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Nassau County Police Reports An Unusual Increase In Fatal And Non-Fatal Overdoses

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman and Commissioner of Police Patrick Ryder report an unusual increase in both fatal and non-fatal overdoses from January 13th to January 18th, 2023. This could be attributed to counterfeit pills/ opioids laced with fentanyl.

If anyone is using non-prescribed drugs, they need to use extreme caution. Please be aware that some illegal homemade pills can be repressed/altered/counterfeited to appear like the original and may contain Fentanyl.


Residents are reminded to only take medication that is prescribed by a doctor and controlled by a licensed pharmacist. All medication should be kept out of the reach of children and should always be safeguarded.

If you are in possession of any controlled substance that is either expired or in need of disposal, the medication can be brought to any Nassau County Police Precinct 24/7 to be properly and safely disposed of.

Residents in need of treatment, information and referrals for addiction can contact the Nassau County 24/7 HELPline at (516) 277-TALK (8255).

Flanked by community leaders and recovery advocates on the front steps of the Theodore Roosevelt Executive & Legislative Building, Nassau County Legislators Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D - Glen Cove), Arnold W. Drucker (D

- Plainview) and Debra Mulé (D - Freeport) unveiled legislation on Jun. 21 that would require the inclusion of fentanyl-detecting test strips in Narcan kits distributed by Nassau County agencies.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid which experts at the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have determined is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. The consumption of fentanyl-laced drugs - often unbeknownst to the user - has resulted in a tragic increase in the number of overdose deaths amidst the ongoing opioid drug crisis in Nassau County and across America.

Including fentanyl testing strips with Narcan kits would serve as a low-cost way of potentially identifying tainted drugs and preventing accidental overdoses. Individuals dissolve substances they wish to test in water and dip a strip into the solution. The strips require only minimal amounts of drug residue to work properly, and results are generally available within five minutes.Findings from the 2018 FORECAST study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health determined the inexpensive strips are simple to use and have a high level of accuracy in detecting fentanyl in drug samples.

“As the battleground in the opioid drug crisis shifts, we must adapt our strategies to save more lives and give more residents the best possible chance at achieving long-term recovery,” Legislator Drucker said. “By including fentanyl detection testing strips in the Narcan kits that County agencies distribute, we have an opportunity to quickly ramp up our ability to uncloak this silent, stealthy killer - one that would otherwise lurk in the shadows.”

In December 2021, Suffolk County passed similar legislation to require the inclusion of fentanyl testing strips in the Narcan strips they distribute. Here in Nassau, Keisha Graham-Wilson, of the Hicksville-based Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services, Inc., said the agency has been including Fentanyl testing strips in the Narcan test kits it distributes for the last several months. Kits come with directions stapled to the package; the proposed Nassau legislation similarly require instructions to be included with all testing kits that are distributed.

“These test strips are so important in terms of preventing overdoses,” GrahamWilson said. “Individuals don’t realize that fentanyl is in substances that they are using. We have individuals that have told us they are only using marijuana, but when we do toxicology, sometimes we have to tell them that the substance they are using is laced with fentanyl - and they are so shocked and surprised.”

—Submitted by the Nassau County Legislature, Minority Caucus. Edited for length.

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