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With Us Not For Us – The Powerful Theme Of World Down Syndrome Day 2023

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The Down syndrome community of Long Island is joining the world in the celebration of World Down Syndrome Day. Alexander’s Angels Youth/ Self-Advocate Group is organizing an event at the Macy’s Court of Roosevelt Field on March 18, 2023, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. that will highlight the abilities of individuals with Down syndrome.

A human rights-based approach views people with disabilities as having the right to be treated fairly and have the same opportunities as everyone else, working “With” others to improve their lives. To that end, the Group that includes Self-Advocates of all ages and typical youngsters from middle and high-school, aims to present to those attending a full-range of abilities.


People with Down syndrome often have their supporters’ doing things “For” them, not “With” them. That has not been the case of Alexander’s Angels, an organization of which, since its inception in 2007, individuals with Down syndrome can say does everything With Us Not For Us. That became even more obvious in 2016 with the establishment of the Youth/Self-Ad-

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North 27 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 125.00 feet to the westerly side of North Hempstead Turnpike;

THENCE in a northeasterly direction along North Hempstead Turnpike and along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 1236.73 feet and length of 200.02 feet;

THENCE South 56 degrees 40 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 522.43 feet to the westerly side of White Birch Road; THENCE in a southerly direction along the westerly side of White Birch Road the following two courses and distances: 1. Along the arc of a curve having a radius of 250.00 feet and a length of 103.98 feet; 2. South 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 83.04 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises being known as 11 White Birch Road, Syosset, New York (SECTION 25, BLOCK 63, LOT 5). Said premises will be sold subject to zoning restrictions, covenants, easements, conditions, reservations and agreements, if any; subject to any state of facts as may appear from an accurate survey; subject to facts as to possession and occupancy and subject to whatever physical condition of the premises may be; subject to any violations of the zoning and other municipal ordinances and regulations, if any, and if the United States of me ica s ould file a tax lien, or other lien, subject to the equity of redemption of the United States of America; subject to the rights of any lienors of record whose liens have not been foreclosed herein, if any; subject to the rights of holders of security in fixtu es as defined b t e niform Commercial Code; subect to taxes assessments and water rates which are liens on the premises at the time of sale, with accrued interest or penalties thereon. All persons attending the sale must follow all COVID-19 New York State/CDC Protocols, wear a face/nose covering and practice social distancing.

Index No

Dated: February 7, 2023 George Esernio, Esq., Referee Cohen, Warren, Meyer Gitter, P.C., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 98 Maple Avenue, Smithtown, NY 11787.

3-8-1; 2-22-15-2023-4T#238680-SYO/JER


Notice is hereby given that a license, number “Pending” for beer, wine cider has been applied for by the undersigned* to sell beer, wine cider at retail in a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 637 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, NY, 11791 in Nassau County for on premises consumption.

La Louie LLC - DBA: Flora’s Pizza Cafe 2-22-15-2023-2T-#238784SYO/JER vocate Group who immediately took the helm of the very symbolic upcoming celebration.

Although the 2020 event was canceled due to the pandemic, and a virtual event was held in 2021, last year’s return to a live event was well attended. This year’s activities include, among others, a DJ, strolling characters, opportunity to get engaged in a craft, a very energetic group of Zumba performers (with Down syndrome), an informal DOWNrightART exhibition (artists with Down syndrome), raffles and more.

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), March 21st, is a global awareness day officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. Alexander’s Angels, an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization based in Jericho founded by the family and friends of Alexander Gomez-Nieto who has Down syndrome, has organized locally through the years a WDSD celebration. WDSD is, indeed, a very symbolic date as Down syndrome occurs when there are three rather than two copies of the 21st chromosome.

—Submitted by Alexander’s Angels, Inc.

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