13 minute read

Nassau Community College To Serve As Training Hub For Potential Sands Resort

Global resort developer Las Vegas Sands and Nassau Community College (NCC) of the State University of New York have agreed in principle for the college to become the primary employee training center for a proposed Sands resort located near the campus.

The collaboration, which will include an internship and experiential learning component for NCC students, would support sustainable job growth and economic development on Long Island and throughout the New York metropolitan region.


The public-private initiative would be contingent on the Sands being successful in securing the opportunity to develop a multi-billion-dollar resort complex on the site of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

“The creation of a new industry with thousands of jobs in multiple sectors is a tremendous opportunity not only for our students but for the diverse populations we serve as a community college,” said Dr. Maria Conzatti, acting president of Nassau Community College.

“Enhancing our curriculum with training programs, mentorship, and internship opportunities in conjunction with an industry leader like Sands, provides an opportunity for students to be placed on successful career paths.”

“Our company has a strong track record of partnering with a variety of educational organizations to put people on pathways to success in the hospitality industry and help them build the skills they need to increase their earning power. We are making the same commitment to the Long Island community and have an excellent partner with an aligned vision to do so in working with Nassau Community College,” said Robert G. Goldstein, Sands’ chairman and chief executive officer.

The collaboration between Sands and Nassau Community

Las Vegas Sands Partners With Minority Millennials For Talent Pipeline

College would lead to programs in hotel and casino management, security and surveillance, meetings and banquets, entertainment, and food and beverage. “The college’s programs are designed to educate individuals for a wide-range of jobs in current and emerging fields,” said Dr. Genette Alvarez-Ortiz, acting vice president of academic affairs at Nassau Community College. “We offer excellent programs for particular skill areas such as food service and nutrition, sales and marketing, cybersecurity and information technology, world languages and cultures, and theater and music,” Dr. Alvarez-Oritz said.

She noted that the college is currently renovating a free-standing building on the college’s north campus to serve as the home to its Culinary Arts program, which offers the Associate in Occupational Studies degree. The building will be completed in 2024.

— Submitted by Las Vegas Sands; edited for length

Las Vegas Sands recently announced a new partnership with Minority Millennials, a Long Island-based not-forprofit organization to build a diverse local talent pipeline for pre-apprenticeships and procurement opportunities associated with Sands proposal to develop a multi-billion-dollar integrated resort and entertainment center at the Nassau Hub.

This partnership will enable Minority Millennials to further their mission of helping young people of color access jobs, build wealth, and become more civically engaged. As part of the collaboration, Minority Millennials will work with Sands to ensure that local students and young professionals are prepared to take advantage of lucrative local career opportunities stemming from the integrated resort.

“We are preparing to roll out an extensive campaign to ensure that when these jobs open, our local students, young professionals and emerging entrepreneurs are ready to take advantage of them,” said Dan Lloyd, Founder and President of Minority Millennials. “The types of jobs and careers that the Sands proposal aims to unlock are the kinds of opportunities that can create real generational wealth within our communities and drive economic growth, equity, and prosperity for Long Island.”

The campaign will lean heavily on social media, but also include in-person events. The Minority Millennial campaign is primarily targeting students, young professionals, and people aged 40 and under in Uniondale and its surrounding communities. Events and opportunities will also be made available throughout Long Island.

— Submitted by Minority Millennials; edited for length

Word Find

HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 16 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Holiday Mathis

International Word Find


By Holiday Mathis

ARIES (March 21-April 19). How we react to the world is less about what is actually happening and more about what we already believe. Your cosmic gift of the week is one of self-awareness. You’ll realize when your behavior is following a pattern instead of being created in the moment as a reaction to the realities in play.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). As you stroll through your own thoughts today you get the strange feeling that maybe this is the world. Are we ever really outside ourselves? You’ll experience the inner landscape as you would any forest or shore -- landscapes you didn’t build, are not responsible for. Learn, marvel, enjoy, explore.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Strong friendships are exible friendships. ey will last through life changes, physical moves and social shifts. You’ll get the chance to demonstrate your emotional exibility. One x will solve multiple, but not all, problems. Don’t allow the little things to discourage or derail you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). ere are things that seem like they’d be so easy that are actually quite impossible. ere are also seemingly unachievable things well within your ability. is week, go for what you want without worrying whether it’s doable or not. Trust life’s mysterious organization.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Don’t worry about doing the important things rst or saving your best e orts for the right circumstance. ere is only one circumstance: the one you’re in. However you bring yourself to it, it’s enough. “ ere are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.”

-- Wendell Berry

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Even though your re sign nature is to be warm and inviting, this week you will get to appreciate the opposite aesthetic. Discovery is made in a distraction-free zone. An austere environment a ords your mind the room to stretch out and settle into the calm state from which deep rest and healing can occur.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll have an audience for your thoughts and feelings. if you don’t quite articulate them to your own high standard, cut yourself a break. No matter how well you speak, people will come up with their own interpretations that may have little to do with you, so you may as well be comfortable and say what you want.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). ere is not one person among us who deserves better treatment than the others, and yet many believe they do and will gladly accept all perks. Humility is rare, its treasures unsung though extremely valuable. Many will strive for con dence and attractiveness. You will never be sorry you aimed for humility.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Unlike the newborn fawn who can stand up within the rst 10 minutes of life, humans take years to achieve independence and require a good amount of nurturing to do even the simplest task. is week, you’ll consider it your honor to help and be helped. Brilliant student/teacher pairings are featured.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). ere are so many ways to measure success, many of which don’t count or matter at all to you. So, in order to distance yourself from the abyss, you absolutely must nd your own measure. What is your equivalent of inches, of miles? Claim and name it this week.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You appear to be working hard, but to you it’s not so di cult. is has something to do with your fuel source, which doesn’t come from anything that can be found from the outside world. You’re fueled by your own purpose, which is a high-octane fuel indeed.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). People will admire you for being decisive, but not for being impulsive. So, you’ll take your time, as usual, with your mind on the future. Subtle di erences in the way you communicate will turn things in an exciting and optimistic direction. You’ll expand your network to the tune of nancial gain.


You’re in for adventure and even chaos for a time, but don’t worry -- this is the source of fun, relationship bonds and lucrative work. You will often be the center of attention this year, though it won’t go to your head. You use the spotlight for laughter and togetherness. You’ll hone many skills, including social, and e ectively draw precisely those who most interest you. More highlights: a new project that takes several months and earns big money, friends who help you with business and a romantic summer.


Aussie islands

Solution: 16 Letters

Word Find

This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 16 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Aussie islands

Solution: 16 Letters

© 2023 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

Aspen Atolls

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Dart Dent

Doze Drift




Fire Fish



Lion Moon



Fur seal


Hazy Heard Idle



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Solution: Many to choose from Date: 2/15/23 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com


737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com

Contract Bridge


By Steve Becker

Partnership cooperation

tial reasoning that is available in the bidding, will usually excel on defense.

For a good example of how careful defenders guide each other during the play, consider this deal where declarer got to four spades on the bidding shown. South’s spade bid had guaranteed a fivecard suit, and West’s two-spade bid had conventionally guaranteed at least five hearts as well as five or more cards in one of the minors.

West started his side on the right path when he made the abnormal lead of the jack of hearts instead of the king. It was immediately obvious to East, after dummy appeared, that the jack-of-hearts lead was not the top card of a sequence and that his partner was trying to convey a special message of some sort.

Considering that the vocabulary of bidding consists of only 15 words — the four suits, the numbers one to seven and the words “notrump,” “double,” “redouble” and “pass” — one would think that it is a near impossibility to accurately describe one’s holding to partner in the majority of deals. Nevertheless, a good pair, by making careful use of this limited vocabulary, will reach the best contract the great majority of the time. Similarly, this same good pair, utilizing the same sort of inferen-

It did not take East long to decipher the message. He won the jack of hearts with the ace and shifted to a diamond at trick two! West ruffed, and the defenders later scored two trump tricks to put the contract down one.

But if West had led the king of hearts originally, or if East had not been alert to the meaning and purpose of his partner’s offbeat opening lead, declarer very likely would have lost only two trumps and a heart and would have made four spades.

Weekly Sudoku Puzzle

Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Answer to last


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