applications must be received by the District Clerk no earlier than thirty (30) days before the special district meeting. Furthermore, such application must be received by said School District Clerk on the date seven days prior to the special district meeting, if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or on the date prior to the special district meeting, if the ballot is to be personally obtained by the voter of his/her designated agent. Upon receiving a timely request for a mailed absentee ballot, the District Clerk will mail the ballot to the address set forth in the application by no later than six (6) days before the special district meeting. Completed absentee ballots must be received by said School District Clerk not later than 5:00 P.M., Prevailing Time, on January 31, 2023, the date of the special district meeting. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots shall have been issued will be available in the Office of the School District Clerk on each of the five days prior to the day of the special district meeting, except Saturday, January 28, 2023 and Sunday, January 29, 2023 which days will be by appointment, and such list shall also be posted at the voting place during the special district meeting, and any qualified voter may challenge the acceptance of the absentee voter’s ballot of any person on such list, by making his challenge and the reasons therefor known to the Inspectors of Election before the close of the polls.


Military voters who are not currently registered may apply to register as a qualified voter of the School District.

Military voters who are qualified voters of the school district may submit an application for a military ballot.

Military voters may designate a preference to receive a military voter registration, military ballot application or

military ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail in their request for such registration, ballot application or ballot. Military voter registration forms and military ballot application forms must be received in the office of the District Clerk of the School District no later than 5:00 pm. on January 5, 2023. No military ballot will be canvassed unless it is (1) received in the office of the District Cler before close of the polls at the special district meeting and showing a cancellation mark of the United States postal service or a foreign county’s postal service, or showing a dated endorsement of receipt of another agency of the United States government; or (2) received by the office of the District Clerk by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the date of the special district meeting and signed and dated by the military voter and one witness thereto, with a date which is associated to be not later than the day before the special district meeting.


In the event that School District schools must be closed on January 31, 2023, due to weather or other emergency, the Special District Meeting will be held on February 2, 2023.

Dated: North Massapequa, New York, December 14, 2022.


By: Maureen Ryan School District Clerk 1-18-11-2023; 12-21-142022- 4T-#236218-NOB/ MASS

Distrito Escolar, el 31 de enero del año 2023, a las 12:00 en punto del mediodía, hora prevaleciente y las urnas se mantendrán abiertas entre las 12:00 p.m. y 8:00 p.m., hora vigente, con el fin de votar sobre la siguiente proposición:


nombre sea puesto en dicho registro, siempre y cuando él o ella sea conocido o aprobado a satisfacción de tal Junta de Registro, para entonces o después tener derecho a votar en dicha asamblea especial del distrito que se llevara a cabo el 31 de enero de 2023.



Distrito Escolar Unido Libre de Plainedge, Condado de Nassau, Nueva York

A nombre de La Biblioteca Pública de Plainedge, Condado de Nassau, Nueva York

La Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Unido Libre de Plainedge y la Junta Directiva de la Biblioteca Pública de Plainedge, Condado de Nassau, Nueva York SE DA AVISO de una asamblea especial para los votantes calificados del Distrito Escolar Unido Libre de Plainedge del condado de Nassau, Nueva York, que se llevará a cabo en la Biblioteca Pública de Plainedge, en el 1060 Hicksville Road, del Norte de Massapequa, Nueva York, para los votantes que son residentes en todos los distritos electorales de dicho

Si la siguiente resolución se adoptara, se da a saber: ESTA RESUELTO, que la Junta Directiva de Fideicomisarios de la Biblioteca Pública de Plainedge está autorizada para construir un nuevo edificio de biblioteca operado por dicha Junta de Fideicomisarios, con la dirección principal en el 1060 Hicksville Road, del Norte de Massapequa, Nueva York, incluyendo los muebles originales, equipos, maquinarias, aparatos, anexidades (conexiones) accesorios, trabajo local y otras mejoras y gastos en conexión con ello, a un costo máximo estimado de $25,635,434, con una porción de $2,000,000 para pagarse con dinero del fondo de reserva de capital y, en cuanto a la porción restante de $23,635,434 del mismo, que la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Unión Libre de Plainedge está por la presente autorizado a emitir obligaciones por la cantidad de $23,635,434 (junto con renovaciones de la misma) o la cantidad que sea necesaria para la misma y para dicho distrito escolar. Por la presente, se autoriza al Distrito a recaudar mediante la imposición de impuesto sobre propiedad de inmuebles de dicho Distrito Escolar y recaudar en cuotas anuales según se provee en la Sección 416 de la Ley de Educación, la cantidad que anualmente sea necesaria para pagar el capital, los intereses y las cuotas, si hay algunas como tales obligaciones, y los impuestos de la biblioteca serán aumentados, pero no en ningún evento de una cantidad anual superior a $2,350,000 para pagar dicho servicio de la deuda. Dicha proposición podrá aparecer en las máquinas de votación en forma abreviada por motivos de restricciones de espacio; de ser así, el texto completo de la propuesta se publicará en el lugar de votación. Copia del texto completo de la proposición referida y los planes preliminares del proyecto descrito en dicha proposición están archivados en la oficina de la Junta de Fideicomisarios de la Biblioteca del Distrito de Plainedge ubicada en el 1060 Hicksville Road y en las oficinas de la Secretar a del Distrito Escolar Unido Libre de Plainedge, ubicada en el 241 Wyngate Drive, ambas en el Norte de Massapequa, Nueva York, donde el mismo se encuentra disponible para su inspección por cualquier persona interesada durante el horario regular de negocio. La votación en dicha asamblea especial del distrito se hará mediante el uso de máquinas de votación. El único lugar de votación donde

se llevará a cabo dicha asamblea especial del distrito es en la Biblioteca Pública de Plainedge, en el 1060 Hicksville Road, del Norte de Massapequa, Nueva York. DETERMINACIÓN SEQRA. SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS que el proyecto antes mencionado ha sido determinado a ser una acción no cotizada en conformidad con las regulaciones del Departamento de Conservación Ambiental del Estado de Nueva York promulgado en conformidad con la Ley de Calidad Ambiental del Estado Ley de Revisión (“SEQRA”), cuya implementación según lo propuesto, la Junta de Fideicomisarios de la Biblioteca Pública de Plainedge ha determinado, como agencia líder, que no resultara ningún efecto adverso significativo en impactos ambientales. La documentación completa de SEQRA está disponible en la oficina de la Junta de ideicomisarios de la Biblioteca Pública de Plainedge en el 1060 Hicksville Road, del Norte de Massapequa, Nueva York, durante las horas de negocio de la oficina. AVISO DE REGISTRO. SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS que, en conformidad con la Sección 2014 de la Ley de Educación, registro de persona votantes es requerido, y que ninguna persona tiene derecho a votar en dicha asamblea cuyo nombre no aparezca en el registro de dicho Distrito Escolar, o que no se registre como se establece a continuación, excepto una persona que de otro modo est calificada para votar y se encuentra registrado en conformidad con las provisiones del artículo 5 de la Ley Electoral. Votantes registrados para la elección general bajo dicho Artículo 5 son elegibles para votar en la elección del 31 de enero de 2023 sin más registración. La Junta de Registro preparará un registro para dicha asamblea especial del distrito, excepto que el registro preparado en la última asamblea anual o elección se utilizará como base para ello, e incluirá a todas las personas que se hayan presentado personalmente para el registro y también incluirá a todas las personas que se hayan registrado previamente para cualquier distrito anual, asamblea especial o elección y que haya votado en cualquier asamblea o elección anual especial del distrito llevada a cabo o conducida dentro de los cuatro años anteriores de la elaboración de dicho registro.

AVISO DE REGISTRO. SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS que la registración personal para la asamblea especial del distrito se aceptar en la Oficina de la Secretaría en Escuela del Distrito de Plainedge en el 241 Wyngate Drive, del Norte de Massapequa, Nueva York, durante el año (excepto durante los cinco (5) días antes de la asamblea especial del distrito), tiempo prevaleciente entre las 9:00 a. m. y las 3:00 p. m. de lunes a viernes y cualquier persona tendrá derecho a que su

El último día de inscripción antes de la asamblea especial del distrito de enero de 2023, será el jueves 26 de enero de 2023. Dicho registro será archivado en la oficina de la secretaria del Distrito Escolar de Plainedge, de dicho Distrito Escolar y estará disponible para inspección por cualquier votante que calificado, durante los cinco días antes de la fecha fijada para la asamblea especial del distrito, entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 3:00 p. m., hora prevaleciente, excepto el sábado, 28 de enero de 2023 y el domingo, 29 de enero de 2023, cuyos días serán con cita previas. El registro también estará disponible para su inspección durante la fecha de la asamblea especial del distrito en el lugar de votación.

VOTOS POR AUSENCIA. SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS que las solicitudes para boletas de voto por ausencia se pueden solicitar en la Oficina de la Secretaría del Distrito Escolar de Plainedge, en el 241 Wyngate Drive, del Norte de Massapequa, Nueva York. Dichas solicitudes deberán ser recibidas en la Secretaría del Distrito no antes de treinta (30) días antes de la asamblea especial del distrito. Además, dicha aplicación deberá ser recibida por la Secretaría del Distrito Escolar siete días antes de la asamblea especial del distrito, si la boleta debe enviarse por correo al votante, con fecha anterior a la asamblea especial del distrito, o si la boleta debe ser obtenida personalmente por el votante o persona designada. Al recibir una solicitud para enviar una boleta de voto por ausencia por correo con tiempo, la Secretaría del distrito enviará la boleta por correo a la dirección indicada en la solicitud a no tardar de seis (6) días antes de la asamblea especial del distrito. Boletas por ausencia completas deberán ser recibidas por dicha Secretaría del Distrito Escolar a no tardar de las 5:00 p. m., Hora prevaleciente, el 31 de enero de 2023, fecha de la asamblea especial del distrito. Una lista de todas las personas a quienes boletas por ausencia hayan emitidas estar disponibles en la oficina de Secretaría del Distrito Escolar durante cinco días antes del día de la asamblea especial del distrito, excepto el sábado, 28 de enero de 2023 y el domingo, 29 de enero de 2023 cuyos días serán con cita previa, dicha lista también será publicada en la lugar de votación durante la asamblea especial del distrito, y cualquier votante calificado puede desafiar la aceptaci n de la boleta de votante por ausencia de cualquier persona en dicha lista, haciendo saber las razones por el desafío a los Inspectores de Elecciones antes del cierre de las urnas.

BOLETAS MILITARES: Los votantes militares que no están actualmente registrados pueden solicitar registrarse como votante calificado del Distrito Escolar. Votantes militares que son votantes calificados del distrito escolar puede presentar una solicitud para una boleta militar. Los votantes militares pueden designar una preferencia para recibir un registro de votante militar, una solicitud de boleta militar, una boleta militar por correo, transmisión por fax o correo electrónico en su solicitud de registro, solicitud de boleta o votación. Las solicitudes para registro y las solicitudes para las boletas de votantes militares deben recibirse en la oficina del Secretaría del Distrito Escolar del Distrito a no tardar de las 5:00 pm. el 5 de enero del 2023. No boleta electoral militar será sondeada a menos que 1 se reciba en la oficina de la Secretaría del Distrito antes del cierre de las urnas de la asamblea especial del distrito y mostrando una marca de cancelación por el correo postal de los Estados Unidos o el servicio postal de un país extranjero, o que muestre un sello fechado de recibo de otra agencia del gobierno de los Estados Unidos; o (2) recibido por la oficina de la Secretaría del Distrito a no tardar de las 5:00 p. m. del día de la asamblea especial del distrito, firmada y fechada por el votante militar y su testigo, con una fecha que este asociada no más tardar del día de la asamblea especial del distrito.


CIERRE: En caso de que las escuelas del Distrito Escolar deban ser cerradas el 31 de enero de 2023 debido al clima u otra emergencia, la Asamblea Especial del Distrito se llevará a cabo el 2 de febrero de 2023.

Fecha: Norte de Massapequa, Nueva York, 14 de diciembre de 2022


Por: Maureen Ryan Secretaria del Distrito 1-18-11-2023; 12-21-14-2022-4T-#236220NOB/MASS


NOTICE OF FORMATION of KSNEDDON WELLNESS LLC. Articles of Organi ation filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10 0 2022. Office location: Nassau Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and address SSNY shall mail a copy of process is 18 August Walk, Long Beach, NY, 11561, USA. Purpose: any lawful act. 1-18-11-4-2023; 12-28-2114-2022-6T-#236258NOB/MASS

Continued from page 8 Continued on page 10

MacArthur High School Athlete Alexandra Thompson Earns Prestigious All-American Honor

The Levittown Public School District Athletic Department is proud to announce that General Douglas MacArthur High School student athlete Alexandra Thompson has been named an All-American, the highest honor that a high school athlete can earn.

Thompson, the goalkeeper for MacArthur’s outstanding girls’ soccer team—a Long Island Champion—has earned the honor of joining the United Soccer Coaches High School All-American team with her impressive plays on the field and her tremendous personal characteristics off the field. She was one of only four

goalkeepers in the entire nation named to this team, one of only three players from New York State and the only player from Long Island to earn this honor.

The district congratulates Thompson for this extraordinary accomplishment.

—Submitted by the Levittown School District


DATE: December 22, 2022


TIME: P. .

Continued from page


Notice of formation of MILAN ELECTRIC, LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of N SSN on 11 20 22.

Office location: Nassau County. SSN designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 1 Lindbergh St., assapequa Par , N 11 2. Purpose: any lawful act.

1-1 -11- -2023 12-2 -211 -2022- - 23 2 1NOB ASS


Notice is hereby given that the Board of ire Commissioners of the assapequa ire District, assapequa, New or will receive proposals for:

Appro imately 50 Dress Uniforms at the ire District Administration Building, One Broolyn Avenue, assapequa, New or on onday January 9, 2023 at :00 p.m. prevailing time at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read.

Specifications may be obtained from the ire District Secretary 51 - 9 -2 or the ire District Administration Building, One Broo lyn Avenue, assapequa, New or , 11 5 onday through riday from 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.

he Board of ire Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informalities and or award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder meeting the specifications.

All bids shall remain firm for a period of forty-five 5 days.

Note: Return sealed envelopes to be mar ed Dress niform Bid



for the best interest of the said fire district.


DATE: December 22, 2022 TIME: P. .

LOCATION: Massapequa Board of Education Room 4925 Merrick Road Massapequa, NY 11758

LOCATION: Massapequa Board of Education Room Merrick Road Massapequa, NY 11758

PURPOSE: To provide an opportunity for interested parties and citizens to be heard regarding a proposed resolution adopting increased income limitations for an exemption of school taxes for qualifying persons age 65 and older, as provided for by Real Property Tax Law 467.

PURPOSE: To provide an opportunity for interested parties and citizens to be heard regarding a proposed resolution adopting increased income limitations for an exemption of school taxes for qualifying persons age and older, as provided for by Real Property Tax Law 467.

No proposal shall be withdrawn pending the decision of the Board of ire Commissioners of the assapequa ire District and said proposal price shall be in effect for a period not less than si ty 0 days from date of proposal opening.

12-1 -2022-1 - 23 31NOB ASS



L AL NO C S R B N that pursuant to Section of the Real Property a Law, the Board of ducation of the assapequa School District will hold a public hearing on December 22, 2022 at P. . prevailing time, at 925 erric Road, assapequa, N 11 5 . he purpose of this public hearing is to provide an opportunity for interested parties and citi ens to be heard regarding a proposed resolution adopting increased income limitations for an e emption of school ta es for qualifying persons age 5 and older, as provided for by Real Property a Law . his resolution authori es increased income limitations for real property ta ation e emptions for persons age 5 and older to the e tent provided in the following schedule:

L AL NO C S R B N that pursuant to Section of the Real Property a Law, the Board of ducation of the assapequa School District will hold a public hearing on December 22, 2022 at P. . prevailing time, at 925 erric Road, assapequa, N 11 5 he purpose of this public hearing is to provide an opportunity for interested parties and citi ens to be heard regarding a proposed resolution adopting increased income limitations for an e emption of school ta es for qualifying persons age 5 and older, as provided for by Real Property a Law . his resolution authori es increased income limitations for real property ta ation e emptions for persons age 5 and older to the e tent provided in the following schedule:




p to and including 50,000 50 ore than 50,000 but less than 51,000 5

At least 51,000 but less than 52,000 0

At least 52,000 but less than 53,000 35

At least 53,000 but less than 53,900 30

At least 53,900 but less than 5 , 00 25

At least 5 , 00 but less than 55, 00 20

At least 55, 00 but less than 5 , 00 15

At least 5 , 00 but less than 5 ,500 10

At least 5 ,500 but less than 5 , 00 5

Note: return sealed envelopes to be mar ed CO NNO CA ON L D S N S S B D Dated November 2 , 2022 by order of the Board of ire Commissioners assapequa ire District assapequa, New or Joanne Riggio, secretary 12-1 -2022-1 - 23 29NOB ASS



Notice is hereby given that the Board of ire Commissioners of the assapequa ire District, assapequa, New or will receive proposals for:


Notice of ormation of A A , LLC, a limited liability company. Arts. of Organi ation filed with the Secretary of State of New or SSN on 02 03 2022. Office location: Nassau County. SSN has been designated for service of process. SSN shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to 109 Old Country Road, Plainview, N 11 03 Purpose: any lawful purpose. 12-21-1 - 11-30-23-12022- - 235 03-NOB PL

pon the conclusion of this public hearing, the Board of ducation intends to vote on this proposed resolution at its public meeting on December 22, 2022. Said hearing may be adjourned from time to time as necessary. 12-1 -2022-1 - 23 3 -NOB ASS

pon the conclusion of this public hearing, the Board of ducation intends to vote on this proposed resolution at its public meeting on December 22, 2022. Said hearing may be adjourned from time to time as necessary.

Dated November 2 , 2022 by order of the Board of ire Commissioners assapequa ire District assapequa, New or Joanne Riggio, secretary 12-1 -2022-1 - 23 295NOB ASS


Sealed proposals to provide renovation and installation of a new L D Sign System for the assapequa ire District at the locations of 515 ic sville Road assapequa, New

or , 5 erric Road assapequa, New or , and 259 ront Street, assapequa Par , New or , Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of ire Commissioners of the assapequa ire District at the District Administration Building located at 1 Broo lyn Avenue, assapequa, New or 11 5 on or before January 9th 2023 at :00 p.m. and then at said office, publicly opened and read aloud. n accordance with Section 103 of Article 5-a of the eneral unicipal Law Specifications may be obtained at the office of the ire District Secretary, located at

1 Broo lyn Avenue, assapequa, New or 11 5 onday through riday from 9:00 A -3:00 P . althrough of all project locations may be arranged by contacting the district Superintendent at 51 9 -2 . he Board of ire Commissioners of the assapequa ire District, own of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, New or or its duly appointed representative reserves the right to waive any informalities in or reject any or all proposals or any part of any proposal or to accept that proposal or any part of that proposal which in its judgment is

Appro imately 0 set of S Response ear at the ire District Administration Building, One Broolyn Avenue, assapequa, New or on onday January 9, 2023 at :00 p.m. prevailing time at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read.

Specifications may be obtained from the ire District Secretary 51 - 9 -2 or the ire District Administration Building, One Broo lyn Avenue, assapequa, New or , 11 5 onday through riday from 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. he Board of ire Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informalities and or award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder meeting the specifications.

All bids shall remain firm for a period of forty-five 5 days.

Dated November 2 , 2022

LEGAL NOTICE wenty wo Opulence LLC Arts of Org. filed SSN 10 21 22, Nassau Co. SSN desg as agent for process shall mail to: Sharon Ct Plainview, N 11 03 eneral Purpose 12-2 -21-1 - 11-30-232022- - 2359 -NOB PL


Notice of ormation of Rainbow Cards LLC. Articles of Organi ation filed with Secretary of State of N SSN on 2022-10-09. Office location: Nassau County. SSN designated as agent of Limited Liability Company LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSN should mail process to Christopher ross: Jano Place Plainview N 11 03. Purpose: Any lawful act 1-11- -2023 12-2 -21-1 -22 23 11 NOB PL




- , Plaintiff, vs. C A L L NB R , AL., Defendant s . Pursuant to a Judgment of oreclosure and Sale After nquest and Appointment of Referee duly entered on August 23, 201 and an Order tending Sale Deadline and Other Relief duly entered on ebruary 2, 2022, , the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, ineola, N 11501 on January 1 , 2023 at 2:30 p.m., premises nown as 31 alda Lane, Plainview, N 11 03. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the own of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New or , Section 12, Bloc 20 and Lot . Appro imate amount of judgment is 3 ,9 .2 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment nde 11 3 201 . his foreclosure sale will be held on the north side steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine.

CO D-19 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. f proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.

Charles Casolaro, sq., Referee

riedman artolo LLP, 5 Broad Street, Suite 501, New or , New or 1000 , Attorneys for Plaintiff. irm ile No. 193 05-2

1- -2023 12-2 -21-1 -2022- 23 2 0-NOB PL

by order of the Board of ire Commissioners assapequa ire District assapequa, New or Joanne Riggio, secretary O NASSA , LN ON SA N S ND SOC , SB, AS O NR R S O R S D N AL CR D N S R S General Douglas MacArthur High School athlete Alexandra Thompson has been named to the United Soccer Coaches High School All-American team. (Photo courtesy of Levittown Public Schools)
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • DECEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 11 Broadway Comes to Babylon! Join us for our spectacular line up of BROADWAY-CALIBER THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS. | 631.230.3500 | 34 w. main street, babylon ny 11702 Available in any amount! FEB 9th - Apr 2nd APR 27th - JUNE 18th Nov 10th - Jan 1st JULY 6th - AUG 27th Give the Gift of Theatre! GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE! *Not to be combined. Discount valid off individual, premium mainstage tickets only. $10 Off* WITH cOde: ANTON 236313 M
DECEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP ISSN: 2831-414X 235984 M BASEBALL WINTER SKILLS CLINIC Est. 1953 Online payment or Mail to PO Box 7035 Wantagh, NY 11793: Make Checks payable to LSW (refunds subject to $20 fee) LSW Membership sign up: Register online at • Call us at 516-962-9507or e-mail: WAIVERS - All Waivers need to be accepted when you register online. Mac Arthur H.S. Varsity Players and Alumni Current and Former College Players FIVE WEEK CLINIC with 1½ HOUR SESSIONS Clinic Located in the MacArthur Gym 1/8/23, 1/22/23, 2/05/23, 2/19/23, 3/05/23 AGES AND TIMES ARE AS FOLLOWS 8:30 am – 10 am: 6–7-year old’s • 10:30 am – 12 pm: 8–10-year old’s • 12:30 pm – 2 pm: 11–13-year old’s $135.00 Per Player Must Be Received by End of Day 1/7/23 Parent Drop off only All Players must be registered online. $1,600 Once Accepted Former and Current College Player Coaching Staff 20-25 League Games & Tournaments Multiple Practices A Week • Home Fields CONTACT US AT (516) 232-3852 • southshoreelitebasemball **All Players Tryout** January 8th MacArthur H.S. Gymnasium 3369 Old Jerusalem Road Levittown, NY 11756 13 - 14 2 pm 15+ 4 pm - 5:30 pm TRAVEL BASEBALL ORGANIZATION **New Players Only Tryout One Time Slot For All Ages** December 12th & 19th Baseball Plus Facility 400 Duffy Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 8 pm - 9:30 pm

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